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Questions for internship

1. Do you have a lot of paperwork or is it more “field” work?

2. How many hours do you have to work in a week?
3. Do you also have to work a lot in the weekends?
4. How was it when you just started working here?
5. Do you work a lot together or is it more individually?
6. How many days off/ holidays do you get in a year?
7. What kind of things are involved in your job?
8. What was the most important thing to help you become a judge?
9. What do you find the most challenging about your job?
10. Is it possible to work both in civil and criminal matters?
11. How long did it take to finish your education?
12. Is it difficult to become a judge?
13. Do you earn a lot?
14. How do you make decisions in court?
15. Does your job get emotional sometimes?
16. Do you sometimes have to make decisions against your own feelings?
17. Can you keep your work and private life separate or is that difficult?
18. What was the most difficult decision you ever had to make?
19. How long does a sitting take usually?
20. Has the job changed over the years?

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