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Australian International Academy


Assessment Task
Cover Sheet
Name: Samah Abdullah
Year Level: 8 Date: 1/3/2020

Subject: Humanities Word Count:

Tales of a knight
Unit Name: Medieval Europe

Student Checklist and Declaration:

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Teacher Declaration:
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the individual oral commentary submitted is the
authentic work of the candidate.

Dear King John of England,

I hope you are doing well. As your advisor I have researched about three crimes I have
found interesting and hopefully useful. The three crimes are theft, witchcraft and murder. I
hope you find something to help.
First Crime: Theft
The first crime that I have researched is theft. Theft is taking something from someone
unlawfully or without permission and without the intention of returning it. We are very
familiar with this. It is stealing from someone. This is very common as most people are very
poor. From the ten commandments the seventh one is “Thou shalt not steal, so I thought
that this would be useful. There is a theft called “Petty theft” which is maybe the most
common of crimes. It is someone stealing goods of low value from another person.

Fines are the most common punishment, for minor cases. This punishment doesn’t bring
shame or disgrace to the person, but they do have to pay. I have found that sometimes the
punishment for theft can even be doing extra work. The punishment for petty theft can be
humiliation or mutilation. Other punishments include flogging, or death by hanging.

This is used to make sure that they are scared or fearful of committing this crime, theft. My
King, I think that in this time of rebellion, that this punishment is useful. For this reason this
harsh punishment is used.

Second Crime: Witchcraft

The second crime I have researched for you is witchcraft. There is a group that thinks that
they are healers, and another group which believe that they are controlling demons and are
sorcerers. There are also different types of witches. They are white witches and black
witches. People say the white witches are wise and want good for others- they use healing
techniques with different herbs and plants-, and black witches only want to do harm to gain
their personal power. But this does not avoid the fact that witchcraft of any form is a crime.
Christian Saints have declared that witchcraft has been invented by the devil and is really
bad. This is why witchcraft is considered against Christianity. This is also why people are
discouraged from witchcraft and are also in fear of doing it because of the many

I have researched and found stories. Say that there is a pregnant woman, and a lady goes to
visit her one day. The lady puts her hand on the woman’s stomach. The next day, the
woman finds out that she has lost her baby. The woman realises that a lady had put a hand
on her stomach. The woman will now obviously think that she is a horrible witch that cast a
spell so that she would loose her baby. Now that woman is considered a witch. This can also
happen if someone sick is given a drink or solution with herbs or plants-which is not the way
we heal the ill- and that person is suddenly healed and well. The person that had given the
drink is now considered a witch. These witches will all have punishments.

Ordeal by Water (Cold Water)

This is a method of testing the guilt or innocence. In this method of testing the accused
witch would have her hands, arms and legs tied together. Then they would be thrown into a
river or nearest body of water and tested to see if they were guilty or innocent. The point is,
that if they sink to the bottom and drown, they are held not guilty. There is a rope tied to
them in case they sink and need to be pulled back up. But if they somehow float or come
back to the top and survive, they are held guilty and will be killed. So in both ways they will
be killed, so there is no way out. Witches were also burned to the stake.

This harsh punishment is used because it is against Christianity, as the Saint said and we do
not want anything to do with the devil or demons.

Third Crime: Murder

The third crime I have researched is murder. Murder is unlawfully killing another person.
Murder is very common (as you know already), but it is still a very serious crime. For the
murder of a person the punishment is the death penalty by hanging or beheading.
Beheading is one of the most honourable and least painful ways of being executed.
Beheading is often reserved for nobles, knights, and even royalty like you, My King, to do.
Hanging on the other hand, is a more painful way of being executed. Serious crimes such as
murder are also dealt with trial by ordeal. This punishment is used to give back to the
murderer as it is fair. I think that this is fair as well since it is revenge for the victim and there
isn’t any other punishment in general that will suit murder, My King.

As you have read from the facts and research stated above, the three crimes and their
associated punishments that I have looked at are theft, witchcraft, and murder. I hope that
you find something and that the situation will get better.

Kind Regards,
Your advisor

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