Weekly Status - Maintenance: Item No. Area Actual Week Status Item No. Area Next Week

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Item No. Area Actual week Status Item No. Area
Sunday Sunday

Monday Crane Maintenance

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0703--T.L.C mechanical repair shop Done Monday Crane Maintenance
Preventive maintenance on-pr-0704--T.L.C mechanical repair shop

Tuesday Crane Maintenance Preventive maintenance on-pr-0508--Tong Crane (S4) Done Tuesday Crane Maintenance

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0814--For Mechanical Repair Shop

Wednesday Crane Maintenance Preventive maintenance on-pr-0815--For Mechanical Repair Shop Done Wednesday Crane Maintenance
Preventive maintenance on-pr-0404--Service for lance exchange (LM1)

Thursday Crane Maintenance

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0406--Ladle repair and Handling (LD1) Done Thursday Crane Maintenance

Friday Crane Maintenance Preventive maintenance on-pr-0407--Teeming Ladle Handling (TL1) will be executed Friday Crane Maintenance

Saturday Saturday

Item No. Area Equipment Status Start Finish Indicator

P 13-Jan-19 13-Jan-19

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0703--T.L.C mechanical repair shop

1 Crane Maintenance
Preventive maintenance on-pr-0704--T.L.C mechanical repair shop
A 13-Jan-19 13-Jan-19

P 14-Jan-19 14-Jan-19

2 Crane Maintenance Preventive maintenance on-pr-0508--Tong Crane (S4)

A 14-Jan-19 14-Jan-19

P 15-Jan-19 15-Jan-19

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0814--For Mechanical Repair Shop

4 Crane Maintenance Preventive maintenance on-pr-0815--For Mechanical Repair Shop
Preventive maintenance on-pr-0404--Service for lance exchange (LM1)
A 15-Jan-19 15-Jan-19

P 16-Jan-19 16-Jan-19

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0406--Ladle repair and Handling (LD1)

5 Crane Maintenance
A 16-Jan-19 16-Jan-19

P 17-Jan-19 17-Jan-19

6 Crane Maintenance Preventive maintenance on-pr-0407--Teeming Ladle Handling (TL1)

A 17-Jan-19 17-Jan-19

On Time In Progress

Painting works Light

schedule Start Finish Progress Indicator Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Quenching car P 01/04/19 20/06/19 83% (not planned extra scope was added)
#1 A 01/04/19 33% (Rainy period is the major cause of delay)

Oxygen Sphere P 01/05/19 30/06/19 28%

#1 A 21/05/19 0% (works will start on May 21st after Safety staff releasing)
P 15/04/19 15/05/19 100%
Gas Holder
A 23/05/19 0%

Power Plant R 08/04/19 20/05/19 86%

Piping A 08/04/19 98%
Up to date: May 17th, 2019


Next Week Comments

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0410--Ladle repair and Handling (LH1)

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0810--For Machine Shop
Preventive maintenance on-pr-0811--For Machine Shop

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0401--Hot Metal Charging (HM1)

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0505--Tong Crane (S2)

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0601--For steam turbine & generator

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0705--T.L.C refractory repair shop
Preventive maintenance on-pr-0706--T.L.C refractory repair shop

Preventive maintenance on-pr-0506--Tong Crane (S1)



Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


1/4/18 28/3/19 361


SI1-PRT-PR0101 PR-0101 Gabriel Vitorino Rejanildo PR DAEYANG 15 ton 113,101 Manutenção da Maquina de Sinter Sinter Machine

SI1-PRT-PR0102 PR-0102 Gabriel Vitorino Rejanildo PR DAEYANG 35 ton 113,102 Manutenção na Estação de Descarga da Maquina Sinter Sinter Machine Discharge Station

SI1-PRT-PR0103 PR-0103 Gabriel Vitorino Rejanildo PR DAEYANG 15 ton 113,103 Manutenção na Estação de Alimentação da Maquina Sinter Sinter Machine Feeding Station

SI1-PRT-PR0104 PR-0104 Gabriel Vitorino Rejanildo PR DAEYANG 35 ton 113,104 Manutenção na Sala de Ventiladores de Exaustão de Gás Exhaust Gas Fan Room

SI1-PRT-PR0105 PR-0105 Gabriel Vitorino Rejanildo Suspensa DAEYANG 15 ton 113,105 Manutenção do Peneramento e Britador Cold Screen & Cold Crusher
CQ1-PRT-PR0201 PR-0201 Gabriel Vitorino Rejanildo PR HYUNDAI 10 ton Exaustão de Gás Gas Exhauster
AF1-PRT-PR0301 PR-0301 Gabriel Vitorino Maurilio PR HYUNDAI 50/10 ton 4.2.4 (1) Manutenção do Topo do Alto Forno Maintenance Furnance Top Furnace

AF1-PRT-PR0302 PR-0302 Gabriel Vitorino Maurilio PR HYUNDAI 50/10 ton 4.2.12 (1) Casa de Corrida Cast House

AF1-PRT-PR0303 PR-0303 Gabriel Vitorino Maurilio PR HYUNDAI 50/10 ton 4.2.12 (1) Casa de Corrida Cast House

AF1-PRT-PR0304 PR-0304 Gabriel Vitorino Maurilio PR HYUNDAI 50/15 ton 4.11.6 (1) Manutenção do Soprador Maintenance For Blower

AF1-PRT-PR0305 PR-0305 Gabriel Vitorino Maurilio PR HYUNDAI 35/8 ton Manutenção do Regenerador Maintenance For Regenerator

AC1-PRT-PR0401 PR-0401 Pablo Dias Willy PR HYUNDAI 450/80 ton Carregamento de Gusa Hot Metal Charging (HM1)

AC1-PRT-PR0402 PR-0402 Pablo Dias Willy PR HYUNDAI 450/80 ton Carregamento de Gusa Hot Metal Charging (HM2)

AC1-PRT-PR0403 PR-0403 Pablo Dias Willy PR HYUNDAI 150/80 ton 4.5.4 Carregamento de Sucata Scrap charging (SC1)

AC1-PRT-PR0404 PR-0404 Edualdry Drumond Leandro PR HYUNDAI 40 ton 4.5.8 Troca de Lança do Convertedor Service for lance exchange (LM1)

AC1-PRT-PR0405 PR-0405 Cleiton Silva Leandro PR LGM HOIST 10 ton Reparo de Lança Repair Lance (LR1)

AC1-PRT-PR0406 PR-0406 Thiago Leon Fabio PR HYUNDAI 150/50 ton 4.5.6 Reparo e Transporte de Panela Ladle repair and Handling (LD1)

AC1-PRT-PR0407 PR-0407 Thiago Leon Fabio PR HYUNDAI 450/80 ton 4.5.2 Transporte de Panela do Refino Teeming Ladle Handling (TL1)

AC1-PRT-PR0408 PR-0408 Cleiton Silva Leandro PR HYUNDAI 150/25/5 ton 4.5.7 Reparo de Refino Secundário Repair for Secondary Refining (RH1)

AC1-PRT-PR0409 PR-0409 Cleiton Silva Leandro PR LGM HOIST 05 ton 4.5.10 Reparo do Forno Panela Repair Ladle Furnace (LF1)

AC1-PRT-PR0410 PR-0410 Thiago Leon Fabio PR HYUNDAI 150/50 ton 4.5.6 Reparo e Transporte de Panela Ladle repair and Handling (LH1)

AC1-PRT-PR0411 PR-0411 Thiago Leon Fabio PR HYUNDAI 450/80 ton 4.5.3 Transporte de Panela do Lingotamento Casting Ladle Handling (CL1)

AC1-PRT-PR0412 PR-0412 Edualdry Drumond Willy PR HYUNDAI 180/50 ton 4.5.5 Transporte de Pote de Escória (BSSF) Slag Pot Handling

AC1-PRT-PR0413 PR-0413 Edualdry Drumond Willy PR HYUNDAI 180/50 ton 4.5.6 Transporte de Pote de Escória (BSSF) Slag Pot Handling

AC1-PRT-PR0414 PR-0414 Roberto Choles Parede LGM HOIST 03 ton 4.5.10 Area de reparo de Panela Eixo A (A-B) Charging ladle repair area

AC1-PRT-PR0415 PR-0415 Roberto Choles Parede LGM HOIST 03 ton 4.5.10 Substituição de refratário de Panela Eixo C (C-D) Ladle Relining Area

AC1-PRT-PR0416 PR-0416 Roberto Choles Parede LGM HOIST 05 ton 4.5.10 Substituição de refratário de Panela Eixo F (E-F) Ladle Relining Area

AC1-MNT-PR0417 TH-0417 Pablo Dias Willy Monovia LGM HOIST 10 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte HM1 - PR-0401 (A-B) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0418 TH-0418 Pablo Dias Willy Monovia LGM HOIST 05 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte SC1 - PR-0403 (A-B) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0419 TH-0419 Edualdry Drumond Leandro Monovia LGM HOIST 05 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte LM1 - PR-0404 (B-C) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0420 TH-0420 Cleiton Silva Leandro Monovia LGM HOIST 03 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte LR1 - PR-0405 (B-C) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0421 TH-0421 Thiago Leon Fabio Monovia LGM HOIST 05 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte LD1 - PR-0406 (C-D) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0422 TH-0422 Thiago Leon Fabio Monovia LGM HOIST 10 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte TL1 - PR-0407 (C-D) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0423 TH-0423 Cleiton Silva Leandro Monovia LGM HOIST 05 ton Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte RH1 - PR-0408 (D-E) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0424 TH-0424 Thiago Leon Fabio Monovia LGM HOIST 05 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte LH1 - PR-0410 (E-F) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0425 TH-0425 Thiago Leon Fabio Monovia LGM HOIST 10 ton 4.5.9 Monovia de Manutenção da Pontes CL1 - PR-0411 (E-F) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0426 TH-0426 Edualdry Drumond Willy Monovia LGM HOIST 05 ton Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte (BSSF) Hoist for crane maintenance

AC1-MNT-PR0427 TH-0427 Edualdry Drumond Willy Monovia

AC1-PRT-PR0428 PR-0428 Edualdry Drumond Maurilio Pórtico do Poço de Carepa Open Yard Gantry Crane

LC1-PRT-PR0501 PR-0501 Cleiton Silva Eryksson PR HYUNDAI 90/20 ton Reparo do Tundish Tundish Repair (T2)

LC1-PRT-PR0502 PR-0502 Cleiton Silva Eryksson PR HYUNDAI 150/20 ton Reparo do Tundish Tundish Repair (T1)

LC1-PRT-PR0503 PR-0503 Cleiton Silva Leonaldo PR HYUNDAI 80/20 ton Reparo de Moldes e Segmentos Mold & Segment Repair (M1)

LC1-PRT-PR0504 PR-0504 Cleiton Silva Leonaldo PR HYUNDAI 80/20 ton Reparo de Moldes e Segmentos Mold & Segment Repair (M2)

LC1-PRT-PR0505 PR-0505 Ronys Moura Eryksson PR HYUNDAI 40/10 ton 4.8.5 Ponte com Tenaz Tong Crane (S2)

LC1-PRT-PR0506 PR-0506 Ronys Moura Eryksson PR HYUNDAI 120/10 ton Ponte com Tenaz Tong Crane (S1)

LC1-PRT-PR0507 PR-0507 Ronys Moura Eryksson PR HYUNDAI 40 ton 4.8.6 Ponte Automática Auto Pick-up (P1)

LC1-PRT-PR0508 PR-0508 Ronys Moura Eryksson PR HYUNDAI 120/10 ton Ponte com Tenaz Tong Crane (S4)

LC1-PRT-PR0509 PR-0509 Ronys Moura Eryksson PR HYUNDAI 40/10 ton 4.8.7 Ponte com eletroima Magnetic Crane (S3)

LC1-PRT-PR0510 PR-0510 Roberto Choles Parede LGM HOIST 5 ton Oficina de Reparo do Tundish Tundish Repair Shop (F1)

LC1-PRT-PR0511 PR-0511 Roberto Choles Parede LGM HOIST 5 ton Oficina de Reparo de Moldes e Segmentos Mold & Segment Repair Shop (G1)

LC1-PRT-PR0512 TH-0512 Cleiton Silva Eryksson Monovia LGM HOIST Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte T1 - PR-0501 (F-G) Hoist for crane maintenance

LC1-PRT-PR0513 TH-0513 Cleiton Silva Rejanildo Monovia LGM HOIST Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte M1 - PR-0503 (G-H) Hoist for crane maintenance

LC1-PRT-PR0514 TH-0514 Cleiton Silva Rejanildo Monovia LGM HOIST Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte M2 - PR-0504 (H-I) Hoist for crane maintenance

LC1-PRT-PR0515 TH-0515 Ronys Moura Eryksson Monovia LGM HOIST Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte S1 - PR-0505 (I-J) Hoist for crane maintenance

LC1-PRT-PR0516 TH-0516 Ronys Moura Eryksson Monovia LGM HOIST Monovia de Manutenção da Ponte S3 - PR-0508 (J-K) Hoist for crane maintenance

CT1-PRT-PR0601 PR-0601 Gabriel Vitorino Rejanildo PR HYUNDAI / SWF (TROLLER) 50/25 ton Para turbina a vapor e gerador For steam turbine & generator

TRA-PRT-PR0701 PR-0701 Gabriel Vitorino Leonaldo PR KG CRANE / DB CRAB (TROLLER) 80 ton Oficina de Reparos de Locomotivas Locomotive repair shop
TRA-PRT-PR0702 PR-0702 Gabriel Vitorino Leonaldo PR KG CRANE / DB CRAB (TROLLER) 80/10 ton Oficina de Reparos de Locomotivas Locomotive repair shop
TRA-PRT-PR0703 PR-0703 Gabriel Vitorino Leonaldo PR KG CRANE / DB CRAB (TROLLER) 30/05 ton Oficina Mecânica de Carro Torpedo T.L.C mechanical repair shop
TRA-PRT-PR0704 PR-0704 Gabriel Vitorino Leonaldo PR KG CRANE / DB CRAB (TROLLER) 05 ton Oficina Mecânica de Carro Torpedo T.L.C mechanical repair shop
TRA-PRT-PR0705 PR-0705 Gabriel Vitorino Leonaldo PR KG CRANE / DB CRAB (TROLLER) 10 ton Oficina de refratário do Carro Torpedo T.L.C refractory repair shop
TRA-PRT-PR0706 PR-0706 Gabriel Vitorino Leonaldo PR KG CRANE / DB CRAB (TROLLER) 10 ton Oficina de refratário do Carro Torpedo T.L.C refractory repair shop
TRA-PRT-PR0707 pr-0707 Gabriel Vitorino Leonaldo Pórtico KG CRANE / DB CRAB (TROLLER) 03 ton Pátio de Descarte de Escória Slag Disposal Yard
OMC-PRT-PR0801 pr-0801 Magno Sousa Delmiro Pórtico HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 20 ton Pórtico do Pátio de Chapas Open Yard Gantry Crane
OMC-PRT-PR0802 pr-0802 Magno Sousa Delmiro Pórtico HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10 ton Pórtico do Pátio de Chapas Open Yard Gantry Crane
OMC-PRT-PR0803 PR-0803 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 20/5 ton Ponte da Oficina de Caldeiraria For Cutting and Welding Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0804 PR-0804 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 20/10 ton Ponte da Oficina de Caldeiraria For Cutting and Welding Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0805 PR-0805 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10/5 ton Ponte da Oficina de Caldeiraria For Cutting and Welding Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0806 PR-0806 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 25/10 ton Ponte da Oficina de Usinagem For Machine Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0807 PR-0807 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10 ton Ponte da Oficina de Usinagem For Machine Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0808 PR-0808 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10 ton Ponte da Oficina de Usinagem For Machine Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0809 PR-0809 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10 ton Ponte da Oficina de Usinagem For Machine Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0810 PR-0810 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10 ton Ponte da Oficina de Usinagem For Machine Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0811 PR-0811 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 60/30 ton Ponte da Oficina Mecânica For Mechanical Repair Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0812 PR-0812 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10/5 ton Ponte da Oficina Mecânica For Mechanical Repair Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0813 PR-0813 Magno Sousa Delmiro PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 40/10 ton Ponte da Oficina Elétrica For Electric Repair Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0814 PR-0814 Magno Sousa Delmiro Parede HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 06 ton Ponte de Parede da Oficina Mecânica For Mechanical Repair Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0815 PR-0815 Magno Sousa Delmiro Parede HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 06 ton Ponte de Parede da Oficina Mecânica For Mechanical Repair Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0816 PR-0816 Magno Sousa Delmiro Parede HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 06 ton Ponte de Parede da Oficina Mecânica For Mechanical Repair Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0817 PR-0817 Magno Sousa Delmiro Parede HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 06 ton Ponte de Parede da Oficina Mecânica For Mechanical Repair Shop
OMC-PRT-PR0818 PR-0818 Magno Sousa Delmiro Parede HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 05 ton Ponte de Parede da Oficina Elétrica For Electric Repair Shop
OMC-MNT-PR0819 GC-0819 Magno Sousa Delmiro Giratório HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 03 ton Guincho Giratório da Oficina Elétrica For Electric Repair Shop

OMC-MNT-PR0820 GC-0820 Magno Sousa Delmiro Giratório HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 03 ton Guincho Giratório da Oficina Elétrica For Electric Repair Shop

OMC-MNT-PR0821 GC-0821 Magno Sousa Delmiro Guincho HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 03 ton Guincho Giratório da Oficina Elétrica For Electric Repair Shop

OMC-MNT-PR0822 TH-0822 Magno Sousa Delmiro Talha LGM HOIST 03 ton Sala Hidraulica For Mechanical Repair Shop

OMC-MNT-PR0823 TH-0823 Magno Sousa Delmiro Talha LGM HOIST 7,5 ton Sala Eletrica For Electric Repair Shop

AXC-PRT-PR0901 PR-0901 Magno Sousa Choles PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 10 ton Ponte do Almoxarifado Central General Warehouse
AXC-PRT-PR0902 PR-0902 Magno Sousa Choles PR HYOSUNG/HYUNDAI (TROLLER) 05 ton Ponte do Almoxarifado Central General Warehouse
AC1-PRT-ACA5B4 Edualdry Drumond Willy
AC1-PRT-ACPVAB Pablo Dias Willy
AC1-PRT-ACPVCD Thiago Leon Leandro
AC1-PRT-ACPVEF Thiago Leon Leandro
AC1-PRT-ACPVRS Edualdry Drumond Leonaldo
AC1-PRT-ACVD1E Cleiton Silva Delmiro
LC1-PRT-ACPFG1 Cleiton Silva Delmiro
LC1-PRT-ACPGH1 Cleiton Silva Delmiro
LC1-PRT-ACPVFG Cleiton Silva Delmiro
LC1-PRT-ACPVGH Cleiton Silva Delmiro
LC1-PRT-ACPVHI Cleiton Silva Delmiro
LC1-PRT-ACPVIJ Ronys Moura Eryksson
LC1-PRT-ACPVJK Ronys Moura Eryksson

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