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Life through the window during lockdown

-Name: P.S.Madhumitaa
Age: 15
School name: Aditya vidyashram
Standard: X
Contact number: 9282323302

The word corona, the most spoken word all over the world for the past few months has made
even the poorest and the richest man inside the doors. When the lockdown was announced, the
era of corona wasn't that much reachable to the ordinary people. When it affected the super
bounded countries like America, Italy, Spain the fear started all over.

One side of the window:

The corona virus has almost put the entire world outside the doors. During lockdown, lots of
things were to be changed like our parents who always run behind our welfare are being with us
for 24*7. Our brothers and sisters are with us. The beautiful voices of the sparrow, cuckoo are
audible. The roads are deserted. The people don't rush to offices or to their Workplaces. The
buses, trains are offline. It is feeling as if we are in a new continent. The atmosphere is very
clean and clear. The people are physically as well as mentally refreshed.

The other side of the window:

The people are very much afraid after hearing the news that even the king empires such as
U.S.A, Italy, France, Spain are dramatically affected by the corona. Lakhs and lakhs of people
are being quarantined. The historical events, temples, mosques, churches etc are closed. The
economical status of many countries fell down. The migrants in different countries are put forth
to bigger questions about their future. The wealthiest countries came to the streets to beg for
the medicines.
The prices of the household increased. The price of day to day groceries, vegetables, milk and
essential things are hiked which has put the people to a pathetic situation. The people suffered
for running their family. Lakhs of people's jobs are put into a questionnaire. The Periodical,
annual and board exams are postponed which has made a typical question for the future
empowerment of the wards.

Almost the corona virus has made few conclusions at the end that one can't survive without
science and history. The ancient foods, grandmother's words as well as their medicines are
always meant for the goodness of the people.

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