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Q: Are there current situations in Pakistan and South Asia in which the Bullet

theory might apply?

The media industry helps portray society as it is. It does so while producing economic benefits,
including employment. It continues to grow at a fast pace every single day, as it develops talk
shows, dramas, movies, cartoons and more. And now, social media is also joining tradition
mediums. This industry creates impact and also assists defying movements globally. Pakistan
needs a softer image and a Magic Bullet might help in building this soft image of Pakistan in
It is important to look at how the media impacts the masses. According to the University of
Twente in the Netherlands, the Magic Bullet Theory of mass media, states that mass media has
a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audience.
The theory suggests that “the message is a bullet, fired from the ‘media gun’ into the viewer’s
head.” Likewise, the entertainment industry is more of a persuasion industry. It has
manipulating power that can be used to condition the audience’s mind in a well-intended
direction. Interestingly, this persuasion message passes into the audience members’
consciousness as a mass or single entity without regard for individual opinions, experiences or
intelligence, and is used by the industry and government alike.
For instance, Hitler monopolized the mass media with the belief that he could use it to unify the
German public in support of the Nazis in the 1940s. And most recently, the election campaigns
of different political parties have been working to do the same.
Historically, word of mouth, stories, or print media were responsible for connecting legends
with their fans. For example, the character of ‘Vassili’ in the movie Enemy at the gates became
a legendary hero through the propaganda of Joseph Fiennes.
Similarly, speeches from Winston Churchill motivated and helped Great Britain in World War II.
In the case of Pakistan, speeches of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Iqbal and
other leaders are hallmarks of freedom and nationhood. Apart from that even cartoons were
created to target particular cause and entertainment. Particularly, ‘Popeye’ promoted spinach
to enhance iron intake in children.
Recently, the revolution of smart TVs and social media has become a powerful source of
propagating new ideas, stories and propaganda.
These media and entertainment tools have also become a great source of revenue after
commercialization. The economic aspect of the industry highlights its significance. For instance,
the Indian media and entertainment industry’s worth reached $22.9 billion in 2018, with a
growth rate of 11.6 per cent CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) as compared to five
percent of global CAGR. Similarly, in Europe, the UK’s entertainment and media sector is
leading all other countries. The worth of the UK’s media and entertainment sector reached
£62.8billion in 2017, followed by Germany at £58.6 billion. However, in Pakistan, the industry is
growing at a slow pace. The cumulative investment in electronic media is about $4 billion. After
the revamp of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), this sector has
improved significantly in the last four years and employed more than 250,000 people.
Hollywood and Bollywood are major contributors and beneficiaries in the global entertainment
industry. In Hollywood, a lot of propaganda movies have supported the war and nationalist
sentiments. Similarly, Bollywood is also using propaganda to propagate nationalist views.
On the Lollywood side, the theme of the majority of Pakistani movies focuses on love stories
and social issues but doesn’t convey nationalistic ideas.
We are blessed with political legends, champions in sports, honest workers, and brave soldiers
serving their nation. Our filmmakers can get inspiration from true stories based on historical
events that have taken place in Pakistan. Along with that, we have brave Pakistani women who
have marked their contribution through national achievements.
Despite numerous challenges, including terrorism and natural disasters, we are ranked as the
happiest nation in the South Asian region. Challenges are old companions for Pakistan, but we
need to share our stories and promote national icons in the international community.
As Jinnah’s stated, “My message to you all is of hope, courage and confidence. Let us mobilize
all our resources in a systematic and organized way and tackle the grave issues that confront us
with the grim determination and discipline worthy of a great nation.”

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