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Assignment (Practice Problems) – 1

By: Sumit Gulati
Date of Submission: 30-07-2019

Important Points:
1: All students to complete the assignment latest by 30-07-2019
2: We will discuss the assignment in next Session
3: Assignments to be tried individually (Do not copy and paste, this is for your own
4: I will share a link on which assignments are to be uploaded.

Q1: Attached below is the list of some important excel shortcuts. Intentionally some of
the shortcuts are not correct. You are required to check each of the shortcuts, mark
which are not correct and then write the correct shortcut. There will be a quiz in next
excel session on shortcuts, so you are also supposed to learn each of the shortcuts.

Many Excel Shortcuts are Incorrect, find them and write the correct shortcut:
1. CTRL+D: Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the
topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below
2. CTRL+R: Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for new hyperlinks or the Edit
Hyperlink dialog box for selected existing hyperlinks
3. CTRL+K: Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the
leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right
4. SHIFT+W: Closes the selected workbook window
5. CTRL+Y: Repeats the last command or action, if possible
6. CTRL+2: Displays the Format Cells dialog box
7. ALT+3: Applies or removes bold formatting
8. SHIFT+4: Applies or removes italic formatting
9. CTRL+5: Applies or removes underlining
10. CTRL+7: Applies or removes strikethrough
11. ALT + 9: Hides the selected rows
12. CTRL+ 0: Hides the selected columns
13. CTRL-: Adds a column/ row
14. Shift + Ctrl + ‘+’: Removes a column or row Founder: Sumit Gulati

Q2: Use data given in 10.Workbook_Assignment (Worksheet A) and answer the
following questions (Note: You have to write only 1 formula for each question. All other
answers you should get by dragging it down)
a) What were the total number of songs sung?
b) How many songs were sung by Eminem?
c) How many songs were sung by Cher in 2018?
d) How many minutes has Spears sung in total?
e) How many songs were sung by Moore and Spears in 2018? (Ans should be total
of the song sung by Moore and Spears in 2018.)
f) What is average time the singers whose name starts with Spr and Mel sang in
2017? (Ans should be average time of songs sung by Moore and Spears in

Q3: Use data given in 10.Workbook_Assignment (Worksheet B) and answer the

following question (Note: You have to write only 1 formula for each question. All other
answers you should get by dragging it down)
a) Create an employee ID of the form IND followed by 3 letters from the sir name
leaving the first letter followed by last 2 digits of year of joining. For example if
the name of the employee is ADITYA GUPTA and he joined in 2015 then his
employee id will look like ‘ ‘INDUPT15’.

All students will have to submit the following:

1: Solved Excel files
2: All workbooks should be named as “RollNumber_AssignmentNumberYour
For example: if Your Roll Number is 18DM200, you are submitting assignment 1, you
are from section A, and Name is Adity Sharma then name of your workbook should be

Important Notes:
1: Kindly avoid plagiarism at all cost, firstly because it is for your own learning. Secondly,
I will be going over your solutions and any plagiarism will negatively impact final
evaluation of both the students (Who copied and who allowed it to be copied) Founder: Sumit Gulati

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