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Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563

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Clean water photovoltaic sensor for solar disinfection

in developing countries
M. Vivar a,n, M. Fuentes b, R. García-Pacheco a, I. de Bustamante a
IMDEA Water, Alcalá de Henares 28805, Spain
Grupo IDEA, Universidad de Jaén, Jaén 23071, Spain

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One of the limitations for the widespread use of solar water disinfection technologies in developing
Received 10 June 2013 regions is the lack of low-cost clean water sensors. A new type of low-cost sensors using photovoltaic
Received in revised form solar cells that provide information about received irradiance, temperature, UV irradiance and sunshine
8 July 2013
duration is presented. A key aspect of the design is the UV irradiance measurement. Two identical cells
Accepted 12 July 2013
are used, one of them with a low-cost UV-blocking filter on top, so the total UV irradiance can
Available online 17 August 2013
be calculated as the difference between the two solar cells outputs. The first cell would be measuring
Keywords: UV–vis–NIR and the second only vis–NIR. The UV filter material was explored and a low-cost
Solar water disinfection architectural film was selected. Materials costs for the first prototype were of approximately 4€ excluding
labour. Initial testing also included experiments with real polluted water and Escherichia coli, showing
Low cost
the feasibility of the new design.
UV & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sunshine duration

1. Introduction consist of containers or plastic bottles that are fully black-painted

and then exposed to the sun, waiting for the water temperature to
One of the most appropriate methods for drinking water reach 70 1C (Fig. 2a). Simple reflectors made with aluminium foils
treatment (WT) in developing countries, especially in small com- or metallic materials are often used to accelerate the process.
munities or remote areas, is solar disinfection [1,2]. Solar technol- Finally, if a combination of UV radiation and temperature is used
ogies for water disinfection are clean, simple, easy to operate and then the solar disinfection (SODIS) process [1] is followed, using
maintain, suitable for domestic use, do not require electricity and clear plastic bottles directly exposed to the sun for a certain
have low cost. But they are environment dependent and can be number of hours (Fig. 2b). The combination of UV and heat
used only in areas with high solar irradiance conditions all over disinfects the water after a period of exposure.
the year. Another drawback is that in some cases, such as solar One of the main drawbacks or limitations to the widespread
distillation, the efficiency is limited. On the other hand, most of the use of these solar disinfection methods in developing countries is
developing countries are located in areas with high irradiance that the user has no information about when the water is safe to
(Fig. 1), in the so-called ‘sun-belt’ zone, where the use of solar drink. There is a lack of low-cost sensors for natural solar
technologies is feasible. disinfection to detect when the water is clean, i.e. if the treated
Solar water disinfection can convert the sun energy into heat to water has received enough radiation and/or if it has reached the
increase the water temperature for pasteurisation or distillation, pasteurisation temperature. This lack of information reduces their
or it can use directly the germicide effect of UV radiation [4], or a ‘usability’ in remote regions. The SODIS process gives some guide-
combination of both. Main solar technologies include solar dis- lines and estimates that the water is safe to drink after 6 h of
tillation, solar pasteurisation and the SODIS method with plastic exposure if it was a sunny day, or between 2 and 3 days if it is
bottles. Solar distillation is based on water evaporation and cloudy, but sensors are not available. Scientific research has been
condensation, but the efficiency is very low as it requires higher conducted for many types of low-cost simple sensors that can
solar energy doses for longer periods of time to treat the water provide some aid to detect when the water is clean, both for solar
than those of any of the other solar technologies [2]. If the water is UV disinfection (SODIS) and solar water pasteurisation.
not evaporated but the temperature increase is only to about
70 1C, then it reaches pasteurisation temperature. These systems 1.1. SODIS sensors

Most of the approaches are based on UV detectors, monitoring

Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 91 830 59 62. UV radiation and in some cases temperature, not measuring other
E-mail addresses:, (M. Vivar). parameters such as sunshine duration or global irradiance.

0927-0248/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
550 M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563

Fig. 1. World map showing the solar global irradiation received over the year [3]. Most developing countries are located in areas with high irradiance conditions.

Fig. 2. Solar disinfection methods in developing countries: (a) solar pasteurisation [2] and (b) SODIS process [1].

In general, commercial sensors developed for both UV monitoring reoxidised back to Methylene Blue, constituting a reversible
and artificial UV disinfection exist [5,6], but either they are too system. They measure only UVA radiation.
expensive for their use in developing countries or they are not Another possibility is to use a passive average UV exposure
suitable for natural sunlight due to spectrum differences (UVA in sensor, consisting of an uncured ring of ultraviolet curable sealing
sunlight disinfection vs. UVC in artificial disinfection). Main find- photochromic material [11] placed around the neck and cap region
ings on sensors suitable for natural solar disinfection in developing of a plastic bottle, patented by Lantis et al. [12]. The main
countries are summarised now. disadvantage is the inaccuracy of the measurement as it is based
In 1999, G. Smestad [7] patented a UV light detector for liquid on colour change. UV sensors based on colour changes have been
disinfection units, consisting of two solid state photodetectors traditionally used for skin sun exposure applications [13–15],
with different spectral responses, the first one generating in the giving an overall indication of the UV content and the health
ultraviolet–visible–infrared spectrum, and the second generating hazard associated with sun exposure. In general this type of
in the visible–infrared, so the UV light intensity could be calcu- detector does not provide sufficient data for solar disinfection as
lated by differentiation of the two signals. The device connected it measures only an average UV dose with high uncertainty.
the two parallel photodiodes output in reverse, and included the Finally, the Austrian company Helioz GmbH [16] has designed
circuitry to monitor the UV level, which could activate a solenoid and patented another UV radiation sensor for SODIS, the WADIS
valve and/or alarm. The system monitored UV radiation and the sensor [17], consisting of a UV detector that monitors UV radiation.
sensor required power for the associated circuitry. The patent was The integrated UV value is compared to a characteristic curve to
assigned to WaterHealth International for its use in developing determine the water disinfection degree, adjusted by a factor
countries. depending on the liquid temperature, which is also measured. It
From this initial low cost UV photodetector intended for solar requires a battery, which is fed by solar cells. It is currently under
water disinfection till today there has been little research on this development, and it measures UV radiation and temperature.
topic. Recent findings correspond to publications and patents from
2011 onwards. UVA dosimetric indicators (Fig. 3a) using azo dyes 1.2. Solar water pasteurisation (SWP) sensors
such as Methylene Blue or Acid Orange AO24 are other options
that are currently being developed. These sensors are based on the One type of SWP indicator is based on melting of a wax from
complete discolouration of the dye when it degrades after receiv- solid to liquid and then changing shape or location, such as the
ing the solar radiation dose for inactivation of pathogens [8–10]. water pasteurisation indicator (WAPI) shown in Fig. 3b [2,18]. The
When the indicator is in dark and in the presence of oxygen, it is WAPI is a polycarbonate tube containing a wax at the top that
M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563 551

Fig. 3. (a) UVA dosimetric indicator showing the discolouration when the UV dose required for pathogen inactivation has been received [7] and (b) WAPI indicator, showing
the wax location before and after reaching pasteurisation temperature [8].

melts at 69 1C. It is placed inside a water container under SWP, and calibration are defined in the international standard IEC 60904
when the water reaches pasteurisation temperature the heat will [19]. From their generated photocurrent, which depends on the
melt the wax, that will move from the top to the bottom of the number of photons and their spectral distribution, solar irradiance
tube, indicating that pasteurisation has been completed. is calculated. But the measured solar irradiance depends on the
Another pasteurisation indicator is based on materials with spectral response of the cell, which extends from the UV to the
different thermal expansions that could interact and make a NIR, so it does not measure the broadband solar irradiance as a
change in geometry [2], such as a bi-metal disc that due to pyranometer does. So they cannot be used as radiometers to
different thermal expansions of the two metals will change its measure the total weather data accurately, but to measure the
shape. These sensors are currently under development. solar irradiance that is available to a PV module for energy
In general, the main parameters to be monitored in solar conversion, as both the reference cell and the PV module have
disinfection technologies are sunshine duration (SODIS), global the same spectral response [21].
irradiance (SODIS, solar pasteurisation), UV irradiance (SODIS) and Meybray et al. from NREL have recently reviewed the difference
water temperature (SODIS, solar pasteurisation). Sunshine dura- between using pyranometers and reference cells when monitoring
tion is measured from data given by a pyrheliometer or a PV plants performance [21], giving a comparison between pyran-
pyranometer. Costs of commercial equipment are up to 14,000€ ometers and reference cells when they are used for measuring the
for the pyrheliometer and the suntracker, and up to 500–3000€ for efficiency of PV at reference conditions and when they are used as
the pyranometer. Global irradiance is measured by a pyranometer. radiometers. When used for measuring the efficiency of PV
On the other hand, UV irradiance requires a dedicated UV radio- modules, the reference cell matches the spectral response of the
meter, with costs between 250€ and 6000€. Finally, water tem- PV module, so it is more accurate. The pyranometer measures the
perature is obtained by a liquid-immersion temperature sensor, broadband spectrum (UV–FIR) and the response needs to be
which can be up to 90€. These current costs are too high and not corrected for PV. On the contrary, a pyranometer is ideal to
affordable for this type of applications in developing areas. measure the weather (entire spectrum) but the reference cell will
The objective of this work is to design a low-cost clean water be considered insufficient (only UV–NIR). Medbray et al. also
sensor for solar disinfection technologies in developing countries. compare other parameters such as the angle of incidence effect,
This article presents a new design, manufacturing and testing of a temperature response and time response. Finally, they suggest,
clean water sensor based on photovoltaic solar cells, showing that like other authors in the literature, such as Haeberlin et al. [22] or
this type of sensors are feasible and of low cost. Dunn et al. [23], the use of reference cells instead of pyranometers
[24] to monitor PV plants performance because they are a matched
reference device that provides a better and more realistic estima-
2. PV solar cells as clean water sensors tion of the expected energy output of a PV plant.
An example of a well-developed sensor based on reference cells
The proposed solution is to use photovoltaic solar cells as clean is the ESTI sensor, designed and developed at the European Solar
water sensors for solar disinfection to reduce the cost. They can be Test Installation (Joint Research Centre—JRC, Ispra, Italy) to moni-
used to measure both irradiance [19] and cell temperature [20]. tor PV plants within the 1994 German program ‘A Thousands
First, the generated short-circuit current (ISC) increases linearly as Roofs’ [25]. It consists of a monocrystalline solar cell encapsulated
a function of the received irradiance. Therefore, a solar cell can be in glass/EVA/ polyester–aluminium–tedlar. The cell is cut into two,
used to measure the total irradiance received during the day. with one half used to measure ISC and the other half to measure
Second, the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of the solar cell decreases VOC. The electronic system is laminated inside the sensor. The ESTI
linearly with temperature, and is generally used as an indicator of sensor is then calibrated for irradiance and cell temperature. Fig. 4
the cell temperature. This means that the cell can be also used as a shows an image of a recent Suntech ESTI type reference cell
thermometer, and even to estimate if the water on top of an calibrated by PV Evolution Labs.
encapsulated cell has reached a certain temperature or not, and for In summary, a photovoltaic solar cell can measure global
how long. irradiance and cell temperature (and from the latter estimate
Sensors based on calibrated solar cells have been widely used water temperature), with current costs that can be down to 0.1–1
in photovoltaics to monitor the performance of PV plants. These €/cell. As the main monitoring parameters required in solar
solar cells are called ‘reference cells’ and their characteristics and disinfection are sunshine duration, global irradiance, UV irradiance
552 M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563


SD Si cell - SD Pyrheliometer (h/day)




Fig. 4. Suntech ESTI type reference cell calibrated by PV evolution labs, showing
the two halves of the silicon solar reference cell (in this case multicrystalline) used
as a sensor, encapsulated using the same materials as those for a PV module [11]. Slob Hinssen Olivieri

and water temperature, it is still needed to study if a photovoltaic Fig. 5. Box plot of SD Si cell—SD Pyrheliometer (h/day) for the three pyranometric
algorithms, Slob, Hinssen and Olivieri, showing that a solar cell is suitable for
solar cell could be used to calculate sunshine duration and UV
sunshine duration calculation and that the Olivieri algorithm gives better adjust-
irradiance. ment for measuring SD with a photovoltaic solar cell.

2.1. Sunshine duration calculation from a photovoltaic solar cell

includes UV, vis and NIR. But we would also like to measure
In a parallel work [26] the authors studied if a photovoltaic directly only the UV irradiance. As the cell measures UV, vis and
solar cell can measure sunshine duration (SD). Sunshine duration NIR, one possibility would be to use an optical filter that blocks all
is defined by the World Metereological Organisation (WMO) [27] the light except the UV, but these specific filters are too expensive
as the number of hours for which the direct solar irradiance is for this type of applications.
above 120 W/m2. This is the ‘pyrheliometric method’ as it requires The proposed solution to measure directly UV with a PV solar
a pyheliometer to measure direct irradiance. The WMO also cell is to use two solar cells and a low-cost UV-blocking filter for
specifies a ‘pyranometric method’, using only global irradiance one of the cells, which blocks just the UV part of the spectrum
measured by a pyranometer and a dedicated algorithm, developed (Fig. 6). The first cell would measure the global solar irradiance
by Slob and Monna in 1991 [27]. Other pyranometric methods (comprising UV, vis and NIR), and the second cell would be under
well-reviewed in the literature are the Hinssen–Knap [28,29] and the low-cost UV filter, measuring the global solar irradiance except
the Olivieri [30]. All these algorithms are based on climatic the UV (vis and NIR). By differentiating the response of the two
parameters such as the global horizontal irradiance, the latitude, cells, we would have just the UV component of irradiance, which
longitude, turbidity, temperature, etc. They can be used to calcu- follows the concept developed by G. Smestad in 1999 [7] of using
late numeric limits for ‘cloudless conditions’ and then compare the two photodetectors configured to operate in two different spectral
real data in sub-periods of approximately 1 min to calculate ranges and calculating the UV by their difference. This would be a
sunshine duration. These SD calculation methods are very accurate low-cost solution since the solar cell is currently affordable due to
but they require expensive equipment such as a pyrheliometer, the booming of the PV industry and the plummeting of silicon
a sun tracker or a pyranometer, which are affordable for a technologies costs, with a cost of 0.1–1€ per cell depending on the
meteorological weather station but not for day-to-day applications technology, and the UV filter could be an inexpensive UV filter
in developing countries. from photography or from the glass protection and safety films
As a photovoltaic solar cell can measure global irradiance, the industry, with costs under 10€/m2.
study [26] consisted first in implementing the three pyranometric
algorithms (Slob and Monna, Hinssen–Knap and Olivieri), and then
using the global irradiance data from a silicon solar cell to calculate 3. New clean water PV sensor: design, manufacturing and
sunshine duration. Direct irradiance data from a pyrhelio- initial characterisation
meter and global irradiance data from a pyranometer were also
used to calculate sunshine duration as a reference. A one-year Photovoltaic solar cells are capable of measuring global irra-
dataset from the University of Cyprus was used. The objective was diance, cell temperature, sunshine duration and UV irradiance.
to analyse if the SD calculated by a solar cell in relation to a With this background, a new clean water PV sensor for the SODIS
pyranometer is well-correlated or not. technology was designed, manufactured and characterised. Solar
Main conclusions were that the silicon solar cell is capable of disinfection using UV and temperature requires more parameters
measuring sunshine duration on a daily basis with an uncertainty to be monitored than that of solar pasteurisation. For solar
similar to that obtained with a pyranometer. Fig. 5 shows the pasteurisation, a simplification of the sensor could be easily
differences between the daily SD calculated for the three algo- conducted [31].
rithms using the solar cell and the SD calculated from the
pyrheliometer. It shows again how the three algorithms under- 3.1. Design
estimate sunshine duration in comparison to the pyrheliometer
and how the Olivieri algorithm is the most suitable for the The final design of the clean water PV sensor consists of two
measurement of sunshine duration with a photovoltaic solar cell. units, each basic unit comprising two single encapsulated PV cells
of the same technology (Fig. 7). The first is the ‘reference unit’,
2.2. UV irradiance measurement from a photovoltaic solar cell with one of the cells including the UV-blocking filter on top. This
unit can measure global irradiance, UV irradiance and sunshine
A photovoltaic solar cell can be used to measure global duration. A second two-cell unit is placed under the clear plastic
irradiance as stated previously, with a spectral response that bottle (‘water unit’), measuring global irradiance through the
M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563 553


UV-blocking filter


Global Irradiance Global Irradiance -UV

Fig. 6. Low-cost UV irradiance sensor using two photovoltaic solar cells, the first measuring global irradiance (UV, vis, NIR) and the second with an inexpensive UV blocking
filter on top, measuring global irradiance except the UV (vis, NIR). By differentiating both signals we measure UV irradiance directly.


Water Temp.

Reference Bottle

Global Global -UV Global under Cell Temp.

Fig. 7. New clean water PV sensor for SODIS process [1] design including one unit as a reference, measuring global irradiance, UV irradiance and sunshine duration, and
another unit under the plastic bottle, measuring irradiance through/on the water and water temperature.

bottle (and so getting some information on water turbidity and disinfection, including: global irradiance, UV irradiance, sunshine
irradiance that is really used in the disinfection process), and cell duration, global irradiance under the bottle and water tempera-
temperature. If the cell that is measuring temperature was of ture. All these information should help to determine whether the
sufficient area, water temperature above it could be directly water disinfection process has finished and the water is safe to
estimated. If it is not the case, a low-cost temperature sensor drink or not.
electrically insulated with silicone and placed on the bottle cap
can be used to measure water temperature.
In summary, the sensor is composed of four cells, two directly 3.2. Manufacturing
under the sun as a reference and two under the plastic bottle, plus
a temperature sensor on the bottle cap. This configuration allows A first sensor that can be used in SODIS but adapted to solar
the measurement of all the relevant parameters to solar water pasteurisation has been manufactured. Detailed design
554 M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563

aspects such as size and materials are described below, followed visible light transmittance and 29% UV rejection. With the SCL SR
by the final manufacturing process. PS4 film on top, the window achieved 81% total solar transmittance,
89% visible light transmittance and 95% UV rejection. The glass UV
filter manufacturer did not provide any information about spectral
3.2.1. Size
transmittance. Fig. 8c shows the transmittance of both the glass
SODIS uses transparent PET bottles. In general, the most
filter and the film on 1 mm quartz. It can be observed that the
common sizes for PET bottles used in SODIS are small bottles of
Hama glass filter transmittance in the UV is higher than that of the
1–2 L [32]. The main design issue for the sensor based on solar
film. It cuts at a lower wavelength of 329 nm, allowing UV light to
cells was that the bottle is round and the conventional cells that
pass through, with a final overall UV blockage of 59%. The UV film
were going to be used in this first sensor were flat, so for the water
on clear slide rejects 90% of the total UV with a cut-off wavelength
unit of the sensor (the one placed underneath the bottle) optical
of 383 nm, vs. the 95% UV rejection given by the manufacturer. It
losses between the flat cells and the round bottle had to be
reaches 88% visible light transmittance vs. the 90% visible transmit-
minimised. Thin, elongate solar cells were used for this purpose,
tance provided by the manufacturer. These differences are mainly
and the most appropriate size for the sensor solar cells from the
due to the different types of glass used as a support for the film. As a
bottle dimensions was calculated. Calculation details can be found
reference, the quartz slide blocks only 8% of the total UV. The
in [31], where different bottles sizes ranging from 1.5 L to 2 L were
architectural film was finally selected as a low-cost UV filter.
analysed, and their diameters as well as the elongate flat parts on
Finally, it needs to be considered that the objective is not
which the sensor was located were studied. Finally, cells 4–6 mm
measuring the total UV irradiance accurately but the UV irradiance
in width and up to 36 mm long were found to be suitable.
that is available to the water purification process, i.e. the UV
irradiance that reaches the water within the bottle, including the
3.2.2. Materials transmission losses when the light crosses the PET bottle. Fig. 9
Materials selection can be divided into the solar cell and the shows the transmittances of the PET bottle, cutting at 325 nm and
rest of the encapsulation into a complete module, plus the low cost therefore using only the UVA light (320–400 nm), and the clear
UV filters. Regarding the solar cells, they were monocrystalline slide plus the UV film, cutting at 383 nm.
silicon solar cells from the Institute of Solar Energy (IES-UPM) in
Madrid, Spain. The cells were LGBC solar cells originally manu-
factured by BP Solar, with an initial size of 6 mm  116 mm. UV Vis
Average efficiency of the cells was 16.8% at STC and the VOC 100
temperature coefficient was  2.3 mV/1C. The cells were cut to a
length of 30 mm, so the final solar cell size for the sensor was
6 mm  30 mm. The encapsulation was based on a 1 mm glass
cover consisting of a microscope slide of clear glass, clear silicone
Transmittance [%]

(Wacker Silgel 612) and a black back cover of Tedlars, which are 60
standard materials in PV modules. Black Tedlars was selected to
avoid unwanted reflections on the cells serving as sensors.
For the low-cost UV filter, the possibilities explored were using a 40
conventional UV filter from photography, consisting of a 62 mm
diameter and 1.78 mm thickness UV filter from Hamas, or an Clear slide
20 Clear slide + SLC film
architectural window film for glass protection and safety provided
PET bottle
by the Portuguese company Impersol Lda, the SCL SR PS4 Llumar
0.1 mm thickness film [33,34] (Fig. 8a and b). Transmittance of both 0
200 300 400 500 600 700 800
filters were analysed by using a UV–vis spectrophotometer.
Wavelength [nm]
A quartz 1 mm slide was also used as a reference. Data given by
the film manufacturer were for a 3.75 mm thickness clear window Fig. 9. Transmittance of the clear slide used to encapsulate the solar cell, the PET
glass without film that had 83% total solar transmittance, 90% bottle and the UV blocking film on clear slide.

UV Vis

Transmittance [%]



20 Hama
Clear slide + SLC film

200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Fig. 8. Low cost UV filters: (a) photographic UV filter from Hama; (b) SCL SR PS4 Llumar UV film from Impersol; and (c) transmittance of the two UV filters tested, with the
film filter with a higher rejection of the UV content.
M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563 555

3.2.3. Manufacturing cells, and covered with the glass cover (Fig. 11b). Curing was at room
Fig. 10 presents the final design for each of the units of the temperature (24 h at 25 1C).
sensor, showing the solar cells connected to the tabs and the black After the encapsulation, wires were soldered to the tabs and
Tedlar backsheet. Fig. 10a shows a top view and Fig. 10b a side view, then connected to screw terminals, where the external wires 0.5 m
showing the encapsulant and the clear glass. It also shows the UV each were connected (Fig. 11c). Then the units were fixed into
filter location in one of the cells for the case of the reference unit. small boxes that protect the wiring and have sufficient room for
The manufacturing process started with the cut of the original including the electronics of the sensor in the future. Silica was
solar cells of 6 mm  116 mm to the required size of 6 mm  30 mm. added to avoid moisture. Shunt resistors of 0.1 Ω 1% were
The cell was cut only in length. It was conducted at the facilities of connected to the cells that will be measuring ISC. Fig. 11d shows
CENTESIL (Centro de Tecnología de Silicio Solar) in Madrid, using an the final sensor unit. The UV filter film was not included at this
automatic dicing saw. After cutting, cells were measured in an indoor point as it was required that the cells should be calibrated first so
solar simulator (AM1.5G) at STC of IES-UPM labs, obtaining the ISC in they have the same reference.
order to match the cells for the sensor units. Next step was to wire
the cells to the connection tabs (Fig. 11a), which was done by 3.3. Initial characterisation
soldering in the hot plate using solder paste (Sn–Ag). Once the cells
were soldered, the Tedlars was prepared and the cells placed on the Initial calibration consisted of an initial exposure to sunlight to
top for encapsulation. Encapsulation used a clear silicone of two reduce initial photon degradation effects and to stabilise the cells
components, Wacker Silgel 612, in a ratio of 1.5:1. It was mixed, and an outdoor calibration. It was conducted at University of Jaén
vacuumed to remove possible air bubbles, poured into the Tedlar and (Jaén, Spain). Initial exposure consisted in exposing the solar cell
for a total of 5 kW h/m2 open-circuited according to the IEC 61215
‘Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules: Design
Qualification and Approval’ [35].
For the outdoor calibration the specifications of the international
standard ‘IEC-60904-2—Photovoltaic Devices, Part 2: Require-
ments for Reference Solar Cells’ [19] were followed. With the solar
cells on the tracker (Fig. 12), the ISC of three of the cells was
measured, as well as the VOC and temperature of the fourth cell.
The global irradiance on the normal plane was measured by a
pyranometer placed on the tracker. Main reference parameters of
the sensor were obtained, which, when converted into standard
testing conditions (STC), 1000 W/m2 and 25 1C, were

I nSC;Cell1 ¼ 54:78 mA
I nSC;Cell2 ¼ 55:22 mA
Fig. 10. Design of the units of the sensor, showing the two solar cells with the bus I nSC;Cell3 ¼ 56:23 mA
bars soldered to the tabs, the black Tedlar backsheet, the encapsulant, the glass
cover and the UV filter: (a) top view of the designed unit and (b) side view.
V nOC;Cell4 ¼ 594:12 mV

Fig. 11. Cells after each step of the manufacturing process of the sensor units: (a) solar cells cut to 6 mm  30 mm and soldered to the tabs, (b) encapsulated cells with clear
silicone and glass cover, (c) cells fixed to the box with shunt resistor and external wires connected, and (d) final sensor unit.
556 M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563

4. Testing corresponding to sunny and cloudy weather, and good agreement

is shown between the global measured by the PV cells and the
After the initial calibration, the performance of the clean water reference global irradiance given by the pyranometer.
sensor was tested. Four types of tests were conducted, including From the global horizontal irradiance measured by Cell 1,
an initial test measuring global irradiance over the span of a day sunshine duration was calculated and the result compared with
and calculating sunshine duration, tests measuring the UV irra- the sunshine duration calculated by the pyrheliometer and pyrano-
diance with the new UV sensor, a test with tap water and meter from the weather station. For both the pyranometer and the
preliminary experiments with polluted water. The objective of cell, the selected method was the Olivieri. Table 1 shows the results
these tests was to determine if the new sensor provides useful for different days of testing, with the cell and the pyranometer
data to help the water quality monitoring. Main parameters were performing similarly and in all cases underestimating the sunshine
analysed: global irradiance, sunshine duration, global irradiance duration in relationship to the pyrheliometric SD value. But in
under the bottle, UV irradiance and water temperature. In the summary, the sensor can be used to measure both global horizontal
preliminary experiment with polluted water, these parameters irradiance and sunshine duration.
were compared with the reference values given in the literature
for the SODIS process to determine whether the water was clean 4.2. UV irradiance
or not and with the water microbiological analysis.
The UV irradiance is measured by the sensor using two cells,
4.1. Global irradiance and sunshine duration one of them with the UV film attached on the front surface
(Fig. 14a). Tests consisted of measuring the UV output from the
To verify the performance of the sensor as sunshine duration new sensor and then comparing with the UV output from a
recorder, the sensor was subjected to different days of exposure reference global UV sensor (Fig. 14b). A good correlation between
under natural sunlight and its output compared with that of a the two UV signals is observed, with the UV sensor measuring
reference global horizontal pyranometer. Fig. 13 shows the perfor- approximately 87% of the total UV irradiance measured by the
mance of the sensor cells when used to measure global horizontal reference UV radiometer. This difference is explained first because
irradiance in comparison with the reference data from the the reference global UV sensor measures total UV, including UVA
pyranometer. Two different climatic conditions are represented, and UVB, and the new sensor measures only the UVA part of the
UV spectrum, according to the cut-off wavelength of the filter (see
Section 3.2.2). Another reason for differences between the sensors
is the use of a clear glass in the UV reference sensor and a standard
glass in the encapsulated cell of the sensor, which have different
overall transmittances.
Finally, the supporting material of the UV film is PET and not
glass, which limits the light transmittance. One could think that
this is not a good solution for a low-cost UV sensor, but it is
necessary to consider the system requiring the sensor, in this case

Table 1
Daily totals of SD for several days using the pyrheliometric method and
the Olivieri algorithm for the pyranometer and the cell; and differences with
pyrheliometric SD.

Date SD – SD – Olivieri SD – Olivieri Difference Difference

Pyrhel Pyran (h) Cell 1 (h) Pyran (h) Cell 1 (h)

13/04/2013 8.45 6.57 6.57  1.88  1.88

14/04/2013 8.47 6.55 6.55  1.92  1.92
Fig. 12. Sensor units under calibration on the tracker at the outdoor solar facilities 23/04/2013 9.65 6.12 6.12  3.53  3.53
at University of Jaén, measuring ISC,Cell_1, ISC,Cell_2, ISC,Cell_3, VOC,Cell_4 and TCell_4 under 24/04/2013 9.7 8.85 8.68  0.85  1.02
natural sunlight (irradiance measured by the pyranometer in the tracker).

Fig. 13. Global horizontal irradiance measured by the pyranometer and global horizontal irradiance measured by the sensor cells for two different days: (a) 13 April 2013,
sunny weather; and (b) 24 April 2013, with partially cloudy weather.
M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563 557

Fig. 14. (a) Two photovoltaic solar cells used to measure UV irradiance, one of them with a UV-blocking filter on top, allowing UV irradiance measurement by differentiation
and (b) UV irradiance measured by the sensor and by the global UV sensor used as a reference, showing the correlation between the two datasets (4 June 2013), and
indicating the potential of the low-cost UV sensor based on PV cells and UV blocking architectural window films.

bottom of the bottle. It can be observed that during the central

hours of the day the irradiance under the bottle increases rapidly,
to irradiance values up to three times the global irradiance
measured by the reference. There is a concentration effect at the
bottom of the bottle on the cell, due to the circular shape of
the bottle and the clear water that act as a lens, concentrating the
sunlight onto a smaller area, in this case measured by the cell.
During the span of the day, the cumulative global irradiance is
23.2 MJ/m2 and the cumulative irradiance at the bottom of the
bottle is 22.9 MJ/m2, practically the same due to the concentration
factor. Without this concentration, the irradiance at the bottom of
the bottle should have been approximately 2.8 MJ/m2 as most of
the sunlight should have been absorbed in the water. This might
mean that the circular shape of the bottle is actually permitting
transmission of most of the light during the concentration effect
and not absorption, which can have two different effects in the
water purification process when the water is clear in comparison
with a flat bag of water of the same depth. First, we could think
Fig. 15. Set-up of experiment with bottle filled with tap water and the sensor that this effect would accelerate the process, as it seems that we
underneath to measure irradiance in the bottom of the bottle and water tempera-
get more light to the bottom of the bottle. But this means that the
ture (17 April 2013).
sunlight is not being absorbed through the bottle, so the first
layers of water might not be affected by the UV disinfection, so it
SODIS bottles. They use the same material as that of the sensor, might be the opposite effect, and it decreases the rate of inactiva-
PET, and therefore the UV recorded by the PV sensor will be tion. On the other hand, the concentration is accumulating solar
actually the same as that of the SODIS bottles used. This UV value irradiance in a smaller area, which will heat up faster. This heat
will be more useful and accurate to detect clean water. The PV can be transferred by conduction to the rest of the bottle and
sensor solution adopts the same principle as that of solar cells contribute to increasing the water temperature, improving the
used as global irradiance sensors in power plants of the same water disinfection. This concentration effect is due to the low
technology, predicting more accurately the real performance of turbidity of the water and it is expected to decrease with higher
the PV plants. In summary, it is concluded that the UV measure- turbidity values. It requires further analysis to determine if it has
ment using this method is feasible for solar disinfection any significant effect in the water purification process.
technologies. Fig. 16b presents ambient temperature, water temperature and
cell temperature. Water temperature measured by the low-cost
4.3. Global irradiance under the bottle and water temperature sensor gets to a maximum of about 35 1C and then stabilizes.
During the concentration period, the cell temperature also
This third group of tests consisted of using a PET bottle filled increases, to a maximum of 75 1C, following the concentration
with tap water and the two cells of the clean water PV sensor profile.
underneath, and then to expose the bottle to the sunlight along
the day. Fig. 15 shows the set-up of the experiment, where a bottle 4.4. Solar water disinfection of water with Escherichia coli
of 1.5 L (86 mm water depth) has been placed horizontally and
north–south orientated, with the sensor below, and with the The last test used SODIS bottles to purify water polluted with a
special bottle cap with the temperature sensor inserted and a real microorganism, E. coli bacteria, and evaluated the sensor
small tap for future experiments to take samples. performance by comparing the sensor information with the water
Weather conditions during the experiment corresponded to a microbiological analysis.
sunny day, as indicated in Fig. 16a by the global horizontal Prior to the experiment itself, a literature review on the main
irradiance. Fig. 16a also gives the irradiance that reaches the parameters of the solar disinfection process, including UV dose,
558 M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563

Fig. 16. (a) Global irradiance and global irradiance on the cell below the bottle, showing a concentration effect that increases the irradiance during the central hours of the
day, up to 3.9  (17 April 2013) and (b) Cell temperature, following the concentration effect; water temperature, increasing till 35 1C; and ambient temperature along the
time of the experiment (17 April 2013).

global irradiance dose, water temperature, etc., was also con- (E. coli) in the water treated naturally with sunlight during periods
ducted in order to identify the most appropriate parameter or ranging from 5 days to 2 weeks after treatment. Finally, compar-
combination of parameters to standardise the clean water detec- ison between UV doses and global irradiance between the differ-
tion criteria on solar water purification. ent research works is really difficult due to the disparity of
equipment used (varying in spectral ranges) and the different
set-ups adopted in the experiments. However, it is necessary to
4.4.1. Literature review on required dose for microorganisms analyse the studies and understand the main findings and the
inactivation under natural sunlight previous mentioned limitations to establish a clean water criterion
The main criteria for clean water in solar disinfection should be for solar disinfection.
known in order to develop a suitable sensor. In general, SODIS The first studies on solar water disinfection under real sun were
establishes the main criteria as a combination of time and weather conducted by Acra et al. [44] in 1984, when they tested water with
parameters, consisting of 6 h in a sunny day or between 2 and enteric bacteria from both pure culture and real water in Pyrex
3 days if it is cloudy. But more specificity requires studying the flasks, giving times for 99.9% destruction of coliform bacteria and
other main parameters: UV irradiance, global irradiance and water E. coli but not UV dose or global irradiance or temperature
temperature; the main scientific literature on real sunlight water information. In following works they started to measure UV dose,
disinfection (not simulated light) was reviewed in order to extract finding similar values for E. coli and Str. faecalis [41]. In 1991,
the main values of these parameters. This issue of determining the Wegelin et al. [41] in Switzerland continued with the research on
radiation required for complete inactivation of microorganisms solar disinfection and studied the required doses for inactivating
was already reported by Bandala et al. [9] in 2011 when develop- the E. coli and S. faecalis bacteria and the viruses Bacteriophage f2,
ing clean water sensors for SODIS based on azo dyes. Rotavirus and Encephalomyocarditis virus under real sun at con-
This review was divided into three groups of pathogens that trolled temperature. The main findings were the synergistic effects
might be present in water: bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Table 2 of temperature and UV radiation for temperatures over 45 1C,
summarises the main retrieved data from the different research increasing the inactivation rate of microorganisms, and the
studies. As it can be observed, the group of the enteric bacteria is required dose for E. coli, 2000 kJ/m2 of solar radiation in the
the most studied one, in comparison with the works conducted spectral range of 350–450 nm, equivalent to 5 h of mid-latitude
specifically with viruses or protozoa. The table gives three main midday summer sunshine in Switzerland. This value, increased to
parameters: UV dose, solar irradiation dose, and water tempera- one more hour, is the one used by EAWAG (Swiss Federal Institute
ture, not always provided or monitored at the same time in all the of Aquatic Science and Technology) in the dissemination of SODIS
studies. Most of the works conducted under real sun used a system technology around the world [43]. Inactivation doses for the
to control the water temperature, and only few of them allowed analysed viruses were similar except for the Encephalomyocarditis
the temperature to follow the natural profile under the sun, which virus that was approximately double. Vibrio cholerae was first
is more realistic when calculating inactivation rates and corre- studied under real sun by Sommer et al. in 1997 [36], using
sponding doses [36–40]. But the temperature-controlled experi- transparent plastic bags instead of plastic bottles. In principle, bags
ments provide information about the effect of temperature and are more effective than bottles because of their reduced water
the calculation of doses of UV and global irradiance at different depth, but they are also less manageable and reliable in develop-
temperatures [41,42]. Overall, there is the feeling that only one ing regions. Dose for 99.9% inactivation was 195 kJ/m2 of UVA
parameter is not sufficient to define a clean water criterion when radiation.
using solar disinfection and UV, and a combination of parameters In 2006 and 2008, Berney et al. [42] and Boyle et al. [37]
including time, UV dose, global irradiance, water temperature and respectively, conducted a thorough group of tests each, the former
their distributions along the day is needed [38,1,43]. with quartz containers and controlled temperature at 37 1C, and
In general, the works show that the synergistic effects of the latter with PET bottles and natural profile temperature. Berney
temperature and UV are relevant only when the water tempera- et al. obtained inactivation doses of 1530 kJ/m2 (350–450 nm) for
ture is over 45 h [41]. Enteric bacteria and viruses require smaller E. coli, 2431 kJ/m2 (350–450 nm) for Salmonella enteric serovar
doses of UV and global irradiance than protozoa (in these works, Typhimurium, 1194 kJ/m2 (350–450 nm) for Shigella flexneri, and
Cryptosporidium parvum), which are more resistant to solar disin- 305 kJ/m2 (350–450 nm) for Vibrio cholerae. These values are in
fection. Another general observation is the no-regrowth of bacteria agreement with the previous published works, as they are
Table 2
Main waterborne pathogens (bacteria, viruses and protozoa) and their inactivation parameters (UV, solar irradiation, temperature) under natural sunlight from different studies.

Microorganism Container Microorganism Initial microorganism Time to 99.9% UV dose required Solar irradiation Temperature (1C) References Year
source density (CFU/ml) (min) (kJ/m2) required (kJ/m2)

Enteric bacteria
Coliform bacteria Pyrex Real water – 85 – – – Acra et al. [44] 1984
Coliform bacteria Pyrex Pure culture – 80 – – –
E. coli Pyrex Pure culture – 75 – – –
– – – –

M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563
P. aerugenosa Pyrex Pure culture 15
S. flexneri Pyrex Pure culture – 30 – – –
S. typhi Pyrex Pure culture – 60 – – –
S. enteritidis Pyrex Pure culture – 60 – – –
S. paratyphi B Pyrex Pure culture – 90 – – –
E. coli Quartz Pure culture 103–104 – 306 (320– 2040 (350–450 nm) 15.5 MJ/m2 20 Wegelin et al. [41] 1994
405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
E. coli Quartz Pure culture 102–107 – 78 (320–405 nm) 520 (350–450 nm) 4 MJ/m2 50
(400–1100 nm)
2 7
E. coli Quartz Real water 10 –10 – 285 (320– 1900 (350–450 nm) 14.4 MJ/m2 20
405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
E. coli Quartz Real water 102–107 – 75 (320–405 nm) 500 (350–450 nm) 3.8 MJ/m2 50
(400–1100 nm)
Str. faecalis Quartz Pure culture 104 – 209 (320– 1390 (350–450 nm) 10.6 MJ/m2 20
405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
Vibrio cholerae Plastic bag Pure culture 10 140 195 – Max reached 55 1C Sommer et al. [36] 1997
natural temperature
E. coli PET Real water – – – 9 MJ/m 30 SODIS manual 2002
E. coli PET Real water – – – 1.8 MJ/m2 50
E. coli Quartz Pure culture 107 182 (90%) 230 (320– 1530 (350–450 nm) 11.6 MJ/m2 37 Berney et al. [42] 2006
405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
Salmonella enterica serovar Quartz Pure culture 107 187 (90%) 365 (320– 2431 (350–450 nm) 18.5 MJ/m2 37
Typhimurium 405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
Shigella flexneri Quartz Pure culture 10 136 (90%) 179 (320– 1194 (350–450 nm) 9.1 MJ/m2 37
405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
Vibrio cholerae Quartz Pure culture 107 24 (90%) 46 (320–405 nm) 305 (350–450 nm) 2.3 MJ/m2 37
(400–1100 nm)
Campylobacter jejuni PET Pure culture 106 2.1 (90%) 14.5 (295– 2 days exposure, 8 h each, Natural temperature Boyle et al. [37] 2008
385 nm) 30.6 MJ/m2 average per day
Yersinia enterocolitica PET Pure culture 10 78.6 (90%) 89.9 (295– 2 days exposure, 8 h each, Natural temperature
385 nm) 30.6 MJ/m2 average per day
E. coli PET Pure culture 10 33.4 (90%) 125.6 (295– 2 days exposure, 8 h each, Natural temperature
385 nm) 30.6 MJ/m2 average per day
Staphylococcus epidermidis PET Pure culture 106 12 (90%) 52.9 (295– 2 days exposure, 8 h each, Natural temperature
385 nm) 30.6 MJ/m2 average per day
E. coli PET Real water – – – 9.78 MJ/m2 Above 45 1C for 5 h Marques et al. [40] 2013
natural temperature

Bacteriophage f2 Quartz Pure culture 104–1010 – 321 (320– 2140 (350–450 nm) 16.3 MJ/m2 30 Wegelin et al. [41] 1994
405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
Rotavirus Quartz Pure culture 104–1010 – 372 (320– 2480 (350–450 nm) 18.9 MJ/m2 30

405 nm) (400–1100 nm)
560 M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563

between the doses calculated for temperatures of 20 1C and 50 1C

Gómez-Couso et al. 2009


by Wegelin et al. The work from Boyle et al. represents the first
detailed study using PET bottles with natural temperature. They

analysed the solar disinfection process for E. coli and Staphylococ-

et al. [38]
cus epidermidis as well as for two other bacteria that were not

studied before: Campylobacter jejuni and Yersinia enterocolitica.

Both bacteria were also inactivated by solar disinfection, although
Y. enterocolitica was more resistant than the other bacteria.
Finally, in 2012, Marques et al. [40] conducted different tests
along the year with water from a polluted river, analysing
max temp 1X – 42 max

thermotolerant coliform bacteria and E. coli. They achieved com-

plete inactivation for a cumulative global irradiance of 9776 kJ/m2
temp 1.89X – 50.7
Natural temperature

Natural temperature

(full spectrum), with water temperature above 45 1C for at least

Temperature (1C)

5 h. The most recent review on SODIS technology has been written

by McGuigan et al. [1] in 2012, giving a summary of the water-
borne microbial species that are now known to be inactivated by
SODIS, showing how there is limited work done with viruses and

protozoa. Only the works from Méndez-Hermida et al. in 2007

[38] and Gómez-Couso et al. in 2009 [39] have analysed under real
sunlight the solar inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts,
with much higher UV dose required than for enteric bacteria or
From all the findings of the reviewed works in Table V and
required (kJ/m2)
Time to 99.9% UV dose required Solar irradiation

considering the criteria given in the SODIS manual [43], a

 double dose

37–50 MJ/m2

proposed combination of parameters measured by the clean water

PV sensor to decide when the water is clean was presented. The
limits were established so most of the inactivation doses for both
enteric bacteria and viruses were covered. These are the proposed

clean water criteria for the sensor when the water turbidity is
below 30NTU:
731.5 (6 h, 5%

 sunshine duration 46 h;

 cumulative global irradiation with water temperature above

30 1C 49 MJ/m2;
 cumulative global irradiation with water temperature above
30 1C at the bottom of the bottle 4 4.5 MJ/m2;
 cumulative UV with temperature above 30 1C 4375 kJ/m2.

Initial microorganism

4.4.2. Preliminary test with SODIS bottles and E. coli

density (CFU/ml)

After the literature review, a preliminary test was conducted

with a real microorganism in the water, E. coli, to test the
suitability of the new sensor. The test was conducted at the

facilities of IMDEA Agua (Alcalá de Henares, Spain).


The E. coli used was previously isolated from a real wastewater

and preserved as a suspension in 100 mL of buffered peptone


water at 4 1C. 1 mL of the bacterial cell preparation was added to a

Pure culture

Pure culture

1500 mL SODIS PET bottle rinsed and disinfected by artificial UV


irradiance for 1 h, and then filled with filtered Milli-Q water


(0.22 μm). The bottle was prepared following SODIS guidelines,

first filling up to 75% of capacity, then shaking for 20 s, and finally
filling up completely. A total of 8 bottles were prepared, 6 for the
Glass with CPC
(1X, 1.89X)

sunlight exposure (one per hour), and 2 for control (one in the lab

and one outdoor in the shade).


The SODIS bottles were set up N–S oriented under natural


sunlight for 6 h along with the sensor monitoring global irradi-

ance, UV irradiance, irradiance under the bottle and cell and water
Encephalomyocarditis virus

temperature in the lid, plus a small weather station measuring

global horizontal irradiance, UV irradiance and ambient tempera-
Table 2 (continued )

ture (Fig. 17a). Data were recorded automatically at 30 s-intervals.


Each hour, one bottle was removed for microbiological analysis.

Microbiological analysis was conducted following the standard
C. parvum

C. parvum

method for detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and

coliform bacteria in drinking water by membrane filtration tech-
nique using chromgenic coliform agar (CCA) [45]. Samples were
M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563 561

Fig. 17. (a) Set up of experiment with PET bottles filled with water containing E. coli and sensor unit 2 underneath one of them to measure irradiance in the bottom of the
bottle and water temperature, along with sensor unit 1 measuring sunshine duration, global irradiance and UV irradiance and b) climatic conditions during the experiment,
including global horizontal irradiance and total UV irradiance (21 May 2013).

Fig. 18. (a) Irradiance on the cell below the bottle, showing a concentration effect that increases the irradiance during the central hours of the day and (b) cell temperature,
above 15 1C of ambient temperature and water temperature, with a peak due to concentration directly onto the sensor, over the span of the experiment (21 May 2013).

initially filtered through a 0.45 μm membrane filter. The samples

were previously diluted if necessary to obtain between 20 and 200
colonies per filter, with dilution factors up to 104 using sterilised
Milli-Q water. Each sample was filtered three times and then
transferred to Petri dishes with a Chromogenic Coliforms Agar
(CCA, Scharlau 1-695) prepared with the Coliform CV Selective
Supplement (Scharlau). Petri dishes were incubated at 36 1C7 1
for 18–24 h and after plate counts were determined, enumerating
E. coli as deep blue to violet colonies (CFU/100 mL).
Climatic conditions during the experiment are shown in
Fig. 17b, showing the global irradiance and the UV irradiance in
the horizontal plane. Overall, it was a sunny day but windy, with
fast clouds passing-by and dropping the irradiance to low levels
each time a cloud crossed the sun. From the sensor, Fig. 18a shows
the irradiance below the bottle in comparison with the global
irradiance. A concentration effect can be observed again on the
cell, although this time it is lower (maybe due to the different Fig. 19. Inactivation curves of E. coli under natural sunlight in log reduction units,
orientations of the bottle, bottle cap facing north instead of south, showing reduction in bacteria population with increased solar exposure (21 May
or the presence of bacteria in the water). 2013). Sample corresponding to the 6th hour presents an increase in bacterial
population, possibly due to different exposure conditions as it is the only bottle not
Regarding temperatures (Fig. 18b), the ambient temperature
directly on the ground but over the sensor, more exposed to the wind and with less
was 20 1C on average, varying due to a very windy day with cool reflected irradiance from the ground, leading to reduced temperature and reduced
air. The solar cell temperature was about 15 1C above ambient irradiance exposure. Control samples, both in the laboratory and in the shade
temperature, but it does not follow the concentration profile due outdoor, do not show inactivation. Error bars represent triplicate measurement.
to the fast clouds passing by, so the thermal inertia of the cell
cannot follow the rapid changes. Finally, the water temperature of sun exposure within the bottle, reaching at a certain moment a
the bottle with the sensor was of 24 1C on average, not reaching peak concentration that reaches almost 100 1C.
30 1C at any moment. The observed peak is probably caused by Fig. 19 presents the results corresponding to the microbiologi-
concentration effect. During this experiment the temperature cal analysis of the SODIS bottles exposed to the real sun and the
sensor inside the bottle is facing south, so it is not protected from control samples kept in dark. We observe how the E. coli is being
562 M. Vivar et al. / Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 117 (2013) 549–563

Table 3 One of the key aspects of the design is the UV irradiance

Proposed clean water criteria based on sunshine duration, global irradiation, global measurement. Two identical cells were used, one of them with a
irradiation through the bottle and UV irradiation; and calculated values for the
low-cost UV-blocking filter on top, so the total UV irradiance could
conducted experiment (21 May 2013), not meeting the criteria for clean water.
be calculated as the difference of the two solar cells outputs. The
Parameter Clean water criteria Experiment of first cell would be measuring UV–vis–NIR and the second only vis–
21 May 2013 NIR. The UV filter material was explored and a low-cost architec-
tural film was selected. Initial materials cost for the first prototype
Sunshine duration 46 h 5.08
Cumulative global irradiation with water 49 MJ/m2 0
was approximately 4€, excluding labour.
temperature above 30 1C From the initial testing, different areas can be identified to
Cumulative global irradiation with water 44.5 MJ/m2 0 focus future research. First, UV films should be thoroughly
temperature above 30 1C at the explored, as the UV film used for the initial sensor was 95% UV-
bottom of the bottle
blocking, but there are 99% UV-blocking filters that could improve
Cumulative UV with temperature 4375 kJ/m2 0
above 30 1C the performance of the sensor without compromising on the low
Cumulative global irradiation – 17.3 MJ/m2 cost. Second, the effect of the concentration should be further
Cumulative global irradiation at – 13.4 MJ/m2 investigated in order to understand the possible advantages or
the bottom of the bottle limitations. Third, the proposed clean water criteria using the
Cumulative UV – 528 kJ/m2
sensor main parameters should be validated and/or optimised or
modified according to the experimental findings via extensive
testing. And finally, cost and reliability should be fully explored.
inactivated, reducing the bacteria population with solar exposure. One of the main issues of the new sensor is that although they are
The sample corresponding to the 6th hour presents an increase in inexpensive (solar cells can be as low as 0.1€/cell), it requires a
bacterial population, possibly due to different exposure conditions data monitoring system, i.e., that a low cost datalogger is also
as it is the only bottle not directly on the ground but over the required. This is already being investigated in collaboration with
sensor, more exposed to the wind and with less reflected irra- the University of Jaén, where a low-cost datalogger with high-
diance from the ground, leading to reduced temperature and resolution has been already developed using Arduino [46], with a
reduced irradiance exposure. A slower inactivation would explain total cost of the first prototype of only 60€ (equivalent commercial
this different result. Other possible causes would be re-growth of dataloggers can be up to 3000€).
bacteria but it would be unlikely due to the same climatic
conditions. More work should be done on this issue to determine
the cause of the difference. After 5 h under natural sunlight, the Acknowledgements
reduction of E. coli in the ground bottles is 96%. From the water
microbiological analysis, the water was still ‘not clean’. The authors would like to thank the Instituto de Energía Solar
From the sensor monitored data, main parameters required to (IES-UPM, Madrid, Spain), the Centro Tecnológico del Silicio
decide if the water is clean or not according to the proposed (Madrid, Spain) and the company Impersol Lda (Lisbon, Portugal),
criteria for clean water detection were calculated. Table 3 shows for providing access to their laboratory facilities and help with the
the obtained parameters against the proposed criteria, where none manufacturing of the new sensor.
of the clean water criteria values are met. Sunshine duration
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