G2 Questionnaire

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1. What are plants, photosynthetic bacteria and chemosynthetic bacteria called?

2. What is the limit in percentage of each preceding trophic level?
3. What causes for ecological succession to take place?
4. Who are the first species to inhabit newly developing ecological communities and initiates the recovery following a
5. It is the ability of ecosystem to return to normal functioning after a disturbance.
6. What level of biodiversity determines the variety of genes within a species?
7. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world -
the species has died out.
8. These are the species that are undomesticated or tamed and usually living in a natural environment, including both game
and nongame species, non-cultivated plants, fungi, algae and even microorganisms.
9. This kind of value is usually anthropocentric and if its existence or use benefits some other entity (by providing food,
shelter, or a source of income).
10. It is defined as the variety of life found in a place on Earth.
11. It has the capacity to replenish itself despite of certain quantities of organisms being taken from it.
12. To ensure the continuity of species and ecosystems, regardless of their potential utility.
13. It is the most over-exploited ecosystems on the planet.
14. It can refer to either a particular aquatic area or to a group of fish or shellfish being exploited.
15. To repair damage to specific lands and waters so that normal ecosystem integrity, resilience, and productivity return.
16. A consequence of rapid growth that is converting natural ecosystems to agricultural production resulting loss if goods and
17. What is the basic premise of demographic transition?
18. A revolution when vaccinations against different diseases were developed, and whole populations were immunized
against such scourges and the discovery of penicillin resulted in cures for often fatal diseases such as pneumonia and
blood poisoning. Improvements in nutrition began to be significant as well.
19. A phase of demographic transition that reflects a primitive stability resulting from a high CBR offset by an equally high
20. An arm of the United Nations, divides the countries of the world into three main economic categories, according to
average per capita gross national income.
21. State one reason why poorer countries have larger families.
22. It is a situation that a conflict-prone country the lacks a stable government that can protect its citizens and provide then
with necessary services.
23. What are two major agencies that promote development in poor nations?
24. What do you call a financial aid given by governments and other agencies to support the economic, environmental,
social, and political development of developing countries?
25. Give two of the five interdependent components that must be addressed to bring about social modernization.

1. Producers/Autotrophs
2. 10%
3. Disturbance
4. Pioneer species
5. Resilience
6. Genetic diversity
7. Extinction
8. Wild species
9. Instrumental Value
10. Biodiversity
11. Ecosystem
12. Preservation
13. Grassland
14. Fishery
15. Restoration
16. Opening up new lands
17. Casual link between modernization and a decline in birth and death rates
18. Medical Revolution
19. Phase I
20. World Bank
21. Old age security, Infant and childhood mortality, Helping hands, Status of women, Availability of contraceptives
22. Fragile state
23. World Bank and United Nations
24. Development aid
25. Improving education, Improving health, Family planning, Employment and income, and Resource management.


Down: Across:

1. Species that are undomesticated or tamed and usually 2. The overharvest of a particular species.
living in a natural environment, including both game 3. It is composed of two parts: biotic components(living)
and nongame species, non-cultivated plants, fungi, and abiotic components(non-living)
algae and even microorganisms. 4. An interlocking food chains.
5. It is defined as a significant event, which often act 8. This occurs when there are no more individuals of that
quickly and with great effect that kills or displaces species alive anywhere in the world.
many community member. 9. Field of collecting, compiling, and presenting
6. It is the removal of forest and its replacement by information about human populations.
another land use. 10. A series of transfer of energy and matter in the form of
7. To manage or regulate use so that it does not exceed food from organism to organism
the capacity of the species or system to renew itself.


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