English Language - 2

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(19-04-2020 – 23-04-2020)

‘Into Battle’ (NEW ENGLISH FOURTH by Rhodri Jones, pages: 147 - 149)

General Instructions: This is a complex text; students are suggested to go through the extract
carefully, spending as much time as they need. There are several new words that they need to
learn. As well as that, this text is important for learning the usage of rhetorical devices.
Rhetorical devices like simile, metaphor, irony, personification, hyperbole and alliteration have
been used a number of times in this text. Students are well advised to make a list of these devices
so that they can use these in their future writing.

Directed Writing

In recent times, world has become a totally uncertain place. The situation is dreadful everywhere.
Now, you have been asked to write an article for your school magazine about different global
issues that are threatening our lives. You should focus on the following:

 problems we are facing today

 how the problems are affecting our daily lives
 ways to get rid of the problems

Make sure your ideas are developed and informative.

General instructions: There should be a title and a byline. Remember you are writing it for your
friends, so your language can be a mixture of formal and informal, or you can use fairly formal
language. Write between 200 and 300 words. Use your school copy to answer the question.

Learning Idioms
The use of idioms in English language is widespread. Students should learn many idioms to
improve their English. With this end in view, we will be learning the following idioms, their
meanings and their uses.
 at length – for a long time and in detail:
We discussed the matter at length.
 go to any, some, great lengths to do something –to put a lot of effort into doing
Bella would go to any length to fulfill her ambition.
 lend an ear to somebody/something–to listen in a patient and sympathetic way to
He’s always prepared to lend an ear to his friends.
 lend somebody a helping hand (with something) –to help somebody with something:
Can you lend me a helping hand with this?
 lend support, weight etc. to something – to support or help:
The government has lent support to the campaign.
 not in the least – not at all:
Really, I am not in the least tired.
 to say the least – something is worse or more serious than you are actually saying:
His teaching methods are strange, to say the least.
 by/in leaps and bounds – very quickly:
Her health has improved in leaps and bounds.
 learn something the hard way – to understand a situation by learning from your mistakes
and bad experiences:
He failed the test and now he learned it the hard way how to work hard and pass.
 lead by example – to show the people you are in charge of what you want them to do by
doing it yourself:
The best managers/leaders lead by example.
 take the law into your own hands –to do something illegal in order to punish somebody
for doing something wrong, instead of letting the police deal with them:
Law-abiding citizens never take the law into their own hands.
 in the last resort –when there are no other possible courses of action:
The government has locked down the country in the last resort.


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