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3500/4500 CENCAL

Software Version V5.1

Addr. Size Item Description R/W Min Max Dp Def. Meas.

hex Unit
000A 1 Start / Stop - value 24 (18 Hex) R/W 0 255
Stop / Start - value 24 (18 Hex)
Reset - value 128 (80 Hex)
000E 2 - A/D reading of remote setpoint R 0 65535 - - cp
0016 2 - A/D reading of 50mV reference R 0 65535 - - cp
0018 2 - A/D reading of ambient temp. R 0 65535 - - cp
001A 2 - A/D reading GND R 0 65535 - - cp
001C 2 - A/D reading of RTD third wire R 0 65535 - - cp
001E 2 - A/D reading of main variable R 0 65535 - - cp
0027 1 PrOG Selected program R/W 0 50 - 0
0064 2 - Heating power (*3) R/W 0.0 100.0 - 1 %
0074 2 - Cooling power (*3) R/W 0.0 100.0 - 1 %
0082 2 P.V. Process variable R Lo_S Hi_S dP_S - S.p.
008E 2 SPR Remote setpoint value R LoSP HiSP dPSP - S.p.
0090 2 SP Local setpoint R/W _LO_ _HI_ dP_S S.p.
0092 2 LOSP Minimum scale remote setpoint R/W Lo_S Hi_S dPSP 0 S.p.
0094 2 HISP Maximum scale remote setpoint R/W Lo_S Hi_S dPSP 1000 S.p.
0096 1 tyPE Type of probe or linear input R/W 0 31 - 0 -
0097 1 Prot Level of protection R/W 0 19 - 0 -
0098 1 rEG.t Type of controller R/W 0 7 - 0 -
0099 1 SP.Pr Type of programmer R/W 0 6 - 0 -
009A 2 _no_ Serial comm. instrument code R/W 0 9999 - 1 -
009C 2 LO_S Minimum scale R/W -1999 9999 dP_S 0 S.p.
009E 2 HI_S Maximum scale R/W -1999 9999 dP_S 1000 S.p.
00A0 1 dP_S Decimal point position R/W 0 3 - 0 -
00A1 1 bArG Allocation to bargraph “ D “ R/W 0 1 - 0 -
00A2 1 - Status of the controller: R/W - - - - -
0H: auto, local
40H: manual, local
80H: auto, remote
C0H: manual, remote
00A3 1 FLt_ Filter time R/W 0 20.0 1 0 sec
00A4 2 rSt_ Manual reset R/W -99 99 0 0 S.p.
00A6 2 OFSt Main input offset R/W -999 999 0 0 S.p.
00A8 2 HPb- Heating proportional band R/W 0.0 999.9 1 2.5 %
00AA 2 HIt- Heating integral time R/W 0.00 99.99 2 4.00 min
00AC 2 Hdt- Heating derivative time R/W 0.00 99.99 2 1.50 min
00AE 2 CPb- Cooling proportional band R/W 0.0 999.9 1 2.5 %
00B0 2 CIt- Cooling integral time R/W 0.00 99.99 2 4.00 min
00B2 2 Cdt- Cooling derivative time R/W 0.00 99.99 2 1.50 min
00B4 2 P.rSt Reset power R/W 0 100.0 1 0.0 %
00B6 1 An.O.1 Ref. signal for analog output (*1) R/W 0 31 - 0 -
LOO1 Ref. signal for logic output (*1) 0 5 -
rL.O.1 Ref. signal for relay output (*1) 0 9 -
E8_1 Ref. signal for MD8-1 output (*1) 0 4 -
00B7 2 L.OU1 Trimming min. if Out1 = analog R/W -200 1000 - -
Addr. Size Item Description R/W Min Max Dp Def. Meas.
hex Unit
00B8 1 Ct_1 Cycle time if Out1 = logic or relay R/W 0 200 - 20 sec
00B9 2 H.OU1 Trimming max. if Out1 = analog R/W -1000 200 - -
00BB 1 An.O.2 Ref. signal for analog output (*1) R/W 0 31 - 1
LOO2 Ref. signal for logic output (*1) 0 5
rL.O.2 Ref. signal for relay output (*1) 0 9
E8_2 Ref. signal for MD8-1 output (*1) 0 4
00BC 2 L.OU2 Trimming min. if Out2 = analog R/W -200 1000 - -
00BD 1 Ct_2 Cycle time if Out2 = logic or relay R/W 0 200 - 20 sec
00BE 2 H.OU2 Trimming max. if Out2 = analog R/W -1000 200 - -
00C0 1 An.O.3 Ref. signal for analog output (*1) R/W 0 31 - 2 -
LOO3 Ref. signal for logic output (*1) 0 5
rL.O.3 Ref. signal for relay output (*1) 0 9
E8_3 Ref. signal for MD8-1 output (*1) 0 4
00C1 2 L.OU3 Trimming min. if Out3 = analog R/W -200 1000 - -
00C2 1 Ct_3 Cycle time if Out3 = logic or relay R/W 0 200 - 0 sec
00C3 2 H.OU3 Trimming max. if Out3 = analog R/W -1000 200 - -
00C5 1 An.O.4 Ref. signal for analog output (*1) R/W 0 31 - 3 -
LOO4 Ref. signal for logic output (*1) 0 5
rL.O.4 Ref. signal for relay output (*1) 0 9
E8_4 Ref. signal for MD8-1 output (*1) 0 4
00C6 2 L.OU4 Trimming min. if Out4 = analog R/W -200 1000 - -
00C7 1 Ct_4 Cycle time if Out4 = logic or relay R/W 0 200 - 0 sec
00C8 2 H.OU4 Trimming max. if Out4 = analog R/W -1000 200 - -
00CA 1 rL.O.5 Ref. signal for control output 5 R/W 0 9 - 3 -
( relay )
00CB 1 -At- Valve travel time R/W 0.0 20.0 1 0.0 min
00CC 1 Ct_5 Relay cycle time R/W 0 200 0 0 sec
( control output 5 )
00CF 1 S.tun Self-Tuning code R/W 0 15 - 0 -
00D0 2 _LO_ Setpoint low limit R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
00D2 2 _HI_ Setpoint high limit R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 1000 S.p.
00D4 2 HPHI Heating power limit R/W 0.0 100.0 1 100.0 %
00D6 2 CPHI Cooling power limit R/W 0.0 100.0 1 100.0 %
00D8 2 CSPO Cooling dead band R/W -25.0 25.0 1 0.0 %
00DA 2 -db- Valve dead zone R/W 0 1000 - 0 S.p.
00DC 2 t_LO Minimum valve pulse R/W 0.0 100.0 1 2.0 %
00DE 2 OFSP Remote setpoint offset R/W -999 999 - 0 S.p.
00E0 2 - Alarm point 1 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
00E2 2 HyS1 Hysteresis alarm 1 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
Addr. Size Item Description R/W Min Max Dp Def. Meas.
hex Unit
00E4 1 AL1.t Alarm 1 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
00E5 2 - Alarm point 2 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
00E7 2 HyS2 Hysteresis alarm 2 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
00E9 1 AL2.t Alarm 2 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
00EA 2 AL3 Alarm point 3 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
00EC 2 HyS3 Hysteresis alarm 3 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
00EE 1 AL3.t Alarm 3 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
00EF 2 AL4 Alarm point 4 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
00F1 2 HyS4 Hysteresis alarm 4 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
00F3 1 AL4.t Alarm 4 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
00F4 2 AL5 Alarm point 5 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
00F6 2 HyS5 Hysteresis alarm 5 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
00F8 1 AL5.t Alarm 5 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
00F9 2 AL6 Alarm point 6 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
00FB 2 HyS6 Hysteresis alarm 6 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
00FD 1 AL6.t Alarm 6 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
00FE 2 AL7 Alarm point 7 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
0100 2 HyS7 Hysteresis alarm 7 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
0102 1 AL7.t Alarm 7 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
0103 2 AL8 Alarm point 8 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
0105 2 HyS8 Hysteresis alarm 8 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
0107 1 AL8.t Alarm 8 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
0108 2 AL9 Alarm point 9 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
010A 2 HyS9 Hysteresis alarm 9 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
010C 1 AL9.t Alarm 9 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
010D 2 AL0 Alarm point 0 R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
( if relative ) -1999
010F 2 HyS0 Hysteresis alarm 0 R/W -999 999 - -1 S.p.
0111 1 AL0.t Alarm 0 type R/W 0 57 - 0 -
0136 2 St.00 Custom scale point 0 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 0 S.p.
0138 2 St.01 Custom scale point 1 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 31 S.p.
013A 2 St.02 Custom scale point 2 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 62 S.p.
013C 2 St.03 Custom scale point 3 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 94 S.p.
013E 2 St.04 Custom scale point 4 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 125 S.p.
0140 2 St.05 Custom scale point 5 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 156 S.p.
0142 2 St.06 Custom scale point 6 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 187 S.p.
0144 2 St.07 Custom scale point 7 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 219 S.p.
0146 2 St.08 Custom scale point 8 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 250 S.p.
0148 2 St.09 Custom scale point 9 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 281 S.p.
014A 2 St.10 Custom scale point 10 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 312 S.p.
014C 2 St.11 Custom scale point 11 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 344 S.p.
014E 2 St.12 Custom scale point 12 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 375 S.p.
Addr. Size Item Description R/W Min Max Dp Def. Meas.
hex Unit
0150 2 St.13 Custom scale point 13 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 406 S.p.
0152 2 St.14 Custom scale point 14 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 437 S.p.
0154 2 St.15 Custom scale point 15 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 469 S.p.
0156 2 St.16 Custom scale point 16 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 500 S.p.
0158 2 St.17 Custom scale point 17 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 531 S.p.
015A 2 St.18 Custom scale point 18 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 562 S.p.
015C 2 St.19 Custom scale point 19 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 594 S.p.
015E 2 St.20 Custom scale point 20 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 625 S.p.
0160 2 St.21 Custom scale point 21 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 656 S.p.
0162 2 St.22 Custom scale point 22 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 687 S.p.
0164 2 St.23 Custom scale point 23 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 719 S.p.
0166 2 St.24 Custom scale point 24 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 750 S.p.
0168 2 St.25 Custom scale point 25 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 781 S.p.
016A 2 St.26 Custom scale point 26 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 812 S.p.
016C 2 St.27 Custom scale point 27 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 844 S.p.
016E 2 St.28 Custom scale point 28 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 875 S.p.
0170 2 St.29 Custom scale point 29 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 906 S.p.
0172 2 St.30 Custom scale point 30 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 937 S.p.
0174 2 St.31 Custom scale point 31 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 969 S.p.
0176 2 St.32 Custom scale point 32 (*2) R/W Lo_S Hi_S dP_S 1000 S.p.
0178 2 L.b.A.P L.B.A. alarm power R/W 0.0 100.0 1 100.0 %
017A 2 SOFt Soft-Start time R/W 0.0 100 1 0.0 min
017C 1 SPr.t Type of remote setpoint R/W 0 8 - 0 -
017D 1 bAud Baud rate R/W 0 3 - 0 -
017E 2 ArSt Antireset R/W 0 9999 - 0 S.p.
0180 1 E8_ MD8-1 extension mounted R/W 0 1 - 0 -
0181 1 dPSP Decimal point for auxiliary input R/W 0 3 - 0 -
0182 2 FFd- Feedforward gain R/W -100.0 100.0 1 0 %
0184 1 L.b.A.t. L.B.A. intervention time R/W 0.0 20.0 1 min
0185 1 - Tipe of control cards (*1) R - - - -
8000 1 - Program running R/W 1 50 - -
8001 1 CS.tP Current step R/W 0 99 - -
8002 1 LOOP Number of cycles to repeat R/W 0 200 - -
8004+4*(N-1) 1 F.St_ First step of program “ N “ R/W 0 99 - -
1 ≤N≤ 50
8005+4*(N-1) 1 L.St Final step of program “ N “ R/W 0 99 - -
8006+4*(N-1) 1 PrG.t Type of reset R/W 0 3 - -
8007+4*(N-1) 1 LOOP Number of cycles of program “ N “ R/W 0 200 - -
8110+0CH*n 2 HPbn Group “ n “ heating prop. band R/W 0.0 999.9 1 0 %
8112+0CH*n 2 HItn Group “ n “ heating integral time R/W 0.00 99.99 2 0 min
8114+0CH*n 2 Hdtn Group “ n “ heating derivative R/W 0.00 99.99 2 0 min
8116+0CH*n 2 CPbn Group “ n “ cooling prop. band R/W 0.0 999.9 1 0 %
8118+0CH*n 2 CItn Group “ n “ cooling integral time R/W 0.00 99.99 2 0 min
811A+0CH*n 2 Cdtn Group “ n “ cooling derivative R/W 0.00 99.99 2 0 min
time; 1 ≤ n ≤ 9
8188 2 Selected setpoint: local R _LO_ _HI_ dP_S - S.p.
remote LoSP HiSP dPSP
818C 2 -tH- Elapsed step time R/W 00.00 99.23 2 00.00 gg.hh
818E 2 -tL- Elapsed step time R/W 00.00 59.59 2 00.00
Addr. Size Item Description R/W Min Max Dp Def. Meas.
hex Unit
8192+12H*m 2 SPm Setpoint step “ m “ R/W _LO_ _HI_ dP_S 0 S.p.
8194+12H*m 2 rHm Ramp time R/W 00.00 99.23 2 0 gg.hh
8196+12H*m 2 rLm Ramp time R/W 00.00 59.59 2 0
8198+12H*m 2 SHm Soak time R/W 00.00 99.23 2 0 gg.hh
819A+12H*m 2 SLm Soak time R/W 00.00 59.59 2 0
819C+12H*m 2 Hbm Deviation band R/W 0 1000 - 0 S.p.
819E+12H*m 1 G.rm Gradient R/W 0 200 - 0 digit/
819F+12H*m 1 dSm P.I.D. parameter block R/W 0 9 - 0 -
81A0+12H*m 1 oAm 8 logic outputs 1-8 R/W 0 255 - 0 -
81A1+12H*m 1 obm 8 logic outputs 9-16 R/W 0 255 - 0 -
81A2+12H*m 1 ISm 8 required to be active inputs R/W 0 255 - 0 -
81A3+12H*m 1 Irm 8 required to be non-active inputs R/W 0 255 - 0 -
0 ≤ m ≤ 99


(*1) Hardware configuration is defined in the control cards:

bit 0, 1 Card type in position 1
bit 2, 3 Card type in position 2
bit 4, 5 Card type in position 3
bit 6, 7 Card type in position 4

The type for each position is defined as:

00 = Analog card
01 = Logic card
10 = Relay card
11 = MD8 extension module/card not installed

(*2) The value of “ Def. “ column is expressed in “ S.p. “, the value read or written from the serial port is
within a 0 – 65535 range.

Conversion example from “ S.p. “ to 65535tdths:

if LO_S = 0, HI_S = 1000, St.01 = 31
St.01 value read from serial = St.01 * 65535/( HI_S - LO_S ) = 2031

(*3) The value read or written from serial is within a 0 – 65535 range

Reading example = 50.0 %, Read value = 50.0 * 65535/100 = 32767

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