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Name : Siti Zahroul Khoiriyah

Nim :12203183024

Class : Tbi 4E

1. Benefits of warm-up activities:

• Increase the students participation.
• Attract students attention.
• Help students feel relaxed it.
• Make the class more interesting.
• Activate students prior knowledge.

• Make students ready for the new material.

2. Features of warm-up activities:
• Have to be interesting so the students get motivated from the very beginning.
• Have to be short because they are not the main focus of the lesson.
• Not difficult or confusing.
• May provide revision for the previous lesson so they can be used to give students a chance to revise
previously taught material.
• May be adapted to suit the teaching point so you can use them as a kind of introduction for your new
3. Example of warm-up activities:
• Make as many words as you can. You can write a word on the board ask the students to make a many
word from it as they can.
• Here’s the answer, what’s the question. In this activity the teacher writes the answers to a few
questions about his or her life on the board, students have to give what the question is.

• Make the longest words. In this activity you can write a word vertically down the board for example
the word “teacher” you write it vertically so you start with the letter T on the first line, E on the second
line and so on. And then ask students to come up with the longest word that begins with each letter.

• Twenty question. In this activity one student think of something and the other students ask yes/no
question to guess what it is.
• Guess the picture. In this activity student comes to the board and starts to drawsomething the other
students who tries to give what the picture is before the person has finished the drawing yet.

• A to z race. In this activity you can give the students a theme food, animals or anything. Write the
letter is A to Z on the board and ask students to give an appropriate word beginning with each letter
• What does your name mean?. In this activity you can ask each student to write his or her name and to
try to find a suitable adjective that begins with each letter of their first name
.4. In the video 2 the teacher does some simple warm-up activities to the children. When he come to
class he said some greetings like good morning and how are you, then he ask the children to stand up,
then he say some vocabulary with movement and the children follow him. He really just use simple
vocabulary like up, down, big, small, long, short, high, low, fast, slow, close, open, right, left, on, off, in,
off, under, over, yes, no, I don’t know. And use simple movement like lifting hand, lowering hands etc.
then after finish he said sit down.

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