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Simple set up, minimal to no prep time needed
Sensory, In the Kitchen, Art, Science, Montessori Activities and More!

1. Moon Sand—2 table spoons oil, 1 cup flour and mix, add figurines for a layer of fun

2. Cloud Dough
3. Make your own play dough--- extensions on playdough play
a. How high can you stack it? —give your child blocks or any manipulative, invite
him/her to stack them with a piece of playdough in between

b. Stick some pipecleaners into the dough and give your child some beads or cut up
straws to make patters and explore

c. Cunstruction site—dump trucks, pebbles, logs etc.

4. Baby washing—a baby, soapy water and scrubber, replace baby with dinosaur, monster
trucks etc.

5. Small world plays
a. “snow” – freeze a box of baking soda, pour into a large container, add some
scoopers or arctic animals and you have a winter small world sensory play!

b. farm small world/ sensory play

6. Slime—equal parts liquid starch and liquid glue, optional: food coloring, glitter, foam
beads, beads, salt, sand, shaving cream—for color and added texture
7. Chia seed slime—water and chia seeds, add figurines for added fun

8. Shaving cream on a table, allow for child to explore, optional: food coloring, invite child
to draw pictures, numbers, letters etc in the shaving cream
9. Sensory play—rice, beans, corn, bird seeds, etc. with scoopers and bowls

10. Finger paining

11. Potion making—provide child with a bowl of shaving cream, some baking soda, glitter,
soapy water, bowls and spoons and invite child to make potions
12. Oobleck—corn starch and water, optional: food coloring
13. Dye rice, beans, corn, chickpeas, past etc. with food coloring
Pour into a bin, add scoopers and bowls

14. Hide and Seek Sensory Bowl: A large bowl of rice, beans etc. – hide objects inside. Print
a visual list of the objects that are hidden, invite child to feel for an object then find the

15. Potato scrubbing, apple scrubbing, shofar scrubbing etc. – soapy water and scrubbers


16. Excavate! Freeze any toy, nature finds, gems etc. in water, give your child a hammer and
salt and invite to free the frozen toys

17. Car wash! Invite your child to wash his or her car, bike or scooter! All you need is soapy
water, scrubbers and a towel

18. Bake

19. Smoothies—invite child to choose fruits and cut on own

20. Help mommy in the kitchen—wash and cut veggies, make vegetable soup

21. Make OJ

22. Fruit skewer snacks

23. Collages
24. Painting with flowers—use flowers or leaves instead of a paintbrush

25. Beading—use pipe cleaners, reusable straws, ribbon wire, cut up straws, fruit loops,
beads, spools etc.

26. Chalk—color on ground, color on paper, dip in water and paint on black paper, grind and
paint with water and paintbrush

27. Paint on bubble wrap and then flip onto paper, pat it and lift and see painting printed on
the paper


28. Paint with oil on paper
29. Paint with water—a bowl of water, paintbrush and paper/ a bowl of water, paintbrush
and the outdoor walls or ground
30. Make Paper chains

31. Homemade crayons—gather all broken crayons, place in a silicon tray, put in oven or
under the sun to melt

32. Nature walk rainbow—invite your child on a nature walk, provide your child with a
basket or bag to collect pieces of nature. At home, invite child to sort collection by color,
invite child to make a rainbow or a collage out of these items


33. Draw or write something with chalk on a chalk board or on the ground outside, give
your child a bowl of water and a brush and invite child to “erase” the writing.

34. Ice painting—fill ice tray with paint, stick popsicle sticks inside and freeze. Invite child to
paint on paper

35. Water colors or liquid water colors (water and food coloring)—providing a massive
paper might change it up a bit and make the activity more tempting

36. Paint and wash—allow your child to choose a toy, figurine etc. i.e. dinosaur, monster
trucks, waterproof baby and invite your child to paint it, once finished, give child a bowl
of water and scrubbers (i.e. sponge, tooth brush etc.) to wash paint off
37. Paint in the shower. Once finished, invite child to help clean with wipes or a bowl of
water and scrubbers


38. Stamping

39. Paint on recyclables

40. Marble painting
41. Paint with household items i.e. funnels, bottle caps, potato masher, bowls etc. dip item
in paint and then print onto paper


42. Face painting—allow your child to face paint their own face!

43. Scissors and strips of paper

44. Provide your child with a bowl of ice cubes, liquid water color (water and food coloring),
saltshaker and droppers/paint brush. Invite child to paint or squeeze liquid water color
over ice and shake salt over



45. Baking Soda and Vinegar
a bowl/ plate of baking soda, vinegar—use spoon or dropper
46. Baking soda surprise
firs put drops of food coloring on a tray or into cups then cover with baking soda, give
your child a bowl of vinegar and a dropper and allow child to explore

47. Fill a cookie cutter with baking soda, give child a bowl of vinegar (optional: add food
coloring) an da dropper and allow child to explore

48. Baking Soda Cubes—in a bowl mix baking soda and a bit of water till thick and pasty
looking, pack an ice cube tray with it. freeze. Give your child a bowl of colored vinegar
(vinegar and food coloring), a spoon, dropper or syringe and allow your child to explore



Make a Montessori Activity! A Montessori activity should be self-correcting, minimizing
help form adults and fostering independence. It also develops fine motor skills and hand
eye coordination which prepares them for future writing activities. Through Montessori
activities the child increases their independence, develops their coordination and
concentration and learns the concept of order.

49. invite your child to peel the paper off the crayons

50. Rubber bands and cones

51. Invite child to help sharpen the pencils


52. Kippa and clips

53. soap grating—use gratings to make a bubble bath!
Grate a potato instead and make latkes with your child!

54. whole handed sponge squeezing—2 bowls, one empty and one filled, a sponge

55. transferring with tongs-- egg carton/ ice cube tray/ two bowls/ lipstck holder, tongs
something to transfer: pompoms, figurines, cotton balls, marbles,


56. weaving—dish rack and ribbon—invite child to weave, going over and under

57. water pouring-- a kettle filled with water and teacups

58. lock and key

59. clothes pins and a bowl, invite child to pin the clothespin onto the rim of the bowl. Make
sure the clothes pins fit on the rim before offering it to the child


60. spoon transferring—bowls, ice cube tray, egg carton etc. spoon and something to

61. water transferring-- 2 bowls, one empty and one with water, dropper or syringe


62. Scavenger hunt—hide toys around the house, create a list of all the toys that have been
hidden (picture form for non-readers). Give your child a bag or basket and invite your
child to find all the hiding animals.
63. Plant a seed or vegetable garden

64. Invite child to help clean the table with a spray and cloth, wipes etc.


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