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Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Dr. Eng. Pribadi Mumpuni Adhi

Education |Innovation |Technology

◦ Focus on the problem of computing heat and mass transfer rates to or from a
surface in external flow.
◦ Attention to problems of low-speed, forced convection with no phase change
occurring within the fluid.

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Local and average convection coefficients

Nusselt number is the ratio of convective to conductive heat transfer at a

boundary in a fluid

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Local and average convection coefficients

The Sherwood number (Sh) (also called the mass transfer Nusselt number) is a
dimensionless number used in mass-transfer operation. It represents the ratio of the
convective mass transfer to the rate of diffusive mass transport

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Part 1

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The empirical method
◦ a convection heat transfer correlation may be
obtained experimentally.
◦ We measure Ts and T ∞ as well as the electrical
power E, I which is equal to heat transfer rate q.
◦ The convection coefficient could be computed
from Newton’s law of cooling.
◦ From knowledge of fluid properties and
characteristic length L, the Nusselt, Reynolds, and
Prandtl number could be computed from their

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The empirical method

that experiments may also be performed to obtain

convection mass transfer correlations

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Part 2

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Flat plate in parallel flow

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Laminar flow over an Isothermal Plate
Local Nu number

Average Nu number

Local Sh number

Average Sh number

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Turbulent flow over an Isothermal Plate
Local Nu number

Local Sh number

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Mixed Boundary Layer

Average Nu number

Average Sh number

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Flat plates with constant heat flux
◦ It is also possible to have a uniform surface heat flux, rather than a uniform
temperature, imposed at the plate. For laminar flow, it may be shown

◦ while for turbulent flow

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◦ Air at a pressure of 6 kN/m2 and a temperature of 300°C flows with a velocity
of 10 m/s over a flat plate 0.5 m long. Estimate the cooling rate per unit width
of the plate needed to maintain it at a surface temperature of 27°C.

◦ Known: Airflow over an isothermal flat plate.
◦ Find: Cooling rate per unit width of the plate, q′ (W/m).
◦ Schematic:

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◦ A flat plate of width w = 1 m is maintained at a uniform surface temperature of Ts =
230°C by using independently controlled heated segments, each of which is Lh = 50
mm long. If atmospheric air at 25°C flows over the plate at a velocity of 60 m/s, which
segment requires the largest heater power, and what is the value of this power?
◦ Known: Airflow over a flat plate with segmented heaters.

◦ Find: Maximum heater power requirement.

◦ Schematic:

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Smooth Channel
◦ Smooth channel with uniform heat flux or uniform wall temperature

◦ Hydro-dynamically and thermally fully developed flow, heat balance

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Determination of heat transfer coefficient
◦ Heat flux q’’ determined from input power, radial temperature
gradient in channel wall, and enthalpy increase from inlet to
outlet: temperature difference and flow rate
◦ Inner surface temperature Tw determined from extrapolation of
radial temperature gradient in channel wall
◦ Fluid temperature (Tin+Tout)/2

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Non-dimensional correlations

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Empirical heat transfer correlations

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Heat Transfer Correlation

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Heat Transfer Correlation

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Study Case (Real Experiment)

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Experimental Data
No Flow rate Inlet Heater Power Surface Temperature Tw
Q (%) Temperature Tin Voltage V Current I (A) T1 (0C) T2 (0C)
(0C) (V)
1 30 24.56366 6.5 120 61.0528066 61.99351169
2 40 24.5387 6.5 120 52.62096512 53.23217902
8 45 25.64591 6.5 120 53.47099637 54.0343918
3 50 24.42567 6.5 120 46.52335292 46.36700838
4 60 24.35633 6.5 120 44.38422303 44.42746593
9 65 25.92748 6.5 120 43.57379672 45.29273659
5 70 24.37176 6.5 120 41.22532817 41.68457307
6 80 24.61534 6.5 120 38.67604701 39.84979372
7 90 25.08446 6.5 120 36.76768346 38.19403675

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Some relation
◦ The heat transfer coefficient (h) can be determined by this relation:
𝑞 = ℎ(𝑇𝑤 − 𝑇𝑏 ) , (1)
◦ Where Tb is bulk temperature of the water and can be calculated by this relation:
𝑊 𝑐𝑝 𝑇𝑏 − 𝑇𝑖𝑛 = 𝑃 , (2)
◦ Where W (=ρ u A) (kg/s) is the mass flow rate. The water density is ρ (kg/m3), u is coolant average
velocity (m/s), and A is cross sectional of flow channel, A= π(D2-d2)/4 (m2), where D and d respectively
are inner diameter of glass tube and outer diameter of heater pin
◦ P is the power and it can be calculated from voltage and current, P=VI. The relation between Power and
surface heat flux can be written by this relation:
𝑞 = 𝑉𝐼/𝜋𝑑𝐿, (3)
◦ Where L (m) is the heating length of the heater pin. Since the flow rate Q (%) is the data obtained by
orifice flow meter, it should be calibrated into mass flow rate W (kg/s), and the relation between W and
Q is given by:
𝑊 = 4.03 × 10−4 𝑄 + 4.5 × 10−4 (kg/s), (4)
◦ For the turbulent flow, the heat transfer coefficient can be estimated by Dittus-Boelter correlation:
𝑁𝑢 = 0.023Re0.8 Pr0.4 , (5)
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Some relation
◦ The non-dimensional quantities are defined by:
Nusselt number: 𝑁𝑢 ≡ ℎ𝐷𝑒 /𝑘, (6)
Reynoldss number : Re ≡ 𝜌𝑢𝐷𝑒 /𝜇 = 𝐺𝐷𝑒 /𝜇 = 𝑢𝐷𝑒 /𝑣, (7)
Prandtl number : Pr ≡ 𝑐𝑝 𝜇/𝑘 = 𝑣/𝛼, (8)
◦ Where De is the hydraulic diameter of channel (m), μ is the dynamic viscosity (Pa.s), v is the kinematic
viscosity (m2/s), cp is the specific heat (J/kgK), k is the thermal conductivity (W/mK),  is the thermal
diffusivity (m2/s), and G is mass flux (kg/m2s). The mass flux can be obtained by :
𝐺 = 𝜌𝑢 = 𝑊/𝐴, (9)
◦ The hydraulic diameter can be defined by:
4𝐴 (𝐷 2 −𝑑 2 )
𝐷𝑒 = = , (10)
𝐹 (𝐷+𝑑)

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◦ Please fill this table
No W G h1 h2 Dittus -
Nu1 Nu2 Re Pr
(Kg/s) (kg/m2s) (kW/m2) (kW/m2) Boelter

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Plotting the data
◦ Plot the Nu number (1 and 2) and Re number to get graph
◦ Plot the Dittus-Boelter Relation
◦ All the data in one graph
◦ Use the full log scale graph

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◦ Make a report in MS word or any word processor program
◦ The report should consist at least the original data, the calculated data, and the plot

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