Digital Image Processing

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Name of the Course Digital Image Processing

Course Code BCSE3045 L T P C

Prerequisite Basic Engineering 3 0 0 3

Course Objective
The purpose of this course is to impart knowledge on various Digital Image Processing Techniques and
their Applications
Course Outcomes
At the end of the Course student will be able to

CO1 Understand the fundamental concepts of digital image processing.

CO2 Use various Image enhancement Techniques on image.
CO3 Use various restoration techniques on image.
CO4 Use and analyze various Image compression and Image segmentation methods.
CO5 Implement various digital image processing techniques using MATLAB.

Text Book(s)
1. Rafael C. Gonzales, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Pearson Education, Third Edition,
2. Fundamentals of digital image processing by A.K.Jain.

Reference Book(s)
1. Jayaraman S., Esaki Rajan S., T.Veera Kumar, “Digital Image Processing”, Tata McGraw Hill Pvt.
Ltd., Second Reprint, 2010.
2. Bhabatosh Chanda, Dwejesh Dutta Majumder, “Digital Image Processing and analysis”, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., Second Edition, 2011.
3. Malay K. Pakhira, “Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., First
Edition, 2011.
4. Annadurai S., Shanmugalakshmi R., “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Pearson
Education, First Edition, 2007.


Course Content: Syllabus (BCSE3045)
Introduction – Origin, Steps in Digital Image Processing, Components, Elements of Visual Perception,
Image Sensing and Acquisition, Image Sampling and Quantization, Relationships between pixels.
Spatial Domain: Gray level transformations, Histogram processing, Basics of Spatial Filtering–
Smoothing and Sharpening, Spatial Filtering;
Frequency Domain: Introduction to Fourier Transform, Smoothing and Sharpening frequency domain
filters, Ideal, Butterworth and Gaussian filters.
Noise models – Mean Filters, Order Statistics, Adaptive filters, Band reject Filters, Band pass Filters,
Notch Filters, Optimum Notch Filtering, Inverse Filtering, Wiener filtering.
Compression: Fundamentals, Image Compression models, Error Free Compression, Variable Length
Coding, Bit-Plane Coding, Lossless Predictive Coding, Lossy Compression, Lossy Predictive Coding,
Wavelet Coding, Compression Standards- JPEG2000.
Segmentation: Detection of Discontinuities–Edge Linking and Boundary detection,Region based
Introduction to Image Processing Toolbox: Filtering, Enhancement, Edge Detection, Morphological
Operations Segmentation; Case studies–Various Image Processing Techniques.

Continuous Assessment Pattern

Internal Assessment(IA) Mid Term Exam(MTE) End Term Exam(ETE) Total Marks

20 30 50 100

Evaluation Process

Evaluation Duration Marks(100) Date & Time Nature of Evaluation

Component Components Component
During As per
Internal Quiz /
Semester 20 Academic IA
Assessment Assignment
study calendar
As per
Mid Semester Lab based
120 mins 30 Academic MTE
Examination activity
As per
End Semester Lab Based
180 mins 50 Academic ETE
Examination Activity
Name of the Course Digital Image Processing
Course Code BCSE3045
List of Activities
1. Perform the program for Contrast Stretching of an image
2. Perform the program for Histogram Specification in spatial domain.
3. Zooming by interpolation and replication
4. Read an image and perform histogram equalization of the input image and analyze the result
5. Read a grayscale image and convert it into a binary image using hard thresholding. Make the
threshold value as a user defined parameter vary the threshold and observe the result.
6. Program to performs gray level slicing with background
7. Program to performs gray level slicing without background
8. Program to performs an Negation of an image
9. Program to performs logarithmic transformation
10. Read an image and apply an normal averaging filter of size 3X3 and 5X5 to the image.
11. Read an image and apply an weighted averaging filter of size 3X3 and 5X5 to the image.
12. Read an image, then corrupt the image using 'salt and pepper noise'. now apply a 3X3 box filter,
a 5X5 box filter and the median filter to the corrupted image.
13. Read an eight bit image and extract the eight bit plane in the image(Bit plane slicing).
14. Read an eight bit image, set any of the bit planes 0 to 7 to zero in a user defined manner and
reconstruct the image. observe the impact of zeroing the least significant and most significant
bit plane.
15. Program to perform a low pass filter transfer function
16. Program to perform code to generate a separable low pass filter transfer function
17. Write a program that performs a two dimensional Butterworth high pass filter of the given
image for two different cutoff frequencies
18. Program to perform an Gaussian low pass filter
19. Program to perform an Gaussian high pass filter
20. Read an input image and perform a frequency domain low pass filter on the image
21. Read an input image and perform a frequency domain band pass filter on the image
22. Read an input image and perform a frequency domain band stop filter on the image
23. Perform the program for spatial domain under Low Pass Filtering
24. Perform the program for spatial domain under High Pass Filtering
25. Perform the program for spatial domain under Median filtering
26. Read an image, then blur the image apply the inverse filtering operation and find the image.
27. Read an image, then blur the image apply the pseudo inverse filtering operation and find the
28. Edge Detection using derivative filter mask by Prewitt
29. Edge Detection using derivative filter mask by Sobel
30. Edge Detection using derivative filter mask by Laplacian
31. Data compression using Huffman coding

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