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FM-Pro3 or FM-Tco3 and 1-Wire Digital Temperature Sensor

DS18B20 / DS18S20 connection manual

1. Connecting 1-Wire Digital Temperature Sensor DS18B20 / DS18S20 to FM-Pro3 or


a) 1-Wire Digital Temperature Sensor DS18B20 / DS18S20 (up to 3 pcs.) should be

connected to the FM-Pro3 or FM-Tco3 device 12 pin connection as follows:

DS18B20 / DS18S20 FM-Pro3

BLACK Pin2 (Chassis)

RED Pin4 (1W. +5V)

BLUE Pin6 (1W.Data)

Please see the Picture 1 below:

Picture 1. FM-Pro3 or FM-Tco3 and DS18B20 / DS18S20 connection scheme

Please note, that for correct FM-Pro3 or FM-Tco3 device working with 1-Wire Digital
Temperature Sensor DS18B20 / DS18S20, special FM-Pro3 or FM-Tco3 Firmware is not
2. 1-Wire Digital Temperature Sensor DS18B20 / DS18S20 configuration settings in FM
a) Open the FM3 Configurator;

b) Click on the “Options” button in the “IO events” section (see the Picture 2 below);

Picture 2. FM3 Configurator IO events

c) In the Options menu, there should be the following settings, as shown in the Picture 3
below (one of 3 Temperature Sensor0/1/2).

Picture 3. FM3 Configurator IO settings for Digital Temperature Sensor

3. Possible Error codes:

a) 2001 – Data line grounded;

b) 2002 – Failure on CRC calculation;

c) 2003 – Sensor not found;

d) 2004 – Temperature value is out of the range;

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