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3523 TURKEY — Ka to Ta lık Burnu — Buoy. Depths. Wreck.

Source: Turkish Chart 321

Chart 236 [ previous update 2288/2006 ] ED50 DATUM

Insert depth 135 and extend 20m contour N to enclose (a) 36° 10' ·8 N 30° 25' ·6 E
depth 61 and extend 100m contour S to enclose (b) 36° 08' ·6 N 29° 43' ·2 E
Substitute depth 114 for depth 17 36° 12' ·8 N 29° 56' ·9 E
Delete depth 20, adjacent to: (a) above
depth 80, adjacent to: (b) above

Office Chart No. Ed. No. Ed. Date NTM Previous NTM Folio
BA 236 1997/03/13 3523/06 2288/2006 30

file://C:\Documents and Settings\deck\Local Settings\Temp\ntm.html 03/10/2006

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