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Education and culture

Education is part of our culture, because we learn we educate our self from norms, mores, values,
tradition to keep that we share for the next generation. The belief and traditions we practice is to
educate one another. Education is not only learned from school, it is also from our rich culture to school.
What we learn from learning institution is taken basically from our culture.

Politics, Polity and Culture

It is said that political culture is the set of attitudes, beliefs, and sentiments which give order and
meaning to a political process and which provide the underlying assumptions and rules that govern
behavior in the political system. It encompasses both the political ideals and the operating norms of a
polity (ttps://
general-terms-and-concepts/political-culture). Political culture that seek and made even more definite
and neat for much understanding associates with long- standing concepts as political ideology, national
ethos and spirit, national political psychology, and fundamental norms and values of people.

Embracing the political orientations of both leaders and citizens, is more inclusive than such terms as
political style or operational code, which focus on elite behavior. The concept of political culture can be
seen as a natural evolution in the growth of the behavioral approach in political analysis, for it
represents an attempt to apply to problems of aggregate or systemic analysis the kinds of insights and
knowledge which were developed initially. Culture was developed in response to the need to bridge a
growing gap in the behavioral approach between the level of microanalysis, based on the psychological
interpretations of the individual’s political behavior, and the level of macro analysis, based on the
variables common to political sociology.

Religion and Culture

Culture shapes the way we see the world. It therefore has the capacity to bring about the change of
attitudes needed to ensure peace and sustainable development which, we know, form the only possible
way forward for life on planet Earth. Today, that goal is still a long way off. A global crisis faces humanity
at the dawn of the 21st century, marked by increasing poverty in our asymmetrical world,
environmental degradation and short-sightedness in policy-making. Culture is a crucial key to solving
this crisis (Preface, World Culture Report, UNESCO Publishing,)

Compiling an entry on the relationships among religion, culture, and communication is not an easy task.
There is not one accepted definition for any of these three terms, and research suggests that the
connections among these concepts are complex, to say the least. Thus, this article attempts to
synthesize the various approaches to these three terms and integrate them. In such an endeavor, it is
impossible to discuss all philosophical and paradigmatic debates or include all disciplines.

Reflections on the differences between religion and culture. Culture may be thought of as a causal agent
that affects the evolutionary process by uniquely human means. Religion, on the other hand, is
considered a process of revelation and contains the concept of the "faithful" who receive the message
of revelation.
Culture Change and Culture Relativism

Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments
using the standards of one's own culture. ... The concept of cultural relativism also means that any
opinion on ethics is subject to the perspective of each person within their particular culture. Culture
change is a term used in public policy making that emphasizes the influence of cultural capital on
individual and community behavior. It has been sometimes called repositioning of culture, which means
the reconstruction of the cultural concept of a society.

Industrialization and Culture

Industrialization is an aspiration for less developed country and developing country (Like the
Philippines). By introducing new technology to transform their economy and to become more
production in term of producing and manufacturing products. Culture may speed up or may retards
industralization. For does developing country, fragmented societies with depth classes and cultural gaps.
The dominant tradition and culture is reactive to the newer industrialization process and its industrial
culture. The pre existing culture must adopted or broke for industrialization to succeed.

Globalization and Culture

As of what industrialization does to our culture, globalization may also good or bad. Good for its shares
their existing culture to another. Culture is shared we don’t have or developed our own culture but
instead of adoption of other culture. Bad, for we as forgetting our developed culture for the for such
duration of time. As of today’s revolution and as what Karl Max invasion we in this future are force to
usetechnologies for we want to have a better and convenient life.

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