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National Building Information Model

Standard NBIMS
•BIM GIS Integration
•What is NBIMS
•Issues of Interoperability

N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f B u i l d i n g Sc i e n c e s
Fac i li
l i t ie
i e s IIn
n fo rm at i on Cou nc i l
N a t i o n a l B I M St a n d a r d

Dianne Davis
Chair-National BIM Standards Scoping Chair

 2007 AEC Infosystems

Dianne Davis
Chair-National BIM Standards Scoping Chair

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without written permission of author.

N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f B u i l d i n g Sc i e n c e s
Fac i li
l i t ie
i e s IIn
n fo rm at i on Cou nc i l
N a t i o n a l B I M St a n d a r d

Onuma, Inc.
 2007 AEC Infosystems
BIM/GIS Integration USCG 2001

 2007 AEC Infosystems

Business Intelligence
Simulation Value-Chain & Supply Chains

OMB-Capital Programming Guide/A-11:

Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 BIM
GAO –Practices in Capital Decision-Making
Lean Construction
Models of Anything & Everything Data standards
Interoperability Internet
LoB Metrics
AHP Scores
Sustainable Design, Green & LEED
Delivery Methods Information Leveraging

“Productizing” Construction Databases & Data mining

 2007 AEC Infosystems Real Property Executive Order # 13327
 NIST report on lack of information Interoperability
 $15.8 Billion Loss Yearly

 2007 AEC Infosystems 2004 2008 2012 2014 2018 2022 2024 ….
Who Benefits From BIM Implementation?
Facility Information Views
Mortgage Bankers
Cost & Quantity Estimators
Contracts & Lawyers

Construction Contractors
Code Officials
Facility Managers
Maintenance & Sustainment
Graphisoft Renovation & Restoration
Disposal & Recycling
Scoping, Testing, Simulation
Safety & Occupational Health
Environmental & NEPA
Plant Operations
Energy, LEED
Space & Security
Network Managers
Risk Management
Occupant Support
First Responders

 2007 AEC Infosystems /NBIMS

Foster alliances & standards
 2007 AEC Infosystems
Environmental impact of buildings

• 40% of global raw materials is consumed by buildings

• 65.2% of total U.S. electricity consumption

• 136 million tons of construction waste in the U.S.

We must make the rescue of the environment the

central organizing principle for civilization.
U.S. Department of the Interior
 2007 AEC Infosystems
Building Information Model Definition
 A Building Information Model (BIM) is a digital representation of
physical and functional characteristics of a facility.  As such it serves
as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility
forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle from
inception onward.
 A basic premise of BIM is collaboration by different stakeholders at
different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update
or modify information in the BIM to support and reflect the roles of
that stakeholder. The BIM is a shared digital representation founded
on open standards for interoperability.
 The US National BIM Standard promotes the business requirement
that this model be interoperable based on open standards.
Approved March 1, 2006 – NBIMS Exec Comm.

N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f B u i l d i n g Sc i e n c e s
Fa c i l i t i e s I n ffo
o rrm
m at
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onn Cou
Co u nc
nc il
N a t i o n a l B I M St a n d a r d

 2007 AEC Infosystems

Traditional Information Exchange
Civil Structural
Engineer Engineer

Building HVAC
Owner Engineer Architect
Civil Structural
Engineer Engineer

Facilities Govt. Building

Manager Building Information HVAC
Owner Model Engineer
Constr. (BIM)

Facilities Govt.

Slide courtesy of IAI International


NA Process Identification
Civil Structural
Engineer Engineer
Task Team
Building Information HVAC
Owner Model Engineer
• Building Information Model
– represents product and digital
Manager deliverable of data
– Information aggregated to support
simulation and analysis
• Building Information Modeling
– Process by which we utilize BIM based
upon business use cases
• Integrated Practice
– The collaborative environment possible
with the use of a BIM process
N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f B u i l d i n g Sc i e n c e s
Fa c i l i t i e s I n ffo
o rrm
m at
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onn Cou
Co u nc
nc il
N a t i o n a l B I M St a n d a r d
Building Lifecycle
Laws and CAD software
regulations -Drawings,
-Building regulations calculations
Knowledge -Building -Architect, VRML
specifications engineer,…
-Visualisation, 3D
-Best practise Simulations
knowledge -Comfort
-Own practice
Briefing -Ventilation,
-Functional heating
req. -Life cycle cost
-Estimates -Light, sound
IFC + IFD -Insulation
-Fire, usage
refurbishment product -Environment
-Life time
-Demolition model

manageme Specifications
nt -Specification sheets
-Letting, sale, -Classification
operations Construction
-Maintenance management Procurementstandards
-Estimates, accounting
-Guaranties -Scheduling -Product databases
-Logistics, 4D -Price databases

Foster alliances & standards

NBIMS Organization Chart
Na t i on al In
o na nsstt it
i t u t e of
of B
dii ng
n g Sc i e n c e s NIBS
Facc i l i t i e s I n fo rrm
m at i on
o n Cou
Co u n
ncc il Board of Directors
N a t i o n a l B I M St a n d a r d

NBIMS Project
Task Team

Business Process
Scoping Development Testing Communications
Task Team Task Team Task Team Task Team
Task Team
U n d e r D e v e lo p m e n t

Consensus Committee

NBIMS Community of Interest

NBIMS Levels of involvement
• Community of interest/Knowledge Experts
– Membership on the listserv and participation in BIM related
• Consensus Committee
– A cross-sectional subset of the Community of Interest that will
actually participate in the voting on the standard.
• Task Teams
– Open membership for those who want to be involved in the
drafting of the standard which will go to the Consensus
• NBIMS Executive Committee
– Management and oversight of the entire project committee
effort with cross sectional representation
• Facility Information Council
– The NIBS Council under which the NBIMS and NCS efforts
operate. They determine what other projects may be
necessary in the future
These Are Only a Few of the Organizations Currently
Participating in the NBIMS Effort

Signatories of Charter
March 1, 2006
• FIATECH • OSCRE America, Inc.
• CYON Research • USCG
• ARCOM • Jordani Consulting
• Total Resource Management • Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc
• Graphic Systems Inc • American Institute of Architects
• AEC Infosystems • State of Massachusetts Capital Asset
• SMACNA Management
• HDR • K. Hovnanian Homes
• CH2M Hill • Woolpert, Inc.
• FM Global • Little Diversified Architectural
• Consulting
Nemetschek North America
• Onuma
• International Centre for Facilities
• Open Design Alliance
• CID Engineering, Inc.
• Maryland National Capital Park
• GHAFARI Associates, LLC
& Planning Comm.
• Bentley Systems, Inc.
• Parsons Brinckerhoff
NBIMS Activities

N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f B u i l d i n g Sc i e n c e s
Fa c i l i t i e s I n ffo
o rrm
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onn Cou
Co u nc
nc il
N a t i o n a l B I M St a n d a r d

 2007 AEC Infosystems/NBIMS

Coverage of various BIM Projects
National Building Information Model Standard Scope
Conception Project Design Construction Procurement Execution Utilization Closure
Stage Delivery Stage Documents Stage Stage Stage Stage
Selection Stage

GSA Space GSA BIM Army Corps

Design BIM Construction BIM Facilities BIM
Planning BIM
Private Sector
OSCRE AIA Integrated Practice

Design/Build DBIA BIM


Coast Guard Integrated Decision Process Project

 2007 AEC Infosystems
IFC/IFD One concept carries the s ame unique
identification in every lang uag e
In a CAD system
In a briefing document 78AF4E98C 8D4406B 873DB B 85E1FE7DB

Properties Properties
BARBi - Norway
LexiCon - Nederland
NBS - England
Properties In a calculation system
In product catalogues SDC - France
NBIMS – North America Properties
Properties Properties

In classification systems In a Facility management system


For demolition and reconstruction

In building specifications

Properties Properties

 2007 AEC Infosystems/NBIMS C ourtes y of Lars B jørkhaug , Norweg ian B uilding R es earch Ins titute
Hierarchical Information Relationships
Theatre / World Geospatial Information

Installation /
Natural Asset
State / Province
Air / Space
City / County
Water / Sea
Property Asset
Land / Parcel

Facility / Built
Space Components

Space Components
Overlay Room
Building information Linear Structure
(Building Information Models) Node

 2007 AEC Infosystems Segment

Into the BIM Taxonomy
BUILDING Attributes

Systems represent the physical
entities of the building. Systems use
SYSTEMS –Ex. Structural, MEP, Flooring, Ceiling, Exterior, Walls NA classifications such as Omni-
Class and Uniformat and are
transported/exchanged via IFCs
Metrics Attributes
Sub-Systems Space is physical in nature, but can
(part of systems) Metrics be unbounded (have no or cross
physical boundaries) but it will always
be tied to the physical structure or
SPACE-Vertical Horizontal, Empty systems in some way
Metrics Example
Level (Stories) Room SUI,CI
Attributes Overlays are more abstract data -
Void Standards organizational, operational,
functional, financial, non-fixed assets,
resources, personnel, etc. that is data
Attributes tied to the Systems and Space

Reports or Extracted Data from BIM

OVERLAYS – Typically associated with building hierarchy elements.
(examples from all classifications)
Assets Example Example
Financial Area Gross
Furniture Rentable Space
Equipment Circulation Area
Personnel Phone Net
Zones Example
Example Usable
Secure Areas Surface
Business Space Assignment Systems
Groups Business Group Sq. Ftg.
Metrics Quantities
Example FCA,MDI Linear Ft.
Marketing Materials & Types
 2007 AEC Infosystems
Open Asset Architecture
Required by More Owners
Maximum Flexibility for Our Users
The Digital Asset

Design & Energy

Drawings & Specs
(Green & LEED)

HVAC & Structural Security - Solibri


Collision – NavisWorks 4D & 5D Estimating

Code Checking – CSI Building Model City Modeling – ESRI

National CODE Council Google Earth,
 2007 AEC Infosystems
The Gartner IT Infrastructure Maturity Model


 2007 AEC Infosystems

NBIMS Scoping Task Team
• You can’t automate what you don’t understand
– Each day information is exchanged by teams, but in different
ways and with different content for the same purpose. Not
STANDARD Methodology
– Based upon a paper-centric process, email, phone, RFI’s
• This isn’t a process which can take advantage of
BIM and automation.
IDM Supports AECO BIM Process
Scoping Task Team
• Requirement & Goal
– Standardize on information

needed for specific

tasks within

the building lifecycle

– Development based upon open

data standards
used by all
– Provides requirements to

•  2007
NA uses data standards
Software Applications Tend to Sub-Optimize
Current Software Products Sub-Optimize with a Fragmented or Proprietary
Approach. Software Industry Requires Business Processes to Implement


Real Architecture Engineering Construction Operations
(Scoping) Maintenance

IDM provides Industry Professional and Software Companies Process

Information to Support Building Lifecycle

 2007 AEC Infosystems


Workflow Processes for an Integrated Team Planning

IDM – Part of the NBIMS
IDM’s inform software companies
of the processes to support Architecture
Information Value-Chain

Requestor BIM applications Provider
Incorporating NA Data Standards Estimating
Including OMNI-Class, Uniformat,
International Building Code
OSCRE Construction
IFC’s are the machine interpretable Facilities Management
exchange mechanism
supporting IFC interoperable applications

 2007 AEC Infosystems

Information Exchange Requirement
WHO (is requesting)
Business Case
1 Actor Requesting Information to Support a Process or Decision
(Authoritative Reference OMNI CLASS – Table 33 & 34)

2 WHY (project/process use or benefit)

Why is this information important for a project activity
(Authoritative Reference OMNI CLASS- Table 32)

3 WHEN (stage in project)

(Authoritative Reference OMNI-CLASS-Table 31) Table 31 is tied to Ifc
Phases (Project Lifecycle) Table 22 for Construction Phasing

4 Dataset in BIM that supports the request and benefit)
Because BIM use aggregates Information Several Tables Support this activity.
Authoritative Reference OMNI-CLASS Tables 14, 21, 23, 41, 49.

Group/Actor that provides/fullfills the information need OMNI-Class 33. 34

The information exchange

requirements are part of the
Information Delivery Manual (IDM)

 2007 AEC Infosystems

NA Information Exchange Requirement
 OmniClasstm •Who? Table 14 - Spaces by Form (Room,
courtyard, city block)
•When? Table 31 – Phases (Conception, design,
• Why? Table 32 – Services (Designing,
constructing, inspecting)
•To Whom? Table 33, 34 – Disciplines,
Organizational roles (General Construction, cost
Content (What)
•Table 14 - Spaces by Form • IF C /IF D M a p p in g –
•Table 21 – Elements (walls, HVAC f o r m a c h in e t o
distr., furniture m a c h in e e x c h a n g e s
•Table 23 – Products (conc., paint,
•Table 41 – Materials (rock, plastic,
•Table 49 - Properties (color, width,
fire resistance)

+300 more

 2007 AEC Infosystems

Some of the Information Delivery Manuals
IDM (Information Delivery Manuals) are defined data points that support specific
process needs in the building lifecycle. In a portal environment they act as object filters.

Costing Electrical Engineering

Geometry HVAC
Early Planning Piping
Space Functional Parts
Energy COBIE-Owner Turnover
LEED Maintenance
Site Scheduling
Occupancy Performance & Code

 2007 AEC Infosystems

NBIMS Capability Model
BIM Capability Maturity Model 5/30/2006

Maturity A B Roles Or Business Delivery Timeliness/ ITIL Maturity Graphical Spatial Information Interoperability/
Level Data Richness Life-cycle Views Disciplines process Method Response Assessment Information Capability Accuracy IFC Support
1 Basic Core Data No Complete No Single Role Separate Single Point Most Response No ITIL Primarily Text - Not Spatially No Ground No
Project Phase Fully Supported Processes Not Access No IA Info manually re- Implementation No Technical Located Truth Interoperability
Integrated collected - Slow Graphics
2 Expanded Data Planning & Only One Role Few Bus Single Point Most Response Initiation 2D Non- Basic Spatial Initial Ground Forced
Set Design Supported Processes Access w/ Info manually re- Intelligent As Location Truth Interoperability
Collect Info Limited IA collected Designed
3 Enhanced Data Add Two Roles Some Bus Network Data Calls Not Limited NCS 2D Non- Spatially Limited Limited
Set Construction/ Partially Process Access w/ In BIM But Most Awareness Intelligent As Located Ground Truth - Interoperability
Supply Supported Collect Info Basic IA Other Data Is Designed Int Spaces

4 Data Plus Some Includes Two Roles Fully Most Bus Network Limited Full Awareness NCS 2D Located w/ Full Ground Limited Info
Information Construction/ Supported Processes Access w/ Response Info Intelligent As Limited Info Truth - Int Transfers
Supply Collect Info Full IA Available In BIM Designed Sharing Spaces Between COTS
5 Data Plus Includes Partial Plan, All Business Limited Web Most Response Limited Control NCS 2D Spatially Limited Most Info
Expanded Constr/Supply & Design&Constr Process(BP) Enabled Info Available In Intelligent As- located Ground Truth - Transfers
Information Fabrication Supported Collect Info Services BIM Builts w/Metadata Int & Ext Between COTS
6 Data w/Limited Add Limited Plan, Design & Few BP Full Web All Respoinse Full Control NCS 2D Spatially Full Ground Full Info
Authoritative Operations & Construction Collect & Enabled Info Available In Intelligent And located w/Full Truth - Int And Transfers
Information Warranty Supported Maintain Info Services BIM Current Info Share Ext Between COTS
7 Data w/ Mostly Includes Partial Ops & Some BP Full Web All Response Limited 3D - Intelligent Part of a Limited Comp Limited Info
Authoritative Operations & Sustainment Collect & Enabled Info From BIM & Integration Graphics limited GIS Areas & Uses IFC's For
Information Warranty Supported Maintain Info Services w/IA Timely Ground Truth Interoperability
8 Completely Add Financial Operations & All BP Collect Web Enabled Limited Real Full Integration 3D - Current Part of a more Full Computed Expanded Info
Authoritative Sustainment & Maintain Services - Time Access And Intelligent complete GIS Areas & Uses IFC's For
Information Supported Info Secure From BIM Ground Truth Interoperability
9 Limited Full Facility Life- All Facility Life- Some BP Netcentric Full Real Time Limited 4D - Add Time Integrated into Comp GT Most Info Uses
Knowledge cycle Collection Cycle Roles Collect&Maint SOA Based Access From Optimization a complete w/Limited IFC's For
Management Supported InReal Time CAC Access BIM GIS Metrics Interoperability
10 Full Knowledge Supports Internal and All BP Netcentric Real Time Full nD - Time & Integrated into Computed All Info Uses
Management External Efforts External Roles Collect&Maint SOA Role Access w/ Live Optimization Cost GIS w/ Full Ground Truth IFC's For
Supported In Real Time Based CAC Feeds Info Flow w/Full Metrics Interoperability

 2007 AEC Infosystems

Facility Information Council Partner Effort
International Codes Council Code

Support real property community

 2007 AEC Infosystems
Facility Information Council Partner Effort
Open Geospatial Consortium Web Services 4
• Standards-based Web
Service architecture and
technologies tested
against GSA and DOD
business cases:
– Provide feedback to IAI
International IFC work
– Compliment National BIM
Standard development activity

• December 2006
Demonstration – Location
of Field Hospital as part of
regional emergency event
– BIM, Geospatial, and real time
(sensor) integration / fusion
– Newark Airport Linking CAD-GIS-BIM
– Port Authority of NY / NJ hosting

 2007 AEC Infosystems

• Business Drivers
• Interoperability
• Common Operational Picture
• Universal Concepts and Information
• website

 2007 AEC Infosystems

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