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Set C

Your name:
Problem 1 (10%)
For the plane stress states of σx = -12 kpsi, σy = 10 kpsi, τxy = 7 kpsi cw,
(a) (4%) draw a Mohr’s circle diagram properly X, Y labeled with numbers
(b) (3%) Write the two principal normal stresses (kpsi) ______________________________________________________
(c) (3%) At the location of the max shear stress, write its normal stress (kpsi) ____________________________________

Write your calculation here:




Draw Mohr’s circle

Set C
Problem 2 Your name:
The cantilevered bar in the figure is made from Aluminum Alloy 7075 and is statically loaded with Fz = 50 lbf and Fx = 0,
and Fy = 0.

write your calculations here:





Write the answer (only one correct answer) in the ( ), not to circle!
( ) (a) Which is the Yielding strength divided by the density (unit: m^2/s^2)? (1) 199,600, (2) 14,500,000, (3) 36,980, (4) all above are not
( ) (b) (7%) What is the loads on OABC bar? (1)only bending, (2) only torsion, (3) bending and torsion, (4) bending and shear
( ) (c) (6%) If the length of CD bar is reduced to 6 inch (it is 12 in the drawing), what will be changed in OABC? (1) the bending moment is
reduced, (2) the max normal stress is reduced, (3) the max shear stress is reduced, (4) all above are not correct
Set C
Your name:
Problem 3
write your calculations here:


Point A: on top surface
Point C: at mid-point of the radius
Point B: at cross section center

As shown in figure, the bar of length L = 10 in, diameter of 1 in, is clamped at the wall and the force F = 800 lbf causes the bending to the bar. Point A
(on the surface), B (at the center of the bar) and C (mid point between A and B) are located at the end cross section.
Write the answer (select only one answer)
( ) (a) (6%) If the cross section of the bar is reduced to 0.5 in diameter, what will be changed? (1) the normal stress at A will increase 2 times, (2)
the shear stress at B will increase 4 times, (3) the normal stress at A will increase 8 times, (4) the shear stress at B will increase 8 times
( ) (b) (7%) Which is correct: (1) the max normal stress equals to the 2 times the maximum shear stress at A, (2) the normal stress equals to the
transverse stress at C, (3) the maximum normal stress equals to the shear stress at B (4) all above are correct
( ) (c) (7%) If the transverse shear stress is neglected, which is correct? (1) max normal stress existed at A, (2) max shear stress existed at A, (3)
max shear stress existed at B, (4) all are correct
Set C
Your name:
Problem 4
A cantilever bar, diameter of 15 mm and length of 100 mm, is clamped at one end and loaded by the forces F = 0.45 kN,
P = 3.0 kN, and T = 15 N ∙ m as shown in the figure. Find the stress elements at A and B of the bar shown in the figure.
(a) (6%) At point A, write the normal stress (MPa) ________________________________________
(b) (7%) At point B, write the normal stress (MPa) _________________________________________
(c) (7%) At point A, write the shear stress (Mpa) _______________________________________

write your calculations here:



Problem 5 (20%) Set C

A shaft carrying two V-belt pulleys is shown in the figure. Pulley A receives power from a motor
through a belt with the belt tensions F1 = 650 lbf and F2 = 110 lbf as shown. The power is
transmitted through the shaft and delivered to the belt on pulley B. Assume the belt tension on the
loose side at B is 16 percent of the tension on the tight side. The shaft diameter is 1-1/4 in.
(a) (6%) Write the tension of the tight side in the belt on pulley B (lbf): ____________________
(b) (7%) Draw shear-force and bending-moment diagrams for the shaft.
(c) (7%) Write the torsional shear stress (psi) ____________________________________

Write your calculation here:




Draw shear-force and bending-moment diagrams

Set C
Problem 6 (15%) Your name:

Refer to a mechanical assembly drawing,

Please write a name to Part #7 (4%): _______________________________

Part #1 (3%): ___________________________ If part 9 is fixed and Part 5 rotates, write at least 3 parts that will
rotate? (5%)
Part #4 (3%): ___________________________ _________________

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