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Aprobada mediante Resolución 10033 Octubre 11 de 2013

Versión 01
PLAN DE NIVELACIÓN – AÑO 2018 Fecha de aprobación:
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Nombre del estudiante: ____________________________________________ Fecha: ____________

Entrega del taller resuelto al docente Martes 20 de marzo

Valor del taller 20%
Sustentación Escrita, oral del taller Del 20 al 23 de marzo
Valor de la sustentación 80%

A. Classify the following words and sentences.

 I would like you to meet  This is...  Hi

 How are you?  It’s great to see you  All right, keep in touch.
 See you tomorrow  Have a nice time  A pleasure to meet you.
 I’m so happy to see you  What’s up?  Good morning
again.  Hey, yo!  Catch ya later!
 How about you?  Bye

Greetings Farewells Introduction

Formal Informal Formal Informal Formal Informal

B. Read the following texts, and answer the questions. (Lea los siguientes textos y responda las preguntas)

My Family

Hi, my name is Eric. I am 10 years old. I want to talk about my family. I have two sisters. Their names are Rachel
and Carrie. Rachel is 18 years old. Carrie is 15 years old. Rachel is 178 centimeters tall. She is tall and slim.
Carrie is short, she is 148 centimeters tall. Only, Carrie has long and curly hair in my family. She has got the most
beautiful hair. My sisters are very nice, sweet and charismatic.
My mother’s name is Julia. She is 40 years old. My mother is short and slim. She has short brown hair. My
mother is also very nice and lovely. My father’s name is Richard. He is smart and responsible. He is an engineer.
He is 45 years old.
My grandparents live with us. My grandfather’s name is Tom. He is 70 years old. My grandmother’s name is
Samantha. She is 65 years old. She has blue eyes. Also, she is a tall and slim woman. She is 170 centimeters tall.
Rachel looks like my grandmother.
We live in a big house in California. I also have two dogs. Their names are Paw and Snoopy. Paw is a big dog. He
is a brown dog. He is a big brown dog. Snoopy is small, but fast and playful. I like playing with my dogs in the
garden. I also like going to the cinema and to the park with my friends.

→ Answer the questions

1. What is the name of Eric’s younger sister? 10. How are Eric’s dogs? (personality)
2. What is the name of Eric’s grandfather? 11. How are Eric’s sisters? (personality)
3. What is the name of Eric’s mother? 12. How is Carrie’s hair?
4. How tall are Eric’s sisters? 13. How is Eric’s grandmother hair?
5. How many brothers does Eric have? 14. How old are Eric’s grandparents?
6. How old is Julia? 15. Where do Eric and his family live?
7. How old is Eric’s father? 16. What are the names of Eric’s dogs?
8. How old is the rest of Eric’s family? 17. What does Eric like to do?
9. How is Eric’s mother? (personality)

My lovely family
Aprobada mediante Resolución 10033 Octubre 11 de 2013

Versión 01
PLAN DE NIVELACIÓN – AÑO 2018 Fecha de aprobación:
Página 2 de 6

Hello! My name is Ana. I am eight years old and I am from the USA. I’m going to introduce you to my lovely
family. It is quite big and we are very happy.
My mother’s name is Laura and my father’s is Peter. My mother has blond hair and she is very tender. My
father is tall and slim and he is a funny person.
My parents have three children. There’s my brother Tim, my baby brother David and me. Tim is a sweet boy
who loves playing and being with me all the time. He is only three years old so he attends the kindergarten. My
younger brother, David, is a seven-month baby but he is full of personality. He likes being at my father’s lap and
he never disposes of Eddy, his bunny.
My father has a sister. Her name is Olivia and she is my aunt. My mother has two brothers. Their names are
Richard and William and they are my uncles.
I have also got my grandparents and my cousins Jacob, Kevin and Chloe.
We have a pet called Pirate, he is my favorite dog!
I love my family and my pet.

Answer the following questions about the text.

1. How old is Ana? 6. How old is Tim?

2. Is she British? 7. Who is Eddy?
3. How many brothers does she have? 8. How many cousins does Ana have?
4. What’s her mother’s name? 9. What are their names?
5. What’s her father’s name?

C. Using the texts from point B (My family, My lovely family), write a text to describe yourself and your
family. Also rewrite the questions according to your and your family information. Then record the text
and send it as attachment file to the email (Usando los textos del punto
B (My family, My lovely family), escriba un texto donde se describa a usted y a su familia. Además, reescriba
las preguntas de acuerdo a su información y la de su familia. Luego grábelo el texto y envíe como archivo
adjunto al correo electrónico

D. Present tense – verb TO BE

D1. Use the correct present tense form of the verb TO BE to complete each sentence.
(Use la forma correcta del presente del verbo TO BE para completar cada oración)

Example: My mother is great.

1. Carol's cat _____________ very pretty.

2. Rob _____________ ten years old.
3. Those paintings _____________ wonderful!
4. The two supermarkets _____________ very near to each other.
5. John thinks science _____________ a very difficult subject.
6. All the doors _____________ open in this house!
7. Helen and Barbara _____________ sisters.
8. That music _____________ incredible. Who is it?
9. Adele _____________ a singer.
10. Barack Obama _____________ from United States.
11. Spain _____________ in Europe.
12. Tony Blair and Hugh Grant _____________ British.
13. She _____________ a nurse.
14. Demi Moore and Sharon Stone _____________ actresses.
Aprobada mediante Resolución 10033 Octubre 11 de 2013

Versión 01
PLAN DE NIVELACIÓN – AÑO 2018 Fecha de aprobación:
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15. Lisbon and Oporto _____________ cities in Portugal.

D2. Make interrogative sentences with every sentence of point D1 and then answer all the sentences in
short, long, affirmative and negative way in present tense. (Haga oraciones interrogativas con todas las
oraciones del punto D1 y luego responda las preguntas de forma corta, larga, afirmativa y negativa.

Example: Affirmative form  My mother is great.

Interrogative form  Is my mother great?

Affirmative Long Answer Yes, my mother is great

Affirmative Short Answer Yes, she is
Negative Long Answer No, my mother is not great
Negative Short Answer No, she is not

E. Past tense verb to be

E-1. Use the correct past tense form of the verb TO BE to complete each sentence.
(Use la forma correcta del pasado del verbo TO BE para completar cada oración)

Example: My mother was at work yesterday.

1. I ____________ in Canberra last spring.

2. We ____________ at school last Saturday.
3. Tina ____________ at home yesterday.
4. He ____________ happy.
5. Robert and Stan ____________ Garry's friends.
6. You ____________ very busy on Friday.
7. They ____________ in front of the supermarket.
8. I ____________ in the museum.
9. She ____________ in South Africa last month.
10. Jessica and Kimberly ____________ late for school.
11. Tom ____________ in Spain last weekend.
12. Frank and Jim ____________ at the party last night.
13. She ____________ a nice person.
14. They ____________ good at English.
15. My brother ____________ in China some weeks ago.
16. My dog ____________ white and black.
17. Our old car ____________ red.
18. Your English books ____________ in the bookcase last weekend.
19. I ____________ fat 10 years ago.
20. He ____________ at school yesterday.

E-2. Make interrogative sentences with every sentence of point E1 and then answer all the sentences in
short, long, affirmative and negative way in past tense. (Haga oraciones interrogativas con todas las oraciones
del punto E1 y luego responda las preguntas de forma corta, larga, afirmativa y negativa en tiempo pasado.

Example: Affirmative form  My mother was at work yesterday.

Interrogative form  Was my mother at work yesterday?

Affirmative Long Answer Yes, my mother was at work yesterday

Affirmative Short Answer Yes, she was
Negative Long Answer No, my mother was not at work yesterday
Negative Short Answer No, she was not

F. Look for weather and clothes vocabulary (minimum 30 terms of each). Write a text about the weather in a
city from Monday to Sunday (different weather for each day) and the right clothes to wear according to
the temperature of each day. Use the past tense of the verb TO BE. (Consulte el vocabulario del clima y las
prendas de vestir (mínimo 30 términos de cada uno). Haga un escrito que dé cuenta del clima de lunes a
domingo (clima diferente para cada día) en una ciudad y de la ropa adecuada según la temperatura de los días.
Use el pasado del verbo to be.

Example: Monday was a very hot day in Medellín. It was 35 degrees Celsius. People were wearing shorts, t-shirts
and caps.
Aprobada mediante Resolución 10033 Octubre 11 de 2013

Versión 01
PLAN DE NIVELACIÓN – AÑO 2018 Fecha de aprobación:
Página 4 de 6

G. Numbers

Complete the crossword using cardinal numbers that result of the operations you find after and writing them
correctly (completa el crucigrama usando los números cardinals que resultan de las operaciones que encuentra
abajo y escribiéndolos correctamente).

Across (horizontal) Down (vertical)

3. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+1= 1. 8×2=

5. “hex” as in “hexagon” means this number 2. 9×9+10=

6. A lucky number, twice! 3. A dozen

8. Single, alone, solo 4. 99/9=

9. 8×8+4= 7. 12345__89

11. 2×4+1= 8. A century has this many years

12. “quint” as in “quintuplets” and “penta” as in 10. 4×5=

“pentathlon” mean this number
14. “tri” as in “tricycle” means this number
13. 25×3+1=
16. 2x3x7=
15. 120/4=
17. two thirds of 21
16. 80/4×2+17=
Aprobada mediante Resolución 10033 Octubre 11 de 2013

Versión 01
PLAN DE NIVELACIÓN – AÑO 2018 Fecha de aprobación:
Página 5 de 6

19. “quad” as in “quadruple” means this number

18. 15×3+5=
20. half of sixteen
20. 12×7=
21. 8×5=
23. 58
22. 35/5=
25. 85
24. A decade has this many years
26. Couple, pair

Ordinal Numbers

Reorder the ordinal number – you have to skip some number. Then write sentences using the nmbers found.
(reordena los números ordinals, debe omitir algunos; luego escriba oraciones usándolos correctamente)

H. When I was a child (When my mother or father, sister, etc. was a child) Answer the following questions
using your information. Then rewrite all the questions using different members of your family and answer
them accordingly. Record all the questions and answers and send the recording file to (Responda las siguientes preguntas usando su información. Luego reescriba
todas las preguntas usando diferentes miembros de su familia y respóndalas según corresponda. Grabe todas las
preguntas y respuestas y envíe el archivo al email.

Example Question: What was your favorite TV show when you were 5 years old?
Answer: My favorite TV show when I was 5 years old was Princess Sofia.

Question: What was my father’s favorite TV show when he was 5 years old?
Answer: My father’s favorite TV show when he was 5 years old was El Chavo del 8.

1. What was your favorite song when you were 5 years old?
2. What was your favorite food when you were 7 years old?
3. What was your favorite cartoon when you were 6 years old?
4. What was your favorite book when you were 9 years old?
5. What was your favorite color when you were 10 years old?
6. What was your favorite animal when you were 8 years old?
7. Where were you last Sunday?
Aprobada mediante Resolución 10033 Octubre 11 de 2013

Versión 01
PLAN DE NIVELACIÓN – AÑO 2018 Fecha de aprobación:
Página 6 de 6

8. Who were you with last Tuesday?

9. When were you in the mall?
10. Why were you at your home on Monday?
11. How was your first day of school this year?
12. How were you in your first day of school?
13. How old were you when you learnt to read?
14. How many people were at your classroom yesterday?
15. For how long were you at school last Friday?

Prepare yourself for the writing and oral tests of this

placement work.

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