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! Worksheet Name

! AlignComponent
! AspectCode
! AssemblyInclusion
! AutomatedFlangeSelectionOption
! AuxiliaryTreatment
! BendToBendTangentBasis
! BoltDiameterEquivalenceOption
! BoltExtensionOption
! BoltingRequirements
! BoltLengthCalculationOption
! BoltLengthRoundOffBasis
! BoltLengthRoundOffOption
! BoltLubricationRequirements
! BoltOption
! BoltRequisitionClassification
! BoltThreadDesignation
! BoltType
! BranchFittingPlacementType
! BranchReinforcementType
! BranchReportingOwnership
! CableRouteStatus
! CableTrayComponentType
! CableTrayMaterials
! CableTrayPartDataBasis
! CableTrayType
! CableType
! CapScrewLengthRoundOffOption
! CatalogUnitsOfMeasureBasis
! ClampOption
! ClampRequirement
! ClampSelectionBasis
! CleaningRequirement
! CleaningResponsibility
! CoatingColor
! CoatingType
! CommodityCodeBuilderOption
! CommodityOption
! ConduitSelectionBasis
! ConnectionType
! ConstructionType
! ControlPointSubType
! ControlPointType
! CreateExclusiveWBSItem
! CrossSectionCardinalPoints
! CrossSectionEdges
! CrossSectionShapeTypes
! DesignResponsibility
! DesignStandard
! DoorFramePosition
! DoorsWindowsKinematics
! DoorType
! DrillingTemplatePattern
! EccentricOffsetBasis
! ElevPlaneType
! ElevPlaneType
! EFWCorrelationApprovalStatus
! EMI_Suceptor
! EndPreparation
! EndStandard
! EnvironmentalZone
! EquipmentComponentTypes
! EquipmentTypes
! Examination
! ExteriorSurfaceTreatment
! ExternalWeldedPipePart
! FabricationResponsibility
! FabricationType
! FabricationTypeBasis
! FeatureType
! FireproofingExposureType
! FireproofingMethod
! FireproofingType
! FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish
! FlangeFacing
! FlangeInsulationKitType
! FlexibleHoseTopologyType
! FlipComponent
! FlowDirection
! FluidCode
! FrontEndType
! GasketInsideDiameterBasis
! GasketOption
! GasketOutsideDiameterBasis
! GasketRequirementOverride
! GasketRequirements
! GasketSelectionBasedOnFluidCode
! GasketStyleNumber
! GasketType
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! GeometryType
! GridPlaneType
! GsktSlnForMismatchBltdEndsOpt
! HandrailConnectionType
! HandrailEndTreatment
! HandrailInlineConnectionType
! HandrailOffset
! HandrailOrientation
! HandrailSideConnectionType
! HandWheelStepRotAngle
! HazardousFluidCategory
! HeaderBranchSizeBasisOption
! HeatTracingMedium
! HngSupAssociatedPartType
! HngSupAssociationType
! HngSupBOMType
! HngSupBoundingBoxType
! HngSupClassNodeType
! HngSupCommand
! HngSupConnectionType
! HngSupConnectObj
! HngSupCutType
! HngSupDiscipline
! HngSupETType
! HngSupFaceSelectionType
! HngSupJointType
! HngSupManufacturer
! HngSupMatingJointType
! HngSupPartClassType
! HngSupPhysicalConnection
! HngSupPortCategory
! HngSupPortType
! HngSupRuleType
! HngSupStrictFaceSelection
! HngSupSupportType
! HngSupTypeSelectionRule
! HVACCrosssectionOverrideOpt
! HVACRunChangeAtCSChangeOpt
! HvacComponentTypes
! HVACLiningMaterial
! HVACPartDataBasis
! HVACPartGenerationBasis
! HVACWidthAndDepthBasis
! IcarusColumnBaseOption
! IcarusConcreteType
! IcarusExcludeEndBent
! IcarusGratingType
! IcarusPipeRackType
! IcarusStructSteelAnalysis
! IcarusThirdColumn
! IFCAspectCodeValue
! IFCProcessStatus
! IFCRequiredAction
! IFCType
! IgnoreBoundaries
! IndustryCommodityCodeOption
! InletPortGeometryType
! InstallationResponsibility
! InstrumentFunctionalType
! InsulationMaterial
! InsulationPurpose
! InsulationTemperatureBasis
! InsulationThicknessBasis
! InteriorSurfaceTreatment
! IsBendPlanar
! JacketedClosureMethod
! JacketedPipingBasis
! JointRequirement
! LiningMaterial
! LoadSpanClassification
! LooseMaterialRequirements
! MachBoltLengthRoundOffOption
! Manufacturer
! ManufacturingMethod
! MapType
! MaterialDescBuilderOption
! MaterialsGrade
! MaterialsOfConstructionClass
! MaterialsType
! MemberOrientation
! MethodsOfJacketPipeConstruction
! MethodsOfTrimming
! MinBendToBendTangentLenOption
! MirrorBehaviorOption
! MiscRequisitionClassification
! MultiportValveOpReq
! NotePurpose
! NozzleEntranceType
! NozzleFlangeType
! NozzleFunction
! NutCreationOption
! NutOption
! NutType
! OpenOrBlindSpacerInstallState
! OrificeFlangeTapOrientation
! OutletPortGeometryType
! PaintingResponsibility
! PartClassTypes
! PartDataBasis
! PartDataSource
! PipeBendingMachineType
! PipeBendRadiusByUserOption
! PipeBendRadiusMultiplierOption
! PipeBendType
! PipeStockUsage
! PipingCmdtyCtlgPartNoBasisOpt
! PipingCmdtyProcurementDataOpt
! PipingCommodityOverrideOption
! PipingCommodityType
! PipingPointUsage
! PipingSpecificationNotesOpt
! PipingSpecStatus
! PipingSpecVerManagementOption
! PlaneOfFlip
! PlaneOfTurn
! PressureRating
! PropertyCategories
! PurchaseLengthBasisOption
! RearEndType
! RefPlaneViewDirections
! ReportingRequirementBasis
! ReportingType
! RequisitionResponsibility
! RequisitionType
! RespectAssemblyBoundaries
! RevisionHistoryNotesOption
! RingNumber
! RotationOffsetType
! RouteDirection
! RouteLayout
! RouteOnFace
! RptPipingCommodityBasis
! ScheduleThickness
! ScraperType1Config
! ScraperType2Config
! SelectionBasis
! SelectionBasisperPCF
! ShortCodeHierarchy
! SignalType
! SingleRReturnIdlerBrTy
! SizeReductionPreference
! SizeReductionType
! SlabBoundaryReference
! SlabComposition
! SlabContinuity
! SlabCornerType
! SlabCrossSectionSymbol
! SlabDirectionReference
! SlabFacePosition
! SlabFastenerType
! SlabLayerRole
! SlabManufacturingProcess
! SlabNosingMaterial
! SlabNosingType
! SlabPriority
! SlabReferenceDirection
! SpectaclePosition
! SpoolBreakByControlPoint
! SpoolIncludeWeldedParts
! SpoolingBasis
! SpoolSequenceType
! SteamoutRequirement
! StressRelief
! StressReliefRequirement
! Struct2LBackToBackRule
! StructACLeftRightBoth
! StructACPadType
! StructACSizingRule
! StructACSpliceTypes
! StructAlignment
! StructBoundaryConditions
! StructCanDiameterRule
! StructCanLengthComputeMethod
! StructCanType
! StructComputeRule
! StructConeLengthComputeMethod
! StructContinuity
! StructCoordSysReference
! StructCustomPlatePartType
! StructEndReleases
! StructFCChevronWPO
! StructFCEndControlling
! StructFCOffsetAlong
! StructFCOffsetDirection
! StructFCSupportedEdge
! StructFCSupportingCPs
! StructFCSupportingSide
! StructFeatureRadiusType
! StructFootingCompSizingRule
! StructFrmConnPositionRef
! StructInsulationEncasement
! StructInsulationPurpose
! StructuInsulationSetbackRef
! StructMemberEndSelectionRule
! StructMemberPositionRule
! StructPrismaticFootingShapes
! StructuralLoadCaseSource
! StructuralMemberPriority
! StructuralMemberType
! StructuralWPOIntersectionIndex
! StructWallBoundarySize
! StructWallBoundaryType
! StructWallConnectionType
! StructWallReferenceAttribute
! SupplementaryNutRequirement
! SupplementaryWasherRequirement
! SupplyResponsibility
! SurfacePreparation
! TapEndStudBoltLenRoundoffOption
! TechDeliveryConditions
! TestingResponsibility
! TestingType
! Tightness
! ThreeRSuspCarryIdlerOp
! TraySpecificationType
! Type
! UndefinedServiceLimitsruleOpt
! ValveFlowPattern
! ValveModelNumber
! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd
! ValveOperatorIsRotatable
! ValveOperatorPartDataBasis
! ValveOperatorType
! ValvePortOption
! ValveTrim
! Vendor
! VesselHeadType
! VoltageGrade
! WasherCreationOption
! WasherOption
! WasherType
! WBSAssignment
! WBSAutoGroupingRuleType
! WBSItemPurpose
! WBSProjectPurpose
! WBSPullInAssociatedItems
! WeldingProcedureSpecification
! WeldingRequirement
! WeldType
! EquipmentSymbolErrors
! Back to index
Worksheet Name(s)



HVACPartDataBasis, PartDataBasis,
ValveOperatorPartDataBasis, ScheduleThickness,

ScraperType1Config, ScraperType2Config,
ThreeRSuspCarryIdlerOp, SingleRReturnIdlerBrTy,
! EquipmentComponentTypes, EquipmentTypes
! AspectCode
! ControlPointSubType
! SelectionBasis
! PipingCommodityType
! HVACCrosssectionOverrideOpt
! HVACRunChangeAtCSChangeOpt
! BranchReinforcementType
! PartClassTypes
! PartClassTypes
! StructFootingCompSizingRule
! BoltLengthRoundOffBasis
! PropertyCategories

! PartClassTypes
! SelectionBasisperPCF,SelectionBasis
! JointRequirement
! SelectionBasisperPCF,SelectionBasis
! BranchFittingPlacementType
! GasketRequirementOverride
! PartClassTypes
! ThreeRSuspCarryIdlerOp

! EquipmentTypes


! RptPipingCommodityBasis

! WBSItemPurpose

! ControlPointSubType

! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd

! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd
! GeometricIndustryStandard

! ControlPointSubType

! StructuralMembersTye

! ControlPointSubType, HngSupCommand

! PropertyCategories
! EquipmentSymbolErrors
! PartDataBasis, GeometricIndustryStandard
! BoltingRequirements
! GasketRequirements
! PropertyCategories
! HngSupCommand
! ElevPlaneType and GridPlaneType
! TechDeliveryConditions

EquipmentTypes, ScraperType2Config

EquipmentTypes, EquipmentComponentTypes,
! ShortCodeHierarchy
! SelectionBasisperPCF
! Add DoorFramePosition codelist
Add new codelists
! n
! FeatureType , FlexibleHoseTopologyType
! HngSupManufacturer
! HngSupSupportType
! CableTrayComponentType
! ControlPointSubType

! RotationOffsetType
! PartClassTypes
StructCanType, StructCanDiameterRule,
! StructCanLengthComputeMethod

! PropertyCategories
! ControlPointSubType

! StructuInsulationSetbackRef

GridPlaneType, ElevPlaneType,
StructInsulationEncasement, PartClassTypes,
! PropertyCategories
HandWheelStepRotAngle, EndStandard and
ExteriorSurfaceTreatment, GeometryType,
HeatTracingMedium, InsulationMaterial,
InteriorSurfaceTreatment, Partdatabasis and
! ValveModelNumber
GasketOption, GasketType, Manufacturer,
MiscRequisitionClassification, RingNumber,
ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd, ValveTrim and
! PipingCommodityType
AuxiliaryTreatment, CoatingType,
ConstructionType, FabricationType,
InstrumentFunctionalType, InsulationPurpose,
MaterialsType, SurfacePreparation, WeldType,
BoltLubricationRequirements, FluidCode,
LiningMaterial, NutOption, NutType and
WasherType, WasherOption, ValveOperatorType,
ClampOption, GasketStyleNumber and
EndStandard, MaterialsGrade, CommodityOption
! and PressureRating

PartDataBasis and PipingCommodityType



! WasherType


CoatingType and MaterialsGrade


! PipingCommodityType

! MaterialsGrade

! PressureRating

! PressureRating




! PipingPointUsage

! MiscRequisitionClassification


PartDataBasis, PipingCommodityType

! MaterialsGrade

PartDataBasis, MaterialsGrade



CommodityOption and PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis
! CableTrayComponentType

! Several sheets








PressureRating and EndStandard


ValveOperatorPartDataBasis, ValveOperatorType
and CommodityOption

PressureRating and MaterialsGrade

GeometricIndustryStandard and EndStandard


CrossSectionEdges and

! ClampRequirement
! SignalType
! GeometricIndustryStandard

Several hierarhical codelists

! PipingCommodityType
PipingCommodityType, CableTrayPartDataBasis,
PartDataBasis, PipingPointUsage, GeometryType,
OrificeFlangeTapOrientation, PressureRating,
MiscRequisitionClassification, CoatingType,
CommodityOption, EndStandard, ValveTrim,
BoltOption, Manufacturer, MaterialsGrade,
ScheduleThickness, GeometricIndustryStandard,
ValveModelNumber, LoadSpanClassification


PartDataBasis; PipingCommodityType

! PipingCommodityType, PartDataBasis
! PartDataBasis, GeometricIndustryStandard,
Manufacturer, EndStandard

! ClampOption

PipingCommodityType, Manufacturer,
GeometricIndustryStandard, and EndStandard.
! PipingCommodityType

! PipingCommodityType, PartDataBasis

! PipingCommodityType

StructACToDoMessages, StructBUToDoMessages,
StructEqpToDoMessages, StructFCToDoMessages,
StructPlatePartToDoMessages and
! CableTrayMaterials

GeometricIndustryStandard, EndStandard,
MaterialsGrade, PipingCommodityType,
! EndStandard
! PipingCommodityType
! Codelist - StructWallBoundarySize
StructWallReferenceAttribute New PartClassType
for WallConnection

! StructBUToDoMessages and StructComputeRule

! CommodityOption,
TapEndStudBoltLenRoundoffOption, StressRelief,
CableTrayComponentType, HVACPartDataBasis,
PipingCommodityType, ValveTrim, SignalType,
OrificeFlangeTapOrientation, MaterialsGrade and

! PartDataBasis
! MaterialsGrade and GeometricIndustryStandard

! GeometricIndustryStandard, MaterialsGrade
! GeometricIndustryStandard, EndStandard,
CommodityOption, GasketStyleNumber,
MaterialsGrade, PipingCommodityType and

! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd

! ValveModelNumber
! PipingCommodityType
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! CommodityOption

! AlignComponent, PlaneOfFlip

! PartDataBasis
! TraySpecificationType
! PartDataBasis

! PipingCommodityType, PartDataBasis

! PartDatBasis

! PartClassTypes
! DesignStandard, EndStandard,
GeometricIndustryStandard, MaterialsGrade,
ScheduleThickness, ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd,
PressureRating, BoltingRequirements,
TapEndStudBoltLenRoundoffOption, SelectionBasis,
PartDataBasis, ValveOperatorPartDataBasis,
WeldingProcedureSpecification, FlipComponent,
AlignComponent, VoltageGrade and SignalType,
PipingPointUsage, ValvePortOption, ValveFlowPattern,
EquipmentTypes, BoltingRequirements and


BoltType, GasketType,
BoltLubricationRequirements, BoltOption,
ClampOption, CoatingType, CommodityOption,
ConnectionType, DrillingTemplatePattern,
EndPreparation, ExteriorSurfaceTreatment,
FabricationType, FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish,
GasketOption, GeometryType.

HazardousFluidCategory, HeatTracingMedium,
InsulationMaterial, InsulationPurpose,
InteriorSurfaceTreatment, LiningMaterial,
NutOption, NutType, NotePurpose,
PipingCommodityType, ValveOperatorType,
WasherOption, WasherType, WeldType.
! StructFCToDoMessages


! SpoolIncludeWeldedParts
! PartDataBasis
! OpenOrBlindSpacerInstallState and PartDataBasis

! OrificeFlangeTapOrientation

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis

! CableTrayPartDataBasis
! HVACPartDataBasis
! CommodityOption
PartDataBasis, PressureRating,
! GeometricIndustryStandard and MaterialsGrade


GeometricIndustryStandard, Manufacturer and




! PipingCommodityType,PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis
! PartDataBasis
! PipingCommodityType,PartDataBasis

! PipingCommodityType

! PartDataBasis
! HVACPartDataBasis
! EquipmentTypes

ScheduleThickness, PressureRating,
MaterialsGrade, GeometricIndustryStandard and
! EndStandard

! HVACPartDataBasis

! GeometricIndustryStandard and End Preparation.
! MaterialsGrade

! HVACPartDataBasis

! Geometry Type.

! GasketType, ManufacturingMethod

! PipingCommodityType, PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis
! Piping Commodity Type
! PartDataBasis
! MaterialsGrade
! PartDataBasis
! PartDataBasis


! stryStandard, MaterialsGrade

! Piping Commodity Type

! Piping Commodity Type
! Piping Commodity Type

! EndStandard

! PipingCommodityType


InletPortGeometryType, OutletPortGeometryType


PipingCommodityType, PartDataBasis
! PipingCommodityType, PartDataBasis

! EndStandard, PartDataBasis
! PipingCommodityType

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis

! PipingCommodityType, EndStandard
! MaterialsGrade

! CommodityOption

! PartDataBasis
! PipingCommodityType

! PartDataBasis

! PipingCommodityType, ValveModelNumber

! EndPreparation

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis

! Manufacturer

! HVACPartDataBasis

! HVACPartDataBasis

! HVACPartDataBasis
! PartDataBasis

! PipingCommodityType
! HandWheelOrientation

CommodityOption, EndStandard,
GeometricIndustryStandard, MaterialsGrade,
MiscRequisitionClassification, SurfacePreparation,
ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd and


CommodityOption, PipingCommodityType,
EndPreparation, MaterialsGrade, EndStandard,

! ValveModelNumber, Manufacturer
! EndPreparation, EndStandard, Manufacturer
! GeometryType

! EndStandard, GeometricIndustryStandard

! PipingCommodityType

EndPreparation, EndStandard,
GeometricIndustryStandard, CommodityOption,
! PartDataBasis

! CableTrayPartDataBasis
! HVACPartDataBasis

! CableTrayPartDataBasis


! PartClassTypes


! PropertyCategories

! ,MaterialsGrade,GeometricIndustryStandard
! GeometricIndustryStandard

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis

! VesselHeadType

! RearEndType

! CableTrayComponentType
! EquipmentTypes

! WBSPullInAssociatedItems
! SpoolingBasis
! PartDataBasis

! CableTrayComponentType
! FlangeFacing

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis, EndPreparation

! PartDataBasis

! PartDataBasis
! PartDataBasis

! MiscRequisitionClassification

! ControlPointSubType

! StructFCToDoMessages

! Piping Commodity Type

! EquipmentTypes
! StressReliefRequirement

! LoadSpanClassification
! CableTrayType
! CableTrayMaterials

! StructFCToDoMessages.
PropertyCategories, WBSItemPurpose,
! WBSProjectPurpose



! WBSItemPurpose


! PartClassTypes
! ValveModelNumber

! PartClassTypes

! DoorsWindowsKinematics
! DoorType
! HngSupStrictFaceSelection
! PropertyCategories

! SupplementaryNutRequirement
! SupplementaryWasherRequirement
! EndStandard
! PartClassTypes
! StructACPadType
! StructMemberPositionRule
! StructMemberEndSelectionRule
! GeometryType
! GasketSelectionBasedOnFluidCode
` PipingCommodityType
! ValveModelNumber



! WBSAutoGroupingRuleType
! WBSPullInAssociatedItems
! EnvironmentalZone

! ExteriorSurfaceTreatment
! PipingCommodityType
! CreateExclusiveWBSItem
! IgnoreBoundaries
! RespectAssemblyBoundaries

! FlangeInsulationKitType

! SelectionBasis
! PipingSpecificationNotesOpt
! PropertyCategories
! HVACPartDataBasis
! CableTrayPartDataBasis
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! PartDataBasis
! CommodityOption
! PipingSpecVerManagementOption
! HVACWidthAndDepthBasis
! SupplementaryWasherRequirement
! ElectricalCode
! PurchaseLengthBasisOption
! ValveModelNumber
! HVACComponentTypes


! MaterialsGrade

! EndStandard
! ValveModelNumber
! ValveTrim

! FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish

! WasherType

! EndPreparation

! PressureRating
! Manufacturer

! BoltLubricationRequirements

! SelectionBasis

! CommodityOption
! ScheduleThickness

! PipingCommodityType

! LiningMaterial
! GasketType
! DesignStandard

! CommodityOption
! CommodityCodeBuilderOption
! RevisionHistoryNotesOption

! CableType

! CommodityOption
! InteriorSurfaceTreatment

! GeometricIndustryStandard

! EndStandard

! CommodityOption

! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd.
! Manufacturer

! MaterialsGrade

! WeldingRequirement
! ElectricalCode

! WBSItemPurpose
! ControlPointSubType
! AssemblyInclusion
! AuxiliaryTreatment

! LiningMaterial
! ation
! UndefinedServiceLimitsruleOpt

! WBSItemPurpose

! StructuralMemberType

EndPreparation, HeatTracingMedium,
HngSupPhysicalConnection, InsulationPurpose,
LiningMaterial, LoadSpanClassification,
MaterialsGrade,MaterialsType, ReportingType,
! ShortCodeHierarchy
! PipingPointUsage

! EquipmentComponentTypes

! PipingCommodityType
! GasketType, HngSupConnectionType,
! GasketType
! NotePurpose

! CommodityOption

! GasketRequirements
! HngSupSupportType
boltoption, emi_radiator, emi_suceptor,
partdatasource, spoolsequencetype,
! structuralwpointersectionindex

! PropertyCategories

! PipingCommodityType

! SlabFacePosition
! SlabPriority
! StructACRadiusType
! StructACRadiusType
! StructFeatureRadiusType
! SlabReferenceDirection
! SlabCornerType
! HeatTracingMedium
! FeatureType
! StructuralMemberType
! StructuralMemberType
! HeaderBranchSizeBasisOption
! SpoolBreakByControlPoint
! PipeBendingMachineType
! BendToBendTangentBasis
! PipeBendType
! MinBendToBendTangentLenOption
! IsBendPlanar
! ControlPointSubType
! StructuralLoadCaseSource

! SizeReductionPreference
! ControlPointSubType
! ControlPointSubType
! Type

! SizeReductionPreference
! HeatTracingMedium

! InsulationPurpose

! CommodityOption

! EndPreparation

! Several sheets
! CommodityOption
! EndPreparation
! GeometryType

! CommodityOption
! EndPreparation
! CommodityOption
! PressureRating
! SignalType
! CableType
! VoltageGrade
! CatalogUnitsOfMeasureBasis
! HVACLiningMaterial
! EquipmentComponentTypes
! EquipmentComponentTypes
! LinedConnectorOption
! HngSupSupportType
! EquipmentComponentTypes
! LinedConnectorOption

! PartClassTypes
! PipingCommodityType
! PropertyCategories
! SurfacePreparation
! PartClassTypes
! ValveOperatorType
! DrillingTemplatePattern

! GasketOption

! EndPreparation

! PipingCommodityType

! SelectionBasis
! RouteLayout
! AspectCode
! HngSupBoundingBoxType
! EccentricOffsetBasis
! FeatureType
! FlangeFacing

! PipingCommodityType
! FlangeFacing
! GasketStyleNumber

! EndPreparation
! SurfacePreparation
! PipeStockUsage
! HngSupBOMType

! StructuralLoadCaseSource
! PropertyCategories

! LiningMaterial, StressRelief
! HngSupPortType
! MaterialsType
! Several sheets
! StructuralLoadCaseSource
! PartClassTypes
! BoltDiameterEquivalenceOption

! GasketType

! DrillingTemplatePattern

! SelectionBasis
All system codelists

! SelectionBasis

! GasketOption

! GasketType

! LiningMaterial

! ValveModelNumber.

! DrillingTemplatePattern
! SelectionBasis
! LiningMaterial
! CoatingType
! ScheduleThickness
! GasketType
! InsulationMaterial

! GeometryType
! IndustryCommodityCodeOption
! PipingCommodityType

! PipingPointUsage
! EndPreparation
! ValveOperatorIsRotatable
! PartDataBasis

! FeatureType
! PipingCmdtyCtlgPartNoBasisOpt
! MaterialsGroup
! PipingCmdtyProcurementDataOpt
! StressRelief
! StressReliefRequirement
! ReportingRequirementBasis
! StructBoundaryConditions, StructEndReleases

! StructBoundaryConditions, StructEndReleases
! StructEndReleases
! PartClassTypes
! FireproofingExposureType
! StructBoundaryConditions
! StructEndReleases
! PropertyCategories
! HandrailInlineConnectionType
! FrontEndType
! Index
! Sheet1
! MiscRequisitionClassification
! MiscRequisitionClassification
! MaterialsGrade
! PartDataSource
! MiscRequisitionClassification

! ScheduleThickness
! PressureRating

CrossSectionEdges, CrossSectionShapeTypes,
HngSupETType, HngSupPortCategory

! ManufacturingMethod

! GeometricIndustryStandard

! InsulationPurpose

! EndStandard

! EndStandard

! PressureRating

! ScheduleThickness
! ScheduleThickness

! PressureRating

! PressureRating
! SlabCrossSectionSymbol

! MiscRequisitionClassification
! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd

! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd
! ValveModelNumber
! MiscRequisitionClassification
! SlabPriority

! ReportingType
! MiscRequisitionClassification

! MiscRequisitionClassification
! PipingCommodityType
! ManufacturingMethod
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! PressureRating
! ScheduleThickness
! EndStandard
! ValveModelNumber
! MaterialsGrade
! MiscRequisitionClassification
! ValveTrim
! InstrumentFunctionalType

! EndStandard
! Index
PipeBendingElongation and
! PipeBendingElongationPerSpec
! StructFCSupportedEdge
! StructFrmConnPositionRef
PipeBendingElongation and
! PipeBendingElongationPerSpec

! MiscRequisitionClassification
! IcarusGratingType
! PropertyCategories
! SlabPriority

IcarusGratingType, IcarusConcreteType,
IcarusExcludeEndBent, IcarusColumnBaseOption,
IcarusThirdColumn, IcarusStructSteelAnalysis, and
! IcarusPipeRackType
! StructCustomPlatePartType
! PressureRating
! InstrumentFunctionalType
! HngSupTypeSelectionRule
! SlabPriority
! SupportBaseType
! SupportBaseType
! IFCRequiredAction
! IFCStatus

! PipingCommodityType
! ControlPointType and ControlPointSubType
! SpectaclePosition
! SpectaclePosition

! MiscRequisitionClassification
! StructCustomPlatePartType
! PipingCommodityType
! PipingCommodityType
! StructACSpliceTypes
! InstrumentFunctionalType
HandrailInlineConnectionType and
! HandrailSideConnectionType
! HngSupMatingJointType
! HngSupTypeSelectionRule
! PipingCommodityType
! PipingCommodityType
! EndPreparation
! MethodsOfTrimming

! All system codelists

! WasherOption
! PropertyCategories
! MachBoltLengthRoundOffOption
! CapScrewLengthRoundOffOption
! ScheduleThickness

! PipingCommodityType

! AutomatedFlangeSelectionOption

! PipingCommodityType

! SurfacePreparation
! CableRouteStatus
! PropertyCategories
! PipingCommodityType

! PipingCommodityType
! PipingCommodityType

! PipingCommodityType

! StructFCSupportingCPs
! WeldingRequirement
! InterferenceStatus

! PressureRating

! ScheduleThickness
! MaterialsGrade
! GasketType
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! EndStandard
! MaterialsOfConstructionClass
! EndPreparation
NozzleEntranceType, NozzleFlangeType, and
! NozzleFunction

! ConstructionType
! CrossSectionCardinalPoints

! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd
! CrossSectionShapeTypes
! StructFCEndControlling

! FeatureType
! JacketClosureMethod
! EquipmentTypes (2)

! EquipmentTypes

! LiningMaterial and SurfacePreparation

! RouteLayout
! HngSupPortCommand and HngSupDiscipline
HngSupCutType, HngSupPortCategory,
HngSupEndTreatment, HngSupRuleType,
! HngSupTypeSelectionRule, HngSupJointType
! PropertyCategories
! InsulationMaterial

! EquipmentTypes
! EquipmentTypes

! EquipmentTypes

! PipingCommodityType

! ScheduleThickness

! EndStandard

! EndStandard

! SelectionBasis
! AspectCode
! InsulationTemperatureBasis
! HVACPartGenerationBasis
! PropertyCategories

! EndPreparation

! InsulationMaterial

! InsulationPurpose
! StressReliefRequirement
! PropertyCategories
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! InsulationPurpose
! ScheduleThickness
! PropertyCategories
! HazardousFluidCategory
! StructFCSupportingCPs
! StructFrmConnPositionRef
! EndStandard
! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd
! ValveTrim

DesignStandard, EndStandard, Examination,

LoadSpanClassification, Manufacturer,
MaterialsGrade, PressureRating, RingNumber,
ScheduleThickness, StressRelief,
! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd, and ValveTrim
! PartClassTypes

! PipingCommodityType

! ScheduleThickness

! PartClassTypes
! Index

! WBSItemPurpose and WBSProjectPurpose

! ValveOperatorType
! PartClassTypes
! SizeReductionType, SizeReductionPreference
! PipingCommodityType

! InsulationPurpose

StructFCSupportedEdge, StructFCSupportingSide,
StructFCOffsetDirection, StructFCChevronWPO,
StructFCOffsetAlong, StructACSizingRule, and
! StructACLeftRightBoth

! PartClassTypes
! BoltingRequirements

! StructuralMemberType
! GasketRequirements
! GasketRequirementOverride
! Struct2LBackToBackRule
! StructFootingCompSizingRule
! StructPrismaticFootingShapes
! StructCoordSysReference
! PartClassTypes
! PipingCommodityType

! ValveModelNumber

! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd

! PipingCommodityType
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! CommodityOption
! MultiportValveOpReq
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! StructContinuity
! CommodityOption
HngSupConnectionType, HngSupETType,
! HngSupCutType
! RouteDirection
! PropertyCategories

! EndStandard

! GeometricIndustryStandard
! ValveOperatorType
! FluidCode

! MaterialsGrade
! RequisitionResponsibility

! CommodityOption
! WeldType

! MaterialsOfConstructionClass
! ConstructionType
! HngSupPartClassType
! PipingCommodityType
! PipingCommodityType

! CableTrayComponentType
! HngSupManufacturer
! HngSupDiscipline

! HngSupPortCategory
! HngSupAssociationType
! IFCStatus

! HngSupPhysicalConnection
! CoatingType
! NipplePurchaseLength

! HngSupConnectionInfo, HngSupportedShapeType
! PropertyCategories
IFCProcessStatus, IFCStatus, IFCType, and
! IFCAspectCodeValue
! ValveModelNumber
! MiscRequisitionClassification
! ControlPointSubType
! ControlPointType

! CoatingType

ValveTrim, ValveModelNumber,
FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish, NipplePurchaseLength,
SurfacePreparation, ManufacturingMethod,
! MiscRequisitionClassification

! PipingCommodityType

! GasketRequirements
! CommodityOption
! PartClassTypes
! GasketOutsideDiameterBasis

! GeometryType

! ValveOperatorType

! PipingCommodityType

! PipingCommodityType
! CommodityOption
! FeatureType
! PartClassTypes

! HngSupPhysicalConnection
! AcuteBranchAngle
! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd

! EndPreparation
! HngSupPhysicalConnection

! MaterialsOfConstructionClass

! FeatureType

! MirrorBehaviorOption

! PipingCommodityType
! DrillingTemplatePattern

! NutHeightOption, WasherThicknessOption
! MethodsOfTrimming
! EMI_Radiator, EMI_Suceptor
! PipingSpecStatus
! PipingSpecStatus
! PipingCommodityOverrideOption
! MaterialsGrade

! All Worksheets
! PipeBendRadiusByUserOption
! PressureRating
! WeightStandard
! MaterialsGrade

GeometricIndustryStandard, Materials Grade,

PressureRating, RingNumber, ScheduleThickness,
ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd, WeightStandard,
! Manufacturer, LoadSpanClassification

! EndStandard

! DesignStandard
! ScheduleThickness
! StressRelief, Examination
! MaterialsOfConstructionClass
! PaintingResponsibility
! InsulationPurpose
! InsulationMaterial

! CoatingType

! ScheduleThickness
! ScheduleThickness

! EndStandard
! CommodityOption
HngSupCommand, HngSupConnectObj,
! HngSupDiscipline
HngSupDiscipline, HngSupCommand,
HngSupConnectObj, HngSupJointType,
HngSupRuleType, HngSupportedShapeType, and
! HngSupTypeSelectionRule
! LoadSpanClassification
! EndPreparation

HngSupClassNodeType, HngSupConnectionInfo,
HngSupFaceSelectionType, HngSupPartClassType,
! HngSupPortCategory
! JacketedPipingBasis

! EquipmentTypes
! StructuralMemberType
! StructFrmConnPositionRef

! PipingCommodityType

! HvacComponentTypes, CrossSectionShapeTypes
! AutomatedFlangeSelectionOption
! EquipmentTypes

HngSupClassNodeType, HngSupConnectionInfo,
HngSupFaceSelectionType, HngSupPartClassType,
! HngSupPortCategory
! StructuralWPOIntersectionIndex
! MapType, SpoolingBasis, SpoolSequenceType
! GasketRequirements
! CommodityOption
! CrossSectionCardinalPoints
! PipingCommodityType
! ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd
! CommodityOption
! PipingCommodityType
! GeometricIndustryStandard
! FeatureType
! GasketRequirements
! EndPreparation
! SelectionBasis
! MaterialsOfConstructionClass

! ScheduleThickness
! StructuralMemberPriority
! StructuralMemberType
! HandrailEndTreatment, HandrailOffset

! EndPreparation
! HeatTracingMedium

! PartClassTypes

! WeldType
! StructAlignment

! EndStandard

! PipingCommodityType
! PartClassTypes

! PartClassTypes
! ReportEntityType

! PipingCommodityType

! Many (See description)

! PipingCommodityType
! EMI_Radiator, EMI_Suceptor
! MemberType
! FireproofingMethod
! FireproofingType
! MemberType
! SelectionBasis
! WeightStandard
! SupplyResponsibility
! CableTrayComponentType
! PipingCommodityType
! PipingNotes, ElectricTracing
! SteamoutRequirement
! HeatTracingMedium
! ExternalWeldedPipePart
! Handrail End Treatment, Handrail Offset
! RouteLayout, RouteOnFace

MaterialsGrade, Manufacturer,
GeometricIndustryStandard, ScheduleThickness,
PressureRating, RingNumber, WeightStandard,
! EndStandard, DesignStandard
! NotePurpose

! PipeBendRadiusMultiplierOption

! PartClassTypes
! AcuteBranchAngle
! PipingCommodityType
! PropertyCategories
! PartClassTypes
! PropertyCategories
! HandrailConnectionType, HandrailOrientation
! CommodityOption

! ScheduleThickness
! SelectionBasis
! CrossSectionEdges
! ClampSelectionBasis
! PipingPointUsage
! PartDataSource

SlabBoundaryReference, SlabComposition,
SlabContinuity, SlabCrossSectionSymbol,
SlabDirectionReference, SlabFacePosition,
SlabFastenerType, SlabLayerRole,
SlabManufacturingProcess, SlabNosingMaterial,
! SlabNosingType, SlabPriority
! PartClassTypes
! PartClassTypes
! CableTrayComponentType
! LoadSpanClassification
! CableTrayMaterials
! PropertyCategories
! CrossSectionCardinalPoints
! ElevPlaneType and GridPlaneType
! PartClassTypes
! EndStandard
! ConduitSelectionBasis
! PartClassTypes

! PartClassTypes
! PartClassTypes
! Manufacturer
! CatalogUnitsOfMeasureBasis
! CableTrayType, CableTrayComponentType
! PartClassTypes
! PartClassTypes
! FeatureType
! FeatureType
! EndPreparation

! ValveOperatorType
! ValveOperatorGeometryType
! TestingType
! ScheduleThickness
! ScheduleThickness

! CommodityOptions
! ClampOption
! BoltLubricationRequirements
! SupplyResponsibility
! ScheduleThickness
! RequisitionType
! FluidCode

! EndStandard
! ExteriorSurfaceTreatment
! ScheduleThickness
! InteriorSurfaceTreatment
! InstrumentType
! PipingSpecialtyType
! PipingCommodityType
! BoltOption
! GasketOption
! WeldingRequirement
! MirrorBehaviorOpton
! Tightness
BranchReportingOwnership, ConnectionType,
ReportEntityType, Status, Tightness, Type,
! ValveOperatorGeometryType

! EndPreparation
! Type
! FlowDirection
! BoltType
! WeldType
! FabricationType
! ValveOperatorGeometryType
! ReportEntityType
! Status
! Tightness
! Type
! ConnectionType
! OletBranchOwnershipOption
! PipingCommodityType
! PipingCommodityType
! MaterialsGrade
! InsulationMaterial
! File & All sheets
! ScheduleThickness
! ShortCodeHierarchy
! Revision History
! HngSupFaceSelectionType
! PropertyCategories
! PropertyCategories
! HngSupBOMType
Revision Description
Corrected duplicate values for 1108, 1109, 1100

Added new codelist "Conduit Gangbox, 6 Outlets"

Added new codelist value "Check valve, lift(519)" in PipingCommodityType. Added new codelist values
'Fisher Controls Type 657, Top-Mounted Handwheel(1250)", "Fisher Controls Type 657, Side-Mounted
Handwheel(1255)" and "Fisher Controls Type 667(1275)" in ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd. Updated short
description for "Class III, Wall A per ASTM C76(462)" in ScheduleThickness. Added new codelist values from
SmartSupportSupport to HVACPartDataBasis, PartDataBasis, ValveOperatorPartDataBasis. Moved the
following codelist values as per SmartSupport "Wall post(235)","Indicator post(230)","Extension
stem(210)","90o Extension stem, 90o(85)","low temperature Extension stem, low temperature(87)","tee
Extension stem, tee(86)","Extended bonnet(88)","Floor box (valve box)(225)","Floor stand(205)","Square nut
stem adapter(89)"

Moved the Additional code sheets from MHE work book to this in all the mensioned sheets.

Added new codelist values "Auxiliary Wire" = 15, "Auxiliary Solid" = 16, and "Molded Forms" = 17
Additional Codelists value 56 in ControlPointSubType Sheet
Added new Codelist values 206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213 to SelectionBasis sheet.
Added 1210 and 1220 codelists for piping commodity sub class
Added HVACCrosssectionOverrideOpt codelist.
Added HVACRunChangeAtCSChangeOpt codelist.
Added new codelist named "BranchReinforcementType".
Updated Sheet for new part class type BeltTypeclass for Materials Handling
Added new part class types (TrenchCrossSectionClass) for Civil
Removed "Derived" codelist value
Added "BoltLengthRoundOffBasis" codelist
Added new Property Categories
Added new part class types (TrenchTypeClass, TrenchCompositionClass, TrenchTurnPartClass) for Civil

Added 205 codelist value to SelectionBasisperPCF and SelectionBasis sheets

Added "JointRequirement" new codelist
Added 204 codelist value to SelectionBasisperPCF sheet
Added "BranchFittingPlacementType" new codelist
Added a new codelist value-15
Added new value StructPositionRule = 505

Added new sheet "ThreeRSuspCarryIdlerOp".

Added new values
EquipmentTypes0: Structural
EquipmentTypes1: Architectural Walls;Precast;Structural Slabs;Structural Walls
EquipmentTypes2: Grade Beam; Spread Footing

Code lists are added to EFWCorrelationApprovalStatus table. EFWCorrelationApprovalStatus codelist table

added to property CorrelationApproval Status property which will be added to IJEFWCorrelation inteface.

Added new ControlPointSubType ShortDescription and Codelistnumber "Pipe Stress System Delimiter 101"

Added new WBSItemType LongDescription,WBSItemType ShortDescription,WBSItemPurpose

LongDescription,Codelist Number,Sort Order under GROUP as "Group Stress Analysis,Stress Analysis,220"

Added new ControlPointSubType ShortDescription and Codelistnumber "Pipe Stress System Delimiter 101"

modified the ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd ShortDescription and

ValveOperatorGeometricIndStdLongDescription form "Technegate? Handwh" to "Technegate™ Handwheel"

Modified the ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd for Bettis G80232-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)

Modified the GeometricIndustryStandard for GB/T 12221,GB/T 12221

Modified the discription for codelist numbers as "Out of these, 51-100 are reserved for Hanger control
points." and added new ControlPointSubType ShortDescription and Codelistnumber "Support Notes 55"
Added new StructuralMemberType Code List" Handrail Element" with all the required values like
StructuralMemberTypeCategory ShortDescription,StructuralMemberType ShortDescription,Codelist Number

Added new entry in ControlPointSubType. Added new command types in HngSupCommandType

Changed the Welding property category codelist number from 1230 to 41, so that it is defined within the
correct range.
Added new sheet for Equipment dot net symbol errors
Bulkload Warnings for Append mode of AllCodeLists.xls into an empty catalog
Added new entry 70,65 in BoltingRequirements
Added new entry 75 in Gasket Requirement
Added a new Property Category CodeList. Support Steel Configuration(5050)
Added a new Command Type
Removed GrindPlaneType and ElevPlaneType sheets and moved the entries to GridsCodelist.xls
Added new codelist TechDeliveryConditions
Added new entries 'Stanchion Mounted' (3100),'Globe and Guard with Dome'(3105) and 'Point Flammable
Gas Detector'(3130).
Added new sheet 'ScraperType2Config'
Added new sheet ScraperType1Config.
In EquipmentTypes added following values provided by MHE team:
"Pipe Conveyor (4000)", "Luffing Stacker (4005)", "Luffing and Slewing Stacker (4010)", "Twin Boom Stacker
(4015)", "Reclaimer (4020)", "Portal Reclaimer (4025)", "Bridge Reclaimer (4030)", "Bucket Wheel Excavator
(4035)", "Side Arm Reclaimer (4040)", "Bucket Wheel Reclaimer (4045)", "Bucket Wheel Stacker Reclaimer
(4050)", "Paddle feeder (4055)", "Grizzly feeder (4060)", "Bifurcated Chute (4065)", "Carry Idler (4070)", "Three
Roll Inline Carry Idler (4075)", "Three Roll Offset Carry Idler (4080)", "Three Roll Suspended Carry Idler
(4085)", "Single Roll Flat Carry Idler (4090)", "Return Idler (4095)", "Single Roll Plain Flat Return Idler (4100)",
"Single Roll Disc Flat Return Idler (4105)", "Single Roll Plain Trainer Return Idler (4110)", "2 Roll Flat Return
Idler (4115)", "2 Roll Plain V Return Idler (4120)", "2 Roll Disc V Return Idler (4125)", "2 Roll Inverted V Idler
(4130)", "2 Roll Plain Suspended V Return Idler (4135)", "Trainer Idler (4140)", "3 Roll Offset Trainer Idler
(4145)", "3 Roll Inline Plain Trainer Idler (4150)", "Impact Idler (4155)", "3 Roll Inline Impact Idler (4160)", "3
Roll Offset Impact Idler (4165)", "3 Roll Suspended Impact Idler (4170)", "Single Roll Flat Impact Idler (4175)",
"Dual 3 Roll Idler (4180)", "Pulleys (4185)", "Drive Pulley (4190)", "Non-Drive Pulley (4195)", "Bend Pulley
(4200)", "Hold Down Pulley (4205)", "Snub Pulley (4210)", "Pulley Assembly (4215)", "Drive Pulley Assembly
(4220)", "Non-Drive Pulley assembly (4225)", "Bend Pulley Assembly (4230)", "Hold Down Pulley Assembly
(4235)", "Snub Pulley Assembly (4240)", "Internal Scrapper (4245)", "V-Plough (4250)", "Diagonal (4255)",
"External Scrapper (4260)", "Primary (4265)", "Secondary (4270)", "Wear Plate (4275)", "Ceramic Liner
(4280)", "Mn-Steel Liner (4285)", "Sail Hard Liner (4290)", "Hardox Liner (4295)", "Conveyor Drive (4300)",
"Conveyor Drive Type 1 (4305)", "Conveyor Drive Type 2 (4310)", "Belt Take Up (4315)", "Gravity Take Up
(4320)", "Hydraulic Take Up (4325)", "Screw Take Up (4330)", "Double acting Actuator (4335)", "Through
Piston Rod Assembly (4340)", "Single Ended Piston Rod Assembly (4345)", "Rope Sheave (4350)", "Rope
Sheave, Type1 (4355)", "Rope Sheave, Type2 (4360)", "Conical Ball Mill (4365)", "Vibrating Ball Mill (4370)",
"Hammer Mill (4375)", "SAG Mill (4380)", "GP Cone Crusher (4385)", "HP Cone Crusher (4390)", "MP Cone
Crusher (4395)", "Gyratory Crusher (4400)", "Jaw Crusher (4405)", "Belt Scale (4410)"
In EquipmentComponentTypes added following values provided by MHE team:
"HSS Coupling (4000)", "LSS Coupling (4005)", "Hydraulic Coupling (4010)" and "Sole Plate (4015)"

Added new codelist entrty 110 to the sheet ShortCodeHierarchy

Added new sheet SelectionBasisperPCF
Created new codelist DoorFramePosition for SimpleDoor

Add properties for improved integration with materials management

Need to add values to StructuralMemberType codelist
Added new sheet, new values to FeatureType sheet
Added Intergraph Standard
added Wall Penetration 24 Floor Penetration 25
Added following entry: "90 Degree reversal bend" 21.
Added new codelist value Key Plan Callout(54) to control point sub types.
Created new codelist sheet RotationOffsetType.Added new code list values No Offset, By Reference, By
Distance and By Reference-Distance for RotationOffSet types
Added codelist StructCanRuleClass(500) to PartClassTypes Sheet

Created new sheets and added codelists correspondingly.

Added Welding category for IJWeldingSymbol interface to support ISO and AWS standard welding symbols
on Drawings.
Added the new codelist values Elevation Callout(51), Ad Hoc Note(52), CAD Detail(53) to control point sub
types. Reserved range for system and user defined codelists. Also added codelist value Duct Break Point(9)
Modified the Valve Operator value from 38 to 1165, i.e now the user code listed value will now become the
System defined code listed value with the same ID
Added the value Custom(999) to the StructInsulationEncasement sheet. Added new sheet
StructuInsulationSetbackRef with values Part Start(1), Part End(2), Axis Start(3), Axis End(4).
Added the codelist values CenterLine(1001), MidShip(1002) in GridPlaneType. Added the codelist value
WaterLine(1011) in ElevPlaneType. Added the codelist values StructInsulationClass(410) in PartClassTypes.
Added the Codelist values Insulation Fireproofing(5001), Insulation Soundproofing(5002), Insulation Type
03(5003), Insulation Type 04(5004), Insulation Type 05(5005) in PropertyCategories. Added new sheet
StructInsulationPurpose and StructInsulationEncasement.
The sheet name HandWheelOrientation has been modified to HandWheelStepRotAngle.In the sheets
EndStandard and CommodityOption, entries that need to be deleted but are used in the sample data have
been tagged.
Additions and modifications have been done to the sheets mentioned.The revision details have been
documented and have been kept on Zuma in the folder CP152372

Additions and modifications have been done to the sheets mentioned.The revision details have been
documented and have been kept on Zuma in the folder CP152372

Added the codelist value 'Pipe Attachment With Assembly' (20)

Modified the textual value for 'All Shop Parts' to 'Pipe Attachment With All Shop Parts'.
Additions and modifications have been done to the sheets mentioned.The revision details have been
documented and have been kept on Zuma in the folder CP152372

Additions and modifications have been done to the sheets mentioned.The revision details have been
documented and have been kept on Zuma in the folder CP152372

Additions , modifications and deletions have been done to the sheet mentioned.The revision details have
been documented and have been kept on Zuma in the folder CP152372
Additions , modifications and deletions have been done to the sheets mentioned.The revision details have
been documented and have been kept on Zuma in the folder CP152372
Moisture Separators" (292), "Separator, baffle (vane) type" (9506), "Separator, cyclonic (centrifugal) type"
(9507), "Separator, coalescence type" (9508), Steam trap assemblies" (1062), "Steam trap assembly" (8596),
"Steam trap assembly with cock" (8597) and "Steam trap assembly with cock and bypass" (8598) have been
In Partdatabasis sheet :
Added the following entries: Angle Basket Strainer, Type 1(1091) and Angle Basket Strainer, Type 2(1092)
In PipingCommodityType sheet :
Added the following entry: Basket strainer,Angle(3111)
Added following values: "A1 stainless steel 40012", "A3 stainless steel 40013", "A5 stainless steel 40014",
"C1 stainless steel 40017", "C3 stainless steel 40021", "C4 stainless steel 40022", "C5 stainless steel 40023",
"FA stainless steel 40024", "F1 stainless steel 40025"; Also added "SWRH57A, JIS G 3506 60333",
"SWRH57B, JIS G 3506 60334", "SWRH62A, JIS G 3506 60335", "SWRH62B, JIS G 3506 60336", "SWRH67A,
JIS G 3506 60337", "SWRH67B, JIS G 3506 60338", "SWRH72A, JIS G 3506 60339", "SWRH77B, JIS G 3506
60340", "SWRH77A, JIS G 3506 60341", "SWRH77B, JIS G 3506 60342", "S50C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60343",
"S50CM, JIS G 3311 60344", "S55C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60345", "S55CM, JIS G 3311 60346", "S60C-CSP, JIS G
4802 60347", "S65C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60348", "S65CM, JIS G 3311 60349", "S70C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60350",
"S70CM, JIS G 3311 60351", "C5191P-H, JIS H 3110 60352", "C5191W, JIS H 3270 60353", "C5212P-H, JIS H
3110 60354".

Added the following end standard values:

JIS F 7330, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 40K angle valves (3029)
JIS F 7334, Shipbuilding - Bronze hose valves (3030)
JIS F 7337, Shipbuilding - Forged steel angle air valves (3031)
JIS F 7387, Shipbuilding - Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K cocks (3028)
JIS F 7388, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K globe valves (3032)
JIS F 7389, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K angle valves (3033)
JIS F 7421, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K globe valves (3034)
JIS F 7422, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K angle valves (3035)
JIS B 2220, plate flanges, welded end (3027)
Deleted the value -JIS F 3056, Ship's foot valves (3022)

Added "Spring lock washer 27", "Toothed lock washer 32", "Waved spring washer 33".
Added following values: "JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general purposes,
Small, Product Grade A 60225", "JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes, Normal, Product Grade A 60226", "JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for
general purposes, Normal, Product Grade C 60227", "JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and
nuts for general purposes, Large, Product Grade A 60228", "JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts,
screws and nuts for general purposes, Large, Product Grade C 60229", "JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric
bolts, screws and nuts for general purposes, Extra Large, Product Grade c 60234", "JIS B 1251, Spring Lock
Washers, Regular Type (No. 2) 60240", "JIS B 1251, Spring Lock Washers, Heavy Duty (No. 3) 60241", "JIS B
1251, Conical Spring Washers, Class 1, Light and Heavy (1L and 1H) 60242", "JIS B 1251, Conical Spring
Washers, Class 2, Light and Heavy (2L and 2H) 60243", "JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers, Internal (A) or
External (B) Teeth 60244", "JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers, Countersunk (C) 60245", "JIS B 1251,
Toothed Lock Washers, Internal and External Teeth (AB) 60246", "JIS B 1251, Waved Spring Washers, Heavy
(No. 3) 60247", "JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Small, Product Grade A 60248", "JIS B 1256, Plain Washers,
Normal, Product Grade A 60249", "JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal with chamfering, Product Grade A
60250", "JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal, Product Grade C 60251", "JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Large,
Product Grade A 60252", "JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Large, Product Grade C 60253", "JIS B 1256, Plain
Washers, Extra Large, Product Grade C 60254".

Added the following three values:

JIS B 2011, Bronze, gate, globe, angle, and check valves (3019)
JIS B 2051, Malleable iron 10K screwed valves (3021)
JIS F 3056, Ship's foot valves (3022)
Added the following entry in CoatingType : Salt-bath nitrided (252)
Added the following entries in MaterialsGrade : Steel (40018), A2 stainless steel (40019) and A4 stainless
steel (40020)
Modified 'Union nut' to 'Union nut, hexagonal' 8260. Added following: Union nut, octagonal 8261", "Union nut,
decagonal 8262", "Union nut, lug 8263".
Added "Sch. 120S per JIS' 'Schedule 120S per JIS' 3027", "Sch. 160S per JIS' 'Schedule 160S per JIS' 3028".
Modified long descriptions of other JIS codelists to use ''Schedule' instead of 'Sch.'.
Added "JIS B 2312, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings, pipe fittings for fired heaters" (numeric value 1145).

Added following entry: "0.74 MPa MWP per JIS B 2062" (Long Description: 0.74 MPa Maximum Working
Pressure per JIS B 2062, numeric value 3129).
Added the following entries in the PartDataBasis sheet:"Reducing bushing, hexagonal, length exclusive of
nut thickness 1083", "Plug, plain, length inclusive of nut thickness 1084", "Plug, round, length inclusive of
nut thickness 1085", "Plug, counter sunk, specified by face-to-face 1086", "Cap, hexagonal, specified by face-
to-face 1087", "Cap, octagonal, specified by face-to-face 1088", "Cap, decagonal, specified by face-to-face
Added following entries: "JIS B 2062, Sluice valves for water works 3018", "JIS B 2220, blind flanges, 1101".

Deleted "Plug 2105".

Added following entries: Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type A(161), Rectangular diffuser, with
rectangular neck, Type B (162), Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type C (163), Rectangular
diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type D (164), Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type A(165), Rectangular
diffuser, with round neck, Type B(166), Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type C(167), Rectangular
diffuser, with round neck, Type D(168), Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type E(169) and Rectangular
diffuser, with round neck, Type F(170).

Added 65800, 65801, 65802 and 65814. (need to review these).

Added following entries:Fire Damper Without Casing(151),Fire Damper With Retaining plates(152),Fire
Damper With Actuator(153),Fire Damper With Transition And Actuator(154),Fire Damper With
Transition(155),Control Damper, lever type operator(156),Control Damper, gear type operator(157),Control
Damper, Actuator(158),Control Damper with Transition,lever type Operator(159),Control Damper with
Added 'End dimensions per JIS B 2308 3128'.
Deleted "JIS B 2301, Class I, Type F JIS B 2301, Class I, Type F, Screwed type malleable cast iron unions
3018", "JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C1 JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C1, Screwed type malleable cast iron unions
3030", "JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C2 JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C2, Screwed type malleable cast iron unions
3019", "JIS B 2301, Class II, Type F JIS B 2301, Class II, Type F, Screwed type malleable cast iron unions
3021", "JIS B 2301, Class II, Type C JIS B 2301, Class II, Type C, Screwed type malleable cast iron unions

Added "'Class I per JIS B 2301' 3126", "'Class II per JIS B 2301' 3127".
Added the entry 'Centerline' (9).

Modified the codelist value for the short description "JIS B 2291-SHB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SHB" from 3027 to 1128
Deleted the following entries in "MaterialsGrade" sheet:AWWA-C110, dbl thk cement lined (77), B42
Cl.C10200, drwn, NPD 2.5-12 (1331), B42 Cl.C12000, drwn, NPD 2.5-12 (1335), B42 Cl.C12200, drwn, NPD 2.5-
12 (1339), B75 Cl.C10200, hrd drwn (1363), B75 Cl.C10200, light drwn (1364), B75 Cl.C12000, hrd drwn (1369),
B75 Cl.C12000, light drwn (1370), B75 Cl.C12200, hrd drwn (1375), B75 Cl.C12200, light drwn (1376), B75
Cl.C14200, hrd drwn (1381), B75 Cl.C14200, light drwn (1382), B88 Cl.C10200, drwn (1387), B88 Cl.C12000,
drwn (1393), B88 Cl.C12200, drwn (1399), B467 Cl.C70600, annld, >4.5in OD (1463), B467 Cl.C71500, annld,
>4.5in OD (1467), B127-400 (N04400) hot rolled plt AR (1561), B160-200 (N02200) hot fin (1565), B161-200
(N02200) annld, >5in OD (1573), B161-200 (N02200) stress rlvd (1574), B161-201 (N02201) annld, >5in OD
(1577), B161-201 (N02201) stress rlvd (1578), B162-201 (N02201) hot rolled plt AR (1587), B164-400 (N04400)
hot fin (1591), B165-400 (N04400) annld, >5in OD (1595), B165-400 (N04400) stress rlvd (1596), B166-600
(N06600) hot fin (1601), B167-600 (N06600) cold drwn annld, >5in OD (1605), B167-600 (N06600) hot fin/hot fin
annld, <=5in OD (1606), B167-600 (N06600) hot fin/hot fin annld, >5in OD (1607), B168-600 (N06600) hot rolled
plt AR (1611), B333-B (N10001) sln annld sheet (1615), B335-B-2 (N10665) sln annld (1620), B407-800 (N08800)
hot fin/hot fin annld (1643), B209-6061 temper T4, wld (1888), B209-6061 temper T6, wld (1892), B209-Alclad
6061 temper T4, wld (1914), B209-Alclad 6061 temper T6, wld (1918), B210-6061 temper T4, wld (1972), B210-
6061 temper T6, wld (1976), B210-6063 temper T4, wld (1980), B210-6063 temper T5, wld (1982), B210-6063
temper T6, wld (1986), B221-6061 temper T4, wld (2036), B221-6061 temper T6, wld (2040), B221-6063 temper
T4, wld (2044), B221-6063 temper T5, wld (2048), B221-6063 temper T6, wld (2052), B241-6061 temper T4, wld
(2108), B241-6061 temper T6, <NPD 1 (2110), B241-6061 temper T6, =>NPD 1 (2112), B241-6061 temper T6, wld
(2114), B241-6063 temper T4, wld (2118), B241-6063 temper T5, wld (2122), B241-6063 temper T6, wld (2126),
B247-3003 temper H112, wld (2142), B247-5083 temper H112, wld (2148), B247-6061 temper T6, wld (2152),
B345-6061 temper T4, wld (2180), B345-6061 temper T6, <NPD 1 (2182), B345-6061 temper T6, =>NPD 1 (2184),
B345-6061 temper T6, wld (2186), B345-6063 temper T4, wld (2190), B345-6063 temper T5, wld (2194), B345-
6063 temper T6, wld (2198), B361-WP6061 temper T4, wld (2238), B361-WP6061 temper T6, wld (2242), B361-
WP6063 temper T4, wld (2246), B361-WP6063 temper T6, wld (2250). Added the following
entries in "MaterialsGrade" sheet:ASTM A671-CD80 (465), ASTM A671-CF65 (466), ASTM A671-CF66 (467),
ASTM A671-CG100 (468), ASTM A671-CH100 (469), ASTM A671-CJ101 (470), ASTM A671-CJ102 (471), ASTM
A671-CJ103 (472), ASTM A671-CJ104 (473), ASTM A671-CJ105 (474), ASTM A671-CJ106 (475), ASTM A671-
CJ107 (476), ASTM A671-CJ108 (477), ASTM A671-CJ109 (478), ASTM A671-CJ110 (479), ASTM A671-CJ111
(480), ASTM A671-CJ112 (481), ASTM A671-CJ113 (482), ASTM A671-CP65 (483), ASTM A671-CP75 (484),
ASTM A672-D80 (485), ASTM A672-H75 (486), ASTM B402 Cl.C70600 (487), ASTM B402 Cl.C71500 (488), ASTM
B466 Cl.C70400 (489), ASTM B466 Cl.C70600 (490), ASTM B466 Cl.C70620 (491), ASTM B466 Cl.C71000 (492),
ASTM B466 Cl.C71500 (493), ASTM B466 Cl.C71520 (494), ASTM B466 Cl.C72200 (495), ASTM B467 Cl.C70600
(496), ASTM B467 Cl.C71500 (497), ASTM B42 Cl.C10200 (498), ASTM B42 Cl.C12000 (499), ASTM B42
Cl.C12200 (500), ASTM B43 Cl.C23000 (501), ASTM B75 Cl.C10100 (502), ASTM B75 Cl.C10200 (503), ASTM
B75 Cl.C10300 (504), ASTM B75 Cl.C10800 (505), ASTM B75 Cl.C12000 (506), ASTM B75 Cl.C12200 (507),
ASTM B75 Cl.C14200 (508), ASTM B88 Cl.C10200 (880), ASTM B88 Cl.C12000 (881), ASTM B88 Cl.C12200
(882), ASTM entryB96from 'JIS B 2301,
Cl.C65100 (883),Class
F and Type C1, Screwed
(884), ASTM B96 type malleable
Cl.C65500 castASTM
(885), iron unions'
B152 to 'JIS
B 2301, Class I, Type F, Screwed type malleable cast iron unions' (numeric value 3018)
Cl.C10100 (886), ASTM B152 Cl.C10200 (887), ASTM B152 Cl.C10300 (888), ASTM B152 Cl.C10400 (889), ASTM
"Added 'JIS B 2301,
B152 Cl.C10500 Class
(890), ASTMI, Type
B152C1, Screwed
Cl.C10700 typeASTM
(891), malleable
B152cast iron unions'
Cl.C10800 (892),3030".
ASTM B152 Cl.C10900 (893),
ASTM B152 Cl.C11000 (894), ASTM B152 Cl.C11300 (895), ASTM B152 Cl.C11400 (896), ASTM B152 Cl.C11600
(897), ASTM
Modified entryB152
from Cl.C12000 (898),
'JIS B 2301, ASTM
Class B152FCl.C12200
I, Type and Type C1, (899), ASTM B152
Screwed Cl.C12300cast
type malleable (900), ASTM
iron B152
unions' to 'JIS
B 2301, Class(901), ASTM
I, Type F,B152 Cl.C14420
Screwed (902), ASTM
type malleable castB152 Cl.C14530
iron unions' (903), ASTM
(numeric B169 Cl.C61400
value 60185). Added new(904), ASTM
B407 B
2301, N06811)
Class I,(905),
TypeASTM B407 (UNS
C1, Screwed typeN08120)
malleable (906),
castASTM B407-800
iron unions' (UNS N08800) (907), ASTM B407
(UNS N08801) (908), ASTM B407-800H (UNS N08810) (909), ASTM B407 (UNS N08811) (910), ASTM B407 (UNS
N08890) (911), ASTM B443-219 (UNS N06219) (912), ASTM B443-625 (UNS N06625) (913), ASTM B444-219
(UNS N06219) (914), ASTM B444-625 (UNS N06625) (915), ASTM B446-219 (UNS N06219) (916), ASTM B446-
625 (UNS "Nozzle
N06625) 127", "Off-line
(917), ASTMinstrument
B446-650 (UNS 150", N06650)
"Pressure relief
(918), 155",B464-20Cb
ASTM "Vacuum relief
N08020) (919), ASTM
B464 (UNS"Cap, hexagonal
N08024) 9496",
(1301), ASTM"Cap,
B464octagonal 9497",(1302),
(UNS N08026) "Cap, decagonal 9498",(UNS
ASTM B574-C-4 "Plug, plain 9499",
N06455) (1303),"Plug,
round 9500",
B574 (UNS "Plug, (1304),
N06022) counterASTM
sunk B574
"Plug, square(1305),
N06035) 9502",ASTM
hexagonal 9503", "Plug,
(UNS N06058) (1306),octagonal
9504", "Plug, decagonal
(UNS N06059) (1307), ASTM 9505". Also,
B574 (UNSadded Piping
N06200) Commodity
(1308), ASTM B574 Sub (UNS
'Double (1309),
90 degreeASTMreducing
B574 (UNS
direction changeASTM
N06686) (1310), 1046'B574-C-276
and child value
(UNS'90 degree(1311),
N10276) doubleASTM
elbow, reducing
B575 90 degree
(UNS N06022) double
(1312), elbow,
ASTM reducing
B575 (UNS
N06035)under it. ASTM B575 (UNS N06058) (1314), ASTM B575 (UNS N06059) (1315), ASTM B575-C-4 (UNS
N06455) (1316), ASTM B575 (UNS N06200) (1317), ASTM B575 (UNS N06210) (1318), ASTM B575 (UNS N06686)
(1319), new
ASTM entries with numeric
B575-C-276 values :"Type
(UNS N10276) (1320), L1 386",
B581-G L2 387".
N06007) (1321), ASTM B581 (UNS N06030)
(1322), ASTM B581 (UNS N06975) (1323), ASTM B581 (UNS N06985) (1324), ASTM B581 (UNS N08031) (1509),
ASTM B582-G (UNS N06007) (1510), ASTM B582 (UNS N06030) (1511), ASTM B582 (UNS N06975) (1512),
ASTM B582 (UNS N06985) (1513), ASTM B612-200 (UNS N02200) (1514), ASTM B619-20-Mod (UNS N08320)
(1515), ASTM B619-B (UNS N10001) (1516), ASTM B619-B-2 (UNS N10665) (1517), ASTM B619-C-4 (UNS
N06455) (1518), ASTM B619-C-276 (UNS N10276) (1519), ASTM B619-G1 (UNS N06007) (1520), ASTM B619-X
(UNS N06002) (1521), ASTM B619 (UNS N06022) (1522), ASTM B619 (UNS N06030) (1523), ASTM B619 (UNS
N06035) (1524), ASTM B619 (UNS N06058) (1525), ASTM B619 (UNS N06059) (1526), ASTM B619 (UNS N06200)
(1527), ASTM B619 (UNS N06210) (1528), ASTM B619 (UNS N06230) (1529), ASTM B619 (UNS N06975) (1530),
ASTM B619 (UNS N06985) (1531), ASTM B619 (UNS N08031) (1532), ASTM B619 (UNS N08320) (1533), ASTM
Modified short and long descriptions of one entry: "'JIS B 2291', 'JIS B 2291, 21 MPa slip-on welding pipe
flanges for hydraulic use'" to "'JIS B 2291-LSA','JIS B 2291-LSA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type LSA'" (numeric value 9765). Added "JIS B 2291-SHA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe
flanges for hydraulic use - Type SHA 60230", "JIS B 2291-SHB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SHB 60231", "JIS B 2291-SSA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for hydraulic use -
Type SSA 60232", "JIS B 2291-SSB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for hydraulic use - Type SSB
60233" ,"JIS B 2301, Class I, Pattern i, Screwed type malleable cast iron bushings 60235", "JIS B 2301, Class
I, Pattern ii, Screwed type malleable cast iron bushings 60236", "JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern i, Screwed type
malleable cast iron bushings 60237", "JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern ii, Screwed type malleable cast iron
bushings 60238", "JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern iii, Screwed type malleable cast iron bushings 60239".

Added following entries: Back draft damper with counter weight (145), Back draft damper, type A (146), Back
draft damper, type B (147), Grille,Horizontal Blades (148), Grille,Vertical Blades (149) and Stationary louver,
type A (150)
Added following entries: 'Handwheel, Type 1' (50), 'Lever, Type 1' (60) and 'Lever, inclined, Type 1' (61)

Added following values in partdata basis sheet:

Double basket strainer, Type 1 (994), Double basket strainer, Type 2 (995), Double basket strainer, Type 3a
(996), Double basket strainer, Type 3b (997), Double basket strainer, Type 4 (998), Double basket strainer,
Type 5 (999), Double basket strainer, Type 6 (1000),
Pressure control valve, Type 1 (1038),Pressure control valve, Type 2 (1039).

Added following values in piping commodity type sheet:

Double basket strainer, ball type (3121), Double basket strainer, corrosive 3-way ball type (3122), Double
basket strainer, plug type (3123),
Double basket strainer, sliding gate type (3124), Double basket strainer, butterfly with convoluted screen type

Added the following entries: 'provide short sleeve, specified by outer diameter, thickness, and length ' (1066).

Added the following entries: 'Provide long sleeve, specified by outer diameter, thickness, length, and hole
diameter ' (1065).
Added the following entries in "MaterialsGrade" sheet : ASTM A351-CG8M 487,SUS317W 65814.
Added new entry 'Angle needle valve, 90o' (9484)
Added new entries in Partdatbasis sheet:
180o return, closed, specified by center-to-center (1055), 180o return, open, specified by center-to-center
(1056), 180o return, open, specified by back-to-face (1057), 180o return, open, single tangent, specified by
center-to-center and tangent, port 1 (1058), 180o return, open, single tangent, specified by back-to-tangent-
line and tangent, port 1 (1059), 180o return, open, double tangent, specified by center-to-center and tangent
(1060), 180o return, open, double tangent, specified by back-to-tangent-line and tangent (1061), 180o return,
open, single tangent, specified by center-to-center and tangent, port 2 (1062), and 180o return, open, single
tangent, specified by back-to-face and tangent, port 2 (1063).Modified the short descriptions for the
Partdatabasis values 413 and 414 to '1800 return, open, specified by back-centerline-to-face' and '1800 return,
open, specified by center-to-center and back-centerline-to-face' respectively.
Added the codelist values ASTM A182-F317(7025) ,ASTM A182-F317L(7030) to the material grade and the
values Spectacle blind, Type 1(1046),Spectacle blind, Type 2(1047),Spectacle blind, Type 3(1048),Spectacle
blind, Type 4(1049),Spectacle blind, Type 5(1050) to the part data basis

Added the following entries: 'Needle valve, linear, Type 1' (1052), 'Needle valve, linear, Type 2' (1053), 'Needle
valve, angle' (1054).
Following changes are done to Materials Category, added the entries with following nuimeric values: 85, 86,
87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101. And changed text values: 'Bolting Materials, SUS' to
'Carbon Steels, JIS', 'Non-Metallic Materials, SUS' to 'Non-Metallic Materials, JIS', 'Gasket Materials, SUS' to
'Gasket Materials, JIS', 'Bolting Materials, SUS' to 'Bolting Materials, JIS'. Following changes are done to
MaterialsGrade: (i) deleted following numeric values as the text values are duplicates in file version 610:
50080, 65186, 65187, 65188, 65189, 65190, 65191, 65192, 65193, 65194, 65196, 65624, 65625, 65626, 65457,
65488, 65490, 65528, 65529, 65530, 65531, 65532, 65533, 65534, 65535, 65536, 65537, 65538, 65539, 65540,
65541, 65542, 65543, 65544, 65545, 65546, 65547, 65548, 65549, 65550, 65551. (ii) Added entries with following
numeric values: 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483,
484, 485, 486, 50114, 50115, 50116, 50117, 50118, 50119, 50120, 50121, 50122, 50123, 50124, 50125, 50126,
50127, 50128, 50129, 50130, 50131, 50132, 50133, 50134, 101332, 65705, 65706, 65707, 65708, 65709, 65710,
65711, 65712, 65713, 65714, 65715, 65716, 65717, 65718, 65719, 65720, 65721, 65722, 65723, 65724, 65725,
65726, 65727, 65728, 65729, 65730, 65731, 65732, 65733, 65734, 65735, 65736, 65737, 65738, 65739, 65740,
65741, 65742, 65743, 65744, 65745, 65746, 65747, 65748, 65749, 65750, 65751, 65752, 65753, 65754, 65755,
65756, 65757, 65758, 65759, 65760, 65761, 65762, 65763, 65764, 65765, 65766, 65767, 65768, 65769, 65770,
65771, 65772, 65773, 65774, 65775, 65776, 65777, 65778, 65779, 65780, 65781, 65782, 65783, 65784, 65785,
65786, 65787, 65788, 65789, 65790, 65791, 65792, 65793, 65794, 65795, 65796, 65797, 65798, 65799, 65800,
65801, 65802, 65803, 65804, 65805, 65806, 65807, 65808, 65809, 65810, 65811, 65812. (iii) Changed text as
follows: 'St35.8I' to 'St35.8 I (1.0305)', 'GS-C25' to 'GS-C 25', 'GG-25' to 'GG-25 (0.6025)', 'GG-20' to 'GG-20
(0.6020)', 'GGG-40' to 'GGG-40 (0.7040)', 'G-X6 CrNi 18 9 (1.4308)' to 'GX6CrNi 18 9 (1.4308)', 'G-X6 CrNiMo 18
10 (1.4408)' to 'GX6CrNiMo 18 10 (1.4408)', 'NiCu30Fe(2.4360)' to 'NiCu30Fe (2.4360)', 'X10NiCrAITi32-20
(1.4876)' to 'X10NiCrAlTi 32-20 (1.4876)', 'JIS G 3311, S 60 CM' to 'S60CM, JIS G 3311', 'JIS G 4051, S 09 CK' to
'S09CK, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 10 C' to 'S10C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 12 C' to 'S12C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS
G 4051, S 15 C' to 'S15C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 15 CK' to 'S15CK, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 17 C' to
'S17C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 20 C' to 'S20C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 20 CK' to 'S20CK, JIS G 4051', 'JIS
G 4051, S 22 C' to 'S22C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 25 C' to 'S25C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 28 C' to 'S28C,
JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 30 C' to 'S30C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 33 C' to 'S33C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051,
S 35 C' to 'S35C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 38 C' to 'S38C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 40 C' to 'S40C, JIS G
4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 43 C' to 'S43C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 45 C' to 'S45C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 48 C'
to 'S48C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 50 C' to 'S50C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 53 C' to 'S53C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS
G 4051, S 55 C' to 'S55C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS G 4051, S 58 C' to 'S58C, JIS G 4051', 'JIS H 5111, BC1' to 'BC1, JIS
H 5111', 'JIS H 5111, BC2' to 'BC2, JIS H 5111', 'JIS H 5111, BC3' to 'BC3, JIS H 5111', 'JIS H 5111, BC6' to
'BC6, JIS H 5111', 'JIS H 5111, BC6C' to 'BC6C, JIS H 5111', 'JIS H 5111, BC7' to 'BC7, JIS H 5111', 'JIS H 5121,
BC1C' to 'BC1C, JIS H 5121', 'JIS H 5121, BC2C' to 'BC2C, JIS H 5121', 'JIS H 5121, BC3C' to 'BC3C, JIS H
5121', 'JIS H 5121, BC7C' to 'BC7C, JIS H 5121', 'SUS 3' to 'SUS3', 'SUS 300' to 'SUS300', 'SUS 301' to
'SUS301', 'SUS 301J1' to 'SUS301J1', 'SUS 301L' to 'SUS301L', 'SUS 302, JIS G 4308' to 'SUS302, JIS G 4308',
'SUS 302B' to 'SUS302B', 'SUS 303' to 'SUS303', 'SUS 303Cu' to 'SUS303Cu', 'SUS 303Se, JIS G 4313' to
Added the following
'SUS303Se, entries
JIS G 4313', 'SUSin304,
"ScheduleThickness" sheetJIS
JIS G 4303' to 'SUS304, : LG per JIS
G 4303', B 2311
'SUS 3048,
304Cu' to STD per JIS B'SUS
'SUS304Cu', 2311
3049, XS per JIS B 2311 3050, Attached Table 1 per JIS B 2311 3051, Table 2 per JIS G 3442 3052,
304F' to 'SUS304F', 'SUS 304H' to 'SUS304H', 'SUS 304HF' to 'SUS304HF', 'SUS 304HP' to 'SUS304HP', 'SUS Table 6 per
JIS G 3452 3053
304HTB' to 'SUS304HTB', 'SUS 304HTF' to 'SUS304HTF', 'SUS 304HTP' to 'SUS304HTP, JIS G 3459', 'SUS
304J1' to 'SUS304J1', 'SUS 304J2' to 'SUS304J2', 'SUS 304J3' to 'SUS304J3', 'SUS 304L, JIS G 4303' to
'SUS304L, JIS G 4303', 'SUS 304 LN' to 'SUS304 LN', 'SUS 304 LTB' to 'SUS304 LTB', 'SUS 304 LTBS' to
'SUS304 LTBS, JIS G 3447', 'SUS 304 LTP, JIS G 3459' to 'SUS304 LTP, JIS G 3459', 'SUS 304LTPY' to
'SUS304LTPY', 'SUS 304LW' to 'SUS304LW', 'SUS 304N1' to 'SUS304N1', 'SUS 304N2' to 'SUS304N2', 'SUS
304TB' to 'SUS304TB', 'SUS 304TBS' to 'SUS304TBS, JIS G 3447', 'SUS 304TF' to 'SUS304TF', 'SUS 304TKA'
to 'SUS304TKA, JIS G 3446', 'SUS 304TKC' to 'SUS304TKC, JIS G 3446', 'SUS 304TP, JIS G 3459' to
in 'PartDataBasis' sheet added the following values: 'Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1,
and seat-to-center 3' (1043), 'Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center 3'
(1044), 'Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center 3' (1045). In
'CommodityOption' sheet added the following entries: 'Union Male Sub x Female threaded end' (3547), 'Union
Male Sub x Male threaded end' (3548), 'Union Female Sub x Female threaded end' (3549), 'Union Female Sub x
Male threaded end' (3550), 'Female mechanical joint end x Beveled end x Raised-face flanged end' (3551)

Added: "Flange, block" (990) and "Flange, L-block" (991)

Added the CableTrayComponentType( 566 ) "Horizontal adjustable bend (0-25 Deg)"
Added: "Union head, Type 1 1033", "Union head, Type 2 1034", "Union tail, Type 1 1035", "Union tail, Type 2
Modified "The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be greater than 10,000.
Numeric values less than 10,000 are reserved for use by SmartPlant." entry as "The numeric value for any
new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all
other numeric values."
Added the following entries in "CommodityOption" sheet : Flat-face flanged end with union nut 3529, Flat-
face flanged end with O-ring groove 3530 , Beveled end with union nut 3531, Socket end with union nut 3532,
Brazing cup with union nut 3533, Female threaded end with union nut 3534, DIN PN 320 3535, 3.00 MPa per
JIS B 8605 3536, 3.45 MPa per JIS B 8605 3537, 4.30 MPa per JIS B 8605 3538, 5.00 MPa per JIS B 8605 3539,
VP per JIS K 6741 3540, HIVP per JIS K 6741 3541, VM per JIS K 6741 3542, VU per JIS K 6741 3543, IDVP per
JIS K 6741 3544, ISVP per JIS K 6741 3545, IWVP per JIS K 6741 3546.
Deleted the following entries in "CommodityOption" sheet : 391, 499, 421, 402, 493, 495, 425, 411, 422, 424,
836, 838, 3312, 3314, 3316, 3318, 2920, 3320, 3322, 2925, 2930, 3324, 3326, 2935, 2940, 3328, 3330, 2945, 3332,
3334, 3336, 3338, 3340, 3342, 3344, 3346, 3348, 3350, 3352, 3354, 3356, 3358, 3360, 3362, 3364, 3366, 3368,
3370, 3374, 3376, 3382, 3386, 3390, 3392, 3394, 3396, 3398, 3400, 3214, 1105, 1110, 1115, 1100, 1125, 1135,
1130, 1120, 1137, 1140, 1145, 1150, 1155, 1160, 1165, 1175, 1180, 1170, 1185, 1190, 1195, 1200, 1205, 1210,
1215, 1220, 1225, 1230, 1235, 1240, 1245, 1250, 1255, 1260, 1265, 1270, 1275, 1280, 1285, 1290, 1295, 1300,
1305, 1310, 1315, 1320;
Modified long description for following: 2.00 MPa per JIS B 8605 3378, 3.00 MPa per JIS B 8605 3380, 3.45
MPa per JIS B 8605 3384, 4.00 MPa per JIS B 8605 3388, 5.00 MPa per JIS B 8605 3372,Class 25 756, Class 50
758, Class 75 759, Class 86 760, Class 100 761, Class 125 762, Class 125 LW 2750, Class 150 763, Class 175
764, Class 200 767, Class 250 769, Class 275 770, Class 300 773, Class 350 774, Class 400 777, Class 450
3258, Class 500 2755, Class 600 781, Class 800 785, Class 900 789, Class 960 3260, Class 1000 792, Class
1500 797, Class 1690 1840, Class 1700 1845, Class 2000 801, Class 2050 1850, Class 2350 1855, Class 2500
805, Class 2680 1860, Class 3000 809, Class 3100 1865, Class 3600 1870, Class 4000 811, Class 4500 813,
Class 5000 815, Class 6000 817, Class 9000 821, Class 10000 823, Class 15000 827, Class 20000 831, Class
30000 835.

Added the following entries in "PressureRating" sheet : VP per JIS K 6741 3119, HIVP per JIS K 6741 3120,
VM per JIS K 6741 3121, VU per JIS K 6741 3122, IDVP per JIS K 6741 3123, ISVP per JIS K 6741 3124, IWVP
per JIS K 6741 3125.
Added the following entry in EndStandard sheet: JIS B 2291-SHB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SHB 3027; Deleted the following entry in EndStandard sheet: JIS B 8602, Pipe flanges
for refrigerants 1156; Modified Short description for following: JIS B 2290, Other Flanges 1120, JIS B 2290,
Cast Flanges 3017.
Deleted the following entry in GeometricIndustryStandard sheet: JIS B 0151, Iron and steel pipe fittings 9757
and numeric value 60190; Modified long description for following: JIS B 8602-ATK, Pipe flanges for
refrigerants - Type ATK 9778 (previous numeric value was 60190), JWWA K118, Unplasticized polyvinyl
chloride (PVC-U) pipe for water supply (withdrawn) 60182.
Added the following entries in Partdatabasis sheet: Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 2 and
Tangent Length 1(182)
Added the following entries in Partdatabasis sheet: Plug, hexagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness
(1028) ,Plug, octagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness (1029) ,Plug, decagonal, length exclusive of nut
thickness (1030) ,Plug, round, specified by face-to-face (1031) ,Plug, square, length exclusive of nut
thickness (1032)

Modified long description for following: JIS B 2290, Other Flanges, Vacuum technology - Flange dimensions;
1120, JIS B 2301, Class I, Screwed type malleable cast iron pipe fittings; 1134. Added entries with following
numeric values: 3017, 3018, 3019, 3020, 3021, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3025, 3026.
Modified long description for following: JIS B 2032, Series 46, Wafer type rubber-seated butterfly valves
60008, JIS B 8605-PGT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGT 60029, JIS B 2301, Class I, Screwed type
malleable cast iron pipe fittings 9766, JIS F 7234, Series A, Shipbuilding - Flat sight glasses 60052, JIS F
7480, Group 46, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat butterfly valves 60138, JIS F 7490, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal
graphite iron (ductile iron) 5K globe valves (Withdrawn) 60139, JIS F 7491, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite
iron (ductile iron) 5K angle valves (Withdrawn) 60140, JIS F 7492, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 5K screw-down check angle valves (Withdrawn) 60141, JIS F 7493, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal
graphite iron (ductile iron) 5K screw-down check globe valves (Withdrawn) 60142, JIS F 7494, Shipbuilding -
Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K globe valves (Withdrawn) 60143, JIS F 7495, Shipbuilding -
Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K screw-down check globe valves (Withdrawn) 60144, JIS F 7496,
Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K angle valves (Withdrawn) 60145, JIS F 7497,
Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K screw-down check angle valves (Withdrawn) 60146,
JIS F 7498, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K globe valves (Withdrawn) 60147, JIS F
7499, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K screw-down check globe valves (Withdrawn)
60148, JIS F 7500, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K angle valves (Withdrawn) 60149,
JIS F 7504, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K screw-down check angle valves
(Withdrawn) 60150, JIS F 7505, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) valves 60151, JIS F 7810,
Shipbuilding - Welding sleeve type joints for steel pipe 60152. Added entries with following numeric values:
60183, 60184, 60190, 60191, 60192, 60193, 60194, 60195, 60196, 60197, 60198, 60199, 60200, 60201, 60202,
60203, 60204, 60205, 60206, 60207, 60208, 60209, 60210, 60211, 60212, 60213, 60214, 60215, 60185, 60186,
60187, 60188, 60189, 60216, 60217, 60218, 60219, 60220, 60221, 60222, 60223, 60224.

Added the following entry in "FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish" sheet : MSS SP-6, Standard Finishes for Contact
Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings (158)
Added the following entries in Partdatabasis sheet : Reducing bushing, hexagonal, length exclusive of hub
thickness, Reducing bushing, octagonal, length exclusive of hub thickness, Reducing bushing, decagonal,
length exclusive of hub thickness and Reducing bushing, round, specified by face-to-face
Added the following entries in "PressureRating" sheet : 3114, 3115, 3116, 3117,3118 .
Added the following entries in "EndStandard" sheet : 3007, 3008, 3009, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3014, 3015,

In 'PartDataBasis' sheet add the following entries:

'Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation' (1002), 'Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed
representation' (1004), 'Asymmetrical Face-to-Center dimension basis, detailed representation' (1006), 'Seat-
to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension exclusive of socket depth or thread depth), detailed
representation' (1008), 'Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed representation' (1010).
In 'ValveOperatorPartDataBasis' sheet modified the 'ValveOperatorPartDataBasis ShortDescription' and
'ValveOperatorPartDataBasis LongDescription' for the following entries:
From 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 1' (31), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2' (32), 'Gear, top
mounted handwheel Type 3' (33), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4' (34), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel
Type 5 (mirror of Type 1)' (35), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2)' (36), 'Gear, top
mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 3)' (37), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4)'
(38) to 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (mirror of Type 1)' (33), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4
(mirror of Type 2)' (34), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5' (35), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6 '
(36), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 5)' (37), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8
(mirror of Type 6)' (38).
In 'ValveOperatorPartDataBasis' sheet added the following entries:
'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 (mirror of Type 11)' (24), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11
with stem extension' (25), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem extension (mirror of Type 11
with stem extension)' (26), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft' (27), 'Gear, side mounted
handwheel Type 12 with shaft (mirror of Type 11 with shaft)' (28).
In 'ValveOperatorType' sheet added the following entries:
'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5' (1131), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6' (1132), 'Gear, top
mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 5)' (1133), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type
6)' (1134), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 9' (1135), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of
Type 9)' (1136), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11' (1137), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12
(mirror of Type 11)' (1138), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with stem extension' (1139), 'Gear, side
mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem extension (mirror of Type 11 with stem extension)' (1140), 'Gear, side
mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft' (1141), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with shaft (mirror of
Type 11 with shaft)' (1142).
In 'CommodityOption' sheet added the following entries:
'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 1' (3515), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 9 ' (3516), 'Gear, side
mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of Type 9)' (3517), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11' (3518), 'Gear,
side mounted handwheel Type 12 (mirror of Type 11)' (3519), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with
stem extension' (3520), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem extension (mirror of Type 11 with
stem extension)' (3521), 'Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft' (3522), 'Gear, side mounted
handwheel Type 12 with shaft (mirror of Type 11 with shaft)' (3523), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 1'
(3524), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5' (3525), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6 ' (3526), 'Gear,
top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 5)' (3527), 'Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of
Type 6)' (3528).

Added the following entries in "PressureRating" sheet : 3110, 3111, 3112, 3113 .
Added the following entries in "MaterialsGrade" sheet : 65600, 65601, 65602, 65603, 65604, 65605, 65606,
65607, 65608, 65609, 65610, 65611, 65612, 65613, 65614, 65615, 65616, 65617, 65618, 65619, 65620, 65621,
65622, 65623, 65624, 65625, 65626, 65627, 65628, 65629, 65630, 65631, 65632, 65633, 65634, 65635, 65636,
65637, 65638, 65639, 65640, 65641, 65642, 65643, 65644, 65645, 65646, 65647, 65648, 65649, 65650, 65651,
65652, 65653, 65654, 65655, 65656, 65657, 65658, 65659, 65660, 65661, 65662, 65663, 65664, 65665, 65666,
65667, 65668, 65669, 65670, 65671, 65672, 65673, 65674, 65675, 65676, 65677, 65678, 65679, 65680, 65681,
65682, 65683, 65684, 65685, 65686, 65687, 65688, 65689, 65690, 65691, 65692, 65693, 65694, 65695, 65696,
65697, 65698, 65699, 65700, 65701, 65702, 65703, 65704 .

Added new values: '75 Degree horizontal bend (560)', '75 Degree vertical inside bend (562)' and '75 Degree
vertical outside bend (564)'.
Modified the descriptions for the follwing Codelist Numbers in "GeometricIndustryStandard" sheet 70012,
70013, 70014, 70015, 70016, 70017, 70018, 70019, 70020, 70021, 70022, 70023, 70024, 70025, 70026, 70027,
70028, 70029, 70030, 70032, 70033, 70034, 70035, 70036, 70045, 70046, 70047, 70048, 70049, 70050, 70051,
70052, 70053, 70054, 70055, 70056, 70057, 70060, 70061, 70063, 70065, 70072, 70073, 70074, 70075, 70076,
70081, 70082, 70083, 70084, 70085, 70086, 70087, 70088, 70090, 70091, 70092, 70093, 70094, 70095, 70096,
70097, 70098, 70099, 70101, 70102, 70103, 70104, 70105, 70106, 70107, 70111. Added the following entries in
"GeometricIndustryStandard" sheet: 70120, 70121, 70122, 70123, 70124, 70125, 70126, 70127, 70128, 70129,
70130, 70131, 70132, 70133, 70134, 70135, 70136, 70137, 70138, 70139, 70140, 70141, 70142, 70143, 70144,
70145, 70146, 70147, 70148, 70149, 70150, 70151, 70152, 70153, 70154, 70155, 70156, 70157, 70158, 70159,
70160, 70161, 70162, 70163, 70164, 70165, 70166, 70167, 70168, 70169, 70170, 70171, 70172, 70173, 70174,
70175, 70176, 70177, 70178, 70179, 70180, 70181, 70182, 70183, 70184, 70185, 70186, 70187, 70188, 70189,
70190, 70191, 70192.
Added the following entries in "EndStandard" sheet: 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4009,
4010, 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4015, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4019, 4020, 4021, 4022, 4023, 4024, 4025, 4026, 4027,
4028, 4029, 4030, 4031, 4032, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040, 4041, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4045,
4046, 6002. Modified the description of 6001 from 'AS 2129, Flanges' to 'Lunkenheimer, seat ring end'.

Added the entry 'Grade Ring' (2917) under Civil Elements

Moved the entry "DIN 7603, Sealing rings for pipe unions and screw plugs" (50191) from 'Other Fittings' to
'Gaskets'. Deleted the extra sheet 'GeometricIndustryStandard-DIN'
In the 'CrossSectionEdges' sheet added the following entries: "Outer Tube" (3073), "Innter Tube" (3074), "Left
Side of Inner Web" (3329), "Right Side of Inner Web" (3330), "Inner Top" (3585), "Inner Bottom" (3586), "Upper
Corner of Left Side of Inner Web" (3841), "Bottom Corner of Left Side of Inner Web" (3842), "Upper Corner of
Right Side of Inner Web" (3843), "Bottom Corner of Right Side of Inner Web" (3844). In
'GeometricIndustryStandard' sheet modified the long descriptions of "DIN 16962-3, Pipe Joints and Elements
for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Bends Formed from Pipe for Butt-welding,
Dimension" (50092), "DIN 2402, Diameter,nominal (Withdrawn without substitution)" (7002), "DIN 2501,
Flanges, DimensionsFlanges, Dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN 1092-1 and DIN EN 1092-2)" (7146), "DIN
7991, hexahon head socket cap screws (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 10642)" (8043), "DIN 912, Hexagon head
socket cap screwsscrews (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4762)" (8031), "EN ISO 7089, Plain Washers - Normal
Series - Product Grade A" (56001) to "DIN 16962-3, Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP) Pressure
Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Bends Formed from Pipe for Butt-welding, Dimensions", "DIN 2402, Diameter,
nominal (Withdrawn without substitution)", "DIN 2501, Flanges, Dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN 1092-1 and
DIN EN 1092-2)", "DIN 7991, Hexagon head socket cap screws (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 10642)", "DIN 912,
Hexagon head socket cap screws (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4762)", "DIN EN ISO 7089, Plain washers - Normal
series, Product grade A" respectively. Added the following entries in 'GeometricIndustryStandard' sheet:
"DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 1 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50203), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 2 Face-
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50204),
"DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 3 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50205), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 4 Face-
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50206),
"DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 5 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50207), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 7 Face-
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50208),
"DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 8 Center-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50209), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 9
Center-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves"
(50210), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 10 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in
flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50211), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series
11 Center-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves"
(50212), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 12 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in
flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50213), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series
13 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves"
(50214), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 14 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in
flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50215), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series
15 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves"
(50216),the following
"DIN EN 558-1,PartDataBasis values
Industrial Valves '2-waySeries
- Basic diaphragm diverter valve'
16 Face-to-face (459) and
dimensions of '4-way diaphragm
metal valves for use in
diverter valve' (880).
flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50217), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series
18 new codelist
Face-to-face sheet of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves"
Added value
(50218), "DIN'All' (100) Industrial Valves - Basic Series 19 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in
EN 558-1,
Changedpipe systems
'59000' - Part
to '9142' 1: PN-designated
(reverted the changevalves" (50219),
done for "DIN EN for
CR-CP141302 558-1,
entry). Valves - Basic Series
20 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves"
(50220), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 21 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in
flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50221), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series
22 Center-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves"
(50222), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 23 Center-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use
in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50223), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic
Series 25 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated
valves" (50224), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 26 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves
for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50225), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves -
Basic Series 27 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-
designated valves" (50226), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 28 Face-to-face dimensions of
metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50227), "DIN EN 558-1,
Industrial Valves - Basic Series 29 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems -
Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50228), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 30 Face-to-face
dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50229), "DIN EN
558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 36 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50230), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 37 Face-to-
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50231), "DIN
EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 38 Face-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50232), "DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 39 Face-to-
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves" (50233), "DIN
EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 40 Center-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
Corrected the grouping.

Added new value 'Rock catcher' (3155) {Notes: CR-142513 is set to Resolved-WAD, however, design
document mentions this entry and hence retaining this value}.
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex 6500 Series PE2708 / (PE2406) Pipe (4161), Performance Pipe DriscoPlex
PE3608 / PE3408 Pipe (4162), Performance Pipe DriscoPlex PE4710 / (PE3408) (4163), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Chil-
Gard (4146), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Copper-Gard (4147), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Double-Quik (4148), Perma-Pipe, Inc.
Dual-Gard 250 (4149), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Dual-Gard DI (4156), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Escon-A / Ferro-Shield (4157),
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Galva-Gard (4158), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Lo-Temp Hi-Gard (4159), DIN 1013-1 (50200), DIN 1017-1
(50201), DIN 1029 (50202), DIN 7603 (50191), DIN 14307-C (50192), DIN 43772 (50193), DIN EN 10055 (50194),
DIN EN 10056-1 (50195), DIN EN 10210-2 (50196), PAS 1057-5 (50197), Gemu (59000), DIN 2510-4 (50523), DIN
2510-7 (50524), DIN 910-1 (50525), DIN 2510-6 (55014), DIN 7967 (55015), DIN EN ISO 1234 (55016), DIN 93
(56004), DIN EN ISO 7091 (56005), DIN 2699 (58008), DIN 86071 (58009).
Deleted values: ASTM D2310 (214), Gemu (9142), Technegate (4951). Updated description of values: 283,
180001, 9810.
18) ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd: Added values: RF Valves P15 - Sealed Body Pneumatic (2513), RF Valves
P90 - Sealed Body Pneumatic (2514), RF Valves P150 - Sealed Body Pneumatic (2515), RF Valves H15 -
Hydraulic (2516), RF Valves H90 - Hydraulic (2517), RF Valves H150 - Hydraulic (2518), RF Valves E15 -
Electric (2519), RF Valves E90 - Electric (2581), RF Valves E150 - Electric (2582), RF Valves M15 - Electric
(2583), RF Valves M90 - Electric (2584), RF Valves M150 - Electric (2585), CH Warman Pump Group (230001).
Moved 'Larox PV' from Finland Standards to Finland Manufacturers.
19) Added new code-list MethodsOfJacketPipeConstruction with values Clam-shell construction (10) and
Transit hub (15).
20) ValveModelNumber: Added values: Crane Figure 9161-S (935), Crane Figure 9171-S-LL (940), Crane
Figure 9202-UL (950), Crane Figure 9211 (120), Crane Figure 9211-HC (253), Crane Figure 9212 (302), Crane
Figure 9212-S-HC (497), Crane Figure 9311 (503), Crane Figure 9312 (514), Crane Figure 9421 (680), Crane
Figure 9431 (750), Crane Figure 9521 (800), Crane Figure 9523 (803), Crane Figure 9531 (817), Crane Figure
9533 (870), Crane Figure 9621 (875), Crane Figure 9621-S-API (880), Crane Figure 9623 (885), Crane Figure
9623-S-API (890), Crane Figure 9631 (895), Crane Figure 9631-S-API (900), Crane Figure 9633 (905), Crane
Figure 9633-S-API (910), Crane Figure 9641 (915), Crane Figure 9643 (920), Crane Figure 9651 (925), Crane
Figure 9653 (930), Jamesbury 530SB (955), Jamesbury 730SB (960), Jamesbury 7305 (1017), Jamesbury
9300B (1095), Jamesbury Style A/AZ (1614), Jamesbury Style B (1616), Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 3A
(1892), Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 3C (1960), Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 5H (1970), Jamesbury Value-
Line® Series 6F (1980), Jamesbury 3000 (1990), Jamesbury 5000 (2000), Jamesbury 7000 (2005), Jamesbury
Clincher® Type 2000 (2010), Jamesbury Series 100 (2015), Jamesbury 6D15 (2020), Kitz 03 (2030), Kitz 04
(AKR) (2040), Kitz 07 (2050), Kitz 08 (2060), Kitz 10 (2070), Kitz 11 (2080), Kitz 12 (2090), Kitz 14 (CR) (2100),
Kitz 17S (2120), Kitz 18 (2130), Kitz 23 (2140), Kitz 25 (2160), Kitz 27 (2170), Kitz 28 (2180), Kitz 29 (2190), Kitz
30 (2200), Kitz 37S (2220), Kitz 39 (2230), Kitz 40 (2240), Kitz 42T (AK150LUT) (2250), Kitz 43 (2260), Kitz 44
(2270), Kitz 46 (2280), Kitz 49M (2290), Kitz 56 (2300), Kitz 57 (2310), Kitz 69 (2340), Kitz 73 (2360), Kitz 75
(2365), Kitz 81 (2390), Kitz 85 (2400), Kitz 150SCTBZM (2440), Kitz 300SCTBZM (2450), Nibco TS/ST-585-70
(2110), Nibco MTT-585-70 (2320), Nibco T-560-BR (2330), Nibco T/S/PS-585-70-HC/66-HC (2350), Nibco T/S-
585-70-SU (2370), Nibco T-585-70-66-ST (2380), Nibco PS-585-70/-66 (2410), RF Valves aiRFlex (2420).
Updated description of values: 5573, 5575, 5577, 5579, 5581, 5583, 9998, 5585, 5587, 5589, 5591, 5593, 5595,
5597, 5599, 5615, 5617, 5619, 5621, 5623, 5625, 5627, 5631, 5633, 5639.
Changed the description of 'Great Britain Manufacturers' to 'United Kingdom, Manufacturers' in the sheets
GeometricIndustryStandard, LoadSpanClassification, Manufacturer, ValveModelNumber and
Deleted the entry Extended body gate valve, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2 (990) from part
data basis sheet.

In part data basis sheet added new entries: Extended body gate valve, specified by face-to-face and face-to-
center 1 (988) and Extended body gate valve, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2 (990).

Added the following part data basis values for the 3 Way Ball Valve: Ball valve, 3-way, T-type (963);Ball valve,
3-way, L-type (964);Ball valve, 3-way, Y-type (965). Piping CommodityType Sheet: Added entries : Ball valve,
3-way, T-typ (301); Ball valve, 3-way, L-type(302); Ball valve, 3-way, Y-type(303)

In PipingCommodityType sheet added new entry: '90 Degree Inspection elbow' (7252). In part data basis
sheet added new entry: Inspection elbow, specified by face-to-center (960).
1) Added following entries in PartDataBasis sheet:
'Tee, long sweep full flow' (862), 'Tee, long sweep' (863) and 'Tee, long sweep with integral bull plug' (864)
Added following entries in PipingCommodityType sheet:
'Tee, long sweep full flow' (7637), 'Tee, long sweep' (7638) and 'Tee, long sweep with integral bull plug' (1419)
2) Made the following changes in GeometricIndustryStandard sheet:
Changed the description of geometric industry practice value 'Great Britain Manufacturers'(34) to 'United
Kingdom, Manufacturers'
Added two new entries 'Anson' (80021) and 'Techdrill' (80022)
3) Made the following changes Manufacturer sheet:
Changed the manufacturer industry practice from 'Great Britain Manufacturers' (34) to 'British Manufacturers'
Added two new entries 'Anson' (80001) and 'Techdrill' (80002)
4) Made the following changes to EndStandard sheet:
Changed the end practice 'Great Britain Manufacturers' (34) to 'United Kingdom, Manufacturers'
Added two new entries 'Anson' (5020) and 'Techdrill' (5300)

Added following entries in 'ClampOption' sheet: 'Grayloc® clamp with special bolt lengths for torque wrench'
(109), 'Grayloc® clamp with special bolt lengths for hydraulic torque wrench' (110) and 'Grayloc® clamp with
special bolt lengths for hydraulic stud tensioner' (111)
Added the following values: PipingCommodityType: Exhaust head, cyclone (3022) and EndStandard: Clark-
Reliance (1394).
Updated description of the following values: GeometricIndustryStandard: valueClark-Reliance (1700) and
Manufacturer: Clark-Reliance (146).

In PipingCommodityType sheet added new entry: 'Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric'(9478).
Modified the descriptions of the following PipingCommodityType values as explained:
'Flame arrester, horizontal' to 'Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal', 'Flame arrester, vertical' to 'Flame arrester,
in-line, vertical', 'Flame arrester, end-of-line circular plate' to 'Flame arrester, end-of-line, circular plate',
'Flame arrester, end-of-line rectangular plate' to 'Flame arrester, end-of-line, rectangular plate' 'Flame
arrester, end-of-line crimped metal to 'Flame arrester, end-of-line, crimped metal', 'Flame arrester, in-line
circular plate' to ' Flame arrester, in-line, circular plate' and 'Flame arrester, in-line crimped metal' to 'Flame
arrester, in-line, crimped metal'.

In PipingCommodityType sheet added new entries: 'Silencer, compressor inline'(3025), 'Silencer, control
valve'(3026), 'Silencer, blowoff'(3027) and 'Silencer, gas diffuser'(3028).
Modified the descriptions of the following two PipingCommodityType values as explained:
'Vent silencer' to 'Silencer, vent' and 'In-line silencer' to 'Silencer, inline'.
In part data basis sheet added new entries: Silencer, compressor inline(952), Silencer, control valve(953),
Silencer, vent or blowoff(958) and Silencer, gas diffuser(959)
Added two new entries: '60 degree Y' (9480) and '120 degree Y'(9482)
Hydronics 3 (4752), Stang Hydronics 4 (4753).
Deleted value-Technegate (4951). Updated descriptions of values: 4126, 2551, 2552, 4425, 4450, 4475, 4901,
Added values: Woodco USA (5551), Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong (2530), Future Pipe Industries,
Fiberstrong RP (2531), Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong RV (2532), Future Pipe Industries, Fibermar (2533),
Future Pipe Industries, Yellow Box ® (2534), Future Pipe Industries, Red Box® (2535), Future Pipe Industries,
CobraTM SRC (2536), Future Pipe Industries, PythonTM SRC (2537), Future Pipe Industries, BoaTM SRC
(2538), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Mid-Temp Hi-Gard® (4131), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Multi-Therm 500® (4132), Perma-Pipe,
Inc. PEX-Gard (4133), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Poly-Therm (4134), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Poly-Therm Ultra Low
Temperature (4135), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Quik-Therm (4136), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Terra-Gard (4137), Perma-Pipe, Inc.
Type HT® (4138), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type IW® (4139), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type FS® (4140), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-
FS® (4141), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-HT® (4142), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-IW® (4143), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Xtru-Therm
(4144), Perma-Pipe, Inc. Xtru-Therm Ultra Low Temperature (4145), Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II
Performance Plus (4628), Smith Fibercast Red Thread® IIA Primary Pipe (4629), Smith Fibercast Red Thread®
IIA Secondary Pipe (4630), Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II (4631), Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II
Performance Plus (4632), Smith Fibercast Green Thread® Marine-Offshore (4633), Smith Fibercast
Centricast® RB-1520 (4634), Smith Fibercast Centricast® RB-2530 (4635), Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-
1520 (4636), Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-2030 (4637), Smith Fibercast Z-Core® (4638), Smith Fibercast F-
Chem® (4639), Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II (4626), Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II FM (4627).
Deleted values-Center Line Valve (1651) (updated description of 3525), Flowseal Valve (2501) (updated
description of 3550), McCanna-Marpac (3676) (updated description of 3575), Pacific Valves (4001) (updated
description of 3525).
Rectification to China Standards- Deleted values- GB/T 9112, Types and parameters for steel pipe flanges
(70031) (updated description of 70019), GB/T 12233, General purpose industrial valves - Casting iron globe
valves and lift check valves) (70100)(updated description of 70001), GB/T 12235, General purpose industrial
Deleted- the
Flanged steel globe
worksheets fromvalves and lift check valves) (70066)(updated description of 70002), GB/T 12236,
General purpose industrial valves - Steel swing check valves) (70067)(updated description of 70003), GB/T
Added value Concrete, reinforced (2330)
12237, General purpose industrial valves - Flanged and butt-weld end steel ball valves) (70068)(updated
description of 70004), GB/T 12238, General purpose industrial valves - Flanged and wafer butterfly valves)
(70069)(updated description of 70005), GB/T 12239, General purpose industrial valves - Diaphragm valves)
(70070)(updated description of 70006), GB/T 12240, General purpose industrial valves - Iron plug valves)
(70071)(updated description of 70007).
Updated description of 70090 and added value: JB/T 5299, General valve - Hydraulic actuator butterfly type
check valve (70099).
2) EndStandard: Added values-Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ (1350), Future Pipe Industries,
Fiberstrong™ RP (1351), Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ RV (1352), Future Pipe Industries, Fibermar™
(1353), Future Pipe Industries, Yellow Box ® (1354), Future Pipe Industries, Red Box® (1355), Future Pipe
Industries, CobraTM SRC (1356), Future Pipe Industries, PythonTM SRC (1357), Future Pipe Industries,
BoaTM SRC (1358), Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox), Wavistrong™ FR (1359), Smith Fibercast
Red Thread® II (1380), Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II FM (1381), Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II
Performance Plus (1382), Smith Fibercast Red Thread® IIA Primary Pipe (1383), Smith Fibercast Red Thread®
IIA Secondary Pipe (1384), Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II (1385), Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II
Performance Plus (1386), Smith Fibercast Green Thread® Marine-Offshore (1387), Smith Fibercast
Centricast® RB-1520 (1388), Smith Fibercast Centricast® RB-2530 (1389), Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-
1520 (1390), Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-2030 (1391), Smith Fibercast Z-Core® (1392), Smith Fibercast F-
Chem® (1393).
Updated description of value 158, 88 and 90.
3) MaterialsGrade: Deleted duplicate values-65468 (duplicate of 60285), 65469 (duplicate of 60286), 65470
(duplicate of 60287), 65471 (duplicate of 60288), 65472 (duplicate of 60289), 65473 (duplicate of 60290), 65474
(duplicate of 60291), 65475 (duplicate of 60292), 65476 (duplicate of 60293), 65477 (duplicate of 60294), 65478
(duplicate of 60295), 65385 (duplicate of 60296), 65386 (duplicate of 60297), 65387 (duplicate of 60298), 65388
(duplicate of 60299), 65389 (duplicate of 60300), 65390 (duplicate of 60301), 65345 (duplicate of 60302), 65347
(duplicate of 60303), 65349 (duplicate of 60304), 65351 (duplicate of 60305), 65352 (duplicate of 60306), 65354
(duplicate of 60307), 65355 (duplicate of 60308), 65357 (duplicate of 60309), 65359 (duplicate of 60310), 65360
(duplicate of 60311), 65460 (duplicate of 60312), 65461 (duplicate of 60313), 65462 (duplicate of 60314), 65463
(duplicate of 60315), 65464 (duplicate of 60316), 65465 (duplicate of 60317), 65341 (duplicate of 60318), 65342
(duplicate of 60319), 65343 (duplicate of 60320), 65344 (duplicate of 60321), 65128 (duplicate of 60322), 65129
(duplicate of 60323), 65130 (duplicate of 60324), 65131 (duplicate of 60325), 65132 (duplicate of 60326), 65133
(duplicate of 60327), 65134 (duplicate of 60328), 65151 (duplicate of 60329), 65153 (duplicate of 60330), 65155
(duplicate of 60331), 65156 (duplicate of 60332).
4) PipingCommodityType: Added value Lateral, reducing run (1776). Updated description of Reducing insert
(1015). Deleted value Reducing insert Type 2 (1020).
5) MiscRequisitionClassification: Rectified numeric values of Default state for off-line instruments to be 293
and descriptions of 503 and 504.
Added new codelist value in EndStandard "Oseco-1400"
Added two new values-Saddle, 90o square(1853) and Saddle, 45o oblique(1854)

Added CodeList for Wall Assembly Connection and New PartClassType also
Modified Rupture disc holder to "Rupture disc holder, bolted".Added new values Rupture disc holder, union
(5367), Rupture disc holder, threaded (5368), and Rupture disc holder, booted(5369).
Remove highlighting from workbooks

Added StructBUToDoMessages codelist for buil-up crosssection and designed member. StructComputeRule:
Added codelist with values by ststem (1) and by user (2).
71 (1038),
offset fromValvTechnologies
port 1 (833), Sanitary Trimtee,
Code 90o81left
side ValvTechnologies
outlet above center, Trim Code 82
specified by(1040),
Trim Code 91
dimension, (1041), ValvTechnologies
face-to-center 1, face-to-center Trim 3,Code
outletA2 (1042), ValvTechnologies
face-to-center, and outlet offset TrimfromCode B1 1(1043),
port (834),
Sanitary tee, two 90o TrimsideCode B3 (1044),
outlets above ValvTechnologies
center, specified by Trim Codeface-to-face
header B5 (1045), ValvTechnologies
dimension, face-to-center Trim Code 1,
C1 (1046), ValvTechnologies
face-to-center Trim Code
3, outlet face-to-center, andC2outlet
(1047), ValvTechnologies
offset from port 1 (835), TrimSanitary
Code C3tee, (1048),
double ValvTechnologies
Trim Code
branch, C4 (1049),
specified ValvTechnologies
by header face-to-faceTrim Code C5
dimension, (1050), ValvTechnologies
face-to-center Trim Code
1, and face-to-center C6 (1051),
3 (836), Sanitary tee,
double Trim Code
horizontal branch, C7 (1052),
specified ValvTechnologies
by face-to-center Trim Code C8
1, face-to-center (1053),
2, and ValvTechnologies
face-to-center 3 (837),Trim Code
C9 (1054),
tee, doubleValvTechnologies
vertical branch, specifiedTrim Code byCA (1055),
header ValvTechnologies
face-to-face dimension, Trim Code CB (1056),
face-to-center 3, and ValvTechnologies
offset between
Trim Code(838),
branches CC (1057),
tee, with squareTrim base, Code CD (1058),
specified ValvTechnologies
by face-to-center Trim Code 3,
1, face-to-center D1center-to-base,
base thickness, base Trim Codeand
width, D2 rib
(1060), ValvTechnologies
thickness (839), Sanitary Trim tee, Code
withD3 (1061),
square ValvTechnologies
base, specified by seat-to- Trim Code
E1 (1062),
center ValvTechnologies
1, seat-to-center Trim Code E2
2, seat-to-center (1063), ValvTechnologies
3, center-to-base, base thickness, Trim Codebase E3 (1064),
width, andValvTechnologies
rib thickness
Trim Code
(840), F1 (1065),
T branches, ValvTechnologies
single, specified by headerTrim Code G1 (1066),
face-to-face ValvTechnologies
dimension, face-to-centerTrim 1, Code
and J1 (1067),
face-to-center 3
(841), Trim Code
T branches, single, J2 (1068),
specified ValvTechnologies
by face-to-center Trim Code J3
1, face-to-center 2, (1069), ValvTechnologies
and face-to-center 3 (842),TrimT Code
J4 (1070), ValvTechnologies
branches, single, specified by Trim Codeseat-to-seat
header L1 (1071), ValvTechnologies
dimension, seat-to-center Trim Code L2 (1072),
1, and ValvTechnologies
seat-to-center 3 (843), T
Trim Code single,
branches, L4 (1073), ValvTechnologies
specified by seat-to-centerTrim Code L5 (1074), ValvTechnologies
1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center Trim 3 Code
(844), L7 (1075),T
ValvTechnologies Trim Code
branches, single, specified byL8 (1076).
header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, branch
10) SignalType:
radius, and tangent Updated
length codelist
3 (845),numeric
Sanitaryvalue of 'Undefined'
T branches, single, to 0 (inlineby
specified with UML).face-to-face dimension,
11) OrificeFlangeTapOrientation:
face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, Added branchvalues-
radius, One and tap (orifice
tangent flange
length or orifice
3 (846), tap) T
Sanitary (4), Three taps;
branches, one is
oriented vertical
specified by header up, face-to-face
one is oriented vertical down,
dimension, tangent and one 1,
length is branch
45o counter-clockwise
face-to-center 3, and fromtangent
vertical up
length (847),(16). Modified
Sanitary values: 5,10,15,20,25,30
T branches, single, specified (Refby CR 136876). 1, face-to-center 2, face-to-center 3,
12) MaterialsGrade:
branch Deletedlength
radius, and tangent values: 3 A193-B5,
(848), Sanitarylub, w/A194-3
T branches, (4012), A193-B5,
single, >=1.5"
specified by lub,
1, branch
radius, lub, w/A194-4
face-to-center 2,(4015), A193-B6,
face-to-center 3,lub,
tangent length (4022),3 A193-B7, >=1.5"Tlub,
(849), Sanitary w/A194-2H
branches, (4031),
single, A193-B7
specified by
zinc coated
header w/A194-2H
seat-to-seat zinc coated
dimension, (4033), SA193-B7,
seat-to-center >=1.5" lub,
1, face-to-center 3, w/A194-2H
and branch(4034), radiusA193-B7 galv w/A194-2H
(850), Sanitary tee, with
galv (4035),
round base, A193-B7M,
specified by lub, w/A194-2H (4039),
face-to-center A193-B8 Cl.1,
1, face-to-center lub, w/A194-8 (4042),
3, center-to-base, A193-B8Cbase
base thickness, Cl.1,width,
rib thickness (4044),
Test tee,Cl.1, lub, w/A194-8
specified by header (4046), A193-B8M
face-to-face Cl.1, lub,face-to-center
dimension, w/A194-8M (4048), 1, andA193-B8T Cl.1,
lub, w/A194-8T
3 (852), Test tee, (4051), A193-B16,
specified by header >=1.5" lub, w/A194-3
seat-to-seat (4061), seat-to-center
dimension, A193-B16, lub,1,w/A194-3 (4062), A193-B16,
and seat-to-center 3 (853),
>=1.5" lub,
Sanitary w/A194-4
tee, 90o right(4064), A193-B16,
side outlet above>=1.5"
center, lub, w/A194-7
specified by(4066),
seat-to-seat lub, w/A194-7 (4067),
dimension, A193-B16,
seat-to-center 1,
>=1.5" lub, w/A194-8M
seat-to-center 3, outlet (4068), A193-B16,
seat-to-center, and lub, w/A194-8M
outlet offset from (4069),portA320-L7, lub, w/A194-4
1 (854), Sanitary tee, 90o(4075), A320-B8,
left side outletlub,
above (4077),
center, A320-B8,
specified by >=1.5"
headerlub, w/A194-B8
seat-to-seat (4078), A320-B8,
dimension, lub, w/A194-B8
seat-to-center (4079), A320-B8T
1, seat-to-center Cl.1 lub,
3, outlet seat-to-
center, and(4081), A453-660,
outlet offset fromlub,portw/A453-660 (4085).tee,
1 (855), Sanitary Updated
two 90o descriptions
side outletsofabove values: 4011,specified
center, 4021, 4032, by 4038,
header4045, 4047, 4050,
seat-to-seat 4065, 4070,
dimension, 4071, 4074,1,4076,
seat-to-center 4080, 4082,
seat-to-center 3,4084,
outlet4100, 4105. Added
seat-to-center, andvalues:
outlet ASTM A193-
offset from
B8 (4091),
port 1 (856),ASTM A193-B8C
Sanitary tee, 90o (4092),
right ASTM A193-B8M
side outlet (4093),
on center, ASTM A193-B8T
specified by header(4094), ASTMdimension,
face-to-face A194-1 (4110), face-to-
ASTM A194-2
center (4111), ASTM
1, face-to-center 3, andA194-2HM (4112), ASTM(857),
outlet face-to-center A194-3 (4113),tee,
Sanitary ASTM 90oA194-4
left side(4114),
outletASTM A194-6
on center, (4115),
by A194-7
header (4116), ASTM
face-to-face A194-7M
dimension, (4117), ASTM
face-to-center 1,A194-8 (4118), ASTM
face-to-center 3, and A194-8C (4119), ASTM(858),
outlet face-to-center A194-8MSanitary
tee, twoASTM
90o side A194-8T
outlets(4121), ASTMspecified
on center, A194-B8 by (4122),
header ASTM A307-A (4069),
face-to-face ASTMface-to-center
dimension, A320-B8C (4131), ASTM
1, face-to-
center 3, and (4132),
outletASTM A320-B8M (859),
face-to-center (4133), ASTM A320-B8T
Sanitary tee, specified (4134), by ASTM A320-L7A
face-to-center (4135),
1 and ASTM A320-L7B
face-to-center 3 (860),
butt weldA320-L7C
(865), Hub, (4137),
socket ASTM
(866), Hub, (4138),
female ASTM
threaded A320-L43(867),(4139), ASTM A325
Hub, reducing buttType
enlarging Type
butt weld2 (4142), ASTM
(869), Hub, A325 Type
reducing with3two (4143),
hubASTM A354-BB
ends (870), (4144),
Orifice hub,ASTM A354-BC
butt weld (871),(4145),
Blind ASTMhub,
A354-BD (4146),
specified by blind ASTM
length 490and(4147),
blindASTM 563-0 (4148),
face diameter (872),ASTM
Silencer, 563-B (4149), ASTM
compressor 563-C
inline (875),(4150), ASTM
Silencer, 563-C3
valve ASTM 563-D (4152),
Silencer, vent orASTM 563-DH
blowoff (877),(4153),
Silencer,ASTM gas563-DH3
diffuser (4154), ASTM elbow,
(878), 11.25o SA193-B7 (4155),
mitered SAE15o
(881), J429-1
(4161), SAE J429-2
elbow, mitered (4162),
(882), 22.5oSAE elbow,J429-4 (4163),
mitered SAE
(883), 30oJ429-5
elbow, (4164),
mitered SAE J429-5.1
(884), (4165),mitered
45o elbow, SAE J429-5.2 (4166),
(885), 60o
SAE J429-7
elbow, mitered (4167), SAE
(886), J429-8
67.5o elbow,(4168), SAE(887),
mitered J429-8.190o(4169),
elbow, SAE mitered J429-8.2
22.5o elbow, 3D (891), 60o elbow,
13) (892),
3D PipingCommodityType:
Exhaust head, Type Added value-Hub,
1 (900), Exhaustorifice,head, TypeGrayloc®
2 (901), 9406 (Ref CRhead,
Exhaust 136876).
Type 3 (902), Exhaust
head, Type 4 (903), Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal (911), Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal with drain plugs
(912), Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal with instrumentation taps (913), Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal,
eccentric type 1 (914), Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric type 2 (915), Flame arrester, in-line,
vertical with drain plugs (916), Flame arrester, detonation (917), Flame arrester, detonation with drain port
(918), Flame arrester, end-of-line, type 1 (919), Flame arrester, end-of-line, type 2 (920), Saddle, 45o oblique,
specified by saddle length and branch face to header centerline or seat to header centerline (925), Saddle,
90o square, specified by saddle length and branch face to header centerline or seat to header centerline
(926), Lap joint flange, assembly of backing flange and stub end (930), Lap joint flange, backing flange only
(931), Expansion joint, single bellows (935), Expansion joint, universal (936), Expansion joint, externally
pressurized (937), Expansion joint, single bellows with tie rods (938), Expansion joint, universal with tie rods
(939), Expansion joint, hinged bellows (940), Expansion joint, gimbal bellows (941), Expansion joint,
pressure balanced with elbow (942), Expansion joint, in-line pressure balanced (943), Expansion joint,
externally pressurized pressure balance (944), Butterfly valve, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 1
JIS H 3300, C1201TS, JIS H 3300, C1220, C1220T, JIS H 3300, C1220TS, JIS H 3300, C1220TW, JIS H 3320,
C1220TWS, JIS H 3320, C1221, C1700, C1720, C2100, C2200, C2200T, JIS H 3300, C2200TS, JIS H 3300,
C2300, C2400, C2600, C2600T, JIS H 3300, C2600TS, JIS H 3300, C2600P, JIS H 3100, C2680, C2700, JIS H
3260, C2700T, JIS H 3300, C2700TS, JIS H 3300, C2800, C2801P, JIS H 3100, C3501, C3601, C3602, C3603,
C3604, C3604B, JIS H 3250, C3604BD, JIS H 3250, C3604BE, JIS H 3250, C3605, C3371, C3771BD, JIS H 3250,
C3771BE, JIS H 3250, C4430T, JIS H 3300, C4430TS, JIS H 3300, C4621, JIS H 3260, C5102, C5111, C5191,
C5210, C5212, C5341, C5441, C6870T, JIS H 3300, C6870TS, JIS H 3300, C6871T, JIS H 3300, C6871TS, JIS H
3300, C7060, C7060T, JIS H 3300, C7060TS, JIS H 3300, C7100T, JIS H 3300, C7100TS, JIS H 3300, C7150,
C7150T, JIS H 3300, C7150TS, JIS H 3300, C7164T, JIS H 3300, C7164TS, JIS H 3300, C7351, C7521, C7701,
CAC406, JIS H 5120, CAC406C, JIS H 5121, CAC804, JIS H 5120, CAC901, JIS H 5120, CAC902, JIS H 5120,
CAC903B, JIS H 5120, CAC911, JIS H 5120, FC 100, FC 150, FC 20, FC 200, JIS G 5501, FC 250, JIS G 5501, FC
300, FC 350, FCD 420-10, FCD 350, FCD 350-22, FCD 350-22L, FCD 370, FCD 400, JIS G 5502, FCD 400-15, JIS
G 5502, FCD 400-15A, FCD 400-18, FCD 400-18A, FCD 400-18AL, FCD 400-18L, FCD 450, FCD 450-10, JIS G
5502, FCD 500, FCD 500-7, FCD 500-7A, FCD 600-3, FCD 600-3A, FCD 700-2, FCD 800-2, FCDS, FCM 340,
FCMB, FCMB 270, JIS G 5702, FCMB 27-05, FCMB 310, FCMB 340, JIS G 5702, FCMB 34-04, FCMB 35-10,
FCMB 35-10S, FCMB-S, FCMP, FCMW, FCMW34-04, FCPH2, HBsC2, JIS H 5102, HBsC3, JIS H 5102, HBsC4,
JIS H 5102, LBC3, JIS H 5115, LBC4, JIS H 5115, PBC2C, JIS H 5113, PBC3C, JIS H 5113, SC 360 (SC 37), JIS
G 5101, SC 410 (SC 42), JIS G 5101, SC 450 (SC 46), JIS G 5101, SC 480 (SC 49), JIS G 5101, SCM 415, JIS G
4105, SCM 415 TK, SCM 418, JIS G 4105, SCM 418 TK, SCM 420, JIS G 4105, SCM 420 TK, SCM 421, JIS G
4105, SCM 430, JIS G 4105, SCM 430 TK, SCM 432, JIS G 4105, SCM 435, JIS G 4105, SCM 435 TK, SCM 440,
JIS G 4105, SCM 440 TK, SCM 445, JIS G 4105, SCM 822, JIS G 4105, SCP1R, SCP1RS, SCP2A, SCP2E,
SCPL21, SCPL31, SCr 415, JIS G 4104, SCr 420, JIS G 4104, SCr 430, JIS G 4104, SCr 435, JIS G 4104, SCr
440, JIS G 4104, SCr 445, JIS G 4104, SCS1, JIS G 5121, SCS2, JIS G 5121, SCS10, JIS G 5121, SCS11, SCS12,
Added values:
SCS13, 1) MaterialsGrade:
5121, B677 (40015),
SCS13X, Prestressed
SCS14, concrete
JIS G 5121, SCS14A,(40016),
JIS G Neoprene®-faced
5121, SCS14X,
SCS15,Glass Fiber
SCS16, Reinforced
JIS Thermosetting
G 5121, SCS16A, Resin
JIS G 5121, (Filament-Wound
SCS16AX, SCS16AXN,Fiberglass) (45116),SCS19,
SCS17, SCS18,
2) GeometricIndustryStandard:
SCS19A, SCS1X, SCS2, SCS20, CH Warman
SCS21, PumpSCS22,
SCS21X, Group SCS23,
(230001), Perma-Pipe,
SCS24, SCS2A,Inc. (4130).
SCS3, SCS31, SCS32,
SCS33, SCS34, SCS35, SCS35N, SCS36, SCS36N, SCS3X, SCS4, SCS5, SCS6, SCS6X, SF 490A, JIS G 3201,
SFL1, SFL2, JIS G 3205, SFL3, SFVA 5B, SFVA F1, JIS G 3203, SFVA F11A, SFVA F11B, SFVA F12, SFVA F2,
SFVA F9, SFVC 2A, JIS G 3202, SFVC 2B, SFVC 1, SFVC 2A, SGP, JIS G 3452, SMn 420, JIS G 4106, SMn 433,
JIS G 4106, SMn 438, JIS G 4106, SMn 443, JIS G 4106, SMnC 420, JIS G 4106, SMnC 443, JIS G 4106, SNB7,
JIS G 4107, SNB16, SNCM 220, JIS G 4103, SNCM 240, JIS G 4103, SNCM 415, JIS G 4103, SNCM 420, JIS G
4103, SNCM 431, JIS G 4103, SNCM 439, JIS G 4103, SNCM 447, JIS G 4103, SNCM 616, JIS G 4103, SNCM
625, JIS G 4103, SNCM 630, JIS G 4103, SNCM 815, JIS G 4103, SPCC, JIS G 3141, SPCD, SPHC, SPV355, SS
41, SS 330, SS 400, JIS G 3101, SS 490, JIS G 3101, SS 540, SS 4900, STPG 370, JIS G 3454, STPG 38, STPG
28E, STPG 410, JIS G 3454, STPL 380, JIS G 3460, STPL 450, JIS G 3460, STPL 690, STPT 370, JIS G 3456,
STPT 410, JIS G 3456, STPT 480.
Added values: DIN EN 14399-4 (50514) and DIN EN 14399-6 (50515), DIN EN ISO 4016 (50516), DIN EN ISO
4018 (50517), DIN EN ISO 4762 (50518), DIN EN ISO 8676 (50519), DIN EN ISO 8765 (50520), DIN EN ISO 10642
(50521), DIN 934 (55006), DIN EN ISO 4034 (55007), DIN EN ISO 4035 (55008), DIN EN ISO 4036 (55009), DIN EN
ISO 7040 (55010), DIN EN ISO 7042 (55011), DIN EN ISO 8673 (55012), DIN EN ISO 8675 (55013), DIN 931
(50522), ASME B16.1 (500), ASME B16.3 (501), ASME B16.14 (502), ASME B16.20 (503), ASME B16.2 (504), API
5A (505), API 601 (506), DIN EN ISO 7090 (56002), DIN EN ISO 7092 (56003), DIN 2874 (50156), DIN 3901
(50157), DIN EN 1123-2 (50158), DIN EN 1171 (50159), DIN EN 1333 (50160), DIN EN 1916 (50161), DIN EN 1983
(50162), DIN EN 10242 (50164), DIN EN 10255 (50165), DIN EN 10305-1 (50166), DIN EN 10305-2 (50167), DIN
EN 12666-1 (50168), DIN EN 13397 (50169), DIN EN 13709 (50170), DIN EN 13789 (50171), DIN EN 14382
(50172), DIN EN ISO 16135 (50173), DIN EN ISO 16136 (50174), DIN EN ISO 16138 (50175), DIN EN ISO 16139
(50176), DIN EN ISO 21787 (50177), DIN CEN/TS 13547 (50178), DIN EN 295-1 (50179), DIN EN 512 (50180), DIN
EN 144-1 (50181), ISO 161-1 (100008), ISO 161-2 (100009), ISO 4065 (100010), ISO 4427-1 (100011), ISO 4427-2
(100012), ISO 4427-3 (100013), ISO 11922-1 (100014), ISO 11922-2 (100015).
2] EndStandard: Added values: SAE J518 (971), Main Manufacturing Products, Series 61 (196), Main
Manufacturing Products, Series 62 (197), Main Manufacturing Products, Series 3000 (198), Main
Manufacturing Products, Series 6000 (199), ISO 6162-1 (100001), ISO 6162-2 (100002), ISO 6164 (100003),
CETOP RP 63H (100004). Moved values 1060, 1058 from US Standards to US Manufacturers. Modified Long
desciption of values: DIN 2353, DIN 2391, DIN 2393, DIN 8077, DIN 16967-2 (2042), DIN 19214-1, DIN 19214-2,
DIN 19214-3, DIN 19214-4, DIN 19214-5. Deleted values: DIN 8078.
3] CommodityOption: Modified values: Class 1 per JIS K 6761 (485), Class 2 per JIS K 6761 (486), Class 3, 17
mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 (487), Class 3, 21 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 (488). Deleted values:
HPC (Hitachi Plant Corporation) vendor standard, JIS Calculation 1, JIS Calculation 2, JIS Calculation 3, JIS
Calculation 4, JIS Calculation 5, JIS Calculation 6, JIS Calculation 7, JIS Calculation 8, JIS Calculation 9, JIS
Calculation 10, JIS Calculation 11, JIS Calculation 12, JIS Calculation 13, VM, VP, VU.
4] GasketStyleNumber: Added values: GRI/Durlon (8), Durlon 7900 (26), Durlon 7925 (27), Durlon 7950 (28),
Durlon 8300 (29), Durlon 8400 (31), Durlon 8500 (32), Durlon 8600 (33), Durlon 8700 (34), Durlon 9000 (36),
Durlon 9000N (37), Durlon 9200W (38), Durlon 9400 (39), Durlon 9600 (41), Durlon FGS95 (42), Durlon FGLPE
(43), Durlon FGL316 (44), Durlon FGT316 (46), GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-A (47), GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-B (48),
GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-GF-S (49).
5] MaterialsGrade: Added values: PVC-C (45106), PVC-M (45107), PVC-O (45108), PVC-P (45109), PVC-U
(45110), JIS G 5101, SC 360 (SC 37) (60318), JIS G 5101, SC 410 (SC 42) (60319), JIS G 5101, SC 450 (SC 46)
(60320), JIS G 5101, SC 480 (SC 49) (60321), JIS H 4040, A 5083BD temper O (60322), JIS H 4040, A 5083BD
temper H112 (60323), JIS H 4040, A 5083BE temper O (60324), JIS H 4040, A 5083FD temper O (60325), JIS H
4040, A 5083FD temper H112 (60326), JIS H 4040, A 5083FH temper O (60327), JIS H 4040, A 5083FH temper
H112 (60328), JIS H 4040, A 6061BD temper T6 (60329), JIS H 4040, A 6061BE temper T6 (60330), JIS H 4040,
A 6061FD temper T6 (60331), JIS H 4040, A 6061FH temper T6 (60332). Deleted duplicate value 45095.
6] PipingCommodityType: Added values: Rupture disc, forward-acting (5361), Rupture disc, reverse-acting
(5362), Rupture disc holder (5363).
7] ScheduleThickness: Modified values: Class 1 per JIS K 6761 (3044), Class 2 per JIS K 6761 (3045), Class 3,
17 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 (3046), Class 3, 21 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 (3047). Deleted
values: HPC (Hitachi Plant Corporation) vendor standard, JIS Calculation 1, JIS Calculation 2, JIS Calculation
3, JIS Calculation 4, JIS Calculation 5, JIS Calculation 6, JIS Calculation 7, JIS Calculation 8, JIS Calculation
9, JIS Calculation 10, JIS Calculation 11, JIS Calculation 12, JIS Calculation 13, VM, VP, VU.

Added following: "Clarkson KGF-MH, Manual Handwheel 2500", "Clarkson KGF-MG, Manual Bevel Gear
2501", "Clarkson KGF-AC, Air Cylinder 2502", "Clarkson KGF-HC, Hydraulic Cylinder 2503", "RF Valves P15 -
Pneumatic 2510", "RF Valves P90 - Pneumatic 2511", "RF Valves P150 - Pneumatic 2512", "Technegate? Air
Cylinder 2520", "Technegate? Handwheel 2521", "Technegate? Bevel Gear 2522", "Technegate? Hydraulic
2523", "Technegate? Electric 2524", "Keystone Prince Figure 809 - Internal Spring 2530", "Keystone Prince
Figure 810 - Internal Spring 2531", "Keystone Prince Figure 813 - External Spring 2532", "Keystone Prince
Figure 815 - External Spring 2533", "Kitz 09 2534", "Kitz 17 2535", "Kitz 24 2536", "Kitz 37 2537", "Kitz 58
2538", "Kitz 68 2539", "Kitz 72 2540", "Kitz 76 2541", "Kitz 300SCL 2542", "Victaulic Vic -300 MasterSealTM
2550", "Victaulic Series 706 2551", "Crane Figure 351 2560" , "Crane Figure 428 2561" , "Crane Figure 459
2562" , "Crane Figure 465 2563" , "Crane Figure 467 2564" , "Crane Figure 5TF 2565" , "Crane Figure 7TF
2566" , "Crane Figure 9201-UL 2567", "Nibco F-617-0 2570", "Nibco F-718-B 2571", "Nibco T-124 2572", "Nibco
T-104-0 2573", "Nibco T/S-211-B 2574", "Nibco T/S-595-Y 2575".
Added following: "Keystone Prince Figure 809 9981", "Keystone Prince Figure 810 9982", "Keystone Prince
Figure 813 9983", "Keystone Prince Figure 815 9984", "Keystone Series 61 9985"; ", "Kitz 17 9986", "Kitz 24
9987", "Kitz 37 9988", "Kitz 58 9989", "Kitz 68 9990", "Kitz 72 9991", "Kitz 76 9992", "Kitz 78 9993", "Kitz 150
SCO 9994", "Kitz 300 SCO 9995", "Kitz 600 SCO 9996", "Crane Figure 9201-UL 9997", "Nibco T/S211-B 9998",
"Larox PV 2545".
Added following: "3-way check valve, dual inlet - single outlet 37", "Hose nipple 9430".
Added following: "Mueller Industries 3749"; corrected Garlok to Garlock.
Added following: 'Class 300, Raised-face flanged end 3510', "Victaulic No 100-3D 3512", "Victaulic No 110-3D

Added new codelist value "Flat on Center (3) " in AlignComponent. Added new Codelist table for PlaneOfFlip
for Values "Rotation axis is parallel to Width ( 0)" and "Rotation axis is parallel to Depth (1)"
Added new entry 'Butterfly valve, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 1' (894)
Added new codelist table TraySpecificationType
Modified the PartDataBasis strings for values 468 and 469 from 'Tank drain valve' and 'Tank bottom valve' to
'Tank drain valve, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and angle' and 'Tank drain valve, specified
by tangent length 1, face-to-center 2, and angle'

In PipingCommodityType sheet changed the the hierarchy of codelist value 'Insert flange, jacket, slip-on,
reducing'(49) from 'Slip-on flanges' to 'Reducing Slip-on flanges'
In PartDataBasis sheet added new values-801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 815, 817,
818, 819, 820, 821, 822 and 823

Added Foam Chamber,default (780) and Foam Chamber, with offset (781)

Added CrossSectionSmartClass Part Class for Built-up sections

24017 (50509),
80033), 409 S 19, DIN EN 24018
80034), 410 (50510),
S 21, 80035), DIN EN 410ISOS 45,898-180036),(50511),430 DIN
S 15,EN ISO 4014
80037), 430 (50512),
S 17, 80038), DIN EN 434ISO S 17,4017
80039). ISO 7483
Added 60048,
values 60049,
(9996), SMS 60050,
In MaterialsCategory: 60051,DIN
360 (9924), 60052,43160053,
Metallic (55001), 60054,
DIN 970
(3), Non-metallic 60055, 60056,
(4), DIN
2510-5 60058,
Materials,(55003), 60059,
EN (51),
Non-Metallic DIN EN 60063,
ISO 4032
Materials, 60064, 60065,EN
Norms 60066,
(52), ISO 60067,
Metallic 60068,DIN
Materials, 60069, 60070,
EN 1514-1
EN/DIN Norms 60071,
(58001), 60072,
(53), Non-Metallic 60073,
1514-2 60074,
Materials, 60075,DIN EN
1514-3 60077,
Norms (58003),
(54), Gasket 60078, 60079,
DIN Materials,
EN 1514-4 60080,
EN/DIN 60081,DIN60082,
(55), EN 1514-6
Bolting 60083, 60084,
Materials, 60085,
EN 60086, (58006),
(56), 1514-7 60087,
Materials, 60088,
(57), 60090,
Non- (58007),
GOST 9064
Metallic 60092,
Materials, 60093,
(9031), SUS 60094,
GOST 5915
(58), 60095,(9032),
Gasket 60096,
Materials, 60097,
GOST 9065 60098.
SUS(9033), GOST 11371
(59), Bolting Materials, (9034),SUSJIS B 1163
(60), Metallic (65001), JIS B 1181
(65002), (61),
AFNOR 1183- Added
JIS BNon-Metallic (65003), values:
JIS B 1051
Materials, Universal
AFNOR(67001), Vacuum
(62),JIS B Ratings
Gasket 1176 (4), Class
Materials, JIS
B 1180(2),(67003),
(63), Class
Bolting 960JIS (3),
B 1182
3500 (4),
2M (6),
B 2401
(64), 3M (7),
Metallic 5M (8),
Materials, 10MCSN (9),
(68002),15M (11), 20M
JPI-7S-23 (68003),
(65), Non-Metallic (12), 30M
Materials, (13),
JPI-7S-41 100
CSN (66), WOG
(68004), 14),
Gasket 175
Materials, 16),
(68005), 200
CSN (67), WOG
JPI-7S-79 17),
Bolting 300
WOG 18), 350
Materials, CSNWOG
(68007), (68), 19),
JPI-7R-91800 WOG
Metallic (68008),
UNI 6170 WOGNon-Metallic
(69), 22), 2000
(75001), GB/TWOG 95 24), 2160
Materials, UNI WOG
ASME 26),
(70), B18.22.1
Gasket 2220Materials,
(17), 27),UNI3000
WOG 28),
(18), ASTM
Bolting 3600 WOG
F844 (19),
Materials, 29),
C564 (20),
(72), Metallic 32), 6000
Materials, WOG
UNE (21), 33),
(73), ASTM9000 WOG 34),
F477 (382),
Non-Metallic 10000 WOG
Materials, UNE (74),36), 15000
Plastic Gasket WOG
Systems 37),
(75), GOST 38), 9066,
Bolting 40 PSIFlanged
Materials,(39), UNE
PSI (41),
(76), 50 PSI
Metallic with (42),
Materials,55 PSI (43),
SIS PSI0(44),to 650 65 oC.
PSI Types
(46), 70SIS
Materials, andPSI(78),(47),Gasket
general 75sizes
(48), 80 PSI
Materials, GOST
SIS(49), 85 Bolting
(79), PSI Flanged
90 PSI (52),
connections PSI
(80), (53),
wellhead 100 PSI (54), BSI
Materials, 105Types,
PSI (56),
(81), 110 parameters
Non-Metallic PSI (57), 115and
Materials, PSI
BSI (58),
PSI (59),
Gasket 125 PSI
Materials, (61),
BSIGOST130 PSI (62),
20700, Bolts,
(83), Bolting 135 PSI
Materials, (63),
studs, BSI 140
nuts PSI
(84).and (64),
Modified 145 PSI (66),
for flanged
values: 150
6980, 6985, PSI (67),
and anchor 155
3053, 6805, PSI (68),
connections, 160
6810, 6815, PSI
6795, 165
and yokes
6800, PSIwith(72),
6830, 170 PSI
6820, (73),6785,
6900, 175 PSI from
6790, (74), 0 180
63, to
2433, (76),
oC. 1856920,PSI (77),
6880, 6925, 190 PSI (78),
70901, GOST
70902, 19550068,
PSI (79),
7798, Hexagon
50063,200 50064,
PSI (81),
bolts, 50
205 PSI
70, 50071, (82),
grade 210
50030, PSI (83),
B. Construction 215
50031, 6995. In PSI
and (84), 220 PSI
dimensions (140004),
MaterialsCategory (86), 225 PSI
moddified (87),
GOSTvalues: 230 PSI
22033,70009, (88),
Studs with 235
70010. PSI (89),
Deletedend HV, High
values:of 1d. Vacuum
Product UHV,
Polyaetylenhart, Ultra High Vacuumand
Construction (7002), Vacuum
PE-HD, (7003),
and EPDM. HV,
GOST High Vacuum
Replaced Studs(94),
updated UHV,
with Ultra
exisitng High
values endwithVacuum
of 1.25d. (96),
values: 2 (0.2
gradewith MPa) (97),
B. Construction NS
6930, 50060 andPN 10 (190001),
withdimensions NS PN
6935, 50090(140006), 16
with 6955,(190002),
50101 NS
withNuts40 (190003),
6960,for flauged
50028 SMS PN
withconnection 6 (160001),
6965, 50104with with SMS
PN 1050088
6970, (160002), withSMS
temperature 6975, PN to16
0 50102 650(160003),
oC. Types
with 6950. SMS andPNgeneral
25 (160004), sizes SMS PN 40
(140007), (160005),
GOST 5915,SMS PN 64nuts,
Hexagon (160006),product SMS PN
100 (160007), SMS
grade B. Construction-and
5)ScheduleThickness PN 160
dimensions SMS
values: 0.049 PN
(140008), 250 (160009),
(199),GOST0.042", 9065,SMS
tubing PN
Washers 320
(7111),for (160010),
0.045", Table A
tubing (170
(7112), 0.058",kPa) (90001),
with medium tubing
(7113), C0.070",
temperature (90002),0 to Table
650 oC.
tubing D (700
(7114), kPa) and(90003),
0.072", tubing Table
general sizesE(140009),
(7115), (1400 kPa)
0.080", GOST
tubing (90004),
(7116), Table F (2100
0.090", tubing kPa) (90005),
(7117), Table
0.095", H
(7118), kPa)
values: tubing Table
40, 54, J
(7119), (90007),
55, 60, 64, 135,
0.122", Table
tubing K (90008),
154, 159, Table R
160, tubing
0.125", (90009),
162, 163, Table
164, 169,
(7121), S
0.140", (90010),
tubing Table
178,(7122), T
179, 181, (90011).
184, tubing
0.160", 190,
191, 192,
(7123), values:
193, 194,
0.170", 4001,
tubing 200, 4002,
206, 207,
(7124), 4003,
0.192", 4004,
230, 235,
tubing 4005,
252, 4006, 4007,
(7125), 255, 4008,
(7126), 285, 4011,
0.271", 4012,
tubing 293, 4013,
(7127), 4014,
0.35 4015,
mm 4030,
7015, 4017,
(7128), 7010,
0.7 mm 4018,
7147, 4019,
(7129), 200,
mm 205,
7118, 210,
(7130), 215,7120,
1.24 220, (7131),
mm 225,
7121,230, 7139,
1.47 235,
mm 240, 245, 1.65
(7132), 250,
7300,mm 255,
7325, 260, 265,
(7133), 2.11 270,
7134,mm275,7135, 280,
(7134),7136, 285,
mm 300,
7137,(7135), 305,
7141, 2.77 310,
7122,mm 315,
7123, 320,
(7136), 325,
7125, 330,
mm 7126, 335,
(7137), 340,
5.8 mm 345,
7128, 350, 355,
(7138), 7130,360, 365,
(7139), 370,
7132, 375,
6.4 7133, 380, 385,
7025, 7206,
mm (7140), 390,
6.6 mm 395,
7601, 400,
(7141), 405,
mm Deleted
7301, 7.9 values:
9010, mm 9020,PN64.
(7143),9030,8.79040, 7041, 7041,
mm (7144), 10.3 mm 7040, 7620,11.1
(7145), 7242, mm 7241,
(7146),7320, 11.97323,
mm9545, (7147), 9563,13.19082, 9085,
mm (7148),
15.1 9091, 9094,15.9
(7149), 9097, mm - Added
(7150), 9106,value:
(7151), cap 9130,
22.5 screw substitution
mm (7152), 9774,
35.0 mm for(7153),
161. full threaded
SDR 5 (691), and tapped SDR 6 holes(692), for
SDR bolted
6.3 values: end
(693), SDR (60). updated
MSS7 SP-58,
(694), SDR descriptions
Pipe7.3 Hangers
(696), SDR inline with
and Supports,
8.8 (697), SDRdocument.
DIN 931, Hexagon
10 (698), SDR head bolts, SDR
11.5 (699), DIN 934, 17.5 DIN(701),2512SDR
32.5 DIN SDR
(702), 2605.51 (703), SDR - Added
64 (704), value:SDR Use 81 custom-engineered
(706), DR 41 (781), 16swg piping(301),specialty 18swg as (302),
jacket Sch.10closureper fitting
Sch.20 Long per JIS description
(3002), Sch.30 of 'Jacket
per JIS Closure
Sch.40 per JIS (3004), Sch.60 per JIS (3005), Sch.80 per
JIS (3006), Sch.100 per JIS (3007), Sch.120 - Created
per JISthe codelist.
(3008), Sch.140 Added pervalues:
JIS (3009), None (1), Useper
Sch.160 Value (5), Use List
JIS (3010),
of Preferred Tap End Stud Bolt Lengths (10).
Sch.5S per JIS (3011), Sch.10S per JIS (3012), Sch.20S per JIS (3013), Sch.40S per JIS (3014), Sch.80S per JIS
(3015), D1, Grade 1- pipe Added pervalues:
JIS G 5526 Lap joint(3016), flange
Grade 1.5(backing pipe perflange JIS G and 5526stub (3017),endD2, areGrade
to be inserted
2 pipe
per JIS G 5526 (3018), D2.5, Grade 2.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 (3019), D3, Grade 3 pipe per JIS G 5526 (3020),to be
3D model) (197), Bolted x mechanical to be treated as a bolted connection (199), Bolted x mechanical
D3.5, Grade as a 3.5 mechanical
pipe per connection
JIS G 5526 (3021), (201). D4, Grade 4 pipe per JIS G 5526 (3022), D4.5, Grade 4.5 pipe per
12)PartDataBasis - Modified
JIS G 5526 (3023), DPF, Grade PF pipe per 25 and 35. Added JIS values:
G 5526 (3024), Insert flange,
GS perjacket,
JIS G 3459 slip-on, non-reducing,
(3025), LG per JISlength G 3460
through hub inclusive of flange face projection (801), Insert
(3026), HPC (Hitachi Plant Corporation) vendor standard (3027), JIS Calculation 1 (3028), JIS Calculation flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length 2
(3029), JIS hub inclusive of
Calculation flange face
3 (3030), projection, 4flange
JIS Calculation (3031), thickness exclusive
JIS Calculation of flange
5 (3032), JISface projection
Calculation (802), JIS
6 (3033),
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length through
Calculation 7 (3034), JIS Calculation 8 (3035), JIS Calculation 9 (3036), JIS Calculation 10 (3037), JIShub exclusive of flange face projection (803),
Insert flange,
Calculation 11jacket,
(3038),slip-on, reducing,12
JIS Calculation length
(3039), through hub inclusive
JIS Calculation of flange
13 (3040), face projection
VP (3041), VM (3042), (804), Insert
VU (3043),
flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing, length through hub inclusive
Class 1 (3044), Class 2 (3045), Class 3, 17 mm (3046), Class 3, 21 mm (3047), Universal Wall Thickness Valuesof flange face projection, flange thickness
(3). Modified of flange face projection
Long descriptions (805),
of the Insert flange,
following: 600, 605, jacket,
611, 615, reducing,
620, 625,length 630, 635, through640, hub 645, exclusive
650, 655,
of flange face projection (806), Insert flange, jacket, buttweld,
7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7008, 7009, 7010, 7011, 7012, 7013, 7014, 7015, 7016, 7017, non-reducing, length through hub inclusive
7018, of
flange face projection
7019, 7020, 7021, 7022,(807), 7023,Insert7024, flange,
7025, 7026, jacket, buttweld,
7027, 7028, 7029,non-reducing,
7030, 7031, length
7032, through
7033, 7034, hub inclusive
7035, 7036, of
flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face
7037, 7038, 7039, 7040, 7041, 7042, 7043, 7044, 7045, 7046, 7047, 7048, 7049, 7050, 7051, 7052, 7053, 7054, projection (808), Insert flange, jacket,
7055, 7056, non-reducing,
7057, 7058, 7059, length through
7060, 7061,hub 7062,exclusive
7063, 7064, of flange
7065,face 7066, projection
7067, 7068, (809),7069,Insert7070, flange,
buttweld, reducing, length through hub inclusive of flange
7073, 7074, 7075, 7076, 7077, 7078, 7079, 7080, 7081, 7082, 7083, 7084, 7085, 7086, 7087, 7088, 7089, face projection (810), Insert flange, jacket,7090,
7091, 7092, reducing,
7093, 7094, length7095,through hub inclusive
7096, 7097, 7098, 7099, of flange
7100, face7101,projection,
7102, 7103,flange 7104,thickness
7105, 7106, exclusive
7107, 7108, of
flange face
7109, 7110. projection (811), Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing, length through hub exclusive of flange
face projection (812), Plug valve, 2-way, partial jacket, specified by face-to-face dimension (815), Jacket
closure plate, outside diameter fits flush with inside diameter of jacket pipe (817), Jacket closure plate,
outside diameter larger than outside diameter of jacket pipe (818), Plug valve, 3-way, partial jacket, specified
by face-to-face dimension and face-to-center dimension for branch (822), Plug valve, 3-way, full jacket,
oversized flanges, specified by face-to-face dimension and face-to-center dimension for branch (823).
13)ValveOperatorPartDataBasis - Created the worksheet. Added values: Default (1), Gear, side mounted
handwheel Type 1 (11, Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 2 (12, Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 3 (13,
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 4 (14, Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 5 (mirror of Type 1) (15,
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2) (16, Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of
Type 3) (17, Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4) (18, Gear, side mounted handwheel
Type 9 (19, Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of Type 9) (20, Gear, side mounted handwheel
Type 11 (21, Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 1 (22, Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type
2 (mirror of Type 1) (23, Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 1 (31, Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2 (32,
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (33, Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4 (34, Gear, top mounted
handwheel Type 5 (mirror of Type 1) (35, Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2) (36, Gear,
top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 3) (37, Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4)
(300), Val-Matic? Model 1803VB/48A (2798), Val-Matic? ModelStandards
1804VB/48A (2802), Val-Matic? Model
Rica, Standards
B8X Series
Parker Model
HB Series
Republic, MB Series Model
(1388), (320),
1808VB/48A PRDenmark,
Series Standards
(2808),(1389), Parker
C2 (330),
Series Greece,
(1391), Standards
Parker C4 (ELOT)
Series (340),
(1392), Hong
Parker Kong,
C6 Series (1393), (ITCHKSAR)
Parker C8 (350),
Series Iceland,
(1394), Standards
Parker C12Val-
(IST) 1810VB/48A
(360), India, (2812),
Standards Val-Matic?
(BIS)Parker Model 1812VB/48A
(370), Indonesia, Standards (2814), Val-Matic?
(BSN) (380), Model
Ireland, 1814VB/48A
Standards (2816),
(NSAI) (390),
Matic? Parker C16
Model 1816VB/ Series (1397),
48A (2818), CO4
Vickers? D*8P1 Series (1398),
SeriesJordan, Parker CO6
(2819), Standards Series
Vickers? C2-800 (1399),
Series Parker CO8 Series
(2822), Vickers? C5G
(1401), Standards H0 (SII)
Parker Vickers?Series (400), Italy,
(1402), Standards
Parker (UNI)(1403),
H1 Vickers?
Series (410), Parker H2(2828),
SeriesVickers? (JISM)Parker
(1404), (420), Kuwait,
H3 Series Standards
(KOWSMD) (2824), (430), (1407),
Lebanon, 4C* Series
Standards (2826),
(440), Series;
Luxembourg, Standards PCG5V
(SEE) Series
(450),(1411), (2829),
Vickers? H4CPF1*
Series Series Parker
(2832), H5 Series
Vickers? (1408),
CPF2* Parker
Series H6 Series
(2834), Vickers? (1409),
CPF3* Parker
Series Vickers? Parker
Series (2838), (DSM)
(1412), Vickers?(460),
Parker RL4 Malta,
Series Standards
(1413), (MSA)
Parker (470),
RH4 SeriesMexico, Standards
(1414), Parker (DGN)
PG4 (480),
SeriesDCPFS Netherlands,
(1416), Series Standards
(NEN) (490), New Zealand, UPF1* Series
Standards (2842),
(SNZ) Vickers? UPF2* Series (2844), Vickers?
Vickers? (1417), Parker
SystemStak? BV8 DGMRSeries (1418),
Series PBV(500),
(2848), SeriesNorway,
Vickers? 136 Standards
SystemStak? PBVDGMC (NS) (510),
Series Oman,PBV
138 (1421),
Series (2852),
Series (DGSM)
Vickers? 238 (1422),
PBV Panama,
Series 2136 Standards
(1423), PBV(COPANIT)
Series (530),
2235 Paraguay,
(1424), PBV Standards
Series 2236 (INTN)
(1426), (540),
PBV Peru,
Series Standards
2400 (1427),(INDECOPI)
PBV Series
(550), DGMC2
Philippines, Series (2854),
Standards (BPS) Vickers?
(560), SystemStak?
Poland, Standards DGMX2
(PKN) SeriesPortugal,
(570), (2856), Vickers?
Standards SystemStak?
(IPQ) (580),
DGMR1 (1428),
Series PBV Series
(2858),(ASRO) 3600 (1429),
Vickers? SystemStak? PBV Series 5322
DGMFN Series (1431), PGI V-500
(2861),(GOST (1432),
Vickers? PGI V-501
SystemStak? (1433),
(1434), PGIStandards (1436), PGI (590),
V-503SystemStak? V-506 Russian
(1437), Federation,
PGI V-507 (1438), StandardsPGI V-508 R) (600),
(1439), Saudi(1441),
PGI V-509 Arabia, PGIStandards
(SASO) Vickers?
(610), Singapore, StandardsDGMDC Series
(SPRING (2864),
SG) Vickers?
(620), South DG4V
Africa, Series (2866), Victaulic? Vic?-300
(1442), PGI
MasterSealTM V-511 (1443),
(2868), PGI
Victaulic? V-516 (1444),
Three-way PGI V-517
Automated (1446),
(2872), PGI V-518Standards
Victaulic? (1447),
Series PGI (SABS)
700 V-519
(630), Spain,
(1448), PGI V-520
Victaulic? Series
(1449), PGI(AENOR)
V-521 (1451),(640),PGI Sweden,
V-522 Standards
(1452), PGI (SIS,
V-523 Swedish
(1453), Standards
PGI V-524 Institute)
(1454), PGI (650),
V-525 Switzerland,
(1456), PGI V-526
763 (2876),
Standards Victaulic? Series 608 (2878), Victaulic? Series 716 (2882), Victaulic? Series 779 (2884), Victaulic?
Series PGI(SNV)
712 V-527 (660),
Swinger? (1458), Thailand,
V-528 Standards
PGI 712S
V-529 Turkey,
Swinger? PGI Standards
(2888), (1462),
(TSE)PGI (680),
713 (1463),
PGI V-532
(1464), (690),
PGI United
V-552 Arab
(1466), Emirates,
PGI V-554 Standards
(1467), PGI (SSUAE)
V-556 (700),
(1468), PGI Uruguay,
V-558 Standards
(1469), PGI (UNIT)
V-570 (710),
(1471), Venezuela,
PGI V-572
Standards Series 317
(FONDONORMA) (2893), Victaulic? Series 377 (2894), Victaulic? Vic?-Plug Series 365 (2896), Victaulic?
Vic?-Plug PGISeries
V-573 366(1473),
PGI V-575
(2902), PGI(730),
Victaulic? V-579 Germany,
Series 723PGI
Series 723S
States of America,
(1479), Victaulic?
PGI V-584 (1481),Standards (5).
PGI (2908),
V-585 (1482), PGI Series
V-586 (1483), PGI V-597 (1484),Tour PGI & V-598 (1486), PGI V-600
27)ValveTrim Series
- Added 726
values: API trim Victaulic?
No. 2 (6),V-606
API trim726S No.(2909),
5A (21), Victaulic?
API trim No. Andersson Series 782(66),
(2912), PGI V-602
Victaulic? (1488),
Tour & PGI V-604
Andersson (1489),
Series PGI
783 (2914), (1491),
Victaulic?PGI V-608
Tour (1492),
& AnderssonPGI8A (36),(1493),
API trim
785 PGINo.
(1494), No.V-613
17 (67), API trim
(1496), PGI No.V-614 18(1497),
(68), Mogas®
PGI V-615Flexstream
(1498), (101),
PGI Trim
V-620 Low Temperature
(1499), PGI V-626 SteelPGI
(1501), (61),V-690
Duplex Tour &Stainless
(Internal) Andersson Series
Steel (62), 786
Full Victaulic?
Duplex Tour
Stainless &Steel
(63), TrimSeries
(2922), Victaulic?
(64), Trim
Tour PGI
& Low V-692 (1503),
Andersson SeriesPGI 787-U V-700 (1504),
(2924), PGI V-702
Victaulic? Tour (1506), PGI V-905
& Andersson (1507),
Series 788PGI V2-507
(2926), (1508), PGI
Victaulic? Tour V2-509
(1509), Temperature
PGI V2-517 (1511), (69), Trim
PGI Victaulic? Stellite
V2-519 (1512), (71).
PGI V2-523 (1513), PGI V2-527 (1514), PGI(2932),
(1516), PGI V2-
Andersson Series 789 (2928), Series Triple Service Butterfly/Check Combo
531 (1517),
Series Triple PGI V2-575Plug/Check
Service (1518), PGICombo V2-904(2934),
PGI V3-506 (1521),
Series 706 PGI V3-507
(2936), (1522), PGI
Victaulic? SeriesV3-508
709 (1523),
(2938), PGI
Victaulic? Series W715 (2942), Victaulic? Series W706 (2944), Victaulic? Series W709 (2946), Victaulic?(1531),
(1524), PGI V3-516 (1526), PGI V3-517 (1527), PGI V3-518 (1528), PGI V3-519 (1529), PGI V3-520 Series
PGI V3-532 Victaulic?
522 (2948), (1532), PGISeries V3-536569 (1533),
(2952), PGI V3-537 (1534),
Victaulic? SeriesPGI 721S V3-540
(2954), (1536), PGI V3-541
Victaulic? Series(1537), PGI V3-542
793 (2956), Victaulic?
Series 797PGI (2958),
(1539), PGISeries V3-544 589(1541),
(2962), PGIKMPV3-545
LW-S (1542),
SeriesPGI V3-547
(2964), KMP (1543),
LW-SP PGI V3-573
Series (1544),
(2966), PGI V3-
ACV 110-10 (2968), Watts ACV 110-14 (2972), Watts ACV 113-12 (2974), Watts ACV 113-6 (2976), Watts ACVPGI
(1546), PGI V3-577 (1547), PGI V3-579 (1548), PGI V3-580 (1549), PGI V3-582 (1551), PGI V3-584 (1552),
VP-306 (2978),
113-46 (1553), Watts
PGI VP-307
ACV 113-21(1554),(2982),
PGI VP-552
ACV 413-21PGI VP-554(2984),(1557),
Watts PGI ACVVP-556 (1558),Watts
513-5 (2986), PGI VP-590
ACV 513-6
(2988), PGI
Watts VP-591 (1561),(2992),
ACV 513-12 PGI VP-592 Watts(1562),
ACV 114R Hamer? (2994),ModelWatts BWACV (1563),115Hamer?
(2996), WattsModelACV SG (1564), Hamer?
115-2 (2998),
Model VW (1566), Hercules? QT? Series 37-100 (1567), Hercules? QT?
Watts ACV 115-3 (3002), Watts ACV 115-4 (3004), Watts ACV 115-7 (3006), Watts ACV 115-74 (3008), Watts Series 37-300 (1568), Hercules? QT?
Series 37-330 (1569), Hercules? QT? Series 37-350 (1571), Hercules?
ACV 116 (3012), Watts ACV 116-31 (3014), Watts ACV 116-52 (3016), Watts ACV 118-3R (3018), Watts ACV 127- QT? Series 37-400 (1572), Hercules?
Magnum? Series
1 (3022), Watts 37-200
ACV 127-2 (1573),
(3024), Hercules?
Watts ACV Magnum? SeriesWatts
127-11 (3026), 37-210ACV (1574),
(3028), Watts Wildcat'r?
ACV 116FM Series(3032),
Watts Hercules?
116-1FM Wildcat'r?
(3034), Watts Series 37-550
ACV 100D-A (1577), Hercules?
(3036), Watts ACV Wildcat'r?
100D-B Series
(3038), 37-750
Watts(1578), Hercules?
ACV 1116FH 1205
Series 5300 Model
Yarway Hercules?
Series 7100 Model ARC H-142D
Yarway Hercules?
Series 9100 Model ARC H-143 (1583),
(3048), Yarway
Series 9200Model H-143DYarway
ARC (3052), (1584), Series 9300 ARC (3054), Yarway Turbo-Cascade? High Pressure (3056),
Yarway TempLow Steam Desuperheater (3058), Warren Controls Type 1843 (9961), Warren Controls Type
1850 (9962), Warren Controls Type 2820 (9973), Warren Controls Type 2830 (9974), Warren Controls Type
2832 (9975), Warren Controls Type 2920 (9976), Warren Controls Type 2922 (9967), Warren Controls Type
2923 (9977), Warren Controls Type 2930 (9978), Warren Controls Type 2932 (9979), Warren Controls Type
5840 (9980), VCI, Guide Valve Supply (66), Technequip, FFE Minerals Group (64), Sur-Flo Meters & Controls
Ltd. (63), Singer Valve Inc. (62), Score Energy Products Inc. (61), Lowe Valve, VCI, Guide Valve Supply (59),
Guide Valve Supply (56), GVS BB-1 (Licensed from General Electric Nuovo Pignone) (170001), GVS B-1
(Licensed from General Electric Nuovo Pignone) (170002), Lowe Trunion Ball Valve (170003), Lowe Floating
Ball Valve (170004), Lowe Sure Seal Butterfly Valve (170005), Lowe FlowSeal Butterfly Valve (170006), Lowe
Series G (170007), Lowe Series S (170008), Lowe Series T400 (170009), Lowe Series T404 (170010), Lowe
Series 800 (170011), Lowe Series 900 (170012), Score Tricentric? Butterfly Valve (170013), Score HIGHSEAL?
GTD (170014), Score HIGHSEAL? FSD (170015), Score HIGHSEAL? BWD (170016), Score HIGHSEAL? GRS
(170017), Score HIGHSEAL? GTS (170018), Score HIGHSEAL? GFB (170019),
400E-5M (230029), BERMAD FP 400E-2MC (230030), BERMAD FP 400E-3DC (230031), BERMAD FP 400E-4DC
(230032), BERMAD FP 400E-5DC (230033), BERMAD FP 400E-6DC (230034), BERMAD FP 400E-3D (230035),
BERMAD FP 400E-4D (230036), BERMAD FP 400E-5D (230037), BERMAD FP 400E-6D (230038), BERMAD FP
400E-2M-VDS (230039), BERMAD FP 400E-3M-VDS (230040), BERMAD FP 400E-4M-VDS (230041), BERMAD
FP 400E-2-VDS (230042), BERMAD FP 400E-3-VDS (230043), BERMAD FP 400E-4-VDS (230044), BERMAD FP
400E-3X (230045), BERMAD FP 400E-4X (230046), BERMAD FP 400E-5X (230047), BERMAD FP 400E-6X
(230048), BERMAD FP 400E-6X-N (230049), BERMAD FP 400E-60C-N (230050), BERMAD FP 700E-3X-N-BO
(230051), BERMAD FP 405E-11 (230052), BERMAD FP 405E-02 (230053), BERMAD FP 420E-HY (230054),
BERMAD FP 400E-7M (230055), BERMAD FP 400E-7BM (230056), BERMAD FP 400E-7DM (230057), BERMAD
FP 400E-DP (230058), BERMAD FP 420E-00 (230059), BERMAD FP 430E-UF (230060), BERMAD FP 730E-UF
(230061), BERMAD FP 430-59 (230062), BERMAD FP 730-59 (230063), BERMAD FP 436 (230064), BERMAD FP
730-R=UL (230065), BERMAD FP 770-UL-A3 (230066), BERMAD FP 770-UL-A5 (230067), BERMAD FP 450-60
(230068), BERMAD FP 450-65 (230069), BERMAD FP 450-66 (230070), BERMAD FP 450-80-M6 (230071),
Cepex? True Union Ball Valve, Industrial Series (230072), Cepex? True Union Check Valves, Ball Series
(230073), Cepex? Butterfly Valve, Industrial Series (230074), Cepex? Butterfly Valve, Classic Series (230075),
Venus Model N2 (230076), Venus Model B8PPD41-2,
ValvemodelNumber(Continued):Fushiman (230077),Pressure
Venus Model P6 (230078),
Reducing Venus Fushiman
Valve (60007), Model A9HB260,(230079),
PressureModel C1H (230080),
Regulating Venus Model
Valve (60008), F3 (230081),
Fushiman PMD31, Venus Model
Pressure A9S (230082),
Reducing Venus Fushiman
Valve (60009), Model C3SPMD31L,
PressureModel G5 (230084),
Reducing Venus Model
Valve (60010), FushimanR7 (230085),
PPD41B,Venus Model
Pressure C2R (230086),
Reducing Venus Model
Valve (60011), Y10 (230087),
Fushiman PPD41B-
EuroValve? Wouter Witzel EVS (230088), EuroValve? Wouter Witzel EVBS (230089),
2, Pressure Reducing Valve (60012), Fushiman PPD41L-2, Pressure Reducing Valve (60013), Fushiman EuroValve? Wouter
PFD42,EVMS (230090),
Pressure EuroValve?
Reducing WouterFushiman
Valve (60014), Witzel EVUS (230091),
RMD31, EuroValve?
Back Pressure Wouter Witzel
Regulating Valve EVFS
EuroValve? Euronomic BA (230093), EuroValve? Euronomic BB (230094), EuroValve?
Fushiman RMD31L, Back Pressure Regulating Valve (60016), Fushiman RFD42, Back Pressure Regulating Eurocheck ECV
(230095), EuroValve?
Valve (60017), Fushiman Dynaxe W201Back
RPD52-2, (230096), EuroValve?
Pressure Dynaxe
Regulating ValveL201 (230097),
(60018), EuroValve?
Fushiman PLG61-2,Dynaxe D201
(230098), Fushiman T88, Temperature Regulating Valve (60001), Fushiman T88S,
Reducing Valve (60019), Fushiman PRL, Pressure Reducing Valve (60020), Fushiman PPD25, PressureTemperature Regulating
Valve (60002),
Reducing ValveFushiman BW4, Temperature
(60021), Fushiman Regulating
67R, Pressure Valve
Reducing (60003),
Valve Fushiman
(60022), FushimanWaxPLG41,
Type, Temperature
Regulating Valve (60004), Fushiman P260, Pressure Reducing Valve (60005),
Reducing Valve (60023), Fushiman RLG61-2, Pressure Regulating Valve (60024), Fushiman Fushiman PHP30,
Reducing Valve (60006),
Pressure Regulating Fushiman
Valve (60025), PPD41-2,
FushimanPressure Reducing
AW, Pressure Valve Valve
Reducing (60007), , Venus
(60026), Model B8
Fushiman (230077),
AWR, Back
Pressure Regulating Valve (60027), Fushiman RPF12, Safety Relief Valve (60028), Fushiman RPF13,(230081),
Model P6 (230078), Venus Model A9H (230079), Venus Model C1H (230080), Venus Model F3 Safety
Venus Model(60029),
Relief Valve A9S (230082),
FushimanVenus Model
RPC14, C3S Valve
Relief (230083), Venus
(60030), Model G5
Fushiman (230084), Venus
R101-1BHA, Relief Model R7 (230085),
Valve (60031),
Venus Model C2R (230086), Venus Model Y10 (230087), EuroValve? Wouter Witzel EVS
Zhejiang ShuangDa Floating Ball Valve (70001), Zhejiang ShuangDa Trunnion Ball Valve (70002), Zhejiang (230088), EuroValve?
Wouter Witzel EVBS (230089), EuroValve? Wouter Witzel EVMS (230090), EuroValve? Wouter
ShuangDa Gate Valve (70003), Zhejiang ShuangDa Parallel Gate Valve (70004), Zhejiang ShuangDa Butterfly Witzel EVUS
(230091), EuroValve? Wouter Witzel EVFS (230092), EuroValve? Euronomic BA (230093),
Valve (70005), Zhejiang ShuangDa Globe Valve (70006), Zhejiang ShuangDa Swing Check Valve (70007), EuroValve?
Euronomic BB (230094),
Zhejiang ShuangDa WaferEuroValve?
Check Valve Eurocheck ECV (230095),
(70008), Zhejiang EuroValve?
ShuangDa Dynaxe
Lubricated PlugW201
Valve (230096),
(70009), Zhejiang
EuroValve? Dynaxe L201 (230097), EuroValve? Dynaxe D201 (230098), Fushiman T88,
ShuangDa Pressure Balanced Plug Valve (70010), Kor-Lok SRV (240001), Kor-Lok SRGV (240002), Kor-Lok Temperature
Regulating Valve Kor-Lok
SRGV2 (240003), (60001), SBL
Fushiman T88S,
(240004), Temperature
Kor-Lok Regulating
SGVU (240005), Valve (60002),
Kor-Lok Fushiman
SNVF (240006), BW4, SNVM
Temperature Regulating Valve (60003), Fushiman Wax Type, Temperature Regulating
(240007), Kor-Lok SNVMU (240008), Kor-Lok SNVW (240009), Kor-Lok SAVF (240010), Kor-Lok SAVU Valve (60004),
Fushiman P260, Pressure
(240011), Kor-Lok Reducing
SBVU (240012), Valve (60005),
Kor-Lok Fushiman
SBVF (240013), PHP30,
Kor-Lok Pressure
SCV Reducing
(240014), Kor-LokValve
2VM (60006)
(240015), Kor-
Lok 3VM (240016), Kor-Lok 5VM (240017), Linatex? LinaValve STTM (250001), Linatex? Jaco (250002),
Linatex? LinaFlow (250003), Linatex? Knife Gate Valve (250004), Linatex? Single Non Return (SNR) Check
Valve (250005), Linatex? Double Non Return (DNR) Check Valve (250006), Linatex? Delta (250007), Sigma SA-
101 (250008), Sigma SA-102 (250009), Sigma SA-103 (250010), Sigma SA-104 (250011), Sigma SA-3WRH-3000
(250012), Sigma SA-201P (250013), Sigma SA-201 (250014), Sigma SA-201M (250015), Sigma SA-201R
(250016), Sigma SA-201H (250017), Sigma SA-2S-T/T (250018), Sigma SA-2S-M/M (250019), Sigma SA-2S-M/F
(250020), Sigma SA-2SHM-2000 / 2160 (250021), Sigma SA-301 (250022), Sigma SA-301DM (250023), Sigma
SA-301M (250024), Sigma SA-302 (250025), Sigma SA-301L (250026), Sigma SA-301SB (250027), Sigma SA-
301HP (250028), Sigma SA-3FL-DM (250029), Sigma SA-3FH-3000 (250030), Sigma SA-503M (250031), Sigma
SAF-503 (250032), Sigma SA-503 (250033), Sigma SA-503DM (250034), Sigma SA-4MBS (250035), Sigma SA-
503DMTC (250036), Sigma SAF-503TC (250037), Sigma SAF-503TC1 (250038), Sigma SAF-303 (250039), Sigma
SAF-305 (250040), Sigma SAF-101 (250041), Sigma SAF-102 (250042), Sigma SAF201 (250043), Sigma SAF-
202 (250044), Sigma SAF-203 (250045), Sigma SAF-203L (250046), Sigma SAF-302 (250047), Sigma SAF-601
(250048), Sigma SAF-701 (250049), Sigma SAF-801 (250050), Sigma SAF-901 (250051), Sigma SA-401
(250052), Sigma SA-402 (250053), Sigma CHE3F (250054), Sigma SA-504 (250055), Sigma SA-601 (250056),
Sigma SA-701 (250057), Sigma SA-801 (250058), Sigma SA-801s (250059), Sigma SA-901 (250060), Sigma SA-
701Y (250061), Sigma SA-205 (250062), Sigma SAF-205 (250063), Sigma SAF-803 (250064), Sigma SA-803
(250065), Sigma SATL-12SS (250066), Sigma SATL-12 (250067), Sigma SATL-14 (250068), Sigma SATL-13
(250069), Sigma SATL-15 (250070), Sigma SATL-15SS (250071), Sigma SATL-40 (250072), Sigma SATL-41
(250073), Sigma SATL-62 (250074), Sigma SATL-63 (250075), Sigma SATL-63SS (250076), Sigma SATL-64
(250077), Sigma SATL-65 (250078), Sigma SATL-66 (250079), Sigma SATL-67 (250080). Modified values: 2063,
2067, 2455, 2457, 2459, 2461, 2463, 2465, 2467, 2469, 2471, 2473, 2475, 2477, 2479, 2481, 2483, 2485, 2487,
2489, 2491, 2493, 2495, 2497, 2499, 2501, 2503, 2505, 2819, 2829, 27, 140, 4031, 4045, 4163, 4167, 4169, 4171,
4183, 4207, 4209, 4327, 45, 4835, 5761, 125, 120. ValveManufacturer: 5, 7401. United States of America,
Manufacturers (6).
(384, Plain end, laminated (386, Flared end, lap joint (387, Flared end, slip-on (388, Saddle end (322, Thermal
fusion saddle end (323, Loose flange, lap joint (335, Loose flange, slip-on (336, Push-on bell locking end (546,
Belled end (547, Thermal fusion socket end (422, Electrofusion socket end (423). Modified values: Long
sescriptions of 55, 56, 1120, 1125, 1100, 1135,1140, 1155, 1160, 920, 930, 1165, 1020, 980, 326, 321, 383.
12)ExteriorSurfaceTreatment - Added value: Pickle with nitric acid (20%) + hydrogen fluoride (5%) at 125-
130oF (61). Updated description of ExteriorSurfaceTreatmentRequirement codelist value 16.
13)FabricationType - Added values: Shop fabricated, thermal fusion (16), Shop fabricated, electrofusion (17),
Shop fabricated, laminated (18), Shop fabricated, brazed (19), Contractor fabricated, match marked (21),
Owner fabricated, match marked (22), Contractor fabricated, thermal fusion (23), Owner fabricated, thermal
fusion (24), Contractor fabricated, electrofusion (25), Owner fabricated, electrofusion (26), Contractor
fabricated, laminated (27), Owner fabricated, laminated (28), Contractor fabricated, brazed (29), Owner
fabricated, brazed (31).
14)FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish - Added values: 150 Grit (35 Ra max) (141), 150 Grit/Electropolished (35 Ra max)
(142), 180 Grit (25 Ra max) (143), 180 Grit/Electropolished (25 Ra max) (144), 240 Grit (20 Ra max) (145), 240
Grit/Electropolished (20 Ra max) (146), 320 Grit (11 Ra max) (147), 320 Grit/Electropolished (11 Ra max) (148),
DIN 2526 Form A (149), DIN 2526 Form B (150), DIN 2526 Form F (151), DIN 2526 Form N (152), EN 1092-1 Type
A (153), EN 1092-1 Type B1 (154), EN 1092-1 Type B2 (155), EN 1092-1 Type C (156), EN 1092-1 Type D (157).
Modified values: 65,70,75.
15)GasketOption - Added values: BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure energized (2), BX ring joint
gasket, API 6A type BX pressure energized, rubber-coated (3), Double jacketed gasket, metal filler,
corrugated (6), Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, corrugated (7), Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed
(8), Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge outside (9), Expanded graphite gasket (11), Eyelet gasket,
with internal and external reinforcement (12), Flange insulation kit without gasket (13), Flange insulation kit,
Type D (14), Flange insulation kit, Type E (16), Flange insulation kit, Type F (17), Flange insulation kit, Type G
(18), Flat gasket, non-metallic, envelope (19), Flat gasket, non-metallic, solid (21), Flexible graphite gasket
(22), Grayloc® orifice seal ring (23), Grayloc® restriction seal ring (24), Grayloc® transition seal ring (26),
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core (27), Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with integral centering
ring (28), Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with loose fitting centering ring (29), Kammprofile gasket,
parallel root core (31), Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with integral centering ring (32), Kammprofile
gasket, parallel root core with loose fitting centering ring (33), Large-FlangeTM O-ring (34), R ring joint
gasket, API 6A, octagonal (36), R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval (37), R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval, rubber-
coated (38), RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure energized (39), RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type
RX pressure energized, rubber-coated (41), SBX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SBX pressure energized (42),
Seal ring, orifice (43), Seal ring, restriction (44), Seal ring, subsea (46), Seal ring, transition (47), Single
jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed (48), Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open (49), Single jacketed gasket,
soft filler, open edge outside (51), Solid metal gasket, profiled (52), Spiral wound gasket (53), Spiral wound
gasket with centering ring (54), Spiral wound gasket with external ring (56), Spiral wound gasket with inner
ring (57), Spiral wound gasket with inner ring and external ring (58), Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition
bars (59), Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars, centering ring, and inner ring (61), SRX ring joint
gasket, API 17D type SRX pressure energized (subsea) (62), Transition ring joint gasket, octagonal (63),
Transition ring joint gasket, oval (64), Wedge gasket (66), Weld membrane gasket (67), Weld ring gasket,
hollow lip (68), Wireloc™ seal ring (69). Modified values: 95, 100.
16)GeometryType - Added values: Angle valve (256) and Angle valve, reducing (257).
Large-FlangeTM center ring (258), Large-FlangeTM spacer ring (259), Large-FlangeTM rotatable bolt ring
assembly (260), Large-FlangeTM bolt (262), Bolt hole bushing (263), Expansion joint, 2 convolutions (264),
Expansion joint, 3 convolutions (265), Expansion joint, 5 convolutions (266), Inverted bucket steam trap,
vertical installation (267), Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation (268), Inverted bucket steam trap,
horizontal installation with integral strainer (269), P-trap with side inlet (270), P-trap with tapped inlet (271), P-
trap, deep seal (272), P-trap with tap primer (273), P-trap, reducing (274), Running trap (275), Running trap
with vent (276), Running trap with two vents (277), Vent bypass, right hand inlet (278), Vent bypass, left hand
inlet (279), Cleanout with tap (281), Cleanout, two way (282), Cleanout, Texas twin (283). Modified values: 6,
10, 15, 30, 46, 45, 50, 51, 56, 60, 71, 72, 110, 10, 8880, 15, 250, 255, 9141, 9264, 8984, 205, 8986, 8988, 200,
9262, 9260, 210, 8980, 8795, 5035, 8982, 216, 215, 7880, 7960, 8550, 1120, 1125, 825, 836, 7985, 3080, 1157,
838, 839, 9158, 8075, 830, 5415, 1550, 1560, 1555, 1565, 1570, 1575, 1571, 1572, 7620, 1755, 1775, 1780, 1785,
1825, 1830, 1855, 1860, 9352, 1865, 1870, 1875, 1880, 8170, 9354, 9356, 9358, 9360, 9362, 9356, 9358, 9360,
9368, 8280, 9188, 555. Deleted values: Differential pressure flow instrument, integral orifice flow instrument,
45 degree double Y.
27)ValveOperatorType - Added values: Bonnet, manual (18), Handle, impactor (10), Handle, locking (16),
Handle, memory stop (13), Handle, oval (15), Handle, round safety (14), Handle, spring return (12), Lever, lock
(8), Handwheel, extended spindle (4), Handwheel, impactor (7), Handwheel, oval (6), Electro-hydraulic, rotary
22), Electro-hydraulic, linear 23), Pneumatic 24), Spring return, rotary 25), Spring return, linear 26), Rack and
pinion 27), Scotch yoke 28), Rotary vane 29), Rotary electric 30), Rotary electric, multi-turn 31), Rotary
electric, 90o 32), Rotary electric, scotch yoke 33), Linear electric 34), Linear electric, bi-directional 35), Linear
electric, low thrust 36), Linear electric, high thrust 37), Bonnet, pneumatic 38), Extension stem guide 39),
Solenoid pilot valve 40), Solenoid pilot valve, 3-way 41), Solenoid pilot valve, 4-way 42), Diaphragm pilot
valve, 4-way 43), Manual control valve, 4-way 44), Speed control valve 45), Lock-up valve 46), Trip valve 47),
Electrovalve 48), Supply pressure regulator 49), Supply pressure regulator with air filter 50), Pressure relief
regulator 51), Air filter regulator 52), Set point regulator, pneumatic 53), Bonnet relief device 54), Volume
booster 55), External equalizer 56), Washout connection 57), Live loaded packing assembly 58), Leakoff
assembly 59), Wall bracket 60), Stuffing box 61), Stuffing box, double 62), Safety block 63), Torque limiter 64),
Valve positioner, pneumatic 65), Valve positioner, electro-pneumatic 66), Valve positioner, analog 67), Valve
positioner, digital 68), Position transmitter 69), Position transducer 70), Visual position indicator 71), Fail-safe
transmitter 72), Transducer 73), Air switch/set 74), Limit stop 75), Limit positioner 76), Switchbox 77),
Switchbox module 78), Manual override/control 79), Lockout (or tagout) kit 80), Remote switch 81), Remote
sensor 82), Valve drain 83), Valve vent 84), Extended bonnet (88), Extension stem, 90o (85), Extension stem,
low temperature (87), Extension stem, tee (86), Square nut stem adapter (89).
28)WasherOption - Added values: Tooth lock washer (20), Serrated safety washer (25), Helical spring washer
(30), Spherical washer (35), Tension indicating washer (40), Captive washer (45), Wedge-locking washer (50).
Modified values: Conical spring washer (15).
29)WasherType - Added values: Captive washer (45), Wedge-locking washer (50). Modified values: Conical
spring washer (15).
30)WeldType - Added values: Thermal fusion shop weld (65), Thermal fusion shop weld at job site fabrication
shop (66), Electrofusion shop weld (67), Electrofusion shop weld at job site fabrication shop (68), Laminated
shop weld (69), Laminated shop weld at job site fabrication shop (70), Brazed joint at shop (71), Brazed joint
at job site fabrication shop (72), Thermal fusion weld at assembly site (61), Electrofusion weld at assembly
site (62), Laminated weld at assembly site (63), Brazed joint at assembly site (64).
Addded values from 106 to 110 to the table
Added the following entry in 'PartDataBasis' sheet: 'Foam Chamber, with optional body bottom to center'

Added the following entry in 'PartDataBasis' sheet: 'Latrolet, specified by latrolet length' (762)

Value 9350: 'Tee, reducing wye' is changed to 'Tee, reducing run wye'. Added "Tee, reducing branch wye
9410", "Tee, reducing run and branch wye 9412", "Tee, short outlet, reducing 9414", "Sanitary tee, reducing
9416", "Sanitary tapped tee, reducing 9418", "Reducing tee with nipple ends (pupped) 9420", "Reducing tee
with nipple ends (pupped) and flanged branch 9422", "Tee, eccentric reducing 9424", "Tee, reducing short
outlet 9426".
Added following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet:
'Vent for CR 124070
one port with cylindrical outlet cover' (508) and 'Vent valve, one port with conical outlet cover' (509).
Added new sheet 'OpenOrBlindSpacerInstallState' having the following entries: 'Default'(1), 'Open spacer
installed'(5), 'Blind spacer installed'(10). Added
following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet: 'Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by spacer
length'(758), 'Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by handle length from flow centerline'(759), 'Blind
spacer and open spacer set, specified by handle length from spacer outside diameter'(760).

Added the following entries in 'OrificeFlangeTapOrientation' sheet: 'Three taps two are oriented 45 degrees
from vertical up, and one is oriented vertical down'(15), 'Four taps two are oriented 45 degrees from vertical
up, one is oriented vertical up, and one is oriented vertical down'(20), 'Five taps two are oriented 45 degrees
from vertical up, one is oriented vertical up, one is oriented 90 degrees CCW from vertical up, and one is
oriented vertical down'(25), 'Five taps two are oriented 30 degrees from vertical up, two are oriented 60
degrees from vertical up, and one is oriented vertical down'(30). And modified the ShortDescription of
following entries: '90' to 'Two taps are oriented 180 degrees apart'(5) and '180' to 'Two taps are oriented 90
degrees apart'(10)
Added following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet:
'Level control valve, cylindrical type' (740), 'Level control valve, globe type' (741) and 'Level control valve, Y
type' (742).

Added following entries to 'PartDataBasis' sheet:

'Face-to-Face dimension and Face-to-Center dimension for port 3 ' (11).
Deleted the following entry in 'PartDataBasis' sheet which has been added temporarily:3-way plug valve,
specified by face-to-face dimension and face-to-center dimension for branch(736)
Added values: Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at sides of tray, specified by Arm length, Hinge to
port, Width and Depth (134), Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at bottom of tray, specified by Arm
length, Hinge to port and Width (135) and Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at center of tray,
specified by Arm length, Hinge to port, Width and Depth (136).
Added following entries in 'HVACPartDataBasis' sheet:
'Rectangular Diffuser, Round Neck without Damper ' (120),
'Rectangular Diffuser, Round Neck with Damper' (121), 'Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck without
Damper, specified by Diffuser Height' (122). Modified short descriptions of codelist values 118 and 119 to
'Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck without Damper' and 'Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck with
Damper' respectively.
Added value Flat face flanged end x Mechanical joint spigot end (3231).
Added the following part data basis values:
3-way plug valve, specified by face-to-face dimension and face-to-center dimension for branch(736)
Added the following values for PressureRating -
JIS PN 0.5 (0.05 MPa)(3001), JIS PN 1 (0.10 MPa)(3002), JIS PN 1.5 (0.15 MPa)(3003),
JIS PN 2.5 (0.25 MPa)(3004), JIS PN 3 (0.30 MPa)(3005), JIS PN 3.5 (0.35 MPa)(3006),
JIS PN 6 (0.60 MPa)(3007), JIS PN 7 (0.70 MPa)(3008), JIS PN 10 (1.00 MPa)(3009),
JIS PN 12 (1.20 MPa)(3010), JIS PN 13.5 (1.35 MPa)(3011), JIS PN 13.7 (1.37 MPa)(3012),
JIS PN 14 (1.40 MPa)(3013), JIS PN 15 (1.50 MPa)(3014), JIS PN 16 (1.60 MPa)(3015),
JIS PN 16.5 (1.65 MPa)(3016), JIS PN 17.2 (1.72 MPa)(3017), JIS PN 20 (2.00 MPa)(3018),
JIS PN 25 (2.50 MPa)(3019), JIS PN 29 (2.90 MPa)(3020), JIS PN 30 (3.00 MPa)(3021),
JIS PN 34.5 (3.45 MPa)(3022), JIS PN 40 (4.00 MPa)(3023), JIS PN 42 (4.20 MPa)(3024),
JIS PN 43 (4.30 MPa)(3025), JIS PN 48 (4.80 MPa)(3026), JIS PN 50 (5.00 MPa)(3027),
JIS PN 63 (6.30 MPa)(3028), JIS PN 64 (6.40 MPa)(3029), JIS PN 100 (10.0 MPa)(3030),
JIS PN 110 (11.0 MPa)(3031), JIS PN 150 (15.0 MPa)(3032), JIS PN 160 (16.0 MPa)(3033),
JIS PN 200 (20.0 MPa)(3034), JIS PN 210 (21.0 MPa)(3035), JIS PN 250 (25.0 MPa)(3036),
JIS PN 260 (26.0 MPa)(3037), JIS PN 300 (30.0 MPa)(3038), JIS PN 320 (32.0 MPa)(3039),
JIS PN 420 (42.0 MPa)(3040), JIS PN 500 (50.0 MPa)(3041), JIS PN 680 (68.0 MPa)(3042),
JIS PN 1000 (100.0 MPa)(3043), JIS PN 1400 (140.0 MPa)(3044), JIS PN 1700 (170.0 MPa)(3045),
JIS PN 1850 (185.0 MPa)(3046), JIS PN 1950 (195.0 MPa)(3047), JIS PN 2100 (210.0 MPa)(3048),
JIS PN 2200 (220.0 MPa)(3049), JIS PN 2500 (250.0 MPa)(3050), JIS PN 3200 (320.0 MPa)(3051),
JIS PN 6000 (600.0 MPa)(3052), JIS 2K (2 kg/cm2)(3053), JIS 3K (3 kg/cm2)(3054), JIS 4K (4 kg/cm2)(3055),
JIS 5K (5 kg/cm2)(3056), JIS 6K (6 kg/cm2)(3057), JIS 7K (7 kg/cm2)(3058), JIS 7.5K (7.5 kg/cm2)(3059),
JIS 8K (8 kg/cm2)(3060), JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2)(3061), JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Light Type(3062),
JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Thin Type(3063), JIS 16K (16 kg/cm2)(3064), JIS 20K (20 kg/cm2)(3065),
JIS 21K (21 kg/cm2)(3066), JIS 25K (25 kg/cm2)(3067), JIS 28K (28 kg/cm2)(3068),
JIS 30K (30 kg/cm2)(3069), JIS 40K (40 kg/cm2)(3070), JIS 45K (45 kg/cm2)(3071),
JIS 50K (50 kg/cm2)(3072), JIS 63K (63 kg/cm2)(3073), JIS 65K (65 kg/cm2)(3074),
JIS 70K (70 kg/cm2)(3075), JIS 100K (100 kg/cm2)(3076), JIS 106K (106 kg/cm2)(3077),
JIS 110K (110 kg/cm2)(3078), JIS 140K (140 kg/cm2)(3079), JIS 150K (150 kg/cm2)(3080),
JIS 250K (250 kg/cm2)(3081), JIS 260K (260 kg/cm2)(3082), JIS 280K (280 kg/cm2)(3083),
JIS 315K (315 kg/cm2)(3084), JIS 350K (350 kg/cm2)(3085), JIS 420K (420 kg/cm2)(3086),
JPI Class 25(3087), JPI Class 75(3088), JPI Class 125(3089), JPI Class 150(3090), JPI Class 250(3091),
JPI Class 300(3092), JPI Class 350(3093), JPI Class 400(3094), JPI Class 600(3095), JPI Class 800(3096),
JPI Class 900(3097), JPI Class 1500(3098), JPI Class 2000(3099), JPI Class 2500(3100), JPI Class 3000(3101),
JPI Class 4500(3102), JPI Class 6000(3103), JPI Class 9000(3104), F12 per JIS G 3451 (formerly F125)(3105),
F15 per JIS G 3451 (formerly F150)(3106), F20 per JIS G 3451 (formerly F200)(3107), F25 per JIS G 3451
(formerly F250)(3108) and F29 per JIS G 3451 (formerly F300)(3109)
Added the following
values: values
Sanitary for MaterialsGrade:
reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension and tangent length (620), Sanitary
JIS G 3311, S 60 CM(60001), JIS G dimension
reducer, specified by seat-to-seat 4051, S 09 andCK(60002),
tangentJIS G 4051,
length S 10
(621), C(60003),
Sanitary reducer, specified by seat-to-
4051, S 12(623),
C(60004), JIS G
Sanitary 4051, S 15
increaser, C(60005),
specified byJIS G 4051, Sdimension
face-to-face 15 CK(60006),
and tangent length (625),
JIS G 4051,
Sanitary S 17 C(60007),
increaser, JISby
specified G seat-to-seat
4051, S 20 C(60008),
dimension JISand
G 4051, S 20
tangent CK(60009),
length (626), Sanitary increaser,
JIS G 4051, S 22 C(60010), JIS G 4051, S 25 C(60011), JIS G 4051, S
specified by seat-to-seat dimension (628), Sanitary increaser, long, specified 28 C(60012),
by face-to-face dimension,
JIS G 4051,
tangent S 30and
length, C(60013),
reducerJIS G 4051,
length S 33
(630), C(60014), joint
Mechanical JIS Greducer,
4051, S specified
35 C(60015),
by seat-to-seat dimension (632),
JIS G 4051,
Short S 38
reducer, C(60016),
specified byJIS G 4051, S dimension
face-to-face 40 C(60017), JIS G
(634), 4051,
Hub andSspigot
43 C(60018),
reducer, specified by face-to-face
JIS G 4051,(636).
dimension S 45 C(60019), JIS G 4051, S 48 C(60020), JIS G 4051, S 50 C(60021),
JIS G 4051, S 53 C(60022), JIS G 4051, S 55 C(60023), JIS G 4051, S 58 C(60024),
JIS H 5111, BC1(60025), JIS HModified
GeometricIndustryStandard: 5111, BC2(60026),
values- AWWA JIS HC151/A21.51(186),
5111, BC3(60027),TubeJIS HTurn
5111, BC6(60028),
Industries(5150), Bonney
JIS H 5111, BC6C(60029), JIS H 5111, BC7(60030), JIS H 5121, BC1C(60031),
Forge(1575). Added values- CISPI 301(903),Abresist Corporation(1002), Performance Pipe JIS H 5121, BC2C(60032),
JIS H 5121,
AWWA BC3C(60033)
301 (194), and Plastic
Reinforced JIS H 5121, BC7C(60034)
Systems(9885), Hopkinsons(9150)
Added the following
Manufacturer: Addedvalues forAbresist
values: Geometric Industry Standard:
Corporation (9), Reinforced Plastic Systems(1050) and
JIS B 2001, Nominal size and bore of valves(60001),
JIS B 2002, Face-to-face
MaterialsGrade: Alloy 20 and
(UNS end-to-end dimensions
N08020)(40001), ASTMofB72(1327),
ASTM , B31(1328), ASTM A234, Grade
WP91(625), ASTM A217, Grade C12A(579), ASTM A234, Grade WP11, Classstraight
B 2005-3-1, Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, 2(623) pattern and centre-to-face
dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern control valves(60003),
JIS B 2005-3-2, Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves(60004),
JIS B 2005-3-3, End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern control
JIS B 2011, Bronze, gate, globe, angle, and check valves (60006),
JIS B 2031, Gray cast iron valves (60007),
JIS B 2032, Wafer type rubber-seated butterfly valves (60008),
JIS B 2051, Malleable iron 10K screwed valves (60009),
JIS B 2061, Faucets, ball taps and flush valves (60010),
JIS B 2062, Sluice valves for water works (60011),
JIS B 2071, Steel valves (60012),
Added the following part data basis values:
731, 732 and 733
Added the following part data basis values:
642 to 649, 653 to 664, 668 to 679, 683 to 686, 690 to 701, 704 to 711, 715 to 718 and 723 to 730
Added the following entries: 'Cross, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 3'(589), 'Cross, specified
by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center 3'(590), 'Sanitary cross, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, and face-to center 3'(591), 'Sanitary cross, specified by header seat-to-seat
dimension, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-center 3'(592), 'Sanitary cross, specified by header seat-to-seat
dimension, seat-to-center 1, and face-to center 3'(593), 'Sanitary cross with side opening, specified by header
seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, offset for side opening'(594), 'Sanitary cross with
two 90o side openings above center, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, horizontal
offset for opening above center, and vertical offset for opening above center'(595), 'Sanitary cross with two
45o openings on same side, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center for
side opening, horizontal offset for 45o side opening'(596), 'T branches, double, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3'(597), 'T branches, double, specified by face-to-center
1, face-to-center 2, and face-to-center 3'(598), 'T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat
dimension, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-center 3'(599), 'Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header
seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3'(600), 'Sanitary
T branches, double, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, branch
radius, and tangent length 3'(601), 'Sanitary T branches, double, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center
2, face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3'(602), 'Sanitary T branches, double, specified by
header face-to-face dimension, tangent length 1, branch radius, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3'(603),
'Sanitary T branches, double, specified by tangent length 1, branch radius, face-to-center 2, face-to-center 3,
and tangent length 3'(604), 'Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-
center 1, face-to-center 3, and branch radius'(605).

Added the following entries for Piping Commodity Type: 'One-quarter bend'(1401), 'One-quarter bend with
low heel inlet"(1402), 'One-quarter bend with extended low heel inlet'(1404), 'One-quarter bend with high heel
inlet'(1406), 'One-quarter bend, short sweep'(1407), 'One-quarter bend, long sweep'(1408), 'One-quarter bend,
tapped'(1409), 'One-quarter bend, long'(1411), 'One-quarter bend, long low-hub'(1412), 'One-quarter bend with
side inlet'(1413), 'One-quarter bend, reducing'(1414), 'One-quarter bend, long sweep, reducing'(1416), 'Base
bend'(1417) and '90 degree elbow with side outlet'(1418) and entries from 538 to 583 for PartDataBasis

Added the following part data basis values:

Y branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3 (608),
Y branches, single, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-to-center 3 (609),
Y branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-center 3 (610).
Modified the descriptions of 'Long tangent Elbow' part data basis to more generic 'Elbow'.
Added following entries:Piping Commodity Type"45 degree Offset(1056),PartDataBasis:"45o offset, specified
by seat-to-seat dimension, vertical offset, and tangent length 2(586)"

Added following entries:

'1/64 bend'(1151), '11.25 degree elbow, 3D'(1178), '11.25 degree miter, 1-cut mitered'(1179), '22.5 degree
elbow, 3D'(1206), '1/16 bend'(1207), '30 degree elbow, 3D'(1231), '1/8 bend'(1348), '1/8 bend, extended'(1349),
'1/8 bend, long'(1350), '60 degree elbow, 3D'(1381) and '1/6 bend'(1382)

Added new entries 'Elbow, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent, and bend radius' (161), 'Elbow,
symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent, and bend radius' (162), 'Elbow, symmetrical, specified by
seat-to-center and bend radius' (163), 'Elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius' (164),
'Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and bend radius' (176), 'Elbow,
asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and bend radius' (177) and 'Elbow,
asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent 1, tangent 2, and bend radius' (179)
Added new entries 'Diffuser' (118) and 'Diffuser with Damper' (119)
Added new entries 'Manhole cover' (2990) and 'Hatch cover' (2995)

Added values: ScheduleThickness - SDR 6 (697), SDR 7 (698), SDR 10 (703), SDR 11.5 (707), SDR 32.5 (747),
SDR 51 (762), SDR 64 (763), SDR 81 (764).
PressureRating - Class 3500 (191), 40 PSI (411), 45 PSI (412), 50 PSI (413), 55 PSI (414), 60 PSI (415), 65 PSI
(416), 70 PSI (417), 75 PSI (418), 80 PSI (419), 85 PSI (420), 90 PSI (421), 95 PSI (422), 100 PSI (423), 105 PSI
(424), 110 PSI (425), 115 PSI (426), 120 PSI (427), 125 PSI (428), 130 PSI (429), 135 PSI (430), 140 PSI (431), 145
PSI (432), 150 PSI (433), 155 PSI (434), 160 PSI (435), 165 PSI (436), 170 PSI (437), 175 PSI (438), 180 PSI (439),
185 PSI (440), 190 PSI (441), 195 PSI (442), 200 PSI (443), 205 PSI (444), 210 PSI (445), 215 PSI (446), 220 PSI
(447), 225 PSI (448), 230 PSI (449) and 235 PSI (450).
MaterialsGrade: Modified Long Description of values ASTM D1784 - Class 12454 and ASTM D3965. Added
new values: ASTM D2447 (2411), ASTM D3350 (2412), ASTM D3915 (2413), ASTM D4396 (2414), PVC 1120
(2415), PVC 1220 (2416), PVC 2110 (2417), PVC 2112 (2418), PVC 2116 (2419) and PVC 2120 (2420).
GeometricIndustryStandard - Modified values: AWWA-C900 (220) and AWWA-C901 (221). Added values:
ASTM F 714 (362), ASTM F 794 (363), ASTM F 891 (364), ASTM F 949 (365), ASTM F1336 (366), ASTM F 1803
(367), ASTM F 1970 (368), ASTM F 2307  (369), ASTM F 2658  (370), ASTM F477 (371), AWWA C 905 (223),
AWWA C 907 (224), AWWA C 908 (225), ISCO Industries, approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation
(2961) and ISCO Industries (2962).
EndStandard - Added values: Spears® Manufacturing Company (201), ISCO Industries, approved by Factory
Mutual Research Corporation (202), ISCO Industries (203), ASTM F 512  (313), ASTM F 645  (314), ASTM F 679
(315), ASTM F 714 (316), ASTM F 794 (317), ASTM F 891 (318), ASTM F 949 (319), ASTM F1336 (320), ASTM F
1803 (321), ASTM F 1970 (322), ASTM F 2307  (323) and ASTM F 2658  (324).
Added following entries in 'HVACPartDataBasis' sheet:
'Fire Damper' (115),
'Fire and Gas Damper' (116).
Added follwing entries:
PipingCommodityType sheet - Double wye with 1/8 bend (1731).
PartDataBasis sheet-added values 525,526,527,528,529,530,531 and 532.
Added follwing entries:
PipingCommodityType sheet - Doubler Plate(8826) & Insert Plate(8827).
Added follwing entries:
PipingCommodityType sheet-Wye,Upright (9398) ,Wye,1/8 th Bend Wye (9400) ,Wye,tapped (9402) and
Reducing wye with 1/8 th bend(9404).
PartDataBasis sheet-added values 471,472,473,506,507,513,514,515,516 and 517.
GeometricIndustryStandard sheet-AB&I Foundry(4652) and ASTM-A 861(9880) . End Preparation moved
Mechanical joint bell end (542) and Mechanical joint socket end (543) from Mechanical joint with clamp to
Mechanical joint without Clamp

Deleted the code list value 461

Added following entries in 'HVACPartDataBasis' sheet:
'Rectangular Air Grille Without Damper' (112),
'Rectangular Air Grille With Damper' (113).
Added follwing entries:
PipingCommodityType sheet-Saddle, clamp-on(1851) and Saddle, snap-on(1852).
PartDataBasis sheet-added values 498, 499, 502, 503, 504 and 505.
GeometricIndustryStandard sheet-Spears® Manufacturing Company(4651).
GeometryType sheet -Olet-type branch, double outlet (187).
Added following values to 1) GasketType - Non-metallic flat gasket (480).
2) ManufacturingMethod - Buttweld (140), Electric resistance weld (145), Automatic arc weld (150),
Submerged arc weld (155), Automatic submerged arc weld (160), Laser weld (165), Spiral seam weld (170),
Straight seam weld (175).
Added entry 'Air/Vacuum valve' (9396) in PipingCommodityType sheet. Added following entries in
'PartDataBasis' sheet: 'Vent valve, one port' (510), 'Vent valve, one port with outlet cover' (511), and 'Vent
valve, two ports' (512).
Added following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet:
'90o street elbow, hexagonal' (490),
'90o street elbow, flat' (491), '45o street elbow, hexagonal' (493) and '45o street elbow, flat' (494).
Added new entry for Scupper (7576)
Added two new entries for scuppers(500,501)
Added new entry AISI-4130(461)
Added PartDataBasis value:Clamp, swivel joint (441)
Added PartDataBasis value:Clamp, hinged (440)

Added values: 316L Stainless Steel (23), Hot Dip Galvanized Steel with ZINKPOX White80 coating (40).

Added values: ASME B16.47, Series A, Blind Flanges (947) and ASME B16.47, Series B, Blind Flanges (949).
7100,7101,7102,7103,7104,7105,7106,7107,7108,7109,7110 PressureRating:
70857,70009,70901,70902 GeometricIndustryStandard:
Added new entries Adapter, Male NPT x Kwik-Flange(1165),Adapter, Female NPT x Kwik-
Flange(1166),Adapter, Male NPT x Large-Flange(1167),Adapter, Female NPT x Large-Flange(1168)
Added new entry Clamp, hinged(1169)
Added new entries: 9394-Check valve, horizontal , 9395-Check valve, vertical

Added new value-ASME B16.50, Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Braze-Joint Pressure Fittings (948)
Modified the descriptions of following codelist values
15 to 'Length-through-hub dimension excludes flange face projection'
20 to 'Length-through-hub dimension includes flange face projection'
210 to 'Flange, circular drilling template, length though hub includes flange face projection'
215 to 'Flange, oval drilling template, length though hub includes flange face projection'
220 to 'Flange, square drilling template, length though hub includes flange face projection'
225 to 'Flange, rectangular drilling template, length though hub includes flange face projection'
230 to 'Flange, rectangular drilling template, split flange face, length though hub includes flange face
235 to 'Flange, triangular drilling template, length though hub includes flange face projection'
305 to 'Flange, square drilling template with offset, length though hub includes flange face projection'
310 to 'Flange, rectangular drilling template with offset, length though hub includes flange face projection'
75 to 'Orifice flange based on face-to-center dimension for tap, including flange face projection'
Added following new entries:
Flange, circular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face projection (211)
Flange, oval drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face projection (216)
Flange, square drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face projection (221)
Flange, rectangular drilling template, length though hub excludes
flange face projection (226)
Flange, rectangular drilling template, split flange face, length though hub excludes
flange face projection (231)
Flange, triangular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face projection (236)
Flange, square drilling template with offset, length though hub excludes
flange face projection (306)
Flange, rectangular drilling template with offset, length though hub excludes
flange face projection (311)
Orifice flange based on face-to-center dimension for tap, excluding flange face projection(76)
Added values - 67.5 degree direction change (187), 67.5 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered (1385), 72 degree
direction change (189), 72 degree elbow (1390), 1/5 bend (1391).
Added the following Part Data Basis Values: Sight flow indicator, type 1(479),Sight flow indicator, type
2(480),Sight flow indicator, type 3(481),Sight flow indicator, type 4(482),Sight flow indicator, type 5(483),Sight
flow indicator, type 6(484),Sight flow indicator, type 7(485),Sight flow indicator, type 8(486),Sight flow
indicator, type 9(487),Thermodynamic steam trap, flanged with integral strainer, Type 1(425),Thermodynamic
steam trap, butt weld with integral strainer, Type 2(426),Thermodynamic steam trap, threaded, Type
3(427),Thermodynamic steam trap, threaded, Type 4(428),Float steam trap, vertical installation, Type
1(390),Float steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 2(391),Float steam trap, horizontal installation with
thermostatic air vent, Type 3(392),Float steam trap, horizontal or vertical installation, Type 4(393),Float steam
trap with integral strainer, Type 5(394),Float steam trap, horizontal installation with thermostatic air vent,
Type 6(395),Concentric reducer, biological-pharmaceutical(447),Elbow, zero radius(449), Inverted bucket
steam trap, vertical installation, Type 1(397),Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation with offset, Type
2(398),Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 1(399),Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal
installation, Type 2(400),Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 3(401),Inverted bucket
steam trap, horizontal installation with integral strainer, Type 4(402),Balanced pressure thermostatic steam
trap, Type 1(405),Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 2(406),Balanced pressure thermostatic
steam trap, Type 3(407),Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 4(408),Balanced pressure
thermostatic steam trap, Type 5(409),Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 6(410),Balanced
pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 7(411)
Added PartDataBasis value:"Flexible coupling 420" and modified EndPreparation description from "Large-
Flange, end" to " Large-Flange, band clamp style end"

Added the following PipingCommodityType values:"Clamp, Tri-Clamp, heavy duty, double hinge with wing
nut' 1155", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp, heavy duty, single hinge with wing nut' 1156", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp, 3-segment,
single hinge with wing nut' 1157", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp, medium duty with wing nut' 1158", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp,
light duty with T-bolt' 1159", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp, light duty adjustable' 1160", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp, fractional
with wing nut' 1161", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp, high pressure' 1162", "Clamp, Tri-Clamp, sanitary for hose adapter'
1163", "Clamp, band' 1164" Added following
entries in PartDataBasis sheet:, "Clamp, double hinge heavy duty with wing nut 430", "Clamp, single hinge
heavy duty with wing nut 431", "Clamp, 3-segment heavy duty with wing nut 432", "Clamp, medium duty with
wing nut 433", "Clamp, light duty with t-bolt 434", "Clamp, light duty adjustable 435", "Clamp, fractional with
wing nut 436", "Clamp, high pressure 437", "Clamp, sanitary for hose adapter 438", "Clamp, band 439"

Added Tri-Clamp option codes: Tri-Clamp 13MW Medium Duty w/wing nut (36), Tri-Clamp, A14MHC Sanitary
for hose adapter (37)
"Check valve, horizontal, specified by face-to-face dimension and offset 455", "Check valve, vertical,
specified by face-to-face dimension 456"

Added New Sheets.

Added following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet:
2-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options (460)
3-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options (461)
4-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options (462)
5-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options (463)
Added value 'Tank bottom valve' (9393) and also added "Angle valves, other"(13)
Added following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet:
Tank drain valve(468),
Tank bottom valve(469).
Added value 'Close-coupled branch valve' (9390).
Added following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet:
Close coupled branch valve (416),
Close coupled branch valve with use point (417).
Added following entry in 'EndStandard' sheet:
ASME B16.11, Forged steel socket welded and threaded fittings(89).
Added following entries in 'PartDataBasis' sheet:
Half coupling, specified by end-to-end dimension(451),
Half coupling, specified by face-to-face dimension(453).
Added value 'Zero deadleg valve, T pattern' (9392).
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension excludes the socket depth or thread

Added value Long Tangent Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1 and Face-to-Center 2 (181).
For 'PipingCommodityType' added new entry 'Welded Bellows' (7738).
For 'EndStandard' added new entry 'MDC Vacuum Products' (200).
Added values ASTM D1784 - Class 12454 (2398) and ASTM D3965 (2410).

Added value 'Tri-Clamp end x Beveled end' (719)

Added the follwing two entries:
Male Coupling, specified by face to face (422),
Female Coupling, specified by face to face (423)
Added new entry:'Straub Coupling'(9389)
"180 Degree Return based on face-to-center dimensions 413", "180 Degree Return based on face-to-center
and diameter dimensions 414"

In PipingCommodityType sheet added new entry-'3-way diverting slurry valve'(9271).

In ValveModelNumber sheet:
Added new entry for Valve Manufacturer-'Lunkenheimer Products, Tyco Flow Control'(160).
Added new entries for Valve Model Number-'Lunkenheimer Figure F603'(9968), 'Lunkenheimer Figure
F604'(9969), 'Lunkenheimer Figure F605'(9970), 'Lunkenheimer Figure F606'(9971), 'Lunkenheimer Figure
Added the following values: "Bevel-face flanged end with welded diaphragm seal 16", "Large Male-face
flanged end with O-ring 47", "Large Female-face flanged end with O-ring 57".
Added new entries- Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern, face-to-face dimension basis(385), Horizontal lift
check valve, Y pattern, face-to-center dimension basis(386) and Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern,
asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis-387
Added new entries Tapered spacer, specified by piping outside diameter, thickness and angle(380),Tapered
spacer, specified by body outside diameter, thickness 1, and thickness 2 (381),Tapered spacer, specified by
body outside diameter, thickness, and angle(382)
Added 22.5 Degree Elbow (7215), 30 Degree Elbow (7217), 60 Degree Elbow (7247) {corresponding parent
values are 1017, 1019, 1023 are also added}.

Added new entry: 'Woodco USA' (879).

Added new entries 'Fixed Blade Weather Louver, Type A (105)' and 'Fixed Blade Weather Louver, Type B
(110)' for HVACPartDataBasis sheet.
Added new entries 'Round Flat Flange, Type A (95)' and 'Round Flat Flange, Type B (100)' for
HVACPartDataBasis sheet.
Added new entries 'Rectangular Flat Flange, Type A (85)' and 'Rectangular Flat Flange, Type B (90)' for
HVACPartDataBasis sheet.
Added new entry 'Foot Valve, specified by overall length and strainer length (379)' for PartDataBasis sheet.
Added value 'Studded tee' ( 9349), 'Studded cross' (9351), 'Studded tee, 4 way' (9353) and 'Studded cross,
reducing outlets' (9355).
Added new sheet

Added the following values - CommodityOption: Use with butterfly valves (164)
EndStandard: ASME-B16.1 (82)
GeometricIndustryStandard: Pipeline Seal and Insulator (4180), Independent Pipe Products (2960)
MaterialsGrade: Neoprene®, nitrile seal ring (3053), ASTM A536-65/45/12 (63), HDPE (PE 3408) (2443)
MiscRequisitionClassification: Butterfly flange adapters required (414)
SurfacePreparation: Carbon black, 2-3% (for UV protection of HDPE fittings) (115)
ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd: Keystone AR2 (2196), Keystone AR1 (2195), Crane 461 (1217)
PipingCommodityType: Flange adapter (for use with HDPE pipe) (1122) and Flange adapter (for use with
HDPE pipe, butterfly valve) (1124).

Added the following values to CableTrayPartDataBasis: 15° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified
by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (123), 15° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius and Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (125), 15° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical,
specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (127), 15° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical,
specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (129), 15° Vertical Curved Downward
Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (131), 15° Vertical Curved Downward
Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (133).
Added the following values to CableTrayComponentType: 15 Degree horizontal bend (553), 15 Degree vertical
inside bend (555), 15 Degree vertical outside bend (557).
Added the value Metstrut (878).

Added following entries:

CommodityOption:'WOODCO end'(3506)
PipingCommodityType:'Clamp, WODCO'(9384),'Hub, WOODCO'(9386),'Blind hub, WOODCO'(9388)
EndPreparation:'WOODCO end'(1192)
MaterialsGrade:'AISI 4130'(7042)
PressureRating:'15000 WOG'(735)

Following are the changes made for Manufacturer sheet:

Hayward Flow Control Systems 866,
Modified the description of codelist value 876 from 'Winel' to 'Winel BV'.
Added following entries for ValveModelNumber sheet:
Hayward® Model VC-100 (9936), Hayward® Model VC-150 (9937), Hayward® Model VC-200 (9938), Hayward®
Model VC-250 (9939), Hayward® Model VC-400 (9940), Hayward® Model VC-450 (9941), Hayward® True Union
Ball Valve (9942), Hayward® ProFile2™ (9943), Hayward® True Union Z-Ball Valve (9944), Hayward® QIC2™
(9945), Hayward® True Union Ball Check Valve (9946), Hayward® Y Check Valve (9947), Hayward® Spring-
Loaded Y Check Valve (9948), Hayward® Swing Check Valve (9949), Hayward® Wafer Check Valve (9950),
Hayward® Diaphragm Valve (9951), Hayward® Three-Way Ball Valve (9952), Hayward® Lateral Ball Valve
(9953), Hayward® Butterfly Valve (9954), Hayward® Angle Valve (9955), Hayward® Pressure Relief Valve
(9956), Hayward® Pressure Regulator (9957), Hayward® Air Release Valve (9958), Hayward® Needle Valve
(9959), Hayward® Solenoid Valve (9960), Winel Type RM-1(9963),Winel Type RM-2(9964), Winel Type
Bolero(9965), Winel Type RMO(9966).
ValveManufacturer: Hayward® Flow Control Systems (150) and Winel BV (9962)
Deleted following Codelists (these are not to be added in V7 SP3)'Flanged, Metal Seal (85)', 'Varian Conflat
(CF), fixed (1085)', 'Varian Conflat (CF), rotatable (1090)', 'Flanged, Wire Seal, Male (90)', 'A&N Wire Seal male-
face flanged end (1095)', 'MDC Wire Seal male-face flanged end (1105)', 'Flanged, Wire Seal, Female (95)',
'A&N Wire Seal female-face flanged end (1110)', and 'MDC Wire Seal female-face flanged end (1115)' from
EndPreparation worksheet. Deleted Codelists 'Norway, Manufacturers (750)' and 'Italy, Manufacturers (740)'
from EndStandard worksheet.
Added code list value to Manufacturer - Winel (876), Schneider Electric (874)
Added new geometry type- Elbow, gooseneck(37)

For 'EndStandard':
Modified descriptions of Code list 945 from 'ASME-B16.47' to 'ASME B16.47 Series A'
Added new codelist 'ASME B16.47 Series B'(946)
For 'GeometricIndustryStandard':
Modified description of Code list 315 from 'ASME-B16.47' to 'ASME B16.47 Series A'
Added new codelist 'ASME B16.47 Series B'(316)
PipingCommoditySubClass - Vent valves (1190). PipingCommodityType - Check valve, inverted (9380), Check
valve, tank vent (9382).

Added the following new Codelists for EndPreparation sheet: Flanged, Metal Seal(85), Flanged, Wire Seal,
Male(90), Flanged, Wire Seal, Female(95), 1085, 1090, 1095, 1105, 1110, 1115, 1120, 1125, 1130, 1135, 1140,
1145, 1150, 1155, 1160, 1165, 1170, 1175, 1180, 1185 and 1190. Added the following new Codelists for
EndStandard sheet:Norway, Manufacturers(750), Italy, Manufacturers(740),1052, 1054, 1056, 1058, 1060, 1062,
1064, 1068, 1070, 1072, 1074, 1076, 1078, 1080, 1082, 1084, 1086, 1088, 1090, 1092, 1094, 1096, 1098, 1100,
1102, 1104, 1106, 1108, 1110, 1112, 1114, 1116, 1118, 1120, 1122, 1124, 1126, 1128, 1130, 1132, 1134, 1136,
1138, 1140, 1142, 1144, 1146, 1148, 1150, 1152, 1154, 1156, 1158, 1160, 1162, 1164, 1166, 1168, 1170, 1172,
1174, 1176, 1178, 1180, 1182, 1184, 1186, 1188, 1190, 1192, 1194, 1196, 1198, 1200, 1202, 1204, 1206, 1208,
1210, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1218, 1220, 1222, 1224, 1226, 1228, 1230, 1232, 1234, 1236, 1238, 1240, 1242, 1244,
1246, 1248, 1250, 1252, 1254, 1256, 1258, 1260, 1262, 1264, 1266, 1268, 1270, 1272, 1274, 1276, 1278, 1280,
1282, 1284, and 1286. Added new Codelist "MSS-SP-73, Brazing Joints for Copper and Copper Alloy Solder
Pressure Fittings", 283 for GeometricIndustryStandard sheet. Added the following new Codelists for
CommodityOption sheet: 3136, 3138, 3140, 3142, 3144, 3146, 3148, 3150, 3152, 3154, 3156, 3158, 3160, 3162,
3164, 3166, 3168, 3170, 3172, 3174, 3176, 3178, 3180, 3182, 3184, 3186, 3188, 3190, 3192, 3194, 3196, 3198,
3200, 3202, 3204, 3206, 3208, 3210, 3212, 3214, 3216, 3218, 3220, 3222, 3224, 3226, 3228, 3230, 3232, 3234,
3236, 3238, 3240, 3242, 3244, 3246, 3248, 3250, 3252, 3254, 3256, 3258, 3260, 3262, 3264, 3266, 3268, 3270,
3272, 3274, 3276, 3278, 3280, 3282, 3284, 3286, 3288, 3290, 3292, 3294, 3296, 3298, 3300, 3302, 3304, 3306,
3308, 3310, 3312, 3314, 3316, 3318, 3320, 3322, 3324, 3326, 3328, 3330, 3332, 3334, 3336, 3338, 3340, 3342,
3344, 3346, 3348, 3350, 3352, 3354, 3356, 3358, 3360, 3362, 3364, 3366, 3368, 3370, 3372, 3374, 3376, 3378,
3380, 3382, 3384, 3386, 3388, 3390, 3392, 3394, 3396, 3398, 3400, 3404, 3406, 3408, 3410, 3412, 3414, 3416,
3418, 3420, 3422, 3426, 3428, 3430, 3432, 3434, 3436, 3438, 3440, 3442, 3444, 3446, 3448, 3450, 3452, 3454,
3456, 3458, 3460, 3462, 3464, 3466, 3468, 3470, 3472, 3474, 3476, 3478, 3480, 3482, 3484, 3486, 3488, 3490,
3492, 3494, 3496, 3498, 3500, 3502 and 3504. Added new Codelist "Concentric Reducer, Tubing", 377 for
PartDataBasis sheet.

Curved Horizontal Three Way, specified by Header Length, Tee Branch Length and Bend Radius (111),
Curved Horizontal Four Way, specified by Header Length and Bend Radius (113), 90° Vertical Curved
Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2 outer edge and Bend Radius (115), 90° Vertical
Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2 outer edge, End-2 to End-1 outer edge
and Bend Radius (117), 90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2 outer edge
and Bend Radius (119), 90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2 outer edge,
End-2 to End-1 outer edge and Bend Radius (121).
Tangent Length 3 and Tangent Length 4 (25), Segmented Horizontal Four Way, Symmetrical, specified by
Header Length, Bend Radius and Tangent Length (27), Segmented Horizontal Four Way, Asymmetrical,
specified by Header Length, Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2, Tangent Length 3 and
Tangent Length 4 (29), 90ø Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length (31), 90ø Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent
Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (33), 90ø Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius and Tangent Length (35), 90ø Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent
Tee, Straight Length
Branch (5), 1Tee,
2 (37), 90ø Vertical
Reducing Curved Downward
Tee, Straight Branch (15), Bend, Symmetrical,
Reducing Tee, Conical
specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (39), 90ø Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical,
Branch (20), Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Straight (25), Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Conical (30), Saddle Tee
specified by Bend
Tap, Straight (35), Radius,
Saddle TeeTangent
Tap, Length
Length Branch
2 (41), 90ø
Conical BranchDownward
Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (43), 90ø Vertical Segmented
Reducing Lateral, Straight Branch (55), Reducing Lateral, Conical Branch (60), Contoured Flanged Lateral Downward
Bend, Asymmetrical,
Tap, Straight specifiedFlanged
(65), Contoured by Bend Radius,
Lateral Tangent
Tap, ConicalLength 1 and Tangent
(70), Saddle Length
Lateral Tap, 2 (45),(75),
Straight 45øSaddle
Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical,
Lateral Tap, Conical (80). specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (47), 45ø Vertical Curved
Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (49), 45ø
Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Tangent Length (51), 45ø Vertical Segmented
Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (53), 45ø Vertical Curved
Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (55), 45ø Vertical Curved
Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (57), 45ø
Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Tangent Length (59), 45ø Vertical Segmented
Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (61), Vertical Curved
Upward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (63), Vertical Curved Upward
Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent
Length 3 (65), Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Branch
Length and Tangent Length (67), Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 (69), Vertical Curved
Downward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (71), Vertical Curved
Downward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and
Tangent Length 3 (73), Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Branch Length and Tangent Length (75), Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified
by Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 (77), Vertical
Segmented Upward Three Way, Side branch, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Branch Length and
Tangent Length (79), Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Side branch, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 (81), Vertical Segmented
Downward Three Way, Side branch, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Branch Length and Tangent
Length (83), Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Side branch, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Tee Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 (85), Segmented Left
Upward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length (87),
Segmented Left Upward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent
Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (89), Segmented Right Upward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length (91), Segmented Right Upward Two Way, Asymmetrical,
specified by Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (93), Segmented Left
Downward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length (95),
Segmented Left Downward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent
Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (97), Segmented Right Downward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length (99), Segmented Right Downward Two Way, Asymmetrical,
specified by Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (101), 90ø Horizontal
Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (103), 90ø Horizontal Curved Bend,
Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (105), 90ø Horizontal
Segmented Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent Length (107) and 90ø Horizontal
Segmented Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 (109).
Modified 337 to 349, 339 to 351, 341 to 353 (Reverted changes done on 8th June) and changed 'Fire and
Safety Monitor 349' to have 375 numeric value.
Added Piping commodity overrides are enabled with justification required 15. Also modified short/long
descriptions for numeric values 5 and 10 (Inline with Refdatacodelists.xls).
Added 'Drawing Style' category.

Added following new entries: "Asymmetrical Face-to-Center dimension basis 13", "Gauge Root Valve with
Two Ports 343 ", "Gauge Root Valve with Four Ports 346 ", "Fire and Safety Monitor 349". Modified 349 to 337,
351 to 339, 353 to 341 (Previous and current values are added in SP2, used only for CR-113431).
Deleted the extraneous space character from 'StructFootingClass '. Now it is 'StructFootingClass'.
Added following three new parent values Shut-off valve systems 9276, Valve assemblies 9290, Siphons 9294;
Also added following child entries with values from 9190 to 9378: 9190, 9192, 9194, 9196, 9198, 9200, 9202,
9204, 9206, 9208, 9210, 9212, 9214, 9216, 9218, 9220, 9222, 9224, 9226, 9228, 9230, 9232, 9234, 9236, 9238,
9240, 9242, 9244, 9246, 9248, 9250, 9252, 9254, 9256, 9258, 9260, 9262, 9264, 9266, 9268, 9270, 9272, 9274,
9278, 9280, 9282, 9284, 9286, 9288, 9292, 9296, 9298, 9300, 9302, 9304, 9306, 9308, 9310, 9312, 9314, 9316,
9318, 9320, 9322, 9324, 9326, 9328, 9330, 9332, 9334, 9336, 9338, 9340, 9342, 9344, 9346, 9348, 9350, 9352,
9354, 9356, 9358, 9360, 9362, 9364, 9366, 9368, 9370, 9372, 9374, 9376, 9378. Modified entry with numeric
value 65 from 'Y globe valve' to 'Globe valve, Y Type'.
Removed "!" which was existing for system codelists with numeric values from 1 to 33. Added "Layout 34"
system codelist entry (this already exists in the UML model).
Iron(61),Cast Iron(138),ValveModelNumber: RF Valves P150(3152),RF Valves
P15(3158),ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd: Clarkson Type KGD-MH(1178),Clarkson Type KGD-
MG(1179),Dezurik PEC - Cylinder Actuated(1322)
Added "DIN 16282, Siphons for pressure gauges and their accessories 9053" entry.
Added following new values: Planar U-shape siphon, specified by length, inlet height, outlet height, and
radius 342,
Circular siphon, specified by inlet face to outlet seat and inlet face to center 201,
Circular siphon, specified by inlet face to center and outlet face to center 202,
Circular siphon, specified by face to face and outlet face to center 204.

Added new values to be inline with the design document: "Elbow, specified by face-to-center 54", "Level
Indicator, Type 1 345", "Level Indicator, Type 2 347", "Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-
Face and Nipple Length 349", "Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-Face and End-to-End 351",
"Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-Center and Nipple Length 353", "Elbow, 90o reducing,
specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2 355", "Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center 1,
face-to-center 2, and reducing length 357", "Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center, reducing
length, and tangent length 359", "Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, specified by face to header
surface, major body diameter, and hole diameter in header 365", "Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting,
specified by face to header surface 367", "Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Coupolet type branch
369", "Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Sweepolet type branch 371", "Integrally reinforced branch
outlet fitting, Insert Weldolet type branch 373".

Added new sheet with following entries: "2:1 Head 1", "Cone Head 2", "Dome Head 3", "F&D Head 4", "Flat
Head 5", "Flanged Head 6", "HEMI Head 7", "NONE 8", "Tori-Conical Head 9", "Tori-Spherical Head 10".
Added new sheet with following entries: "Exchanger Rear End Type L 1", "Exchanger Rear End Type M 2",
"Exchanger Rear End Type N 3", "Exchanger Rear End Type P 4", "Exchanger Rear End Type Q 5",
"Exchanger Rear End Type S 6", "Exchanger Rear End Type T 7", "Exchanger Rear End Type U 8",
"Exchanger Rear End Type W1 9", "Exchanger Rear End Type W2 10".
Added following new entries: "Tee, vertical up, side branch 545", "Tee, vertical down, side branch 547", "Tee,
vertical reducing, left 549", "Tee, vertical reducing, right 551 ".
Added "Embedment 2985" new entry (Checkin is done for PR).
Added two entries: "'Associated items and Pipe Supports' 'Supports, Connection Reportable and Welded' 3",
"'Pipe Support Only' 4". Modified short and long descriptions of two enrties to: 'None', 'None', '1' and
'Associated items', 'Connection and Reportable', '2'.
Added new item 'WBS Item 2'.
Added following entries: 'Angle valve, Symmetrical, specified by face-to-center'(200),'Angle valve,
Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2'(205),'Weldneck flange, with circular drilling
template'(210),'Weldneck flange, with oval drilling template'(215),'Weldneck flange, with square drilling
template'(220),'Weldneck flange, with rectangular drilling template'(225),'Weldneck flange, with rectangular
drilling template, split flange face'(230),'Weldneck flange, with triangular drilling template'(235),'Water filter,
outlet port at 180 degrees'(240),'Water filter, outlet port at 90 degrees, clockwise'(245),'Water filter, outlet port
at 90 degrees, counter-clockwise'(250),'Solenoid valve, type 1'(255),'Solenoid valve, type 2'(260).
Added following entries: "Bend, 90 Degree horizontal, segmented 82", "Bend, 90 Degree vertical outside, left
reducing 84", "Bend, 90 Degree vertical outside, right reducing 86", "Bend, 90 Degree horizontal
reducing/expanding 88".
Added code-list value Undefined (1) and edited the value 'Flat face' from 1 to 35.
Added following entries: "Tee, Symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 190", "Tee, Asymmetrical,
specified by face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 2 192", "Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1,
and face-to-center 3 194", "Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-to-
center 3 196".
Added entries for the following new codelist values-
85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140 and 145

Added new entries - Long Tangent Elbow, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent (160), Long
Tangent Elbow, Symmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center and Tangent (165), Long Tangent Elbow,
Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius (170), Tangent 1, and Tangent 2, Long Tangent Elbow,
Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Tangent 1, and Bend Radius (175), Long Tangent Elbow,
Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Face-to-Center 2, Tangent 1, Tangent 2, and Bend Radius (180),
Long Tangent Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Tangent 1, and Tangent 2 (185).
Added new entry 1100(Victaulic grooved flexible end, clamp-less) for EndPreparation sheet and entry 80(Wye
tee, bend center offset not required) for PartDataBasis sheet

"Wye based on two face-to-center dimensions 150", "Wye based on three face-to-center dimensions 155"
Added following entries: 'End Cap, welded' (57), 'End Cap, IPS machined' (60), 'End Cap, IPS molded' (65),
'Concentric reducer, standard' (67), 'Concentric reducer, stepped' (70).
Added following entry: 'Orifice flange based on face-to-center dimension for tap 75'
Added following two entries: 'With two 0.5" SWE taps, 90o apart 1630', 'With two 0.5" SWE tap, 180o apart
Modified text from 'WBS Pipe Break - Construction' to 'WBS Pipe Break - Tracing'.
Modified text from 'WBS Break Point Type 6' to 'WBS Pipe Break - Generic'.

Deleted following two entries: "Axis-collinear frame connection is using the same member system for both
the supporting and supported member. Change connection to unsupported and then re-select the
supporting member. 19", "Supported member end is too far away from the supporting member. 32".

Added following entries: "E22.5M1 22.5 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered 1201", "E22.5M2 22.5 degree elbow, 2-
cut mitered 1202", "E22.5M3 22.5 degree elbow, 3-cut mitered 1203", "E22.5M4 22.5 degree elbow, 4-cut
mitered 1204", "E22.5M5 22.5 degree elbow, 5-cut mitered 1205", "E30M1 30 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered
1226", "E30M2 30 degree elbow, 2-cut mitered 1227", "E30M3 30 degree elbow, 3-cut mitered 1228", "E30M4
30 degree elbow, 4-cut mitered 1229", "E30M5 30 degree elbow, 5-cut mitered 1230", "E45M4 45 degree
elbow, 4-cut mitered 1346", "E45M5 45 degree elbow, 5-cut mitered 1347", "E60M1 60 degree elbow, 1-cut
mitered 1376", "E60M2 60 degree elbow, 2-cut mitered 1377", "E60M3 60 degree elbow, 3-cut mitered 1378",
"E60M4 60 degree elbow, 4-cut mitered 1379", "E60M5 60 degree elbow, 5-cut mitered 1380".
Removed the highlight and set font color from Red to Blue for EquipmentTypes6 entries so that they are not
in red (as they are supposed to be editable by the user).
Modified 'StressReliefRequiement' to 'StressReliefRequirement' - 'r' was missing in Requirement.
Changed the GeometricIndustryStandardLongDescription of AWWA-C104 from "ANSI Standard for Cement-
Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water" to "ASME Standard for Cement-Mortar Lining for
Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water".
Added NEMA 12C+ 31, NEMA 20C+ 61 values.
Added Ladder, marine rung 6, Ladder, strut rung 7 values.
Added 304 Stainless Steel 21, 316 Stainless Steel 22 values.

Added new sheets.

Added note "Range 1000-7999 is reserved for SmartPlant applications, and range 8000-9999 is reserved for
IntelliShip applications"

Added following parent entries "Surface choke valves (Joule-Thomson valves) 9142",
"Subsea choke valves (Joule-Thomson valves) 9148".
Added following child entries: ", "Gate valve, sluice Gate valve, sluice 9126", "Gate valve, slab Gate valve,
slab 9128", "Ball valve, trunion Ball valve, trunion 9131", "Ball valve, floating Ball valve, floating 9132", "Plug
valve, eccentric Plug valve, eccentric 9134", "Check valve, globe stop Check valve, globe stop 9136", "Non-
return valve, gate Non-return valve, gate 9138", "Angle check valve, globe stop Angle check valve, globe stop
"Choke valve, adjustable 9144", "Choke valve, positive 9146", "Subsea choke valve, retrievable Subsea
choke valve, retrievable 9150", "Subsea choke valve, non-retrievable Subsea choke valve, non-retrievable
9152", "Subsea choke valve, electric Subsea choke valve, electric 9154", "Temperature control valve
Temperature control valve 9156", "Clamp, Wireloc Clamp, Wireloc 9158", "Hub, Wireloc Hub, Wireloc 9160",
"Blind hub, Wireloc Blind hub, Wireloc 9162", "Conical reducer Conical reducer 9164
", "Thermocouple, thin film Thermocouple, thin film 9166", "Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) Platinum
resistance thermometer (PRT) 9168", "Standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) Standard platinum
resistance thermometer (SPRT) 9170", "Capsule standard platinum resistance thermometer (CSPRT) Capsule
standard platinum resistance thermometer (CSPRT) 9172", "High-temperature standard platinum resistance
thermometer (HTSPRT) High-temperature standard platinum resistance thermometer (HTSPRT) 9174",
"Industrial platinum resistance thermometer (IPRT) Industrial platinum resistance thermometer (IPRT) 9176",
"Rhodium-iron resistance thermometer (RIRT) Rhodium-iron resistance thermometer (RIRT) 9178",
"Germanium resistance thermometer (GRT) Germanium resistance thermometer (GRT) 9180", "Constant-
volume gas thermometer (CVGT) Constant-volume gas thermometer (CVGT) 9182", "Interpolating constant-
volume gas thermometer (ICVGT) Interpolating constant-volume gas thermometer (ICVGT) 9184", "Tee,
barred Tee, barred 9186", "Wireloc bolt set Wireloc bolt set 9188".

Added "Hansen Model HMMR 869", "Rockwell 4749 865", "Valmatic, American-BFV? Butterfly Valves 887",
"VAT 64 Series 873", "Valtorc, Automated Butterfly Valve 877", "Warren controls, Model number 1840 881",
"Warren controls, Model number 1852 883", "Sterling, 56-T Series 891" entries.
Modified the short description as follows: "Disabled" to "None"
"Enabled for Contractor Commodity Code" to "Contractor Commodity Codes Only"
"Enabled for Industry Commodity Code" to "Industry Commodity Codes Only"
"Enabled for Contractor Commodity Code and Industry Commodity Code" to "Both Contractor and Industry
Commodity Code". Also did minor changes to the long descriptions.
Added 'Iso Drawing - Fabrication 215' entry.
Modified codelist text for numeric values 10,15,17,19 to
WBS Pipe Break - Fabrication, WBS Pipe Break - Stress, WBS Pipe Break - Construction and WBS Pipe Break
- System respectively.

Added 'Crane Figure 161 1/2 2519' entry. Documented deletion following entries in V7: "Pacific Figure 56509
750", "Pratt PIVA 800", "Rockwell Edward 1570Y 870", "Rockwell Edward 1643Y 871", "Rockwell Edward 1643
872", "Rockwell Edward 1641Y 875", "Rockwell Edward 36124 880", "Rockwell Edward 36128 885", "Rockwell
Edward 36164 890", "Rockwell Edward 36168 895", "Rockwell Edward 36174 900", "Rockwell Edward 36178
905", "Rockwell Edward 4007Y 910", "Rockwell Edward 607Y 915", "Rockwell Edward 605Y 916", "Rockwell
Edward 303Y 917", "Rockwell Edward 303 918", "Rockwell Edward 302 919", "Rockwell Edward 66124 920",
"Rockwell Edward 302Y 921", "Rockwell Edward 602Y 922", "Rockwell Edward 66128 925", "Rockwell Edward
670Y 930", "Rockwell Edward 7502Y 935", "Rockwell Edward 7507Y 940", "Rockwell Edward 7514Y 945",
"Rockwell Edward 832Y 950", "Rockwell Edward 869Y 951", "Rockwell Edward 869 952", "Rockwell Edward
849Y 953", "Rockwell Edward 849 954", "Rockwell McCanna S151 955", "Rockwell McCanna V503 956",
"Rockwell McCanna S301 960".
Added new entries: "WallGeneralClass 390", "StructLayerClass 395", "WallCompositionClass 400".
Deleted duplicate entry "Crane Figure 161 '2519'" (duplicate of '2517').

Created following new PipingCommoditySubClass entries: "In-line instruments, temperature measurement

9130", "Internal-to-piping instruments 9140", "Mixers 9100".
Added following PipingCommodityType entries: "Plug valve, taper 8900", "Plug valve, stopcock 8910", "Flap
valve 8920", "Stop valve 8930", "Backflow preventer, double check assembly 8940", "Backflow preventer,
double check detector assembly 8950", "Backflow preventer, reduced pressure zone (RPZ) 8960", "Backflow
preventer, vacuum breaker 8970", "Angle plug valve 8980", "Angle taper plug valve 8982", "Angle ball valve
8984", "Angle diaphragm valve 8986", "Angle globe stop valve 8988", "3-way plug valve, taper 8990", "4-way
plug valve, taper 8998", "Shut off valve 9116", "Pressure reducing valve 9001", "Pressure reducing valve with
injector 9004", "Angle pressure reducing valve 9007", "Angle pressure reducing valve with injector 9080",
"Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi nozzle 9090", "Differential pressure flow instrument, conical
flow conditioner 9092", "Positive displacement flow instrument, oscillating piston 9094", "Positive
displacement flow instrument, oval gear 9096", "Positive displacement flow instrument, roots 9098",
"Thermal flow instrument 9118", "Ultrasonic flow instrument, transit time 9120", "Vortex shedding flow
instrument 9122", "Propeller flow instrument 9124", "Static mixer 9102", "Bulk container agitator 9104",
"Weldolet, flat 9106", "Sockolet, flat 9108", "Thredolet, flat 9110", "Detonation arrester, fire resistant 9112",
"Clamp-on flow sensor, ultrasonic 9114".
Deleted "StructFootingClass 390" entry.

Added new entries: "Architectural 2920", "Doors 2925", "Roll-Up Door 2930", "Overhead Door 2935", "Sliding
Door 2940", "Swing Door (Single) 2945", "Swing Door (Double) 2950", "Loading Dock 2955", "Residential
Door 2960", "Windows 2965", "Residential Window 2970", "Industrial Window 2975", "Louvers 2980"
Added new sheet.
Added new sheet.
Added following entries: 'Bottom flange of double cross section 108', 'Top flange of double cross section
Added following entries: 'Do not Force Strict Face Selection 0', 'Force Strict Face Selection 1'.
Added 'Restraints 1220' entry.

Added following entries under generic part class types: "HgrServiceClass 300", "HgrFacePointSelClass
305", "HgrConnectionSelClass 310", "HgrSupportingFilterClass 315", "ClampClass 320",
"CombinedSupportDefinitionClass 325", "ConduitSupportDefinitionClass 330",
"DesignSupportDefinitionClass 335", "CableTrayClass 340", "SmartClass 345", "HgrSupportJointClass
350", "StructFrameConnClass 355", "StructFeatureClass 360", "StructCustomPlatePartClass 365",
"StructAssemblyConnectionClass 370", "CMNSTRAssemblyConnectionClass 375", "CMNSTROperatorClass
380", "StructPhysicalConnectionClass 385", "StructFootingClass 390".
Added new sheet.
Modified following entries: 'Not Required' to 1 and 'Required' to 2.
Added 'ASME conduit thread 987' entry.
Added 'HgrGTypeComponentClass 65' entry.
Added "Cable Tray 1300", "Conduit 1350", "HVAC Duct 1400", "HVAC Duct Round 1410", "HVAC Duct
Rectangular 1420", "HVAC Duct Oval 1430" entries.
Added new sheet.
Added new sheet.
Added new sheet.
Added following entries: "Wall penetration fitting 310", "Clamp-on fitting 315".
Added new sheet.
Deleted (2485) "Nut" and (2490) "Washer".
Modified '½' to '1/2' and '¼' to '1/4'.

Added following entries: "Penetration Plate 23", "Rod Hanger 45", "Rod Hanger Double 46", "Variable Spring
Double 55", "Constant Spring Double 61", "Riser Clamp 80", "Riser Clamp Variable Spring 81".

Added following entries:", "Pipe stock, double walled containment' 2151", "Pipe stock, pre-insulated' 2152",
"Pipe stock by purchase length (standard length), double walled containment' 2156", "Pipe stock by
purchase length (standard length), pre-insulated' 2157", "Tubing, double walled containment' 2176", Added
parent entry 'Clamp-on sensors' with value 573 and added following child entries under it:", "Clamp-on flow
sensor' 3353", "Clamp-on sound velocity sensor' 3356", "Clamp-on wall thickness sensor' 3359", "Stress
gauge' 3362", "Analyzer strap' 3365".

Modified codelists values from '12000' to '9052', '12010' to '9055', '12015' to '9058', '12100' to '9061', '12110' to
'9064', '12200' to '9067', '12210' to '9070', '12220' to '9073', '12221' to '9076', '12230' to '9079', '12600' to '9082',
'12620' to '9085', '12625' to '9088', '12630' to '9091', '12635' to '9094', '12640' to '9097', '12645' to '9100', '12646'
to '9103', '12650' to '9106', '12651' to '9109', '12655' to '9112', '12656' to '9115', '12660' to '9118', '12661' to
'9121', '12665' to '9124', '12666' to '9127', '12670' to '9130', '13001' to '9133', '13010' to '9136', '13200' to '9139',
'13220' to '9142'.
Added new sheet.
Added new sheet.
Added new sheet.

Deleted following entries: "Annealed 10", "Galvanized 15","Pickled 20". Made this codelist as hierarchical.
Added following parent entries under 'InteriorSurfaceTreatmentRequirement': "Undefined 1", "None 2",
"Passivation/Descaling 11", "Rust inhibition 16".
Added following child entries:"Pickle with acid 25", "Pickle/oil with acid 30", "Pickle with nitric acid (20-50%)
35", "Pickle with nitric acid (20-40%) + sodium dichromate (2-6%) 40", "Pickle with nitric acid (12%) + copper
sulfate (4%) 45", "Acid descale with oxalic acid (5%) 50", "Acid descale with sulfuric acid (8-11%) 55", "Acid
descale with nitric acid (15-25%) + hydrogen fluoride (8%) 60", "Flush with rust inhibitor 65", "Flush with
sodium nitrite (0.5%) + DSP/MSP (0.5%) 70".
Deleted 'Nut 2485', 'Washer 2490 ' entries..
Added new sheet with following values: 'No 5', 'Yes 10'.
Added new sheet with following values: 'No 5', 'Yes 10'.
Added new sheet with following values: 'No 5', 'Yes 10'.
Added new parent 'Connection Parts' and moved the the Splice Plate entries (510, 515, 520) under it. Added
new parent 'Earth Connectivity Connectors' and added 'Bonding jumper (or Bonding strap) 530', 'Ground
strap (or Grounding strap) 540' to it. Deleted 'Cable Tray Clamp or Guide 535' as this would be Hangers and
Supports part.
Added new sheet with following values: 'One set of washers 5', 'Two sets of washers 10'.
Added following values: 'Splice Plate, Rigid 507', 'Splice Plate, Expansion 508', 'Bonding Jumper 530', 'Cable
Tray Clamp or Guide 535' and ''Ground Clamp 540'.
Added 'Extended body valves 12' parent entry and added following new child entries: 'Valvolet 8880', 'GLOEX
Globe valve, extended body 8885'. Moved 'GATEX Extended body gate valve 35' entry from 'Linear Valves' to
'Extended body valves' parent.
Added 'Specialty adapters 1067' parent entry and added 'Flange face adapter 8890' child entry.
Added'Filter, basket 3154', entry.
Added 'Extended body valve 195' entry.
Added new sheet with following values: 'Numeric value 5', 'Textual value 10'
Added new sheet with following values: 'Automated creation of material descriptions is disabled 5',
'Automated creation of material descriptions is enabled 10'
Added codelist value for (Pipe Rack Structure 1215)
Added new sheet with 'Default 1' value.
Added new sheet with following values: 'Default 1' and 'Bend Radius Dimension Exclusion basis 5'
Deleted 'Weld 7430' entry.
Added new entry: "Elbow based on bend radius and leg offset 55"
Added following entries: "2D pipe bend 125" , "5-cut miter 155" , "Handwheel, inclined 1995" , "Handwheel,
non-rising stem 2000" , "Handwheel, rising stem 2005" , "Handwheel, special 2010" , "Handwheel, extended
bonnet 2015" , "Wrench, long 2020" , "Wrench, special 2025" , "Lever, quick action 2030" , "T-handle, long
2035" , "Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2 2040" , "Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (mirror of Type
1) 2045" , "Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4 (mirror of Type 2) 2050" , "Gear, top mounted inclined
handwheel Type 1 2055" , "Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1) 2060" , "Gear,
side mounted handwheel Type 2 2065" , "Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 3 2070" , "Gear, side mounted
handwheel Type 4 2075" , "Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 5 (mirror of Type 1) 2080" , "Gear, side
mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2) 2085" , "Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type
3) 2090" , "Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4) 2095" , "Gear, side mounted inclined
handwheel Type 1 2100" , "Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1) 2105" , "Manual,
Type 1 2110" , "Manual, Type 2 2115" , "Manual, Type 3 2120" , "Manual, Type 4 2125" , "Diaphragm, Type 1
2130" , "Diaphragm, Type 2 2135" , "Diaphragm, press-balanced Type 1 2140" , "Regulator, Type 1 2145" ,
"Regulator, Type 2 2150" , "Regulator, Type 3 2155" , "Cylinder, single acting Type 1 2160" , "Cylinder, single
acting Type 2 2165" , "Cylinder, single acting Type 3 2170" , "Cylinder, single acting Type 4 2175" , "Cylinder,
double acting 2180" , "Cylinder, pilot operated 2185" , "Cylinder, piston 2190" , "Motor, Type 2 2195" , "Motor,
Type 3 2200" , "Motor, Type 4 2205" , "Digital 2210" , "Electro-hydraulic 2215" , "Electro-pneumatic 2220" ,
"Solenoid, single 2225" , "Solenoid, single with reset 2230" , "Solenoid, double 2235" , "Pilot 2240" , "Weight
2245" , "Spring 2250" , "Capacitance sensor 2255" , "Ball float 2260" , "Displacement float 2265" , "Paddle
wheel 2270" , "Piston 2275" , "Positioner 2280" , "Remote reset 2285" , "Handwheel, side declutchable 2290" ,
"Flat face flangeless 2295" , "Raised face flangeless 2300" , "Passive raised-face flanged end 2305" , "Active
lap-flanged end 2310" , "Passive lap-flanged end 2315" , "Flat-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes
2320" , "Flat-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt holes 2325" , "Raised-face thru-bolted end with
threaded bolt holes 2330" , "Raised-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt holes 2335" , "Ring Type
Joint-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes 2340" , "Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end with non-
threaded bolt holes 2345" , "Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with bolt threaded holes 2350" , "Flat-full-face thru-
bolted end with bolt non-threaded holes 2355" , "Male mechanical joint end 2380" , "Female mechanical joint
end 2385" , "Compression tubing end 2390" , "Swagelok compression tubing end 2395" , "Mechanical joint
spigot end 2405" , "Clamp joint end 2420" , "Victaulic end 2425" , "Victaulic plain end 2430" , "Victaulic
grooved flexible end 2435" , "Victaulic grooved rigid end 2440" , "Victaulic Vic-Ring end 2445" , "Male Taper-
Lok end 2450" , "Female Taper-Lok end 2455" , "Gruvlok grooved clamp end 2460" , "Grinnell grooved clamp
end 2465" , "Tri-Clamp end 2470" , "Techlok end 2475" , "Grayloc end 2480" , "G-Lok end 2485" , "SPO-LOCK
end 2490" , "Cherry-Burrell end 2495" , "Male push-on end 2500" , "Male bevel seat end 2505" , "Plain end
2510" , "Union male sub 2515" , "Female bevel seat end 2520" , "Union female sub 2525" , "Raised face
flanged end x Raised-face lap-flanged end 2530" , "Female grooved end x Female threaded end 2535" ,
"Female quick connect end x Male threaded end 2540" , "Female quick connect end x Tubing connection end
Added, new
face flanged end x Flat face flanged end x Socket end 2550" , "Flat face flanged end x Male
threaded end 2555" , "Flat face flanged end x Socket end 2560" , "Flat face flanged end x Socket end x Flat
Added new sheet.
face flanged end 2565" , "Flat face flanged end x Socket end x Socket end 2570" , "Large-female-face flanged
Added new sheet.
end x Beveled end 2575" , "Large-groove-face flanged end x Beveled end 2580" , "Large-male-face flanged
end sheet as
x Beveled this
end requirement
2585" was removed
, "Large-tongue-face from the
flanged endv7x plan.
Beveled end 2590" , "Male grooved end x Male
Added new
threaded endsheet.
2595" , "Male push-on end x Push-on bell end 2600" , "Male quick connect end x Female
threaded end from
Modified text 2605"'Aloyco'
, "Male 'Aloyco
quick connect end x Tubing connection end 2610" , "Male threaded end x Beveled
Added2615" , "Mechanical joint
'HVAC_DIVISIONS bell end x Plain end 2620" , "Mechanical joint bell end x Plain end x Mechanical
8' entry.
joint bell end 2625" , "Mechanical joint spigot end x Mechanical joint bell end 2630" , "Plain end x Beveled
end 2635" , "Plain end x Female socketweld end 2640" , "Plain end x Mechanical joint bell end 2645" , "Plain
end x Push-on bell end 2650" , "Push-on bell end x Plain end x Push-on bell end 2655" , "Push-on bell end x
Spigot end x Push-on bell end 2660" , "Raised face flanged end x Beveled end 2665" , "Raised face flanged
end x Plain End 2670" , "Raised face flanged end x Socket welded end 2675" , "Raised-face lap-flanged end x
Plain End 2680" , "Small-female-face flanged end x Beveled end 2690" , "Small-groove-face flanged end x
Beveled end 2695" , "Small-male-face flanged end x Beveled end 2700" , "Small-tongue-face flanged end x
Beveled end 2705" , "Spigot end x Push-on bell end 2710" , "Tubing connection end x Beveled end 2715" ,
"Tubing connection end x Female threaded end 2720" , "Tubing connection end x Female threaded end x
Tubing connection end 2725" , "Tubing connection end x Male threaded end 2730" , "Tubing connection end
x Male threaded end x Tubing connection end 2735" , "Tubing connection end x Tubing connection end x
Female threaded end 2740" , "Tubing connection end x Tubing connection end x Male threaded end 2745" ,
"125 LW 2750" , "500 2755" , "PN 0.5 2760" , "PN 1 2765" , "PN 1.6 2770" , "PN 2 2775" , "PN 3.2 2780" , "PN 4
2785" , "PN 5 2790" , "PN 8 2795" , "PN 12.5 2800" , "PN 20 2805" , "PN 32 2810" , "PN 50 2815" , "PN 63 2820"
, "PN 80 2825" , "PN 110 2830" , "PN 125 2835" , "PN 150 2840" , "PN 200 2845" , "PN 260 2850" , "PN 315
2855" , "PN 420 2860" , "PN 500 2865" , "PN 630 2870" , "PN 700 2875" , "PN 800 2880" , "PN 1000 2885" , "PN
1250 2890" , "PN 1600 2895" , "PN 2000 2900" , "PN 2500 2905" , "PN 4000 2910" , "PN 6300 2915" , "10K (10
kg/cm2) 2920" , "16K (16 kg/cm2) 2925" , "20K (20 kg/cm2) 2930" , "30K (30 kg/cm2) 2935" , "40K (40 kg/cm2)
2940" , "63K (63 kg/cm2) 2945" , "Table A (170 kPa) 2950" , "Table D (700 kPa) 2955" , "Table E (1400 kPa)
2960" , "Table F (2100 kPa) 2965" , "Table H (3500 kPa) 2970" , "Table J 2975" , "Table K 2980" , "Table R
9336', 'IS 6286, Seamless and welded pipes for subzero temperatures 9338', 'IS 6392, Steel pipe flanges
9340', 'IS 6630, Seamless alloy steel pipes for high temperature service 9342', 'IS 6913, Stainless steel tubes
for food and beverage industry 9344', 'IS 7181, Horizontally cast iron pipes 9346', 'IS 8008, Specification for
molded HDPE fittings 9348', 'IS 8360, Specification for fabricated HDPE fittings 9350', 'IS 9890, Ball valves
for general purposes 9352', 'IS 10605, Steel globe valves for petroleum industries 9354', 'IS 10611, Steel gate
valves for petroleum industries 9356', 'IS 10805, Foot valves 9358', 'IS 10989, Cast / forged steel check
valves for petroleum industry 9360', 'IS 11791, Diaphragm valves for general purposes 9362', 'IS 11792, Steel
ball valves for petroleum industry 9364', 'IS 12709, Specifications for GRP pipes 9366', 'IS 13049,
Specifications for Diaphragm type float operated valves 9368', 'IS 13095, Butterfly valves 9370 ', 'IS 1363,
Hexagonal bolts, screws and nuts - Grade C 9372', 'IS 1364, Hexagonal bolts, screws and nuts - Grade A and
B 9374 ', 'IS 2016, Plain Washers 9376 ', 'IS 7719, Metallic spiral wound gaskets 9378', 'IS 13257, Ring type
joint gasket and grooves for flanges 9380', 'DIN 558, Hexagon head cap screws 8025', 'DIN 601, Hexagon head
bolts 8027', 'DIN 835, Stud bolts 8029', 'DIN 912, Hexagon head socket cap screws 8031', 'DIN 933, Hexagon
head cap screws 8033', 'DIN 939, Stud bolts 8035', 'DIN 960, Hexagon head bolts 8037', 'DIN 961, Hexagon
head cap screws 8039', 'DIN 6914, high strength hexagon head bolts 8041', 'DIN 7991, hexahon head socket
cap screws 8043', 'DIN 9812, hexahon head socket cap screws 8045', 'JIS B 1189, Hexagon flange bolt 8047',
'DIN 439 Hexagon lock nuts 8049', 'DIN 555 Hexagon nuts 8051', 'DIN 979 Hexagon castle nuts 8053', 'DIN
980 Self-locking nuts 8055', 'DIN 985 Nyloc nuts 8057', 'DIN 6915 High strength nuts 8059', 'JIS B 1190,
Hexagon nuts with flange 8061', 'DIN 125, Steel washers 8063', 'DIN 127, Spring steel washers 8065', 'DIN 128,
Spring steel washers 8067', 'DIN 137, Spring steel washers 8069', 'DIN 433, Steel washers 8071', 'DIN 434,
Steel washers 8073', 'DIN 435, Steel washers 8075', 'DIN 6916, High strength steel washers 8077', 'DIN 6917,
High strength steel washers 8079', 'DIN 6918, High strength steel washers 8081', 'DIN 7980, Spring steel
washers 8083', 'DIN 7989, Steel washers 8085', 'JIS B 2404, Dimensions of gaskets for use with pipe flanges
8087', 'JIS F 0602, Shipbuilding - Non-asbestos gaskets to cargo piping system - Application standard 8089',
'JIS F 7102, Shipbuilding - Piping system in machinery space - Application for gaskets and packings 8091'.
Modified text of 'BS 2598 Part 4' to 'Glass pipeline and fittings', , 'BS 3600' to 'Welded and seamless steel
pipes and tubes', 'BS 3799' to 'Steel fittings, screwed and socketwelded, for the petroleum industry' -
corresponding value is 12220,, 'BS 5150' to ' Cast Iron Wedge and Double Disc Gate Valves for general
purposes', 'BS 5151' to ' Cast Iron Gate (parallel slide) Valves for general purposes', 'BS 5152' to ' Cast Iron
Globe and Check Valves for general purposes', 'BS 5153' to ' Cast Iron Check Valves for general purposes',
'BS 5154' to ' Copper alloy Globe, Gate and Check Valves', , 'BS 5160' to 'Flanged Steel Globe and Check
Valves for general purposes', 'BS 4882' to 'Bolting', 'BS 3381' to 'Gaskets for BS 1560', 'BS 4865' to 'Gaskets
for BS 4504', 'DIN 931' to 'Hexagon head bolts', 'DIN 934' to 'Hexagon full nuts', 'DIN 2690' to 'Gasket for flat-
faced flanges', 'DIN 2691' to 'Gasket for tongue and groove flanges', 'DIN 2692' to 'Gasket for male and female
flanges', 'DIN 2693' to 'Sealing rings for grooved flange faces', 'DIN 2695' to 'Diaphragm packings and
diaphragm seals for flanged connections', 'DIN 2696' to 'Lens ring joint gaskets (Lenticular ring joint gaskets
or 'Linsen' gaskets)', 'DIN 2697' to 'Grooved metal O- rings and seals', 'DIN 2698' to 'Corrugated steel sheet
Deleted following duplicate entries: "BS3600 table 2 austenitic stainless steel tubes 12001", "BS3600 table 3
high alloy ferritic steel tubes 12002", "BS3600 table 4 cs tubes for compression fitting - tbi 12003", "BS3600
table 5 ss tubes for compression fitting - tbi 12004", "BS3799 steel pipe fittings screwed and socket welding
(in), with value 12221", 'BS4504 p1 iron flanges for pipe,valves and fittings - tbi", 'BS 5160 and app A 12671',
'BS4882 inch series bolting 13210', 'BS4865 part 2 - spiral wound for BS4504 flanges 13002'.
Added following entries: "PHF Phenolic foam 75", "PVCN PVC Nitrile rubber 80", "PETH Polyethylene 85",
"PPB Polypropylene balls 90".
Added following entries: 'BS 78 Part 2' 9505,'BS 416 Part 1' 9510,'BS 437' 9515,'BS 567' 9520,'BS 835'
9525,'BS 864 Part 3' 9530,'BS 949 Part 3' 9535,'BS 1256' 9540,'BS 1471' 9545,'BS 1640 Part 1' 9550,'BS 1640
Part 2' 9555,'BS 1640 Part 4' 9560,'BS 2051 Part 1' 9565,'BS 2051 Part 2' 9570,'BS 2598 Part 4' 9575,'BS 3074'
9580,'BS 3506' 9585,'BS 4300/10' 9590,'BS 4346 Part 3' 9595,'BS 4514' 9600,'BS 4622' 9605,'BS 4625' 9610,'BS
4660' 9615,'BS 4825 Part 1' 9620,'BS 4825 Part 2' 9625,'BS 4825 Part 3' 9630,'BS 4825 Part 4' 9635,'BS 4825
Part 5' 9640,'BS 4962' 9645,'BS 4991' 9650,'BS 5254' 9655,'BS 5255' 9660,'BS 5391 Part 1' 9665,'BS 5392 Part
1' 9670,'BS 5480' 9675,'BS 5481' 9680,'BS 5556' 9685,'BS 5911 Part 1' 9690,'BS 5911 Part 5' 9695,'BS 6281 Part
3' 9700,'BS 6362' 9705,'BS 6464' 9710,'BS 7336' 9715,'BS 7838' 9720,'JIS A 5302' 9750,'JIS A 5303' 9751,'JIS A
5314' 9752,'JIS A 5322' 9753,'JIS A 5333' 9754,'JIS A 5350' 9755,'JIS A 5405' 9756,'JIS B 0151' 9757,'JIS B
1451' 9758,'JIS B 1452' 9759,'JIS B 2220' 9760,'JIS B 2239' 9761,'JIS B 2240' 9762,'JIS B 2241' 9763,'JIS B
2290' 9764,'JIS B 2291' 9765,'JIS B 2301' 9766,'JIS B 2302' 9767,'JIS B 2303' 9768,'JIS B 2311' 9769,'JIS B
2312' 9770,'JIS B 2313' 9771,'JIS B 2316' 9772,'JIS B 2321' 9773,'JIS B 2351' 9774,'JIS B 2354' 9775,'JIS B
6164' 9776,'JIS B 8381' 9777,'JIS B 8602' 9778,'JIS B 8607' 9779,'JIS F 0506' 9780,'JIS F 0507' 9781,'JIS F 2007'
9782,'JIS F 2030' 9783,'JIS F 3016' 9784,'JIS F 3017' 9785,'JIS F 3993' 9786,'JIS F 3994' 9787,'JIS F 3995'
9788,'JIS F 7381' 9789,'JIS F 7435' 9790,'JIS F 7436' 9791,'JIS F 7437' 9792,'JIS F 7438' 9793,'JIS F 7439'
9794,'JIS F 7440' 9795,'JIS F 7441' 9796,'JIS F 7442' 9797,'JIS F 7443' 9798,'JIS F 7444' 9799,'JIS F 7445'
9800,'JIS F 7804' 9801,'JIS F 7805' 9802,'JIS F 7806' 9803,'JIS G 3429' 9804,'JIS G 3439' 9805,'JIS G 3442'
9806,'JIS G 3443' 9807,'JIS G 3447' 9808,'JIS G 3448' 9809,'JIS G 3451' 9810,'JIS G 3452' 9811,'JIS G 3454'
9812,'JIS G 3455' 9813,'JIS G 3456' 9814,'JIS G 3457' 9815,'JIS G 3458' 9816,'JIS G 3459' 9817,'JIS G 3460'
9818,'JIS G 3465' 9819,'JIS G 3468' 9820,'JIS G 3469' 9821,'JIS G 3471' 9822,'JIS G 4903' 9823,'JIS G 5202'
9824,'JIS G 5525' 9825,'JIS G 5526' 9826,'JIS G 5527' 9827,'JIS H 3300' 9828,'JIS H 3320' 9829,'JIS H 3401'
9830,'JIS H 4080' 9831,'JIS H 4090' 9832,'JIS H 4202' 9833,'JIS H 4311' 9834,'JIS H 4312' 9835,'JIS H 4552'
9836,'JIS H 4630' 9837,'JIS H 4635' 9838,'JIS K 6739' 9839,'JIS K 6741' 9840,'JIS K 6742' 9841,'JIS K 6761'
9842,'JIS K 6762' 9843,'JIS K 6743' 9844,'JIS K 6769' 9845,'JIS K 6770' 9846,'JIS K 6774' 9847,'JIS K 6775-1'
9848,'JIS K 6775-2' 9849,'JIS K 6775-3' 9850,'JIS K 6776' 9851,'JIS K 6777' 9852,'JIS K 6778' 9853,'JIS K 6779'
9854,'JIS K 6897' 9855,'JIS R 1201' 9856,'JIS R 1511' 9857,'JIS R 1512' 9858,'JIS R 1513' 9859,'JIS R 1514'
9860,'JIS R 1534' 9861,'AS 1477' 9865,'AS 2129' 9870,'AS 4087' 9875.

Added parent entry "Deutscher Werkstoff 165" and added following child entries: "Stahl 6875", "St33-2 6880",
"St37.0 6885", "St35.8I 6890", "St35.8III 6895", "St37-2 6900", "USt37-1 6905", "RST37-2 6910", "Stahl/PTFE
6915", "St44 6920", "St52.0 6925", "H_II 6930", "C22.8 6935", "Graphit 6940", "Faser/Elastomer 6945", "1.4301
6950", "1.4435 6955", "1.4436 6960", "1.4541 6965", "1.4571 6970", "1.4306 6975", "4.6-2 6980", "4.6-2/5 6985",
"Verzinkt 6990", "G-CUSN5ZNPB 6995", "GS-C25 7000", "GG-25 7005", "GG-20 7010", "GGG-40 7015", "GTW-
40-05 7020", "Polyaetylenhart 7025", "PE-HD 7030", "UP-GF 7035", "EPDM 7040".

Added following entries: "NPT, National Pipe Taper Thread 955", "FPT, Female (internal) National Pipe Taper
threads 960", "MPT, Male (external) National Pipe Taper threads 965", "NPTF, Dryseal American National
Standard Taper Pipe Thread 970", "NPSF, Dryseal American National Standard Straight Pipe Thread 975",
"NPS, American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 980", "NPSM, National Standard Free-Fitting Straight
Mechanical Pipe Thread 985"
, "WTR5 990", BS 21, Pipe threads for tubes and fittings - metric dimensions 995", "BS 61, Threads for light
gauge copper tubes and fittings 1000", "BS 1560 1005", "BS 1640 1010", "BS 2494, Elastomeric seals for
joints 1015", "BS 2779, Pipe threads for pressurized tubes and fittings, metric dimensions 1020", "BS 3600
1025", "BS 3867, Method of specifying outside diameters and pressure ratings for pipe of thermoplastics
materials - inch series 1030", "BS 4504 1035", "BSPT, British Standard Pipe Taper threads 1040", "BSPP,
British Standard Pipe Parallel (straight) threads 1045".
Added parent entry "DSI Valve, Zy-Tech Global Industries 135" and added following child entries: "DSI 37
1/2XUF 1185", "DSI. *37 1/2XUF 1190", "DSI. *23 1/2XUF 1195", "DSI 23 1/2UF-N 1200", "DSI 23 1/2XUF 1205",
"DSI 66XUF 1210", "DSI 66LUF-N 1215", "DSI 66UF-WC6 1220", "DSI 66UF-C12 1225", "DSI. *66XUF 1230",
"DSI 66LUF-N-LCC 1235", "DSI 66UF-N 1240", "DSI 66XUF-N 1245", "DSI 66UF-C5 1250", "DSI R66UF 1255",
"DSI. *R66UF-N 1260", "DSI. *66UF-C12 1265", "DSI. *66LUF-N-LCC 1270", "DSI. *66LUF-N 1275", "DSI 66
1/2XUF 1280", "DSI *66 1/2XUF 1285", "DSI 73UF 1290", "DSI 73UF-WC6 1295", "DSI R73UF 1300", "DSI
73LUF-N-LCC 1305", "DSI 73LUF-N 1310", "DSI. *73UF-N 1315", "DSI 73 1/2UF 1320", "DSI 77UF 1325", "DSI
R77UF 1330", "DSI 77UF-WC6 1335", "DSI 133XU 1340", "DSI. *133XU 1345", "DSI. *133LU-N 1350", "DSI
133U-C5 1355", "DSI 133U-C12 1360", "DSI 133LU-N 1365", "DSI 133LU-N LCC 1370", "DSI. *133LU-N-LCC
1375", "DSI. *133U-N 1380", "DSI. *133U-C12 1385", "DSI 133-1/2XU 1390", "DSI 141XU 1395", "DSI. *141XU
1400", "DSI 141U C5 1405", "DSI 141U-C12 1410", "DSI 141U-W 1415", "DSI. *141LU-N 1420", "DSI 141LU-N
1425", "DSI 141U 1430", "DSI 141 LU-N-LCC 1435", "DSI. *141LU-N-LCC 1440", "DSI. *141U-N 1445", "DSI.
*141U-C12 1450", "DSI 161LU-N 1455", "DSI 161U-C12 1460", "DSI 161U-C5 1465", "DSI 161XU 1470", "DSI
161U 1475", "DSI 161LU-N-LCC 1480", "DSI 161U-WC6 1485", "DSI. *161XU 1490", "DSI. *161LU-N 1495", "DSI.
*161LU-N-LCC 1500", "DSI. *161U-N 1505", "DSI. *161U-C12 1510", "DSI 161-1/2XU 1515", "DSI 173U 1520",
"DSI R173U 1525", "DSI 179U 1530", "DSI R179U 1535",
Added parent entry "Fairbanks Valve 140" and added following child entries: "Fairbanks 453 1540",
"Fairbanks 0642 1545", "Fairbanks 0702 1550", "Fairbanks GT600XUF 1555", "Fairbanks GL150XU 1560",
"Fairbanks GL300XU 1565",
Added parent entry "Kitz Valves, Zy-Tech Global Industries 145" and added following child entries: "Kitz 09
1570", "Kitz 19 1575", "Kitz 22 1580", "Kitz 41 1585", "Kitz 42 1590", "Kitz 68M 1595", "Kitz 150SCL 1600",
"Kitz 300SCL 1605", "Kitz AK 150 1610", "Kitz AW 300 1615", "Kitz SCJS 1620", "Kitz SCLS 1625", "Kitz
SCLSP 1630", "Kitz SCOS 1635", "Kitz SCTA 1640", "Kitz SCTB 1645", "Kitz SCTB-3H 1650", "Kitz SCTB-6H
1655", "Kitz SCTC 1660", "Kitz SCTCR 1665", "Kitz Series A 1670", "Kitz Series C 1675", "Kitz UTA 1680",
"Kitz UTBZ 1685", "Kitz UTBZ-3H 1690", "Kitz UTBZ-6H 1695", "Kitz UTC 1700", "Kitz UTCSM 1705", "Kitz
WSCOS 1710", "Kitz 150SCTAM 1715", "Kitz 300SCTAM 1720", "Kitz 150SCTBM 1725", "Kitz 300SCTBM
1730", "Kitz 600SCTBM 1735", "Kitz AKSCTAHM 1740", "Kitz 150UTAM 1745", "Kitz 300UTAM 1750", "Kitz
150UTBM 1755", "Kitz 300UTBM 1760", "Kitz 600UTBM 1765", "Kitz AKUTAHM 1770", "Kitz AK150UMM 1775",
"Kitz AK150UPM 1780", "Kitz AK150UOM 1785", "Kitz 150UMAM 1790", "Kitz 150UPAM 1795", "Kitz 150UOAM
1800", "Kitz AK300UMM 1805", "Kitz AK300UPM 1810", "Kitz AK300UOM 1815", "Kitz 300UMAM 1820", "Kitz
300UPAM 1825", "Kitz 300UOAM 1830", "Kitz AK600UMM 1835", "Kitz 600UMAM 1840", "Kitz 150UMACN
1845", "Kitz W150SCLSY 1850", "Kitz 300UMACN 1855", "Kitz 300UMA-GRF 1860", "Kitz 300UMA 1865", "Kitz
W300SCLS 1870", "Kitz W300SCLSY 1875", "Kitz 600SCLS 1880", "Kitz 600SCLSCLMMN 1885", "Kitz
600SCLS6CY 1890", "Kitz 600SCLS5CY 1895", "Kitz W600SCLS 1900", "Kitz 1500SCLS 1905", "Kitz
150SCJS5C 1910", "Kitz 150SCJS 1915", "Kitz 150SCJCLMMN 1920", "Kitz 150SCJSCLMMN 1925", "Kitz
150SCJSMMN 1930", "Kitz W150SCJ 1935", "Kitz 300SCJS6CY 1940", "Kitz 300SCJS 1945", "Kitz 300SCJS5C
1950", "Kitz 600SCJS5CY 1955".
Renamed following entries: "Trim 1" to "API trim No. 1", "Trim 3" to "API trim No. 3", "Trim 4" to "API trim No.
4", "Trim 5" to "API trim No. 5", "Trim 6" to "API trim No. 6", "Trim 7" to "API trim No. 7", "Trim 8" to "API trim
No. 8", "Trim 9" to "API trim No. 9", "Trim 10" to "API trim No. 10", "Trim 11" to "API trim No. 11", "Trim 12" to
"API trim No. 12", "Trim 13" to "API trim No. 13", "Trim 14" to "API trim No. 14", "321HF trim" to "Trim
F321/HF (Hard Faced seats)", "347HF trim" to "Trim F347/HF (Hard Faced seats)".
Added following entries: "Trim F6/HF (Hard Faced seats) 115", "Trim F6/FHF 120", "Trim F304/HF (Hard Faced
seats) 125", "Trim F304/FHF 130", "Trim F316/HF (Hard Faced seats) 135", "Trim F316/FHF 140", "Trim
F317/HF (Hard Faced seats) 145", "Trim F317/FHF 150", "Trim F347/FHF 160", "Trim F44 165", "Trim F44/HF
(Hard Faced seats) 170", "Trim F44/FHF 175", "Trim F51 180", "Trim F51/HF (Hard Faced seats) 185", "Trim
F51/FHF 190", "Trim Alloy 6 (Co-Cr) 195", "Trim Alloy 20 200", "Trim Alloy 20/HF (Hard Faced seats) 205",
"Trim Alloy 20/FHF 210", "Trim Monel 500 215", "Trim Monel 500/HF (Hard Faced seats) 220", "Trim Monel
500/FHF 225", "Trim Monel alloy K-500 (UNS N05500) 230", "Trim Monel alloy K-500 (UNS N05500)/HF (Hard
Faced seats) 235", "Trim Monel alloy K-500 (UNS N05500)/FHF 240", "Trim Hastelloy B 245", "Trim Hastelloy
B/HF (Hard Faced seats) 250", "Trim Hastelloy B/FHF 255", "Trim Hastelloy C 260", "Trim Hastelloy C/HF
(Hard Faced seats) 265", "Trim Hastelloy C /FHF 270", "Trim Inconel 800/HF (Hard Faced seats) 275", "Trim
Inconel 800/FHF 280", "Trim Inconel 825/HF (Hard Faced seats) 285", "Trim Inconel 825/FHF 290", "Trim
Titanium/HF (Hard Faced seats) 295", "Trim Titanium/FHF 300", "Trim Bronze 305", "Trim Aluminum Bronze
310", "Trim Nickel 315", "Trim 12% Cr 320", "Trim 13% Cr 325", "Trim 13% Cr/HF (Hard Faced seats) 330",
"Trim Type 416 410 SS 40 RC 335", "Trim Type 416-40RC 340", "Trim Type 440-60RC 345", "Trim Colmonoy 6
350", "Trim NITRONIC 60 Alloy 218 (UNS S21800) 355", "Trim Neoprene 360", "Trim Nitrile (Buna N) 365",
"Trim Fluoroelastomer, Viton 370", "Trim Fluoroelastomer, Fluorel 375", "Trim Polyethylene 380", "Trim
Polyamide-imide Torlon (PAI) 385", "Trim Nylatron Polyamide (Nylon) 390", "Trim Modified by molybdenum
disulhide Tefzel, Virgin T200 395", "Trim Glass reinforced HT-2004 400", "Trim Carbon graphite reinforced
Teflon (C-TRFE) 405", "Trim Polyethererketon, reinforced by glass or graphite (PEEK) 410", "Trim Ultra-high
molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE) 415", "Trim TFE 420", "Trim TFE, Bronze-filled 425", "Trim 17-4 PH
Added new entries: "1.6 Ra finish 3", "3.2-6.4 Ra finish 7", "63-80 Ra finish 9", "100-150 Ra finish 37", "125-
200 Ra finish 43", "250-500 Ra finish 60", "DIN Form C (RZ = 160 m) 65", "DIN Form D (RZ = 40 m) 70", "DIN
Form E (RZ = 16 m) 75", "Smooth finish 105", "Cold water finish 110", "Spiral serrated 115", "Concentric
serrated 120", "Deburred and descaled 125", "Surface ground 130", "Smooth spiral / smooth concentric
machined 135", "Serrated spiral / serrated concentric machined 140".
Added following entries: "Tooth lock washer 20", "Serrated safety washer 25", "Helical spring washer 30",
"Spherical washer 35", "Tension indicating washer 40"
Added new entries: "LOKRING, male 1045", "LOKRING, female 1050", "VCO face seal, male 1055", "VCO face
seal, female 1060", "VCR face seal, male 1065", "VCR face seal, female 1070", "Ingold 1075", "RJBLE
Restrained joint bell end 1080". Moved "Male bayonet end 916" to new parent - "Male ends, welded", moved
"FBE Female bayonet end 917" to new parent - "Female Ends, Welded".
Added following entries: "'1690 CL1690' 170", "'1700 CL1700' 173", "'2050 CL2050' 180", "'2350 CL2350' 183",
"'2680 CL2680' 185", "'3100 CL3100' 190", "'3600 CL3600' 193"
Added "Canadian Manufacturers 20" entry.; Moved "Gemu 870" entry to German Manufacturer.
Added following entries: "MoS2 30", "Copper-based anti-seize lubricant 35", "Nickel-based anti-seize
lubricant 40", "Molybdenum disulfide paste 45"

Deleted "Continuous bend 60" entry. Modified "Continuous pipe bend to be flared" to "Pipe bend to be flared"

Deleted "Valve Appurtenance Options 16" parent entry and its following child entries: "ESHW op Extended
stem and handwheel 82", "ESGTM op Extended stem and gear operator, top mounted handwheel 88",
"EXGSM op Extended stem and gear operator, side mounted handwheel 91", "Post ind Post indicator 100".
Added following entries: "S-SV Service Weight 695", "'SDR 9' 700", "'SDR 11' 705", "'SDR 13.5' 710", "'SDR
14' 715", "'SDR 17' 720", "'SDR 18' 725", "'SDR 21' 730", "'SDR 23.5' 735", "'SDR 25' 740", "'SDR 26' 745",
"'SDR 35' 750", "'SDR 41' 755", "'SDR 42' 760", "'DR 14' 765", "'DR 18' 770", "'DR 25' 775", "'DR 27.6' 780"

Added 'Slip blind 8820' entry.

Aded parent entry 'Wall penetration fittings 1180' in PipingCommoditySubClass column and
added following child entries under it: "Penetration sleeve 8825" , "Sleeve with puddle flange 8830" , "Puddle
flange 8835" , "Seep ring 8840" , "Wall collar 8845" , "Thrust collar 8850" , "Water-stop 8855" , "Water collar
Added following child entries: "Flow indicator, sight glass 8865", "Level indicator, sight glass 8870", "90
degree elbow, drip pan 8875".

Added following entries: "UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) 110", "PTFE/ PFA
(Polytetrafluoroethylene/ Perfluoroalkoxy) 115", "GRPFA (Glass-Reinforced PFA-Teflon) 120", "Buna-N 125",
"EPDM (Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer) 130", "Neoprene 135", "Hypalon 140", "Viton 145".
Added 'Flange insulation kit without gasket 475' entry.
Added 'EN 13480-3 80' entry.
Following child entries are added under 'Mechanical End Options' parent: "LOKRING, male 1790", "LOKRING,
female 1795", "VCO face seal, male 1800", "VCO face seal, female 1805", "VCR face seal, male 1810", "VCR
face seal, female 1815", "Ingold 1820", "Restrained joint bell end 1825".
"MBE Male bayonet end 1830" child entriy is added under 'Male End Options'
"FBE Female bayonet end 1835" child entriy is added under 'Female End Options'
Following child entries are added under 'Rating options' parent: "1690 CL1690 1840", "1700 CL1700
1845","2050 CL2050 1850", "2350 CL2350 1855","2680 CL2680 1860","3100 CL3100 1865", "3600 CL3600
Renamed "End Finish Options" to "Flange surface finish options" and added following child entries to it: "1.6
Ra finish 1875", "3 Ra finish 1880", "3.2-6.4 Ra finish 1885", "63-80 Ra finish 1890", "63-125 Ra finish 1895",
"63-250 Ra finish 1900", "80 Ra finish 1905", "100-150 Ra finish 1910", "125 Ra finish 1915", "125-200 Ra
finish 1920", "125-250 Ra finish 1925", "125-500 Ra finish 1930", "250-500 Ra finish 1935", "Smooth finish
1940", "Cold water finish 1945", "Spiral serrated 1950", "Concentric serrated 1955", "Deburred and descaled
1960", "Surface ground 1965", "Smooth spiral / smooth concentric machined 1970", "Serrated spiral /
serrated concentric machined 1975", "DIN Form C (RZ = 160 mm) 1980", "DIN Form D (RZ = 40 mm) 1985",
"DIN Form E (RZ = 16 mm) 1990".

Added new sheet.

Added new sheet.
Added following entries: "MC-HL Metal Clad Cable - Hazardous Location 20", "ITC Instrumentation Tracy
Cable 25", "ITC-HL Instrumentation Tracy Cable - Hazardous Location 30", "PLTC Power-Limited Tray Cable
35", "NPLF Non Power-Limited Fire Alarm Cable 40", "FPL Power-Limitied Fire Alarm Cable 45", "CL2 Class 2
Cable 50", "CL3 Class 3 Cable 55".
Added parent entry "Purchase Length options 1740" and added following child entries to it: "2500 mm 1745",
"2000 mm 1750", "1500 mm 1755", "1000 mm 1760", "500 mm 1765", "400 mm 1770", "300 mm 1775", "200
mm 1780", "100 mm 1785".
Deleted following entries: "Annealed 10", "Galvanized 15","Pickled 20". Made this codelist as hierarchical.
Added following parent entries under 'InteriorSurfaceTreatmentRequirement': "Undefined 1", "None 2",
"Passivation/Descaling 11", "Rust inhibition 16".
Added following child entries under ''InteriorSurfaceTreatment':"Pickle with acid 25", "Pickle/oil with acid
30", "Pickle with nitric acid (20-50%) 35", "Pickle with nitric acid (20-40%) + sodium dichromate (2-6%) 40",
"Pickle with nitric acid (12%) + copper sulfate (4%) 45", "Acid descale with oxalic acid (5%) 50", "Acid descale
with sulfuric acid (8-11%) 55", "Acid descale with nitric acid (15-25%) + hydrogen fluoride (8%) 60", "Flush
with rust inhibitor 65", "Flush with sodium nitrite (0.5%) + DSP/MSP (0.5%) 70".
Added following entries: "ASME-B1.5 Acme screw threads 305", "ASME-B16.47 Large diameter steel flanges
315", "ASME-B16.48 Steel line blanks 325".
Added following entries: "ASME-B16.47 Large diameter steel flanges 945", "ASME-B1.5 Acme screw threads
Added following entries: "ASME-B16.47 Large diameter steel flanges 1730", "ASME-B1.5 Acme screw threads

References to ANSI are changed to ASME.

Added "'Vangeel Systems, Netherlands' 1116" entry.

Gasket type is removed from gasket materials codelists. Removed 40 duplicate codelists with following
values: 3052, 3077, 3102, 3112, 3246, 3241, 3244, 3306, 3311, 3307, 3312, 3331, 3316, 3317, 3321, 3322, 3326,
3327, 3403, 3441, 3498, 3476, 3477, 3488, 3491, 3493, 3566, 3551, 3552, 3563, 3573, 3568, 3601, 3613, 3602,
3606, 3616, 3619, 3618, 3623). Added new code lists with following values: 6650, 6655, 6660, 6665, 6670, 6675,
6680, 6685, 6690, 6695, 6700, 6705, 6710, 6715, 6720, 6725, 6730, 6735, 6740, 6745, 6750, 6755, 6760, 6765,
6770, 6775, 6780, 6785, 6790, 6795, 6800, 6805, 6810, 6815, 6820, 6825, 6830, 6835, 6840, 6845, 6850, 6855,
6860, 6865, 6870.
Added new entry: "'Weld based on Weld Type Exception for Sleeves' 'Reportable weld is required based on
Weld Type Exception for Sleeves option' 20".
Added new sheet.

Added following entries: "Iso Drawing - Tracing 200", "Iso Drawing - Stress 205", "Iso Drawing - System 210".
Added ten ‘generic’ sub types: From 'WBS Break Point Type 1' to 'WBS Break Point Type 10'. Updated
system codelist comment to: "Codelist numbers 1-6 are pre-defined system values used by Intergraph and
should not be modified by the user.", "Codelist numbers 10-19 are reserved for use by Intergraph and should
not be modified by the user.", "Codelist numbers 20-31 may be defined by the user.".
Added new sheet.
Added new sheet.

Added following CoatingRequirement parent entry:'Coating for bolting 15'.

Added following 'CoatingType' child entries: 'Hot galvanized + primer 120', 'Hot galvanized + final coat 125',
'Hot galvanized + CTE 130', 'Hot galvanized + polyurethane + CTE 135', 'Metallized with zinc silicate + vinyl
140', 'Metallized with zinc silicate + epoxy 145', 'Metallized with zinc silicate + epoxy (DK) 150', 'Polyethylene
155', 'Nylon (Rilsan) 160', 'Sermetel 165', 'Epoxy primer 170', 'Solvent-free epoxy 175', 'Epoxy paint 180',
'Epoxy powder 185', 'Epoxy polyester powder 190', 'Powder flame spraying 235', 'SigmaLine 403 (inside) 195',
'SigmaLine 445 (inside) 200', 'SigmaLine 500 (inside) 205', 'SigmaLine 523 (inside) 210', 'SigmaLine 855
(outside) 215', 'SigmaLine 859 (outside) 220', 'SigmaLine 2000 (outside) 225', 'SigmaLine 2500 (outside) 230',
'PTFE Fluoropolymer 97', 'Whitford Xylan 1424, water based 240', 'Whitford Xylan 1014, solvent based 245',
'Whitford Xylan 1070, solvent based 250'.
Deleted following 'CoatingType' child entries: Plain 61, Painted 62, Black Paint 63, Dura-Copper 64, Dura-
Green 66.
Added following entries: "Fiberglass Polyester Fiberglass Polyester 30", "Fiberglass Vinyl Ester Resin
Fiberglass Vinyl Ester Resin 35".
Modified the system codelists comment to indicate that only the parent values are system codelists.

Updated the comments as Non-system codelists

Added new sheets

Deleted "EquipmentComponentClass 6" entry and added "EquipmentAssemblyClass 280",
"EquipmentComponentAssemblyClass 285" entries.
Deleted following entries as they were duplicate codelists: "'Battery Charger' 2095", "'Contactor' 2135",
"'Disconnect Switch' 2145", "'Circuit' 2170", "'Bus' 2175", "'Cable' 2180", "'Control Station' 2265", "'Junction
box' 2270", "'Circuit Breaker' 2315", "'Battery Bank' 2385". Renamed 'Control Station' to 'Push Button
Added new entry "'Group Iso Drawing' 'Iso Drawing' 195".

Updated the sheet with 'Truss Element 400', 'Top Chord 401', 'Bottom Chord 402', 'Middle Chord 403' (Note:
Previous numeric value 400 is changed to 401, 401 is changed to 402, 402 is changed to 403 respectively).

Update comments in these sheets for hierarchical system code lists.

Added "Conduit Port" entry (code list value 130).
Moved 'HVAC Nozzle' entry from 'EquipmentComponentTypes3' to 'EquipmentComponentTypes2' Short
description column.

Changed piping commodity type long description from 'Conduit gate valve' to 'Gate valve, through-conduit'.
Added following codelists: Victaulic standard gasket, Victaulic reducing gasket, Victaulic FIT gasket,
Victaulic outlet gasket, Victaulic Vic-Flange gasket, Victaulic FlushSeal gasket, Victaulic Mechanical-T
gasket, Victaulic plain end gasket, Victaulic EndSeal gasket, Victaulic EndSeal Fire-RTM gasket, Victaulic
AWWA FlushSeal gasket, Victaulic IPS to AWWA Transition gasket.
Removed extraneous data in the row against "End" entry.
Removed typo 'General 1".
Gasket Options' parent codelist and its child entries are removed from the sheet. Added 'Tapered Spacer
options' and its child entries.
Changed text to following (To match design document): "Gasket required 5", "Integral gasket 10", "Gasket is
not required 20", "Gasket for clamp based on two mechanical ends 25", "Gasket for clamp based on
mechanical hub end 30", "Gasket to be purchased separately from clamp 35", "Gasket included with clamp
40", "Integral gasket with piping designer override enabled 45", "Integral gasket requiring another lined
flange surface with piping designer override enabled 55" .
Added CombinedSupport

Added comment "This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the
numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value."
Added following entries "Position and Orientation 10", "Cable Fill 31", "Fill Information 32", "Bend Data 33"
which are meant for information only.

Added 'Angle slurry valve, 90 Degree 8795' entry.

Moved 'DIA3W 3-way diaphragm diverter valve 433' entry from 'Diverter valves' to '3-way Valves' parent
Moved 'DIA4W 4-way diaphragm diverter valve 434' entry from 'Diverter valves' to '4-way valves' parent node.
Moved 'DIA5W 5-way diaphragm diverter valve 435' entry from 'Diverter valves' to '5-way valves' parent node.
Added '7-way valves 1160' parent entry and added child entry 'DIA7W 7-way diaphragm diverter valve 8800' to
Added '88 degree direction change' parent entry and added child entry 'E88 "88 degree elbow" 8805' to it.
Added 'Full-size, sloped header tees 1170' parent entry and added child entry 'T88 "Tee, 88 degree" 8810' to
Added 'Double olet-type branches 1175' parent entry and added child entry 'XLET Cross-let or Clamp cross
8815' to it.
Modified the long description 'Tee-let' to 'Tee-let or Clamp tee'.
Modified the long description 'Suction strainer' to 'Suction strainer or Suction diffuser'.

Changed LongDescription from "Support will be at top of the future slab" to "Top", from "Support will be at
center of the future slab" to "Center", from "Support will be at bottom of the future slab" to "Bottom"
Added "Undefined 0" entry.
Deleted the sheet as StructFeatureRadiusType sheet contains the required codelists.
Added new sheet
Added new sheet
Added new sheet
Added new sheet
Modified value of 'series heating cable' codelist from 365 to 380.
Added "Nipple"
Added "Stringer 108", "Perimeter 109" entries.
Changed "Inclined handwheel" to "Handwheel, inclined", "Special handwheel" to "Handwheel, special",
"Short wrench" to "Wrench, short", "Long wrench" to "Wrench, long", "Short T-handle" to "T-handle, short",
"Long T-handle" to "T-handle, long", "Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel" to "Gear, side mounted
inclined handwheel Type 1", "Diaphragm Type 1" to "Diaphragm, Type 1", "Diaphragm Type 2" to
"Diaphragm, Type 2", "Press-balanced diaphragm" to "Diaphragm, press-balanced Type 1", "Regulator Type
1" to "Regulator, Type 1", "Regulator Type 2" to "Regulator, Type 2", "Regulator Type 3" to "Regulator, Type
3", "Single acting cylinder Type 1" to "Cylinder, single acting Type 1", "Single acting cylinder Type 2" to
"Cylinder, single acting Type 2", "Single acting cylinder Type 3" to "Cylinder, single acting Type 3", "Single
acting cylinder Type 4" to "Cylinder, single acting Type 4", "Double acting cylinder" to "Cylinder, double
acting", "Pilot operated cylinder" to "Cylinder, pilot operated", "Cylinder, piston" to "Cylinder, piston",
"Motor Type 1" to "Motor, Type 1", "Motor Type 2" to "Motor, Type 2", "Motor Type 3" to "Motor, Type 3",
"Motor Type 4" to "Motor, Type 4", "Digital" to "Digital", "Electro-hydraulic" to "Electro-hydraulic", "Electro-
Pneumatic" to "Electro-pneumatic", "Single solenoid" to "Solenoid, single", "Single solenoid w/reset" to
"Solenoid, single with reset", "Double solenoid" to "Solenoid, double ", "Pilot" to "Pilot", "Weight" to
"Weight".; Deleted following entries: Manual Actuator Type 1, Manual Actuator Type 2, Manual Actuator Type
3, Manual Actuator Type 4.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added "'Spool Break' 6" entry.
Changed Spelling of the entry from 'Boyancy' to 'Buoyancy'.

Added comment "This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the
numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value."
Deleted "'Spool Break' 6" entry.
Added "'Spool Break' 6" entry.
Added "'Single Hole' 3", "'No Hole' 4" entries.

Added comment "This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the
numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value."
Deleted "Impedance 16", "'Magnetic induction'17" , "'Skin effect' 18" HeatTracingType parent entries and
also deleted "Single 3", "Dual 4" HeatTracingMedium child entries.
Added Therminol 75, Therminol VP-1, XcelTherm XT, XcelTherm LV2, XcelTherm 500, XcelTherm MK1,
Paratherm NF, Paratherm HE, Paratherm OR, Calflo, Multitherm, Mineral oil, Hydrogenated white oil,
Paraffinic/Napthenic white oil, Polyalphaolefin, Dowcal, Dowfrost, Syltherm, Ethylene, Propylene, Dynalene,
Galden, Coolanol, Marlotherm SH, DWTherm, Argonne nanofluid, Modified terphenyl, Dibenzyltoluene,
Diphenyl/biphenyl oxide, Diphenylethane, Therminol 75, (Jacket), Therminol VP-1, (Jacket), Dowtherm,
(Jacket), XcelTherm XT, (Jacket), XcelTherm LV2, (Jacket), XcelTherm 500, (Jacket), XcelTherm MK1,
(Jacket), Paratherm NF, (Jacket), Paratherm HE, (Jacket), Paratherm OR, (Jacket), Calflo, (Jacket), Multitherm,
(Jacket), Mineral oil, (Jacket), Hydrogenated white oil, (Jacket), Paraffinic/Napthenic white oil, (Jacket),
Polyalphaolefin, (Jacket), Dowcal, (Jacket), Dowfrost, (Jacket), Syltherm, (Jacket), Ethylene, (Jacket),
Propylene, (Jacket), Dynalene, (Jacket), Galden, (Jacket), Coolanol, (Jacket), Marlotherm SH, (Jacket),
DWTherm, (Jacket), Argonne nanofluid, (Jacket), Modified terphenyl, (Jacket), Dibenzyltoluene, (Jacket),
Diphenyl/biphenyl oxide, (Jacket), Diphenylethane, (Jacket), Series heating cable, Parallel self-regulating
heating cable, Parallel power-limiting heating cable, Impedance, mid fed entreies.
Moved "FP 'Freeze protection' 35" from 'Other temperature control' to a new parent 'Frost proofing'.
Moved "AS 'Surface condensation retardant' 14" to a new parent 'External condensation and icing
Added new parent (InsulationType) codelists 'Pre-insulated', 'Frost proofing', 'External condensation and
icing protection' and their child codelists.
Modified existing entries to "TF Thermal Fusion 1620, SJ Butt and Strap Joint 1615" entries and added "LJFE
Lens Joint 1625" entry.
Modified existing entries to "TF Thermal Fusion 326, SJ Butt and Strap Joint 321" and added "LJFE Lens
Joint 32" entry.
Added "The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be greater than 10,000.
Numeric values less than 10,000 are reserved for use by SmartPlant." entry.
Removed "LRJ Lens Ring Joint 1610" entry.
Removed "LRJ Lens Ring Joint 33" entry.
Added"Tee with multiple branches, e.g. drip ring tee 305" entry.

Added "LRJ Lens Ring Joint 1610", "BSJ Butt Strap Joint 1615", "TBF Thermal Butt Fusion 1620" entries.
Added "LRJ Lens Ring Joint 33", "BSJ Butt Strap Joint 321", "TBF Thermal Butt Fusion 326" entries.
Added "4000 CL4000 811" entry.
Added "4000 CL4000 165" entry.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Removed Query the Piping Catalog with outside diameter for the DIN standard 10 entry.
Added New Sheet.
Duplicate entry "Exchanger Tube External" is deleted.
Fixed Typos in CodeList Table Names and made minor correction from EF feedback
Deleted Sheet (Need to add it in V7).
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Added New Sheet.
Add new codelist entry 'EquipmentComponentClass' with Codelist Number 6
in Specific partclasses hierarchy.
Added following entries into PipingCommodityType sheet: High integrity flange load bearing rings 1150, High
integrity flange adapters 1155. ", "HIFVCPL High integrity flange vent coupling 8755", "HIFLBRING High
integrity flange load bearing ring 8760", "HIFLBRINGSPL High integrity flange load bearing ring, special
8765", "HIFLBRINGSTEP High integrity flange load bearing ring, stepped 8770", "HIFADPT High integrity
flange adapter 8775", "HIFADPTSPL High integrity flange adapter, special 8780", "HIFADPTSTEP High
integrity flange adapter, stepped 8785", "HIFVPLU High integrity flange vent plug 8790".
Changed 'EndReleases' to 'End Releases'
Replaced 'Graphite Coating' with 'Graphite coated' entry. Deleted 'Epoxy lined' entry.
Removed CompartmentClass
Added 'Chain wheel assembly with impactor' codelist.
Added 'Circular, rotatable' codelist.
Added following codelists: Victaulic standard gasket, Victaulic reducing gasket, Victaulic FIT gasket,
Victaulic outlet gasket, Victaulic Vic-Flange gasket, Victaulic FlushSeal gasket, Victaulic Mechanical-T
gasket, Victaulic plain end gasket, Victaulic EndSeal gasket, Victaulic EndSeal Fire-RTM gasket, Victaulic
AWWA FlushSeal gasket, Victaulic IPS to AWWA Transition gasket.

Added 'Female Taper-Lok end' codelist and modified existing Taper-Lok end to 'Male Taper-Lok end'.
Added following codelists: Tee with offset, Tee with offset, reducing branch, Tee with offset, reducing run
and branch, Tee with offset, reducing runs, , Tee with double offset, Double reducing tees, Tee with double
offset, reducing branch, Tee with double offset, reducing run and branch, Tee with double offset, reducing
runs. Deleted instrument root valve codelist values.
Added following codelists: Non-radial weldolet, Non-radial stub-in reinforcing pad, Non-radial stub-on
reinforcing pad, Non-radial stub-in reinforcing weld, Non-radial stub-on reinforcing weld.
Changed "Speadout" to "Spreadout".
Removed Aspect 31 from the sheet.
Added New Sheet
Added New sheet
Added "Orifice Flange"
Added Head to the header
Changed Piping Commodity Type codelists to match with design document, and also added new codelists
which were missing.
Added New sheet with Codelist values
Added New sheet with Codelist values
Modified the code list according to design document. Added new entries from value 960 onwards i.e. "Active
raised-face flanged end 960", "Passive raised-face flanged end 965" etc.
Modified the code list according to design document
Added New sheet
Added the sheet.

Removed undefined from all hierarchical code lists as we will got erros in pre-build catalog bulkload.
Changed 'EndReleases' item codelist value from 1205 to 1210.
Previously comment sign ! And the text have been put into a single cell. Now separated the comment text to
the next cell in the row.
Added New sheet
Sheet name 'MaterialsGroup' is changed to 'MaterialsType'
Deleted codeList value 856, row [309], from CommodityOption CodeList Table,
deleted codeList value 1835, row [371] from CodeList Table EquipmentTypes3 and updated codeList value
deleted codeList value 2390, row [482] and 2745, row [553], from EquipmentTypes2 CodeList Table,
changed codeList value 1670 to 2770 and 1850 at row [221], [222] to 2775, 2780 in InstrumentFunctionalType
CodeList Table,
changed codeList value 206, row[277] to 2785 in InstrumentFunctionalSubClass CodeList Table,
changed CKST3W for 3-way check valve to CK3W, E11 for 15 degree elbow to E15 in PipingCommodityType,
changed from 1165 to 1205 in PropertyCategories CodeList Table,
changed from 50 to 60 in WeldType CodeList Table.
Added new worksheet.
Added entry 'StructSplitConnClass 270' under 'SpecificPartClass'.
Added New sheet
Removed parent entry 'Flat Gaskets' and it's sub-entries; entry O ring is changed to Oval Ring Joint; changed
'Other composite gaskets' to 'Composite Gaskets'; Ring is changed to Ring Joint Gaskets; 'Other' is re-
named to 'Joint Deflection Restraining Gaskets'.
The value for 'Circular, one hole up' is changed from 40 to 2 and moved it next to in line of 'Circular, two
holes up' entry.
Existing codelists are prefixed with 'Stub-on' for stub-on types and text is modified for stub-in type
codelists; Renamed 'Undefined' to 'Default'; Added new 'Flexible hose' codelist as indicated by Ron
Update comments in code list workbooks regarding changes to system code lists to "This is a system code
list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the
value; and the user must not add or delete a value."

Stub-in type codelists for Reinforcing welds and Reinforcing pads are added (Already existing codelist
values for these are considerd as Stub-on type). Corresponding reference data fix is done for CR-59476.

Gasket Option code list is added with new values ("Soft cut", "Solid metal", "Insulating gasket", .. etc.)
Moved "Corrugated", "Corrugated double jacketed", "Inlaid corrugated", "Lens ring", "Bridgeman", "Delta",
"Welded membrane", "Weld ring" entries to appropriate parent entities. New values are added to the Gasket
Type code lists.
Removed codelist 'Not Required' with value '5'. Modified text of following parent values: Undefined to 'Not
Lined', Required to Lined. Modified Child values 'Not Required' to None.
Added "Gemu" in GeometricIndustryStandard ShortDescription/LongDescription columns;
Added "Gemu" in Manufacturer ShortDescription/LongDescription columns;
Added "Gemu 320", "Gemu 322", "Gemu 324", "Gemu 610", "Gemu 647", "Gemu 690", "Gemu C60 HPW",
"Gemu C67 HPW" entries.
The value for 'Circular' is changed to 'Circular, two holes up', and a new value is added for 'Circular, one hole
up' in line with RefData CR 54914.
Added values for branches, default and reducing fittings.
Added values to Lining Requirement/Material code list.
Intumescent (fire proofing) , Concrete (external lining for weight coating).
Added stainless steel gauge values to Schedule code list.
Added 'Insulation sets' Gasket Category and 'Insulating gasket', 'Flange insulation kit' Gasket types.
Added additional Insulation Materials Short & Long Descriptions and values.

Added "Integral core and jacket piping variable length" entry; Added ShortDescription and values for
horizontal/vertical Geometry Types.
Added new entry "Use client commodity code to access piping catalog".
Added 'Bolted joint spacers' subclass and 'Spacer ring' entry; Added component types using NIBCO
Added 'Flow directional in-line instruments' and 'Rotometer' entry.
Removed "Conduit Port" entry (code list value 130); Added following entries: Jacket pipe termination by
welding to the flange,
Jacket pipe termination by swaging and welding to the core pipe.
Added followinng entries: Male bayonet end, Female bayonet end.
Added sheet
Added sheet

Added Increasing Tee,Jacket Spacer records

Added sheet
Added sheet
Added sheet
Removed entries of Stress Relief practice/Stress Relief with short description "None"
Added entry "Stress relief required, if specified by code"
Added sheet
V5 - V6 Split
Formatted the sheets and removed Spring codelist

In StructBoundaryConditions and StructEndReleases sheets commented out Spring codelist which has
codelist Number 64. In StructEndReleases un-commented codelist Number 0 and renamed the short and long
descriptions to be User Defined and changee the userdescription to "Do not comment out this line".
Changed case of code lists from lower case to upper case characters i.e. from Ry, Rz to RY, RZ.
Added entry 'StructMemFireproofingClass 275' under 'SpecificPartClass'.
Added new worksheet.
Added new worksheet.
Added new worksheet.
Added entry 'EndReleases EndReleases 1205'.

Changed short and long descriptions for the codelists.

V4 - V5 Split
Create for Equipment component TEMA Front End Type
Add FrontEndType
Removed "Sheet1" from this work book as the same was not necessary.
Removed Special character(TAB) from cells D185, E185
Removed all temporary color coding

Added Conduit Commodity Class Data

Correct spelling; remove piping specialty type 1 to 9
Remove values DIN Wall thickness selection 1 191
Wall thickness selection 2 192
Wall thickness selection 3 193
Wall thickness selection 4 194
Wall thickness selection 5 195
Remove values S-40 and S-80
Removed all practices
Removed all practices
Create code list for HVAC Turn component
Changed Codelist value US Manufacturers To 6.
Changed Codelist values for US Manufacturers, US Practice to 6 & 5 respectively.

New property categories are added for "Cable Insulation", "Cable Ratings", "Cable Size", "Cable Family".
Removed all temporary color coding

Put spaces between run-on words and expanded abbreviations.

Modified the code list according to Mark's document
Added (130) "Mortar joint", "Mortar joint construction at bell end of reinforced concrete pipe". Added (135)
"Push-on joint", "Push-on joint construction at bell end of reinforced concrete pipe".
Added (178) AWWA-C104, ANSI Standard for Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for
Added values of "Undefined", "None", and "Varies", under InsulationPurpose LongDescription. Went through
all of the codelist sheets to make sure Long Decscriptions were either fully populated or fully blank, but not a
Added (41) "ASTM-D1785", Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120. Added (25)
"ASME-B36.10M/AWWA-C205", Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe with Cement-Mortar Protective
Lining per AWWA-C205.

Added (26) "ASME-B36.10M/ASTM-B167", Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (ASTM-B167 alloys).
Undid the enhancement to long description for S-40 and S-80 to indicate Schedules 40 and 80 (PVC) Plastic
Pipe Fittings. These designators might apply to more than just PVC palstic pipe.
For codelist numbers 150 thru 156, changed S-50 thru S-56 to CL50 thru CL56 in accordance to the
nomenclature of AWWA C151 standard for Ductile Iron Pipe.
Added CLIII (ASTM-C76 Cl-III) 462. This had been wrongly placed in the PressureRating codelist.

Enhanced long description for S-40 and S-80 to indicate Schedules 40 and 80 (PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings
Removed 51 (Class 51, ductile iron) 11, 52 (Class 52, ductile iron) 12, 53 (Class 53, ductile iron) 13, 54 (Class
54, ductile iron) 14, 55 (Class 55, ductile iron) 16, and 56 (Class 56, ductile iron) 17. These are now
ScheduleThickness values with CL prefix. Removed CLIII (ASTM-C76 Cl-III) 18 for same reason.
Added 13 entries in SlabCrossSectionSymbol codelist
Added (720) "Teflon impregnated glass cloth, Ramco Spra-gard". Added (725) "Teflon impregnated glass
cloth, Ramco Spra-gard, for Orifice Flange." Needed to define Flange and Valve Shields.
Deleted (1875) "Aloyco 374" as it was a duplicate of (1735).
Added (1341) "Rockwell McCanna V503", (1601) "Jamesbury AM150FD", (1602) "Jamesbury DM150FD",
(2161) "Yarway 909-C", (5) "ANSI-B16.10", (1436) "Rockwell Edward 1643", and (1437) "Rockwell Edward
Added (1119) "Yarway 909-C"
Added (509) "Impact at -325 degF".
Set Long Description same as Short Description for Slab Priority codelist.
Added warning note: "The user may not change the codelist number 5 below in red. This is the default value
used by the system."
Define code 412 "One 0.75" FTE tap".
Comment out Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator with side mounted
handwheelcode 293 as duplicate with 85.
Added (2485) "Nut" and (2490) "Washer"
Added (6) "Seamless, male threaded x plain ends".
Added (901) "API-601 for API-605 Flanges", and (902) "API-601 for MSS-SP-44 Flanges".
Added (71) "500".
Added (150 thru 156) "S-50" thru "S-56".
Added (11) ANSI-B16.3
Delete (120) "Aloyco 374" and (680) "Pacific 180". It was a duplicate of (115). Added many additional valves
under "US Manufacturers" and added a whole section for US Practice
Added (77), (143), (151), (163), (265), (357), (529), (621), (695), (788), (4034), (4070), (4100), and (4015).
Added many additional values to enhance the Industry Commodity Code and make them unique.
Added (6), (96), (97), (98), and (99).
Correct Gauging or deviation final elements as it was a copy of Position and thus duplicate
Under Germany Practice (DIN), changed long description "Durchmesser nach DIN 2631 Reihe 1" to "Diameter
according to DIN 2631 Reihe 1" and "Aussendurchmesser nach DIN 8074" to ""Outside diameter according
to DIN 8074". Also, addded additional values per Franz. Under Germany Manufacturers, added values per
Remove unnecessary information

Move to Piping rules

Removed the "None" value.
Removed the "None" value.

New worksheets

Added 291 "Single flange, MSS-SP-44 drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator with side mounted
handwheel". Added 292 "Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, lever operated". Added 293 "Single
flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator with side mounted handwheel". Added 294 "Wafer, with
integral gasket, lever operator". Added 296 "Lug type, with integral gasket, lever operator".
Was erroneously shown as a system codelist. Changed formatting.
Added "Cost Estimation" (1180)
Suppress first data line, no default required.

New worksheets per Ad Zuurhout

Changed "Baseplate" to "BasePlate".
Added S-40 and S-80 to handle PVC fittings
Expanded to include all ISA types
Added Intersection : Structure Intersect with Route (8)
Suppress (comment with !) first data line, no default required.
Deleted worksheet per Ron. Also deleted it from the Index sheet.
New worksheet
New worksheet. Replaced IFCStatus worksheet
Deleted worksheet. Replaced with RequiredAction worksheet
Changed the PipingCommodityType: Accessories -> Miscellaneous to Accessories -> Miscellaneous
Accessories to avoid duplicate short string problem.
Eliminated run-on words by embedding spaces.
Made it a non-system codelist per NN.
New worksheet
Deleted a duplicate record for "Wrench, with each valve" (390). Added "Default state for valves" (4), flanges
(400), miscellaneous fittings (504), direction change fittings (800), branch fittings (900), fire and safety fittings
(1004), plain piping and nipples (1100), distance pieces (1200), tubing (1300), hose (1404), piping specialties
(1504), and instruments (2000).
New worksheet
Two comment lines were missing exclamation points in column 1
Major enhancements and re-organization
New worksheet
New worksheet

New worksheets
New worksheet
Added "Above or Below", "Structure Above OR Below of Route" (3)
Added new parent Ferrules (130) and new child FERR > Ferrule (1130)
Added 15 degree direction change (156), and 15 degree elbow (1176).
Added new parent "Male Ends, Manufactured" (31). Added new child Male Flared End, MFLE (383).
Added value "Linear misalignment for mechanical end pipe"
Redefined the warning comment to "This is a system codelist. The user may change the textual value, but not
the numeric value or the meaning of the value."
Changed long description from "Default Clamp" to "Default Washer"
Define system, application property categories
New worksheet
New worksheet
Added 0.065", 0.083", 0.109", and 0.134" to accommodate Biopharm spec 1S5500
Removed BNIP Branch Nipple (1100). This was a PDS kludge that should not be persisted. Changed long
description of NIP from "l"e nipple to simply "Nipple".
Changed codelist numbers from 1 and 2 to 5 and 10 so as to match RefdataCodelists. Also clarified the short
description text.
Under Accessories grandparent, added parent "Jacket spacers" (490), with children "Jacket spacer" (2470)
and "Jacket spacer group" (2475). Also added parent "Miscellaneous bolting" (495), with child "Jack screw"
Added Moisture-cured urethane universal primer, Phenolic alkyd primer, Polyamidoam"e epoxy primer, and
Fusion-bonded epoxy.
New worksheet
Removed Painting (75)
Under Regulators, added Generic regulator (5315).
Under new parent Flow "struments (755), added Annubar (6200), Rotometer (6205), Coriolis Flow Meter
(6210), Double Chambered Orifice Fitt"g (6215), "tegral Orifice (6220), "sert Venturi (6225), Long or Short
Venturi (6230, Magnetic flowmeter (6235), Orifice plate assembly with flanges (6240), Meter run short venturi
(6245), Orifice plate (6250), "-l"e turb"e or propeller flow "strument (6255), Vortex flow meter (6260), Vortex
flow meter dual head (6265) and Wedge flow element (6270).
Under Relief Devices, added Tee type relief valve (5331).

Under Control Valves, added Valve with Rotary Piston Actuator (5121), Valve with Rotary Diaphragm Actuator
(5122), Valve with Electric Actuator (5123), Knife Gate Valve with Piston Actuator (5124), 2-way gate control
valve (5021), Control valve with double acting dual cylinder actuator (5111), Control valve with double acting
single cylinder actuator (5112), Control valve with double acting fail close actuator (5113), Control valve with
double acting spring return actuator (5114), Control valve with double acting single piston actuator fail open
(5091), Control valve with double acting spring return actuator fail close (5092), Control valve with double
acting spring return actuator fail open (5093, ) Control valve with rack and pinion actuator (5094), Angle
control valve with diaphragm actuator (5081), 2-way globe control valve with diaphragm actuator (5082, 2-way
globe control valve with piston actuator (5083), Angle Valve With Diaphragm Actuator Electro Pneumatic
Positioner & Hand Wheel (5084), Globe Style Control Valve with Diaphragm Actuator Electro Pnematic
Positioner & Handwheel (5071), and Angle Valve with Electric Actuator (5072).
Reformatted the Long Description by prefixing the original string with the Short Description text and a
Minor textual changes to Welding Requirement Short Description
Deleted the "created interference" code list value
Added CLIII (ASTM-C76 Cl-III) 18, CL51 (Class 51, ductile iron) 11, CL52 (Class 52, ductile iron) 12, CL53
(Class 53, ductile iron) 13, CL54 (Class 14, ductile iron) 477, CL55 (Class 55, ductile iron) 16, and CL56 (Class
56, ductile iron) 17. These were previous listed in theSchedule Thicknes codelist.

Removed CLIII (ASTM-C76 Cl-III) 462, CL50 (Class 50, ductile iron) 465, CL51 (Class 51, ductile iron) 470, CL52
(Class 52, ductile iron) 475, CL53 (Class 53, ductile iron) 476, CL54 (Class 54, ductile iron) 477, CL55 (Class
55, ductile iron) 478, and CL56 (Class 56, ductile iron) 479. These are now Pressure Ratings.
Added Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR), (3800) for Underground Piping spec 8F0001
Added ACIPCO Fast-Grip (220) for Underground Piping spec 8F0001
Added ACIPCO, American Cast Iron Pipe Company (1120) for Underground Piping spec 8F0001
Added ACIPCO, American Cast Iron Pipe Company (99) for Underground Piping spec 8F0001
FD1LW8, "CL350 Gravity Head, DI Cement Lined, Male and Female Push-on Pipe and Fittings" (850)
Added MPE, Male push-on end, (382)

New worksheets (Shared with Engineering Frameworks)

Added "Existing, to be reused in place" (17) and "Existing, not to be revamped" (27). Changed the text of (15)
from "Existing, but modified" to "Existing, to be modified". Changed the text of (20) from "Existing, modified
and relocated" to "Existing, to be modified and relocated". Changed the text of (25) from "Existing, but
relocated" to "Existing, to be relocated and reused".
Prefixed the long description of "CrossSectionCardinalPoints" codelist with its short description.
Re-intruduced codelist numbers 1875 (Aloyco 374), 1625 (Jamesbury A11), and 2070 (Posi-Seal Cryo
Firesafe 646) which had been deleted because textual values where duplicated. Resolved the duplicated text
by embedding an extra space character.
Deleted "Oval" value.
New worksheet

Added Jacket Closure (115). Changed "Female Threaded x Female Threaded Connection" to "Female
Threaded against Female Threaded Connector". Changed "Female Threaded x Female Welded Connection"
to "Female Threaded against Female Welded Connector". Changed "Male Threaded x Male Threaded
Connection" to "Male Threaded against Male Threaded Connector". Changed "Male Threaded x Male
Threaded Connection" to "Male Threaded against Male Welded Connector".
New worksheet
Deleted this temporary worksheet which I had used for reference only on 3/26/03.
Indicated by red text with light green highlight those values which are not to be modified by the user. Also
added a corresponding warning comment line.

Moved the following values from SurfacePreparation to LiningMaterial: Cement lined, Cement lined & epoxy
coated, Cement lined, treated & wrapped, and Cement lined (double thickness) asphalt coated.
Changed run-on text and/or underscored values to words separated by spaces.
Changed run-on text and/or underscored values to words separated by spaces.

Changed run-on text and/or underscored values to words separated by spaces.

Add Specialty Steam Trap category
Changed codelist numbers to conform to SP P& ID: (CS Calcium Silicate 4 > 2), (FG Foam Glass 16 > 3), (UR
Urethane 17 > 4), (FBG Fiberglass 20 > 5), (AS Asbestos 21 > 6), (Brick Brick 14 > 7), (CW Cotton Wool 13 >
8), (GW Glass Wool 22 > 9), (RB Rubber 23 > 10), (Cork Cork 15 > 11), (PI Polyisocyanurate 2 > 19), (MW
Mineral Wool 3 > 20), (AP Armaflex 5 > 21), (PR Perlite 6 22), (ST Polystyrene 7 > 23), (DA Dual: Ceramic
Fiber / Mineral Wool 8 > 24), (DB Dual: Polyisocyanurate / Cellular Glass 9 > 25), (FR Flexible Removable
Reusable 10 > 26), (CG Cellular Glass 11 > 27)

The codelist values where being displayed using a formula. I replaced them with the actual integer values.
Replaced the EFW headings with SP3D headings. Added Head, Start, and End statements.
Completely replaced the existing sheet with a totally revised sheet submitted by Doug Hilton from
Engineering Frameworks.
Added comment line before Instruments: "Warning: Any records added after this line will NOT be imported
into the Engineering Framework"
Added (Reihe 1|Wall thickness Reihe 1|181), (Reihe 2|Wall thickness Reihe 2|182), (Reihe 3|Wall thickness
Reihe 3|183), (Reihe 4|Wall thickness Reihe 4|184), (Reihe 5|Wall thickness Reihe 5|185) These were
incorrectly included in the EndStandard codelist. Added (Wanddickenreihe nach DIN 2463|Wanddickenreihe
nach DIN 2463|196) per latest design document.

Deleted (Reihe 1|Wall thickness Reihe 1|181), (Reihe 2|Wall thickness Reihe 2|182), (Reihe 3|Wall thickness
Reihe 3|183), (Reihe 4|Wall thickness Reihe 4|184), (Reihe 5|Wall thickness Reihe 5|185). These belong in the
ScheduleThickness codelist. Deleted (Wall thickness selection 1|Wall thickness selection 1|191), (Wall
thickness selection 2|Wall thickness selection 2|192), (Wall thickness selection 3|Wall thickness selection 3|
193), (Wall thickness selection 4|Wall thickness selection 4|194), and (Wall thickness selection 5|Wall
thickness selection 5|195). These are simply erroneous.
Added (DIN 8077|OD acc to DIN 8077 for plastic pipes|151) and (DIN 8078|OD acc to DIN 8078 for plastic
Added new values: Plain piping ends are to be flared, Continuous pipe bend to be flared, Hub/ferrule
selection logic is enabled, Hub/ferrule selection logic is disabled, Reinforcing pad by user, requiring branch
reinforcement calculations, Reinforcing weld by user, requiring branch reinforcement calculations, Plain
piping represents both core and jacket
Added "Reference Geometry", codelist number 8
New worksheet
New worksheet
Add Port Rotation and Instrument Actuator Rotation categories
Moved (MJBLE Mechanical joint bell end 542) and (MJSPE Mechanical joint spigot end 543) from Mechanical
Joint Without Clamp to Mechanical Joint With Clamp
Changed the "Undefined" codelist number "0" to "1". Added (AS Asbestos 21), (GW Glass Wool 22), and (RB
Rubber 23)
Changed the "Undefined" codelist numbers for Insulation Purpose, InsulationType, and
InsulationRequirement from "0" to "1"
New worksheet
Added Operation Volume category
Deleted "Dummy" records in British and DIN standards.
Change InsulationPurpose from 1 level to 3-level hierarchical codelist.
Changed codelist number for ASME Section VIII-3 from 610 to 611 (duplicate).
Define Piping components, Valves, Custom Instrument Categories
New worksheet
New worksheet, Per Raj Peringoth
Per Raj Peringoth, revised the contents of the worksheet.
Crosby and Tube-Turn had duplicates.
Aloyco 374, Jamesbury A11, and Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646 had duplicates
Ball Valve Trim and Butterfly Valve Trim had duplicates
New worksheet

Renumbered and synchronized the "Practice" parents so a given parent codelist number will have the same
Added HgrTraySectionDeltaClass 265 under SpecificPartClass
Renumbered Piping Specialties > Specialty Blinds from 560 to 562 (Duplicated parent number). 560 is Piping
Specialties > Specialty In-line spacers
Moved Wall Thickness Reihe 1 thru 5 from being parent values to becoming child values under Germany
Standards (DIN)
Per Suresh Kadambari, removed Hanger related part class types under SpecificPartClass: HangerShapes- 55,
HgrCWPartClass-60, and HangerPartClass-65
Combined and alphabetized the Index sheet

New worksheets
Renamed "Lever, quick-action Type 1" to "Lever, quick-action". Deleted the duplicated record for this type.
Added "Handwheel, side declutchable" to the Remotely Controlled Operators and Actuators and "Handwheel,
extended bonnet" to the Manual Operators. Removed the "Type 1" suffix from records which did not have
more than one type.
Added ModuleClass in the SpecificPartClass section
New worksheets
Added Reducing Filler Flange under Reducing Flanges

Added FP (Freeze protection) and PC (Personnel comfort) values. Reworded some of the long descriptions.

New worksheets
Added GenericPartClass: StructHandrailClass; Added SpecificPartClasses: EquipFoundationClass and
FoundationComponentClass; Moved the following from GenericPartClass to SpecificPartClass:
StructFrameConnectionClass, StructFootingClass, and StructFootingComponentClass
Added values to accommodate the requirement for cap screws at the second size end.
Per Peringoth, Rajasekharan (Raj): Deleted Heavy Beam 101, Medium Beam 102, Light Beam 103, Heavy
Column 201, Medium Column 202, and Light Column 203
Added codelist values necessary for "gaskets for field lined piping" functionality
New worksheet
New worksheet
New worksheet
New worksheet
New worksheet
Added StructFootingClass and StructFootingComponentClass in the GenericPartClass section.
Added FRWN (Weld neck reducing flange), CPLTAN (Tangential coupling), and CPL45E (45 degree elbow
coupling). Deleted GATGO1 (Gate valve gear operated Type 1), GATGO2 (Gate valve gear operated Type 2),
and BFYHPGO (Butterfly valve high pressure gear operated). Deleted H3W1 (Fire Hydrant) from Multiport
Valve parent, since it is already under Fire & Safety > Fire Hydrants. Moved DISTPC (Distance piece) from In-
line Fittings parent to a new Distance pieces parent under Straight Sections grandparent. Changed the single
parent name PIPE to two separate parents, PIPE (Plain piping) and PIPEFX (Plain piping by purchase length).
Added Bonnet shield, Fitting shield, Piping specialty shield, and Instrument shield under the Shields parent.
Added new parent Valve Assembly Shields with one child named "Valve and flange shield"
Added new parent codelist 125 for Saunders. Added codelist number 1125, 1130, 1135, and 1140 for
Saunders SVMDV2 thru SVMDV5 multiport diaphragm diverter valves
Added codelist number 2175, 2180, 2185, and 2190 for Saunders SVMDV2 thru SVMDV5 multiport diaphragm
diverter valves

Added codelist number 432 thru 435 ( DIA2W thru DIA5W) for 2-way thru 5-way diaphragm diverter valves
Added codelist number 4522 for "Saunders 1"
Added Valve Type options for 2-way, 3-way, 4-way, and 5-way Diaphragm Diverter valves.
New worksheet
Renamed to correct clecrical error that was "GeometricIndustryStandard (2)"
New worksheet
Was temporarily misnamed as CommodityOption (2), a clerical error

New worksheets
New worksheet
Add Initial and Dynamic pipe ports categories
Added Burns & McDonnell;84 and Top Line;88 Burns & McDonnell;84, Top Line;88, Wallthickness Reihe
1;181, Wallthickness Reihe 2;182, Wallthickness Reihe 4;184, Wallthickness Reihe 5;185, Wallthickness
selection 1;191, Wallthickness selection 3;193, Wallthickness selection 4;194, and Wallthickness selection
5;195 to match PDS.
Added ASME BPE-1997;Bioprocessing Equipment;300, Burns & McDonnell 1;1615 and Burns & McDonnell
2;1616 to match PDS. Added German DIN and British Standards.
Added Electro-Pneumatic;661 to match PDS
Added MCI;Chemical Injection;402 and PSP;Process Special;522 to match PDS
To match PDS: Added ASME SA479-316L;1300; Added 140 additional gasket material records; Added 38
additional bolt material records
Added Equipment Vendor;35 and Vendor;40
Added RSO;Reducing Slip-On;174 to Flange Options and SCH 40;836, SCH 40;838,and GRAVHD;840 to
Rating Options
Added "Field fit for nozzle at assembly site" and Field fit for nozzle at job site"
Added "CACRC1A", CL150 RFFE, CS, PTFE Lined, Std Trim, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF) with Gaskets for
testing flanged pipe. This will correspond to a new spec 1C0101 which is a copy of 1C0100 except that
gaskets are required.
Deleted the "Relocated" value and modified the text of the four "Existing" values.
Added "HEAD" statement to the Header row
Renamed "L" to LAT under Branches/Full-size laterals to resolve conflict with Structure
Added FLGOL "Flanged Olet" under Branches/Olet-type branches

CableTrayComponentType: Renamed "In-Line Fittings" to Reducing Fittings"; Moved Wye Fittings from
"Branch Fittings" to a new parent, "Wye-Type Branch Fittings"; Moved Cross Fittings from "Branch Fittings"
to a new parent, "Cross-Type Branch Fittings"; Renamed "Branch Fittings" to "Tee-Type Branch Fittings"
New worksheet
Added additional disciplines

Added values and made it a system codelist

New worksheets
Renamed InterferencePriority LongDescription to InterferenceStatus LongDescription

New worksheet moved from CommonSchemaCodelists.xls

Added code list numbers 31, 32, and 71 for bolt coatings
Deleted worksheet (Not required)

Deleted worksheets
Added "Custom" with codelist number 115

Create 4 IFC sheets

Changed "ManufacturerIndustryPractice" to "ValveManufacturerIndPractice"
Added "Default" parent and child, codelist number 1
New created in Common Schema
New created in Common Schema
Under "Metallic Coating", added Pre-Galvanized, Electro-Plated, Plain, Painted, Black Paint, Dura-Copper,
and Dura-Green per Ad Zuurhout.

New worksheets

Add new sub-classes Plate Flanges, Reducing plate flanges, and Reducing Slip-on flanges. Moved FPL from
Slip-on flanges to Plate Flanges. Moved FRSO from Reducing flanges to Reducing Slip-on flanges. Moved
FRPL from Reducing flanges to Reducing Plate flanges. Combined FLSL and FSSL into simply FLSE (Lap
flange with Stub End) and moved it under the "Flanges" sub-class. Combined FSSSO and FLSSO into simply
FSOSE (Slip-on flange with Stub End) and moved it under the "Flanges" sub-class. Renamed FSSPL to
FPLSE (Plate flange with Stub End) and moved it under the "Flanges" sub-class.
Changed the text for Code List number 35 from "Clamp gaskets based on piping commodity material control
data" to "Clamp gaskets which are separately ordered"
Added codelist number 172 WNJS / Weld neck flange with jack screws, under Flange Type Options.
Add SketchCrossSectionsClass

New worksheets
Changed "Linear, symmetrical" to "Linear, full size". Added "Linear, with size change", "Elbow, reducing",
"Eccentric, full size". Chanmged "Olet-type branch" to "Olet-type branch, fixed angle". Added "Olet-type
branch, variable angle". Added "Surface Mounted".
Enhanced data for valve accessories and divided them into two separate parents (additions and
Added new classes, "Fire and Safety", and "Accessories". Enhanced data and added valve accessories.
Moved ME1, MN1, HRST1, and SSP1 from End Fittings to "Fire and Safety".
Moved DISTPC/Distance piece from Pipe to In-line Fittings. Under Full-size tees, added TFI/Full size
instrument tee
Under Miscellaneous Options, added 1600 thru 1606 for spacer thicknesses, fixed and variable, for flanged
lined spec 1C0100
Added Spacer and Distance Piece for flanged lined spec 1C0100
Added PrismaticShapesClass per VISHAL SAIREDDY
Per Ji Yan, updated the ConnectionTypeShortDescription and ConnectionTypeLongDescription, updated the
codelist value for default from 0 to 5
Deleted worksheet per Sadish
Added Resistoflex Diaphragm Type 1 (2170) for new Lined Pipe Spec
Under TerminationSubClass added, new parent values: "Male Ends, Threaded" (26) and "Female Ends,
Threaded" (36)
New worksheet
Added CACRC1, CL150 RFFE, CS, PTFE Lined, Std Trim, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF), to test new plastic
lined flanged piping spec 1C0100

Added Female Threaded x Female Threaded Connection, Female Threaded x Female Welded Connection,
Male Threaded x Male Threaded Connection, and Male Threaded x Male Welded Connection
Added "Can not be mirrored or rotated", "Component can not be mirrored or rotated, but can be copied and
translated "

Added new PipingCommoditySubClass "Stub Ends" under the "In-Line Fittings" PipingCommodityClass.
Also, removed "stub end" from the description of the lap joint flange types, because the lap flanges can also
be used with flared pipe. Added STBNDL (Stub end long) and STBNDS (Stub end short) child values.
New worksheet
Deleted worksheets. Nut heights and washer thicknesses have been moved from Bolted Generic Data to Part
New worksheet
New worksheets for Cable
Added values
Renamed from "Status" and added values
Added a record for Undefined (1)
Deleted a duplicated record for United Kingdom Standards

Removed all color coding that was used internally to indicate a change from a previous version of the sheet.

New worksheets
Included more DIN PN ratings per input Ron got from Germany AE
Deleted entire worksheet per Ron
Updated to include larger set of country standards. Enhanced the British Standards to match PDS

Updated to include larger set of country standards.

Added ASME BPE under US Standards. Enhanced DIN records. Updated to include larger set of country
Added ASME-VIII-3 and ASME BPE under US Standards. Enhanced the long descriptions. Updated to include
larger set of country standards.
Deleted codelist numbers 518, 520, and 522, which were duplicates of 0.25in, 0.375in, and 0.5in.
New worksheets
Added CGC5C1 for new Jacketed Spec 1C0900 and SFV1M1 for the BioPharm spec now named 1S5500
V3 - V4 Split
Removed 'By A' through 'By E'
Removed User Defined = 10000
Removed User Defined = 10000
Define 85 for 'Tedlar over Aluminum' to avoid duplicate with 'Epoxy'; define value 3 to Non-metallic coating;
define consistent Painting short and long descriptions.

Changed Class 50 DI thru Class 56 DI to CL50 thru CL56, and added CLIII to allow correct PDS translation.
Added "S-XH" (115) under US Practices. Required to properly translate PDS Female Generic data.

Added some additional "Maufacturer" End Standards to accommodate PDS translation of orphaned data.
Under "Nipple Options", changed 1O.0" PE to 10.0" PE (Alpha "O" to number 0)

Added seven worksheets. These sheets had been added to RefdataCodelists and CommonSchemaCodelists,
but not simultaneously added to AllCodelists. This TR is to resynchronize the 3 codelists. Removed Sort
Order values per Ravi.
Changed the duplicated NEMA class 12B to 12C, clerical error. Codelist number 30 is now 12C.
Added "Undefined" with codelist of "1" at all 3 levels.

Removed the "Sort Order" values, which were causing software problem.
Changed "Undefined" to "Not Applicable". Added "Jumper" record.
Changed the suffixes of headings from 6 thru 1 to 1 thru 6. Also corrected some duplicated codelist numbers.
Added sheet to index.
Renamed parent property "StructuralMemberFamilyType" to "StructuralMemberTypeCategory"
New worksheet for Structural
Added 16 new commodity types required for the PDS translator: BALF, BALLP, BFYLP, CKLRY, CKSR,

New worksheets per Prasad

New worksheet per Prasad
New codelist

New worksheets for Hangers and Supports

New worksheet for Structural
New worksheets for Piping Manufacturing.
Shortened the long descriptions for the four gasket records used at clamped mechanical joints
Define Bio-Pharm branch and valve options
Moved in the index from RefData section to CommonSchema section
Correct types for BioPharm
New worksheet
Added codes 718 & 1137 for Bio ends preparations
Added Types for Bio fittings
Added Manufacturers for Bio application: ROBERT JAMES, Top Line, Tri-Clover
Added "Hub or Ferrule" feature type under Piping. Renamed LapFlange to "Flange at Fitting"
Added four records for gaskets used at clamped mechanical joints
Added new parent "Mechanical Joint With Clamp and Hub or Ferrule" under Mechanical
Removed Weld and added Elbow, fixed angle and Elbow
New worksheet.
Added new parent "Not required". Moved "NREQD" from "Undefined" parent to the new "Not required"
Renamed from MemberClass
Renamed from MemberType
Added "Center" value to HandrailOffset. Added "None" value to HandrailEndTreatment
Added child values 202, 212, 222, and 272 to allow distinguishing between thru-bolt holes which are threaded
or non-threaded
Renumbered some of the values to match the PDS codelist
Added DesignPipeSupportDefinitionClass, DesignCableTraySupportDefinitionClass, and
DesignDuctSupportDefinitionClass to to SpecificPartClass

Added new parent "By Pipe Erector, Field Fit", and moved the two existing field field weld types under it.
New worksheet
Under US Manufacturers, added Crosby, Consolidated, Lonergan, Aloyco, Teledyne Farris, and Taylor Forge,
which were used in PDS.
Changed ShortDescription values for Piping Specialties and Instruments from the existing generic values like
SP0600 and IN0070, to the same value as the Long Description.
Added StructFrameConnectionClass to GenericPartClass
Moved PipeSupportDefinitionClass, CableTraySupportDefinitionClass, and DuctSupportDefinitionClass from
GenericPartClass to SpecificPartClass
Deleted sheet per Derek
Added In-line spacers and Orifice spacers parents under In-line fittings. Added Taper bore spacer under In-
line spacers. Added Orifice ring spacer and Orifice full face spacer under Orifice spacers.
Added "Do not change the contents of this worksheet" comment note to BoltLengthRoundOffOption,
ExternalWeldedPipePart, GridPlaneType, HandrailConnectionType, HandrailEndTreatment, HandrailOffset,
HandrailOrientation, SlabBoundaryReference, SlabComposition, SlabContinuity, SlabCrossSectionSymbol,
SlabDirectionReference, SlabFacePosition, SlabFastenerType, SlabLayerRole, SlabManufacturingProcess,
SlabNosingMaterial, SlabNosingType, SlabPriority

Added Multi-port valves parent with two example children. Added Filler flange, Plate flange, short stub end,
Ring spacer, Branch nipple, In-Line nipple. Added Increasing tees parent with Bullhead tee child. Added
Double wyes parent with Double Y child. Added Non-radial olet-type branches parent with Non-radial weldolet
child. Added Non-radial branch reinforcement parent with Non-radial reinforcing pad and Non-radial
reinforcing weld children. Renamed Pipe/Tube/Hose grandparent name to Straight sections. Renamed Pipe
child value to Plain piping. Added Distance piece. Renamed Blind flanges parent to Blinds.
Deleted worksheets per Ravi's request.
Delete SF entry
Create FireproofingType sheet and data
Create FireproofingMethod sheet and data
Add Structural Member Type
Added "Continuous Bend" value
Added comment line "This codelist is not being used" per Ravi
Revised to match PDS numbers and values.
Added new "End Fittings" parent. Moved Blind End Plate from "Miscellaneous" to "End Fittings
Corrected the Conduit types as they were duplicates of piping types, short descriptions have to be unique
Deleted worksheets
Deleted values SO1, SO2, SO3, and "varies". Added "Required"
Revised short descriptions to match PDS for Jacketed and Non-Jacketed
New worksheet
New worksheets
New worksheets

Expanded parent Practices, Standards, and Manufacturers Standards to include all international (and
sometimes "Company") ones per the design document. Made DesignStandard hierarchical.
New worksheet
Renamed codelist number 5 to "Pipe bend radius by computation using NPD". Added code list number 15
"Pipe bend radius by computation using OD"

Renamed SupportComponentPartClass to StandardSupportComponentClass, added

ConnectionSupportComponentClass and LogicalSupportComponentClass to Specific Part Class section
New worksheet
Added hierarchy for Conduit components
Added New entry : Structural Support props
Added SlabCompositionClass to the Generic Part Class section
Added two more new code list values to the table ( AttachedToStorage And PadProps )
New worksheets
Added many additional thickness option values. Changed (") to (in).
Added additional values. Changed (") to (in). Moved NREQD from US Practice parent to Undefined parent.
Added additional country practices.
Added two records for fittings that require validation of commodity-specific Service Limits rule
New worksheet
New worksheet
Added "ConduitPort"
New worksheet

New worksheets
Added SlabGeneralClass and SlabLayerClass to the Generic Part Class section
Added HgrRulesClass and SupportComponentPartClass to the Specific Part Class section
Added CableTrayComponentClass as parent to Type
New worksheet
New worksheet
New worksheet
Added long descriptions per Chad Edwards
Added new sheets
Reassigned codelist numbers for HgrDefinitionClass, HgrFaceSelectionClass, HgrSupportingClass, and
Added DIN
New worksheet
Deleted StructuralOutfittingClass under the SpecificPartClass category
Added StructLadderClass, StructStairClass, and StructEquipmentFoundationClass under the
GenericPartClass category
Added SpaceSectionsClass under the GenericPartClass category
Added many new values for U.S. manufacturers
New sheet added
New sheets added
Added InstrumentsClass and SpecialtyClass
Added ConduitStockClass and ConduitComponentClass
Added Size Change for Conduit, Tee Type Conduit Branches, and Lateral Type Conduit Branches
Added conduit feature types
Removed TerminationSubClass Male-Female Flanged (6) and Male-Female Lap Flanged (11)
Deleted "Post Indicator" (401) because it is a valve appurtenance. Replaced codelists 25 thru 97 with 251 thru
971. Added 292, 332-334, 412, 413, 452, 453, 492-494, 572-574, and 852-854
Deleted sheet. The MirrorBehaviorOption sheet will be used instead.
Replaced parent "Required" with "Piping", and added "Welds". Added NDT values under Welds.
Added Class 50, 51, and 52. Added Wall A, B, and C
Added copper tubing types K, L, M, ACR, and DWV
Added Valve Appurtenance Options parent. Moved extension stems and post indicator options from valve
operator to valve appurtenance.
Added Tri-Clamp options
Deleted the "Required" value
Changed long description to "By fabrication shop"
Moved MATCH and CALCULATE from child to parent level
Deleted "Undefined". Replaced "Stock" with "Stock with Validation" and "Stock without Validation"
Expanded abbreviations in long descriptions
Removed SP3D1 thru SP3D3 values. Removed artificial values for DIN, BS, JIS, etc. Added new parent "US
Revised to more meaningful data
Revised to more meaningful data
Deleted sheet after merging into PipingCommodityType
Deleted sheet after merging into PipingCommodityType
Merged in Piping Specialty Types and Instrument Types
Changed text of Option 15 from "Threaded Rod" to "Cap Screw"
Changed text of Option 1 from "Undefined" to "Default"
Added new worksheet
Added new worksheet
V2 - V3 Split
Populated with values, per NN's research.

Added "Head", "Start", and "End" statement.

Added new mechanical joint values for Techlok, Grayloc, and Spolock joints. Deleted 7 duplicate records.
Added data for "Type" codelist for equipment foundation port.
Reversed In and Out values to match RefData sheet
Deleted "Threaded Rod" record
Added "By Pipe Erector for Loose Material" as a new parent
Added "By erector for loose material" as a new parent
Added sheet
Added sheet - copied from RefData codelist
Added sheet - copied from RefData codelist
Added sheet - copied from RefData codelist
Added sheet - copied from RefData codelist
Added sheet - copied from CommonSchema codelist
Deleted sheet, was duplicate of BranchReportingOwnership
Added Pipe/Tube/Hose data. Added steam trap data.
Deleted Size-on-Size weldolet from Tee section
Added A-307B
Added Fiberglass (20) and Polyurethane (18)
Removed module, and checked all sheets for macro
Added NREQD value to indicate that schedule or thickness is not required.
Changed "Eccentric Size Size Fittings" to " Eccentric Size Change Fittings"
Added Revision History tab
Merge recent Hilti eCustomer changes into Product version
Convert all Oglaend Content to .NET
Add a new category 'PlaceByReference' in PropertyCategories codelist table
Corrected the Short Descreptions
By Date CR/TR/DI Version Implemented
PRB 6-Apr-2016 TR-CP-282797 V2016

smallepa 6-Jan-2016 TR 286359 V2016

PRB 8-Dec-2015 TR-CP-282797 V2016

Neelima B DI-284142
Stingrays 21-May-2015 DI-273974 V2016
skkota 42275 DI-280780 v2016
Geeta 41290 CR-212453 V2013
Geeta 41234 CR-212453 V2013
KSK 19-Nov-2012 CR-218462 V2013
KSK 19-Nov-2012 CR-218462 V2013
Geeta 12-Nov-2012 CR-CP-212453 V2013
Neelima B 8-Nov-2012 DI-221545 V2013
nyallamb 6-Nov-2012 DI-214241 V2013
WDR 16-Oct-2012 TR 212518 V2013
KSK 3-Oct-2012 CR 210906 V2013
vpeddineni 26-Sep-2012 TR 213890 V2013
vpal 19-Sep-2012 DI-214241 V2013
KSK 31-Jul-2012 CR-39073 V2013
KSK 20-Jul-2012 CR-39073 V2013
KSK 20-Jul-2012 CR-39073 V2013
KSK 19-Jun-2012 CR-217297 V2013
KSK 19-Jun-2012 DM-212299 v2013
moh 30-Apr-2012 DI-CP-213281 v2013

smallepa 16-Nov-2011 DI-CP-203519 v2011R1

rkkaki 40821
KSK 40812

GSL 27-May-11 CR-CP-188110
GSL 27-May-11
GSL 27-May-11
GSL 27-May-11
GSL 27-May-11 CR-CP-188110 v2011
GSL 27-May-11
GSL 27-May-11
CR-118348 ,
rpandala 31-May-11 CR-183743
C.Ramsey 21-Jan-11
hshaik 13-Jan-11 CR-171241 v2011
KSK 13-Jan-11 TR-191688 v2011
KSK 16-Nov-10 CR-186358 v2011
KSK 25-Oct-10 CR-187855 v2011
RCM 5-Oct-10 CR-187602 v2011
Chandra 5-Oct-10 CR-180758 v2011
Ramesh 23-Sep-10 TR-184957 v2011
KSK 3-Aug-10 CR-181856 v2011
CR-185033, CR-
BS/RRK 29-Jul-2010 185043 and CR- V2009
CR-183649 and
RRK 8-Jul-2010 V2009

KSVK 29-Jun-10 DI-160994 v2011

KSK 25-May-10 DI-CP-181818 v2011
PL 25-May-10 CR-177480 v2011
KSK 31-Mar-10
MH 16-Feb-10 DI-177588 v2011
KSVK 30-Jun-09 CR-158633 v2009.1
IRK 23-Jun-09 DI-166450 v2009.1
MS 12-Jun-09 CR-165344 V2009.1
svsmylav 4-May-09 CR-160095 v2009
PK 4-May-09 DI-164003 V2009.1
PK 4-May-09
PK 4-May-09 DI-163306 V2009.1
PK 4-May-09
CL 14-Apr-2009 CR-161455
KKC 30-Mar-2009 DI-161706

GUK 19-Nov-2008 TR-154082


KKC 12-Nov-2008 DI-153990


KKC 22-Oct-2008 DI-152852 and


PK 22-Oct-2008 DI-152372

KKC/PK 17-Oct-2008 DI-152372


KKC/PK 17-Oct-2008 DI-152372


PK 17-Oct-2008 DI-151712

KKC/PK 17-Oct-2008 DI-152372


KKC/PK 16-Oct-2008 DI-152372


KKC/VKC/GL/ 16-Oct-2008 DI-152372

KKC/VKC/GL/ 15-Oct-2008 DI-152372
GL, MP 15-Oct-2008 CR-148509 and

VKC 8-Oct-2008 CR-149709

svsmylav 7-Oct-2008


RRK 6-Oct-2008


svsmylav 3-Oct-2008 V2008

svsmylav 3-Oct-2008


RRK 2-Oct-2008

PK 1-Oct-2008

svsmylav 1-Oct-2008
svsmylav 1-Oct-2008

svsmylav 1-Oct-2008

svsmylav 1-Oct-2008

MP 29-Sep-2008 CR-149885 ,
CR-149961 and
CR-150009 V2008

svsmylav 29-Sep-2008

svsmylav 24-Sep-2008 TR-150890 V2008

PK 23-Sep-2008 CR-149521 and

svsmylav 23-Sep-2008 V2008

VKC/GL 18-Sep-2008 CR-149510 and

svsmylav 16-Sep-2008 V2008

svsmylav 16-Sep-2008


svsmylav/RUT 16-Sep-2008 V2008

RUK 16-Sep-2008 Common
Schema DI- V2008
PK 11-Sep-2008 TR-149947
SSL 11-Sep-2008


svsmylav 11-Sep-2008

svsmylav 11-Sep-2008

svsmylav 10-Sep-2008 (Refdara DI-

svsmylav 9-Sep-2008


MP 9-Sep-2008 V2008
svsmylav/MP 9-Sep-2008


PK/VKC/GL 5-Sep-2008 CR-149323, CR-

149325 and CR- V2008
RUK 27-Aug-2008 CR-148066 and
RRK 13-Aug-2008 CR-143531 and

V 2008

BS 13-Aug-2008 CR-147688

BS 13-Aug-2008 CR-147689

SSL 13-Aug-2008 V2008

RUK 12-Aug-2008 CR-146837 V2008
PK 12-Aug-2008 CR-145847

KKC 8-Aug-2008 CR-146837


RUK 7-Aug-2008 CR-146837


SSL 7-Aug-2008


SSL 7-Aug-2008
RUK 6-Aug-2008 CR-146405


PK 6-Aug-2008 DM-147742 V2008

MP 4-Aug-2008 CR-145952 V2008
RUK 30-Jul-2008 CR-145836

SSL 30-Jul-2008

SSL 30-Jul-2008


SSL 30-Jul-2008

SSL 30-Jul-2008

SSL 30-Jul-2008
KKC 29-Jul-2008 CR-145699

MP 25-Jul-2008 CR-145604


SSL 25-Jul-2008

SSL 25-Jul-2008


SSL 23-Jul-2008

PK 23-Jul-2008 CR-145835
SSL 22-Jul-2008


RUK 22-Jul-2008 CR-57547

RUK 22-Jul-2008 CR-133524


MP 15-Jul-2008


MA 25-Jun-2008 CR-144224

MP 8-Jul-08


PK 25-Jun-08
RUK 19-Jun-08


RUK 18-Jun-08
MP 16-Jun-2008 CR-141585

smallepa 13-Jun-2008 TR-CP-144217 V8

RUK 11-Jun-2008 DI-144122 V8
svsmylav 11-Jun-2008
svsmylav 11-Jun-2008

RRK 5-Jun-2008 CR-142513


dkl 28-May-08
MA 26-May-2008

CR-141770 V2008
MA 22-May-08

VRK 16-May-08
MA 9-May-2008 CR-67916
V 2008
RRK 7-May-2008 CR-141196

V 2008

dkl 2-May-2008 CR-136876

V 2008

VRK 1-May-2008 CR 136579
MA 30-Apr-2008 CR-136577


RRK 24-Apr-2008 CR-136576

and CR-136581

svsmylav 24-Apr-2008 DM-141182 V2008

V 2008

dkl 14-Apr-2008 DI 139768

dkl/RUK 14-Apr-2008 CR-134563 V 2008


ed values inline
with Design
dkl 11-Apr-2008 Document
VRK 10-Apr-2008 CR-136575 V2008
RRK 8-Apr-2008 CR-136361 V2008

KKC for Celine DI 139008 and
Faure 20-Mar-2008 TR- 139748

VRK 3-Apr-2008 CR-136575
VRK 31-Mar-2008 DI-113069


dkl 30-Mar-2008 DI-138648, DI


dkl 30-Mar-2008 Added inline
with design


svsmylav 30-Mar-2008 Added for SDB


dkl 30-Mar-2008 Added for SDB

database inline
with design

dkl 30-Mar-2008 Added for SDB
database inline
with design


svsmylav 13-Mar-2008 CR-138111

V7 SP6

svsmylav 12-Mar-2008 CR-138111

V7 SP6
svsmylav 12-Mar-2008 CR-138111 V7 SP6
svsmylav 12-Mar-2008 CR-138111 V7 SP6
svsmylav 12-Mar-2008 CR-138111
V7 SP6

VRK 27-Mar-08 CR-139377
RUK 26-Mar-2008 CR-139160 V2008
KR 17-Mar-2008 CR-134555 V2008
PK 7-Mar-2008 CR-135703

RRK 5-Mar-2008 CR-33401


VRK 5-Mar-2008 CR-136578


AS 21-Feb-2008 DI-129490

dkl 39499 CR-105015, CR-
115804, CR-
133597, CR-
96155, CR-


CR 95266, CR
95245, CR
95765, CR
updating of
inline with
piping design
dkl 19-Feb-08 document.

CR 95266, CR
95245, CR
95765, CR
updating of
inline with
piping design
dkl 19-Feb-08 document.
RPERINGO 18-Feb-08 CR-70100 V2008

VRK 18-Feb-08 CR-136578

V7 SP5
RUK 14-Feb-08 CR-136268

V7 sp5

svsmylav 8-Feb-08 CR-135500

SKK 7-Feb-08 CR 124070 v7 sp5
MA 6-Feb-08 CR-135704 V7 SP5
V7 SP5

RUK 6-Feb-08 CR-134984

V7 SP5

RUK 4-Feb-08 CR-120874

V7 SP5
MA 4-Feb-08 CR-135564

V7 SP5
PK 1-Feb-08 CR-133006

V7 SP5
dkl 31-Jan-08 CR 130446

MA 29-Jan-08 CR-135023
dkl 25-Jan-08 CR-134753 V7 SP5
PK 18-Jan-08 CR-133006 V2007 SP5

dkl 18-Jan-08 CR-131511 V2007 SP5

dkl 18-Jan-08 Added for SDB V2007 SP5

MA 23-Jan-08 CR-113430 V2007 SP5

RRK 16-Jan-08 CR-134567 V2007 SP5

RUK 11-Jan-08 CR-127570 V2007 SP5

PK 9-Jan-08 CR-127548 V7SP5

RRK 8-Jan-08 CR 131505 V7SP5

dkl 4-Jan-08 CR 127556 V7SP5
VRK 4-Jan-08 CR131510 V7SP5

CR-127554 and
dkl/RRK 2-Jan-08 CR-127556 V7SP5

MA/VRK 31-Dec-07 131507,131508 V7SP5
MA 14-Dec-07 CR-123922 V7SP4
RUK 14-Dec-07 CR-131706 V7SP4

Values added
dkl 12-Dec-07 for SDB V7SP4

MA 10-Dec-07 CR-123921 V7SP4

VRG 5-Dec-07 CR-127564 V7SP4

PK 5-Dec-07 CR-131488 V7SP4

CR-127559 and
VRK 5-Dec-07 CR-127562 V7SP4
Meghani 6-Dec-07 TR 133071 V7SP4

MA 5-Dec-07 CR-129440 V7SP4

RRK 3-Dec-07 CR-129358 V7SP4

dkl 30-Nov-07 N/A V7SP4

MA 21-Nov-07 CR-128808 V7SP4

MA 19-Nov-07 CR-129350 V7SP4

Meghani 16-Nov-07 CR-131696 V7SP2
Meghani 16-Nov-07 CR-131696 V7SP2
Meghani 16-Nov-07 CR-131697 V7SP2
PK 15-Nov-07 CR-127156 V7SP4
VRG 15-Nov-07 CR-127647 V7SP4
V7 SP4
dkl 13-Nov-07 CR-130246
V7 SP4
dkl 12-Nov-07 CR-109518

CR-128282 ,
KKC/dkl 07-Nov-07 CR-129336
KKC 07-Nov-07 CR-127640
VRG 07-Nov-07 CR-127647 V7SP4
VRG 02-Nov-07 CR-127655 V7SP4

RRK 31-Oct-07
RRK 29-Oct-07 CR-123952 V7 SP4

dkl 29-Oct-07 CR-127553 V7SP4

KKC 29-Oct-07 CR-121408 V7SP4

VRG 26-Oct-07 CR-127647 V7SP4

VRG 26-Oct-07 CR-127155 V7SP4

VRG 26-Oct-07 CR-127655 V7SP4

RUK 24-Oct-07 CR-127644 V7SP4

RUK 24-Oct-07 CR-127644 V7SP4

PK 24-Oct-07 CR-128045 V7SP4

MA 22-Oct-07 CR-127634 V7SP4

svsmylav\RRK 19-Oct-07 CR-128137 V7SP4

MA 17-Oct-07 CR-127627 V7SP4

dkl 17-Oct-07 CR-127557 V7SP4

CR-126668 and
dkl 15-Oct-07 CR 126669 V7SP4

RRK 15-Oct-07 CR-127648 V7SP4

dkl 12-Oct-07 CR-127557 V7SP4
CR-126668 and
dkl 12-Oct-07 CR-126669 V7SP4

RRK 8-Oct-07 CR-126633 V7SP4

PK 8-Oct-07 CR-126631 V7 SP4
V7 SP4
VRG 26-Sep-07 CR-126671
V7 SP4

RRK 14-Sep-07 CR-126718

V7 SP3
svsmylav 13-Sep-07 DI-127696
V7 SP3

RRK 7-Sep-07 CR-126919

V7 SP3

KKC 7-Sep-07 CR-121718

V7 SP3
dkl 7-Sep-07 DM-127176
CR-125106 and V7 SP3
dkl 21-Aug-07 CR 125107
V7 SP3
MA 16-Aug-07 CR-124221
V7 SP3
MA 16-Aug-07 CR-124920
V7 SP3
MA 16-Aug-07 CR-124919
V7 SP3
MA 16-Aug-07 CR-125108
V7 SP3
dkl 14-Aug-07 CR-125106
KKC 13-Aug-07 CR-122175 V7 SP3
V7 SP3

dkl/svsmylav 13-Aug-07 CR-117642

V7 SP3

svsmylav 10-Aug-07 CR-122817

dkl 7-Aug-07 CR-123325 V7 SP3
V7 SP3

RUK 2-Aug-07 CR-123057

V7 SP3

CR-123054 and
dkl/RRK 1-Aug-07 CR-123055
V7 SP3

CR 123055, CR
MA/dkl 30-Jul-07 122171
RRK 24-Jul-07 CR-123576 V7 SP3
V7 SP3

RRK 24-Jul-07 CR-124489

CR-123054 and V7 SP3
dkl 16-Jul-07 CR-123055
V7 SP3

MA 11-Jul-07 CR-121834
V7 SP3

dkl 2-Jul-07 CR-122171

V7 SP3

RRK/RUK/VRK 28-Jun-07 CR-120452

V7 SP2

dkl 28-Jun-07 CR-114880

svsmylav 11-Jun-07 CR-113431

V7 SP3
efaivre 8-Jun-07 DI-121874 V7 SP2
V7 SP2

svsmylav 8-Jun-07 CR-113431

svsmylav 6-Jun-07 TR-121478 V7 SP2
V7 SP2

svsmylav 6-Jun-07 CR-113569

V7 SP2
svsmylav 14-May-07 TR 120172
V7 SP2

KKC 7-May-07 CR-117167

svsmylav 7-May-07 CR-113569 V7 SP2
V7 SP2

svsmylav 7-May-07 CR-113569

V7 SP2

svsmylav 7-May-07
V7 SP2

svsmylav 2-May-07 CR-113916

V7 SP2

svsmylav 2-May-07 CR-115445

V7 SP2
svsmylav 2-May-07 CR-114880
svsmylav 27-Apr-07 CR-118752 V7 SP2
V7 SP2

svsmylav 20-Apr-07 CR-101934

svsmylav 18-Apr-07 CR-115983 V7 SP2
V7 SP2

dkl 17-Apr-07 CR-116921

svsmylav 22-Mar-07 CR-114880 V7 SP2

dkl 8-Mar-07 TR-113426 V7 SP1
V7 SP1

svsmylav 6-Mar-07 TR-116016

V7 SP1
RRK 20-Feb-07 CR-113397
V7 SP1

dkl 17-Feb-07 CR-113390

KKC 14-Feb-07 CR-112137 V7 SP1

svsmylav 12-Feb-07 CR-106542 V7 SP1

dkl 9-Feb-07 CR-112819 V7 SP1

svsmylav 19-Jan-07 CR-112604 V7 SP1

svsmylav 19-Jan-07 CR-112604 V7

lewalke 5-Dec-06 TR-103095 V7

svsmylav 6-Nov-06 TR-107864 V7

svsmylav/dkl 30-Oct-06 CR-108713 V7

svsmylav 16-Oct-06 TR-103676 V7
svsmylav 13-Oct-06 TR-107597 V7

29-Sep-06 TR-102435 V7
svsmylav 22-Aug-06 CR-103337 V7
svsmylav 23-Aug-06 CR-103337 V7
svsmylav 24-Aug-06 CR-103337 V7

svsmylav 3-Aug-06 CR-102997 V7

svsmylav 3-Aug-06 DI-100169 V7

svsmylav 3-Aug-06 CR-28369 V7

svsmylav 3-Aug-06 CR-28369 V7

svsmylav 18-Jul-06 TR-101361 V7
svsmylav 15-Jun-06 CR-85011 V7

svsmylav 15-Jun-06 CR-85011 V7

svsmylav 7-Jun-06 TR-99453 V7

svsmylav 7-Jun-06 DI-99339 V7
svsmylav 7-Jun-06 V7

svsmylav 5-Jun-06 CR-98387 V7

svsmylav 1-Jun-06 TR-99055 V7

svsmylav 18-May-06 CR-98294 V7

svsmylav 18-May-06 CR-98104 V7
svsmylav 18-May-06 CR-98104 V7

svsmylav 12-May-06 CR-98005 V7

svsmylav 12-May-06 CR-98005 V7
svsmylav 12-May-06 CR-97905 V7

svsmylav 12-May-06 DI-97929 V7

svsmylav 9-May-06 CR-97780 V7
svsmylav 9-May-06
svsmylav 9-May-06 TR-96032 V7
svsmylav 9-May-06 DI-97726 V7

svsmylav 9-May-06 CR-97586 V7

svsmylav 9-May-06 CR-97137 V7
svsmylav 9-May-06 CR-97040 V7
svsmylav 9-May-06 CR 97039 V7
svsmylav 19-Apr-06 CR-96754 V7
svsmylav 11-Apr-06 CR-94956 V7
svsmylav 10-Apr-06 V7
svsmylav 10-Apr-06 V7

svsmylav 10-Apr-06 CR-95118 V7

svsmylav 10-Apr-06 CR-96005 V7

svsmylav 10-Apr-06 CR-95780 V7

svsmylav 10-Apr-06 CR-96223 V7
svsmylav 10-Apr-06 CR-96226 V7
svsmylav 5-Apr-06 CR-95214 V7

svsmylav 5-Apr-06 CR-95213 V7

svsmylav 29-Mar-06 TR-95636 V7
svsmylav 24-Mar-06 CR-85013 V7
svsmylav 24-Mar-06 CR-85013 V7
svsmylav 24-Mar-06 CR-85013 V7

svsmylav 24-Mar-06 CR-94329 V7

svsmylav 13-Mar-06 DI-94814 V7

svsmylav 13-Mar-06 CR-94329 V7

svsmylav 21-Feb-06 CR-93729 V7

svsmylav 21-Feb-06 CR-93729 V7
svsmylav 21-Feb-06 CR-92471 V7
svsmylav 21-Feb-06 CR-92732
smallepa 2/10/2006 DI-93177 V7
svsmylav 23-Jan-06 CR-92021 V7
svsmylav 23-Jan-06 CR-92020 V7
svsmylav 23-Jan-06 DI-85477 V7
svsmylav 16-Jan-06 DI-85477 V7
svsmylav 16-Jan-06 DI-85477 V7
svsmylav 6-Jan-06 DI-91308 V7
svsmylav 6-Jan-06 CR-91414 V7
svsmylav 6-Jan-06 CR-91381 V7
svsmylav 4-Oct-05 CR-70058 V7
svsmylav 18-Nov-05 CR-89004 V7
svsmylav 3-Nov-05 DI-87312 V7
svsmylav 24-Oct-05 CR-87091 V7
svsmylav 2-Nov-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 27-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 27-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 26-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 26-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 26-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7
svsmylav 26-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 26-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 25-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 25-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 25-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 25-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 25-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 25-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 25-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 21-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 21-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 21-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 21-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7
svsmylav 21-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 21-Oct-05 DI-85477 V7

svsmylav 21-Oct-05 CR-86981 V7
svsmylav 21-Oct-05 CR-86979 V7

svsmylav 20-Oct-05 CR-86551 V7

svsmylav 20-Oct-05 CR-85394 V7

svsmylav 20-Oct-05 CR-68137 V7

svsmylav 19-Oct-05 CR-86404 V7

svsmylav 19-Oct-05 CR-86404 V7

svsmylav 19-Oct-05 CR-86404 V7

svsmylav 19-Oct-05 CR-86404 V7

svsmylav 5-Oct-05 CR-85780 V7

svsmylav 5-Oct-05 CR-42238 V7

svsmylav 4-Oct-05 CR-71336 V7

svsmylav 4-Oct-05 CR-70058 V7

svsmylav 4-Oct-05 CR-85013 V7

svsmylav 4-Oct-05 CR-85013 V7
svsmylav 4-Oct-05 CR-85013 V7
svsmylav 4-Oct-05 CR-69527 V7

svsmylav 3-Oct-05 CR-80559 V7

svsmylav 3-Oct-05 CR-81770

svsmylav 30-Sep-05 TR-85821

smallepa 30-Jun-05 TR-81093

smallepa 17-Jun-05 TR-75208

svsmylav 27-May-05 TR-78660

svsmylav 18-May-05 CR-77671

svsmylav 21-Apr-05 CR-75491

svsmylav 30-Mar-05 CR-74748

svsmylav 28-Mar-05 TR-74274

svsmylav 23-Mar-05 TR-74321
svsmylav 11-Mar-05

svsmylav 11-Mar-05

svsmylav 10-Mar-05
svsmylav 10-Mar-05 TR-72707
svsmylav 10-Mar-05 TR-72724
svsmylav 28-Feb-05

svsmylav 22-Feb-05
smallepa 21-Feb-05 DI 72128

svsmylav 15-Feb-05
svsmylav 15-Feb-05

svsmylav 8-Feb-05

svsmylav 3-Feb-05
svsmylav 24-Jan-05 TR-69721
svsmylav 17-Jan-05 CR-69076
svsmylav 13-Jan-05 CR-69538
svsmylav 10-Jan-05 CR-69076
JCR 6-Jan-05 DI-69142
JCR 6-Jan-05 DI-69142
svsmylav 17-Dec-04 TR-68621
smallepa 10-Dec-04 CR 67755
svsmylav 13-Dec-04 CR-68034

svsmylav 9-Dec-04
svsmylav 9-Dec-04 CR-67752
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 CR-67657
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 CR-67408
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 CR-67408
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 CR-67408
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 CR-67408
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 CR-67408
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 CR-67503
svsmylav 2-Dec-04 TR-65472

svsmylav 29-Nov-04
svsmylav 29-Nov-04 DI-67503
svsmylav 25-Nov-04 DI-67503
svsmylav 25-Nov-04 DI-67509

svsmylav 24-Nov-04

svsmylav 24-Nov-04

svsmylav 24-Nov-04
svsmylav 23-Nov-04
svsmylav 23-Nov-04
svsmylav 23-Nov-04
svsmylav 19-Nov-04 CR-66885
svsmylav 19-Nov-04 CR-66885
svsmylav 17-Nov-04 CR-66954
svsmylav 16-Nov-04
svsmylav 16-Nov-04 CR-66885
svsmylav 16-Nov-04 CR-66875
svsmylav 16-Nov-04 CR-66875
svsmylav 11-Nov-04 CR-62415
svsmylav 11-Nov-04 CR-62420
svsmylav 11-Nov-04 CR-62421
svsmylav 11-Nov-04
svsmylav 10-Nov-04 RI-31220
svsmylav 8-Nov-04 DI-66083
JFF 7-Nov-04 DI-66083
svsmylav 4-Nov-04 CR-66271
svsmylav 2-Nov-04 DI-66063
svsmylav 2-Nov-04 DI-66083
svsmylav 2-Nov-04 CR-66271

svsmylav 18-Oct-04 CR-65331

svsmylav 13-Oct-04 CR-65212
svsmylav 12-Oct-04 TR-64777
svsmylav 12-Oct-04 DI-65183
CRR 9-Sep-04 TR-63309
svsmylav 7-Sep-04 CR-63191
svsmylav 7-Sep-04 CR-63191

svsmylav 7-Sep-04 CR-63191

svsmylav 7-Sep-04 CR-42738

svsmylav 7-Sep-04 CR-63191

svsmylav 7-Sep-04 CR-63191

svsmylav 7-Sep-04 TR-53472
svsmylav 7-Sep-04 CR-62901
JYN 2-Sep-04 TR 63128
smallepa 20-Aug-04 CR-62697
svsmylav 16-Aug-04 DI-62513
smallepa 16-Aug-04 CR-62499

svsmylav 13-Aug-04 DI-62431

smallepa 11-Aug-04 CR-62253
smallepa 11-Aug-04 CR-62253

svsmylav 2-Aug-04 CR-42211

svsmylav 2-Aug-04 CR-42211
svsmylav 2-Aug-04 DI-60840
svsmylav 2-Aug-04 DI-62036

svsmylav 26-Jul-04 DI-61457

svsmylav 26-Jul-04 DI-61834

svsmylav 26-Jul-04 DI-61834

svsmylav 26-Jul-04 DI-61502
svsmylav 23-Jul-04 CR-61765
svsmylav 21-Jul-04 TR-61370
svsmylav 21-Jul-04 DI-61457
svsmylav 21-Jul-04 DI-61415
smallepa 12-Jul-04 CR-61022

svsmylav 12-Jul-04 CR-55820

svsmylav 12-Jul-04 CR-54913

svsmylav 12-Jul-04 CR-51376

svsmylav 18-Jun-04 CR 59370

svsmylav 18-Jun-04 DI-60639

svsmylav 18-Jun-04 CR-55819

svsmylav 18-Jun-04 CR-55820

svsmylav 17-Jun-04 TR-60256

svsmylav 11-Jun-04 CR-52096

svsmylav 11-Jun-04 CR-54913

svsmylav 4-Jun-04 CR-51376
svsmylav 4-Jun-04 CR-45380
svsmylav 4-Jun-04 CR-43805
svsmylav 4-Jun-04 CR-45003
svsmylav 2-Jun-04 CR-43283
svsmylav 2-Jun-04 CR-43306
svsmylav 2-Jun-04
svsmylav 2-Jun-04 CR-37964
svsmylav 2-Jun-04 CR-49332.

svsmylav 2-Jun-04 CR-37466

svsmylav 2-Jun-04 CR-43344
svsmylav 2-Jun-04 CR45997
ACM 2-Jun-04 CR 45991
smallepa 31-May-04 38093
smallepa 31-May-04 CR-45970
svsmylav 31-May-04 CR45253
svsmylav 31-May-04 CR38127
svsmylav 31-May-04 CR45252
svsmylav 31-May-04 CR45252
svsmylav 31-May-04 CR48876

svsmylav 8/24/2004 TR-62544

svsmylav 8/13/2004 TR-62350

svsmylav 8/9/2004 CR-62129
svsmylav 8/9/2004 CR-62200
svsmylav 8/9/2004 CR-62152
svsmylav 7/23/2004 CR-61564
svsmylav 7/23/2004 CR-61564
svsmylav 7/23/2004 CR-61564

svsmylav 6/29/2004 TR-58035

NN 5/10/2004 CR-58890
NN 5/10/2004 CR-58890
svsmylav 4/30/2004 TR-58640
ACM 4/15/2004 TR-57510
smallepa 4/5/2004 TR-54101
ACM 3/29/2004 TR-56726
SK 3/26/2004 TR-56769
NN 2/24/2004 TR-55610

2/24/2004 TR-55486
NN 2/24/2004 TR-55491
SK 2/24/2004 TR-55341
NN 2/22/2004 TR-55341
NN 2/21/2004 TR-53002
svsmylav 2/16/2004 TR-54341
svsmylav 2/16/2004 TR-54341

svsmylav 2/16/2004 CR-53609

TRR 12/30/2003 TR-31567

YCH 12/30/2003 TR-37294

GR 11/10/2003 CR 51824

YCH 10/22/2003 DI-50979


YCH 10/20/2003 TR-50430

YCH 10/16/2003 TR-50630

YCH 10/16/2003 TR-50630

10/14/2003 DI-50120
10/7/2003 DI-50120
YCH 10/7/2003 DI-50120
10/7/2003 DI-50120

10/7/2003 DI-50120
FVR 9/29/2003 TR-46495

YCH 9/24/2003 DI-49245

YCH 9/23/2003

YCH 9/21/2003
YCH 9/21/2003
YCH 9/17/2003
FVR 9/16/2003 DI-48653

YCH 9/15/2003 TR-48523

NN 9/14/2003 DI-48561

NN 9/14/2003 DI-48561
YCH 9/14/2003 DI-48556
YCH 9/14/2003 DI-48556
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
YCH 9/12/2003 DI-48505
NN 9/6/2003 TR-47958

YCH 9/3/2003 CR-47147

NN 8/27/2003 TR-29972

NN 8/6/2003 TR-45755
YCH 7/21/2003 DI-44489
YCH 7/21/2003 DI-44492

YCH 7/17/2003 RI-33446

YCH 7/14/2003 TR-44194

YCH 7/14/2003 RI-43904
YCH 7/11/2003 DI-43790
FNR 7/11/2003 TR-31453

YCH 7/9/2003 RI-43904

YCH 7/8/2003 TR-43033
YCH 7/8/2003
YCH 7/1/2003 CR-41945
YCH 6/19/2003 TR-42064
FNR 12/6/2003 TR-31453
YCH 6/6/2003 DI - 41928
smallepa 6/6/2003 DI - 41928
YCH 6/4/2003 TR-41411
YCH 6/4/2003 TR-41411
YCH 5/30/2003 DI-41223
YCH 5/27/2003 DI-41227
YCH 5/27/2003 DI-41227

YCH 5/27/2003 RI-32020

YCH 5/21/2003 CR-40812
YCH 5/21/2003 TR-40983
YCH 5/18/2003 RI-28357
NN 5/16/2003 CR-40746
YCH 5/16/2003 DI-40708

YCH 5/15/2003 DI-40398

YCH 5/12/2003 DI-40301
YCH 5/12/2003 DI-40301
YCH 5/9/2003 N/A
YCH 5/7/2003 CR-38246
YCH 5/6/2003 CR-39241
YCH 5/6/2003 RI-33752

YCH 5/6/2003 TR-37303

YCH 5/6/2003 N/A
NN 5/5/2003 TR-39158
YCH 5/3/2003 TR-38809
YCH 5/3/2003 TR-38829
YCH 5/1/2003 TR-39470

YCH 5/1/2003 TR-38735

YCH 4/30/2003 TR-39380

YCH 4/28/2003 CR-38701

YCH 4/28/2003 CR-39312

YCH 4/28/2003 DI-38973
YCH 4/28/2003 TR-39170
YCH 4/28/2003 RI-28357

YCH 4/28/2003 RI-28357

YCH 4/28/2003 RI-28357

YCH 4/28/2003 RI-28357

4/18/2003 CR-38628
YCH 4/18/2003 N/A
GUK 4/14/2003 TR-38376

4/11/2003 CR-38350

4/11/2003 CR-38350
YCH 4/11/2003 DI-31470
YCH 4/11/2003 DI-31470
YCH 4/11/2003 DI-31470
YCH 4/11/2003 DI-31470
YCH 4/11/2003 DI-31470
YCH 4/11/2003 DI-31470
4/8/2003 DI-38152

4/8/2003 CR-38033
SSP 4/7/2003 CR-38117

3/31/2003 TR-37397
YCH 3/28/2003 TR-5124
YCH 3/27/2003 CR-37663

3/27/2003 DI-37439
YCH 3/27/2003 DI-37439
YCH 3/27/2003 N/A
3/26/2003 TR-37433

3/24/2003 TR-37430
YCH 3/24/2003 TR-37358
YCH 3/24/2003 TR-37568

3/24/2003 TR-37357
YCH 3/23/2003 DI-37521

3/21/2003 TR-37416
3/21/2003 TR-37349
YCH 3/21/2003 TR-37349
3/20/2003 TR-37349
3/20/2003 N/A

3/19/2003 TR-37346

3/19/2003 TR-37346
3/19/2003 TR-37346

3/18/2003 TR-37006
YCH 3/18/2003 DI-37020
YCH 3/18/2003 DI-37067
YCH 3/18/2003 DI-37073
NN 3/16/2003
3/13/2003 RI-33753
3/13/2003 RI-31677
3/13/2003 DI-37130
YCH 3/12/2003 DI-37093
YCH 3/11/2003
YCH 3/11/2003 N/A
YCH 3/10/2003 DI-36980
YCH 3/10/2003 N/A
NN 3/10/2003
YCH 3/7/2003 DI-36891
YCH 3/5/2003 CR-36656
YCH 3/5/2003 CR-36346
YCH 3/3/2003 DI-36521
YCH 3/3/2003 DI-36521
YCH 3/3/2003 DI-36521
YCH 3/3/2003 DI-36644

2/28/2003 DI-36521
YCH 2/26/2003 DI-36396
2/26/2003 TR-36491
2/25/2003 DI-36521
2/24/2003 DI-36460
YCH 2/24/2003 N/A
DI-34581 and
YCH 2/20/2003 DI-36353

YCH 2/18/2003 DI-36207

YCH 2/17/2003 DI-36146
YCH 2/14/2003 DI-31469
YCH 2/12/2003 DI-35956

YCH 2/12/2003 CR-36014

YCH 2/10/2003 CR-35821

YCH 2/10/2003 CR-35853

SS 2/8/2003 DI-35871

YCH 2/7/2003 CR-35844

YCH 2/7/2003 DI-35841
YCH 2/7/2003 DI-35841
YCH 2/7/2003 CR-35607
YCH 2/7/2003 CR-35607
YCH 2/7/2003 CR-35607
YCH 2/7/2003 CR-35607
YCH 2/7/2003 CR-35607
YCH 2/4/2003 RI-31858

YCH 2/4/2003 DI-34621

YCH 2/4/2003 DI-34621

YCH 2/4/2003 DI-34621

YCH 2/4/2003 DI-34621
YCH 2/4/2003 DI-34621
YCH 2/4/2003 RI-35542
YCH 2/4/2003 N/A
YCH 2/4/2003 CR-35674
YCH 1/27/2003 DI-35522

YCH 1/24/2003 DI-35472

YCH 1/21/2003 CR-35260
NN 1/20/2003 DI-35288

YCH 1/17/2003 DI-29830

YCH 1/17/2003 DI-29830

YCH 1/17/2003 DI-29830
YCH 1/17/2003 DI-29830

YCH 1/17/2003 DI-29830

YCH 1/17/2003 DI-29830

YCH 1/17/2003 DI-29830

YCH 1/16/2003 RI-35233

YCH 1/15/2003 RI-33395

YCH 1/15/2003 RI-35172
YCH 1/7/2003 TR-34993
YCH 1/6/2003 TR-34967
YCH 1/6/2003 RI-28917

YCH 12/31/2002 CR-34833

YCH 12/31/2002 CR-34747
YCH 12/31/2002 CR-34747
CR-34747 CR-
YCH 12/31/2002 34749
CR-34747 CR-
YCH 12/31/2002 34750
YCH 12/31/2002 TR-34767
CR-34747 CR-
YCH 12/20/2002 34750
YCH 12/20/2002 RI-32020
YCH 12/20/2002 RI-32020

YCH 12/18/2002 TR-34747

ARN 12/17/2002 TR-26098

NN 12/12/2002 DI-34604
YCH 12/10/2002 RI-32020
YCH 12/10/2002 RI-32020
NN 12/6/2002 DI-34446
NN 12/6/2002 DI-34446

YCH 12/6/2002 RI-14696

YCH 12/5/2002 RI-32020

YCH 12/5/2002 DI-31594

YCH 12/3/2002 TR-34273

YCH 12/3/2002 DI-31610
NN 12/2/2002 CR-34307
YCH 11/26/2002 DI-31600

YCH 11/26/2002 DI-33011

YCH 11/22/2002 DI-31477

YCH 11/22/2002 RI-32888

YCH 11/20/2002 DI-31475

YCH 11/20/2002 DI-31475
YCH 11/18/2002 DI-31475
YCH 11/15/2002 TR-34082

YCH 11/14/2002 CR-33811

YCH 11/13/2002
YCH 11/13/2002 DI-31475

YCH 11/11/2002 RI-33553

YCH 11/8/2002 CR-33816

YCH 11/7/2002 DI-31475

YCH 11/5/2002 DI-31595

YCH 11/4/2002 DI-31636

YCH 10/30/2002 RI-33551

YCH 10/18/2002 DI-31633
RI-32773 RI-
YCH 10/17/2002 32774
YCH 10/11/2002 DI-31723
YCH 10/9/2002 CR-32785
YCH 9/30/2002 TR-31404
YCH 9/30/2002 RI-31668
YCH 9/30/2002 CR-32859
YCH 9/30/2002 RI-25602

YCH 9/26/2002

YCH 9/26/2002 DI-31601

YCH 9/24/2002
YCH 9/23/2002
YCH 9/20/2002 RI-25602

YCH 9/18/2002 RI-25602

YCH 9/18/2002 RI-25602

YCH 9/18/2002 RI-25602

YCH 9/18/2002
YCH 9/18/2002 DI-31627
YCH 9/17/2002 DI-31578

NN 8/4/2002 TR-29968
NN 8/4/2002 TR-29970
NN 8/4/2002 TR-29970

NN 7/29/2002 TR-29909

YCH 7/24/2002 TR-29988

YCH 7/23/2002

YCH 7/18/2002 TR-29720

YCH 7/16/2002 TR-28941

YCH 7/3/2002

YCH 6/28/2002 TR-28766

YCH 6/25/2002 TR-28449
YCH 6/21/2002 ?

YCH 6/18/2002 TR-28195

YCH 6/17/2002 DI-28175

YCH 6/17/2002 TR-28148

YCH 6/14/2002 DI-27942
YCH 6/14/2002 DI-27703

YCH 6/11/2002 DI-27883

YCH 6/10/2002 DI-27739

YCH 6/10/2002 DI-27637
GR 6/9/2002

YCH 6/7/2002 TR- 27410

YCH 6/6/2002 CR-27268
YCH 6/6/2002 TR-27039
YCH 5/31/2002 DI-26111
NN 5/28/2002 DI 27035
YCH 5/24/2002 CR-26902
NN 5/22/2002 TR 26691
YCH 5/17/2002 CR-26474
NN 5/12/2002 DI-26170
NN 5/12/2002 DI-26170
NN 5/12/2002 DI-26170
YCH 5/10/2002 DI-26111
YCH 5/10/2002 DI-26111
YCH 5/10/2002 CR-25422
YCH 5/7/2002 CR-25875
YCH 4/26/2002 CR-25234

YCH 4/19/2002 CR-later

YCH 4/17/2002 TR-24604
YCH 4/17/2002 TR-24604
YCH 4/15/2002 CR-24484

YCH 4/12/2002 CR-24391

YCH 4/12/2002 N/A

YCH 4/12/2002 CR-24391

YCH 4/5/2002 CR-24280

YCH 4/1/2002 CR-24068

YCH 4/1/2002 N/A

YCH 4/1/2002 N/A

YCH 3/29/2002 TR-24070

YCH 3/29/2002 TR-24072

YCH 3/27/2002 TR-24003

YCH 3/25/2002 N/A

YCH 3/21/2002 N/A

YCH 3/21/2002 N/A

YCH 3/20/2002 N/A
NN 3/18/2002 TR-23708
NN 3/17/2002 DI 3647
NN 3/17/2002 DI 3647
NN 3/17/2002 DI 3647
YCH 3/15/2002 CR-23646
YCH 3/15/2002 N/A
YCH 3/15/2002 N/A
YCH 3/15/2002 N/A
NN 3/14/2002 TR-23637
YCH 3/14/2002 N/A
YCH 3/14/2002 N/A
YCH 3/14/2002 N/A
YCH 3/14/2002 CR-23586
YCH 3/13/2002 CR-23565
YCH 3/13/2002 CR-22579

YCH 3/13/2002 CR-23578

YCH 3/11/2002 CR-22021

YCH 3/7/2002 CR-23475

YCH 3/6/2002 CR-23453

YCH 3/5/2002 CR-23403
YCH 3/5/2002 CR-23404
NVS 2/26/2002 CR-23234
YCH 2/25/2002 CR-23271
GR 2/22/2002 CR-23234
YCH 2/22/2002 CR-23227
YCH 2/22/2002 CR-23195

YCH 2/22/2002 CR-23195

YCH 2/21/2002 CR-23055
YCH 2/21/2002 CR-23048
YCH 2/20/2002 CR-23151
YCH 2/20/2002 CR-23152
YCH 2/20/2002 CR-23123

YCH 2/20/2002 CR-23148

YCH 2/20/2002 CR-23148
YCH 2/15/2002 CR-23049
YCH 2/12/2002 CR-22995
YCH 2/12/2002 CR-22995
YCH 2/12/2002 CR-22995
YCH 2/12/2002 CR-23019
YCH 2/5/2002 CR-22936
YCH 2/5/2002 CR-22904
YCH 2/5/2002 CR-22895
NN 2/4/2002
YCH 2/1/2002
YCH 1/29/2002

YCH 1/29/2002
YCH 1/25/2002
YCH 1/24/2002
YCH 1/23/2002
YCH 1/17/2002
NVS 1/8/2002
YCH 1/7/2002
YCH 1/7/2002
YCH 1/3/2002
YCH 12/11/2001

YCH 12/10/2001
YCH 12/7/2001
YCH 12/3/2001
YCH 12/3/2001
YCH 11/30/2001

YCH 11/26/2001
YCH 11/21/2001
YCH 11/21/2001
YCH 11/21/2001
YCH 11/21/2001
YCH 11/21/2001
YCH 11/21/2001

YCH 11/21/2001
YCH 11/21/2001
YCH 11/20/2001
YCH 11/20/2001
YCH 11/14/2001
YCH 11/14/2001
YCH 11/14/2001
YCH 11/13/2001
YCH 11/13/2001
YCH 11/9/2001
YCH 11/9/2001

YCH 10/1/2001

YCH 9/21/2001

YCH 9/19/2001
YCH 9/18/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 9/14/2001
YCH 8/31/2001
YCH 8/28/2001
YCH 8/27/2001
NN 8/27/2001
NN 8/23/2001
YCH 8/22/2001
YCH 8/22/2001
YCH 8/21/2001
Chethan 11/14/2014 DI-CP-231162 V2016
Chethan 1/23/2015 CR-CP-241198 V2016
PR 2/26/2015 CR-CP-269891 V2016
PVK 7/9/2015 TR-CP-274347 V2016
! Back to Index
AlignComponent AlignComponent Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Flat on Bottom/Left Flat on Bottom/Left 1
Flat on Top/Right Flat on Top/Right 2
Flat on Center Flat on Center 3
but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
Codelist numbers 1-3 and 9-18
are reserved for use by
Intergraph and should not be
! modified by the user.
! Codelist numbers 19-31 may be defined by the user.
There is a second table for definition of codelist values for aspects for SmartMarine. It is defined in
ShipCatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\AllShipCodeLists.xls with a sheet name of AspectCode. These
tables will eventually be merged when the catalogs are merged. The values from that table are defined
below as comments only with an orange highlight. Please avoid using these values for any other purpose
to avoid conflicts when the tables are merged.

! AspectCode AspectCode Codelist

HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
Simple physical Simple physical 0
Detailed physical Detailed physical 4
Insulation Insulation 5
Operation Operation 6
Maintenance Maintenance 7
Reference Geometry Reference Geometry 8
Centerline Centerline 9
! Auxiliary Wire Auxiliary Wire 15
! Auxiliary Solid Auxiliary Solid 16
! Molded Forms Molded Forms 17
! User defined User defined 19
! User defined User defined 20
! User defined User defined 21
! User defined User defined 22
! User defined User defined 23
! User defined User defined 24
! User defined User defined 25
! User defined User defined 26
! User defined User defined 27
! User defined User defined 28
! User defined User defined 29
! User defined User defined 30
It is defined in
ectCode. These
at table are defined
for any other purpose

! Back to Index

HEAD AssemblyInclusion ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
No Assemblies
Assemblies Followed by Children
Assemblies Only

Codelist Sort
AssemblyInclusion LongDescription Number Order
r may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Automated flange selection based on fitting-to-fitting
versus plain piping is disabled
Automated flange selection based on fitting-to-fitting
versus plain piping is enabled

AutomatedFlangeSelectionOption Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

Automated flange selection based on fitting-to-fitting

versus plain piping is disabled 5
Automated flange selection based on fitting-to-fitting
versus plain piping is enabled 10
the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

Requirement AuxiliaryTreatmentRequire
HEAD ShortDescription ment LongDescription AuxiliaryTreatment ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other n
Not Required
Heat treatment
Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) required
Anneal - batch
Anneal - continuous
Solution anneal
Carburize and anneal
Carburize and normalize
Solution anneal and quench
Normalize and temper
Quench and temper
AuxiliaryTreatment Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index

BendToBendTange BendToBendTange
ntBasis ntBasis Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Turn to turn Turn to turn 1
Tangent point to tangentTangent point to tangent 2

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Bolt diameter equivalence has been disabled
Bolt diameter equivalence has been enabled

Codelist Sort
BoltDiameterEquivalenceOption LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

Bolt diameter equivalence has been disabled 5

Bolt diameter equivalence has been enabled 10
the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
BoltExtensionOption BoltExtensionOption Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Default Default bolt extension 1
Bolt extension option 2 Bolt extension option 2 2
Bolt extension option 3 Bolt extension option 3 3
Bolt extension option 4 Bolt extension option 4 4
Bolt extension option 5 Bolt extension option 5 5
Bolt extension option 6 Bolt extension option 6 6

value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
BoltLengthCalculationOption BoltLengthCalculationOption
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Bolt length calculations are enabled Bolt length calculations are enabled
Bolt length calculations are disabled Bolt length calculations are disabled

Codelist Sort
Number Order
e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a

ser must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
BoltLengthRoundOffBasis BoltLengthRoundOffBasis
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
None None
Use Value bolt length roundoff value Use Value bolt length roundoff value
Use list of preferred bolt lengths Use list of preferred bolt lengths
Use bolt length from lookup Use bolt length from lookup

Codelist Sort
Number Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele

he user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
BoltLengthRoundOffOption BoltLengthRoundOffOption Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
None None 5
Use Value Use Value 10
Use list of preferred bolt lengths Use list of preferred bolt lengths 15

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Not Required
Copper-based anti-seize lubricant
Nickel-based anti-seize lubricant
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) anti-friction paste
Graphite anti-friction lubricant
PTFE anti-friction lubricant
NEDOX® (Synergistic coating from General
TUFRAM® (Synergistic coating from General
CANADIZE® (Synergistic coating from General
LECTROFLUOR® (Synergistic coating from General
HI-T-LUBE® (Synergistic coating from General
Neverseez (Bostic Emhart)
Codelist Sort
BoltLubricationRequirements LongDescription Number Order
try added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Not Required 2
FEL PRO C-100 10
Copper-based anti-seize lubricant 35
Nickel-based anti-seize lubricant 40
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) anti-friction paste 45
Tech-Lube® 50
Epoxy 55
Graphite anti-friction lubricant 60
PTFE anti-friction lubricant 65
NEDOX® (Synergistic coating from General Magnaplate) 70
TUFRAM® (Synergistic coating from General Magnaplate) 75
CANADIZE® (Synergistic coating from General 80
LECTROFLUOR® (Synergistic coating from General 85
HI-T-LUBE® (Synergistic coating from General 90
Neverseez (Bostic Emhart) 95
umeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD BoltOption ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Machine Bolt
Stud Bolt
Cap Screw
Cap screw, socket head, counter bore
Tap end stud bolt
Combination stud bolt
Lubricate with Moly-Lit
Lubricate with Fel Pro C-100
Lubricate with TeflonTM
Lubricate with Silver Goop
Lubricate with Grafoil
Lubricate with Copper-based anti-seize
Lubricate with Nickel-based anti-seize lub
Lubricate with MoS2 anti-friction paste
Lubricate with Tech-Lube
Lubricate with Epoxy
Lubricate with Graphite anti-friction lubric
Lubricate with PTFE anti-friction
Lubricate with NEDOX
Lubricate with TUFRAM
Lubricate with CANADIZE
Lubricate with LECTROFLUOR
Lubricate with HI-T-LUBE
Lubricate with Neverseez
Codelist Sort
BoltOption LongDescription Number Order
w code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Default Bolt 1
Machine Bolt 5
Stud Bolt 10
Cap Screw 15
Cap screw, socket head, counter bore 20
Tap end stud bolt 25
Combination stud bolt 30
Lubricate with Moly-Lit 32
Lubricate with Fel Pro C-100 34
Lubricate with TeflonTM 36
Lubricate with Silver Goop 38
Lubricate with Grafoil 40
Lubricate with Copper-based anti-seize lubricant 42
Lubricate with Nickel-based anti-seize lubricant 44
Lubricate with MoS2 anti-friction paste 46
Lubricate with Tech-Lube® 48
Lubricate with Epoxy 50
Lubricate with Graphite anti-friction lubricant 52
Lubricate with PTFE anti-friction lubricant 54
Lubricate with NEDOX® 56
Lubricate with TUFRAM® 58
Lubricate with CANADIZE® 60
Lubricate with LECTROFLUOR® 62
Lubricate with HI-T-LUBE® 64
Lubricate with Neverseez 66
ve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the
Drilled head with each hole chamfered on the outside edge
Drilled head and self-locking
BoltRequisitionClassification Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d

Default 1
Drilled head with each hole chamfered on the outside edge 5
Self-locking 10
Drilled head and self-locking 15
er must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the
Bolting required
Complete substitution with cap screws for threaded holes
Complete substitution with cap screws for tapped holes
Partial substitution with cap screws for threaded holes
Partial substitution with cap screws for tapped holes
Bolts supplied with nozzle and not to be reported
Reportable bolts not required
Complete substitution with cap screws for full threaded holes at second size
end, where the cap screws only apply at the second size end
Complete substitution with cap screws for tapped holes at second size end,
where the cap screws only apply at the second size end
Partial substitution with cap screws for full threaded holes at second size end,
where the cap screws only apply at the second size end
Partial substitution with cap screws for tapped holes at second size end, where
the cap screws only apply at the second size end
Complete cap screw substitution for full threaded and tapped holes for each
bolted end
Complete cap screw substitution for tapped holes at major diameter and minor
diameter faces
Partial cap screw substitution for tapped holes at major diameter and minor
diameter faces
BoltingRequirements Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d

Undefined 1
Bolting required 5
Complete substitution with cap screws for threaded holes 10
Complete substitution with cap screws for tapped holes 15
Partial substitution with cap screws for threaded holes 20
Partial substitution with cap screws for tapped holes 25
Bolts supplied with nozzle and not to be reported 30
Reportable bolts not required 35
Complete substitution with cap screws for full threaded holes at second size end,
where the cap screws only apply at the second size end 40
Complete substitution with cap screws for tapped holes at second size end,
where the cap screws only apply at the second size end 45
Partial substitution with cap screws for full threaded holes at second size end,
where the cap screws only apply at the second size end 50
Partial substitution with cap screws for tapped holes at second size end, where
the cap screws only apply at the second size end 55
Complete cap screw substitution for full threaded and tapped holes for each
bolted end 60
Complete cap screw substitution for tapped holes at major diameter and minor
diameter faces 65
Partial cap screw substitution for tapped holes at major diameter and minor
diameter faces 70
er must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

BoltThreadPractice BoltThreadPractice
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

United States of America, Standards

United States of America, Manufacturers
Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC) Canada, Standards (SCC = Standards Council of Canada, CSA = Canadian S
Chile, Standards (INN)
Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Other Americas, Standards
Other Americas Manufacturers
Germany, Standards (DIN)

Germany Manufacturers
United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)
United Kingdom, Manufacturers
Finland, Standards (SFS)
Finland Manufacturers
France, Standards (AFNOR)
France Manufacturers
CEN/EU Standards
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Italy, Manufacturers
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
Norway, Standards (NS)
Norway, Manufacturers
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS, Swedish Standards Institute)
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Standards
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Manufacturers

Japan, Standards (JISC)

Japan Manufacturers
China, Standards (GB, Guojia Biaozhun; SACS)
China Manufacturers
Republic of Korea, Standards (KATS)
Republic of Korea Manufacturers
Australia, Standards (AS)
Australia Manufacturers
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
Other Asia-Pacific, Manufacturers
NORSOK Standards
Offshore Industry Manufacturers
KKS Standards
Power Industry Manufacturers
Company Standards

BoltThreadDesignation ShortDescription
list. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the num
ntry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
l should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.


4 1/2-UNC

dards (SCC = Standards Council of Canada, CSA = Canadian Standards Association)

rds Institute)

CH Warman Pump Group
Codelist Sort
BoltThreadDesignation LongDescription Number Order
red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the
0,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
4-UNC 11
4 1/2-UNC 12
5-UNC 13
6-UNC 14
7-UNC 15
8-UNC 16
9-UNC 17
10-UNC 18
11-UNC 19
12-UNC 20
13-UNC 21
14-UNC 22
16-UNC 23
18-UNC 24
20-UNC 25
12-UNF 26
14-UNF 27
16-UNF 28
18-UNF 29
20-UNF 30
24-UNF 31
28-UNF 32
18-UNEF 33
20-UNEF 34
24-UNEF 35
28-UNEF 36
32-UNEF 37
4-UN 38
6-UN 39
8-UN 40
12-UN 41
16-UN 42
20-UN 43
28-UN 44
32-UN 45
36-UN 46
40-UN 47
48-UN 48
56-UN 49
64-UN 50
72-UN 51
80-UN 52
adian Standards Association) 280
0.4 2001
0.45 2002
0.5 2003
0.6 2004
0.7 2005
0.75 2006
0.8 2007
1 2008
1.25 2009
1.5 2010
1.75 2011
2 2012
2.5 2013
3 2014
3.5 2015
4 2016
4.5 2017
5 2018
5.5 2019
6 2020
CH Warman Pump Group 61001
of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
BoltType BoltType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined 1
Stud Bolt 5
Machine Bolt 10
Cap Screw 15
Cap screw, socket head, counter bore 20
Tap end stud bolt 25
Combination stud bolt 30
e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Branch fitting to be placed on pipe stock
Branch fitting to be placed on another fitting

BranchFittingPlacementType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
nge the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must

Branch fitting to be placed on pipe stock 5

Branch fitting to be placed on another fitting 10
lue; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

BranchReinforcementTy BranchReinforcementTy Codelist Sort

HEAD pe ShortDescription pe LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Reinforcing pad, saddle Reinforcing pad, saddle 5
Reinforcing pad, saddle with Reinforcing pad, saddle with 10
Reinforcing pad, full encircle Reinforcing pad, full encircle 15
Reinforcing pad, full encircle Reinforcing pad, full encircle 20
Reinforced branch, e.g. EN 1 Reinforced branch, e.g. EN 1 25
Reinforcing weld with heavier
schedule header pipe Reinforcing weld with heavier 30
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
BranchReportingOwnership BranchReportingOwnership
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined
Header Header owns branch component
Branch Branch owns branch component

Codelist Sort
Number Order
l value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de

the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CableRouteStatus CableRouteStatus Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined Undefined 1
Incomplete Incomplete 2
Complete Complete 3

ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a valu
add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CableTrayType CableTrayType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000
Ladder Ladder 5
Ladder, marine rung Ladder, marine rung 6
Ladder, strut rung Ladder, strut rung 7
Trough, ventilated Trough, ventilated 10
Trough, solid bottom Trough, solid bottom 15
Solid bottom Solid bottom 20
Vented bottom Vented bottom 25
Channel, ventilated Channel, ventilated 30
Channel, solid Channel, solid 35
Center supported Center supported 40
Wire basket Wire basket 45

ween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
CableTrayComponentClass CableTrayComponentClass
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red
! The values in green are system code list values added between Version 7 and Version
Straight Sections

Direction Change Fittings

Tee-Type Branch Fittings

Reducing Fittings

End Fittings

Wye-Type Branch Fittings

Cross-Type Branch Fittings

Miscellaneous Fittings

Connection Parts

Earth Connectivity Connectors

ange the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the mea
between Version 7 and Version 8.


90 Degree horizontal bend

90 Degree vertical inside bend
90 Degree vertical outside bend
90 Degree reversal bend
60 Degree horizontal bend
60 Degree vertical inside bend
60 Degree vertical outside bend
45 Degree horizontal bend
45 Degree vertical inside bend
45 Degree vertical outside bend
30 Degree horizontal bend
30 Degree vertical inside bend
30 Degree vertical outside bend
15 Degree horizontal bend
15 Degree vertical inside bend
15 Degree vertical outside bend
Horizontal adjustable bend (0-25 Deg)
Horizontal adjustable bend (25-65 Deg)
Horizontal adjustable bend (60-100 Deg)
Vertical adjustable bend (0-90 Deg), inside
Vertical adjustable bend (0-90 Deg), outside
Bend, 90 Degree horizontal, segmented
Bend, 90 Degree vertical outside, left reducing
Bend, 90 Degree vertical outside, right reducing
Bend, 90 Degree horizontal reducing/expanding
75 Degree horizontal bend
75 Degree vertical inside bend
75 Degree vertical outside bend

Tee, horizontal
Tee, horizontal reducing
Tee, horizontal expanding
Tee, vertical up
Tee, vertical down
Tee, vertical up, side branch
Tee, vertical down, side branch
Tee, vertical reducing, left
Tee, vertical reducing, right

Reducer, left
Reducer, right
Reducer, straight

Blind end plate

Wye, horizontal left

Wye, horizontal right

Cross, horizontal
Cross, horizontal reducing
Cross, vertical

Barrier strip
Tray cover

Splice Plate, rigid

Splice Plate, expansion
Splice plate, horizontal adjustable
Splice plate, step down
Splice plate, vertictal adjustable
Box connector

Bonding jumper
Ground strap
CableTrayComponentType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
en highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add o

Straight 5
90 Degree horizontal bend 10
90 Degree vertical inside bend 15
90 Degree vertical outside bend 20
90 Degree reversal bend 21
60 Degree horizontal bend 25
60 Degree vertical inside bend 30
60 Degree vertical outside bend 35
45 Degree horizontal bend 40
45 Degree vertical inside bend 45
45 Degree vertical outside bend 50
30 Degree horizontal bend 55
30 Degree vertical inside bend 60
30 Degree vertical outside bend 65
15 Degree horizontal bend 553
15 Degree vertical inside bend 555
15 Degree vertical outside bend 557
Horizontal adjustable bend (0-25 Deg) 566
Horizontal adjustable bend (25-65 Deg) 70
Horizontal adjustable bend (60-100 Deg) 75
Vertical adjustable bend (0-90 Deg), inside 79
Vertical adjustable bend (0-90 Deg), outside 80
Bend, 90 Degree horizontal, segmented 82
Bend, 90 Degree vertical outside, left reducing 84
Bend, 90 Degree vertical outside, right reducing 86
Bend, 90 Degree horizontal reducing/expanding 88
75 Degree horizontal bend 560
75 Degree vertical inside bend 562
75 Degree vertical outside bend 564
Tee, horizontal 100
Tee, horizontal reducing 105
Tee, horizontal expanding 110
Tee, vertical up 115
Tee, vertical down 120
Tee, vertical up, side branch 545
Tee, vertical down, side branch 547
Tee, vertical reducing, left 549
Tee, vertical reducing, right 551
Reducer, left 200
Reducer, right 205
Reducer, straight 210
Blind end plate 300
Wye, horizontal left 125
Wye, horizontal right 130
Cross, horizontal 135
Cross, horizontal reducing 140
Cross, vertical 145
Barrier strip 500
Tray cover 505
Splice Plate, rigid 507
Splice Plate, expansion 508
Splice plate, horizontal adjustable 510
Splice plate, step down 515
Splice plate, vertictal adjustable 520
Box connector 525
Bonding jumper (or Bonding strap) 530
Ground strap (or Grounding strap) 540
nd the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CableTrayMaterials CableTrayMaterials Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000
Undefined Undefined 1
Aluminum Aluminum 5
Pre-Galvanized Steel Hot Dipped Mill Galvanized Steel 10
HDGAF Steel Hot Dip Galvanized After Fabrication Steel 15
Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 20
304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 21
316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel 22
316L Stainless Steel 316L Stainless Steel 23
Fiberglass Fiberglass 25
Fiberglass Polyester Fiberglass Polyester 30
Fiberglass Vinyl Ester Fiberglass Vinyl Ester Resin 35
HDGAF Steel ZINKPOX Hot Dip Galvanized Steel with ZINKPOX White8 40
Concrete, reinforced Concrete, reinforced 2330
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD CableTrayPartDataBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Bend Radius Dimension Exclusion basis
Curved Horizontal Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length
Curved Horizontal Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3
Curved Horizontal Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Bend
Radius and Tangent Length

Curved Horizontal Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length,

Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3
Segmented Horizontal Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius and Tangent Length

Segmented Horizontal Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length,

Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3
Curved Horizontal Four Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length

Curved Horizontal Four Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,

Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2, Tangent Length 3 and Tangent Length 4
Curved Horizontal Four Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Bend
Radius and Tangent Length
Curved Horizontal Four Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length, Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2, Tangent Length 3 and Tangent
Length 4
Segmented Horizontal Four Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius and Tangent Length
Segmented Horizontal Four Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2, Tangent Length 3 and
Tangent Length 4
90° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length
90° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
90° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length
90° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
90° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius and Tangent Length
90° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
45° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length
45° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
45° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Tangent
45° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Tangent
Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
45° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length
45° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
45° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Tangent
45° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Tangent
Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
Vertical Curved Upward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length
Vertical Curved Upward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent
Length 3
Vertical Curved Downward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length

Vertical Curved Downward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend

Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3
Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length
Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent
Length 3
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Side branch, Symmetrical, specified
by Header Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Side branch, Asymmetrical, specified
by Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and
Tangent Length 3

Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Side branch, Symmetrical,

specified by Header Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length
Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Side branch, Asymmetrical,
specified by Header Length, Tee Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent
Length 2 and Tangent Length 3
Segmented Left Upward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Branch Length and Tangent Length
Segmented Left Upward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
Segmented Right Upward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Branch Length and Tangent Length

Segmented Right Upward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header

Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
Segmented Left Downward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length

Segmented Left Downward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header

Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
Segmented Right Downward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length

Segmented Right Downward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header

Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
90° Horizontal Segmented Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length
90° Horizontal Segmented Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
Curved Horizontal Three Way, specified by Header Length, Tee Branch Length
and Bend Radius

Curved Horizontal Four Way, specified by Header Length and Bend Radius
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-
2 outer edge and Bend Radius
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by End-1 to
End-2 outer edge, End-2 to End-1 outer edge and Bend Radius
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2 outer
edge and Bend Radius
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2 outer
edge, End-2 to End-1 outer edge and Bend Radius
15° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length
15° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
15° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length
15° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
15° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length
15° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2
Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at sides of tray, specified by Arm
length, Hinge to port, Width and Depth
Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at bottom of tray, specified by Arm
length, Hinge to port and Width
Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at center of tray, specified by Arm
length, Hinge to port, Width and Depth
Riser box, top mounted multi conduit transit
Riser box, side mounted multi conduit transit
Codelist Sort
CableTrayPartDataBasis LongDescription Number Order
ual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d

Curved Horizontal Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length 7
Curved Horizontal Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 9
Curved Horizontal Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius and Tangent Length 11

Curved Horizontal Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length,

Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 13
Segmented Horizontal Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius and Tangent Length 15
Segmented Horizontal Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent
Length 3 17
Curved Horizontal Four Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length 19
Curved Horizontal Four Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2, Tangent Length 3 and Tangent Length
4 21
Curved Horizontal Four Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length, Bend
Radius and Tangent Length 23
Curved Horizontal Four Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2, Tangent Length 3 and
Tangent Length 4 25
Segmented Horizontal Four Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius and Tangent Length 27
Segmented Horizontal Four Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Bend Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2, Tangent Length 3 and
Tangent Length 4 29
90° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 31
90° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 33
90° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius and Tangent Length 35
90° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 37
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 39
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 41
90° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius and Tangent Length 43
90° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 45
45° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 47
45° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 49
45° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Tangent
Length 51
45° Vertical Segmented Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Tangent
Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 53
45° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 55
45° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 57
45° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Tangent
Length 59
45° Vertical Segmented Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 61
Vertical Curved Upward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 63
Vertical Curved Upward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 65
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length 67
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent
Length 3 69
Vertical Curved Downward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius and Tangent Length 71

Vertical Curved Downward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend

Radius, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 73
Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length 75
Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Asymmetrical, specified by
Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent Length 2 and
Tangent Length 3 77
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Side branch, Symmetrical, specified
by Header Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length 79
Vertical Segmented Upward Three Way, Side branch, Asymmetrical,
specified by Header Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent
Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 81

Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Side branch, Symmetrical,

specified by Header Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length 83
Vertical Segmented Downward Three Way, Side branch, Asymmetrical,
specified by Header Length, Tee Branch Length, Tangent Length 1, Tangent
Length 2 and Tangent Length 3 85
Segmented Left Upward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header Length,
Branch Length and Tangent Length 87
Segmented Left Upward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 89
Segmented Right Upward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length 91

Segmented Right Upward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header

Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 93
Segmented Left Downward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length 95

Segmented Left Downward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header

Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 97
Segmented Right Downward Two Way, Symmetrical, specified by Header
Length, Branch Length and Tangent Length 99

Segmented Right Downward Two Way, Asymmetrical, specified by Header

Length, Branch Length, Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 101
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length 103
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 105
90° Horizontal Segmented Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length 107
90° Horizontal Segmented Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius,
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 109
Curved Horizontal Three Way, specified by Header Length, Tee Branch
Length and Bend Radius 111

Curved Horizontal Four Way, specified by Header Length and Bend Radius 113
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by End-1 to
End-2 outer edge and Bend Radius 115
90° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by End-1 to
End-2 outer edge, End-2 to End-1 outer edge and Bend Radius 117
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2 outer
edge and Bend Radius 119
90° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by End-1 to End-2
outer edge, End-2 to End-1 outer edge and Bend Radius 121
15° Horizontal Curved Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length 123
15° Horizontal Curved Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and
Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 125
15° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 127
15° Vertical Curved Upward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 129
15° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius
and Tangent Length 131
15° Vertical Curved Downward Bend, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend
Radius and Tangent Length 1 and Tangent Length 2 133
Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at sides of tray, specified by Arm
length, Hinge to port, Width and Depth 134
Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at bottom of tray, specified by Arm
length, Hinge to port and Width 135
Splice plate, Vertical adjustable, attached at center of tray, specified by Arm
length, Hinge to port, Width and Depth 136
Riser box, top mounted multi conduit transit 138
Riser box, side mounted multi conduit transit 139
he user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CableType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription CableType LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
AC Armored Cable 1
FC Flat Cable 2
FCC Flat Conductor Cable 3
IGS Integrated Gas Spacer Cable 4
MV Medium Voltage Cable 5
MC Metal-Clad Cable 6
MI Mineral-Insulated Cable 7
NM Nonmetallic Cable 8
NMC Nonmetallic Cable 9
NMS Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable 10
TC Power and Control Tray Cable 11
SE Service Entrance Cable 12
USE Underground Service Entrance Cable 13
UF Underground Feeder Cable 14
MC-HL Metal Clad Cable - Hazardous Location
ITC Instrumentation Tracy Cable 25
ITC-HL Instrumentation Tracy Cable - Hazardous
Location 30
PLTC Power-Limited Tray Cable 35
NPLF Non Power-Limited Fire Alarm Cable 40
FPL Power-Limitied Fire Alarm Cable 45
CL2 Class 2 Cable 50
CL3 Class 3 Cable 55

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CapScrewLengthRoundOffOption CapScrewLengthRoundOffOption
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
None None
Use Value Use Value
Use list of preferred cap screw lengths Use list of preferred cap screw lengths

Codelist Sort
Number Order
t must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a valu

must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD CatalogUnitsOfMeasureBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Query catalog in the secondary UOM

Codelist Sort
CatalogUnitsOfMeasureBasis LongDescription Number Order
e the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must n

Default 1
Query the Piping Catalog in the secondary units of measure 5
alue; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ClampOption ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Grayloc clamp with special bolt lengths for torque wrench
Grayloc clamp with special bolt lengths for hydraulic torque
Grayloc clamp with special bolt lengths for hydraulic stud
Tri-Clamp 13MHLA
Tri-Clamp 13MHHM
Tri-Clamp 13MHHS
Tri-Clamp 13MHHS-3/4-S

Tri-Clamp A13MO
Tri-Clamp 13MHP
Tri-Clamp A13MHM
Tri-Clamp 13MW
Tri-Clamp A14MHC
Tri-Clamp A12MPS
Victaulic Style 005
Victaulic Style 07
Victaulic Style 07-JIS
Victaulic Style 008
Victaulic Style 009
Victaulic Style 009V
Victaulic Vic-Ring Style 22
Victaulic Style 24
Victaulic Vic-Ring Style 31

Victaulic Vic-Ring Style 41

Victaulic Vic-Ring Style 44
Victaulic Vic-Ring Style 51 (Closure Coupling for AWWA)
Victaulic Style 72
Victaulic Style 74
Victaulic Style 75
Victaulic Style 77
Victaulic Style 77A
Victaulic Style 77S
Victaulic Style 77-JIS
Victaulic Style 78
Victaulic Style 78-A
Victaulic Style 89
Victaulic Style 99
Victaulic Style 307

Victaulic Style 390

Victaulic Style 397

Victaulic Style 408

Victaulic Style 475

Victaulic Style 489

Victaulic Style 505
Victaulic Style 506
Victaulic Style 507

Victaulic Style 508

Victaulic Style 597

Victaulic Style 598

Victaulic Style 606

Victaulic Style 641
Victaulic Style 700
Victaulic Style 707-IJ
Victaulic Style 741 (Vic Flange Adapter, ASME Class 125 and
Class 150)
Victaulic Style 741 (Vic Flange Adapter, DIN PN10 and PN16)

Victaulic Style 743

Victaulic Style 750
Victaulic Style 770
Victaulic Style 775
Victaulic Style 791
Victaulic Style 792
Victaulic Style 808
Victaulic Style 920 (Mechanical-T Bolted Branch Outlet)
Victaulic Style 920 (Mechanical-T Bolted Cross Outlet)
Victaulic Style 920N
Victaulic Style 922
Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-Let Strapless Outlet)
Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-O-Well Strapless Thermometer Outlet)

Victaulic Style 995

Victaulic Style 997
Victaulic Style HP-70
Victaulic Style HP-70ES

Victaulic Style W07

Victaulic Style W77

Victaulic Depend-O-Lok ExE Type 1

Victaulic Depend-O-Lok ExE Type 2

Victaulic Depend-O-Lok ExE Type 2 HP

Victaulic Depend-O-Lok FxF Type 1

Victaulic Depend-O-Lok FxF Type 2
Victaulic Depend-O-Lok FxF Type 2 HP
Victaulic Depend-O-Lok FxE Type 1
Victaulic Depend-O-Lok FxE Type 2

Codelist Sort
ClampOption LongDescription Number Order
by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Default clamp 1
Grayloc® clamp with special bolt lengths for torque wrench 109
Grayloc® clamp with special bolt lengths for hydraulic torque wrench 110

Grayloc® clamp with special bolt lengths for hydraulic stud tensioner 111

Tri-Clamp® 13MHLA Hinged Adjustable 5

Tri-Clamp® 13MHHM Hinged Heavy Duty w/wing nut 10
Tri-Clamp® 13MHHS Hinged Heavy Duty 3-piece w/wing nut 15
Tri-Clamp® 13MHHS-3/4-S Hinged Heavy Duty 2-piece w/wing nut
Tri-Clamp® A13MO Pressure Adjustable w/captive nut 25
Tri-Clamp® 13MHP High Pressure Clamp 30
Tri-Clamp® A13MHM Clamp Assembly 35
Tri-Clamp® 13MW Medium Duty w/wing nut 36
Tri-Clamp® A14MHC Sanitary for hose adapter 37
Tri-Clamp® A12MPS Swivel Joint 40
Victaulic® Style 005 (FireLock® Rigid Coupling) 41
Victaulic® Style 07 (Zero-Flex® Rigid Coupling) 50
Victaulic® Style 07-JIS (Zero-Flex® Rigid Coupling for JIS) 108
Victaulic® Style 008 (Zero-Flex® Rigid Coupling) 45
Victaulic® Style 009 (FireLock® EZTM Rigid Coupling) 42
Victaulic® Style 009V (FireLock® EZTM Rigid Coupling) 47
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 22 (Coupling for Vic-Ring Adapters) 43
Victaulic® Style 24 (Couplings for Expanded End Pipe) 104
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 31 (Coupling for Grooved AWWA Ductile Iron
Pipe) 60
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 41 (Coupling for Vic-Ring Adapters) 44
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 44 (Coupling for Vic-Ring Adapters) 102
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 51 (Closure Coupling for AWWA) 106
Victaulic® Style 72 (Outlet Coupling) 46
Victaulic® Style 74 (OD Flexible Coupling) 103
Victaulic® Style 75 (Flexible Coupling) 48
Victaulic® Style 77 (Standard Flexible Coupling) 49
Victaulic® Style 77A (Flexible Coupling, Aluminum) 101
Victaulic® Style 77S (Flexible Coupling, Stainless) 51
Victaulic® Style 77-JIS (Standard Flexible Coupling for JIS) 107
Victaulic® Style 78 (Snap-Joint® Coupling) 52
Victaulic® Style 78-A (Snap-Joint® Aluminum Coupling) 53
Victaulic® Style 89 (Rigid Coupling for Stainless Steel) 95
Victaulic® Style 99 (Roust-A-Bout® Coupling) 54
Victaulic® Style 307 (Transition Coupling for Grooved IPS Steel to
Grooved AWWA Ductile Iron) 55
Victaulic® Style 390 (V-Grip Coupling for Plain-end Ductile Iron) 56
Victaulic® Style 397 (V-Grip Coupling for Plain x Grooved Ductile Iron) 57

Victaulic® Style 408 (Lightweight Rigid Stainless Steel Coupling) 65

Victaulic® Style 475 (Lightweight Flexible Stainless Steel Coupling) 58

Victaulic® Style 489 (Rigid Coupling for Stainless Steel) 59

Victaulic® Style 505 ((Pressfit® Coupling) 61
Victaulic® Style 506 ((Pressfit® Slip Coupling) 62
Victaulic® Style 507 (Pressfit Type 316 Stainless Steel Standard 63
Victaulic® Style 508 (Pressfit Type 316 Stainless Steel Slip Coupling) 64

Victaulic® Style 597 (Pressfit Type 304 Stainless Steel Standard 66

Victaulic® Style 598 (Pressfit Type 304 Stainless Steel Slip Coupling) 67

Victaulic® Style 606 (Rigid Coupling for Copper Tubing) 70

Victaulic® Style 641 (Vic® Flange Adapter for Copper Tubing) 75
Victaulic® Style 700 (Large Diameter Coupling) 68
Victaulic® Style 707-IJ (NPS to JIS Transition Coupling) 80
Victaulic® Style 741 (Vic® Flange Adapter, ASME Class 125 and Class
150) 85
Victaulic® Style 741 (Vic® Flange Adapter, DIN PN10 and PN16) 69

Victaulic® Style 743 (Vic® Flange Adapter, ASME Class 300) 90

Victaulic® Style 750 (Reducing Coupling) 71
Victaulic® Style 770 (Large Diameter Coupling) 72
Victaulic® Style 775 (Coupling for PVC) 73
Victaulic® Style 791 (Vic-Boltless® Coupling) 74
Victaulic® Style 792 (Vic-Boltless® Coupling) 99
Victaulic® Style 808 (Duo-LockTM High Pressure Coupling) 76
Victaulic® Style 920 (Mechanical-T® Bolted Branch Outlet) 77
Victaulic® Style 920 (Mechanical-T® Bolted Cross Outlet) 78
Victaulic® Style 920N (Mechanical-T® Bolted Branch Outlet) 79
Victaulic® Style 922 (FireLock® Outlet-T) 81
Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-LetTM Strapless Outlet) 82
Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-O-WellTM Strapless Thermometer Outlet) 83

Victaulic® Style 995 (Plain End Coupling for HDPE Pipe) 84

Victaulic® Style 997 (Transition Coupling, HDPE to Steel) 86
Victaulic® Style HP-70 (High-Pressure Rigid Coupling) 100
Victaulic® Style HP-70ES (High-Pressure Rigid Coupling, EndSeal®)
Victaulic® Style W07 (Advanced Groove System TM
Rigid Coupling) 87

Victaulic® Style W77 (Advanced Groove SystemTM Flexible Coupling) 88

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 1 (Non-Restrained Flexible 89

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 2 (Non-Restrained Flexible 91
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 2 HP (Non-Restrained Flexible 92
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 1 (Restrained Coupling) 93
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 2 (Restrained Coupling) 94
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 2 HP (Restrained Coupling) 96
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxE Type 1 (Expansion Coupling) 97
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxE Type 2 (Expansion Coupling) 98
! Back to Index

HEAD ClampRequirement ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Requires a reportable clamp
No reportable clamps are required

Codelist Sort
ClampRequirement LongDescription Number Order
r may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

Requires a reportable clamp 5

No reportable clamps are required 10
ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ClampSelectionBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Clamp does not require clamp-specific service limits validation
Clamp requires clamp-specific service limits validation
Clamp and implied gasket require clamp-specific service limits validation

Codelist Sort
ClampSelectionBasis LongDescription Number Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele

Clamp does not require clamp-specific service limits validation 5

Clamp requires clamp-specific service limits validation 10
Clamp and implied gasket require clamp-specific service limits validation 15
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CleaningRequirement CleaningRequirement Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
Not Required Not Required 2
CC1 CC1 10
CC2 CC2 15
CC3 CC3 20
CC4 CC4 25
CC5 CC5 30
Varies Varies 35

e between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
CleaningResponsibility CleaningResponsibility Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Contractor By Contractor 10
Owner By Owner 15
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 20
Piping By Piping 25
Instruments By Instruments 30
Others By Others 35

etween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
CoatingColor CoatingColor Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Green Green 10
Yellow Yellow 15
Red Red 20
Blue Blue 25
Silver Silver 30
Black Black 35

een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
CoatingRequirement CoatingRequirement
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription CoatingType ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, b
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all oth
Undefined Undefined
None None
Not Required (plain)
Metallic coating Metallic coating
Hot dip galvanized
Hot galvanized + primer
Hot galvanized + final coat
Hot galvanized + CTE
Hot galvanized + polyurethane + CTE
Stainless steel
Metallized with zinc silicate
Metallized with zinc silicate + vinyl
Metallized with zinc silicate + epoxy
Metallized with zinc silicate + epoxy (DK)
Metallized with aluminum
Salt-bath nitrided
Inorganic zinc primer
Mechanically galvanized
Non-metallic coating Non-metallic coating
Asphaltic, e.g. in accordance AWWA C110,
C115, or C151
Bredero Shaw 3LPE (3-Layer Polyethylene)
Bredero Shaw 3LPP (3-Layer Polypropylene)

Bredero Shaw AE (Glass-fiber Reinforced

Asphalt based Enamel)
Bredero Shaw Compression Coat (Wrapped
Reinforced Concrete)
Bredero Shaw Dual Layer FBE (Fusion
Bonded Epoxy)
Bredero Shaw Entec®
Bredero Shaw FBE (Fusion Bonded Epoxy)

Bredero Shaw HeviCote® (Impinged

Reinforced Concrete)
Bredero Shaw HPCC (High Performance
Composite Coating)
Bredero Shaw Insul-8®
Bredero Shaw PRITEC®
Bredero Shaw PUF (Pipe-In-Pipe
Polyurethane Foam), Deep Water
Bredero Shaw PUF (Pipe-In-Pipe
Polyurethane Foam), Shallow Water
Bredero Shaw Rock Jacket®
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® CML
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® FBE
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® FEC
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® SF
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo® Foam with
Polyurethane foam half-shell
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo® Multi-Layer
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo® Solid
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo®, Deep Water
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo®, Shallow Water

Bredero Shaw Thermotite®, Deep Water

Bredero Shaw Thermotite®, Shallow Water
Bredero Shaw Yellow Jacket®
Bredero Shaw YJ2K®
Bredero Shaw Zap-Tec®
Chartek 3
Chartek 4
Chartek 59
Chartek 7
Coal tar epoxy
Dresser AL-CLAD™ Epoxy Coating
Epoxy paint
Epoxy polyester powder
Epoxy powder
Epoxy primer
Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM)
Fiberglass cloth
Fiberglass plastic
Flame sprayed polypropylene
Fusion-bonded epoxy
Heat shrink sleeve
Heat transfer cement
Injected molded polypropylene
InSitu Pipeline Systems insitu epoxy
Insituform Thermopipe®
Insituform Tite Liner®
Insituform® CIPP tube
Internal rubber lining
Intertherm 7050
MCU (Moisture-Cured Urethane) universal
Nylon (Rilsan)
Phenolic alkyd primer
Pitt Char CR
Pitt Char LV
Pitt Char WB
Pitt Char XP
Polyamidoamine epoxy primer
Polychloroprene (Neoprene, PCP)
Polyethylene tube (or sheet) encasement
Polyken® 3000
Polyken® 3056
Polyken® 955
Polyken® 956
Polyken® 989
Powder flame spraying
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva
Blue Armor®
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva
Halar ECTFE®
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva
Ruby Red®
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva
Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva
Teflon FEP®
SigmaLine 2000 (outside)
SigmaLine 2500 (outside)
SigmaLine 403 (inside)
SigmaLine 445 (inside)
SigmaLine 500 (inside)
SigmaLine 523 (inside)
SigmaLine 855 (outside)
SigmaLine 859 (outside)
Solid Polyurethane (PU)
Solvent-free epoxy
Sprayed polyurethane foam
Syntactic Solid Polyurethane (SPU)
Tedlar over aluminum
Tedlar over Hypalon®
Ty Mar 10K
MSS SP-98, Protective Coatings for the
Interior of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings
Coating for bolting Coating for bolting (anti-corrosion)
Cadmium chromate electro-plated
Zinc plated
Aluminum electro-plated
Black oxide
Chromium electro-plated
Copper electro-plated
DynaSlipTM 4301
DynaSlipTM 5005
DynaSlipTM 5010
DynaSlipTM 6010
DynaSlipTM 6333
DynaSlipTM 6904
Electrofilm 2006 coated
Electroless nickel plated
Emralon® 330
Emralon® 333
Emralon® 334
Emralon® 337
Epoxy, air dry
Epoxy, thermal cure
Ethylene Chlorotrifluoro Ethylene (ECTFE)
Everlube® 620 series
Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)
Inorganic zinc
Iron phosphate coated
Manganese phosphate coated
Manganese/Zinc phosphate coated
Molybdenum Disulphide
Molykote® 1000
Molykote® ti1200
Nickel electro-plated
Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)
Polyurethane coated
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)
PTFE Fluoropolymer
Sermatel W
Sherardizing electro-plated
StanalTM 400
Tin/Zinc alloy electro-plated
Whitford Xylan® 1014, solvent based
Whitford Xylan® 1070, solvent based
Whitford Xylan® 1424, water based
Xylan® 1000 series
Zinc chromate electro-plated
Zinc phosphate electro-plated
Painting Painting

Codelist Sort
CoatingType LongDescription Number Order
d/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
ant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Not Required (plain) 2
Electro-galvanized 3
Hot dip galvanized 45
Hot galvanized + primer 120
Hot galvanized + final coat 125
Hot galvanized + CTE 130
Hot galvanized + polyurethane + CTE 135
Non-galvanized 50
Stainless steel 55
Metallized with zinc silicate 60
Metallized with zinc silicate + vinyl 140
Metallized with zinc silicate + epoxy 145
Metallized with zinc silicate + epoxy (DK) 150
Metallized with aluminum 65
Electro-Plated 43
Pre-Galvanized 44
Salt-bath nitrided 252
Inorganic zinc primer 251
Mechanically galvanized 253
Asphaltic, e.g. in accordance AWWA C110, 126
C115, or C151
Bredero Shaw 3LPE (3-Layer Polyethylene) 127
Bredero Shaw 3LPP (3-Layer Polypropylene) 128

Bredero Shaw AE (Glass-fiber Reinforced 129

Asphalt based Enamel)
Bredero Shaw Compression Coat (Wrapped 131
Reinforced Concrete)
Bredero Shaw Dual Layer FBE (Fusion Bonded 132
Bredero Shaw Entec® 133
Bredero Shaw FBE (Fusion Bonded Epoxy) 134

Bredero Shaw HeviCote® (Impinged Reinforced 136

Bredero Shaw HPCC (High Performance 137
Composite Coating)
Bredero Shaw Insul-8® 138
Bredero Shaw PRITEC® 139
Bredero Shaw PUF (Pipe-In-Pipe Polyurethane 141
Foam), Deep Water
Bredero Shaw PUF (Pipe-In-Pipe Polyurethane 142
Foam), Shallow Water
Bredero Shaw Rock Jacket® 143
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® CML 144
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® FBE 146
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® FEC 147
Bredero Shaw SureFlo® SF 148
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo® Foam with 149
Polyurethane foam half-shell
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo® Multi-Layer 151
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo® Solid 152
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo®, Deep Water 153
Bredero Shaw ThermoFlo®, Shallow Water 154

Bredero Shaw Thermotite®, Deep Water 156

Bredero Shaw Thermotite®, Shallow Water 157
Bredero Shaw Yellow Jacket® 158
Bredero Shaw YJ2K® 159
Bredero Shaw Zap-Tec® 161
Chartek 3 162
Chartek 4 163
Chartek 59 164
Chartek 7 166
Coal tar epoxy 100
Concrete (external lining for weight coating) 115
Dresser AL-CLAD™ Epoxy Coating 167
Epoxy 95
Epoxy paint 180
Epoxy polyester powder 190
Epoxy powder 185
Epoxy primer 170
Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM) 168
Fiberglass cloth 80
Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) 75
Flame sprayed polypropylene 169
Fusion-bonded epoxy 171
Heat shrink sleeve 172
Heat transfer cement 105
Injected molded polypropylene 173
InSitu Pipeline Systems insitu epoxy coating© 174
Insituform Thermopipe® 176
Insituform Tite Liner® 177
Insituform® CIPP tube 178
Internal rubber lining 179
Intertherm 7050 181
Intumescent (fire resistive coating) 110
MCU (Moisture-Cured Urethane) universal 182
Nylon (Rilsan)
primer 160
Phenolic alkyd primer 209
Pitt Char CR 183
Pitt Char LV 184
Pitt Char WB 186
Pitt Char XP 187
Polyamidoamine epoxy primer 188
Polychloroprene (Neoprene, PCP) 189
Polyethylene 155
Polyethylene tube (or sheet) encasement 191
Polyken® 3000 192
Polyken® 3056 193
Polyken® 955 194
Polyken® 956 196
Polyken® 989 197
Powder flame spraying 235
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva Blue 198
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva Halar 199
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva Ruby 201
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva Teflon 202
Praxair Surface Technologies, Smaltiriva Teflon 203
FEP® 70
Sermetel 165
SigmaLine 2000 (outside) 225
SigmaLine 2500 (outside) 230
SigmaLine 403 (inside) 195
SigmaLine 445 (inside) 200
SigmaLine 500 (inside) 205
SigmaLine 523 (inside) 210
SigmaLine 855 (outside) 215
SigmaLine 859 (outside) 220
Solid Polyurethane (PU) 204
Solvent-free epoxy 175
Sprayed polyurethane foam 206
Syntactic Solid Polyurethane (SPU) 207
Tedlar over aluminum 85
Tedlar over Hypalon® 90
Ty Mar 10K 208
MSS SP-98, Protective Coatings for the Interior 211
of Valves, Hydrants, and Fittings
Cadmium chromate electro-plated 31
Zinc plated 32
Aluminum electro-plated 33
Black oxide 34
Chromium electro-plated 36
Copper electro-plated 37
Dacromet® 38
Dykor® 39
DynaSlipTM 4301 41
DynaSlipTM 5005 42
DynaSlipTM 5010 46
DynaSlipTM 6010 47
DynaSlipTM 6333 48
DynaSlipTM 6904 49
Electrofilm 2006 coated 71
Electroless nickel plated 51
Emralon® 330 52
Emralon® 333 53
Emralon® 334 54
Emralon® 337 56
Epoxy, air dry 57
Epoxy, thermal cure 58
Ethylene Chlorotrifluoro Ethylene (ECTFE) 59
Everlube® 620 series 61
Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) 62
Fluorokote® 63
Halar® 64
Inorganic zinc 66
Iron phosphate coated 67
Manganese phosphate coated 68
Manganese/Zinc phosphate coated 69
Molybdenum Disulphide 72
Molykote® 1000 73
Molykote® ti1200 74
Nickel electro-plated 76
Phenolic 77
Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) 78
Polyurethane coated 79
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) 81
PTFE Fluoropolymer 97
Ryton® 82
SermaGard 83
Sermatel W 84
Sherardizing electro-plated 86
Stalgard 87
StanalTM 400 88
Tin/Zinc alloy electro-plated 89
Wax 98
Whitford Xylan® 1014, solvent based 245
Whitford Xylan® 1070, solvent based 250
Whitford Xylan® 1424, water based 240
Xylan® 1000 series 91
Xylar® 92
Zinc chromate electro-plated 93
Zinc phosphate electro-plated 94
Painting Specification 1.04 4
Painting Specification 1.07 5
Painting Specification 1.08 6
Painting Specification 1.09 7
Painting Specification 1.10 8
Painting Specification 1.11 9
Painting Specification 1.12 10
Painting Specification 1.13 11
Painting Specification 2.03 12
Painting Specification 2.05 13
Painting Specification 4.01 14
Painting Specification 4.02 15
Painting Specification 4.03 16
Painting Specification 4.04 17
Painting Specification 4.05 18
Painting Specification 8.01 19
Painting Specification 9.01 20
Painting Specification 10.01 21
Painting Specification 10.02 22
Painting Specification 11.01 23
Painting Specification 12.01 24
Painting Specification 13.01 25
Painting Specification 14.01 26
Painting Specification 16.01 27
Painting Specification 18.01 28
Varies 40
r delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Contractor Commodity Codes Only
Industry Commodity Codes Only
Both Contractor and Industry Commodity

CommodityCodeBuilderOption LongDescription
The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; a

Commodity Code Builder is disabled

Commodity Code Builder is enabled for Contractor Commodity Code Only
Commodity Code Builder is enabled for Industry Commodity Code Only

Commodity Code Builder is enabled for both Contractor Commodity Code and Industry Commodity Code
Codelist Sort
Number Order
ng of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.


! Back to Index
OptionCategory OptionCategory
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

Type Options

ValveType Options
Valve Operator Options
Bend Radius Options

Head Type Options

Miter Options

Flange Type Options

Bolted End Options
Male End Options
Female End Options

Mixed End Options

Nipple Options
Rating Options
Thickness Options
Flange surface finish options
Code Options
Manufacturer Options

Mechanical End Options

Tapered Spacer options

Purchase Length options

Miscellaneous Options

CommodityOption ShortDescription
list. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the num
ntry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
l should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.


Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
Type 6
Type 7
Type 8
Type 9

1/4" hole
1/8" hole
3/16" hole
Al chk
Balance valve
Dbl disc
Excess flow
Full port
Hor chk
Knife gate valve
Limit stop
Non lube
Quick close
Quick open
Red port
Single flange
Swing check valve
Tap lcn G
Tap lcns G &H
Tap lcns G &I
Tap lcns G &J
Tap lcns G &K
Tight SO
Venturi check valve
Vert chk
Y pattern
2-way Diaphragm Diverter
3-way Diaphragm Diverter
4-way Diaphragm Diverter

Ball float
Bonnet, manual
Bonnet, pneumatic
Capacitance sensor
Cylinder, double acting
Cylinder, pilot operated
Cylinder, piston
Cylinder, single acting Type 1
Cylinder, single acting Type 2
Cylinder, single acting Type 3
Cylinder, single acting Type 4
Diaphragm, press-balanced Type 1
Diaphragm, Type 1
Diaphragm, Type 2
Displacement float
Electro-hydraulic, linear
Electro-hydraulic, rotary
EM op


Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 2
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 3
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 4

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 5 (mirror of Type 1

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 3

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 9

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of Type

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 (mirror of Type

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with stem exten

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem extens

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with shaft (mirror

Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 1

Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror o

Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2

Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (mirror of Type 1)

Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4 (mirror of Type 2)

Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6

Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 5)

Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 6)

Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 1

Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of

GSM op
GTM op
Handwheel, extended bonnet
Handwheel, extended spindle
Handwheel, inclined
Handwheel, non-rising stem
Handwheel, rising stem
Handwheel, side declutchable
Handwheel, special
HW op
Lever, quick action
Linear electric
Linear electric, bi-directional
Linear electric, high thrust
Linear electric, low thrust
LV op
Manual, Type 1
Manual, Type 2
Manual, Type 3
Manual, Type 4
Motor, Type 2
Motor, Type 3
Motor, Type 4
Paddle wheel
Rack and pinion
Regulator, Type 1
Regulator, Type 2
Regulator, Type 3
Remote reset
Rotary electric
Rotary electric, 90o
Rotary electric, multi-turn
Rotary electric, scotch yoke
Rotary vane
Scotch yoke
Solenoid, double
Solenoid, single
Solenoid, single with reset
Spring return, linear
Spring return, rotary
T op
T-handle, long
WR op
Wrench, long
Wrench, special

1D bend
1.5D bend
2D bend
3D bend
4D bend
5D bend
6D bend
10D bend

Hemi hd
Ellip hd
2:1 hd

1 cut
2 cut
3 cut
4 cut
5 cut

SW Red
Orifice flange with one tap
Orifice flange with two taps, 90o
Orifice flange with two taps, 180o

Flat-face flanged end with union nut
Flat-face flangeless end
Raised-face flangeless end
Large-FlangeTM, bolt style end
Flat-face flanged end with O-ring groove

Varian Conflat (CF), fixed
Varian Conflat (CF), rotatable
Bevel-face flanged end with welded diaphragm seal
Large male-face flanged end with O-ring
A&N Wire Seal Male-face flanged end
MDC Wire Seal Male-face flanged end
Large female-face flanged end with O-ring
A&N Wire Seal Female-face flanged end
MDC Wire Seal Female-face flanged end
Passive raised-face flanged end
Large male-face lap-flanged end with O-ring
Large female-face lap-flanged end with O-ring
Active lap-flanged end
Passive lap-flanged end


Flat-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes

Flat-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt holes

Raised-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes

Raised-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end with threaded
bolt holes
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end with non-
threaded bolt holes

Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with bolt threaded holes

Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with bolt non-threaded

Plain end
Male push-on end
Male push-on locking end
Male bevel seat end
Plain end, adhesive bonded
Plain end, laminated
Flared end, lap joint
Flared end, slip-on
Beveled end with union nut
Plain end, tubing
Saddle end
Butt and Strap end
Fusion plain end
Thermal Fusion saddle end
Fitting connector (Male brazing end)
Male solder end
Union male sub
BW run x C b
BWxC run xBW b
BWxC run xC b

Socket end with union nut
Push-on bell locking end
Female bevel seat end
Belled end
Brazing cup (Female brazing end)
Brazing cup with union nut
Solder cup (Female solder end)
Thermal fusion socket end
Electrofusion socket end
Female threaded end with union nut
Union female sub end
Victaulic®, Pressfit swage

TC x BE x TC
FeMQCE x Tubing connection end
Flat face flanged end x Female grooved end

FFFE x FFFE x Socket end

Flat face flanged end x Male grooved end
Flat face flanged end x Mechanical joint spigot end
FFFE x Socket end

FFFE x Socket end x FFFE

FFFE x Socket end x Socket end
Large-female-face flanged end x BE
Large-groove-face flanged end x BE
Large-male-face flanged end x BE
Large-tongue-face flanged end x BE
Male grooved end x Beveled end
Male grooved end x Female threaded end
Male grooved end x Male grooved end

Male grooved end x Male grooved end x Male threaded

Male grooved end x Male grooved end x Socket welded

Male grooved end x Plain end
Male grooved end x Socket end
Male grooved end x Socket welded end
Male push-on end x BLE

Male push-on locking end x Push-on bell locking end

MQCE x Tubing connection end
Male threaded end x Male grooved end
Male threaded end x Socket end
MJBE x Plain end

MJBE x Plain end x MJBE

Mechanical joint spigot end x MJBE

Plain end x BE
Plain end x Female socket weld end
Plain end x MJBE
Plain end x BLE
BLE x Plain end x BLE

BLE x Spigot end x BLE

RFFE x Plain End

RFFE x Socket welded end
RFLFE x Plain End
Small-female-face flanged end x BE
Small-groove-face flanged end x BE
Small-male-face flanged end x BE
Small-tongue-face flanged end x BE
Socket end x Female grooved end
Socket end x Female threaded end
Spigot end x BLE
Tri-Clamp® end x Beveled end
Tubing connection end x BE
Tubing connection end x FTE

Tubing connection end x FTE x Tubing connection end

Tubing connection end x MTE

Tubing connection end x MTE x Tubing connection end

Tubing connection end x Tubing connection end x FTE

Tubing connection end x Tubing connection end x MTE



3.0" BE
3.0" MTE
3.0" PE
3.0" BE x MTE
3.0" BE x PE
3.0" MTE x PE
4.0" BE
4.0" MTE
4.0" PE
4.0" BE x MTE
4.0" BE x PE
4.0" MTE x PE
5.0" BE
5.0" MTE
5.0" PE
5.0" BE x MTE
5.0" BE x PE
5.0" MTE x PE
6.0" BE
6.0" MTE
6.0" PE
6.0" BE x MTE
6.0" BE x PE
6.0" MTE x PE
7.0" BE
7.0" MTE
7.0" PE
7.0" BE x MTE
7.0" BE x PE
7.0" MTE x PE
8.0" PE
9.0" PE
10.0" PE
11.0" PE
12.0" PE

HV, High Vacuum

UHV, Ultra High Vacuum
125 LW
100 WOG
175 WOG
200 WOG
300 WOG
350 WOG
800 WOG
1000 WOG
1500 WOG
2000 WOG
2160 WOG
2220 WOG
3000 WOG
3600 WOG
5000 WOG
6000 WOG
9000 WOG
10000 WOG
15000 WOG
20000 WOG
40 PSI
45 PSI
50 PSI
55 PSI
60 PSI
65 PSI
70 PSI
75 PSI
80 PSI
85 PSI
90 PSI
95 PSI
100 PSI
105 PSI
110 PSI
115 PSI
120 PSI
125 PSI
130 PSI
135 PSI
140 PSI
145 PSI
150 PSI
155 PSI
160 PSI
165 PSI
170 PSI
175 PSI
180 PSI
185 PSI
190 PSI
195 PSI
200 PSI
205 PSI
210 PSI
215 PSI
220 PSI
225 PSI
230 PSI
235 PSI
DIN PN 0.5
DIN PN 1.6
DIN PN 2.5
DIN PN 3.2
DIN PN 12.5
DIN PN 63 (formerly DIN PN 64)
DIN PN 100
DIN PN 110
DIN PN 125
DIN PN 150
DIN PN 160
DIN PN 200
DIN PN 250
DIN PN 260
DIN PN 315
DIN PN 320
DIN PN 400
DIN PN 420
DIN PN 500
DIN PN 630
DIN PN 700
DIN PN 800
DIN PN 1000
DIN PN 1250
DIN PN 1600
DIN PN 2000
DIN PN 2500
DIN PN 4000
DIN PN 6300
NS PN 10
NS PN 16
NS PN 40
SMS PN 100
SMS PN 160
SMS PN 250
SMS PN 320
JIS PN 0.5 (0.05 MPa)
JIS PN 1 (0.10 MPa)
JIS PN 1.5 (0.15 MPa)
JIS PN 2.5 (0.25 MPa)
JIS PN 3 (0.30 MPa)
JIS PN 3.5 (0.35 MPa)
JIS PN 6 (0.60 MPa)
JIS PN 7 (0.70 MPa)
JIS PN 10 (1.00 MPa)
JIS PN 12 (1.20 MPa)
JIS PN 13.5 (1.35 MPa)
JIS PN 13.7 (1.37 MPa)
JIS PN 14 (1.40 MPa)
JIS PN 15 (1.50 MPa)
JIS PN 16 (1.60 MPa)
JIS PN 16.5 (1.65 MPa)
JIS PN 17.2 (1.72 MPa)
JIS PN 20 (2.00 MPa)
JIS PN 25 (2.50 MPa)
JIS PN 29 (2.90 MPa)
JIS PN 30 (3.00 MPa)
JIS PN 34.5 (3.45 MPa)
JIS PN 40 (4.00 MPa)
JIS PN 42 (4.20 MPa)
JIS PN 43 (4.30 MPa)
JIS PN 48 (4.80 MPa)
JIS PN 50 (5.00 MPa)
JIS PN 63 (6.30 MPa)
JIS PN 64 (6.40 MPa)
JIS PN 100 (10.0 MPa)
JIS PN 110 (11.0 MPa)
JIS PN 150 (15.0 MPa)
JIS PN 160 (16.0 MPa)
JIS PN 200 (20.0 MPa)
JIS PN 210 (21.0 MPa)
JIS PN 250 (25.0 MPa)
JIS PN 260 (26.0 MPa)
JIS PN 300 (30.0 MPa)
JIS PN 320 (32.0 MPa)
JIS PN 420 (42.0 MPa)
JIS PN 500 (50.0 MPa)
JIS PN 680 (68.0 MPa)
JIS PN 1000 (100.0 MPa)
JIS PN 1400 (140.0 MPa)
JIS PN 1700 (170.0 MPa)
JIS PN 1850 (185.0 MPa)
JIS PN 1950 (195.0 MPa)
JIS PN 2100 (210.0 MPa)
JIS PN 2200 (220.0 MPa)
JIS PN 2500 (250.0 MPa)
JIS PN 3200 (320.0 MPa)
JIS PN 6000 (600.0 MPa)
JIS 2K (2 kg/cm2)
JIS 3K (3 kg/cm2)
JIS 4K (4 kg/cm2)
JIS 5K (5 kg/cm2)
JIS 6K (6 kg/cm2)
JIS 7K (7 kg/cm2)
JIS 7.5K (7.5 kg/cm2)
JIS 8K (8 kg/cm2)
JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2)
JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Light Type
JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Thin Type
JIS 16K (16 kg/cm2)
JIS 20K (20 kg/cm2)
JIS 21K (21 kg/cm2)
JIS 25K (25 kg/cm2)
JIS 28K (28 kg/cm2)
JIS 30K (30 kg/cm2)
JIS 40K (40 kg/cm2)
JIS 45K (45 kg/cm2)
JIS 50K (50 kg/cm2)
JIS 63K (63 kg/cm2)
JIS 65K (65 kg/cm2)
JIS 70K (70 kg/cm2)
JIS 100K (100 kg/cm2)
JIS 106K (106 kg/cm2)
JIS 110K (110 kg/cm2)
JIS 140K (140 kg/cm2)
JIS 150K (150 kg/cm2)
JIS 250K (250 kg/cm2)
JIS 260K (260 kg/cm2)
JIS 280K (280 kg/cm2)
JIS 315K (315 kg/cm2)
JIS 350K (350 kg/cm2)
JIS 420K (420 kg/cm2)

3.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602

3.45 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602

4.30 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602

5.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602

2.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605

3.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605

3.45 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605

4.30 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605

5.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605

JPI Class 25
JPI Class 75
JPI Class 125
JPI Class 150
JPI Class 250
JPI Class 300
JPI Class 350
JPI Class 400
JPI Class 600
JPI Class 800
JPI Class 900
JPI Class 1500
JPI Class 2000
JPI Class 2500
JPI Class 3000
JPI Class 4500
JPI Class 6000
JPI Class 9000
F12 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn), formerly
F15 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn), formerly
F20 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn), formerly
F25 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn), formerly
F29 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn), formerly
VP per JIS K 6741
HIVP per JIS K 6741
VM per JIS K 6741
VU per JIS K 6741
IDVP per JIS K 6741
ISVP per JIS K 6741
IWVP per JIS K 6741
Class I per JIS B 2301
Class II per JIS B 2301
GB PN 0.25 MPa (2.5 bar)
GB PN 0.6 MPa (6 bar)
GB PN 1.0 MPa (10 bar)
GB PN 1.6 MPa (16 bar)
GB PN 2.0 MPa (20 bar)
GB PN 2.5 MPa (25 bar)
GB PN 4.0 MPa (40 bar)
GB PN 5.0 MPa (50 bar)
GB PN 6.0 MPa (60 bar)
GB PN 6.3 MPa (63 bar)
GB PN 6.4 MPa (64 bar)
GB PN 10 MPa (100 bar)
GB PN 11 MPa (110 bar)
GB PN 15 MPa (150 bar)
GB PN 16 MPa (160 bar)
GB PN 20 MPa (200 bar)
GB PN 26 MPa (260 bar)
GB PN 32 MPa (320 bar)
GB PN 42 MPa (420 bar)
Table A (170 kPa)
Table C
Table D (700 kPa)
Table E (1400 kPa)
Table F (2100 kPa)
Table H (3500 kPa)
Table J
Table K
Table R
Table S
Table T

0.125in, tubing
Type K
Type L
Type M
Type ACR
Type DWV
Wall A
Wall B
Wall C
Class 50 DI
Class 51 DI
Class 52 DI
Class 53 DI
Class 54 DI
Class 55 DI
Class 56 DI
Class III, ASTM-C76
7 (staless steel gauge)
10 (staless steel gauge)
11 (staless steel gauge)
12 (staless steel gauge)
14 (staless steel gauge)
3/16 (staless steel gauge)
1/4 (staless steel gauge)
SDR 6.3
SDR 7.3
SDR 8.8
SDR 10
SDR 11
SDR 11.5
SDR 13.5
SDR 14
SDR 15.5
SDR 17
SDR 17.5
SDR 18
SDR 21
SDR 23.5
SDR 25
SDR 26
SDR 32.5
SDR 35
SDR 41
SDR 42
SDR 51
SDR 64
SDR 81
SIDR 5.3
SIDR 11.5
DR 7
DR 7.3
DR 9
DR 9.3
DR 9.9
DR 14
DR 18
DR 19
DR 21
DR 23.7
DR 25
DR 26
DR 27.6
DR 32.5
DR 41
0.25 mm
0.3 mm
0.35 mm
0.4 mm
0.5 mm
0.6 mm
0.7 mm
0.8 mm
0.9 mm
1.0 mm
1.2 mm
1.24 mm
1.4 mm
1.47 mm
1.5 mm
1.6 mm
1.65 mm
1.8 mm
10.0 mm
10.3 mm
10.5 mm
102.1 mm
104.7 mm
107.9 mm
11.0 mm
11.1 mm
11.9 mm
111.0 mm
114.6 mm
12.0 mm
12.5 mm
12.7 mm
13.1 mm
13.5 mm
14.0 mm
15.0 mm
15.1 mm
15.5 mm
15.9 mm
16.0 mm
17.0 mm
17.5 mm
18.0 mm
18.7 mm
19.0 mm
2.0 mm
2.11 mm
2.2 mm
2.3 mm
2.41 mm
2.5 mm
2.6 mm
2.77 mm
2.8 mm
2.9 mm
20.0 mm
20.0 mm
21.0 mm
22.0 mm
22.2 mm
22.5 mm
24.0 mm
25.0 mm
25.3 mm
26.0 mm
28.0 mm
3.0 mm
3.2 mm
3.5 mm
3.6 mm
3.8 mm
30.0 mm
31.2 mm
32.0 mm
34.4 mm
35.0 mm
36.0 mm
37.0 mm
37.6 mm
38.0 mm
4.0 mm
4.2 mm
4.5 mm
40.0 mm
40.9 mm
44.1 mm
45.0 mm
47.3 mm
5.0 mm
5.3 mm
5.5 mm
5.6 mm
5.8 mm
50.0 mm
50.5 mm
53.8 mm
55.0 mm
56.0 mm
57.0 mm
6.0 mm
6.2 mm
6.3 mm
6.4 mm
6.5 mm
6.6 mm
6.9 mm
60.0 mm
61.3 mm
63.0 mm
63.8 mm
65.0 mm
66.0 mm
7.0 mm
7.1 mm
7.5 mm
7.9 mm
70.0 mm
70.2 mm
73.4 mm
76.6 mm
79.8 mm
8.0 mm
8.5 mm
8.7 mm
8.8 mm
83.0 mm
85.7 mm
88.9 mm
9.0 mm
9.5 mm
92.1 mm
95.8 mm
98.9 mm
Class 1 per JIS K 6761
Class 2 per JIS K 6761
Class 3, 17 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065
Class 3, 21 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065
D1, Grade 1 pipe per JIS G 5526
D1.5, Grade 1.5 pipe per JIS G 5526
D2, Grade 2 pipe per JIS G 5526
D2.5, Grade 2.5 pipe per JIS G 5526
D3, Grade 3 pipe per JIS G 5526
D3.5, Grade 3.5 pipe per JIS G 5526
D4, Grade 4 pipe per JIS G 5526
D4.5, Grade 4.5 pipe per JIS G 5526
DPF, Grade PF pipe per JIS G 5526
GS per JIS G 3459
LG per JIS G 3460
LG per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313
STD per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313
XS per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313
Attached Table 1 per JIS B 2311
Table 2 per JIS G 3442
Table 6 per JIS G 3452
Sch. 10 per JIS
Sch. 100 per JIS
Sch. 10S per JIS
Sch. 120 per JIS
Sch. 140 per JIS
Sch. 160 per JIS
Sch. 20 per JIS
Sch. 20S per JIS
Sch. 30 per JIS
Sch. 40 per JIS
Sch. 40S per JIS
Sch. 5S per JIS
Sch. 60 per JIS
Sch. 80 per JIS
Sch. 80S per JIS
Wall Thickness per DIN 2463
Wall Thickness Reihe 1
Wall Thickness Reihe 2
Wall Thickness Reihe 3
Wall Thickness Reihe 4
Wall Thickness Reihe 5

1.6 Ra
3 Ra
3.2-6.4 Ra
63 Ra
63-80 Ra
63-100 Ra
63-125 Ra
63-250 Ra
80 Ra
80-150 Ra
100-150 Ra
125 Ra
125-200 Ra
125-250 Ra
125-500 Ra
200 Ra
250-500 Ra
DIN 2526 Form A
DIN 2526 Form B
DIN 2526 Form C (RZ = 160 mm)
DIN 2526 Form D (RZ = 40 mm)
DIN 2526 Form E (RZ = 16 mm)
DIN 2526 Form F
DIN 2526 Form N
DIN 2526 Form V 13
DIN 2526 Form R 13
DIN 2526 Form V 14
DIN 2526 Form R 14
DIN 2526 Form M
DIN 2526 Form L
EN 1092-1 Type A
EN 1092-1 Type B1
EN 1092-1 Type B2
EN 1092-1 Type C
EN 1092-1 Type D
EN 1092-1 Type E
EN 1092-1 Type F
EN 1092-1 Type G
EN 1092-1 Type H
Stock finish (Mill finish)
Smooth finish
Cold water finish
Spiral serrated
Concentric serrated
Deburred and descaled
Surface ground
Smooth spiral / smooth concentric machined
Serrated spiral / serrated concentric machined

ASME-B16.47, Series A
ASME-B16.47, Series B
AWWA C110/A21.10
AWWA C115/A21.15
AWWA C151/A21.51

Victaulic Advanced Groove System x AWWA C606

Tube-Turn Industries
Teledyne Farris
R & G Sloane
American Ductile Iron Pipe
American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (AIF)
Gladding McBean
Taylor Forge
Victaulic Series W30
Victaulic Series W35
Victaulic Series W730
Victaulic No 100-3D
Victaulic No 110-3D

Male mechanical joint end
Female mechanical joint end
Compression tubing end
Swagelok compression tubing end
Parker Hannifin CPI™
Parker Hannifin A-LOK®
Autoclave Engineers SpeedBite
LOKRING®, male end
LOKRING®, female end
VCO® face seal, male end
VCO® face seal, female end
VCR® face seal, male end
VCR® face seal, female end
Ingold® end
Restrained joint bell end
Mechanical joint spigot end
Clamp joint end
Victaulic end
Victaulic plain end
Victaulic grooved flexible end
Victaulic grooved rigid end
Victaulic® AGS grooved flexible end
Victaulic® AGS grooved rigid end
Victaulic Vic-Ring end
CONQUEST® plain end
Male Taper-Lok end
Female Taper-Lok end
Gruvlok grooved clamp end
Grinnell grooved clamp end
ISO KF flange end
ISO LF flange end
Kwik-FlangeTM end
Large-FlangeTM clamp style end
Large-FlangeTM band clamp style end
Tri-Clamp end
Techlok end
Grayloc end
Wireloc™ end
G-Lok end
Cherry-Burrell end
Cameron end
Tri-Weld Short Ferrule

0.5 deg
1.0 deg
1.5 deg
2.0 deg
2.5 deg
3.0 deg
3.5 deg
4.0 deg
4.5 deg
5.0 deg
5.5 deg
6.0 deg
6.5 deg
7.0 deg
7.5 deg
8.0 deg
8.5 deg
9.0 deg
9.5 deg
10.0 deg

2500 mm
2000 mm
1500 mm
1000 mm
500 mm
400 mm
300 mm
200 mm
100 mm

After vlv
Use with butterfly valves
Match branch nipple
Straight ends
175 WOG, Victaulic Male grooved end
300 WOG, Victaulic Male grooved end
175 WOG, Victaulic Advanced Groove System
300 WOG, Victaulic Advanced Groove System
Class 300, Raised-face flanged end
Variable thk
Short O T BWxC B
Codelist Sort
CommodityOption LongDescription Number Order
red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the
0,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Default 1
Type 1 11
Type 2 12
Type 3 13
Type 4 14
Type 5 15
Type 6 16
Type 7 17
Type 8 18
Type 9 19
1/4" diameter hole in flapper 41
1/8" diameter hole in flapper 38
3/16" diameter hole in flapper 40
Alarm check valve 45
Balance valve 3140
Double disc valve 30
Excess flow check valve 46
Full port valve 24
Horizontal check valve 49
Knife gate valve 3142
Limit stop valve 48
Lubricated valve 42
Lug pattern 34
Non-lubricated valve 39
Quick closing valve 43
Quick opening valve 44
Reduced port valve 21
Single flange valve 36
Swing check valve 3136
Tap at location G 56
Tap at locations G & H 57
Tap at locations G & I 58
Tap at locations G & J 59
Tap at locations G & K 60
Tight shutoff valve 27
Venturi check valve 3138
Vertical check valve 50
Wafer valve 33
Y pattern valve 32
2-way Diaphragm Diverter Valve 52
3-way Diaphragm Diverter Valve 53
4-way Diaphragm Diverter Valve 54
Ball float 2260
Bonnet, manual 3144
Bonnet, pneumatic 3178
Capacitance sensor 2255
Cylinder, double acting 2180
Cylinder, pilot operated 2185
Cylinder, piston 2190
Cylinder, single acting Type 1 2160
Cylinder, single acting Type 2 2165
Cylinder, single acting Type 3 2170
Cylinder, single acting Type 4 2175
Diaphragm, press-balanced Type 1 2140
Diaphragm, Type 1 2130
Diaphragm, Type 2 2135
Digital 2210
Displacement float 2265
Electro-hydraulic 2215
Electro-hydraulic, linear 3148
Electro-hydraulic, rotary 3146
Electro-pneumatic 2220
Motor, Type 1 79
Extended stem and gear operator, top mounted
handwheel 88
Extended stem and handwheel 82
Extended stem and gear operator, side mounted
handwheel 91
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 2 2065
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 3 2070
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 4 2075
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 5 (mirror of
Type 1) 2080
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of
Type 2) 2085
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of
Type 3) 2090
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of
Type 4) 2095
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 9 3516
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of
Type 9) 3517
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 3518
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 (mirror of
Type 11) 3519
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with stem
extension 3520
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem
extension (mirror of Type 11 with stem extension) 3521

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft 3522

Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with shaft
(mirror of Type 11 with shaft) 3523
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 1 2100
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 2
(mirror of Type 1) 2105
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2 2040
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (mirror of Type
1) 2045
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4 (mirror of Type
2) 2050
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5 3525
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6 3526
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type
5) 3527
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type
6) 3528
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 1 2055
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror
of Type 1) 2060
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 1 76
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 1 73
Handwheel, extended bonnet 2015
Handwheel, extended spindle 2014
Handwheel, inclined 1995
Handwheel, non-rising stem 2000
Handwheel, rising stem 2005
Handwheel, side declutchable 2290
Handwheel, special 2010
Handwheel 61
Lever, quick action 2030
Linear electric 3170
Linear electric, bi-directional 3172
Linear electric, high thrust 3176
Linear electric, low thrust 3174
Lever 67
Manual, Type 1 2110
Manual, Type 2 2115
Manual, Type 3 2120
Manual, Type 4 2125
Motor, Type 2 2195
Motor, Type 3 2200
Motor, Type 4 2205
Paddle wheel 2270
Pilot 2240
Piston 2275
Pneumatic 3150
Positioner 2280
Rack and pinion 3156
Regulator, Type 1 2145
Regulator, Type 2 2150
Regulator, Type 3 2155
Remote reset 2285
Rotary electric 3162
Rotary electric, 90o 3166
Rotary electric, multi-turn 3164
Rotary electric, scotch yoke 3168
Rotary vane 3160
Scotch yoke 3158
Solenoid, double 2235
Solenoid, single 2225
Solenoid, single with reset 2230
Spring 2250
Spring return, linear 3154
Spring return, rotary 3152
T-handle, short 70
T-handle, long 2035
Weight 2245
Wrench, short 64
Wrench, long 2020
Wrench, special 2025
1D pipe bend 121
1.5D pipe bend 124
2D pipe bend 125
3D pipe bend 127
4D pipe bend 130
5D pipe bend 133
6D pipe bend 134
10D pipe bend 136
Hemispherical head 141
Ellipsoidal head 143
2:1 elliptical head 145
1-cut miter 151
2-cut miter 152
3-cut miter 153
4-cut miter 154
5-cut miter 155
Weld neck flange 171
Long weld neck flange 173
Slip-on flange 175
Lap joint flange 177
Plate flange 179
Slip-on flange, stub end 181
Lap joint flange, stub end 183
Plate flange, stub end 185
Filler flange 191
Socket flange 193
Socket welded flange 195
Socketwelded reducing flange 196
Threaded flange 197
Orifice flange with one tap 3180
Orifice flange with two taps, 90o 3182
Orifice flange with two taps, 180 3184
Weld neck flange with jack screws 172
Flat-face flanged end 211
Flat-face flanged end with union nut 3529
Raised-face flanged end 221
Flat-face flangeless end 2295
Raised-face flangeless end 2300
Large-FlangeTM, bolt style end 26
Flat-face flanged end with O-ring groove 3530
Ring Type Joint-face flanged end 231
Lens ring joint flanged end (Lenticular ring joint
flanged end) 1625
Varian Conflat® (CF), fixed 3186
Varian Conflat® (CF), rotatable 3188
Bevel-face flanged end with welded diaphragm seal 203
Small tongue-face flanged end 241
Large tongue-face flanged end 242
Small male-face flanged end 243
Large male-face flanged end 244
Large male-face flanged end with O-ring 23
A&N Wire Seal Male-face flanged end 3190
MDC Wire Seal Male-face flanged end 3192
Small groove-face flanged end 251
Large groove-face flanged end 252
Small female-face flanged end 253
Large female-face flanged end 254
Large female-face flanged end with O-ring 20
A&N Wire Seal Female-face flanged end 3194
MDC Wire Seal Female-face flanged end 3196
Active raised-face flanged end 202
Passive raised-face flanged end 2305
Flat-face lap-flanged end 261
Raised-face lap-flanged end 271
Ring Type Joint-face lap-flanged end 281
Small tongue-face lap-flanged end 291
Large tongue-face lap-flanged end 292
Small male-face lap-flanged end 293
Large male-face lap-flanged end 294
Large male-face lap-flanged end with O-ring 25
Small groove-face lap-flanged end 301
Large groove-face lap-flanged end 302
Small female-face lap-flanged end 303
Large female-face lap-flanged end 304
Large female-face lap-flanged end with O-ring 22
Active lap-flanged end 2310
Passive lap-flanged end 2315
Flat-face thru-bolted end without bolt holes 311
Raised-face thru-bolted end without bolt holes 321
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end without bolt
holes 331
Flat-full-face thru-bolted end without bolt holes 381

Flat-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes 2320

Flat-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt
holes 2325

Raised-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes 2330

Raised-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt
holes 2335
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end with threaded
bolt holes 2340
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end with non-
threaded bolt holes 2345

Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with bolt threaded holes 2350

Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with bolt non-threaded
holes 2355
Plain end 2510
Male hose end 471
Spigot end 481
Male push-on end 2500
Male push-on locking end 37
Male bevel seat end 2505
Plain end, adhesive bonded 491
Plain end, laminated 51
Flared end, lap joint 62
Flared end, slip-on 63
Beveled end 401
Beveled end with union nut 3531
Plain end, tubing 3218
Saddle end 65
Butt and Strap end 1615
Fusion plain end 1620
Thermal Fusion saddle end 47
Male bayonet end 1830
Fitting connector (Male brazing end) 3220
Male solder end 3222
Male threaded end 431
Union male sub end 2515
Beveled end x Hygienic Clamp end 499
Tee ETBW x ETBW Run, Tri-Clamp Branch 422
Tee ETBW x Tri-Clamp Run, ETBW Branch 424
Short Outlet Tee ETBW x Tri-Clamp Run, Tri-Clamp Br 425
Socket end 501
Socket end with union nut 3532
Female hose end 621
Push-on bell end 641
Push-on bell locking end 68
Female bevel seat end 2520
Belled end 69
Brazing cup (Female brazing end) 3224
Brazing cup with union nut 3533
Solder cup (Female solder end) 3226
Thermal fusion socket end 71
Electrofusion socket end 72
Socket welded end 521
Circular hole end 691
Female bayonet end 1835
Female threaded end 541
Female threaded end with union nut 3534
Union female sub end 2525
Victaulic®, Pressfit swage 3228
Tri-Clamp® end x Beveled end x Tri-Clamp® end 718
Beveled end x female threaded end 708
Beveled end x male threaded end 705
Beveled end x plain end 706
Beveled end x Socket welded end 707
Female grooved end x Female threaded end 2535
Female quick connect end x Male threaded end 2540
Female quick connect end x Tubing connection end 2545
Flat face flanged end x Beveled end 702
Flat face flanged end x Plain end 703
Flat face flanged end x Female grooved end 3232
Flat face flanged end x Flat face flanged end x Socket 2550
Flat face flanged end x Male grooved end 3230
Flat face flanged end x Male threaded end 2555
Flat face flanged end x Mechanical joint spigot end 3231
Flat face flanged end x Socket end 2560
Flat face flanged end x Socket end x Flat face flanged 2565
Flat face flanged end x Socket end x Socket end 2570
Large female-face flanged end x Beveled end 2575
Large groove-face flanged end x Beveled end 2580
Large male-face flanged end x Beveled end 2585
Large-tongue-face flanged end x Beveled end 2590
Male grooved end x Beveled end 3244
Male grooved end x Female threaded end 3246
Male grooved end x Male grooved end 3238
Male grooved end x Male grooved end x Male 3252
threaded end
Male grooved end x Male grooved end x Socket 3250
welded end
Male grooved end x Male threaded end 2595
Male grooved end x Plain end 3248
Male grooved end x Socket end 3240
Male grooved end x Socket welded end 3242
Male push-on end x Push-on bell end 2600
Male push-on locking end x Push-on bell locking end
Male quick connect end x Female threaded end 2605
Male quick connect end x Tubing connection end 2610
Male threaded end x female threaded end 716
Male threaded end x plain end 710
Male threaded end x Beveled end 2615
Male threaded end x Male grooved end 3236
Male threaded end x Socket end 3234
Mechanical joint bell end x Plain end 2620
Mechanical joint bell end x Plain end x Mechanical 2625
joint bell end
Mechanical joint spigot end x Mechanical joint bell 2630
Plain end x female threaded end 713
Plain end x male threaded end 711
Plain end x Beveled end 2635
Plain end x Female socket weld end 2640
Plain end x Mechanical joint bell end 2645
Plain end x Push-on bell end 2650
Push-on bell end x Plain end x Push-on bell end 2655
Push-on bell end x Spigot end x Push-on bell end
Raised face flanged end x Beveled end 2665
Raised face flanged end x Plain End 2670
Raised face flanged end x Raised-face lap-flanged 2530
Raised face flanged end x Socket welded end 2675
Raised-face lap-flanged end x Plain End 2680
Small female-face flanged end x Beveled end 2690
Small groove-face flanged end x Beveled end 2695
Small-male-face flanged end x Beveled end 2700
Small-tongue-face flanged end x Beveled end 2705
Socket end x Female grooved end 3256
Socket end x Female threaded end 3254
Socket welded end x Female threaded end 714
Spigot end x Push-on bell end 2710
Tri-Clamp® end x Beveled end 719
Tubing connection end x Beveled end 2715
Tubing connection end x Female threaded end 2720
Tubing connection end x Female threaded end x 2725
Tubing connection end
Tubing connection end x Male threaded end 2730
Tubing connection end x Male threaded end x Tubing 2735
connection end
Tubing connection end x Tubing connection end x 2740
Female threaded end
Tubing connection end x Tubing connection end x 2745
Male threaded end
Union Male Sub x Female threaded end 3547
Union Male Sub x Male threaded end 3548
Union Female Sub x Female threaded end 3549
Union Female Sub x Male threaded end 3550
Female mechanical joint end x Beveled end x Raised- 3551
face flanged end
3" Beveled end 720
3" Male Threaded end 721
3" Plain end 722
3" Beveled end x male threaded end 723
3" Beveled end x plain end 724
3" Male threaded end x plain end 725
4" Beveled end 726
4" Male Threaded end 727
4" Plain end 728
4" Beveled end x male threaded end 729
4" Beveled end x plain end 730
4" Male threaded end x plain end 731
5" Beveled end 732
5" Male Threaded end 733
5" Plain end 734
5" Beveled end x male threaded end 735
5" Beveled end x plain end 736
5" Male threaded end x plain end 737
6" Beveled end 738
6" Male Threaded end 739
6" Plain end 740
6" Beveled end x male threaded end 741
6" Beveled end x plain end 742
6" Male threaded end x plain end 743
7" Beveled end 744
7" Male Threaded end 745
7" Plain end 746
7" Beveled end x male threaded end 747
7" Beveled end x plain end 748
7" Male threaded end x plain end 749
8" Plain end 750
9" Plain end 751
10" Plain end 752
11" Plain end 753
12" Plain end 754
Hexagon 755
HV, High Vacuum 157
UHV, Ultra High Vacuum 332
Vacuum 333
Class 25 756
Class 50 758
Class 75 759
Class 86 760
Class 100 761
Class 125 762
Class 125 LW 2750
Class 150 763
Class 175 764
Class 200 767
Class 250 769
Class 275 770
Class 300 773
Class 350 774
Class 400 777
Class 450 3258
Class 500 2755
Class 600 781
Class 800 785
Class 900 789
Class 960 3260
Class 1000 792
Class 1500 797
Class 1690 1840
Class 1700 1845
Class 2000 801
Class 2050 1850
Class 2350 1855
Class 2500 805
Class 2680 1860
Class 3000 809
Class 3100 1865
Class 3500 75
Class 3600 1870
Class 4000 811
Class 4500 813
Class 5000 815
Class 6000 817
Class 9000 821
Class 10000 823
Class 15000 827
Class 20000 831
Class 30000 835
2M 3262
3M 3264
5M 3266
10M 3268
15M 3270
20M 3272
30M 3274
100 WOG 3276
175 WOG 3278
200 WOG 3280
300 WOG 3282
350 WOG 3284
800 WOG 3286
1000 WOG 3288
1500 WOG 3290
2000 WOG 3292
2160 WOG 3294
2220 WOG 3296
3000 WOG 3298
3600 WOG 3300
5000 WOG 3302
6000 WOG 3304
9000 WOG 3305
10000 WOG 3306
15000 WOG 3308
20000 WOG 3310
40 PSI 89
45 PSI 90
50 PSI 92
55 PSI 77
60 PSI 78
65 PSI 80
70 PSI 81
75 PSI 83
80 PSI 84
85 PSI 85
90 PSI 86
95 PSI 87
100 PSI 93
105 PSI 94
110 PSI 95
115 PSI 96
120 PSI 97
125 PSI 98
130 PSI 99
135 PSI 101
140 PSI 102
145 PSI 103
150 PSI 104
155 PSI 105
160 PSI 106
165 PSI 107
170 PSI 108
175 PSI 109
180 PSI 110
185 PSI 111
190 PSI 112
195 PSI 113
200 PSI 114
205 PSI 115
210 PSI 116
215 PSI 117
220 PSI 118
225 PSI 119
230 PSI 120
235 PSI 122
Gravity Head 840
DIN PN 0.5 2760
DIN PN 1 2765
DIN PN 1.6 2770
DIN PN 2 2775
DIN PN 2.5 757
DIN PN 3.2 2780
DIN PN 4 2785
DIN PN 5 2790
DIN PN 6 765
DIN PN 8 2795
DIN PN 10 766
DIN PN 12.5 2800
DIN PN 16 768
DIN PN 20 2805
DIN PN 25 775
DIN PN 32 2810
DIN PN 40 776
DIN PN 50 2815
DIN PN 63 (formerly DIN PN 64) 2820
DIN PN 80 2825
DIN PN 100 782
DIN PN 110 2830
DIN PN 125 2835
DIN PN 150 2840
DIN PN 160 790
DIN PN 200 2845
DIN PN 250 794
DIN PN 260 2850
DIN PN 315 2855
DIN PN 320 795
DIN PN 400 796
DIN PN 420 2860
DIN PN 500 2865
DIN PN 630 2870
DIN PN 700 2875
DIN PN 800 2880
DIN PN 1000 2885
DIN PN 1250 2890
DIN PN 1600 2895
DIN PN 2000 2900
DIN PN 2500 2905
DIN PN 4000 2910
DIN PN 6300 2915
NS PN 10 317
NS PN 16 318
NS PN 40 319
SMS PN 6 329
SMS PN 10 320
SMS PN 16 323
SMS PN 25 325
SMS PN 40 328
SMS PN 64 330
SMS PN 100 322
SMS PN 160 324
SMS PN 250 326
SMS PN 320 327
JIS PN 0.5 (0.05 MPa) 226
JIS PN 1 (0.10 MPa) 227
JIS PN 1.5 (0.15 MPa) 3348
JIS PN 2.5 (0.25 MPa) 256
JIS PN 3 (0.30 MPa) 268
JIS PN 3.5 (0.35 MPa) 3350
JIS PN 6 (0.60 MPa) 284
JIS PN 7 (0.70 MPa) 3352
JIS PN 10 (1.00 MPa) 3354
JIS PN 12 (1.20 MPa) 3356
JIS PN 13.5 (1.35 MPa) 3358
JIS PN 13.7 (1.37 MPa) 3360
JIS PN 14 (1.40 MPa) 3362
JIS PN 15 (1.50 MPa) 3364
JIS PN 16 (1.60 MPa) 3366
JIS PN 16.5 (1.65 MPa) 3368
JIS PN 17.2 (1.72 MPa) 3370
JIS PN 20 (2.00 MPa) 257
JIS PN 25 (2.50 MPa) 3374
JIS PN 29 (2.90 MPa) 3376
JIS PN 30 (3.00 MPa) 3378
JIS PN 34.5 (3.45 MPa) 3380
JIS PN 40 (4.00 MPa) 276
JIS PN 42 (4.20 MPa) 3382
JIS PN 43 (4.30 MPa) 3384
JIS PN 48 (4.80 MPa) 3386
JIS PN 50 (5.00 MPa) 3388
JIS PN 63 (6.30 MPa) 286
JIS PN 64 (6.40 MPa) 3390
JIS PN 100 (10.0 MPa) 3392
JIS PN 110 (11.0 MPa) 233
JIS PN 150 (15.0 MPa) 240
JIS PN 160 (16.0 MPa) 247
JIS PN 200 (20.0 MPa) 258
JIS PN 210 (21.0 MPa) 3394
JIS PN 250 (25.0 MPa) 264
JIS PN 260 (26.0 MPa) 266
JIS PN 300 (30.0 MPa) 272
JIS PN 320 (32.0 MPa) 273
JIS PN 420 (42.0 MPa) 278
JIS PN 500 (50.0 MPa) 283
JIS PN 680 (68.0 MPa) 288
JIS PN 1000 (100.0 MPa) 232
JIS PN 1400 (140.0 MPa) 238
JIS PN 1700 (170.0 MPa) 249
JIS PN 1850 (185.0 MPa) 250
JIS PN 1950 (195.0 MPa) 255
JIS PN 2100 (210.0 MPa) 260
JIS PN 2200 (220.0 MPa) 262
JIS PN 2500 (250.0 MPa) 265
JIS PN 3200 (320.0 MPa) 274
JIS PN 6000 (600.0 MPa) 285
JIS 2K (2 kg/cm2) 3312
JIS 3K (3 kg/cm2) 210
JIS 4K (4 kg/cm2) 215
JIS 5K (5 kg/cm2) 3314
JIS 6K (6 kg/cm2) 3316
JIS 7K (7 kg/cm2) 224
JIS 7.5K (7.5 kg/cm2) 3318
JIS 8K (8 kg/cm2) 225
JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2) 2920
JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Light Type 3320
JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Thin Type 3322
JIS 16K (16 kg/cm2) 2925
JIS 20K (20 kg/cm2) 2930
JIS 21K (21 kg/cm2) 3324
JIS 25K (25 kg/cm2) 3326
JIS 28K (28 kg/cm2) 205
JIS 30K (30 kg/cm2) 2935
JIS 40K (40 kg/cm2) 2940
JIS 45K (45 kg/cm2) 3328
JIS 50K (50 kg/cm2) 3330
JIS 63K (63 kg/cm2) 2945
JIS 65K (65 kg/cm2) 3332
JIS 70K (70 kg/cm2) 223
JIS 100K (100 kg/cm2) 3334
JIS 106K (106 kg/cm2) 178
JIS 110K (110 kg/cm2) 3336
JIS 140K (140 kg/cm2) 188
JIS 150K (150 kg/cm2) 190
JIS 250K (250 kg/cm2) 199
JIS 260K (260 kg/cm2) 3340
JIS 280K (280 kg/cm2) 3342
JIS 315K (315 kg/cm2) 208
JIS 350K (350 kg/cm2) 3344
JIS 420K (420 kg/cm2) 3346
3.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602

3.45 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602


4.30 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602


5.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8602


2.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605


3.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605


3.45 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605


4.30 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605


5.00 MPa Maximum Working Pressure per JIS B 8605

JPI Class 25 298
JPI Class 75 313
JPI Class 125 290
JPI Class 150 295
JPI Class 250 299
JPI Class 300 305
JPI Class 350 307
JPI Class 400 308
JPI Class 600 310
JPI Class 800 314
JPI Class 900 315
JPI Class 1500 296
JPI Class 2000 297
JPI Class 2500 300
JPI Class 3000 306
JPI Class 4500 309
JPI Class 6000 312
JPI Class 9000 316
F12 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn),
formerly F125 158
F15 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn),
formerly F150 159
F20 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn),
formerly F200 160
F25 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn),
formerly F250 166
F29 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 (withdrawn),
formerly F300 170
VP per JIS K 6741 3540
HIVP per JIS K 6741 3541
VM per JIS K 6741 3542
VU per JIS K 6741 3543
IDVP per JIS K 6741 3544
ISVP per JIS K 6741 3545
IWVP per JIS K 6741 3546
Class I per JIS B 2301 3564
Class II per JIS B 2301 3565
GB PN 0.25 MPa (2.5 bar) 123
GB PN 0.6 MPa (6 bar) 126
GB PN 1.0 MPa (10 bar) 128
GB PN 1.6 MPa (16 bar) 129
GB PN 2.0 MPa (20 bar) 138
GB PN 2.5 MPa (25 bar) 139
GB PN 4.0 MPa (40 bar) 146
GB PN 5.0 MPa (50 bar) 148
GB PN 6.0 MPa (60 bar) 149
GB PN 6.3 MPa (63 bar) 150
GB PN 6.4 MPa (64 bar) 156
GB PN 10 MPa (100 bar) 131
GB PN 11 MPa (110 bar) 132
GB PN 15 MPa (150 bar) 135
GB PN 16 MPa (160 bar) 137
GB PN 20 MPa (200 bar) 140
GB PN 26 MPa (260 bar) 142
GB PN 32 MPa (320 bar) 144
GB PN 42 MPa (420 bar) 147
Table A (170 kPa) 2950
Table C 2952
Table D (700 kPa) 2955
Table E (1400 kPa) 2960
Table F (2100 kPa) 2965
Table H (3500 kPa) 2970
Table J 2975
Table K 2980
Table R 2985
Table S 2990
Table T 2953
Not Required 1400
S-5 3605
S-5S 1402
S-10S 1404
S-40S 1406
S-80S 1408
S-10 1410
S-20 1412
S-30 1414
S-40 1416
S-60 1418
S-80 1420
S-100 1422
S-120 1424
S-140 1426
S-160 1428
S-STD 1430
S-XS 1432
S-XXS 1434
S-LW 2995
S-XH 3000
S-SV 3005
0.020”, tubing 1450
0.028”, tubing 1452
0.030”, tubing 1454
0.032”, tubing 1456
0.035”, tubing 1458
0.040”, tubing 1460
0.042”, tubing 3404
0.045”, tubing 3406
0.049”, tubing 1462
0.058”, tubing 3408
0.062”, tubing 1464
0.065”, tubing 1466
0.070”, tubing 3410
0.072”, tubing 3412
0.080”, tubing 3414
0.083”, tubing 1468
0.090”, tubing 3416
0.095”, tubing 3418
0.109”, tubing 1470
0.110”, tubing 3420
0.120”, tubing 1472
0.122”, tubing 3422
0.125”, tubing 334
0.134”, tubing 1474
0.140”, tubing 3426
0.160”, tubing 3428
0.170”, tubing 3430
0.192”, tubing 3432
0.200”, tubing 3434
0.250”, tubing 1476
0.271”, tubing 3436
0.375”, tubing 1478
0.500”, tubing 1480
0.049” 3599
0.0625” 851
0.065” 3600
0.083” 3601
0.109” 3602
0.125” 852
0.134” 3603
0.1875” 853
0.25” 854
0.3125” 855
0.375” 3604
0.4375” 857
0.5” 858
0.5625” 859
0.625” 860
0.6875” 861
0.75” 862
0.8125” 863
0.875” 864
0.9375” 865
1.0” 866
1.0625” 1482
1.125” 1484
1.1875” 1486
1.25” 1488
1.3125” 1490
1.375” 1492
1.4375” 1494
1.5” 1496
1.5625” 1498
1.625” 1500
1.6875” 1502
1.75” 1504
1.8125” 1506
1.875” 1508
1.9375” 1510
2.0” 1512
2.0625” 1514
2.125” 1516
2.1875” 1518
2.25” 1520
2.3125” 1522
2.375” 1524
2.4375” 1526
2.5” 1528
2.5625” 1530
2.625” 1532
2.6875” 1534
2.75” 1536
2.8125” 1538
2.875” 1540
2.9375” 1542
3.0” 1544
Type K, tubing 1546
Type L, tubing 1548
Type M, tubing 1550
Type DWV, tubing 1552
Type ACR, tubing 1554
Wall-A, reinforced concrete 1556
Wall-B, reinforced concrete 1558
Wall-C, reinforced concrete 1560
Thickness Class 50, AWWA C151 ductile iron 1562
Thickness Class 51, AWWA C151 ductile iron 1564
Thickness Class 52, AWWA C151 ductile iron 1566
Thickness Class 53, AWWA C151 ductile iron 1568
Thickness Class 54, AWWA C151 ductile iron 1570
Thickness Class 55, AWWA C151 ductile iron 1572
Thickness Class 56, AWWA C151 ductile iron 1574
Class III, ASTM C76 3010
7 (stainless steel gauge) 3015
10 (stainless steel gauge) 3020
11 (stainless steel gauge) 3025
12 (stainless steel gauge) 3030
14 (stainless steel gauge) 3035
3/16 (stainless steel gauge) 3040
1/4 (stainless steel gauge) 3045
SDR 5 3046
SDR 6 3047
SDR 6.3 3048
SDR 7 3049
SDR 7.3 3051
SDR 8.8 3052
SDR 9 3050
SDR 10 3053
SDR 11 3055
SDR 11.5 3054
SDR 13.5 3060
SDR 14 3065
SDR 15.5 3566
SDR 17 3070
SDR 17.5 3062
SDR 18 3075
SDR 21 3080
SDR 23.5 3085
SDR 25 3090
SDR 26 3095
SDR 32.5 3056
SDR 35 3100
SDR 41 3105
SDR 42 3110
SDR 51 3057
SDR 64 3058
SDR 81 3059
SIDR 5.3 3567
SIDR 7 3568
SIDR 9 3569
SIDR 11.5 3570
SIDR 15 3571
DR 7 3572
DR 7.3 3573
DR 9 3574
DR 9.3 3575
DR 9.9 3576
DR 14 3115
DR 18 3120
DR 19 3577
DR 21 3578
DR 23.7 3579
DR 25 3125
DR 26 3580
DR 27.6 3130
DR 32.5 3581
DR 41 3061
0.25 mm 335
0.3 mm 336
0.35 mm 337
0.4 mm 338
0.5 mm 339
0.6 mm 340
0.7 mm 341
0.8 mm 342
0.9 mm 343
1.0 mm 344
1.2 mm 345
1.24 mm 346
1.4 mm 347
1.47 mm 348
1.5 mm 349
1.6 mm 350
1.65 mm 351
1.8 mm 352
10.0 mm 353
10.3 mm 354
10.5 mm 3582
102.1 mm 355
104.7 mm 356
107.9 mm 357
11.0 mm 358
11.1 mm 359
11.9 mm 360
111.0 mm 361
114.6 mm 362
12.0 mm 363
12.5 mm 364
12.7 mm 365
13.1 mm 367
13.5 mm 3583
14.0 mm 368
15.0 mm 370
15.1 mm 371
15.5 mm 3584
15.9 mm 372
16.0 mm 373
16swg 374
17.0 mm 375
17.5 mm 376
18.0 mm 377
18.7 mm 378
18swg 379
19.0 mm 380
2.0 mm 382
2.11 mm 383
2.2 mm 384
2.3 mm 385
2.41 mm 386
2.5 mm 387
2.6 mm 388
2.77 mm 389
2.8 mm 390
2.9 mm 392
20.0 mm 393
20.0 mm 394
21.0 mm 395
22.0 mm 396
22.2 mm 397
22.5 mm 398
24.0 mm 399
25.0 mm 400
25.3 mm 403
26.0 mm 404
28.0 mm 405
3.0 mm 406
3.2 mm 407
3.5 mm 408
3.6 mm 409
3.8 mm 410
30.0 mm 412
31.2 mm 413
32.0 mm 414
34.4 mm 415
35.0 mm 416
36.0 mm 417
37.0 mm 418
37.6 mm 419
38.0 mm 423
4.0 mm 426
4.2 mm 427
4.5 mm 428
40.0 mm 429
40.9 mm 430
44.1 mm 432
45.0 mm 433
47.3 mm 434
5.0 mm 435
5.3 mm 436
5.5 mm 437
5.6 mm 438
5.8 mm 439
50.0 mm 440
50.5 mm 442
53.8 mm 443
55.0 mm 444
56.0 mm 445
57.0 mm 446
6.0 mm 447
6.2 mm 448
6.3 mm 449
6.4 mm 450
6.5 mm 452
6.6 mm 453
6.9 mm 454
60.0 mm 455
61.3 mm 456
63.0 mm 457
63.8 mm 458
65.0 mm 459
66.0 mm 460
7.0 mm 462
7.1 mm 463
7.5 mm 464
7.9 mm 465
70.0 mm 466
70.2 mm 467
73.4 mm 468
76.6 mm 469
79.8 mm 470
8.0 mm 472
8.5 mm 473
8.7 mm 474
8.8 mm 475
83.0 mm 476
85.7 mm 477
88.9 mm 478
9.0 mm 479
9.5 mm 480
92.1 mm 482
95.8 mm 483
98.9 mm 484
Class 1 per JIS K 6761 485
Class 2 per JIS K 6761 486
Class 3, 17 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 487
Class 3, 21 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 488
D1, Grade 1 pipe per JIS G 5526 489
D1.5, Grade 1.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 490
D2, Grade 2 pipe per JIS G 5526 492
D2.5, Grade 2.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 494
D3, Grade 3 pipe per JIS G 5526 496
D3.5, Grade 3.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 497
D4, Grade 4 pipe per JIS G 5526 498
D4.5, Grade 4.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 500
DPF, Grade PF pipe per JIS G 5526 502
GS per JIS G 3459 503
LG per JIS G 3460 518
LG per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313 3561
STD per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313 3562
XS per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313 3563
Attached Table 1 per JIS B 2311 3585
Table 2 per JIS G 3442 3586
Table 6 per JIS G 3452 3587
Sch. 10 per JIS 519
Sch. 100 per JIS 520
Sch. 10S per JIS 523
Sch. 120 per JIS 524
Sch. 140 per JIS 525
Sch. 160 per JIS 526
Sch. 20 per JIS 527
Sch. 20S per JIS 528
Sch. 30 per JIS 529
Sch. 40 per JIS 530
Sch. 40S per JIS 531
Sch. 5S per JIS 532
Sch. 60 per JIS 533
Sch. 80 per JIS 534
Sch. 80S per JIS 535
Wall Thickness per DIN 2463 539
Wall Thickness Reihe 1 540
Wall Thickness Reihe 2 542
Wall Thickness Reihe 3 543
Wall Thickness Reihe 4 544
Wall Thickness Reihe 5 545
1.6 mm AARH (Ra) finish 1875
3 mm AARH (Ra) finish 1880
3.2-6.4 mm AARH (Ra) finish 1885
63 min AARH (Ra) finish 870
63-80 min AARH (Ra) finish 1890
63-100 min AARH (Ra) finish 871
63-125 min AARH (Ra) finish 1895
63-250 min AARH (Ra) finish 1900
80 min AARH (Ra) finish 1905
80-150 min AARH (Ra) finish 873
100-150 min AARH (Ra) finish 1910
125 min AARH (Ra) finish 1915
125-200 min AARH (Ra) finish 1920
125-250 min AARH (Ra) finish 1925
125-500 min AARH (Ra) finish 1930
200 min AARH (Ra) finish 875
250-500 min AARH (Ra) finish 1935
DIN 2526 Form A 1978
DIN 2526 Form B 1979
DIN 2526 Form C (RZ = 160 mm) 1980
DIN 2526 Form D (RZ = 40 mm) 1985
DIN 2526 Form E (RZ = 16 mm) 1990
DIN 2526 Form F 1991
DIN 2526 Form N 1992
DIN 2526 Form V 13 3588
DIN 2526 Form R 13 3589
DIN 2526 Form V 14 3590
DIN 2526 Form R 14 3591
DIN 2526 Form M 3592
DIN 2526 Form L 3593
EN 1092-1 Type A 546
EN 1092-1 Type B1 547
EN 1092-1 Type B2 548
EN 1092-1 Type C 549
EN 1092-1 Type D 560
EN 1092-1 Type E 3594
EN 1092-1 Type F 3595
EN 1092-1 Type G 3596
EN 1092-1 Type H 3597
Stock finish (Mill finish) 877
Smooth finish 1940
Cold water finish 1945
Spiral serrated 1950
Concentric serrated 1955
Deburred and descaled 1960
Surface ground 1965
Smooth spiral / smooth concentric machined 1970
Serrated spiral / serrated concentric machined 1975
ASME B16.1 3438
ASME B16.3 3440
ASME B16.4 3442
ASME B16.5 3444
ASME B16.9 3446
ASME B16.10 3448
ASME B16.11 3450
ASME B16.12 912
ASME B16.14 3452
ASME B16.15 915
ASME B16.18 3454
ASME B16.20 3456
ASME B16.21 3458
ASME B16.22 922
ASME B16.23 923
ASME B16.24 924
ASME B16.25 3460
ASME B16.26 3462
ASME B16.28 3464
ASME B16.29 3466
ASME B16.33 3468
ASME B16.34 3470
ASME B16.36 929
ASME B16.39 3472
ASME B16.40 3474
ASME B16.43 (withdrawn) 3476
ASME B16.45 3478
ASME B16.47, Series A 3480
ASME B16.47, Series B 3482
ASME B16.48 3484
ASME B16.49 3486
ASME B16.50 3488
ASME B16.42 930
ASME B16.44 3135
ASME B1.20.3 933
ASME B1.20.7 937
ASTM A74 945
AWWA C110/A21.10 949
AWWA C111/A21.11 951
AWWA C115/A21.15 950
AWWA C151/A21.51 955
API 5LE 970
API 6A 975
API 605 979
MSS SP-44-NB 980
MSS SP-44-B 981

Victaulic® Advanced Groove System x AWWA C606

Tube Turn Industries 990
Dow 991
Aloyco 992
Yarway 993
Teledyne Farris 994
R&G Sloane 995
American Ductile Iron Pipe 996
American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (AIF) 562
Gladding McBean 997
Taylor Forge 998
Victaulic Series W30 3492
Victaulic Series W35 3494
Victaulic Series W730 3496
Victaulic No 100-3D 3512
Victaulic No 110-3D 3514
Male quick connect end 451
Male ferrule end 461
Female quick connect end 581
Female ferrule end 601
Male mechanical joint end 2380
Female mechanical joint end 2385
Compression tubing end 2390
Swagelok® compression tubing end 2395
Parker Hannifin CPI™ 3198
Parker Hannifin A-LOK® 3200
Autoclave Engineers SpeedBite 3202
LOKRING®, male end 1790
LOKRING®, female end 1795
VCO® face seal, male end 1800
VCO® face seal, female end 1805
VCR® face seal, male end 1810
VCR® face seal, female end 1815
Ingold® end 1820
Mechanical joint bell end 642
Restrained joint bell end 1825
Mechanical joint spigot end 2405
Male grooved end 441
Female grooved end 561
Clamp joint end 2420
Victaulic® end 2425
Victaulic® plain end 2430
Victaulic® grooved flexible end 2435
Victaulic® grooved rigid end 2440
Victaulic® AGS grooved flexible end 3204
Victaulic® AGS grooved rigid end 3206
Victaulic® Vic-Ring end 2445
CONQUEST® plain end 29
Male Taper-Lok end 2450
Female Taper-Lok end 2455
Gruvlok® grooved clamp end 2460
Grinnell grooved clamp end 2465
ISO KF flange end 3208
ISO LF flange end 3210
Kwik-FlangeTM end 3212
Large-Flange clamp style end
TM 31
Large-FlangeTM band clamp style end 35
Tri-Clamp® end 2470
Techlok® end 2475
Grayloc® end 2480
Wireloc™ end 3216
G-Lok® end 2485
SPO-LOCK end 2490
Cherry-Burrell end 2495
WOODCO end 3506
Cameron end 28
Tri-Weld Short Ferrule 1137
0.5 deg 1630
1.0 deg 1635
1.5 deg 1640
2.0 deg 1645
2.5 deg 1650
3.0 deg 1655
3.5 deg 1660
4.0 deg 1665
4.5 deg 1670
5.0 deg 1675
5.5 deg 1680
6.0 deg 1685
6.5 deg 1690
7.0 deg 1695
7.5 deg 1700
8.0 deg 1705
8.5 deg 1710
9.0 deg 1715
9.5 deg 1720
10.0 deg 1725
2500 mm 1745
2000 mm 1750
1500 mm 1755
1000 mm 1760
500 mm 1765
400 mm 1770
300 mm 1775
200 mm 1780
100 mm 1785
Housing 161
After isolating valve 163
Use with butterfly valves 164
Match branch nipple 165
Straight ends 167
Horizontal 168
Vertical 169
175 WOG, Victaulic® Male grooved end 3498
300 WOG, Victaulic® Male grooved end 3500
175 WOG, Victaulic® Advanced Groove System 3502
300 WOG, Victaulic® Advanced Groove System 3504
Class 300, Raised-face flanged end 3510
Variable thickness 1600
Short Outlet Tee ETBW x Tri-Clamp Branch 162
of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
ConduitSelectionBasis ConduitSelectionBasis Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 1
Conduit Bend Conduit Bend 5

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a v
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
ConnectionType ConnectionType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Bolted Joint Bolted Joint 1
Thru-Bolted Joint Thru-Bolted Joint 2
Welded Joint Welded Joint 3
Mechanical Joint Mechanical Joint 4
Threaded joint Threaded joint 6
Other Other 5
but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
ConstructionRequirement ConstructionRequirement
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S




ConstructionType ConstructionType Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the me
r should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
New 2
Revamp 4
Temporary 6
Dismantle 7
Existing 10
Existing, to be modified 15
Existing, to be reused in place 17
Existing, to be modified and relocated 20
Existing, to be relocated and re-used 25
Existing, not to be revamped 27
Recalibrate 30
Relocate 31
Future 8
Proposed 9
numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
a parent value.
! Back to Index
ControlPointSubType ControlPointSubType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! Codelist numbers 1-6 are pre-defined system values used by Intergraph and should not
! Codelist numbers 9-19 and 51-1000 are reserved for use by Intergraph and should not b
! Codelist numbers 20-50 may be defined by the user.
Process Equipment 1
Mechanical Equipment 2
Foundation 3
Structure 4
Piping Mfg Limit Point 5
Spool Break 6
Duct Break Point 9
WBS Pipe Break - Fabrication 10
WBS Break Point Type 1 11
WBS Break Point Type 2 12
WBS Break Point Type 3 13
WBS Break Point Type 4 14
WBS Break Point Type 5 16
WBS Pipe Break - Generic 18
WBS Pipe Break - Stress 15
WBS Pipe Break - Tracing 17
WBS Pipe Break - System 19
Elevation Callout 51
Ad Hoc Note 52
CAD Detail 53
Key Plan Callout 54
Support Notes 55
Pipe Stress System Delimiter 101
Isometric Reference Dimension 56

! User defined User defined 20

! User defined User defined 21
! User defined User defined 22
! User defined User defined 23
! User defined User defined 24
! User defined User defined 25
! User defined User defined 26
! User defined User defined 27
! User defined User defined 28
! User defined User defined 29
! User defined User defined 30
! User defined User defined 31
! User defined User defined 32
! User defined User defined 33
! User defined User defined 34
! User defined User defined 35
! User defined User defined 36
! User defined User defined 37
! User defined User defined 38
! User defined User defined 39
! User defined User defined 40
! User defined User defined 41
! User defined User defined 42
! User defined User defined 43
! User defined User defined 44
! User defined User defined 45
! User defined User defined 46
! User defined User defined 47
! User defined User defined 48
! User defined User defined 49
! User defined User defined 50

ntergraph and should not be modified by the user.
ergraph and should not be modified by the user.Out of these, 51-100 are reserved for Hanger control points.
nger control points.
! Back to Index
ControlPointType ControlPointType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Control Point 1
Key Point 2
Insertion Point 3

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
t not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD CreateExclusiveWBSItem ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

Codelist Sort
CreateExclusiveWBSItem LongDescription Number Order
r may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CrossSectionCardinalPoints CrossSectionCardinalPoints
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
1 1-Bottom Left
2 2-Bottom Center
3 3-Bottom Right
4 4-Center Left
5 5-Center
6 6-Center Right
7 7-Top Left
8 8-Top Center
9 9-Top Right
10 10-Centroid
11 11-Centroid Bottom
12 12-Centroid Left
13 13-Centroid Right
14 14-Centroid Top
15 15-Shear Center

Codelist Sort
Number Order
l value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or del

user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Web Left
Web Right
Bottom Flange Left Top
Top Flange Left Bottom
Bottom Flange Right Top
Top Flange Right Bottom
Bottom Flange Left
Top Flange Left
Bottom Flange Right
Top Flange Right
Web Right Top Corner
Web Right Bottom Corner
Web Left Bottom Corner
Web Left Top Corner
Top Flange Right Bottom Corner
Bottom Flange Right Top Corner
Top Flange Left Bottom Corner
Bottom Flange Left Top Corner
Bottom Flange Right Bottom Corner
Top Flange Right Top Corner
Top Flange Left Top Corner
Bottom Flange Left Bottom Corner
Bottom Flange Left Bottom
Top Flange Left Top
Bottom Flange Right Bottom
Top Flange Right Top
Web Left Bottom Top Corner
Web Left Top Bottom Corner
Web Right Bottom Top Corner
Web Right Top Bottom Corner
Web Left Bottom
Web Left Top
Web Right Bottom
Web Right Top
Web Left Bottom Bottom Corner
Web Left Top Top Corner
Web Right Bottom Bottom Corner
Web Right Top Top Corner
Outer Tube
Inner Tube
Inner Web Left
Inner Web Right
Inner Top
Inner Bottom
Inner Web Left Top Corner
Inner Web Left Bottom Corner
Inner Web Right Top Corner
Inner Web Right Bottom Corner

Codelist Sort
CrossSectionEdges LongDescription Number Order
. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value

Left side of main web (back) 257

Right side of main web (front) 258
Bottom 513
Top 514
Left top edge of lowest flange 769
Left bottom edge of top flange 770
Right top edge of lowest flange 771
Right bottom edge of top flange 772
Left edge of lowest flange 1025
Left edge of top flange 1026
Right edge of lowest flange 1027
Right edge of top flange 1028
Upper corner of right side of main web 1281
Lower corner of right side of main web 1282
Lower corner of left side of main web 1283
Upper corner of left side of main web 1284
Right bottom corner of top flange 1537
Right top corner of lowest flange 1538
Left bottom corner of top flange 1540
Left top corner of lowest flange 1541
Right bottom corner of lowest flange 1793
Right top corner of top flange 1794
Left top corner of top flange 1795
Left bottom corner of lowest flange 1796
Lowest left edge of lowest flange 2049
Top left edge of top flange 2050
Lowest right edge of lowest flange 2051
Top right edge of top flange 2052
Top corner of left edge of lowest part of web 2305
Lower corner of left edge of lowest part of web 2306
Top corner of right edge of lowest part of web 2307
Lower corner of left edge of top part of web 2308
Lowest edge of right side of web 2561
Top edge of left side of web 2562
Lowest edge of right side of web 2563
Top edge of right side of web 2564
Lowest corner of lowest edge of right side of web 2817
Top corner of top left side of web 2818
Lower corner of bottom right side of web 2819
Top corner of top right side of web 2820
Outer Tube 3073
Innter Tube 3074
Left Side of Inner Web 3329
Right Side of Inner Web 3330
Inner Top 3585
Inner Bottom 3586
Upper Corner of Left Side of Inner Web 3841
Bottom Corner of Left Side of Inner Web 3842
Upper Corner of Right Side of Inner Web 3843
Bottom Corner of Right Side of Inner Web 3844
e meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
CrossSectionShapeTypes CrossSectionShapeTypes Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 0
Rectangular Rectangular 1
Flat Oval Flat Oval 3
Round Round 4
U Shape U Shape 5
User Defined User Defined 6

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
DesignStandardPractice DesignStandardPractice
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text a
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar

United States of America, Standards

Germany, Standards (DIN)
Finland, Standards (SFS)
CEN/EU, Standards

United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)

Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Standards

Japan, Standards (JISC)
China, Standards (SACS)
Korea, Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
Australia, Standards (AS)
NORSOK, Standards
KKS, Standards
Company, Standards
France, Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas, Standards
Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC =
Standards Council of Canada,
CSA = Canadian Standards
Canada, Standards (SCC) Association)
Chile, Standards (INN)
Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Norway, Standards (NSF)
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS)
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)

DesignStandard DesignStandard Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or
he user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel

Code Section I, Rules for
ASME-I Construction of Power Boilers 5
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code Section III, Rules for
Construction of Nuclear Power
ASME-III Plant Components 10

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel

Code Section VIII-1, Rules for
ASME-VIII-1 Construction of Pressure Vessels 15

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel

Code Section VIII-2, Rules for
ASME-VIII-2 Construction of Pressure Vessels 20
ASME-VIII-2 Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division
3: Alternative Rules for
Construction of High Pressure
ASME-VIII-3 Vessels 21
ASME B31.1, Power Piping Design
ASME-B31.1 and Fabrication 30
ASME-B31.2 ASME B31.2, Fuel Gas Piping 35
ASME B31.3, Process Piping
ASME-B31.3 Design 40

ASME B31.4, Pipeline

Transportation Systems for Liquid
ASME-B31.4 Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids 45

ASME B31.5, Refrigeration Piping

ASME-B31.5 and Heat Transfer Components 50

ASME B31.8, Gas Transmission

ASME-B31.8 Distribution and Piping Systems 55
ASME B31.9, Building Services
ASME-B31.9 Piping 60
API 2000, Venting Atmospheric
and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks:
API-2000 Non-refrigerated and Refrigerated 65

AWWA M11, Steel Water Pipe: A

AWWA Guide for Design and Installation 70
ASME BPE Bioprocessing
ASME BPE Equipment 75
EN 13480-3, Metallic industrial
piping - Part 3: Design and
EN 13480-3 calculation 80
BS 806, Boiler Pipe Work BS 806, Boiler Pipe Work 5001
BS 3351, Piping systems for
petroleum refineries and
BS 3351, Piping systems for pepetrochemical plants 5002

ge the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
parent value.
! Back to Index
DesignResponsibility DesignResponsibility Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Contractor By Contractor 10
Owner By Owner 15
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 20
Vendor By Vendor 25
Piping By Piping 30
Instruments By Instruments 35
Others By Others 40

value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
! DoorType DoorType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Sliding Door Sliding Door 0
Roll Up Door Roll Up 1
Loading Dock Loading Dock 2
General Opening General Opening 3

tween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
! DoorsWindowsKinematics DoorsWindowsKinematics Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Slide Left Slide Left 0
Slide Right Slide Right 1
Swing Left Swing Left 2
Swing Right Swing Right 3
Slide Up Slide Up 4
Swing Up Swing Up 5
Roll Up Roll Up 6
SwingBoth SwingBoth 7

tween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
DoorFramePosition DoorFramePosition Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Centered Centered in Wall 0
Flush Flush with mating surface 1
Offset Offset from mating surface 2

, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a v
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
DrillingTemplatePattern DrillingTemplatePattern Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Circular, two holes up Circular, two holes up 1
Circular, one hole up Circular, one hole up 2
Circular, rotatable Circular, rotatable 40
Square Square 5
Square With Offset Square With Offset 10
Rectangular Rectangular 15
Rectangular With Offset Rectangular With Offset 20
Rectangular With Split Flange Face Rectangular With Split Flange Face 25
Triangular (equilateral) Triangular (equilateral) 30
Oval Oval 35

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Eccentric offset based on outside diameter
Eccentric offset based on inside diameter

EccentricOffsetBasis Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
he textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not a

Eccentric offset based on outside diameter 1

Eccentric offset based on inside diameter 2
nd the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not ch
Topology mismatch approved
Data and Topology mismatches approved
LongDescription Codelist Number Sort Order
he user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; a

None 1
Topology mismatch approved 2
Data and Topology mismatches approved 3
meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
EquipmentComponentTypes1 EquipmentComponentTypes1
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! Warning: Values in red text and/or green highlight should not be modified by the user
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000
Flare Stack Component

Heat Transfer Component

Lubrication System

Material Transfer Component

Mechanical Component
Shell Component

Tray Component

Vessel Component
EquipmentComponentTypes2 EquipmentComponentTypes2
ShortDescription LongDescription
not be modified by the user.
ld be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Flare Stack
Flare Stack Riser
Flare Stack Support
Flare Stack Tip
Igniter Panel

Air Cooler Bay

Detuning Plate
Distributor Belt
Exchanger Bundle Support
Exchanger End
Exchanger Frame
Exchanger Piping
Exchanger Plate
Exchanger Region
Exchanger Side

Exchanger Tube

Exchanger Tubesheet
Heater Coil Return Fitting
Heater Coil Terminal
Impingement Plate
Nozzle Dome
Partition Seal Rod
Shell And Tube Assembly
Tie Rod
Tie Rod Spacer
U Bend Support
Vapour Belt

Agitator impeller
Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
Pump Impeller

Lubrication System Cooler

Lubrication System Driver
Lubrication System Filter

Balance Piston
Baseplate Soleplate
Centrifugal Pump Column Pipe
Centrifugal Pump Diffuser
Centrifugal Pump Line Shaft
Centrifugal Pump Suction Can
Compressor stage


Piston Rod
Pump Cylinder

Pump Drive End

Pump Gland Taps

Pump Liquid End

Pump Packing
Pump Packing Ring
Pump Suppressor
Reciprocating Pump Stage
Shaft Sleeve
Speed Changer
Speed Reducer
Stuffing Box
Turbine Stage
Wear Ring


Conduit Nozzle
HVAC Nozzle
Cable Nozzle
CableTray Nozzle
Foundation Port


Bearing Housing
Sole Plate


Expansion Joint

Guide Bars
Piping fitting

Piping terminator




Shell Section

Apron Section
Blinding Strip
Cap Assembly
Downcomer Apron
Perforation Cover
Seal Pan
Trap Out Tray
Tray Cascade
Tray Panel
Tray Support

Access Way

Draw Off Sump
Entrainment separator

Filter Element
Lifting Lug
Reinforcing Ring
Spray Nozzle
Stiffening Ring
Tank Bottom
Tank Plate
Tank Roof
Trays And Packing

Vent (Equipment)
Steam Out
Level Bridle
Water Out
Hand Hold
Insulation Support
Fixed Internals
Breather Vent
Vacuum Vent
Packing Support
Coil Support
EquipmentComponentTypes3 EquipmentComponentTypes3
ShortDescription LongDescription

Exchanger Air Side

Exchanger Bundle
Exchanger Shell

Exchanger Tube External

Anchor Impeller
Paddle Impeller
Propeller Impeller
Turbine Impeller
Centrifugal Compressor Stage
Reciprocating Compressor Stage

Coupling Diaphragm
Coupling Magnetic
HSS Coupling
LSS Coupling
Hydraulic Coupling

Pump Cylinder Liner

Reciprocating Pump Drive End

Metering Pump Liquid End

Reciprocating Pump Liquid End

Pipe Nozzle
Exchanger Baffle
Exchanger End Partition Plate
Longitudinal Baffle
Tray Baffle

Radial Bearing
Thrust Bearing

Guide Bush
Interstage Bush
Throat Bush

Centrifugal Compressor Casing

Pump Casing
Turbine casing

Filter Casing
Filter Cover

Gear Reducer

Flame Trap

Flange (piping-terminator)

Fluid seal

Mechanical Seal
Pump Gland

Agitator Shaft

Electrical Tracing
Material Tracing
Conical Head
Ellipsoidal Head
Flat Head
Hemispherical Head
Standard Dished Head
Torispherical Head

Conical Section
Cylindrical Section
Rectangular Section

Fixed Bed
Fluid Bed

Separation Tray Stack
EquipmentComponentTypes4 EquipmentComponentTypes4 Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order

Straight Pipe Nozzle 1340
Elbow Pipe Nozzle 1355
Exhaust Turbine Casing 1750
High Pressure Turbine Casing 1755
Buffer Gas System 1945
1 ! Back to Index

2 EquipmentTypes0 EquipmentTypes0 EquipmentTypes1 EquipmentTypes1 EquipmentTypes2 EquipmentTypes3 EquipmentTypes3

HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription LongDescription EquipmentTypes2 ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription LongDescription
3 ! Warning: Values in red text and/or green highlight should not be modified by the user.
4 ! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
6 Process Equipment
7 Heat Transfer Equipment
8 Air-Cooled Exchanger
9 Radiator
10 Air cooling evaporator
11 Air cooled surface condenser
12 Air cooler
13 Boiler
14 Spray desuperheater
15 Surface desuperheater
16 Cooling Tower
17 Hyperbolic cooling tower
18 Barometric evaporative condenser
19 Refrigeration Equipment
20 Mechanical Refrigeration
21 Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger
22 Tubular Reactor
29 Kettle Shell & Tube exchanger
30 Surface condenser
31 Water chilling evaporator
32 Double pipe heat exchanger
33 Spiral heat exchanger
34 Drum heat exchanger
35 Plate Heat Exchanger
36 Direct contact feedwater heater
37 Scraped surface exchanger
38 Jet evaporative condenser
39 Dual-effect evaporator
40 Single-effect evaporator
41 Thin film evaporator
42 Electric Heater
43 Electrical bayonet heater
44 External electrical heating jacket
45 Fired Heater
46 Furnace
47 Rotary preheater
48 Plate preheater
49 Electric Element
50 Cooling Element
51 cooling coil
52 Coil Heat Exchanger
53 Dual-coil cooling box
54 Oil cooler
55 Spray cooler
56 Finned tube heat exchanger
57 Single-coil cooling box
58 Heating Coil
59 Jacket
60 Open Jacket
61 Half-Pipe Jacket
62 Dimple Jacket
63 Incinerator / Combustor
64 Fluidized bed incinerator
65 Catalytic Incinerator
66 Elevated hydrocarbons liquid burner
67 Solid waste incinerator
68 Material Transfer Equipment
69 Fluid Transfer Machine
70 Pump
86 Gas Transfer Machine
107 Solids Transfer Equipment
108 Conveyer
121 Stacker
128 Reclaimer
135 Aerial way
136 Lift
142 Elevator
144 Feeder
154 Chute
160 Loader
169 Carry Idler
178 Return Idler
190 Trainer Carry Idler
193 Impact Idler
200 Belt Reeling Carry Idler
203 Pulleys
209 Pulley Assembly
215 Internal Scrapper
218 External Scrapper
221 Wear Plate
226 Conveyor Drive
229 Belt Take Up
233 Double acting Actuator
236 Rope Sheave
239 Fasteners
242 Grinding / Crushing Equipment
243 Rod mill
244 Ball mill
245 Conical Ball Mill
246 Vibrating Ball Mill
247 Hammer Mill
248 SAG Mill
249 Strand cutter
250 Dicer
251 Shredding mill
252 Grinder
253 Disintegrator
254 Roll crusher
255 Cone crusher
256 GP Cone Crusher
257 HP Cone Crusher
258 MP Cone Crusher
259 Gyratory Crusher
260 Jaw Crusher
261 Generic medium crusher
262 Delumper
263 Breaker
264 Generic coarse crusher
265 Pulverizer
266 Shaping / Forming Equipment
267 Pelletizer
268 Briquetter
269 Screw press
270 Flaker
271 Extrusion press
272 Packaging Equipment
273 Bag slitter/baler
274 Baler
275 Bagger
276 Bag sewing machine
277 Bag sealer
278 Bag flattener
279 Boxer
280 Canner
281 Drum filler
282 Bottler
283 Palletizer
284 Shrink wrapper
285 Stretch wrapper
286 Drying Equipment
287 Dessicant dryer
288 Spray dryer
289 Venturi dryer
290 Thermal dryer
291 Disk dryer
292 Tray dryer
293 Rotary kiln
294 Fluidized bed dryer
295 Belt dryer
296 Process Equipment Driver
297 Electric Motor
298 Air motor
299 Engine
300 Diesel engine
301 Gas engine
302 Steam engine
303 Electric generator
304 Turbine
305 Gas Turbine
307 Liquid Turbine
309 Process Turbine
310 Steam Turbine
312 Condensing turbine
313 Process Vessel
314 Low Pressure Tank
315 Open top tank
316 Flat roof tank
317 Cone roof tank
318 Dome roof tank
319 Double wall, dome roof tank
320 Internal floating roof tank
321 External floating roof tank
322 Pressurized Storage Tank
323 Horizontal Bullet Storage Tank
324 Bell gas holder
325 Storage sphere
326 Cylindrical Dewar
327 Spherical Dewar
328 Pressurized gas bottle
329 Pressure Vessel
330 Column
341 Reactor Vessel
342 Solids Storage Vessel
343 Silo
347 Liquids Storage Vessel
348 Vertical Drum
351 Horizontal Drum

356 Reactor vessel
357 Elliptical head reactor
358 Hemispherical head reactor
359 Spherical reactor
360 Solid Separation Equipment
361 Filter
362 Bed filter
363 Filter press
364 Cartridge filter
365 Rotary vacuum filter
366 Candle filter
367 Leaf filter
368 Gas filter
369 Bag filter
370 Screen Classifier
371 Banana Screen
372 Cyclone
373 Double-stage cyclone
374 Single-stage cyclone
375 Centrifuge
376 Disc bowl centrifuge
377 Sieve basket screw centrifuge
378 Horizontal peeler centrifuge
379 Solid basket screw centrifuge
380 Sieve basket centrifuge
381 Solid basket centrifuge
382 Hydrocyclone
383 Strainer
384 Solid-Liquid Separation Equipment
385 Solid-Liquid Separator
386 Spray pond
387 Settling pond
388 Rake thickener
389 Flocculator/clarifier
390 Dewatering screen
391 Decanter separator
392 Spray separator
393 Baffle separator
394 Solid-Gas Separation Equipment
395 Air classifier
396 Orifice scrubber
397 Dust collector
398 Electrostatic precipitator
399 Spray scrubber
400 Solid-Solid Separation Equipment
401 Mechanical classifier
402 Picking table
403 Single product screen
404 Multiple product screen
405 Picking belt
406 Concentrating table
407 Liquid-Gas Separation Equipment
408 Froth flotation cell
409 Gas conditioner
410 Humidifier/dehumidifier
411 Liquid-Liquid Separation Equipment
412 Skimmer
413 Liquid separator
414 Waste water separator
415 Weighing Equipment
416 Scale
417 Railroad scale
418 Truck scale
419 Platform scale
420 Sack scale
421 Portable scale
422 Belt Scale
423 Load cell
424 Mixing Equipment
425 In-line Mixer
426 Eductor mixer
427 Solids Mixer
428 Kneader
429 Pug mill
430 Agitator
431 Anchor agitator
432 Double blade agitator
433 Flat blade agitator
434 Finger agitator
435 Grid agitator
436 Impeller agitator
437 Gauge agitator
438 Single blade agitator
439 Paddle agitator
440 Propeller agitator
441 Blender
442 Ribbon blender
443 Roll blender
444 Double cone blender
445 Utility System
446 FlareStack
447 Stack
451 Flare
457 Sound Control Equipment
458 Line Silencer
459 Vent Silencer
460 HVAC Equipment
461 Air Handling Unit
462 Air Moving Devices and Components
463 HVAC Fans
464 Axial Flow
465 Centrifugal
466 Propeller
467 Dampers
468 Electric Operated Damper
469 Pneumatic Operated Damper
470 Grills
471 Register
472 Diffuser
473 HVAC Refrigeration
474 Compressors
475 Centrifugal Compressor
476 Reciprocating
477 Rotary
478 Rotary Screw
479 Condensers
480 Air Cooled
481 Evaporative
482 Water Cooled
483 Condenser-Evaporator (Cascade System)
484 Evaporators
485 Finned Coil
486 Forced Convection
487 Immersion Cooling Unit
488 Plate Coil
489 Pipe Coil
490 Liquid Chillers
491 Direct Expansion
492 Flooded
493 Closed Tank
494 Open Tank
495 Electrical Equipment
496 Wiring Equipment
497 Load
498 Power Distribution Equipment
499 Reel
500 Harness
501 Tray
502 Gland
503 Contactor
504 Wiring Equipment Heater
505 Overload Relay
506 Battery Charger
507 Transformer
508 Static Elect Equipment
509 Coupler
510 BusSection
511 Regular
512 Variable Frequency Drive
513 UPS
514 Resistor
515 Harmonic Filter
516 Capacitor
517 Electrical Equipment
518 Battery Bank
519 Terminal Item
520 Disconnect Electrical Equipment
521 Transformer
522 UPS
523 Variable Frequency Drive
524 Distribution Transformer
525 Circuit Breaker
526 Converting Electrical Equipment
527 Converting Equip Component
528 Overload Relay
529 Protection Relay
530 Fuse
531 Starter
532 Static Electrical Equipment
533 Junction Box
534 Panel
535 DC Current Motor
536 Jumper
537 Servo Motor
538 Local Panel
539 Push Button Station
540 Welding Receptacle
541 Generator
542 Jumper
543 Disconnect Switch
544 Protection Relay
545 Starter
546 Power Distribution Board
547 Squirrel cage
548 Synchronous Motor
549 Wound Rotor
550 Motor
551 Primary
552 Secondary
553 Solid State FVD
554 Step Down Transformer
555 Bus
556 Cable
557 Fuse
558 Strip
559 Cell
560 Conductor
561 Auto Transformer
562 Solid State Bypass
563 Motor Control Center
564 Switchgear
565 Switchboard
566 Load Center
567 Power Distribution Panel
568 Electrical Conductor
569 Load
570 Power Distribution Equip
571 Socket Outlets
572 Heat Trace
573 Schematic Block
574 Transformer Component
575 Reference Equipment
576 Lighting Fixtures
577 Emergency Dual Flood Light
578 Stanchion Mounted
579 Globe and Guard with Dome
580 Communications
581 Small Motors
582 Panels and Cabinets
583 Grounding
584 Ground rod
585 Ground inspection well
586 Warning Lights
587 Aircraft Warning Light
588 Black Box Systems
589 Water clarification system
590 Water filtering system
591 Desalination plant
592 CW treating system
593 CW side stream filter system
594 Drinking water production system
595 Boiler feed water treating system
596 Condensate treating system
597 Air separation system
598 Hydrogen generation system
599 Hydrogen purification system
600 Inert gas generation system
601 Oxygen production system
602 Nitrogen production system
603 Air dryer system
604 Chemical dissolving system
605 Chemical injection system
606 Gas chlorinator
607 Hypochlorite generator
608 In-line hypochlorinator
609 Lube oil system
610 Refrigeration system
611 Seal oil system
612 Heater system
613 Water tube boiler system
614 Fire tube boiler system
615 Packaged boiler system
616 Waste heat boiler system
617 Incinerator system
618 Fire extinguishing system
619 Foam generation system
620 Emission recovery system
621 H2S removal system
622 Waste gas treating system
623 Deballasting treating system
624 Liquid waste treating system
625 Chromate destruction system
626 Oil recovery system
627 Waste neutralization system
628 Sanitary sewage treating system
629 Sanitary lift station
630 Solid waste treating system
631 Civil Equipment
632 Vehicles
633 Tank truck
634 Box truck
635 Dump truck
636 Ship
637 Barge
638 Gondola railcar
639 Box railcar
640 Flat railcar
641 Tank railcar
642 Bulldozer
643 Hydraulic Excavator
644 Dozer Shovel
645 Wheel Loader
646 Motor Grader
647 Rollers
648 Bitumen Distributor
649 Water Tanker
650 Cleaning Equipment
651 Drum cleaner
652 Truck cleaner
653 Railcar cleaner
654 Civil Elements
655 Foundation Elements
656 Foundation Mat
657 Foundation Pedestal
658 Tank Foundation
659 Building Foundation
660 Pile
661 Elevated Compressor Foundation
662 Grade Beam
663 Spread Footing
664 Retaining Wall
665 Containment Dike
666 Railroad
667 Road
668 Benchmark
669 Control Monument
670 Sump
671 Trench
672 Area Paving
673 Cooling Tower Basin
674 Fences
675 Gates
676 Guy Wires
677 Hose Rack
678 Civil Pipe
679 Drainage Lines
680 Manhole
681 Catch Basin
682 Area Drain
683 Clean-out
684 Grade Ring
685 Embedment
686 Manhole cover
687 Hatch cover
688 Architectural
689 Doors
690 Roll-Up Door
691 Overhead Door
692 Sliding Door
693 Swing Door (Single)
694 Swing Door (Double)
695 Loading Dock
696 Residential Door
697 Windows
698 Residential Window
699 Industrial Window
700 Louvers
701 Architectural Walls
702 Instrument Equipment
703 Fire and Gas
704 Fire Detector
705 Gas Detector
706 Fire Warning Light
707 Digital Infrared Flame Detector
708 Line of Sight Optical Gas Detector
709 Point Infrared Flammable Gas Detector
710 Smoke And Oil Mist Detector
711 Manual Pull Station
712 Ultra Violet And Infrared Flame Detector
713 Gas Beacon - Strobes
714 Horn - Sounder
715 Instrument Air Supply
716 Instrument Manifold
717 Instrument Enclosure
718 Enclosure Generic
719 Instrument Junction Box
720 Instrument Engineered
721 Analyzer Shelter
722 Junction Box Shelter
723 Instrument Stands
724 Instrument Stanchion
725 Single Stand
726 Dual Stand
727 Triple Stand
728 Dual Transmitter, Column Mounted
729 Triple Transmitter
730 Instrument Stanchion Outside Platform
731 Instrument Stanchion Wall Mount
732 Single Wall Mount
733 Dual Wall Mount
734 Triple Wall Mount
735 Single Transmitter, Wall Mounted
737 In-line Pipe Mounted Support
738 L-Shape
739 Straight
740 Instruments
741 Instrument InLine
742 Thermocouple Head
743 Instrument Pedestal
744 Instrument Transmitter
745 Instrument Indicator
746 Instrument Winterized
747 Instrument Winterized Single
748 Instrument Winterized Dual
749 Instrument Direct Mount
750 Telecommunication
751 Speaker
752 CCTV Camera
753 Structural
754 Precast
755 Structural Slabs
756 Structural Walls
762 END

2 EquipmentTypes4 EquipmentTypes5 EquipmentTypes5 EquipmentTypes6 EquipmentTypes6 Codelist Sort

EquipmentTypes4 ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
6 5
7 10
8 15
9 20
10 25
11 30
12 35
13 40
14 45
15 50
16 55
17 60
18 65
19 70
20 75
21 80
22 85
23 90
24 95
25 100
26 105
27 110
28 115
29 120
30 125
31 130
32 135
33 140
34 145
35 150
36 155
37 160
38 165
39 170
40 175
41 180
42 185
43 190
44 195
45 200
46 205
47 210
48 215
49 220
50 225
51 230
52 235
53 240
54 245
55 250
56 255
57 260
58 265
59 270
60 275
61 280
62 285
63 290
64 295
65 300
66 305
67 310
68 315
69 320
70 325
71 Ejector pump 330
72 Screw pump 335
73 Vane pump 340
74 Gear pump 345
75 Vertical can pump 350
76 Liquid ring vacuum 355
77 Centrifugal pump 360
78 Vertical centrifugal pump 365
79 Horizontal centrifugal pump 370
80 Positive displacement pump 375
81 Diaphragm pump 380
82 Metering Pump 385
83 Reciprocating Pump 390
84 Progressive Cavity Pump 395
85 Rotary Pump 400
86 405
87 Fan 410
88 Propeller fan 415
89 Axial fan 420
90 Centrifugal fan 425
91 Blower 430
92 Positive displacement blower 435
93 Rootes blower 440
94 Centrifugal blower 445
95 Compressor 450
96 Centrifugal compressor 455
97 Liquid seal compressor 460
98 Vane compressor 465
99 Screw compressor 470
100 Diaphragm compressor 475
101 Ejector compressor 480
102 Positive Displacement Compressor 485
103 Axial Flow Compressor 490
104 Rotary Compressor 495
105 Reciprocating Compressor 500
106 Vacuum Pump 505
107 510
108 515
109 Gravity roller conveyor 520
110 Powered roller conveyor 525
111 Bucket conveyor 530
112 Screw conveyor 535
113 Scraper chain conveyor 540
114 Portal scraper conveyor 545
115 Belt conveyor 550
116 Belt tripper conveyor 555
117 Apron conveyor 560
118 Pipe Conveyor 4000
119 Scraper conveyor 565
120 Roller chain conveyor 570
121 575
122 Fixed stacker 580
123 Radial stacker 585
124 Luffing Stacker 4005
125 Luffing and Slewing Stacker 4010
126 Twin Boom Stacker 4015
127 Portable stacker 590
128 4020
129 Portal Reclaimer 4025
130 Bridge Reclaimer 4030
131 Bucket Wheel Excavator 4035
132 Side Arm Reclaimer 4040
133 Bucket Wheel Reclaimer 4045
134 Bucket Wheel Stacker Reclaimer 4050
135 595
136 600
137 Hoist 605
138 Trolley hoist 610
139 Fork lift truck 615
140 Cherry picker 620
141 Crane 625
142 630
143 Bucket elevator 635
144 640
145 Belt feeder 645
146 Paddle feeder 4055
147 Grizzly feeder 4060
148 Apron feeder 650
149 Scraper feeder 655
150 Screw feeder 660
151 Rotary feeder 665
152 Rotary valve feeder 670
153 Rotary table feeder 675
154 680
155 Bifurcated Chute 4065
156 Ladder chute 685
157 Inclined chute 690
158 Spiral chute 695
159 Retractable spout 700
160 705
161 Ship loader 710
162 Railcar loader 715
163 Truck loader 720
164 Loading arm 725
165 Suction dredge 730
166 Reversible car puller 735
167 Car puller 740
168 Ship unloader 745
169 4070
170 Single Roll Carry Idler, Flat 4090
171 Two Roll Carry Idler, Flat 4470
172 Three Roll Carry Idler, Inline 4075
173 Three Roll Carry Idler, Offset 4080
174 Three Roll Carry Idler, Suspended 4085
175 Three Roll Carry Idler, Transition 4465
176 Three Roll Carry Idler, Rigid, Suspended 4490
177 Three Roll Carry Idler, Heavy Duty, Suspended 4495
178 4095
179 Single Roll Return Idler, Disc Flat 4105
180 Single Roll Return Idler, Plain Flat 4100
181 Single Roll Return Idler, Plain Trainer 4110
182 Two Roll Return Idler, Fixed V, Bottom Mount 4480
183 Two Roll Return Idler, Fixed V, Top Mount 4485
184 Two Roll Return Idler, Flat 4115
185 Two Roll Return Idler, Disc V 4125
186 Two Roll Return Idler, Inverted V 4130
187 Two Roll Return Idler, Plain V 4120
188 Two Roll Return Idler, Plain V, Suspended 4135
189 Two Roll Return Idler, Training 4475
190 4140
191 3 Roll Offset Trainer Idler 4145
192 3 Roll Inline Plain Trainer Idler 4150
193 4155
194 3 Roll Inline Impact Idler 4160
195 3 Roll Offset Impact Idler 4165
196 3 Roll Suspended Impact Idler 4170
197 Single Roll Flat Impact Idler 4175
198 Dual 3 Roll Idler 4180
199 5 Roll Offset Impact Idler 4181
200 4540
201 Two Roll Reeling Idler, Flat 4545
202 Three Roll Reeling Idler, Flat 4550
203 4185
204 Drive Pulley 4190
205 Non-Drive Pulley 4195
206 Bend Pulley 4200
207 Hold Down Pulley 4205
208 Snub Pulley 4210
209 4215
210 Drive Pulley Assembly 4220
211 Non-Drive Pulley assembly 4225
212 Bend Pulley Assembly 4230
213 Hold Down Pulley Assembly 4235
214 Snub Pulley Assembly 4240
215 4245
216 V-Plough 4250
217 Diagonal 4255
218 4260
219 Primary 4265
220 Secondary 4270
221 4275
222 Ceramic Liner 4280
223 Mn-Steel Liner 4285
224 Sail Hard Liner 4290
225 Hardox Liner 4295
226 4300
227 Conveyor Drive Type 1 4305
228 Conveyor Drive Type 2 4310
229 4315
230 Gravity Take Up 4320
231 Hydraulic Take Up 4325
232 Screw Take Up 4330
233 4335
234 Through Piston Rod Assembly 4340
235 Single Ended Piston Rod Assembly 4345
236 4350
237 Rope Sheave, Type1 4355
238 Rope Sheave, Type2 4360
239 4361
240 Hexagonal Bolt 4362
241 CounterSunk Cap 4363
242 750
243 755
244 760
245 4365
246 4370
247 4375
248 4380
249 765
250 770
251 775
252 780
253 785
254 790
255 795
256 4385
257 4390
258 4395
259 4400
260 4405
261 800
262 805
263 810
264 815
265 820
266 825
267 830
268 835
269 840
270 845
271 850
272 855
273 860
274 865
275 870
276 875
277 880
278 885
279 890
280 895
281 900
282 905
283 910
284 915
285 920
286 925
287 930
288 935
289 940
290 945
291 950
292 955
293 960
294 965
295 970
296 975
297 980
298 985
299 990
300 995
301 1000
302 1005
303 1010
304 1015
305 1020
306 Double-flow gas turbine 1025
307 1030
308 Hydraulic turbine 1035
309 1040
310 1045
311 Double-flow steam turbine 1050
312 1055
313 1060
314 1065
315 1070
316 1075
317 1080
318 1085
319 1090
320 1095
321 1100
322 1105
323 1110
324 1115
325 1120
326 1125
327 1130
328 1135
329 1140
330 1145
331 Packed Column 1150
332 Air Dryer 1155
333 Elliptical Head Packed Column 1160
334 Hemispherical Head Packed Column 1165
335 Reactor Column 1170
336 Elliptical Head Reactor Column 1175
337 Hemispherical Head Reactor Column 1180
338 Trayed Column 1185
339 Elliptical Head Trayed Column 1190
340 Hemispherical Head Trayed Column 1195
341 1200
342 1205
343 1210
344 Dome Roof Silo 1215
345 Flat Roof Silo 1220
346 Cone Roof Silo 1225
347 1230
348 1235
349 Elliptical Head Vertical Drum 1240
350 Hemispherical Head Vertical Drum 1245
351 1250
352 Elliptical Head Horizontal Drum 1255
353 Hemispherical Head Horizontal Drum 1260
354 Horizontal Surge Drum with Horizontal deaerator 1265

355 Horizontal Surge Drum with Vertical deaerator 1270

356 1275
357 1280
358 1285
359 1290
360 1295
361 1300
362 1305
363 1310
364 1315
365 1320
366 1325
367 1330
368 1335
369 1340
370 1345
371 1346
372 1350
373 1355
374 1360
375 1365
376 1370
377 1375
378 1380
379 1385
380 1390
381 1395
382 1400
383 1405
384 1410
385 1415
386 1420
387 1425
388 1430
389 1435
390 1440
391 1445
392 1450
393 1455
394 1460
395 1465
396 1470
397 1475
398 1480
399 1485
400 1490
401 1495
402 1500
403 1505
404 1510
405 1515
406 1520
407 1525
408 1530
409 1535
410 1540
411 1545
412 1550
413 1555
414 1560
415 1565
416 1570
417 1575
418 1580
419 1585
420 1590
421 1595
422 4410
423 1600
424 1605
425 1610
426 1615
427 1620
428 1625
429 1630
430 1635
431 1640
432 1645
433 1650
434 1655
435 1660
436 1665
437 1670
438 1675
439 1680
440 1685
441 1690
442 1695
443 1700
444 1705
445 1710
446 1715
447 1720
448 Self supporting stack 1725
449 Guyed stack 1730
450 Derrick supported stack 1735
451 1740
452 Ground flare 1745
453 Tulip flare 1750
454 Molecular seal flare 1755
455 Fluidic seal flare 1760
456 Pre-Heater 1765
457 1770
458 1775
459 1780
460 1785
461 1790
462 1795
463 1800
464 1805
465 1810
466 1815
467 1820
468 1825
469 1830
470 1840
471 1845
472 1850
473 1855
474 1860
475 1865
476 1870
477 1875
478 1880
479 1885
480 1890
481 1895
482 1900
483 1905
484 1910
485 1915
486 1920
487 1925
488 1930
489 1935
490 1940
491 1945
492 1950
493 1955
494 1960
495 1965
496 1970
497 1975
498 1980
499 1985
500 1990
501 1995
502 2000
503 2005
504 2010
505 2015
506 2020
507 2025
508 2030
509 2035
510 2040
511 2045
512 2050
513 2055
514 2060
515 2065
516 2070
517 2075
518 2080
519 2085
520 2090
521 2100
522 2105
523 2110
524 2115
525 2120
526 2125
527 2130
528 2140
529 2150
530 2155
531 2160
532 2165
533 2185
534 2190
535 2195
536 2200
537 2205
538 2210
539 2215
540 2218
541 2220
542 2225
543 2230
544 2235
545 2240
546 2245
547 2250
548 2255
549 2260
550 2275
551 2280
552 2285
553 2290
554 2295
555 2300
556 2305
557 2310
558 2320
559 2325
560 2330
561 2335
562 2340
563 2345
564 2350
565 2355
566 2360
567 2365
568 2370
569 2375
570 2380
571 2395
572 2400
573 2405
574 2410
575 2415
576 2420
577 3110
578 3100
579 3105
580 2425
581 2430
582 2435
583 2440
584 3150
585 3155
586 2445
587 3105
588 2445
589 2450
590 2455
591 2460
592 2465
593 2470
594 2475
595 2480
596 2485
597 2490
598 2495
599 2500
600 2505
601 2510
602 2515
603 2520
604 2525
605 2530
606 2535
607 2540
608 2545
609 2550
610 2555
611 2560
612 2565
613 2570
614 2575
615 2580
616 2585
617 2590
618 2595
619 2600
620 2605
621 2610
622 2615
623 2620
624 2625
625 2630
626 2635
627 2640
628 2645
629 2650
630 2655
631 2660
632 2665
633 2670
634 2675
635 2680
636 2685
637 2690
638 2695
639 2700
640 2705
641 2710
642 2715
643 2720
644 2725
645 2730
646 2735
647 2740
648 2750
649 2755
650 2760
651 2765
652 2770
653 2775
654 2780
655 2785
656 2790
657 2795
658 2800
659 2805
660 2810
661 2815
662 4415
663 4420
664 2820
665 2825
666 2830
667 2835
668 2840
669 2845
670 2850
671 2855
672 2860
673 2865
674 2870
675 2875
676 2880
677 2885
678 2890
679 2895
680 2900
681 2905
682 2910
683 2915
684 2917
685 2985
686 2990
687 2995
688 2920
689 2925
690 2930
691 2935
692 2940
693 2945
694 2950
695 2955
696 2960
697 2965
698 2970
699 2975
700 2980
701 4425
702 10
703 3025
704 2980
705 2985
706 2990
707 3115
708 3120
709 3130
710 3135
711 3125
712 3140
713 3145
714 3160
715 3000
716 2995
717 3005
718 3000
719 3005
720 3010
721 3010
722 3015
723 3015
724 3020
725 2385
726 2390
727 2395
728 3070
729 3075
730 3025
731 3030
732 2400
733 2405
734 2410
735 3080
737 3085
738 3090
739 3095
740 3020
741 3035
742 2415
743 3040
744 3045
745 3050
746 3055
747 2420
748 2425
749 3060
750 3165
751 3170
752 3175
753 4445
754 4430
755 4435
756 4440
! Back to Index
EMI EMI Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
None None 0
Suceptor Suceptor 1
Radiator Radiator 2

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
EMI_Radiator EMI_Radiator Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
EMI_Suceptor EMI_Suceptor Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

TerminationClass TerminationClass TerminationSubClass

HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S


Flanged RTJ

Flanged, Metal Seal

Flanged, Weld Gasket Seal

Flanged Male

Flanged, Wire Seal, Male

Flanged Female

Flanged, Wire Seal, Female

Flanged Active

Flanged Passive

Lap Flanged
Lap Flanged RTJ

Lap Flanged Male

Lap Flanged Female

Lap Flanged Active

Lap Flanged Passive

Thru-Bolted Without Bolt Holes

Thru-Bolted With Bolt Holes

Mechanical Joint Without Clamp
Mechanical Joint With Clamp

Mechanical Joint With Clamp and Hub or Ferrule

Male Ends
Male Ends, Welded

Male Ends, Threaded

Male Ends, Manufactured

Male ends, loose flange

Female Ends

Female Ends, Welded

Female Ends, Threaded

Female ends, fabricated

LongDescription EndPreparation ShortDescription
e textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Large-Flange bolt style end
Flanged Ring Type Joint
Flanged, Metal Seal
Varian Conflat® (CF), fixed
Varian Conflat® (CF), rotatable
Flanged, Weld Gasket Seal
Bevel-face flanged end with welded diaphragm seal

Large Male-face flanged end with O-ring
Flanged, Wire Seal, Male
A&N Wire Seal Male-face flanged end
MDC Wire Seal Male-face flanged end

Large Female-face flanged end with O-ring
Flanged, Wire Seal, Female
A&N Wire Seal Female-face flanged end
MDC Wire Seal Female-face flanged end


Lap Flanged Ring Type Joint

Large Male-face lap-flanged end with O-ring

Large Female-face lap-flanged end with O-ring





Parker Hannifin CPI compression tubing end
Parker Hannifin A-LOK compression tubing end
Autoclave Engineers SpeedBite compression tubing end
LOKRING, female
VCO face seal, male
VCO face seal, female
VCR face seal, male
VCR face seal, female
Victaulic grooved flexible end, clamp-less

Victaulic AGS grooved rigid end
Victaulic AGS grooved flexible end
ISO KF flange end
ISO LF flange end
Kwik-Flange end
Large-Flange clamp style end
Large-Flange, band clamp style end
lamp and Hub or Ferrule
Wireloc end
Cameron end

Male push-on locking end
Plain end, laminated
Flared end, lap joint
Flared end, slip-on
Plain end, tubing
Fitting connector (Male brazing end)
Male solder end
Saddle end
Thermal fusion saddle end


Male ends, loose flange
Loose flange, lap joint
Loose flange, slip-on

Push-on bell locking end
Belled end

Brazing cup (Female brazing end)
Solder cup (Female solder end)
Thermal fusion socket end
Electrofusion socket end


Num Sort
EndPreparation LongDescription ber Order
eric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.

Undefined 1
Flat-face flanged end 11
Raised-face flanged end 21
Flat face flangeless end 55
Raised face flangeless end 56
Large-FlangeTM, bolt style end 58
Ring Type Joint-face flanged end 31
Lens Joint 32
Varian Conflat® (CF), fixed 35
Varian Conflat® (CF), rotatable 36
Bevel-face flanged end with welded diaphragm seal 16
Small-tongue-face flanged end 41
Large-tongue-face flanged end 42
Small-male-face flanged end 43
Large-male-face flanged end 44
Large Male-face flanged end with O-ring 47
A&N Wire Seal Male-face flanged end 48
MDC Wire Seal Male-face flanged end 49
Small-groove-face flanged end 51
Large-groove-face flanged end 52
Small-female-face flanged end 53
Large-female-face flanged end 54
Large Female-face flanged end with O-ring 57
A&N Wire Seal Female-face flanged end 62
MDC Wire Seal Female-face flanged end 63
Active raised-face flanged end 960
Passive raised-face flanged end 965
Flat-face lap-flanged end 61
Raised-face lap-flanged end 71
Ring Type Joint-face lap-flanged end 81
Small-tongue-face lap-flanged end 91
Large-tongue-face lap-flanged end 92
Small-male-face lap-flanged end 93
Large-male-face lap-flanged end 94
Large Male-face lap-flanged end with O-ring 95
Small-groove-face lap-flanged end 101
Large-groove-face lap-flanged end 102
Small-female-face lap-flanged end 103
Large-female-face lap-flanged end 104
Large Female-face lap-flanged end with O-ring 105
Active lap-flanged end 970
Passive lap-flanged end 975
Flat-face thru-bolted end without bolt holes 111
Raised-face thru-bolted end without bolt holes 121
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end without bolt holes 131
Flat-full-face thru-bolted end without bolt holes 181
Flat-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes 201
Flat-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt holes 202
Raised-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes 211
Raised-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt holes 212
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes 221
Ring Type Joint-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt holes 222
Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with threaded bolt holes 271
Flat-full-face thru-bolted end with non-threaded bolt holes 272
Mechanical joint bell end 542
Mechanical joint spigot end 543
Restrained joint bell end 1080
Male quick connect end 351
Male ferrule end 361
Female quick connect end 481
Female ferrule end 501
Male mechanical joint end 805
Female mechanical joint end 810
Compression tubing end 815
Swagelok compression tubing end 820
Parker Hannifin CPI™ compression tubing end 1120
Parker Hannifin A-LOK® compression tubing end 1125
Autoclave Engineers SpeedBite compression tubing end 1130
LOKRING, male 1045
LOKRING, female 1050
VCO face seal, male 1055
VCO face seal, female 1060
VCR face seal, male 1065
VCR face seal, female 1070
Ingold 1075
Victaulic® grooved flexible end, clamp-less 1100
Male grooved end 341
Female grooved end 461
Clamp joint end 900
Victaulic end 910
Victaulic plain end 995
Victaulic grooved flexible end 1000
Victaulic AGS® grooved rigid end 1135
Victaulic AGS® grooved flexible end 1140
Victaulic grooved rigid end 1005
Victaulic Vic-Ring end 1010
Male Taper-Lok end 1015
Female Taper-Lok end 1040
Gruvlok grooved clamp end 1030
Grinnell grooved clamp end 1035
ISO KF flange end 1145
ISO LF flange end 1150
Kwik-FlangeTM end 1155
Large-FlangeTM clamp style end 1156
Large-FlangeTM, band clamp style end 1160
Tri-Clamp® end 920
Techlok® end 930
Grayloc® end 940
Wireloc™ end 1165
G-Lok® end 1020
SPO-LOCK end 950
Cherry-Burrell end 1025
WOODCO end 1192
Cameron end 1193
Male hose end 371
Spigot end 381
Male push-on end 382
Male bevel seat end 385
Plain end, adhesive bonded 980
Male push-on locking end 384
Plain end, laminated 386
Flared end, lap joint 387
Flared end, slip-on 388
Beveled end 301
Plain end 391
Plain end, tubing 1170
Fusion plain end 326
Butt and Strap end 321
Male bayonet end 916
Fitting connector (Male brazing end) 1175
Male solder end 1180
Saddle end 322
Thermal fusion saddle end 323
Male threaded end 331
Union Male Sub 985
Flared end, field flared 383
Loose flange, lap joint 335
Loose flange, slip-on 336
Socket end 401
Female hose end 521
Push-on bell end 541
Female bevel seat end 545
Push-on bell locking end 546
Belled end 547
Socket welded end 421
Circular hole end 591
Female bayonet end 917
Brazing cup (Female brazing end) 1185
Solder cup (Female solder end) 1190
Thermal fusion socket end 422
Electrofusion socket end 423
Female threaded end 441
Union Female Sub 990
Victaulic, pressfit swage 915
ent value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Exposed to outside environment
Climate-controlled building
Underground, acidic soil type
Offshore, subsea zone (bottom of the ocean)
Offshore, continuous seawater immersion zone
Offshore, splash zone (the area that is being hit by waves and swells)
Offshore, atmospheric zone with moist, salt laden air

EnvironmentalZone Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
ould be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
HEAD EndPractice ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text a
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

United States of America,

United States of America,
Germany, Standards (DIN)
Finland, Standards (SFS)
Germany Manufacturers

CEN/EU, Standards
United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)

United Kingdom, Manufacturers

Other Europe, Middle East, and

Africa, Standards
Japan, Standards (JISC)
China, Standards (SACS)
Korea, Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
Australia, Standards (AS)

NORSOK, Standards
KKS, Standards
Company, Standards
Japan Manufacturers

Finland Manufacturers
China Manufacturers
France, Standards (AFNOR)
Korea Manufacturers
France Manufacturers
Other Asia-Pacific Manufacturers
Other Europe, Middle East, and
Africa Manufacturers

Australia Manufacturers

Offshore Industry Manufacturers

Power Industry Manufacturers
Other Americas, Standards
Other Americas Manufacturers
Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC) Canada, Standards
(SCC = Standards
Council of Canada,
CSA = Canadian

Chile, Standards (INN)

Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)

Denmark, Standards (DS)

Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)

Iceland, Standards (IST)

India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Italy, Manufacturers
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Norway, Standards (NSF)
Norway, Manufacturers
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS)
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)

EndStandard ShortDescription
he user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric va
ded by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
d not be used. They will be deleted eventually.





ASTM A182/A182M

ASTM A312/A312M


ASTM A409/A409M

ASTM A522/A522M


ASTM A694/A694M

ASTM A774/A774M


ASTM A961/A961M

ASTM A988/A988M

ASTM A989/A989M
ASME B16.11



ASME B16.25

ASME B16.47 Series A
ASME B16.47 Series B
ASME B16.47, Series A, Blind Flanges
ASME B16.47, Series B, Blind Flanges

ASME B16.50
ASME conduit thread







ASTM C1277

ASTM D1527


ASTM D2104

ASTM D2239

ASTM D 2241

ASTM D2282

ASTM D2447

ASTM D 2464

ASTM D 2466 

ASTM D 2467 

ASTM D 2513

ASTM D2517

ASTM D2609

ASTM D2662

ASTM D 2665 
ASTM D2666

ASTM D 2672

ASTM D2683

ASTM D 2729
ASTM D2737
ASTM D 2740

ASTM D2846/D2846M

ASTM D 2949

ASTM D2996

ASTM D2997

ASTM D3000

ASTM D 3034

ASTM D3035

ASTM D 3036

ASTM D3139

ASTM D3261

ASTM D3309

ASTM D3517

ASTM D3754

ASTM D3840

ASTM D4024

ASTM D4161

ASTM D5421




ASTM F441/F441M

ASTM F442/F442M













ASTM F 480

ASTM F1020

ASTM F1055

ASTM F1098

ASTM F1271

ASTM F1336

ASTM F1370
ASTM F1412


ASTM F1508

ASTM F1545

ASTM F1565

ASTM F1673

ASTM F1792

ASTM F1793

ASTM F1794-97

ASTM F1795

ASTM F 1803

ASTM F 1970

ASTM F1985

ASTM F 2307 

ASTM F 2658 

ASTM F2015

ASTM F2138

AWWA C 900

AWWA C 901
AWWA C 905

AWWA C115/A21.15

AWWA C151/A21.51

AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, hub

AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, ring

AWWA C207 Cl.B & D, hub, Steel slip-on
flanges CL86, Class 150, CL175; 1978
AWWA-C207 Cl.E, hub







ID Duct
NPS, American Standard Straight Pipe
NPSF, Dryseal American National Standard
Straight Pipe Thread
NPSM, National Standard Free-Fitting
Straight Mechanical Pipe Thread
NPTF, Dryseal American National Standard
Taper Pipe Thread
ASTM D2680, Standard Specification for
SAE J518
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Composite Sewer
MSS SP-79, Type 1, Socket-Welding Reducer
MSS SP-79, Type 2, Socket-Welding Reducer
AWWA C153/A21.53, Ductile-Iron Compact
Fittings for Water Service


AWWA C110/A21.10

AB&I Foundry
American Ductile Iron Pipe

American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (AIF)

Burns & McDonnell
Core Pipe Products, Inc. (Gerlin, Inc.)

Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox)

Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong
Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong RP
Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong RV
Future Pipe Industries, Fibermar
Future Pipe Industries, Yellow Box
Future Pipe Industries, Red Box
Future Pipe Industries, Cobra SRC
Future Pipe Industries, Python SRC
Future Pipe Industries, Boa SRC
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin
Repox), Wavistrong FR
Gladding McBean
ISCO Industries
ISCO Industries, approved by Factory Mutual
Research Corporation
Main Manufacturing Products, Series 61
Main Manufacturing Products, Series 62

Main Manufacturing Products, Series 3000

Main Manufacturing Products, Series 6000

MDC Vacuum Products
Oseco, Oklahoma Safety Equipment Co., Inc
Plexco, HDPE Piping
R & G Sloane
Spears® Manufacturing Company
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFCO)
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFCO),
alternate jacket schedule
Smith Fibercast Red Thread II
Smith Fibercast Red Thread II FM
Smith Fibercast Red Thread II Performance

Smith Fibercast Red Thread IIA Primary Pipe

Smith Fibercast Red Thread IIA Secondary
Smith Fibercast Green Thread II
Smith Fibercast Green Thread II Performance
Smith Fibercast Green Thread Marine-
Smith Fibercast Centricast RB-1520
Smith Fibercast Centricast RB-2530
Smith Fibercast Centricast CL-1520
Smith Fibercast Centricast CL-2030
Smith Fibercast Z-Core
Smith Fibercast F-Chem
Taylor Forge
Teledyne Farris
Tube Turn Industries
Tyler Pipe
U.S. Pipe, Compact Mechanical Joint Ductile
Iron Fittings
U.S. Pipe, Ductile Restrained Joint
U.S. Pipe, Push On
Uponor, HDPE Piping
Victaulic Advanced Groove System
Victaulic End Standard for Tubes

DIN Default
Gen blt & fem
Blt dim for cast iron flanges
Blt dim for cast steel flanges
Blt dim for lap flanges

Blt dim for loose flanges in enamelled compo

Blt dim for loose flanges w/ weld neck
Blt dim for sold & weld flanges
Blt dim lap flanges w/ plain collars

DIN 2353

DIN 2391

DIN 2393
DIN 2394-1
DIN 2440

DIN 2441

DIN 2445-1

DIN 2445-2
DIN 2458, Reihe 1

DIN 2448 Reihe 2

DIN 2458, Reihe 3

DIN 2463

DIN 2463, Reihe 1

DIN 2463, Reihe 2

DIN 2463, Reihe 3

DIN 2470-1

DIN 2470-2

DIN 2576
DIN 2576, Dimensions for plate flanges for
welding, PN 10, Reihe 2
DIN 2631 R1
DIN 2631 R2
DIN 3239-1

DIN 8074

DIN 8077

DIN 11850 Reihe 1

DIN 11850 Reihe 2

DIN 11850 Reihe 3

DIN 11851

DIN 14307-C

DIN 16962-1

DIN 16962-10

DIN 16962-11

DIN 16962-12

DIN 16962-13

DIN 16962-2

DIN 16962-3

DIN 16962-4

DIN 16962-6

DIN 16962-7

DIN 16962-8

DIN 16962-9
DIN 16963-1

DIN 16963-10

DIN 16963-11

DIN 16963-13

DIN 16963-14

DIN 16963-15

DIN 16963-2

DIN 16963-3

DIN 16963-4

DIN 16963-6

DIN 16963-7

DIN 16963-8

DIN 16963-9

DIN 16965-1

DIN 16965-2
DIN 16965-4

DIN 16965-5

DIN 16966-2

DIN 16966-4

DIN 16966-5

DIN 16966-6

DIN 16966-8

DIN 16967-2

DIN 19214-1

DIN 19214-2

DIN 19214-3

DIN 19214-4

DIN 19214-5

DIN 32676

DIN 43772

DIN EN 10210-2

DIN EN 10219-2
DIN EN 10220 Reihe 1

DIN EN 10220 Reihe 2

DIN EN 10220 Reihe 3




OD for plastic pipes
OD for polyethylene Reihe 4
OD for polyethylene Reihe 5
OD Threaded Reihe 5

Lap joint flange with lap joint stub end

Lap joint flange according to polyethylene har
Blind flange, Reihe 3
Blind flange, Reihe 1
Pipe for pressure indicator
Weldneck flange, PTFE
Lap joint flange, PTFE
Slip-on flange, PTFE
Blind flange, PTFE
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 1
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 2
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 3
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 4
Spacer without bolt holes
Wafer check valve, Standard 1

ISO 65
ISO 2938

ISO 6162-1

ISO 6162-2
ISO 6164


Null Entry
2, Ferrous flanges – metric dimensions
BS 10

BS 21

BS 61
BS 1560
BS 1640

BS 2494
BS 2779

BS 3600
BS 3867

BS 4504
BS 10, Table E

BS 1864

BS 4825-5


JIS B 0202
JIS B 0203
JIS B 0205
JIS B 0207
JIS B 0216
JIS B 0222
JIS B 1051
JIS B 1163
JIS B 1176
JIS B 1180
JIS B 1181
JIS B 1182
JIS B 1183
JIS B 2001
JIS B 2011
JIS B 2051
JIS B 2062
JIS B 2210

JIS B 2220
JIS B 2220, blind flanges
JIS B 2220, plate flanges, welded end
JIS B 2238

JIS B 2239
JIS B 2239-D1
JIS B 2239-G2
JIS B 2239-G3
JIS B 2239-M1
JIS B 2239-M2
JIS B 2240
JIS B 2241

JIS B 2290, Other Flanges

JIS B 2290, Cast Flanges

JIS B 2291-LSA

JIS B 2291-SHA

JIS B 2291-SHB

JIS B 2291-SSA

JIS B 2291-SSB

JIS B 2301, Class I

JIS B 2301, Class II

JIS B 2302
JIS B 2303
JIS B 2308
JIS B 2311

JIS B 2312
JIS B 2312, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings,
pipe fittings for fired heaters
JIS B 2313
JIS B 2316
JIS B 2321

JIS B 2351
JIS B 2401
JIS B 2404

JIS B 8602-ATK
JIS B 8602-ATM
JIS B 8602-RBH

JIS B 8602-RBK

JIS B 8602-RBM

JIS B 8602-RSK
JIS B 8602-RSM
JIS B 8602-RTH
JIS B 8602-RTK
JIS B 8602-RTM
JIS B 8605-PGT
JIS B 8605-PAT
JIS B 8605-PGA
JIS B 8605-PAA
JIS B 8605-PGR
JIS B 8605-PAR
JIS B 8605-PGW
JIS B 8605-PAW
JIS B 8605-PGD
JIS B 8605-PAD
JIS B 8605-BGT
JIS B 8605-BGR
JIS B 8605-BAT
JIS B 8605-BAR
JIS B 8607

JIS F 7329
JIS F 7330
JIS F 7334
JIS F 7337
JIS F 7387
JIS F 7388
JIS F 7389
JIS F 7421
JIS F 7422
JIS F 7427
JIS F 7440

JIS F 7442
JIS F 7804

JIS F 7805

JIS F 7805-A

JIS F 7805-F

JIS F 7806

JIS G 3442
JIS G 3443
JIS G 3443-STW290

JIS G 3443-STW370

JIS G 3443-STW400A

JIS G 3443-STW400B

JIS G 3447
JIS G 3448

JIS G 3452
JIS G 3454
JIS G 3455
JIS G 3456

JIS G 3457
JIS G 3458
JIS G 3459
JIS G 3459-S
JIS G 3459-W
JIS G 3460
JIS G 3468
JIS G 3469
JIS G 4903
JIS G 5202

JIS G 5526
JIS G 5527
JIS H 3300

JIS H 3320

JIS H 3401
JIS H 4080

JIS H 4080-Extr1

JIS H 4080-Extr2

JIS H 4080-Cold 1

JIS H 4080-Cold 2

JIS H 4090

JIS H 4090-Weld

JIS H 4090-Arc

JIS H 4630
JIS K 6741

JIS K 6742
JIS K 6761

JIS K 6776

JIS K 6777
JIS B 2291

JIS Default

GB 5310
GB/T 3091
GB 9112

GB/T 9113.1

GB/T 9113.2

GB/T 9113.3
GB/T 9113.4

GB/T 9114

GB/T 9115.1

GB/T 9115.1, Series 1

GB/T 9115.1, Series 2

GB/T 9115.2

GB/T 9115.2, Series 1

GB/T 9115.2, Series 2

GB/T 9115.3

GB/T 9115.3, Series 1

GB/T 9115.3, Series 2

GB/T 9115.4

GB/T 9116.1

GB/T 9116.2

GB/T 9116.3

GB/T 9116.4

GB/T 9117.1

GB/T 9117.2

GB/T 9117.3

GB/T 9117.4

GB/T 9118.1

GB/T 9118.2

GB/T 9119

GB/T 9120.1

GB/T 9120.2

GB/T 9120.3

GB/T 9121.1

GB/T 9121.2

GB/T 9121.3

GB/T 9122
GB/T 9123.1

GB/T 9123.2

GB/T 9123.3
GB/T 9123.4
GB/T 9124

GB/T 12459, Series 1

GB/T 12771
GB/T 13401, Series 1

GB/T 13793

GB/T 17395

AS 2129

Hitachi Plant Corporation

CH Warman Pump Group

Lunkenheimer, seat ring end

Lunkenheimer, ASME B16.5 basis
SABS 1123, Flanges
SABS 62-1

SABS 62-2
SABS 533-1

SABS 719

SABS 791

SABS 966-1

SABS 966-2

SABS 967
Codelist Sort
EndStandard LongDescription Number Order
n red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and th
40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1

Default 5
API 16A, Specification for Drill Through Equipment 1288
API 17D, Specification for Subsea Wellhead and Christmas
Tree Equipment 1290
API 5LE, Polyethylene fittings 70
API 605-B, API 605 blind flanges 79
API 6A, Wellhead flanges and fittings 75
ASTM A126, Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for
Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings 8
ASTM A182/A182M, Standard Specification for Forged or
Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings,
and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service
ASTM A312/A312M, Standard Specification for Seamless,
Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel
Pipes 1323
ASTM A338, Standard Specification for Malleable Iron Flanges,
Pipe Fittings, and Valve Parts for Railroad, Marine, and Other
Heavy Duty Service at Temperatures Up to 650°F (345°C)
ASTM A409/A409M, Standard Specification for Welded Large
Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High-
Temperature Service 1324
ASTM A522/A522M, Standard Specification for Forged or
Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves,
and Parts for Low-Temperature Service 14
ASTM A53/A53M, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black
and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless
ASTM A694/A694M, Standard Specification for Carbon and
Alloy Steel Forgings for Pipe Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and
Parts for High-Pressure Transmission Service 16
ASTM A774/A774M, Standard Specification for As-Welded
Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Fittings for General
Corrosive Service at Low and Moderate Temperatures 17
ASTM A861, Standard Specification for High-Silicon Iron Pipe
and Fittings 18
ASTM A888, Standard Specification for Hubless Cast Iron Soil
Pipe and Fittings for Sanitary and Storm Drain, Waste, and
Vent Piping Applications 19
ASTM A961/A961M, Standard Specification for Common
Requirements for Steel Flanges, Forged Fittings, Valves, and
Parts for Piping Applications 20
ASTM A988/A988M, Standard Specification for Hot
Isostatically-Pressed Stainless Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves,
and Parts for High Temperature Service 21
ASTM A989/A989M, Standard Specification for Hot
Isostatically-Pressed Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and
Parts for High Temperature Service 27
ASME B1.20.3, Dryseal pipe threads 33
ASME B1.20.7, Hose coupling screw threads 37
ASME B16.1, Cast iron pipe flanges and flanged fittings 82

ASME B16.11, Forged steel socket welded and threaded fittings 89

ASME B16.12, Cast iron drainage fittings 12
ASME B16.15, Cast bronze fittings 15
ASME B16.22, Copper solder joint pressure fittings 22

ASME B16.23, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings 23

ASME B16.24, Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged
Fittings 24
ASME B16.25, Buttwelding Ends 6
ASME B16.3, Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings 11
ASME B16.36, Orifice flanges 29

ASME B36.10M, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe 26

ASME B16.42, Ductile iron flanges and fittings 30
ASME B16.47, Series A, Large Diameter Steel Flanges 945
ASME B16.47, Series B, Large Diameter Steel Flanges 946
ASME B16.47, Series A, Blind Flanges 947
ASME B16.47, Series B, Blind Flanges 949
ASME B16.50, Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Braze-Joint
Pressure Fittings 948
ASME BPE, Pharmaceutical OD Tubing 101
ASME conduit thread 987
ASTM A74, Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 45
ASTM B42, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Pipe,
Standard Sizes 28
ASTM B43, Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass
Pipe, Standard Sizes 31
ASTM B88, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Water
Tube 32
ASTM C76, Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain and
Sewer Pipe 46
ASTM C361, Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure Pipe
ASTM C582, Contact-Molded Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic
(RTP) Laminates for Corrosion-Resistant Equipment
ASTM C599, Conical Process Glass Pipe and Fittings 36
ASTM C700, Extra Strength and Standard Strength Clay Pipe
and Perforated Clay Pipe 47
ASTM C1277, Standard Specification for Shielded Couplings
Joining Hubless Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 38
ASTM D1527, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic
Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 39
ASTM D1694, Threads 60° (Stub) for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-
Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe 1052
ASTM D1785, Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe,
Schedules 40, 80, and 120 41
ASTM D2104, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 40 40
ASTM D2239, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SIDR-PR) Based
on Controlled Inside Diameter 42
ASTM D2241, Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated Pipe
(SDR Series) 300
ASTM D2282, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic
Pipe 44
ASTM D2447, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and
80, Based on Outside Diameter 51

ASTM D2464, Threaded PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings Schedule 80 301

ASTM D2466, Socket-Type PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings Schedule
40 302
ASTM D2467, Socket-Type PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings Schedule
80 303
ASTM D2513, Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and
Fittings 304
ASTM D2517, Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and
Fittings 57
ASTM D2609, Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE)
Plastic Pipe 58
ASTM D2662, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SIDR-PR) Based
on Controlled Inside Diameter 59

ASTM D2665, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride)

(PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings 305
ASTM D2666, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Tubing 64

ASTM D2672, Joints for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solvent Cement 306
ASTM D2683, Socket-Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside
Diameter-Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing
ASTM D2729, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings 307
ASTM D2737, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tubing 68
ASTM D2740, Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic
Tubing (Withdrawn) 308
ASTM D2846/D2846M, Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC)
Plastic Hot- and Cold-Water Distribution Systems 71
ASTM D2949, Standard Specification for 3.25-in. Outside
Diameter Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and
Vent Pipe and Fittings 309
ASTM D2996, Filament-Wound "Fiberglass" (Glass-Fiber-
Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe 73
ASTM D2997, Centrifugally Cast "Fiberglass" (Glass-Fiber-
Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe 74
ASTM D3000, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based
on Outside Diameter 76
ASTM D3034, Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings 310
ASTM D3035, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based on
Controlled Outside Diameter 78
ASTM D3036, Specification for Socket-Type Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Line Couplings (Withdrawn) 311
ASTM D3139, Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible
Elastomeric Seals 1292
ASTM D3261, Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic
Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing 1291
ASTM D3309, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Hot- and Cold-Water
Distribution Systems 1295
ASTM D3517, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Pressure Pipe 1299
ASTM D3754, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer and Industrial Pressure Pipe 1300
ASTM D3840, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe Fittings for Nonpressure
Applications 1293
ASTM D4024, Machine Made Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-
Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Flanges 1287
ASTM D4161, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe Joints Using Flexible Elastomeric
Seals 1301
ASTM D5421, Contact Molded Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-
Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Flanges 1298
ASTM F423, PTFE Pipe & Fittings 1296
ASTM F437, Threaded Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC)
Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 1289
ASTM F438, Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
(CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40 1294
ASTM F439, Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic
Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 1297
ASTM F441/F441M, Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC)
Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80 1285
ASTM F442/F442M, Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC)
Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) 1302
ASTM F491, Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) (PVDF) Plastic-Lined
Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings - withdrawn 103
ASTM F492, Propylene and Polypropylene (PP) Plastic-Lined
Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings 104
ASTM F512, Standard Specification for Smooth-Wall Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Conduit and Fittings for Underground
Installation 313
ASTM F546, Perfluoro (Ethylene-Propylene) Copolymer (FEP)
Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings 1313
ASTM F599, Poly(Vinylidene Chloride) (PVDC) Plastic-Lined
Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings 1320
ASTM F645, Standard Guide for Selection, Design, and
Installation of Thermoplastic Water-Pressure Piping Systems
ASTM F679, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC) Large-Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F714, Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE)
Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter 316
ASTM F781, Perfluoro (Alkoxyalkane) Copolymer (PFA) Plastic-
Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings 1305
ASTM F794, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC) Profile Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings Based on
Controlled Inside Diameter 317
ASTM F885, Standard Specification for Envelope Dimensions
for Bronze Globe Valves NPS ¼ to 2 1309
ASTM F891, Standard Specification for Coextruded Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe With a Cellular Core
ASTM F949, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe With a Smooth Interior and
Fittings 319
ASTM F480, Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Well
Casing Pipe and Couplings Made in Standard Dimension
Ratios (SDR), SCH 40 and SCH 80 312
ASTM F1020, Standard Specification for Line-Blind Valves for
Marine Applications 1306
ASTM F1055, Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for
Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing
ASTM F1098, Standard Specification for Envelope Dimensions
for Butterfly Valves - NPS 2 to 24 1308
ASTM F1271, Standard Specification for Spill Valves for Use in
Marine Tank Liquid Overpressure Protections Applications
ASTM F1336, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC) Gasketed Sewer Fittings 320
ASTM F1370, Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing
Valves for Water Systems, Shipboard 120
ASTM F1412, Polyolefin Pipe and Fittings for Corrosive Waste
Drainage Systems 121
ASTM F1498, Taper Pipe Threads 60° for Thermoplastic Pipe
and Fittings 1054
ASTM F1508, Standard Specification for Angle Style, Pressure
Relief Valves for Steam, Gas and Liquid Services
ASTM F1545, Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe, Fittings, and
Flanges 123
ASTM F1565, Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing
Valves for Steam Service 124
ASTM F1673, Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Corrosive Waste
Drainage Systems 1318
ASTM F1792, Standard Specification for Special Requirements
for Valves Used in Gaseous Oxygen Service
ASTM F1793, Standard Specification for Automatic Shut-Off
Valves (Also Known as Excess Flow Valves, EFV) for Air Or
Nitrogen Service 127
ASTM F1794-97, Standard Specification for Hand-Operated,
Globe-Style Valves for Gas (Except Oxygen Gas), and
Hydraulic Systems 128
ASTM F1795, Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing
Valves for Air or Nitrogen Systems 1322
ASTM F1803, Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride)
(PVC) Closed Profile Gravity Pipe and Fittings Based on
Controlled Inside Diameter 321
ASTM F1970, Standard Specification for Special Engineered
Fittings, Appurtenances or Valves for use in Poly (Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) or Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC)
Systems 322
ASTM F1985, Standard Specification for Pneumatic-Operated,
Globe-Style, Control Valves 132
ASTM F2307, Standard Specification for Series 10 Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Closed Profile Gravity Pipe and Fittings Based
on Controlled Inside Diameter 323

ASTM F2658, Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl

Chloride) (PVC) SDR 51 and SDR 64 Sewer Pipe and Fittings 324
ASTM F2015, Standard Specification for Lap Joint Flange Pipe
End Applications 133
ASTM F2138, Standard Specification for Excess Flow Valves
for Natural Gas Service 134
AWWA C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, and
Fabricated Fittings, 4”-12” (100 mm-300 mm), for Water
Distribution 341

AWWA C901, Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing, ½“

(13 mm) Through 3” (76 mm), for Water Service 342
AWWA C905, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and
Fabricated Fittings, 14”-48” 343
AWWA C115/A21.15, Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Ductile-
Iron or Gray-Iron Threaded Flanges 50
AWWA C151/A21.51, Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, for
Water or Other Liquids 55
AWWA C207, Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service, Sizes
4” Through 144” 138
AWWA C207 Cl.E, hub, Steel slip-on flanges CL275; 1978 61
AWWA C207 Cl.B & D, ring, Steel slip-on flanges CL86, Class
150, CL175; 1978 60
AWWA C207 Cl.B & D, hub, Steel slip-on flanges CL86, Class
150, CL175; 1978 1406
Steel slip-on flanges CL275 62
AWWA C301, Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel-
Cylinder Type 139
AWWA C606, Grooved and shouldered joints 1056
AWWA C902, Polybutylene Pipe, Tubing and Fittings 1/2"-3" for
Water (retired) 142
AWWA C904, Cross-Linked Polyethelyene (PEX) Pressure Pipe,
½” Through 3”, for Water Service 143
AWWA C906, Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and Fittings, 4”
Through 63” for Water Distribution and Transportation
AWWA C907, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Fittings for
Water-4IN. through 8 In. (100 mm through 200 mm) 344
AWWA C908, PVC Self-Tapping Saddle Tees for Use on PVC
Pipe 345
AWWA C909, Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO)
Pressure Pipe, 4”-24”, for Water Distribution 148
AWWA C950,Fiberglass Pressure Pipe 149
FPT, Female (internal) National Pipe Taper threads 960
ID Duct, Nominal diameter based on inside diameter 10
MPT, Male (external) National Pipe Taper threads 965
MSS SP-44-B, MSS blind flanges 81
MSS SP-44-NB, MSS non-blind flanges 80

NPS, American Standard Straight Pipe Thread 980

NPSF, Dryseal American National Standard Straight Pipe
Thread 975
NPSM, National Standard Free-Fitting Straight Mechanical Pipe
Thread 985
NPT, National Pipe Taper Thread 955

NPTF, Dryseal American National Standard Taper Pipe Thread 970

SAE J518, Hydraulic Flanged Tube, Pipe, And Hose
ASTM D2680, Four-Bolt Split Flange Type
Standard Specification for Acrylonitrile- 971
Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)
Composite Sewer Piping 1401
MSS SP-79, Type 1, Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts 1402

MSS SP-79, Type 2, Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts 1403

AWWA C153/A21.53, Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for Water
Service 1404
Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe with Cement-Mortar
Protective Lining per AWWA-C205 25
AWWA C110/A21.10, Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings for
Water 49

AB&I Foundry 1405

American Cast Iron Pipe Company Co., (ACIPCO) 99
Aloyco 92
American Ductile Iron Pipe 96

American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (AIF) 154

Burns & McDonnell 84
Clark-Reliance 1394
Consolidated 86
Core Pipe Products, Inc. (Gerlin, Inc.) 155
Crosby 85
Dow 91

Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox), Wavistrong™ 158

Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ 1350
Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ RP 1351
Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ RV 1352
Future Pipe Industries, Fibermar™ 1353
Future Pipe Industries, Yellow Box ® 1354
Future Pipe Industries, Red Box® 1355
Future Pipe Industries, CobraTM SRC 1356
Future Pipe Industries, PythonTM SRC 1357
Future Pipe Industries, BoaTM SRC 1358
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox), Wavistrong™
FR 1359
Gladding McBean 97
ISCO Industries 203
ISCO Industries, approved by Factory Mutual Research
Corporation 202
Lonergan 87
Main Manufacturing Products, Series 61 196
Main Manufacturing Products, Series 62 197

Main Manufacturing Products, Series 3000 198

Main Manufacturing Products, Series 6000 199

MDC Vacuum Products 200
Oseco, Oklahoma Safety Equipment Co., Inc 1400
Plexco, HDPE Piping 162
R&G Sloane 95
Spears® Manufacturing Company 201
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFCO) 164
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFCO), alternate jacket
schedule 165
Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II 1380
Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II FM 1381

Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II Performance Plus 1382

Smith Fibercast Red Thread® IIA Primary Pipe 1383

Smith Fibercast Red Thread® IIA Secondary Pipe 1384

Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II 1385

Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II Performance Plus 1386

Smith Fibercast Green Thread® Marine-Offshore 1387

Smith Fibercast Centricast® RB-1520 1388
Smith Fibercast Centricast® RB-2530 1389
Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-1520 1390
Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-2030 1391
Smith Fibercast Z-Core® 1392
Smith Fibercast F-Chem® 1393
Taylor Forge 98
Teledyne Farris 94
TopLine 88
Tube Turn Industries 90
Tyler Pipe 167

U.S. Pipe, Compact MJ Ductile Iron Fittings 168

U.S. Pipe, Ductile Restrained Joint 1314
U.S. Pipe, Push On 169
Uponor, HDPE Piping 1315
Victaulic 1062
Victaulic® Advanced Groove System 1060
Victaulic® End Standard for Tubes 1058
Yarway 93
DIN Default 100
Generic bolted and female dimensions 105
Bolted dimensions for cast iron flanges 112
Bolted dimensions for cast steel flanges 111
Bolted dimensions for lap flanges 116

Bolted dimensions for loose flanges in enameled components 119

Bolted dimensions for loose flanges with weld neck 118
Bolted dimensions for soldered & welded flanges 115
Bolted dimensions lap flanges with plain collars 117
DIN 2353, Non-soldering compression fittings with cutting ring
- Complete fittings and survey 106
DIN 2391, Seamless precision steel tubes (Replaced by DIN EN
10305-1) 150
DIN 2393, Welded precision steel tubes (Replaced by DIN EN
10305-2) 160
DIN 2394-1, Welded and sized precision steel tubes 2001
DIN 2440, Threaded pipes, medium weight 170
DIN 2441, Threaded pipes, heavy weightOD for threaded
components 179
DIN 2445-1, Seamless steel tubes subjected to dynamic loading
- Part 1: Hot finished tubes for use in fluid power systems,
rated for pressures from 100 bar to 500 bar 130
DIN 2445-2, Seamless steel tubes for subjected dynamic
loading - Part 2: Precision tubes for use in fluid power
systems, rated for pressures from 100 bar to 500 bar 140
DIN 2458, Steel pipes, welded, Reihe 1 191
DIN 2448, Dimensions of plain-end seamless steel pipes, Reihe
2 109
DIN 2458, Steel pipes, welded, Reihe 3 181

DIN 2463, Welded austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes 193
DIN 2463, Welded austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes,
Reihe 1 192
DIN 2463, Welded austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes,
Reihe 2 182
DIN 2463, Welded austenitic stainless steel pipes and tubes,
Reihe 3 183
DIN 2470-1, Steel gas pipelines for permissible working
pressures up to 16 bar; pipes and fittings 2002
DIN 2470-2, Steel gas pipelines for permissible working
pressures exceeding 16 bar; requirements for pipeline
components (Withdrawn) 2003
DIN 2576, Dimensions for plate flanges for welding, PN 10,
Reihe 1 2004
DIN 2576, Dimensions for plate flanges for welding, PN 10,
Reihe 2 2078
DIN 2631, Weldneck flange, PN 6, Reihe 1 125
DIN 2631, Weldneck flange, PN 6, Reihe 2 126
DIN 3239-1, Valve welding ends 2006
DIN 8074, Polyethylene (PE) - Pipes PE 63, PE 80, PE 100, PE-
HD - Dimensions 180
DIN 8077, Polypropylene (PP) pipes - PP-H, PP-B, PP-R, PP-
RCT - Dimensions 151
DIN 11850 Reihe 1, Tubes for the food, chemical and
pharmaceutical industry - Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions,
materials 107
DIN 11850 Reihe 2, Tubes for the food, chemical and
pharmaceutical industry - Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions,
materials 2060
DIN 11850 Reihe 3, Tubes for the food, chemical and
pharmaceutical industry - Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions,
materials 2061
DIN 11851, Fittings for food, chemical and pharmaceutical
industry - Stainless steel screwed pipe connections - Design
for rolling in and welding-on 2007
DIN 14307-C, Aluminium alloy solid coupling type C, with
sealing ring for pressure purposes; nominal pressure 16 2065
DIN 16962-1, Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP)
Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Bends of Segmental
Construction for Butt-welding, Dimensions 2008
DIN 16962-10, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 to 3
polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection-moulded fittings
for butt welding; dimensions 2016
DIN 16962-11, Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP)
Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Turned and Pressed
Reducing Sockets for Butt-welding, dimensions 2017
DIN 16962-12, Pipe joints and components of polypropylene
(PP) for pipes under pressure, PP-H 100, PP-B 80 and PP-R 80 -
Part 12: Flange adapters, flanges, sealing rings for socket
welding; dimensions 2018
DIN 16962-13, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for type 1 and
type 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; pipe couplings;
dimensions 2019
DIN 16962-2, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and
2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; tees and branches
produced by segment inserts and necking for butt welding;
dimensions 2009
DIN 16962-3, Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP)
Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Bends Formed from Pipe
for Butt-welding, Dimensions 2010
DIN 16962-4, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and
2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; adaptors for fusion
jointing, flanges and sealing elements; dimensions 2011
DIN 16962-6, Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP)
Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Injection Moulded Elbows
for Socket-welding, Dimensions 2012
DIN 16962-7, Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP)
Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Injection Moulded Tee
Pieces for Socket-welding, Dimensions 2013
DIN 16962-8, Pipe Joints and Elements for Polypropylene (PP)
Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Injection Moulded Sockets
and Caps for Socket-welding, Dimensions 2014

DIN 16962-9, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and
2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection moulded
reducers and nipples for socket welding; dimensions 2015
DIN 16963-1, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Pipe
Bends of Segmental Construction for Butt-welding,
Dimensions 2020
DIN 16963-10, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Sockets and Caps for Socket-welding,
Dimensions 2028

DIN 16963-11, Pipe joints and components of polyethylene (PE)

for pipes under pressure, PE 80 and PE 100 - Part 11: Flange
adapters, flanges, sealing rings for socket welding; dimensions 2029
DIN 16963-13, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Pressure
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Turned and Pressed Reducing Sockets for Butt-welding,
Dimensions 2030

DIN 16963-14, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and
2 high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipes; injection
moulded reducers and nipples for socket welding; dimensions 2031
DIN 16963-15, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high-
density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipes; pipe couplings;
dimensions 2032
DIN 16963-2, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 1 and
2 high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipes; tees and
branches produced by segment inserts and necking for butt
welding; dimensions 2021
DIN 16963-3, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2; Pipe
Bends for Butt-welding, Dimensions 2022
DIN 16963-4, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high-density
polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes; adaptors for fusion
jointing, flanges and sealing elements; dimensions 2023
DIN 16963-6, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high-density
polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes; injection-moulded
fittings for butt welding; dimensions 2024
DIN 16963-7, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high-density
polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes; fittings for resistance
welding; dimensions 2025
DIN 16963-8, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Elbows for Socket-welding, Dimensions 2026

DIN 16963-9, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density

Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Tee Pieces for Socket-welding, Dimensions 2027
DIN 16965-1, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-
GF); pipes, Type A pipes, dimensions 2033
DIN 16965-2, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-
GF); pipes, Type B pipes, dimensions 2034
DIN 16965-4, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-
GF); pipes, Type D pipes, dimensions 2035
DIN 16965-5, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-
GF); pipes, Type E pipes, dimensions 2036
DIN 16966-2, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF)
pipe fittings and joints; Elbows, Dimensions 2037
DIN 16966-4, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF)
pipe fittings an joints; Tees, Nozzles, Dimensions 2038
DIN 16966-5, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF)
pipe fittings and joints; Reducers, Dimensions 2039
DIN 16966-6, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF)
pipe fittings and joint assemblies; collars, flanges, joint rings,
dimensions 2040
DIN 16966-8, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP-GF)
pipe fittings and joints; Laminated joints; Dimensions 2041
DIN 16967-2, Glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin (EP-GF) pipe
fittings and joints; Elbows, Tees, Dimensions 2042
DIN 19214-1, Flow measurement; differential pressure devices
with flanges taps, nominal diameter 50 to 500, nominal
pressure 10 to 100; sealing surface raised face (Withdrawn
without substitution) 2043
DIN 19214-2, Flow measurement; differential pressure devices
with flanges taps, nominal diameter 10 to 400, nominal
pressure 10 to 100; sealing surface projection and recess
(Withdrawn without substitution) 2044
DIN 19214-3, Flow measurement; differential pressure devices
with flanges taps; nominal diameter 10 to 400, nominal
pressure 64 to 400; sealing surface lens-shape (Withdrawn
without substitution) 2045
DIN 19214-4, Flow measurement; differential pressure devices
with orifice flanges; meter runs, nominal diameter 10 to 200
(Withdrawn without substitution) 108
DIN 19214-5, Flow measurement; differential pressure devices
with orifice flanges; length of pressure taps stud and
installation dimensions for determination of space required
(Withdrawn without substitution) 2046
DIN 32676, Fittings for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical
industries - Clamp connections for stainless steel tubes - Weld-
on type 2047
DIN 43772, Control technology - Protective tubes and extension
tubes for liquid-in-glass thermometers, dial thermometers,
thermocouples and resistance thermometers - Dimensions,
materials, testing 2068
DIN EN 10210-2, Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-
alloy and fine grain steels - Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and
sectional properties 2048
DIN EN 10219-2, Cold formed welded structural hollow sections
of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Part 2: Tolerances,
dimensions and sectional properties 2049
DIN EN 10220 Reihe 1, Seamless and welded steel tubes -
Dimensions and masses per unit length, row 1 2050
DIN EN 10220 Reihe 2, Seamless and welded steel tubes -
Dimensions and masses per unit length, row 2 2071
DIN EN 10220 Reihe 3, Seamless and welded steel tubes -
Dimensions and masses per unit length, row 3 2072

DIN EN ISO 1127 TOL D2/T3, Stainless steel tubes. Dimensions,

tolerances and conventional masses per unit length 2051

DIN EN ISO 1127 TOL D3/T3, Stainless steel tubes. Dimensions,

tolerances and conventional masses per unit length 2076

DIN EN ISO 1127 TOL D4/T3, Stainless steel tubes. Dimensions,

tolerances and conventional masses per unit length 2077
OD for plastic pipes 129
OD for polyethylene, Reihe 4 194
OD for polyethylene, Reihe 5 195
OD for threaded components, Reihe 5 185
WTR5 990
Lap joint flange with lap joint stub end 901
Lap joint flange according to polyethylene hard pipes 902
Blind flange, Reihe 3 903
Blind flange, Reihe 1 907
Pipe for pressure indicator 908
Weldneck flange, PTFE 911
Lap joint flange, PTFE 912
Slip-on flange, PTFE 913
Blind flange, PTFE 914
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 1 915
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 2 926
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 3 927
Reduced flange with hole, PTFE Standard 4 928
Spacer without bolt holes 938
Wafer check valve, Standard 1 939
ISO 65, Carbon steel tubes suitable for screwing in accordance
with ISO 7-1 8001
ISO 2938, Hollow steel bars for machining 8002
ISO 6162-1, Hydraulic Fluid Power - Flange Connectors with
Split or One-Piece Flange Clamps and Metric or Inch Screws -
Part 1: Flange Connectors for Use at Pressures of 3,5 MPA (35
Bar) to 35 Mpa (350 Bar), DN 13 to DN 127 100001
ISO 6162-2, Hydraulic Fluid Power - Flange Connectors with
Split or One-Piece Flange Clamps and Metric or Inch Screws -
Part 2: Flange Connectors for Use at Pressures of 35 Mpa (350
Bar) to 40 Mpa (400 Bar), DN 13 to DN 51 100002
ISO 6164, Hydraulic Fluid Power - Four Screw, One-Piece
Square-Flange Connections for Use at Pressures of 25 Mpa
and 40 Mpa (250 Bar and 400 Bar) 100003
CETOP RP 63H, Square Flange Connections for Hydraulic
Piping (Withdrawn) 100004
Null Entry 5002
2, Ferrous flanges – metric dimensions 5003
BS 10, Table D, Specification for flanges and bolting for pipes,
valves, and fittings 1064

BS 21, Pipe threads for tubes and fittings - metric dimensions 995
BS 61, Threads for light gauge copper tubes and fittings 1000
BS 1560 Part 1005
BS 1640, Specification for steel butt-welding pipe fittings for
the petroleum industry 1010
BS 2494, Elastomeric seals for joints 1015
BS 2779, Pipe threads for pressurized tubes and fittings, metric
dimensions 1020
BS 3600, Welded and seamless steel pipes and tubes 1025

BS 3867, Method of specifying outside diameters and pressure

ratings for pipe of thermoplastics materials - inch series 1030
BS 4504, Flanges and bolting – metric dimensions 1035
BSPT, British Standard Pipe Taper threads 1040
BSPP, British Standard Pipe Parallel (straight) threads 1045
BS 10, Table E, Specification for flanges and bolting for pipes,
valves, and fittings 5001
BS 1864, Specification for stainless steel milk pipes and
fittings (recessed ring joint type) 5004
BS 4825-5, Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the food
industry and other hygienic applications (recessed ring joint
type couplings) 5005
Anson 5020
Techdrill 5300

JIS B 0202, Parallel pipe threads 1072
JIS B 0203, Taper pipe threads 1074
JIS B 0205, ISO general purpose metric screw threads 1076
JIS B 0207, Metric fine screw threads 1078
JIS B 0216, Metric trapezoidal screw threads 1080
JIS B 0222, 29o trapezoidal screw threads 1082
JIS B 1051, Bolts, screws and studs 1084
JIS B 1163, Square nuts 1086
JIS B 1176, Hexagon socket head cap screws 1088

JIS B 1180, Hexagon head bolts and hexagon head screws 1090
JIS B 1181, Hexagon nuts and hexagon thin nuts 1092
JIS B 1182, Square head bolts 1094
JIS B 1183, Domede cap nuts 1096
JIS B 2001, Nominal size and bore of valves 3001
JIS B 2011, Bronze, gate, globe, angle, and check valves 3019
JIS B 2051, Malleable iron 10K screwed valves 3021
JIS B 2062, Sluice valves for water works 3018

JIS B 2210, Basic dimensions of ferrous material pipe flanges 1098

JIS B 2220, Steel pipe flanges 1100
JIS B 2220, blind flanges 1101
JIS B 2220, plate flanges, welded end 3027

JIS B 2238, General rules for steel pipe flanges (Withdrawn) 1102
JIS B 2239, Cast iron pipe flanges 1104
JIS B 2239-D1, Cast iron pipe flanges - D1 1106
JIS B 2239-G2, Cast iron pipe flanges - G2 1108
JIS B 2239-G3, Cast iron pipe flanges - G3 1110
JIS B 2239-M1, Cast iron pipe flanges - M1 1112
JIS B 2239-M2, Cast iron pipe flanges - M2 1114
JIS B 2240, General rules for copper alloy pipe flanges 1116

JIS B 2241, Basic dimensions of aluminum alloy pipe flanges 1118

JIS B 2290, Other Flanges, Vacuum technology - Flange
dimensions 1120
JIS B 2290, Cast Flanges, Vacuum technology - Flange
dimensions 3017
JIS B 2291-LSA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type LSA 1124
JIS B 2291-SHA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SHA 1126
JIS B 2291-SHB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SHB 1128
JIS B 2291-SSA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SSA 1130
JIS B 2291-SSB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SSB 1132
JIS B 2301, Class I, Screwed type malleable cast iron pipe
fittings 1134
JIS B 2301, Class II, Screwed type malleable cast iron pipe
fittings 3020
JIS B 2302, Screwed type steel pipe fittings 1136
JIS B 2303, Screwed drainage fittings 1138
JIS B 2308, Stainless steel threaded fittings 1140

JIS B 2311, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings for ordinary use 1142
JIS B 2312, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings 1144
JIS B 2312, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings, pipe fittings for
fired heaters 1145
JIS B 2313, Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings 1146
JIS B 2316, Steel socket-welding pipe fittings 1148

JIS B 2321, Aluminum and aluminum alloy butt-welding pipe 1150

JIS B 2351, 25 MPa (250 kef/cm*2) bite type tube fittings for
hydraulic use (Withdrawn) 3002
JIS B 2401, O-rings 1152

JIS B 2404, Dimensions of gaskets for use with pipe flanges 1154
JIS B 8602-ATK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type ATK 1158
JIS B 8602-ATM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type ATM 1160
JIS B 8602-RBH, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBH 1162

JIS B 8602-RBHC, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBHC 1164

JIS B 8602-RBK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBK 1166

JIS B 8602-RBKC, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBKC 1168

JIS B 8602-RBM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBM 1170

JIS B 8602-RBMC, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBMC 1172

JIS B 8602-RSK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RSK 1174
JIS B 8602-RSM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RSM 1176
JIS B 8602-RTH, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RTH 1178
JIS B 8602-RTK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RTK 1180
JIS B 8602-RTM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RTM 1182
JIS B 8605-PGT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGT 3007
JIS B 8605-PAT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAT 3008
JIS B 8605-PGA, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGA 3009
JIS B 8605-PAA, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAA 3010
JIS B 8605-PGR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGR 3011
JIS B 8605-PAR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAR 3012
JIS B 8605-PGW, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGW 3013
JIS B 8605-PAW, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAW 3014
JIS B 8605-PGD, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGD 3015
JIS B 8605-PAD, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAD 3016
JIS B 8605-BGT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BGT 3023
JIS B 8605-BGR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BGR 3024
JIS B 8605-BAT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BAT 3025
JIS B 8605-BAR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BAR 3026

JIS B 8607, Flare type and brazing type fittings for refrigerants 1184
JIS F 7329, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 40K globe valves 1186
JIS F 7330, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 40K angle valves 3029
JIS F 7334, Shipbuilding - Bronze hose valves 3030
JIS F 7337, Shipbuilding - Forged steel angle air valves 3031

JIS F 7387, Shipbuilding - Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K cocks

JIS F 7388, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K globe valves 3032
JIS F 7389, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K angle valves 3033
JIS F 7421, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K globe valves 3034
JIS F 7422, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K angle valves 3035
JIS F 7427, Shipbuilding - Bronze valves 1188

JIS F 7440, Shipbuilding - Copper pipe 20K brazed type unions 1190
JIS F 7442, Shipbuilding -- Steel pipe 40K welded unions 1192
JIS F 7804, Shipbuilding - 5K copper alloy pipe flanges for
marine use 1196
JIS F 7805, Basic dimensions of steel flanges for marine
exhaust gas pipe 1198
JIS F 7805-A, Basic dimensions of steel flanges for marine
exhaust gas pipe - Type A 1200
JIS F 7805-F, Basic dimensions of steel flanges for marine
exhaust gas pipe - Type F 1202
JIS F 7806, Shipbuilding - ships' 280K and 350K socket welding
pipe flanges 1204
JIS G 3442, Galvanized steel pipes for ordinary piping 1210
JIS G 3443, Coated steel pipes for water service 1212
JIS G 3443-STW290, Coated steel pipes for water service -
STW290 1214
JIS G 3443-STW370, Coated steel pipes for water service -
STW370 1216
JIS G 3443-STW400A, Coated steel pipes for water service -
STW400A 1218
JIS G 3443-STW400B, Coated steel pipes for water service -
STW400B 1220
JIS G 3447, Stainless steel sanitary pipes 1222
JIS G 3448, Light gauge stainless steel tubes for ordinary
piping 1224
JIS G 3452, Carbon steel pipes for ordinary piping 1226
JIS G 3454, Carbon steel pipes for pressure service 1228
JIS G 3455, Carbon steel pipes for high pressure service 1230

JIS G 3456, Carbon steel pipes for high temperature service 1232
JIS G 3457, Arc welded carbon steel pipes 1234
JIS G 3458, Alloy steel pipes 1236
JIS G 3459, Stainless steel pipes 1238
JIS G 3459-S, Stainless steel pipes - Seamless 1240
JIS G 3459-W, Stainless steel pipes - Welded 1242
JIS G 3460, Steel pipes for low temperature service 1244
JIS G 3468, Large diameter welded stainless steel pipes 1246
JIS G 3469, Polyethylene coated steel pipes 1248
JIS G 4903, Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy pipes 1250
JIS G 5202, Centrifugally case steel pipes for high temperature
and high pressure service 1252
JIS G 5526, Ductile iron pipes 1254
JIS G 5527, Ductile iron fittings 1256

JIS H 3300, Copper and copper alloy seamless pipes and tubes 1258

JIS H 3320, Copper and copper alloy welded pipes and tubes 1260
JIS H 3401, Pipe fittings of copper and copper alloys 1262
JIS H 4080, Aluminum and aluminum alloys extruded tubes and
cold-drawn tubes 1264
JIS H 4080-Extr1, Aluminum and aluminum alloys extruded
tubes and cold-drawn tubes - Extruded tube 1 1266
JIS H 4080-Extr2, Aluminum and aluminum alloys extruded
tubes and cold-drawn tubes - Extruded tube 2 1268
JIS H 4080-Cold 1, Aluminum and aluminum alloys extruded
tubes and cold-drawn tubes - Cold-drawn tube 1 1270
JIS H 4080-Cold 2, Aluminum and aluminum alloys extruded
tubes and cold-drawn tubes - Cold-drawn tube 2 1272
JIS H 4090, Aluminum and aluminum alloys welded pipes and
tubes 1274
JIS H 4090-Weld, Aluminum and aluminum alloys welded pipes
and tubes - Welded 1276
JIS H 4090-Arc, Aluminum and aluminum alloys welded pipes
and tubes - Arc welded 1278
JIS H 4630, Titanium and titanium alloy seamless pipes 1280

JIS K 6741, Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes 1282

JIS K 6742, Unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes
for water supply 3003
JIS K 6761, Polyethylene pipes for general purposes 1284
JIS K 6776, Chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC-C) pipes for
hot and cold water supply 3004
JIS K 6777, Chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC-C) pipe fittings
for hot and cold water supply 3005
JIS B 2291, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for hydraulic
use 1122
JIS Default 1070
GB 5310, Seamless steel tubes and pipes for high pressure
boiler 4001
GB/T 3091, Galvanized steel pipe 4002
GB/T 9112, Types and parameters for steel pipe flanges 4003

GB/T 9113.1, Steel pipe flanges with flat face or raised face 4004

GB/T 9113.2, Steel pipe flanges with male and female face 4005

GB/T 9113.3, Steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face 4006
GB/T 9113.4, Steel pipe flanges with ring-joint face 4007

GB/T 9114, Hubbed screwed steel pipe flanges with raised face 4008
GB/T 9115.1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with flat face or
raised face 4009
GB/T 9115.1, Series 1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with flat
face or raised face 4010
GB/T 9115.1, Series 2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with flat
face or raised face 4011
GB/T 9115.2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with male and
female face 4012
GB/T 9115.2, Series 1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with
male and female face 4013
GB/T 9115.2, Series 2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with
male and female face 4014
GB/T 9115.3, Series 1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with
tongue and groove face 4015
GB/T 9115.3, Series 1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with
tongue and groove face 4016
GB/T 9115.3, Series 2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with
tongue and groove face 4017
GB/T 9115.4, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with ring-joint
face 4018
GB/T 9116.1, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges with
flat face or raised face 4019
GB/T 9116.2, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges with
male and female face 4020
GB/T 9116.3, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges with
tongue and groove face 4021
GB/T 9116.4, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges with
ring-joint face 4022
GB/T 9117.1, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges with flat
face or raised face 4023
GB/T 9117.2, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges with
male and female face 4024
GB/T 9117.3, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges with
tongue and groove face 4025
GB/T 9117.4, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges with
ring-joint face 4026
GB/T 9118.1, Loose hubbed steel pipe flanges with welding
neck collar with raised face 4027
GB/T 9118.2, Loose hubbed steel pipe flanges with welding
neck collar with ring-joint face 4028
GB/T 9119, Slip-on-welding plate steel pipe flanges with flat
face or raised face 4029
GB/T 9120.1, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with welding neck
collar with raised face 4030
GB/T 9120.2, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with welding neck
collar with male and female face 4031
GB/T 9120.3, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with welding neck
collar with tongue and groove face 4032
GB/T 9121.1, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on collar
with raised face 4033
GB/T 9121.2, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on collar
with male and female face 4034
GB/T 9121.3, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on collar
with tongue and groove face 4035

GB/T 9122, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with lapped end 4036
GB/T 9123.1, Steel pipe blank flanges with flat face or raised
face 4037
GB/T 9123.2, Steel pipe blank flanges with male and female
face 4038
GB/T 9123.3, Steel pipe blank flanges with tongue and groove
face 4039
GB/T 9123.4, Steel pipe blank flanges with ring-joint face 4040
GB/T 9124. Steel pipe flanges 4041

GB/T 12459, Series 1, Steel butt-welding seamless pipe fittings 4042

GB/T 12771, Welded stainless steel pipes for liquid delivery 4043
GB/T 13401, Series 1, Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings 4044

GB/T 13793, Longitudinal electric resistance welded steel tubes 4045

GB/T 17395, Dimensions, shapes, masses, and tolerances of
seamless steel tubes 4046
AS 2129, Flanges 1286
Hitachi Plant Corporation 3006

CH Warman Pump Group 61001

Lunkenheimer, seat ring end 6001
Lunkenheimer, ASME B16.5 basis 6002



SABS 1123, Pipe flanges 1068
SABS 62-1, Steel pipes Part 1: Pipes suitable for threading and
of nominal size not exceeding 150 mm 54001
SABS 62-2, Steel pipes Part 2: Screwed pieces and pipe fittings
of nominal size not exceeding 150 mm 54002
SABS 533-1, Black polyethylene pipes for the conveyance of
liquids Part 1: Low density black polyethylene pressure pipes
SABS 719, Electric welded low carbon steel pipes for aqueous
fluids (large bore) 54004
SABS 791, Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) sewer
and drain pipes and pipe fittings 54005
SABS 966-1, Components of pressure pipe systems Part 1:
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pressure pipe
systems 54006
SABS 966-2, Components of pressure pipe systems Part 2:
Modified poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-M) pressure pipe systems
SABS 967, Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) soil,
waste and vent pipes and pipe fittings 54008
meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
EquipmentSymbolErrors EquipmentSymbolErrors
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
Should Not Be Zero Parameter value must be greater tha
Should Not Be Lessthan Zero Parameter value should not be less t
Codelist Number Order

! Back to Index
HEAD ExaminationPractice ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm


United States of America, Standards

Germany, Standards (DIN)
Finland, Standards (SFS)
CEN/EU, Standards
United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Standards
Japan, Standards (JISC)

China, Standards (SACS)

Korea, Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
Australia, Standards (AS)
NORSOK, Standards
KKS, Standards
Company, Standards
France, Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas, Standards
Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC =
Standards Council of
Canada, CSA = Canadian
Canada, Standards (SCC) Standards Association)
Chile, Standards (INN)
Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Norway, Standards (NSF)
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS)
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)

Examination Examination Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning o
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
None required None required 2
ASME-I Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I: Power
ASME-I Boilers 5

ASME-III Boiler & Pressure

Vessel Code - Section III - Rules
for Construction of Nuclear
ASME-III Power Plant Components 10

ASME-VIII-1 Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code, Section VIII,
Division 1: Design and
ASME-VIII-1 Fabrication of Pressure Vessels 15

ASME-VIII-2 Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code, Section VIII,
ASME-VIII-2 Division 2: Alternative Rules 20

ASME-VIII-2 Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code, Section VIII,
Division 3: Alternative Rules for
Construction of High Pressure
ASME-VIII-3 Vessels 21
ASME Fld Mets & AGA Rpt 3
ASME Fld Mets & AGA Rpt 3 (Instruments) 25
ASME-B31.1 ASME-B31.1 Power Piping 30
ASME-B31.2 ASME-B31.2 Fuel Gas Piping 35
ASME-B31.3 ASME-B31.3 Process Piping 40
ASME-B31.4 Pipeline
Transportation Systems for
Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other
ASME-B31.4 Liquids 45

ASME-B31.5 Refrigeration Piping

ASME-B31.5 and Heat Transfer Components 50

ASME-B31.8 Gas Transmission

ASME-B31.8 and Distribution Piping Systems 55
ASME-B31.9 Building Services
ASME-B31.9 Piping 60
API-2000 Venting Atmospheric
and Low-Pressure Storage
Tanks: Nonrefrigerated and
API-2000 Refrigerated 65
AWWA AWWA (Water Services) 70
JPI 8S-1, Piping Inspection and
JPI 8S-1, Piping Inspection an Maintenance 3001
JPI-8S-5, Instrument Inspection
JPI-8S-5, Instrument Inspectio and Maintenance 3002

value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index

ExteriorSurfaceTreatmentRequir ment
HEAD ement ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sma
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.
Undefined Undefined

None None

Passivation/Descaling Passivation/Descali

Rust inhibition Rust inhibition

ExteriorSurfaceTreatment ShortDescription
ed by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
not be used. They will be deleted eventually.


Not Required

Pickle with acid

Pickle/oil with acid
Pickle with nitric acid (20-50%)

Pickle with nitric acid (20-40%) + sodium dichromate (2-6%)

Pickle with nitric acid (12%) + copper sulfate (4%)

Acid descale with oxalic acid (5%)

Acid descale with sulfuric acid (8-11%)

Acid descale with nitric acid (15-25%) + hydrogen fluoride
Pickle with nitric acid (20%) + hydrogen fluoride (5%) at

Flush with rust inhibitor

Flush with sodium nitrite (0.5%) + DSP/MSP (0.5%)
Codelist Sort
ExteriorSurfaceTreatment LongDescription Number Order
ant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Not Required 2

Pickle with acid 25
Pickle/oil with acid 30
Pickle with nitric acid (20-50%) 35

Pickle with nitric acid (20-40%) + sodium dichromate (2-6%) 40

Pickle with nitric acid (12%) + copper sulfate (4%) 45

Acid descale with oxalic acid (5%) 50

Acid descale with sulfuric acid (8-11%) 55

Acid descale with nitric acid (15-25%) + hydrogen fluoride
(8%) 60
Pickle with nitric acid (20%) + hydrogen fluoride (5%) at
125-130oF 61
Pickled 20
Flush with rust inhibitor 65
Flush with sodium nitrite (0.5%) + DSP/MSP (0.5%) 70
! Back to Index
ExternalWeldedPipePart ExternalWeldedPipePart Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined Undefined 1
Penetration Plate Penetration Plate 5
Support Part Support Part 10

ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a valu
t add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

FabricationRequirement LongDescrip FabricationType
HEAD ShortDescription tion ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
By Pipe fabricator
Shop fabricated, thermal fusion

Shop fabricated, electrofusion

Shop fabricated, laminated

Shop fabricated, brazed

By Pipe erector
Contractor fabricated, match
Owner fabricated, match marked

Contractor fabricated, thermal

Owner fabricated, thermal fusion

Contractor fabricated,
Owner fabricated, electrofusion
Contractor fabricated, laminated

Owner fabricated, laminated

Contractor fabricated, brazed
Owner fabricated, brazed
By Pipe erector for loose material


FabricationType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
e textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of t
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Shop fabricated 15
Shop fabricated, thermal fusion
Shop fabricated, electrofusion
Shop fabricated, laminated
Shop fabricated, brazed
Contractor fabricated 7
Owner fabricated 20
Contractor fabricated, match marked
Owner fabricated, match marked
Contractor fabricated, thermal fusion
Owner fabricated, thermal fusion
Contractor fabricated, electrofusion
Owner fabricated, electrofusion 26
Contractor fabricated, laminated
Owner fabricated, laminated 28
Contractor fabricated, brazed 29
Owner fabricated, brazed 31

Shop fabricated, field welded 30
ue or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
FabricationTypeBasis FabricationTypeBasis Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
By System By System 5
By User By User 10

alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delet
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
FabricationResponsibility FabricationResponsibility Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Contractor By Contractor 10
Owner By Owner 15
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 45
Vendor By Vendor 50
Piping By Piping 55
Instruments By Instruments 60
Others By Others 65

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD FeatureType ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! Piping
0-45deg Elbow
45deg Elbow
45-90deg Elbow
90deg Elbow
0-45deg Change Of Direction
45deg Change Of Direction
45-90deg Change Of Direction
90deg Change Of Direction
Concentric Size Change
Eccentric Size Change
Flange at Fitting
Hub or Ferrule
Female Threaded against Female Threaded Connector

Female Threaded against Female Welded Connector

Male Threaded against Male Threaded Connector

Male Threaded against Male Welded Connector
Distance Piece
Jacket Closure
Increasing Tee
Jacket Spacer
Orifice Flange
Flexible Hose
Flexible Hose Assembly Connection Fitting, Hose *
Female Thread
Flexible Hose Assembly Connection Fitting, Hose * Male
Flexible Hose Assembly Connection Fitting, Hose *
Female Welded
Flexible Hose Assembly Connection Fitting, Hose * Male
Flexible Hose Assembly Connection Fitting, Hose *
Mechanical Without Clamp
Flexible Hose Assembly Connection Fitting, Hose *
Mechanical With Clamp
! Conduit
0-45deg Change Of Direction for Conduit
45deg Change Of Direction for Conduit
45-90deg Change Of Direction for Conduit
90deg Change Of Direction for Conduit
Straight Conduit
Size Change for Conduit
Tee Type Conduit Branches
Lateral Type Conduit Branches

Codelist Sort
Number Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele








he user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD MemberFireproofingExposurMemberFireproofingExposureType Long

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000.

Codelist Number Sort Order
uld be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index

HEAD MemberFireproofingApplicationMethod ShortDesc

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar

MemberFireproofingApplicationMethod LongDesCodelist Sort Order
added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Contour Fully Encased
Contour Flange Exposed
Block Fully Encased
Block Flange Exposed
Block With Voids
Block With Voids Flange Exposed

MemberFireproofingApplicationType Sort
LongDescription Codelist Number Order
entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

umeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry
START added by the user should be between 10,001 and
40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric
1.6 Ra finish
100-150 Ra finish
125 Ra finish
125-200 Ra finish
125-250 Ra finish
125-500 Ra finish
150 Grit (35 Ra max)
150 Grit/Electropolished (35 Ra max)
180 Grit (25 Ra max)
180 Grit/Electropolished (25 Ra max)
200 Ra finish
240 Grit (20 Ra max)
240 Grit/Electropolished (20 Ra max)
250-500 Ra finish
3 Ra finish
3.2-6.4 Ra finish
320 Grit (11 Ra max)
320 Grit/Electropolished (11 Ra max)
MSS SP-6, Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of
63 RaFlanges
finish and Connecting-End Flanges of
Valves and Fittings
63-100 Ra finish
63-125 Ra finish
63-250 Ra finish
63-80 Ra finish
80 Ra finish
80-150 Ra finish
Cold water finish
Concentric serrated
Deburred and descaled
DIN 2526 Form A
DIN 2526 Form B
DIN Form C (RZ = 160 m)
DIN Form D (RZ = 40 m)
DIN Form E (RZ = 16 m)
DIN 2526 Form F
DIN 2526 Form N
EN 1092-1 Type A
EN 1092-1 Type B1
EN 1092-1 Type B2
EN 1092-1 Type C
EN 1092-1 Type D
Serrated spiral / serrated concentric machined
Smooth finish
Smooth spiral / smooth concentric machined
Spiral serrated
Stock finish
Surface ground

Codelist Sort
FlangeFaceSurfaceFinish LongDescription Number Order

Undefined 1
1.6 Ra finish 3
100-150 Ra finish 37
125 Ra finish 40
125-200 Ra finish 43
125-250 Ra finish 45
125-500 Ra finish 50
150 Grit (35 Ra max) 141
150 Grit/Electropolished (35 Ra max) 142
180 Grit (25 Ra max) 143
180 Grit/Electropolished (25 Ra max) 144
200 Ra finish 55
240 Grit (20 Ra max) 145
240 Grit/Electropolished (20 Ra max) 146
250-500 Ra finish 60
3 Ra finish 5
3.2-6.4 Ra finish 7
320 Grit (11 Ra max) 147
320 Grit/Electropolished (11 Ra max) 148
MSS SP-6, Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of 158
63 RaFlanges
finish and Connecting-End Flanges of 15
Valves and Fittings
63-100 Ra finish 10
63-125 Ra finish 20
63-250 Ra finish 25
63-80 Ra finish 9
80 Ra finish 30
80-150 Ra finish 35
Cold water finish 110
Concentric serrated 120
Deburred and descaled 125
DIN 2526 Form A 149
DIN 2526 Form B 150
DIN 2526 Form C (RZ = 160 m) 65
DIN 2526 Form D (RZ = 40 m) 70
DIN 2526 Form E (RZ = 16 m) 75
DIN 2526 Form F 151
DIN 2526 Form N 152
EN 1092-1 Type A 153
EN 1092-1 Type B1 154
EN 1092-1 Type B2 155
EN 1092-1 Type C 156
EN 1092-1 Type D 157
Serrated spiral / serrated concentric machined 140
Smooth finish 105
Smooth spiral / smooth concentric machined 135
Spiral serrated 115
Stock finish 100
Surface ground 130
! Back to Index
FlangeFacing FlangeFacing Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
Raised face Raised face 5
Ring Type Joint face Ring Type Joint face 10
Small Tongue/Groove face Small Tongue/Groove face 15
Large Tongue/Groove face Large Tongue/Groove face 20
Small Male/Female face Small Male/Female face 25
Large Male/Female face Large Male/Female face 30
Flat face Flat face 35

be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD FlangeInsulationKitType ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
One set of washers
Two sets of washers

Codelist Sort
FlangeInsulationKitType LongDescription Number Order
r may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
FlexibleHoseTopologyType FlexibleHoseTopologyType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Travelling loop

Codelist Number Sort Order
he textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not a

ue; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
FlipComponent FlipComponent Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Bottom/Right Bottom/Right 1
Top/Left Top/Left 2
alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
FlowDirection FlowDirection Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 0
Out Flow leaves this port 1
In Flow enters this port 2
Bi-directional Flow may enter or leave this port 3
No Flow No flow at this port 4

alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delet
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
FluidSystem FluidSystem FluidCode
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Steam Condensate

Codelist Sort
FluidCode LongDescription Number Order
er should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
A, Air 11
AC, Combustion air 14
AE, Aeration air 17
AI, Instrument air 20
AO, Operational air 23
AP, Plant air 26
APU, Purge air 29
AR, Regeneration air 32
AS, Starting air 35
AZ, Other air 40
C, Refrigerant 71
CA, Ammonia refrigerant 75
CE, Ethylene refrigerant 79
CF, Freon refrigerant 83
CLP, LP refrigerant 87
CPR, Propylene refrigerant 91
CZ, Other refrigerant 100
D, Sewer 101
DC, Caustic sewer 103
DCH, Chemical sewer 105
DGR, Drain to grade 107
DOW, Oily water sewer 109
DP, Process sewer 111
DPH, Heated process sewer 113
DS, Sanitary sewer 115
DSP, Press sanitary sewer 117
DST, Storm sewer 119
DW, Clean water sewer 121
DWS, Sour water sewer 123
DX, Acid sewer 125
DZ, Other sewer 130
F, Foam 161
G, Gas 191
GCD, Carbon dioxide gas 194
GCL, Chlorine gas 197
GCN, Chlorination gas 198
GF, Fuel gas 200
GG, Flue gas 203
GH, Hydrogen gas 206
GHS, Hydrogen sulphide gas 209
GI, Inert gas 212
GLP, LP gas 215
GM, Make-up gas 218
GN, Natural gas 221
GNI, Nitrogen gas 224
GOX, Oxygen gas 227
GP, Purge gas 230
GR, Reformed gas 233
GS, Synthesis gas 236
GSO, Sour gas 239
GSW, Sweet gas 242
GW, Waste gas 245
GZ, Other gas 250
K, Solvent 341
KG, Glycol 346
KF, Furfural 351
KD, Dewaxing 356
KZ, Other solvent 370
Chemical 401
Chemical Injection 402
MAA, Anhydrous ammonia 405
MAC, Aluminum chloride 409
MAW, Aqueous ammonia 413
MC5, 0-50% caustic solution 417
MCL, Dry chlorine 421
MEO, Ethylene oxide 425
MHC, Hydrogen chloride 429
MIA, Inhibitor A 433
MIB, Inhibitor B 434
MLA, Lube oil additives 440
MMA, MMAMethyl alcohol 444
MS, Sulfur 448
MSL, Liquid sulfur 452
MZ, Other chemical 460
O, Oil 491
OD, Diesel fuel oil 493
ODS, Dry slop oil 495
OF, Flushing oil 497
OFR, Fuel oil return 499
OFS, Fuel oil supply 500
OH, Hydraulic oil 503
OL, Lube 505
OLS, Lube and seal oil 507
OS, Seal oil 509
OSO, Sour oil 511
OSW, Sweet oil 513
OWS, Wet slop oil 515
OZ, Other oil 520
P, Process 521
Process Special 522
PA, Process w/ rich/lean amine 524
PAS, Process w/ severe amine 527
PB, Process w/ benzene 530
PH, Process w/ H2 533
PHH, Process w/ H2 & H2S 536
PHW, Process w/ aqueous H2S 539
PL, Low temperature process 542
PS, Process w/ S 545
PZ, Other process 550
RA, Relief to atmosphere 581
RF, Relief to flare 591
RZ, Other relief 610
S, Steam 611
SE, Extra pressure Class 1500 steam 621
SH, High pressure Class 900 steam 623
SL, Low pressure Class 150 steam 625
SM, Medium pressure Class 600 steam 627
SN, Nor pressure Class 300 steam 629
SS, Superheated steam 631
SV, Vacuum steam 633
SX, Exhaust CL125 steam 635
SZ, Other steam 640
SC, Steam condensate 641
SCA, Atmospheric CL125 steam condensate 643
SCE, Extra pressure Class 1500 steam condensate 645
SCH, High pressure Class 900 steam condensate 647
SCL, Low pressure Class 150 steam condensate 649
SCM, Medium pressure Class 600 steam condensate 651
SCN, Normal pressure Class 300 steam condensate 653
SCV, Vacuum steam condensate 655
SCZ, Other steam condensate 660
V, Vent 721
VA, Vent to atmosphere 731
VF, Vent to flare 741
VZ, Other vent 750
W, Water 751
WB, Boiler feed water 753
WBA, Ballast water 755
WBB, Water boiler blowdown 757
WC, Cooling water 759
WCH, Chlorinated water 763
WCL, Chlorine in water 764
WCF, Clarified water 765
WCR, Cooling water return 767
WCS, Cooling water supply 768
WPT, Potable water 771
WDM, Demineralized water 773
WFA, Aboveground fire water 775
WFI, Filtered water 777
WFU, Underground fire water 779
WG, Glycol water 781
WGL, Gland water 783
WGR, Glycol water return 785
WGS, Glycol water supply 786
WH, Hot water 789
WHR, Hot water return 791
WHS, Hot water supply 792
WI, Chilled water 795
WIR, Chilled water return 797
WIS, Chilled water supply 798
WK, Treated water 801
WN, Brine water 803
WP, Process water 805
WR, Raw water 807
WS, Sea water 809
WSR, Sea water return 811
WSS, Sea water supply 812
WT, Test water 815
WU, Utility water 817
WW, Waste water 819
WZ, Other water 830
X, Acid 831
XH, Hydrofluoric acid 835
XN, Nitric acid 839
XSD, Dilute sulfuric acid 843
XS3, 30% sulfuric acid 847
XD8, 75-80% sulfuric acid 851
XS9, 93-97% sulfuric acid 853
XZ, Other acid 860
Y, Catalyst 861
YA, Catalyst addition 865
YG, General catalyst 869
YH, Catalyst w/ H2 873
YL, Catalyst lift lines 877
YW, Catalyst withdrawal lines 881
YZ, Other catalyst air 890
! Back to Index

GasketSelectionBasedOnFluidCode sedOnFluidCode Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Fluid Code used to select all gaskets 1
Fluid Code used to select gasket exceptions 2

e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a v
t not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD FrontEndType ShortDescription FrontEndType LongDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Front End Type A Exchanger Front End Type A
Front End Type B Exchanger Front End Type B
Front End Type C Exchanger Front End Type C
Front End Type D Exchanger Front End Type D
Front End Type N Exchanger Front End Type N
Front End Type Q Exchanger Front End Type Q
Codelist Sort
Number Order
en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Not required
Piping outside diameter
Piping inside diameter

Codelist Sort
GasketInsideDiameterBasis LongDescription Number Order
. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value;

Not required 5
Inside diameter equals the piping outside diameter 10
Inside diameter equals the piping inside diameter 15
or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Not required
BCD minus the bolt diameter
Flange outside diameter
Raised face diameter

GasketOutsideDiameterBasis LongDescription Number
. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value;

Not required 5
Outside diameter equals the bolt circle diameter minus the bolt diameter 10
Outside diameter equals the flange outside diameter 15
Outside diameter equals the raised face outside diameter 20
meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD GasketOption ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Blind ring joint gasket
BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure energized
BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure energized,
Carrier ring gasket
Cherry-Burrell gasket
Convex gasket
Corrugated double jacketed
Corrugated gasket, solid

Covered serrated metal gasket, e.g. Flexitallix FlexproTM

Double cone gasket
Double corrugated gasket
Double jacketed gasket
Double jacketed gasket, metal filler, corrugated
Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, corrugated
Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed
Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge outside
Double shell gasket
Envelope gasket
Expanded graphite gasket
Eyelet gasket, with internal and external reinforcement
Flange guard
Flange insulation kit
Flange insulation kit without gasket
Flange insulation kit, Type D
Flange insulation kit, Type E
Flange insulation kit, Type F
Flange insulation kit, Type G
Flat gasket, non-metallic, envelope
Flat gasket, non-metallic, solid
Flexible graphite gasket
French-type jacketed gasket
Grayloc blind seal ring
Grayloc seal ring
Grayloc® orifice seal ring
Grayloc® restriction seal ring
Grayloc® transition seal ring
Inlaid corrugated
Insulating gasket
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with integral centering
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with loose fitting
centering ring
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with integral centering
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with loose fitting
centering ring
Large-FlangeTM O-ring

Lens ring
Metal reinforced gasket
Metallic serrated gasket
Octagonal ring joint
Oval ring joint
Oval ring joint gasket, rubber-coated
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, octagonal
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval, rubber-coated
Round ring joint gasket
RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure energized
RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure energized,

SBX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SBX pressure energized
Seal ring
Seal ring, orifice
Seal ring, restriction
Seal ring, subsea
Seal ring, transition
Single jacketed gasket
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge outside
Soft cut
Solid metal
Solid metal gasket, profiled
Spiral wound gasket
Spiral wound gasket with centering ring
Spiral wound gasket with external ring
Spiral wound gasket with inner ring
Spiral wound gasket with inner ring and external ring
Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars
Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars, centering ring,
and inner ring
Spiral wound gasket, non-circular
Spiral wound, one ring
Spiral wound, two rings
SPO-Lock seal ring
SRX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SRX pressure energized
Techlok seal ring
Transition ring joint gasket, octagonal
Transition ring joint gasket, oval
Tri-Clamp O-ring
Tri-Clover gasket
Victaulic AWWA FlushSeal gasket
Victaulic EndSeal Fire-RTM gasket
Victaulic EndSeal gasket
Victaulic FIT gasket
Victaulic FlushSeal gasket
Victaulic IPS to AWWA Transition gasket
Victaulic Mechanical-T gasket
Victaulic outlet gasket
Victaulic plain end gasket
Victaulic reducing gasket
Victaulic seal ring
Victaulic standard gasket
Victaulic Vic-Flange gasket
Wedge gasket
Weld membrane gasket
Weld ring
Weld ring gasket, hollow lip
Wireloc™ seal ring

Codelist Sort
GasketOption LongDescription Number Order
d by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Default Gasket 1
Blind ring joint gasket 195
Bridgeman ring joint gasket 75
BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure energized 2

BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure energized, rubber-coated 3

Carrier ring gasket 150
Cherry-Burrell gasket 250
Convex gasket 4
Corrugated gasket 20
Double corrugated jacketed gasket 25
Corrugated gasket, solid 115
Sealed serrated metal gasket, e.g. Flexitallix FlexproTM, Garlock
Kammprofile, or Grafonic 165
Delta ring joint gasket 80
Double cone gasket 205
Double corrugated gasket 130
Double jacketed gasket 125
Double jacketed gasket, metal filler, corrugated 6
Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, corrugated 7
Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed 8
Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge outside 9
Double shell gasket 135
Envelope gasket 255
Expanded graphite gasket 11
Eyelet gasket, with internal and external reinforcement 12
Flange guard 200
Flange insulation kit 110
Flange insulation kit without gasket 13
Flange insulation kit, Type D 14
Flange insulation kit, Type E 16
Flange insulation kit, Type F 17
Flange insulation kit, Type G 18
Flat gasket, non-metallic, envelope 19
Flat gasket, non-metallic, solid 21
Flexible graphite gasket 22
French-type jacketed gasket 140
Grayloc® blind seal ring 240
Grayloc® seal ring 235
Grayloc® orifice seal ring 23
Grayloc® restriction seal ring 24
Grayloc® transition seal ring 26
Corrugated gasket, inlaid 30
Insulating gasket 105
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core 27

Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with integral centering ring 28

Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with loose fitting centering ring 29
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core 31

Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with integral centering ring 32

Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with loose fitting centering ring 33
Large-FlangeTM O-ring 34
Lens ring joint gasket (Lenticular ring joint gasket or ‘Linsen’ gasket)
Metal reinforced gasket 155
Metallic serrated gasket 160
Octagonal ring joint gasket 50
Oval ring joint gasket 55
Oval ring joint gasket, rubber-coated 170
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, octagonal 36
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval 37
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval, rubber-coated 38
Round ring joint gasket 175
RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure energized 39

RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure energized, rubber-coated 41

SBX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SBX pressure energized 42
Seal ring 210
Seal ring, orifice 43
Seal ring, restriction 44
Seal ring, subsea 46
Seal ring, transition 47
Single jacketed gasket 120
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed 48
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open 49
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge outside 51
Soft cut gasket 95
Solid metal gasket, flat 100
Solid metal gasket, profiled 52
Spiral wound gasket 53
Spiral wound gasket with centering ring 54
Spiral wound gasket with external ring 56
Spiral wound gasket with inner ring 57
Spiral wound gasket with inner ring and external ring 58
Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars 59
Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars, centering ring, and inner
ring 61
Spiral wound gasket, non-circular 145
Spiral wound gasket, one ring 65
Spiral wound gasket, two rings 70
SPO-Lock seal ring 245

SRX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SRX pressure energized (subsea) 62
Techlok® seal ring 230
Transition ring joint gasket, octagonal 63
Transition ring joint gasket, oval 64
Tri-Clamp O-ring 225
Tri-Clover gasket 220
Victaulic AWWA FlushSeal gasket 310
Victaulic EndSeal Fire-RTM gasket 305
Victaulic EndSeal gasket 300
Victaulic FIT gasket 270
Victaulic FlushSeal gasket 285
Victaulic IPS to AWWA Transition gasket 315
Victaulic Mechanical-T gasket 290
Victaulic® outlet gasket 275
Victaulic® plain end gasket 295
Victaulic® reducing gasket 265
Victaulic® seal ring 215
Victaulic® standard gasket 260
Victaulic® Vic-Flange® gasket 280
Wedge gasket 66
Weld membrane gasket 67
Weld ring gasket 90
Weld ring gasket, hollow lip 68
Wireloc™ seal ring 69
! Back to Index

HEAD GasketRequirementOverride ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Gasket is required
Gasket is not required
Gasket is not required for lined, flanged joints, but is required at unlined spec
boundaries, including nozzles
Codelist Sort
GasketRequirementOverride LongDescription Number Order
textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add

Undefined 1
Gasket is required for lined, flanged piping system 5
Gasket is not required for lined, flanged piping system 10
Gasket is not required for lined, flanged joints, but is required at unlined spec
boundaries, including nozzles 15
the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD GasketRequirements ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Gasket required

Integral gasket
Gaskets included
Gasket is not required

Gasket for clamp based on two mechanical ends

Gasket for clamp based on mechanical hub end

Gasket to be purchased separately from clamp

Gasket included with clamp

Integral gasket with piping designer override enabled

Integral gasket requiring another lined flange surface
Integral gasket requiring another lined flange surface with piping
designer override enabled
Gasket not required due to metal-to-metal seal
Gasket supplied with fitting
Gasket for mechanical joint without clamp

Codelist Sort
GasketRequirements LongDescription Number Order
the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not

Undefined 1
Gasket required at each bolted end 5
Integral gasket where the gasket thickness has been included in the
piping commodity dimension 10
Gaskets included but not reported 15
Gasket is not applicable as all ends are non-bolted. 20
Clamp gasket based on two mechanical ends (gasket to be reported
independently of the clamp) 25
Clamp gasket based on mechanical hub end (gasket to be reported
independently of the clamp) 30
Gasket to be purchased separately from clamp 35

Clamp is purchased with the gasket included (gasket should not be

reported) 40
Integral gasket with piping designer override (Gasket Requirement
Override) enabled 45
Integral gasket requiring another lined flange surface 50
Integral gasket requiring another lined flange surface with piping
designer override enabled 55
Gasket not required due to metal-to-metal seal 60
Gasket supplied with fitting 65
Gasket for mechanical joint without clamp 70
value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

Gasket selection based on both bolted ends is required

Gasket selection based on an arbitrary bolted end is

GsktSlnForMismatchBltdEndsOpt Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

Gasket selection based on both bolted ends is 5

Gasket selection based on an arbitrary bolted end 10
is acceptable
e value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

GasketManufacturerIndustryPra GasketManufacturerIndustryPractice
HEAD ctice ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined

U.S. Manufacturers U.S. Manufacturers

German Manufacturers
British Manufacturers

Finnish Manufacturers
French Manufacturers
Other American Manufacturers
Other European Manufacturers
Japanese Manufacturers
Chinese Manufacturers
Korean Manufacturers
Other Asian Manufacturers
Australian Manufacturers
Italian Manufacturers
Norwegian Manufacturers
Offshore Industry Manufacturers
Power Industry Manufacturers
Canadian Manufacturers

GasketManufacturer rer GasketStyleNumber
ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription
extual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of th
tween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined

ABB Vetco Gray ABB Vetco Gray

ABB Vetco Gray VX
ABB Vetco Gray VGX
ABB Vetco Gray VT
Cooper Cameron Cooper Cameron
Cooper Cameron AX
Cooper Cameron BX
Cooper Cameron CX
Dresser Dresser®
Dresser® Plain Grade 27
Dresser® Plain Grade 42
Dresser® Armored® Grade 27
Dresser® Viton®
GRI/Durlon GRI/Durlon®
Durlon 7900
Durlon 7925
Durlon 7950
Durlon 8300
Durlon 8400
Durlon 8500
Durlon 8600
Durlon 8700
Durlon 9000
Durlon 9000N
Durlon 9200W
Durlon 9400
Durlon 9600
Durlon FGS95
Durlon FGLPE
Durlon FGL316
Durlon FGT316
GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-A
GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-B
GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-GF-S
Flexitallic Flexitallic
Flexitallic Style 100
Flexitallic Style 102
Flexitallic Style 120
Flexitallic Style 123
Flexitallic Style 124
Flexitallic Style 126
Flexitallic Style 127
Flexitallic Style 129
Flexitallic Style 130
Flexitallic Style 131
Flexitallic Style 132
Flexitallic Style R
Flexitallic Style RIR
Flexitallic Style CG
Flexitallic Style CGI
Flexitallic Style HE
Flexitallic Style HE-CG
Flexitallic Style HE-CGI
Flexitallic Style CG-RJ
Flexitallic Style 625
Flexitallic Style T
Flexitallic Style M
Flexitallic Style MC
Flexitallic Style MCS
Flexitallic Style LS
Flexitallic Style LSI
Flexitallic Style PN
Flexitallic Style ZG
Flexitallic Style ZA
Flexitallic Style RX
Flexitallic Style BX
Flexitallic Style SRX
Flexitallic Style SBX
Flexitallic Style SR
Flexitallic Style SRL
Flexitallic Style NCA
Flexitallic Style NCB
Flexitallic Style NCC
Garlock Sealing Garlock Sealing
Technologies Technologies
Garlock 19
Garlock 22
Garlock 2900
Garlock 2910
Garlock 2920
Garlock 2930
Garlock 2940
Garlock 2950
Garlock 7797
Garlock 7986
Garlock 7992
Garlock 8314
Garlock 8764
Garlock 8798
Garlock 9064
Garlock 9122
Garlock 9405
Garlock 9518
Garlock 9780
Garlock 9800
Garlock 9850
Garlock 9900
Garlock Agri-Gard 2674
Garlock Blue-Gard 3000
Garlock Blue-Gard 3001
Garlock Blue-Gard 3200
Garlock Blue-Gard 3300
Garlock Blue-Gard 3400
Garlock Blue-Gard 3700
Garlock CP-3900
Garlock CP-3920
Garlock FlexSeal-CS
Garlock Graph-Lock 3123
Garlock Graph-Lock 3124
Garlock Graph-Lock 3125
Garlock Graph-Lock 3125SS
Garlock Graph-Lock 3125TC
Garlock Graph-Lock 3126
Garlock Graphonic
Garlock Gylon 3500
Garlock Gylon 3504
Garlock Gylon 3510
Garlock Gylon 3545
Garlock Gylon 3565
Garlock Gylon HP3560
Garlock Gylon HP3561
Garlock IFG-5500
Garlock IFG-5507
Garlock Kammprofile
Garlock Leak-Gard 3750
Garlock ST-706
Garlock Stress Saver 370
Garlock Stress Saver 6800
Garlock Stress Saver 9580
Garlock Stress Saver XP
Tampa Rubber and Tampa Rubber and
Gasket Gasket
Tri-Clover Tri-Clover®
Tri-Clamp® Model 42MP
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MP
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MO
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MPF
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MOF
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MHP
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MP-GR
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MO-GR
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MPS
Virginia Sealing Virginia Sealing
Products Products

James Walker James Walker®

Moorflex Metaflex® Type C
Moorflex Metaflex® Type C/IR
Moorflex Metaflex® Type SG
Moorflex Metaflex® Type SG/IR
Moorflex Metaflex® Type H
Moorflex Metaflex® Type H/IW
Moorflex Metaflex® Type TE
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG/IR
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG/TE
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG/IR/TE
Moorflex Metaflex® Lolode
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type CH
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type SGK
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type LGK
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type CCK
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type SGCK
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type LGCK
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type TE
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type EF
Moorflex Type M120
Moorflex Type M123
Moorflex Type M124
Moorflex Type M126
Moorflex Type M129
Moorflex Type M130
Moorflex Type M131
Moorflex Metagraf PL
Moorflex Metagraf HX
Moorflex Metex
Moorflex Metcom
Moorflex Series R, oval
Moorflex Series R, octagonal
Moorflex Series RX
Moorflex Series BX
GasketStyleNumber Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.

Undefined 1
ABB Vetco Gray VX 2
ABB Vetco Gray VGX 3
ABB Vetco Gray VT 4
Cooper Cameron AX 5
Cooper Cameron BX 6
Cooper Cameron CX 7
Dresser® Plain Grade 27 8
Dresser® Plain Grade 42 9
Dresser® Armored® Grade 27 11
Dresser® Viton® 12
Durlon® 7900 26
Durlon® 7925 27
Durlon® 7950 28
Durlon® 8300 29
Durlon® 8400 31
Durlon® 8500 32
Durlon® 8600 33
Durlon® 8700 34
Durlon® 9000 36
Durlon® 9000N 37
Durlon® 9200W 38
Durlon® 9400 39
Durlon® 9600 41
Durlon® FGS95 42
Durlon® FGLPE 43
Durlon® FGL316 44
Durlon® FGT316 46
GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-A 47
GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-B 48
GRI Identa-SealTM GRI-GF-S 49
Flexitallic® Style 100 10
Flexitallic® Style 102 15
Flexitallic® Style 120 20
Flexitallic® Style 123 25
Flexitallic® Style 124 30
Flexitallic® Style 126 35
Flexitallic® Style 127 40
Flexitallic® Style 129 45
Flexitallic® Style 130 50
Flexitallic® Style 131 55
Flexitallic® Style 132 60
Flexitallic® Style R 65
Flexitallic® Style RIR 70
Flexitallic® Style CG 75
Flexitallic® Style CGI 80
Flexitallic® Style HE 85
Flexitallic® Style HE-CG 90
Flexitallic® Style HE-CGI 95
Flexitallic® Style CG-RJ 100
Flexitallic® Style 625 105
Flexitallic® Style T 110
Flexitallic® Style M 115
Flexitallic® Style MC 120
Flexitallic® Style MCS 125
Flexitallic® Style LS 130
Flexitallic® Style LSI 135
Flexitallic® Style PN 140
Flexitallic® Style ZG 145
Flexitallic® Style ZA 150
Flexitallic® Style RX 160
Flexitallic® Style BX 165
Flexitallic® Style SRX 170
Flexitallic® Style SBX 175
Flexitallic® Style SR 180
Flexitallic® Style SRL 185
Flexitallic® Style NCA 190
Flexitallic® Style NCB 195
Flexitallic® Style NCC 200

Garlock 19 205
Garlock 22 210
Garlock 2900 215
Garlock 2910 220
Garlock 2920 225
Garlock 2930 230
Garlock 2940 235
Garlock 2950 240
Garlock 7797 250
Garlock 7986 255
Garlock 7992 260
Garlock 8314 265
Garlock 8764 270
Garlock 8798 275
Garlock 9064 280
Garlock 9122 285
Garlock 9405 290
Garlock 9518 295
Garlock 9780 300
Garlock 9800 305
Garlock 9850 310
Garlock 9900 315
Garlock Agri-Gard 2674 320
Garlock Blue-Gard 3000 325
Garlock Blue-Gard 3001 330
Garlock Blue-Gard 3200 335
Garlock Blue-Gard 3300 340
Garlock Blue-Gard 3400 345
Garlock Blue-Gard 3700 350
Garlock CP-3900 355
Garlock CP-3920 360
Garlock FlexSeal-CS 365
Garlock Graph-Lock 3123 370
Garlock Graph-Lock 3124 375
Garlock Graph-Lock 3125 380
Garlock Graph-Lock 3125SS 385
Garlock Graph-Lock 3125TC 390
Garlock Graph-Lock 3126 395
Garlock Graphonic 400
Garlock Gylon 3500 405
Garlock Gylon 3504 410
Garlock Gylon 3510 415
Garlock Gylon 3545 420
Garlock Gylon 3565 425
Garlock Gylon HP3560 430
Garlock Gylon HP3561 435
Garlock IFG-5500 440
Garlock IFG-5507 445
Garlock Kammprofile 450
Garlock Leak-Gard 3750 455
Garlock ST-706 460
Garlock Stress Saver 370 465
Garlock Stress Saver 6800 470
Garlock Stress Saver 9580 475
Garlock Stress Saver XP 480

Tri-Clamp® Model 42MP 13
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MP 14
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MO 16
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MPF 17
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MOF 18
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MHP 19
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MP-GR 21
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MO-GR 22
Tri-Clamp® Model 40MPS 23

Moorflex Metaflex® Type C 80001
Moorflex Metaflex® Type C/IR 80002
Moorflex Metaflex® Type SG 80003
Moorflex Metaflex® Type SG/IR 80004
Moorflex Metaflex® Type H 80005
Moorflex Metaflex® Type H/IW 80006
Moorflex Metaflex® Type TE 80007
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG 80008
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG/IR 80009
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG/TE 80010
Moorflex Metaflex® Type WG/IR/TE 80011
Moorflex Metaflex® Lolode 80012
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type CH 80013
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type SGK 80014
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type LGK 80015
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type CCK 80016
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type SGCK 80017
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type LGCK 80018
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type TE 80019
Moorflex Metakamm™ Type EF 80020
Moorflex Type M120 80021
Moorflex Type M123 80022
Moorflex Type M124 80023
Moorflex Type M126 80024
Moorflex Type M129 80025
Moorflex Type M130 80026
Moorflex Type M131 80027
Moorflex Metagraf PL 80028
Moorflex Metagraf HX 80029
Moorflex Metex 80030
Moorflex Metcom 80031
Moorflex Series R, oval 80032
Moorflex Series R, octagonal 80033
Moorflex Series RX 80034
Moorflex Series BX 80035
rent value.
! Back to Index
GasketCategory GasketCategory
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm

Ring joint gaskets

Combination ring joint gaskets

Other ring joint gaskets

Subsea gaskets

Spiral Wound
Gaskets for deflection restraining mechanical joints

Insulation sets

Sheet gaskets

Metal jacketed gaskets

Composite gaskets

Lens rings

Weld gaskets

Gaskets for mechanical joints

Metal seals Metal seals

Other gaskets

GasketType ShortDescription
ode list. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the n
list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Oval ring joint gasket

BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure
RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure
Octagonal ring joint
Oval ring joint gasket, rubber-coated
Round ring joint gasket
SBX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SBX
pressure energized
SRX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SRX
pressure energized (subsea)
BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure
energized, rubber-coated
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, octagonal
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval, rubber-coated

RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure

energized, rubber-coated

Combination ring joint gasket

Transition ring joint gasket, oval

Transition ring joint gasket, octagonal
Blind ring joint gasket
Double cone gasket
Flange guard
Seal ring
Seal ring, blind
Seal ring, orifice
Seal ring, restriction
Seal ring, transition

Subsea seal ring

Carrier ring gasket

Spiral wound gasket
Spiral wound gasket with centering ring
Spiral wound gasket with external ring
Spiral wound gasket with inner ring
Spiral wound gasket with inner ring and external
Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars
Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars,
centering ring, and inner ring
Spiral wound gasket, non-circular
Spiral wound, one ring
Spiral wound, two rings
chanical joints
ACIPCO Fast-Grip
ACIPCO Fastite gasket
ACIPCO Flex-Lok gasket
Non-metallic gasket for mechanical joint pipe

Flange insulation kit

Flange insulation kit without gasket
Flange insulation kit, Type D
Flange insulation kit, Type E
Flange insulation kit, Type F
Flange insulation kit, Type G
Insulating gasket

Expanded graphite gasket

Eyelet gasket, with internal and external reinforc

Flat gasket, non-metallic, envelope
Flexible graphite gasket
Flat gasket, non-metallic, solid
Soft cut gasket
Solid metal gasket, flat
Solid metal gasket, profiled

Corrugated double jacketed
Corrugated gasket, solid
Double corrugated gasket
Double jacketed gasket

Double jacketed gasket, metal filler, corrugated

Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, corrugated

Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed
Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge
Double shell gasket
French-type jacketed gasket
Inlaid corrugated
Single jacketed gasket
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge

Metal reinforced gasket

Metallic serrated gasket
Covered serrated metal gasket

Kammprofile gasket, convex root core

Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with
integral centering ring
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with
loose fitting centering ring
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with
integral centering ring
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with
loose fitting centering ring

Lens ring

Weld membrane gasket

Weld ring
Weld ring gasket, hollow lip

Cherry-Burrell gasket
Grayloc blind seal ring
Grayloc seal ring
Grayloc orifice seal ring
Grayloc restriction seal ring
Grayloc transition seal ring
Large-FlangeTM O-ring
SPO-Lock seal ring
Techlok seal ring
Tri-Clamp O-ring
Tri-Clover gasket
Victaulic AWWA FlushSeal gasket
Victaulic EndSeal Fire-RTM gasket
Victaulic EndSeal gasket
Victaulic FIT gasket
Victaulic FlushSeal gasket
Victaulic IPS to AWWA Transition gasket
Victaulic Mechanical-T gasket
Victaulic outlet gasket
Victaulic plain end gasket
Victaulic reducing gasket
Victaulic seal ring
Victaulic standard gasket
Victaulic Vic-Flange gasket
Victaulic Advanced Groove System (AGS)
Victaulic plain end gasket for HDPE
Victaulic Pressfit gasket
Wireloc seal ring

C-ring seal
E-ring seal
Nuclear O-ring seal
O-ring seal
Spring energized jacketed seal
Spring energized seal

Convex gasket
Wedge gasket
Envelope gasket
Codelist Sort
GasketType LongDescription Number Order
values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value;
,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Oval ring joint gasket 100
BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure
energized 105
RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure
energized 110
Octagonal ring joint gasket 115
Oval ring joint gasket, rubber-coated 300
Round ring joint gasket 305
SBX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SBX pressure
energized 310
SRX ring joint gasket, API 17D type SRX pressure
energized (subsea) 315
BX ring joint gasket, API 6A type BX pressure
energized, rubber-coated 5
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, octagonal 4
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval 2
R ring joint gasket, API 6A, oval, rubber-coated
RX ring joint gasket, API 6A type RX pressure
energized, rubber-coated 6
Combination ring joint gasket 7
Transition ring joint gasket, oval 320
Transition ring joint gasket, octagonal 8
Blind ring joint gasket 325
Double cone gasket 335
Flange guard 330
Seal ring 340
Bridgeman ring joint gasket 200
Delta ring joint gasket 205
Seal ring, blind 9
Seal ring, orifice 12
Seal ring, restriction 11
Seal ring, transition 10
Subsea seal ring 13
Carrier ring gasket 240
Spiral wound gasket 14
Spiral wound gasket with centering ring 19
Spiral wound gasket with external ring 16
Spiral wound gasket with inner ring 15

Spiral wound gasket with inner ring and external ring 17

Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars 18
Spiral wound gasket with pass-partition bars,
centering ring, and inner ring 20
Spiral wound gasket, non-circular 235
Spiral wound gasket, one ring 150
Spiral wound gasket, two rings 155
ACIPCO Fast-Grip® gasket 220
ACIPCO Fastite® gasket 400
ACIPCO Flex-Lok® gasket 405
Non-metallic gasket for mechanical joint pipe 410
Flange insulation kit 230
Flange insulation kit without gasket 475
Flange insulation kit, Type D 21
Flange insulation kit, Type E 22
Flange insulation kit, Type F 23
Flange insulation kit, Type G 24
Insulating gasket 225
Expanded graphite gasket 29

Eyelet gasket, with internal and external reinforcement 28

Flat gasket, non-metallic, envelope 27
Flexible graphite gasket 30
Flat gasket, non-metallic, solid 480
Soft cut gasket 245
Solid metal gasket, flat 250
Solid metal gasket, profiled 25
Corrugated gasket 50
Corrugated double jacketed 55
Corrugated gasket, solid 255
Double corrugated jacketed gasket 270
Double jacketed gasket 265

Double jacketed gasket, metal filler, corrugated 34

Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, corrugated 35

Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed 33

Double jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge outside 37

Double shell gasket 275
French-type jacketed gasket 280
Corrugated gasket, inlaid 60
Single jacketed gasket 260
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, enclosed 32
Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open 31

Single jacketed gasket, soft filler, open edge outside 36

Metal reinforced gasket 285
Metallic serrated gasket 290
Sealed serrated metal gasket, e.g. Flexitallix
FlexproTM, Garlock Kammprofile, or Grafonic 295
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core 41
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with integral
centering ring 42
Kammprofile gasket, convex root core with loose
fitting centering ring 43
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core 38
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with integral
centering ring 39
Kammprofile gasket, parallel root core with loose
fitting centering ring 40
Lens ring joint gasket (Lenticular ring joint gasket or ‘Li 345
Weld membrane gasket 210
Weld ring 215
Weld ring gasket, hollow lip 44
Cherry-Burrell gasket 385
Grayloc® blind seal ring 375
Grayloc® seal ring 370
Grayloc® orifice seal ring 51
Grayloc® restriction seal ring 49
Grayloc® transition seal ring 48
Large-FlangeTM O-ring 53
SPO-Lock seal ring 380
Techlok® seal ring 365
Tri-Clamp® O-ring 360
Tri-Clover® gasket 355
Victaulic® AWWA FlushSeal® gasket 465
Victaulic® EndSeal® Fire-RTM gasket 460
Victaulic® EndSeal® gasket 455
Victaulic® FIT® gasket 425
Victaulic® FlushSeal® gasket 440
Victaulic® IPS to AWWA Transition gasket 470
Victaulic® Mechanical-T® gasket 445
Victaulic® outlet gasket 430
Victaulic® plain end gasket 450
Victaulic® reducing gasket 420
Victaulic® seal ring 350
Victaulic® standard gasket 415
Victaulic® Vic-Flange® gasket 435
Victaulic® Advanced Groove System (AGS) gasket
Victaulic® plain end gasket for HDPE 46
Victaulic® Pressfit gasket 47
Wireloc™ seal ring 52
C-ring seal 57
E-ring seal 58
Nuclear O-ring seal 56
O-ring seal 54
Spring energized jacketed seal 61
Spring energized seal 59
Convex gasket 62
Wedge gasket 63
Envelope gasket 390
he meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index

actice GeometricIndustryStandard
HEAD GeometricIndustryPractice
ShortDescription ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text a
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.
United States of America,




ASME B16.18







ASME B16.33

ASME B16.38

ASME B16.40



ASME B16.44

ASME B16.45

ASME B16.47 Series A

ASME B16.47 Series B


ASME B16.49

ASME B16.50
ASME B31.1
ASME B31.3



API Spec 15LE

API Spec 15LR





API 602

API 603
API 604

API 608



ASTM A182/A182M

ASTM A312/A312M


ASTM A409/A409M
ASTM A522/A522M

ASTM A694/A694M

ASTM A774/A774M

ASTM-A 861

ASTM A961/A961M

ASTM A988/A988M

ASTM A989/A989M







ASTM C1277

ASTM D1527

ASTM D 1785
ASTM D2104

ASTM D2239

ASTM D 2241
ASTM D2282

ASTM D2447




ASTM D 2513

ASTM D 2665 
ASTM D2513

ASTM D2517

ASTM D2609

ASTM D2662

ASTM D2665

ASTM D2666

ASTM D 2672

ASTM D2680
ASTM D2683

ASTM D 2729
ASTM D2737

ASTM D 2740
ASTM D2846/D2846M
ASTM D 2949
ASTM D2996

ASTM D2997

ASTM D3000

ASTM D 3034
ASTM D3035

ASTM D 3036
ASTM D3139

ASTM D3261

ASTM D3309

ASTM D3517

ASTM D3754

ASTM D3840

ASTM D4024

ASTM D4161

ASTM D5421




ASTM F441/F441M

ASTM F442/F442M
ASTM F 480

ASTM F 512 




ASTM F 645 

ASTM F 679

ASTM F 714

ASTM F 794

ASTM F 891

ASTM F 949
ASTM F1020

ASTM F1055

ASTM F1098

ASTM F1271
ASTM F1336
ASTM F1370

ASTM F1412

ASTM F1508

ASTM F1545

ASTM F1565

ASTM F1673

ASTM F1792

ASTM F1793

ASTM F1794-97

ASTM F1795

ASTM F 1803

ASTM F 1970
ASTM F1985

ASTM F2015

ASTM F2138

ASTM F 2307 

ASTM F 2658 



AWWA C151/A21.51
AWWA C153/A21.53


AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, ring

AWWA-C207 Cl.B & D, hub

AWWA-C207 Cl.E, hub





















AWWA C 905

AWWA C 907

AWWA C 908

CGA S1.1













MSS-SP-79, Type 1
MSS SP-79, Type 2





MSS SP-104

MSS SP-105
MSS SP-106

MSS SP-108

MSS SP-109

MSS SP-110

MSS SP-111

MSS SP-114

MSS SP-115

MSS SP-116

MSS SP-117

MSS SP-118

MSS SP-119

MSS SP-122
MSS SP-123

MSS SP-124
MSS SP-125

MSS SP-126

MSS SP-128
MSS SP-129

MSS SP-131

MSS SP-133

MSS SP-134

MSS SP-135
MSS SP-136


SAE J513
SAE J514
SAE J518
! Bolts

ASME B1.12

ASME B1.15
ASME B1.20.1
ASME B1.20.3
ASME B1.20.7
! Nuts/Washers/Gaskets
ASME B16.1
ASME B16.3
ASME B16.14
ASME B16.20
ASME B16.2
API 601

ASME B18.22.1, Type A
ASME B18.22.1, Type B
ASTM F436, Circular or Clipped

ASTM F436, Extra Thick




United States of America,

AB&I Foundry
Abresist Corporation
Allied Pipe Products
Aldo Colombo
American Cast Iron Pipe Company
American Darling
American Ductile Iron Pipe
American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (
American Valve
Anderson Greenwood
A.O. Smith
Autoclave Engineers
Babcock and Wilcox
Badger Meters
Bailey Co
Basic Engineering
Bonney Forge
Boots & Coots
Brooks Meters
Burns & McDonnell
Clayton Automatic Valves
Clayton Mark
Continental Emsco
Cooper Valve
Core Pipe Products, Inc. (Gerlin, Inc.)
Duo Seal
Felker Brothers
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin
Repox), Wavistrong
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin
Repox), Wavistrong FR
Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong

Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong RP

Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong RV

Future Pipe Industries, Fibermar
Future Pipe Industries, Yellow Box
Future Pipe Industries, Red Box
Future Pipe Industries, Cobra SRC
Future Pipe Industries, Python SRC
Future Pipe Industries, Boa SRC
Gladding McBean
Grinnell Fire Prot
Imperial Eastman
Independent Pipe Products

ISCO Industries, approved by Factory

ISCO Industries
Jacoby Tarbox
Judd Valve
Kinka Kikai
L & M Valve
Center Line Valve
Flowseal Valve
Pacific Valves
Master Flo Valve
Mueller Industries
Mueller/Muessco Brass
Mueller/Muessco Steam Specialty
Pan Korea
Parker Hannifin
Parks Cramer
Peabody Dore
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex 3100
Series Pipe
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex 5100
Series Ultra-Line PE 3408 Water
Service Tubing
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex 5300
Series PE3608 / PE3408 Pipe
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex 6400
Series PE3608 / (PE3408) Pipe
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex 6500
Series PE2708 / (PE2406) Pipe
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex PE3608 /
PE3408 Pipe
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex PE4710 /
Perma-Pipe, Inc.
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Chil-Gard
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Copper-Gard
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Double-Quik
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Dual-Gard 250
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Dual-Gard DI
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Escon-A / Ferro-Shield
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Galva-Gard
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Lo-Temp Hi-Gard
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Mid-Temp Hi-Gard
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Multi-Therm 500
Perma-Pipe, Inc. PEX-Gard
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Poly-Therm
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Poly-Therm Ultra Low
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Quik-Therm
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Terra-Gard
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type HT
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type IW
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type FS
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-FS
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-HT
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-IW
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Xtru-Therm

Perma-Pipe, Inc. Xtru-Therm Ultra Low

Pipeline Seal and Insulator
Plexco, Fabricated Fittings
Plexco, Molded Fittings
RF Valves
R & G Sloane
Robert James
Rockwell Edwards
Rockwell McCanna
Rockwell Nordstorm
R P &C
Serck Audco
Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II
Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II FM
Smith Fibercast Red Thread II
Performance Plus
Smith Fibercast Red Thread IIA
Primary Pipe
Smith Fibercast Red Thread IIA
Secondary Pipe
Smith Fibercast Green Thread II
Smith Fibercast Green Thread II
Performance Plus
Smith Fibercast Green Thread Marine-
Smith Fibercast Centricast RB-1520
Smith Fibercast Centricast RB-2530
Smith Fibercast Centricast CL-1520
Smith Fibercast Centricast CL-2030
Smith Fibercast Z-Core
Smith Fibercast F-Chem
Spraying Systems
Spears® Manufacturing Company
Spirax Sarco
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFC
Standard Fittings
Stang Hydronics
Taylor Forge
Taylor Forge, Rev 1957
Teledyne Farris
Texas Bolt
Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHLA, Light Duty
Adjustable Clamp
Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHHM, Double
Hinge Heavy Duty Clamp with Wing
Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHHS, 3-
Segment Heavy Duty Clamp with Wing
Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHHS, Fractional
Clamp with Wing Nut
Tri-Clamp® Model A13MO, Light Duty
Clamp with T-Bolt
Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHP, High
Pressure Clamp
Tri-Clamp® Model A13MHM, Single
Hinge Heavy Duty Clamp with Wing
Tri-Clamp® Model A12MPS, Swivel
Tube Turn Industries
Tyco Flow Control
Tyler, AWWA C110 Ductile Iron Fittings
Tyler, AWWA C153 Ductile Iron Compact
U.S. Pipe, Push On per AWWA C110
U.S. Pipe, Ductile
U.S. Pipe, Ductile Restrained Joint
Uponor, HDPE Butt Fusion Fittings
Uponor, HDPE Electrofusion Fittings
Victaulic® Style 005 (FireLock® Rigid
Victaulic® Style 008 (Zero-Flex® Rigid
Victaulic® Style 009 (FireLock® EZTM
Rigid Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 009V (FireLock®
EZTM Rigid Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 07 (Zero-Flex® Rigid
Victaulic® Style 07-JIS (Zero-Flex®
Rigid Coupling for JIS)
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 22 (Coupling
for Vic-Ring Adapters)
Victaulic® Style 24 (Couplings for
Expanded End Pipe)
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 31 (Coupling
for Grooved AWWA Ductile Iron Pipe)

Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 41 (Coupling

for Vic-Ring Adapters)
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 44 (Coupling
for Vic-Ring Adapters)
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 51 (Closure
Coupling for AWWA)
Victaulic® Style 72 (Outlet Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 74 (OD Flexible
Victaulic® Style 75 (Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Style 77 (Standard Flexible

Victaulic® Style 77-JIS (Standard
Flexible Coupling for JIS)
Victaulic® Style 77S (Flexible
Coupling, Stainless)
Victaulic® Style 77A (Flexible
Coupling, Aluminum)
Victaulic® Style 78 (Snap-Joint®
Victaulic® Style 78A (Snap-Joint®
Coupling, Aluminum)
Victaulic® Style 89 (Rigid Coupling for
Stainless Steel)
Victaulic® Style 99 (Roust-A-Bout®
Victaulic® Style 307 (Transition
Coupling for Grooved IPS Steel to
Grooved AWWA Ductile Iron)
Victaulic® Style 397 (V-Grip Coupling
for Plain x Grooved Ductile Iron)

Victaulic® Style 390 (V-Grip Coupling

for Plain-end Ductile Iron)
Victaulic® Style 408 (Lightweight
Rigid Stainless Steel Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 475 (Lightweight
Flexible Stainless Steel Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 489 (Rigid Coupling
for Stainless Steel)
Victaulic® Style 505 (Pressfit®
Victaulic® Style 506 (Pressfit® Slip
Victaulic® Style 507 (Pressfit Type 316
Stainless Steel Standard Coupling)

Victaulic® Style 508 (Pressfit Type 316

Stainless Steel Slip Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 597 (Pressfit Type 304
Stainless Steel Standard Coupling)

Victaulic® Style 598 (Pressfit Type 304

Stainless Steel Slip Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 606 (Rigid Coupling
for Copper Tubing)
Victaulic® Style 641 (Vic® Flange
Adapter for Copper Tubing)
Victaulic® Style 700 (Large Diameter
Victaulic® Style 707-IJ (NPS to JIS
Transition Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 741 (Vic® Flange
Adapter, ASME Class 125 and Class
Victaulic® Style 741 (Vic® Flange
Adapter, DIN PN10 and PN16)
Victaulic® Style 743 (Vic® Flange
Adapter, ASME Class 300)
Victaulic® Style 750 (Reducing
Victaulic® Style 770 (Large Diameter
Victaulic® Style 775 (Coupling for
Victaulic® Style 791 (Vic-Boltless®
Victaulic® Style 792 (Vic-Boltless®
Victaulic® Style 808 (Duo-LockTM
High Pressure Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 920 (Mechanical-T®
Bolted Branch Outlet)
Victaulic® Style 920 (Mechanical-T®
Bolted Cross Outlet)
Victaulic® Style 920N (Mechanical-T®
Bolted Branch Outlet)
Victaulic® Style 922 (FireLock®
Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-LetTM
Strapless Outlet)
Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-O-WellTM
Strapless Thermometer Outlet)
Victaulic® Style 995 (Plain End
Coupling for HDPE Pipe)
Victaulic® Style 997 (Transition
Coupling, HDPE to Steel)
Victaulic® Style HP-70 (High-Pressure
Rigid Coupling)
Victaulic® Style HP-70ES (High-
Pressure Rigid Coupling, EndSeal®)

Victaulic® Style W07 (Advanced

Groove SystemTM Rigid Coupling)
Victaulic® Style W77 (Advanced
Groove SystemTM Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 1

(Non-Restrained Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 2

(Non-Restrained Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 2

HP (Non-Restrained Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 1

(Restrained Coupling)
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 2
(Restrained Coupling)
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 2
HP (Restrained Coupling)
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxE Type 1
(Expansion Coupling)
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxE Type 2
(Expansion Coupling)
Watts Regulator
Wire Masters
Wirt & Knox
Woodco USA
Germany Standards (DIN)

! General Specifications

DIN 2401-1

DIN 2401-2

DIN 2402
DIN EN 10056-1

DIN EN 10210-2
! Pipes

DIN EN 295-1

DIN EN 512

DIN 2391

DIN 2393

DIN 2440

DIN 2441

DIN 2442

DIN 2445-1

DIN 2445-2

DIN 2448

DIN 2450

DIN 2458
DIN 2460

DIN 2462 Seamless ferritic steel pipes

DIN 2463 Welded austenitic steel pipes

DIN 2848

DIN 4032

DIN 8062

DIN 8063-1
DIN 8063-2

DIN 8063-3

DIN 8063-4

DIN 8063-6

DIN 8063-7

DIN 8063-8

DIN 8063-9

DIN 8063-10

DIN 8063-11

DIN 8063-12
DIN 8074
DIN 8077

DIN 11850
DIN 16963-15

DIN 16965-1

DIN 16965-2
DIN 16965-4

DIN 16965-5

DIN EN 1123-2

DIN EN 1916

DIN EN 10220

DIN EN 10242

DIN EN 10255

DIN EN 10305-1

DIN EN 10305-2

DIN EN 12666-1



PAS 1057-5

! Flanges

DIN 2501

DIN 2512 Flanges, tongue & groove

DIN 2513

DIN 2514
DIN 2527

DIN 2530

DIN 2531

DIN 2532

DIN 2533

DIN 2534

DIN 2535

DIN 2543

DIN 2544

DIN 2545

DIN 2546

DIN 2547
DIN 2548
DIN 2549
DIN 2550
DIN 2551
DIN 2558

DIN 2561

DIN 2565

DIN 2566

DIN 2567

DIN 2568

DIN 2569

DIN 2573

DIN 2576
DIN 2627
DIN 2628
DIN 2629
DIN 2630

DIN 2631

DIN 2632

DIN 2633

DIN 2634

DIN 2635

DIN 2636

DIN 2637
DIN 2638

DIN 2641

DIN 2642

DIN 2652

DIN 2653

DIN 2655

DIN 2656

DIN 2667

DIN 2668

DIN 2669

DIN 2673

DIN 2873 Reducing and blind flanges,

DIN 2874
DIN 86030

DIN 86252

DIN 86260

DIN 86261
DIN EN 1092-1

DIN EN 1092-2

DIN EN 1092-3

DIN EN 1092-4

DIN EN 1333

! Elbows

DIN 2605-1

DIN 2605-2

DIN 2606

DIN 2916

DIN 2950 Malleable cast iron fittings

DIN 2983

DIN 2987-1

DIN 2987-2

DIN 16962-1

DIN 16962-6
DIN 16963-8

! Reducers

DIN 2616-1

DIN 2616-2

DIN 2988
DIN 2990

DIN 16962-9

DIN 16962-11
! Branches

DIN 2615-1

DIN 2615-2

DIN 2618

DIN 2619

DIN EN 10055

DIN 16962-2

DIN 16962-7
DIN 16963-2

DIN 16963-9

DIN 16963-13

! Caps
DIN 2617
! Other fittings
DIN 906, Hexagon socket pipe plugs

DIN 909, Hexagon head pipe plugs

DIN 1230-1

DIN 2353

DIN 2980

DIN 2981

DIN 2982

DIN 2986

DIN 2991

DIN 2993
DIN 11851

DIN 14307-C

DIN 16962-3
DIN 16962-4

DIN 16962-8
DIN 16962-10

DIN 16962-12

DIN 16962-13
DIN 16963-1

DIN 16963-3

DIN 16963-4

DIN 16963-6

DIN 16963-7

DIN 16963-10

DIN 16963-11

DIN 16963-14

DIN 16966-2

DIN 16966-4

DIN 16966-5

DIN 16966-6

DIN 16966-8

DIN 16967-2
DIN 19214-1

DIN 19214-2

DIN 19214-3

DIN 19214-4

DIN 19214-5

DIN 19522

DIN 19530-1

DIN 19537-1

DIN 19800-1

DIN 19850-1

DIN 19850-2

DIN 28011
DIN 28013
DIN 32676

DIN 43772

DIN EN 10241
! Bolts
DIN 558
DIN 601
DIN 835

DIN 910-1

DIN 912
DIN 931

DIN 933
DIN 939

DIN 960

DIN 961
DIN 976-1

DIN 2510-3

DIN 2510-4

DIN 2510-7

DIN 3852-1

DIN 3852-2

DIN 3852-3

DIN 6914

DIN 7991

DIN EN 20898-1

DIN EN 24014

DIN EN 24015

DIN EN 24016

DIN EN 24017

DIN EN 24018
DIN EN ISO 898-1








DIN EN ISO 10642

DIN EN 14399-4

DIN EN 14399-6
! Nuts
DIN 431

DIN 439

DIN 555

DIN 934

DIN 970

DIN 979

DIN 980

DIN 985
DIN 2510-5

DIN 2510-6

DIN 6915

DIN 7967
DIN EN 24032










! Washers
DIN 93
DIN 125

DIN 127

DIN 128
DIN 137

DIN 433

DIN 6916

DIN 7980
EN ISO 7089




! Gaskets

DIN 2690

DIN 2691
DIN 2692

DIN 2693

DIN 2695

DIN 2696

DIN 2697

DIN 2698

DIN 2699
DIN EN 1514-1

DIN EN 1514-2

DIN EN 1514-3

DIN EN 1514-4

DIN EN 1514-6

DIN EN 1514-7

DIN EN 1514-8

DIN 7603
DIN 86071

! Valves
DIN 477-1

DIN 477-4

DIN 477-5
DIN 477-6

DIN 477-9

DIN 3160

DIN 3161

DIN 3163

DIN 3202-1

DIN 3202-2

DIN 3202-3

DIN 3202-4

DIN 3202-5

DIN 3320-1

DIN 3320-3

DIN 3237-1

DIN 3237-2

DIN 3237-3

DIN 3341
DIN 3352-1

DIN 3352-2

DIN 3352-3
DIN 3352-4
DIN 3352-5

DIN 3352-6

DIN 3352-7

DIN 3352-8
DIN 3352-9
DIN 3352-10
DIN 3352-11
DIN 3352-12

DIN 3352-13

DIN 3354-1

DIN 3354-2

DIN 3354-3

DIN 3354-4

DIN 3354-5
DIN 3356-1

DIN 3356-2

DIN 3356-3

DIN 3356-4

DIN 3356-5

DIN 3357-1

DIN 3357-2

DIN 3357-3

DIN 3357-4

DIN 3357-5
DIN 3357-6

DIN 3357-7

DIN 3359

DIN 3380

DIN 3381

DIN 3430

DIN 3431

DIN 3432

DIN 3434

DIN 3435

DIN 3436

DIN 3441-2

DIN 3441-3

DIN 3441-4

DIN 3441-5

DIN 3441-6

DIN 3442-2

DIN 3442-3
DIN 3543-2

DIN 3543-3

DIN 3543-4
DIN 3901
DIN 20042

DIN 86501

DIN 86552

DIN 86720

DIN 87101

DIN EN 144-1

DIN EN 558-1

DIN EN 558-1/1

DIN EN 558-1/2

DIN EN 558-1/3

DIN EN 558-1/4

DIN EN 558-1/5

DIN EN 558-1/7

DIN EN 558-1/8

DIN EN 558-1/9

DIN EN 558-1/10
DIN EN 558-1/11

DIN EN 558-1/12

DIN EN 558-1/13

DIN EN 558-1/14

DIN EN 558-1/15

DIN EN 558-1/16

DIN EN 558-1/18

DIN EN 558-1/19

DIN EN 558-1/20

DIN EN 558-1/21

DIN EN 558-1/22

DIN EN 558-1/23

DIN EN 558-1/25

DIN EN 558-1/26

DIN EN 558-1/27

DIN EN 558-1/28
DIN EN 558-1/29

DIN EN 558-1/30

DIN EN 558-1/36

DIN EN 558-1/37

DIN EN 558-1/38

DIN EN 558-1/39

DIN EN 558-1/40

DIN EN 558-1/41

DIN EN 558-1/42

DIN EN 558-1/43

DIN EN 558-1/44

DIN EN 558-1/45

DIN EN 558-1/46

DIN EN 558-1/47

DIN EN 558-1/48

DIN EN 558-1/49
DIN EN 558-1/50

DIN EN 558-1/51

DIN EN 558-1/53

DIN EN 558-2

DIN EN 558-2/1

DIN EN 558-2/2

DIN EN 558-2/3

DIN EN 558-2/4

DIN EN 558-2/5

DIN EN 558-2/7

DIN EN 558-2/8

DIN EN 558-2/9

DIN EN 558-2/10
DIN EN 558-2/11

DIN EN 558-2/12

DIN EN 558-2/13

DIN EN 558-2/14

DIN EN 558-2/16

DIN EN 558-2/18

DIN EN 558-2/19

DIN EN 558-2/20

DIN EN 558-2/21

DIN EN 558-2/22

DIN EN 558-2/23

DIN EN 558-2/24
DIN EN 558-2/25

DIN EN 558-2/32

DIN EN 558-2/33

DIN EN 558-2/36

DIN EN 558-2/37

DIN EN 558-2/38

DIN EN 558-2/39

DIN EN 558-2/40

DIN EN 558-2/41

DIN EN 558-2/42

DIN EN 558-2/50

DIN EN 558-2/51
DIN EN 558-2/52

DIN EN 593

DIN EN 1171
DIN EN 1983
DIN EN 12982

DIN EN 12982-15

DIN EN 12982-26

DIN EN 12982-64

DIN EN 13397

DIN EN 13709

DIN EN 13789

DIN EN 14382

DIN EN ISO 16135

DIN EN ISO 16136

DIN EN ISO 16138

DIN EN ISO 16139

DIN EN ISO 21787

DIN CEN/TS 13547

! Siphons
DIN 16282, Siphons for pressure
gauges and their accessories
Finland Standards (SFS)

Germany Manufacturers

CEN/EU Standards
EN 849, Cylinder Valves
EN 13480, Metallic industrial piping
United Kingdom
Standards (BSI)
! Piping
BS 10

BS 10, Table D

BS 10, Table E

BS 65

BS 78 Part 2

BS 416 Part 1

BS 437

BS 567
BS 806

BS 835

BS 864 Part 3
BS 949 Part 3
BS 1212

BS 1256

BS 1306

BS 1414

BS 1471
BS1560 Part 2

BS1600 Part 2

BS 1640 Part 1
BS 1640 Part 2

BS 1640 Part 3

BS 1640 Part 4

BS1740 Part 1

BS 1868

BS 1873

BS1965 Part 1

BS 2051 Part 1

BS 2051 Part 2

BS 2080
BS 2598 Part 4
BS 3074

BS 3293
BS 3506

BS 3600

BS 3601

BS 3602

BS 3603

BS 3604

BS 3605

BS 3799

BS3799 steel pipe fittings screwed and

BS 4300/10

BS 4346 Part 3

BS 4504 Part 1, Flanges and bolting -

BS 4514
BS 4622

BS 4625

BS 4660

BS 4825 Part 1

BS 4825 Part 2

BS 4825 Part 3

BS 4825 Part 4

BS 4825 Part 5

BS 4962
BS 4991

BS 5150

BS 5151

BS 5152

BS 5153

BS 5154
BS 5155
BS 5156

BS 5157
BS 5158
BS 5159

BS 5160

BS 5163

BS 5254
BS 5255

BS 5391 Part 1

BS 5392 Part 1

BS 5433

BS 5480

BS 5481
BS 5556

BS 5911 Part 1

BS 5911 Part 5

BS 6281 Part 3

BS 6362

BS 6364

BS 6464
BS 6759

BS 7336

BS 7838
! Bolting
BS 916
BS 4882
! Gaskets
BS 3063
BS 3381
BS4865 part 1
! Valves

BS EN 593
BS EN 1171
BS EN 1984

BS EN 12334

BS EN 13397

BS EN 13709

BS EN 13789

BS EN ISO 15761

BS EN ISO 17292

BS ISO 7121

BS 5163-1

BS 5163-2

BS 5351

BS 5352
BS 5353
United Kingdom,
Other Europe, Middle
East, and Africa
Japan Standards (JISC)

JIS A 5302

JIS A 5303
JIS A 5314

JIS A 5322
JIS A 5333

JIS A 5350
JIS A 5405
JIS B 1451
JIS B 1452
JIS B 2001
JIS B 2002

JIS B 2005-3-1

JIS B 2005-3-2

JIS B 2005-3-3

JIS B 2011
JIS B 2031
JIS B 2032, Series 46

JIS B 2032, Series 47

JIS B 2032, Series 48

JIS B 2051
JIS B 2061
JIS B 2062
JIS B 2071
JIS B 2220

JIS B 2238
JIS B 2239

JIS B 2240

JIS B 2241

JIS B 2290

JIS B 2291-LSA

JIS B 2291-SHA

JIS B 2291-SHB

JIS B 2291-SSA

JIS B 2291-SSB
JIS B 2301, Class I

JIS B 2301, Class I, Type F

JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C1

JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C2

JIS B 2301, Class I, Pattern i

JIS B 2301, Class I, Pattern ii

JIS B 2301, Class II

JIS B 2301, Class II, Type F

JIS B 2301, Class II, Type C

JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern i

JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern ii

JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern iii

JIS B 2302
JIS B 2303
JIS B 2308

JIS B 2311
JIS B 2312
JIS B 2313
JIS B 2316

JIS B 2321

JIS B 2351
JIS B 2352

JIS B 2354

JIS B 6164

JIS B 8210

JIS B 8245
JIS B 8246
JIS B 8365

JIS B 8373
JIS B 8374
JIS B 8376

JIS B 8381
JIS B 8401
JIS B 8410
JIS B 8414
JIS B 8471
JIS B 8472
JIS B 8473
JIS B 8602-ATK

JIS B 8602-ATM

JIS B 8602-RBH


JIS B 8602-RBK


JIS B 8602-RBM


JIS B 8602-RSK

JIS B 8602-RSM

JIS B 8602-RTH

JIS B 8602-RTK

JIS B 8602-RTM

JIS B 8605-PGT

JIS B 8605-PAT

JIS B 8605-PGA

JIS B 8605-PAA

JIS B 8605-PGR

JIS B 8605-PAR
JIS B 8605-PGW

JIS B 8605-PAW

JIS B 8605-PGD

JIS B 8605-PAD

JIS B 8605-BGT

JIS B 8605-BGR

JIS B 8605-BAT

JIS B 8605-BAR

JIS B 8607

JIS F 0506
JIS F 0507
JIS F 2007
JIS F 2030
JIS F 2408
JIS F 3006

JIS F 3016

JIS F 3017
JIS F 3020
JIS F 3056
JIS F 3057
JIS F 3058
JIS F 3059
JIS F 3060
JIS F 3993
JIS F 3994

JIS F 3995

JIS F 7103
JIS F 7121
JIS F 7131
JIS F 7202

JIS F 7203

JIS F 7206
JIS F 7208
JIS F 7209
JIS F 7218
JIS F 7219
JIS F 7220
JIS F 7225

JIS F 7230

JIS F 7231

JIS F 7234, Series A

JIS F 7234, Series B

JIS F 7234, Series C

JIS F 7301
JIS F 7302
JIS F 7303
JIS F 7304
JIS F 7305
JIS F 7306
JIS F 7307

JIS F 7308

JIS F 7309

JIS F 7310
JIS F 7311
JIS F 7312
JIS F 7313

JIS F 7314

JIS F 7315

JIS F 7316

JIS F 7317

JIS F 7318

JIS F 7319

JIS F 7320
JIS F 7329

JIS F 7330
JIS F 7333
JIS F 7334
JIS F 7336

JIS F 7337

JIS F 7340

JIS F 7341

JIS F 7343

JIS F 7346

JIS F 7347

JIS F 7348

JIS F 7349

JIS F 7350

JIS F 7351

JIS F 7352

JIS F 7353

JIS F 7354

JIS F 7356

JIS F 7358

JIS F 7359
JIS F 7360
JIS F 7363
JIS F 7364
JIS F 7365
JIS F 7366
JIS F 7367

JIS F 7368
JIS F 7369
JIS F 7371

JIS F 7372

JIS F 7373

JIS F 7375

JIS F 7376

JIS F 7377

JIS F 7378

JIS F 7379

JIS F 7381

JIS F 7387
JIS F 7388
JIS F 7389
JIS F 7398

JIS F 7399
JIS F 7403
JIS F 7404
JIS F 7409

JIS F 7410

JIS F 7411

JIS F 7412

JIS F 7413

JIS F 7414

JIS F 7415

JIS F 7416

JIS F 7417

JIS F 7418
JIS F 7421

JIS F 7422
JIS F 7425
JIS F 7426
JIS F 7427

JIS F 7435

JIS F 7436

JIS F 7437

JIS F 7438

JIS F 7439

JIS F 7440

JIS F 7441

JIS F 7442

JIS F 7443

JIS F 7444

JIS F 7445

JIS F 7456

JIS F 7457

JIS F 7471

JIS F 7472

JIS F 7473

JIS F 7474

JIS F 7475

JIS F 7480, Group 46

JIS F 7480, Group 47

JIS F 7480, Group 48

JIS F 7480, Group 122

JIS F 7480, Group 123

JIS F 7480, Group 124

JIS F 7480, Group 125

JIS F 7490

JIS F 7491

JIS F 7492

JIS F 7493

JIS F 7494

JIS F 7495

JIS F 7496

JIS F 7497

JIS F 7498

JIS F 7499

JIS F 7500

JIS F 7504

JIS F 7505

JIS F 7804

JIS F 7805

JIS F 7806

JIS F 7810
JIS G 3429

JIS G 3439

JIS G 3442
JIS G 3443
JIS G 3447

JIS G 3448

JIS G 3451
JIS G 3452
JIS G 3454

JIS G 3455

JIS G 3456
JIS G 3457
JIS G 3458
JIS G 3459
JIS G 3460
JIS G 3465

JIS G 3468
JIS G 3469
JIS G 3471

JIS G 4903

JIS G 5202
JIS G 5525
JIS G 5526
JIS G 5527

JIS H 3300

JIS H 3320
JIS H 3401

JIS H 4080

JIS H 4090

JIS H 4202

JIS H 4311

JIS H 4312
JIS H 4552

JIS H 4630

JIS H 4635

JIS K 6739

JIS K 6741

JIS K 6742

JIS K 6743
JIS K 6761

JIS K 6762
JIS K 6769

JIS K 6770
JIS K 6771

JIS K 6774

JIS K 6775-1

JIS K 6775-2

JIS K 6775-3

JIS K 6776

JIS K 6777
JIS K 6778
JIS K 6779
JIS K 6780
JIS K 6787

JIS K 6788
JIS K 6792
JIS K 6793
JIS K 6897
JIS K 7013
JIS K 7014
JIS R 1201

JIS R 1511
JIS R 1512

JIS R 1513

JIS R 1514

JIS R 1534

JPI 7S-14
JPI 7S-15
JPI 7S-36
JPI 7S-37

JPI 7S-43

JPI 7S-46
JPI 7S-48
JPI 7S-50
JPI 7S-54
JPI 7S-57

JPI 7S-58
JPI 7S-62
JPI 7S-63
JPI 7S-67
JPI 7S-69
JPI 7S-73




! Bolts
JIS B 1051
JIS B 1176
JIS B 1180

JIS B 1182
JIS B 1189
! Nuts
JIS B 1163
JIS B 1181
JIS B 1183
JIS B 1190
! Washers

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric

bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes, Small, Product Grade A

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric

bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes, Normal, Product Grade A

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric

bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes, Normal, Product Grade C

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric

bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes, Large, Product Grade A

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric

bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes, Large, Product Grade C
JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric
bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes, Extra Large, Product Grade
JIS B 1251, Spring Lock Washers,
Regular Type (No. 2)
JIS B 1251, Spring Lock Washers,
Heavy Duty (No. 3)

JIS B 1251, Conical Spring Washers,

Class 1, Light and Heavy (1L and 1H)

JIS B 1251, Conical Spring Washers,

Class 2, Light and Heavy (2L and 2H)
JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers,
Internal (A) or External (B) Teeth
JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers,
Countersunk (C)
JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers,
Internal and External Teeth (AB)
JIS B 1251, Waved Spring Washers,
Heavy (No. 3)
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Small,
Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal,
Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal
with chamfering, Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal,
Product Grade C
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Large,
Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Large,
Product Grade C
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Extra
Large, Product Grade C
! Gaskets
JIS B 2401
JIS B 2404

JIS F 0602

JIS F 7102







China Standards (SACS)

GB 5310

GB 9112

GB 12233

GB 12235

GB 12236

GB 12237
GB 12238

GB 12239

GB 12240

GB/T 1047
GB/T 3091
GB/T 9113.1

GB/T 9113.2

GB/T 9113.3
GB/T 9113.4
GB/T 9114

GB/T 9115.1

GB/T 9115.1, Series 1

GB/T 9115.1, Series 2

GB/T 9115.2

GB/T 9115.2, Series 1

GB/T 9115.2, Series 2

GB/T 9115.3, Series 1

GB/T 9115.3, Series 2

GB/T 9115.4

GB/T 9116.1

GB/T 9116.2

GB/T 9116.3

GB/T 9116.4

GB/T 9117.1

GB/T 9117.2

GB/T 9117.3
GB/T 9117.4

GB/T 9118.1

GB/T 9118.2

GB/T 9119

GB/T 9120.1

GB/T 9120.2

GB/T 9120.3

GB/T 9121.1

GB/T 9121.2

GB/T 9121.3

GB/T 9122

GB/T 9123.1

GB/T 9123.2

GB/T 9123.3

GB/T 9123.4
GB/T 9124
GB/T 12221

GB/T 12221, Series 1

GB/T 12221, Series 2

GB/T 12221, Series 3

GB/T 12221, Series 4

GB/T 12221, Series 5

GB/T 12221, Series 7

GB/T 12221, Series 8

GB/T 12221, Series 9

GB/T 12221, Series 10

GB/T 12221, Series 11

GB/T 12221, Series 12

GB/T 12221, Series 13

GB/T 12221, Series 14

GB/T 12221, Series 15

GB/T 12221, Series 18

GB/T 12221, Series 21

GB/T 12221, Series 22

GB/T 12221, Series 24

GB/T 12221, Series H1

GB/T 12221, Series H2

GB/T 12221, Series H3

GB/T 12221, Series H4

GB/T 12221, Series H5

GB/T 12221, Series H6

GB/T 12221, Series H7

GB/T 12221, Series H8

GB/T 12221, Series H9

GB/T 12221, Series H10

GB/T 12221, Series H11

GB/T 12221, Series H12

GB/T 12221, Series H13

GB/T 12221, Series H14

GB/T 12221, Series H15

GB/T 12221, Series H16

GB/T 12221, Series H18

GB/T 12221, Series H19

GB/T 12221, Series H20

GB/T 12221, Series H21

GB/T 12221, Series H22

GB/T 12221, Series H23

GB/T 12221, Series H24

GB/T 12221, Series H25

GB/T 12221, Series H26

GB/T 12221, Series H27

GB/T 12221, Series H28

GB/T 12221, Series H29

GB/T 12221, Series H30

GB/T 12221, Series J1

GB/T 12221, Series J2

GB/T 12221, Series J3

GB/T 12221, Series J4

GB/T 12221, Series J5

GB/T 12221, Series J6

GB/T 12221, Series J7

GB/T 12221, Series J8

GB/T 12221, Series J9

GB/T 12221, Series J10

GB/T 12221, Series J11

GB/T 12221, Series J12

GB/T 12221, Series J13

GB/T 12221, Series J14

GB/T 12221, Series J15

GB/T 12221, Series J16

GB/T 12221, Series J17

GB/T 12221, Series J18

GB/T 12224

GB/T 12232

GB/T 12234
GB/T 12241
GB/T 12243
GB/T 12244
GB/T 12246
GB/T 12250
GB/T 12459, Series 1

GB/T 12771

GB/T 13401, Series 1

GB/T 13793
GB/T 13932
GB/T 15185
GB/T 15188.1

GB/T 15188.2

GB/T 15188.3

GB/T 15188.4

GB/T 17395

JB 2203
JB 2205
JB 2766
JB 3328

JB/T 1738

JB/T 2768
JB/T 5298
JB/T 5299
JB/T 6441
JB/T 6495
JB/T 6900
JB/T 6901
JB/T 7745
JB/T 7746
JB/T 7747
JB/T 8473
SY/T 5037

GB/T 12459, Series 2

GB/T 13401, Series 2

! Bolts
GB/T 5782
GB/T 9125
! Nuts
GB/T 6170
! Washers
GB/T 95
! Gaskets
GB/T 4622.2
Korea Standards (KATS)

Other Asia-Pacific
Australia Standards (AS)

AS 1477
AS 2129

AS 2473
AS 4087
Australia Manufacturers

NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
Japan Manufacturers
Hitachi Plant Corporation
Finland Manufacturers
China Manufacturers
France Standards
Korea Manufacturers
France Manufacturers
Other Asia-Pacific
Other Europe, Middle
East, and Africa
CH Warman Pump Group
Offshore Industry
Power Industry
Other Americas
Other Americas
Reinforced Plastic Systems (RPS)
Argentina Standards
Austria Standards (ON)
Bahrain Standards
Barbados Standards
Belarus Standards
Belgium Standards (IBN)

Bolivia Standards
Brazil Standards (ABNT)

Canada Standards (SCC)

Canada Standards (SCC
= Standards Council of
Canada, CSA = Canadian
Standards Association)
CSA Z245.15, Steel Valves
Chile Standards (INN)
Colombia Standards
Costa Rica Standards
Czech Republic
Standards (CSNI)
Denmark Standards (DS)

DS/ISO/R 2037

Greece Standards (ELOT)

Hong Kong Standards

Iceland Standards (IST)
India Standards (BIS)
! Piping
IS 210
IS 554
IS 778

IS 780

IS 1239 (Part I and II)

IS 1536
IS 1537
IS 1538
IS 1879
IS 1978
IS 1979
IS 2906

IS 3076
IS 3516

IS 3589
IS 4038
IS 4984
IS 4985
IS 5312
IS 6286

IS 6392
IS 6630

IS 6913

IS 7181
IS 8008
IS 8360
IS 9890
IS 10605

IS 10611
IS 10805
IS 10989

IS 11791
IS 11792
IS 12709
IS 13049

IS 13095
! Bolting
IS 1363
IS 1364

! Washers
IS 2016
! Gaskets
IS 7719
IS 13257

Indonesia Standards
Ireland Standards (NSAI)

ISO Standards
ISO 161-1

ISO 161-2

ISO 4065

ISO 4427-1

ISO 4427-2

ISO 4427-3
ISO 6708

ISO 7005-1
ISO 7005-3

ISO 10931

ISO 15493

ISO 15494

ISO 11922-1

ISO 11922-2
! Bolts
! Nuts
! Washers
! Gaskets
ISO 7483

Israel Standards (SII)

Italy Standards (UNI)
Italy, Manufacturers
Jordan Standards (JISM)

Kuwait Standards
Lebanon Standards
Luxembourg Standards
Malaysia Standards
Malta Standards (MSA)
Mexico Standards (DGN)

Netherlands Standards
New Zealand Standards
Norway Standards (NSF)

NS 2526
NS 2527
NS 2529
NS 2537
NS 2538
NS 2539
NS 2540
NS 2542
Norway, Manufacturers
Oman Standards (DGSM)

Panama Standards
Paraguay Standards
Peru Standards
Philippines Standards
Poland Standards (PKN)

Portugal Standards (IPQ)

Romania Standards
Russian Federation
Standards (GOST)
GOST 9066
GOST 28919

! Bolts
GOST 20700

GOST 7798

GOST 22033

GOST 22034

! Nuts
GOST 9064

GOST 5915

! Washers
GOST 9065

GOST 11371
Saudi Arabia Standards
Singapore Standards
South Africa Standards
SABS 62-1

SABS 62-2

SABS 533-1

SABS 719

SABS 791

SABS 966-1

SABS 966-2
SABS 967

SABS 1123
Spain Standards
Sweden Standards (SIS, Swedish Standards Institute)
SMS 1145

SMS 1146

SMS 1147

SMS 1219

SMS 1221

SMS 2032
SMS 2033
SMS 2034
SMS 2035
SMS 2036
SMS 2037
SMS 2038
SMS 2039
SMS 2040
SMS 2041
SMS 2049
SMS 2063

SMS 2064

SMS 3008

SMS 3009

SMS 3010

SMS 3016

SMS 3017

! Bolts
! Nuts
! Washers
! Gaskets
SMS 360

Switzerland Standards (SNV)

Thailand Standards (TISI)
Turkey Standards (TSE)
Ukraine Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam Standards (TCVN)

GeometricIndustryStandard Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
tual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the v
en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
ed eventually.

Undefined 1

ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged
Fittings 31
ASME B16.3, Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings 33
ASME B16.4, Cast Iron Threaded Fittings 34
ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 35
ASME B16.9, Steel Beveled End Fittings 39
ASME B16.10, Face to Face and End-to-End Dimensions
of Valves 40
ASME B16.11, Forged Steel Socket Welded and
Threaded Fittings 41
ASME B16.12, Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings 42
ASME B16.14, Ferrous Pipe Plugs and Bushings 44
ASME B16.15, Cast Bronze Threaded Fittings 45
ASME B16.18, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure
Fittings 46
ASME B16.20, RTJ Gaskets and Grooves 50
ASME B16.21, Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges 51
ASME B16.22, Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure
Fittings 52
ASME B16.23, Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage
Fittings 53
ASME B16.24, Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and
Flanged Fittings 54
ASME B16.25, Buttwelding Ends 55
ASME B16.26, Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared
Copper Tubing 56
ASME B16.28, Steel Beveled End Short Radius Elbows
and Returns 58
ASME B16.29, Wrought Copper Solder Joint Drainage
Fittings 59
ASME B16.33, Valves, Manually Operated Metallic Gas
Valves for Use in Gas Piping Systems up to 125 PSI
(Sizes NPS 1/2 Through NPS 2) 60
ASME B16.34, Valves - Flanged, Threaded, and Welding
End 64
ASME B16.36, Steel Orifice Flanges 66
ASME B16.38, Large Metallic Valves for Gas Distribution:
Manual Operated, NPS 2 ½ (DN 65) to NPS 12 (DN 300),
125 psig (8.6 bar) Maximum 5001
ASME B16.39, Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions 69
ASME B16.40, Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas
Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems 70
ASME B16.42, Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged
Fitting 72
ASME B16.43, Wrought Copper Alloy Solder Joint
Fittings for Solvent Drainage Systems (withdrawn) 73

ASME B16.44, Manually Operated Metallic Gas Valves for

Use in Aboveground Piping Systems up to 5 PSI 74
ASME B16.45, Cast Iron Fittings for Sovent Drainage
Systems 75

ASME B16.47, Series A, Large Diameter Steel Flanges 315

ASME B16.47, Series B, Large Diameter Steel Flanges 316

ASME B16.48, Steel Line Blanks 325
ASME B16.49, Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding
Induction Bends for Transportation and Distribution
Systems 326
ASME B16.50, Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Braze-
Joint Pressure Fittings 327
ASME B31.1, Power Piping (reinforcing pads) 383
ASME B31.3, Process Piping (reinforcing pads) 384
ASME B36.10M, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel
Pipe 100
ASME B36.19M, Stainless Steel Pipe 109
ASME BPE, Bioprocessing Equipment 300
API 5A, Casing, Tubing and Drill Pipe 114
API 16A, Specification for Drill Through Equipment 9877
API 5B, Casing, Tubing and Line Pipe Threads 115
API 17D, Specification for Subsea Wellhead and
Christmas Tree Equipment 9879
API 5L, Line Pipe 119
API 5LE, Polyethylene Line Pipe 120
API 5LP, Thermoplastic Line Pipe 122
API 5LS, Spiralweld Line Pipe 124
API 5LU, Ultra High Test Heat Treated Line Pipe 126
API 5LX, High Test Line Pipe 127
API 6A, Wellhead Equipment 131
API 6AB, 30,000 PSI Flanged Wellhead Equipment 132
API 6D, Specification for Pipeline Valves 135
API Spec 15LE, Specification for Polyethylene Line Pipe
(PE) 5002
API Spec 15LR, Specification for Low Pressure
Fiberglass Line Pipe and Fittings 5003
API 16A, Specification for Drill Through Equipment 136
API 17D, Specification for Subsea Wellhead and
Christmas Tree Equipment 137
API 526, Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves 141
API 590, Steel Line Blanks 145
API 590Z1, Steel Line Blanks - with 0.125" CA 146
API 590Z2, Steel Line Blanks - with 0.25" CA 147
API 593, Ductile Iron Plug Valves 153
API 594, Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer and Butt-
welding 154
API 595, Cast Iron Gate Valves 155
API 597, Steel Venturi Gate Valves 157
API 599, Metal Plug Valves - Flanged, Threaded and
Welding Ends 159
API 600, Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves for Petroleum
and Natural Gas Industries 160
API 602, Steel Gate, Globe and Check Valves for Sizes
DN 100 and Smaller for the Petroleum and Natural Gas
Industries 162
API 603, Corrosion-Resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate Valves
- Flanged And Butt-Welding Ends 163
API 604, Ductile Iron Gate Valves, Flanged Ends 164
API 605, Large Diameter Carbon Steel Flanges 165
API 606, Compact Carbon Steel Gate Valves 166
API 608, Metal Ball Valves, Flanged and Butt-Welding
Ends 167
API 609, Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug- and
Wafer-Type 169
ASTM A53/A53M, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, 175
Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and
ASTM A74, Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 171
ASTM A126, Standard Specification for Gray Iron 180
Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings
ASTM A182/A182M, Standard Specification for Forged or 182
Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged
Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature
ASTM A312/A312M, Standard Specification for 550
Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic
Stainless Steel Pipes
ASTM A338, Standard Specification for Malleable Iron 183
Flanges, Pipe Fittings, and Valve Parts for Railroad,
Marine, and Other Heavy Duty Service at Temperatures
Up to 650°F (345°C)
ASTM A409/A409M, Standard Specification for Welded 551
Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive or
High-Temperature Service
ASTM A522/A522M, Standard Specification for Forged or 185
Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings,
Valves, and Parts for Low-Temperature Service

ASTM A694/A694M, Standard Specification for Carbon 187

and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pipe Flanges, Fittings,
Valves, and Parts for High-Pressure Transmission
ASTM A774/A774M, Standard Specification for As- 188
Welded Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Fittings for
General Corrosive Service at Low and Moderate
ASTM A861, Standard Specification for High-Silicon Iron
Pipe and Fittings 9880
ASTM A888, Standard Specification for Hubless Cast 189
Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Sanitary and Storm Drain,
Waste, and Vent Piping Applications
ASTM A961/A961M, Standard Specification for Common 195
Requirements for Steel Flanges, Forged Fittings, Valves,
and Parts for Piping Applications
ASTM A988/A988M, Standard Specification for Hot 196
Isostatically-Pressed Stainless Steel Flanges, Fittings,
Valves, and Parts for High Temperature Service

ASTM A989/A989M, Standard Specification for Hot 197

Isostatically-Pressed Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings,
Valves, and Parts for High Temperature Service
ASTM B42, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 198
Pipe, Standard Sizes
ASTM B43, Standard Specification for Seamless Red 199
Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes
ASTM B88, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper 201
Water Tube
ASTM C76, Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain
and Sewer Pipe 172
ASTM C361, Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pressure 202
ASTM C582, Contact-Molded Reinforced Thermosetting 203
Plastic (RTP) Laminates for Corrosion-Resistant
ASTM C599, Conical Process Glass Pipe and Fittings 205
ASTM C700, Extra Strength and Standard Strength Clay
Pipe and Perforated Clay Pipe 173
ASTM C1277, Standard Specification for Shielded 209
Couplings Joining Hubless Cast Iron Soil Pipe and
ASTM D1527, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) 210
Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80
ASTM D1785, Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe,
Schedules 40, 80, and 120 168
ASTM D2104, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedule 211
ASTM D2239, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SIDR-PR) 212
Based on Controlled Inside Diameter
ASTM D2241, Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated
Pipe (SDR Series) 170
ASTM D2282, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) 213
Plastic Pipe
ASTM D2447, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 215
40 and 80, Based on Outside Diameter
ASTM D2464, Threaded PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings
Schedule 80 174
ASTM D2466, Socket-Type PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings
Schedule 40 176
ASTM D2467, Socket-Type PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings
Schedule 80 177
ASTM D2513, Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing,
and Fittings 350
ASTM D2665, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and
Fittings 351
ASTM D2513, Thermoplastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, 216
and Fittings
ASTM D2517, Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure 217
Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D2609, Plastic Insert Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) 218
Plastic Pipe
ASTM D2662, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SIDR-PR) 219
Based on Controlled Inside Diameter
ASTM D2665, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl 226
Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and
ASTM D2666, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Tubing 227
ASTM D2672, Joints for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solvent
Cement 352
ASTM D2680, Standard Specification for Acrylonitrile-
Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)
Composite Sewer Piping 5004
ASTM D2683, Socket-Type Polyethylene Fittings for 228
Outside Diameter-Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and
ASTM D2729, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings 353
ASTM D2737, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Tubing 229
ASTM D2740, Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Plastic Tubing (Withdrawn) 354
ASTM D2846/D2846M, Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) 231
(CPVC) Plastic Hot- and Cold-Water Distribution
ASTM D2949, Standard Specification for 3.25-in. Outside
Diameter Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain,
Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings 355
ASTM D2996, Filament-Wound "Fiberglass" (Glass-Fiber- 232
Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe
ASTM D2997, Centrifugally Cast "Fiberglass" (Glass- 233
Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe
ASTM D3000, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) 234
Based on Outside Diameter
ASTM D3034, Standard Specification for Type PSM
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings 356
ASTM D3035, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) 236
Based on Controlled Outside Diameter
ASTM D3036, Specification for Socket-Type Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Line Couplings (Withdrawn)
ASTM D3139, Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using 237
Flexible Elastomeric Seals
ASTM D3261, Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic 238
Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing

ASTM D3309, Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Hot- and Cold- 239

Water Distribution Systems
ASTM D3517, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced 240
Thermosetting-Resin) Pressure Pipe
ASTM D3754, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced 241
Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer and Industrial Pressure
ASTM D3840, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced 242
Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe Fittings for Nonpressure
ASTM D4024, Machine Made Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber- 245
Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Flanges
ASTM D4161, Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced 246
Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe Joints Using Flexible
Elastomeric Seals
ASTM D5421, Contact Molded Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber- 247
Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Flanges
ASTM F423, PTFE Pipe & Fittings 248
ASTM F437, Threaded Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) 249
(CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80
ASTM F438, Socket-Type Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl 250
Chloride) (CPVC) Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 40
ASTM F439, Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) 251
Plastic Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80
ASTM F441/F441M, Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) 256
(CPVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80
ASTM F442/F442M, Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) 257
(CPVC) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR)
ASTM F480, Standard Specification for Thermoplastic
Well Casing Pipe and Couplings Made in Standard
Dimension Ratios (SDR), SCH 40 and SCH 80
ASTM F512, Standard Specification for Smooth-Wall
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Conduit and Fittings for
Underground Installation 359
ASTM F491, Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) (PVDF) Plastic- 258
Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings - withdrawn

ASTM F492, Propylene and Polypropylene (PP) Plastic- 259

Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F546, Perfluoro (Ethylene-Propylene) Copolymer 260
(FEP) Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings

ASTM F599, Poly(Vinylidene Chloride) (PVDC) Plastic- 261

Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F645, Standard Guide for Selection, Design, and
Installation of Thermoplastic Water-Pressure Piping
Systems 360
ASTM F679, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Large-Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer
Pipe and Fittings 361

ASTM F714, Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE)

Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter 362
ASTM F781, Perfluoro (Alkoxyalkane) Copolymer (PFA) 262
Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F794, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Profile Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings
Based on Controlled Inside Diameter 363
ASTM F885, Standard Specification for Envelope 263
Dimensions for Bronze Globe Valves NPS ¼ to 2
ASTM F891, Standard Specification for Coextruded
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe With a Cellular
Core 364
ASTM F949, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe With a Smooth
Interior and Fittings 365
ASTM F1020, Standard Specification for Line-Blind 264
Valves for Marine Applications
ASTM F1055, Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings 265
for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and
ASTM F1098, Standard Specification for Envelope 266
Dimensions for Butterfly Valves - NPS 2 to 24
ASTM F1271, Standard Specification for Spill Valves for 267
Use in Marine Tank Liquid Overpressure Protections
ASTM F1336, Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (PVC) Gasketed Sewer Fittings 366
ASTM F1370, Standard Specification for Pressure- 268
Reducing Valves for Water Systems, Shipboard
ASTM F1412, Polyolefin Pipe and Fittings for Corrosive 269
Waste Drainage Systems
ASTM F1508, Standard Specification for Angle Style, 270
Pressure Relief Valves for Steam, Gas and Liquid
ASTM F1545, Plastic-Lined Ferrous Metal Pipe, Fittings, 271
and Flanges
ASTM F1565, Standard Specification for Pressure- 272
Reducing Valves for Steam Service
ASTM F1673, Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Corrosive 273
Waste Drainage Systems
ASTM F1792, Standard Specification for Special 274
Requirements for Valves Used in Gaseous Oxygen
ASTM F1793, Standard Specification for Automatic Shut- 276
Off Valves (Also Known as Excess Flow Valves, EFV) for
Air Or Nitrogen Service
ASTM F1794-97, Standard Specification for Hand- 279
Operated, Globe-Style Valves for Gas (Except Oxygen
Gas), and Hydraulic Systems
ASTM F1795, Standard Specification for Pressure- 280
Reducing Valves for Air or Nitrogen Systems
ASTM F1803, Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl
Chloride)(PVC) Closed Profile Gravity Pipe and Fittings
Based on Controlled Inside Diameter 367
ASTM F1970, Standard Specification for Special
Engineered Fittings, Appurtenances or Valves for use in
Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl
Chloride) (CPVC) Systems 368
ASTM F1985, Standard Specification for Pneumatic- 281
Operated, Globe-Style, Control Valves
ASTM F2015, Standard Specification for Lap Joint 284
Flange Pipe End Applications
ASTM F2138, Standard Specification for Excess Flow 286
Valves for Natural Gas Service

ASTM F2307, Standard Specification for Series 10

Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Closed Profile Gravity Pipe
and Fittings Based on Controlled Inside Diameter 369
ASTM F2658, Standard Specification for Type PSM
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) SDR 51 and SDR 64 Sewer
Pipe and Fittings 370
AWWA C104/A21.4, Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-
Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water 178
AWWA C106, Cast Iron Pipe (retired) 179
AWWA C110/A21.10, Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings
for Water 181
AWWA C115/A21.15, Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With
Ductile-Iron or Gray-Iron Threaded Flanges 184
AWWA C151/A21.51, Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally
Cast, for Water or Other Liquids 186
AWWA C153/A21.53, Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings for 287
Water Service
AWWA C200, Steel Water Pipe – 6” and Larger 292
AWWA C207, Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service, 294
Sizes 4” Through 144”
AWWA C207 Cl.B & D, ring, Steel slip-on flanges CL86,
Class 150, CL175; 1978 190
AWWA C207 Cl.B & D, hub, Steel slip-on flanges CL86,
Class 150, CL175; 1978 191

AWWA C207 Cl.E, hub, Steel slip-on flanges CL275; 1978 192
AWWA C208, Dimensions for Fabricated Steel Water
Pipe Fittings 193
AWWA C219, Bolted, Sleeve-Type Couplings for Plain- 296
End Pipe
AWWA C220, Stainless-Steel Pipe, ½” and Larger 299
AWWA C221, Fabricated Steel Mechanical Slip-Type 301
Expansion Joints
AWWA C223, Fabricated Steel and Stainless Steel 302
Tapping Sleeves
AWWA C226, Stainless Steel Fittings for Waterworks 303
Service, Sizes ½” Through 72”
AWWA C300, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel- 304
Cylinder Type
AWWA C301, Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe,
Steel-Cylinder Type 194
AWWA C302, Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe, 306
Noncylinder Type
AWWA C400, Asbestos–Cement Pressure Pipe, 4”–16”, 307
for Water Distribution and Transportation
AWWA C402, Asbestos-Cement Transmission Pipe, 18” 308
Through 42 “, for Water Supply Service
AWWA C500, Metal-Seated Gate Valves for Water Supply
Service 200
AWWA C502, Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants 309
AWWA C503, Wet-Barrel Fire Hydrants 310
AWWA C504, Rubber Seated Butterfly Valves 204
AWWA C506, Backflow Prevention Devices-Check
Valves (retired) 206
AWWA C507, Ball Valves, 6” through 48” 207
AWWA C508, Swing Check Valves for Water Works
Service 2"-24" 208
AWWA C509, Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water 311
Supply Service
AWWA C510, Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention 312
AWWA C511, Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow 313
Prevention Assembly
AWWA C512, Air Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination 314
Air Valves for Waterworks Service
AWWA C513, Open-Channel, Fabricated-Metal, Slide
Gates and Open-Channel, Fabricated-Metal Weir Gates
AWWA C515, Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate 318
Valves for Water Supply Service
AWWA C517, Resilient-Seated Cast-Iron Eccentric Plug 319
AWWA C560, Cast-Iron Slide Gates 320
AWWA C561, Fabricated Stainless Steel Slide Gates 321
AWWA C563, Fabricated Composite Slide Gates 322
AWWA C900, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe,
and Fabricated Fittings, 4”-12” (100 mm-300 mm), for
Water Distribution 220
AWWA C901, Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and
Tubing, ½“ (13 mm) Through 3” (76 mm), for Water
Service 221
AWWA C902, Polybutylene Pipe, Tubing and Fittings
1/2"-3" for Water (retired) 222
AWWA C904, Cross-Linked Polyethelyene (PEX) 323
Pressure Pipe, ½” Through 3”, for Water Service
AWWA C905, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe
and Fabricated Fittings, 14”-48” 223
AWWA C906, Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Pipe and 324
Fittings, 4” Through 63” for Water Distribution and

AWWA C907, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Fittings

for Water-4IN. through 8 In. (100 mm through 200 mm) 224
AWWA C908, PVC Self-Tapping Saddle Tees for Use on
PVC Pipe 225
AWWA C909, Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVCO) Pressure Pipe, 4”-24”, for Water Distribution
AWWA C950, Fiberglass Pressure Pipe 230
CGA V-1, Compressed Gas Cylinder Valves 329
CGA V-9, Gas Cylinder Valves 330
CGA S1.1, Pressure Relief Devices 331
CISPI 301, Standard specification for hubless cast iron
soil pipe and fittings for sanitary and storm drain, waste,
and vent piping applications 903
CISPI 310, Specification for coupling for use in
connection with hubless cast iron soil pipe and fittings
for sanitary and storm drain, waste, and vent piping
applications 904
ISA S75.03, Face to Face Dimensions Globe Control
Valves 243
ISA S75.04, Face to Face Dimensions Flangeless Control
Valves 244
MSS SP-42, Class 150 Corrosion Resistant Gate, Globe,
Angle and Check Valves with Flanged and Butt Weld
Ends 252
MSS SP-43, Wrought Stainless Steel Butt-Welding
Fittings 253
MSS SP-44, Steel Pipe Line Flanges 254
MSS SP-51, Class 150LW Corrosion Resistant Cast
Flanges and Flanged Fittings 255
MSS SP-65, High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges
and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets
MSS SP-67, Butterfly Valves 277
MSS SP-68, High Pressure Butterfly Valves with Offset
Design 278
MSS SP-70, Gray Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and 333
Threaded Ends
MSS SP-71, Gray Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and 334
Threaded Ends
MSS SP-72, Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-Welding
Ends for General Service 282
MSS SP-73, Brazing Joints for Copper and Copper Alloy
Solder Pressure Fittings (Withdrawn standard) 283
MSS SP-75, Specification for High Test Wrought Butt
Welding Fittings 285
MSS SP-78, Cast Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and
Threaded Ends 288
MSS SP-79, Type 1, Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts 289
MSS SP-79, Type 2, Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts 5005

MSS SP-80, Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle & Check Valves 290
MSS SP-81, Stainless Steel, Bonnetless, Flanged Knife
Gate Valves 291
MSS SP-83, Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions, Socket
Welding and Threaded 293
MSS SP-85, Cast Iron Globe & Angle Valves, Flanged
and Threaded Ends 552
MSS SP-88, Diaphragm Valves 295
MSS SP-95, Swaged Nipples and Bull Plugs 297
MSS SP-97, Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet 335
Fittings - Socket Welding, Threaded and Buttwelding
MSS SP-99, Instrument Valves 336
MSS SP-104, Wrought Copper Solder Joint Pressure 337
MSS SP-105, Instrument Valves for Code Applications
MSS SP-106, Cast Copper Alloy Flanges and Flanged 339
Fittings, Class 125, 150 and 300
MSS SP-108, Resilient-Seated Cast Iron-Eccentric Plug 340
MSS SP-109, Welded Fabricated Copper Solder Joint 341
Pressure Fittings
MSS SP-110, Ball Valves Threaded, Socket-Welding, 342
Solder Joint, Grooved and Flared Ends
MSS SP-111, Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Tapping Sleeves
MSS SP-114, Corrosion Resistant Pipe Fittings Threaded 344
and Socket Welding, Class 150 and 1000
MSS SP-115, Excess Flow Valves for Natural Gas 345
MSS SP-116, Service Line Valves and Fittings for 346
Drinking Water Systems
MSS SP-117, Bellows Steals for Globe and Gate Valves
MSS SP-118, Compact Steel Globe & Check Valves -- 348
Flanged, Flangeless, Threaded and Welding Ends
MSS SP-119, Belled End Socket Welding Fittings, 349
Stainless Steel and Copper Nickel
MSS SP-122, Plastic Industrial Ball Valves 371
MSS SP-123, Non-Ferrous Threaded and Solder-Joint 372
Unions for Use With Copper Water Tube
MSS SP-124, Fabricated Tapping Sleeves 373
MSS SP-125, Gray Iron and Ductile Iron In-Line, Spring- 374
Loaded, Center-Guided Check Valves
MSS SP-126, Steel In-Line Spring-Assisted Center 375
Guided Check Valves
MSS SP-128, Ductile Iron Gate Valves 376
MSS SP-129, Copper-Nickel Socket-Welding Fittings and 377
MSS SP-131, Metallic Manually Operated Gas 378
Distribution Valves
MSS SP-133, Excess Flow Valves for Low Pressure Fuel 379
Gas Appliances
MSS SP-134, Valves for Cryogenic Service Including 380
Requirements for Body/Bonnet Extensions
MSS SP-135, High Pressure Steel Knife Gate Valves 381
MSS SP-136, Ductile Iron Swing Check Valves 553
NFPA 1963, Screw Threads and Gaskets for Fire Hose
connections 298
PFI ES-24, Pipe Bending Methods, Tolerances, Process
and Material Requirements 235
SAE J513, Refrigeration Tube Fittings - General Specifica 5006
SAE J514, Hydraulic Tube Fittings 5007
SAE J518, Hydraulic Flanged Tube, Pipe, and Hose Connec 5008
ASME B1.1, Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR
Thread Form) 6
ASME B1.5, Acme Screw Threads 305
ASME B1.8, Stub Acme Screw Threads 7

ASME B1.9, Buttress Inch Screw Threads 7 Degrees/45o

Form with 0.6 Pitch Basic Height of Thread Engagement 8
ASME B1.10M, Unified Miniature Screw Threads 9
ASME B1.12, Class 5 Interference-Fit Thread 10
ASME B1.13M, Metric Screw Threads: M Profile 11
ASME B1.15, Unified Inch Screw Threads (UNJ Thread
Form) 12
ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose 13
ASME B1.20.3, Dryseal Pipe Threads 14
ASME B1.20.7, Hose Coupling Screw Threads 15
ASME B1.21M, Metric Screw Threads 16
ASME B18.2.1, Square and Hex Bolts and Screws 81

ASME B16.1 500

ASME B16.3 501
ASME B16.14 502
ASME B16.20 503
ASME B16.2 504
API 5A 505
API 601 506
ASME B18.2.2, Square and Hex Nuts 82
API 601, Metallic Gaskets for Raised-Face Pipe Flanges
& Flanged Connections (Double-Jacketed Corrugated
And Spiral-Wound) 161
ASME B18.22.1, Plain Washers, Type A 17
ASME B18.22.1, Plain Washers, Type B 5011
ASTM F436, Standard Specification for Hardened Steel 18
Washers, Circular or Clipped
ASTM F436, Standard Specification for Hardened Steel 5012
Washers, Extra Thick
ASTM F844, Standard Specification for Washers, Steel, 19
Plain (Flat), Unhardened for General Use
ASTM C564, Standard Specification for Rubber Gaskets 20
for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings
ASTM F336, Design and Construction of Nonmetallic 21
Enveloped Gaskets for Corrosive Service
ASTM F477, Standard Specification for Elastomeric
Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe 382

AB&I Foundry 4652
Abresist Corporation 1002
Adamson 1000
Adams 1001
Aeroquip 1003
Aitken 1025
Allied Pipe Products 1050
Aldo Colombo 1075
Aloyco 1100

American Cast Iron Pipe Company Co., (ACIPCO) 1120

American Darling 1125
American Ductile Iron Pipe 1130
American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (AIF) 1004
American Valve 1150
Amri 1175
Anaconda 1200
Anderson Greenwood 1225
Anvil 1250
A.O. Smith 1275
Apco 1005
Apollo 1300
Argus 1325
Armstrong 1350
Asahi/American 1375
Autoclave Engineers 1006
Babbitt 1400
Babcock and Wilcox 1425
Badger Meters 1450
Bailey Co 1475
Balon 1500
Basic Engineering 1525
Bestobel 1550
Bete 1560
Bonney Forge 1575
Boots & Coots 1585
Bray 1590
Brooks Meters 1600
Burns & McDonnell 1615
Cameron 1625
Carbone 1650
Ciba-Geigy 1675
Clark-Reliance 1700
Clarkson 1705
Clayton Automatic Valves 1725
Clayton Mark 1750
Clow 1775
Cochrane 1800
Condren 1825
Continental Emsco 1850
Cooper Valve 1875
Core Pipe Products, Inc. (Gerlin, Inc.) 1876
Crane 1900
Crosby 1925
Daniel 1950
Demco 1975
Dezurik 2000
Dixon 2025
Dresser® 2050
Dover 2075
DOW 2100
Duo Seal 2150
Dur-O-Lock 2155
Durco 2175
Eaton 2176
Elkhart 2200
Enpro 2225
Epsco 2250
Everest 2275
Fabri-Valve 2300
Fairbanks 2325
Fasani 2350
Felker Brothers 2351
Fetterolf 2375
Fike 2425
Fisher 2450
Flexitallic 2475
Flowline 2500
FMC 2525
Foxboro 2550
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox),
Wavistrong™ 2551
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox),
Wavistrong™ FR 2552
Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ 2530

Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ RP 2531

Future Pipe Industries, Fiberstrong™ RV 2532

Future Pipe Industries, Fibermar™ 2533
Future Pipe Industries, Yellow Box ® 2534
Future Pipe Industries, Red Box® 2535
Future Pipe Industries, CobraTM SRC 2536
Future Pipe Industries, PythonTM SRC 2537
Future Pipe Industries, BoaTM SRC 2538
Garlock 2575
General 2600
Geosource 2625
Gestra 2650
Gladding McBean 2660
Goodall 2661
Graylock 2675
Grinnell 2700
Grinnell Fire Prot 2715
Grove 2725
Gulf 2750
Hammond 2775
Hancock 2800
Haws 2825
Heaton 2850
Hex 2860
Hindle-Hamer 2875
Hitachi 2900
Hoke 2915
Hydril 2925
Imperial Eastman 2950
Independent Pipe Products 2960
ISCO Industries, approved by Factory Mutual Research
Corporation 2961
ISCO Industries 2962
Ishida 2975
Iso-Gate 2985
ITT 2980
Jaco/Linatex 2990
Jacoby Tarbox 3000
Jamesbury 3025
Jenkins 3050
Jerguson 3075
Judd Valve 3100
Kamyr-Neles 3125
Kemp 3150
Kennedy 3175
Keystone 3200
Kinka Kikai 3225
Kitz 3250
KTM 3275
Kubota 3300
Larox 3301
L & M Valve 3325
Ladish 3350
Lamons 3375
Lukens 3400
Mac-Iron 3445
Magnetrol 3450
Malbranque 3475
Maloney 3500
Center Line Valve 3525
Flowseal Valve 3550
McCanna-Marpac 3575
Pacific Valves 3600
Marlin 3625
Marwin 3650
Masoneilan 3675
Master Flo Valve 3677
Media 3700
Milwaukee 3725
Mueller Industries 3749
Mueller/Muessco Brass 3750
Mueller/Muessco Steam Specialty 3775
Navco 3800
Nells 3825
Newco 3850
Nibco 3860
Nicholson 3875
Nippon-Benkan 3900
Nupro 3925
OPW 3950
Orbit 3975
Oseco, Oklahoma Safety Equipment Co., Inc. 4000
Pan Korea 4025
Parker Hannifin 4030
Parks Cramer 4050
Peabody Dore 4075
Penberthy 4100
Penn-AirCheck 4125
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® 4126

Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® 3100 Series Pipe 4127

Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® 5100 Series Ultra-Line®

PE 3408 Water Service Tubing 4128
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® 5300 Series PE3608 /
PE3408 Pipe 4129
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® 6400 Series PE3608 /
(PE3408) Pipe 4160
Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® 6500 Series PE2708 /
(PE2406) Pipe 4161

Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® PE3608 / PE3408 Pipe 4162

Performance Pipe DriscoPlex® PE4710 / (PE3408) 4163

Perma-Pipe, Inc. 4130
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Chil-Gard® 4146
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Copper-Gard® 4147
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Double-Quik™ 4148
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Dual-Gard 250® 4149
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Dual-Gard DI® 4156
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Escon-A ®/ Ferro-Shield® 4157
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Galva-Gard® 4158
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Lo-Temp Hi-Gard® 4159
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Mid-Temp Hi-Gard® 4131
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Multi-Therm 500® 4132
Perma-Pipe, Inc. PEX-Gard™ 4133
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Poly-Therm™ 4134
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Poly-Therm™ Ultra Low Temperature 4135
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Quik-Therm 4136
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Terra-Gard™ 4137
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type HT® 4138
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type IW® 4139
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Type FS® 4140
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-FS® 4141
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-HT® 4142
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Ultra-IW® 4143
Perma-Pipe, Inc. Xtru-Therm™ 4144

Perma-Pipe, Inc. Xtru-Therm™ Ultra Low Temperature 4145

Persta 4150
Petrolvalves 4175
Pipeline Seal and Insulator 4180
Plexco, Fabricated Fittings 4181
Plexco, Molded Fittings 4182
Posi-Seal 4200
Powhatan 4225
Powell 4250
Pratt 4275
Premafu 4300
Protectoseal 4325
RF Valves 4326
R & G Sloane 4335
Resistoflex 4350
Ring-O 4375
Robert James 4390
Rockwell 4400
Rockwell Edwards 4425
Rockwell McCanna 4450
Rockwell Nordstorm 4475
R P &C 4500
Sarco 4520
Saunders 4522
Sella 4525
Serck Audco 4550
Serfilco 4575
Shoritsu 4600
Smith 4625
Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II 2400
Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II FM 4627

Smith Fibercast Red Thread® II Performance Plus 4628

Smith Fibercast Red Thread® IIA Primary Pipe 4629

Smith Fibercast Red Thread® IIA Secondary Pipe 4630

Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II 4631
Smith Fibercast Green Thread® II Performance Plus 4632

Smith Fibercast Green Thread® Marine-Offshore 4633

Smith Fibercast Centricast® RB-1520 4634
Smith Fibercast Centricast® RB-2530 4635
Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-1520 4636
Smith Fibercast Centricast® CL-2030 4637
Smith Fibercast Z-Core® 4638
Smith Fibercast F-Chem® 4639
Spraying Systems 4650
Spears® Manufacturing Company 4651
Spirax Sarco 4675
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFCO) 4676
Stanco 4700
Standard Fittings 4725
Stang Hydronics 4750
Sterling 4754
Stockham 4775
Strahman 4800
Swagelok® 4825
Tapco 4850
Taylor 4875
Taylor Forge 4900
Taylor Forge, Rev 1957 4901
Teledyne Farris 4925
Texas Bolt 4950
Tech-Taylor 4952
Thevignot 4975
Titeflex 5000
TK 5025
TKM 5050
Triangle 5075

Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHLA, Light Duty Adjustable Clamp 5076

Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHHM, Double Hinge Heavy Duty

Clamp with Wing Nut 5077

Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHHS, 3-Segment Heavy Duty

Clamp with Wing Nut 5078
Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHHS, Fractional Clamp with Wing
Nut 5079

Tri-Clamp® Model A13MO, Light Duty Clamp with T-Bolt 5080

Tri-Clamp® Model 13MHP, High Pressure Clamp 5081

Tri-Clamp® Model A13MHM, Single Hinge Heavy Duty
Clamp with Wing Nut 5082

Tri-Clamp® Model A12MPS, Swivel Joint 5083

Tri-Clover® 5090
Truflo 5100
TRW/Mission 5125
Tube Turn Industries 5150
Tufline 5175
Tyco Flow Control 5013
Tyler 5200
Tyler, AWWA C110 Ductile Iron Fittings 5201
Tyler, AWWA C153 Ductile Iron Compact Fittings 5202
U.S. Pipe, Push On per AWWA C110 5203
U.S. Pipe, Ductile 5204
U.S. Pipe, Ductile Restrained Joint 5205
Uponor, HDPE Butt Fusion Fittings 5206
Uponor, HDPE Electrofusion Fittings 5207
Valvotecnic 5225
Vanessa 5250
Velan 5275
Victaulic 5300
Victaulic® Style 005 (FireLock® Rigid Coupling) 5301

Victaulic® Style 008 (Zero-Flex® Rigid Coupling) 5302

Victaulic® Style 009 (FireLock® EZTM Rigid Coupling) 5303

Victaulic® Style 009V (FireLock® EZTM Rigid Coupling) 5304

Victaulic® Style 07 (Zero-Flex® Rigid Coupling) 5305

Victaulic® Style 07-JIS (Zero-Flex® Rigid Coupling for 5306

Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 22 (Coupling for Vic-Ring 5307
Victaulic® Style 24 (Couplings for Expanded End Pipe) 5308

Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 31 (Coupling for Grooved 5309

AWWA Ductile Iron Pipe)

Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 41 (Coupling for Vic-Ring 5310

Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 44 (Coupling for Vic-Ring 5311
Victaulic® Vic-Ring Style 51 (Closure Coupling for 5312
Victaulic® Style 72 (Outlet Coupling) 5313
Victaulic® Style 74 (OD Flexible Coupling) 5314

Victaulic® Style 75 (Flexible Coupling) 5315

Victaulic® Style 77 (Standard Flexible Coupling) 5316

Victaulic® Style 77-JIS (Standard Flexible Coupling for 5317

Victaulic® Style 77S (Flexible Coupling, Stainless) 5318

Victaulic® Style 77A (Flexible Coupling, Aluminum) 5319

Victaulic® Style 78 (Snap-Joint® Coupling) 5320

Victaulic® Style 78A (Snap-Joint® Coupling, Aluminum) 5321

Victaulic® Style 89 (Rigid Coupling for Stainless Steel) 5322

Victaulic® Style 99 (Roust-A-Bout® Coupling) 5323

Victaulic® Style 307 (Transition Coupling for Grooved 5324

IPS Steel to Grooved AWWA Ductile Iron)

Victaulic® Style 397 (V-Grip Coupling for Plain x 5326

Grooved Ductile Iron)

Victaulic® Style 390 (V-Grip Coupling for Plain-end 5327

Ductile Iron)
Victaulic® Style 408 (Lightweight Rigid Stainless Steel 5328
Victaulic® Style 475 (Lightweight Flexible Stainless Steel 5329
Victaulic® Style 489 (Rigid Coupling for Stainless Steel) 5330

Victaulic® Style 505 (Pressfit® Coupling) 5331

Victaulic® Style 506 (Pressfit® Slip Coupling) 5332

Victaulic® Style 507 (Pressfit Type 316 Stainless Steel 5333

Standard Coupling)

Victaulic® Style 508 (Pressfit Type 316 Stainless Steel 5334

Slip Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 597 (Pressfit Type 304 Stainless Steel 5335
Standard Coupling)

Victaulic® Style 598 (Pressfit Type 304 Stainless Steel 5336

Slip Coupling)
Victaulic® Style 606 (Rigid Coupling for Copper Tubing) 5337
Victaulic® Style 641 (Vic® Flange Adapter for Copper 5338
Victaulic® Style 700 (Large Diameter Coupling) 5339

Victaulic® Style 707-IJ (NPS to JIS Transition Coupling) 5340

Victaulic® Style 741 (Vic® Flange Adapter, ASME Class 5341

125 and Class 150)

Victaulic® Style 741 (Vic® Flange Adapter, DIN PN10 and 5342
Victaulic® Style 743 (Vic® Flange Adapter, ASME Class 5343
Victaulic® Style 750 (Reducing Coupling) 5344

Victaulic® Style 770 (Large Diameter Coupling) 5345

Victaulic® Style 775 (Coupling for PVC) 5346

Victaulic® Style 791 (Vic-Boltless® Coupling) 5347

Victaulic® Style 792 (Vic-Boltless® Coupling) 5348

Victaulic® Style 808 (Duo-LockTM High Pressure 5349

Victaulic® Style 920 (Mechanical-T® Bolted Branch 5351
Victaulic® Style 920 (Mechanical-T® Bolted Cross 5352
Victaulic® Style 920N (Mechanical-T® Bolted Branch 5353
Victaulic® Style 922 (FireLock® Outlet-T) 5354

Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-LetTM Strapless Outlet) 5355

Victaulic® Style 923 (Vic-O-WellTM Strapless 5356

Thermometer Outlet)
Victaulic® Style 995 (Plain End Coupling for HDPE Pipe) 5357

Victaulic® Style 997 (Transition Coupling, HDPE to Steel) 5358

Victaulic® Style HP-70 (High-Pressure Rigid Coupling) 5359

Victaulic® Style HP-70ES (High-Pressure Rigid Coupling, 5360


Victaulic® Style W07 (Advanced Groove SystemTM Rigid 5361

Victaulic® Style W77 (Advanced Groove SystemTM 5362
Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 1 (Non-Restrained 5363

Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 2 (Non-Restrained 5364

Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® ExE Type 2 HP (Non- 5365

Restrained Flexible Coupling)

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 1 (Restrained 5366

Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 2 (Restrained 5367
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxF Type 2 HP (Restrained 5368
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxE Type 1 (Expansion 5369
Victaulic® Depend-O-Lok® FxE Type 2 (Expansion 5370
Viking 5325
Vitas 5350
Vogt 5375
Wada 5400
Wallworth 5425
Watts Regulator 5450
Weco 5475
WFI 5500
Winston 5525
Wire Masters 5526
Wirt & Knox 5535
WKM 5550
Woodco USA 5551
Worcester 5575
Yarway 5600
Yoneki 5625
Zurn 5650
Technegate 4951


DIN 2401-1, Pressure, nominal (Replaced by DIN EN

1333) 7000
DIN 2401-2, Pressure, nominal (Withdrawn without
substitution) 7001
DIN 2402, Diameter, nominal (Withdrawn without
substitution) 7002
DIN EN 10056-1, Specification for structural steel equal
and unequal angles. Dimensions 50195
DIN EN 10210-2, Hot finished structural hollow sections
of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Tolerances,
dimensions and sectional properties 50196

DIN EN 295-1, Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe

joints for drains and sewers - Part 1: Requirements 50179
DIN EN 512, Fiber-cement products - Pressure pipes and
joints 50180
DIN 2391, Seamless precision steel tubes (Replaced by
DIN EN 10305-1) 7019
DIN 2393, Welded precision steel tubes (Replaced by DIN
EN 10305-2) 7020
DIN 2440, Threaded pipes, medium weight (Replaced by
DIN EN 10255) 7012
DIN 2441, Threaded pipes, heavy weight (Replaced by
DIN EN 10255) 7013
DIN 2442, Steel tubes of specified quality suitable for
screwing; nominal pressure 1 to 100 7014
DIN 2445-1, Seamless steel tubes for dynamic loads -
Part 1: Hot finished tubes in fluid systems, 100 to 500
bar 7015
DIN 2445-2, Seamless steel tubes for dynamic loads - 50011
Part 2: Steel tubes for precision application in fluid
systems, 100 bar to 500 bar
DIN 2448, Dimensions of plain-end seamless steel pipes
(Replaced by DIN EN 10220) 7010
DIN 2450, Seamless Steel Tubes In St 35 dimensions and
range of application (Withdrawn without substitution)
DIN 2458, Steel pipes, welded (Replaced by DIN EN
10220) 7011
DIN 2460, Steel water pipes and fittings 7016
DIN 2462, Seamless ferritic steel pipes (Withdrawn
without substitution) 7017
DIN 2463, Welded austenitic steel pipes and tubes
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7018

DIN 2848, Flanged steel pipes and flanged steel or cast

iron fittings with lining - PN 10, PN 25 and PN 40 7025
DIN 4032, Concrete pipes and fitting; dimensions 50074
(Replaced by DIN EN 1916)
DIN 8062, Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U, PVC-
HI) pipes; dimensions 7040
DIN 8063-1, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for 50076
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) pressure
pipelines; dimensions of socket bends
DIN 8063-2, Pipe Joints and Pipe Fittings for Pipes under 50077
Pressure made of Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride
(Rigid PVC); Bends Made by Injection Moulding for
Bonding; Dimensions
DIN 8063-3, Pipe joints and components of unplasticized 50078
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC U) for pipes under pressure -
Part 3: Unions; Dimensions
DIN 8063-4, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for 50079
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes;
bushings, flanges, seals; dimensions
DIN 8063-6, Pipe joints and components of unplasticized 50080
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC U) for pipes under pressure -
Part 6: Injection-moulded elbows for solvent cementing;
DIN 8063-7, Pipe joints and their elements of 50081
unplasticized polyvinylchloride (unplasticized PVC)
under pressure; tees and branches of injection moulded
for cold welding, dimensions
DIN 8063-8, Pipe joints and components of unplasticized 50082
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC U) for pipes under pressure -
Part 8: Injection-moulded sockets, caps and nipples for
solvent cementing; Dimensions
DIN 8063-9, Pipe joints and their elements for pipes of 50083
unplasticized polyvinylchloride (unplasticized PVC)
under pressure; sockets reducing of injection moulded
for cold welding, dimensions
DIN 8063-10, Pipe joints and components of 50084
unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC U) for pipes
under pressure - Part 10: Wall bracket elbows;
DIN 8063-11, Pipe Joints and Pipe Fittings for Pipes
under Pressure made of Unplasticized Polyvinyl
Chloride (Rigid PVC); Sockets with Primary Element of
Copper-Zinc-Alloy (Brass) for Bonding; Dimensions
DIN 8063-12, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings of 50086
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (U-PVC) pressure
pipelines; dimensions of flanged and socket fittings
DIN 8074, Polyethylene (PE) pipes - Dimensions 50087
DIN 8077, Polypropylene (PP) pipes - Dimensions 7041
DIN 11850, Tubes for the food, chemical and 50089
pharmaceutical industry - Stainless steel tubes -
Dimensions, materials
DIN 16963-15, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high- 50110
density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipes; pipe
couplings; dimensions
DIN 16965-1, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester 50111
resin (UP-GF); pipes, Type A pipes, dimensions
DIN 16965-2, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester 50112
resin (UP-GF); pipes, Type B pipes, dimensions
DIN 16965-4, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester 50113
resin (UP-GF); pipes, Type D pipes, dimensions
DIN 16965-5, Wound glass fiber reinforced polyester 50114
resin (UP-GF); pipes, Type E pipes, dimensions
DIN EN 1123-2, Pipes and fittings of longitudinally 50158
welded hot-dip galvanized steel tube with spigot and
socket for waste water systems - Part 2: Dimensions

DIN EN 1916, Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, 50161

steel fiber and reinforced
DIN EN 10220, Seamless and welded steel tubes - 50152
Dimensions and masses per unit length
DIN EN 10242, Threaded pipe fittings in malleable cast 50164
DIN EN 10255, Non-Alloy steel tubes suitable for welding 50165
and threading - Technical delivery conditions

DIN EN 10305-1, Steel tubes for precision applications - 50166

Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Seamless cold
drawn tubes
DIN EN 10305-2, Steel tubes for precision applications - 50167
Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Welded cold
drawn tubes
DIN EN 12666-1, Plastics piping systems for non- 50168
pressure underground drainage and sewerage -
Polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes,
fittings and the system
DIN EN ISO 1127 TOL D2/T3, Stainless steel tubes. 50155
Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per
unit length
DIN EN ISO 1127 TOL D3/T3, Stainless steel tubes. 50182
Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per
unit length
DIN EN ISO 1127 TOL D4/T3, Stainless steel tubes. 50183
Dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per
unit length
PAS 1057-5, Pipe classes for process plants - Part 5: 50197
Fittings - Special style

DIN 2501, Flanges, Dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN

1092-1 and DIN EN 1092-2) 7146
DIN 2512, Flanges - Design dimensions for tongue and
groove - Spacer rings for grooved flanges PN 10 to PN
160 7147
DIN 2513, Flanges, projection & recess (Replaced by DIN
EN 1092-1) 7149
DIN 2514, Projection w/ groove & recess (Replaced by
DIN EN 1092-1) 7150
DIN 2527, Dimensions for blind flanges, PN 6, PN 10, PN
16, PN 25, PN 40, PN 64, PN 100 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7160
DIN 2530, Cast iron flanges, PN 2,5 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-2) 7100
DIN 2531, Cast iron flanges, PN 6 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-2) 7101
DIN 2532, Cast iron flanges, PN 10 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-2) 7102
DIN 2533, Cast iron flanges, PN 16 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-2) 7103
DIN 2534, Cast iron flanges, PN 25 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-2) 7104
DIN 2535, Cast iron flanges, PN 40 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-2) 7105
DIN 2543, Cast steel flanges, PN 16 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7106
DIN 2544, Cast steel flanges, PN 25 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7107
DIN 2545, Cast steel flanges, PN 40 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7108
DIN 2546, Cast steel flanges, PN 64 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7109
DIN 2547, Cast steel flanges, PN 100 (Replaced by DIN
EN 1092-1) 7110
DIN 2548, Integral flanges - PN 160 (Draft) 7111
DIN 2549, Integral flanges - PN 250 (Draft) 7112
DIN 2550, Integral flanges - PN 320 (Draft) 7113
DIN 2551, Integral flanges - PN 400 (Draft) 7114
DIN 2558, Oval threaded plate - PN 6 7115
DIN 2561, Oval screwed flange w/ socket PN 10,16
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7116
DIN 2565, Dimensions for threaded flanges, PN 6 rund
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7117
DIN 2566, Dimensions for threaded flanges, PN 10, PN16
(Replaced by DIN EN 1092-1) 7118
DIN 2567, Dimensions for threaded flanges, PN 25, PN 40
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7119
DIN 2568, Dimensions for threaded flanges, PN 64
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7120
DIN 2569, Dimensions for threaded flanges, PN 100
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7121
DIN 2573, Flange, soldering or welding PN 6 (Replaced
by DIN EN 1092-1) 7138
DIN 2576, Dimensions for plate flanges for welding, PN
10 (Replaced by DIN EN 1092-1) 7139
DIN 2627, Weldneck flange - PN 400 (Draft) 7133
DIN 2628, Weldneck flange - PN 250 (Draft) 7131
DIN 2629, Weldneck flange - PN 320 (Draft) 7132
DIN 2630, Weldneck flange - PN 1 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7122
DIN 2631, Weldneck flange - PN 6 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7123
DIN 2632, Weldneck flange - PN 10 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7124
DIN 2633, Weldneck flange - PN 16 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7125
DIN 2634, Weldneck flange - PN 25 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7126
DIN 2635, Weldneck flange - PN 40 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7127
DIN 2636, Weldneck flange - PN 64 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7128
DIN 2637, Weldneck flange - PN 100 (Replaced by DIN EN
1092-1) 7129
DIN 2638, Weldneck flange - PN 160 (Draft) 7130
DIN 2641, Flange, lapped, plain collar, PN 6 (Replaced by
DIN EN 1092-1) 7140
DIN 2642, Slip-on flange, upturned welding, PN 10
(Replaced by DIN EN 1092-1) 7141
DIN 2652, Flange, lapped, plain collar, PN 6 (Replaced by
DIN EN 1092-1) 7142
DIN 2653, Flange, lapped, plain collar, PN 10 (Replaced
by DIN EN 1092-1) 7143
DIN 2655, Flange, lapped, plain collar, PN 25 (Replaced
by DIN EN 1092-1) 7144
DIN 2656, Flange, lapped, plain collar, PN 40 (Replaced
by DIN EN 1092-1) 7145
DIN 2667, Lap joint flange with weldneck, PN 160
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7135
DIN 2668, Lap joint flange with weldneck, PN 250
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7136
DIN 2669, Lap joint flange with weldneck, PN 320
(Withdrawn without substitution) 7137
DIN 2673, Lap joint flange with weldneck, PN 10
(Replaced by DIN EN 1092-1) 7134
DIN 2873, Flanged fitting pipes and flanged steel glass
lined - PN 10 and PN 25 7162
DIN 2874, Steel flanged pipes and steel and cast iron
flanged fittings lined with PTFE or PFA - Technical
specifications 50156
DIN 86030, Hubbed slip-on flanges for welding, PN 16 50136

DIN 86252, Non return valves for shipboard use, cut off 50138
type, of cast iron, with flanges, DN 15 to 500
DIN 86260, Shut off valves for shipboard use, of gun 50139
metal, with flanges, DN 15 to 500
DIN 86261, Non return valves for shipboard use, cut off 50140
type, of gun metal, with flanges, DN 15 to 500
DIN EN 1092-1, Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges 50148
for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories - Part 1: Steel
flanges, PN designated
DIN EN 1092-2, Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings 50149
and accessories, PN designated - Part 2: Cast iron
DIN EN 1092-3, Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges 50150
for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN
designated - Part 3: Copper alloy flanges
DIN EN 1092-4, Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges 50151
for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN
designated - Part 4: Aluminum alloy flanges
DIN EN 1333, Flanges and their joints - Pipework 50160
components - Definition and selection of PN

DIN 2605-1, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings; elbows and

bends with reduced pressure factor 7200
DIN 2605-2, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings; Elbows and 50014
bends for use at full service pressure

DIN 2606, Tube bends, steel 5d (Replaced by DIN 2605-1) 7201

DIN 2916, Bending Radii for Seamless and Welded Steel
Tubes; Design Sheet 7202
DIN 2950, Malleable cast iron fittings (Replaced by DIN
EN 10242) 7206
DIN 2983, Threaded steel pipe fittings, bends (Replaced
by DIN EN 10241) 7203
DIN 2987-1, Threaded steel pipe fittings crosses, tees,
elbows (Replaced by DIN EN 10241) 7204
DIN 2987-2, Threaded steel pipe fittings reducing tees
and elbows (Replaced by DIN EN 10241) 7205
DIN 16962-1, Pipe Joints and Elements for
Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Bends of Segmental Construction for Butt-welding,
Dimensions 7240
DIN 16962-6, Pipe Joints and Elements for
Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Elbows for Socket-welding,
Dimensions 7241
DIN 16963-8, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density 50104
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Elbows for Socket-welding,

DIN 2616-1, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings; eccentric

reducers with reduced pressure factor 7300
DIN 2616-2, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings; reducers for
use at full service pressure 7325
DIN 2988, Threaded steel pipe fittings, Reducing sockets
(Replaced by DIN EN 10241) 7302
DIN 2990, Threaded steel pipe fitting; hexagon nipple;
bushings (Replaced by DIN EN 10241) 7301
DIN 16962-9, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types
1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; injection
moulded reducers and nipples for socket welding;
dimensions 7320
DIN 16962-11, Pipe Joints and Elements for
Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Turned and Pressed Reducing Sockets for Butt-welding,
dimensions 7323

DIN 2615-1, Steel butt-welding pipes fittings; tees with

reduced pressure factor 7400
DIN 2615-2, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings; tees for use
at full service pressure 7425

DIN 2618, Butt welding steel fittings; welding saddles,

nominal pressure (Withdrawn without substitution) 7401
DIN 2619, Bends for welding (Withdrawn without
substitution) 7403
DIN EN 10055, Hot rolled steel equal flange tees with
radiused root and toes. Dimensions and tolerances on
shape and dimensions 50194
DIN 16962-2, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 50091
1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; tees and
branches produced by segment inserts and necking for
butt welding; dimensions
DIN 16962-7, Pipe Joints and Elements for 50094
Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Tee Pieces for Socket-welding,
DIN 16963-2, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 50100
1 and 2 high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure
pipes; tees and branches produced by segment inserts
and necking for butt welding; dimensions

DIN 16963-9, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density 50105
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Tee Pieces for Socket-welding,
DIN 16963-13, Pipe Joints and Elements for High 50108
Pressure Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines,
Types 1 and 2; Turned and Pressed Reducing Sockets
for Butt-welding, Dimensions

DIN 2617, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings; caps 7500

DIN 906, Hexagon socket pipe plugs 50007

DIN 909, Hexagon head pipe plugs 50008

DIN 1230-1, Vitrified clay for sewerage; special fittings 50009
and adapters with flexible mechanical joint and
compatible accessories; dimensions (Replaced by DIN
EN 295-1)
DIN 2353, Non-soldering compression fittings with 50010
cutting ring - Complete fittings and survey
DIN 2980, Screwed steel pipe fittings (Replaced by DIN 50015
EN 10241)
DIN 2981, Threaded steel fittings with long screw thread
(Replaced by DIN EN 10241) 7600
DIN 2982, Screwed steel pipe fitting; parallel nipples,
taper nipples (Replaced by DIN EN 10241) 7601
DIN 2986, Threaded steel fittings, Sockets (Replaced by
DIN EN 10241) 7603
DIN 2991, Threaded steel pipe sitting; plugs, caps
(Replaced by DIN EN 10241) 7605
DIN 2993, Threaded steel fittings, Pipe unions (Replaced
by DIN EN 10241) 7606
DIN 11851, Fittings for food, chemical and
pharmaceutical industry - Stainless steel screwed pipe
connections - Design for rolling in and welding-on
DIN 14307-C, Aluminium alloy solid coupling type C, with
sealing ring for pressure purposes; nominal pressure 16
DIN 16962-3, Pipe Joints and Elements for
Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Bends Formed from Pipe for Butt-welding, Dimensions
DIN 16962-4, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for types 50093
1 and 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; adaptors for
fusion jointing, flanges and sealing elements;
DIN 16962-8, Pipe Joints and Elements for
Polypropylene (PP) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Sockets and Caps for Socket-welding,
Dimensions 7620
DIN 16962-10, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for 50095
types 1 to 3 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes;
injection-moulded fittings for butt welding; dimensions

DIN 16962-12, Pipe joints and components of 50096

polypropylene (PP) for pipes under pressure, PP-H 100,
PP-B 80 and PP-R 80 - Part 12: Flange adapters, flanges,
sealing rings for socket welding; dimensions

DIN 16962-13, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for type 50097
1 and type 2 polypropylene (PP) pressure pipes; pipe
couplings; dimensions
DIN 16963-1, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density 50098
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Pipe Bends of Segmental Construction for Butt-welding,
DIN 16963-3, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density 50099
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Pipe Bends for Butt-welding, Dimensions

DIN 16963-4, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high- 50101
density polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes; adaptors
for fusion jointing, flanges and sealing elements;
DIN 16963-6, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high- 50102
density polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes; injection-
moulded fittings for butt welding; dimensions

DIN 16963-7, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for high- 50103
density polyethylene (PE-HD) pressure pipes; fittings for
resistance welding; dimensions
DIN 16963-10, Pipe Joints and Elements for High Density 50106
Polyethylene (HDPE) Pressure Pipelines, Types 1 and 2;
Injection Moulded Sockets and Caps for Socket-welding,
DIN 16963-11, Pipe joints and components of 50107
polyethylene (PE) for pipes under pressure, PE 80 and
PE 100 - Part 11: Flange adapters, flanges, sealing rings
for socket welding; dimensions
DIN 16963-14, Pipe joint assemblies and fittings for 50109
types 1 and 2 high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
pressure pipes; injection moulded reducers and nipples
for socket welding; dimensions
DIN 16966-2, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP- 50115
GF) pipe fittings and joints; Elbows, Dimensions
DIN 16966-4, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP- 50116
GF) pipe fittings an joints; Tees, Nozzles, Dimensions

DIN 16966-5, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP- 50117

GF) pipe fittings and joints; Reducers, Dimensions

DIN 16966-6, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP- 50118

GF) pipe fittings and joint assemblies; collars, flanges,
joint rings, dimensions
DIN 16966-8, Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin (UP- 50119
GF) pipe fittings and joints; Laminated joints;
DIN 16967-2, Glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin (EP-GF) 50120
pipe fittings and joints; Elbows, Tees, Dimensions
DIN 19214-1, Flow measurement; differential pressure 50121
devices with flanges taps, nominal diameter 50 to 500,
nominal pressure 10 to 100; sealing surface raised face
(Withdrawn without substitution)

DIN 19214-2, Flow measurement; differential pressure 50122

devices with flanges taps, nominal diameter 10 to 400,
nominal pressure 10 to 100; sealing surface projection
and recess (Withdrawn without substitution)

DIN 19214-3, Flow measurement; differential pressure 50123

devices with flanges taps; nominal diameter 10 to 400,
nominal pressure 64 to 400; sealing surface lens-shape
(Withdrawn without substitution)

DIN 19214-4, Flow measurement; differential pressure 50124

devices with orifice flanges; meter runs, nominal
diameter 10 to 200 (Withdrawn without substitution)

DIN 19214-5, Flow measurement; differential pressure 50125

devices with orifice flanges; length of pressure taps stud
and installation dimensions for determination of space
required (Withdrawn without substitution)

DIN 19522, Cast iron drainage pipes and fittings without 50126
sockets (SML)
DIN 19530-1, Steel socket pipes and fittings for sewers; 50127
dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN 1123-2)
DIN 19537-1, High density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes 50128
and fittings for drains and sewers; dimensions
(Replaced by DIN EN 12666-1)
DIN 19800-1, Asbestos cement pipes and fittings for 50129
pressure pipelines; pipes, dimensions (Replaced by DIN
EN 512)
DIN 19850-1, Fiber cement pipes and fittings for sewers - 50130
Part 1: Dimensions of pipes, branches and bends

DIN 19850-2, Fiber cement pipes and fittings for sewers - 50131
Part 2: Dimensions of joints
DIN 28011, Torispherical dished ends 50133
DIN 28013, Ellipsoidal dished ends 50134
DIN 32676, Fittings for the food, chemical and 50135
pharmaceutical industries - Clamp connections for
stainless steel tubes - Weld-on type
DIN 43772, Control technology - Protective tubes and 50193
extension tubes for liquid-in-glass thermometers, dial
thermometers, thermocouples and resistance
thermometers - Dimensions, materials, testing

DIN EN 10241, Steel threaded pipe 50153

DIN 558, Hexagon head cap screws 8025
DIN 601, Hexagon head bolts 8027
DIN 835, Stud bolts 8029
DIN 910-1, Hexagon head screw; heavy type, cylindrical
thread 50525
DIN 912, Hexagon head socket cap screws (Replaced by
DIN EN ISO 4762) 8031
DIN 931, Hexagon head bolts 50522
DIN 933, Hexagon head cap screws (Replaced by DIN EN
ISO 4014) 8033
DIN 939, Stud bolts 8035
DIN 960, Hexagon head bolts (Replaced by DIN EN ISO
8765) 8037
DIN 961, Hexagon head cap screws (Replaced by DIN EN
ISO 8676) 8039
DIN 976-1, Stud bolts 50500
DIN 2510-3, Stud bolts, reduced shank; stud bolts (Form
L) 50501
DIN 2510-4, Bolted connections with reduced shank;
studs 50523
DIN 2510-7, Bolted connections with reduced shank;
extension sleeves 50524
DIN 3852-1, Ports and stud ends with metric fine pitch
thread, for use with compression couplings, valves and
screw plugs; dimensions 50502
DIN 3852-2, Stud ends and tapped holes with pipe
thread, for use with compression couplings, valves and
screw plugs; dimensions 50503
DIN 3852-3, Stud ends and tapped holes for use with
compression couplings, valves and screw plugs - Type
E stud end dimensions 50504
DIN 6914, high strength hexagon head bolts (Replaced
by DIN EN ISO 14399-4) 8041
DIN 7991, Hexagon head socket cap screws (Replaced
by DIN EN ISO 10642) 8043
DIN EN 20898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners
made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts,
screws and studs (Withdrawn without substitution) 50505
DIN EN 24014, Hexagon head bolts. Product grades A
and B (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4014) 50506

DIN EN 24015, Hexagon head bolts with reduced shank

(shank diameter ≈ pitch diameter); product grade B 50507
DIN EN 24016, Hexagon head bolts. Product grade C
(Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4016) 50508
DIN EN 24017, Hexagon head screws. Product grades A
and B (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4017) 50509
DIN EN 24018, Hexagon head screws. Product grade C
(Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4018) 50510
DIN EN ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners
made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts,
screws and studs 50511
DIN EN ISO 4014, Hexagon head bolts - Product grades
A and B 50512

DIN EN ISO 4016, Hexagon head bolts - Product grade C 50516

DIN EN ISO 4017, Hexagon head screws - Product
grades A and B 50513
DIN EN ISO 4018, Hexagon head screws - Product grade
C 50517
DIN EN ISO 4762, Hexagon socket head cap screws 50518
DIN EN ISO 8765, Hexagon head bolts with metric fine
pitch thread - Product grades A and B 50520
DIN EN ISO 8676, Hexagon head screws with metric fine
pitch thread - Product grades A and B 50519
DIN EN ISO 10642, Hexagon socket countersunk head
screws 50521
DIN EN 14399-4, High-strength structural bolting
assemblies for preloading - Part 4: System HV - Hexagon
bolt and nut assemblies 50514
DIN EN 14399-6, High-strength structural bolting
assemblies for preloading - Part 6: Plain chamfered
washers 50515

DIN 431, Pipe nuts with thread according to DIN ISO 228- 55001
DIN 439, Hexagon lock nuts (Replaced by DIN EN ISO
4035, DIN EN ISO 4036, and DIN EN ISO 8675) 8049

DIN 555, Hexagon nuts (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4034) 8051

DIN 934, Hexagon full nuts (Replaced by DIN EN ISO
4032 and DIN EN ISO 8673) 55006
DIN 970, Hexagon nuts; style 1; product grades A and B 55002

DIN 979, Hexagon thin slotted and castle nuts - Metric

coarse and fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B 8053
DIN 980, Self-locking nuts (Replaced by DIN EN ISO
7040, DIN EN ISO 7042, DIN EN ISO 10512, and DIN EN
ISO 10513) 8055
DIN 985, Nyloc nuts (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 10511) 8057
DIN 2510-5, Bolted Connections with Reduced Shank; 55003
Hexagon nuts (Form NF)
DIN 2510-6, Bolted connections with reduced shank; cap 55014
DIN 6915, High strength nuts (Replaced by DIN EN ISO
14399-4) 8059
DIN 7967, Self locking counter nuts 55015
DIN EN 24032, Hexagon nuts; style 1; product grades A 55004
and B (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 4032)
DIN EN ISO 1234, Split pins 55016
DIN EN ISO 4032, Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades 55005
A and B
DIN EN ISO 4034, Hexagon nuts - Product grade C 55007
DIN EN ISO 4035, Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) - 55008
Product grades A and B
DIN EN ISO 4036, Hexagon thin nuts (unchamfered) - 55009
Product grade B
DIN EN ISO 7040, Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts 55010
(with non-metallic insert), style 1 - Property classes 5, 8
and 10
DIN EN ISO 7042, Prevailing torque type (all-metal 55011
hexagon nuts), style 2 - Property classes 5, 8, 10 and 12

DIN EN ISO 8673, Hexagon nuts, style 1, with metric fine 55012
pitch thread - Product grades A and B
DIN EN ISO 8675, Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) with 55013
metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B

DIN 93, Tab washers with long tab 56004

DIN 125, Steel washers (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 7089
and DIN EN ISO 7090) 8063
DIN 127, Spring steel washers (Withdrawn without
substitution) 8065
DIN 128, Spring steel washers (Withdrawn without
substitution) 8067
DIN 137, Spring steel washers (Withdrawn without
substitution) 8069

DIN 433, Steel washers (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 7092) 8071

DIN 6916, High strength steel washers (Replaced by DIN
EN ISO 14399-6) 8077
DIN 7980, Spring steel washers (Withdrawn without
substitution) 8083
DIN EN ISO 7089, Plain washers - Normal series, Product 56001
grade A
DIN EN ISO 7090, Plain washers, chamfered - Normal 56002
series, Product grade A
DIN EN ISO 7091, Plain washers. Normal series. Product 56005
grade C
DIN EN ISO 7092, Plain washers - Small series, Product 56003
grade A

DIN 2690, Gasket for flat-faced flanges (Replaced by DIN

EN 1514-1) 8100
DIN 2691, Gasket for tongue and groove flanges
(Replaced by DIN EN 1514-1) 8101
DIN 2692, Gasket for male and female flanges (Replaced
by DIN EN 1514-1) 8102
DIN 2693, Sealing rings for grooved flange faces
(Replaced by DIN EN 1514-8) 8103
DIN 2695, Diaphragm packings and diaphragm seals for
flanged connections 8104

DIN 2696, Flange connections with lens shaped gasket 8105

DIN 2697, Grooved metal O- rings and seals (Replaced
by DIN EN 1514-6) 8106
DIN 2698, Corrugated steel sheet gaskets (Withdrawn
without substitution) 8107
DIN 2699, Spiral wound gaskets for flanged
connections; nominal pressures PN 25 to 250 58008
DIN EN 1514-1, Flanges and their joints - Dimensions of 58001
gaskets for PN-designated flanges - Part 1: Non-metallic
flat gaskets with or without inserts
DIN EN 1514-2, Flanges and their joints - Gaskets for PN- 58002
designated flanges - Part 2: Spiral wound gaskets for
use with steel flanges
DIN EN 1514-3, Flanges and their joints - Dimensions of 58003
gaskets for PN-designated flanges - Part 3: Non-metallic
PTFE envelope gaskets
DIN EN 1514-4, Flanges and their joints - Dimensions of 58004
gaskets for PN-designated flanges - Part 4: Corrugated
flat or grooved metallic and filled metallic gaskets for
use with steel flanges
DIN EN 1514-6, Flanges and their joints - Dimensions of 58005
gaskets for PN-designated flanges - Part 6: Covered
serrated metal gaskets for use with steel flanges

DIN EN 1514-7, Flanges and their joints - Gaskets for PN- 58006
designated flanges - Part 7: Covered metal jacketed
gaskets for use with steel flanges
DIN EN 1514-8, Flanges and their joints - Dimensions of 58007
gaskets for PN-designated flanges - Part 8: Polymeric O-
Ring gaskets for grooved flanges

DIN 7603, Sealing rings for pipe unions and screw plugs 50191
DIN 86071, Full face gaskets for flanges; nominal 58009
pressures 6, 10, 16, 25

DIN 477-1, Gas cylinder valves rated for test pressures 50001
up to 300 bar; types, sizes and outlets
DIN 477-4, Compressed gas cylinder valves; swing 50002
check valves for camping-cylinders
DIN 477-5, Gas cylinder valves - Part 5: For test pressure 50003
up to 450 bar max.; Outlet connections
DIN 477-6, Gas cylinder valves; test pressures 300 bar 50004
and 450 bar, with cylindrical thread for valve stem and
gas cylinder neck for breathing apparatus; sizes,
threads (Replaced by DIN EN 144-1)
DIN 477-9, Gas cylinder valves, for highest grade gases; 50005
sizes, connections, threads (Withdrawn without
DIN 3160, Through-valves for refrigerant circuits, 50016
nominal pressure 25 bar
DIN 3161, Angle valves for refrigerant circuits; nominal 50017
pressure 25 bar
DIN 3163, Control through valves for refrigerant circuits, 50018
nominal pressure 25 bar
DIN 3202-1, Industrial valves - Face-to-face and center-
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems (Replaced by DIN EN 558-1) 9010
DIN 3202-2, Industrial valves - End-to-end and center-to-
end dimensions for butt welding end valves (Replaced
by DIN EN 12982) 9020
DIN 3202-3, Face-to-face dimensions for wafer type
valves (Replaced by DIN EN 558-1) 9030
DIN 3202-4, Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions
of valves with female thread connection 9040

DIN 3202-5, Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions

of valves for connection with compression couplings 9050
DIN 3320-1, Safety valves; safety shut-off valves; 50019
definitions, sizing, marking
DIN 3320-3, Safety valves; safety shut-off valves; center 50020
for face dimensions of flanged safety valves to PN 40
and to DN 250 inlet (Withdrawn without substitution)

DIN 3237-1, Straight pattern valves with flange socket in 50021

main power connection - Part 1: Without lining

DIN 3237-2, Straight pattern valves with flange socket in 50022

main power connection - Part 2: With plastic lining

DIN 3237-3, Straight pattern valves with flange socket in 50023

main power connection - Part 3: With rubber lining

DIN 3341, Plate valves for displacement compressors; 50024

suction valves, discharge valves; main dimensions,
materials, installation
DIN 3352-1, Gate Valves; General Information 50025
DIN 3352-2, Cast iron gate valves, with metallic seat and 50026
inside screw stem (Replaced by DIN EN 1171)
DIN 3352-3, Cast iron gate valves, with metallic seat and 50027
outside screw stem (Replaced by DIN EN 1171)
DIN 3352-4, Cast iron gate valves with elastomeric 50028
obturator seatings and inside screw stem (Replaced by
DIN EN 1171)
DIN 3352-5, Steel gate valves, isomorphs series 50029
DIN 3352-6, Gate valves of unalloyed and low alloyed 50030
steel, with inside screw stem
DIN 3352-7, Gate valves of unalloyed and low alloyed 50031
steel, with outside screw stem
DIN 3352-8, Low temperature steel gate valves, with 50032
outside screw stem
DIN 3352-9, Gate valves of heat resistant steel 50033
DIN 3352-10, Gate valves of stainless steel 50034
DIN 3352-11, Flanged copper alloy gate valves 50035
DIN 3352-12, Socket end copper alloy gate valves 50036
DIN 3352-13, Double-socket cast iron gate valves, with 50037
elastomeric obturator seat and inside screw stem
(Replaced by DIN EN 1171)
DIN 3354-1, Butterfly valves: General information 50038
DIN 3354-2, Butterfly valves: Double eccentric, leak 50039
proof, soft seated, cast iron with flanged ends
DIN 3354-3, Butterfly valves: Wafer lug type, soft seated, 50040
steel and cast steel, with flanged or welded ends
DIN 3354-4, Butterfly valves: Steel and cast steel metallic 50041
seated with flanged or welded ends (Withdrawn)

DIN 3354-5, Butterfly valves: Wafer type, leak proof, soft 50042
seated with flanged ends (Withdrawn)
DIN 3356-1, Globe valves; General data 50043
DIN 3356-2, Globe valves; Cast iron stop valves 50044
(Replaced by DIN EN 13789)
DIN 3356-3, Globe valves; Unalloyed steel stop valves 50045
(Replaced by DIN EN 13709)
DIN 3356-4, Globe valves; High temperature steel stop 50046
valves (Replaced by DIN EN 13709)
DIN 3356-5, Globe valves; Stainless steel stop valves 50047
(Replaced by DIN EN 13709)
DIN 3357-1, Metal ball valves; general requirements and 50048
methods of test
DIN 3357-2, Full bore steel ball valves (Replaced by DIN 50049
EN 1983)
DIN 3357-3, Reduced bore steel ball valves (Replaced by 50050
DIN EN 1983)
DIN 3357-4, Full bore nonferrous metal ball valves 50051
(Replaced by DIN CEN/TS 13547)
DIN 3357-5, Reduced bore nonferrous metal ball valves 50052
(Replaced by DIN CEN/TS 13547)
DIN 3357-6, Full bore cast iron ball valves (Withdrawn 50053
without substitution)
DIN 3357-7, Reduced bore cast iron ball valves 50054
(Withdrawn without substitution)
DIN 3359, Metallic diaphragm valves (Replaced by DIN 50055
EN 13397)
DIN 3380, Gas pressure regulators for supply pressures 50056
up to 100 bar (Withdrawn without substitution)

DIN 3381, Safety devices for gas supply installations up 50057

to 100 bar; pressure relief governors and safety shut-off
devices (Replaced by DIN EN 14382)
DIN 3430, Gas valves, angle pattern ball shut-off valves 50058

DIN 3431, Gas valves, angle pattern ball shut-off valves 50059
with compression fittings
DIN 3432, Gas valves, straight pattern ball shut-off 50060
valves with compression coupling
DIN 3434, Gas valves, straight pattern ball shut-off 50061
valves with compression coupling (Withdrawn without
DIN 3435, Gas valves, Gas valves, angle pattern ball 50062
shut-off valves with compression coupling
DIN 3436, Valves for gas installations, nozzles and 50063
gaskets (Withdrawn without substitution)
DIN 3441-2, Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) 50064
valves; ball valves; dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN ISO
DIN 3441-3, Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) 50065
valves; diaphragm valves; dimensions (Replaced by DIN
EN ISO 16136)
DIN 3441-4, Valves of Rigid PVC (Unplasticized or Rigid 50066
Polyvinyl Chloride); Y-valves (Inclined-seat Valves),
dimensions (replaced by DIN EN ISO 21787)
DIN 3441-5, Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) 50067
valves; PN 6 and PN 10 wafer type butterfly valves;
dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 16135)
DIN 3441-6, Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) 50068
valves; gate valves with inside screw stem; dimensions
(Replaced by DIN EN ISO 16139)
DIN 3442-2, Fittings of PP (Polypropylene); Ball valves, 50069
dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 16135)
DIN 3442-3, Polypropylene (PP) valves; diaphragm 50070
valves; dimensions (Replaced by DIN EN ISO 16138)
DIN 3543-2, Metallic tapping stop valves; dimensions 50071
DIN 3543-3, PVC tapping valves for plastic pipes; 50072
DIN 3543-4, High density polyethylene (HDPE) tapping 50073
valves for HDPE pipes; dimensions
DIN 3901, Non-soldering compression fittings with 50157
cutting ring - Double ended stud ends with parallel
thread for stub ends type A
DIN 20042, Water valve, nominal pressure 40 - 50132
dimensions and requirements
DIN 86501, Valves, screwed bonnet type of gun metal 50141
with 24-connection with port end W according to DIN
DIN 86552, Valves, screwed bonnet type of steel with 24- 50142
connection with port end W according to DIN 3861

DIN 86720, Gate valves flat sided of gun metal with 50143
screwed bonnet and flanges, DN 20 to DN 100, PN 16
DIN 87101, Non-return flaps (storm valves), self-closing, 50144
vertical type, DN 50 up to DN 150, PN 1 - Mating
dimensions for flanges according to PN 10
DIN EN 144-1, Respiratory protective devices - Gas 50181
cylinder valves - Part 1: Thread connections for insert
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial valves - Face-to-face and center- 50145
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 1 Face-to- 50203
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 2 Face-to- 50204
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 3 Face-to- 50205
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 4 Face-to- 50206
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 5 Face-to- 50207
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 7 Face-to- 50208
face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 8 Center- 50209
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 9 Center- 50210
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 10 Face- 50211
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 11 Center- 50212
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 12 Face- 50213
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 13 Face- 50214
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 14 Face- 50215
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 15 Face- 50216
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 16 Face- 50217
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 18 Face- 50218
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 19 Face- 50219
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 20 Face- 50220
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 21 Face- 50221
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 22 Center- 50222
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 23 Center- 50223
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 25 Face- 50224
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 26 Face- 50225
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 27 Face- 50226
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 28 Face- 50227
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 29 Face- 50228
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 30 Face- 50229
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 36 Face- 50230
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 37 Face- 50231
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 38 Face- 50232
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 39 Face- 50233
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 40 Center- 50234
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 41 Center- 50235
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 42 Center- 50236
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 43 Face- 50237
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 44 Face- 50238
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 45 Face- 50239
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 46 Face- 50240
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 47 Face- 50241
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 48 Face- 50242
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 49 Face- 50243
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 50 Face- 50244
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 51 Face- 50245
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-1, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 53 Face- 50246
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 1: PN-designated valves
DIN EN 558-2, Industrial valves - Face-to-face and center- 50146
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 1 Face-to- 50247

face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 2 Face-to- 50248

face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 3 Face-to- 50249

face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 4 Face-to- 50250

face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 5 Face-to- 50251

face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 7 Face-to- 50252

face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe
systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 8 Center- 50253

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 9 Center- 50254

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 10 Face- 50255

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves
DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 11 Center- 50256
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 12 Face- 50257

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 13 Face- 50258

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 14 Face- 50259

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 16 Face- 50260

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 18 Face- 50261

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 19 Face- 50262

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 20 Face- 50263

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 21 Face- 50264

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 22 Center- 50265

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 23 Center- 50266

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 24 Center- 50267

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves
DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 25 Face- 50268
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 32 Center- 50269

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 33 Face- 50270

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 36 Face- 50271

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 37 Face- 50272

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 38 Face- 50273

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 39 Face- 50274

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 40 Center- 50275

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 41 Center- 50276

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 42 Center- 50277

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 50 Face- 50278

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 51 Face- 50279

to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves
DIN EN 558-2, Industrial Valves - Basic Series 52 Face- 50280
to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged
pipe systems - Part 2: Class-designated valves

DIN EN 593, Industrial valves - Metallic butterfly valves 50147

DIN EN 1171, Industrial valves - Cast iron gate valves 50159

DIN EN 1983, Industrial valves - Steel ball valves 50162
DIN EN 12982-1, Industrial valves - End-to-end and 50154
center-to-end dimensions for butt welding end valves

DIN EN 12982-15, Industrial valves - End-to-end and 50281

center-to-end dimensions for butt welding end valves

DIN EN 12982-26, Industrial valves - End-to-end and 50282

center-to-end dimensions for butt welding end valves

DIN EN 12982-64, Industrial valves - End-to-end and 50283

center-to-end dimensions for butt welding end valves

DIN EN 13397, Industrial valves - Diaphragm valves 50169

made of metallic materials
DIN EN 13709, Industrial valves - Steel globe and globe 50170
stop and check valves
DIN EN 13789, Industrial valves - Cast iron globe valves 50171

DIN EN 14382, Safety devices for gas pressure 50172

regulating stations and installations - Gas safety shut-off
devices for inlet pressures up to 100 bar
DIN EN ISO 16135, Industrial valves - Ball valves of 50173
thermoplastics materials
DIN EN ISO 16136, Industrial valves - Butterfly valves of 50174
thermoplastics materials
DIN EN ISO 16138, Industrial valves - Diaphragm valves 50175
of thermoplastics materials
DIN EN ISO 16139, Industrial valves - Gate valves of 50176
thermoplastics materials
DIN EN ISO 21787, Industrial valves - Globe valves of 50177
thermoplastics materials
DIN CEN/TS 13547, Industrial valves - Copper alloy ball 50178

DIN 16282, Siphons for pressure gauges and their

accessories 9053


Gemu 9142
EN 849, Cylinder Valves 9887
EN 13480, Metallic industrial piping 9888


BS 10, Flanges 9495

BS 10, Table D, Specification for flanges and bolting for
pipes, valves, and fittings 80001
BS 10, Table E, Specification for flanges and bolting for
pipes, valves, and fittings 80002
BS 65, Vitrified clay pipes, fittings and ducts, also
flexible mechanical joints for use solely with surface
water pipes and fittings 9500
BS 78 Part 2, Cast iron spigot and socket pipes
(vertically cast) and spigot and socket fittings BS 143,
Threaded pipe fittings in malleable cast iron and cast
copper alloy 9505
BS 416 Part 1, Discharge and ventilating pipes and
fittings, sand-cast or spun in cast iron for spigot and
socket systems 9510
BS 437, Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes and
fittings 9515
BS 567, Asbestos-cement flue pipes and fittings, light
quality 9520
BS 806, Pipes and fittings for boilers 9523
BS 835, Asbestos-cement flue pipes and fittings, heavy
quality 9525
BS 864 Part 3, Capillary and compression tube fittings of
copper and copper alloy, and compression fittings for
polyethylene pipes 9530
BS 949 Part 3, Pipe thread taps 9535
BS 1212, Specification for float operated valves 9537
BS 1256, Threaded pipe fittings in malleable cast iron
and cast copper alloy 9540
BS 1306, Copper and Copper alloy pressure piping
system 9543
BS 1387, Screwed and socket welded tubing 9055
BS 1414 , Steel Wedge Gate Valves (Flanged & Butt-
Welding Ends) for the Petroleum, Petrochemical & Allied
Industries 9547
BS 1471, Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloys for
general engineering purposes, drawn tube 9545
BS 1560 Part 2, Ferrous flanges – metric dimensions 9064
BS 1600 Part 2, Steel pipes for the petroleum industry –
metric dimensions 9058
BS 1640 Part 1, Steel buttwelded pipe fittings for the
petroleum industry, wrought carbon and ferritic alloy
steel fittings 9550
BS 1640 Part 2, Steel buttwelded pipe fittings for the
petroleum industry, wrought and cast austenitic
chromium-nickel steel fittings 9555
BS 1640 Part 3, Steel buttwelded pipe fittings for the
petroleum industry, wrought carbon and ferritic alloy
steel fittings - metric dimensions 9079
BS 1640 Part 4, Steel buttwelded pipe fittings for the
petroleum industry, wrought and cast austenitic
chromium-nickel steel fittings, metric dimensions 9560
BS 1740 Part 1, Wrought steel pipe fittings (BSP
threads), metric dimensions 9067
BS 1868, Specification for Steel Check Valves (Flanged
and Butt-Welding Ends) for the Petroleum,
Petrochemical and Allied Industries 80003
BS 1873, Steel Globe & Globe Stop & Check Valves
(Flanged & Butt-Welding Ends) for the Petroleum,
Petrochemical & Allied Industries 9563
BS 1965 Part 1, Pressurized buttwelded pipe fittings,
carbon steel 9070

BS 2051 Part 1, Copper and copper alloys capillary and

compression tube fittings for engineering purposes 9565
BS 2051 Part 2, Olive type copper alloy compression
tube fittings for engineering purposes 9570
BS 2080, Specification for Face-To-Face, Center-To-
Face, End-To-End And Center-To-End Dimensions of
Valves 9082
BS 2598 Part 4, Glass pipeline and fittings 9575
BS 3074, Nickel and nickel alloy seamless tube 9580
BS 3293, Carbon steel pipe flanges (over 24 in nominal
size) for the petroleum industry 80004
BS 3506, Unplasticized PVC pipe for industrial uses 9585

BS 3600, Welded and seamless steel pipes and tubes 9052

BS 3601, Carbon steel pipes and tubes for pressure
purposes at room temperature 9400
BS 3602, Carbon steel pipes and tubes for pressure
purposes at high temperature 9405
BS 3603, Carbon steel and alloy steel pipes and tubes
for pressure purposes at low temperature 9410
BS 3604, Alloy steel pipes and tubes for high
temperature 9415
BS 3605, Stainless steel pipes and tubes for pressure
purposes 9420
BS 3799, Steel fittings, screwed and socket welded, for
the petroleum industry 9073
BS3799 steel pipe fittings screwed and socket welding
(in) 9076
BS 4300/10, Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloys for
general engineering purposes, supplementary series -
5454 Drawn tube 9590
BS 4346 Part 3, Joints and fittings for use with
unplasticized PVC pressure pipes 9595

BS 4504 Part 1, Flanges and bolting – metric dimensions 9061

BS 4514, Unplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes of

82.4 mm minimum mean outside diameter, and fittings
and accessories of 82.4 mm and of other sizes 9600
BS 4622, Grey iron pipes and fittings 9605
BS 4625, Pre-stressed concrete pressure pipes and
fittings 9610
BS 4660, Thermoplastics ancillary fittings of nominal
sizes 110 mm and 160 mm for below ground gravity
drainage and sewerage 9615

BS 4825 Part 1, Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the

food industry and other hygienic applications, tubes 9620
BS 4825 Part 2, Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the
food industry and other hygienic applications, bends
and tees 9625
BS 4825 Part 3, Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the
food industry and other hygienic applications, clamp
type couplings 9630
BS 4825 Part 4, Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the
food industry and other hygienic applications, threaded
(IDF type) couplings 9635
BS 4825 Part 5, Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the
food industry and other hygienic applications, recessed
ring joint type couplings 9640
BS 4962, Plastics pipes and fittings for use as subsoil
field drains 9645
BS 4991, Propylene copolymer pressurized pipe 9650
BS 5150, Cast Iron Wedge and Double Disc Gate Valves
for general purposes (Withdrawn) 9085
BS 5151, Cast Iron Gate (parallel slide) Valves for
general purposes (Withdrawn) 9088
BS 5152, Cast Iron Globe and Check Valves for general
purposes (Withdrawn) 9091
BS 5153, Cast Iron Check Valves for general purposes
(Withdrawn) 9094
BS 5154, Copper alloy globe, globe stop and check,
check and gate valves 9097
BS 5155, Butterfly Valves (Withdrawn) 9100
BS 5156, Diaphragm Valves (Withdrawn) 9106
BS 5157, Steel Gate (parallel slide) Valves for general
purposes (Withdrawn) 9112
BS 5158, Cast Iron Plug Valves 9118
BS 5159, Cast iron and carbon steel ball valves for
general purposes (Withdrawn) 9124
BS 5160, Steel globe valves, globe stop and check
valves and lift type check valves (Withdrawn) 9130

BS 5163, Specification for predominantly key-operated

cast iron gate valves for waterworks purposes 9425
BS 5254, Polypropylene waste pipe and fittings, external
diameter 34.6 mm, 41.0 mm, and 64.1 mm 9655
BS 5255, Thermoplastics waste pipe and fittings 9660
BS 5391 Part 1, Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)
pressurized pipe for industrial uses 9665
BS 5392 Part 1, Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)
fittings for use with ABS pressurized pipe for industrial
uses 9670
BS 5433, Specifications for underground stop valves for
water services 9430
BS 5480, Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes, joints,
and fittings for use for water supply or sewerage 9675
BS 5481, Unplasticized PVC pipe and fittings for gravity
sewer 9680
BS 5556, Thermoplastic pipe - metric dimensions 9685
BS 5911 Part 1, Precast concrete pipes, fittings and
ancillary products, unreinforced and reinforced
concrete pipes and fittings with flexible joints 9690
BS 5911 Part 5, Precast concrete pipes, fittings and
ancillary products, pre-stressed non-pressurized pipes
and fittings with flexible joints 9695
BS 6281 Part 3, Backflow preventers of nominal size up
to and including DN 42 9700
BS 6362, Stainless steel tubes suitable for screwing in
accordance with BS 21 9705
BS 6364, Specifications for valves for cryogenic services
BS 6464, Reinforced plastics pipes, fittings and joints for
process plants 9710
BS 6759, Safety valves 9440
BS 7336, Polyethylene fusion fittings with integral
heating element(s) for use with polyethylene pipes for
the conveyance of gaseous fuels 9715
BS 7838, Corrugated stainless steel semi-rigid pipe and
associated fittings for low pressure gas pipework of up
to 28 mm 9720

BS 916, Black bolts, nuts and screws 9445

BS 4882, Bolting 9139

BS 3063, Dimensions of gaskets for pipe flanges 9450

BS 3381, Gaskets for BS 1560 9136
BS 4865, Gaskets for BS 4504 9133
BS EN 593, Industrial valves. Metallic butterfly valves
BS EN 1171, Industrial valves. Cast iron gate valves 80006
BS EN 1984, Industrial valves. Steel gate valves 80007
BS EN 12334, Industrial valves. Cast iron check valves
BS EN 13397 Industrial valves. Diaphragm valves made
of metallic materials 80009
BS EN 13709, Industrial valves. Steel globe and globe
stop and check valves 80010
BS EN 13789, Industrial valves. Cast iron globe valves
BS EN ISO 15761, Steel gate, globe and check valves for
sizes DN 100 and smaller, for the petroleum and natural
gas industries 80012
BS EN ISO 17292, Metal ball valves for the petroleum,
petrochemical and allied industries 80013
BS ISO 7121, Steel ball valves for general-purpose
industrial applications 80014
BS 5163-1, Valves for waterworks purposes.
Predominantly key-operated cast iron gate valves. Code
of practice 80015
BS 5163-2, Valves for waterworks purposes. Stem caps
for use on isolating valves and associated water control
apparatus. Specification 80016
BS 5351, Specification for steel ball valves for the
petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries
(Withdrawn) 80017
BS 5352, Specification for steel wedge gate, globe and
check valves 50 mm and smaller for the petroleum,
petrochemical and allied industries (Withdrawn)
BS 5353, Specification for steel plug valves 80019

Anson 80021
Hopkinsons 9150
Techdrill 80022

JIS A 5302, Concrete pipes and reinforced concrete
pipes 9750
JIS A 5303, Reinforced spun and centrifugal reinforced
concrete pipes 9751
JIS A 5314, Mortar lining for ductile iron pipes 9752

JIS A 5322, Reinforced spun concrete pipes with socket 9753

JIS A 5333, Core type pre-stressed concrete pipes 9754

JIS A 5350, Fiberglass reinforced plastic mortar pipes 9755

JIS A 5405, Asbestos cement pipes 9756
JIS B 1451, Rigid flanged shaft couplings 9758
JIS B 1452, Flexible flanged shaft couplings 9759
JIS B 2001, Nominal size and bore of valves 60001
JIS B 2002, Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions of
valves 60002
JIS B 2005-3-1, Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-
way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face
dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle
pattern control valves 60003
JIS B 2005-3-2, Face-to-face dimensions for rotary
control valves except butterfly valves 60004
JIS B 2005-3-3, End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-
way, globe-type, straight pattern control valves 60005

JIS B 2011, Bronze, gate, globe, angle, and check valves

JIS B 2031, Gray cast iron valves 60007
JIS B 2032, Series 46, Wafer type rubber-seated butterfly
valves 60008
JIS B 2032, Series 47, Wafer type rubber-seated butterfly
valves 60183
JIS B 2032, Series 48, Wafer type rubber-seated butterfly
valves 60184
JIS B 2051, Malleable iron 10K screwed valves 60009
JIS B 2061, Faucets, ball taps and flush valves 60010
JIS B 2062, Sluice valves for water works 60011
JIS B 2071, Steel valves 60012
JIS B 2220, Steel pipe flanges 9760
JIS B 2238, General rules for steel pipe flanges
(Withdrawn) 60013
JIS B 2239, Cast iron pipe flanges 9761

JIS B 2240, General rules for copper alloy pipe flanges 9762
JIS B 2241, Basic dimensions of aluminum alloy pipe
flanges 9763

JIS B 2290, Vacuum technology -- Flange dimensions 9764

JIS B 2291-LSA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type LSA 9765
JIS B 2291-SHA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for
hydraulic use - Type SHA 60230
JIS B 2291-SHB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for 60231
hydraulic use - Type SHB
JIS B 2291-SSA, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for 60232
hydraulic use - Type SSA
JIS B 2291-SSB, 21 Mpa slip-on welding pipe flanges for 60233
hydraulic use - Type SSB
JIS B 2301, Class I, Screwed type malleable cast iron
pipe fittings 9766
JIS B 2301, Class I, Type F, Screwed type malleable cast 60185
iron unions
JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C1, Screwed type malleable 60190
cast iron unions
JIS B 2301, Class I, Type C2, Screwed type malleable 60186
cast iron unions
JIS B 2301, Class I, Pattern i, Screwed type malleable 60235
cast iron bushings
JIS B 2301, Class I, Pattern ii, Screwed type malleable 60236
cast iron bushings
JIS B 2301, Class II, Screwed type malleable cast iron 60187
pipe fittings
JIS B 2301, Class II, Type F, Screwed type malleable cast 60188
iron unions
JIS B 2301, Class II, Type C, Screwed type malleable 60189
cast iron unions
JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern i, Screwed type malleable 60237
cast iron bushings
JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern ii, Screwed type malleable 60238
cast iron bushings
JIS B 2301, Class II, Pattern iii, Screwed type malleable 60239
cast iron bushings
JIS B 2302, Screwed type steel pipe fittings 9767
JIS B 2303, Screwed drainage fittings 9768
JIS B 2308, Stainless steel threaded fittings 60014
JIS B 2311, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings for ordinary
use 9769
JIS B 2312, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings 9770
JIS B 2313, Steel plate butt-welding pipe fittings 9771
JIS B 2316, Steel socket-welding pipe fittings 9772
JIS B 2321, Aluminum and aluminum alloy butt-welding
pipe fittings 9773
JIS B 2351, 25 MPa (25 kgf/cm2) bite type tube fittings
for hydraulic use (Withdrawn) 9774
JIS B 2352, Bellows type expansion joints 60015
JIS B 2354, Cross-linked polyethylene (XPE) pipe clamp
type fittings 9775
JIS B 6164, Compression type tube fittings for machine
tools 9776
JIS B 8210, Steam boilers and pressure vessels - Spring
loaded safety valves 60016

JIS B 8245, Valves for liquefied petroleum gas cylinder

JIS B 8246, Valves for high pressure gas cylinder 60018
JIS B 8365, Dimensions of clamped-type vacuum
couplings 60019
JIS B 8373, Pneumatic system -- 2-port solenoid
operated valves 60020
JIS B 8374, Pneumatic system -- 3-port solenoid
operated valves 60021
JIS B 8376, Speed control valves for pneumatic use 60022
JIS B 8381, Pneumatic system -- Flexible tubes -- Tube
fittings 9777
JIS B 8401, Automatic steam traps 60023

JIS B 8410, Pressure reducing valves for water works

JIS B 8414, Relief valves for hot water appliances 60025
JIS B 8471, Water pipe line - Solenoid Valves 60026
JIS B 8472, Steam pipe line - Solenoid Valves 60027
JIS B 8473, Fuel oil pipe line - Solenoid Valves 60028

JIS B 8602-ATK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type ATK

JIS B 8602-ATM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type ATM

JIS B 8602-RBH, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBH
JIS B 8602-RBHC, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type 60193
JIS B 8602-RBK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RBK
JIS B 8602-RBKC, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type 60195
JIS B 8602-RBM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type 60196
JIS B 8602-RBMC, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type 60197
JIS B 8602-RSK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RSK
JIS B 8602-RSM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type 60199
JIS B 8602-RTH, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RTH

JIS B 8602-RTK, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RTK

JIS B 8602-RTM, Pipe flanges for refrigerants - Type RTM

JIS B 8605-PGT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGT

JIS B 8605-PAT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAT

JIS B 8605-PGA, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGA

JIS B 8605-PAA, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAA

JIS B 8605-PGR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGR

JIS B 8605-PAR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAR
JIS B 8605-PGW, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type 60208
JIS B 8605-PAW, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAW

JIS B 8605-PGD, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PGD

JIS B 8605-PAD, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type PAD

JIS B 8605-BGT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BGT

JIS B 8605-BGR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BGR

JIS B 8605-BAT, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BAT

JIS B 8605-BAR, Stop valves for refrigerants - Type BAR
JIS B 8607, Flare type and brazing type fittings for
refrigerants 9779

JIS F 0506, Shipbuilding - applications of copper pipes 9780

JIS F 0507, Small ships - steel pipes - application 9781
JIS F 2007, Mooring pipes 9782
JIS F 2030, Single point mooring pipes 9783
JIS F 2408, Gooseneck ventilators 60030
JIS F 3006, Ship's drain plugs 60031
JIS F 3016, Shipbuilding - cast iron pipe sleeve type
expansion joints 9784
JIS F 3017, Shipbuilding - cast steel pipe sleeve type
expansion joints 9785
JIS F 3020, Ship's oil suction bellmouths 60032
JIS F 3056, Ship's foot valves 60033
JIS F 3057, Bronze vertical storm valves 60034
JIS F 3058, Cast steel vertical storm valves 60035
JIS F 3059, Bronze screwdown vertical storm valves 60036

JIS F 3060, Cast steel screw down vertical storm valves

JIS F 3993, Discharge pipes for dredger 9786
JIS F 3994, Floaters of discharge pipes for dredger 9787

JIS F 3995, Rubber sleeves for dredge discharge pipes 9788

JIS F 7103, Shipbuilding - Marine engine's strainers for
lubricating and fuel oil 60038
JIS F 7121, Shipbuilding - Can water filters 60039

JIS F 7131, Shipbuilding - Distance pieces for ship's hull

JIS F 7202, Shipbuilding - Duplex oil strainers 60041
JIS F 7203, Shipbuilding - Bilge mud boxes for
machinery spaces and tunnels - General design
characteristics 60042
JIS F 7206, Shipbuilding - Strum boxes 60043
JIS F 7208, Shipbuilding - Duplex oil strainers (H type)
JIS F 7209, Shipbuilding - Simplex oil strainers 60045
JIS F 7218, Shipbuilding - Cylindrical sight glasses 60046
JIS F 7219, Marine steel plate hoppers 60047
JIS F 7220, Shipbuilding - Cast iron Y type strainers 60048
JIS F 7225, Shipbuilding - Steel plate simplex oil
strainers 60049
JIS F 7230, Shipbuilding - Steel plate starting air
reservoirs 60050
JIS F 7231, Shipbuilding - Steel tube starting air
reservoirs 60051

JIS F 7234, Series A, Shipbuilding - Flat sight glasses

JIS F 7234, Series B, Shipbuilding - Flat sight glasses

JIS F 7234, Series C, Shipbuilding - Flat sight glasses
JIS F 7301, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K globe valves 60053
JIS F 7302, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K angle valves 60054
JIS F 7303, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K globe valves 60055
JIS F 7304, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K angle valves 60056
JIS F 7305, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K globe valves 60057
JIS F 7306, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K angle valves 60058

JIS F 7307, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K globe valves


JIS F 7308, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K angle valves


JIS F 7309, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K angle valves


JIS F 7310, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K angle Valves

JIS F 7311, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 5K globe valves 60063
JIS F 7312, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 5K angle valves 60064

JIS F 7313, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K globe valves


JIS F 7314, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K angle valves


JIS F 7315, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 30K globe valves


JIS F 7316, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 30K angle valves


JIS F 7317, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 40K globe valves


JIS F 7318, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 40K angle valves


JIS F 7319, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K globe valves


JIS F 7320, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K angle valves

JIS F 7329, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 40K globe valves

JIS F 7330, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 40K angle valves

JIS F 7333, Shipbuilding - Cast iron hose valves 60075
JIS F 7334, Shipbuilding - Bronze hose valves 60076

JIS F 7336, Shipbuilding - Forged steel globe air valves


JIS F 7337, Shipbuilding - Forged steel angle air valves


JIS F 7340, Shipbuilding - Cast steel globe air valves

JIS F 7341, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 100K pressure
gauge valves 60080
JIS F 7343, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K pressure gauge 60218
JIS F 7346, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K globe valves (union
bonnet type) 60081
JIS F 7347, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K angle valves (union
bonnet type) 60082
JIS F 7348, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K globe valves
(union bonnet type) 60083
JIS F 7349, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K angle valves
(union bonnet type) 60084

JIS F 7350, Shipbuilding - Hull cast steel angle valves

JIS F 7351, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check
globe valves 60086
JIS F 7352, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check
angle valves 60087
JIS F 7353, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K screw-down
check globe valves 60088
JIS F 7354, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K screw-down
check angle valves 60089

JIS F 7356, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K lift check valves

JIS F 7358, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K lift check globe
valves 60091
JIS F 7359, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K lift check angle
valves 60092
JIS F 7360, Shipbuilding - Hull cast steel gate valves 60093
JIS F 7363, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K gate Valves 60094
JIS F 7364, Shipbuilding - Hull cast steel gate valves 60095

JIS F 7365, Shipbuilding - Hull cast steel globe valves

JIS F 7366, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K gate valves 60097
JIS F 7367, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K rising stem type
gate valves 60098
JIS F 7368, Shipbuilding - Bronze 10K rising stem type
gate valves 60099
JIS F 7369, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K gate valves 60100

JIS F 7371, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K swing check valves

JIS F 7372, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K swing check
valves 60102
JIS F 7373, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K swing check
valves 60103
JIS F 7375, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K screw-down
check globe valves 60104
JIS F 7376, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K screw-down
check angle valves 60105
JIS F 7377, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K screw-down
check globe valves 60106
JIS F 7378, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K screw-down
check angle valves 60107
JIS F 7379, Shipbuilding - Brass 30K stop valves with the
bite joint(s) 60108

JIS F 7381, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K flanged cock valves 9789

JIS F 7387, Shipbuilding - Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K
cocks 60109
JIS F 7388, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K globe valves 60110
JIS F 7389, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K angle valves 60111
JIS F 7398, Shipbuilding - Fuel oil tank self-closing drain
Valves 60112
JIS F 7399, Shipbuilding - Oil tank emergency shut-off
valves 60113
JIS F 7403, Shipbuilding - Hull bronze globe valves 60114
JIS F 7404, Shipbuilding - Hull bronze angle valves 60115
JIS F 7409, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K screw-down check
globe valves 60116
JIS F 7410, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K screw-down check
angle valves 60117
JIS F 7411, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check
globe valves (Union bonnet type) 60118
JIS F 7412, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check
angle valves (Union bonnet type) 60119
JIS F 7413, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K screw-down check
globe valves (Union bonnet type) 60120
JIS F 7414, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K screw-down check
angle valves (Union bonnet type) 60121
JIS F 7415, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K lift check globe
valves (Union bonnet type) 60122
JIS F 7416, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K lift check angle
valves (Union bonnet type) 60123
JIS F 7417, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K lift check globe
valves (Union bonnet type) 60124
JIS F 7418, Shipbuilding - Bronze -16K lift check angle
valves (Union bonnet type) 60125
JIS F 7421, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K globe valves

JIS F 7422, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K angle valves

JIS F 7425, Shipbuilding - Cast iron valves 60128
JIS F 7426, Shipbuilding - Cast steel valves 60129
JIS F 7427, Shipbuilding - Bronze valves 60130
JIS F 7435, Shipbuilding - brass 30K unions with bite
joints 9790
JIS F 7436, Shipbuilding - copper tube 10K brazed
unions 9791
JIS F 7437, Shipbuilding - copper tube 10K screwed
unions 9792
JIS F 7438, Shipbuilding - steel pipe 10K welding type
unions 9793

JIS F 7439, Shipbuilding - steel pipe 10K screwed unions 9794

JIS F 7440, Shipbuilding - copper pipe 20K brazed type
unions 9795
JIS F 7441, Shipbuilding - copper pipe 20K screwed
unions 9796

JIS F 7442, Shipbuilding - steel pipe 40K welded unions 9797

JIS F 7443, Shipbuilding - steel pipe 40K screwed unions 9798

JIS F 7444, Shipbuilding - steel pipe 100K welded unions 9799

JIS F 7445, Shipbuilding - steel pipe 100K screwed
unions 9800
JIS F 7456, Shipbuilding - Remote shut-off devices for
fuel oil tank and lubricating oil tank emergency shut-off
valves 60131
JIS F 7457, Shipbuilding - Pneumatically operated
remote shut-off devices for fuel oil tank and lubricating
oil tank emergency shut-off valves 60132
JIS F 7471, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K screw-down
check globe valves 60133
JIS F 7472, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K screw-down
check angle valves 60134
JIS F 7473, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K screw-down
check globe valves 60135
JIS F 7474, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K screw-down
check angle valves 60136

JIS F 7475, Shipbuilding - Cast steel angle air valves

JIS F 7480, Group 46, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat
butterfly valves 60138
JIS F 7480, Group 47, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat 60219
butterfly valves
JIS F 7480, Group 48, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat 60220
butterfly valves
JIS F 7480, Group 122, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat 60221
butterfly valves
JIS F 7480, Group 123, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat 60222
butterfly valves
JIS F 7480, Group 124, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat 60223
butterfly valves
JIS F 7480, Group 125, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat 60224
butterfly valves
JIS F 7490, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 5K globe valves (Withdrawn) 60139
JIS F 7491, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 5K angle valves (Withdrawn) 60140
JIS F 7492, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 5K screw-down check angle valves
(Withdrawn) 60141
JIS F 7493, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 5K screw-down check globe valves
(Withdrawn) 60142
JIS F 7494, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 10K globe valves (Withdrawn) 60143
JIS F 7495, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 10K screw-down check globe valves
(Withdrawn) 60144
JIS F 7496, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 10K angle valves (Withdrawn) 60145
JIS F 7497, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 10K screw-down check angle valves
(Withdrawn) 60146
JIS F 7498, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 16K globe valves (Withdrawn) 60147
JIS F 7499, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 16K screw-down check globe valves
(Withdrawn) 60148
JIS F 7500, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 16K angle valves (Withdrawn) 60149
JIS F 7504, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) 16K screw-down check angle valves
(Withdrawn) 60150
JIS F 7505, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron
(ductile iron) valves 60151
JIS F 7804, Shipbuilding - 5K copper alloy pipe flanges
for marine use 9801
JIS F 7805, Basic dimensions of steel flanges for marine
exhaust gas pipe 9802
JIS F 7806, Shipbuilding – Ship’s 280K and 350K socket
welding pipe flanges 9803
JIS F 7810, Shipbuilding - Welding sleeve type joints for
steel pipe 60152
JIS G 3429, Seamless steel tubes for high pressure gas
cylinder 9804
JIS G 3439, Seamless steel oil well casing, tubing and
drill pipe 9805

JIS G 3442, Galvanized steel pipes for ordinary piping 9806

JIS G 3443, Coated steel pipes for water service 9807
JIS G 3447, Stainless steel sanitary pipes 9808
JIS G 3448, Light gauge stainless steel tubes for
ordinary piping 9809
JIS G 3451, Fittings of coated steel pipes for water
service (Withdrawn) 9810
JIS G 3452, Carbon steel pipes for ordinary piping 9811
JIS G 3454, Carbon steel pipes for pressure service 9812

JIS G 3455, Carbon steel pipes for high pressure service 9813
JIS G 3456, Carbon steel pipes for high temperature
service 9814
JIS G 3457, Arc welded carbon steel pipes 9815
JIS G 3458, Alloy steel pipes 9816
JIS G 3459, Stainless steel pipes 9817
JIS G 3460, Steel pipes for low temperature service 9818
JIS G 3465, Seamless steel tubes for drilling 9819

JIS G 3468, Large diameter welded stainless steel pipes 9820

JIS G 3469, Polyethylene coated steel pipes 9821
JIS G 3471, Corrugated steel pipes and sections 9822

JIS G 4903, Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy pipes 9823

JIS G 5202, Centrifugally cast steel pipes for high
temperature and high pressure service 9824
JIS G 5525, Cast-iron drainage pipes and fittings 9825
JIS G 5526, Ductile iron pipes 9826
JIS G 5527, Ductile iron fittings 9827
JIS H 3300, Copper and copper alloy seamless pipes and
tubes 9828
JIS H 3320, Copper and copper alloy welded pipes and
tubes 9829
JIS H 3401, Pipe fittings of copper and copper alloys 9830
JIS H 4080, Aluminum and aluminum alloys extruded
tubes and cold-drawn tubes 9831
JIS H 4090, Aluminum and aluminum alloy welded pipes
and tubes 9832

JIS H 4202, Magnesium alloy seamless pipes and tubes 9833

JIS H 4311, Lead and lead alloy tubes for common
industries 9834
JIS H 4312, Polyethylene lining lead pipes for water
supply 9835
JIS H 4552, Nickel and nickel alloy seamless pipes and
tubes 9836

JIS H 4630, Titanium and titanium alloy seamless pipes 9837

JIS H 4635, Titanium and titanium alloy welded pipes 9838

JIS K 6739, Unplasticized poly vinyl chloride (PVC-U)
pipe fittings for drain 9839
JIS K 6741, Unplasticized poly vinyl chloride (PVC-U)
pipes 9840
JIS K 6742, Unplasticized poly vinyl chloride (PVC-U)
pipes for water supply 9841
JIS K 6743, Unplasticized poly vinyl chloride (PVC-U)
pipe fittings for water supply 9844
JIS K 6761, Polyethylene pipes for general purposes 9842
JIS K 6762, Double wall polyethylene pipes for water
supply 9843
JIS K 6769, Cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes 9845
JIS K 6770, Cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe
fittings 9846
JIS K 6771, Flexible vinyl tube 60153
JIS K 6774, Polyethylene pipes for the supply of gaseous
fuels 9847
JIS K 6775-1, Polyethylene fittings for the supply of
gaseous fuels (Part 1: Heat fusion fittings) 9848
JIS K 6775-2, Polyethylene fittings for the supply of
gaseous fuels (Part 2: Spigot fittings) 9849
JIS K 6775-3, Polyethylene fittings for the supply of
gaseous fuels (Part 3: Electrofusion fittings) 9850
JIS K 6776, Chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC-C)
pipes for hot and cold water supply 9851
JIS K 6777, Chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (PVC-C) pipe
fittings for hot and cold water supply 9852
JIS K 6778, Polybutene (PB) pipes 9853
JIS K 6779, Polybutene (PB) pipe fittings 9854
JIS K 6780, Profile wall polyethylene pipes 60154
JIS K 6787, Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) pipes for
water supply 60155
JIS K 6788, Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe fittings
for water supply 60156
JIS K 6792, Polybutene (PB) pipes for water supply 60157
JIS K 6793, Polybutene (PB) pipe fittings for water
supply 60158
JIS K 6897, Polyetrafluoroethylene pipes 9855
JIS K 7013, Fiber reinforced plastic pipes 60159
JIS K 7014, Fittings and joints for fiber reinforced plastic
pipes 60160
JIS R 1201, Clay pipes 9856
JIS R 1511, Conical flanged straight pipes of acid proof
porcelains for chemical industry 9857
JIS R 1512, Conical flanged 90o bent pipes of acid proof
porcelains for chemical industry 9858
JIS R 1513, Conical flanged 45o bent pipes of acid proof
porcelains for chemical industry 9859
JIS R 1514, Conical flanged tee pipes of acid proof
porcelains for chemical industry 9860
JIS R 1534, Metal joint for conical flanged pipes of acid
proof porcelains for chemical industry 9861
JPI 7S-14, Electric-Arc-Welded Steel Pipes for the
Petroleum Industry 60161
JPI 7S-15, Pipe Flanges for the Petroleum Industry 60162
JPI 7S-36, Steel Small Ball Valves 60163
JPI 7S-37, Standard for Flanged Cast Iron Outside Screw
Wedge Gate Valve 60164
JPI 7S-43, Large Diameter Carbon Steel Flanges for
Petroleum Industry 60165
JPI 7S-46, Cast Steel Valves for the Petroleum Industry
Flanged or Buttwelding Ends 60166
JPI 7S-48, Steel Flanged Valves 60167
JPI 7S-50, Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauges for the
Petroleum Industry 60168
JPI 7S-54, Armored Type Gage Glasses 60169
JPI 7S-57, Compact Steel Valves 50A and Smaller(Class
150-800) 60170
JPI 7S-58, Cast Stainless Steel, Light-wall, Flanged
Corrosion-resistant Valve for the Petroleum Industry 60171
JPI 7S-62, Liquid Filled-Type Thermometers 60172
JPI 7S-63, Bimetallic Thermometers 60173
JPI 7S-67, Basic Standard of Valves for the Petroleum
Industry 60174
JPI 7S-69, Compact Steel Valves 60175

JPI 7S-73, Orifice Flanges for the Petroleum Industry

JPI-7S-74, Aluminum Alloy Flanges for the Petroleum
Industry 60177
JPI-7S-82, Small Diameter Steel Valves for High Pressure
Rating for Petroleum Industry 60178
JPI-7S-83, Butterfly Valves for Petroleum Industry 60179
JPI-7S-84, Steel Bosses, Branch Outlet Fittings and
Plugs for Petroleum Industry 60180
JWWA K116, Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
lining steel pipes for water works 60181
JWWA K118, Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U)
pipe for water supply (withdrawn) 60182

JIS B 1051, Bolts, screws and studs 67001

JIS B 1176, Hexagon socket head cap screws 67002
JIS B 1180, Hexagon head bolts and hexagon head 67003
JIS B 1182, Square head bolts 67004
JIS B 1189, Hexagon flange bolt 8047

JIS B 1163, Square nuts 65001

JIS B 1181, Hexagon nuts and hexagon thin nuts 65002
JIS B 1183, Domede cap nuts 65003
JIS B 1190, Hexagon nuts with flange 8061


JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and

nuts for general purposes, Small, Product Grade A

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and

nuts for general purposes, Normal, Product Grade A

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and

nuts for general purposes, Normal, Product Grade C

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and

nuts for general purposes, Large, Product Grade A

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and

nuts for general purposes, Large, Product Grade C

JIS B 1250, Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and

nuts for general purposes, Extra Large, Product Grade c
JIS B 1251, Spring Lock Washers, Regular Type (No. 2)
JIS B 1251, Spring Lock Washers, Heavy Duty (No. 3)
JIS B 1251, Conical Spring Washers, Class 1, Light and
Heavy (1L and 1H)
JIS B 1251, Conical Spring Washers, Class 2, Light and
Heavy (2L and 2H)
JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers, Internal (A) or 60244
External (B) Teeth
JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers, Countersunk (C)
JIS B 1251, Toothed Lock Washers, Internal and External 60246
Teeth (AB)
JIS B 1251, Waved Spring Washers, Heavy (No. 3)
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Small, Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal, Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal with chamfering, 60250
Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Normal, Product Grade C
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Large, Product Grade A
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Large, Product Grade C
JIS B 1256, Plain Washers, Extra Large, Product Grade C

JIS B 2401, O-rings 68001

JIS B 2404, Dimensions of gaskets for use with pipe
flanges 8087
JIS F 0602, Shipbuilding - Non-asbestos gaskets to
cargo piping system - Application standard 8089
JIS F 7102, Shipbuilding - Piping system in machinery
space - Application for gaskets and packings
JPI-7S-16, Non-Metallic Gaskets Dimension for 68002
Petroleum Industry
JPI-7S-23, Ring-Joint Gaskets and Grooves for 68003
Petroleum Industry
JPI-7S-41, Spiral Wound Gaskets for Petroleum Industry 68004

JPI-7S-75, PTFE Jacketed and Solid Gaskets for 68005

Petroleum Industry
JPI-7S-79, Expanded Graphite Sheet Gasket for 68006
Petroleum Industry
JPI-7S-81, Basic Standard of Gaskets for Piping 68007
JPI-7R-91, Guideline for Use of Non-Asbestos Piping 68008

GB 5310, Seamless steel tubes and pipes for high 70008
pressure boiler
GB/T 9112, Types and parameters for steel pipe flanges
GB/T 12233, General purpose industrial valves - Casting 70001
iron globe valves and lift check valves
GB/T 12235, General purpose industrial valves - Flanged 70002
steel globe valves and lift check valves
GB/T 12236, General purpose industrial valves - Steel 70003
swing check valves
GB/T 12237, General purpose industrial valves - Flanged 70004
and butt-weld end steel ball valves
GB/T 12238, General purpose industrial valves - Flanged 70005
and wafer butterfly valves
GB/T 12239, General purpose industrial valves - 70006
Diaphragm valves
GB/T 12240, General purpose industrial valves - Iron 70007
plug valves
GB/T 1047, Pipework components--Definition and 70009
selection of DN (nominal size)
GB/T 3091, Galvanized steel pipe 70017
GB/T 9113.1, Steel pipe flanges with flat face or raised 70032
GB/T 9113.2, Steel pipe flanges with male and female 70033
GB/T 9113.3, Steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove 70034
GB/T 9113.4, Steel pipe flanges with ring-joint face 70035
GB/T 9114, Hubbed screwed steel pipe flanges with 70036
raised face
GB/T 9115.1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with flat 70020
face or raised face
GB/T 9115.1, Series 1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges 70122
with flat face or raised face
GB/T 9115.1, Series 2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges 70125
with flat face or raised face
GB/T 9115.2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with male 70021
and female face
GB/T 9115.2, Series 1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges 70123
with male and female face
GB/T 9115.2, Series 2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges 70126
with male and female face
GB/T 9115.3, Series 1, Steel pipe welding neck flanges 70022
with tongue and groove face
GB/T 9115.3, Series 2, Steel pipe welding neck flanges 70127
with tongue and groove face
GB/T 9115.4, Steel pipe welding neck flanges with ring- 70023
joint face
GB/T 9116.1, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges 70111
with flat face or raised face
GB/T 9116.2, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges 70105
with male and female face
GB/T 9116.3, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges 70106
with tongue and groove face
GB/T 9116.4, Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges 70107
with ring-joint face
GB/T 9117.1, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges 70045
with flat face or raised face
GB/T 9117.2, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges 70046
with male and female face
GB/T 9117.3, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges 70047
with tongue and groove face
GB/T 9117.4, Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges 70048
with ring-joint face
GB/T 9118.1, Loose hubbed steel pipe flanges with 70049
welding neck collar with raised face
GB/T 9118.2, Loose hubbed steel pipe flanges with 70050
welding neck collar with ring-joint face
GB/T 9119, Slip-on-welding plate steel pipe flanges with 70024
flat face or raised face
GB/T 9120.1, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with welding 70051
neck collar with raised face
GB/T 9120.2, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with welding 70052
neck collar with male and female face
GB/T 9120.3, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with welding 70053
neck collar with tongue and groove face
GB/T 9121.1, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on 70054
collar with raised face
GB/T 9121.2, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on 70055
collar with male and female face
GB/T 9121.3, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on 70056
collar with tongue and groove face
GB/T 9122, Loose plate steel pipe flanges with lapped 70057
GB/T 9123.1, Steel pipe blank flanges with flat face or 70025
raised face
GB/T 9123.2, Steel pipe blank flanges with male and 70026
female face
GB/T 9123.3, Steel pipe blank flanges with tongue and 70060
groove face
GB/T 9123.4, Steel pipe blank flanges with ring-joint face
GB/T 9124. Steel pipe flanges 70027
GB/T 12221, Metal valves - Face to face, end to end, 70010
center to face and center to end dimensions
GB/T 12221, Series 1, Metal valves for use in flanged 70128
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 2, Metal valves for use in flanged 70129
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 3, Metal valves for use in flanged 70130
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 4, Metal valves for use in flanged 70131
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 5, Metal valves for use in flanged 70132
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 7, Metal valves for use in flanged 70133
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 8, Metal valves for use in flanged 70134
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 9, Metal valves for use in flanged 70135
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 10, Metal valves for use in flanged 70136
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 11, Metal valves for use in flanged 70137
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 12, Metal valves for use in flanged 70138
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 13, Metal valves for use in flanged 70139
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 14, Metal valves for use in flanged 70140
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 15, Metal valves for use in flanged 70141
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 18, Metal valves for use in flanged 70142
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 21, Metal valves for use in flanged 70143
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 22, Metal valves for use in flanged 70144
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series 24, Metal valves for use in flanged 70145
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H1, Metal valves for use in flanged 70146
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H2, Metal valves for use in flanged 70147
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H3, Metal valves for use in flanged 70148
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H4, Metal valves for use in flanged 70149
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H5, Metal valves for use in flanged 70150
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H6, Metal valves for use in flanged 70151
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H7, Metal valves for use in flanged 70152
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H8, Metal valves for use in flanged 70153
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H9, Metal valves for use in flanged 70154
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H10, Metal valves for use in flanged 70155
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H11, Metal valves for use in flanged 70156
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H12, Metal valves for use in flanged 70157
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H13, Metal valves for use in flanged 70158
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H14, Metal valves for use in flanged 70159
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H15, Metal valves for use in flanged 70160
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H16, Metal valves for use in flanged 70161
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H18, Metal valves for use in flanged 70162
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H19, Metal valves for use in flanged 70163
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H20, Metal valves for use in flanged 70164
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H21, Metal valves for use in flanged 70165
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H22, Metal valves for use in flanged 70166
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H23, Metal valves for use in flanged 70167
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H24, Metal valves for use in flanged 70168
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H25, Metal valves for use in flanged 70169
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H26, Metal valves for use in flanged 70170
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H27, Metal valves for use in flanged 70171
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H28, Metal valves for use in flanged 70172
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H29, Metal valves for use in flanged 70173
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series H30, Metal valves for use in flanged 70174
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J1, Metal valves for use in flanged 70175
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J2, Metal valves for use in flanged 70176
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J3, Metal valves for use in flanged 70177
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J4, Metal valves for use in flanged 70178
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J5, Metal valves for use in flanged 70179
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J6, Metal valves for use in flanged 70180
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J7, Metal valves for use in flanged 70181
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J8, Metal valves for use in flanged 70182
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J9, Metal valves for use in flanged 70183
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J10, Metal valves for use in flanged 70184
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J11, Metal valves for use in flanged 70185
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J12, Metal valves for use in flanged 70186
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J13, Metal valves for use in flanged 70187
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J14, Metal valves for use in flanged 70188
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J15, Metal valves for use in flanged 70189
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J16, Metal valves for use in flanged 70190
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J17, Metal valves for use in flanged 70191
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12221, Series J18, Metal valves for use in flanged 70192
pipe systems—Face-to -face and center-to-face
GB/T 12224, General requirements for industrial steel 70063
GB/T 12232, General purpose industrial valves - Flanged 70011
iron gate valves
GB/T 12234, General purpose industrial valves - Flanged 70065
and butt-weld steel gate valves
GB/T 12241, Safety valve - general requirements 70072
GB/T 12243, Direct spring loaded safety valve 70073
GB/T 12244, Pressure reducing valve - general 70074
GB/T 12246, Pilot operated pressure reducing valve 70075
GB/T 12250, Steam trap valve - face-to-face dimensions
GB/T 12459, Series 1, Steel butt-welding seamless pipe 70012
GB/T 12771, Welded stainless steel pipes for liquid 70013
GB/T 13401, Series 1, Steel plate butt-welding pipe 70014
GB/T 13793, Longitudinal electric resistance welded 70015
steel tubes
GB/T 13932, General valve - iron swing check valve 70101
GB/T 15185, Iron and copper ball valve 70102
GB/T 15188.1, Valve face-to-face dimensions - butt- 70103
welding ends valve
GB/T 15188.2, Valve face-to-face dimensions - wafer 70104
ends valve
GB/T 15188.3, Valve face-to-face dimensions - female 70081
screw-down valve
GB/T 15188.4, Valve face-to-face dimensions - male 70082
screw -down valve
GB/T 17395, Dimensions, shapes, masses, and 70016
tolerances of seamless steel tubes
JB 2203, Direct spring loaded safety valve face-to-face 70084
JB 2205, Reducing valve face-to-face dimensions 70085
JB 2766, PN16.0- 32.0Mpa dimensions of forging high- 70086
pressure valve
JB 3328, Air jar valve and pipeline valve 70088
JB/T 1738, Valve construction key element dimensions 70083
of wedge gate valve body slide way and slide way
JB/T 2768, PN16.0- 32.0Mpa Pipe, piping fitting, valve 70087
head dimensions
JB/T 5298, Steel plate gate valve for pipeline use 70090
JB/T 5299, General valve - Hydraulic actuator butterfly 70099
type check valve
JB/T 6441, Safety valve for compressor purpose 70091
JB/T 6495, Valve construction key element Gate valve (or 70092
disc) T type groove dimensions
JB/T 6900, Draught valve 70093
JB/T 6901, Seal type glasses valve 70094
JB/T 7745, Pipeline ball valve 70095
JB/T 7746, Diameter-shrinking forging steel valve 70096
JB/T 7747, Needle type stop valve 70097
JB/T 8473, Instrument valve series 70098
SY/T 5037, Spiral submerged arc-welded steel pipe for 70030
pipelines for low pressure fluid service
GB/T 12459, Series 2, Steel butt-welding seamless pipe 70120
GB/T 13401, Series 2, Steel butt-welding pipe fittings
GB/T 5782 Hexagon head bolts 70029
GB/T 9125 Fasteners for pipe flange joints 70028

GB/T 6170, Hexagon nuts,style 1 75001

GB/T 95, Plain washers--Product grade C 76001

GB/T 4622.2, Spiral wound gaskets 70018



AS 1477 90001
AS 2129, Flanges 90002
AS 2473, Valves for compressed gas cylinders
(threaded outlet) 90003
AS 4087, Metallic flanges for water works purposes 90004

Lunkenheimer 3425
Hitachi Plant Corporation 69000



CH Warman Pump Group 230001




Reinforced Plastic Systems (RPS) 180001








CSA Z245.15, Steel Valves 170001




DS/ISO/R 2037, Pipes and fittings - Stainless steel tubes
for the food industry 210001



IS 210, Grey iron castings 9300

IS 554, Dimensions of pipe threads 9302
IS 778, Specification for copper alloy gate, globe and 9304
check valves
IS 780, Specification for sluice valves - 50 NB to 300 NB 9306

IS 1239 (Part I and II), Specification for mild steel tubes 9308
and fittings
IS 1536, Centrifugally cast iron pipes 9310
IS 1537, Vertically cast iron pipes 9312
IS 1538, Cast iron fittings 9314
IS 1879, Malleable iron pipe fittings 9316
IS 1978, Line pipe 9318
IS 1979, High test line pipe 9320
IS 2906, Specification for sluice valves - 350 NB to 1200 9322
IS 3076, Specification for LDPE pipes 9324
IS 3516, Cast iron flanges and flanged fittings for 9326
petroleum industry
IS 3589, Seamless or ERW pipes (150 NB to 2000 NB) 9328
IS 4038, Specifications for foot valves 9330
IS 4984, Specification for HDPE pipes 9332
IS 4985, Specification for PVC pipes 9334
IS 5312, Specification for check valves 9336
IS 6286, Seamless and welded pipes for subzero 9338
IS 6392, Steel pipe flanges 9340
IS 6630, Seamless alloy steel pipes for high temperature 9342
IS 6913, Stainless steel tubes for food and beverage 9344
IS 7181, Horizontally cast iron pipes 9346
IS 8008, Specification for molded HDPE fittings 9348
IS 8360, Specification for fabricated HDPE fittings 9350
IS 9890, Ball valves for general purposes 9352
IS 10605, Steel globe valves for petroleum industries 9354

IS 10611, Steel gate valves for petroleum industries 9356

IS 10805, Foot valves 9358
IS 10989, Cast / forged steel check valves for petroleum 9360
IS 11791, Diaphragm valves for general purposes 9362
IS 11792, Steel ball valves for petroleum industry 9364
IS 12709, Specifications for GRP pipes 9366
IS 13049, Specifications for Diaphragm type float 9368
operated valves
IS 13095, Butterfly valves 9370

IS 1363, Hexagonal bolts, screws and nuts - Grade C 9372

IS 1364, Hexagonal bolts, screws and nuts - Grade A and 9374

IS 2016, Plain Washers 9376

IS 7719, Metallic spiral wound gaskets 9378

IS 13257, Ring type joint gasket and grooves for flanges


ISO 161-1, Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of
fluids -- Nominal outside diameters and nominal
pressures -- Part 1: Metric series 100008
ISO 161-2, Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of
fluids -- Nominal outside diameters and nominal
pressures -- Part 2: Inch-based series 100009
ISO 4065, Thermoplastics pipes -- Universal wall
thickness table 100010

ISO 4427-1, Plastics piping systems -- Polyethylene (PE)

pipes and fittings for water supply -- Part 1: General 100011

ISO 4427-2, Plastics piping systems -- Polyethylene (PE)

pipes and fittings for water supply -- Part 2: Pipes 100012

ISO 4427-3, Plastics piping systems -- Polyethylene (PE)

pipes and fittings for water supply -- Part 3: Fittings 100013
ISO 6708, Pipework components -- Definition and
selection of DN (nominal size) 100001
ISO 7005-1, Metallic flanges -- Part 1: Steel flanges 100002
ISO 7005-3, Metallic flanges -- Part 3: Copper alloy and
composite flanges 100003
ISO 10931, Plastics piping systems for industrial
applications -- Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) --
Specifications for components and the system 100004
ISO 15493, Plastics piping systems for industrial
applications, Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS),
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) and chlorinated
polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) - Specifications for
components - Metric series 100005
ISO 15494, Plastics piping systems for industrial
applications -- Polybutene (PB), polyethylene (PE) and
polypropylene (PP) -- Specifications for components and
the system -- Metric series 100006
ISO 11922-1, Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance
of fluids -- Dimensions and tolerances -- Part 1: Metric
series 100014
ISO 11922-2, Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance
of fluids -- Dimensions and tolerances -- Part 2: Inch-
based series 100015

ISO 7483, Dimensions of gaskets for use with flanges to

ISO 7005 100007








NS 2526, Marine industry slip-on flanges, PN 10 190001
NS 2527, Marine industry slip-on flanges, PN 16 190002
NS 2529, Marine industry slip-on flanges, PN 40 190003
NS 2537, Marine industry set-on flanges, PN 10 190004
NS 2538, Marine industry set-on flanges, PN 16 190005
NS 2539, Marine industry set-in flanges, PN 10 190006
NS 2539, Marine industry set-in flanges, PN 10 190007
NS 2542, Marine industry set-in flanges, PN 40 190008









GOST 9066, Flanged connections with medium
temperature 0 to 650 oC. Types and general sizes 140001
GOST 28919, Flanged connections of wellhead
equipment. Types, basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 20700, Bolts, studs, nuts and washers for flanged

and anchor connections, corks and yokes with medium
temperature from 0 to 650 oC. Specifications
GOST 7798, Hexagon bolts, product grade B.
Construction and dimensions 140004
GOST 22033, Studs with threaded end of 1d. Product
grade A. Construction and dimensions 140005
GOST 22034, Studs with threaded end of 1.25d. Product
grade B. Construction and dimensions 140006

GOST 9064, Nuts for flauged connection with medium

temperature 0 to 650 oC. Types and general sizes
GOST 5915, Hexagon nuts, product grade B.
Construction and dimensions 140008

GOST 9065, Washers for flanged connection with

medium temperature 0 to 650 oC. Types and general
sizes 140009
GOST 11371, Washers. Specifications 140010



SABS 62-1, Steel pipes Part 1: Pipes suitable for
threading and of nominal size not exceeding 150 mm
SABS 62-2, Steel pipes Part 2: Screwed pieces and pipe
fittings of nominal size not exceeding 150 mm 150002
SABS 533-1, Black polyethylene pipes for the
conveyance of liquids Part 1: Low density black
polyethylene pressure pipes 150003
SABS 719, Electric welded low carbon steel pipes for
aqueous fluids (large bore) 150004
SABS 791, Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
sewer and drain pipes and pipe fittings 150005
SABS 966-1, Components of pressure pipe systems Part
1: Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pressure
pipe systems 150006
SABS 966-2, Components of pressure pipe systems Part
2: Modified poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-M) pressure pipe
systems 150007
SABS 967, Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)
soil, waste and vent pipes and pipe fittings 150008
SABS 1123, Pipe flanges 150009

SMS 1145, Pipe unions for food industry. Main
dimensions. Nominal pressure: 6 160001
SMS 1146, Pipe unions for food industry. Nipples.
Nominal pressure: 6 160002
SMS 1147, Pipe unions for food industry. Sleeves.
Nominal pressure: 6 160003
SMS 1219, Pipe fittings for food industry. Elbow pipes
with couplings. Nominal pressure: 6 160004
SMS 1221, Pipe fittings for food industry. Tee-pipes with
couplings. Nominal pressure: 6 160005
SMS 2032, Welding neck flanges - PN 10 160006
SMS 2033, Welding neck flanges - PN 16 160007
SMS 2034, Welding neck flanges - PN 25 160008
SMS 2035, Welding neck flanges - PN 40 160009
SMS 2036, Welding neck flanges - PN 64 160010
SMS 2037, Welding neck flanges - PN 100 160011
SMS 2038, Welding neck flanges - PN 160 160012
SMS 2039, Welding neck flanges - PN 250 160013
SMS 2040, Welding neck flanges - PN 320 160014
SMS 2041, Loose flanges - PN 6 160015
SMS 2049, Loose flanges - PN 10 160016
SMS 2063, Butt welding bends (90 degrees and 180
degrees) 160017
SMS 2064, Butt welding bends (90 degrees and 180
degrees) 160018
SMS 3008, Seamless and welded stainless steel tubes.
Tubes for the food industry 160019
SMS 3009, Seamless and welded stainless steel pipe
fittings. Bends 90 degrees for the food industry 160020
SMS 3010, Seamless and welded stainless steel pipe
fittings. Tees for the food industry 160021
SMS 3016, Pipe couplings. Clamp couplings for the food
industry 160022
SMS 3017, Pipe couplings. Clamp lines for clamp
couplings for the food industry 160023

SMS 360, Diameters for flat gaskets for pipeline flanges

with tongue and groove - PN 10 to PN 160 160024
or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted e
Variable length pipe stock or tubing
Fixed length pipe stock or tubing
Variable length integral core and jacket piping
Linear, full-size
Linear, with size change
Elbow, fixed angle (including angle valve)
Elbow, fixed/trimmable angle
Elbow, side outlet
Elbow, radial outlet
Elbow, reducing
Elbow, gooseneck
Return, bottom outlet
Return, side outlet
Pipe bend (not defined as a part)
Mitered elbow (pre-fabricated part to be purchased)
Eccentric, with size change
Eccentric, full-size
Tee, full-size (including 3-way valves)
Tee, reducing branch
Tee, eccentric reducing branch
Tee, reducing run and branch
Tee, reducing runs
Tee with offset, full-size
Tee with offset, reducing branch
Tee with offset, reducing run and branch
Tee with offset, reducing runs
Tee with double offset, full-size
Tee with double offset, reducing branch
Tee with double offset, reducing run and branch
Tee with double offset, reducing runs
Tee, non-symmetrical
Fitting with multiple branches, e.g. bleed ring or drip ring tee
Cross, full-size (including 4-way valves)
Cross, reducing branches
Cross, reducing run and one branch
Cross, reducing run and two branches
Lateral, full-size
Lateral, reducing branch
Lateral, reducing run and branch
Lateral reducing runs
Olet-type branch, fixed angle
Olet-type branch, variable angle
Olet-type branch, double outlet
Latrolet®-type branch
Non-radial branch
Endolet-type branch (Flatolet)
Wye-type branch
Double wye-type branch
Closing (including instrument indicators and transmitters)
Orifice flange
Multiport valve
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle with vertical
Tandem valve, horizontal main with vertical tandem
Tandem valve, vertical main with tandem at drain angle
Tandem valve, horizontal main with tandem at drain angle
Angle valve
Angle valve, assembly,
Valve/fitting reducing horizontal main at drain angle with
vertical access on primary side of center
Valve/fitting assembly, horizontal main at drain angle with
vertical access on secondary side of center
Valve/fitting assembly, horizontal main at drain angle with
horizontal access at drain angle
Valve/fitting assembly, vertical main with horizontal access at
drain angle below main center

Valve/fitting assembly, vertical main with horizontal access at

drain angle below main center and 450 from assembly center
Valve/fitting assembly, vertical main with horizontal access at
drain angle above main center

Valve/fitting assembly, vertical main with horizontal access at

drain angle above main center and 450 from assembly center
Lift check valve, horizontal orientation only
Lift check valve, vertical orientation only
Wall penetration fitting
Clamp-on fitting
Concentric size change

GeometryType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
ge the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must n
ould not be used. They will be deleted eventually.








alue; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HandrailConnectionType HandrailConnectionType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Stru
Top With Pad Top flush mounted with pad
Top Embedded Top mounted embedded
Side With Pad Side mount with pad
Side With Bracket Side mount with bracket

Codelist Sort
Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not delete a v
red VB program in the Structure product.

the user must not delete a value.
! Back to Index
HandrailEndTreatment HandrailEndTreatment Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Structur
None None 2
Circular Circular 5
Rectangular Rectangular 10

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not delete a value
VB program in the Structure product.
st not delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Structur
Top With Pad
Top Embedded

HandrailInlineConnectionType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
e user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and
but must customize a delivered VB program in the Structure product.

Top flush mounted with pad 1

Top mounted embedded 2
aning of the value; and the user must not delete a value.
! Back to Index
HandrailOffset HandrailOffset Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Right Right 5
Left Left 10
Center Center 15

alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription HandrailOrientation LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Stru
Vertical Always Vertical
Perpendicular Perpendicular to Slope

Codelist Sort
Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not delete a v
red VB program in the Structure product.

the user must not delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Structur
Side With Pad
Side With Bracket

HandrailSideConnectionType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and
but must customize a delivered VB program in the Structure product.

Side mount with pad 1

Side mount with bracket 2
aning of the value; and the user must not delete a value.
! Back to Index

HandWheelOrientatio HandWheelOrientation Codelist Sort

HEAD n ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
0 deg 0 deg 1
90 deg 90 deg 2
180 deg 180 deg 3
270 deg 270 deg 4

ween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HazardousFluidClassification HazardousFluidClassification
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S



HazardousFluidCategory HazardousFluidCategory Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
Normal fluid service ASME B31.3 (Neither D nor M) 5
Category D ASME B31.3 Category D 100
Category M ASME B31.3 Category M 105
alue or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index

HEAD HeaderBranchSizeBasisOption ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Based on pipe stock and branch nipples in piping commodit
Based on Permissible Nominal Piping Diameters Rule

Codelist Sort
HeaderBranchSizeBasisOption LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

Based on pipe stock and branch nipples in piping commodity filter 5

Based on Permissible Nominal Piping Diameters Rule 10
the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HeatTracingRequirement HeatTracingRequirement
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
Not Heat Traced Not Heat Traced

Heat Traced Heat Traced

HeatTracingType HeatTracingType
ShortDescription LongDescription
y change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the
ser should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined

None None

Non-Jacketed Heat Traced by Tubing

Jacketed Heat Traced by Jacket

Electric Electric Traced

HeatTracingMedium Codelist
HeatTracingMedium ShortDescription LongDescription Number
t, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
Not Required Not Required 2
SH Steam, high pressure 20
SM Steam, medium pressure 22
SL Steam, low pressure 21
SN Steam, normal pressure 23
SS Steam, superheated 24
Therminol® 75 Therminol® 75 60
Therminol® VP-1 Therminol® VP-1 65
Dowtherm® Dowtherm® 25
XcelTherm® XT XcelTherm® XT 70
XcelTherm® LV2 XcelTherm® LV2 75
XcelTherm® 500 XcelTherm® 500 80
XcelTherm® MK1 XcelTherm® MK1 85
Paratherm® NF Paratherm® NF 90
Paratherm® HE Paratherm® HE 95
Paratherm® OR Paratherm® OR 100
Calflo® Calflo® 105
Multitherm® Multitherm® 110
Mineral oil Mineral oil 115
Hydrogenated white oil Hydrogenated white oil 120
Paraffinic/Napthenic white oil Paraffinic/Napthenic white oil 125
Polyalphaolefin Polyalphaolefin 130
Dowcal® Dowcal® 135
Dowfrost® Dowfrost® 140
Syltherm® Syltherm® 145
Ethylene Ethylene 150
Propylene Propylene 155
Dynalene® Dynalene® 160
Galden® Galden® 165
Coolanol® Coolanol® 170
Marlotherm® SH Marlotherm® SH 175
DWTherm DWTherm 180
Argonne nanofluid Argonne nanofluid 185
Modified terphenyl Modified terphenyl 190
Dibenzyltoluene Dibenzyltoluene 195
Diphenyl/biphenyl oxide Diphenyl/biphenyl oxide 200
Diphenylethane Diphenylethane 205
SHJ Steam, high pressure 50
SMJ Steam, medium pressure 52
SLJ Steam, low pressure 51
SNJ Steam, normal pressure 53
SSJ Steam, superheated 54
THERM75J Therminol® 75 210
THERMVP1J Therminol® VP-1 215
DowthermJ Dowtherm 220
XTHERMXTJ XcelTherm XT 225
XTHERMLV2J XcelTherm® LV2 230
XTHERM500J XcelTherm® 500 235
XTHERMMK1J XcelTherm® MK1 240
PTHERMNFJ Paratherm® NF 245
PTHERMHEJ Paratherm® HE 250
PTHERMORJ Paratherm® OR 255
CALJ Calflo® 260
MTHERMJ Multitherm® 265
MINOILJ Mineral oil 270
HWOILJ Hydrogenated white oil 275
PNWOILJ Paraffinic/Napthenic white oil 280
PAOLEFINJ Polyalphaolefin 285
DowcalJ Dowcal® 290
DowfrostJ Dowfrost® 295
SylthermJ Syltherm® 300
EthyleneJ Ethylene 305
PropyleneJ Propylene 310
DynaleneJ Dynalene® 315
GaldenJ Galden® 320
CoolanolJ Coolanol® 325
MATHERMSHJ Marlotherm® SH 330
DWThermJ Dowtherm® 335
ARGNFLJ Argonne nanofluid 340
MTERPHEJ Modified terphenyl 345
DBENTOLJ Dibenzyltoluene 350
DPHEOXIJ Diphenyl/biphenyl oxide 355
DPHETHEJ Diphenylethane 360
Impedance, end fed Impedance, end fed 16
Impedance, mid fed Impedance, mid fed 365
Magnetic induction Magnetic induction 17
Skin effect Skin effect 18
Series heating cable Series heating cable 380
Parallel self-regulating heating cable Parallel self-regulating heating cable 370
Parallel power-limiting heating cable Parallel power-limiting heating cable 375
st not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
HngSupAssociatedPartType HngSupAssociatedPartType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Undefined Type Undefined Type
Welding Part Welding Part
Standard Associated Part Standard Associated Part

Codelist Sort
Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d

d the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupAssociationType HngSupAssociationType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Undefined Type Undefined Type 1
Implied Part Implied Part 2
Associated Part Associated Part 4

value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupClassNodeType HngSupClassNodeType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined Class Group 1
Shoes Shoes Class Group 2
Pads Pads Class Group 3
Guides Guides Class Group 4
Bumpers Bumpers Class Group 5

tween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HngSupBOMType HngSupBOMType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
NoDescription No Description 1
PartDefinitionDescription Part Definition Description 2
FromSymbolDef From Symbol Definition 3
FromBOMDefProgID From BOM Definition ProgID 4
FromBOMDef From BOM Definition 5

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupBoundingBoxType HngSupBoundingBoxType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined 1
Default Default Bounding Box 2
BBR Bounding Box Route 3
BBSR Bounding Box Route and Structure 4
BBRV Bounding Box Route Vertical 5
BBSV Bounding Box Structure Vertical 6
BBS Bounding Box Structure 7
GBBR_X Global Bounding Box X Axis 8
GBBR_Y Global Bounding Box Y Axis 10
GBBR_Z Global Bounding Box Z Axis 11
TANGENT_BBR Tangent Bounding Box 12

etween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
By Structure
By Point
By User Reference Point
By Structure or By Point
By Structure or By User Reference Point
By Point or By User Reference Point
By Structure  or By Point or By User Reference Point
HngSupCommand Sort
LongDescription Codelist Number Order
change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user m

Place By Structure Command 1

Place By Point Command 2
Place By User Reference Point Command 512
Place By Structure or By Point Commands 511
Place By Structure or By User Reference Point Commands 513
Place By Point or By User Reference Point Commands 514
Place By Structure or  By Point or By User Reference Point 515
All Commands
Commands 1023
he value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupConnectionType HngSupConnectionType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S

Single Beam Single Beam End Connection

Point On Point On Beam connection

Two Beam Two Beam End Connection

HngSupConnectionProcess HngSupConnectionProcess Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or th
e user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Single Beam Type 1 101
Single Beam Type 2 102
Single Beam Type 3 103
Single Beam Type 4 104
Single Beam Type 5 105
Single Beam Type 6 106
Single Beam Type 7 107
Single Beam Type 8 108
Single Beam Type 9 109
Single Beam Type 10 110
Single Beam Type 11 111
Point On Type 1 201
Point On Type 2 202
Point On Type 3 203
Point On Type 4 204
Point On Type 5 205
Point On Type 6 206
Point On Type 7 207
Point On Type 8 208
Two Beam End Type 1 301
Two Beam End Type 2 302
Two Beam End Type 3 303
Two Beam End Type 4 304
Two Beam End Type 5 305
Two Beam End Type 6 306
Two Beam End Type 7 307
Two Beam End Type 8 308
the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
ent value.
! Back to Index
HngSupConnectObj HngSupConnectObj Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Supported Supported Connectable Object 1
Supporting Supporting Connectable Object 2
Any Any Connectable Object 511
ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupCutType HngSupCutType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
No Cut No Cut 1
By Plane By Plane 2
By Plane Rule By Plane Rule 3
By Component By Component 4

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupDiscipline HngSupDiscipline
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the
Piping Piping Supports Discipline
Duct Duct Supports Discipline
Piping & Duct Piping & Duct Support Discipline
CableWay Cableway Supports Discipline
CableWay & Piping Cableway & Piping Supports Disci
CableWay & Duct Cableway & Duct Supports Discipl
CableWay & Piping & Duct Cableway & Piping & Duct Support
Conduit Conduit Support Discipline
Conduit & Piping Conduit & Piping Support Discipli
Conduit & Duct Conduit & Duct Support Disciplin
Conduit & Piping & Duct Conduit & Piping & Duct Support D
Conduit & Cableway Conduit & Cablewat Support Disci
Equipment Equipment Support Discipline
! Others Others
Combined Combined Support Discipline
All All Support Disciplines
Piping Designed Piping Designed Discipline
Duct Designed Duct Designed Discipline
Cable Tray Designed Cabletray Designed Discipline
Conduit Designed Conduit Designed Discipline
Combined Designed Combined Design Discipline

Codelist Sort
Number Order
lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete


user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupEndTreatment HngSupEndTreatment Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
No End Treatment No End Treatment 1
Plane 45 Begin 45 Cut at Begin Cap 2
Plane 45 End 45 Cut at End Cap 3
Trim Trim 4
Plane 30 Begin 30 Cut at Begin Cap 5
Plane 30 End 30 Cut at End Cap 6
Plane 60 Begin 60 Cut at Begin Cap 7
Plane 60 End 60 Cut at End Cap 8

lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupFaceSelectionType HngSupFaceSelectionType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Top Bottom Flanges Top/Bottom Face Selection 0
Left Right Webs Left/Right Web Selection 1
Top Bottom Left Right Webs Top/Bottom/Left/Right Web Selecion 2
Top Bottom Left Right Flanges Top/Bottom/Left/Right Flange Selecion 3
Bottom Top Bottom/Top Face Selection 4
Right Left Webs Right/Left Web Selection 5
Top Face Top Face Selection 100
Bottom Face Bottom Face Selection 101
Left Web Left Web Selection 102
Right Web Right Web Selection 103
Top Left Flange Top/Left Flange Selection 104
Top Right Flange Top/Right Flange Selection 105
Bottom Left Flange Bottom/Left Flange Selection 106
Bottom Right Flange Bottom/Right Flange Selection 107
Bottom flange of double cross section Bottom flange of double cross section 108
Top flange of double cross section Top flange of double cross section 109
Hilti Girders Left Right Webs Left/Right Web Selection 110
Default Default Face Selection 1000

n 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HngSupJointType HngSupJointType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Joint Revolute Revolute Joint type 1
Joint Planar Planar Joint type 2
Joint Translation Trnslation Joint type 3
Joint Prismatic Prismatic Joint type 4
Joint Rigid Rigid Joint type 5
Joint Spherical Spherical Joint type 6
Joint Cylindrical Cylindrical Joint type 7
Joint Planar Slot Planat Slot Joint type 8
Joint Vertical Vertical Joint type 9
Joint Horizontal X Horizontal X Joint type 10
Joint Horizontal Y Horizontal Y Joint type 11
Joint Point On Point On Joint type 12

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupManufacturer HngSupManufacturer Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined 1
Stock Stock 2
B-Line B-Line 5
PTP Piping Technology & Products 10
Grinnell Grinnell 15
Intergraph Intergraph Standard 20

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HngSupMatingJointType HngSupMatingJointType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Mating Type Revolute Mating Type for Revolute Joint
Mating Type Planar Mating Type for Planar Joint
Mating Type Translation Mating Type for Translation Joint
Mating Type Prismatic Mating Type for Prismatic Joint
Mating Type Rigid Mating Type for Rigid Joint
Mating Type Spherical Mating Type for Spherical Joint
Mating Type Cylindrical Mating Type for Cylindrical Joint
Mating Type Planar Slot Mating Type for Planar Slot Joint
Mating Type Point On Mating Type for Point On Joint
Mating Type Horizontal X Mating Type for Horizontal X Joint
Mating Type Horizontal Y Mating Type for Horizontal Y Joint
Mating Type Vertical Mating Type for Vertical Joint
Mating Type Flexible_1 Mating Type for Flexible Joint 1
Mating Type Flexible_2 Mating Type for Flexible Joint 2
Mating Type Vertical Flexible Mating Type for Vertical Spherical Flexible

Codelist Sort
Number Order
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
HngSupPartClassType HngSupPartClassType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined Class 1
Hanger Beam Hanger Beam Class 2
Hanger Pipe Hanger Pipe Class 3
Standard Shoe Standard Shoe Component 10
Variable Shoe Variable Shoe Component 11
Rectangular Pads Rectangular Pads Component 20
Circular Pads Circular Pads Component 21
Triangular Pads Triangular Pads Component 22

een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
! Rules:
! Male part will be connected with Female part, Neutral part will be connected with Female part, Neutral-neutral , ne
HEAD HngSupConnectionInfoDiscipline Short
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red tex
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm


Plain End





Left-handed Threaded

Right-handed Threaded
ale part, Neutral part will be connected with Female part, Neutral-neutral , neutral-male and Female-neutral is not valid combination
HngSupConnectionInfoDiscipline LongDHngSupConnectionInfoType Short
code list. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the
e list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Default Discipline

Threaded Discipline
Female Threaded

Male Threaded

Plain End Discipline

Female Plain End

Male Plain End

Uni-Structure Discipline
Female Uni-Structure

Male Uni-Structure

Welded Discipline
Female Welded

Structure Discipline
Neutral Structure

Female Structure

Pipe Discipline
Neutral Pipe

Male Pipe

Left-handed Threaded Type

Female Left-handed Threaded

Male Left-handed Threaded

Right-handed Threaded Type

Female Right-handed Threaded
Male Right-handed Threaded
ale-neutral is not valid combination
HngSupConnectionInfoType LongHngSupConnectionInfoName ShortD
highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d
serve all other numeric values.

Default Type

Female Threaded Type

Female Threaded End
Male Threaded Type
Male Threaded End

Female Plain End Type

Female Plain End
Male Plain End Type
Male Plain End

Female Uni-Structure Type

Female Uni-Struct Connection
Male Uni-Structure Type
Male Uni-Struct Connection

Female Welded Type


Neutral Structure Type

Steel Plate
Concrete Slab
Female Structure Type
Beam Clamp
Structural Member

Neutral Pipe Type

Pipe Feature
Male Pipe Type
Pipe Clamp

Female Left-handed Threaded Type

Female Threaded( Left handed)
Male Left-handed Threaded Type
Male Threaded( Left handed)

Female Right-handed Threaded Type

Female Threaded( right handed)

Male Right-handed Threaded Type
Male Threaded( right handed)
HngSupConnectionInfoName LongD Codelist Sort Order
e value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.

Default Name 5
Female Threaded End 10
Male Threaded End 15
Female Plain End 20
Male Plain End 25
Female Uni-Struct Connection 30
Male Uni-Struct Connection 35
Welded 40
Steel Plate 65
Concrete Slab 70
C-Clamp 50
Beam Clamp 55
Structural Member 60
Pipe Feature 80
Pipe Clamp 75
Female Threaded( Left handed) 85
Male Threaded( Left handed) 90

Female Threaded( Left handed) 95

Male Threaded( Left handed) 100
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Hanger Symbol Port Internal
Hanger Symbol Port External
Undefined Hanger Symbol Port

HngSupPortCategory Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
er may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

Internal Hanger Symbol Port category 1

External Hanger Symbol Port category 2
Unknown Hanger Symbol Port Category 1000
ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HngSupPortType HngSupPortType t Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! Each port in a part must have a Type, this is how those numbers correspond
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
Undefined Undefined 1
Route Route 2
Structure Structure 3
Revolute Revolute 11
Planar Planar 12
Translation Translation 13
Prismatic Prismatic 14
Rigid Rigid 15
Spherical Spherical 16
Cylindrical Cylindrical 17
PlanarSlot PlanarSlot 18
External Thread, RH External Thread, RH 1000
Internal Thread, RH Internal Thread, RH 1001
External Thread, LH External Thread, LH 1002
Internal Thread, LH Internal Thread, LH 1003
Rod Hole Rod Hole 1004
Pin/Bolt (for eye) Pin/Bolt (for eye) 1005
Pin/Bolt (for double lug)Pin/Bolt (for double lug) 1006
Eye Eye 1007
Single Lug Single Lug 1008
Double Lug Double Lug 1009
Clevis Clevis 1010
Steel Steel 1011
Weld Weld 1012
Bolted Connection Bolted Connection 1013
Beam Clamp Beam Clamp 1014
Pipe Pipe 1015
Pipe Clamp Pipe Clamp 1016
U-Bolt U-Bolt 1017
Roller Roller 1018
Saddle/Shield Saddle/Shield 1019
Saddle/Shield Base Saddle/Shield Base 1020
Pipe Attachment Pipe Attachment 1021
Strut Eye Strut Eye 1022
Strut Pin Strut Pin 1023
Shock Absorber Shock Absorber 1024
Shock Extension Shock Extension 1025
Spring Spring 1026
Spring Extension Spring Extension 1027
Stanchion Stanchion 1028
Trunnion Trunnion 1029
Other Other 1200
CableTray Cable Tray 1300
Conduit Conduit 1350
Duct HVAC Duct 1400
HVACRoundDuct HVAC Duct Round 1410
HVACRectangularDuctHVAC Duct Rectangular 1420
HVACOvalDuct HVAC Duct Oval 1430

! Back to Index

HngSupRuleType HngSupRuleType Codelist Sort

HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Rule Type Integer Rule value is Interger 1
Rule Type Long Rule value is Long 2
Rule Type Double Rule value is Double 3
Rule Type String Rule value is String 4
Rule Type ProgId Rule value is ProgID 5
Rule Type Codelist Rule value is Codelisted 6

alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupStrictFaceSelection HngSupStrictFaceSelection
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Do not Force Strict Face Selection Do not Force Strict Face Selection
Force Strict Face Selection Force Strict Face Selection

Codelist Sort
Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de

he user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

SupportsDiscipline SupportsDiscipline
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
PipeSupport Pipe Support

DuctSupport Duct Support

CableSupport Cable Support

ConduitSupport Conduit Support

CombinedSupport Combined Support

SupportsType Num Sort
SupportsType ShortDescription LongDescription ber Order
the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must no

Pipe Support 11
Anchor 12
Anchor - Rotational 15
Longitudinal Guide Horizontal 21
Longitudinal Guide Vertical 22
Penetration Plate 23
Wall Penetration 24
Floor Penetration 25
Longitudinal Guide Vertical and Horizontal 30
Travel Stop 31
Shoe Longitudinal Guide Horizontal 41
Shoe Longitudinal Guide Vertical 42
Shoe Longitudinal Guide Vertical and Horizontal 43
Shoe Travel Stop 44
Rod Hanger 45
Rod Hanger Double 46
Variable Spring 54
Variable Spring Double 55
Constant Spring 60
Constant Spring Double 61
Variable Spring Base 64
Constant Spring Base 68
Dynamic Restraint 70
Sway Strut 72
Structural 74
Riser Clamp 80
Riser Clamp Variable Spring 81
Straight Pipe Leg Extension 90
Elbow Leg Extension 91
Dummy Leg 95
Duct Support 101
Cable Support 201
Conduit Support 301
Combined Support 401
and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HngSupTypeSelectionRule HngSupTypeSelectionRule
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Top Structure Above Route
Bottom Structure Below Route
Above or Below Structure Above OR Below of Route
Beside (Left OR Right) Structure Besides Route
Right Structure Right of Route
Left Structure Left Of Route
Basic Directions Structure Above-Below-Besides Route
Intersection Structure Intersect with Route
Top Right Structure Above Right of Route
Top Left Structure Above Left of Route
Bottom Right Structure Below Right Of Route
Bottom Left Structure Below Left Of Route
All Directions Structure On All Directions

Codelist Sort
Number Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or del

he user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HvacComponentTypes HvacComponentTypes Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

hangeOpt hangeOpt Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Default Default 1
Trigger run change at cross s Trigger run change at cross s 5

value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
By System
By User

Codelist Sort
HVACCrosssectionOverrideOpt LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

By System (use the permissible cross section rule) 5

By User (the designer overrides the rule to define a custom cross 10
the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HVACLiningRequirem HVACLiningRequireme
HEAD ents ShortDescription nts LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text a
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar
Not Lined


HVACLiningMaterial ShortDescription
The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric
added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Glass Wool
Rock Wool
Foam Rubber
Foam Glass
Calcium Silicate
Bonded Perlite
Codelist Sort
HVACLiningMaterial LongDescription Number Order
ed text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the us
000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

ing of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD HVACPartDataBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Tee, Straight Branch
Tee, Conical Branch
Reducing Tee, Straight Branch
Reducing Tee, Conical Branch
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Straight
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Conical
Saddle Tee Tap, Straight
Saddle Tee Tap, Conical
Lateral, Straight Branch
Lateral, Conical Branch
Reducing Lateral, Straight Branch
Reducing Lateral, Conical Branch
Contoured Flanged Lateral Tap, Straight
Contoured Flanged Lateral Tap, Conical
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight
Saddle Lateral Tap, Conical
Rectangular Flat Flange, Type A
Rectangular Flat Flange, Type B
Round Flat Flange, Type A
Round Flat Flange, Type B
Fixed Blade Weather Louver, Type A
Fixed Blade Weather Louver, Type B
Rectangular Air Grille Without Damper
Rectangular Air Grille With Damper
Fire Damper
Fire and Gas Damper
Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck without Damper
Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck with Damper
Rectangular Diffuser, Round Neck without Damper
Rectangular Diffuser, Round Neck with Damper
Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck without Damper, specified by Diffuser
Rectangular Tee, default
Rectangular Tee, specified by leg lengths
Round Tee, default
Round Tee, without restrictions on header length and branch length
Endcap, default
Endcap, with takeoff
Round Reducer, conical
Round Reducer, eccentric
Round Reducer, stepped
Elbow, specified by throat radius, width, depth and angle
Elbow, specified by leg lengths, width, depth and angle
Elbow, specified by center to port dimensions, width and angle
Elbow, symmetrical, specified by center to port
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by center to port 1 and center to port 2
Coupling, default
Coupling, with takeoff
Back draft damper with counter weight
Back draft damper, type A
Back draft damper, type B
Grille, Horizontal Blades
Grille, Vertical Blades
Stationary louver, type A
Fire Damper Without Casing
Fire Damper With Retaining plates
Fire Damper With Actuator
Fire Damper With Transition And Actuator
Fire Damper With Transition
Control Damper, lever type operator
Control Damper, gear type operator
Control Damper, Actuator
Control Damper with Transition,lever type Operator
Control Damper with Transition,Actuator
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type A
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type B
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type C
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type D
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type A
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type B
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type C
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type D
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type E
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type F
! Added from SmartSupport
Miter elbow, with takeoff, specified by radius and angle
Elbow, specified by width, elbow radius, tangent length and angle
Elbow, specified by width, depth, elbow radius and angle
Elbow, reducing, specified by width, depth, throat radius and heel radius
Elbow, specified by width, depth and elbow throat radius
Elbow, specified by width, depth, elbow heel length and throat side length
Elbow, specified by horizontal port to port dimension and vertical port to port
Elbow, 90o, reducing, specified by throat radius, tangent length 1 and tangent
length 2
Tee, Straight Branch, Type B
Tee, Conical Branch, Type B
Reducing Bull Head Tee
Reducing Run, Branch Tee
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type E
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type F
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type G
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type A
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type B
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type C
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type D
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type E
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type F
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type G
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type H
Mushroom Air Cowl, Type A
Mushroom Air Cowl, Type B
Mushroom Air Cowl, Type C
Conical air cowl, Type A
Fire and gas damper, Type B
Control damper, actuator, Type B
Control Damper, with takeoff, lever type operator
Back draft damper, type C
Back draft damper, type D
Back draft damper, with sound insulation, type E
Shut-off damper, Type A
Shut-off damper, Type B
Shut-off damper, Type C
Round Reducer, conical, type B
Rectangular Reducer, single sided, Type A
Rectangular Reducer, double sided, Type A
Coupling, female
Coupling, with take-off and inspection door
Coupling, telescopic
Flange, Type A
Flange, Type B
Vibration Isolator, type A
Viewing Spool, type A
Sound attenuator, Type A
Sound attenuator, Type B
Sound attenuator, Type C
Adapter, round, Type A
Adapter, round, Type B
Adapter, bell mouth, Type A
Mist recycler, type A
Bleed in Valve, type A
Check valve, Type A
Diverter valve, Type A
Inspection door, Type A
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Lo Loss, Type A
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Lo Loss, Type B
Saddle Tee Tap, Straight, Type B
Saddle Tee Tap, Conical, Type B
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight, Type B
Tee Tap, straight
Wye, rectangular
Wye, rectangular, Type 2
Wye, rectangular, Type 3
Wye, rectangular, Type 4
Pant Wye, Type A
Pant Wye, Type B
Transition, rectangular to round, Type A
Transition, rectangular to round, Type B
Transition, rectangular to round, Type C
Transition, eccentric, rectangular to round, Type A
Transition, eccentric, rectangular to round, Type B
Transition, rectangular to rectangular, Type A
Transition, rectangular to rectangular, Type B
Transition, round to rectangular, Type B
Transition, generic, Type A
Transition, generic, Type B
Plenum with rectangular outlet
Plenum with rectangular outlet, Type B
Plenum with round outlet
Ball joint, Type A
Lateral, taper body, Type A
Lateral, taper body, Type B
Lateral, taper body, Type C
Double Wye, Type A
Offset, Type D
Electric heater, Type A
Electric heater, Type B
Conical Tap
Fire damper with transition and actuator, round to rectangular
Division, depth into two
Rectangular Bell Mouth, Surface Mounted
Elbow, non-contoured, zero radius, specified by heel side length
Elbow, non-contoured, specified by heel length and elbow radius
Elbow specified by heel radius and elbow radius
Elbow, with tangents, specified by elbow radius, heel radius, tangent length 1
and tangent
Elbow, length 2 specified by elbow radius, heel length, tangent length 1
and tangent length 2 specified by center to port 1, center to port 2 and throat
Elbow, asymmetrical,
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by center to port 1, center to port 2, throat
radius and
Elbow, heel radius asymmetrical, specified by center to port 1, center to
port 2, throat
Elbow, radius, heel
non-contoured, length
with 1, heel length
tap, specified 2, heel
by center toradius 1 and side
port, throat heel length
and endhorizontal,
Elbow, angle specified by throat radius, tangent length and angle
Elbow, vertical, specified by throat radius, tangent length and angle
Elbow, 90o, reducing in width, specified by throat radius and tangent length
Elbow, 90o, reducing in depth, specified by throat radius and tangent length
Double Tee, Type A
Double Tee, Type B
Double Lateral Type A
Reducing Cross, Type A
Offset, Type E
Double Wye, Type B
Double Wye, Type C
Inspection door, Type B
Transition, rectangular to round, Type D
Transition, rectangular to round, Type E
Transition, rectangular to round, Type F
Transition, rectangular to round, Type G
Multi branch cross, Type A
Lo Loss Tee, Type A
Lo Loss Tee, Type B
Reducing Tee, Straight Branch,Type B
Reducing Tee, Conical Branch,Type B
Tee, Conical Branch, Type C
Tee, Conical Branch, Type D
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight, Type C
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight, Type D
Reducing Lateral, Straight Branch,Type 2
Lateral, taper body, Type D
Lateral, taper body, Type E
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Straight,Type B
Lo Loss Tee, Reducing ,Type B
Cross,Conical Branch,Tangential,Type B
Round Reducer, conical, type C
Round Reducer, eccentric, type B
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Straight , Type C
Pant Wye, Type C
Sound attenuator, Type D
Sound attenuator, Type E
Sound attenuator, Type F
Sound attenuator, Type G
Control Damper with Cleaning Cover and Blade
Rectangular Reducer, double sided, Type B
Rectangular Reducer, double sided, Type C
Rectangular Sleeve, specified by Width, Depth, Port to Port offset, Thickness
and Length
Lateral, taper body, Type F
Double wye, tripod, round, reducing outlet, Type 1
Wye, duct transition, round, reducing outlet, Type 1
Pant Wye, Type D
Codelist Sort
HVACPartDataBasis LongDescription Number Order
ual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d

Tee, Straight Branch 5
Tee, Conical Branch 10
Reducing Tee, Straight Branch 15
Reducing Tee, Conical Branch 20
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Straight 25
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Conical 30
Saddle Tee Tap, Straight 35
Saddle Tee Tap, Conical 40
Lateral, Straight Branch 45
Lateral, Conical Branch 50
Reducing Lateral, Straight Branch 55
Reducing Lateral, Conical Branch 60
Contoured Flanged Lateral Tap, Straight 65
Contoured Flanged Lateral Tap, Conical 70
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight 75
Saddle Lateral Tap, Conical 80
Rectangular Flat Flange, Type A 85
Rectangular Flat Flange, Type B 90
Round Flat Flange, Type A 95
Round Flat Flange, Type B 100
Fixed Blade Weather Louver, Type A 105
Fixed Blade Weather Louver, Type B 110
Rectangular Air Grille Without Damper 112
Rectangular Air Grille With Damper 113
Fire Damper 115
Fire and Gas Damper 116
Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck without Damper 118
Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck with Damper 119
Rectangular Diffuser, Round Neck without Damper 120
Rectangular Diffuser, Round Neck with Damper 121
Rectangular Diffuser, Rectangular Neck without Damper, specified by 122
Diffuser Height
Rectangular Tee, default 124
Rectangular Tee, specified by leg lengths 125
Round Tee, default 127
Round Tee, without restrictions on header length and branch length 128
Endcap, default 130
Endcap, with takeoff 131
Round Reducer, conical 133
Round Reducer, eccentric 134
Round Reducer, stepped 135
Elbow, specified by throat radius, width, depth and angle 137
Elbow, specified by leg lengths, width, depth and angle 138
Elbow, specified by center to port dimensions, width and angle 139
Elbow, symmetrical, specified by center to port 140
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by center to port 1 and center to port 2 141
Coupling, default 143
Coupling, with takeoff 144
Back draft damper with counter weight 145
Back draft damper, type A 146
Back draft damper, type B 147
Grille, Horizontal Blades 148
Grille, Vertical Blades 149
Stationary louver, type A 150
Fire Damper Without Casing 151
Fire Damper With Retaining plates 152
Fire Damper With Actuator 153
Fire Damper With Transition And Actuator 154
Fire Damper With Transition 155
Control Damper, lever type operator 156
Control Dameper, gear type operator 157
Control Damper, Actuator 158
Control Damper with Transition,lever type Operator 159
Control Damper with Transition,Actuator 160
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type A 161
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type B 162
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type C 163
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type D 164
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type A 165
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type B 166
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type C 167
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type D 168
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type E 169
Rectangular diffuser, with round neck, Type F 170

Miter elbow, with takeoff, specified by radius and angle 194

Elbow, specified by width, elbow radius, tangent length and angle 219
Elbow, specified by width, depth, elbow radius and angle 221
Elbow, reducing, specified by width, depth, throat radius and heel radius 222
Elbow, specified by width, depth and elbow throat radius 227
Elbow, specified by width, depth, elbow heel length and throat side length 228
Elbow, specified by horizontal port to port dimension and vertical port to 229
port dimension
Elbow, 90o, reducing, specified by throat radius, tangent length 1 and 236
tangent length
Tee, Straight 2
Branch, Type B 197
Tee, Conical Branch, Type B 196
Reducing Bull Head Tee 171
Reducing Run, Branch Tee 172
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type E 233
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type F 239
Rectangular diffuser, with rectangular neck, Type G 240
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type A 241
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type B 242
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type C 243
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type D 244
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type E 245
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type F 253
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type G 255
Round diffuser, with round neck, Type H 256
Mushroom Air Cowl, Type A 208
Mushroom Air Cowl, Type B 209
Mushroom Air Cowl, Type C 246
Conical air cowl, Type A 247
Fire and gas damper, Type B 190
Control damper, actuator, Type B 191
Control Damper, with takeoff, lever type operator 198
Back draft damper, type C 187
Back draft damper, type D 188
Back draft damper, with sound insulation, type E 189
Shut-off damper, Type A 257
Shut-off damper, Type B 254
Shut-off damper, Type C 323
Round Reducer, conical, type B 210
Rectangular Reducer, single sided, Type A 230
Rectangular Reducer, double sided, Type A 231
Coupling, female 173
Coupling, with take-off and inspection door 174
Coupling, telescopic 175
Flange, Type A 203
Flange, Type B 207
Vibration Isolator, type A 204
Viewing Spool, type A 205
Sound attenuator, Type A 184
Sound attenuator, Type B 185
Sound attenuator, Type C 186
Adapter, round, Type A 199
Adapter, round, Type B 200
Adapter, bell mouth, Type A 201
Mist recycler, type A 212
Bleed in Valve, type A 216
Check valve, Type A 232
Diverter valve, Type A 217
Inspection door, Type A 195
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Lo Loss, Type A 180
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Lo Loss, Type B 181
Saddle Tee Tap, Straight, Type B 177
Saddle Tee Tap, Conical, Type B 178
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight, Type B 214
Tee Tap, straight 179
Wye, rectangular 176
Wye, rectangular, Type 2 300
Wye, rectangular, Type 3 301
Wye, rectangular, Type 4 302
Pant Wye, Type A 202
Pant Wye, Type B 206
Transition, rectangular to round, Type A 213
Transition, rectangular to round, Type B 223
Transition, rectangular to round, Type C 224
Transition, eccentric, rectangular to round, Type A 225
Transition, eccentric, rectangular to round, Type B 226
Transition, rectangular to rectangular, Type A 234
Transition, rectangular to rectangular, Type B 237
Transition, round to rectangular, Type B 238
Transition, generic, Type A 251
Transition, generic, Type B 252
Plenum with rectangular outlet 192
Plenum with rectangular outlet, Type B 248
Plenum with round outlet 193
Ball joint, Type A 218
Lateral, taper body, Type A 182
Lateral, taper body, Type B 183
Lateral, taper body, Type C 215
Double Wye, Type A 220
Offset, Type D 235
Electric heater, Type A 249
Electric heater, Type B 250
Conical Tap 262
Fire damper with transition and actuator, round to rectangular 263
Division, depth into two 264
Rectangular Bell Mouth, Surface Mounted 270
Elbow, non-contoured, zero radius, specified by heel side length 266
Elbow, non-contoured, specified by heel length and elbow radius 267
Elbow specified by heel radius and elbow radius 268
Elbow, with tangents, specified by elbow radius, heel radius, tangent length 269
1 and tangent
Elbow, length 2 specified by elbow radius, heel length, tangent length
non-contoured, 271
1 and tangent length 2specified by center to port 1, center to port 2 and
Elbow, asymmetrical, 272
throat radius
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by center to port 1, center to port 2, throat 273
radius and
Elbow, heel radius asymmetrical, specified by center to port 1, center to
non-countered, 274
port 2, throat
Elbow, radius, heel
non-contoured, length
with 1, heel length
tap, specified 2, heel
by center toradius 1 and side
port, throat heel 275
length 2horizontal,
Elbow, and end angle
specified by throat radius, tangent length and angle 276
Elbow, vertical, specified by throat radius, tangent length and angle 277
Elbow, 90°, reducing in width, specified by throat radius and tangent length 278
Elbow, 90°, reducing in depth, specified by throat radius and tangent length 279
Double Tee, Type A 280
Double Tee, Type B 281
Double Lateral, Type A 282
Reducing Cross, Type A 283
Offset, Type E 284
Double Wye, Type B 285
Double Wye, Type C 286
Inspection door, Type B 287
Transition, rectangular to round, Type D 288
Transition, rectangular to round, Type E 289
Transition, rectangular to round, Type F 290
Transition, rectangular to round, Type G 291
Multi branch cross, Type A 292
Lo Loss Tee, Type A 293
Lo Loss Tee, Type B 294
Reducing Tee, Straight Branch,Type B 295
Reducing Tee, Conical Branch,Type B 296
Tee, Conical Branch, Type C 297
Tee, Conical Branch, Type D 298
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight, Type C 304
Saddle Lateral Tap, Straight, Type D 305
Reducing Lateral, Straight Branch,Type 2 299
Lateral, taper body, Type D 306
Lateral, taper body, Type E 307
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Straight , Type B 308
Lo Loss Tee, Reducing ,Type B 309
Cross,Conical Branch,Tangential,Type B 310
Round Reducer, conical, type C 311
Round Reducer, eccentric, type B 312
Contoured Flanged Tee Tap, Straight , Type C 313
Pant Wye, Type C 318
Sound attenuator, Type D 314
Sound attenuator, Type E 315
Sound attenuator, Type F 316
Sound attenuator, Type G 317
Control Damper with Cleaning Cover and Blade 319
Rectangular Reducer, double sided, Type B 320
Rectangular Reducer, double sided, Type C 321
Rectangular Sleeve, specified by Width, Depth, Port to Port offset, Thickness 322
and Length
Lateral, taper body, Type F 324
Double wye, tripod, round, reducing outlet, Type 1 325
Wye, duct transition, round, reducing outlet, Type 1 326
Pant Wye, Type D 327
he user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HVACPartGenerationBasis HVACPartGenerationBasis Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change

Disabled Break on feature boundary is disabled 1

Enabled Break on feature boundary is enabled 2

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HVACWidthAndDepthBasis HVACWidthAndDepthBasis Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Width/Depth by system 1
Width/Depth by user 2

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
IcarusGratingType IcarusGratingType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
Undefined Undefined
2x3/16 IN [50x5 MM] AL welded bar 2x3/16 IN [50x5 MM] AL welded bar
1.5x3/16 IN [38x5 MM] AL welded bar 1.5x3/16 IN [38x5 MM] AL welded bar
1x3/16 IN [25x5 MM] AL welded bar 1x3/16 IN [25x5 MM] AL welded bar
1/4 IN [6 MM] CS checker plate 1/4 IN [6 MM] CS checker plate
3/16 IN [5 MM] CS checker plate 3/16 IN [5 MM] CS checker plate
1/8 IN [3 MM] CS checker plate 1/8 IN [3 MM] CS checker plate
2x3/16 IN [50x5 MM] CS welded bar 2x3/16 IN [50x5 MM] CS welded bar
1.5x3/16 IN [38x5 MM] CS welded bar 1.5x3/16 IN [38x5 MM] CS welded bar
1x3/16 IN [25x5 MM] CS welded bar 1x3/16 IN [25x5 MM] CS welded bar
1/4 IN [6 MM] SS slipnot plate 1/4 IN [6 MM] SS slipnot plate
3/16 IN [5 MM] SS slipnot plate 3/16 IN [5 MM] SS slipnot plate
1/8 IN [3 MM] SS slipnot plate 1/8 IN [3 MM] SS slipnot plate
Fibergrate Fibergrate

Codelist Sort
Number Order
ld be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
IcarusConcreteType IcarusConcreteType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
Undefined Undefined
Standard concrete (Type B) Standard concrete (Type B)
Higher grade concrete (Type C) Higher grade concrete (Type C)
Chemical resistant concrete (Type D) Chemical resistant concrete (Type D)

CodeList Sort
Number Order
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
IcarusExcludeEndBent IcarusExcludeEndBent
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
Undefined Undefined
Do not exclude end bents. Do not exclude end bents.
Exclude one end bent. Exclude one end bent.
Exclude two end bents. Exclude two end bents.

CodeList Sort
Number Order
uld be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
IcarusColumnBaseOption IcarusColumnBaseOption
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
Undefined Undefined
Pinned connection at column base. Pinned connection at column base.
Rigid connection at column base. Rigid connection at column base.

CodeList Sort
Number Order
ould be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
IcarusThirdColumn IcarusThirdColumn
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
Undefined Undefined
No third column (1 bay rack) No third column (1 bay rack)
Third column row required (2 bay rack) Third column row required (2 bay rack)

CodeList Sort
Number Order
etween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
IcarusStructSteelAnalysis IcarusStructSteelAnalysis
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
Undefined Undefined
2D finite element rigid frame analysis 2D finite element rigid frame analysis
Simplified stress analysis Simplified stress analysis

CodeList Sort
Number Order
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
All precast concrete pipe rack
Concrete frame and precast conc. struts
Concrete frame and steel struts
All steel pipe rack (default)

IcarusPipeRackType CodeList Sort
LongDescription Number Order
de list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
All precast concrete pipe rack 5
Concrete frame and precast conc. struts 10
Concrete frame and steel struts 15
All steel pipe rack (default) 20
her numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Not checked

AspectSelectionOptions Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the val

Aspect is not included in interference process 0

Aspect is checked with required priority 1
Aspect is checked with optional priority 2
or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

InterferenceProcessingState Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
t. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value

Interference detection process on server is stopped 0

Interference detection process on server is running 1
Interference detection process on server is suspended 2
Interference detection process on server is completed 3
or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

InterferenceRequiredAction Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and t

Undefined - not yet reviewed 1

Edit - must resolve the interference 2
None - ignore the interference 3
aning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
InterferenceType InterferenceType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
No No Interference 0
Severe Severe Interference 1
Optional Optional Interference 2
Clearance Clearance Interference 3
Bad part Bad Part Interference 4

lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD IgnoreBoundaries ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

Codelist Sort
IgnoreBoundaries LongDescription Number Order
r may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Use industry commodity code
Use contractor commodity code
Use client commodity code

Codelist Sort
IndustryCommodityCodeOption LongDescription Number Order
he user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; a

Use industry commodity code to access piping catalog 5

Use contractor commodity code to access piping catalog 10
Use client commodity code to access piping catalog 15
meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

InletPortGeometryType InletPortGeometryType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Straight Inlet Straight Inlet
Inlet with 90 Deg Elbow Inlet with 90 Deg Elbow

Codelist Sort
Number Order
d be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
InstallationResponsibility InstallationResponsibility Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Contractor By Contractor 10
Owner By Owner 15
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 20
Piping By Piping 25
Instruments By Instruments 30
Others By Others 35

e between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
InstrumentFunctionalClass InstrumentFunctionalClass
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text a
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar
Instruments, Pressure

Instruments, Pressure Differential

Instruments, Temperature

Instruments, Temperature Differential

Instruments, Flow Rate
Instruments, Flow Quantity

Instruments, Flow Ratio

Instruments, Level
Instruments, Analysis

Instruments, Burner or Combustion

Instruments, Voltage
Instruments, Hand

Instruments, Current

Instruments, Power
Instruments, Time

Instruments, Quantity
Instruments, Radiation

Instruments, Speed or Frequency

Instruments, Vibration or Machine Analysis

Instruments, Weight or Force

Instruments, Weight or Force Differential

Instruments, Event, State, or Presence

Instruments, Position or Dimension

Instruments, Gauging or deviation

Instruments, Multivariable

InstrumentFunctionalSubClass ShortDescription
textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of t
etween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Pressure readout devices

Pressure controllers

Pressure switches and alarm devices

Pressure transmitters

Pressure solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Pressure primary elements

Pressure test points

Pressure safety devices

Pressure final elements

Pressure differential controllers

Pressure differential readout devices

Pressure differential switches and alarm devices

Pressure differential transmitters

Pressure differential solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Pressure differential primary elements

Pressure differential test points

Pressure differential final elements

Temperature readout devices

Temperature controllers

Temperature switches and alarm devices

Temperature transmitters

Temperature primary elements

Temperature test points

Temperature solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Temperature wells or probes

Temperature safety devices

Temperature final elements

Temperature differential readout devices

Temperature differential controllers

Temperature differential switches and alarm devices

Temperature differential transmitters

Temperature differential solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Temperature differential primary elements

Temperature differential test points

Temperature differential wells or probes

Temperature differential final elements

Flow rate controllers

Flow rate readout devices

Flow rate switches and alarm devices

Flow rate transmitters

Flow rate solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Flow rate primary elements

Flow rate test points

Flow rate viewing devices

Flow rate final elements

Flow quantity readout devices

Flow quantity controllers

Flow quantity switches and alarm devices

Flow quantity transmitters

Flow quantity solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Flow quantity primary elements

Flow quantity final elements

Flow ratio readout devices

Flow ratio controllers

Flow ratio switches and alarm devices

Flow ratio primary elements

Flow ratio final elements

Level readout devices

Level controllers

Level switches and alarm devices

Level transmitters

Level solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Level primary elements

Level wells or probes

Level viewing devices

Level final elements

Analysis readout devices

Analysis transmitters

Analysis primary elements

Analysis test points

Analysis controllers

Analysis switches and alarm devices

Analysis solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Analysis wells or probes

Analysis final elements

Burner or combustion readout devices

Burner or combustion controllers

Burner or combustion switches and alarm devices

Burner or combustion transmitters

Burner or combustion solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Burner or combustion primary elements

Burner or combustion wells or probes

Burner or combustion viewing devices

Burner or combustion final elements

Voltage readout devices

Voltage controllers

Voltage switches and alarm devices

Voltage transmitters

Voltage solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Voltage primary elements

Voltage final elements

Hand switches and alarm devices

Hand controllers

Hand final elements

Current readout devices

Current controllers

Current switches and alarm devices

Current transmitters

Current solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Current primary elements

Current final elements

Power readout devices

Power controllers

Power switches and alarm devices

Power transmitters
Power solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Power primary elements

Power final elements

Time readout devices

Time controllers

Time switches and alarm devices

Time transmitters

Time solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Time primary elements

Time final elements

Quantity readout devices

Quantity controllers

Quantity switches and alarm devices

Quantity transmitters
Quantity solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Quantity primary elements

Quantity final elements

Radiation readout devices

Radiation controllers

Radiation switches and alarm devices

Radiation transmitters

Radiation solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Radiation primary elements

Radiation wells or probes

Radiation final elements

Speed or frequency readout devices

Speed or frequency controllers

Speed or frequency switches and alarm devices

Speed or frequency transmitters

Speed or frequency solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Speed or frequency primary elements

Speed or frequency final elements

Vibration or machine analysis readout devices

Vibration or machine analysis switches and alarm devices

Vibration or machine analysis transmitters

Vibration or machine analysis solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Vibration or machine analysis primary elements

Vibration or machine analysis final elements

Weight or force readout devices

Weight or force controllers

Weight or force switches and alarm devices

Weight or force transmitters

Weight or force solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Weight or force primary elements

Weight or force final elements

Weight or force differential readout devices

Weight or force differential controllers

Weight or force differential switches and alarm devices

Weight or force differential transmitters

Weight or force differential solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Weight or force differential primary elements

Weight or force differential final elements

Event, state, or presence readout devices

Event, state, or presence controllers

Event, state, or presence switches and alarm devices

Event, state, or presence transmitters

Event, state, or presence solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Event, state, or presence primary elements

Event, state, or presence final elements

Position or dimension readout devices

Position or dimension controllers

Position or dimension switches and alarm devices

Position or dimension transmitters

Position or dimension solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Position or dimension primary elements

Position or dimension final elements

Gauging or deviation readout devices

Gauging or deviation controllers

Gauging or deviation switches and alarm devices

Gauging or deviation transmitters

Gauging or deviation solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Gauging or deviation primary elements

Gauging or deviation final elements

Multivariable readout devices

Multivariable solenoids, relays, and computing devices

Multivariable final elements

InstrumentFunctionalSubClass InstrumentFunctionalType
LongDescription ShortDescription
ge the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.






















































































































































































Codelist Sort
InstrumentFunctionalType LongDescription Number Order
ot add or delete a parent value.

Pressure recorder (PR) 5
Pressure indicator (PI) 10
Pressure recording controller (PRC) 105
Pressure indicating controller (PIC) 110
Pressure blind controller (PC) 115
Pressure control valve (PCV) 120
Pressure regulator (PREG) 125
Pressure switch, high (PSH) 150
Pressure switch, medium (PSM) 155
Pressure switch, low (PSL) 160
Pressure switch, high and high (PSHH) 165
Pressure switch, high and low (PSHL) 170
Pressure switch, low and low (PSLL) 175
Pressure recording transmitter (PRT) 200
Pressure indicating transmitter (PIT) 205
Pressure blind transmitter (PT) 210
Pressure relay (PY) 250
Pressure element (PE) 300
Pressure test point (PP) 350
Pressure safety valve (PSV) 400
Pressure relief valve (PSV) 405
Pressure safety element (PSE) 455
Pressure automated valve (PV) 450
Pressure differential indicating controller (PDIC) 500
Pressure differential recording controller (PDRC) 505
Pressure differential blind controller (PDC) 510
Pressure differential control valve (PDCV) 515
Pressure differential indicator (PDI) 550
Pressure differential recorder (PDR) 555
Pressure differential switch, high (PDSH) 600
Pressure differential switch, low (PDSL) 605
Pressure differential transmitter (PDT) 650
Pressure differential recording transmitter (PDRT) 655
Pressure differential indicating transmitter (PDIT) 660
Pressure differential relay (PDY) 665
Pressure differential element (PDE) 670
Pressure differential test point (PDP) 675
Pressure differential automated valve (PDV) 680
Temperature recorder (TR) 700
Temperature indicator (TI) 705
Temperature recording controller (TRC) 750
Temperature indicating controller (TIC) 755
Temperature blind controller (TC) 760
Temperature control valve (TCV) 765
Temperature switch, high (TSH) 800
Temperature switch, medium (TSM) 805
Temperature switch, low (TSL) 810
Temperature switch, high and high (TSHH) 815
Temperature switch, high and low (TSHL) 820
Temperature switch, low and low (TSLL) 825
Temperature blind transmitter (TT) 850
Temperature recording transmitter (TRT) 855
Temperature indicating transmitter (TIT) 860
Temperature element (TE) 900
Temperature test point (TP) 950
Temperature relay (TY) 955
Temperature well (TW) 960
Temperature safety element (TSE) 965
Temperature automated valve (TV) 970
Temperature differential indicator (TDI) 1000
Temperature differential recorder (TDR) 1005
Temperature differential recording controller (TDRC) 1010
Temperature differential indicating controller (TDIC) 1015
Temperature differential blind controller (TDC) 1020
Temperature differential control valve (TDCV) 1025
Temperature differential switch, high (TDSH) 1030
Temperature differential switch, low (TDSL) 1032
Temperature differential recording transmitter (TDRT) 1034
Temperature differential indicating transmitter (TDIT) 1036
Temperature differential blind transmitter (TDT) 1038
Temperature differential relay (TDY) 1040
Temperature differential element (TDE) 1042
Temperature differential test point (TDP) 1044
Temperature differential well (TDW) 1046
Temperature differential automated valve (TDV) 1048
Flow rate recording controller (FRC) 1050
Flow rate indicating controller (FIC) 1055
Flow rate blind controller (FC) 1060
Flow rate self-actuated control valve (FCV) 1065
Flow rate self-actuated indicating control valve (FICV) 1070
Flow rate indicator (FI) 1100
Flow rate recorder (FR) 1105
Flow rate switch, high (FSH) 1150
Flow rate switch, medium (FSM) 1155
Flow rate switch, low (FSL) 1160
Flow rate switch, high and high (FSHH) 1165
Flow rate switch, high and low (FSHL) 1170
Flow rate switch, low and low (FSLL) 1175
Flow rate recording transmitter (FRT) 1200
Flow rate indicating transmitter (FIT) 1205
Flow rate blind transmitter (FT) 1210
Flow rate relay (FY) 1250
Flow rate element (FE) 1300
Restriction orifice (FO) 1305
Flow rate test point (FP) 1350
Flow rate viewing device (FG) 1400
Flow rate final element (FV) 1450
Flow quantity indicator (FQI) 1500
Flow quantity recorder (FQR) 1505
Flow quantity indicating controller (FQIC) 1510
Flow quantity recording controller (FQRC) 1511
Flow quantity switch, high (FQSH) 1515
Flow quantity switch, low (FQSL) 1520
Flow quantity indicating transmitter (FQIT) 1525
Flow quantity blind transmitter (FQT) 1530
Flow quantity relay (FQY) 1535
Flow quantity element (FQE) 1540
Flow quantity final element (FQV) 1545
Flow ratio indicator (FFI) 1550
Flow ratio recorder (FFR) 1555
Flow ratio recording controller (FFRC) 1560
Flow ratio indicating controller (FFIC) 1565
Flow ratio blind controller (FFC) 1570
Flow ratio switch, high (FFSH) 1575
Flow ratio switch, low (FFSL) 1580
Flow ratio element (FFE) 1585
Flow ratio final element (FFV) 1590
Level recorder (LR) 1600
Level indicator (LI) 1605
Level recording controller (LRC) 1650
Level indicating controller (LIC) 1655
Level controller (LC) 1670
Level control valve (LCV) 2770
Level switch, high (LSH) 1700
Level switch, medium (LSM) 1705
Level switch, low (LSL) 1710
Level switch, high and high (LSHH) 1715
Level switch, high and low (LSHL) 1720
Level switch, low and low (LSLL) 1725
Level transmitter (LT) 1750
Level recording transmitter (LRT) 1755
Level indicating transmitter (LIT) 1760
Level relay (LY) 1765
Level element (LE) 1770
Level well (LW) 1775
Level gauge glass (LG) 1780
Level automated valve (LV) 1785
Analysis indicator (AI) 1800
Analysis recorder (AR) 1805
Analysis recording transmitter (ART) 1850
Analysis indicating transmitter (AIT) 2775
Analyzer transmitter (AT) 2780
Analyzer element (AE) 1900
Analyzer test point (AP) 1950
Analysis recording controller (ARC) 1955
Analysis indicating controller (AIC) 1960
Analysis controller (AC) 1965
Analysis switch, high (ASH) 1970
Analysis switch, medium (ASM) 1972
Analysis switch, low (ASL) 1974
Analysis switch, high and high (ASHH) 1976
Analysis switch, high and low (ASHL) 1978
Analysis switch, low and low (ASLL) 1980
Analysis relay (AY) 1985
Analysis well (AW) 1990
Analysis automated valve (AV) 1995
Burner or combustion indicator (BI) 2000
Burner or combustion recorder (BR) 2005
Burner or combustion recording controller (BRC) 2010
Burner or combustion indicating controller (BIC) 2015
Burner or combustion controller (BC) 2020
Burner or combustion switch, high (BSH) 2022
Burner or combustion switch, medium (BSM) 2024
Burner or combustion switch, low (BSL) 2026
Burner or combustion switch, high and high (BSHH) 2028
Burner or combustion switch, high and low (BSHL) 2030
Burner or combustion switch, low and low (BSLL) 2032
Burner or combustion recording transmitter (BRT) 2034
Burner or combustion indicating transmitter (BIT) 2036
Burner or combustion transmitter (BT) 2038
Burner or combustion relay (BY) 2040
Burner or combustion element (BE) 2042
Burner or combustion well (BW) 2044
Burner or combustion gauge glass (BG) 2046
Burner or combustion final element (BZ) 2048
Voltage indicator (EI) 2050
Voltage recorder (ER) 2055
Voltage recording controller (ERC) 2060
Voltage indicating controller (EIC) 2065
Voltage controller (EC) 2070
Voltage switch, high (ESH) 2072
Voltage switch, medium (ESM) 2074
Voltage switch, low (ESL) 2076
Voltage switch, high and high (ESHH) 2078
Voltage switch, high and low (ESHL) 2080
Voltage switch, low and low (ESLL) 2082
Voltage recording transmitter (ERT) 2084
Voltage indicating transmitter (EIT) 2086
Voltage transmitter (ET) 2088
Voltage relay (EY) 2090
Voltage element (EE) 2092
Voltage final element (EZ) 2094
Hand switch (HS) 2100
Hand indicating controller (HIC) 2105
Hand controller (HC) 2110
Hand controlled valve (HV) 2115
Current indicator (II) 2150
Current recorder (IR) 2155
Current recording controller (IRC) 2160
Current indicating controller (IIC) 2165
Current switch, high (ISH) 2170
Current switch, medium (ISM) 2172
Current switch, low (ISL) 2174
Current switch, high and high (ISHH) 2176
Current switch, high and low (ISHL) 2178
Current switch, low and low (ISLL) 2180
Current recording transmitter (IRT) 2182
Current indicating transmitter (IIT) 2184
Current transmitter (IT) 2186
Current relay (IY) 2188
Current element (IE) 2190
Current final element (IZ) 2192
Power indicator (JI) 2200
Power recorder (JR) 2205
Power recording controller (JRC) 2210
Power indicating controller (JIC) 2215
Power switch, high (JSH) 2216
Power switch, medium (JSM) 2218
Power switch, low (JSL) 2220
Power switch, high and high (JSHH) 2222
Power switch, high and low (JSHL) 2224
Power switch, low and low (JSLL) 2226
Power recording transmitter (JRT) 2230
Power indicating transmitter (JIT) 2232
Power transmitter (JT) 2234
Power relay (JY) 2235
Power element (JE) 2240
Power final element (JV) 2245
Time indicator (KI) 2250
Time recorder (KR) 2255
Time recording controller (KRC) 2260
Time indicating controller (KIC) 2262
Time blind controller (KC) 2264
Time control valve (KCV) 2266
Time switch, high (KSH) 2270
Time switch, medium (KSM) 2272
Time switch, low (KSL) 2274
Time switch, high and high (KSHH) 2276
Time switch, high and low (KSHL) 2278
Time switch, low and low (KSLL) 2280
Time recording transmitter (KRT) 2282
Time indicating transmitter (KIT) 2284
Time blind transmitter (KT) 2286
Time relay (KY) 2290
Time element (KE) 2292
Time automated valve (KV) 2294
Quantity indicator (QI) 2300
Quantity recorder (QR) 2305
Quantity recording controller (QRC) 2310
Quantity indicating controller (QIC) 2315
Quantity switch, high (QSH) 2316
Quantity switch, medium (QSM) 2318
Quantity switch, low (QSL) 2320
Quantity switch, high and high (QSHH) 2322
Quantity switch, high and low (QSHL) 2324
Quantity switch, low and low (QSLL) 2326
Quantity recording transmitter (QRT) 2330
Quantity indicating transmitter (QIT) 2332
Quantity blind transmitter (QT) 2334
Quantity relay (QY) 2336
Quantity element (QE) 2338
Quantity final element (QZ) 2340
Radiation indicator (RI) 2350
Radiation recorder (RR) 2355
Radiation recording controller (RRC) 2360
Radiation indicating controller (RIC) 2362
Radiation blind controller (RC) 2364
Radiation switch, high (RSH) 2370
Radiation switch, medium (RSM) 2372
Radiation switch, low (RSL) 2374
Radiation switch, high and high (RSHH) 2376
Radiation switch, high and low (RSHL) 2378
Radiation switch, low and low (RSLL) 2380
Radiation recording transmitter (RRT) 2382
Radiation indicating transmitter (RIT) 2384
Radiation blind transmitter (RT) 2386
Radiation relay (RY) 2388
Radiation element (RE) 2390
Radiation well (RW) 2392
Radiation final element (RZ) 2394
Speed or frequency indicator (SI) 2400
Speed or frequency recorder (SR) 2405
Speed or frequency recording controller (SRC) 2410
Speed or frequency indicating controller (SIC) 2412
Speed or frequency blind controller (SC) 2414
Speed or frequency control valve (SCV) 2416
Speed or frequency switch, high (SSH) 2420
Speed or frequency switch, medium (SSM) 2422
Speed or frequency switch, low (SSL) 2424
Speed or frequency switch, high and high (SSHH) 2426
Speed or frequency switch, high and low (SSHL) 2428
Speed or frequency switch, low and low (SSLL) 2430
Speed or frequency recording transmitter (SRT) 2432
Speed or frequency indicating transmitter (SIT) 2434
Speed or frequency blind transmitter (ST) 2436
Speed or frequency relay (SY) 2438
Speed or frequency element (SE) 2440
Speed or frequency final element (SV) 2445
Vibration or machine analysis indicator (VI) 2450
Vibration or machine analysis recorder (VR) 2455
Vibration or machine analysis switch, high (VSH) 2460
Vibration or machine analysis switch, medium (VSM) 2462
Vibration or machine analysis switch, low (VSL) 2464
Vibration or machine analysis switch, high and high 2466
Vibration or machine analysis switch, high and low (VSHL) 2468

Vibration or machine analysis switch, low and low (VSLL) 2470

Vibration or machine analysis recording transmitter (VRT) 2472

Vibration or machine analysis indicating transmitter (VIT) 2474

Vibration or machine analysis blind transmitter (VT) 2476

Vibration or machine analysis relay (VY) 2480
Vibration or machine analysis element (VE) 2485
Vibration or machine analysis final element (VZ) 2490
Weight or force indicator (WI) 2500
Weight or force recorder (WR) 2505
Weight or force recording controller (WRC) 2510
Weight or force indicating controller (WIC) 2512
Weight or force blind controller (WC) 2514
Weight or force control valve (WCV) 2516
Weight or force switch, high (WSH) 2520
Weight or force switch, medium (WSM) 2522
Weight or force switch, low (WSL) 2524
Weight or force switch, high and high (WSHH) 2526
Weight or force switch, high and low (WSHL) 2528
Weight or force switch, low and low (WSLL) 2530
Weight or force recording transmitter (WRT) 2532
Weight or force indicating transmitter (WIT) 2534
Weight or force blind transmitter (WT) 2536
Weight or force relay (WY) 2538
Weight or force element (WE) 2540
Weight or force final element (WZ) 2545
Weight differential indicator (WDI) 2550
Weight or force differential recorder (WDR) 2555
Weight or force differential recording controller (WDRC) 2560

Weight or force differential indicating controller (WDIC) 2562

Weight or force differential blind controller (WDC) 2564

Weight or force differential control valve (WDCV) 2566
Weight or force differential switch, high (WDSH) 2570
Weight or force differential switch, low (WDSL) 2572
Weight or force differential recording transmitter (WDRT) 2580

Weight or force differential indicating transmitter (WDIT) 2582

Weight or force differential blind transmitter (WDT) 2584

Weight or force differential relay (WDY) 2586
Weight or force differential element (WDE) 2590
Weight or force differential final element (WDZ) 2595
Event, state, or presence indicator (YI) 2600
Event, state, or presence recorder (YR) 2605
Event, state, or presence indicating controller (YIC) 2610
Event, state, or presence blind controller (YC) 2615
Event, state, or presence switch, high (YSH) 2620
Event, state, or presence switch, low (YSL) 2625
Event, state, or presence blind transmitter (YT) 2630
Event, state, or presence relay (YY) 2635
Event, state, or presence element (YE) 2640
Event, state, or presence final element (YZ) 2645
Position or dimension indicator (ZI) 2650
Position or dimension recorder (ZR) 2655
Position or dimension recording controller (ZRC) 2660
Position or dimension indicating controller (ZIC) 2662
Position or dimension blind controller (ZC) 2664
Position or dimension control valve (ZCV) 2666
Position or dimension switch, high (ZSH) 2670
Position or dimension switch, medium (ZSM) 2672
Position or dimension switch, low (ZSL) 2674
Position or dimension switch, high and high (ZSHH) 2676
Position or dimension switch, high and low (ZSHL) 2678
Position or dimension switch, low and low (ZSLL) 2680
Position or dimension recording transmitter (ZRT) 2682
Position or dimension indicating transmitter (ZIT) 2684
Position or dimension blind transmitter (ZT) 2686
Position or dimension relay (ZY) 2688
Position or dimension element (ZE) 2690
Position or dimension final element (ZV) 2695
Gauging or deviation indicator (ZDI) 2700
Gauging or deviation recorder (ZDR) 2705
Gauging or deviation recording controller (ZDRC) 2710
Gauging or deviation indicating controller (ZDIC) 2712
Gauging or deviation blind controller (ZDC) 2714
Gauging or deviation control valve (ZDCV) 2716
Gauging or deviation switch, high (ZDSH) 2720
Gauging or deviation switch, low (ZDSL) 2722
Gauging or deviation recording transmitter (ZDRT) 2730
Gauging or deviation indicating transmitter (ZDIT) 2732
Gauging or deviation blind transmitter (ZDT) 2734
Gauging or deviation relay (ZDY) 2735
Gauging or deviation element (ZDE) 2740
Gauging or deviation final element (ZDV) 2745
Multivariable indicator (UI) 2750
Multivariable recorder (UR) 2755
Multivariable analysis relay (UY) 2760
Multivariable automated valve (UV) 2765
! Back to Index

HEAD InsulationMaterial ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Armacell Armaflex
Armacell Tubolit self-seal polyethylene
Dow Styrofoa extruded polystyrene
Dow Trymer 2000 XP rigid polyisocyanurate

Industrial Insulation GroupThermo-12 Gold calcium silicate

Johns Manville Micro-Flex
Johns Manville Micro-Lok
Johns Manville Permacote Linacoustic
Johns Manville Precipitator Spin Glas

Owens Corning ASJ 25
Owens Corning ASJ/SSL-II
Owens Corning Heavy Density
Owens Corning Pipeshield
Owens Corning SSL
Owens Corning SSL-II
Owens Corning Vaporwick
Owens Corning Vitro Fibras
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation FOAMGLAS

Codelist Sort
InsulationMaterial LongDescription Number Order
d by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Armaflex 21
Armacell Armaflex® 41
Armacell Tubolit self-seal polyethylene 42
Asbestos 6
Brick 7
Ceramic fiber; Company Standard 50
Cellular glass; ASTM C552 27
Cork 11
Calcium silicate; ASTM C533, C795 2
Cotton Wool 8
Dual: Ceramic Fiber / Mineral Wool 24
Dual: Polyisocyanurate / Cellular Glass 25
Dow Styrofoam™ extruded polystyrene 14
Dow Trymer™ 2000 XP rigid polyisocyanurate 13
Diatomaceous silica 60
Expanded perlite; ASTM C610 35
Fiberglass; ASTM C547, C612 5
Flexible elastomeric; ASTM C534 30
Foam Glass 3
Granular inorganic minerals; Company Standard 55
Glass Wool 9

Industrial Insulation GroupThermo-12® Gold calcium sil 12

Johns Manville Micro-Flex™ 36
Johns Manville Micro-Lok® 37
Johns Manville Permacote® Linacoustic® 38
Johns Manville Precipitator Spin Glas® 39

Mineral fiber (Rockwool); ASTM C553, C592, or C612 40

Magnesia 65
Mineral Wool 20
Owens Corning ASJ 25 31
Owens Corning ASJ/SSL-II® 29
Owens Corning Heavy Density 16
Owens Corning Pipeshield 33
Owens Corning SSL® 17
Owens Corning SSL-II® 28
Owens Corning VaporwickTM 32
Owens Corning Vitro Fibras 34
Polyethylene 85
Plastic foam 70
Phenolic foam 75
Polyisocyanurate 19
Pittsburgh Corning Corporation FOAMGLAS® 15
Polymeric / Polyamide; Company Standard 45
Polypropylene balls 90
Perlite 22
Polyurethane 18
PVC Nitrile rubber 80
Rubber 10
Polystyrene 23
Urethane 4
! Back to Index
InsulationRequirement InsulationRequirement
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm



InsulationType InsulationPurpose
ShortDescription InsulationType LongDescription ShortDescription
er may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value o
y the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.



Refractory lined

Heat conservation
Cold conservation
Vacuum insulated pipe
Other temperature control
Frost proofing
Fire proofing
External condensation and
icing protection
Codelist Sort
InsulationPurpose LongDescription Number Order
ge the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a grand parent value.

Undefined 1
None 2
Refractory lined, insulation 30
Refractory lined, insulation with erosion 32
Refractory lined, erosion 34
Pre-insulated 45
Pre-insulated with electric heat tracing 50
Heat conservation 4
Heat conservation with sound attenuation 5
Heat conservation with fire protection 11
Cold conservation 15
Cold conservation, vacuum type 16
Cold conservation with sound attenuation 17
Cold conservation with fire protection 20
Vacuum insulated pipe 6
Heat and cold conservation 18
Freeze protection 35
Fire protection 55
Fire protection with heat conservation 60
Fire protection with sound attenuation 65
Fire protection with heat conservation and sou 70
Fire protection with cold conservation 75
Fire protection with freeze protection 80
Fire protection with external condensation prot 85

External condensation protection 90
Icing protection 95
Surface condensation retardant 14
Personnel protection 3
Personnel comfort 36
Sound attenuation 21
Sound attenuation with vapor barrier 22
Sound attenuation in the area 500-2000 Hz by 100
Sound attenuation in the area 500-2000 Hz by 105
Sound attenuation in the area 500-2000 Hz by 110
Sound attenuation with heat conservation 115
Sound attenuation with personnel protection 120
Sound attenuation with cold conservation 125
Sound attenuation with freeze protection 130
Sound attenuation with external condensation 135
Varies 40
e a grand parent value.
! Back to Index
InsulationTemperatureBasis InsulationTemperatureBasis
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Insulation Temperature Insulation Temperature
Heat Tracing Medium Temperature Heat Tracing Medium Temperature
Normal design - minimum Normal design - minimum
Normal design - maximuum Normal design - maximuum
Normal operating - minimum Normal operating - minimum
Normal operating - maximuum Normal operating - maximuum
Alternate design - minimum Alternate design - minimum
Alternate design - maximuum Alternate design - maximuum
Alternate operating - minimum Alternate operating - minimum
Alternate operating - maximuum Alternate operating - maximuum

Codelist Sort
Number Order
l value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de

the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
InsulationThicknessBasis InsulationThicknessBasis Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
By System By System 5
By User By User 10

lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

InteriorSurfaceTreatmentRequire ment
HEAD ment ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sma
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.
Undefined Undefined

None None

Passivation/Descaling Passivation/Descali

Rust and/or corrosion inhibition Rust and/or

corrosion inhibition

InteriorSurfaceTreatment ShortDescription
ed by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
not be used. They will be deleted eventually.


Not Required

Pickle with acid

Pickle/oil with acid
Pickle with nitric acid (20-50%)

Pickle with nitric acid (20-40%) + sodium dichromate (2-6%)

Pickle with nitric acid (12%) + copper sulfate (4%)

Acid descale with oxalic acid (5%)

Acid descale with sulfuric acid (8-11%)

Acid descale with nitric acid (15-25%) + hydrogen fluoride
Pickle with nitric acid (20%) + hydrogen fluoride (5%) at

Flush with rust inhibitor

Flush with sodium nitrite (0.5%) + DSP/MSP (0.5%)
Enercept®, water-soluble corrosion inhibitors (Nalco)
Enercept®, oil-soluble corrosion inhibitors (Nalco)
Enercept®, multi-functional
environmentally corrosion inhibitorsinhibitors
friendly corrosion (Nalco)
Dry powder application, VCI-1, 0.30 ounces (weight) per
Wet foot application, VCI-1, 0.25% solution in water
(based upon weight)
Scale inhibitor
Codelist Sort
InteriorSurfaceTreatment LongDescription Number Order
ant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Not Required 2

Pickle with acid 25
Pickle/oil with acid 30
Pickle with nitric acid (20-50%) 35

Pickle with nitric acid (20-40%) + sodium dichromate (2-6%) 40

Pickle with nitric acid (12%) + copper sulfate (4%) 45

Acid descale with oxalic acid (5%) 50

Acid descale with sulfuric acid (8-11%) 55

Acid descale with nitric acid (15-25%) + hydrogen fluoride
(8%) 60
Pickle with nitric acid (20%) + hydrogen fluoride (5%) at
125-130oF 62
Pickled 20

Flush with rust inhibitor 65

Flush with sodium nitrite (0.5%) + DSP/MSP (0.5%) 70
Enercept®, water-soluble corrosion inhibitors (Nalco) 71
Enercept®, oil-soluble corrosion inhibitors (Nalco) 72
Enercept®, multi-functional
environmentally corrosion inhibitorsinhibitors
friendly corrosion (Nalco) 73
Dry powder application, VCI-1, 0.30 ounces (weight) per 74
Wet foot application, VCI-1, 0.25% solution in water
powder 75
(based upon weight) 76
Scale inhibitor 77
! Back to Index
IsBendPlanar IsBendPlanar Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Planar bend Planar bend 1
Centerline of pipe bend Centerline of pipe bend 2

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription JacketedClosureMethod LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change

Standard (extend the jacket pipe until it intersects the

Standard flange, and weld the pipe to the back of the flange)
Use piping commodity as jacket closure fitting (the
functional short code for the jacket closure fitting will
be determined from the Default Piping Commodity
Jacket Closure Fitting Selection rule)

Use custom-engineered piping specialty as jacket

Use custom-engineered piping closure fitting (the piping specialty tag number for the
specialty as jacket closure fitting jacket closure fitting will be determined from this rule)
Swage Jacket Pipe End Swage end of jacket pipe and weld to core pipe

Codelist Sort
Number Order
ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val


must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
JacketedPipingBasis JacketedPipingBasis Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Not Applicable Not Applicable 1
Core Commodities Apply to Core 5
Jacket Commodities Apply to Jacket 10
Jumper Commodities Apply to Jumper 15

lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD JointRequirement ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Ends are compatible
Coupling, connector, or adapter is required for joint
Nipple is required for joint
Minimum length pipe is required for joint

Codelist Sort
JointRequirement LongDescription Number Order
change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user m

Ends are compatible 1

Coupling, connector, or adapter is required for joint 5
Nipple is required for joint 10
Minimum length pipe is required for joint 15
he value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
LiningRequirements LiningRequirements
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text a
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar
Not Lined

LiningMaterial ShortDescription
The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric
added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Ceramic Epoxy, Protecto 401
Cement lined
Cement lined & epoxy coated
Cement lined, treated & wrapped
Cement lined (double thickness) asphalt coated
Cement lined, sulphate resisting
Cement lined, special
Fusion-Bonded Epoxy
FiberSpar LinePipe® 1,000 Series
FiberSpar LinePipe® 1,500 Series
FiberSpar LinePipe® 2,500 Series
FiberSpar LinePipe® 750 Series
PolybondPlus, American Ductile Iron Pipe
Pure gum rubber
Codelist Sort
LiningMaterial LongDescription Number Order
text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the use
0. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
None 2
Asphaltic, e.g. in accordance AWWA C110, C115, or C 95
Buna-N 125
Ceramic Epoxy, Protecto 401 100
Cement lined (double thickness) 65
Cement lined, epoxy coated 70
Cement lined, treated & wrapped 75
Cement lined (double thickness) asphalt coated 80
Cement lined, sulphate resisting 85
Cement lined, special 6
Cement-mortar lined, e.g. in accordance with ASME/ 40
Chlorobutyl 8
Concrete 45
ECTFE (EthyleneChlorotrifluoroEthylene) [Halar] 25
Epoxy 55
ETFE (EthylenetetraFluoroethylene) [Tefzel] 30
EPDM (Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer) 130
Fusion-Bonded Epoxy 105
FiberSpar LinePipe® 1,000 Series 12
FiberSpar LinePipe® 1,500 Series 13
FiberSpar LinePipe® 2,500 Series 14
FiberSpar LinePipe® 750 Series 11
GRPFA (Glass-Reinforced PFA-Teflon®) 120
Glass 60
Hypalon® 140
MPFA (Modified Perfluoroalkoxy) [Teflon] 35
PFA (Perfluoroalkoxy) [Teflon] 5
PP (Polypropylene) 10
PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) [Teflon] 15
PVDF (Polyvinylidene fluoride) [Kynar®] 20
PolybondPlus®, American Ductile Iron Pipe 90
PTFE/ PFA (Polytetrafluoroethylene/ Perfluoroalkoxy) 115
Pure gum rubber 7
Rubber 50
UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) 110
Neoprene® 135
Nitrile 9
Viton® 145
g of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000

United States of America, Standards

United States of America, Manufacturers

Germany Standards (DIN)
Finland Standards (SFS)
Germany Manufacturers
CEN/EU Standards
Great Britain Standards (BSI)
Great Britain Manufacturers
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa Standards
Japan Standards (JISC)
China Standards (SACS)
Korea Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific Standards
Australia Standards (SAI)
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
Japan Manufacturers
Finland Manufacturers
China Manufacturers
France Standards (AFNOR)
Korea Manufacturers
France Manufacturers
Other Asia-Pacific Manufacturers
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa Manufacturers
Australia Manufacturers
Offshore Industry Manufacturers
Power Industry Manufacturers
Other Americas Standards
Other Americas Manufacturers
Argentina Standards (IRAM)
Austria Standards (ON)
Bahrain Standards (BSMD)
Barbados Standards (BNSI)
Belarus Standards (BELST)
Belgium Standards (IBN)
Bolivia Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil Standards (ABNT)
Canada Standards (SCC)
Chile Standards (INN)
Colombia Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic Standards (CSNI)
Denmark Standards (DS)
Greece Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland Standards (IST)
India Standards (BIS)
Indonesia Standards (BSN)
Ireland Standards (NSAI)
Israel Standards (SII)
Italy Standards (UNI)
Jordan Standards (JISM)
Kuwait Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg Standards (SEE)
Malaysia Standards (DSM)
Malta Standards (MSA)
Mexico Standards (DGN)
Netherlands Standards (NEN)
New Zealand Standards (SNZ)
Norway Standards (NSF)
Oman Standards (DGSM)
Panama Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay Standards (INTN)
Peru Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines Standards (BPS)
Poland Standards (PKN)
Portugal Standards (IPQ)
Romania Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia Standards (SASO)
Singapore Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa Standards (SABS)
Spain Standards (AENOR)
Sweden Standards (SIS)
Switzerland Standards (SNV)
Thailand Standards (TISI)
Turkey Standards (TSE)
Ukraine Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam Standards (TCVN)

LoadSpanClassificationPractice LoadSpanClassification
LongDescription ShortDescription
The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric v
dded by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


LoadSpanClassification Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
hlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele
ve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
NEMA 8B 10
NEMA 8C 15
NEMA 12A 20
NEMA 12B 25
NEMA 12C 30
NEMA 12C+ 31
NEMA 16A 35
NEMA 16B 40
NEMA 16C 45
NEMA 20A 50
NEMA 20B 55
NEMA 20C 60
NEMA 20C+ 61
CSA A 65
CSA C 70
CSA D 75
CSA E 80
e user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
LooseMaterialRequirements LooseMaterialRequirements
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined Undefined
Not Required Not Required
Required Required

Codelist Sort
Number Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or del

user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
MachBoltLengthRoundOffOption MachBoltLengthRoundOffOption
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
None None
Use Value Use Value
Use list of preferred machine bolt lengths Use list of preferred machine bolt lengths

Codelist Sort
Number Order
must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value

ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ManufacturerIndustryPractice ShortDescription

! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm

United States of America, Manufacturers

Canadian Manufacturers

German Manufacturers

British Manufacturers

Japanese Manufacturers
Finnish Manufacturers
Chinese Manufacturers
Korean Manufacturers
French Manufacturers

Other Asian Manufacturers

Other European Manufacturers

Australian Manufacturers

Offshore Industry Manufacturers

Power Industry Manufacturers
Other American Manufacturers
Italian Manufacturers
Norwegian Manufacturers

! Electrical manufacturers
United States of America, Manufacturers

British Manufacturers

LongDescription Manufacturer ShortDescription
user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric valu
d by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Abresist Corporation
Aldo Colombo
Allied Pipe Products
American Cast Iron Pipe Company Co.,
American Darling
American Ductile Iron Pipe

American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (AIF)

American Valve
Anderson Greenwood
Autoclave Engineers
Babcock and Wilcox
Badger Meters
Bailey Co
Basic Engineering
Bonney Forge
Boots & Coots
Brooks Meters
Clayton Automatic Valves
Clayton Mark
Continental Emsco
Cooper Valve
Core Pipe Products, Inc. (Gerlin, Inc.)
Duo Seal
Felker Brothers
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox
Gladding McBean
Grinnell Fire Prot
Hayward Flow Control Systems
Imperial Eastman
ISCO Industries
ISCO Industries, approved by Factory
Mutual Research Corporation
Jacoby Tarbox
Judd Valve
Kinka Kikai
L & M Valve
Center Line Valve
Flowseal Valve
Pacific Valves
Master Flo Valve
Mueller Industries
Mueller/Muessco Brass
Mueller/Muessco Steam Specialty
Pan Korea
Parker Hannifin
Parks Cramer
Peabody Dore
Performance Pipe Driscoplex
Perma-Pipe, Inc.
R & G Sloane
R P &C
RF Valves
Rockwell Edwards
Rockwell McCanna
Rockwell Nordstorm
Serck Audco
Spears® Manufacturing Company
Spirax Sarco
Spraying Systems
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFCO)
Standard Fittings
Stang Hydronics
Taylor Forge
Teledyne Farris
Texas Bolt
Tube Turn Industries
Watts Regulator
Wire Masters
Wirt & Knox
Woodco USA
AB&I Foundry
Aitken Z
Burns & McDonnell
Independent Pipe Products
Pipeline Seal and Insulator
Robert James
Taylor Forge, Rev 1957
Tyco Flow Control

Reinforced Plastic Systems



Schneider Electric


Vangeel Systems
Winel BV


Cooper B-Line
General Electric
Square D

Codelist Sort
Manufacturer LongDescription Number Order
must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a paren
umeric values.

A.O.Smith 62
Abresist Corporation 9
Adams 14
Adamson 10
Aeroquip 2
Aitken 18
Aldo Colombo 26
Allied Pipe Products 22
Aloyco 30

American Cast Iron Pipe Company Co., (ACIPCO) 3

American Darling 34
American Ductile Iron Pipe 38

American Insert Flange Company, Inc. (AIF) 4

American Valve 42
Amri 46
Anaconda 50
Anderson Greenwood 54
Anvil 58
Apco 5
Apollo 66
Argus 74
Armstrong 78
Asahi/American 82
Autoclave Engineers 6
Babbitt 86
Babcock and Wilcox 90
Badger Meters 94
Bailey Co 98
Balon 102
Basic Engineering 106
Bestobel 110
Bete 114
Bonney Forge 118
Boots & Coots 122
Bray 126
Brooks Meters 130
Cameron 134
Carbone 138
Ciba-Geigy 142
Clark-Reliance 146
Clarkson 7
Clayton Automatic Valves 150
Clayton Mark 154
Clow 158
Cochrane 162
Condren 166
Continental Emsco 170
Cooper Valve 178
Core Pipe Products, Inc. (Gerlin, Inc.) 8
Crane 186
Crosby 190
Daniel 198
Demco 202
Dezurik 206
Dixon 210
Dover 222
DOW 226
Dresser® 218
Duo Seal 230
Durco 238
Dur-O-Lock 234
Eaton 11
Elkhart 242
Enpro 246
Epsco 250
Everest 254
Fabri-Valve 258
Fairbanks 262
Fasani 266
Felker Brothers 12
Fetterolf 270
Fibercast 274
Fike 278
Fisher 282
Flexitallic 286
Flowline 290
FMC 294
Future Pipe Industries (formerly Wavin Repox) 925
Foxboro 298
Garlock 302
General 306
Geosource 314
Gestra 318
Gladding McBean 322
Goodall 13
Graylock 330
Grinnell 334
Grinnell Fire Prot 338
Grove 342
Gulf 346
Hammond 350
Hancock 354
Haws 358
Hayward Flow Control Systems 866
Heaton 362
Hex 366
Hindle-Hamer 370
Hitachi 374
Hoke 382
Hydril 386
Imperial Eastman 390
ISCO Industries 15
ISCO Industries, approved by Factory Mutual
Research Corporation 16
Ishida 394
Iso-Gate 17
ITT 402
Jacoby Tarbox 406
Jamesbury 410
Jenkins 414
Jerguson 418
Judd Valve 422
Kamyr-Neles 426
Kemp 430
Kennedy 434
Keystone 438
Kinka Kikai 442
Kitz 446
KTM 450
Kubota 454
L & M Valve 458
Ladish 462
Lamons 466
Larox 20
Lukens 470
Mac-Iron 478
Magnetrol 482
Malbranque 486
Maloney 490
Center Line Valve 494
Flowseal Valve 498
McCanna-Marpac 502
Pacific Valves 506
Marlin 510
Marwin 514
Masoneilan 518
Master Flo Valve 27
Media 522
Milwaukee 526
Mueller Industries 527
Mueller/Muessco Brass 530
Mueller/Muessco Steam Specialty 534
Navco 538
Nells 542
Newco 546
Nibco 550
Nicholson 554
Nippon-Benkan 558
Nupro 562
OPW 566
Orbit 570
Oseco, Oklahoma Safety Equipment Co., Inc. 574
Pan Korea 578
Parker Hannifin 582
Parks Cramer 586
Peabody Dore 590
Penberthy 594
Penn-AirCheck 598
Performance Pipe Driscoplex® 28
Perma-Pipe, Inc. 601
Persta 602
Petrolvalves 606
Posi-Seal 610
Powell 618
Powhatan 614
Pratt 622
Premafu 626
Protectoseal 630
R & G Sloane 634
R P &C 662
Resistoflex 638
RF Valves 29
Ring-O 642
Rockwell 646
Rockwell Edwards 650
Rockwell McCanna 654
Rockwell Nordstorm 658
Sarco 666
Sella 670
Serck Audco 674
Serfilco 678
Shoritsu 682
Smith 686
Spears® Manufacturing Company 31
Spirax Sarco 694
Spraying Systems 690
Stainless Insert Flange Company (SIFCO) 32
Stanco 702
Standard Fittings 706
Stang Hydronics 710
Sterling 33
Stockham 714
Strahman 718
Swagelok® 722
Tapco 726
Taylor 730
Taylor Forge 734
Tech-Taylor 36
Teledyne Farris 738
Texas Bolt 742
Thevignot 746
Titeflex 750
TK 754
TKM 758
Triangle 762
Truflo 766
TRW/Mission 770
Tube Turn Industries 774
Tufline 778
Tyler 782
Valvotecnic 786
Vanessa 790
Velan 794
Victaulic 798
Viking 802
Vitas 806
Vogt 810
Wada 814
Wallworth 818
Watts Regulator 822
Weco 826
WFI 834
Winston 838
Wire Masters 37
Wirt & Knox 842
WKM 846
Woodco USA 879
Worcester 850
Yarway 854
Yoneki 858
Zurn 862
AB&I Foundry 926
Aitken Z 884
Burns & McDonnell 888
Independent Pipe Products 892
Pipeline Seal and Insulator 896
Robert James 900
Saunders 904
Taylor Forge, Rev 1957 912
Tri-Clover® 920
Tyco Flow Control 924
Reinforced Plastic Systems (RPS) 39
Gemu 870
Anson 80001
Hopkinsons 880
Techdrill 80002
Schneider Electric 874
Linatex 19
Vangeel Systems, Netherlands 1116
Winel BV 876
Lunkenheimer 90005

Appleton 70
Cooper B-Line 174
Cope 182
Crouse-Hinds 194
Draka 214
General Electric 310
Gould 326
Hoffman 378
Square D 698
Westinghouse 830
Metstrut 878
add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ManufacturingMethod ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Seamless, male threaded x plain ends
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, 100% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.42 100% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, 100% X-ray 100% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.1, 100% joint quality
Cast, 100% casting quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.22, 100% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.12 100% joint quality
Forged & bored
Cast, 90% casting quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, spot X-ray, 90% joint quality
Electric resistance welded, longitudinal seam, 85% joint quality
Electric resistance, welded longitudinal seam, Cl.II, 85% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, double buttwelded, 85% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.2, 85% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, DSAW, Cl.10, 85% joint quality
Submerged arc welded, longitudinal seam, 85% joint quality
Double submerged arc welded, spiral seam, 85% joint quality
Double submerged arc welded, longitudinal seam, 85% joint quality
Double submerged arc welded, longitudinal seam, 95% joint quality
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, single welded, 80% joint quality
Electric fusion weld, spiral seam, 85% joint quality
Electric fusion weld, longitudinal seam, 75% joint quality
Buttweld, 60% joint quality
Mortar joint
Push-on joint
Electric resistance weld
Automatic arc weld
Submerged arc weld
Automatic submerged arc weld
Laser weld
Spiral seam weld
Straight seam weld
ManufacturingMethod LongDescription Number
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Seamless 5
Seamless, male threaded x plain ends 6
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, 100% joint quality 10
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.42 100% joint quality 15
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, 100% X-ray 100% joint quality 20
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.1, 100% joint quality 25
Cast, 100% casting quality 30
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.22, 100% joint quality 35
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.12 100% joint quality 40
Forged & bored 45
Spool 50
Cast, 90% casting quality 55
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, spot X-ray, 90% joint quality 60
Electric resistance welded, longitudinal seam, 85% joint quality 65
Electric resistance, welded longitudinal seam, Cl.II, 85% joint quality 70
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, double buttwelded, 85% joint quality 75
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, Cl.2, 85% joint quality 80
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, DSAW, Cl.10, 85% joint quality 85
Submerged arc welded, longitudinal seam, 85% joint quality 90
Double submerged arc welded, spiral seam, 85% joint quality 95
Double submerged arc welded, longitudinal seam, 85% joint quality 100
Double submerged arc welded, longitudinal seam, 95% joint quality 105
Electric fusion welded, longitudinal seam, single welded, 80% joint quality 110
Electric fusion weld, spiral seam, 85% joint quality 115
Electric fusion weld, longitudinal seam, 75% joint quality 120
Buttweld, 60% joint quality 125
Mortar joint construction at bell end of reinforced concrete pipe 130
Push-on joint construction at bell end of reinforced concrete pipe 135
Buttweld 140
Electric resistance weld 145
Automatic arc weld 150
Submerged arc weld 155
Automatic submerged arc weld 160
Laser weld 165
Spiral seam weld 170
Straight seam weld 175
! Back to Index
MapType MapType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Skey Mapping 0
End Prep Mapping 2
een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD MaterialDescBuilderOption ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change

Automated creation of material descriptions is disabled

Automated creation of material descriptions is enabled

Codelist Sort
MaterialDescBuilderOption LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
MaterialsGradePractice MaterialsGradePractice
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

Universal, Generic Materials Universal, Generic Materials

United States of America,
Germany Standards (DIN)
Finland Standards (SFS)
CEN/EU Standards
United Kingdom Standards (BSI)
Other Europe, Middle East, and
Africa Standards
Japan Standards (JISC)
China Standards (GB, Guojia
Biaozhun; SACS)
Korea Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific Standards
Australia Standards (AS)
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
France Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas Standards
Argentina Standards (IRAM)
Austria Standards (ON)
Bahrain Standards (BSMD)
Barbados Standards (BNSI)
Belarus Standards (BELST)
Belgium Standards (IBN)
Bolivia Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil Standards (ABNT)
Canada Standards (SCC) Canada Standards (SCC =
Standards Council of Canada,
CSA = Canadian Standards
Chile Standards (INN)
Colombia Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic Standards (CSNI)

Denmark Standards (DS)

Greece Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong Standards
Iceland Standards (IST)
India Standards (BIS)
Indonesia Standards (BSN)
Ireland Standards (NSAI)
Israel Standards (SII)
Italy Standards (UNI)
Jordan Standards (JISM)
Kuwait Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg Standards (SEE)
Malaysia Standards (DSM)
Malta Standards (MSA)
Mexico Standards (DGN)
Netherlands Standards (NEN)
New Zealand Standards (SNZ)
Norway Standards (NSF)
Oman Standards (DGSM)
Panama Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay Standards (INTN)
Peru Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines Standards (BPS)
Poland Standards (PKN)
Portugal Standards (IPQ)
Romania Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation Standards
Saudi Arabia Standards (SASO)
Singapore Standards (SPRING SG)

South Africa Standards (SABS)

Spain Standards (AENOR)

Sweden Standards (SIS)

Switzerland Standards (SNV)
Thailand Standards (TISI)
Turkey Standards (TSE)
Ukraine Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates Standards
Uruguay Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela Standards
Viet Nam Standards (TCVN)

ShortDescription MaterialsCategory LongDescription
may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or th
e user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
sed. They will be deleted eventually.

Undefined Undefined

Metallic Metallic
Non-metallic Non-metallic
Irons Irons

Carbon Steels Carbon Steels

Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels
Stainless Steels Stainless Steels
Copper and Copper Alloys Copper and Copper Alloys
Nickel and Nickel Alloys Nickel and Nickel Alloys
Aluminum Alloys Aluminum Alloys
Titanium and Titanium Alloys Titanium and Titanium Alloys
Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys

Other materials Other materials

Gasket materials Gasket materials
Bolting materials Bolting materials
Carbon Steels, DIN Carbon Steels, DIN

Irons, DIN Irons, DIN

Copper and Copper Alloys, DIN Copper and Copper Alloys, DIN

Other Materials, DIN Other Materials, DIN

Gasket Materials, DIN Gasket Materials, DIN
Bolting Materials, DIN Bolting Materials, DIN

Carbon Steels, EN Norms Carbon Steels, EN Norms

Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, EN Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, EN Norms

Other Metallic Materials, EN Norms Other Metallic Materials, EN Norms

Non-Metallic Materials, EN Norms Non-Metallic Materials, EN Norms

Carbon Steels, EN/DIN Norms Carbon Steels, EN/DIN Norms

Stainless Steels, EN/DIN Norms Stainless Steels, EN/DIN Norms

Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, EN/DIN Norms
EN/DIN Norms

Other Metallic Materials, EN/DIN Other Metallic Materials, EN/DIN Norms

Non-Metallic Materials, EN/DIN Norms Non-Metallic Materials, EN/DIN Norms

Gasket Materials, EN/DIN Gasket Materials, EN/DIN

Bolting Materials, EN Bolting Materials, EN

BS3601 Carbon steel pipes and tubes BS3601

BS3602 part 1 Steel pipes and tubes BS3602 part 1 1987

BS3602 part 2 Steel pipes and tubes elevated temp prop BS3602
part 2

BS3603 1977 Steel pipes and tubes low temp prop BS3603 1977

BS3604 Steel pipes and tubes elevated temp prop BS3604

BS3605:1973 SS pipes and tubes for pressure purposes
BS1501 part 1 1980 Plates BS1501 part 1 1980
BS1501 part 2 1988 Steel plates BS1501 part 2 1988

BS1501 part 3 1973 Steel plates BS1501 part 3 1973

BS1503 1980 Steel forgings to BS1503 1980
BS1504 1976 Steel casting to BS1504 1976

BS1506 1986 Steel bars and billets for bolting BS1506 1986
Metallic Materials, BSI Metallic Materials, BSI

Non-Metallic Materials, BSI Non-Metallic Materials, BSI

Gasket Materials, BSI Gasket Materials, BSI
Bolting Materials, BSI Bolting Materials, BSI
Aluminum Alloys, JIS Aluminum Alloys, JIS
Copper and Copper Alloys, JIS Copper and Copper Alloys, JIS
Irons, JIS Irons, JIS
Carbon Steels, JIS Carbon Steels, JIS
Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels, JIS
Stainless Steels, JIS Stainless Steels, JIS
Titanium and Titanium Alloys, JIS Titanium and Titanium Alloys, JIS
Zinc and Zinc alloys, JIS Zinc and Zinc alloys, JIS

Metallic Materials, SUS Metallic Materials, SUS

Non-Metallic Materials, SUS Non-Metallic Materials, SUS
Gasket Materials, SUS Gasket Materials, SUS

Bolting Materials, JIS Bolting Materials, JIS

GB Irons GB Irons

GB Carbon Steels GB Carbon Steels

GB Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels GB Low and Intermediate Alloy Steels
GB Stainless Steels GB Stainless Steels
GB Copper and Copper Alloys GB Copper and Copper Alloys

GB Nickel and Nickel Alloys GB Nickel and Nickel Alloys

GB Aluminum Alloys GB Aluminum Alloys

GB Other materials GB Other materials

Gasket Materials, GB Gasket Materials, GB

Bolting Materials, GB Bolting Materials, GB

Metallic Materials, AFNOR Metallic Materials, AFNOR

Non-Metallic Materials, AFNOR Non-Metallic Materials, AFNOR
Gasket Materials, AFNOR Gasket Materials, AFNOR
Bolting Materials, AFNOR Bolting Materials, AFNOR
Metallic Materials, CSN Metallic Materials, CSN

Non-Metallic Materials, CSN Non-Metallic Materials, CSN

Gasket Materials, CSN Gasket Materials, CSN
Bolting Materials, CSN Bolting Materials, CSN

Metallic Materials, UNI Metallic Materials, UNI

Non-Metallic Materials, UNI Non-Metallic Materials, UNI
Gasket Materials, UNI Gasket Materials, UNI
Bolting Materials, UNI Bolting Materials, UNI

Metallic Materials, UNE Metallic Materials, UNE

Non-Metallic Materials, UNE Non-Metallic Materials, UNE

Gasket Materials, UNE Gasket Materials, UNE
Bolting Materials, UNE Bolting Materials, UNE

Metallic Materials, SIS Metallic Materials, SIS

Non-Metallic Materials, SIS Non-Metallic Materials, SIS
Gasket Materials, SIS Gasket Materials, SIS
Bolting Materials, SIS Bolting Materials, SIS
MaterialsGrade ShortDescription
t change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a grand parent v


Alloy 20 (UNS N08020)

Alloy 400/R-405
Alloy 600
Alloy C-276
Beryllium Copper
Carpenter 20
Cast Iron
Clad steel
Ductile Iron
Grained structural steel
Hastelloy B2
Hastelloy C276
High-temperature and heat resisting steels
Hot rolled unalloyed structural steel
Incolay 800
Incolay 825
Inconel 600
Inconel 625
Inconel x-750
Low-temperature steel
Monel 400
Nickel 200
Non-ferrous metal
Special alloy
Steel sheet and strip with elevated temperature properties

Prestressed concrete
Reinforced concrete
A1 stainless steel
A2 stainless steel
A3 stainless steel
A4 stainless steel
A5 stainless steel
C1 stainless steel
C3 stainless steel
C4 stainless steel
C5 stainless steel
FA stainless steel
F1 stainless steel
Soft iron
Soft steel
Carbon steel
Low Carbon steel
Nickel alloy
Soft aluminum
Soft brass
Soft copper
Phosphor Bronze
316L VAR (vacuum arc remelt) stainless steel
SAF 2205TM stainess steel (UNS S31803)
SAF 2304TM stainess steel (UNS S32304)
SAF 2507TM stainess steel (UNS S32750)
304 stainless steel
304L stainless steel
316 stainless steel
316L stainless steel
317 stainless steel
321 stainless steel
347 stainless steel
410 stainless steel
502/501 Chromium/Molybdenum alloy
4-6% Chromium 1/2 Molybdenum alloy
Cupro Nickel

Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS)
Aramid fiber, bonded with nitrile (NBR) rubber
Butile Rubber (Isobutylene, HR)
Carbon fiber, bonded with nitrile (NBR) rubber
Ceramic fiber
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)
Chlorosulphonated polyethylene
Cloth inserted rubber
Compressed fiber
Compressed fiber with binder
Compressed non-asbestos sheet or fiber
Cork and Neoprene
Cork and Nitrile
Cork and rubber composite
Cork, composition
Cork, fiber
Cork, plain
Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR)
Ethylene Propylene Terpolymer (EPT)
Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM)
Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM), food grade

Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM), nylon inserted diaphragm

Expanded graphite
Expanded graphite with insertion
Expanded graphite with metallic reinforcement
Fiberglass cloth
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Fiberglass tacky cloth
Fluolion Integra Blue
Fluolion Integra White
Fluoroelastomer (FE)
Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Resin (EP-GF)
Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (Filament-Wound Fiberglass)

Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Resin (UP-GF)

Glass friction cloth
Glass Reinforced Polyester (GRP)
Glass yarn
Graphite (Flexible graphite)
Halogenated Butyl (Elastomeric Isobutylene-Isoprene Copolymer)

High Density Polyethylene (HDPE, Polyaetylen hart, PE-HD)

Hypalon (Chlorosulfanated Polyethylene)

Isoprene (IR)
Long sheep wool felt cellulosic fiber
Man-made mineral fiber (MMMF)
Natural rubber
Neoprene (Chloroprene, CR)
Neoprene (Chloroprene, CR), cloth inserted
Neoprene (Chloroprene, CR), duck inserted
Neoprene (Chloroprene, CR), food grade
Neoprene (Chloroprene, CR), nylon inserted
Polychloroprene (CR)
Fluorocarbon FKM
Neoprene, nitrile
Neoprene-faced phenolic
Nitrile, compressed binder
Nitrile, highly saturated (HSN, HNBR)
Nitrile, nylon inserted
Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber (Nitrile, NBR, Buna-N, Acrylonitrile Butadiene)

Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber (Nitrile, NBR, Acrylonitrile Butadiene), food grade

Non-asbestos sheet or millboard

Organic fiber
Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)
Polyamide resin
Polyethylene (PE)
Polymethyl methacrylate
Polytetrafluoroelhylene resin
Polytetrafluoroethylene Encapsulated (PTFE-FE), silicone core

Polytetrafluoroethylene Encapsulated (PTFE-FE), Viton core

Polyuretahane (urethane)
Process PTFE
PTFE with filler
Red rubber
Red rubber, wire inserted
Rubber diaphragm-polyester inserted
Rubber with fabric insertion
Rubber with metallic insert
Rubber with wire reinforced fabric insertion
Silica glass
Silicate glass, 96%
Silicone rubber
Silicone rubber, fiberglass reinforced
Silicone sponge
Soft gasket covering layers
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR)
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR), binder
Supagraf, Laminated Jointing N7
Supagraf, Laminated Jointing S10
Supagraf, Plain Jointing
Supagraf, Tanged Jointing T10
Synthetic fiber, bonded with nitrile (NBR) rubber
Synthetic rubber
Tempered glass
Vegetable fiber sheet
Vermiculite (Mica)
Elastomer with cotton fabric
Elastomer without fabric
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBTP)
Polyethylene terephthalates (PETP)
Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA)
Polytetrafluoroethylene-Perfluoromethylvinylether (MFA)

Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)

Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE)
Ethylene Chloro-trifluoroethylene (ECTFE)
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
Polyvinylidene fluoride, high purity (PVDF-HP)
Tetrafluoroethylene hexafluoropropylene vinylidene fluoride (THV)

PEEK™ (Polyetheretherketone)
PEI ULTEM® (Polyetherimide)
Metaformaldehyde (POM)
Polypropylene (PP)
Polyvinyl dichloride (PVDC)
Compressed asbestos fiber (CAF)
Ethylene propylene
ASTM A278-20
ASTM A278-25
ASTM A278-30
ASTM A278-35
ASTM A278-40
ASTM A278-50
ASTM A278-60
ASTM A278-70
ASTM A278-80
ASTM A395-Ductile
ASTM A395-Ferritic Ductile
ASTM A47-32510
ASTM A47-35018
ASTM A48-20
ASTM A48-25
ASTM A48-30
ASTM A48-35
ASTM A48-40
ASTM A48-45
ASTM A48-50
ASTM A48-55
ASTM A48-60
ASTM A536 Ductile Iron
ASTM A536-65/45/12
ASTM A536 Grade 80-55-06
AWWA C110-Ductile
AWWA C151-Ductile

ASTM A134-A283-A
ASTM A134-A283-B
ASTM A134-A283-C
ASTM A134-A283-D
ASTM A134-A285-A
ASTM A134-A285-B
ASTM A134-A285-C
ASTM A134-A36
ASTM A134-A570-30
ASTM A134-A570-33
ASTM A134-A570-36
ASTM A134-A570-40
ASTM A134-A570-45
ASTM A134-A570-50
ASTM A181-CL60
ASTM A181-CL70
ASTM A211-A570-30
ASTM A211-A570-33
ASTM A211-A570-36
ASTM A211-A570-40
ASTM A211-A570-45
ASTM A211-A570-50
ASTM A333-1
ASTM A333-6
ASTM A334-1
ASTM A334-6
ASTM A381-Y35
ASTM A381-Y42
ASTM A381-Y46
ASTM A381-Y48
ASTM A381-Y50
ASTM A381-Y52
ASTM A515-55
ASTM A515-60
ASTM A515-65
ASTM A515-70
ASTM A516-55
ASTM A516-60
ASTM A516-65
ASTM A516-70
ASTM A520-30
ASTM A520-33
ASTM A520-36
ASTM A520-40
ASTM A520-45
ASTM A520-50
ASTM A53-Type F
ASTM A671-CA55
ASTM A671-CB60
ASTM A671-CB65
ASTM A671-CB70
ASTM A671-CC60
ASTM A671-CC65
ASTM A671-CC70
ASTM A671-CD70
ASTM A671-CD80
ASTM A671-CE55
ASTM A671-CE60
ASTM A671-CF65
ASTM A671-CF66
ASTM A671-CG100
ASTM A671-CH100
ASTM A671-CJ101
ASTM A671-CJ102
ASTM A671-CJ103
ASTM A671-CJ104
ASTM A671-CJ105
ASTM A671-CJ106
ASTM A671-CJ107
ASTM A671-CJ108
ASTM A671-CJ109
ASTM A671-CJ110
ASTM A671-CJ111
ASTM A671-CJ112
ASTM A671-CJ113
ASTM A671-CK75
ASTM A671-CP65
ASTM A671-CP75
ASTM A672-A45
ASTM A672-A50
ASTM A672-A55
ASTM A672-B55
ASTM A672-B60
ASTM A672-B65
ASTM A672-B70
ASTM A672-C55
ASTM A672-C60
ASTM A672-C65
ASTM A672-C70
ASTM A672-D70
ASTM A672-D80
ASTM A672-E55
ASTM A672-E60
ASTM A672-H75
ASTM A672-N75
ASTM A691-CMS-75
API 5L Grade A
API 5L Grade A25
API 5L Grade B
API 5L Grade X42
API 5L Grade X46
API 5L Grade X52
API 5L Grade X65
ASME SA516-70
ASTM A53-Type E
API 5L; ASTM A-53, Gr. B; and ASTM A-106, Gr. B
ASTM A53-Type S
ASTM A299 (UNS K02803)
ASTM A381-Y56
ASTM A381-Y60
ASTM A381-Y65
API 5L Grade X56
API 5L Grade X60
API 5L Grade X70
API 5L Grade X80

ASTM A182 Grade F 1 (UNS K12822)

ASTM A182 Grade F 11 Class 1 (UNS K11597)
ASTM A182 Grade F 12 Class 1 (UNS K11562)
ASTM A182 Grade F 2 (UNS K12122)
ASTM A182 Grade F 21 (UNS K31545)
ASTM A182 Grade F 22 Class 1 (UNS K21590)
ASTM A182 Grade F 22 Class 3 (UNS K21590)
ASTM A182 Grade F 5 (UNS K41545)
ASTM A182 Grade F 5a (UNS K42544)
ASTM A182 Grade F 9 (UNS K90941)
ASTM A217-C12
ASTM A217-C5
ASTM A217-CA15
ASTM A234, Grade WP1
ASTM A234, Grade WP11
ASTM A234, Grade WP12
ASTM A234, Grade WP22
ASTM A234, Grade WP5
ASTM A234, Grade WP7
ASTM A234, Grade WP9
ASTM A333-3
ASTM A333-4
ASTM A333-7
ASTM A333-8
ASTM A333-9
ASTM A334-3
ASTM A334-7
ASTM A334-8
ASTM A334-9
ASTM A335-P1
ASTM A335-P11
ASTM A335-P12
ASTM A335-P15
ASTM A335-P2
ASTM A335-P21
ASTM A335-P22
ASTM A335-P5
ASTM A335-P5b
ASTM A335-P5c
ASTM A335-P7
ASTM A335-P9
ASTM A369-FP11
ASTM A369-FP12
ASTM A369-FP21
ASTM A369-FP22
ASTM A369-FP3b
ASTM A385-7 Cl.1
ASTM A385-7 Cl.2
ASTM A387 Grade 11 Class 1 (UNS K11789)
ASTM A387 Grade 11 Class 2 (UNS K11789)
ASTM A387 Grade 12 Class 1 (UNS K11757)
ASTM A387 Grade 12 Class 2 (UNS K11757)
ASTM A387 Grade 2 Class 1 (UNS S50460)
ASTM A387 Grade 2 Class 2 (UNS S50460)
ASTM A387 Grade 21 Class 1 (UNS K31545)
ASTM A387 Grade 21 Class 2 (UNS K31545)
ASTM A387 Grade 22 Class 1 (UNS K21590)
ASTM A387 Grade 22 Class 2 (UNS K21590)
ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 1 (UNS S50200)
ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 2 (UNS S50200)
ASTM A387 Grade 9 Class 1 (UNS K90941)
ASTM A387 Grade 9 Class 2 (UNS K90941)
ASTM A426-CP11
ASTM A426-CP12
ASTM A426-CP15
ASTM A426-CP21
ASTM A426-CP22
ASTM A426-CP5b
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class A
ASTM A553-Type I
ASTM A553-Type II
ASTM A671-CF70
ASTM A671-CF71
ASTM A672-L65
ASTM A672-L70
ASTM A672-L75
ASTM A691-0.5Cr
ASTM A691-1.25Cr
ASTM A691-1Cr
ASTM A691-2.25Cr
ASTM A691-3Cr
ASTM A691-5Cr
ASTM A691-9Cr
ASTM A691-CM-65
ASTM A691-CM-70
ASTM A691-CM-75
AISI 4130
ASTM A217, Grade C12A
ASTM A234, Grade WP11, Class 2
ASTM A234, Grade WP91
ASME SA182-F11
ASME SA335-P11
ASME SA387-11 Cl.2
ASTM A182 Grade F 10 (UNS S33100)
ASTM A182 Grade F 91 (UNS K90901)
ASTM A182 Grade F 92 (UNS K92460)
ASTM A182 Grade F 122 (UNS K91271)
ASTM A182 Grade F 911 (UNS K91061)
ASTM A182 Grade F 11 Class 2 (UNS K11572)
ASTM A182 Grade F 11 Class 3 (UNS K11572)
ASTM A182 Grade F 12 Class 2 (UNS K11564)
ASTM A182 Grade F 3v (UNS K31830)
ASTM A182 Grade F 3vCb (UNS K31390)
ASTM A182 Grade F 22V (UNS K31835)
ASTM A182 Grade F 23 (UNS K41650)
ASTM A182 Grade F 24 (UNS K30736)
ASTM A182 Grade FR (UNS K22035)
ASTM A182 Grade F 36 (UNS K21001)
ASTM A234, Grade WP12, Class 2
ASTM A335-P91
ASTM A387 Grade 22L Class 1 (UNS K21590)
ASTM A387 Grade 22L Class 2 (UNS K21590)
ASTM A387 Grade 21L Class 1 (UNS K31545)
ASTM A387 Grade 21L Class 2 (UNS K31545)
ASTM A387 Grade 91 Class 1 (UNS K91560)
ASTM A387 Grade 91 Class 2 (UNS K91560)
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class B
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class C
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class D
ASTM A487 Grade CA15M Class A
ASTM A487 Grade CA6NM Class A
ASTM A487 Grade CA6NM Class B
ASTM A691-91

ASTM A167-301
ASTM A167-302
ASTM A167-302B
ASTM A167-304
ASTM A167-304L
ASTM A167-305
ASTM A167-308
ASTM A167-309
ASTM A167-309S
ASTM A167-310
ASTM A167-310S
ASTM A167-316
ASTM A167-316L
ASTM A167-317
ASTM A167-317L
ASTM A167-321
ASTM A167-347
ASTM A167-348
ASTM A182 Grade F 6a (UNS S41000)
ASTM A182 Grade F 6b (UNS S41026)
ASTM A182 Grade F 304 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A182 Grade F 304H (UNS S30409)
ASTM A182 Grade F 304L (UNS S30403)
ASTM A182 Grade F 310 (UNS S31000)
ASTM A182 Grade F 316 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A182 Grade F 316H (UNS S31609)
ASTM A182 Grade F 316L (UNS S31603)
ASTM A182 Grade F 321 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A182 Grade F 321H (UNS S32109)
ASTM A182 Grade F 347 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A182 Grade F 347H (UNS S34709)
ASTM A182 Grade F 348 (UNS S34800)
ASTM A182 Grade F 348H (UNS S34809)
ASTM A240-302
ASTM A240-304
ASTM A240-304L
ASTM A240-304H
ASTM A240-305
ASTM A240-309S
ASTM A240-310S
ASTM A240-316
ASTM A240-316L
ASTM A240-317
ASTM A240-317L
ASTM A240-321
ASTM A240-347
ASTM A240-348
ASTM A240-405
ASTM A240-410
ASTM A240-410S
ASTM A240-429
ASTM A240-430
ASTM A268-TP329
ASTM A268-TP405
ASTM A268-TP409
ASTM A268-TP410
ASTM A268-TP430
ASTM A268-TP430Ti
ASTM A268-TP443
ASTM A268-TP446
ASTM A269-TP304
ASTM A269-TP304L
ASTM A269-TP316
ASTM A269-TP316L
ASTM A270-TP316L
ASTM A312 Grade TP304 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A312 Grade TP304H (UNS S30409)
ASTM A312 Grade TP304L (UNS S30403)
ASTM A312 Grade TP309S (UNS S30908)
ASTM A312 Grade TP310S (UNS S31008)
ASTM A312 Grade TP316 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A312 Grade TP316H (UNS S31603)
ASTM A312 Grade TP316L (UNS S31609)
ASTM A312 Grade TP317 (UNS S31700)
ASTM A312 Grade TP321 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A312 Grade TP321H (UNS S32109)
ASTM A312 Grade TP347 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A312 Grade TP347H (UNS S34709)
ASTM A312 Grade TP348 (UNS S34800)
ASTM A351-CA15
ASTM A351-CF10
ASTM A351-CH10
ASTM A351-CH20
ASTM A351-CK20
ASTM A351-HK30
ASTM A351-HK40
ASTM A351-HT30
ASTM A358-304N (UNS S30451)
ASTM A358-304LN (UNS S30453)
ASTM A358-309S (UNS S30908)
ASTM A358-310S (UNS S31008)
ASTM A358-316 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A358-316L (UNS S31603)
ASTM A358-321 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A358-347 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A358-348 (UNS S34800)
ASTM A376-16-8-2H
ASTM A376-TP304
ASTM A376-TP304H
ASTM A376-TP316
ASTM A376-TP316H
ASTM A376-TP321
ASTM A376-TP321H
ASTM A376-TP347
ASTM A376-TP347H
ASTM A376-TP348
ASTM A376-TP348H
ASTM A403 Grade WP304 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A403 Grade WP304L (UNS S30403)
ASTM A403 Grade WP304H (UNS S30409)
ASTM A403 Grade WP309 (UNS S30900)
ASTM A403 Grade WP310S (UNS S31008)
ASTM A403 Grade WP316 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A403 Grade WP316H (UNS S31609)
ASTM A403 Grade WP316L (UNS S31603)
ASTM A403 Grade WP317 (UNS S31700)
ASTM A403 Grade WP321 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A403 Grade WP321H (UNS S32109)
ASTM A403 Grade WP347 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A403 Grade WP347H (UNS S34709)
ASTM A403 Grade WP348 (UNS S34800)
ASTM A409-TP304
ASTM A409-TP309
ASTM A409-TP310
ASTM A409-TP316
ASTM A409-TP317
ASTM A409-TP321
ASTM A409-TP347
ASTM A409-TP348
ASTM A430-FP304
ASTM A430-FP304H
ASTM A430-FP316
ASTM A430-FP316H
ASTM A430-FP321
ASTM A430-FP321H
ASTM A430-FP347
ASTM A430-FP347H
ASTM A452-TP304H
ASTM A452-TP316H
ASTM A452-TP347H
ASME SA479-316L
ASTM A182 Grade F 6NM (UNS S41500)
ASTM A182 Grade F 6XM-27Cb (UNS S44627)
ASTM A182 Grade F 429 (UNS S42900)
ASTM A182 Grade F 430 (UNS S43000)
ASTM A182 Grade F 304N (UNS S30451)
ASTM A182 Grade F 304LN (UNS S30453)
ASTM A182 Grade F 309H (UNS S30909)
ASTM A182 Grade F 310H (UNS S31009)
ASTM A182 Grade F 310MoLN (UNS S31050)
ASTM A182 Grade F 316N (UNS S31651)
ASTM A182 Grade F 316LN (UNS S31653)
ASTM A182 Grade F 316Ti (UNS S31635)
ASTM A182 Grade F 317 (UNS S31700)
ASTM A182 Grade F 317L (UNS S31703)
ASTM A182 Grade F XM-11 (UNS S21904)
ASTM A182 Grade F XM-19 (UNS S20910)
ASTM A182 Grade F 20 (UNS N08020)
ASTM A182 Grade F 44 (UNS S31254)
ASTM A182 Grade F 45 (UNS S30815)
ASTM A182 Grade F 46 (UNS S30600)
ASTM A182 Grade F 47 (UNS S31725)
ASTM A182 Grade F 48 (UNS S31726)
ASTM A182 Grade F 49 (UNS S34565)
ASTM A182 Grade F 56 (UNS S33228)
ASTM A182 Grade F 58 (UNS S31266)
ASTM A182 Grade F 62 (UNS N08367)
ASTM A182 Grade F 63 (UNS S32615)
ASTM A182 Grade F 64 (UNS S30601)
ASTM A182 Grade F 904L (UNS N08904)
ASTM A182 Grade F 50 (UNS S31200)
ASTM A182 Grade F 51 (UNS S31803)
ASTM A182 Grade F 52 (UNS S32950)
ASTM A182 Grade F 53 (UNS S32750)
ASTM A182 Grade F 54 (UNS S39274)
ASTM A182 Grade F 55 (UNS S32760)
ASTM A182 Grade F 57 (UNS S39277)
ASTM A182 Grade F 59 (UNS S32520)
ASTM A182 Grade F 60 (UNS S32205)
ASTM A182 Grade F 61 (UNS S32550)
ASTM A182 Grade F 65 (UNS S32906)
ASTM A182 Grade F 66 (UNS S32202)
ASTM A240 (UNS S32760)
ASTM A312 (UNS S20400)
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-19 (UNS S20910)
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-10 (UNS S21900)
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-11 (UNS S21904)
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-29 (UNS S24000)
ASTM A312 (UNS S30415)
ASTM A312 Grade TP304N (UNS S30451)
ASTM A312 Grade TP304LN (UNS S30453)
ASTM A312 (UNS S30600)
ASTM A312 (UNS S30615)
ASTM A312 (UNS S30815)
ASTM A312 Grade TP309H (UNS S30909)
ASTM A312 Grade TP309Cb (UNS S30940)
ASTM A312 Grade TP309HCb (UNS S30941)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31002)
ASTM A312 Grade TP310H (UNS S31009)
ASTM A312 Grade TP310Cb (UNS S31040)
ASTM A312 Grade TP310HCb (UNS S31041)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31050)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31254)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31272)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31277)
ASTM A312 Grade TP316Ti (UNS S31635)
ASTM A312 Grade TP316N (UNS S31651)
ASTM A312 Grade TP316LN (UNS S31653)
ASTM A312 Grade TP317L (UNS S31703)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31725)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31726)
ASTM A312 (UNS S31727)
ASTM A312 (UNS S32053)
ASTM A312 (UNS S32615)
ASTM A312 (UNS S32654)
ASTM A312 (UNS S33228)
ASTM A312 (UNS S34565)
ASTM A312 Grade TP347LN (UNS S34751)
ASTM A312 Grade TP348H (UNS S34809)
ASTM A312 (UNS S35045)
ASTM A312 (UNS S35315)
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-15 (UNS S38100)
ASTM A312 (UNS S38815)
ASTM A312 (UNS N08367)
ASTM A312 (UNS N08904)
ASTM A312 (UNS N08926)
ASTM A 351 Grade CD3M-WCuN (UNS J93380)
ASTM A 351 Grade CE20N
ASTM A 351 Grade CE8MN
ASTM A358-304 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A358-304L (UNS S30403)
ASTM A358-304H (UNS S30409)
ASTM A358-309Cb (UNS S30940)
ASTM A358-310Cb (UNS S31040)
ASTM A358-316N (UNS S31651)
ASTM A358-316LN (UNS S31653)
ASTM A358-316H (UNS S31609)
ASTM A358-317 (UNS S31700)
ASTM A358-317L (UNS S31703)
ASTM A358-321H (UNS S32109)
ASTM A358-XM-19 (UNS S22100)
ASTM A358-XM-29 (UNS S28300)
ASTM A358 (UNS S31254)
ASTM A358 (UNS S30815)
ASTM A358 (UNS S31725)
ASTM A358 (UNS S31726)
ASTM A358 (UNS S30600)
ASTM A358 (UNS S24565)
ASTM A358 (UNS S30415)
ASTM A358 (UNS S32654)
ASTM A358 (UNS S31266)
ASTM A358 (UNS S32050)
ASTM A358 (UNS N08367)
ASTM A358 (UNS N08904)
ASTM A358 (UNS N08926)
ASTM A358 (UNS N08800)
ASTM A358 (UNS N08810)
ASTM A358 (UNS N08020)
ASTM A358 (UNS S20400)
ASTM A358 (UNS S34565)
ASTM A403 Grade WPXM-19 (UNS S20910)
ASTM A403 Grade WP304N (UNS S30451)
ASTM A403 Grade WP304LN (UNS S30453)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31254 (UNS S31254)
ASTM A403 Grade WP316N (UNS S31651)
ASTM A403 Grade WP316LN (UNS S31653)
ASTM A403 Grade WP317L (UNS S31703)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31725 (UNS S31725)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31726 (UNS S31726)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31727 (UNS S31727)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS32053 (UNS S32053)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS33228 (UNS S33228)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS34565 (UNS S34565)
ASTM A403 Grade WP348H (UNS S34809)
ASTM A403 Grade WPS38815 (UNS S38815)
ASTM A403 Grade CRXM-19 (UNS S20910)
ASTM A403 Grade CR304 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A403 Grade CR304L (UNS S30403)
ASTM A403 Grade CR304H (UNS S30409)
ASTM A403 Grade CR304N (UNS S30451)
ASTM A403 Grade CR304LN (UNS S30453)
ASTM A403 Grade CR309 (UNS S30900)
ASTM A403 Grade CR310S (UNS S31008)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31254 (UNS S31254)
ASTM A403 Grade CR316 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A403 Grade CR316L (UNS S31603)
ASTM A403 Grade CR316H (UNS S31609)
ASTM A403 Grade CR316N (UNS S31651)
ASTM A403 Grade CR316LN (UNS S31653)
ASTM A403 Grade CR317 (UNS S31700)
ASTM A403 Grade CR317L (UNS S31703)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31725 (UNS S31725)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31726 (UNS S31726)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31727 (UNS S31727)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS32053 (UNS S32053)
ASTM A403 Grade CR321 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A403 Grade CR321H (UNS S32109)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS33228 (UNS S33228)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS34565 (UNS S34565)
ASTM A403 Grade CR347 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A403 Grade CR347H (UNS S34709)
ASTM A403 Grade CR348 (UNS S34800)
ASTM A403 Grade CR348H (UNS S34809)
ASTM A403 Grade CRS38815 (UNS S38815)
ASTM A789 (UNS S31200)
ASTM A789 (UNS S31260)
ASTM A789 (UNS S31500)
ASTM A789 (UNS S31803)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32001)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32003)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32101)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32202)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32205)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32304)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32506)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32520)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32550)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32707)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32750)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32760)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32808)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32900)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32906)
ASTM A789 (UNS S32950)
ASTM A789 (UNS S33207)
ASTM A789 (UNS S39274)
ASTM A789 (UNS S39277)
ASTM A790 (UNS S31200)
ASTM A790 (UNS S31260)
ASTM A790 (UNS S31500)
ASTM A790 (UNS S31803)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32003)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32101)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32202)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32205)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32304)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32506)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32520)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32550)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32707)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32750)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32760)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32808)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32900)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32906)
ASTM A790 (UNS S32950)
ASTM A790 (UNS S33207)
ASTM A790 (UNS S39274)
ASTM A790 (UNS S39277)
ASTM A815 Grade WP27 (UNS S44627)
ASTM A815 Grade WP33 (UNS S44626)
ASTM A815 Grade WP429 (UNS S42900)
ASTM A815 Grade WP430 (UNS S43000)
ASTM A815 Grade WP430Ti (UNS S43036)
ASTM A815 Grade WP446 (UNS S44600)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS31803 (UNS S31803)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32101 (UNS S32101)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32202 (UNS S32202)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32750 (UNS S32750)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32950 (UNS S32950)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32760 (UNS S32760)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS39274 (UNS S32974)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32550 (UNS S32550)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32205 (UNS S32205)
ASTM A815 Grade WP410 (UNS S41000)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS41008 (UNS S41008)
ASTM A815 Grade WPS41500 (UNS S41500)
ASTM A815 Grade CR27 (UNS S44627)
ASTM A815 Grade CR33 (UNS S44626)
ASTM A815 Grade CR429 (UNS S42900)
ASTM A815 Grade CR430 (UNS S43000)
ASTM A815 Grade CR430Ti (UNS S43036)
ASTM A815 Grade CR446 (UNS S44600)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS31803 (UNS S31803)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32101 (UNS S32101)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32202 (UNS S32202)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32750 (UNS S32750)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32950 (UNS S32950)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32760 (UNS S32760)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS39274 (UNS S32974)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32550 (UNS S32550)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32205 (UNS S32205)
ASTM A815 Grade CR410 (UNS S41000)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS41008 (UNS S41008)
ASTM A815 Grade CRS41500 (UNS S41500)

AISI-CDA Alloy 377

ASTM B16 C360
ASTM B466 (UNS C70400) temper O60
ASTM B466 (UNS C70620) temper O60
ASTM B466 (UNS C71000) temper O60
ASTM B466 (UNS C71520) temper O60
ASTM B466 (UNS C72200) temper O60


ASTM B75 Cl.C10100

ASTM B75 Cl.C10300
ASTM B75 Cl.C10800
ASTM B75 Cl.C12201
ASTM B96 Cl.C65100
ASTM B96 Cl.C65400
ASTM B152 Cl.C10100
ASTM B152 Cl.C10300
ASTM B152 Cl.C10800
ASTM B152 Cl.C10900
ASTM B152 Cl.C11000
ASTM B152 Cl.C11300
ASTM B152 Cl.C11400
ASTM B152 Cl.C11600
ASTM B152 Cl.C12000
ASTM B152 Cl.C14200
ASTM B152 Cl.C14420
ASTM B152 Cl.C14530
ASTM B152 Cl.C10200
ASTM B152 Cl.C10400
ASTM B152 Cl.C10500
ASTM B152 Cl.C10700
ASTM B152 Cl.C12200
ASTM B152 Cl.C12300
ASTM B169 Cl.C61400
ASTM B283 Cl.C11000
ASTM B283 Cl.C37700
ASTM B283 Cl.C46400
ASTM B283 Cl.C48500
ASTM B283 Cl.C63900
ASTM B283 Cl.C65500
ASTM B283 Cl.C67500
ASTM B402 Cl.C70600
ASTM B402 Cl.C71500
ASTM B42 Cl.C10200
ASTM B42 Cl.C12000
ASTM B42 Cl.C12200
ASTM B43 Cl.C23000
ASTM B466 (UNS C70600) temper O60
ASTM B466 (UNS C71500) temper O60
ASTM B584 Cl.C86200
ASTM B584 Cl.C86300
ASTM B584 Cl.C86400
ASTM B584 Cl.C86500
ASTM B584 Cl.C86700
ASTM B584 Cl.C90300
ASTM B584 Cl.C90500
ASTM B584 Cl.C92200
ASTM B584 Cl.C92300
ASTM B584 Cl.C95200
ASTM B584 Cl.C95300
ASTM B584 Cl.C95500
ASTM B584 Cl.C95600
ASTM B584 Cl.C97300
ASTM B584 Cl.C97600
ASTM B584 Cl.C97800
ASTM B61 Cl.C92200
ASTM B62 Cl.C83600
ASTM B68 Cl.C10200
ASTM B68 Cl.C12000
ASTM B68 Cl.C12200
ASTM B75 Cl.C10200
ASTM B75 Cl.C12000
ASTM B75 Cl.C12200
ASTM B75 Cl.C14200
ASTM B88 Cl.C10200
ASTM B88 Cl.C12000
ASTM B88 Cl.C12200
ASTM B96 Cl.C65500
ASTM B466 (UNS C70400) temper H55
ASTM B466 (UNS C70400) temper H80
ASTM B466 (UNS C70600) temper H55
ASTM B466 (UNS C70600) temper H80
ASTM B466 (UNS C70620) temper H55
ASTM B466 (UNS C70620) temper H80
ASTM B466 (UNS C71000) temper H80
ASTM B466 (UNS C71500) temper H80
ASTM B466 (UNS C71520) temper H80
ASTM B466 (UNS C72200) temper H55
ASTM B466 (UNS C72200) temper H80
ASTM B148 Grade A (UNS C95200)
ASTM B148 Grade B (UNS C95300)
ASTM B148 Grade C (UNS C95400)
ASTM B148 (UNS C95410)
ASTM B148 Grade D (UNS C95500)
ASTM B148 (UNS C95520)
ASTM B148 Grade E (UNS C95600)
ASTM B148 Grade F (UNS C95700)
ASTM B148 (UNS C95800)
ASTM B148 (UNS C95820)
ASTM B148 (UNS C95900)
ASTM B280 (UNS C10200)
ASTM B280 (UNS C12000)
ASTM B280 (UNS C12200)

ASTM B127-400 (UNS N04400)

ASTM B160-200 (UNS N02200)
ASTM B160-201 (UNS N02201)
ASTM B161-200 (UNS N02200)
ASTM B161-201 (UNS N02201)
ASTM B162-200 (UNS N02200)
ASTM B162-201 (UNS N02201)
ASTM B164-400 (UNS N04400)
ASTM B165-400 (UNS N04400)
ASTM B166-600 (UNS N06600)
ASTM B167-600 (UNS N06600)
ASTM B168-600 (UNS N06600)
ASTM B333 (UNS N10001)
ASTM B333 (UNS N10665)
ASTM B335 (UNS N10001)
ASTM B335 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B335 (UNS N10624)
ASTM B335 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B335 (UNS N10665)
ASTM B366-WPHB (UNS N10001)
ASTM B366-WPHX (UNS N06002)
ASTM B366-WPN (UNS N02200)
ASTM B366-WPNC (UNS N04400)
ASTM B366-WPNCI (UNS N06600)
ASTM B366-WPNL (UNS N02201)
ASTM B407 (UNS N06811)
ASTM B407 (UNS N08120)
ASTM B407 (UNS N08801)
ASTM B407 (UNS N08811)
ASTM B407 (UNS N08890)
ASTM B443-219 (UNS N06219)
ASTM B444-219 (UNS N06219)
ASTM B446-219 (UNS N06219)
ASTM B446-650 (UNS N06650)
ASTM B464 (UNS N08024)
ASTM B464 (UNS N08026)
ASTM B574 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B574 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B574 (UNS N06058)
ASTM B574 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B574 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B574 (UNS N06210)
ASTM B574 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B575 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B575 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B575 (UNS N06058)
ASTM B575 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B575 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B575 (UNS N06210)
ASTM B575 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B581 (UNS N06030)
ASTM B581 (UNS N06975)
ASTM B581 (UNS N06985)
ASTM B581 (UNS N08031)
ASTM B582 (UNS N06030)
ASTM B582 (UNS N06975)
ASTM B582 (UNS N06985)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06030)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06058)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06210)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06230)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06975)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06985)
ASTM B619 (UNS N08031)
ASTM B619 (UNS N10242)
ASTM B619 (UNS N10624)
ASTM B619 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B619 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06030)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06058)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06060)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06210)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06230)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06250)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06255)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06975)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06985)
ASTM B622 (UNS N08031)
ASTM B622 (UNS N08135)
ASTM B622 (UNS N08535)
ASTM B622 (UNS N10242)
ASTM B622 (UNS N10624)
ASTM B622 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B622 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B622 (UNS N12160)
ASTM B407-800 (UNS N08800)
ASTM B407-800H (UNS N08810)
ASTM B443-625 (UNS N06625)
ASTM B444-625 (UNS N06625)
ASTM B446-625 (UNS N06625)
ASTM B464-20Cb (UNS N08020)
ASTM A494-CW-12M-1
ASTM A494-CW-12M-2
ASTM A494-CY-40 (UNS N06040)
ASTM B160-211 (N02211)
ASTM B166-025 (UNS N06025)
ASTM B166-045 (UNS N06045)
ASTM B166-601 (UNS N06601)
ASTM B166-603 (UNS N06603)
ASTM B166-617 (UNS N06617)
ASTM B166-690 (UNS N06690)
ASTM B166-690 (UNS N06693)
ASTM B166-690 (UNS N06696)
ASTM B167-601 (UNS N06601)
ASTM B167-603 (UNS N06603)
ASTM B167-617 (UNS N06617)
ASTM B167-625 (UNS N06625)
ASTM B167-645 (UNS N06645)
ASTM B167-690 (UNS N06690)
ASTM B167-693 (UNS N06693)
ASTM B333 (UNS N10624)
ASTM B333 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B333 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B574-C-4 (UNS N06455)
ASTM B574-C-276 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B575-C-4 (UNS N06455)
ASTM B575-C-276 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B581-G (UNS N06007)
ASTM B582-G (UNS N06007)
ASTM B612-200 (UNS N02200)
ASTM B619 (UNS N08320)
ASTM B619 (UNS N10001)
ASTM B619 (UNS N10665)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06455)
ASTM B619 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06007)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06002)
ASTM B620 (UNS N08320)
ASTM B621 (UNS N08320)
ASTM B622 (UNS N10001)
ASTM B622 (UNS N10655)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06455)
ASTM B622 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B622 (UNS N06007)
ASTM A494-CZ100 (UNS N02100)
ASTM A494-M35-1 (UNS N24135)
ASTM A494-M35-2 (UNS N04020)
ASTM A494-M30H (UNS N24030)
ASTM A494-M25S (UNS N24025)
ASTM A494-M30C (UNS N24130)
ASTM A494-N12MV (UNS N30012)
ASTM A494-N7M (UNS N30007)
ASTM A494-N3M (UNS J30003)
ASTM A494-CW12MW (UNS N30002)
ASTM A494-CW6M (UNS N30107)
ASTM A494-CW2M (UNS N26455)
ASTM A494-CW6MC (UNS N26625)
ASTM A494-CY5SnBiM (UNS N26055)
ASTM A494-CX2MW (UNS N26022)
ASTM A494-CU5MCuC (UNS N08826)
ASTM A494-CX2M (UNS N26059)
ASTM B366-WPHG (UNS N06007)
ASTM B366-WPHC22 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B366-WPV602 (UNS N06025)
ASTM B366-WPHG30 (UNS N06030)
ASTM B366-WPHG35 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B366-WPV45TM (UNS N06045)
ASTM B366-WP2120 (UNS N06058)
ASTM B366-WP5923 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B366-WPHC2000 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B366-WPM21 (UNS N06210)
ASTM B366-WPH230 (UNS N06230)
ASTM B366-WPHC4 (UNS N06455)
ASTM B366-WP603GT (UNS N06603)
ASTM B366-WPIN686 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B366-WP626Si (UNS N06219)
ASTM B366-WPHG3 (UNS N06985)
ASTM B366-WP20CB (UNS N08020)
ASTM B366-WP3127 (UNS N08031)
ASTM B366-WPH120 (UNS N08120)
ASTM B366-WP330 (UNS N08330)
ASTM B366-WP6XN (UNS N08367)
ASTM B366-WPNIC (UNS N08800)
ASTM B366-WPNIC10 (UNS N08810)
ASTM B366-WPNIC11 (UNS N08811)
ASTM B366-WP904L (UNS N08904)
ASTM B366-WP1925 (UNS N08925)
ASTM B366-WP1925N (UNS N08926)
ASTM B366-WPHN (UNS N10003)
ASTM B366-WPH242 (UNS N10242)
ASTM B366-WPHC276 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B366-WPB10 (UNS N10624)
ASTM B366-WPVB4 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B366-WPHB-2 (UNS N10665)
ASTM B366-WPHB–3 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B366-WPH160 (UNS N12160)
ASTM B366-WP3033 (UNS R20033)
ASTM B366-WPH556 (UNS R30556)
ASTM B366-CRN (UNS N02200)
ASTM B366-CRNL (UNS N02201)
ASTM B366-CRNC (UNS N04400)
ASTM B366-CRHX (UNS N06002)
ASTM B366-CRHG (UNS N06007)
ASTM B366-CRHC22 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B366-CRV602 (UNS N06025)
ASTM B366-CRHG30 (UNS N06030)
ASTM B366-CRHG35 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B366-CRV45TM (UNS N06045)
ASTM B366-CR2120 (UNS N06058)
ASTM B366-CR5923 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B366-CRHC2000 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B366-CRM21 (UNS N06210)
ASTM B366-CRH230 (UNS N06230)
ASTM B366-CRHC4 (UNS N06455)
ASTM B366-CRNCI (UNS N06600)
ASTM B366-CR603GT (UNS N06603)
ASTM B366-CRIN686 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B366-CR626Si (UNS N06219)
ASTM B366-CRHG3 (UNS N06985)
ASTM B366-CR20CB (UNS N08020)
ASTM B366-CR3127 (UNS N08031)
ASTM B366-CRH120 (UNS N08120)
ASTM B366-CR330 (UNS N08330)
ASTM B366-CR6XN (UNS N08367)
ASTM B366-CRNIC (UNS N08800)
ASTM B366-CRNIC10 (UNS N08810)
ASTM B366-CRNIC11 (UNS N08811)
ASTM B366-CR904L (UNS N08904)
ASTM B366-CR1925 (UNS N08925)
ASTM B366-CR1925N (UNS N08926)
ASTM B366-CRHB (UNS N10001)
ASTM B366-CRHN (UNS N10003)
ASTM B366-CRH242 (UNS N10242)
ASTM B366-CRHC276 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B366-CRB10 (UNS N10624)
ASTM B366-CRVB4 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B366-CRHB-2 (UNS N10665)
ASTM B366-CRHB–3 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B366-CRH160 (UNS N12160)
ASTM B366-CR3033 (UNS R20033)
ASTM B366-CRH556 (UNS R30556)
ASTM B423 (UNS N08221)
ASTM B423 (UNS N08825)
ASTM B462 (UNS N08026)
ASTM B462 (UNS N08020)
ASTM B462 (UNS N08024)
ASTM B462 (UNS N08367)
ASTM B462 (UNS R20033)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06030)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B462 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B462 (UNS N10665)
ASTM B462 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B462 (UNS N08031)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06045)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06025)
ASTM B462 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B462 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B514 (UNS N08120)
ASTM B514 (UNS N08800)
ASTM B514 (UNS N08810)
ASTM B517 (UNS N06600)
ASTM B517 (UNS N06603)
ASTM B517 (UNS N06025)
ASTM B517 (UNS N06045)
ASTM B564 (UNS N04400)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06600)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06690)
ASTM B564 (UNS N08120)
ASTM B564 (UNS N08800)
ASTM B564 (UNS N08810)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06603)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06025)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06045)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06210)
ASTM B564 (UNS N08811)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06625)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06110)
ASTM B564 (UNS N08825)
ASTM B564 (UNS N10276)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06022)
ASTM B564 (UNS N08367)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06059)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06058)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06035)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06200)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06219)
ASTM B564 (UNS N08031)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06230)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06617)
ASTM B564 (UNS N10629)
ASTM B564 (UNS N10665)
ASTM B564 (UNS N10675)
ASTM B564 (UNS N10242)
ASTM B564 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B564 (UNS N12160)
ASTM B564 (UNS N02200)
ASTM B564 (UNS N10624)
ASTM B564 (UNS R20033)
ASTM B619 (UNS R30556)
ASTM B619 (UNS N06686)
ASTM B619 (UNS N12160)
ASTM B619 (UNS R20033)
ASTM B622 (UNS N08320)
ASTM B622 (UNS R30556)
ASTM B622 (UNS R20033)
ASTM B675 (UNS N08367)
ASTM B690 (UNS N08366)
ASTM B690 (UNS N08367)
ASTM B705 (UNS N06625)
ASTM B705 (UNS N06219)
ASTM B705 (UNS N08825)
ASTM B725 (UNS N02200)
ASTM B725 (UNS N02201)
ASTM B725 (UNS N04400)
ASTM B729 (UNS N08020)
ASTM B729 (UNS N08026)
ASTM B729 (UNS N08024)
ASTM B804 (UNS N08367)
ASTM B804 (UNS N08926)

ASTM B26-356.0 temper T6 (UNS A03560)

ASTM B26-356.0 temper T71 (UNS A03560)
ASTM B26-443.0 temper F (UNS A04430)
ASTM B209-1060 temper O
ASTM B209-1060 temper H12
ASTM B209-1060 temper H14
ASTM B209-1060 temper H112
ASTM B209-1100 temper O
ASTM B209-1100 temper H12
ASTM B209-1100 temper H14
ASTM B209-1100 temper H112
ASTM B209-3003 temper O
ASTM B209-3003 temper H12
ASTM B209-3003 temper H14
ASTM B209-3003 temper H112
ASTM B209-3004 temper O
ASTM B209-3004 temper H32
ASTM B209-3004 temper H34
ASTM B209-3004 temper H112
ASTM B209-5050 temper O
ASTM B209-5050 temper H32
ASTM B209-5050 temper H34
ASTM B209-5050 temper H112
ASTM B209-5052 temper O
ASTM B209-5052 temper H32
ASTM B209-5052 temper H34
ASTM B209-5052 temper H112
ASTM B209-5652 temper O
ASTM B209-5652 temper H32
ASTM B209-5652 temper H34
ASTM B209-5652 temper H112
ASTM B209-5083 temper O
ASTM B209-5083 temper H321
ASTM B209-5086 temper O
ASTM B209-5086 temper H32
ASTM B209-5086 temper H34
ASTM B209-5086 temper H112
ASTM B209-5154 temper O
ASTM B209-5154 temper H32
ASTM B209-5154 temper H34
ASTM B209-5154 temper H112
ASTM B209-5254 temper O
ASTM B209-5254 temper H32
ASTM B209-5254 temper H34
ASTM B209-5254 temper H112
ASTM B209-5454 temper O
ASTM B209-5454 temper H32
ASTM B209-5454 temper H34
ASTM B209-5454 temper H112
ASTM B209-5456 temper O
ASTM B209-5456 temper H321
ASTM B209-6061 temper T4
ASTM B209-6061 temper T6
ASTM B209-6061 temper T651
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper O
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper H12
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper H14
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper H112
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper O
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper H32
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper H34
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper H112
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T4
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T6
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T451
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T651
ASTM B210-1060 temper O
ASTM B210-1060 temper H14
ASTM B210-1060 temper H12
ASTM B210-3003 temper O
ASTM B210-3003 temper H14
ASTM B210-3003 temper H18
ASTM B210-3003 temper H113
ASTM B210-5052 temper O
ASTM B210-5052 temper H32
ASTM B210-5052 temper H34
ASTM B210-5083 temper O
ASTM B210-5086 temper O
ASTM B210-5086 temper H32
ASTM B210-5086 temper H34
ASTM B210-5154 temper O
ASTM B210-5154 temper H34
ASTM B210-5456 temper O
ASTM B210-6061 temper T4
ASTM B210-6061 temper T6
ASTM B210-6063 temper T4
ASTM B210-6063 temper T6
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper H14
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper H18
ASTM B221-1060 temper O
ASTM B221-1060 temper H112
ASTM B221-1100 temper O
ASTM B221-1100 temper H112
ASTM B221-3003 temper O
ASTM B221-3003 temper H112
ASTM B221-5052 temper O
ASTM B221-5053 temper O
ASTM B221-5086 temper O
ASTM B221-5154 temper O
ASTM B221-5454 temper O
ASTM B221-5456 temper O
ASTM B221-6061 temper T4
ASTM B221-6061 temper T6
ASTM B221-6063 temper T4
ASTM B221-6063 temper T5
ASTM B221-6063 temper T6
ASTM B221-Alclad 3003 temper O
ASTM B221-Alclad 3003 temper H112
ASTM B241-1060 temper O
ASTM B241-1060 temper H112
ASTM B241-1100 temper O
ASTM B241-1100 temper H112
ASTM B241-3003 temper O
ASTM B241-3003 temper H112
ASTM B241-5052 temper O
ASTM B241-5083 temper O
ASTM B241-5083 temper H112
ASTM B241-5086 temper O
ASTM B241-5086 temper H112
ASTM B241-5454 temper O
ASTM B241-5454 temper H112
ASTM B241-5456 temper O
ASTM B241-5456 temper H112
ASTM B241-6061 temper T4
ASTM B241-6063 temper T4
ASTM B241-6063 temper T5
ASTM B241-6063 temper T6
ASTM B241 Alclad 3003 temper O
ASTM B241 Alclad 3003 temper H112
ASTM B247-3003 temper H112
ASTM B247-5083 temper O
ASTM B247-5083 temper H112
ASTM B247-6061 temper T6
ASTM B345-1060 temper O
ASTM B345-1060 temper H112
ASTM B345-3003 temper O
ASTM B345-3003 temper H112
ASTM B345-5083 temper O
ASTM B345-5083 temper H112
ASTM B345-5086 temper O
ASTM B345-5086 temper H112
ASTM B345-6061 temper T4
ASTM B345-6063 temper T4
ASTM B345-6063 temper T5
ASTM B345-6063 temper T6
ASTM B361-WP1060 temper F
ASTM B361-WP1060 temper H112
ASTM B361-WP1100 temper H112
ASTM B361-WP3003 temper H112
ASTM B361-WP5154 temper H112
ASTM B361-WP6061 temper T4
ASTM B361-WP6061 temper T6
ASTM B361-WP6063 temper T4
ASTM B361-WP6063 temper T6
ASTM B361 Alclad 3003 temper H112
ASTM B26-201.0 temper T7 (UNS A02010)
ASTM B26-204.0 temper T4 (UNS A02040)
ASTM B26-242.0 temper O (UNS A02420)
ASTM B26-242.0 temper T61 (UNS A02420)
ASTM B26-A242.0 temper T75 (UNS A12420)
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T4 (UNS A02950)
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T6 (UNS A02950)
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T62 (UNS A02950)
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T7 (UNS A02950)
ASTM B26-319.0 temper F (UNS A03190)
ASTM B26-319.0 temper T5 (UNS A03190)
ASTM B26-319.0 temper T6 (UNS A03190)
ASTM B26-328.0 temper F (UNS A03280)
ASTM B26-328.0 temper T6 (UNS A03280)
ASTM B26-355.0 temper T6 (UNS A03550)
ASTM B26-355.0 temper T51 (UNS A03550)
ASTM B26-355.0 temper T71 (UNS A03550)
ASTM B26-C355.0 temper T6 (UNS A33550)
ASTM B26-356.0 temper F (UNS A03560)
ASTM B26-356.0 temper T7 (UNS A03560)
ASTM B26-356.0 temper T51 (UNS A03560)
ASTM B26-A356.0 (UNS A13560)
ASTM B26-B443.0 temper F (UNS A24430)
ASTM B26-512.0 temper F (UNS A05120)
ASTM B26-514.0 temper F (UNS A05140)
ASTM B26-520.0 temper T4 (UNS A05200)
ASTM B26-535.0 temper F (UNS A05350)
ASTM B26-705.0 temper T5 (UNS A07050)
ASTM B26-707.0 temper T7 (UNS A07070)
ASTM B26-710.0 temper T5 (UNS A07100)
ASTM B26-712.0 temper T5 (UNS A07120)
ASTM B26-713.0 temper T5 (UNS A07130)
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T5 (UNS A07710)
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T51 (UNS A07710)
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T52 (UNS A07710)
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T6 (UNS A07710)
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T71 (UNS A07710)
ASTM B26-850.0 temper T5 (UNS A08500)
ASTM B26-851.0 temper T5 (UNS A08510)
ASTM B26-852.0 temper T5 (UNS A08520)
ASTM B210-1060 temper H18
ASTM B210-1100 temper O
ASTM B210-1100 temper H12
ASTM B210-1100 temper H14
ASTM B210-1100 temper H16
ASTM B210-1100 temper H18
ASTM B210-1100 temper H113
ASTM B210-2011 temper T3
ASTM B210-2011 temper T4511
ASTM B210-2011 temper T8
ASTM B210-2014 temper O
ASTM B210-2014 temper T4
ASTM B210-2014 temper T6
ASTM B210-2024 temper O
ASTM B210-2024 temper T3
ASTM B210-2024 temper T42
ASTM B210-3003 temper H12
ASTM B210-3003 temper H16
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper O
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper H113
ASTM B210-3102 temper O
ASTM B210 Alclad 3102 temper O
ASTM B210-5005 temper O
ASTM B210-5050 temper O
ASTM B210-5050 temper H32
ASTM B210-5050 temper H34
ASTM B210-5050 temper H36
ASTM B210-5050 temper H38
ASTM B210-5052 temper H36
ASTM B210-5052 temper H38
ASTM B210-5086 temper H36
ASTM B210-5154 temper H38
ASTM B210-6061 temper O
ASTM B210-6063 temper O
ASTM B210-6063 temper T83
ASTM B210-6262 temper T6
ASTM B210-6262 temper T9
ASTM B210-7075 temper O
ASTM B210-7075 temper T6
ASTM B241-1060 temper F
ASTM B241-1100 temper F
ASTM B241-2014 temper O
ASTM B241-2014 temper T4
ASTM B241-2014 temper T42
ASTM B241-2014 temper T6
ASTM B241-2014 temper T62
ASTM B241-2014 temper F
ASTM B241-2024 temper O
ASTM B241-2024 temper T3
ASTM B241-2024 temper T42
ASTM B241-2024 temper T81
ASTM B241-2024 temper F
ASTM B241-2219 temper O
ASTM B241-2219 temper T31
ASTM B241-2219 temper T62
ASTM B241-2219 temper T81
ASTM B241-2219 temper F
ASTM B241-3003 temper F
ASTM B241 Alclad 3003 temper F
ASTM B241-5052 temper F
ASTM B241-5083 temper H111
ASTM B241-5083 temper F
ASTM B241-5086 temper H111
ASTM B241-5086 temper F
ASTM B241-5454 temper H111
ASTM B241-5454 temper F
ASTM B241-5456 temper H111
ASTM B241-5456 temper F
ASTM B241-6061 temper O
ASTM B241-6061 temper T1
ASTM B241-6061 temper T42
ASTM B241-6061 temper T51
ASTM B241-6061 temper T6
ASTM B241-6061 temper F
ASTM B241-6063 temper O
ASTM B241-6063 temper T1
ASTM B241-6063 temper T52
ASTM B241-6063 temper F
ASTM B241-6066 temper O
ASTM B241-6066 temper T4
ASTM B241-6066 temper T42
ASTM B241-6066 temper T6
ASTM B241-6066 temper T62
ASTM B241-6162 temper T5
ASTM B241-6162 temper T6
ASTM B241-6351 temper T4
ASTM B241-6351 temper T6
ASTM B241-7075 temper O
ASTM B241-7075 temper T6
ASTM B241-7075 temper T73
ASTM B241-7075 temper F
ASTM B241-7178 temper O
ASTM B241-7178 temper T6
ASTM B241-7178 temper T62
ASTM B241-7178 temper F
ASTM B345 Alclad 3003 temper O
ASTM B345 Alclad 3003 temper H112
ASTM B345-5083 temper H111
ASTM B345-5086 temper H111
ASTM B345-6061 temper O
ASTM B345-6061 temper T1
ASTM B345-6061 temper T42
ASTM B345-6061 temper T51
ASTM B345-6061 temper T6
ASTM B345-6063 temper O
ASTM B345-6063 temper T1
ASTM B345-6063 temper T52
ASTM B345-6070 temper T6
ASTM B345-6351 temper T4
ASTM B345-6351 temper T6
ASTM B361-WP1100 temper F
ASTM B361-WP3003 temper F
ASTM B361 Alclad 3003 temper F
ASTM B361-WP5083 temper O
ASTM B361-WP5083 temper F
ASTM B361-WP5083 temper H112
ASTM B361-WP5086 temper O
ASTM B361-WP5086 temper F
ASTM B361-WP5086 temper H112
ASTM B361-WP5154 temper F
ASTM B491-1050 temper H112
ASTM B491-1100 temper H112
ASTM B491-1200 temper H111
ASTM B491-1200 temper H112
ASTM B491-1235 temper H111
ASTM B491-1235 temper H112
ASTM B491-3003 temper H112
ASTM B491-3102 temper H112
ASTM B491-6063 temper T1
ASTM B547-1100 temper O
ASTM B547-1100 temper H12
ASTM B547-1100 temper H14
ASTM B547-1100 temper H16
ASTM B547-3003 temper O
ASTM B547-3003 temper H12
ASTM B547-3003 temper H14
ASTM B547-3003 temper H16
ASTM B547-3003 temper H112
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper O
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper H12
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper H14
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper H112
ASTM B547-3004 temper O
ASTM B547-3004 temper H32
ASTM B547-3004 temper H34
ASTM B547-3004 temper H36
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper O
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper H32
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper H34
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper H36
ASTM B547-5050 temper O
ASTM B547-5050 temper H32
ASTM B547-5050 temper H34
ASTM B547-5050 temper H36
ASTM B547-5052 temper O
ASTM B547-5052 temper H32
ASTM B547-5052 temper H34
ASTM B547-5052 temper H36
ASTM B547-5052 temper H112
ASTM B547-5083 temper O
ASTM B547-5083 temper H321
ASTM B547-5086 temper O
ASTM B547-5086 temper H32
ASTM B547-5086 temper H34
ASTM B547-5086 temper H36
ASTM B547-5154 temper O
ASTM B547-5154 temper H32
ASTM B547-5154 temper H34
ASTM B547-5454 temper O
ASTM B547-5454 temper H32
ASTM B547-5454 temper H34
ASTM B547-5454 temper H112
ASTM B547-6061 temper T4
ASTM B547-6061 temper T6

ASTM B265 Grade 1

ASTM B265 Grade 2
ASTM B265 Grade 2H
ASTM B265 Grade 3
ASTM B265 Grade 4
ASTM B265 Grade 5
ASTM B265 Grade 6
ASTM B265 Grade 7
ASTM B265 Grade 7H
ASTM B265 Grade 9
ASTM B265 Grade 11
ASTM B265 Grade 12
ASTM B265 Grade 13
ASTM B265 Grade 14
ASTM B265 Grade 15
ASTM B265 Grade 16
ASTM B265 Grade 16H
ASTM B265 Grade 17
ASTM B265 Grade 18
ASTM B265 Grade 19
ASTM B265 Grade 20
ASTM B265 Grade 21
ASTM B265 Grade 23
ASTM B265 Grade 24
ASTM B265 Grade 25
ASTM B265 Grade 26
ASTM B265 Grade 26H
ASTM B265 Grade 27
ASTM B265 Grade 28
ASTM B265 Grade 29
ASTM B265 Grade 30
ASTM B265 Grade 31
ASTM B265 Grade 32
ASTM B265 Grade 33
ASTM B265 Grade 34
ASTM B265 Grade 35
ASTM B265 Grade 36
ASTM B265 Grade 37
ASTM B265 Grade 38
ASTM B337-1
ASTM B337-2
ASTM B337-3
ASTM B337-7
ASTM B381 Grade F-1
ASTM B381 Grade F-2
ASTM B381 Grade F-2H
ASTM B381 Grade F-3
ASTM B381 Grade F-4
ASTM B381 Grade F-5
ASTM B381 Grade F-6
ASTM B381 Grade F-7
ASTM B381 Grade F-7H
ASTM B381 Grade F-9
ASTM B381 Grade F-11
ASTM B381 Grade F-12
ASTM B381 Grade F-13
ASTM B381 Grade F-14
ASTM B381 Grade F-15
ASTM B381 Grade F-16
ASTM B381 Grade F-16H
ASTM B381 Grade F-17
ASTM B381 Grade F-18
ASTM B381 Grade F-19
ASTM B381 Grade F-20
ASTM B381 Grade F-21
ASTM B381 Grade F-23
ASTM B381 Grade F-24
ASTM B381 Grade F-25
ASTM B381 Grade F-26
ASTM B381 Grade F-26H
ASTM B381 Grade F-27
ASTM B381 Grade F-28
ASTM B381 Grade F-29
ASTM B381 Grade F-30
ASTM B381 Grade F-31
ASTM B381 Grade F-32
ASTM B381 Grade F-33
ASTM B381 Grade F-34
ASTM B381 Grade F-35
ASTM B381 Grade F-36
ASTM B381 Grade F-37
ASTM B381 Grade F-38

ASTM B523 (UNS R60702)

ASTM B523 (UNS R60704)
ASTM B523 (UNS R60705)
ASTM B551 Grade R60700
ASTM B551 Grade R60702
ASTM B551 Grade R60704
ASTM B551 Grade R60705
ASTM B551 Grade R60706
ASTM B658 (UNS R60702)
ASTM B658 (UNS R60704)
ASTM B658 (UNS R60705)

ASTM F441, CPVC 4120

HDPE (PE 3408)
ASTM D1784 - Standard Specification for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)

ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 12364 - Standard Specification for Poly Vinyl
Chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)

ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 12454 - Standard Specification for Poly Vinyl
Chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)

ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 13343 - Standard Specification for Poly Vinyl
Chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)

ASTM D3965

ASTM D2310

ASTM D2447
ASTM D3350

ASTM D3915

ASTM D4396

PVC 1120
PVC 1220
PVC 2110
PVC 2112
PVC 2116
PVC 2120
ASTM C361 Class A-25
ASTM C361 Class B-25
ASTM C361 Class C-25
ASTM C361 Class D-25
ASTM C361 Class A-50
ASTM C361 Class B-50
ASTM C361 Class C-50
ASTM C361 Class D-50
ASTM C361 Class A-75
ASTM C361 Class B-75
ASTM C361 Class C-75
ASTM C361 Class D-75
ASTM C361 Class A-100
ASTM C361 Class B-100
ASTM C361 Class C-100
ASTM C361 Class D-100
ASTM C361 Class A-125
ASTM C361 Class B-125
ASTM C361 Class C-125
ASTM C361 Class D-125
ASTM C582 - Standard Specification for Contact-Molded Reinforced
Thermosetting Plastic (RTP) Laminates for Corrosion-Resistant Equipment

ASTM D2104, PE2306

ASTM D2104, PE2406
ASTM D2104, PE3306
ASTM D2104, PE3406
ASTM D2104, PE2305
ASTM D2104, PE1404
ASTM D2239, PE2306
ASTM D2239, PE2406
ASTM D2239, PE3306
ASTM D2239, PE3406
ASTM D2239, PE3408
ASTM D2239, PE2305
ASTM D2239, PE1404
ASTM D2241, PVC 1120
ASTM D2241, PVC 1220
ASTM D2241, PVC 2120
ASTM D2241, PVC 2116
ASTM D2241, PVC 2112
ASTM D2241, PVC 2110
ASTM D2513, PVC 1120
ASTM D2513, PVC 2110
ASTM D2513, PVC 2116
ASTM D2513, PVC 1220
ASTM D2517, Standard Specification for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure
Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D2737, PE2305
ASTM D2737, PE2306
ASTM D2737, PE2406
ASTM D2737, PE3306
ASTM D2737, PE3406
ASTM D2737, PE3408
ASTM D2846, CPVC 4120
ASTM D2996, Standard Specification for Filament-Wound Fiberglass (Glass-
Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe

ASTM D2997, Standard Specification Centrifugally Cast Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-

Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe

ASTM D3035, PE 1404

ASTM D3035, PE 2606
ASTM D3035, PE 2708
ASTM D3035, PE 3608
ASTM D3035, PE 3708
ASTM D3035, PE 3710
ASTM D3035, PE 4608
ASTM D3035, PE 4708
ASTM D3035, PE 4710
ASTM D 3309, PB 2110
ASTM D3517, Standard Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Pressure Pipe

ASTM D3754, Standard Specification for Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced

Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer and Industrial Pressure Pipe

ASTM F442, CPVC 4120


Org fib, nitrile binder

Graph, 304 tang reinf
Graph, 304 wire mesh reinf
Asb, wire mesh reinf
Buna-N rubber (Nitrile, NBR)
Chloroprene (Neoprene, CR)
Fluorocarbon (Viton)
PTFE-J, asb-F
Teflon-J, blue-asb-F
Soft-iron-J, graph-F
Soft-iron-J, asb-F
Low-C-steel-J, graph-F
Low-C-steel-J, asb-F
304-J, graph-F
304-J, asb-F
I600-J, graph-F
I600-J, asb-F
I800-J, graph-F
Soft-iron-J, asb-chords
Low-C-steel-J, asb-chords
Flexitallic® AF 2100 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® AF 2150 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® Flexicarb®
Flexitallic® SF 1600 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SF 2400 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SF 2420 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SF 2440 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SF 2500 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SF 3300 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SF 3500 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SF 5000 (PTFE)
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 500
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 511
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 522
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 533
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 577
Flexitallic® ThermiculiteTM 815
Flexitallic® ThermiculiteTM 816
304-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR
304-W, graph-F, CS-CR
304-W, asb-F, CS-CR
304-W, blue-asb-F, CS-CR
304-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR
304-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 304-IR
304-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 304-IR
304-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 304-IR
304-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 304-IR
316-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR
316-W, graph-F, CS-CR
316-W, asb-F, CS-CR
316-W, crodidolite asb-F, CS-CR
316-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR
316-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 316-IR
316-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 316-IR
316-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 316-IR
316-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 316-IR
316L-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR
316L-W, graph-F, CS-CR
316L-W, asb-F, CS-CR
316L-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR
316L-W, mica/gra-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR
316L-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR
316L-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR
316L-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR
321-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR
321-W, graph-F, CS-CR
321-W, asb-F, CS-CR
321-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR
321-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 321-IR
321-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 321-IR
321-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 321-IR
321-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 321-IR
347-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR
347-W, graph-F, CS-CR
347-W, asb-F, CS-CR
347-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR
347-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 347-IR
347-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 347-IR
347-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 347-IR
347-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 347-IR
I600-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR
I600-W, graph-F, CS-CR
I600-W, asb-F, CS-CR
I600-W, mica/graph-F, I600-O&IR
I600-W, graph-F, I600-O&IR
I600-W, asb-F, I600-O&IR
I800-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR
I800-W, graph-F, CS-CR
I800-W, asb-F, CS-CR
I800-W, mica/graph-F, I800-O&IR
I800-W, graph-F, I800-O&IR
I800-W, asb-F, I800-O&IR
Flexitallic® Flexicarb® MRG
Flexitallic® Flexicarb® SR
Flexitallic® Flexicarb® ST
Flexitallic® FlexproTM
Gasket material per ASME B16.20
Gasket material per ASME B16.21
Soft-iron, 90 BHN max
347, 140 BHN max

ASTM A193 Grade B5

ASTM A193 Grade B6 (UNS S41000)
ASTM A193 Grade B7
ASTM A193 Grade B7M
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A193 Grade B8C Class 1 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 1 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A193 Grade B8T Class 1 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A193 Grade B16
ASTM SA193-B16
ASTM A194 Grade 1
ASTM A194 Grade 2
ASTM A194 Grade 2HM
ASTM A194 Grade 3
ASTM A194 Grade 4
ASTM A194 Grade 6 (UNS S41000)
ASTM A194 Grade 7
ASTM A194 Grade 7M
ASTM A194 Grade 8 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A194 Grade 8C (UNS S34700)
ASTM A194 Grade 8M (UNS S31600)
ASTM A194 Grade 8T (UNS S32100)
ASTM A320 Grade B8 Class 1 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A320 Grade B8C Class 1 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 1 (UNS S30300)
ASTM A320 Grade B8M Class 1 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A320 Grade B8T Class 1 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A320 Grade L7
ASTM A320 Grade L7A
ASTM A320 Grade L7B
ASTM A320 Grade L7C
ASTM A320 Grade L43
ASTM A325 Type 1
ASTM A325 Type 2 (withdrawn)
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class A
ASTM A354 Grade BC
ASTM A354 Grade BD
ASTM A563 Grade O
ASTM A563 Grade B
ASTM A563 Grade C
ASTM A563 Grade C3
ASTM A563 Grade D
ASTM A563 Grade DH
ASTM A563 Grade DH3
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class A (UNS S66286)
ASTM A194 Grade 2H
ASTM A563 Grade A
SAE J429-1
SAE J429-2
SAE J429-4
SAE J429-5
SAE J429-5.1
SAE J429-5.2
SAE J429-7
SAE J429-8
SAE J429-8.1
SAE J429-8.2
ASTM A193 Grade B6X (UNS S41000)
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1D (UNS S30400)
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 2 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 2B (UNS S30400)
ASTM A193 Grade B8A Class 1A (UNS S30400)
ASTM A193 Grade B8C Class 2 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A193 Grade B8CA Class 1A (UNS S34700)
ASTM A193 Grade B8LN (UNS S30453)
ASTM A193 Grade B8LNA Class 1A (UNS S30453)
ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 1D (UNS S31600)
ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 2 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MA Class 1A (UNS S31600)
ASTM A193 Grade B8M2 Class 2B (UNS S41000)
ASTM A193 Grade B8M3 Class 2C (UNS S41000)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuN Class 1B (UNS S31254)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuN Class 1D (UNS S31254)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuN Class 2 (UNS S31254)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuNA Class 1A (UNS S31254)

ASTM A193 Grade B8MLN Class 1 (UNS S31653)

ASTM A193 Grade B8MLN Class 1D (UNS S31653)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLNA Class 1A (UNS S31653)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MN Class 1B (UNS S31651)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MN Class 1D (UNS S31651)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MN Class 2 (UNS S31651)
ASTM A193 Grade B8MNA Class 1A (UNS S31651)
ASTM A193 Grade B8N Class 1B (UNS S30451)
ASTM A193 Grade B8N Class 1D (UNS S30451)
ASTM A193 Grade B8N Class 2 (UNS S30451)
ASTM A193 Grade B8NA Class 1A (UNS S30451)
ASTM A193 Grade B8P Class 1 (UNS S30500)
ASTM A193 Grade B8P Class 1D (UNS S30500)
ASTM A193 Grade B8P Class 2 (UNS S30500)
ASTM A193 Grade B8PA Class 1A (UNS S30500)
ASTM A193 Grade B8R Class 1C (UNS S20910)
ASTM A193 Grade B8R Class 1D (UNS S20910)
ASTM A193 Grade B8RA Class 1C (UNS S20910)
ASTM A193 Grade B8S Class 1C (UNS S21800)
ASTM A193 Grade B8S Class 1D (UNS S21800)
ASTM A193 Grade B8SA Class 1C (UNS S21800)
ASTM A193 Grade B8T Class 2 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A193 Grade B8TA Class 1A (UNS S32100)
ASTM A193 Grade (UNS )
ASTM A194 Grade 6F (UNS S41600)
ASTM A194 Grade 6F (UNS S41623)
ASTM A194 Grade 8A (UNS S30400)
ASTM A194 Grade 8CA (UNS S34700)
ASTM A194 Grade 8F (UNS S30300)
ASTM A194 Grade 8F (UNS S30323)
ASTM A194 Grade 8FA (UNS S30300)
ASTM A194 Grade 8FA (UNS S30323)
ASTM A194 Grade 8LN (UNS S30453)
ASTM A194 Grade 8LNA (UNS S30453)
ASTM A194 Grade 8MA (UNS S31600)
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLCuN (UNS S31254)
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLCuNA (UNS S31254)
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLN (UNS S31653)
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLNA (UNS S31653)
ASTM A194 Grade 8MN (UNS S31651)
ASTM A194 Grade 8MNA (UNS S31651)
ASTM A194 Grade 8N (UNS S30451)
ASTM A194 Grade 8NA (UNS S30451)
ASTM A194 Grade 8P (UNS S30500)
ASTM A194 Grade 8PA (UNS S30500)
ASTM A194 Grade 8R (UNS S20910)
ASTM A194 Grade 8RA (UNS S20910)
ASTM A194 Grade 8S (UNS S21800)
ASTM A194 Grade 8SA (UNS S21800)
ASTM A194 Grade 8TA (UNS S32100)
ASTM A194 Grade 9C (UNS N08367)
ASTM A194 Grade 9CA (UNS N08367)
ASTM A194 Grade 16
ASTM A320 Grade B8 Class 2 (UNS S30400)
ASTM A320 Grade B8A Class 1A (UNS S30400)
ASTM A320 Grade B8C Class 2 (UNS S34700)
ASTM A320 Grade B8CA Class 1A (UNS S34700)
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 2 (UNS S30300)
ASTM A320 Grade B8FA Class 1A (UNS S30300)
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 1 (UNS S30323)
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 2 (UNS S30323)
ASTM A320 Grade B8FA Class 1A (UNS S30323)
ASTM A320 Grade B8LN Class 1 (UNS S30453)
ASTM A320 Grade B8LNA Class 1A (UNS S30453)
ASTM A320 Grade B8M Class 2 (UNS S31600)
ASTM A320 Grade B8MA Class 1A (UNS S31600)
ASTM A320 Grade B8MLN Class 1 (UNS S31653)
ASTM A320 Grade B8MLNA Class 1A (UNS S31653)
ASTM A320 Grade B8P Class 1 (UNS S30500)
ASTM A320 Grade B8P Class 2 (UNS S30500)
ASTM A320 Grade B8PA Class 1A (UNS S30500)
ASTM A320 Grade B8T Class 2 (UNS S32100)
ASTM A320 Grade B8TA Class 1A (UNS S32100)
ASTM A320 Grade L1
ASTM A320 Grade L7M
ASTM A320 Grade L70
ASTM A320 Grade L71
ASTM A320 Grade L72
ASTM A320 Grade L73
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class B
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class C
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class D
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class E
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class F
ASTM A453 Grade 651 Class A (UNS S63198)
ASTM A453 Grade 651 Class B (UNS S63198)
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class B (UNS S66286)
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class C (UNS S66286)
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class D (UNS S66286)
ASTM A453 Grade 662 Class A (UNS S66220)
ASTM A453 Grade 662 Class B (UNS S66220)
ASTM A453 Grade 665 Class A (UNS S66545)
ASTM A453 Grade 665 Class B (UNS S66545)
ASTM A675 Grade 45
ASTM A675 Grade 45L
ASTM A675 Grade 50
ASTM A675 Grade 50L
ASTM A675 Grade 55
ASTM A675 Grade 55L
ASTM A675 Grade 60
ASTM A675 Grade 60L
ASTM A675 Grade 65
ASTM A675 Grade 65L
ASTM A675 Grade 70
ASTM A675 Grade 70L
ASTM A675 Grade 75
ASTM A675 Grade 75L
ASTM A675 Grade 80
ASTM A675 Grade 80L
ASTM A675 Grade 90
ASTM A675 Grade 90L
ASTM F436 Type 1
ASTM F436 Type 3
ASTM A193-B8C Cl.1
Carbon steel for bolting

GS-C 25
St22 (1.0320)
St24 (1.0327)
St33-2 (S185, 1.0035)
St35.8 I (1.0305)
St44.0 (1.0256)
St44.4 (1.0257)
St44-2 (1.0044)
St44-3 (1.0144)
St45 (1.0408)
St45.4 (1.0418)
St45.8 (1.0405)
St52.0 (1.0421)
St52.4 (1.0581)
St52-3 (1.0570)
StE 355 (1.0562)
USt37.0 (1.0253)
USt37-2 (1.0036)
WStE355 (1.0565)

GG-10 (0.6010)
GG-15 (0.6015)
GG-20 (0.6020)
GG-25 (0.6025)
GG-30 (0.6030)
GG-35 (0.6035)
GGG-40 (0.7040)
GGG-50 (0.7050)
GGG-60 (0.7060)
GGG-70 (0.7070)
GGG-80 (0.7080)


C35E (Ck35, 1.1181)

C45E (1.1191)
L245NB (StE240.7, 1.0457)
L290NB (StE290.7, 1.0484)
L360NB (1.0582)
L360QB (1.8948)
P195GH (1.0348)
P195TR1 (1.0107)
P195TR2 (1.0108)
P215NL (TTSt35N, 1.0451)
P235GH (St35.8, HI, 1.0345)
P235GHTC1 (St35.8 I, HII, 1.0345)
P235GHTC2 (St35.8 III, 1.0345)
P235TR1 (St37.0, St37.0WA, St37.0WB, 1.0254)
P235TR2 (St37.4, 1.0255)
P245GH (1.0352)
P250GH (1.0460, C22.8)
P255QL (1.0452)
P265GH (HII, 1.0425)
P265GHTC1 (HII, 1.0425)
P265TR1 (1.0258)
P265TR2 (1.0259)
P275N (1.0486)
P275NH (1.0487)
P275NL1 (TStE285, 1.0488)
P275NL2 (EStE285, 1.1104)
P280GH (1.0426)
P285NH (1.0477)
P285QH (1.0478)
P295GH (17Mn4, 1.0481)
P305GH (1.0436, 1.2)
P355GH (1.0473)
P355N (1.0562)
P355NH (1.0565)
P355NL1 (TStE355, 1.0566)
P355NL2 (1.1106)
P355Q (1.8866, 1.2)
P355QH (1.8867, 1.2)
P355QL1 (1.8868, 1.2)
P355QL2 (1.8869, 1.2)
P355QH (1.0565)
P355QH+1 (1.0571)
S235JO (St52-3U, 1.0553)
S235JR (1.0037, St37-2)
S235JRG1 (1.0036, USt37-2)
S235JRG2 (1.0038, RSt37-2)
S235JRG3 (1.0116, St37-3N)
S275JR (St44-2, 1.0044)
S275JRH (RSt 37.2)
S355J2H (St 52.3)

P420NH (1.8932, 1.3)

P420QH (1.8936, 3.1)
P460N (1.8905, 1.3)
P460NH (1.8935, 1.3)
P460NL1 (1.8915, 1.3)
P460NL2 (1.8918, 1.3)
P460Q (1.887, 1.2)
P460QH (1.8871, 3.1)
P460QL1 (1.8872, 3.1)
P460QL2 (1.8864, 3.1)
P500Q (1.8873, 3.1)
P500QH (1.8874, 3.1)
P500QL1 (1.8875, 3.1)
P500QL2 (1.8865, 3.1)

GP240GH (1.0619)
GP240GR (1.0621)

10CrMo 9-10 (1.7380, 5.2)

11CrMo 9-10 (1.7383, 5.2)
13CrMo 4-5 (13CrMo 4-4, 1.7335, 5.1)
16Mo3 (1.5415, 1.2)
X10Ni9 (1.5682, 9.3)
X10Ni9 + QT (1.5682, 9.3)

X1CrNi 25-21 (1.4335, 8.2)

X1CrNiMoCuN 20-18-7 (1.4547, 8.2)
X1CrNiMoN 25-22-2 (1.4466, 8.2)
X1NiCrMoCu 25-20-5 (1.4539, 8.1)
X1NiCrMoCu 31-27-4 (1.4563, 8.2)
X1NiCrMoCuN 25-20-7 (1.4529, 8.2)
X1NiCrMoCuN 25-25-5 (1.4537, 8.2)
X1CrNiSi 18-15 (1.4361)
X2CrNi 18-9 (1.4307, 8.1)
X2CrNi 19-11 (1.4306, 8.1)
X2CrNiCu 19-10 (1.465, 8.1)
X2CrNiMo 17-12-2 (1.4404, 8.1)
X2CrNiMo 17-12-3 (1.4432, 8.1)
X2CrNiMo 17-13-5 (1.4439, 8.1)
X2CrNiMo 18-10 (1.4404)
X2CrNiMo 18-14-3 (1.4435, 8.1)
X2CrNiMo 18-15-4 (1.4438, 8.2)
X2CrNiMoCuN 25-6-3 (1.4507, 10.2)
X2CrNiMoCuWN 25-7-4 (1.4501, 10.2)
X2CrNiMoN 17-11-2 (1.4406, 8.1)
X2CrNiMoN 17-13-3 (1.4429, 8.1)
X2CrNiMoN 17-13-5 (1.4439, 8.1)
X2CrNiMoN 17-3-3 (1.4429)
X2CrNiMoN 18-12-4 (1.4334, 8.2)
X2CrNiMoN 18-15-4 (1.4438)
X2CrNiMoN 22-5-3 (1.4462, 10.1)
X2CrNiMoN 25-7-4 (1.4410, 10.2)
X2CrNiMoSi 18-5-3 (10.1)
X2CrNiN 2-4 (1.4362, 10.1)
X2CrNiN 18-7 (1.4318, 8.1)
X2CrNiN 18-10 (1.4311, 8.1)
X2CrNiN 23-4 (1.4362, 8.2)
X2CrNiNb 21-10 (1.4555)
X2NiCrAlTi 32-20 (1.4558, 8.2)
X3CrMoN 25-7-4 (1.441, 10.2)
X3CrNiCu 18-9-4 (1.4567)
X3CrNiCu 19-9-4 (1.4567)
X3CrNiMo 17-13-3 (1.4436, 8.1)
X3CrNiMo 18-12-3 (1.4449, 8.1)
X3CrNiMoBN 17-13-3 (1.491, 8.2)
X4CrNiMoCuNb 20-18-2 (1.4505)
X5CrNi 18-10 (1.4301, 8.1)
X5CrNi 18-9 (1.4301)
X5CrNiMo 17-12-2 (1.4401, 8.1)
X5CrNiMo 18-10 (1.4401)
X5CrNiN 19-9 (1.4315, 8.2)
X5NiCrAITi 31-20 (1.4958, 8.1)
X5NiCrAITi 31-20 + RA (1.4958 + RA, 8.1)
X5NiCrAlTi 31-20 (1.4958, 8.2)
X6Cr17 (1.4016)
X6CrNi 18-10 (1.4948, 8.2)
X6CrNi 23-13 (1.4950, 8.2)
X6CrNi 25-20 (1.4951, 8.1)
X6CrNiMo 17-13-2 (8.1)
X6CrNiMoB 17-12-2 (1.4919)
X6CrNiMoNb 17-12-2 (1.4580, 8.1)
X6CrNiMoTi 17-12-2 (1.4571, 8.1)
X6CrNiNb 18-10 (1.4550, 8.2)
X6CrNiTi 18-10 (1.4541, 8.1)
X6CrNiTiB 18-10 (1.4941, 8.1)
X6NiCrTiMoVB 25-15-2 (1.4980)
X7CrNiMoBNb 16-16 (1.4986)
X7CrNiNb 18-10 (1.4912, 8.1)
X7CrNiTiB 18-10 (1.4941, 8.1)
X8CrNiMoNb 16-16 (1.4981, 8.1)
X8CrNiMoVNb 16-13 (1.4988, 8.1)
X8CrNiNb 16-13 (1.4961, 8.2)
X8NiCrAITi 32-21 (1.4959, 8.2)
X10CrMoVNb9-1 (P91, 1.4903, 6.4)
X10CrNiMoMnNbVB 15-10-1 (1.4982, 8.1)
X11CrMo5+I (1.7362+I, 5.3)
X11CrMo5+NT1 (1.7362+NT1, 5.3)
X11CrMo5+NT2 (5.3)
X11CrMo9-1+I (5.4)
X11CrMo9-1+NT (5.4)
X11CrMoWVNB 9-1-1 (1.4905)
X12CrNiMoV12-3 (1.4938)
X20CrMoV 11-1 (1.4922, 6.4)
X22CrMoV 12-2 (1.4923)
X90CrCoMoV 17 (1.4535)
X7CrNTi 18-10 (8.1)

X7Ni9 (1.5663, 9.3)

X8Ni9 (1.5662, 9.3)
X10NiCrAITi 32-20 (1.4876)
X10NiCrAlTi 32-21 (1.4876)
X12Ni5 (1.5680, 9.2)
X12Ni5 + QT (1.5680 + QT, 9.2)
X15CrMo5-1 (1.739)
X15CrNiSi 20-12 (1.4828)
X15CrNiSi 25-20 (1.4841)
X16CrMo 5-1 (1.7366, 5.3)
X16CrMo 5-1+NT (1.7366)

7CrMoVTiB10-10 (T/P24, 1.7378)

8MoB 5-4 (1.545, 1.4)
10CrMo 5-5 (1.7388, 5.1)
11MnNi 5-3 (1.6212, 9.1)
12Ni14 (1.5637, 9.2)
12Ni19 (1.5680, 9.2)
13MnNi 6-3 (1.6217, 9.1)
14CrMo 4-5 (1.7335)
14CrMoV 69 (1.7335)
14MoV6-3 (1.7715)
14MoV6-3 (1.7715, 6.1)
15MnCrMoNiV 5-3 (1.692, 4.1)
15MnMoV 4-5 (1.5402, 1.4)
15MnNi63 (1.6210, 9.1)
15NiCuMoNb 5-6-4 (WB36, 1.6368, 4.2)
15NiMn6 (1.6228)
17Mo3 (1.5445)
17MnMoV 6-4 (WB35, 1.8817)
18MnMoNi 5-5 (1.6308, 1.4)
19MnB4 (1.5523)
20CrMoV 13-5-5 (1.7779, 6.3)
20CrMoVTiB 4-10 (1.7729)
20MnMoNi 5-5 (1.6310)
20MnNb6 (1.0471, 1.4)
21CrMoV 5-7 (1.7709)
24CrMo5 (1.7258)
25CrMo4 (5.1)
26CrMo 4-2 (1.7219, 5.1)
30CrNiMo8 (1.658)
34CrNiMo6 (1.6582)
35B2 (1.5511)
40CrMoV 4-6 (1.7711)
41NiCrMo 7-3-2 (1.6583)
42CrMo 5-6 (1.7233)
42CrMo4 (1.7228)
G12MoCrV 5-2 (1.7379, 6.1)
G17CrMo 5-5 (1.7357, 5.1)
G17CrMo 9-10 (1.7379, 5.2)
G17CrMoV 5-10 (1.7706, 6.2)
G17Mn5 (1.1131, 1.1)
G17NiCrMo 13-6 (1.6781, 9.2)
G18Mo5 (1.5422, 1.2)
G20Mn5 (1.6220, 3.1)
G20Mo5 (1.5419, 1.2)
G9Ni10 (1.5636, 9.1)
G9Ni14 (1.5638, 9.2)
GP280GH (1.0625, 1.2)
GX15CrMo5 (1.7365, 5.3)
GX23CrMoV 12-1 (1.4931, 6.4)
GX2CrNi 19-11 (1.4309, 8.1)
GX2CrNiMo 19-11-2 (1.4409, 8.1)
GX2CrNiMoCuN 25-6-3-3 (1.4517, 10.2)
GX2CrNiMoN 26-7-4 (1.4469, 10.2)
GX2NiCrMo 28-20-2 (1.4458, 8.2)
GX3CrNiMoCuN 26-63 (1.4515)
GX5CrNi 19-10 (1.4308, 8.1)
GX5CrNiMo 19-11-2 (1.4408, 8.1)
GX5CrNiMoNb 19-11-2 (1.4581, 8.1)
GX5CrNiNb 19-11 (1.4552, 8.1)
GX6CrNi 18 9 (1.4308)
GX6CrNiMo 18 10 (1.4408)
Ni 99.2 (2.4066)
NiCr15Fe (2.4816)
NiCr21Mo (2.4858)
NiCr22Mo9Nb (2.4856)
NiCr26B (1.4561)
NiCu30Fe (2.4360)
NiMo16Cr15W (2.4819)
NiMo28 (2.4617)
X100Cr 13 (1.4006)
X100CrNiNb 18-9 (1.4550)
X100CrNiTi 18-19 (1.4541)
XCrNiTiB18-10 (1.4941)
XNi14 + QT (1.5637, 9.2)

ISO R898 Class 4.6

ISO R898 Class 4.8
ISO R898 Class 6.6
ISO R898 Class 5.8
ISO R898 Class 6.8
ISO R898 Class 8.8
ISO R898 Class 10.9
4.6-2 (ISO 898-1)
4.6-2/5 (ISO 898-1 and ISO 898-2)
5 (ISO 898-2)
ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy
steel - Part 1: bolts, screws and studs

ISO 898-2, Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 2: nut with specified proof
load values - coarse thread


HFS360:Cat 1
HFS360:Cat 2
HFS430:Cat 1
HFS430:Cat 2
HFS500Nb:Cat 1
HFS500Nb:Cat 2
CFS360:Cat 1
CFS360:Cat 2
CFS430:Cat 1
CFS430:Cat 2
CFS500Nb:Cat 1
CFS500Nb:Cat 2
ERW360:Cat 1
ERW360:Cat 2
ERW430:Cat 1
ERW430:Cat 2
CEW360:Cat 1
CEW360:Cat 2
CEW430:Cat 1
CEW430:Cat 2

SAW410:cat 1
SAW410:cat 2
SAW460:cat 1
SAW460:cat 2

HFS410 LT 50:Cat 1
HFS410 LT 50:Cat 2
CFS410 LT 50:Cat 1
CFS410 LT 50:Cat 2
ERW410 LT 50:Cat 1
ERW410 LT 50:Cat 2
CEW410 LT 50:Cat 1
CEW410 LT 50:Cat 2
HFS503 LT 100:Cat 1
HFS503 LT 100:Cat 2
CFS503 LT 100:Cat 1
CFS503 LT 100:Cat 2
HFS509 LT 196:Cat 1
HFS509 LT 196:Cat 2
CFS509 LT 196:Cat 1
CFS509 LT 196:Cat 2

HFS620-460:Cat 1
CFS620-460:Cat 1
ERW620-460:Cat 1
CEW620-460:Cat 1
HFS620-460:Cat 2
CFS620-460:Cat 2
ERW620-460:Cat 2
CEW620-460:Cat 2
HFS620-440:Cat 1
CFS620-440:Cat 1
ERW620-440:Cat 1
CEW620-440:Cat 1
HFS620-440:Cat 2
CFS620-440:Cat 2
ERW620-440:Cat 2
CEW620-440:Cat 2
HFS621:Cat 1
CFS621:Cat 1
ERW621:Cat 1
CEW621:Cat 1
HFS621:Cat 2
CFS621:Cat 2
ERW621:Cat 2
CEW621:Cat 2
HFS660:Cat 1
CFS660:Cat 1
HFS660:Cat 2
CFS660:Cat 2
HFS622:Cat 1
CFS622:Cat 1
HFS622:Cat 2
CFS622:Cat 2
HFS625:Cat 1
CFS625:Cat 1
HFS625:Cat 2
CFS625:Cat 2
HFS629-470:Cat 1
CFS629-470:Cat 1
HFS629-470:Cat 2
CFS629-470:Cat 2
HFS629-590:Cat 1
CFS629-590:Cat 1
HFS629-590:Cat 2
CFS629-590:Cat 2
HFS762:Cat 1
CFS762:Cat 1
HFS762:Cat 2
CFS762:Cat 2


141 360A
151 360A
151 400A
151 430A
151 360B
151 400B
151 430B
154 360A
154 400A
154 430A
161 360A
161 400A
161 430A
161 360B
161 400B
161 430B
164 360A RT
164 360A LT0
164 360A LT20
164 360B RT
164 360B LT0
164 360B LT20
164 400A RT
164 400A LT0
164 400A LT20
164 400B RT
164 400B LT0
164 400B LT20
223 460A RT
223 460A LT0
223 460A LT15
223 460A LT30
223 460B RT
223 460B LT0
223 460B LT15
223 460B LT30
223 490A RT
223 490A LT0
223 490A LT15
223 490A LT30
223 490B RT
223 490B LT0
223 490B LT15
223 490B LT30
224 400A RT
224 400A LT0
224 400A LT20
224 400A LT30
224 400A LT40
224 400A LT50
224 400B RT
224 400B LT0
224 400B LT20
224 400B LT30
224 400B LT40
224 400B LT50
224 430A RT
224 430A LT0
224 430A LT20
224 430A LT30
224 430A LT40
224 430A LT50
224 430B RT
224 430B LT0
224 430B LT20
224 430B LT30
224 430B LT40
224 430B LT50
224 460A RT
224 460A LT0
224 460A LT20
224 460A LT30
224 460A LT40
224 460A LT50
224 460B RT
224 460B LT0
224 460B LT20
224 460B LT30
224 460B LT40
224 460B LT50
224 490A RT
224 490A LT0
224 490A LT20
224 490A LT30
224 490A LT40
224 490A LT50
224 490B RT
224 490B LT0
224 490B LT20
224 490B LT30
224 490B LT40
224 490B LT50
225 460A LT20
225 460A LT30
225 460A LT50
225 460A LT60
225 460B LT20
225 460B LT30
225 460B LT50
225 460B LT60
225 490A LT20
225 490A LT30
225 490A LT50
225 490B LT20
225 490B LT30
225 490B LT50


460S52A LT70

BS1503 509-690
BS1503 304S31
BS1503 304S51
BS1503 347S31
BS1503 347S51
BS1503 321S31
BS1503 316S31
BS1503 316S33
BS1503 316S51
BS1503 509-690-LT196
BS1503 304S31-LT196
BS1503 347S31-LT196
BS1503 321S31-LT196
321S51- 490
321S51- 510
BS1503 316S31-LT196
BS1503 316S33-LT196

161 grade 430A

161 grade 480A
161 grade 540A
161 grade 430E
161 grade 480E
161 grade 430A-LT40


301 S 21
304 S 11
304 S 12
304 S 15
304 S 16
304 S 17
304 S 21
304 S 31
304 S 61
305 S 19
309 S 16
309 S 24
310 S 24
315 S 16
316 S 11
316 S 12
316 S 13
316 S 16
316 S 31
316 S 33
316 S 61
317 S 12
317 S 16
318 S 13
320 S 17
320 S 31
320 S 33
321 S 12
321 S 31
347 S 31
403 S 17
405 S 17
409 S 17
409 S 19
410 S 21
410 S 45
430 S 15
430 S 17
434 S 17
A1N00, JIS H 4160
A1N30, JIS H 4160
A1N90, JIS H 4160
A1N99, JIS H 4160
IN30, JIS H 4160
IN90, JIS H 4170
IN99, JIS H 4170
A 1050P temper O, JIS H 4000
A 1060, JIS H 4180
A 1070P, JIS H 4000
A 1080, JIS H 4000
A 1100P, JIS H 4000
A 1200P, JIS H 4000
A 1N30H, JIS H 4160
A 2011BD, JIS H 4040
A 2014, JIS H 4000
A 2017, JIS H 4000
A 2018FD, JIS H 4140
A 2024, JIS H 4000
A 2025FD, JIS H 4140
A 2117, JIS H 4120
A 2218FD, JIS H 4140
A 2N01FD, JIS H 4140
A 3003, JIS H 4000
A 3004, JIS H 4001
A 3005, JIS H 4001
A 3203, JIS H 4000
A 4032FD, JIS H 4140
A 5005, JIS H 4000
A 5052, JIS H 4000
A 5056, JIS H 4040
A 5083, JIS H 4000
A 5154, JIS H 4000
A 5N01, JIS H 4000
A 5N02, JIS H 4120
A 6061, JIS H 4000
A 6063, JIS H 4040
A 6101, JIS H 4180
A 6151FD, JIS H 4140
A 7075, JIS H 4000
A 7N01, JIS H 4000
AC1A, JIS H 5202
AC1B, JIS H 5202
AC2A, JIS H 5202
AC2B, JIS H 5202
AC3A, JIS H 5202
AC4A, JIS H 5202
AC4B, JIS H 5202
AC4C, JIS H 5202
AC4CH, JIS H 5202
AC5A, JIS H 5202
AC7A, JIS H 5202
AC8A, JIS H 5202
AC8B, JIS H 5202
AC8C, JIS H 5202
AC9A, JIS H 5202
AC9B, JIS H 5202
ADC12, JIS H5302
ADC12Z, JIS H5302
A 1050, JIS H 4000
A 1050P temper H18, JIS H 4000
A 1050P temper H24, JIS H 4000
A 1050BD, JIS H 4040
A 1050BE, JIS H 4040
A 1050W, JIS H 4040
A 1050TD, JIS H 4080
A 1050TE, JIS H 4080
A 1050TWA, JIS H 4090
A 1070, JIS H 4000
A 1070BD, JIS H 4040
A 1070BE, JIS H 4040
A 1070W, JIS H 4040
A 1070TD, JIS H 4080
A 1070TE, JIS H 4080
A 1070TWA, JIS H 4090
A 1100, JIS H 4000
A 1100BD, JIS H 4040
A 1100BE, JIS H 4040
A 1100W, JIS H 4040
A 1100TD, JIS H 4080
A 1100TE, JIS H 4080
A 1100TWA, JIS H 4090
A 1100FD, JIS H 4140
A 1100S, JIS H 4100
A 1200, JIS H 4000
A 1200BD, JIS H 4040
A 1200BE, JIS H 4040
A 1200TD, JIS H 4080
A 1200TE, JIS H 4080
A 1200TWA, JIS H 4090
A 1200S, JIS H 4100
A 1200FD, JIS H 4140
A 1200W, JIS H 4040
A 2011, JIS H 4040
A 2011W, JIS H 4040
A 2014P, JIS H 4000
A 2014PC, JIS H 4000
A 2014BD, JIS H 4040
A 2014BE, JIS H 4040
A 2014TE, JIS H 4080
A 2014S, JIS H 4100
A 2014FD, JIS H 4140
A 2014FH, JIS H 4140
A 2017P, JIS H 4000
A 2017BD, JIS H 4040
A 2017BE, JIS H 4040
A 2017W, JIS H 4040
A 2017FD, JIS H 4040
A 2017TD, JIS H 4080
A 2017TE, JIS H 4080
A 2017S, JIS H 4100
A 2018, JIS H 4140
A 2024BD, JIS H 4040
A 2024BE, JIS H 4040
A 2024W, JIS H 4040
A 2024TD, JIS H 4080
A 2024TE, JIS H 4080
A 2024S, JIS H 4100
A 2025, JIS H 4140
A 2025FH, JIS H 4140
A 2117W, JIS H 4040
A 2218, JIS H 4140
A 2219FD, JIS H 4140
A 2219FH, JIS H 4140
A 2618FD, JIS H 4140
A 2618FH, JIS H 4140
A 2N01, JIS H 4140
A 2N01FH, JIS H 4140
A 3003P, JIS H 4000
A 3003BD, JIS H 4040
A 3003BE, JIS H 4040
A 3003TD, JIS H 4080
A 3003TE, JIS H 4080
A 3003TWA, JIS H 4090
A 3003S, JIS H 4100
A 3003W, JIS H 4040
A 3203P, JIS H 4000
A 3203TD, JIS H 4080
A 3203TE, JIS H 4080
A 3203TWA, JIS H 4090
A 3203S, JIS H 4100
A 4032, JIS H 4140
A 5052P, JIS H 4000
A 5052BD, JIS H 4040
A 5052BE, JIS H 4040
A 5052W, JIS H 4040
A 5052TD, JIS H 4080
A 5052TE, JIS H 4080
A 5052TWA, JIS H 4090
A 5052S, JIS H 4100
A 5052FH, JIS H 4140
A 5056BD, JIS H 4040
A 5056BE, JIS H 4040
A 5056W, JIS H 4040
A 5056TD, JIS H 4080
A 5056TE, JIS H 4080
A 5056FD, JIS H 4140
A 5083P, JIS H 4000
A 5083BD temper O, JIS H 4040
A 5083BD temper H112, JIS H 4040
A 5083BE temper O, JIS H 4040
A 5083FD temper O, JIS H 4040
A 5083FD temper H112, JIS H 4040
A 5083FH temper O, JIS H 4040
A 5083FH temper H112, JIS H 4040
A 5083W, JIS H 4040
A 5083TD, JIS H 4080
A 5083TE, JIS H 4080
A 5083TWA, JIS H 4090
A 5083S, JIS H 4100
A 5086S, JIS H 4100
A 5154P, JIS H 4000
A 5154TD, JIS H 4080
A 5154TE, JIS H 4080
A 5154TWA, JIS H 4090
A 5454P, JIS H 4000
A 5454TE, JIS H 4080
A 5454S, JIS H 4100
A 5N02BD, JIS H 4040
A 5N02W, JIS H 4040
A 6061P, JIS H 4000
A 6061BD temper T6, JIS H 4040
A 6061BE temper T4, JIS H 4040
A 6061BE temper T6, JIS H 4040
A 6061BES temper T6, JIS H 4040
A 6061FD temper T6, JIS H 4040
A 6061FH temper T6, JIS H 4040
A 6061W, JIS H 4040
A 6061TD, JIS H 4080
A 6061TE, JIS H 4080
A 6061S, JIS H 4100
A 6063BD, JIS H 4040
A 6063BE, JIS H 4040
A 6063TD, JIS H 4080
A 6063TE, JIS H 4080
A 6063S, JIS H 4100
A 6151, JIS H 4140
A 6151FH, JIS H 4140
A 6N01S, JIS H 4100
A 7003BE, JIS H 4040
A 7003TE, JIS H 4080
A 7003S, JIS H 4100
A 7050FD, JIS H 4140
A 7050FH, JIS H 4140
A 7075BD, JIS H 4040
A 7075BE, JIS H 4040
A 7075TD, JIS H 4080
A 7075TE
A 7075S, JIS H 4100
A 7075FD, JIS H 4140
A 7075FH, JIS H 4140
A 7N01BE, JIS H 4040
A 7N01TE, JIS H 4080
A 7N01S, JIS H 4100
A 7N01FD, JIS H 4140
A 7N01FH, JIS H 4140

C1011, JIS H 3510

C1201, JIS H 3100
C1401, JIS H 3100
C2051, JIS H 3100
C2720, JIS H 3100
C2801, JIS H 3100
C3560, JIS H 3100
C3710, JIS H 3100
C3712, JIS H 3250
C3713, JIS H 3100
C3771, JIS H 3250
C4430, JIS H 3300
C4622, JIS H 3250
C4641, JIS H 3250
C5101, JIS H 3110
C6161, JIS H 3100
C6191, JIS H 3250
C6241, JIS H 3250
C6280, JIS H 3100
C6301, JIS H 3100
C6561, JIS H 3300
C6711, JIS H 3100
C6712, JIS H 3100
C6782, JIS H 3250
C6783, JIS H 3250
C6870, JIS H 3300
C6872, JIS H 3300
C6871, JIS H 3300
C7100, JIS H 3300
HBsC1, JIS H 5102
LBC2, JIS H 5115
LBC3C, JIS H 5115
LBC4C, JIS H 5115
LBC5, JIS H 5115
PBC2, JIS H 5113
PBC2B, JIS H 5113
PBC3B, JIS H 5113
C7451, JIS H 3110
C7541, JIS H 3110
C7941, JIS H 3270
AIBC1, JIS H 5114
A1BC1C, JIS H 5121
AIBC2, JIS H 5114
A1BC2C, JIS H 5121
AIBC3, JIS H 5114
A1BC3C, JIS H 5121
AIBC4, JIS H 5114
A1BC1, JIS H 5114
A1BC2, JIS H 5114
A1BC3, JIS H 5114
A1BC4, JIS H 5114
BC1, JIS H 5111
BC2, JIS H 5111
BC3, JIS H 5111
BC6, JIS H 5111
BC6C, JIS H 5111
BC7, JIS H 5111
BC1C, JIS H 5121
BC2C, JIS H 5121
BC3C, JIS H 5121
BC6C, JIS H 5121
BC7C, JIS H 5121
C1020, JIS H 3260
C1020BD, JIS H 3250
C1020BD-O, JIS H 3250
C1020BE, JIS H 3250
C1020BE-F, JIS H 3250
C1020T, JIS H 3300
C1020TC, JIS H 3300
C1020TCS, JIS H 3300
C1020TS, JIS H 3300
C1020P, JIS H 3100
C1100, JIS H 3260
C1100BD, JIS H 3250
C1100BD-O, JIS H 3250
C1100BE, JIS H 3250
C1100BE-F, JIS H 3250
C1100P, JIS H 3100
C1100T, JIS H 3300
C1100TS, JIS H 3300
C1201BD, JIS H 3250
C1201BD-O, JIS H 3250
C1201BE, JIS H 3250
C1201BE-F, JIS H 3250
C1201T, JIS H 3300
C1201TS, JIS H 3300
C1220T, JIS H 3300
C1220TS, JIS H 3300
C1220TW, JIS H 3320
C1220TWS, JIS H 3320
C1220, JIS H 3100
C1221, JIS H 3100
C1700, JIS H 3130
C1720, JIS H 3130
C2100, JIS H 3100
C2200, JIS H 3100
C2200T, JIS H 3300
C2200TS, JIS H 3300
C2300, JIS H 3100
C2400, JIS H 3100
C2600, JIS H 3100
C2600T, JIS H 3300
C2600TS, JIS H 3300
C2600P, JIS H 3100
C2680, JIS H 3320
C2700, JIS H 3260
C2700T, JIS H 3300
C2700TS, JIS H 3300
C2800, JIS H 3250
C2801P, JIS H 3100
C3501, JIS H 3260
C3601, JIS H 3250
C3602, JIS H 3250
C3603, JIS H 3250
C3604, JIS H 3250
C3604B, JIS H 3250
C3604BD, JIS H 3250
C3604BE, JIS H 3250
C3771BD, JIS H 3250
C3771BE, JIS H 3250
C4430T, JIS H 3300
C4430TS, JIS H 3300
C4621, JIS H 3260
C5191, JIS H 3110
C5191P-H, JIS H 3110
C5191W, JIS H 3270
C5212P-H, JIS H 3110
C5341, JIS H 3270
C5441, JIS H 3270
C6870T, JIS H 3300
C6870TS, JIS H 3300
C6871T, JIS H 3300
C6871TS, JIS H 3300
C7060, JIS H 3100
C7060T, JIS H 3300
C7060TS, JIS H 3300
C7100T, JIS H 3300
C7100TS, JIS H 3300
C7150, JIS H 3100
C7150T, JIS H 3300
C7150TS, JIS H 3300
C7164T, JIS H 3300
C7164TS, JIS H 3300
C7351, JIS H 3110
C7521, JIS H 3110
C7701, JIS H 3130
CAC101, JIS H 5120
CAC102, JIS H 5120
CAC103, JIS H 5120
CAC201, JIS H 5120
CAC202, JIS H 5120
CAC203, JIS H 5120
CAC301, JIS H 5120
CAC302, JIS H 5120
CAC303, JIS H 5120
CAC304, JIS H 5120
CAC402, JIS H 5120
CAC403, JIS H 5120
CAC406, JIS H 5120
CAC406C, JIS H 5121
CAC804, JIS H 5120
CAC901, JIS H 5120
CAC902, JIS H 5120
CAC903B, JIS H 5120
CAC911, JIS H 5120
HBsC2, JIS H 5102
HBsC3, JIS H 5102
HBsC4, JIS H 5102
LBC3, JIS H 5115
LBC4, JIS H 5115
PBC2C, JIS H 5113
PBC3C, JIS H 5113
SzBC1, JIS H 5112
SzBC2, JIS H 5112
SzBC3, JIS H 5112
YbsC, JIS H 5101
YBsC1, JIS H 5101
YBsC2, JIS H 5101
YBsC3, JIS H 5101

SUY-0, JIS G 2504

SUY-1, JIS G 2504
SUY-2, JIS G 2504
SUY-3, JIS G 2504
FC 100
FC 150
FC 20
FC 200, JIS G 5501
FC 250, JIS G 5501
FC 300
FC 350
FCD 420-10
FCD 350
FCD 350-22
FCD 350-22L
FCD 370
FCD 400, JIS G 5502
FCD 400-15, JIS G 5502
FCD 400-15A
FCD 400-18
FCD 400-18A
FCD 400-18AL
FCD 400-18L
FCD 450
FCD 450-10, JIS G 5502
FCD 500
FCD 500-7
FCD 500-7A
FCD 600-3
FCD 600-3A
FCD 700-2
FCD 800-2
FCM 340
FCMB 270, JIS G 5702
FCMB 27-05
FCMB 310
FCMB 340, JIS G 5702
FCMB 34-04
FCMB 35-10
FCMB 35-10S
FSGP, JIS B 2311
SUY-B1, JIS G 2503

SK5-CSP, JIS G 4802

SPCE, JIS G 3141
SPHD, JIS G 3131
SPHE, JIS G 3131
SPV235, JIS G 3115
SPV315, JIS G 3115
SPV410, JIS G 3115
SPV450, JIS G 3115
SPV490, JIS G 3115
PA26, JIS G 3458
PA26W, JIS G 3458
PL690W, JIS G 3460
SPCD, JIS G 3141
SPHC, JIS G 3131
SS 41, JIS G 3101
SS 330, JIS G 3101
S09CK, JIS G 4051
S10C, JIS G 4051
S12C, JIS G 4051
S15C, JIS G 4051
S15CK, JIS G 4051
S17C, JIS G 4051
S20C, JIS G 4051
S20CK, JIS G 4051
S22C, JIS G 4051
S25C, JIS G 4051
S28C, JIS G 4051
S30C, JIS G 4051
S33C, JIS G 4051
S35C, JIS G 4051
S38C, JIS G 4051
S40C, JIS G 4051
S43C, JIS G 4051
S45C, JIS G 4051
S48C, JIS G 4051
S50C, JIS G 4051
S50C-CSP, JIS G 4802
S50CM, JIS G 3311
S53C, JIS G 4051
S55C, JIS G 4051
S55C-CSP, JIS G 4802
S55CM, JIS G 3311
S58C, JIS G 4051
S60C-CSP, JIS G 4802
S60CM, JIS G 3311
S65C-CSP, JIS G 4802
S65CM, JIS G 3311
S70C-CSP, JIS G 4802
S70CM, JIS G 3311
SC 360 (SC 37), JIS G 5101
SC 410 (SC 42), JIS G 5101
SC 450 (SC 46), JIS G 5101
SC 480 (SC 49), JIS G 5101
SF340A, JIS G 3201
SF390A, JIS G 3201
SF440A, JIS G 3201
SF490A, JIS G 3201
SF540A, JIS G 3201
SF540B, JIS G 3201
SF590A, JIS G 3201
SF590B, JIS G 3201
SF640B, JIS G 3201
SGP, JIS G 3452
SGPW, JIS G 3442
SFVC1, JIS G 3202
SFVC2A, JIS G 3202
SFVC2B, JIS G 3203
SPCC, JIS G 3141
SPV355, JIS G 3115
SS 400, JIS G 3101
SS 490, JIS G 3101
SS 540, JIS G 3101
STPG370, JIS G 3454
STPG410, JIS G 3454
STPL380, JIS G 3460
STPL450, JIS G 3460
STPL690, JIS G 3460
STPT370, JIS G 3456
STPT410, JIS G 3456
STPT480, JIS G 3456
STPY400, JIS G 3457
SWCH6A, JIS G 3539
SWCH6R, JIS G 3539
SWCH8A, JIS G 3539
SWCH8R, JIS G 3539
SWCH10A, JIS G 3539
SWCH10K, JIS G 3539
SWCH10R, JIS G 3539
SWCH12A, JIS G 3539
SWCH12K, JIS G 3539
SWCH12R, JIS G 3539
SWCH15A, JIS G 3539
SWCH15K, JIS G 3539
SWCH15R, JIS G 3539
SWCH16A, JIS G 3539
SWCH16K, JIS G 3539
SWCH17K, JIS G 3539
SWCH17R, JIS G 3539
SWCH18A, JIS G 3539
SWCH18K, JIS G 3539
SWCH19A, JIS G 3539
SWCH20A, JIS G 3539
SWCH20K, JIS G 3539
SWCH22A, JIS G 3539
SWCH22K, JIS G 3539
SWCH24K, JIS G 3539
SWCH25K, JIS G 3539
SWCH27K, JIS G 3539
SWCH30K, JIS G 3539
SWCH33K, JIS G 3539
SWCH35K, JIS G 3539
SWCH38K, JIS G 3539
SWCH40K, JIS G 3539
SWCH41K, JIS G 3539
SWCH43K, JIS G 3539
SWCH45K, JIS G 3539
SWCH48K, JIS G 3539
SWCH50K, JIS G 3539
SWRH57A, JIS G 3506
SWRH57B, JIS G 3506
SWRH62A, JIS G 3506
SWRH62B, JIS G 3506
SWRH67A, JIS G 3506
SWRH67B, JIS G 3506
SWRH72A, JIS G 3506
SWRH72B, JIS G 3506
SWRH77A, JIS G 3506
SWRH77B, JIS G 3506
PA12, JIS G 3458
PA12W, JIS G 3458
PA22, JIS G 3458
PA22W, JIS G 3458
PA23, JIS G 3458
PA23W, JIS G 3458
PA24, JIS G 3458
PA24W, JIS G 3458
PA25, JIS G 3458
PA25W, JIS G 3458
PG370W, JIS G 3454
PG410W, JIS G 3454
PL380, JIS G 3456
PL380W, JIS G 3460
PL450W, JIS G 3460
PG370, JIS G 3454
PS370, JIS G 3454
PS410, JIS G 3454
PS480, JIS G 3454
PT370, JIS G 3456
PT370W, JIS G 3456
PT410, JIS G 3456
PT410W, JIS G 3456
PT480, JIS G 3456
PT480W, JIS G 3456
PY400, JIS B 2311
STS 370, JIS G 3455
STS 410, JIS G 3455
STS 480, JIS G 3455
SM41, JIS G 3106
S 10 C, JIS G 4051

SNCM 220H, JIS G 4052

SNCM 220M, JIS G 3311
SNCM 415M, JIS G 3311
SNCM 420H, JIS G 4052
SCM 415, JIS G 4105
SCM 415 TK
SCM 418, JIS G 4105
SCM 418 TK
SCM 420, JIS G 4105
SCM 420 TK
SCM 421, JIS G 4105
SCM 430, JIS G 4105
SCM 430 TK
SCM 432, JIS G 4105
SCM 435, JIS G 4105
SCM 435 TK
SCM 440, JIS G 4105
SCM 440 TK
SCM 445, JIS G 4105
SCM 822, JIS G 4105
SCP1R, JIS G 3471
SCP1RS, JIS G 3471
SCP2A, JIS G 3471
SCP2E, JIS G 3471
SCP2P, JIS G 3471
SCP2R, JIS G 3471
SCP3RS, JIS G 3471
SCPH1, JIS G 5151
SCPH2, JIS G 5151
SCPL1, JIS G 5152
SCr 415, JIS G 4104
SCr 420, JIS G 4104
SCr 430, JIS G 4104
SCr 435, JIS G 4104
SCr 440, JIS G 4104
SCr 445, JIS G 4104
SFL1, JIS G 3205
SFL2, JIS G 3205
SFL3, JIS G 3205
SFVAF1, JIS G 3203
SFVAF11A, JIS G 3203
SFVAF11B, JIS G 3203
SFVAF12, JIS G 3203
SFVAF2, JIS G 3203
SFVAF21A, JIS G 3203
SFVAF21B, JIS G 3203
SFVAF22A, JIS G 3203
SFVAF22B, JIS G 3203
SFVAF9, JIS G 3203
SFVQ1A, JIS G 3204
SFVQ1B, JIS G 3204
SFVQ2A, JIS G 3204
SFVQ3, JIS G 3204
SMn 420, JIS G 4106
SMn 433, JIS G 4106
SMn 438, JIS G 4106
SMn 443, JIS G 4106
SMnC 420, JIS G 4106
SMnC 443, JIS G 4106
SNCM 220, JIS G 4103
SNCM 240, JIS G 4103
SNCM 415, JIS G 4103
SNCM 420, JIS G 4103
SNCM 431, JIS G 4103
SNCM 439, JIS G 4103
SNCM 447, JIS G 4103
SNCM 616, JIS G 4103
SNCM 625, JIS G 4103
SNCM 630, JIS G 4103
SNCM 815, JIS G 4103
STPA12, JIS G 3458
STPA20, JIS G 3458
STPA22, JIS G 3458
STPA23, JIS G 3458
STPA24, JIS G 3458
STPA25, JIS G 3458
STPA26, JIS G 3458
STW290, JIS G 3443
STW370, JIS G 3443
STW400, JIS G 3443

SUS316TBS, JIS G 3447

SUS317HTP, JIS G 3459
SCS1, JIS G 5121
SCS2, JIS G 5121
SCS10, JIS G 5121
SCS13, JIS G 5121
SCS13A, JIS G 5121
SCS14, JIS G 5121
SCS14A, JIS G 5121
SCS16, JIS G 5121
SCS16A, JIS G 5121
SUS302, JIS G 4308
SUS303Se, JIS G 4313
SUS304, JIS G 4303
SUS304HTP, JIS G 3459
SUS304L, JIS G 4303
SUS304 LTBS, JIS G 3447
SUS304 LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS304TBS, JIS G 3447
SUS304TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS304TKC, JIS G 3446
SUS304TP, JIS G 3459
SUS305JI, JIS G 4303
SUS309STP, JIS G 3459
SUS309TP, JIS G 3459
SUS310STP, JIS G 3459
SUS310TP, JIS G 3459
SUS316, JIS G 4303
SUS316L, JIS G 4304
SUS316LTBS, JIS G 3447
SUS316LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS316TiTP, JIS G 3459
SUS316TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS316TKC, JIS G 3446
SUS316TP, JIS G 3459
SUS317LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS317TP, JIS G 3459
SUS321HTP, JIS G 3459
SUS321TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS321TP, JIS G 3459
SUS329J1TP, JIS G 3459
SUS329J3LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS329J4LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS347HTP, JIS G 3459
SUS347TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS347TP, JIS G 3459
SUS384, JIS G 4303
SUS403, JIS G 4303
SUS405TP, JIS G 3459
SUS409LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS410, JIS G 4303
SUS410TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS410TKC, JIS G 3446
SUS420J1, JIS G 4303
SUS420J1TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS420J2, JIS G 4303
SUS420J2TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS430, JIS G 4303
SUS430J1LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS430LXTP, JIS G 3459
SUS430TKA, JIS G 3446
SUS430TKC, JIS G 3446
SUS430TP, JIS G 3459
SUS436LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS444TP, JIS G 3459
SUS836LTP, JIS G 3459
SUS890LTP, JIS G 3459
SUSF304, JIS G 3214
SUSF304H, JIS G 3214
SUSF304L, JIS G 3214
SUSF304LN, JIS G 3214
SUSF304N, JIS G 3214
SUSF310, JIS G 3214
SUSF316, JIS G 3214
SUSF316H, JIS G 3214
SUSF316L, JIS G 3214
SUSF316LN, JIS G 3214
SUSF316N, JIS G 3214
SUSF317, JIS G 3214
SUSF317L, JIS G 3214
SUSF321, JIS G 3214
SUSF321H, JIS G 3214
SUSF347, JIS G 3214
SUSF347H, JIS G 3214
SUSF410A, JIS G 3214
SUSF410B, JIS G 3214
SUSF410C, JIS G 3214
SUSF410D, JIS G 3214
SUSF630, JIS G 3214
SUSF6B, JIS G 3214
SUS XM7, JIS G 4303

TTP-270C, JIS H 4630
TTP-270H, JIS H 4630
TTP-270PdC, JIS H 4635
TTP-270PdH, JIS H 4635
TTP-340C, JIS H 4630
TTP-340H, JIS H 4630
TTP-340PdC, JIS H 4635
TTP-340PdH, JIS H 4635
TTP-480C, JIS H 4630
TTP-480H, JIS H 4630
TTP-480PdC, JIS H 4635
TTP-480PdH, JIS H 4635
TTP-550C, JIS H 4630
TTP-550H, JIS H 4630

ZDC1, JIS H 5301

ZDC2, JIS H 5301

Class 1 A per JIS B 2401

Class 1 B per JIS B 2401
Class 2 per JIS B 2401
Class 3 per JIS B 2401
Class 4 C per JIS B 2401
Class 4 D per JIS B 2401

SNB5, JIS G 4107

SNB7, JIS G 4107
SNB16, JIS G 4107
SNB21, JIS G 4108
SNB22, JIS G 4108
SNB23, JIS G 4108
SNB24, JIS G 4108



GB12239-Stainless steel


GB12238-Nickel Chromium Boron Silicon Powder
GB12238-Nickel-coated aluminum powder


GB12238-Cuprum Powder
GB12238-Iron Chromium Boron Silicon Powder
GB12239-Non-ferrous Metal
GB12238-Plastic And Rubber

GB4622.2, Flexible graphite metal

GB4622.2, Non-asbestos fiber rubber

Z2CN 18.10
Z2CND 17.12
Z2CND 18.13
Z2CND 19.15
Z3CN 18.10
Z3CN 18.10Az
Z3CND 17.11Az
Z3CND 17.12.02
Z3CND 17.13.03
Z3CND 19.15.04
Z3CND 22.05Az
Z3CT 12
Z6C 13
Z6CA 13
Z6CN 18.09
Z6CND 17.11
Z6CND 18.12.03
Z6CNDT 17.12
Z6CNT 18.10
Z6CNT 18.12
Z6CNNb 18.10
Z6CNNb 18.11
Z7CN 18.09
Z7CND 17.11.02
Z8C 12
Z8C 17
Z8CD 17.01
Z8CN 18.09
Z8CN 18.12
Z8CND 17.12
Z11CN 17.08
Z12C 13
Z12CN 17.08
Z12CN 25.20
Z12CNS 25.20
Z15CN 24.13
Z15CNS 20.12
Z20CN 24.13
Z30C 13
CSN 17 020
CSN 17 040
CSN 17 240
CSN 17 248
CSN 17 249
CSN 17 251
CSN 17 255
CSN 17 346
CSN 17 348
CSN 17 349
CSN 17 350
CSN 17 352

UNI X2CrNi 18 11
UNI X2CrNiMo 17 12
UNI X2CrNiMo 17 13
UNI X2CrNiMo 18 16
UNI X2CrNiN 18 10
UNI X5CrNi 18 10
UNI X5CrNiMo 17 12
UNI X5CrNiMo 17 13
UNI X6Cr 13
UNI X6CrNi 23 14
UNI X6CrNiMoTi 17 12
UNI X6CrNiNb 18 11
UNI X6CrNiTi 18 11
UNI X6CrTi 12
UNI X6CrTi 18 11
UNI X8Cr 17
UNI X8CrMo 17
UNI X8CrNi 18 12
UNI X8CrNiMo 17 13
UNI X8CrNiNb 18 11
UNI X12Cr 13
UNI X12CrNi 17 07
UNI X16CrNi 23 14
UNI X30Cr 13
UNI Z6CrA 1 13
UNI Z22CrNi 25 20

UNE X2CrNi 19 10
UNE X2CrNiMo 17 12
UNE X5CrNi 18 10
UNE X5CrNiMo 17 12
UNE X7CrNiTi 18 11
UNE X7CrNiNb 18 11
UNE X12Cr 13

SIS 14 23 01
SIS 14 23 02
SIS 14 23 04
SIS 14 23 20
SIS 14 23 25
SIS 14 23 31
SIS 14 23 32
SIS 14 23 33
SIS 14 23 37
SIS 14 23 38
SIS 14 23 40
SIS 14 23 43
SIS 14 23 47
SIS 14 23 48
SIS 14 23 50
SIS 14 23 52
SIS 14 23 53
SIS 14 23 61
SIS 14 23 66
SIS 14 23 67
SIS 14 23 71
SIS 14 23 77
Codelist Sort
MaterialsGrade LongDescription Number Order
r must not add or delete a grand parent value.

Undefined 1
Alloy 20 (UNS N08020) 40001
Alloy 400/R-405 40049
Alloy 600 40050
Alloy C-276 40051
Aluminum 6655
Beryllium Copper 40010
Brass 6660
Bronze 6665
Carpenter 20 6670
Cast Iron 138
Clad steel 40002
Copper 6685
Ductile Iron 40011
Gold 6780
Grained structural steel 40003
Hastelloy® B2 6785
Hastelloy® C276 6790
High-temperature and heat resisting steels 40004
Hot rolled unalloyed structural steel 40005
Incoloy® 800 6795
Incoloy® 825 6800
Inconel® 600 6805
Inconel® 625 6810
Inconel® x-750 6815
Low-temperature steel 40006
Monel® 400 6820
Nickel 40048
Nickel® 200 6830
Non-ferrous metal 40007
Phosphor 6845
Platinum 6850
Special alloy 40008
Steel sheet and strip with elevated temperature 40009
Tantalum 6860
Titanium 6865
Zirconium 6870
Prestressed concrete 40016
Reinforced concrete 40047
Steel 40018
A1 stainless steel 40012
A2 stainless steel 40019
A3 stainless steel 40013
A4 stainless steel 40020
A5 stainless steel 40014
C1 stainless steel 40017
C3 stainless steel 40021
C4 stainless steel 40022
C5 stainless steel 40023
FA stainless steel 40024
F1 stainless steel 40025
Soft iron 40026
Soft steel 40027
Carbon steel 40028
Low Carbon steel 40029
Monel® 40030
Nickel alloy 40031
Soft aluminum 40032
Soft brass 40033
Soft copper 40034
Phosphor Bronze 40035
316L VAR (vacuum arc remelt) stainless steel 40052
SAF 2205TM stainess steel (UNS S31803) 40053
SAF 2304TM stainess steel (UNS S32304) 40054
SAF 2507TM stainess steel (UNS S32750) 40055
304 stainless steel 40036
304L stainless steel 40037
316 stainless steel 40038
316L stainless steel 40039
317 stainless steel 40040
321 stainless steel 40041
347 stainless steel 40042
410 stainless steel 40043
502/501 Chromium/Molybdenum alloy 40044
4-6% Chromium 1/2 Molybdenum alloy 40045
Cupro Nickel 40046
5Cr-0.5Mo 3556
9Cr-1Mo 3608
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) 45005
Adiprene® 45053
Aflas® 45060
Aramid fiber, bonded with nitrile (NBR) rubber 45061
Butile Rubber (Isobutylene, HR) 45032
Carbon fiber, bonded with nitrile (NBR) rubber 45062
Cellulose 45064
Centurian® 45088
Ceramic fiber 6675
Chieftain® 45087
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC) 45002
Chlorosulphonated polyethylene 45034
Cloth inserted rubber 45069
Compressed fiber 45017
Compressed fiber with binder 45018
Compressed non-asbestos sheet or fiber 6680
Cork and Neoprene® 45074
Cork and Nitrile 45075
Cork and rubber composite 45073
Cork, composition 45072
Cork, fiber 45071
Cork, plain 45070
Estane® 45055
Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) 45049
Ethylene Propylene Terpolymer (EPT) 45050
Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM) 3408
Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM), food grade 45047

Ethylene Propylene-Diene Monomer (EPDM), nylon 45048

inserted diaphragm
Expanded graphite 45006
Expanded graphite with insertion 45008
Expanded graphite with metallic reinforcement 45007
Fiberglass cloth 45065
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) 45099
Fiberglass tacky cloth 45066
Fluolion® Integra Blue 45092
Fluolion® Integra White 45091
Fluorel® 45036
Fluoroelastomer (FE) 45035
Fluorosilicone 45046
Genthane® 45056
Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Resin (EP-GF) 45004
Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (Filament- 45116
Wound Fiberglass)
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Resin (UP-GF) 7035
Glass friction cloth 45067
Glass Reinforced Polyester (GRP) 45003
Glass yarn 45077
GORE™ GR 45045
Graphite (Flexible graphite) 6940
Halogenated Butyl (Elastomeric Isobutylene-Isoprene 45039
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE, Polyaetylen hart, PE- 7030
Hypalon® (Chlorosulfanated Polyethylene) 3171
Inca 45090
Isoprene (IR) 45033
Kalrez® 45037
Long sheep wool felt cellulosic fiber 45078
Man-made mineral fiber (MMMF) 45068
Millathane® 45057
Natural rubber (NR) 6825
Nebar® 45086
Neoprene® (Chloroprene, CR) 45103
Neoprene® (Chloroprene, CR), cloth inserted 45023
Neoprene® (Chloroprene, CR), duck inserted 45021
Neoprene® (Chloroprene, CR), food grade 45020
Neoprene® (Chloroprene, CR), nylon inserted 45022
Polychloroprene (CR) 45142
Fluorocarbon FKM 45141
Neoprene®, nitrile 3053
Neoprene®-faced phenolic 45115
Nitrile, compressed binder 45026
Nitrile, highly saturated (HSN, HNBR) 45027
Nylon 45143
Nitrile, nylon inserted 45025
Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber (Nitrile, NBR, Buna-N, 45105
Acrylonitrile Butadiene)
Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber (Nitrile, NBR, Acrylonitrile 45024
Butadiene), food grade
Non-asbestos sheet or millboard 6835
Organic fiber 6840
Pellethane® 45058
Phyllosilicate 45009
Plastic 45010
Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) 45001
Polyamide resin 45079
Polycarbonate 45080
Polyethylene (PE) 45111
Polymethyl methacrylate 45081
Polytetrafluoroelhylene resin 45082
Polytetrafluoroethylene Encapsulated (PTFE-FE), 45043
silicone core
Polytetrafluoroethylene Encapsulated (PTFE-FE), 45044
Viton® core
Polyuretahane (urethane) 45051
Process PTFE 45042
PTFE with filler 45040
PVC-C 45106
PVC-M 45107
PVC-O 45108
PVC-P 45109
PVC-U 45110
Red rubber 45030
Red rubber, wire inserted 45031
Rubber 45011
Rubber diaphragm-polyester inserted 45059
Rubber with fabric insertion 45012
Rubber with metallic insert 45013
Rubber with wire reinforced fabric insertion 45014
Sentinel® 45089
Silica glass 45083
Silicate glass, 96% 45084
Silicone rubber 6855
Silicone rubber, fiberglass reinforced 45028
Silicone sponge 45029
Soft gasket covering layers 45015
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) 3800
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR), binder 45019
Supagraf®, Laminated Jointing N7 45097
Supagraf®, Laminated Jointing S10 45096
Supagraf®, Plain Jointing 45093
Supagraf®, Tanged Jointing T10 45094
Synthetic fiber, bonded with nitrile (NBR) rubber 45063
Synthetic rubber 3436
Technoflon® 45038
Teflon® 3204
Tempered glass 45085
Texin® 45052
Vegetable fiber sheet 45016
Vermiculite (Mica) 45076
Vibrathane® 45054
Elastomer with cotton fabric 45117
Elastomer without fabric 45118
Viton® 45120
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 45121
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBTP) 45122
Polyethylene terephthalates (PETP) 45123
Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) 45124
Polytetrafluoroethylene-Perfluoromethylvinylether 45125
Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) 45126
Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) 45127
Ethylene Chloro-trifluoroethylene (ECTFE) 45128
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) 45129
Polyvinylidene fluoride, high purity (PVDF-HP) 45130
Tetrafluoroethylene hexafluoropropylene vinylidene 45131
fluoride (THV)
PEEK™ (Polyetheretherketone) 45132
PEI ULTEM® (Polyetherimide) 45133
Metaformaldehyde (POM) 45134
Polypropylene (PP) 45135
Polyvinyl dichloride (PVDC) 45136
Asbestos 45137
Compressed asbestos fiber (CAF) 45138
Perfluoroelastomer 45139
Ethylene propylene 45140

ASTM A126-A 30
ASTM A126-B 31
ASTM A126-C 32
ASTM A197 35
ASTM A278-20 40
ASTM A278-25 41
ASTM A278-30 42
ASTM A278-35 43
ASTM A278-40 44
ASTM A278-50 45
ASTM A278-60 46
ASTM A278-70 47
ASTM A278-80 48
ASTM A338 55
ASTM A395-Ductile 60
ASTM A395-Ferritic Ductile 62
ASTM A47-32510 10
ASTM A47-35018 12
ASTM A48-20 15
ASTM A48-25 16
ASTM A48-30 17
ASTM A48-35 18
ASTM A48-40 19
ASTM A48-45 20
ASTM A48-50 21
ASTM A48-55 22
ASTM A48-60 23
ASTM A536 Ductile Iron 61
ASTM A571 70
ASTM A74 25
ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 63
ASTM A536 Grade 80-55-06 64
AWWA C110-Ductile 75
AWWA C151-Ductile 76
ASTM A105 150
ASTM A106-A 160
ASTM A106-B 162
ASTM A106-C 164
ASTM A120 170
ASTM A134-A283-A 182
ASTM A134-A283-B 183
ASTM A134-A283-C 184
ASTM A134-A283-D 185
ASTM A134-A285-A 186
ASTM A134-A285-B 187
ASTM A134-A285-C 188
ASTM A134-A36 180
ASTM A134-A570-30 190
ASTM A134-A570-33 191
ASTM A134-A570-36 192
ASTM A134-A570-40 193
ASTM A134-A570-45 194
ASTM A134-A570-50 195
ASTM A135-A 200
ASTM A135-B 202
ASTM A139-A 210
ASTM A139-B 212
ASTM A139-C 214
ASTM A139-D 216
ASTM A139-E 218
ASTM A179 220
ASTM A181-CL60 230
ASTM A181-CL70 234
ASTM A211-A570-30 240
ASTM A211-A570-33 241
ASTM A211-A570-36 242
ASTM A211-A570-40 243
ASTM A211-A570-45 244
ASTM A211-A570-50 245
ASTM A216-WCA 250
ASTM A216-WCB 252
ASTM A216-WCC 254
ASTM A234-WPB 264
ASTM A234-WPC 266
ASTM A283-A 270
ASTM A283-B 272
ASTM A283-C 274
ASTM A283-D 276
ASTM A285-A 280
ASTM A285-B 282
ASTM A285-C 284
ASTM A333-1 290
ASTM A333-6 293
ASTM A334-1 295
ASTM A334-6 298
ASTM A350-LF1 300
ASTM A350-LF2 302
ASTM A352-LCB 305
ASTM A36 135
ASTM A369-FPA 310
ASTM A369-FPB 312
ASTM A381-Y35 320
ASTM A381-Y42 321
ASTM A381-Y46 322
ASTM A381-Y48 323
ASTM A381-Y50 325
ASTM A381-Y52 327
ASTM A420-WPL6 334
ASTM A515-55 340
ASTM A515-60 342
ASTM A515-65 344
ASTM A515-70 346
ASTM A516-55 350
ASTM A516-60 352
ASTM A516-65 354
ASTM A516-70 356
ASTM A520-30 360
ASTM A520-33 361
ASTM A520-36 362
ASTM A520-40 363
ASTM A520-45 364
ASTM A520-50 365
ASTM A524-I 370
ASTM A524-II 372
ASTM A537-CL1 375
ASTM A53-A 140
ASTM A53-B 142
ASTM A53-Type F 144
ASTM A587 380
ASTM A671-CA55 390
ASTM A671-CB60 392
ASTM A671-CB65 394
ASTM A671-CB70 396
ASTM A671-CC60 398
ASTM A671-CC65 400
ASTM A671-CC70 402
ASTM A671-CD70 404
ASTM A671-CD80 465
ASTM A671-CE55 406
ASTM A671-CE60 408
ASTM A671-CF65 466
ASTM A671-CF66 467
ASTM A671-CG100 468
ASTM A671-CH100 469
ASTM A671-CJ101 470
ASTM A671-CJ102 471
ASTM A671-CJ103 472
ASTM A671-CJ104 473
ASTM A671-CJ105 474
ASTM A671-CJ106 475
ASTM A671-CJ107 476
ASTM A671-CJ108 477
ASTM A671-CJ109 478
ASTM A671-CJ110 479
ASTM A671-CJ111 480
ASTM A671-CJ112 481
ASTM A671-CJ113 482
ASTM A671-CK75 410
ASTM A671-CP65 483
ASTM A671-CP75 484
ASTM A672-A45 420
ASTM A672-A50 422
ASTM A672-A55 424
ASTM A672-B55 426
ASTM A672-B60 428
ASTM A672-B65 430
ASTM A672-B70 432
ASTM A672-C55 434
ASTM A672-C60 436
ASTM A672-C65 438
ASTM A672-C70 440
ASTM A672-D70 442
ASTM A672-D80 485
ASTM A672-E55 444
ASTM A672-E60 446
ASTM A672-H75 486
ASTM A672-N75 448
ASTM A691-CMS-75 460
ASTM A691-CMSH-70 464
API 5L Grade A 110
API 5L Grade A25 114
API 5L Grade B 116
API 5L Grade X42 118
API 5L Grade X46 120
API 5L Grade X52 122
API 5L Grade X65 124
ASME SA105 151
ASME SA106-B 163
ASME SA234-WPB 265
ASME SA516-70 357
ASME SA53-B 143
ASTM A53 146
ASTM A53-Type E 147
API 5L; ASTM A-53, Gr. B; and ASTM A-106, Gr. B 148
ASTM A53-Type S 7043
ASTM A299 (UNS K02803) 7044
ASTM A381-Y56 7045
ASTM A381-Y60 7046
ASTM A381-Y65 7047
API 5L Grade X56 7048
API 5L Grade X60 7049
API 5L Grade X70 7050
API 5L Grade X80 7051
ASTM A182 Grade F 1 (UNS K12822) 510
ASTM A182 Grade F 11 Class 1 (UNS K11597) 528
ASTM A182 Grade F 12 Class 1 (UNS K11562) 530
ASTM A182 Grade F 2 (UNS K12122) 512
ASTM A182 Grade F 21 (UNS K31545) 532
ASTM A182 Grade F 22 Class 1 (UNS K21590) 534
ASTM A182 Grade F 22 Class 3 (UNS K21590) 536
ASTM A182 Grade F 5 (UNS K41545) 514
ASTM A182 Grade F 5a (UNS K42544) 516
ASTM A182 Grade F 9 (UNS K90941) 526
ASTM A202-A 540
ASTM A202-B 542
ASTM A203-A 550
ASTM A203-B 552
ASTM A203-D 554
ASTM A203-E 556
ASTM A204-A 560
ASTM A204-B 562
ASTM A204-C 564
ASTM A217-C12 578
ASTM A217-C5 576
ASTM A217-CA15 580
ASTM A217-WC1 582
ASTM A217-WC4 584
ASTM A217-WC5 586
ASTM A217-WC6 588
ASTM A217-WC9 590
ASTM A225-A 600
ASTM A225-B 602
ASTM A234, Grade WP1 610
ASTM A234, Grade WP11 620
ASTM A234, Grade WP12 622
ASTM A234, Grade WP22 624
ASTM A234, Grade WP5 614
ASTM A234, Grade WP7 616
ASTM A234, Grade WP9 618
ASTM A302-A 630
ASTM A302-B 632
ASTM A302-C 634
ASTM A302-D 636
ASTM A333-3 644
ASTM A333-4 646
ASTM A333-7 648
ASTM A333-8 650
ASTM A333-9 652
ASTM A334-3 664
ASTM A334-7 666
ASTM A334-8 668
ASTM A334-9 670
ASTM A335-P1 680
ASTM A335-P11 694
ASTM A335-P12 696
ASTM A335-P15 698
ASTM A335-P2 682
ASTM A335-P21 700
ASTM A335-P22 702
ASTM A335-P5 684
ASTM A335-P5b 686
ASTM A335-P5c 687
ASTM A335-P7 690
ASTM A335-P9 692
ASTM A350-LF3 710
ASTM A352-LC1 720
ASTM A352-LC2 722
ASTM A352-LC3 724
ASTM A353 730
ASTM A369-FP1 740
ASTM A369-FP11 752
ASTM A369-FP12 754
ASTM A369-FP2 742
ASTM A369-FP21 756
ASTM A369-FP22 758
ASTM A369-FP3b 744
ASTM A369-FP5 746
ASTM A369-FP7 748
ASTM A369-FP9 750
ASTM A385-7 Cl.1 760
ASTM A385-7 Cl.2 761
ASTM A387 Grade 11 Class 1 (UNS K11789) 780
ASTM A387 Grade 11 Class 2 (UNS K11789) 781
ASTM A387 Grade 12 Class 1 (UNS K11757) 782
ASTM A387 Grade 12 Class 2 (UNS K11757) 783
ASTM A387 Grade 2 Class 1 (UNS S50460) 770
ASTM A387 Grade 2 Class 2 (UNS S50460) 771
ASTM A387 Grade 21 Class 1 (UNS K31545) 784
ASTM A387 Grade 21 Class 2 (UNS K31545) 785
ASTM A387 Grade 22 Class 1 (UNS K21590) 786
ASTM A387 Grade 22 Class 2 (UNS K21590) 787
ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 1 (UNS S50200) 774
ASTM A387 Grade 5 Class 2 (UNS S50200) 775
ASTM A387 Grade 9 Class 1 (UNS K90941) 778
ASTM A387 Grade 9 Class 2 (UNS K90941) 779
ASTM A420-WPL3 794
ASTM A420-WPL8 798
ASTM A426-CP1 800
ASTM A426-CP11 812
ASTM A426-CP12 814
ASTM A426-CP15 816
ASTM A426-CP2 802
ASTM A426-CP21 820
ASTM A426-CP22 822
ASTM A426-CP5 804
ASTM A426-CP5b 806
ASTM A426-CP7 808
ASTM A426-CP9 810
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class A 817
ASTM A553-Type I 830
ASTM A553-Type II 832
ASTM A645 835
ASTM A671-CF70 840
ASTM A671-CF71 842
ASTM A672-L65 850
ASTM A672-L70 852
ASTM A672-L75 854
ASTM A691-0.5Cr 866
ASTM A691-1.25Cr 870
ASTM A691-1Cr 868
ASTM A691-2.25Cr 872
ASTM A691-3Cr 874
ASTM A691-5Cr 876
ASTM A691-9Cr 878
ASTM A691-CM-65 860
ASTM A691-CM-70 862
ASTM A691-CM-75 864
AISI 4130 7042
ASTM A217, Grade C12A 579
ASTM A234, Grade WP11, Class 2 623
ASTM A234, Grade WP91 625
ASME SA182-F11 529
ASME SA234-WP11 621
ASME SA335-P11 695
ASME SA387-11 Cl.2 788
ASTM A182 Grade F 10 (UNS S33100) 960
ASTM A182 Grade F 91 (UNS K90901) 7052
ASTM A182 Grade F 92 (UNS K92460) 7053
ASTM A182 Grade F 122 (UNS K91271) 7054
ASTM A182 Grade F 911 (UNS K91061) 7055
ASTM A182 Grade F 11 Class 2 (UNS K11572) 7056
ASTM A182 Grade F 11 Class 3 (UNS K11572) 7057
ASTM A182 Grade F 12 Class 2 (UNS K11564) 7058
ASTM A182 Grade F 3v (UNS K31830) 7059
ASTM A182 Grade F 3vCb (UNS K31390) 7060
ASTM A182 Grade F 22V (UNS K31835) 7061
ASTM A182 Grade F 23 (UNS K41650) 7062
ASTM A182 Grade F 24 (UNS K30736) 7063
ASTM A182 Grade FR (UNS K22035) 7064
ASTM A182 Grade F 36 (UNS K21001) 7065
ASTM A234, Grade WP12, Class 2 7066
ASTM A335-P91 7067
ASTM A387 Grade 22L Class 1 (UNS K21590) 7068
ASTM A387 Grade 22L Class 2 (UNS K21590) 7069
ASTM A387 Grade 21L Class 1 (UNS K31545) 7070
ASTM A387 Grade 21L Class 2 (UNS K31545) 7071
ASTM A387 Grade 91 Class 1 (UNS K91560) 7072
ASTM A387 Grade 91 Class 2 (UNS K91560) 7073
ASTM A426-CPCA15 7074
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class B 7075
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class C 7076
ASTM A487 Grade CA15 Class D 7077
ASTM A487 Grade CA15M Class A 7078
ASTM A487 Grade CA6NM Class A 7079
ASTM A487 Grade CA6NM Class B 7080
ASTM A691-91 7081
ASTM A167-301 920
ASTM A167-302 922
ASTM A167-302B 923
ASTM A167-304 926
ASTM A167-304L 927
ASTM A167-305 930
ASTM A167-308 932
ASTM A167-309 934
ASTM A167-309S 935
ASTM A167-310 938
ASTM A167-310S 939
ASTM A167-316 942
ASTM A167-316L 943
ASTM A167-317 946
ASTM A167-317L 947
ASTM A167-321 950
ASTM A167-347 952
ASTM A167-348 954
ASTM A182 Grade F 6a (UNS S41000) 518
ASTM A182 Grade F 6b (UNS S41026) 523
ASTM A182 Grade F 304 (UNS S30400) 964
ASTM A182 Grade F 304H (UNS S30409) 965
ASTM A182 Grade F 304L (UNS S30403) 966
ASTM A182 Grade F 310 (UNS S31000) 968
ASTM A182 Grade F 316 (UNS S31600) 970
ASTM A182 Grade F 316H (UNS S31609) 971
ASTM A182 Grade F 316L (UNS S31603) 972
ASTM A182 Grade F 321 (UNS S32100) 974
ASTM A182 Grade F 321H (UNS S32109) 975
ASTM A182 Grade F 347 (UNS S34700) 978
ASTM A182 Grade F 347H (UNS S34709) 979
ASTM A182 Grade F 348 (UNS S34800) 982
ASTM A182 Grade F 348H (UNS S34809) 983
ASTM A240-X8M 990
ASTM A240-302 992
ASTM A240-304 994
ASTM A240-304L 995
ASTM A240-304H 996
ASTM A240-305 998
ASTM A240-309S 1000
ASTM A240-310S 1004
ASTM A240-316 1006
ASTM A240-316L 1007
ASTM A240-317 1010
ASTM A240-317L 1011
ASTM A240-321 1014
ASTM A240-347 1016
ASTM A240-348 1018
ASTM A240-405 1020
ASTM A240-410 1022
ASTM A240-410S 1023
ASTM A240-429 1026
ASTM A240-430 1028
ASTM A268-TP329 1040
ASTM A268-TP405 1044
ASTM A268-TP409 1046
ASTM A268-TP410 1048
ASTM A268-TP430 1050
ASTM A268-TP430Ti 1051
ASTM A268-TP443 1054
ASTM A268-TP446 1056
ASTM A269-TP304 1060
ASTM A269-TP304L 1061
ASTM A269-TP316 1064
ASTM A269-TP316L 1065
ASTM A270-TP316L 1067
ASTM A312 Grade TP304 (UNS S30400) 1070
ASTM A312 Grade TP304H (UNS S30409) 1071
ASTM A312 Grade TP304L (UNS S30403) 1072
ASTM A312 Grade TP309S (UNS S30908) 1074
ASTM A312 Grade TP310S (UNS S31008) 1076
ASTM A312 Grade TP316 (UNS S31600) 1078
ASTM A312 Grade TP316H (UNS S31603) 1079
ASTM A312 Grade TP316L (UNS S31609) 1080
ASTM A312 Grade TP317 (UNS S31700) 1082
ASTM A312 Grade TP321 (UNS S32100) 1084
ASTM A312 Grade TP321H (UNS S32109) 1085
ASTM A312 Grade TP347 (UNS S34700) 1088
ASTM A312 Grade TP347H (UNS S34709) 1089
ASTM A312 Grade TP348 (UNS S34800) 1092
ASTM A351-CA15 1095
ASTM A351-CF3 1100
ASTM A351-CF3A 1102
ASTM A351-CF3M 1104
ASTM A351-CF8 1106
ASTM A351-CF8A 1108
ASTM A351-CF8C 1110
ASTM A351-CF8M 1112
ASTM A351-CF10 1113
ASTM A351-CF10MC 1114
ASTM A351-CN7M 1116
ASTM A351-CH8 1118
ASTM A351-CH10 1120
ASTM A351-CH20 1122
ASTM A351-CK20 1124
ASTM A351-HK30 1126
ASTM A351-HK40 1128
ASTM A351-HT30 1130
ASTM A358-304N (UNS S30451) 1140
ASTM A358-304LN (UNS S30453) 1141
ASTM A358-309S (UNS S30908) 1144
ASTM A358-310S (UNS S31008) 1146
ASTM A358-316 (UNS S31600) 1148
ASTM A358-316L (UNS S31603) 1149
ASTM A358-321 (UNS S32100) 1152
ASTM A358-347 (UNS S34700) 1154
ASTM A358-348 (UNS S34800) 1156
ASTM A376-16-8-2H 1160
ASTM A376-TP304 1162
ASTM A376-TP304H 1163
ASTM A376-TP316 1166
ASTM A376-TP316H 1167
ASTM A376-TP321 1170
ASTM A376-TP321H 1171
ASTM A376-TP347 1174
ASTM A376-TP347H 1175
ASTM A376-TP348 1178
ASTM A376-TP348H 1179
ASTM A403 Grade WP304 (UNS S30400) 1190
ASTM A403 Grade WP304L (UNS S30403) 1191
ASTM A403 Grade WP304H (UNS S30409) 1192
ASTM A403 Grade WP309 (UNS S30900) 1194
ASTM A403 Grade WP310S (UNS S31008) 1196
ASTM A403 Grade WP316 (UNS S31600) 1198
ASTM A403 Grade WP316H (UNS S31609) 1199
ASTM A403 Grade WP316L (UNS S31603) 1200
ASTM A403 Grade WP317 (UNS S31700) 1202
ASTM A403 Grade WP321 (UNS S32100) 1204
ASTM A403 Grade WP321H (UNS S32109) 1205
ASTM A403 Grade WP347 (UNS S34700) 1206
ASTM A403 Grade WP347H (UNS S34709) 1207
ASTM A403 Grade WP348 (UNS S34800) 1210
ASTM A409-TP304 1220
ASTM A409-TP309 1222
ASTM A409-TP310 1224
ASTM A409-TP316 1226
ASTM A409-TP317 1228
ASTM A409-TP321 1230
ASTM A409-TP347 1232
ASTM A409-TP348 1234
ASTM A430-FP304 1240
ASTM A430-FP304H 1241
ASTM A430-FP316 1244
ASTM A430-FP316H 1245
ASTM A430-FP321 1248
ASTM A430-FP321H 1249
ASTM A430-FP347 1252
ASTM A430-FP347H 1253
ASTM A451-CHP10 1260
ASTM A451-CHP20 1262
ASTM A451-CPF8C 1264
ASTM A451-CPF8M 1266
ASTM A451-CPF10MC 1268
ASTM A451-CPH8 1270
ASTM A451-CPK20 1272
ASTM A452-TP304H 1280
ASTM A452-TP316H 1282
ASTM A452-TP347H 1284
ASME SA479-316L 1300
ASTM B677 40015
ASTM A182 Grade F 6NM (UNS S41500) 7082
ASTM A182 Grade F 6XM-27Cb (UNS S44627) 7083
ASTM A182 Grade F 429 (UNS S42900) 7084
ASTM A182 Grade F 430 (UNS S43000) 7085
ASTM A182 Grade F 304N (UNS S30451) 7086
ASTM A182 Grade F 304LN (UNS S30453) 7087
ASTM A182 Grade F 309H (UNS S30909) 7088
ASTM A182 Grade F 310H (UNS S31009) 7089
ASTM A182 Grade F 310MoLN (UNS S31050) 7090
ASTM A182 Grade F 316N (UNS S31651) 7091
ASTM A182 Grade F 316LN (UNS S31653) 7092
ASTM A182 Grade F 316Ti (UNS S31635) 7093
ASTM A182 Grade F 317 (UNS S31700) 7094
ASTM A182 Grade F 317L (UNS S31703) 7095
ASTM A182 Grade F XM-11 (UNS S21904) 7096
ASTM A182 Grade F XM-19 (UNS S20910) 7097
ASTM A182 Grade F 20 (UNS N08020) 7098
ASTM A182 Grade F 44 (UNS S31254) 7099
ASTM A182 Grade F 45 (UNS S30815) 7100
ASTM A182 Grade F 46 (UNS S30600) 7101
ASTM A182 Grade F 47 (UNS S31725) 7102
ASTM A182 Grade F 48 (UNS S31726) 7103
ASTM A182 Grade F 49 (UNS S34565) 7104
ASTM A182 Grade F 56 (UNS S33228) 7105
ASTM A182 Grade F 58 (UNS S31266) 7106
ASTM A182 Grade F 62 (UNS N08367) 7107
ASTM A182 Grade F 63 (UNS S32615) 7108
ASTM A182 Grade F 64 (UNS S30601) 7109
ASTM A182 Grade F 904L (UNS N08904) 7110
ASTM A182 Grade F 50 (UNS S31200) 7111
ASTM A182 Grade F 51 (UNS S31803) 7112
ASTM A182 Grade F 52 (UNS S32950) 7113
ASTM A182 Grade F 53 (UNS S32750) 7114
ASTM A182 Grade F 54 (UNS S39274) 7115
ASTM A182 Grade F 55 (UNS S32760) 7116
ASTM A182 Grade F 57 (UNS S39277) 7117
ASTM A182 Grade F 59 (UNS S32520) 7118
ASTM A182 Grade F 60 (UNS S32205) 7119
ASTM A182 Grade F 61 (UNS S32550) 7120
ASTM A182 Grade F 65 (UNS S32906) 7121
ASTM A182 Grade F 66 (UNS S32202) 7122
ASTM A240 (UNS S32760) 7123
ASTM A312 (UNS S20400) 7124
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-19 (UNS S20910) 7125
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-10 (UNS S21900) 7126
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-11 (UNS S21904) 7127
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-29 (UNS S24000) 7128
ASTM A312 (UNS S30415) 7129
ASTM A312 Grade TP304N (UNS S30451) 7130
ASTM A312 Grade TP304LN (UNS S30453) 7131
ASTM A312 (UNS S30600) 7132
ASTM A312 (UNS S30615) 7133
ASTM A312 (UNS S30815) 7134
ASTM A312 Grade TP309H (UNS S30909) 7135
ASTM A312 Grade TP309Cb (UNS S30940) 7136
ASTM A312 Grade TP309HCb (UNS S30941) 7137
ASTM A312 (UNS S31002) 7138
ASTM A312 Grade TP310H (UNS S31009) 7139
ASTM A312 Grade TP310Cb (UNS S31040) 7140
ASTM A312 Grade TP310HCb (UNS S31041) 7141
ASTM A312 (UNS S31050) 7142
ASTM A312 (UNS S31254) 7143
ASTM A312 (UNS S31272) 7144
ASTM A312 (UNS S31277) 7145
ASTM A312 Grade TP316Ti (UNS S31635) 7146
ASTM A312 Grade TP316N (UNS S31651) 7147
ASTM A312 Grade TP316LN (UNS S31653) 7148
ASTM A312 Grade TP317L (UNS S31703) 7149
ASTM A312 (UNS S31725) 7150
ASTM A312 (UNS S31726) 7151
ASTM A312 (UNS S31727) 7152
ASTM A312 (UNS S32053) 7153
ASTM A312 (UNS S32615) 7154
ASTM A312 (UNS S32654) 7155
ASTM A312 (UNS S33228) 7156
ASTM A312 (UNS S34565) 7157
ASTM A312 Grade TP347LN (UNS S34751) 7158
ASTM A312 Grade TP348H (UNS S34809) 7159
ASTM A312 (UNS S35045) 7160
ASTM A312 (UNS S35315) 7161
ASTM A312 Grade TPXM-15 (UNS S38100) 7162
ASTM A312 (UNS S38815) 7163
ASTM A312 (UNS N08367) 7164
ASTM A312 (UNS N08904) 7165
ASTM A312 (UNS N08926) 7166
ASTM A 351 Grade CD3M-WCuN (UNS J93380) 7167
ASTM A 351 Grade CE20N 7168
ASTM A 351 Grade CE8MN 7169
ASTM A351-CG8M 7170
ASTM A358-304 (UNS S30400) 7171
ASTM A358-304L (UNS S30403) 7172
ASTM A358-304H (UNS S30409) 7173
ASTM A358-309Cb (UNS S30940) 7174
ASTM A358-310Cb (UNS S31040) 7175
ASTM A358-316N (UNS S31651) 7176
ASTM A358-316LN (UNS S31653) 7177
ASTM A358-316H (UNS S31609) 7178
ASTM A358-317 (UNS S31700) 7179
ASTM A358-317L (UNS S31703) 7180
ASTM A358-321H (UNS S32109) 7181
ASTM A358-XM-19 (UNS S22100) 7182
ASTM A358-XM-29 (UNS S28300) 7183
ASTM A358 (UNS S31254) 7184
ASTM A358 (UNS S30815) 7185
ASTM A358 (UNS S31725) 7186
ASTM A358 (UNS S31726) 7187
ASTM A358 (UNS S30600) 7188
ASTM A358 (UNS S24565) 7189
ASTM A358 (UNS S30415) 7190
ASTM A358 (UNS S32654) 7191
ASTM A358 (UNS S31266) 7192
ASTM A358 (UNS S32050) 7194
ASTM A358 (UNS N08367) 7195
ASTM A358 (UNS N08904) 7196
ASTM A358 (UNS N08926) 7197
ASTM A358 (UNS N08800) 7198
ASTM A358 (UNS N08810) 7199
ASTM A358 (UNS N08020) 7200
ASTM A358 (UNS S20400) 7201
ASTM A358 (UNS S34565) 7202
ASTM A403 Grade WPXM-19 (UNS S20910) 7203
ASTM A403 Grade WP304N (UNS S30451) 7204
ASTM A403 Grade WP304LN (UNS S30453) 7205
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31254 (UNS S31254) 7206
ASTM A403 Grade WP316N (UNS S31651) 7207
ASTM A403 Grade WP316LN (UNS S31653) 7208
ASTM A403 Grade WP317L (UNS S31703) 7209
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31725 (UNS S31725) 7210
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31726 (UNS S31726) 7211
ASTM A403 Grade WPS31727 (UNS S31727) 7212
ASTM A403 Grade WPS32053 (UNS S32053) 7213
ASTM A403 Grade WPS33228 (UNS S33228) 7214
ASTM A403 Grade WPS34565 (UNS S34565) 7215
ASTM A403 Grade WP348H (UNS S34809) 7216
ASTM A403 Grade WPS38815 (UNS S38815) 7217
ASTM A403 Grade CRXM-19 (UNS S20910) 7218
ASTM A403 Grade CR304 (UNS S30400) 7219
ASTM A403 Grade CR304L (UNS S30403) 7220
ASTM A403 Grade CR304H (UNS S30409) 7221
ASTM A403 Grade CR304N (UNS S30451) 7222
ASTM A403 Grade CR304LN (UNS S30453) 7223
ASTM A403 Grade CR309 (UNS S30900) 7224
ASTM A403 Grade CR310S (UNS S31008) 7225
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31254 (UNS S31254) 7226
ASTM A403 Grade CR316 (UNS S31600) 7227
ASTM A403 Grade CR316L (UNS S31603) 7228
ASTM A403 Grade CR316H (UNS S31609) 7229
ASTM A403 Grade CR316N (UNS S31651) 7230
ASTM A403 Grade CR316LN (UNS S31653) 7231
ASTM A403 Grade CR317 (UNS S31700) 7232
ASTM A403 Grade CR317L (UNS S31703) 7233
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31725 (UNS S31725) 7234
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31726 (UNS S31726) 7235
ASTM A403 Grade CRS31727 (UNS S31727) 7236
ASTM A403 Grade CRS32053 (UNS S32053) 7237
ASTM A403 Grade CR321 (UNS S32100) 7238
ASTM A403 Grade CR321H (UNS S32109) 7239
ASTM A403 Grade CRS33228 (UNS S33228) 7240
ASTM A403 Grade CRS34565 (UNS S34565) 7241
ASTM A403 Grade CR347 (UNS S34700) 7242
ASTM A403 Grade CR347H (UNS S34709) 7243
ASTM A403 Grade CR348 (UNS S34800) 7244
ASTM A403 Grade CR348H (UNS S34809) 7245
ASTM A403 Grade CRS38815 (UNS S38815) 7246
ASTM A451-CPE20N 7247
ASTM A451-CPF3 7248
ASTM A451-CPF3A 7249
ASTM A451-CPF3M 7250
ASTM A451-CPF8 7251
ASTM A451-CPF8A 7252
ASTM A451-CPH10 7253
ASTM A451-CPH20 7254
ASTM A789 (UNS S31200) 7255
ASTM A789 (UNS S31260) 7256
ASTM A789 (UNS S31500) 7257
ASTM A789 (UNS S31803) 7258
ASTM A789 (UNS S32001) 7259
ASTM A789 (UNS S32003) 7260
ASTM A789 (UNS S32101) 7261
ASTM A789 (UNS S32202) 7262
ASTM A789 (UNS S32205) 7263
ASTM A789 (UNS S32304) 7264
ASTM A789 (UNS S32506) 7265
ASTM A789 (UNS S32520) 7266
ASTM A789 (UNS S32550) 7267
ASTM A789 (UNS S32707) 7268
ASTM A789 (UNS S32750) 7269
ASTM A789 (UNS S32760) 7270
ASTM A789 (UNS S32808) 7271
ASTM A789 (UNS S32900) 7272
ASTM A789 (UNS S32906) 7273
ASTM A789 (UNS S32950) 7274
ASTM A789 (UNS S33207) 7275
ASTM A789 (UNS S39274) 7276
ASTM A789 (UNS S39277) 7277
ASTM A790 (UNS S31200) 7278
ASTM A790 (UNS S31260) 7279
ASTM A790 (UNS S31500) 7280
ASTM A790 (UNS S31803) 7281
ASTM A790 (UNS S32003) 7282
ASTM A790 (UNS S32101) 7283
ASTM A790 (UNS S32202) 7284
ASTM A790 (UNS S32205) 7285
ASTM A790 (UNS S32304) 7286
ASTM A790 (UNS S32506) 7287
ASTM A790 (UNS S32520) 7288
ASTM A790 (UNS S32550) 7289
ASTM A790 (UNS S32707) 7290
ASTM A790 (UNS S32750) 7291
ASTM A790 (UNS S32760) 7292
ASTM A790 (UNS S32808) 7293
ASTM A790 (UNS S32900) 7294
ASTM A790 (UNS S32906) 7295
ASTM A790 (UNS S32950) 7296
ASTM A790 (UNS S33207) 7297
ASTM A790 (UNS S39274) 7298
ASTM A790 (UNS S39277) 7299
ASTM A815 Grade WP27 (UNS S44627) 7300
ASTM A815 Grade WP33 (UNS S44626) 7301
ASTM A815 Grade WP429 (UNS S42900) 7302
ASTM A815 Grade WP430 (UNS S43000) 7303
ASTM A815 Grade WP430Ti (UNS S43036) 7304
ASTM A815 Grade WP446 (UNS S44600) 7305
ASTM A815 Grade WPS31803 (UNS S31803) 7306
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32101 (UNS S32101) 7307
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32202 (UNS S32202) 7308
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32750 (UNS S32750) 7309
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32950 (UNS S32950) 7310
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32760 (UNS S32760) 7311
ASTM A815 Grade WPS39274 (UNS S32974) 7312
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32550 (UNS S32550) 7313
ASTM A815 Grade WPS32205 (UNS S32205) 7314
ASTM A815 Grade WP410 (UNS S41000) 7315
ASTM A815 Grade WPS41008 (UNS S41008) 7316
ASTM A815 Grade WPS41500 (UNS S41500) 7317
ASTM A815 Grade CR27 (UNS S44627) 7318
ASTM A815 Grade CR33 (UNS S44626) 7319
ASTM A815 Grade CR429 (UNS S42900) 7320
ASTM A815 Grade CR430 (UNS S43000) 7321
ASTM A815 Grade CR430Ti (UNS S43036) 7322
ASTM A815 Grade CR446 (UNS S44600) 7323
ASTM A815 Grade CRS31803 (UNS S31803) 7324
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32101 (UNS S32101) 7325
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32202 (UNS S32202) 7326
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32750 (UNS S32750) 7327
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32950 (UNS S32950) 7328
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32760 (UNS S32760) 7329
ASTM A815 Grade CRS39274 (UNS S32974) 7330
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32550 (UNS S32550) 7331
ASTM A815 Grade CRS32205 (UNS S32205) 7332
ASTM A815 Grade CR410 (UNS S41000) 7333
ASTM A815 Grade CRS41008 (UNS S41008) 7334
ASTM A815 Grade CRS41500 (UNS S41500) 7335
AISI-CDA Alloy 377 1325
ASTM B16 1501
ASTM B16 C360 1503
ASTM B306 1505
ASTM B466 (UNS C70400) temper O60 489
ASTM B466 (UNS C70620) temper O60 491
ASTM B466 (UNS C71000) temper O60 492
ASTM B466 (UNS C71520) temper O60 494
ASTM B466 (UNS C72200) temper O60 495
ASTM B31, Specification for Copper-Base Alloys IN 1328
Ingot Form for Sand Casting
ASTM B72, Specification for Fire-Refined Casting 1327
ASTM B75 Cl.C10100 502
ASTM B75 Cl.C10300 504
ASTM B75 Cl.C10800 505
ASTM B75 Cl.C12201 1506
ASTM B88 1504
ASTM B96 Cl.C65100 883
ASTM B96 Cl.C65400 884
ASTM B152 Cl.C10100 886
ASTM B152 Cl.C10300 888
ASTM B152 Cl.C10800 892
ASTM B152 Cl.C10900 893
ASTM B152 Cl.C11000 894
ASTM B152 Cl.C11300 895
ASTM B152 Cl.C11400 896
ASTM B152 Cl.C11600 897
ASTM B152 Cl.C12000 898
ASTM B152 Cl.C14200 901
ASTM B152 Cl.C14420 902
ASTM B152 Cl.C14530 903
ASTM B152 Cl.C10200 1408
ASTM B152 Cl.C10400 1410
ASTM B152 Cl.C10500 1412
ASTM B152 Cl.C10700 1414
ASTM B152 Cl.C12200 1416
ASTM B152 Cl.C12300 1418
ASTM B169 Cl.C61400 1422
ASTM B283 Cl.C11000 1430
ASTM B283 Cl.C37700 1432
ASTM B283 Cl.C46400 1434
ASTM B283 Cl.C48500 1436
ASTM B283 Cl.C63900 1438
ASTM B283 Cl.C65500 1440
ASTM B283 Cl.C67500 1442
ASTM B402 Cl.C70600 1450
ASTM B402 Cl.C71500 1452
ASTM B42 Cl.C10200 1330
ASTM B42 Cl.C12000 1334
ASTM B42 Cl.C12200 1338
ASTM B43 Cl.C23000 1342
ASTM B466 (UNS C70600) temper O60 1456
ASTM B466 (UNS C71500) temper O60 1458
ASTM B584 Cl.C86200 1472
ASTM B584 Cl.C86300 1474
ASTM B584 Cl.C86400 1476
ASTM B584 Cl.C86500 1478
ASTM B584 Cl.C86700 1480
ASTM B584 Cl.C90300 1482
ASTM B584 Cl.C90500 1484
ASTM B584 Cl.C92200 1486
ASTM B584 Cl.C92300 1488
ASTM B584 Cl.C95200 1490
ASTM B584 Cl.C95300 1492
ASTM B584 Cl.C95500 1494
ASTM B584 Cl.C95600 1496
ASTM B584 Cl.C97300 1498
ASTM B584 Cl.C97600 1500
ASTM B584 Cl.C97800 1502
ASTM B61 Cl.C92200 1346
ASTM B62 Cl.C83600 1350
ASTM B68 Cl.C10200 1354
ASTM B68 Cl.C12000 1356
ASTM B68 Cl.C12200 1358
ASTM B75 Cl.C10200 1362
ASTM B75 Cl.C12000 1368
ASTM B75 Cl.C12200 1374
ASTM B75 Cl.C14200 1380
ASTM B88 Cl.C10200 1386
ASTM B88 Cl.C12000 1392
ASTM B88 Cl.C12200 1398
ASTM B96 Cl.C65500 1404
ASTM B466 (UNS C70400) temper H55 7336
ASTM B466 (UNS C70400) temper H80 7337
ASTM B466 (UNS C70600) temper H55 7338
ASTM B466 (UNS C70600) temper H80 7339
ASTM B466 (UNS C70620) temper H55 7340
ASTM B466 (UNS C70620) temper H80 7341
ASTM B466 (UNS C71000) temper H80 7342
ASTM B466 (UNS C71500) temper H80 7343
ASTM B466 (UNS C71520) temper H80 7344
ASTM B466 (UNS C72200) temper H55 7345
ASTM B466 (UNS C72200) temper H80 7346
ASTM B148 Grade A (UNS C95200) 7347
ASTM B148 Grade B (UNS C95300) 7348
ASTM B148 Grade C (UNS C95400) 7349
ASTM B148 (UNS C95410) 7350
ASTM B148 Grade D (UNS C95500) 7351
ASTM B148 (UNS C95520) 7352
ASTM B148 Grade E (UNS C95600) 7353
ASTM B148 Grade F (UNS C95700) 7354
ASTM B148 (UNS C95800) 7355
ASTM B148 (UNS C95820) 7356
ASTM B148 (UNS C95900) 7357
ASTM B280 (UNS C10200) 7358
ASTM B280 (UNS C12000) 7359
ASTM B280 (UNS C12200) 7360
ASTM B127-400 (UNS N04400) 1560
ASTM B160-200 (UNS N02200) 1564
ASTM B160-201 (UNS N02201) 1568
ASTM B161-200 (UNS N02200) 1572
ASTM B161-201 (UNS N02201) 1576
ASTM B162-200 (UNS N02200) 1582
ASTM B162-201 (UNS N02201) 1586
ASTM B164-400 (UNS N04400) 1590
ASTM B165-400 (UNS N04400) 1594
ASTM B166-600 (UNS N06600) 1600
ASTM B167-600 (UNS N06600) 1604
ASTM B168-600 (UNS N06600) 1610
ASTM B333 (UNS N10001) 1614
ASTM B333 (UNS N10665) 1616
ASTM B335 (UNS N10001) 7361
ASTM B335 (UNS N10629) 7362
ASTM B335 (UNS N10624) 7363
ASTM B335 (UNS N10675) 7364
ASTM B335 (UNS N10665) 1620
ASTM B366-WPHB (UNS N10001) 1624
ASTM B366-WPHX (UNS N06002) 1626
ASTM B366-WPN (UNS N02200) 1628
ASTM B366-WPNC (UNS N04400) 1630
ASTM B366-WPNCI (UNS N06600) 1632
ASTM B366-WPNL (UNS N02201) 1634
ASTM B407 (UNS N06811) 905
ASTM B407 (UNS N08120) 906
ASTM B407 (UNS N08801) 908
ASTM B407 (UNS N08811) 910
ASTM B407 (UNS N08890) 911
ASTM B443-219 (UNS N06219) 912
ASTM B444-219 (UNS N06219) 914
ASTM B446-219 (UNS N06219) 916
ASTM B446-650 (UNS N06650) 918
ASTM B464 (UNS N08024) 1301
ASTM B464 (UNS N08026) 1302
ASTM B574 (UNS N06022) 1304
ASTM B574 (UNS N06035) 1305
ASTM B574 (UNS N06058) 1306
ASTM B574 (UNS N06059) 1307
ASTM B574 (UNS N06200) 1308
ASTM B574 (UNS N06210) 1309
ASTM B574 (UNS N06686) 1310
ASTM B575 (UNS N06022) 1312
ASTM B575 (UNS N06035) 1313
ASTM B575 (UNS N06058) 1314
ASTM B575 (UNS N06059) 1315
ASTM B575 (UNS N06200) 1317
ASTM B575 (UNS N06210) 1318
ASTM B575 (UNS N06686) 1319
ASTM B581 (UNS N06030) 1322
ASTM B581 (UNS N06975) 1323
ASTM B581 (UNS N06985) 1324
ASTM B581 (UNS N08031) 1509
ASTM B582 (UNS N06030) 1511
ASTM B582 (UNS N06975) 1512
ASTM B582 (UNS N06985) 1513
ASTM B619 (UNS N06022) 1522
ASTM B619 (UNS N06030) 1523
ASTM B619 (UNS N06035) 1524
ASTM B619 (UNS N06058) 1525
ASTM B619 (UNS N06059) 1526
ASTM B619 (UNS N06200) 1527
ASTM B619 (UNS N06210) 1528
ASTM B619 (UNS N06230) 1529
ASTM B619 (UNS N06975) 1530
ASTM B619 (UNS N06985) 1531
ASTM B619 (UNS N08031) 1532
ASTM B619 (UNS N10242) 1534
ASTM B619 (UNS N10624) 1535
ASTM B619 (UNS N10629) 1536
ASTM B619 (UNS N10675) 1537
ASTM B622 (UNS N06022) 1546
ASTM B622 (UNS N06030) 1547
ASTM B622 (UNS N06035) 1548
ASTM B622 (UNS N06058) 1549
ASTM B622 (UNS N06059) 1550
ASTM B622 (UNS N06060) 1551
ASTM B622 (UNS N06200) 1552
ASTM B622 (UNS N06210) 1553
ASTM B622 (UNS N06230) 1554
ASTM B622 (UNS N06250) 1555
ASTM B622 (UNS N06255) 1556
ASTM B622 (UNS N06686) 1557
ASTM B622 (UNS N06975) 1558
ASTM B622 (UNS N06985) 1559
ASTM B622 (UNS N08031) 1733
ASTM B622 (UNS N08135) 1734
ASTM B622 (UNS N08535) 1735
ASTM B622 (UNS N10242) 1736
ASTM B622 (UNS N10624) 1737
ASTM B622 (UNS N10629) 1738
ASTM B622 (UNS N10675) 1739
ASTM B622 (UNS N12160) 1740
ASTM B407-800 (UNS N08800) 1642
ASTM B407-800H (UNS N08810) 1646
ASTM B443-625 (UNS N06625) 1648
ASTM B444-625 (UNS N06625) 1650
ASTM B446-625 (UNS N06625) 1652
ASTM B464-20Cb (UNS N08020) 1654
ASTM A494-CW-12M-1 1656
ASTM A494-CW-12M-2 1658
ASTM A494-CY-40 (UNS N06040) 1660
ASTM B160-211 (N02211) 1744
ASTM B166-025 (UNS N06025) 1751
ASTM B166-045 (UNS N06045) 1752
ASTM B166-601 (UNS N06601) 1754
ASTM B166-603 (UNS N06603) 1755
ASTM B166-617 (UNS N06617) 1756
ASTM B166-690 (UNS N06690) 1757
ASTM B166-690 (UNS N06693) 1758
ASTM B166-690 (UNS N06696) 1759
ASTM B167-601 (UNS N06601) 1761
ASTM B167-603 (UNS N06603) 1762
ASTM B167-617 (UNS N06617) 1763
ASTM B167-625 (UNS N06625) 1764
ASTM B167-645 (UNS N06645) 1765
ASTM B167-690 (UNS N06690) 1766
ASTM B167-693 (UNS N06693) 1767
ASTM B333 (UNS N10624) 1770
ASTM B333 (UNS N10629) 1771
ASTM B333 (UNS N10675) 1773
ASTM B574-C-4 (UNS N06455) 1664
ASTM B574-C-276 (UNS N10276) 1666
ASTM B575-C-4 (UNS N06455) 1670
ASTM B575-C-276 (UNS N10276) 1672
ASTM B581-G (UNS N06007) 1676
ASTM B582-G (UNS N06007) 1680
ASTM B612-200 (UNS N02200) 1684
ASTM B619 (UNS N08320) 1688
ASTM B619 (UNS N10001) 1700
ASTM B619 (UNS N10665) 1702
ASTM B619 (UNS N06455) 1704
ASTM B619 (UNS N10276) 1706
ASTM B619 (UNS N06007) 1708
ASTM B619 (UNS N06002) 1710
ASTM B620 (UNS N08320) 1714
ASTM B621 (UNS N08320) 1718
ASTM B622 (UNS N10001) 1722
ASTM B622 (UNS N10655) 1724
ASTM B622 (UNS N06455) 1726
ASTM B622 (UNS N10276) 1728
ASTM B622 (UNS N06007) 1730
ASTM A494-CZ100 (UNS N02100) 7365
ASTM A494-M35-1 (UNS N24135) 7366
ASTM A494-M35-2 (UNS N04020) 7367
ASTM A494-M30H (UNS N24030) 7368
ASTM A494-M25S (UNS N24025) 7369
ASTM A494-M30C (UNS N24130) 7370
ASTM A494-N12MV (UNS N30012) 7371
ASTM A494-N7M (UNS N30007) 7372
ASTM A494-N3M (UNS J30003) 7373
ASTM A494-CW12MW (UNS N30002) 7375
ASTM A494-CW6M (UNS N30107) 7376
ASTM A494-CW2M (UNS N26455) 7377
ASTM A494-CW6MC (UNS N26625) 7378
ASTM A494-CY5SnBiM (UNS N26055) 7379
ASTM A494-CX2MW (UNS N26022) 7380
ASTM A494-CU5MCuC (UNS N08826) 7381
ASTM A494-CX2M (UNS N26059) 7382
ASTM B366-WPHG (UNS N06007) 7383
ASTM B366-WPHC22 (UNS N06022) 7384
ASTM B366-WPV602 (UNS N06025) 7385
ASTM B366-WPHG30 (UNS N06030) 7386
ASTM B366-WPHG35 (UNS N06035) 7387
ASTM B366-WPV45TM (UNS N06045) 7388
ASTM B366-WP2120 (UNS N06058) 7389
ASTM B366-WP5923 (UNS N06059) 7390
ASTM B366-WPHC2000 (UNS N06200) 7391
ASTM B366-WPM21 (UNS N06210) 7392
ASTM B366-WPH230 (UNS N06230) 7393
ASTM B366-WPHC4 (UNS N06455) 7394
ASTM B366-WP603GT (UNS N06603) 7395
ASTM B366-WPNCMC (UNS N06603) 7396
ASTM B366-WPIN686 (UNS N06686) 7397
ASTM B366-WP626Si (UNS N06219) 7398
ASTM B366-WPHG3 (UNS N06985) 7399
ASTM B366-WP20CB (UNS N08020) 7400
ASTM B366-WP3127 (UNS N08031) 7401
ASTM B366-WPH120 (UNS N08120) 7402
ASTM B366-WP330 (UNS N08330) 7403
ASTM B366-WP6XN (UNS N08367) 7404
ASTM B366-WPNIC (UNS N08800) 7405
ASTM B366-WPNIC10 (UNS N08810) 7406
ASTM B366-WPNIC11 (UNS N08811) 7407
ASTM B366-WPNICMC (UNS N08825) 7408
ASTM B366-WP904L (UNS N08904) 7409
ASTM B366-WP1925 (UNS N08925) 7410
ASTM B366-WP1925N (UNS N08926) 7411
ASTM B366-WPHN (UNS N10003) 7412
ASTM B366-WPH242 (UNS N10242) 7413
ASTM B366-WPHC276 (UNS N10276) 7414
ASTM B366-WPB10 (UNS N10624) 7415
ASTM B366-WPVB4 (UNS N10629) 7416
ASTM B366-WPHB-2 (UNS N10665) 7417
ASTM B366-WPHB–3 (UNS N10675) 7418
ASTM B366-WPH160 (UNS N12160) 7419
ASTM B366-WP3033 (UNS R20033) 7420
ASTM B366-WPH556 (UNS R30556) 7421
ASTM B366-CRN (UNS N02200) 7422
ASTM B366-CRNL (UNS N02201) 7423
ASTM B366-CRNC (UNS N04400) 7424
ASTM B366-CRHX (UNS N06002) 7425
ASTM B366-CRHG (UNS N06007) 7426
ASTM B366-CRHC22 (UNS N06022) 7427
ASTM B366-CRV602 (UNS N06025) 7428
ASTM B366-CRHG30 (UNS N06030) 7429
ASTM B366-CRHG35 (UNS N06035) 7430
ASTM B366-CRV45TM (UNS N06045) 7431
ASTM B366-CR2120 (UNS N06058) 7432
ASTM B366-CR5923 (UNS N06059) 7433
ASTM B366-CRHC2000 (UNS N06200) 7434
ASTM B366-CRM21 (UNS N06210) 7435
ASTM B366-CRH230 (UNS N06230) 7436
ASTM B366-CRHC4 (UNS N06455) 7437
ASTM B366-CRNCI (UNS N06600) 7438
ASTM B366-CR603GT (UNS N06603) 7439
ASTM B366-CRNCMC (UNS N06603) 7440
ASTM B366-CRIN686 (UNS N06686) 7441
ASTM B366-CR626Si (UNS N06219) 7442
ASTM B366-CRHG3 (UNS N06985) 7443
ASTM B366-CR20CB (UNS N08020) 7444
ASTM B366-CR3127 (UNS N08031) 7445
ASTM B366-CRH120 (UNS N08120) 7446
ASTM B366-CR330 (UNS N08330) 7447
ASTM B366-CR6XN (UNS N08367) 7448
ASTM B366-CRNIC (UNS N08800) 7449
ASTM B366-CRNIC10 (UNS N08810) 7450
ASTM B366-CRNIC11 (UNS N08811) 7451
ASTM B366-CRNICMC (UNS N08825) 7452
ASTM B366-CR904L (UNS N08904) 7453
ASTM B366-CR1925 (UNS N08925) 7454
ASTM B366-CR1925N (UNS N08926) 7455
ASTM B366-CRHB (UNS N10001) 7456
ASTM B366-CRHN (UNS N10003) 7457
ASTM B366-CRH242 (UNS N10242) 7458
ASTM B366-CRHC276 (UNS N10276) 7459
ASTM B366-CRB10 (UNS N10624) 7460
ASTM B366-CRVB4 (UNS N10629) 7461
ASTM B366-CRHB-2 (UNS N10665) 7462
ASTM B366-CRHB–3 (UNS N10675) 7463
ASTM B366-CRH160 (UNS N12160) 7464
ASTM B366-CR3033 (UNS R20033) 7465
ASTM B366-CRH556 (UNS R30556) 7466
ASTM B423 (UNS N08221) 7467
ASTM B423 (UNS N08825) 7468
ASTM B462 (UNS N08026) 7469
ASTM B462 (UNS N08020) 7470
ASTM B462 (UNS N08024) 7471
ASTM B462 (UNS N08367) 7472
ASTM B462 (UNS R20033) 7473
ASTM B462 (UNS N06030) 7474
ASTM B462 (UNS N06022) 7475
ASTM B462 (UNS N06200) 7476
ASTM B462 (UNS N10276) 7477
ASTM B462 (UNS N10665) 7478
ASTM B462 (UNS N10675) 7479
ASTM B462 (UNS N06059) 7480
ASTM B462 (UNS N06686) 7481
ASTM B462 (UNS N08031) 7482
ASTM B462 (UNS N06045) 7483
ASTM B462 (UNS N06025) 7484
ASTM B462 (UNS N10629) 7485
ASTM B462 (UNS N06035) 7486
ASTM B514 (UNS N08120) 7487
ASTM B514 (UNS N08800) 7488
ASTM B514 (UNS N08810) 7489
ASTM B517 (UNS N06600) 7490
ASTM B517 (UNS N06603) 7491
ASTM B517 (UNS N06025) 7492
ASTM B517 (UNS N06045) 7493
ASTM B564 (UNS N04400) 7494
ASTM B564 (UNS N06600) 7495
ASTM B564 (UNS N06690) 7496
ASTM B564 (UNS N08120) 7497
ASTM B564 (UNS N08800) 7498
ASTM B564 (UNS N08810) 7499
ASTM B564 (UNS N06603) 7500
ASTM B564 (UNS N06025) 7501
ASTM B564 (UNS N06045) 7502
ASTM B564 (UNS N06210) 7503
ASTM B564 (UNS N08811) 7504
ASTM B564 (UNS N06625) 7505
ASTM B564 (UNS N06110) 7506
ASTM B564 (UNS N08825) 7507
ASTM B564 (UNS N10276) 7508
ASTM B564 (UNS N06022) 7509
ASTM B564 (UNS N08367) 7510
ASTM B564 (UNS N06059) 7511
ASTM B564 (UNS N06058) 7512
ASTM B564 (UNS N06035) 7513
ASTM B564 (UNS N06200) 7514
ASTM B564 (UNS N06219) 7515
ASTM B564 (UNS N08031) 7516
ASTM B564 (UNS N06230) 7517
ASTM B564 (UNS N06617) 7518
ASTM B564 (UNS N10629) 7519
ASTM B564 (UNS N10665) 7520
ASTM B564 (UNS N10675) 7521
ASTM B564 (UNS N10242) 7522
ASTM B564 (UNS N06686) 7523
ASTM B564 (UNS N12160) 7524
ASTM B564 (UNS N02200) 7525
ASTM B564 (UNS N10624) 7526
ASTM B564 (UNS R20033) 7527
ASTM B619 (UNS R30556) 7528
ASTM B619 (UNS N06686) 7529
ASTM B619 (UNS N12160) 7530
ASTM B619 (UNS R20033) 7531
ASTM B622 (UNS N08320) 7532
ASTM B622 (UNS R30556) 7533
ASTM B622 (UNS R20033) 7534
ASTM B675 (UNS N08367) 7535
ASTM B690 (UNS N08366) 7536
ASTM B690 (UNS N08367) 7537
ASTM B705 (UNS N06625) 7538
ASTM B705 (UNS N06219) 7539
ASTM B705 (UNS N08825) 7540
ASTM B725 (UNS N02200) 7541
ASTM B725 (UNS N02201) 7542
ASTM B725 (UNS N04400) 7543
ASTM B729 (UNS N08020) 7544
ASTM B729 (UNS N08026) 7545
ASTM B729 (UNS N08024) 7546
ASTM B804 (UNS N08367) 7547
ASTM B804 (UNS N08926) 7548
ASTM B26-356.0 temper T6 (UNS A03560) 1780
ASTM B26-356.0 temper T71 (UNS A03560) 1782
ASTM B26-443.0 temper F (UNS A04430) 1784
ASTM B209-1060 temper O 1790
ASTM B209-1060 temper H12 1792
ASTM B209-1060 temper H14 1794
ASTM B209-1060 temper H112 1796
ASTM B209-1100 temper O 1798
ASTM B209-1100 temper H12 1800
ASTM B209-1100 temper H14 1802
ASTM B209-1100 temper H112 1804
ASTM B209-3003 temper O 1806
ASTM B209-3003 temper H12 1808
ASTM B209-3003 temper H14 1810
ASTM B209-3003 temper H112 1812
ASTM B209-3004 temper O 1814
ASTM B209-3004 temper H32 1816
ASTM B209-3004 temper H34 1818
ASTM B209-3004 temper H112 1820
ASTM B209-5050 temper O 1822
ASTM B209-5050 temper H32 1824
ASTM B209-5050 temper H34 1826
ASTM B209-5050 temper H112 1828
ASTM B209-5052 temper O 1830
ASTM B209-5052 temper H32 1832
ASTM B209-5052 temper H34 1834
ASTM B209-5052 temper H112 1836
ASTM B209-5652 temper O 1838
ASTM B209-5652 temper H32 1840
ASTM B209-5652 temper H34 1842
ASTM B209-5652 temper H112 1844
ASTM B209-5083 temper O 1846
ASTM B209-5083 temper H321 1848
ASTM B209-5086 temper O 1850
ASTM B209-5086 temper H32 1852
ASTM B209-5086 temper H34 1854
ASTM B209-5086 temper H112 1856
ASTM B209-5154 temper O 1858
ASTM B209-5154 temper H32 1860
ASTM B209-5154 temper H34 1862
ASTM B209-5154 temper H112 1864
ASTM B209-5254 temper O 1866
ASTM B209-5254 temper H32 1868
ASTM B209-5254 temper H34 1870
ASTM B209-5254 temper H112 1872
ASTM B209-5454 temper O 1874
ASTM B209-5454 temper H32 1876
ASTM B209-5454 temper H34 1878
ASTM B209-5454 temper H112 1880
ASTM B209-5456 temper O 1882
ASTM B209-5456 temper H321 1884
ASTM B209-6061 temper T4 1886
ASTM B209-6061 temper T6 1890
ASTM B209-6061 temper T651 1894
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper O 1896
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper H12 1898
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper H14 1900
ASTM B209-Alclad 3003 temper H112 1902
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper O 1904
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper H32 1906
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper H34 1908
ASTM B209-Alclad 3004 temper H112 1910
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T4 1912
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T6 1916
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T451 1920
ASTM B209-Alclad 6061 temper T651 1922
ASTM B210-1060 temper O 1930
ASTM B210-1060 temper H14 1932
ASTM B210-1060 temper H12 1934
ASTM B210-3003 temper O 1936
ASTM B210-3003 temper H14 1938
ASTM B210-3003 temper H18 1940
ASTM B210-3003 temper H113 1942
ASTM B210-5052 temper O 1944
ASTM B210-5052 temper H32 1946
ASTM B210-5052 temper H34 1948
ASTM B210-5083 temper O 1950
ASTM B210-5086 temper O 1954
ASTM B210-5086 temper H32 1956
ASTM B210-5086 temper H34 1958
ASTM B210-5154 temper O 1962
ASTM B210-5154 temper H34 1964
ASTM B210-5456 temper O 1966
ASTM B210-6061 temper T4 1970
ASTM B210-6061 temper T6 1974
ASTM B210-6063 temper T4 1978
ASTM B210-6063 temper T6 1984
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper H14 1990
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper H18 1992
ASTM B221-1060 temper O 2010
ASTM B221-1060 temper H112 2012
ASTM B221-1100 temper O 2014
ASTM B221-1100 temper H112 2016
ASTM B221-3003 temper O 2018
ASTM B221-3003 temper H112 2020
ASTM B221-5052 temper O 2022
ASTM B221-5053 temper O 2024
ASTM B221-5086 temper O 2026
ASTM B221-5154 temper O 2028
ASTM B221-5454 temper O 2030
ASTM B221-5456 temper O 2032
ASTM B221-6061 temper T4 2034
ASTM B221-6061 temper T6 2038
ASTM B221-6063 temper T4 2042
ASTM B221-6063 temper T5 2046
ASTM B221-6063 temper T6 2050
ASTM B221-Alclad 3003 temper O 2054
ASTM B221-Alclad 3003 temper H112 2056
ASTM B241-1060 temper O 2070
ASTM B241-1060 temper H112 2072
ASTM B241-1100 temper O 2074
ASTM B241-1100 temper H112 2076
ASTM B241-3003 temper O 2078
ASTM B241-3003 temper H112 2082
ASTM B241-5052 temper O 2084
ASTM B241-5083 temper O 2086
ASTM B241-5083 temper H112 2088
ASTM B241-5086 temper O 2090
ASTM B241-5086 temper H112 2092
ASTM B241-5454 temper O 2094
ASTM B241-5454 temper H112 2096
ASTM B241-5456 temper O 2098
ASTM B241-5456 temper H112 2100
ASTM B241-6061 temper T4 2106
ASTM B241-6063 temper T4 2116
ASTM B241-6063 temper T5 2120
ASTM B241-6063 temper T6 2124
ASTM B241 Alclad 3003 temper O 2128
ASTM B241 Alclad 3003 temper H112 2130
ASTM B247-3003 temper H112 2140
ASTM B247-5083 temper O 2144
ASTM B247-5083 temper H112 2146
ASTM B247-6061 temper T6 2150
ASTM B345-1060 temper O 2160
ASTM B345-1060 temper H112 2162
ASTM B345-3003 temper O 2164
ASTM B345-3003 temper H112 2168
ASTM B345-5083 temper O 2170
ASTM B345-5083 temper H112 2172
ASTM B345-5086 temper O 2174
ASTM B345-5086 temper H112 2176
ASTM B345-6061 temper T4 2178
ASTM B345-6063 temper T4 2188
ASTM B345-6063 temper T5 2192
ASTM B345-6063 temper T6 2196
ASTM B361-WP1060 temper F 2220
ASTM B361-WP1060 temper H112 2222
ASTM B361-WP1100 temper H112 2226
ASTM B361-WP3003 temper H112 2230
ASTM B361-WP5154 temper H112 2234
ASTM B361-WP6061 temper T4 2236
ASTM B361-WP6061 temper T6 2240
ASTM B361-WP6063 temper T4 2244
ASTM B361-WP6063 temper T6 2248
ASTM B361 Alclad 3003 temper H112 2254
ASTM B26-201.0 temper T7 (UNS A02010) 7549
ASTM B26-204.0 temper T4 (UNS A02040) 7550
ASTM B26-242.0 temper O (UNS A02420) 7551
ASTM B26-242.0 temper T61 (UNS A02420) 7552
ASTM B26-A242.0 temper T75 (UNS A12420) 7553
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T4 (UNS A02950) 7554
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T6 (UNS A02950) 7555
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T62 (UNS A02950) 7556
ASTM B26-295.0 temper T7 (UNS A02950) 7557
ASTM B26-319.0 temper F (UNS A03190) 7558
ASTM B26-319.0 temper T5 (UNS A03190) 7559
ASTM B26-319.0 temper T6 (UNS A03190) 7560
ASTM B26-328.0 temper F (UNS A03280) 7561
ASTM B26-328.0 temper T6 (UNS A03280) 7562
ASTM B26-355.0 temper T6 (UNS A03550) 7563
ASTM B26-355.0 temper T51 (UNS A03550) 7564
ASTM B26-355.0 temper T71 (UNS A03550) 7565
ASTM B26-C355.0 temper T6 (UNS A33550) 7566
ASTM B26-356.0 temper F (UNS A03560) 7567
ASTM B26-356.0 temper T7 (UNS A03560) 7568
ASTM B26-356.0 temper T51 (UNS A03560) 7569
ASTM B26-A356.0 (UNS A13560) 7570
ASTM B26-B443.0 temper F (UNS A24430) 7571
ASTM B26-512.0 temper F (UNS A05120) 7572
ASTM B26-514.0 temper F (UNS A05140) 7573
ASTM B26-520.0 temper T4 (UNS A05200) 7574
ASTM B26-535.0 temper F (UNS A05350) 7575
ASTM B26-705.0 temper T5 (UNS A07050) 7576
ASTM B26-707.0 temper T7 (UNS A07070) 7577
ASTM B26-710.0 temper T5 (UNS A07100) 7578
ASTM B26-712.0 temper T5 (UNS A07120) 7579
ASTM B26-713.0 temper T5 (UNS A07130) 7580
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T5 (UNS A07710) 7581
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T51 (UNS A07710) 7582
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T52 (UNS A07710) 7583
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T6 (UNS A07710) 7584
ASTM B26-771.0 temper T71 (UNS A07710) 7585
ASTM B26-850.0 temper T5 (UNS A08500) 7586
ASTM B26-851.0 temper T5 (UNS A08510) 7587
ASTM B26-852.0 temper T5 (UNS A08520) 7588
ASTM B210-1060 temper H18 7589
ASTM B210-1100 temper O 7590
ASTM B210-1100 temper H12 7591
ASTM B210-1100 temper H14 7592
ASTM B210-1100 temper H16 7593
ASTM B210-1100 temper H18 7594
ASTM B210-1100 temper H113 7595
ASTM B210-2011 temper T3 7596
ASTM B210-2011 temper T4511 7597
ASTM B210-2011 temper T8 7598
ASTM B210-2014 temper O 7599
ASTM B210-2014 temper T4 7600
ASTM B210-2014 temper T6 7601
ASTM B210-2024 temper O 7602
ASTM B210-2024 temper T3 7603
ASTM B210-2024 temper T42 7604
ASTM B210-3003 temper H12 7605
ASTM B210-3003 temper H16 7606
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper O 7607
ASTM B210 Alclad 3003 temper H113 7608
ASTM B210-3102 temper O 7609
ASTM B210 Alclad 3102 temper O 7610
ASTM B210-5005 temper O 7611
ASTM B210-5050 temper O 7612
ASTM B210-5050 temper H32 7613
ASTM B210-5050 temper H34 7614
ASTM B210-5050 temper H36 7615
ASTM B210-5050 temper H38 7616
ASTM B210-5052 temper H36 7617
ASTM B210-5052 temper H38 7618
ASTM B210-5086 temper H36 7619
ASTM B210-5154 temper H38 7620
ASTM B210-6061 temper O 7621
ASTM B210-6063 temper O 7622
ASTM B210-6063 temper T83 7623
ASTM B210-6262 temper T6 7624
ASTM B210-6262 temper T9 7625
ASTM B210-7075 temper O 7626
ASTM B210-7075 temper T6 7627
ASTM B241-1060 temper F 7628
ASTM B241-1100 temper F 7629
ASTM B241-2014 temper O 7630
ASTM B241-2014 temper T4 7631
ASTM B241-2014 temper T42 7632
ASTM B241-2014 temper T6 7633
ASTM B241-2014 temper T62 7634
ASTM B241-2014 temper F 7635
ASTM B241-2024 temper O 7636
ASTM B241-2024 temper T3 7637
ASTM B241-2024 temper T42 7638
ASTM B241-2024 temper T81 7639
ASTM B241-2024 temper F 7640
ASTM B241-2219 temper O 7641
ASTM B241-2219 temper T31 7642
ASTM B241-2219 temper T62 7643
ASTM B241-2219 temper T81 7644
ASTM B241-2219 temper F 7645
ASTM B241-3003 temper F 7646
ASTM B241 Alclad 3003 temper F 7647
ASTM B241-5052 temper F 7648
ASTM B241-5083 temper H111 7649
ASTM B241-5083 temper F 7650
ASTM B241-5086 temper H111 7651
ASTM B241-5086 temper F 7652
ASTM B241-5454 temper H111 7653
ASTM B241-5454 temper F 7654
ASTM B241-5456 temper H111 7655
ASTM B241-5456 temper F 7656
ASTM B241-6061 temper O 7657
ASTM B241-6061 temper T1 7658
ASTM B241-6061 temper T42 7659
ASTM B241-6061 temper T51 7660
ASTM B241-6061 temper T6 7661
ASTM B241-6061 temper F 7662
ASTM B241-6063 temper O 7663
ASTM B241-6063 temper T1 7664
ASTM B241-6063 temper T52 7665
ASTM B241-6063 temper F 7666
ASTM B241-6066 temper O 7667
ASTM B241-6066 temper T4 7668
ASTM B241-6066 temper T42 7669
ASTM B241-6066 temper T6 7670
ASTM B241-6066 temper T62 7671
ASTM B241-6162 temper T5 7672
ASTM B241-6162 temper T6 7673
ASTM B241-6351 temper T4 7674
ASTM B241-6351 temper T6 7675
ASTM B241-7075 temper O 7676
ASTM B241-7075 temper T6 7677
ASTM B241-7075 temper T73 7678
ASTM B241-7075 temper F 7679
ASTM B241-7178 temper O 7680
ASTM B241-7178 temper T6 7681
ASTM B241-7178 temper T62 7682
ASTM B241-7178 temper F 7683
ASTM B345 Alclad 3003 temper O 7684
ASTM B345 Alclad 3003 temper H112 7685
ASTM B345-5083 temper H111 7686
ASTM B345-5086 temper H111 7687
ASTM B345-6061 temper O 7688
ASTM B345-6061 temper T1 7689
ASTM B345-6061 temper T42 7690
ASTM B345-6061 temper T51 7691
ASTM B345-6061 temper T6 7692
ASTM B345-6063 temper O 7693
ASTM B345-6063 temper T1 7694
ASTM B345-6063 temper T52 7695
ASTM B345-6070 temper T6 7696
ASTM B345-6351 temper T4 7697
ASTM B345-6351 temper T6 7698
ASTM B361-WP1100 temper F 7699
ASTM B361-WP3003 temper F 7700
ASTM B361 Alclad 3003 temper F 7701
ASTM B361-WP5083 temper O 7702
ASTM B361-WP5083 temper F 7703
ASTM B361-WP5083 temper H112 7704
ASTM B361-WP5086 temper O 7705
ASTM B361-WP5086 temper F 7706
ASTM B361-WP5086 temper H112 7707
ASTM B361-WP5154 temper F 7708
ASTM B491-1050 temper H112 7709
ASTM B491-1100 temper H112 7710
ASTM B491-1200 temper H111 7711
ASTM B491-1200 temper H112 7712
ASTM B491-1235 temper H111 7713
ASTM B491-1235 temper H112 7714
ASTM B491-3003 temper H112 7715
ASTM B491-3102 temper H112 7716
ASTM B491-6063 temper T1 7717
ASTM B547-1100 temper O 7718
ASTM B547-1100 temper H12 7719
ASTM B547-1100 temper H14 7720
ASTM B547-1100 temper H16 7721
ASTM B547-3003 temper O 7722
ASTM B547-3003 temper H12 7723
ASTM B547-3003 temper H14 7724
ASTM B547-3003 temper H16 7725
ASTM B547-3003 temper H112 7726
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper O 7727
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper H12 7728
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper H14 7729
ASTM B547 Alclad 3003 temper H112 7730
ASTM B547-3004 temper O 7731
ASTM B547-3004 temper H32 7732
ASTM B547-3004 temper H34 7733
ASTM B547-3004 temper H36 7734
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper O 7735
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper H32 7736
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper H34 7737
ASTM B547 Alclad 3004 temper H36 7738
ASTM B547-5050 temper O 7739
ASTM B547-5050 temper H32 7740
ASTM B547-5050 temper H34 7741
ASTM B547-5050 temper H36 7742
ASTM B547-5052 temper O 7743
ASTM B547-5052 temper H32 7744
ASTM B547-5052 temper H34 7745
ASTM B547-5052 temper H36 7746
ASTM B547-5052 temper H112 7747
ASTM B547-5083 temper O 7748
ASTM B547-5083 temper H321 7749
ASTM B547-5086 temper O 7750
ASTM B547-5086 temper H32 7751
ASTM B547-5086 temper H34 7752
ASTM B547-5086 temper H36 7753
ASTM B547-5154 temper O 7754
ASTM B547-5154 temper H32 7755
ASTM B547-5154 temper H34 7756
ASTM B547-5454 temper O 7757
ASTM B547-5454 temper H32 7758
ASTM B547-5454 temper H34 7759
ASTM B547-5454 temper H112 7760
ASTM B547-6061 temper T4 7761
ASTM B547-6061 temper T6 7762
ASTM B265 Grade 1 7763
ASTM B265 Grade 2 7764
ASTM B265 Grade 2H 7765
ASTM B265 Grade 3 7766
ASTM B265 Grade 4 7767
ASTM B265 Grade 5 7768
ASTM B265 Grade 6 7769
ASTM B265 Grade 7 7770
ASTM B265 Grade 7H 7771
ASTM B265 Grade 9 7772
ASTM B265 Grade 11 7773
ASTM B265 Grade 12 7774
ASTM B265 Grade 13 7775
ASTM B265 Grade 14 7776
ASTM B265 Grade 15 7777
ASTM B265 Grade 16 7778
ASTM B265 Grade 16H 7779
ASTM B265 Grade 17 7780
ASTM B265 Grade 18 7781
ASTM B265 Grade 19 7782
ASTM B265 Grade 20 7783
ASTM B265 Grade 21 7784
ASTM B265 Grade 23 7785
ASTM B265 Grade 24 7786
ASTM B265 Grade 25 7787
ASTM B265 Grade 26 7788
ASTM B265 Grade 26H 7789
ASTM B265 Grade 27 7790
ASTM B265 Grade 28 7791
ASTM B265 Grade 29 7792
ASTM B265 Grade 30 7793
ASTM B265 Grade 31 7794
ASTM B265 Grade 32 7795
ASTM B265 Grade 33 7796
ASTM B265 Grade 34 7797
ASTM B265 Grade 35 7798
ASTM B265 Grade 36 7799
ASTM B265 Grade 37 7800
ASTM B265 Grade 38 7801
ASTM B337-1 2310
ASTM B337-2 2311
ASTM B337-3 2313
ASTM B337-7 2317
ASTM B381 Grade F-1 7802
ASTM B381 Grade F-2 7803
ASTM B381 Grade F-2H 7804
ASTM B381 Grade F-3 7805
ASTM B381 Grade F-4 7806
ASTM B381 Grade F-5 7807
ASTM B381 Grade F-6 7808
ASTM B381 Grade F-7 7809
ASTM B381 Grade F-7H 7810
ASTM B381 Grade F-9 7811
ASTM B381 Grade F-11 7812
ASTM B381 Grade F-12 7813
ASTM B381 Grade F-13 7814
ASTM B381 Grade F-14 7815
ASTM B381 Grade F-15 7816
ASTM B381 Grade F-16 7817
ASTM B381 Grade F-16H 7818
ASTM B381 Grade F-17 7819
ASTM B381 Grade F-18 7820
ASTM B381 Grade F-19 7821
ASTM B381 Grade F-20 7822
ASTM B381 Grade F-21 7823
ASTM B381 Grade F-23 7824
ASTM B381 Grade F-24 7825
ASTM B381 Grade F-25 7826
ASTM B381 Grade F-26 7827
ASTM B381 Grade F-26H 7828
ASTM B381 Grade F-27 7829
ASTM B381 Grade F-28 7830
ASTM B381 Grade F-29 7831
ASTM B381 Grade F-30 7832
ASTM B381 Grade F-31 7833
ASTM B381 Grade F-32 7834
ASTM B381 Grade F-33 7835
ASTM B381 Grade F-34 7836
ASTM B381 Grade F-35 7837
ASTM B381 Grade F-36 7838
ASTM B381 Grade F-37 7839
ASTM B381 Grade F-38 7840
ASTM B523 (UNS R60702) 7841
ASTM B523 (UNS R60704) 7842
ASTM B523 (UNS R60705) 7843
ASTM B551 Grade R60700 7844
ASTM B551 Grade R60702 7845
ASTM B551 Grade R60704 7846
ASTM B551 Grade R60705 7847
ASTM B551 Grade R60706 7848
ASTM B658 (UNS R60702) 7849
ASTM B658 (UNS R60704) 7850
ASTM B658 (UNS R60705) 7851
ASTM F441, CPVC 4120 2442
PE 3408, High density polyethylene (HDPE) 2443
ASTM D1784 - Standard Specification for Poly Vinyl 2398
Chloride (PVC) and Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride
ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 12364 - Standard 7852
Specification for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)
ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 12454 - Standard 7853
Specification for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)
ASTM D1784, Cell Classification 13343 - Standard 7854
Specification for Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) and
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride (CPVC)
ASTM D3965, Standard Specification for Rigid 2410
Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Materials for Pipe
and Fittings
ASTM D2310, Standard Classification for Machine-Made 2421
Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-
Resin) Pipe
ASTM D2447, Standard Specification for Polyethylene 2411
(PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80, Based on
Outside Diameter
ASTM D3350, Standard Specification for Polyethylene 2412
Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials
ASTM D3915, Standard Specification for Rigid 2413
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds for Plastic Pipe and
Fittings Used in Pressure Applications
ASTM D4396, Standard Specification for Rigid 2414
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl
Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds for Plastic Pipe and
Fittings Used in Nonpressure Applications
PVC 1120 2415
PVC 1220 2416
PVC 2110 2417
PVC 2112 2418
PVC 2116 2419
PVC 2120 2420
ASTM C361 Class A-25 7855
ASTM C361 Class B-25 7856
ASTM C361 Class C-25 7857
ASTM C361 Class D-25 7858
ASTM C361 Class A-50 7859
ASTM C361 Class B-50 7860
ASTM C361 Class C-50 7861
ASTM C361 Class D-50 7862
ASTM C361 Class A-75 7863
ASTM C361 Class B-75 7864
ASTM C361 Class C-75 7865
ASTM C361 Class D-75 7866
ASTM C361 Class A-100 7867
ASTM C361 Class B-100 7868
ASTM C361 Class C-100 7869
ASTM C361 Class D-100 7870
ASTM C361 Class A-125 7871
ASTM C361 Class B-125 7872
ASTM C361 Class C-125 7873
ASTM C361 Class D-125 7874
ASTM C582 - Standard Specification for Contact-Molded 7875
Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic (RTP) Laminates for
Corrosion-Resistant Equipment
ASTM D2104, PE2306 7876
ASTM D2104, PE2406 7877
ASTM D2104, PE3306 7878
ASTM D2104, PE3406 7879
ASTM D2104, PE2305 7880
ASTM D2104, PE1404 7881
ASTM D2239, PE2306 7882
ASTM D2239, PE2406 7883
ASTM D2239, PE3306 7884
ASTM D2239, PE3406 7885
ASTM D2239, PE3408 7886
ASTM D2239, PE2305 7887
ASTM D2239, PE1404 7888
ASTM D2241, PVC 1120 7889
ASTM D2241, PVC 1220 7890
ASTM D2241, PVC 2120 7891
ASTM D2241, PVC 2116 7892
ASTM D2241, PVC 2112 7893
ASTM D2241, PVC 2110 7894
ASTM D2513, PVC 1120 7895
ASTM D2513, PVC 2110 7896
ASTM D2513, PVC 2116 7897
ASTM D2513, PVC 1220 7898
ASTM D2517, Standard Specification for Reinforced 7899
Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings
ASTM D2737, PE2305 7900
ASTM D2737, PE2306 7901
ASTM D2737, PE2406 7902
ASTM D2737, PE3306 7903
ASTM D2737, PE3406 7904
ASTM D2737, PE3408 7905
ASTM D2846, CPVC 4120 7906
ASTM D2996, Standard Specification for Filament- 7907
Wound Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced
Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe
ASTM D2997, Standard Specification Centrifugally Cast 7908
Fiberglass (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-
Resin) Pipe
ASTM D3035, PE 1404 7909
ASTM D3035, PE 2606 7910
ASTM D3035, PE 2708 7911
ASTM D3035, PE 3608 7912
ASTM D3035, PE 3708 7913
ASTM D3035, PE 3710 7914
ASTM D3035, PE 4608 7915
ASTM D3035, PE 4708 7916
ASTM D3035, PE 4710 7917
ASTM D 3309, PB 2110 7918
ASTM D3517, Standard Specification for Fiberglass 7919
(Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pressure
ASTM D3754, Standard Specification for Fiberglass 7920
(Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Sewer
and Industrial Pressure Pipe
ASTM F442, CPVC 4120 7921
C76-CLIII 2320
C700 2350
D1785-PVC1120 2400
D2467-PVC1120 2402
Org fib, nitrile binder 3051
Graph, 304 tang reinf 3078
Graph, 304 wire mesh reinf 3079
Asb 3101
Asb, wire mesh reinf 3103
Blue-asb 3111
Buna-N rubber (Nitrile, NBR) 3154
Kel-F 3175
Chloroprene (Neoprene, CR) 3189
Polyethylene 3195
Fluorocarbon (Viton) 3210
Soft-iron 3231
304 3234
317 6650
321/347 3236
PTFE-J, asb-F 3251
Teflon-J, blue-asb-F 3256
Soft-iron-J, graph-F 3261
Soft-iron-J, asb-F 3262
Low-C-steel-J, graph-F 3266
Low-C-steel-J, asb-F 3267
304-J, graph-F 3271
304-J, asb-F 3272
I600-J, graph-F 3281
I600-J, asb-F 3282
I800-J, graph-F 3286
Soft-iron-J, asb-chords 3356
Low-C-steel-J, asb-chords 3361
Nitrile 3429
Saran 3435
I-X-750 3473
Flexitallic® AF 2100 (PTFE) 6690
Flexitallic® AF 2150 (PTFE) 6695
Flexitallic® Flexicarb® 6700
Flexitallic® SF 1600 (PTFE) 6705
Flexitallic® SF 2400 (PTFE) 6710
Flexitallic® SF 2420 (PTFE) 6715
Flexitallic® SF 2440 (PTFE) 6720
Flexitallic® SF 2500 (PTFE) 6725
Flexitallic® SF 3300 (PTFE) 6730
Flexitallic® SF 3500 (PTFE) 6735
Flexitallic® SF 5000 (PTFE) 6740
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 500 6745
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 511 6750
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 522 6755
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 533 6760
Flexitallic® SigmaTM 577 6765
Flexitallic® ThermiculiteTM 815 6770
Flexitallic® ThermiculiteTM 816 6775
304-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR 3651
304-W, graph-F, CS-CR 3653
304-W, asb-F, CS-CR 3655
304-W, blue-asb-F, CS-CR 3657
304-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR 3659
304-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 304-IR 3661
304-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 304-IR 3663
304-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 304-IR 3665
304-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 304-IR 3669
316-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR 3671
316-W, graph-F, CS-CR 3673
316-W, asb-F, CS-CR 3675
316-W, crodidolite asb-F, CS-CR 3677
316-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR 3679
316-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 316-IR 3681
316-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 316-IR 3683
316-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 316-IR 3685
316-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 316-IR 3689
316L-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR 3691
316L-W, graph-F, CS-CR 3693
316L-W, asb-F, CS-CR 3695
316L-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR 3699
316L-W, mica/gra-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR 3701
316L-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR 3703
316L-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR 3705
316L-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 316L-IR 3709
321-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR 3711
321-W, graph-F, CS-CR 3713
321-W, asb-F, CS-CR 3715
321-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR 3719
321-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 321-IR 3721
321-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 321-IR 3723
321-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 321-IR 3725
321-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 321-IR 3729
347-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR 3731
347-W, graph-F, CS-CR 3733
347-W, asb-F, CS-CR 3735
347-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR 3739
347-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR, 347-IR 3741
347-W, graph-F, CS-CR, 347-IR 3743
347-W, asb-F, CS-CR, 347-IR 3745
347-W, Teflon-F, CS-CR, 347-IR 3749
I600-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR 3751
I600-W, graph-F, CS-CR 3753
I600-W, asb-F, CS-CR 3755
I600-W, mica/graph-F, I600-O&IR 3761
I600-W, graph-F, I600-O&IR 3763
I600-W, asb-F, I600-O&IR 3765
I800-W, mica/graph-F, CS-CR 3771
I800-W, graph-F, CS-CR 3773
I800-W, asb-F, CS-CR 3775
I800-W, mica/graph-F, I800-O&IR 3781
I800-W, graph-F, I800-O&IR 3783
I800-W, asb-F, I800-O&IR 3785
Flexitallic® Flexicarb® MRG 7922
Flexitallic® Flexicarb® SR 7923
Flexitallic® Flexicarb® ST 7924
Flexitallic® FlexproTM 7925
Gasket material per ASME B16.20 7926
Gasket material per ASME B16.21 7927
Soft-iron, 90 BHN max 3451
347, 140 BHN max 3569
ASTM A193 Grade B5 4011
ASTM A193 Grade B6 (UNS S41000) 4021
ASTM A193 Grade B7 4032
ASTM A193 Grade B7M 4038
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1 (UNS S30400) 4091
ASTM A193 Grade B8C Class 1 (UNS S34700) 4092
ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 1 (UNS S31600) 4093
ASTM A193 Grade B8T Class 1 (UNS S32100) 4094
ASTM A193 Grade B16 4065
ASTM SA193-B16 4070
ASTM A194 Grade 1 4110
ASTM A194 Grade 2 4111
ASTM A194 Grade 2HM 4112
ASTM A194 Grade 3 4113
ASTM A194 Grade 4 4114
ASTM A194 Grade 6 (UNS S41000) 4115
ASTM A194 Grade 7 4116
ASTM A194 Grade 7M 4117
ASTM A194 Grade 8 (UNS S30400) 4118
ASTM A194 Grade 8C (UNS S34700) 4119
ASTM A194 Grade 8M (UNS S31600) 4120
ASTM A194 Grade 8T (UNS S32100) 4121
ASTM A320 Grade B8 Class 1 (UNS S30400) 4076
ASTM A320 Grade B8C Class 1 (UNS S34700) 4131
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 1 (UNS S30300) 4132
ASTM A320 Grade B8M Class 1 (UNS S31600) 4133
ASTM A320 Grade B8T Class 1 (UNS S32100) 4134
ASTM A320 Grade L7 4074
ASTM A320 Grade L7A 4135
ASTM A320 Grade L7B 4136
ASTM A320 Grade L7C 4137
ASTM A320 Grade L43 4139
ASTM A325 4082
ASTM A325 Type 1 4141
ASTM A325 Type 2 (withdrawn) 4142
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class A 4143
ASTM A354 Grade BC 4145
ASTM A354 Grade BD 4146
ASTM A490 4147
ASTM A563 Grade O 4148
ASTM A563 Grade B 4149
ASTM A563 Grade C 4150
ASTM A563 Grade C3 4151
ASTM A563 Grade D 4152
ASTM A563 Grade DH 4153
ASTM A563 Grade DH3 4154
ASTM SA193-B7 4155
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class A (UNS S66286) 4084
ASTM A194 Grade 2H 4100
ASTM A563 Grade A 4105
SAE J429-1 4161
SAE J429-2 4162
SAE J429-4 4163
SAE J429-5 4164
SAE J429-5.1 4165
SAE J429-5.2 4166
SAE J429-7 4167
SAE J429-8 4168
SAE J429-8.1 4169
SAE J429-8.2 4170
ASTM A193 Grade B6X (UNS S41000) 7928
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1D (UNS S30400) 7929
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 2 (UNS S30400) 7930
ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 2B (UNS S30400) 7931
ASTM A193 Grade B8A Class 1A (UNS S30400) 7932
ASTM A193 Grade B8C Class 2 (UNS S34700) 7933
ASTM A193 Grade B8CA Class 1A (UNS S34700) 7934
ASTM A193 Grade B8LN (UNS S30453) 7935
ASTM A193 Grade B8LNA Class 1A (UNS S30453) 7936
ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 1D (UNS S31600) 7937
ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 2 (UNS S31600) 7938
ASTM A193 Grade B8MA Class 1A (UNS S31600) 7939
ASTM A193 Grade B8M2 Class 2B (UNS S41000) 7940
ASTM A193 Grade B8M3 Class 2C (UNS S41000) 7941
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuN Class 1B (UNS S31254) 7942
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuN Class 1D (UNS S31254) 7943
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuN Class 2 (UNS S31254) 7944
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLCuNA Class 1A (UNS S31254) 7945

ASTM A193 Grade B8MLN Class 1 (UNS S31653) 7946

ASTM A193 Grade B8MLN Class 1D (UNS S31653) 7947
ASTM A193 Grade B8MLNA Class 1A (UNS S31653) 7948
ASTM A193 Grade B8MN Class 1B (UNS S31651) 7949
ASTM A193 Grade B8MN Class 1D (UNS S31651) 7950
ASTM A193 Grade B8MN Class 2 (UNS S31651) 7951
ASTM A193 Grade B8MNA Class 1A (UNS S31651) 7952
ASTM A193 Grade B8N Class 1B (UNS S30451) 7953
ASTM A193 Grade B8N Class 1D (UNS S30451) 7954
ASTM A193 Grade B8N Class 2 (UNS S30451) 7955
ASTM A193 Grade B8NA Class 1A (UNS S30451) 7956
ASTM A193 Grade B8P Class 1 (UNS S30500) 7957
ASTM A193 Grade B8P Class 1D (UNS S30500) 7958
ASTM A193 Grade B8P Class 2 (UNS S30500) 7959
ASTM A193 Grade B8PA Class 1A (UNS S30500) 7960
ASTM A193 Grade B8R Class 1C (UNS S20910) 7961
ASTM A193 Grade B8R Class 1D (UNS S20910) 7962
ASTM A193 Grade B8RA Class 1C (UNS S20910) 7963
ASTM A193 Grade B8S Class 1C (UNS S21800) 7964
ASTM A193 Grade B8S Class 1D (UNS S21800) 7965
ASTM A193 Grade B8SA Class 1C (UNS S21800) 7966
ASTM A193 Grade B8T Class 2 (UNS S32100) 7967
ASTM A193 Grade B8TA Class 1A (UNS S32100) 7968
ASTM A193 Grade (UNS ) 7969
ASTM A194 Grade 6F (UNS S41600) 7970
ASTM A194 Grade 6F (UNS S41623) 7971
ASTM A194 Grade 8A (UNS S30400) 7972
ASTM A194 Grade 8CA (UNS S34700) 7973
ASTM A194 Grade 8F (UNS S30300) 7974
ASTM A194 Grade 8F (UNS S30323) 7975
ASTM A194 Grade 8FA (UNS S30300) 7976
ASTM A194 Grade 8FA (UNS S30323) 7977
ASTM A194 Grade 8LN (UNS S30453) 7978
ASTM A194 Grade 8LNA (UNS S30453) 7979
ASTM A194 Grade 8MA (UNS S31600) 7980
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLCuN (UNS S31254) 7981
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLCuNA (UNS S31254) 7982
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLN (UNS S31653) 7983
ASTM A194 Grade 8MLNA (UNS S31653) 7984
ASTM A194 Grade 8MN (UNS S31651) 7985
ASTM A194 Grade 8MNA (UNS S31651) 7986
ASTM A194 Grade 8N (UNS S30451) 7987
ASTM A194 Grade 8NA (UNS S30451) 7988
ASTM A194 Grade 8P (UNS S30500) 7989
ASTM A194 Grade 8PA (UNS S30500) 7990
ASTM A194 Grade 8R (UNS S20910) 7991
ASTM A194 Grade 8RA (UNS S20910) 7992
ASTM A194 Grade 8S (UNS S21800) 7993
ASTM A194 Grade 8SA (UNS S21800) 7994
ASTM A194 Grade 8TA (UNS S32100) 7995
ASTM A194 Grade 9C (UNS N08367) 7996
ASTM A194 Grade 9CA (UNS N08367) 7997
ASTM A194 Grade 16 7998
ASTM A320 Grade B8 Class 2 (UNS S30400) 7999
ASTM A320 Grade B8A Class 1A (UNS S30400) 8000
ASTM A320 Grade B8C Class 2 (UNS S34700) 8001
ASTM A320 Grade B8CA Class 1A (UNS S34700) 8002
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 2 (UNS S30300) 8003
ASTM A320 Grade B8FA Class 1A (UNS S30300) 8004
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 1 (UNS S30323) 8005
ASTM A320 Grade B8F Class 2 (UNS S30323) 8006
ASTM A320 Grade B8FA Class 1A (UNS S30323) 8007
ASTM A320 Grade B8LN Class 1 (UNS S30453) 8008
ASTM A320 Grade B8LNA Class 1A (UNS S30453) 8009
ASTM A320 Grade B8M Class 2 (UNS S31600) 8010
ASTM A320 Grade B8MA Class 1A (UNS S31600) 8011
ASTM A320 Grade B8MLN Class 1 (UNS S31653) 8012
ASTM A320 Grade B8MLNA Class 1A (UNS S31653) 8013
ASTM A320 Grade B8P Class 1 (UNS S30500) 8014
ASTM A320 Grade B8P Class 2 (UNS S30500) 8015
ASTM A320 Grade B8PA Class 1A (UNS S30500) 8016
ASTM A320 Grade B8T Class 2 (UNS S32100) 8017
ASTM A320 Grade B8TA Class 1A (UNS S32100) 8018
ASTM A320 Grade L1 8019
ASTM A320 Grade L7M 8020
ASTM A320 Grade L70 8021
ASTM A320 Grade L71 8022
ASTM A320 Grade L72 8023
ASTM A320 Grade L73 8024
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class B 8025
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class C 8026
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class D 8027
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class E 8028
ASTM A325 Type 3 Class F 8029
ASTM A437 B4B 8030
ASTM A437 B4C 8031
ASTM A437 B4D 8032
ASTM A453 Grade 651 Class A (UNS S63198) 8033
ASTM A453 Grade 651 Class B (UNS S63198) 8034
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class B (UNS S66286) 8035
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class C (UNS S66286) 8036
ASTM A453 Grade 660 Class D (UNS S66286) 8037
ASTM A453 Grade 662 Class A (UNS S66220) 8038
ASTM A453 Grade 662 Class B (UNS S66220) 8039
ASTM A453 Grade 665 Class A (UNS S66545) 8040
ASTM A453 Grade 665 Class B (UNS S66545) 8041
ASTM A675 Grade 45 8042
ASTM A675 Grade 45L 8043
ASTM A675 Grade 50 8044
ASTM A675 Grade 50L 8045
ASTM A675 Grade 55 8046
ASTM A675 Grade 55L 8047
ASTM A675 Grade 60 8048
ASTM A675 Grade 60L 8049
ASTM A675 Grade 65 8050
ASTM A675 Grade 65L 8051
ASTM A675 Grade 70 8052
ASTM A675 Grade 70L 8053
ASTM A675 Grade 75 8054
ASTM A675 Grade 75L 8055
ASTM A675 Grade 80 8056
ASTM A675 Grade 80L 8057
ASTM A675 Grade 90 8058
ASTM A675 Grade 90L 8059
ASTM F436 Type 1 8060
ASTM F436 Type 3 8061
ASTM A193-B8C Cl.1 4045
Carbon steel for bolting 4001
ASTM A307-B 4071
GS-C 25 7000
St22 (1.0320) 50114
St24 (1.0327) 50115
St33-2 (S185, 1.0035) 6880
St35.8 I (1.0305) 6890
St44.0 (1.0256) 6920
St44.4 (1.0257) 50116
St44-2 (1.0044) 50117
St44-3 (1.0144) 50118
St45 (1.0408) 50119
St45.4 (1.0418) 50110
St45.8 (1.0405) 50111
St52.0 (1.0421) 6925
St52.4 (1.0581) 50120
St52-3 (1.0570) 50121
StE 355 (1.0562) 50113
USt37.0 (1.0253) 50122
USt37-1 6905
USt37-2 (1.0036) 50123
WStE355 (1.0565) 50112
GG-10 (0.6010) 50124
GG-15 (0.6015) 50125
GG-20 (0.6020) 7010
GG-25 (0.6025) 7005
GG-30 (0.6030) 50126
GG-35 (0.6035) 50127
GGG-40 (0.7040) 7015
GGG-50 (0.7050) 50128
GGG-60 (0.7060) 50129
GGG-70 (0.7070) 50130
GGG-80 (0.7080) 50131
GTW-35-04 50132
GTW-40-05 7020
GTW-45-07 50133
GTW-55-04 50134
G-CuSn 5 ZNPB 6995
Stahl 6875
Stahl/PTFE 6915
Verzinkt 6990
C35E (Ck35, 1.1181) 100051
C45E (1.1191) 100050
L245NB (StE240.7, 1.0457) 100020
L290NB (StE290.7, 1.0484) 100021
L360NB (1.0582) 100022
L360QB (1.8948) 100023
P195GH (1.0348) 100024
P195TR1 (1.0107) 100025
P195TR2 (1.0108) 100026
P215NL (TTSt35N, 1.0451) 100027
P235GH (St35.8, HI, 1.0345) 50013
P235GHTC1 (St35.8 I, HII, 1.0345) 100028
P235GHTC2 (St35.8 III, 1.0345) 6895
P235TR1 (St37.0, St37.0WA, St37.0WB, 1.0254) 6885
P235TR2 (St37.4, 1.0255) 100030
P245GH (1.0352) 50014
P250GH (1.0460, C22.8) 6935
P255QL (1.0452) 100031
P265GH (HII, 1.0425) 50015
P265GHTC1 (HII, 1.0425) 6930
P265TR1 (1.0258) 100033
P265TR2 (1.0259) 100034
P275N (1.0486) 50061
P275NH (1.0487) 50062
P275NL1 (TStE285, 1.0488) 50063
P275NL2 (EStE285, 1.1104) 50064
P280GH (1.0426) 50065
P285NH (1.0477) 50066
P285QH (1.0478) 50067
P295GH (17Mn4, 1.0481) 50068
P305GH (1.0436, 1.2) 100091
P355GH (1.0473) 100035
P355N (1.0562) 50069
P355NH (1.0565) 50070
P355NL1 (TStE355, 1.0566) 50071
P355NL2 (1.1106) 50072
P355Q (1.8866, 1.2) 100100
P355QH (1.8867, 1.2) 100101
P355QL1 (1.8868, 1.2) 100102
P355QL2 (1.8869, 1.2) 100103
P355QH (1.0565) 50073
P355QH+1 (1.0571) 50074
S235JO (St52-3U, 1.0553) 100036
S235JR (1.0037, St37-2) 50030
S235JRG1 (1.0036, USt37-2) 100037
S235JRG2 (1.0038, RSt37-2) 6900
S235JRG3 (1.0116, St37-3N) 100039
S275JR (St44-2, 1.0044) 100040
S275JRH (RSt 37.2) 100041
S355J2H (St 52.3) 100042

P420NH (1.8932, 1.3) 100111

P420QH (1.8936, 3.1) 100112
P460N (1.8905, 1.3) 100141
P460NH (1.8935, 1.3) 100142
P460NL1 (1.8915, 1.3) 100143
P460NL2 (1.8918, 1.3) 100144
P460Q (1.887, 1.2) 100145
P460QH (1.8871, 3.1) 100146
P460QL1 (1.8872, 3.1) 100147
P460QL2 (1.8864, 3.1) 100148
P500Q (1.8873, 3.1) 100181
P500QH (1.8874, 3.1) 100182
P500QL1 (1.8875, 3.1) 100183
P500QL2 (1.8865, 3.1) 100184
GP240GH (1.0619) 50048
GP240GR (1.0621) 50049
10CrMo 9-10 (1.7380, 5.2) 50031
11CrMo 9-10 (1.7383, 5.2) 50032
13CrMo 4-5 (13CrMo 4-4, 1.7335, 5.1) 50036
16Mo3 (1.5415, 1.2) 50001
X10Ni9 (1.5682, 9.3) 50076
X10Ni9 + QT (1.5682, 9.3) 101221
X1CrNi 25-21 (1.4335, 8.2) 100008
X1CrNiMoCuN 20-18-7 (1.4547, 8.2) 50081
X1CrNiMoN 25-22-2 (1.4466, 8.2) 50082
X1NiCrMoCu 25-20-5 (1.4539, 8.1) 50083
X1NiCrMoCu 31-27-4 (1.4563, 8.2) 50084
X1NiCrMoCuN 25-20-7 (1.4529, 8.2) 50085
X1NiCrMoCuN 25-25-5 (1.4537, 8.2) 101044
X1CrNiSi 18-15 (1.4361) 100009
X2CrNi 18-9 (1.4307, 8.1) 50087
X2CrNi 19-11 (1.4306, 8.1) 6975
X2CrNiCu 19-10 (1.465, 8.1) 101095
X2CrNiMo 17-12-2 (1.4404, 8.1) 50023
X2CrNiMo 17-12-3 (1.4432, 8.1) 50089
X2CrNiMo 17-13-5 (1.4439, 8.1) 101096
X2CrNiMo 18-10 (1.4404) 50022
X2CrNiMo 18-14-3 (1.4435, 8.1) 6955
X2CrNiMo 18-15-4 (1.4438, 8.2) 101093
X2CrNiMoCuN 25-6-3 (1.4507, 10.2) 100010
X2CrNiMoCuWN 25-7-4 (1.4501, 10.2) 100011
X2CrNiMoN 17-11-2 (1.4406, 8.1) 50091
X2CrNiMoN 17-13-3 (1.4429, 8.1) 101091
X2CrNiMoN 17-13-5 (1.4439, 8.1) 50092
X2CrNiMoN 17-3-3 (1.4429) 50093
X2CrNiMoN 18-12-4 (1.4334, 8.2) 101092
X2CrNiMoN 18-15-4 (1.4438) 50094
X2CrNiMoN 22-5-3 (1.4462, 10.1) 50095
X2CrNiMoN 25-7-4 (1.4410, 10.2) 50096
X2CrNiMoSi 18-5-3 (10.1) 101097
X2CrNiN 2-4 (1.4362, 10.1) 101098
X2CrNiN 18-7 (1.4318, 8.1) 101094
X2CrNiN 18-10 (1.4311, 8.1) 50097
X2CrNiN 23-4 (1.4362, 8.2) 50098
X2CrNiNb 21-10 (1.4555) 50099
X2NiCrAlTi 32-20 (1.4558, 8.2) 100012
X3CrMoN 25-7-4 (1.441, 10.2) 101101
X3CrNiCu 18-9-4 (1.4567) 50100
X3CrNiCu 19-9-4 (1.4567) 101104
X3CrNiMo 17-13-3 (1.4436, 8.1) 6960
X3CrNiMo 18-12-3 (1.4449, 8.1) 101102
X3CrNiMoBN 17-13-3 (1.491, 8.2) 101103
X4CrNiMoCuNb 20-18-2 (1.4505) 100013
X5CrNi 18-10 (1.4301, 8.1) 6950
X5CrNi 18-9 (1.4301) 50108
X5CrNiMo 17-12-2 (1.4401, 8.1) 50025
X5CrNiMo 18-10 (1.4401) 50024
X5CrNiN 19-9 (1.4315, 8.2) 101141
X5NiCrAITi 31-20 (1.4958, 8.1) 101142
X5NiCrAITi 31-20 + RA (1.4958 + RA, 8.1) 101143
X5NiCrAlTi 31-20 (1.4958, 8.2) 101144
X6Cr17 (1.4016) 50026
X6CrNi 18-10 (1.4948, 8.2) 101163
X6CrNi 23-13 (1.4950, 8.2) 101164
X6CrNi 25-20 (1.4951, 8.1) 101165
X6CrNiMo 17-13-2 (8.1) 101161
X6CrNiMoB 17-12-2 (1.4919) 101167
X6CrNiMoNb 17-12-2 (1.4580, 8.1) 50103
X6CrNiMoTi 17-12-2 (1.4571, 8.1) 6970
X6CrNiNb 18-10 (1.4550, 8.2) 50027
X6CrNiTi 18-10 (1.4541, 8.1) 6965
X6CrNiTiB 18-10 (1.4941, 8.1) 101166
X6NiCrTiMoVB 25-15-2 (1.4980) 101168
X7CrNiMoBNb 16-16 (1.4986) 101181
X7CrNiNb 18-10 (1.4912, 8.1) 101183
X7CrNiTiB 18-10 (1.4941, 8.1) 101184
X8CrNiMoNb 16-16 (1.4981, 8.1) 100015
X8CrNiMoVNb 16-13 (1.4988, 8.1) 100014
X8CrNiNb 16-13 (1.4961, 8.2) 100016
X8NiCrAITi 32-21 (1.4959, 8.2) 101201
X10CrMoVNb9-1 (P91, 1.4903, 6.4) 100017
X10CrMoVNb9-2 100018
X10CrNiMoMnNbVB 15-10-1 (1.4982, 8.1) 101222
X11CrMo5+I (1.7362+I, 5.3) 101241
X11CrMo5+NT1 (1.7362+NT1, 5.3) 50077
X11CrMo5+NT2 (5.3) 101242
X11CrMo9-1+I (5.4) 101243
X11CrMo9-1+NT (5.4) 101244
X11CrMoWVNB 9-1-1 (1.4905) 100019
X12CrNiMoV12-3 (1.4938) 101262
X20CrMoV 11-1 (1.4922, 6.4) 50086
X22CrMoV 12-2 (1.4923) 101361
X90CrCoMoV 17 (1.4535) 50106
X7CrNTi 18-10 (8.1) 101185

X7Ni9 (1.5663, 9.3) 101182

X8Ni9 (1.5662, 9.3) 50105
X10NiCrAITi 32-20 (1.4876) 50018
X10NiCrAlTi 32-21 (1.4876) 50019
X12Ni5 (1.5680, 9.2) 50078
X12Ni5 + QT (1.5680 + QT, 9.2) 101261
X15CrMo5-1 (1.739) 101281
X15CrNiSi 20-12 (1.4828) 50020
X15CrNiSi 25-20 (1.4841) 50021
X16CrMo 5-1 (1.7366, 5.3) 101301
X16CrMo 5-1+NT (1.7366) 50079

7CrMoVTiB10-10 (T/P24, 1.7378) 100001

8MoB 5-4 (1.545, 1.4) 100401
10CrMo 5-5 (1.7388, 5.1) 100402
11MnNi 5-3 (1.6212, 9.1) 50033
12Ni14 (1.5637, 9.2) 50034
12Ni19 (1.5680, 9.2) 50035
13MnNi 6-3 (1.6217, 9.1) 50037
14CrMo 4-5 (1.7335) 50038
14CrMoV 69 (1.7335) 50039
14MoV6-3 (1.7715) 100002
14MoV6-3 (1.7715, 6.1) 100421
15MnCrMoNiV 5-3 (1.692, 4.1) 101011
15MnMoV 4-5 (1.5402, 1.4) 101012
15MnNi63 (1.6210, 9.1) 100003
15NiCuMoNb 5-6-4 (WB36, 1.6368, 4.2) 100004
15NiMn6 (1.6228) 50040
17Mo3 (1.5445) 50041
17MnMoV 6-4 (WB35, 1.8817) 50200
18MnMoNi 5-5 (1.6308, 1.4) 101331
19MnB4 (1.5523) 100431
20CrMoV 13-5-5 (1.7779, 6.3) 100461
20CrMoVTiB 4-10 (1.7729) 100463
20MnMoNi 5-5 (1.6310) 100005
20MnNb6 (1.0471, 1.4) 100462
21CrMoV 5-7 (1.7709) 100006
24CrMo5 (1.7258) 100007
25CrMo4 (5.1) 100481
26CrMo 4-2 (1.7219, 5.1) 100482
30CrNiMo8 (1.658) 100491
34CrNiMo6 (1.6582) 100501
35B2 (1.5511) 100511
40CrMoV 4-6 (1.7711) 100521
41NiCrMo 7-3-2 (1.6583) 100531
42CrMo 5-6 (1.7233) 100542
42CrMo4 (1.7228) 100541
G12MoCrV 5-2 (1.7379, 6.1) 100611
G17CrMo 5-5 (1.7357, 5.1) 50042
G17CrMo 9-10 (1.7379, 5.2) 50043
G17CrMoV 5-10 (1.7706, 6.2) 100561
G17Mn5 (1.1131, 1.1) 50044
G17NiCrMo 13-6 (1.6781, 9.2) 100562
G18Mo5 (1.5422, 1.2) 100571
G20Mn5 (1.6220, 3.1) 50045
G20Mo5 (1.5419, 1.2) 50046
G9Ni10 (1.5636, 9.1) 100601
G9Ni14 (1.5638, 9.2) 50047
GP280GH (1.0625, 1.2) 100581
GX15CrMo5 (1.7365, 5.3) 50050
GX23CrMoV 12-1 (1.4931, 6.4) 50051
GX2CrNi 19-11 (1.4309, 8.1) 50052
GX2CrNiMo 19-11-2 (1.4409, 8.1) 50053
GX2CrNiMoCuN 25-6-3-3 (1.4517, 10.2) 50054
GX2CrNiMoN 26-7-4 (1.4469, 10.2) 50055
GX2NiCrMo 28-20-2 (1.4458, 8.2) 100591
GX3CrNiMoCuN 26-63 (1.4515) 50002
GX5CrNi 19-10 (1.4308, 8.1) 50056
GX5CrNiMo 19-11-2 (1.4408, 8.1) 50003
GX5CrNiMoNb 19-11-2 (1.4581, 8.1) 50057
GX5CrNiNb 19-11 (1.4552, 8.1) 50058
GX6CrNi 18 9 (1.4308) 50004
GX6CrNiMo 18 10 (1.4408) 50005
Ni 99.2 (2.4066) 50006
NiCr15Fe (2.4816) 50007
NiCr21Mo (2.4858) 50008
NiCr22Mo9Nb (2.4856) 50009
NiCr26B (1.4561) 50059
NiCu30Fe (2.4360) 50010
NiMo16Cr15W (2.4819) 50011
NiMo28 (2.4617) 50012
X100Cr 13 (1.4006) 50109
X100CrNiNb 18-9 (1.4550) 50016
X100CrNiTi 18-19 (1.4541) 50017
XCrNiTiB18-10 (1.4941) 101021
XNi14 + QT (1.5637, 9.2) 101022

ISO R898 Class 4.6 105001
ISO R898 Class 4.8 105002
ISO R898 Class 6.6 105003
ISO R898 Class 5.8 105004
ISO R898 Class 6.8 105005
ISO R898 Class 8.8 105006
ISO R898 Class 10.9 105007
4.6-2 (ISO 898-1) 6980
4.6-2/5 (ISO 898-1 and ISO 898-2) 6985
5 (ISO 898-2) 100044
ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of 100038
carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: bolts, screws and
ISO 898-2, Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 2: 100043
nut with specified proof load values - coarse thread


BS3601:BW320 6000
BS3601:ERW320 6001
BS3601:ERW360 6002
BS3601:ERW430 6003
BS3601:S360 6004
BS3601:S430 6005
BS3601:SAW430 6006
BS3602:PART 1:HFS360:Cat 1 6010
BS3602:PART 1:HFS360:Cat 2 6011
BS3602:PART 1:HFS430:Cat 1 6012
BS3602:PART 1:HFS430:Cat 2 6013
BS3602:PART 1:HFS500Nb:Cat 1 6014
BS3602:PART 1:HFS500Nb:Cat 2 6015
BS3602:PART 1:CFS360:Cat 1 6016
BS3602:PART 1:CFS360:Cat 2 6017
BS3602:PART 1:CFS430:Cat 1 6018
BS3602:PART 1:CFS430:Cat 2 6019
BS3602:PART 1:CFS500Nb:Cat 1 6020
BS3602:PART 1:CFS500Nb:Cat 2 6021
BS3602:PART 1:ERW360:Cat 1 6022
BS3602:PART 1:ERW360:Cat 2 6023
BS3602:PART 1:ERW430:Cat 1 6024
BS3602:PART 1:ERW430:Cat 2 6025
BS3602:PART 1:CEW360:Cat 1 6026
BS3602:PART 1:CEW360:Cat 2 6027
BS3602:PART 1:CEW430:Cat 1 6028
BS3602:PART 1:CEW430:Cat 2 6029

BS3602:PART 2:SAW410:cat 1 6030

BS3602:PART 2:SAW410:cat 2 6031
BS3602:PART 2:SAW460:cat 1 6032
BS3602:PART 2:SAW460:cat 2 6033

BS3603 HFS410 LT 50:Cat 1 6040

BS3603 HFS410 LT 50:Cat 2 6041
BS3603 CFS410 LT 50:Cat 1 6042
BS3603 CFS410 LT 50:Cat 2 6043
BS3603 ERW410 LT 50:Cat 1 6044
BS3603 ERW410 LT 50:Cat 2 6045
BS3603 CEW410 LT 50:Cat 1 6046
BS3603 CEW410 LT 50:Cat 2 6047
BS3603 HFS503 LT 100:Cat 1 6048
BS3603 HFS503 LT 100:Cat 2 6049
BS3603 CFS503 LT 100:Cat 1 6050
BS3603 CFS503 LT 100:Cat 2 6051
BS3603 HFS509 LT 196:Cat 1 6052
BS3603 HFS509 LT 196:Cat 2 6053
BS3603 CFS509 LT 196:Cat 1 6054
BS3603 CFS509 LT 196:Cat 2 6055

BS3604:HFS620-460:Cat 1 6060
BS3604:CFS620-460:Cat 1 6061
BS3604:ERW620-460:Cat 1 6062
BS3604:CEW620-460:Cat 1 6063
BS3604:HFS620-460:Cat 2 6064
BS3604:CFS620-460:Cat 2 6065
BS3604:ERW620-460:Cat 2 6066
BS3604:CEW620-460:Cat 2 6067
BS3604:HFS620-440:Cat 1 6068
BS3604:CFS620-440:Cat 1 6069
BS3604:ERW620-440:Cat 1 6070
BS3604:CEW620-440:Cat 1 6071
BS3604:HFS620-440:Cat 2 6072
BS3604:CFS620-440:Cat 2 6073
BS3604:ERW620-440:Cat 2 6074
BS3604:CEW620-440:Cat 2 6075
BS3604:HFS621:Cat 1 6076
BS3604:CFS621:Cat 1 6077
BS3604:ERW621:Cat 1 6078
BS3604:CEW621:Cat 1 6079
BS3604:HFS621:Cat 2 6080
BS3604:CFS621:Cat 2 6081
BS3604:ERW621:Cat 2 6082
BS3604:CEW621:Cat 2 6083
BS3604:HFS660:Cat 1 6084
BS3604:CFS660:Cat 1 6085
BS3604:HFS660:Cat 2 6086
BS3604:CFS660:Cat 2 6087
BS3604:HFS622:Cat 1 6088
BS3604:CFS622:Cat 1 6089
BS3604:HFS622:Cat 2 6090
BS3604:CFS622:Cat 2 6091
BS3604:HFS625:Cat 1 6092
BS3604:CFS625:Cat 1 6093
BS3604:HFS625:Cat 2 6094
BS3604:CFS625:Cat 2 6095
BS3604:HFS629-470:Cat 1 6096
BS3604:CFS629-470:Cat 1 6097
BS3604:HFS629-470:Cat 2 6098
BS3604:CFS629-470:Cat 2 6099
BS3604:HFS629-590:Cat 1 6100
BS3604:CFS629-590:Cat 1 6101
BS3604:HFS629-590:Cat 2 6102
BS3604:CFS629-590:Cat 2 6103
BS3604:HFS762:Cat 1 6104
BS3604:CFS762:Cat 1 6105
BS3604:HFS762:Cat 2 6106
BS3604:CFS762:Cat 2 6107

BS3605304S14 6110
BS3605304S18 6111
BS3605304S59 6112
BS3605304S22 6113
BS3605304S25 6114
BS3605316S14 6115
BS3605316S18 6116
BS3605316S59 6117
BS3605316S22 6118
BS3605316S26 6119
BS3605321S18 6120
BS3605321S59(1010) 6121
BS3605321S59(1105) 6122
BS3605321S22 6123
BS3605347S18 6124
BS3605347S59 6125
BS3605347S17 6126
BS1501-141 360A 6200
BS1501-151 360A 6201
BS1501-151 400A 6202
BS1501-151 430A 6203
BS1501-151 360B 6204
BS1501-151 400B 6205
BS1501-151 430B 6206
BS1501-154 360A 6207
BS1501-154 400A 6208
BS1501-154 430A 6209
BS1501-161 360A 6210
BS1501-161 400A 6211
BS1501-161 430A 6212
BS1501-161 360B 6213
BS1501-161 400B 6214
BS1501-161 430B 6215
BS1501-164 360A RT 6216
BS1501-164 360A LT0 6217
BS1501-164 360A LT20 6218
BS1501-164 360B RT 6219
BS1501-164 360B LT0 6220
BS1501-164 360B LT20 6221
BS1501-164 400A RT 6222
BS1501-164 400A LT0 6223
BS1501-164 400A LT20 6224
BS1501-164 400B RT 6225
BS1501-164 400B LT0 6226
BS1501-164 400B LT20 6227
BS1501-223 460A RT 6228
BS1501-223 460A LT0 6229
BS1501-223 460A LT15 6230
BS1501-223 460A LT30 6231
BS1501-223 460B RT 6232
BS1501-223 460B LT0 6233
BS1501-223 460B LT15 6234
BS1501-223 460B LT30 6235
BS1501-223 490A RT 6236
BS1501-223 490A LT0 6237
BS1501-223 490A LT15 6238
BS1501-223 490A LT30 6239
BS1501-223 490B RT 6240
BS1501-223 490B LT0 6241
BS1501-223 490B LT15 6242
BS1501-223 490B LT30 6243
BS1501-224 400A RT 6244
BS1501-224 400A LT0 6245
BS1501-224 400A LT20 6246
BS1501-224 400A LT30 6247
BS1501-224 400A LT40 6248
BS1501-224 400A LT50 6249
BS1501-224 400B RT 6250
BS1501-224 400B LT0 6251
BS1501-224 400B LT20 6252
BS1501-224 400B LT30 6253
BS1501-224 400B LT40 6254
BS1501-224 400B LT50 6255
BS1501-224 430A RT 6256
BS1501-224 430A LT0 6257
BS1501-224 430A LT20 6258
BS1501-224 430A LT30 6259
BS1501-224 430A LT40 6260
BS1501-224 430A LT50 6261
BS1501-224 430B RT 6262
BS1501-224 430B LT0 6263
BS1501-224 430B LT20 6264
BS1501-224 430B LT30 6265
BS1501-224 430B LT40 6266
BS1501-224 430B LT50 6267
BS1501-224 460A RT 6268
BS1501-224 460A LT0 6269
BS1501-224 460A LT20 6270
BS1501-224 460A LT30 6271
BS1501-224 460A LT40 6272
BS1501-224 460A LT50 6273
BS1501-224 460B RT 6274
BS1501-224 460B LT0 6275
BS1501-224 460B LT20 6276
BS1501-224 460B LT30 6277
BS1501-224 460B LT40 6278
BS1501-224 460B LT50 6279
BS1501-224 490A RT 6280
BS1501-224 490A LT0 6281
BS1501-224 490A LT20 6282
BS1501-224 490A LT30 6283
BS1501-224 490A LT40 6284
BS1501-224 490A LT50 6285
BS1501-224 490B RT 6286
BS1501-224 490B LT0 6287
BS1501-224 490B LT20 6288
BS1501-224 490B LT30 6289
BS1501-224 490B LT40 6290
BS1501-224 490B LT50 6291
BS1501-225 460A LT20 6292
BS1501-225 460A LT30 6293
BS1501-225 460A LT50 6294
BS1501-225 460A LT60 6295
BS1501-225 460B LT20 6296
BS1501-225 460B LT30 6297
BS1501-225 460B LT50 6298
BS1501-225 460B LT60 6299
BS1501-225 490A LT20 6300
BS1501-225 490A LT30 6301
BS1501-225 490A LT50 6302
BS1501-225 490B LT20 6303
BS1501-225 490B LT30 6304
BS1501-225 490B LT50 6305
BS1501-243 6310
BS1501-271 6311
BS1501-281 6312
BS1501-620 6313
BS1501-621 6314
BS1501-622-515 6315
BS1501-622-690 6316
BS1501-660 6317
BS1501-503 6318
BS1501-510 6319
BS1501-828 6320
BS1501-403S17A 6321
BS1501-405S17A 6322
BS1501-304S12A 6323
BS1501-304S15A 6324
BS1501-304S49A 6325
BS1501-321S12A 6326
BS1501-321S49A 6327
BS1501-347S17A 6328
BS1501-347S49A 6329
BS1501-316S12A 6330
BS1501-316S16A 6331
BS1501-316S37A 6332
BS1501-316S49A 6333
BS1501-320S17A 6334
BS1501-310S24A 6335
BS1501-NA15A 6336
BS1501-NA16A 6337
BS1501-460S52A 6338
BS1501-304S62A 6339
BS1501-304S65A 6340
BS1501-304S87A 6341
BS1501-347S67A 6342
BS1501-316S62A 6343
BS1501-316S66A 6344
BS1501-316S82A 6345
BS1501-403S17B 6351
BS1501-405S17B 6352
BS1501-304S12B 6353
BS1501-304S15B 6354
BS1501-304S49B 6355
BS1501-351S12B 6356
BS1501-351S49B 6357
BS1501-347S17B 6358
BS1501-347S49B 6359
BS1501-316S12B 6360
BS1501-316S16B 6361
BS1501-316S37B 6362
BS1501-316S49B 6363
BS1501-320S17B 6364
BS1501-310S24B 6365
BS1501-NA15B 6366
BS1501-NA16B 6367
BS1501-460S52B 6368
BS1501-304S62B 6369
BS1501-304S65B 6370
BS1501-304S87B 6371
BS1501-377S67B 6372
BS1501-316S62B 6373
BS1501-316S66B 6374
BS1501-316S82B 6375
BS1501-460S52A LT70 6376
BS1503 164-490 6380
BS1503 221-410 6381
BS1503 221-430 6382
BS1503 221-460 6383
BS1503 221-490 6384
BS1503 221-510 6385
BS1503 221-530 6386
BS1503 221-550 6387
BS1503 223-410 6388
BS1503 223-430 6389
BS1503 223-460 6390
BS1503 223-490 6391
BS1503 223-510 6392
BS1503 224-410 6393
BS1503 224-430 6394
BS1503 224-460 6395
BS1503 224-490 6396
BS1503 224-510 6397
BS1503 245-420 6398
BS1503 620-440 6399
BS1503 620-540 6400
BS1503 621-460 6401
BS1503 660-460 6402
BS1503 271-560 6403
BS1503 622-490 6404
BS1503 622-560 6405
BS1503 622-650 6406
BS1503 625-520 6407
BS1503 625-590 6408
BS1503 503-490 6409
BS1503 509-690 6410
BS1503 410S21 6411
BS1503 420S29 6412
BS1503 403S17 6413
BS1503 405S17 6414
BS1503 304S11 6415
BS1503 304S31 6416
BS1503 304S51 6417
BS1503 347S31 6418
BS1503 347S51 6419
BS1503 321S31 6420
BS1503 321S51-490 6421
BS1503 321S51-510 6422
BS1503 316S11 6423
BS1503 316S13 6424
BS1503 316S31 6425
BS1503 316S33 6426
BS1503 316S51 6427
BS1503 320S33 6428
BS1503 310S31 6429
BS1503 164-490E 6430
BS1503 221-430E 6431
BS1503 221-460E 6432
BS1503 221-490E 6433
BS1503 221-510E 6434
BS1503 221-530E 6435
BS1503 221-550E 6436
BS1503 223-410E 6437
BS1503 223-430E 6438
BS1503 223-460E 6439
BS1503 223-490E 6440
BS1503 223-510E 6441
BS1503 224-410E 6442
BS1503 224-430E 6443
BS1503 224-460E 6444
BS1503 224-490E 6445
BS1503 224-510E 6446
BS1503 245-420E 6447
BS1503 620-440E 6448
BS1503 620-540E 6449
BS1503 621-460E 6450
BS1503 660-460E 6451
BS1503 271-560E 6452
BS1503 622-490E 6453
BS1503 622-560E 6454
BS1503 622-650E 6455
BS1503 625-520E 6456
BS1503 625-590E 6457
BS1503 410S21E 6458
BS1503 420S29E 6459
BS1503 403S17E 6460
BS1503 405S17E 6461
BS1503 304S11E 6462
BS1503 304S31E 6463
BS1503 304S51E 6464
BS1503 347S31E 6465
BS1503 347S51E 6466
BS1503 321S31E 6467
BS1503 321S51-490E 6468
BS1503 321S51-510E 6469
BS1503 316S11E 6470
BS1503 316S13E 6471
BS1503 316S31E 6472
BS1503 316S33E 6473
BS1503 316S51E 6474
BS1503 223-410-LT10 6475
BS1503 223-410-LT20 6476
BS1503 223-410-LT50 6477
BS1503 223-430-LT10 6478
BS1503 223-430-LT15 6479
BS1503 223-430-LT40 6480
BS1503 223-460-LT0 6481
BS1503 223-460-LT10 6482
BS1503 223-460-LT20 6483
BS1503 223-490-LT0 6484
BS1503 223-490-LT10 6485
BS1503 223-510-LT0 6486
BS1503 224-410-LT10 6487
BS1503 224-410-LT20 6488
BS1503 224-410-LT50 6489
BS1503 224-430-LT10 6490
BS1503 224-430-LT15 6491
BS1503 224-430-LT40 6492
BS1503 224-460-LT0 6493
BS1503 224-460-LT10 6494
BS1503 224-460-LT20 6495
BS1503 224-490-LT0 6496
BS1503 224-490-LT10 6497
BS1503 224-510-LT0 6498
BS1503 503-490-LT80 6499
BS1503 509-690-LT196 6500
BS1503 304S11-LT196 6501
BS1503 304S31-LT196 6502
BS1503 347S31-LT196 6503
BS1503 321S31-LT196 6504
BS1503 321S51- 490 6505
BS1503 321S51- 510 6506
BS1503 316S11-LT196 6507
BS1503 316S13-LT196 6508
BS1503 316S31-LT196 6509
BS1503 316S33-LT196 6510
BS1504-161 grade 430A 6520
BS1504-161 grade 480A 6521
BS1504-161 grade 540A 6522
BS1504-161 grade 430E 6523
BS1504-161 grade 480E 6524
BS1504-161 grade 430A-LT40 6525
BS1504-245A 6526
BS1504-245B 6527
BS1504-245A-LT50 6528
BS1504-503-LT60 6529
BS1504-621A 6530
BS1504-622A 6531
BS1504-622E 6532
BS1504-623A 6533
BS1504-625A 6534
BS1504-625E 6535
BS1504-629A 6536
BS1504-660A 6537
BS1504-420C29A 6538
BS1504-425C11A 6539
BS1504-304C15A 6540
BS1504-304C15A-LT196 6541
BS1504-304C12A 6542
BS1504-304C12A-LT196 6543
BS1504-347C17A 6544
BS1504-347C17A-LT196 6545
BS1504-315C16A 6546
BS1504-315C16A-LT196 6547
BS1504-316C12A 6548
BS1504-316C16A 6549
BS1504-316C71A 6550
BS1504-318C17A 6551
BS1504-316C16E 6552
BS1504-316C71E 6553
BS1504-316C12A-LT196 6554
BS1504-316C16A-LT196 6555
BS1504-316C71A-LT196 6556
BS1504-317C12A 6557
BS1504-317C16A 6558
BS1504-364C11A 6559
BS1504-332C11A 6560
BS1504-310C40A 6561
BS1504-330C11A 6562
BS1506-162 6570
BS1506-253 6571
BS1506-253-LT100 6572
BS1506-509-650 6573
BS1506-509-650-LT196 6574
BS1506-509-690 6575
BS1506-509-690-LT196 6576
BS1506-630-790 6577
BS1506-630-790-LT100 6578
BS1506-630-790-LT75 6579
BS1506-630-860 6580
BS1506-630-860-LT100 6581
BS1506-630-690 6582
BS1506-630-690-LT100 6583
BS1506-631-850 6584
BS1506-670-860 6585
BS1506-671-850 6586
BS1506-681-820 6587
BS1506-410S21-690 6588
BS1506-410S21-720 6589
BS1506-410S21-760 6590
BS1506-410S21-750 6591
BS1506-410S21-770 6592
BS1506-416S29 6593
BS1506-286S31 6594
BS1506-286S31-LT196 6595
BS1506-304S31 6596
BS1506-304S31-LT196 6597
BS1506-304S51 6598
BS1506-304S61 6599
BS1506-304S61-LT196 6600
BS1506-304S71 6601
BS1506-304S71-LT196 6602
BS1506-303S22 6603
BS1506-316S31 6604
BS1506-316S31-LT196 6605
BS1506-316S33 6606
BS1506-316S33-LT196 6607
BS1506-316S51 6608
BS1506-316S53 6609
BS1506-316S61 6610
BS1506-316S61-LT196 6611
BS1506-316S63 6612
BS1506-316S63-LT196 6613
BS1506-316S65 6614
BS1506-316S65-LT196 6615
BS1506-316S67 6616
BS1506-316S67-LT196 6617
BS1506-321S31 6618
BS1506-321S31-LT196 6619
BS1506-321S51-490 6620
BS1506-321S51-520 6621
BS1506-347S31 6622
BS1506-347S31-LT196 6623
BS1506-347S51 6624
301 S 21 80001
304 S 11 80002
304 S 12 80003
304 S 15 80004
304 S 16 80005
304 S 17 80006
304 S 21 80007
304 S 31 80008
304 S 61 80009
305 S 19 80010
309 S 16 80011
309 S 24 80012
310 S 24 80013
315 S 16 80014
316 S 11 80015
316 S 12 80016
316 S 13 80017
316 S 16 80018
316 S 31 80019
316 S 33 80020
316 S 61 80021
317 S 12 80022
317 S 16 80023
318 S 13 80024
320 S 17 80025
320 S 31 80026
320 S 33 80027
321 S 12 80028
321 S 31 80029
347 S 31 80030
403 S 17 80031
405 S 17 80032
409 S 17 80033
409 S 19 80034
410 S 21 80035
410 S 45 80036
430 S 15 80037
430 S 17 80038
434 S 17 80039

A1N00, JIS H 4160 60355
A1N30, JIS H 4160 60356
A1N90, JIS H 4160 60357
A1N99, JIS H 4160 60358
IN30, JIS H 4160 60359
IN90, JIS H 4170 60360
IN99, JIS H 4170 60361
A 1050P temper O, JIS H 4000 60362
A 1060, JIS H 4180 60363
A 1070P, JIS H 4000 60364
A 1080, JIS H 4000 60365
A 1100P, JIS H 4000 60366
A 1200P, JIS H 4000 60367
A 1N30H, JIS H 4160 60368
A 2011BD, JIS H 4040 60369
A 2014, JIS H 4000 60370
A 2017, JIS H 4000 60371
A 2018FD, JIS H 4140 60372
A 2024, JIS H 4000 60373
A 2025FD, JIS H 4140 60374
A 2117, JIS H 4120 60375
A 2218FD, JIS H 4140 60376
A 2N01FD, JIS H 4140 60377
A 3003, JIS H 4000 60378
A 3004, JIS H 4001 60379
A 3005, JIS H 4001 60380
A 3203, JIS H 4000 60381
A 4032FD, JIS H 4140 60382
A 5005, JIS H 4000 60383
A 5052, JIS H 4000 60384
A 5056, JIS H 4040 60385
A 5083, JIS H 4000 60386
A 5154, JIS H 4000 60387
A 5N01, JIS H 4000 60388
A 5N02, JIS H 4120 60389
A 6061, JIS H 4000 60390
A 6063, JIS H 4040 60391
A 6101, JIS H 4180 60392
A 6151FD, JIS H 4140 60393
A 7075, JIS H 4000 60394
A 7N01, JIS H 4000 60395
AC1A, JIS H 5202 65000
AC1B, JIS H 5202 65001
AC2A, JIS H 5202 65002
AC2B, JIS H 5202 65003
AC3A, JIS H 5202 65004
AC4A, JIS H 5202 65005
AC4B, JIS H 5202 65006
AC4C, JIS H 5202 65007
AC4CH, JIS H 5202 65008
AC5A, JIS H 5202 65009
AC7A, JIS H 5202 65010
AC8A, JIS H 5202 65011
AC8B, JIS H 5202 65012
AC8C, JIS H 5202 65013
AC9A, JIS H 5202 65014
AC9B, JIS H 5202 65015
ADC12, JIS H5302 65016
ADC12Z, JIS H5302 65017
A 1050, JIS H 4000 65029
A 1050P temper H18, JIS H 4000 65030
A 1050P temper H24, JIS H 4000 65031
A 1050BD, JIS H 4040 65032
A 1050BE, JIS H 4040 65033
A 1050W, JIS H 4040 65034
A 1050TD, JIS H 4080 65035
A 1050TE, JIS H 4080 65036
A 1050TWA, JIS H 4090 65037
A 1070, JIS H 4000 65038
A 1070BD, JIS H 4040 65039
A 1070BE, JIS H 4040 65040
A 1070W, JIS H 4040 65041
A 1070TD, JIS H 4080 65042
A 1070TE, JIS H 4080 65043
A 1070TWA, JIS H 4090 65044
A 1100, JIS H 4000 65045
A 1100BD, JIS H 4040 65046
A 1100BE, JIS H 4040 65047
A 1100W, JIS H 4040 65048
A 1100TD, JIS H 4080 65049
A 1100TE, JIS H 4080 65050
A 1100TWA, JIS H 4090 65051
A 1100FD, JIS H 4140 65052
A 1100S, JIS H 4100 65053
A 1200, JIS H 4000 65054
A 1200BD, JIS H 4040 65055
A 1200BE, JIS H 4040 65056
A 1200TD, JIS H 4080 65057
A 1200TE, JIS H 4080 65058
A 1200TWA, JIS H 4090 65059
A 1200S, JIS H 4100 65060
A 1200FD, JIS H 4140 65061
A 1200W, JIS H 4040 65062
A 2011, JIS H 4040 65063
A 2011W, JIS H 4040 65064
A 2014P, JIS H 4000 65065
A 2014PC, JIS H 4000 65066
A 2014BD, JIS H 4040 65067
A 2014BE, JIS H 4040 65068
A 2014TE, JIS H 4080 65069
A 2014S, JIS H 4100 65070
A 2014FD, JIS H 4140 65071
A 2014FH, JIS H 4140 65072
A 2017P, JIS H 4000 65073
A 2017BD, JIS H 4040 65074
A 2017BE, JIS H 4040 65075
A 2017W, JIS H 4040 65076
A 2017FD, JIS H 4040 65077
A 2017TD, JIS H 4080 65078
A 2017TE, JIS H 4080 65079
A 2017S, JIS H 4100 65080
A 2018, JIS H 4140 65081
A 2024BD, JIS H 4040 65082
A 2024BE, JIS H 4040 65083
A 2024W, JIS H 4040 65084
A 2024TD, JIS H 4080 65085
A 2024TE, JIS H 4080 65086
A 2024S, JIS H 4100 65087
A 2025, JIS H 4140 65088
A 2025FH, JIS H 4140 65089
A 2117W, JIS H 4040 65090
A 2218, JIS H 4140 65091
A 2219FD, JIS H 4140 65092
A 2219FH, JIS H 4140 65093
A 2618FD, JIS H 4140 65094
A 2618FH, JIS H 4140 65095
A 2N01, JIS H 4140 65096
A 2N01FH, JIS H 4140 65097
A 3003P, JIS H 4000 65098
A 3003BD, JIS H 4040 65099
A 3003BE, JIS H 4040 65100
A 3003TD, JIS H 4080 65101
A 3003TE, JIS H 4080 65102
A 3003TWA, JIS H 4090 65103
A 3003S, JIS H 4100 65104
A 3003W, JIS H 4040 65105
A 3203P, JIS H 4000 65106
A 3203TD, JIS H 4080 65107
A 3203TE, JIS H 4080 65108
A 3203TWA, JIS H 4090 65109
A 3203S, JIS H 4100 65110
A 4032, JIS H 4140 65111
A 5052P, JIS H 4000 65112
A 5052BD, JIS H 4040 65113
A 5052BE, JIS H 4040 65114
A 5052W, JIS H 4040 65115
A 5052TD, JIS H 4080 65116
A 5052TE, JIS H 4080 65117
A 5052TWA, JIS H 4090 65118
A 5052S, JIS H 4100 65119
A 5052FH, JIS H 4140 65120
A 5056BD, JIS H 4040 65121
A 5056BE, JIS H 4040 65122
A 5056W, JIS H 4040 65123
A 5056TD, JIS H 4080 65124
A 5056TE, JIS H 4080 65125
A 5056FD, JIS H 4140 65126
A 5083P, JIS H 4000 65127
A 5083BD temper O, JIS H 4040 60322
A 5083BD temper H112, JIS H 4040 60323
A 5083BE temper O, JIS H 4040 60324
A 5083FD temper O, JIS H 4040 60325
A 5083FD temper H112, JIS H 4040 60326
A 5083FH temper O, JIS H 4040 60327
A 5083FH temper H112, JIS H 4040 60328
A 5083W, JIS H 4040 65135
A 5083TD, JIS H 4080 65136
A 5083TE, JIS H 4080 65137
A 5083TWA, JIS H 4090 65138
A 5083S, JIS H 4100 65139
A 5086S, JIS H 4100 65140
A 5154P, JIS H 4000 65141
A 5154TD, JIS H 4080 65142
A 5154TE, JIS H 4080 65143
A 5154TWA, JIS H 4090 65144
A 5454P, JIS H 4000 65145
A 5454TE, JIS H 4080 65146
A 5454S, JIS H 4100 65147
A 5N02BD, JIS H 4040 65148
A 5N02W, JIS H 4040 65149
A 6061P, JIS H 4000 65150
A 6061BD temper T6, JIS H 4040 60329
A 6061BE temper T4, JIS H 4040 65152
A 6061BE temper T6, JIS H 4040 60330
A 6061BES temper T6, JIS H 4040 65154
A 6061FD temper T6, JIS H 4040 60331
A 6061FH temper T6, JIS H 4040 60332
A 6061W, JIS H 4040 65157
A 6061TD, JIS H 4080 65158
A 6061TE, JIS H 4080 65159
A 6061S, JIS H 4100 65160
A 6063BD, JIS H 4040 65161
A 6063BE, JIS H 4040 65162
A 6063TD, JIS H 4080 65163
A 6063TE, JIS H 4080 65164
A 6063S, JIS H 4100 65165
A 6151, JIS H 4140 65166
A 6151FH, JIS H 4140 65167
A 6N01S, JIS H 4100 65168
A 7003BE, JIS H 4040 65169
A 7003TE, JIS H 4080 65170
A 7003S, JIS H 4100 65171
A 7050FD, JIS H 4140 65172
A 7050FH, JIS H 4140 65173
A 7075BD, JIS H 4040 65174
A 7075BE, JIS H 4040 65175
A 7075TD, JIS H 4080 65176
A 7075TE 65177
A 7075S, JIS H 4100 65178
A 7075FD, JIS H 4140 65179
A 7075FH, JIS H 4140 65180
A 7N01BE, JIS H 4040 65181
A 7N01TE, JIS H 4080 65182
A 7N01S, JIS H 4100 65183
A 7N01FD, JIS H 4140 65184
A 7N01FH, JIS H 4140 65185
C1011, JIS H 3510 60396
C1201, JIS H 3100 60397
C1401, JIS H 3100 60398
C2051, JIS H 3100 60399
C2720, JIS H 3100 60400
C2801, JIS H 3100 60401
C3560, JIS H 3100 60402
C3710, JIS H 3100 60403
C3712, JIS H 3250 60404
C3713, JIS H 3100 60405
C3771, JIS H 3250 60406
C4430, JIS H 3300 60407
C4622, JIS H 3250 60408
C4641, JIS H 3250 60409
C5101, JIS H 3110 60410
C6161, JIS H 3100 60411
C6191, JIS H 3250 60412
C6241, JIS H 3250 60413
C6280, JIS H 3100 60414
C6301, JIS H 3100 60415
C6561, JIS H 3300 60416
C6711, JIS H 3100 60417
C6712, JIS H 3100 60418
C6782, JIS H 3250 60419
C6783, JIS H 3250 60420
C6870, JIS H 3300 60421
C6872, JIS H 3300 60422
C6871, JIS H 3300 60423
C7100, JIS H 3300 60424
HBsC1, JIS H 5102 60425
LBC2, JIS H 5115 60426
LBC3C, JIS H 5115 60427
LBC4C, JIS H 5115 60428
LBC5, JIS H 5115 60429
PBC2, JIS H 5113 60430
PBC2B, JIS H 5113 60431
PBC3B, JIS H 5113 60432
C7451, JIS H 3110 60433
C7541, JIS H 3110 60434
C7941, JIS H 3270 60435
AIBC1, JIS H 5114 65018
A1BC1C, JIS H 5121 65023
AIBC2, JIS H 5114 65019
A1BC2C, JIS H 5121 65025
AIBC3, JIS H 5114 65020
A1BC3C, JIS H 5121 65027
AIBC4, JIS H 5114 65021
A1BC1, JIS H 5114 65022
A1BC2, JIS H 5114 65024
A1BC3, JIS H 5114 65026
A1BC4, JIS H 5114 65028
BC1, JIS H 5111 65186
BC2, JIS H 5111 65187
BC3, JIS H 5111 65188
BC6, JIS H 5111 65189
BC6C, JIS H 5111 65190
BC7, JIS H 5111 65191
BC1C, JIS H 5121 65192
BC2C, JIS H 5121 65193
BC3C, JIS H 5121 65194
BC6C, JIS H 5121 65195
BC7C, JIS H 5121 65196
C1020, JIS H 3260 65197
C1020BD, JIS H 3250 65198
C1020BD-O, JIS H 3250 65199
C1020BE, JIS H 3250 65200
C1020BE-F, JIS H 3250 65201
C1020T, JIS H 3300 65202
C1020TC, JIS H 3300 65203
C1020TCS, JIS H 3300 65204
C1020TS, JIS H 3300 65205
C1020P, JIS H 3100 65206
C1100, JIS H 3260 65207
C1100BD, JIS H 3250 65208
C1100BD-O, JIS H 3250 65209
C1100BE, JIS H 3250 65210
C1100BE-F, JIS H 3250 65211
C1100P, JIS H 3100 65212
C1100T, JIS H 3300 65213
C1100TS, JIS H 3300 65214
C1201BD, JIS H 3250 65215
C1201BD-O, JIS H 3250 65216
C1201BE, JIS H 3250 65217
C1201BE-F, JIS H 3250 65218
C1201T, JIS H 3300 65219
C1201TS, JIS H 3300 65220
C1220T, JIS H 3300 65222
C1220TS, JIS H 3300 65223
C1220TW, JIS H 3320 65224
C1220TWS, JIS H 3320 65225
C1220, JIS H 3100 65221
C1221, JIS H 3100 65226
C1700, JIS H 3130 65227
C1720, JIS H 3130 65228
C2100, JIS H 3100 65229
C2200, JIS H 3100 65230
C2200T, JIS H 3300 65231
C2200TS, JIS H 3300 65232
C2300, JIS H 3100 65233
C2400, JIS H 3100 65234
C2600, JIS H 3100 65235
C2600T, JIS H 3300 65236
C2600TS, JIS H 3300 65237
C2600P, JIS H 3100 65238
C2680, JIS H 3320 65239
C2700, JIS H 3260 65240
C2700T, JIS H 3300 65241
C2700TS, JIS H 3300 65242
C2800, JIS H 3250 65243
C2801P, JIS H 3100 65244
C3501, JIS H 3260 65245
C3601, JIS H 3250 65246
C3602, JIS H 3250 65247
C3603, JIS H 3250 65248
C3604, JIS H 3250 65249
C3604B, JIS H 3250 65250
C3604BD, JIS H 3250 65251
C3604BE, JIS H 3250 65252
C3605 65253
C3771BD, JIS H 3250 65255
C3771BE, JIS H 3250 65256
C4430T, JIS H 3300 65257
C4430TS, JIS H 3300 65258
C4621, JIS H 3260 65259
C5102 65260
C5111 65261
C5191, JIS H 3110 65262
C5191P-H, JIS H 3110 60352
C5191W, JIS H 3270 60353
C5212P-H, JIS H 3110 60354
C5210 65263
C5212 65264
C5341, JIS H 3270 65265
C5441, JIS H 3270 65266
C6870T, JIS H 3300 65267
C6870TS, JIS H 3300 65268
C6871T, JIS H 3300 65269
C6871TS, JIS H 3300 65270
C7060, JIS H 3100 65271
C7060T, JIS H 3300 65272
C7060TS, JIS H 3300 65273
C7100T, JIS H 3300 65274
C7100TS, JIS H 3300 65275
C7150, JIS H 3100 65276
C7150T, JIS H 3300 65277
C7150TS, JIS H 3300 65278
C7164T, JIS H 3300 65279
C7164TS, JIS H 3300 65280
C7351, JIS H 3110 65281
C7521, JIS H 3110 65282
C7701, JIS H 3130 65283
CAC101, JIS H 5120 65600
CAC102, JIS H 5120 65601
CAC103, JIS H 5120 65602
CAC201, JIS H 5120 65603
CAC202, JIS H 5120 65604
CAC203, JIS H 5120 65605
CAC301, JIS H 5120 65606
CAC302, JIS H 5120 65607
CAC303, JIS H 5120 65608
CAC304, JIS H 5120 65609
CAC402, JIS H 5120 65610
CAC403, JIS H 5120 65611
CAC406, JIS H 5120 65284
CAC406C, JIS H 5121 65285
CAC407 65612
CAC804, JIS H 5120 65286
CAC901, JIS H 5120 65287
CAC902, JIS H 5120 65288
CAC903B, JIS H 5120 65289
CAC911, JIS H 5120 65290
HBsC2, JIS H 5102 65334
HBsC3, JIS H 5102 65335
HBsC4, JIS H 5102 65336
LBC3, JIS H 5115 65337
LBC4, JIS H 5115 65338
PBC2C, JIS H 5113 65339
PBC3C, JIS H 5113 65340
SzBC1, JIS H 5112 65525
SzBC2, JIS H 5112 65526
SzBC3, JIS H 5112 65527
YbsC, JIS H 5101 65586
YBsC1, JIS H 5101 65587
YBsC2, JIS H 5101 65588
YBsC3, JIS H 5101 65589
SUY-0, JIS G 2504 60436
SUY-1, JIS G 2504 60437
SUY-2, JIS G 2504 60438
SUY-3, JIS G 2504 60439
FC 100 65291
FC 150 65292
FC 20 65293
FC 200, JIS G 5501 65294
FC 250, JIS G 5501 65295
FC 300 65296
FC 350 65297
FCD 420-10 65298
FCD 350 65299
FCD 350-22 65300
FCD 350-22L 65301
FCD 370 65302
FCD 400, JIS G 5502 65303
FCD 400-15, JIS G 5502 65304
FCD 400-15A 65305
FCD 400-18 65306
FCD 400-18A 65307
FCD 400-18AL 65308
FCD 400-18L 65309
FCD 450 65310
FCD 450-10, JIS G 5502 65311
FCD 500 65312
FCD 500-7 65313
FCD 500-7A 65314
FCD 600-3 65315
FCD 600-3A 65316
FCD 700-2 65317
FCD 800-2 65318
FCDS 65319
FCM 340 65320
FCMB 65321
FCMB 270, JIS G 5702 65322
FCMB 27-05 65323
FCMB 310 65324
FCMB 340, JIS G 5702 65325
FCMB 34-04 65326
FCMB 35-10 65327
FCMB 35-10S 65328
FCMB-S 65329
FCMP 65330
FCMW 65331
FCMW34-04 65332
FCPH2 65333
FSGP, JIS B 2311 65613
SUY-B1, JIS G 2503 65520
SK5-CSP, JIS G 4802 60440
SPCE, JIS G 3141 60441
SPHD, JIS G 3131 60442
SPHE, JIS G 3131 60443
SPV235, JIS G 3115 60444
SPV315, JIS G 3115 60445
SPV410, JIS G 3115 60447
SPV450, JIS G 3115 60448
SPV490, JIS G 3115 60449
PA26, JIS G 3458 60450
PA26W, JIS G 3458 60451
PL690W, JIS G 3460 60452
SPCD, JIS G 3141 65480
SPHC, JIS G 3131 65481
SS 41, JIS G 3101 65483
SS 330, JIS G 3101 65484
S09CK, JIS G 4051 60002
S10C, JIS G 4051 60003
S12C, JIS G 4051 60004
S15C, JIS G 4051 60005
S15CK, JIS G 4051 60006
S17C, JIS G 4051 60007
S20C, JIS G 4051 60008
S20CK, JIS G 4051 60009
S22C, JIS G 4051 60010
S25C, JIS G 4051 60011
S28C, JIS G 4051 60012
S30C, JIS G 4051 60013
S33C, JIS G 4051 60014
S35C, JIS G 4051 60015
S38C, JIS G 4051 60016
S40C, JIS G 4051 60017
S43C, JIS G 4051 60018
S45C, JIS G 4051 60019
S48C, JIS G 4051 60020
S50C, JIS G 4051 60021
S50C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60343
S50CM, JIS G 3311 60344
S53C, JIS G 4051 60022
S55C, JIS G 4051 60023
S55C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60345
S55CM, JIS G 3311 60346
S58C, JIS G 4051 60024
S60C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60347
S60CM, JIS G 3311 60001
S65C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60348
S65CM, JIS G 3311 60349
S70C-CSP, JIS G 4802 60350
S70CM, JIS G 3311 60351
SC 360 (SC 37), JIS G 5101 60318
SC 410 (SC 42), JIS G 5101 60319
SC 450 (SC 46), JIS G 5101 60320
SC 480 (SC 49), JIS G 5101 60321
SF340A, JIS G 3201 65639
SF390A, JIS G 3201 65640
SF440A, JIS G 3201 65641
SF490A, JIS G 3201 65435
SF540A, JIS G 3201 65642
SF540B, JIS G 3201 65643
SF590A, JIS G 3201 65644
SF590B, JIS G 3201 65645
SF640B, JIS G 3201 65646
SGP, JIS G 3452 65459
SGPW, JIS G 3442 65651
SFVC1, JIS G 3202 65456
SFVC2A, JIS G 3202 65454
SFVC2B, JIS G 3203 65455
SPCC, JIS G 3141 65479
SPV355, JIS G 3115 65482
SS 400, JIS G 3101 65485
SS 490, JIS G 3101 65486
SS 540, JIS G 3101 65487
STPG370, JIS G 3454 65489
STPG28E 65491
STPG410, JIS G 3454 65492
STPL380, JIS G 3460 65493
STPL450, JIS G 3460 65494
STPL690, JIS G 3460 65495
STPT370, JIS G 3456 65496
STPT410, JIS G 3456 65497
STPT480, JIS G 3456 65498
STPY400, JIS G 3457 65660
SWCH6A, JIS G 3539 65521
SWCH6R, JIS G 3539 65672
SWCH8A, JIS G 3539 65673
SWCH8R, JIS G 3539 65674
SWCH10A, JIS G 3539 65675
SWCH10K, JIS G 3539 65676
SWCH10R, JIS G 3539 65677
SWCH12A, JIS G 3539 65522
SWCH12K, JIS G 3539 65678
SWCH12R, JIS G 3539 65679
SWCH15A, JIS G 3539 65680
SWCH15K, JIS G 3539 65681
SWCH15R, JIS G 3539 65682
SWCH16A, JIS G 3539 65523
SWCH16K, JIS G 3539 65683
SWCH17K, JIS G 3539 65684
SWCH17R, JIS G 3539 65685
SWCH 18A, JIS G 3539 65524
SWCH18K, JIS G 3539 65686
SWCH19A, JIS G 3539 65687
SWCH20A, JIS G 3539 65688
SWCH20K, JIS G 3539 65689
SWCH22A, JIS G 3539 65690
SWCH22K, JIS G 3539 65691
SWCH24K, JIS G 3539 65692
SWCH25K, JIS G 3539 65693
SWCH27K, JIS G 3539 65694
SWCH30K, JIS G 3539 65695
SWCH33K, JIS G 3539 65696
SWCH35K, JIS G 3539 65697
SWCH38K, JIS G 3539 65698
SWCH40K, JIS G 3539 65699
SWCH41K, JIS G 3539 65700
SWCH43K, JIS G 3539 65701
SWCH45K, JIS G 3539 65702
SWCH48K, JIS G 3539 65703
SWCH50K, JIS G 3539 65704
SWRH57A, JIS G 3506 60333
SWRH57B, JIS G 3506 60334
SWRH62A, JIS G 3506 60335
SWRH62B, JIS G 3506 60336
SWRH67A, JIS G 3506 60337
SWRH67B, JIS G 3506 60338
SWRH72A, JIS G 3506 60339
SWRH72B, JIS G 3506 60340
SWRH77A, JIS G 3506 60341
SWRH77B, JIS G 3506 60342
PA12, JIS G 3458 65614
PA12W, JIS G 3458 65615
PA22, JIS G 3458 65616
PA22W, JIS G 3458 65617
PA23, JIS G 3458 65618
PA23W, JIS G 3458 65619
PA24, JIS G 3458 65620
PA24W, JIS G 3458 65621
PA25, JIS G 3458 65622
PA25W, JIS G 3458 65623
PG370W, JIS G 3454 65800
PG410W, JIS G 3454 65801
PL380, JIS G 3456 65627
PL380W, JIS G 3460 65628
PL450W, JIS G 3460 65802
PG370, JIS G 3454 65624
PS370, JIS G 3454 65629
PS410, JIS G 3454 65630
PS480, JIS G 3454 65631
PT370, JIS G 3456 65632
PT370W, JIS G 3456 65633
PT410, JIS G 3456 65634
PT410W, JIS G 3456 65635
PT480, JIS G 3456 65636
PT480W, JIS G 3456 65637
PY400, JIS B 2311 65638
STS 370, JIS G 3455 65661
STS 410, JIS G 3455 65662
STS 480, JIS G 3455 65663
SM41, JIS G 3106 65652
S 10 C, JIS G 4051 65530

SNCM 220H, JIS G 4052 60454

SNCM 220M, JIS G 3311 60455
SNCM 415M, JIS G 3311 60456
SNCM 420H, JIS G 4052 60457
SCM 415, JIS G 4105 60302
SCM 415 TK 65346
SCM 418, JIS G 4105 60303
SCM 418 TK 65348
SCM 420, JIS G 4105 60304
SCM 420 TK 65350
SCM 421, JIS G 4105 60305
SCM 430, JIS G 4105 60306
SCM 430 TK 65353
SCM 432, JIS G 4105 60307
SCM 435, JIS G 4105 60308
SCM 435 TK 65356
SCM 440, JIS G 4105 60309
SCM 440 TK 65358
SCM 445, JIS G 4105 60310
SCM 822, JIS G 4105 60311
SCP1R, JIS G 3471 65361
SCP1RS, JIS G 3471 65362
SCP2A, JIS G 3471 65363
SCP2E, JIS G 3471 65364
SCP2P, JIS G 3471 65365
SCP2R, JIS G 3471 65366
SCP3RS, JIS G 3471 65367
SCPH1, JIS G 5151 65368
SCPH11 65369
SCPH11CF 65370
SCPH1CF 65371
SCPH2, JIS G 5151 65372
SCPH21 65373
SCPH21CF 65374
SCPH22 65375
SCPH23 65376
SCPH2CF 65377
SCPH32 65378
SCPH32CF 65379
SCPH61 65380
SCPL1, JIS G 5152 65381
SCPL11 65382
SCPL21 65383
SCPL31 65384
SCr 415, JIS G 4104 60296
SCr 420, JIS G 4104 60297
SCr 430, JIS G 4104 60298
SCr 435, JIS G 4104 60299
SCr 440, JIS G 4104 60300
SCr 445, JIS G 4104 60301
SFL1, JIS G 3205 65436
SFL2, JIS G 3205 65437
SFL3, JIS G 3205 65438
SFVAF1, JIS G 3203 65440
SFVAF11A, JIS G 3203 65441
SFVAF11B, JIS G 3203 65442
SFVAF12, JIS G 3203 65443
SFVAF2, JIS G 3203 65444
SFVAF21A, JIS G 3203 65445
SFVAF21B, JIS G 3203 65446
SFVAF22A, JIS G 3203 65447
SFVAF22B, JIS G 3203 65448
SFVAF5A, JIS G 3203 65449
SFVAF5B, JIS G 3203 65450
SFVAF5C, JIS G 3203 65451
SFVAF5D, JIS G 3203 65452
SFVAF9, JIS G 3203 65453
SFVA5B 65439
SFVQ1A, JIS G 3204 65647
SFVQ1B, JIS G 3204 65648
SFVQ2A, JIS G 3204 65649
SFVQ3, JIS G 3204 65650
SMn 420, JIS G 4106 60312
SMn 433, JIS G 4106 60313
SMn 438, JIS G 4106 60314
SMn 443, JIS G 4106 60315
SMnC 420, JIS G 4106 60316
SMnC 443, JIS G 4106 60317
SNCM 220, JIS G 4103 60285
SNCM 240, JIS G 4103 60286
SNCM 415, JIS G 4103 60287
SNCM 420, JIS G 4103 60288
SNCM 431, JIS G 4103 60289
SNCM 439, JIS G 4103 60290
SNCM 447, JIS G 4103 60291
SNCM 616, JIS G 4103 60292
SNCM 625, JIS G 4103 60293
SNCM 630, JIS G 4103 60294
SNCM 815, JIS G 4103 60295
STPA12, JIS G 3458 65653
STPA20, JIS G 3458 65654
STPA22, JIS G 3458 65655
STPA23, JIS G 3458 65656
STPA24, JIS G 3458 65657
STPA25, JIS G 3458 65658
STPA26, JIS G 3458 65659
STW290, JIS G 3443 65664
STW370, JIS G 3443 65665
STW400, JIS G 3443 65666
SUS316TBS, JIS G 3447 65667
SUS317HTP, JIS G 3459 65668
SCS1, JIS G 5121 65391
SCS2, JIS G 5121 65392
SCS10, JIS G 5121 65393
SCS11 65394
SCS12 65395
SCS13, JIS G 5121 65396
SCS13A, JIS G 5121 65397
SCS13X 65398
SCS14, JIS G 5121 65399
SCS14A, JIS G 5121 65400
SCS14X 65401
SCS14XNb 65402
SCS15 65403
SCS16, JIS G 5121 65404
SCS16A, JIS G 5121 65405
SCS16AX 65406
SCS16AXN 65407
SCS17 65408
SCS18 65409
SCS19 65410
SCS19A 65411
SCS1X 65412
SCS2 65413
SCS20 65414
SCS21 65415
SCS21X 65416
SCS22 65417
SCS23 65418
SCS24 65419
SCS2A 65420
SCS3 65421
SCS31 65422
SCS32 65423
SCS33 65424
SCS34 65425
SCS35 65426
SCS35N 65427
SCS36 65428
SCS36N 65429
SCS3X 65430
SCS4 65431
SCS5 65432
SCS6 65433
SCS6X 65434
SUS3 60035
SUS300 60036
SUS301 60037
SUS301J1 60038
SUS301L 60039
SUS302, JIS G 4308 60040
SUS302B 60041
SUS303 60042
SUS303Cu 60043
SUS303Se, JIS G 4313 60044
SUS304, JIS G 4303 60045
SUS304Cu 60046
SUS304F 60047
SUS304H 60048
SUS304HF 60049
SUS304HP 60050
SUS304HTB 60051
SUS304HTF 60052
SUS304HTP, JIS G 3459 60053
SUS304J1 60054
SUS304J2 60055
SUS304J3 60056
SUS304L, JIS G 4303 60057
SUS304 LN 60058
SUS304 LTB 60059
SUS304 LTBS, JIS G 3447 60060
SUS304 LTP, JIS G 3459 60061
SUS304LTPY 60062
SUS304LW 60063
SUS304N1 60064
SUS304N2 60065
SUS304TB 60066
SUS304TBS, JIS G 3447 60067
SUS304TF 60068
SUS304TKA, JIS G 3446 60069
SUS304TKC, JIS G 3446 60070
SUS304TP, JIS G 3459 60071
SUS304TPD 60072
SUS304TPY 60073
SUS304W 60074
SUS304-W1 60075
SUS305 60076
SUS305JI, JIS G 4303 65505
SUS309 60077
SUS309F 60078
SUS309S 60079
SUS309STB 60080
SUS309STP, JIS G 3459 60081
SUS309STPY 60082
SUS309SW 60083
SUS309TB 60084
SUS309TF 60085
SUS309TP, JIS G 3459 60086
SUS310S 60087
SUS310STB 60088
SUS310STP, JIS G 3459 60089
SUS310STPY 60090
SUS310SW 60091
SUS310TB 60092
SUS310TF 60093
SUS310TP, JIS G 3459 60094
SUS312L 60095
SUS315J1 60096
SUS315J1TP 60097
SUS315J1TPD 60098
SUS315J1TPY 60099
SUS315J2 60100
SUS315J2TP 60101
SUS315J2TPD 60102
SUS315J2TPY 60103
SUS316, JIS G 4303 60104
SUS316F 60113
SUS316H 60105
SUS316HF 60106
SUS316HTB 60107
SUS316HTF 60108
SUS316HTP 60109
SUS316J1 60110
SUS316J1L 60111
SUS316L, JIS G 4304 60112
SUS316LN 60114
SUS316LTB 60115
SUS316LTBS, JIS G 3447 60116
SUS316LTP, JIS G 3459 60117
SUS316LTPY 60118
SUS316LW 60119
SUS316N 60120
SUS316Ti 60121
SUS316TiTB 60122
SUS316TiTP, JIS G 3459 60123
SUS316TiW 60124
SUS316TKA, JIS G 3446 60125
SUS316TKC, JIS G 3446 60126
SUS316TP, JIS G 3459 60127
SUS316TPD 60128
SUS316TPY 60129
SUS316W 60130
SUS317 60131
SUS317J1 60132
SUS317J2 60133
SUS317L 60134
SUS317LN 60135
SUS317LTB 60136
SUS317LTP, JIS G 3459 60137
SUS317LTPY 60138
SUS317LW 60139
SUS317TB 60140
SUS317TP, JIS G 3459 60141
SUS317TPY 60142
SUS317W 65814
SUS321 60143
SUS321F 60144
SUS321H 60145
SUS321HF 60146
SUS321HTB 60147
SUS321HTF 60148
SUS321HTP, JIS G 3459 60149
SUS321TB 60150
SUS321TF 60151
SUS321TKA, JIS G 3446 60152
SUS321TP, JIS G 3459 60153
SUS321TPY 60154
SUS321W 60155
SUS329J1 60156
SUS329J1TB 60157
SUS329J1TP, JIS G 3459 60158
SUS329J1TPY 60159
SUS329J1W 60160
SUS329J3L 60161
SUS329J3LTB 60162
SUS329J3LTP, JIS G 3459 60163
SUS329J3LTPY 60164
SUS329J3LW 60165
SUS329J4L 60166
SUS329J4LTB 60167
SUS329J4LTP, JIS G 3459 60168
SUS329J4LTPY 60169
SUS329J4LW 60170
SUS347 60171
SUS347F 60172
SUS347FH 60173
SUS347H 60174
SUS347HF 60175
SUS347HTB 60176
SUS347HTF 60177
SUS347HTP, JIS G 3459 60178
SUS347TB 60179
SUS347TF 60180
SUS347TKA, JIS G 3446 60181
SUS347TP, JIS G 3459 60182
SUS347TPY 60183
SUS347W 60184
SUS384, JIS G 4303 65510
SUS400 60185
SUS403, JIS G 4303 60186
SUS405 60187
SUS405TB 60188
SUS405TP, JIS G 3459 60189
SUS405W 60190
SUS409L 60191
SUS409LTB 60192
SUS409LTP, JIS G 3459 60193
SUS409LW 60194
SUS409TB 60195
SUS410, JIS G 4303 60196
SUS410F2 60197
SUS410J1 60198
SUS410L 60199
SUS410S 60200
SUS410TB 60201
SUS410TiTB 60202
SUS410TKA, JIS G 3446 60203
SUS410TKC, JIS G 3446 60204
SUS416 60205
SUS420F 60206
SUS420F2 60207
SUS420JS 60209
SUS420J1, JIS G 4303 60210
SUS420J1TKA, JIS G 3446 60211
SUS420J2, JIS G 4303 60212
SUS420J2TKA, JIS G 3446 60208
SUS429 60213
SUS430, JIS G 4303 60214
SUS430F 60215
SUS430J1L 60216
SUS430J1LTB 60217
SUS430J1LTP, JIS G 3459 60218
SUS430J1LW 60219
SUS430LX 60220
SUS430LXTB 60221
SUS430LXTP, JIS G 3459 60222
SUS430LXW 60223
SUS430TB 60224
SUS430TKA, JIS G 3446 60225
SUS430TKC, JIS G 3446 60226
SUS430TP, JIS G 3459 60227
SUS430W 60228
SUS431 60229
SUS434 60230
SUS436J1L 60231
SUS436L 60232
SUS436LTB 60233
SUS436LTP, JIS G 3459 60234
SUS436LW 60235
SUS440A 60236
SUS440B 60237
SUS440C 60238
SUS440F 60239
SUS444 60240
SUS444TB 60241
SUS444TP, JIS G 3459 60242
SUS444W 60243
SUS445J1 60244
SUS445J2 60245
SUS447J1 60246
SUS460J2 60247
SUS630 60248
SUS631 60249
SUS836L 60250
SUS836LTB 60251
SUS836LTP, JIS G 3459 60252
SUS836LW 60253
SUS890L 60254
SUS890LTB 60255
SUS890LTP, JIS G 3459 60256
SUS890LW 60257
SUSF304, JIS G 3214 60258
SUSF304H, JIS G 3214 60259
SUSF304L, JIS G 3214 60260
SUSF304LN, JIS G 3214 60261
SUSF304N, JIS G 3214 60262
SUSF310, JIS G 3214 60263
SUSF316, JIS G 3214 60264
SUSF316H, JIS G 3214 60265
SUSF316L, JIS G 3214 60266
SUSF316LN, JIS G 3214 60267
SUSF316N, JIS G 3214 60268
SUSF317, JIS G 3214 60269
SUSF317L, JIS G 3214 60270
SUSF321, JIS G 3214 60271
SUSF321H, JIS G 3214 60272
SUSF347, JIS G 3214 60273
SUSF347H, JIS G 3214 60274
SUSF410A, JIS G 3214 60275
SUSF410B, JIS G 3214 60276
SUSF410C, JIS G 3214 60277
SUSF410D, JIS G 3214 60278
SUSF630, JIS G 3214 65669
SUSF6B, JIS G 3214 65670
SUSF6NM, JIS G 3214 65671
SUS XM15J1 60279
SUS XM15J1TB 60280
SUS XM27 60281
SUS XM27TB 60282
SUS XM7, JIS G 4303 60283
SUS XM8TB 60284
TTP-240PdC 65552
TTP-240PdH 65553
TTP-270C, JIS H 4630 65554
TTP-270H, JIS H 4630 65555
TTP-270PdC, JIS H 4635 65556
TTP-270PdH, JIS H 4635 65557
TTP-275RNC 65558
TTP-275RNH 65559
TTP-340C, JIS H 4630 65560
TTP-340H, JIS H 4630 65561
TTP-340PdC, JIS H 4635 65562
TTP-340PdH, JIS H 4635 65563
TTP-343TaC 65564
TTP-343TaH 65565
TTP-345NPRCC 65566
TTP-345NPRCH 65567
TTP-345PCoC 65568
TTP-345PCoH 65569
TTP-345PdC 65570
TTP-345PdH 65571
TTP-410RNC 65572
TTP-410RNH 65573
TTP-450NPRCC 65574
TTP-450NPRCH 65575
TTP-450PCoC 65576
TTP-450PCoH 65577
TTP-480C, JIS H 4630 65578
TTP-480H, JIS H 4630 65579
TTP-480PdC, JIS H 4635 65580
TTP-480PdH, JIS H 4635 65581
TTP-483RNC 65582
TTP-483RNH 65583
TTP-550C, JIS H 4630 65584
TTP-550H, JIS H 4630 65585
ZDC1, JIS H 5301 65590
ZDC2, JIS H 5301 65591
Class 1 A per JIS B 2401 67001
Class 1 B per JIS B 2401 67002
Class 2 per JIS B 2401 67003
Class 3 per JIS B 2401 67004
Class 4 C per JIS B 2401 67005
Class 4 D per JIS B 2401 67006
SNB5, JIS G 4107 60458
SNB7, JIS G 4107 65466
SNB16, JIS G 4107 65467
SNB21, JIS G 4108 60459
SNB22, JIS G 4108 60460
SNB23, JIS G 4108 60461
SNB24, JIS G 4108 60462

GB9439-HT150 70101
GB9439-HT200 70102
GB9439-HT250 70103
GB9439-HT300 70104
GB9439-HT350 70105
GB1348-QT400-15 70106
GB1348-QT400-18 70107
GB1348-QT450-10 70108
GB1348-QT450-15 70109
GB1348-QT500-5 70110
GB1348-QT500-7 70111
GB12238-QT7500-7 70112
GB9440-KTH300-06 70113
GB9440-KTH300-6 70114
GB9440-KTH330-08 70115
GB9440-KTH330-8 70116
GB9440-KTH350-10 70117
GB9440-KTH370-12 70118
GB699-08F 70201
GB699-10F 70202
GB699-15F 70203
GB699-08 70204
GB699-10 70205
GB699-15 70206
GB699-20 70207
GB699-25 70208
GB699-35 70209
GB699-30 70210
GB699-40 70211
GB699-45 70212
GB699-50 70213
GB699-55 70214
GB699-60 70215
GB699-65 70216
GB699-70 70217
GB699-75 70218
GB699-80 70219
GB699-85 70220
GB912-A3 70221
GB699-15Mn 70222
GB699-20Mn 70223
GB699-25Mn 70224
GB699-30Mn 70225
GB699-35Mn 70226
GB699-40Mn 70227
GB699-45Mn 70228
GB699-50Mn 70229
GB699-60Mn 70230
GB699-65Mn 70231
GB699-70Mn 70232
GB700-Q195 70233
GB700-Q215-A 70234
GB700-Q215-B 70235
GB700-Q235 70236
GB700-Q235A 70237
GB700-Q235-A 70238
GB700-Q235B 70239
GB700-Q235-B 70240
GB5310-20G 70241
GB713-20g 70242
GB12229-ZG205-415 70243
GB16253-ZG240/450AG 70244
GB12229-ZG250-485 70245
GB12229-ZG275-485 70246
GB12229-WCA 70247
GB12229-WCB 70248
GB12229-WCC 70249

GB1591-Q295 70301
GB1591-Q345 70302
GB5310-10Cr9Mo1VNb 70303
GB5310-12Cr1MoG 70304
GB5310-12Cr1MoVG 70305
GB3531-12Cr1MoVg 70306
GB6479-12Cr2Mo 70307
JB4726-12Cr2Mo1 70308
GB5310-12Cr2MoG 70309
GB5310-12Cr2MoWVTiB 70310
GB6479-1Cr5Mo 70311
GB12230-ZG12Cr17Mn9Ni4Mo3Cu2N 70312
GB12230-ZG12Cr18Mn13Mo2CuN 70313
GB12230-ZG12Cr18Ni9 70314
GB12230-ZG12Cr18Ni9Ti 70315
GB6479-15MnV 70316
GB13296-2Cr25Ni20 70317
GB3077-20Mn2 70318
GB3077-30Mn2 70319
GB3077-35Mn2 70320
GB3077-40Mn2 70321
GB3077-45Mn2 70322
GB3077-50Mn2 70323
GB3077-20MnV 70324
GB3077-40B 70325
GB3077-45B 70326
GB3077-50B 70327
GB3077-15MnVB 70328
GB3077-20MnVB 70329
GB3077-40MnVB 70330
GB3077-20MnTiB 70331
GB6479-12CrMo 70332
GB6479-15CrMo 70333
GB3077-20CrMo 70334
GB3077-30CrMo 70335
GB3077-35CrMo 70336
GB3077-42CrMo 70337
GB3077-12CrMoV 70338
GB3077-35CrMoV 70339
GB3077-20Cr 70340
GB3077-30Cr 70341
GB3077-35Cr 70342
GB3077-40Cr 70343
GB3077-45Cr 70344
GB3077-50Cr 70345
GB3077-20CrMnSi 70346
GB3077-25CrMnSi 70347
GB3077-30CrMnSi 70348
GB3077-30CrMnSiA 70349
GB3077-35CrMnSiA 70350
GB3077-15CrMn 70351
GB3077-20CrMn 70352
GB3077-40CrMn 70353
GB4237-00Cr19Ni10 70401
GB1220-00Cr12 70402
GB4237-00Cr17Mo 70403
GB14976-00Cr17Ni4Mo2 70404
GB1220-00Cr17Ni13Mo2N 70405
GB1220-00Cr17Ni14Mo2 70406
GB4237-00Cr18Mo2 70407
GB1220-00Cr18Ni10N 70408
GB1220-00Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2 70409
GB1220-00Cr18Ni5Mo3Si2 70410
GB1220-00Cr19Ni10 70411
GB1220-00Cr19Ni13Mo3 70412
GB4237-00Cr19NiMo3 70413
GB1220-00Cr27Mo 70414
GB1220-00Cr30Mo2 70415
GB1220-0Cr13 70416
GB1220-0Cr13Al 70417
GB1220-0Cr17Ni12Mo2 70418
GB14976-00Cr17Ni12Mo2 70419
GB1220-0Cr17Ni12Mo2N 70420
GB1220-0Cr17Ni7Al 70421
GB1220-0Cr18Ni10Ti 70422
GB1220-0Cr18Ni11Nb 70423
GB1220-0Cr18Ni12Mo2Cu2 70424
GB1220-0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 70425
GB1220-0Cr18Ni12Mo3Ti 70426
GB4237-0Cr18Ni13Mo2Cu2 70427
GB1220-0Cr18Ni13Si4 70428
GB1220-0Cr18Ni16Mo5 70429
GB1220-0Cr18Ni9 70430
GB1220-0Cr19Ni10NbN 70431
GB1220-0Cr19Ni13Mo3 70432
GB1220-0Cr19Ni9N 70433
GB1220-0Cr23Ni13 70434
GB1220-0Cr25Ni20 70435
GB1220-0Cr26Ni5Mo2 70436
GB1220-1Cr12 70437
GB1220-1Cr13 70438
GB4237-1Cr15 70439
GB1220-1Cr17 70440
GB1220-1Cr17Mn6Ni5N 70441
GB1220-1Cr17Mo 70442
GB1220-1Cr18Mn8Ni5N 70443
GB4237-1Cr18Ni12 70444
GB1220-1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 70445
GB1220-1Cr18Ni12Mo3Ti 70446
GB4237-1Cr18Ni19Si3 70447
GB1220-1Cr18Ni9 70448
GB4237-1Cr18Ni9Si3 70449
GB1220-1Cr18Ni9Ti 70450
GB1220-3Cr13 70451
GB4237-3Cr16 70452
GB1220-4Cr13 70453
GB1220-7Cr17 70454
GB1277100Cr17 70455
GB13296-00Cr27Mo(1Cr25Ti) 70456
GB13296-1Cr17Ni12Mo2 70457
GB1220-1Cr17Ni2 70458
GB13296-1Cr18Ni11Ti 70459
GB5310-1Cr19Ni11Nb 70460
GB9948-1Cr19Ni9 70461
GB1220-2Cr13 70462
GB13296-2Cr23Ni13 70463
GB13296-0Cr18Ni10Ti(1Cr18Ni10Ti) 70464
GB12771-0Cr18Ni10Ti(1Cr18Ni9Ti) 70465
GB12239-Stainless steel 70466
GB12238-ZGCr18Ni9Ti 70467
GB12230-ZG03Cr18Ni10 70468
GB16253-ZG03Cr19Ni11Mo2 70469
GB16253-ZG07Cr19Ni11Mo2 70470
GB16253-ZG07Cr20Ni10 70471
GB12230-ZG08Cr18Ni9 70472
GB12230-ZG08Cr18Ni9Ti 70473
GB16253-ZG08Cr20Ni10Nb 70474
GB12230-ZG12Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 70475
GB12230-ZG08Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 70476
GB16253-ZG12Cr2Mo1G 70477
GB12230-CF3 70478
GB12230-CF3M 70479
GB12230-CF8 70480
GB12230-CF8C 70481
GB12230-CF8M 70482
GB12239-ZG1Cr18Ni9Ti 70483
GB12232-H62 70501
GB12239-Hb2 70502
GB4423-9HMn58-2 70503
GB12239-HPb59-1 70504
GB12239-QAl9-4 70505
GB12238-QSn4-3 70506
GB12238-QSn6.5-0.4 70507
GB1176-ZCuAl10Fe3 70508
GB1176-ZCuAl9Fe4Ni4Mn2 70509
GB1176-ZCuAl9Mn2 70510
GB1176-ZCuSn3Zn11Pb4 70511
GB1176-ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn3 70512
GB1176-ZCuZn38 70513
GB1176-ZCuZn38Mn2Pb2 70514
GB3077-20CrNi 70601
GB3077-40CrNi 70602
GB3077-45CrNi 70603
GB3077-50CrNi 70604
GB3077-12CrNi2 70605
GB3077-12CrNi3 70606
GB3077-20CrNi3 70607
GB3077-30CrNi3 70608
GB3077-37CrNi3 70609
GB3077-12Cr2Ni4 70610
GB3077-20Cr2Ni4 70611
GB3077-20CrNiMo 70612
GB3077-40CrNiMoA 70613
GB3077-18CrNiMnMoA 70614
GB3077-45CrNiMoVA 70615
GB3077-18Cr2Ni4WA 70616
GB3077-25Cr2Ni4WA 70617
GB12238-Nickel Chromium Boron Silicon Powder 70618
GB12238-Nickel-coated aluminum powder 70619
GB3077-38CrMoAl 70701
GB12239-ZL101 70702
GB12239-ZL104 70703
GB3077-27SiMn 70801
GB3077-35SiMn 70802
GB3077-42SiMn 70803
GB3077-20SiMn2MoV 70804
GB3077-25SiMn2MoV 70805
GB3077-37SiMn2MoV 70806
GB3077-40MnB 70807
GB3077-45MnB 70808
GB3077-20MnMoB 70809
GB3077-25MnTiBRE 70810
GB3077-15Cr 70811
GB3077-15CrA 70812
GB3077-38CrSi 70813
GB3077-30CrMoA 70814
GB3077-12Cr1MoV 70815
GB3077-25Cr2MoVA 70816
GB3077-25Cr2Mo1VA 70817
GB3077-40CrV 70818
GB3077-50CrVA 70819
GB3077-20CrMnMo 70820
GB3077-40CrMnMo 70821
GB3077-20CrMnTi 70822
GB3077-30CrMnTi 70823
GB4727-09Mn2VD 70824
GB3531-09Mn2VDR 70825
GB4727-09MnNiD 70826
GB3531-09MnNiDR 70827
GB6654-12Cr2Mo1R 70828
GB5310-12Cr3MoVSiTiB 70829
GB5310-12CrMoG 70830
GB5310-15CrMoG 70831
GB713-15CrMog 70832
GB6654-15CrMoR 70833
GB6654-15MnVR 70834
GB5310-15MoG 70835
GB6479-16Mn 70836
JB4727-16MnD 70837
GB3531-16MnDR 70838
GB713-16Mng 70839
GB6654-16MnR 70840
GB5310-20MnG 70841
GB5310-20MoG 70842
GB6654-20R 70843
GB5310-25MnG 70844
GB12238-Asbestus 70845
GB12238-Cuprum Powder 70846
GB12238-Iron Chromium Boron Silicon Powder 70847
JB7248-LCB 70848
GB12239-Non-ferrous Metal 70849
GB12238-Plastic And Rubber 70850
GB12233-Polytetrafluoroethylene 70851
GB12233-Rubber 70852
GB12233-Steel 70853
GB12238-YS350F 70854
GB16253-ZG15Cr1Mo 70855
GB16253-ZG16Cr5MoG 70856
GB12233-ZG2Cr13 70857
GB4622.2, Flexible graphite metal 70901
GB4622.2, Non-asbestos fiber rubber 70902
Z2CN 18.10 110001
Z2CND 17.12 110002
Z2CND 18.13 110003
Z2CND 19.15 110004
Z3CN 18.10 110005
Z3CN 18.10Az 110006
Z3CND 17.11Az 110007
Z3CND 17.12.02 110008
Z3CND 17.13.03 110009
Z3CND 19.15.04 110010
Z3CND 22.05Az 110011
Z3CT 12 110012
Z6C 13 110013
Z6CA 13 110014
Z6CN 18.09 110015
Z6CND 17.11 110016
Z6CND 18.12.03 110017
Z6CNDT 17.12 110018
Z6CNT 18.10 110019
Z6CNT 18.12 110020
Z6CNNb 18.10 110021
Z6CNNb 18.11 110022
Z7CN 18.09 110023
Z7CND 17.11.02 110024
Z8C 12 110025
Z8C 17 110026
Z8CD 17.01 110027
Z8CN 18.09 110028
Z8CN 18.12 110029
Z8CND 17.12 110030
Z11CN 17.08 110031
Z12C 13 110032
Z12CN 17.08 110033
Z12CN 25.20 110034
Z12CNS 25.20 110035
Z15CN 24.13 110036
Z15CNS 20.12 110037
Z20CN 24.13 110038
Z30C 13 110039


CSN 17 020 200001
CSN 17 040 200002
CSN 17 240 200003
CSN 17 248 200004
CSN 17 249 200005
CSN 17 251 200006
CSN 17 255 200007
CSN 17 346 200008
CSN 17 348 200009
CSN 17 349 200010
CSN 17 350 200011
CSN 17 352 200012

UNI X2CrNi 18 11 120001
UNI X2CrNiMo 17 12 120002
UNI X2CrNiMo 17 13 120003
UNI X2CrNiMo 18 16 120004
UNI X2CrNiN 18 10 120005
UNI X5CrNi 18 10 120006
UNI X5CrNiMo 17 12 120007
UNI X5CrNiMo 17 13 120008
UNI X6Cr 13 120009
UNI X6CrNi 23 14 120010
UNI X6CrNiMoTi 17 12 120011
UNI X6CrNiNb 18 11 120012
UNI X6CrNiTi 18 11 120013
UNI X6CrTi 12 120014
UNI X6CrTi 18 11 120015
UNI X8Cr 17 120016
UNI X8CrMo 17 120017
UNI X8CrNi 18 12 120018
UNI X8CrNiMo 17 13 120019
UNI X8CrNiNb 18 11 120020
UNI X12Cr 13 120021
UNI X12CrNi 17 07 120022
UNI X16CrNi 23 14 120023
UNI X30Cr 13 120024
UNI Z6CrA 1 13 120025
UNI Z22CrNi 25 20 120026


UNE X2CrNi 19 10 130001
UNE X2CrNiMo 17 12 130002
UNE X5CrNi 18 10 130003
UNE X5CrNiMo 17 12 130004
UNE X7CrNiTi 18 11 130005
UNE X7CrNiNb 18 11 130006
UNE X12Cr 13 130007
SIS 14 23 01 160001
SIS 14 23 02 160002
SIS 14 23 04 160003
SIS 14 23 20 160004
SIS 14 23 25 160005
SIS 14 23 31 160006
SIS 14 23 32 160007
SIS 14 23 33 160008
SIS 14 23 37 160009
SIS 14 23 38 160010
SIS 14 23 40 160011
SIS 14 23 43 160012
SIS 14 23 47 160013
SIS 14 23 48 160014
SIS 14 23 50 160015
SIS 14 23 52 160016
SIS 14 23 53 160017
SIS 14 23 61 160018
SIS 14 23 66 160019
SIS 14 23 67 160020
SIS 14 23 71 160021
SIS 14 23 77 160022


! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm


Carbon Steels

Low and Intermediate Alloys

Stainless Steels
Copper Alloys

Nickel Alloys

Aluminum Alloys

Other materials
MaterialsGroup LongDescription
ystem code list. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not chan
new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.



Carbon Steels

Low and Intermediate Alloys

Stainless Steels
Copper Alloys

Nickel Alloys

Aluminum Alloys

Other materials
MaterialsType ShortDescription
ues in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; an
and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Gray iron
Ductile iron
Ferritic ductile iron
Austenitic ductile iron
Cast iron
Malleable iron

CS, galvanized
CS, jacketed
CS, killed
CS, killed, jacketed
CS, low temperature


347 SS
UNS S31200
UNS S31250
UNS S31500
UNS S31803
UNS S32304
UNS S32550
Alloy 20


Low C Ni
Inconel 600
Inconel 601
Inconel 625
Inconel 800
Inconel 800H
Inconel 801
Inconel 802
Inconel 825
Hasteloy B
Hasteloy C
Hasteloy G

3002 aluminum
3003 aluminum
3004 aluminum
5050 aluminum
5052 aluminum
6061 aluminum
6063 aluminum

Asbestos cement
Borosilicate glass
Clay, vitrified
Concrete, pre-stressed
Concrete, reinforced
Epoxy/glass fiber
Furan/glass fiber
Polyester/glass fiber
Polyethylene, high density
Polyethylene, low density
Codelist Sort
MaterialsType LongDescription Number Order
st not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.

Undefined 1
Gray iron 10
Ductile iron 15
Ferritic ductile iron 20
Austenitic ductile iron 25
Cast iron 30
Malleable iron 35
CS 110
CS, galvanized 115
CS, jacketed 120
CS, killed 125
CS, killed, jacketed 130
CS, low temperature 135
2Ni-1Cu 510
3.5Ni 515
5Ni 520
9Ni 525
C-0.5Mo 530
0.75Cr-0.5Mo 535
1Cr-0.5Mo 540
1.25Cr-0.5Mo 545
2Cr-0.5Mo 550
2.25Cr-1Mo 555
3Cr-1Mo 560
5Cr-0.5Mo 565
7Cr-0.5Mo 570
9Cr-1Mo 575
12Cr-1Mo 580
304 920
304L 925
304H 930
310 935
316 940
316L 945
316H 950
321 955
321H 960
347 SS 965
410S 970
CHP10 975
CHP20 980
CPF10MC 985
CPH8 990
CPK20 995
UNS S31200 1000
UNS S31250 1005
UNS S31500 1010
UNS S31803 1015
UNS S32304 1020
UNS S32550 1025
Alloy 20 1030
Brass 1325
Bronze 1330
Copper 1335
90Cu-10Ni 1340
70Cu-30Ni 1345
Low C Ni 1560
Monel 1565
K-Monel 1570
R-Monel 1575
Inconel 600 1580
Inconel 601 1585
Inconel 625 1590
Inconel 800 1595
Inconel 800H 1600
Inconel 801 1605
Inconel 802 1610
Inconel 825 1615
Hasteloy B 1620
Hasteloy C 1625
Hasteloy G 1630
3002 aluminum 1780
3003 aluminum 1785
3004 aluminum 1790
5050 aluminum 1795
5052 aluminum 1800
6061 aluminum 1805
6063 aluminum 1810
Alclad 1815
Asbestos cement 2310
Borosilicate glass 2315
Clay, vitrified 2320
Concrete, pre-stressed 2325
Concrete, reinforced 2330
CPVC 2335
Epoxy/glass fiber 2340
Furan/carbon 2345
Furan/glass fiber 2350
Kynar® 2355
Nylon 2360
Polyester/glass fiber 2365
Polyethylene, high density 2370
Polyethylene, low density 2375
Polypropylene 2380
PVC 2385
Teflon 2390
Titanium 2395
Zirconium 2400
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S

MaterialsOfConstructionClass LongDescription
code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Gravity Head, Gray Cast Iron
Gravity Head, Ductile Iron Cement Lined
AWWA 150# MJ, Ductile Iron Cement Lined
CL125 FFFE, CS, Bronze Trim
CL125 FFFE, Bronze Trim
CL150 FFFE, CS Cement Lined
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL600 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, other
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ASME-B31.1)
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Steam B31.3
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Category D
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.125, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.125, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL600 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.125, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.188, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.188, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.25, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.25, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL600 RFFE, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.25, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL900 RFFE, CS, Trim 8
CL150 RFFE, CS, PTFE Lined, Std Trim, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL150 RFFE, CS, PTFE Lined, Std Trim, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF) with Gaskets
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 9
CL300 RFFE, CS, Trim 9
CL150 RFFE, CS, Trim 13
CL150 RFFE, CS, 316 Trim
CL150 RFSF, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL300 RFSF, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL150 RFSF, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, other
CL300 RFSF, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, other
CL150 RFSF, CS, Trim 8, CA 0125, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL300 RFSF, CS, Trim 8, CA 0.125, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL300 RFFE-SF, CS, 316 Trim
CL600 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ASME-I)
CL900 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-I)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-I)
CL300 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ASME-B31.1)
CL600 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ASME-B31.1)
CL900 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.1)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.1)
CL300 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ASME-B31.3)
CL600 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 8, (ASME-B31.3)
CL900 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.3)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.3)
CL800 BE/RFFE, CS, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.3)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, CS, Trim 8
CL150 BE, CS
CL300 BE, CS
CL150 FFFE, Galv CS, Bronze Trim
CL150 RFFE, CS, Jacketed, Trim 8, CA 0.063, Process, hot (-20 to 800 degF)
CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12, CA 0.125, Caustic/Amine
CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12, CA 0.125, Caustic/Amine
CL900 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12, CA 0.188, Caustic/Amine
CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, Trim 12, CA 0.25, Caustic/Amine
CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 9, CA 0.125
CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 9, CA 0.25
CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.063
CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.063
CL600 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.063
CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.125
CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.125
CL600 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.125
CL150 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.25
CL300 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.25
CL600 RFFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.25
CL600 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, Trim 8
CL300 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.125
CL600 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.125
CL900 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.125
CL300 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.25
CL600 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.25
CL900 RFFE-SF, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12, CA 0.25
CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, Trim 8, std trim
CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, Trim 8, SS trim
CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, NACE, Trim 12
CL1500 BE/RJFE, Killed CS, Trim 12
CL150 RFFE, Low Temp CS, Trim 2
CL300 RFFE, Low Temp CS, Trim 2
CL350 Gravity Head, DI Cement Lined, Male and Female Push-on Pipe and Fittings
CL300 RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 316 Trim, Std RF, other
CL300 RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 316 Trim, MJ, other
CL150 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.063
CL300 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.063
CL600 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.063
CL150 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL300 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL600 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL600 RFFE-SF, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.25
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.063
CL900 BE/RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ASME-I)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ASME-I)
CL900 BE/RFFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.1)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.1)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 5, (ASME-B31.3)
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.063
CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.063
CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL600 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.188
CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.188
CL600 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.188
CL150 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.25
CL300 RFFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.25
CL900 RFFE-SF, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
CL300 RFFE-SF, 5Cr-0.5Mo, NACE, Trim 8
CL600 RFFE-SF, 5Cr-0.5Mo, NACE, Trim 8
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 5Cr-0.5Mo, Trim 8
CL150 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.125
CL300 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
CL150 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8, CA 0.25
CL300 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
CL600 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
CL900 RFFE, 9Cr-1Mo, Trim 8
CL150 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
CL300 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
CL600 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
CL900 RFFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
CL150 RFFE, 304/316 Valves, Trim 12
CL300 RFFE, 304/316 Valves, Trim 12
CL150 RFFE, 304, Trim 2, Process, colder (-20 to -150 degF)
CL300 RFFE, 304, Trim 2
CL150 RFFE, 304, Trim 2, Process, coldest (-20 to -425 degF)
CL150 RFFE, 304, 316 Trim
CL1500 RJFE, 304/CS Valves, Trim 8
CL300 RFFE, 304L/316 Valves, Trim 12
CL150 RFFE, 304/316 Valves, Trim 2
CL150 RFFE, 316, Trim 12, CA 0.063, Process, cold (-20 to -50 degF)
CL150 RFFE, 316, Trim 12, CA 0.03, Process, coldest (-20 to -425 degF)
CL300 RFFE, 316, Trim 12
CL600 RFFE, 316, Trim 12
CL150 RFFE, 316, Trim 12, CA 0.03, Process, other
CL150 RFFE, 316, Trim, Process, warm (0 to 250degF)
CL300 RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim, CA 0.03, Process, hotter (-20 to 1000+/- degF)
CL600 RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim
CL300 RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim, CA 0.063, Process, hotter (-20 to 1000+/- degF)
CL900 BE/RFFE-SF, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim, CA 0.03
CL1500 BE/RJFE, 321/347 Valves, 347HF Trim, CA 0.063
CL150 RFFE, Inconel 600, Inconel Trim
Gravity Head, Vitrified Clay
Gravity Head, Reinforced Concrete
Codelist Sort
Number Order
l other numeric values.

! Back to Index
MemberOrientation MemberOrientation Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
XZ Axis Rule 1
YZ Axis Rule 2
ZX Axis Rule 3
ZY Axis Rule 4

, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a v
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Clam-shell construction

Transit hub
MethodsOfJacketPipeConstruction Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
ser may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and th

Clam-shell construction (using pipe stock) 10

Transit hub (the functional short code for the transit hub
fitting will be determined from the Default Piping
Commodity Selection rule) 15
of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD MethodsOfTrimming ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
By adding more weld material
On basis of true branch angle
Linear misalignment for mechanical end pipe

Codelist Sort
MethodsOfTrimming LongDescription Number Order
ser may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and th

Trim branch end by adding more weld material 5

Trim branch end on the basis of the true branch angle 10
Linear misalignment for mechanical end pipe 15
g of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
MinBendToBendTangentLenOptio MinBendToBendTangentLenOpti
HEAD n ShortDescription on LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Standard Standard
Non-standard option 1 Non-standard option 1
Non-standard option 2 Non-standard option 2

Codelist Sort
Number Order
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
May be mirrored
Rotate 180
Can not be mirrored or rotated
Replacement required

MirrorBehaviorOption Codelist
LongDescription Number
de list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the

Component may be mirrored 5

Component may be rotated 180 degrees, but not mirrored 10
Component can not be mirrored or rotated, but can be copied and translated 15
Component must be replaced rather than mirroring, rotating, or copying 50
ue or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red t
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000.
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

Miscellaneous Fittings
Direction Change Fittings

Branch Fittings

Fire and Safety

Pipe Stock and Nipples

Distance Pieces


Miscellaneous parts

Piping Specialties

Off-line Instruments

e list. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the num
entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
ill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.
MiscRequisitionClassification ShortDescription
ues in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; an
and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Default state for valves

Minimum temperature to -50 Degree F
Pneumatic operator
External spring
Manual hydraulic operator
Fabricated body
Minimum temperature to -150 Degree F
Minimum temperature to -325 Degree F
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws
Wafer, with integral gasket

Wafer, with integral gasket, gear operator with side mounted handwheel

Single flange, with integral gasket, drilled & tapped for cap screws
Single flange, with integral gasket, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear
operator with side mounted handwheel
Gear operator with side mounted hand wheel with integral gaskets,
glands, & bolts
Wafer, with integral gasket, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear
operator with side mounted handwheel
Wafer, with integral gasket, extended bonnet, gear operator with side
mounted handwheel
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator with side
mounted hand wheel
NACE service, gear operator with shaft at right angle pipeline
No Copper alloys permitted, with gear operator shaft at right angle
With Contro heat jacket

Lug type, drilled & tapped for machine bolts, no copper alloys permitted
High temperature, right angle gear operator
High temperature, right angle gear operator, drilled and tapped for
machine bolts

Tapping location G, for ammonia service, no copper alloys permitted

Lug type, drill & tapped for machine bolts, gear operator
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location C in view facing hand
wheel, shaft right angle pipeline
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location D in view facing hand
wheel, shaft right angle pipeline
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location C, hand wheel right
side, shaft parallel pipeline
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location D, hand wheel right
side, shaft parallel pipeline
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location C, pinion shaft to right
side of valve
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location D, pinion shaft to right
side of valve
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location F, pinion shaft to right
side of valve
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location E, shaft parallel
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location F, shaft parallel
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location B, shaft parallel
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location A, shaft parallel
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location F in view facing wheel,
shaft right angle pipeline
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location D, hand wheel right side,
shaft parallel pipeline, bypass location A & B
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location C, hand wheel right side,
shaft parallel pipeline, bypass hand wheel A & B
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location D view facing hand
wheel, shaft right angle pipeline, bypass location A & B
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location E, view facing wheel,
shaft right angle pipeline
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location C, shaft right angle tripe,
bypass location A & B

Built in bypass location A & B, socket welded end tap at location D

Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, 12" extended
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, 12" extended
bonnet/stem, gear operator with side mounted handwheel
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, standard extended

Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, standard extended
bonnet/stem, gear operator with side mounted handwheel
Built in bypass
Provide, with 0.125" diameter orifice thru center of wedge
Gear operator, shaft right angle to pipeline, limit switches
Gear operator, shaft to one side of valve
Gear operator
Gear operator, shaft parallel to pipeline
Gear operator with side mounted hand wheel
Single flange, MSS-SP-44 drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator
with side mounted handwheel
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, lever operated
Wafer, with integral gasket, lever operator
Gear operator with top mounted hand wheel
Lug type, with integral gasket, lever operator
Gear operator, shaft at right angle to pipeline
Short pattern
Fire safe
125 Ra finish
MSS-SP-44 flanged, 125 Ra finish
MSS-SP-44 flanged
NACE service, 125 Ra finish
MSS-SP-44 flanged, Gear operator with side mounted hand wheel
MSS-SP-44 flanged, 125 Ra finish, Gear operator with side mounted
hand wheel
For ammonia service, no copper alloys permitted
NACE service, Gear operator with side mounted hand wheel
125 Ra finish, Gear operator with side mounted hand wheel
NACE service, 125 Ra finish, Gear operator with side mounted hand
125 Ra finish, Gear operator with top mounted hand wheel
Chlorine service
Full port
Reduced port
DEA/MEA service
NACE service
Ultra high temperature service
Oxygen service
Socket welded connection at location D
Socket welded connection at location E
Socket welded connection at location G
Tap at location A
Tap at location C
Tap at location D
Tap at location G
Tap at locations G & H
Drain tap on valve body
Wrench, with each valve
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator with side
mounted handwheel
Epoxy lined

Default state for flanges

One 0.5" FTE tap
One 0.5" FTE tap, galvanized
One 0.5" SWE tap
One 0.75" SWE tap
S-160 bore
S-80S bore
S-XXS bore
Cement lined
One 0.75" FTE tap
Butterfly flange adapters required
With two 0.5" SWE taps, 90o apart
With two 0.5" SWE tap, 180o apart

Teflon impregnated glass cloth, Ramco Spra-gard

Teflon impregnated glass cloth, Ramco Spra-gard, for Orifice Flange

125 Ra finish, with 0.125" corrosion allowance
125 Ra finish, with 0.25" corrosion allowance
with 0.125" corrosion allowance
with 0.25" corrosion allowance
Default state for miscellaneous fittings
Impact at -325 degree F
Fitting material seats
Brass fitting material seats
With O-ring seat
With gasket
Metal tube compression
Plastic tube compression
37o flare
45o flare
316 SS crimp ring
Soft plastic tube
High density plastic tube
Silver brazing
Threaded & coned
Threaded ferrule
Front ferrule for two ferrule fittings
Back ferrule for two ferrule fittings
Ferrule for single ferrule fittings
Sleeve for 3 piece flare fittings
Front & back ferrules, Swagelok Ferrule-PAK
Solder joint
Tubing nut
Assembly, with full flow
Body assembly, with full flow
Stem assembly, with full flow
Assembly, with single end shut-off
Body assembly, with single end shut-off
Stem assembly, with single end shut-off
Assembly, with double end shut-off
Body assembly, with double end shut-off
Stem assembly, with double end shut-off
With body protector plug
With stem protector cap
Round barstock
Hex bar stock
Round head
Hex head
Square head
With branch cleanout with threaded plug
With main cleanout with threaded plug
With threaded plug
Type L1
Type L2
CL250 mechanical joint bell end
With tap

Default state for direction change fittings

1D bend radius
1.5D bend radius
2D bend radius
2.5D bend radius
3D bend radius
5D bend radius
6D bend radius
10D bend radius
Welded, 100% radiographed
Welded, this fitting shall require qualification as an ‘unlisted component’
for ASME B31.3 applications

Default state for branch fittings

Default state for fire and safety fittings

Counterclockwise open
Free standing, with two reaction supports, with fog nozzle
Supported, with fog nozzle
Free standing, with two reaction supports, with shaper tip nozzle
Supported, with shaper tip nozzle
Free standing with shaper tip nozzle
Free standing with fog nozzle
Wall mounted, right hand with hose and fog nozzle
Wall mounted, left hand with hose and fog nozzle

Default state for plain piping and nipples

Default state for distance pieces
Cut groove ends, 20' length

Default state for tubing

Structural tube
Single tube, with sheath
Multitube, with sheath
Multitube, with sheath and phone wire
Multitube, with sheath, phone wire and support cable
Electric traced bundle
Steam traced bundle
Single tube, insulated and jacketed
Double tube, insulated and jacketed
Triple tube, insulated and jacketed

Default state for hose

Hose, with couplings
Hose hub ends, with split backing rings
Hose flanged ends, with split backing rings
Hose, with tube adapter ends
Hose coupling, female spud only
Hose coupling, male spud only
Hose fitting
Hose quick connect
10' length
15' length
25' length

Default state for miscellaneous parts

Default state for piping specialties

1/16" orifice
5/64" orifice
3/32" orifice
7/64" orifice
1/8" orifice
9/64" orifice
5/32" orifice
3/16" orifice
7/32" orifice
1/4" orifice
9/32" orifice
5/16" orifice
11/32" orifice
3/8" orifice
7/16" orifice
1/2" orifice
5/8" orifice
3/4" orifice
No. 38 orifice
274 Degree F
378 Degree F
147 Degree C
184 Degree C
236 Degree C
259 Degree C
With integral strainer

Default state for instruments

Default state for off-line instruments

Codelist Sort
MiscRequisitionClassification LongDescription Number Order
numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.

Undefined 1
Default state for valves 4
Minimum temperature to -50oF 5
Pneumatic operator 6
External spring 7
Manual hydraulic operator 8
Fabricated body 9
Minimum temperature to -150oF 10
Minimum temperature to -325oF 15
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws 25
Wafer, with integral gasket 30
Wafer, with integral gasket, gear operator with side mounted
handwheel 40

Single flange, with integral gasket, drilled & tapped for cap screws 45
Single flange, with integral gasket, drilled & tapped for cap screws,
gear operator with side mounted handwheel 50
Gear operator with side mounted handwheel with integral gaskets,
glands, & bolts 55
Wafer, with integral gasket, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear
operator with side mounted handwheel 65
Wafer, with integral gasket, extended bonnet, gear operator with side
mounted handwheel 70
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator with side
mounted hand wheel 85
NACE service, Gear operator with shaft at right angle to pipeline 95
No Copper alloys permitted, with gear operator shaft at right angle
pipeline 100
With Contro heat jacket 90
Lug type, drilled & tapped for machine bolts, no copper alloys
permitted 120
High temperature, right angle gear operator 125
High temperature, right angle gear operator, drilled and tapped for
machine bolts 130

Tapping location G, for ammonia service 135

Lug type, drilled & tapped for machine bolts, gear operator 140
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location C in view facing
handwheel, shaft right angle to pipeline 145
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location D in view facing
handwheel, shaft right angle to pipeline 150
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location C, handwheel right
side, shaft parallel to pipeline 155
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location D, handwheel right
side, shaft parallel to pipeline 160
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location C, pinion shaft to
right side of valve 165
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location D, pinion shaft to
right side of valve 170
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location F, pinion shaft to right
side of valve 175
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location E, shaft parallel to
pipeline 180
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location F, shaft parallel to
pipeline 185
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location B, shaft parallel to
pipeline 190
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location A, shaft parallel to
pipeline 195
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location F in view facing
wheel, shaft right angle to pipeline 200
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location D, handwheel right side,
shaft parallel to pipeline, bypass location A & B 205
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location C, handwheel right side,
shaft parallel to pipeline, bypass handwheel A & B 210
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location D view facing
handwheel, shaft right angle to pipeline, bypass location A & B 215
Gear operator, socket welded end tap at location E, view facing wheel,
shaft right angle to pipeline 220
Gear operator, socket welded end tap location C, shaft right angle to
pipe, bypass location A & B 225

Built in bypass location A & B, socket welded end tap at location D 230
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, 12" extended
bonnet/stem 240
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, 12" extended
bonnet/stem, gear operator with side mounted handwheel 245
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, standard extended
bonnet/stem 250

Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, standard extended
bonnet/stem, gear operator with side mounted handwheel 255
Built in bypass 260
Provide, with 0.125" diameter orifice thru center of wedge 265
Gear operator, shaft at right angle to pipeline, with limit switches 270
Gear operator, shaft to one side of valve 275
Gear operator 280
Gear operator, shaft parallel to pipeline 285
Gear operator with side mounted handwheel 290
Single flange, MSS-SP-44 drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear
operator with side mounted handwheel 291
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, lever operated 292
Wafer, with integral gasket, lever operator 294
Gear operator with top mounted handwheel 295
Lug type, with integral gasket, lever operator 296
Gear operator, shaft at right angle to pipeline 300
Short pattern 301
Firesafe 302
125 Ra finish 303
MSS SP-44 flanged, 125 Ra finish 304
Jacketed 305
MSS SP-44 flanged 306
NACE service, 125 Ra finish 307
MSS SP-44 flanged, Gear operator with side mounted handwheel 308
MSS SP-44 flanged, 125 Ra finish, Gear operator with side mounted
handwheel 309
Ammonia service 310
NACE service, Gear operator with side mounted handwheel 311
125 Ra finish, Gear operator with side mounted handwheel 312
NACE service, 125 Ra finish, Gear operator with side mounted
handwheel 313
125 Ra finish, Gear operator with top mounted handwheel 314
Chlorine service 315
Full port 316
Reduced port 317
DEA/MEA service 320
NACE service 325
Ultra high temperature service 330
Oxygen service 335
Socket welded connection at location D 340
Socket welded connection at location E 345
Socket welded connection at location G 350
Tap at location A 355
Tap at location C 360
Tap at location D 365
Tap at location G 370
Tap at locations G & H 375
Drain tap on valve body 380
Wrench, with each valve 385
Single flange, drilled & tapped for cap screws, gear operator with side
mounted handwheel 388
Epoxy lined 235
Wafer 35
Default state for flanges 400
With 0.5" FTE tap 401
With 0.5" FTE tap, galvanized 402
With 0.5" SWE tap 403
With 0.75" SWE tap 404
S-160 bore 406
S-80S bore 407
Galvanized 408
S-XXS bore 409
Cement lined 411
With 0.75" FTE tap 412
Butterfly flange adapters required 414
With two 0.5" SWE taps, 90o apart 1630
With two 0.5" SWE tap, 180o apart 1635
S-10 11
S-40 12
Teflon impregnated glass cloth, Ramco Spra-gard 24

Teflon impregnated glass cloth, Ramco Spra-gard, for Orifice Flange 26

Cemented 500
125 Ra finish, with 0.125" corrosion allowance 503
125 Ra finish, with 0.25" corrosion allowance 504
Insulating 505
with 0.125" corrosion allowance 506
with 0.25" corrosion allowance 507
Default state for miscellaneous fittings 508
Impact at –325 oF 509
Fitting material seats 510
Brass to fitting material seats 515
With O-ring seat 520
With gasket 525
Metal tube compression 530
Plastic tube compression 535
37o flare 540
45o flare 545
316 SS crimp ring 550
Soft plastic tube 555
High density plastic tube 560
Silver brazing 565
Solder 570
Threaded & coned 575
Threaded ferrule 580
Front ferrule for two ferrule fittings 585
Back ferrule for two ferrule fittings 590
Ferrule for single ferrule fittings 595
Sleeve for 3 piece flare fittings 600
Front & back ferrules, Swagelok® Ferrule-PAK 605
Solder joint 610
Tubing nut 615
Assembly, with full flow 620
Body assembly, with full flow 625
Stem assembly, with full flow 630
Assembly, with single end shut-off 635
Body assembly, with single end shut-off 640
Stem assembly, with single end shut-off 645
Assembly, with double end shut-off 650
Body assembly, with double end shut-off 655
Stem assembly, with double end shut-off 660
With body protector plug 665
With stem protector cap 670
Round barstock 675
Hex barstock 680
Round head 685
Hex head 690
Flush 695
Square head 700
With branch cleanout with threaded plug 705
With main cleanout with threaded plug 710
With threaded plug 715
Type L1 386
Type L2 387
CL250 mechanical joint bell end 501
With tap 720
Default state for direction change fittings 800
1D bend radius 13
1.5D bend radius 14
2D bend radius 16
2.5D bend radius 17
3D bend radius 18
5D bend radius 19
6D bend radius 21
10D bend radius 22
Welded 23
Welded, 100% radiographed 802
Welded, this fitting shall require qualification as an ‘unlisted
component’ for ASME B31.3 applications 801
Default state for branch fittings 900
Default state for fire and safety fittings 1004
Counterclockwise open 1000
Free standing, with two reaction supports, with fog nozzle 1005
Supported, with fog nozzle 1010
Free standing, with two reaction supports, with shaper tip nozzle 1015
Supported, with shaper tip nozzle 1020
Free standing with shaper tip nozzle 1025
Free standing with fog nozzle 1030
Wall mounted, right hand with hose and fog nozzle 1035
Wall mounted, left hand with hose and fog nozzle 1040
Default state for pipe stock and nipples 1100
Default state for distance pieces 1200
Cut groove ends, 20' length 1205
Default state for tubing 1300
Structural tube 1305
Single tube, with sheath 1310
Multitube, with sheath 1315
Multitube, with sheath and phone wire 1320
Multitube, with sheath, phone wire and support cable 1325
Electric traced bundle 1330
Steam traced bundle 1335
Single tube, insulated and jacketed 1340
Double tube, insulated and jacketed 1345
Triple tube, insulated and jacketed 1350
Default state for hose 1404
Hose, with couplings 1400
Hose, with hub ends, with split backing rings 1405
Hose, with flanged ends, with split backing rings 1410
Hose, with tube adapter ends 1415
Hose coupling, female spud only 1420
Hose coupling, male spud only 1425
Hose fitting 1430
Hose quick connect 1435
10' length 1440
15' length 1441
25' length 1442
Default state for miscellaneous parts 86
Default state for piping specialties 1504
1/16" orifice 1500
5/64" orifice 1505
3/32" orifice 1510
7/64" orifice 1515
1/8" orifice 1520
9/64" orifice 1525
5/32" orifice 1530
3/16" orifice 1535
7/32" orifice 1540
1/4" orifice 1545
9/32" orifice 1550
5/16" orifice 1555
11/32" orifice 1560
3/8" orifice 1565
7/16" orifice 1570
1/2" orifice 1575
5/8" orifice 1580
3/4" orifice 1585
No. 38 orifice 1590
274oF 1595
378oF 1600
147oC 1605
184oC 1610
236oC 1615
259oC 1620
With integral strainer 1625
Default state for instruments 2000
Default state for off-line instruments 293
a parent value.
! Back to Index
MultiportValveOpReq MultiportValveOpReq
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value o
Not Required Multiport valve operators are not required
Required Multiport valve operators are required

Codelist Sort
Number Order
not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.

! Back to Index
NotePurpose Codelist
HEAD NotePurpose ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
General General 1
Design Design 2
Fabrication Fabrication 3
Installation Installation 4
Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance 5
Inspection Inspection 6
Remark Remark 7
Material of Construction Material of Construction 8
Design Review Design Review 9
Piping Specification note Piping Specification note 10
Justification Justification 11
Procurement Procurement 12
Standard note Standard note 13
lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
NozzleEntranceType NozzleEntranceType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined 1
Radial Radial 2
Axial Axial 3
Axial with distance Axial with distance 4
Tangential Tangential 5

en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
NozzleFlangeType NozzleFlangeType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined 1
Single Single 2
Double Double 3
Special Special 4

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
NozzleFunction NozzleFunction Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined 1
Inlet Inlet 2
Outlet Outlet 3
Manway Manway 4
Flushing Flushing 5
Cleaning Cleaning 6
Pressure Tap Pressure Tap 7
Thermowell Thermowell 8
Upper bridle Upper bridle 9
Lower bridle Lower bridle 10
Steam Steam 11

en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription NutCreationOption LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Disable the creation of nuts Disable the creation of nuts at a bolted joint
Enable the creation of nuts Enable the creation of nuts at a bolted joint

Codelist Sort
Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d

d the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
Codelist Sort
HEAD NutOption ShortDescription NutOption LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Default Default 1
Hexagonal head nut Hexagonal head nut 5
Square Head Nut Square Head Nut 10
Half height hexagonal head nut Half height hexagonal head nut 15
Half Height Square Head Nut Half Height Square Head Nut 20
Cap nut Cap nut 25
Extension sleeve Extension sleeve 30
Hexagonal lock nut Hexagonal lock nut 35
Octagonal lock nut Octagonal lock nut 40
Waste nut Waste nut 45
Wedge lock nut Wedge lock nut 50
Flange nut Flange nut 55
Flange nut, serrated Flange nut, serrated 60
Nyloc nut Nyloc® nut 65
Hexagonal head nut, flat Hexagonal head nut, flat 70
Hexagonal head jam nut Hexagonal head jam nut 75
Hexagonal head jam nut, flat Hexagonal head jam nut, flat 80
Hexagonal head nut, slotted Hexagonal head nut, slotted 85
Hexagonal head nut, slotted, flat Hexagonal head nut, slotted, flat 90
Hexagonal head nut, thick Hexagonal head nut, thick 95
Hexagonal head nut, thick, flat Hexagonal head nut, thick, flat 100
Hexagonal head nut, thick, slotted Hexagonal head nut, thick, slotted 105
Hexagonal head nut, thick, slotted, Hexagonal head nut, thick, 110
Hexagonal head nut, heavy slotted, flathead nut, heavy
Hexagonal 115
Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy 120
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, flat Hexagonal head nut, heavy, flat 125
Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy, Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy, 130
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, flat
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, 135
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, slotted
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, 140
slotted, flat
Square head nut, heavy slotted, flat
Square head nut, heavy 145
Supplementary Nut is Required Supplementary Nut is Required 150

en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD NutType ShortDescription NutType LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
Hexagonal head nut Hexagonal head nut 5
Square Head Nut Square Head Nut 10
Half height hexagonal head nut Half height hexagonal head nut 15
Half Height Square Head Nut Half Height Square Head Nut 20
Cap nut Cap nut 25
Extension sleeve Extension sleeve 30
Hexagonal lock nut Hexagonal lock nut 35
Octagonal lock nut Octagonal lock nut 40
Waste nut Waste nut 45
Wedge lock nut Wedge lock nut 50
Flange nut Flange nut 55
Flange nut, serrated Flange nut, serrated 60
Nyloc nut Nyloc® nut 65
Hexagonal head nut, flat Hexagonal head nut, flat 70
Hexagonal head jam nut Hexagonal head jam nut 75
Hexagonal head jam nut, flat Hexagonal head jam nut, flat 80
Hexagonal head nut, slotted Hexagonal head nut, slotted 85
Hexagonal head nut, slotted, flat Hexagonal head nut, slotted, flat 90
Hexagonal head nut, thick Hexagonal head nut, thick 95
Hexagonal head nut, thick, flat Hexagonal head nut, thick, flat 100
Hexagonal head nut, thick, slotted Hexagonal head nut, thick, slotted 105
Hexagonal head nut, thick, slotted, Hexagonal head nut, thick, slotted, 110
Hexagonal head nut, heavy flat
Hexagonal head nut, heavy 115
Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy 120
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, flat Hexagonal head nut, heavy, flat 125
Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy, flat Hexagonal head jam nut, heavy, flat 130
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, slotted Hexagonal head nut, heavy, slotted 135
Hexagonal head nut, heavy, slotted, Hexagonal head nut, heavy, slotted, 140
Square head nut, heavy flat
Square head nut, heavy 145

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
One tap (orifice flange, orifice tap, or bleed ring)
Two taps are oriented 90 degrees apart (orifice flange)
Two taps are oriented 180 degrees apart (orifice flange, orifice tap, or
bleed ring)

Three taps two are oriented 45 degrees from vertical up, and one is
oriented vertical down (orifice flange)
Three taps; one is oriented vertical up, one is oriented vertical down,
and one is oriented 45 degrees counter-clockwise from vertical up
(orifice hub)
Four taps; two are oriented 45 degrees from vertical up, one is
oriented vertical up, and one is oriented vertical down (orifice flange
or bleed ring)
Five taps; two are oriented 45 degrees from vertical up, one is
oriented vertical up, one is oriented 90 degrees CCW from vertical up,
and one is oriented vertical down (orifice flange)
Five taps; two are oriented 30 degrees from vertical up, two are
oriented 60 degrees from vertical up, and one is oriented vertical
down (orifice flange)
OrificeFlangeTapOrientation Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
he textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not

One tap (orifice flange, orifice tap, or bleed ring) 4
Two taps are oriented 90 degrees apart (orifice flange) 5
Two taps are oriented 180 degrees apart (orifice flange, orifice
tap, or bleed ring) 10

Three taps two are oriented 45 degrees from vertical up, and one
is oriented vertical down (orifice flange or bleed ring) 15
Three taps; one is oriented vertical up, one is oriented vertical
down, and one is oriented 45 degrees counter-clockwise from
vertical up (orifice hub) 16
Four taps; two are oriented 45 degrees from vertical up, one is
oriented vertical up, and one is oriented vertical down (orifice
flange or bleed ring) 20
Five taps; two are oriented 45 degrees from vertical up, one is
oriented vertical up, one is oriented 90 degrees CCW from vertical
up, and one is oriented vertical down (orifice flange) 25
Five taps; two are oriented 30 degrees from vertical up, two are
oriented 60 degrees from vertical up, and one is oriented vertical
down (orifice flange) 30
e; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

OpenOrBlindSpacerInstallState OpenOrBlindSpacerInstallState
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Default Default
Open spacer installed Open spacer installed
Blind spacer installed Blind spacer installed

Codelist Sort
Number Order
ween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index

OutletPortGeometryType OutletPortGeometryType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Straight Outlet Straight Outlet
Outlet with 90 Deg Elbow Outlet with 90 Deg Elbow
Outlet with Offset Outlet with Offset

Codelist Sort
Number Order
d be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
PaintingResponsibility PaintingResponsibility Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Contractor By Contractor 10
Owner By Owner 15
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 45
Vendor By Vendor 50
Piping By Piping 55
Instruments By Instruments 60
Others By Others 65

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
! Do not add/modify any of the PartClass types listed under the Category 'SpecificPartCla
! therein are essential for the functioning of the software. These entries are listed here pu
! The user can add a new entry under the Category 'GenericPartClass'

PartClassCategory PartClassCategory
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
SpecificPartClass SpecificPartClass
GenericPartClass GenericPartClass
ass types listed under the Category 'SpecificPartClass'. The entries listed
ning of the software. These entries are listed here purely for the reference of the User
the Category 'GenericPartClass'

PartClassTypes Codelist Sort

PartClassTypes ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
try added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

ModuleClass 2
EquipmentClass 5
PipeComponentClass 10
HvacPartClass 15
CrossSectionClass 20
FeatureClass 25
JointClass 30
MolderFormOpeningClass 35
SpacePartClass 45
CablePartClass 50
HgrRulesClass 61
StandardSupportComponentClass 62
ConnectionSupportComponentClass 63
LogicalSupportComponentClass 64
HgrGTypeComponentClass 65
HgrDefinitionClass 66
HgrFaceSelectionClass 67
HgrSupportingClass 68
HgrDisciplineClass 69
PipeStockClass 70
ValveOperatorClass 75
ConduitStockClass 76
ConduitComponentClass 77
InstrumentsClass 78
SpecialtyClass 79
PipeSupportDefinitionClass 135
CableTraySupportDefinitionClass 140
DuctSupportDefinitionClass 145
StructFrameConnectionClass 190
DesignPipeSupportDefinitionClass 195
DesignCableTraySupportDefinitionClass 200
DesignDuctSupportDefinitionClass 205
StructFootingClass 240
StructFootingComponentClass 245
EquipFoundationClass 255
FoundationComponentClass 260
HgrTraySectionDeltaClass 265
StructSplitConnClass 270
StructMemFireproofingClass 275
EquipmentAssemblyClass 280
EquipmentComponentAssemblyClass 285
CrossSectionSmartClass 290
StructCanRuleClass 500
StructPositionRuleClass 505
GeometricConstructionItemClass 510
HangersAndSupportsClass 80
MemberTypeClass 85
SpaceTypesClass 90
SupportComponentClass 100
AreasClass 110
ZonesClass 115
InterferenceVolumeClass 120
DrawingVolumeClass 125
SpaceSectionsClass 150
StructLadderClass 155
StructStairClass 160
StructEquipmentFoundationClass 165
ShapesClass 170
SlabGeneralClass 175
SlabLayerClass 180
SlabCompositionClass 185
PrismaticShapesClass 210
SketchCrossSectionsClass 220
OpeningClass 230
StructHandrailClass 250
HgrServiceClass 300
HgrFacePointSelClass 305
HgrConnectionSelClass 310
HgrSupportingFilterClass 315
ClampClass 320
CombinedSupportDefinitionClass 325
ConduitSupportDefinitionClass 330
DesignSupportDefinitionClass 335
CableTrayClass 340
SmartClass 345
HgrSupportJointClass 350
StructFrameConnClass 355
StructFeatureClass 360
StructCustomPlatePartClass 365
StructAssemblyConnectionClass 370
CMNSTRAssemblyConnectionClass 375
CMNSTROperatorClass 380
StructPhysicalConnectionClass 385
WallGeneralClass 390
StructLayerClass 395
WallCompositionClass 400
StructWallConnectionClass 405
StructInsulationClass 410
TrenchTypeClass 415
TrenchCompositionClass 420
TrenchTurnPartClass 425
TrenchCrossSectionClass 430
BeltTypeClass 435
! Back to Index
PartDataSource PartDataSource Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Piping commodity class data Piping commodity class data 5
Gasket part data Gasket part data 10
Bolt part data Bolt part data 15
Nut part data Nut part data 20
Washer part data Washer part data 25
Conduit Commodity Class Data Conduit Commodity Class Data 30

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD PartDataBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted even
Face-to-face dimension basis
Face-to-center dimension basis
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 3
Asymmetrical Face-to-Center dimension basis
Length-through-hub dimension excludes flange face projection
Length-through-hub dimension
Seat-to-seat dimension includes
(Face-to-face flange face
dimension projection
exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth)
Face-to-face dimension includes the socket depth or thread depth
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket
depth or thread depth)
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive
of socket depth or thread depth)
Face-to-center dimension includes the socket depth or thread depth

Olet-type branch face-to-face dimension excludes pipe header radius

Olet-type branch face-to-face dimension includes pipe header radius

Elbow, specified by face-to-center
Elbow, specified by bend radius and leg offset
End Cap, welded
End cap, solid
End Cap, IPS machined
End Cap, IPS molded
Concentric reducer, standard
Concentric reducer, stepped
Orifice flange based on face-to-center dimension for tap, including flange
face projection
Orifice flange based on face-to-center dimension for tap, excluding flange
face projection
Wye tee, bend center offset not required
T Strainer, specified by face-to-center dimension
T Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with face-to-center dimension
for branch
Y Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with offset to blow down
connection face

Y Strainer, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-to-center 3

Y Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with offset to blow down
connection port
Temporary Cone Strainer, specified by basket length inclusive of plate
Temporary Cone Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate

Temporary Cone Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate

thickness with identifier tag handle height measured from centerline
Temporary Basket Strainer, specified by basket length inclusive of plate
Temporary Basket Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate

Temporary Basket Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate

thickness with identifier tag handle height measured from centerline
Single Basket Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with dimensions
from centerline
Single Basket Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with overall
Single Basket Strainer, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-face dimension
with overall height
Wye based on two face-to-center dimensions
Wye based on three face-to-center dimensions
Elbow, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent

Elbow, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent, and bend radius

Elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent, and bend radius

Elbow, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
Elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
Elbow, Symmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center and Tangent

Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent 1, and Tangent 2

Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Tangent 1, and Bend
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and bend
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and bend
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent
1, tangent 2, and bend radius
Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Face-to-Center 2,
Tangent 1, Tangent 2, and Bend Radius

Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1 and Face-to-Center 2

Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by tangent 1 and face-to-center 2
Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Tangent 1, and Tangent
Tee, Symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1

Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 2

Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3

Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-
to-center 3
Angle valve, Symmetrical, specified by face-to-center

Circular siphon, specified by inlet face to outlet seat and inlet face-to-center

Circular siphon, specified by inlet face-to-center and outlet face-to-center

Circular siphon, specified by face-to-face and outlet face-to-center

Angle valve, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2

Flange, circular drilling template, length though hub includes flange face
Flange, circular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face
Flange, oval drilling template, length though hub includes flange face
Flange, oval drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face
Flange, square drilling template, length though hub includes flange face
Flange, square drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face
Flange, rectangular drilling template, length though hub includes flange face
Flange, rectangular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face
Flange, rectangular drilling template, split flange face, length though hub
includes flange face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template, split flange face, length though hub
excludes flange face projection
Flange, triangular drilling template, length though hub includes flange face
Flange, triangular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face
Water filter, outlet port at 180o
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, clockwise
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, counter-clockwise
Solenoid valve, type 1
Solenoid valve, type 2
3-way check valve, type 1
3-way check valve, type 2
Pinch valve, type 1
Pinch valve, type 2
Knife gate valve, type 1
Knife gate valve, type 2
Knife gate valve, type 3
Flange, square drilling template with offset, length though hub includes
flange face projection
Flange, square drilling template with offset, length though hub excludes
flange face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template with offset, length though hub includes
flange face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template with offset, length though hub excludes
flange face projection

Length-through-hub dimension includes flange face projection, conical hub

Length-through-hub dimension excludes flange face projection, conical hub

Pressure reducing valve, Type 1
Pressure reducing valve, Type 2
Pressure reducing valve, Type 3
Pressure reducing valve, Y-type
Pressure reducing valve with integral strainer
U-shape siphon, specified by inlet face to outlet centerline
Planar U-shape siphon, specified by length, inlet height, outlet height, and
Gauge root valve, single outlet
Level Indicator, Type 1
Gauge root valve, multiple outlet
Level Indicator, Type 2
Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-Face and Nipple Length
Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-Face and End-to-End

Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-Center and Nipple Length

Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2

Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and
reducing length
Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center, reducing length, and tangent
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, specified by face to header surface,
major body diameter, and hole diameter in header

Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, specified by face to header surface

Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Coupolet type branch
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Sweepolet type branch

Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Insert Weldolet type branch

Fire and Safety Monitor
Concentric Reducer, Tubing
Foot Valve, specified by overall length and strainer length

Tapered spacer, specified by piping outside diameter, thickness, and angle

Tapered spacer, specified by body outside diameter, thickness 1, and
thickness 2

Tapered spacer, specified by body outside diameter, thickness, and angle

Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern, face-to-face dimension basis

Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern, face-to-center dimension basis

Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern, asymmetrical face-to-center dimension
Float steam trap, vertical installation, Type 1
Float steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 2

Float steam trap, horizontal installation with thermostatic air vent, Type 3
Float steam trap, horizontal or vertical installation, Type 4
Float steam trap with integral strainer, Type 5

Float steam trap, horizontal installation with thermostatic air vent, Type 6
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation, Type 1
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation with offset, Type 2
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 1
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 2
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 3
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation with integral strainer, Type
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 1
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 2
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 3
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 4
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 5
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 6
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 7
1800 return, open, specified by back-centerline-to-face

1800 return, open, specified by center-to-center and back-centerline-to-face

Close coupled branch valve
Close coupled branch valve with use point
Flexible coupling
Male coupling, specified by face-to-face dimension
Female coupling, specified by face-to-face dimension
Thermodynamic steam trap, flanged with integral strainer, Type 1
Thermodynamic steam trap, butt weld with integral strainer, Type 2
Thermodynamic steam trap, threaded, Type 3
Thermodynamic steam trap, threaded, Type 4
Clamp, double hinge heavy duty with wing nut
Clamp, single hinge heavy duty with wing nut
Clamp, 3-segment heavy duty with wing nut
Clamp, medium duty with wing nut
Clamp, light duty with t-bolt
Clamp, light duty adjustable
Clamp, fractional with wing nut
Clamp, high pressure
Clamp, sanitary for hose adapter
Clamp, band
Clamp, hinged
Clamp, swivel joint
Concentric reducer, biological-pharmaceutical
Elbow, zero radius
Half coupling, specified by end-to-end dimension
Half coupling, specified by face-to-face dimension

Check valve, horizontal, specified by face-to-face dimension and offset

Check valve, vertical, specified by face-to-face dimension
2-way diaphragm diverter valve
2-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options
3-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options
4-way diaphragm diverter valve
4-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options
5-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options

Tank drain valve, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and angle

Tank drain valve, specified by tangent length 1, face-to-center 2, and angle

Wye, upright, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and
port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, specified by face-to-face, tangent length 1, face-to-
center 3, and port-to-port offset

Wye, tapped, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3

Sight flow indicator, type 1
Sight flow indicator, type 2
Sight flow indicator, type 3
Sight flow indicator, type 4
Sight flow indicator, type 5
Sight flow indicator, type 6
Sight flow indicator, type 7
Sight flow indicator, type 8
Sight flow indicator, type 9
90o street elbow, hexagonal
90o street elbow, flat
45o street elbow, hexagonal
45o street elbow, flat
Saddle, specified by saddle length, branch face to header centerline, and
Snap-on saddle, specified by saddle length, branch face to header centerline,
and angle
Deck scupper, without water seal
Deck scupper, with water seal
Clamp-on saddle, single outlet, specified by saddle length, saddle width,
saddle radius, and branch face to header centerline
Clamp-on saddle, double outlet, specified by saddle length, saddle width,
saddle radius, and branch face to header centerline
Saddle, specified by saddle length, angle, and branch face to header
centerline or seat to header centerline

Saddle, specified by saddle half-length, branch face to header centerline,

branch face to saddle end, saddle thickness, and hub thickness
Wye, upright, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, and port-to-port

Wye, tapped, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-center 3

Vent valve, one port with cylindrical outlet cover, one elliptical end
Vent valve, one port with conical outlet cover
Vent valve, one port

Vent valve, one port with cylindrical outlet cover, two elliptical ends
Vent valve, two ports
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, face-to-
center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-
center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, reducing, specified by face-to-face, tangent length
1, face-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset

Wye, double, specified by face-to-face, tangent length 1, and face-to-center 3

Wye, double, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3

Wye, double, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-center 3

Wye with 1/8 bend, double, specified by face-to-face, tangent length 1, face-
to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, double, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, face-to-
center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, double, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-
center 3, and port-to-port offset
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center
2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center
2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent length,
and bend radius
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length,
and bend radius

One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius

One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius

One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center
2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center
2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-
center 2
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-
center 2
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
and heel inlet seat-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
and heel inlet face-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center 1, seat-to-center 2, and heel inlet seat-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-
center 1, face-to-center 2, and heel inlet face-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
and seat 1 to seat heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
and face 1 to face heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat 1 to seat heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-
center 1, face-to-center 2, and face 1 to face heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius, and
seat 1 to seat heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-
center 1, face-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius, and
face 1 to face heel inlet

One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-

center, tangent length, bend radius, and seat 1 to seat heel inlet

One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-

center, tangent length, bend radius, and face 1 to face heel inlet

One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-

center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius,
seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet

One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-

center 1, face-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius,
face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center, tangent length, bend radius, seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to
center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-
center, tangent length, bend radius, face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to
center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center 1, seat-to-center 2, seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to center heel
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-
center 1, face-to-center 2, face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to center heel
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center, seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet

One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-

center, face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with side inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center,
seat side inlet to center, and side inlet center to seat
One-quarter bend with side inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center,
face side inlet to center, and side inlet center to face

One-quarter bend with side inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1,

seat-to-center 2, seat side inlet to center, and side inlet center to seat

One-quarter bend with side inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1,

face-to-center 2, face side inlet to center, and side inlet center to face
90o elbow with side outlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
90o elbow with side outlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-
to-center 2, where side outlet equals face-to-center 1
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-
to-center 2, where side outlet equals seat-to-center 1
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-
to-center 2, where side outlet equals face-to-center 2
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-
to-center 2, where side outlet equals seat-to-center 2
Base bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, bend radius, center-to-
base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness

Base bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,

bend radius, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
Base bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, bend radius, center-to-
base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness

Base bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2,

bend radius, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
45o offset, specified by seat-to-seat dimension, vertical offset, and tangent
length 2
Cross, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 3

Cross, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center 3

Sanitary cross, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1,
and face-to center 3
Sanitary cross, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1,
and seat-to-center 3
Sanitary cross, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1,
and face-to center 3
Sanitary cross with side opening, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension,
seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, offset for side opening
Sanitary cross with two 90o side openings above center, specified by header
face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, horizontal offset for opening above
center, and vertical offset for opening above center
Sanitary cross with two 45o openings on same side, specified by header
face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center for side opening,
horizontal offset for 45o side opening
T branches, double, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-
center 1, and face-to-center 3
T branches, double, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-
to-center 3
T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-
center 1, and seat-to-center 3

Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension,

seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3

Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header face-to-face dimension,

face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,
face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3

Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header face-to-face dimension,

tangent length 1, branch radius, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by tangent length 1, branch radius,
face-to-center 2, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension,
seat-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and branch radius
Y branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-
center 1, and face-to-center 3
Y branches, single, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-
to-center 3
Y branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-
center 1, and seat-to-center 3

Sanitary reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension and tangent length

Sanitary reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and tangent length

Sanitary reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension

Sanitary increaser, specified by face-to-face dimension and tangent length

Sanitary increaser, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and tangent length

Sanitary increaser, specified by seat-to-seat dimension
Sanitary increaser, long, specified by face-to-face dimension, tangent length,
and reducer length
Mechanical joint reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension
Short reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension
Hub and spigot reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension
1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center

1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2

1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2

1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified seat-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent
length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center

1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2

1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2

1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent
length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified seat-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center

1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2

1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center

1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2

1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2,
tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/12 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
1/12 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/12 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
1/12 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center

1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2

1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2

1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified seat-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and bend
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent
length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center

1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2

1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2

1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/64 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
1/64 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and
bend radius
1/64 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
1/64 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and
bend radius
One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and
seat-to-center 2
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center

One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and

face-to-center 2
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center

One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1,

seat-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent
length and bend radius
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified face-to-center, tangent
length and bend radius

One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1,

face-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
Level indicator, with inlet/outlet ports
Level indicator, with inlet/outlet ports and vent/drain ports, with straight
Level indicator, with inlet/outlet ports and vent/drain ports, with 90o elbow
Level control valve, cylindrical type
Level control valve, globe type
Level control valve, Y type
Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by spacer length
Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by handle length from flow
Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by handle length from spacer
outside diameter
Latrolet, specified by latrolet length
Foam chamber, Type 1
Foam chamber, Type 2
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x flat outlet

Rupture disc with gauge tap with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x flat outlet

Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, female threaded inlet x flat outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, female threaded inlet x female
threaded outlet

Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, female threaded inlet x weldneck outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, weldneck inlet x flat outlet

Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, weldneck inlet x female threaded outlet

Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, weldneck inlet x weldneck outlet

Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x female threaded outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x weldneck outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, union
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length through hub inclusive of
flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length through hub inclusive of
flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face projection

Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length through hub exclusive of

flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing, length through hub inclusive of flange
face projection
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing, length through hub inclusive of flange
face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face projection

Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing, length through hub exclusive of flange
face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, non-reducing, length through hub inclusive of
flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, non-reducing, length through hub inclusive of
flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face projection

Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, non-reducing, length through hub exclusive of

flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing, length through hub inclusive of
flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing, length through hub inclusive of
flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face projection

Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing, length through hub exclusive of

flange face projection
Plug valve, 2-way, partial jacket, specified by face-to-face dimension

Jacket closure plate, outside diameter fits flush with inside diameter of jacket
Jacket closure plate, outside diameter larger than outside diameter of jacket

Cap, jacket, specified by cap length, tangent length, and inside diameter
Plug valve, 2-way, full jacket, oversized flanges, specified by face-to-face
Plug valve, 2-way, full jacket, standard flanges, specified by face-to-face
Plug valve, 3-way, partial jacket, specified by face-to-face dimension and
face-to-center dimension for branch
Plug valve, 3-way, full jacket, oversized flanges, specified by face-to-face
dimension and face-to-center dimension for branch
Sanitary tee, 45o right side outlet above center, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, 45o left side outlet above center, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, two 45o side outlets above center, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1,
and seat-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, 90o side outlet on center, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-
to-center 3
Sanitary T branches with cleanout plug, specified by header face-to-face
dimension, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary T branches with cleanout plug, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-
center 2, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1,
and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, 90o right side outlet above center, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, 90o left side outlet above center, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, two 90o side outlets above center, specified by header face-to-
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, double horizontal branch, specified by header face-to-face
dimension, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, double horizontal branch, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-
center 2, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, double vertical branch, specified by header face-to-face
dimension, face-to-center 3, and offset between branches

Sanitary tee, with square base, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3,

center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
Sanitary tee, with square base, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2,
seat-to-center 3, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib
T branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-
center 1, and face-to-center 3
T branches, single, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-
to-center 3
T branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-
center 1, and seat-to-center 3
T branches, single, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-
to-center 3

Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-

to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3

Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-

to-center 1, face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension,
tangent length 1, branch radius, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,
face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by tangent length 1, branch radius,
face-to-center 2, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-
to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and branch radius

Sanitary tee, with round base, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3,

center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
Test tee, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, and
face-to-center 3
Test tee, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, and
seat-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, 90o right side outlet above center, specified by header seat-to-
seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, outlet seat-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, 90o left side outlet above center, specified by header seat-to-seat
dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, outlet seat-to-center, and outlet
offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, two 90o side outlets above center, specified by header seat-to-
seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, outlet seat-to-center, and
outlet offset from port 1

Sanitary tee, 90o right side outlet on center, specified by header face-to-face
dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and outlet face-to-center

Sanitary tee, 90o left side outlet on center, specified by header face-to-face
dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and outlet face-to-center

Sanitary tee, two 90o side outlets on center, specified by header face-to-face
dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and outlet face-to-center
Sanitary tee, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 3
Tee, long sweep full flow
Tee, long sweep
Tee, long sweep with integral bull plug
Hub, butt weld
Hub, socket weld
Hub, female threaded
Hub, reducing butt weld
Hub, enlarging butt weld
Hub, reducing with two hub ends
Orifice hub, butt weld
Blind hub, specified by blind length and blind face diameter
11.25o elbow, mitered
15o elbow, mitered
22.5o elbow, mitered
30o elbow, mitered
45o elbow, mitered
60o elbow, mitered
67.5o elbow, mitered
90o elbow, mitered
22.5o elbow, 3D
60o elbow, 3D
Butterfly valve, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 1
Exhaust head, Type 1
Exhaust head, Type 2
Exhaust head, Type 3
Exhaust head, Type 4
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal with drain plugs
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal with instrumentation taps
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric type 1
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric type 2
Flame arrester, in-line, vertical with drain plugs
Flame arrester, detonation
Flame arrester, detonation with drain port
Flame arrester, end-of-line, type 1
Flame arrester, end-of-line, type 2
Saddle, 45o oblique, specified by saddle length and branch face to header
centerline or seat to header centerline
Saddle, 90o square, specified by saddle length and branch face to header
centerline or seat to header centerline
Lap joint flange, assembly of backing flange and stub end, stub length
excludes flange face projection or seating depth
Lap joint flange, assembly of backing flange and stub end, stub length
includes flange face projection or seating depth
Lap joint flange, backing flange only
Expansion joint, single bellows
Expansion joint, universal
Expansion joint, externally pressurized
Expansion joint, single bellows with tie rods
Expansion joint, universal with tie rods
Expansion joint, hinged bellows
Expansion joint, gimbal bellows
Expansion joint, pressure balanced with elbow
Expansion joint, in-line pressure balanced
Expansion joint, externally pressurized pressure balance

Stub end, stub length excludes flange face projection or seating depth

Stub end, stub length includes flange face projection or seating depth
Silencer, compressor inline
Silencer, control valve
Silencer, vent or blowoff
Silencer, gas diffuser
Inspection elbow, specified by face-to-center
Ball valve, 3-way, T-type
Ball valve, 3-way, L-type
Ball valve, 3-way, Y-type
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve manifold,
Type 1
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve manifold,
Type 2
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve manifold,
Type 3
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve manifold,
Type 4
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve manifold,
Type 5

Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple valve
manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 1

Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple valve
manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 2

Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple valve
manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 3

Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple valve
manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 4

Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple valve
manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 5
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and multivariable
transmitter, Type 1
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and multivariable
transmitter, Type 2
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and multivariable
transmitter, Type 3
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and multivariable
transmitter, Type 4
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and multivariable
transmitter, Type 5

Extended body gate valve, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 1

Flange, block
Flange, L-block
Double basket strainer, Type 1
Double basket strainer, Type 2
Double basket strainer, Type 3a
Double basket strainer, Type 3b
Double basket strainer, Type 4
Double basket strainer, Type 5
Double basket strainer, Type 6
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation

Asymmetrical Face-to-Center dimension basis, detailed representation

Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed representation
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket
depth or thread depth), detailed representation
Reducing bushing, hexagonal, length exclusive of hub thickness
Reducing bushing, octagonal, length exclusive of hub thickness
Reducing bushing, decagonal, length exclusive of hub thickness
Reducing bushing, round, specified by face-to-face
Plug, round, specified by face-to-face
Plug, square, length exclusive of nut thickness
Union head, Type 1
Union head, Type 2, hexagonal
Union head, Type 2, octagonal
Union head, Type 2, decagonal
Union head, Type 2, lug
Union tail, Type 1
Union tail, Type 2, hexagonal
Union tail, Type 2, octagonal
Union tail, Type 2, decagonal
Union tail, Type 2, lug
Pressure control valve, Type 1
Pressure control valve, Type 2

Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-center 3

Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center 3

Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center 3

Spectacle blind, Type 1
Spectacle blind, Type 2
Spectacle blind, Type 3
Spectacle blind, Type 4
Spectacle blind, Type 5
Needle valve, linear, Type 1
Needle valve, linear, Type 2
Needle valve, angle
180o return, closed, specified by center-to-center
180o return, open, specified by center-to-center
180o return, open, specified by back-to-face
180o return, open, single tangent, specified by center-to-center and tangent,
port 1
180o return, open, single tangent, specified by back-to-tangent-line and
tangent, port 1
180o return, open, double tangent, specified by center-to-center and tangent

180o return, open, double tangent, specified by back-to-tangent-line and

180o return, open, single tangent, specified by center-to-center and tangent,
port 2
180o return, open, single tangent, specified by back-to-face and tangent, port
Penetration sleeve, specified by outer diameter, thickness, length, and hole

Penetration sleeve, specified by outer diameter, thickness, and length

Reducing bushing, hexagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness
Plug, plain, length inclusive of nut thickness
Plug, round, length inclusive of nut thickness
Plug, counter sunk, specified by face-to-face
Cap, hexagonal, specified by face-to-face
Cap, octagonal, specified by face-to-face
Cap, decagonal, specified by face-to-face
Butterfly valve, double flange body, Type 1
Butterfly valve, double flange body, Type 2
Butterfly valve, double flange body, Type 3
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 1
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 2
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 3
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 4
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 5
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 6
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 7
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 1
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 2
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 3
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 4
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 5
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 6
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 8
Pressure vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, Type 4
Pressure vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, Type 5
Pressure vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, Type 6
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 1
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 2
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 3
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 4
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 5
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 6
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 7
Reducing bushing, decagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness
Reducing bushing, hexagonal, specified by face-to-face
Reducing bushing, octagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness

Single basket strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with outlet offset

Slurry angle check valve, Type 1
Slurry angle check valve, Type 2
Slurry angle valve
Slurry angle valve, with bayonet
Slurry drain valve
Vacuum relief valve, Type 1
Vacuum relief valve, Type 2
Vacuum relief valve, Type 3
Vacuum relief valve, Type 4
Vacuum relief valve, Type 5
Extended body gate valve, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2
In-line pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 1
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and tangent length
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and tangent length
Angle Basket Strainer, Type 1
Angle Basket Strainer, Type 2
Steam trap assembly
Steam trap assembly with cock
Steam trap assembly with cock and bypass
Gate valve, PIV, Type 1, face-to-center
Gate valve, PIV, Type 1, face-to-face
Gate valve, PIV, Type 2, face-to-face
Plug, hexagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness
Plug,with 1/8 bend,
octagonal, double,
length specified
exclusive by thickness
of nut face-to-face, face-to-center 1, face-to-
Wye 3, tangent
with length
1/8 bend, 3, and
double, centerby
specified to seat
port to
seat, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-
Wye 3, tangent
with length
1/8 bend, 3, and
single, centerbytoface-to-face,
specified port offset face-to-center 1, face-to-
Wye 3, tangent
with length
1/8 bend, 3, and
single, centerbytoseat-to-seat,
specified port offset seat-to-center 1, seat-to-
center 3, tangent length 3, and center to port offset
Plug, decagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness
! SmartSupport Codelists
Concentric reducer, bell shaped
Eccentric reducer, bell shaped
Eccentric reducer, seat-to-seat basis, Type 2
Eccentric reducer, seat-to-seat basis, Type 1
Eccentric increaser, Type 1
Concentric reducer, swaged nipple
Eccentric reducer, swaged nipple
Instrument tee, hygienic, Type 1
Instrument tee, hygienic, Type 2
Flange, block, flare
Flange, block, retain ring
Distance piece
Solid spacer
Lined ring spacer, Type 1
Lined ring spacer, Type 2
Lined, flanged pipe spool, Fixed x Fixed
Lined, flanged pipe spool, Fixed x Rotating
Lined, flanged pipe spool, Rotating x Rotating
Clamp, cap nut, Type 1
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 1
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 2
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 3
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 1
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 2
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 3
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 4
Thermowell, Type 2
Thermowell, Type 4
Thermowell, Type 5
Thermowell, Type 6
Thermowell, Type 7
Thermowell, Type 8
Thermowell, Type 9
Thermowell, Type 10
Thermowell, Type 11
Thermowell, Type 12
Thermowell, Type 13
Thermowell, Type 14
Thermowell, Type 15
Thermowell, Type 16
Thermowell, Type 17
Thermowell, Type 18
Thermowell, Type 19
Thermowell, Type 22
Thermowell, Type 23
Thermowell, Type 24
Thermowell, Type 25
Thermowell with integral extension, Type 1
Temperature sensor adapter, Type 1
Multipoint temperature profiling sensor, thermocouple, Type 1
Multipoint temperature profiling sensor, thermocouple, Type 2
Thermowell boss, Type 2
Thermowell boss, Type 3
Therma-Pipet®, Type 1
Thermowell elbow adapter, Type 1
Thermowell elbow adapter, Type 2
Temperature sensor, RTD, Type 3
Temperature sensor, RTD, Type 4
Temperature sensor, direct immersion, RTD, Type 1
Temperature sensor, direct immersion, RTD, Type 2
Temperature sensor, bayonet, RTD, Type 1
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 21
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 1
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 2
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 3
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 4
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 5
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 6
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 7
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 8
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 9
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 10
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 11
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 12
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 13
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 14
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 15
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 16
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 1
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 2
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 3
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 4
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 5
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 6
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 7
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 8
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 9
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 10
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 11
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 12
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 13
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 14
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 15
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 16
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 17
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 18
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 19
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 20
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 21
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 22
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 23
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 24
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 25
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 26
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 27
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 28
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 29
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 30
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 1
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 2
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 3
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 4
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 5
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 6
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 7
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 8
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 9
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 10
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 11
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 12
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 13
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 14
Temperature transmitter, head mounted, Type 1
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter runs, Type 8
45o elbow, double back, manifold
1/12 bend, symmetrical, specified by face to center and bend radius
Female coupling, specified by seat-to-seat dimension
Casing hanger, Type 1
Casing hanger, Type 2
Tubing hanger, Type 1
Tubing hanger, Type 2
Tubing hanger, Type 3
Tubing hanger coupling
Turbine flowmeter, Type 2
Turbine flowmeter with flow straighteners, Type 2
Rotometer, armored, Type 6
Heat jacket, bolt-on, Type 1
Rocker lug cap, Type 1
Instrument sensor, pH, Type 1
Instrument sensor, conductivity, Type 1
Instrument sensor, ORP potential, Type 1
Instrument sensor, turbidity, Type 1
Instrument sensor, oxygen, Type 1
Concentric reducer, hydraulics, Type 1
Wye strainer, Type 4
Elbow, 92°, Type 1
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1a
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1b
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 22
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 3b
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 7
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1a
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1b
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 6b
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 18a
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 18b
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 4b
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 4c
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b
Thermodynamic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5
Thermodynamic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 6
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 4b
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 5a
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 5b
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 9
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 10
Bimetallic steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer, Type 1
Bimetallic steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer,
strainer +Type 2
valve, Type 1
Bimetallic steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer + blowdown
valve, Type 2
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b
Elbow, hydraulics, Type 1
Tank drain valve, specified by face-to-face, Type 1
Tank drain valve, specified by face-to-face, Type 2
Sight flow indicator, type 10
Sight flow indicator, type 11
Sight flow indicator, type 12
Sight flow indicator, type 13
Ball valve, 3-way, Type 3
Pressure control valve, Type 1a
Pressure control valve, Type 2a
Gate valve, PIV, Type 3, face-to-face
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 1
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 2
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 3
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 4
Moisture Separator, Cyclonic Type 1
Check valve, vertical, Type 2
Rosebox strainer, Type 2
Face-to-Face and Face-to-Center 1 dimension basis, detailed representation
3 Way Diverter Valve, Type 1
Side proportioning eductor, Type 1
Dresser coupling, middle ring and follower, Type 1
Dresser coupling, flange adapter, Type 1
Dresser coupling, expansion sleeve, Type 1
Pressure relief valve, Type 1
Pressure relief valve, Type 2
Pressure relief valve, Type 3
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 1
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 2
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 3
In-line pressure relief valve, Type 1
Bell mouth, circular type, specified by face-to-center
Bell mouth, oblong type, specified by face-to-center
Rosebox strainer, Type 1
Storm Valve, horizontal
Storm Valve, vertical
Storm valve, angular
Single Basket Strainer, Type 5
Single Basket Strainer, Type 6
Single Basket Strainer, Type 7
Single Basket Strainer, Type 8
Angle Basket Strainer, Type 3
Reinforcing pad, OD intersection – legacy symbol
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-on
Tee, specified by seat-to-center 1
Aseptic or hygienic clamp, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic ferrule, notch end, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic ferrule, Type 2
Aseptic or hygienic blind ferrule, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic blind ferrule, Type 2
Aseptic or hygienic liner, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic liner, Type 2
Aseptic or hygienic blind liner, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic nut, Type 1
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2, zero
Double basket strainer, Type 7
Double basket strainer, Type 8
Aseptic or hygienic ferrule, groove end, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic blind ferrule, groove end, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic liner, groove end, Type 1
Aseptic or hygienic blind liner, groove end, Type 1
Bell mouth, circular type, specified by face-to-face
Lateral, specified by seat-to-center 1
Elbow, symmetrical, zero radius, specified by face-to-center
Diaphragm control valve, Type 1
Diaphragm control valve, Type 2
Bull plug, Type 1
Bull plug, Type 1, tapped
Bull plug, Type 2
Lateral, Manifold, Specified by Face-to-Face
Lateral, Manifold, Specified by Face-to-Center
Concentric reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension, tangent length 1, and
tangent length
Concentric 2
increaser, specified by seat-to-seat dimension, tangent length 1, and
tangent length 2
Concentric increaser, Type 1
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-face, Type 1
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-face, Type 2
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-center, Type 1
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-center, Type 2
Cross, block type, manifold, Type 1
Cross, block type, manifold, Type 2
Coupling, specified by seat-to-seat dimension
Wye, long sweep
Tee, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-face
Tee, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-center
Tee, long sweep, Type 2
90o elbow, cushion cross, manifold, Type 1
Tee, block type, manifold
Cushion cross, block type, manifold
Concentric reducer, manifold
Eccentric reducer, manifold
Reducing bushing, round, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and seat-to-center 1
Reducing bushing, round, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and length
Plug, round, specified by length 1 and length 2
Standpipe gooseneck 160o with top outlet, Type 1
Standpipe gooseneck 160o with top outlet, Type 2
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o with top outlet, Type 3
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o with top integral bull plug, Type 1
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o with top integral bull plug, Type 2
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o
Standpipe gooseneck, 180o
Tee, specified by seat-to-center 1, end-to-center 2, and end-to-center 3
Tee, vortex, specified by seat-to-center 1, end-to-center 2, and end-to-center 3
Hose Valve, Asymmetrical Face-to-Center
Hose Valve, Specified by Face-to-Center, Length 1, and Length 2
Angle Hose Valve, Asymmetrical Face-to-Center
Angle Hose Valve, Specified by Face-to-Center, Length 1, and Length 2
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 1
Asymmetrical Face-to-Center Dimension Basis, Detailed Representation, Type 1
Asymmetrical Face-to-Center Dimension Basis, Detailed Representation, Type 2
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, clockwise with offset
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, counter-clockwise with offset
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 1
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 2
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 3
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 4
45o elbow, block type, manifold
45o elbow, lateral cushion, block type, specified by face-to-face
90o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 1
90o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 2
90o elbow, long radius, manifold
90o elbow, double back, manifold
90o elbow, long sweep with outlet, manifold
90o elbow, block type, manifold
90o elbow, cushion tee, manifold
Flanged nipolet, Type 1
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 2
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 2
Tee, increasing, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-to-center
3, branch
Flange as port includes
thickness 2 flange face projection, conical hub
Tubing head, Type 1
Pressure control valve, Type 3
Pressure control valve, angle, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, specified by face to header surface, and
hole diameter
Weldolet®, in headertangential
Weldolet®, non-radial, offset
Flanged weldolet, Type 1
Flanged weldolet, Type 2
Wye, asymmetrical, based on three face-to-center dimensions
Tee, increasing, specified by face-to-center, branch as port 2
Tee, increasing, specified by seat-to-center, branch as port 2
Tee, increasing, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2, branch as port
Venturi tube, insert, Type 1
Venturi tube, insert, Type 2
Venturi tube, universal, Type 1
Venturi tube, universal, Type 2
Venturi tube, classical, Type 1
Reinforcing pad, stub-on
Reinforcing pad, stub-in
Tubing head, Type 2
Tubing head, Type 3
Tubing head adapter, Type 1
Tubing head adapter, Type 2
Tubing head adapter, Type 3
Tubing head adapter, Type 4
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5
Blind flange, wellhead, instrument, tapped thru center
Blind flange, wellhead, instrument, tapped thru side
Tree cap
Adapter spool, Type 1
Casing head spool, Type 1
Casing head spool, Type 2
Casing head housing, Type 1
Casing head housing, Type 2
Spacer spool, Type 1
Drilling spool, Type 1
Drilling spool, Type 2
Drilling spool, Type 3
Cross, block type, manifold, Type 3
Cross, studded, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 3
Hub, wellhead
Tee, Wellhead, Type 1
Tee, Wellhead, Type 2
Clamp, Wellhead
Choke valve, positive, Type 1
Choke valve, positive, Type 2
Choke valve, positive, Type 3
Choke valve, adjustable, Type 1
Choke valve, adjustable, Type 2
Choke valve, adjustable, Type 3
Flange, wellhead, instrument
Flange, manifold, transmitter
90o elbow, cushion type, manifold, Type 2
Knife gate valve, Type 4
Knife gate valve, Type 5
Knife gate valve, Type 6
Blind Hub, Wellhead, Instrument
Flange adapter, wellhead
Wye, double corner branch, 45°
Wye, double corner branch, 87.5°
Wye, double
Elbow, 87.5°, branch, 87.5° specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2,
tangent 1, tangent 2, and segment length
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 1
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 2
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 3
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 4
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 5
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 6
Centering flange, Type 1
Centering flange, Type 2
Centering flange, Type 3
Centering flange, Type 4
Centering flange, slanted, Type 1
Liquid drainer, Type 1
Liquid drainer, Type 2
Liquid drainer, Type 3
Liquid drainer, Type 4
Air/gas vent, Type 1
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 1
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed
and face-to-center representation,
1 dimension Typerepresentation,
basis, detailed 14
Type 2
Deluge valve, Type 1
Deluge valve, Type 2
Concentrate controller, Type 1
Concentrate controller, Type 2
Concentrate controller, Type 3
Concentrate controller, Type 4
Elbow, 87.5°, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2, zero
87.5°, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
Tee, 87.5°, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-
Tee, 87.5°,3 asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-
Pressure3 relief valve, pipe-away, Type 4
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 5
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 6
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 7
Bleed ring, Type 1
Bleed ring, Type 2
Base bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, base height, and base
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve, vertical fitting access, Type 1
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve, vertical fitting access, Type 2
Sterile access valve, vertical valve, horizontal fitting access, Type 1
Sterile access valve, vertical valve, horizontal fitting access, Type 2
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, vertical fitting access, Type 1
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, vertical fitting access, Type 2
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, horizontal fitting access, Type
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, horizontal fitting access, Type
Tandem valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 1
Tandem valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 2
Tandem valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 3
Tandem valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 4
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 1
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 2
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 3
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 4
Tandem valve, vertical main, tandem at drain angle, Type 1
Tandem valve, vertical main, tandem at drain angle, Type 2
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, horizontal tandem at drain angle,
Tandem1 valve, horizontal main at drain angle, horizontal tandem at drain angle,
Tandem2 valve, vertical main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from
main centerline,
Tandem Type 1main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from
valve, vertical
main centerline,
Tandem Type 2main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from
valve, vertical
main centerline,
Tandem Type 3main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from
valve, vertical
main centerline, Type 4Type 1
Tandem valve, double,
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 1
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 2
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 3
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 4
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 5
Flow instrument, surface-mounted, Type 1
Flow instrument, surface-mounted, Type 2
Flow instrument, inline, Type 1
Pad-Depad Valve, Type 1
90o elbow with left side outlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
90o elbow with left side outlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
90o elbow with left side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-
center 2, where
90o elbow sideside
with left outlet equals
outlet, face-to-center
asymmetrical, 1
specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-
90o 2, where
elbow sideside
with left outlet equals
outlet, seat-to-center
asymmetrical, 1
specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-
90o 2, where
elbow sideside
with left outlet equals
outlet, face-to-center
asymmetrical, 2
specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-
center 2, where
Face-to-face side outlet
dimension equals
basis, seat-to-center
detailed 2
representation, Type 15
Sanitary trap, P-trap, Type 1
Sanitary trap, P-trap, Type 2
Sanitary trap, P-trap, long, Type 1
Sanitary trap, P-trap, reducing, Type 1
Sanitary trap, P-trap, deep seal, Type 1
Sanitary trap, P-trap, deep seal, Type 2
Sanitary trap, P-trap with tapped inlet, Type 1
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout, Type 1
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout and vent, Type 1
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout, Type 2
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout and vent, Type 2
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout, Type 3
Sanitary trap, P-trap with primer tap, Type 1
Sanitary trap, running trap with one vent, Type 1
Sanitary trap, running trap with two vents, Type 1
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout, Type 1
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and one vent, Type 1
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and two vents, Type 1
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout, Type 2
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and one vent, Type 2
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and two vents, Type 2
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout, Type 3
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and one vent, Type 3
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and two vents, Type 3
Sanitary trap, P-trap, Type 3
Sanitary trap, combination trap and tee, Type 1
Clamp, Type 1
Clamp, Type 2
Clamp, Type 3
Clamp, Type 4
Clamp, Type 5
Reducing Coupling, Type 1
Reducing Coupling, Type 2
Closet cross, Type 1
Closet cross, Type 2
Closet cross, Type 3
Cleanout, Two-Way, Type 1
Cleanout, Two-Way, Type 2
Cleanout, Two-Way, Double, Type 1
Cleanout, Two-Way, Double, Type 2
Tank bottom valve, Type 1
Tank bottom valve, Type 2
Tank bottom valve, Type 3
Tank bottom valve, Type 4
Sanitary vent branch, Type 1
Wye, hub side opening
Closet tee with top vent, right hand, Type 1
Closet tee with top vent, right hand, Type 2
Closet tee with top vent, left hand, Type 1
Closet tee with top vent, left hand, Type 2
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, right hand, Type 1
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, right hand, Type 2
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, left hand, Type 1
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, left hand, Type 2
Spectacle Blind, Type 6
Wye, double, figure five, Type 1
Wye, double, figure one, Type 1
Wye, double with side opening, Type 1
90° elbow with side outlet on center, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
Sanitary T branches with cleanout plug, specified by header face-to-face
Anchorage face-to-center
Base Tee, Type 1, 1and seat-to-center 3
Zero static diaphragm valve, standard design, Type 1
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, faceted, Type 1
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, faceted, Type 2
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, faceted, Type 3
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, non-faceted, Type 1
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, non-faceted, Type 2
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 1
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 2
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 3
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 4
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 5
Sanitary figure eight, right hand
Sanitary figure eight, left hand
Sanitary figure eight, double
Sanitary figure six, right hand
Sanitary figure six, left hand
Sanitary figure six, double
Positive displacement type flow instrument, Type 1
Seat-to-face dimension
Face-to-seat dimension
End-to-seat dimension
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-face, Type 1
Spec transition adapter, specified by seat-to-seat, Type 1
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-seat, Type 1
Instrument tee, Type 1
Instrument manifold, 2 valves, Type 1
Instrument manifold, 2 valves, Type 2
Instrument manifold, 3 valves, Type 1
Instrument manifold, 3 valves, Type 2
Instrument manifold, 5 valves, Type 1
Instrument manifold, 5 valves, Type 2
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 1
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 2
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 3
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 4
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 5
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of
socket depth ordimension
Seat-to-center thread depth), detailed representation,
(Face-to-center Type 1 of socket depth or
dimension exclusive
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 2
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth),seat-to-center
Asymmetrical detailed representation,
dimensionType 3
(Face-to-center dimension exclusive of
socket depth ordimension
Seat-to-center thread depth), detailed representation,
(Face-to-center Type 2 of socket depth or
dimension exclusive
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center representation,
dimension Type
(Face-to-center 5
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 6
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center representation,
dimension Type
(Face-to-center 4
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth),dimension
Face-to-face detailed representation,
basis, detailed Type 7
representation, Type 16
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 1
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 2
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 3
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 4
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 5
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 6
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 7
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 8
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 9
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 10
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 11
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 12
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 13
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 14
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 15
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 16
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 17
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 18
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 19
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 20
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 14
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 15
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 16
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 14
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 15
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 16
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 2 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 3 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 4 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 5 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 6 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 7 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 8 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 9 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 10 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 11 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 12 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 13 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 14 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 15 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 16 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 17 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 18 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 19 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension
thread depth), detailed representation,
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-centerType 20
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 8
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation, Type
(Face-to-center 9
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation, Type
(Face-to-center 10
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation, Type
(Face-to-center 11
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation, Type
(Face-to-center 12
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 13
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation, Type
(Face-to-center 14
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation, Type
(Face-to-center 15
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation, Type
(Face-to-center 16
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 17
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed
Seat-to-center dimensionrepresentation,
(Face-to-centerType 18
dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 19
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth or
thread depth),seat-to-center
Asymmetrical detailed representation,
basis,20detailed representation, Type 1
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 2
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 14
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 15
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 16
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20
Sanitary eccentric reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension and tangent length
Sanitary eccentric reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and tangent length
Sanitary eccentric reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension
Elbow, Hi-ear, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
Tee, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 3
Tee, anchorage base, Type 1
Tee, Hi-ear, specified by seat-to-center
Tee, drop, specified by seat-to-center and face-to-center 3
Knife gate valve, Type 7
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1,
seat-to-center 2, and face
1/24 bend, symmetrical, 1 to facebyheel
specified inlet
1/24 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius
1/24 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center
1/24 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius
1/24 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2
1/24 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and bend
1/24 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2
1/24 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and bend
90o elbow, cushion cross, manifold, Type 2
Wye, double, corner branch, 45°
Wye, double, corner branch, 87.5°
Wye, double, upright, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 3, and port-to-port
Wye, upright, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with cleanout, specified by face-to-seat, seat-to-center 2, and face-to-center 3
45o offset, specified by face-to-face dimension and vertical offset
90o elbow with side outlet on center, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center
Cap, drain, specified by face-to-face
Plug, slotted head, length exclusive of head thickness
Penetration sleeve, Type 1
Penetration sleeve, Type 2
Penetration sleeve, Type 3
Penetration sleeve, Type 4
Penetration sleeve, Type 5
Penetration sleeve, Type 6
Penetration sleeve, Type 7
Penetration sleeve, double, Type 1
Penetration coupling, Type 1
Penetration coupling, Type 2 (reducing), retired
Penetration coupling, Type 3 (full size)
Penetration coupling, double, Type 1
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 1
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 2
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 3
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 4
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 5
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-on
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-in
Flange face adapter, wellhead
Line blind valve, Type 1
Line blind valve, Type 2
Line blind valve, Type 3
Temperature sensor, Type 1
Temperature sensor, Type 2
Temperature sensor, Type 3
T-body valve, Type 1
Coupling with drain, specified by seat-to-seat
Restrained coupling, Type 1
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 1
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 2
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 3
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 4
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 5
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 6
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 7
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 8
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 9
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 10
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 11
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 12
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 13
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 14
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 15
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 16
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 17
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 1
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 2
Orifice fitting, single chamber, Type 1
Double branch, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 3, branch port-to-port
offset, and branch,
Quadruple offset of specified
branch port from seat 1 seat-to-center 3, branch port-to-port
by seat-to-seat,
offset, and offset of branch port from seat 1
Eccentric reducer, biological-pharmaceutical
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 1
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 2
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 3
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 4
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-in
Gate valve, two nipple ends, Type 1
Gate valve, one nipple end, Type 1
Gate valve, two nipple ends, Type 2
Gate valve, one nipple end, Type 2
Globe valve, two nipple ends, Type 1
Globe valve, one nipple end, Type 1
Globe valve, two nipple ends, Type 2
Globe valve, two nipple ends, Type 3
Globe valve, one nipple end, Type 2
Extended body globe valve, integrally reinforced, Type 1
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 21
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 1
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 2
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 3
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 4
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 5
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 6
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 7
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 8
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 9
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 10
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 11
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 12
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 13
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 14
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 22
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 23
Latrolet, Type 1
Segmented wedge flowmeter, Type 1
Segmented wedge flowmeter, Type 2
Segmented wedge flowmeter, Type 3
Turbine flowmeter, Type 1
Turbine flowmeter with flow straighteners, Type 1
Instrument tee, Hygienic,Type 1
Instrument tee, Hygienic,Type 2
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of
socket depth or
Asymmetrical thread depth),
seat-to-center detailed representation,
dimension (Face-to-centerType 3
dimension exclusive of
socket depth or
Orifice fitting, thread
dual depth),
chamber, detailed
Type 3 representation, Type 4
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 4
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 5
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 6
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 7
Orifice fitting, single chamber, Type 2
Orifice fitting, single chamber, Type 3
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 1
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 2
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 3
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 4
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 5
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 6
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 7
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 8
Integral orifice flange assembly, Type 1
Integral orifice flange assembly, Type 2
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-face, Type 2
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-face, Type 3
Spec transition adapter, specified by seat-to-seat, Type 2
Spec transition adapter, specified by seat-to-seat, Type 3
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-seat, Type 2
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-seat, Type 3
Rotometer, Type 1
Rotometer, Type 2
Rotometer, Type 3
Rotometer, Type 4
Rotometer, Type 5
Rotometer, Type 6
Rotometer, Type 7
Rotometer, Type 8
Rotometer, Type 9
Rotometer, Type 10
Rotometer, Type 11
Rotometer, Type 12
Rotometer, Type 13
Rotometer, Type 14
Rotometer, Type 15
Rotometer with alarm, Type 1
Rotometer with alarm, Type 2
Rotometer with alarm, Type 3
Rotometer, armored, Type 1
Rotometer, armored, Type 2
Rotometer, armored, Type 3
Rotometer, armored, Type 4
Rotometer, armored, Type 5
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 1
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 2
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 3
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 4
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 5
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 6
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 7
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 8
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 9
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 10
Rotometer with transmitter, armored, Type 1
Rotometer with transmitter, armored, Type 2
Vortex flowmeter, Type 1
Vortex flowmeter, Type 2
Vortex flowmeter, Type 3
Vortex flowmeter, Type 4
Vortex flowmeter, Type 5
Vortex flowmeter, Type 6
Vortex flowmeter, Type 7
Vortex flowmeter, Type 8
Vortex flowmeter, Type 9
Vortex flowmeter, Type 10
Vortex flowmeter, Type 11
Vortex flowmeter, Type 12
Vortex flowmeter, Type 13
Vortex flowmeter, Type 14
Vortex flowmeter, Type 15
Vortex flowmeter, Type 16
Vortex flowmeter, Type 17
Sampling Valve, Type 1
Sampling Valve, Type 2
Tee, quick disconnect
Tee, jacketed
Tee, insert
Water jet eductor, Type 1
Water jet eductor, Type 2
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 1
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 2
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 3
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 4
Pressure Breakdown Orifice, Type 1
Extended body gate valve, Type 1
Extended body gate valve, Type 2
Extended body globe valve, Type 1
Rotary valve, Type 1
Rotary valve, Type 2
Rotary valve, Type 3
Rotary valve, Type 4
Rotary valve, Type 5
Rotary valve, Type 6
Rotary valve, Type 7
Rotary valve, Type 8
Rotary valve, Type 9
Rotary valve, blow through, Type 1
Rotary valve, blow through, Type 2
Rotary valve, blow through, Type 3
Adapter, tubing x tubing size reduction
Nipple, cylindrical
Nipple, hexagonal
Nipple, octagonal
Clamp-on saddle, single outlet, Type 2
Clamp-on saddle, double outlet, Type 2
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 1
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 2
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 3
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 4
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 5
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 6
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 7
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 8
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 9
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Metallic flange
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Non-metallic flange
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Clamp
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Weld nipple
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Threaded adapter
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Male threaded
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Female threaded
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Adhesive
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Hose
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 11
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 12
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 13
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 14
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 15
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Metallic flange
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Non-metallic flange
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Clamp
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Weld nipple
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Threaded adapter
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Male threaded
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Female threaded
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Adhesive
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Hose
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 17
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Metallic flange
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Non-metallic flange
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Clamp
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Weld nipple
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Threaded adapter
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Male threaded
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Female threaded
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Adhesive
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Hose
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 24
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 25
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 26
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 27
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 28
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 29
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 30
Single Basket Strainer, Type 9
Single Basket Strainer, Type 10
Single Basket Strainer, Type 11
Single Basket
Flange, Strainer,
elongated Type 12
hexagonal drilling template, length though hub excludes
flange face
Flange, projection
elongated hexagonal drilling template with offset, length though hub
includes flange face projection
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 1
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 2
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 3
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 4
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 5
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 6
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 1
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 2
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 3
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 4
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 1
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 2
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 3
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 4
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 5
Orifice flange based on face-to-face dimension and face-to-tap dimension
Radiation-based density detector, Type 1
Radiation-based density detector, Type 2
Radiation-based density detector, Type 3
Radiation-based density detector, Type 4
Flange, flued collar, concentric reducing
Flange, flued collar, eccentric reducing
Flange, weldneck, wellhead adapter
Flange, expander, short
Flange, expander, long
Surface-mounted temperature sensor, RTD, Type 1
Surface-mounted temperature sensor, RTD, Type 2
Reducing filler flange, concentric
Reducing filler flange, eccentric
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 1
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 2
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 3
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 4
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 5
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 6
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 7
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 8
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 9
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 10
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 11
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 12
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 13
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 14
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 15
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 16
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 17
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 18
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 19
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 20
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 21
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 22
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 23
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 1
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 2
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 3
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 4
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 5
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 6
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 7
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 8
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 9
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 10
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 11
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 12
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 13
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 14
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 15
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 16
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 17
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 18
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 19
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 20
Thermowell Boss, Type 1
Thermalet®, Type 1
Diaphragm Valve, 3-Way, Vertical Inlet, Type 1
Bellows Valve, 3-Way, Vertical Inlet, Type 1
Bellows valve, 4-way, Type 1
Bellows valve, 4-way, Type 2
Ball valve, 3-way, Type 4
Tube gland, Type 1
Tube gland, Type 2
Tube gland, Type 3
Tube gland, Type 4
Tube gland with male nut, Type 1
Tubing connector, Type 1
Tubing connector, Type 2
Tubing connector, Type 3
Tubing connector, Type 4
Clamp, tubing nut, Type 1
Temperature sensor, non-intrusive elbow, RTD, sanitary, Type 1
Temperature sensor, non-intrusive, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 1
Temperature sensor, non-intrusive, RTD, sanitary, Type 2
Instrument Housing, Straight-Through, Type 1
Instrument Housing, Elbow-Type, Type 1
Instrument Housing, Tee-Type, Type 1
Surface-Mounted Remote Instrument Housing, Type 1
Surface-Mounted Remote Instrument Housing, Type 2
Aseptic or hygienic clamp, Type 2
Aseptic or hygienic clamp, Type 3
Multipoint temperature profiling sensor, RTD, Type 1
Thermowell, Type 1
Thermowell, Type 3
Inline flow strainer, single screen, Type 1
Inline flow strainer, dual screens, Type 1
Angled flow strainer, single screen, Type 1
Temperature Sensor Extension, Nipple, Type 1
Temperature Sensor Extension, Coupling-Nipple, Type 1
Temperature Sensor Extension, Nipple-Union-Nipple, Type 1
Temperature Sensor Extension, Union-Nipple, Type 1
Temperature Sensor Extension, Sanitary, Type 1
Temperature Sensor Extension, Union-Nipple, Type 2
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Type 1
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Type 2
Deck scupper, without water seal, rectangular
Branch outlet fitting with integral thermowell, Type 1
Branch outlet fitting with integral thermowell, Type 2
Fire monitor, Type 1
Fire monitor, Type 2
Fire monitor, Type 3
Fire hydrant, Type 1
Fire hydrant, Type 2
Fire hydrant, Type 3
Fire hydrant, Type 4
Fire hydrant mount, Type 1
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 1
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 2
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 3
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 4
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 5
ThreadedElbow with
flange, Integral Thermowell,
length-through-hub Type 6 excludes flange face
Threaded conical hub
length-through-hub dimension includes flange face
Check valve, jacketed, Type 1
Check valve, jacketed, Type 2
Steam distribution manifold, 4 valves, Type 1
Steam distribution manifold, 8 valves, Type 1
Steam distribution manifold, 12 valves, Type 1
Coupling, mechanical x mechanical, Type 1
Coupling, mechanical x mechanical, Type 2
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 1
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 2
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 3
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 4
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 5
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 6
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 7
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 8
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 9
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 10
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 11
Gate valve, jacketed, Type 1
Gate valve, jacketed, Type 2
Globe valve, jacketed, Type 1
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 1
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 2
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 3
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 4
Sleeved penetration fitting with flange, Type 1
Check valve, jacketed, Type 3
Sample cooler, Type 1
Sample cooler, Type 2
Sample cooler, Type 3
Sample cooler, Type 4
Sample cooler, Type 5
Sample cooler, Type 6
Sample cooler, Type 7
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1 with drain
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2 with drain
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1a
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1a with drain
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2a
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2a with drain
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 3
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 9
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 10
Check valve, jacketed, Type 4
Plug valve, 2-way, full jacket, Type 3
Penetration coupling, Outer Sleeve + Inner Sleeve, Type 1
Penetration coupling, Inner Sleeve Only, Type 1
Valve spacer, Type 1
Backup ring, Type 1
Flange adapter, Type 1
Backup ring + stub end, Type 1
Mechanical thermometer, straight, Type 1
Mechanical glass tube thermometer, 90o, Type 1
Mechanical thermometer, 135o, Type 1
Thermowell, Type 20
Thermowell, Type 21
Temperature Sensor Extension, Union-Nipple, Type 3
90o Elbow, molded, Type 1
45o Elbow, molded, Type 1
90o Elbow, Mitered, Type 2
45o Elbow, Mitered, Type 2
Tee, molded, Type 1
Tee, pulled, Type 1
Eccentric wye, Type 1
Saddle, molded, Type 1
Reducing coupling, Type 3
Inverted bucket steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer, Type 1
Inverted bucket steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer,
strainer +Type 2
blowdown valve, Type 1
Inverted bucket steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer +
blowdown valve, Type 2
Gauge root
Inverted valve,
Bucket Type Trap
Steam 3 Horizontal Installation with Integral Strainer,
Type 1 Bucket Steam Trap Horizontal Installation with Integral Strainer,
Type 3
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 4
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 5
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 6
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 7
Temperature Sensor, Direct Immersion, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1
Temperature Sensor, Direct Immersion, RTD, Sanitary, Type 2
Temperature Sensor, Spring Loaded, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1
Temperature Sensor, Non-Intrusive, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1
Temperature Sensor, Safety Socket, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1
Temperature Sensor, Safety Socket, RTD, Sanitary, Type 2
Temperature Sensor, Flush Mount, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 2
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 3
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 4
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a with drain
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b with drain
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a with drain
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b with drain
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 8
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Horizontal Installation, Type 4
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Horizontal Installation, Type 5
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1b
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2b
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1b with drain
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2b with drain
Flexible ball joint, Type 1a
Flexible ball joint, Type 2a
Flexible ball joint, Type 1b
Flexible ball joint, Type 2b
Isolation joint, Type 1
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 7
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 7
Valve manifold fitting, 2 valve ports, Type 1
Wye with 1/8 bend, 87.5o branch
Elbow, 15° mitered, Type 1
Elbow, 15°, Type 1
Double wye, double branch, 67.5°
Pressure indicator, Type 1
Reducing coupling, eccentric, Type 1
Elbow, 30° mitered, Type 3
Elbow, 87.5°, Asymmetrical, Specified by Seat-to-Center 1 and Seat-to-Center 2,
Long Radius
Elbow, 87.5°, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and
tangent length
Elbow, 88°, Type 1
Elbow, 30°, Type 2
Elbow, 45°, Type 2
Elbow, 67.5°, Type 2
45° Elbow, Asymmetrical, Specified by Seat-to-Center 1, Seat-to-Center 2, and
Bend Radiustwo nipple ends, Type 3
Gate valve,
Gate valve, two nipple ends, Type 4
Diaphragm Valve, 3-Way, Horizontal Inlet, Type 1
Diaphragm Valve, 3-Way, Horizontal Inlet, Type 2
Hook-up stick, return, Type 1
Hook-up stick, supply, Type 1
Diaphragm valve, 4-way, horizontal inlet, Type 1
Diaphragm Valve, 4-Way, Type 2
Eccentric true wye, Type 1
Eccentric true wye, Type 2
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 3
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 4
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 3a
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 3b
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 6
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 9
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 7
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation, Type 11
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 8
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 1a
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 1b
Flexible expansion joint, single ball, Type 1a
Flexible expansion joint, single ball, Type 1b
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 2a
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 2b
Tee, hydraulics, Type 1
Flange, hydraulics, Type 1
Tee, 88° branch, Type 1
Fire monitor, Type 4
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 1a
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 1b
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 2a
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 2b
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 360° connector, Type 1
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 360° connector, Type 2
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 1
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 2
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 3
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 4a
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 4b
Reinforcing pad, non-radial
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 16
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 15
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, in-line, Type 1
Tank bottom valve, Type 5
Fixation saddle, Type 1
Wear Saddle, Type 1
Point level switch, Type 1a
Point level switch, Type 1b
Point level switch, Type 2a
Point level switch, Type 2b
Point level switch, Type 3a
Point level switch, Type 3b
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 1a
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 1b
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 2a
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 3a
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 2b
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 3b
Level sensor, radar, Type 1
Level sensor, radar, Type 2
Level sensor, radar, Type 3
Level sensor, ultrasonic, Type 1
Level sensor, ultrasonic, Type 2
Pressure sensor, Type 1
Level sensor, radar, Type 4a
Level sensor, radar, Type 4b
Level sensor, displacement, Type 1
Pressure indicator, Type 2
Pressure indicator, Type 3
Pressure indicator, Type 4
Pressure indicator, Type 5
Penetration coupling, Type 4 (increasing)
Penetration coupling, Type 2 (reducing)
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 8
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 9
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 10
Pig signaller, non-intrusive, Type 1
Pig signaller, non-intrusive, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Nipolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Nipolet®, Type 2
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 11
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 12
Instrument tee, Type 2
Instrument tee, Type 3
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 4a
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 4b
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 13
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 14
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 15
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 16
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 23
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 17
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 18
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 19
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 20
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 3
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 4
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5
Wye, elbow, Type 1
Wye, double, reducing outlet, Type 1
Instrument tee with integral sensor, Type 1
Flow Switch, Type 1
Penetration sleeve, Type 8
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 12
Corrosion coupon holder, Type 1
Corrosion coupon holder, Type 2
Pressure indicator, Type 6
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 21a
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 21b
Wye, double, slurry, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 3
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 4
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 5
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Thredolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Thredolet®, Type 2
Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting, Sockolet® Type 1
Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting, Sockolet® Type 2
Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting, Sockolet® Type 3
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 3
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 8
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9a
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9b
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9c
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9d
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Brazolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Sweepolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 3
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 4
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Insert Weldolet®, Type 1
Elbolet®, Type 1
Elbolet®, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 3
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 4
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, CoupoletTM, Type 1
Tee strainer, Type 1
Tee strainer, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 3
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 4
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Mechanical, Type 1
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b
Bimetallic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 4
Bimetallic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 6a
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 6b
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 7a
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 7b
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 8a
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 8b
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Thredolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Thredolet®, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Sockolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Sockolet®, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Nipolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Latrolet®, Type 1
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Latrolet®, Type 2
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Latrolet®, Type 3
Thermowell Boss, Type 4
Thermowell Boss, Type 5
Reinforced branch, stub-on, Type 1
Reinforced branch, stub-in, Type 1
Reinforced branch, stub-through, Type 1
Reinforced branch, stub-on, Type 2
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 10a
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 10b
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 15
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 16
T-body valve, Type 2
T-body valve, Type 3
60o elbow, mitered, Type 2
30o elbow, mitered, Type 2
Coupling, mechanical x mechanical, Type 3
Saddle, Type 1
Saddle, Type 2
Saddle, Type 3
Saddle, snap-on, Type 1
Saddle, clamp-on, single outlet, Type 1
Saddle, clamp-on, single outlet, Type 2
Saddle, clamp-on, double outlet, Type 1
Saddle, clamp-on, double outlet, Type 2
Saddle, 45o oblique, Type 1
Saddle, 90o square, Type 1
MonoFlange valve, isolation, Type 1
MonoFlange valve, block and bleed, Type 1
MonoFlange valve, double block and bleed, Type 1
Pressure relief valve, Type 4
Lateral, reducing run and branch
Cross, reducing run and branch
Penetration sleeve, Type 9
Penetration sleeve, Type 10
True Wye Fabricated Type
Tank bottom valve, Type 6
UnionTee,Type 1
Union tee, Type 2
Union tee, Type 3
Positive displacement type flow instrument, Type 2
Level controller, Type 1
Level controller, Type 2
Level controller, Type 3
Level controller, Type 4
Half coupling, Type 1
Sight Flow Indicator, Type 14
Sight Flow Indicator, Type 15
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, OD intersection
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, OD intersection
Reinforcing pad, OD intersection
Wye strainer, Type 5
Blind flange, flange cover with optional lifting lugs
Transmitter Bracket, Type 1
Transmitter Bracket, Type 2
Transmitter Bracket, Type 3
Transmitter Bracket, Type 4
Transmitter Bracket, Type 5
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 12
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 13
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 14
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 15
Flange adapter, flanged end includes seating depth
HVAC double wye, tripod, reducing outlet, Type 1
HVAC wye, duct transition, reducing outlet, Type 1

! Part Data Basis values for Electrical Conduit

Conduit elbow, type LB, specified by length, height, width, cover width and
cover length
Conduit Elbow, type LL, specified by length, height, width, cover width and
cover length
Conduit Elbow, type LR, specified by length, height, width, cover width and
cover length

Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by bend radius and tangent length

Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent length, and
bend radius
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length, and
bend radius

Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and tangent length

Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by bend radius, tangent 1, and
tangent 2
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, tangent 1, and
bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2,
tangent 1, tangent 2, and bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2,
tangent 1, tangent 2, and bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, tangent 1, and
tangent 2
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-face along port 1, tangent
length and bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-face along port 1, tangent
length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
Conduit cap, type E, specified by length, height, width, cover width and cover
Conduit Tee, with cover at side, specified by face-to-face, height, width, cover
width and cover length
Conduit Tee, with cover at the bottom, specified by face-to-face, height,
width, cover width and cover length

Single gang box, dead end, specified by length, height, width and extension
! SmartSupport Codelists
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by Tangent angle and bend radius
Conduit Outlet Body, single outlet
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 1
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 2
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 3
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 4
Conduit Outlet Body, three outlets, type 1
Conduit Outlet Body, three outlets, type 2
Conduit Outlet Body, three outlets, type 3
Conduit Outlet Body, four outlets, type 1
Conduit Outlet Body, four outlets, type 2
Conduit elbow, LB, type 2
Conduit elbow, LB, type 3
Conduit elbow, LB, type 4
Conduit elbow, LB, type 5
Conduit elbow, LB, type 6
Conduit elbow, LB, type 7
Conduit elbow, LB, type 8
Conduit elbow, LL, type 2
Conduit elbow, LL, type 3
Conduit elbow, LR, type 2
Conduit elbow, LR, type 3
Conduit elbow, type BB
Conduit elbow, with union
asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center
Conduit seal, type 1
Conduit seal, type 2
Conduit seal, type 3
Conduit seal, type 4
Conduit seal, type 5
Conduit seal, type 6
Conduit seal, type 7
Conduit seal, type 8
Conduit cross, type 1
Conduit cross, type 2
Conduit hub, type 1
Conduit hub, type 2
Conduit hub, type 3
Conduit hub, type 4
Conduit hub, type 5
Conduit hub, type 6
Conduit expansion joint, type 1
Conduit expansion joint, type 2
Conduit expansion joint, type 3
Conduit expansion joint, type 4
Conduit Tee, with cover at side, type 2
Conduit Tee, with cover at bottom, type 2
Conduit Body, U type
Gang box, two outlets, type 1
Gang box, two outlets, type 2
Gang box, two outlets, type 3
Gang box, two outlets, type 4
Gang box, two outlets, type 5
Gang box, three outlets, type 1
Gang box, four outlets, type 1
Gang box, dead end, type 2
Gang box, dead end, type 3
Gang box, dead end, type 4
Conduit pull box, type 2
Conduit pull box, type 3
Conduit outlet body, two outlets, type 5
Conduit outlet body, two outlets, type 6
Conduit outlet body, two outlets, type 7
Conduit outlet body, three outlets, type 4
Conduit outlet body, three outlets, type 5
Conduit outlet body, four outlets, type 3
Conduit outlet body, five outlets, type 1
Conduit outlet body, five outlets, type 2
Conduit outlet body, four outlets, type 4
Conduit coupling, type 1
Conduit coupling, type 2
Conduit coupling, type 3
Gang box, two outlets, type 6
Gang box, three outlets, type 3
Gang box, three outlets, type 4
Gang box, four outlets, type 2
Gang Box, Six Outlets, Type 1
Conduit junction box, type 1
Conduit junction box, type 2
Conduit junction box, type 3

Codelist Sort
PartDataBasis LongDescription Number Order
tual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or
e used. They will be deleted eventually.

Default 1
Face-to-face dimension basis 5
Face-to-center dimension basis 10
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 3 11
Asymmetrical Face-to-Center dimension basis 13
Length-through-hub dimension excludes flange face projection 15
Length-through-hub dimension
Seat-to-seat dimension includes
(Face-to-face flange face
dimension projection
exclusive of socket 20
depth or thread depth) 25
Face-to-face dimension includes the socket depth or thread depth 30
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket 35
depth or thread depth)
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension 36
exclusive of socket depth or thread depth)
Face-to-center dimension includes the socket depth or thread depth 40
Olet-type branch face-to-face dimension excludes pipe header radius
Olet-type branch face-to-face dimension includes pipe header radius
Elbow, specified by face-to-center 54
Elbow, specified by bend radius and leg offset 55
End Cap, welded 57
End cap, solid 58
End Cap, IPS machined 60
End Cap, IPS molded 65
Concentric reducer, standard 67
Concentric reducer, stepped 70
Orifice flange based on face-to-center dimension for tap, including flange 75
face projection
Orifice flange based on face-to-center dimension for tap, excluding flange 76
face projection
Wye tee, bend center offset not required 80
T Strainer, specified by face-to-center dimension 85
T Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with face-to-center 90
dimension for branch
Y Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with offset to blow down 95
connection face
Y Strainer, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-to- 100
center 3
Y Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with offset to blow down 105
connection port
Temporary Cone Strainer, specified by basket length inclusive of plate 110
Temporary Cone Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate 115
Temporary Cone Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate
thickness with identifier tag handle height measured from centerline
Temporary Basket Strainer, specified by basket length inclusive of plate 125
Temporary Basket Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate 130
Temporary Basket Strainer, specified by basket length exclusive of plate
thickness with identifier tag handle height measured from centerline
Single Basket Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with 140
dimensions from centerline
Single Basket Strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with overall 145
Single Basket Strainer, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-face 147
dimension with overall height
Wye based on two face-to-center dimensions 150
Wye based on three face-to-center dimensions 155
Elbow, Symmetrical, specified by Bend Radius and Tangent 160
Elbow, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent, and bend radius
Elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent, and bend radius
Elbow, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 163
Elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 164
Elbow, Symmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center and Tangent 165
Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Bend Radius, Tangent 1, and Tangent 170
Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Tangent 1, and Bend 175
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and 176
bend radius
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and 177
bend radius
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, 179
tangent 1, tangent 2, and bend radius
Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Face-to-Center 2, 180
Tangent 1, Tangent 2, and Bend Radius
Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1 and Face-to-Center 2
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by tangent 1 and face-to-center 2 182
Elbow, Asymmetrical, specified by Face-to-Center 1, Tangent 1, and 185
Tangent 2
Tee, Symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 190
Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 2
Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3
Tee, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and 196
face-to-center 3
Angle valve, Symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 200
Circular siphon, specified by inlet face to outlet seat and inlet face-to- 201
Circular siphon, specified by inlet face-to-center and outlet face-to-center
Circular siphon, specified by face-to-face and outlet face-to-center 204
Angle valve, Asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to- 205
center 2
Flange, circular drilling template, length though hub includes flange face 210
Flange, circular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face 211
Flange, oval drilling template, length though hub includes flange face 215
Flange, oval drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face 216
Flange, square drilling template, length though hub includes flange face 220
Flange, square drilling template, length though hub excludes flange face 221
Flange, rectangular drilling template, length though hub includes flange 225
face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange 226
face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template, split flange face, length though hub 230
includes flange face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template, split flange face, length though hub 231
excludes flange face projection
Flange, triangular drilling template, length though hub includes flange 235
face projection
Flange, triangular drilling template, length though hub excludes flange 236
face projection
Water filter, outlet port at 180o 240
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, clockwise 245
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, counter-clockwise 250
Solenoid valve, type 1 255
Solenoid valve, type 2 260
3-way check valve, type 1 265
3-way check valve, type 2 270
Pinch valve, type 1 280
Pinch valve, type 2 285
Knife gate valve, type 1 290
Knife gate valve, type 2 295
Knife gate valve, type 3 300
Flange, square drilling template with offset, length though hub includes 305
flange face projection
Flange, square drilling template with offset, length though hub excludes 306
flange face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template with offset, length though hub 310
includes flange face projection
Flange, rectangular drilling template with offset, length though hub 311
excludes flange face projection
Length-through-hub dimension includes flange face projection, conical 312
Length-through-hub dimension excludes flange face projection, conical 313
Pressure reducing valve, Type 1 315
Pressure reducing valve, Type 2 320
Pressure reducing valve, Type 3 325
Pressure reducing valve, Y-type 330
Pressure reducing valve with integral strainer 335
U-shape siphon, specified by inlet face to outlet centerline 340
Planar U-shape siphon, specified by length, inlet height, outlet height, 342
and radius
Gauge root valve, single outlet 343
Level Indicator, Type 1 345
Gauge root valve, multiple outlet 346
Valve Indicator,
with NippleType 2 Specified by Valve Face-to-Face and Nipple
Ends, 347
Length 349
Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-Face and End-to-End 351
Valve with Nipple Ends, Specified by Valve Face-to-Center and Nipple 353
Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2
Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and 357
reducing length
Elbow, 90o reducing, specified by face-to-center, reducing length, and 359
tangent length
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, specified by face to header 365
surface, major body diameter, and hole diameter in header
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, specified by face to header 367
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Coupolet® type branch 369
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Sweepolet® type branch 371
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Insert Weldolet® type branch
Fire and Safety Monitor 375
Concentric Reducer, Tubing 377
Foot Valve, specified by overall length and strainer length 379
Tapered spacer, specified by piping outside diameter, thickness, and 380
Tapered spacer, specified by body outside diameter, thickness 1, and 381
thickness 2
Tapered spacer, specified by body outside diameter, thickness, and angle
Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern, face-to-face dimension basis 385
Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern, face-to-center dimension basis
Horizontal lift check valve, Y pattern, asymmetrical face-to-center 387
dimension basis
Float steam trap, vertical installation, Type 1 390
Float steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 2 391
Float steam trap, horizontal installation with thermostatic air vent, Type 3
Float steam trap, horizontal or vertical installation, Type 4 393
Float steam trap with integral strainer, Type 5 394
Float steam trap, horizontal installation with thermostatic air vent, Type 6
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation, Type 1 397
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation with offset, Type 2 398
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 1 399
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 2 400
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 3 401
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation with integral strainer, 402
Type 4
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 1 405
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 2 406
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 3 407
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 4 408
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 5 409
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 6 410
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 7 411
1800 return, open, specified by back-centerline-to-face 413
1800 return, open, specified by center-to-center and back-centerline-to- 414
Close coupled branch valve 416
Close coupled branch valve with use point 417
Flexible coupling 420
Male coupling, specified by face-to-face dimension 422
Female coupling, specified by face-to-face dimension 423
Thermodynamic steam trap, flanged with integral strainer, Type 1 425
Thermodynamic steam trap, butt weld with integral strainer, Type 2 426
Thermodynamic steam trap, threaded, Type 3 427
Thermodynamic steam trap, threaded, Type 4 428
Clamp, double hinge heavy duty with wing nut 430
Clamp, single hinge heavy duty with wing nut 431
Clamp, 3-segment heavy duty with wing nut 432
Clamp, medium duty with wing nut 433
Clamp, light duty with t-bolt 434
Clamp, light duty adjustable 435
Clamp, fractional with wing nut 436
Clamp, high pressure 437
Clamp, sanitary for hose adapter 438
Clamp, band 439
Clamp, hinged 440
Clamp, swivel joint 441
Concentric reducer, biological-pharmaceutical 447
Elbow, zero radius 449
Half coupling, specified by end-to-end dimension 451
Half coupling, specified by face-to-face dimension 453
Check valve, horizontal, specified by face-to-face dimension and offset
Check valve, vertical, specified by face-to-face dimension 456
2-way diaphragm diverter valve 459
2-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options 460
3-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options 461
4-way diaphragm diverter valve 880
4-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options 462
5-way diaphragm diverter valve with inlet and outlet port options 463
Tank drain valve, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and 468
Tank drain valve, specified by tangent length 1, face-to-center 2, and 469
Wye, upright, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, 471
and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, specified by face-to-face, tangent length 1, 472
face-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye, tapped, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, and face-to- 473
center 3
Sight flow indicator, type 1 479
Sight flow indicator, type 2 480
Sight flow indicator, type 3 481
Sight flow indicator, type 4 482
Sight flow indicator, type 5 483
Sight flow indicator, type 6 484
Sight flow indicator, type 7 485
Sight flow indicator, type 8 486
Sight flow indicator, type 9 487
90o street elbow, hexagonal 490
90o street elbow, flat 491
45o street elbow, hexagonal 493
45o street elbow, flat 494
Saddle, specified by saddle length, branch face to header centerline, and 498
Snap-on saddle, specified by saddle length, branch face to header 499
centerline, and angle
Deck scupper, without water seal 501
Deck scupper, with water seal 500
Clamp-on saddle, single outlet, specified by saddle length, saddle width, 502
saddle radius, and branch face to header centerline
Clamp-on saddle, double outlet, specified by saddle length, saddle width, 503
saddle radius, and branch face to header centerline
Saddle, specified by saddle length, angle, and branch face to header 504
centerline or seat to header centerline
Saddle, specified by saddle half-length, branch face to header centerline,
branch face to saddle end, saddle thickness, and hub thickness
Wye, upright, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, and port-to-port 506
Wye, tapped, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to- 507
center 3
Vent valve, one port with cylindrical outlet cover, one elliptical end 508
Vent valve, one port with conical outlet cover 509
Vent valve, one port 510
Vent valve, one port with cylindrical outlet cover, two elliptical ends
Vent valve, two ports 512
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, 513
face-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, 514
seat-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, single, reducing, specified by face-to-face, tangent 516
length 1, face-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye, double, specified by face-to-face, tangent length 1, and face-to- 525
center 3
Wye, double, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, and face-to- 526
center 3
Wye, double, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to- 527
center 3
Wye with 1/8 bend, double, specified by face-to-face, tangent length 1, 528
face-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, double, specified by face-to-face, face-to-center 1, 529
face-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
Wye with 1/8 bend, double, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, 530
seat-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to- 538
center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to- 539
center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent 540
length, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent 541
length, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend 542
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend 543
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to- 544
center 2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to- 545
center 2, and bend radius
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 546
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 547
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat- 548
to-center 2
One-quarter bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face- 549
to-center 2
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to- 550
center and heel inlet seat-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to- 551
center and heel inlet face-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to- 552
center 1, seat-to-center 2, and heel inlet seat-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to- 553
center 1, face-to-center 2, and heel inlet face-to-center
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to- 554
center and seat 1 to seat heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to- 555
center and face 1 to face heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to- 556
center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat 1 to seat heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to- 557
center 1, face-to-center 2, and face 1 to face heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to- 558
center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius,
and seat 1 to seat heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to- 559
center 1, face-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius,
and face 1 to face heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center, tangent length, bend radius, and seat 1 to seat heel inlet
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-
center, tangent length, bend radius, and face 1 to face heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center 1, seat-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius,
seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-
center 1, face-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, bend radius,
face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to- 564
center, tangent length, bend radius, seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to
center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to- 565
center, tangent length, bend radius, face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to
center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to- 566
center 1, seat-to-center 2, seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to center
heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to- 567
center 1, face-to-center 2, face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to center
heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-
center, seat 1 to seat heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-
center, face 1 to face heel inlet, and center to center heel inlet
One-quarter bend with side inlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to- 570
center, seat side inlet to center, and side inlet center to seat
One-quarter bend with side inlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to- 571
center, face side inlet to center, and side inlet center to face
One-quarter bend with side inlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to- 572
center 1, seat-to-center 2, seat side inlet to center, and side inlet center to
One-quarter bend with side inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to- 573
center 1, face-to-center 2, face side inlet to center, and side inlet center to
90o elbow with side outlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 574
90o elbow with side outlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 575
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, 576
face-to-center 2, where side outlet equals face-to-center 1
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, 577
seat-to-center 2, where side outlet equals seat-to-center 1
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, 578
face-to-center 2, where side outlet equals face-to-center 2
90o elbow with side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, 579
seat-to-center 2, where side outlet equals seat-to-center 2
Base bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, bend radius, center- 581
to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
Base bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, 583
bend radius, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib
Base bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, bend radius, center- 580
to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
Base bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, 582
bend radius, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib
45o offset, specified by seat-to-seat dimension, vertical offset, and 586
tangent length 2
Cross, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 3 589
Cross, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center 3
Sanitary cross, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to- 591
center 1, and face-to center 3
Sanitary cross, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to- 592
center 1, and seat-to-center 3
Sanitary cross, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to- 593
center 1, and face-to center 3
Sanitary cross with side opening, specified by header seat-to-seat 594
dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, offset for side opening
Sanitary cross with two 90o side openings above center, specified by
header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, horizontal offset for
opening above center, and vertical offset for opening above center
Sanitary cross with two 45o openings on same side, specified by header 596
face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center for side opening,
horizontal offset for 45o side opening
T branches, double, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to- 597
center 1, and face-to-center 3
T branches, double, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and 598
face-to-center 3
T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to- 599
center 1, and seat-to-center 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension,
seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header face-to-face dimension,
face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 602
2, face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header face-to-face dimension,
tangent length 1, branch radius, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by tangent length 1, branch 604
radius, face-to-center 2, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, double, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, 605
seat-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and branch radius
Y branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to- 608
center 1, and face-to-center 3
Y branches, single, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and 609
face-to-center 3
Y branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-
center 1, and seat-to-center 3 610

Sanitary reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension and tangent length 620

Sanitary reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and tangent length 621

Sanitary reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension 623
Sanitary increaser, specified by face-to-face dimension and tangent
length 625
Sanitary increaser, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and tangent
length 626
Sanitary increaser, specified by seat-to-seat dimension 628
Sanitary increaser, long, specified by face-to-face dimension, tangent
length, and reducer length 630
Mechanical joint reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension 632
Short reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension 634
Hub and spigot reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension 636
1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 642
1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 643
1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2
1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2
1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified seat-to-center, tangent length and bend 646
1/5 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and 647
bend radius
1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, 648
tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/5 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, 649
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 653
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 654
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 657
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 658
and bend radius
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 659
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 660
and bend radius
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, 661
tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/6 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, 662
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified seat-to-center, tangent length and bend 663
1/6 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and 664
bend radius
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 668
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 670
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 672
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 673
and bend radius
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 674
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 675
and bend radius
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent length and 676
bend radius
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, 677
tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/8 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and 678
bend radius
1/8 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, 679
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/12 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 683
1/12 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 684
and bend radius
1/12 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 685
1/12 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 686
and bend radius
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 690
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 691
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 692
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 693
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 694
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 695
and bend radius
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 696
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 697
and bend radius
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified seat-to-center, tangent length and bend 698
1/16 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length and 699
bend radius
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, 700
tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
1/16 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, 701
tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 704
1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 705
1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 706
1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 707
1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 708
1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 709
and bend radius
1/32 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 710
1/32 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 711
and bend radius
1/64 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 715
1/64 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 716
and bend radius
1/64 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 717
1/64 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 718
and bend radius
One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 723
and seat-to-center 2
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 724

One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 725

and face-to-center 2
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 726

One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1,
seat-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, 728
tangent length and bend radius
One-quarter bend, reducing, symmetrical, specified face-to-center, 729
tangent length and bend radius
One-quarter bend, reducing, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1,
face-to-center 2, tangent length 1, tangent length 2, and bend radius
Level indicator, with inlet/outlet ports 731
Level indicator, with inlet/outlet ports and vent/drain ports, with straight 732
Level indicator, with inlet/outlet ports and vent/drain ports, with 90o 733
elbow outlet
Level control valve, cylindrical type 740
Level control valve, globe type 741
Level control valve, Y type 742
Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by spacer length 758
Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by handle length from flow 759
Blind spacer and open spacer set, specified by handle length from spacer 760
outside diameter
Latrolet, specified by latrolet length 762
Foam chamber, Type 1 780
Foam chamber, Type 2 781
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x flat outlet 785
Rupture disc with gauge tap with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x flat outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, female threaded inlet x flat outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, female threaded inlet x female 788
threaded outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, female threaded inlet x weldneck 789
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, weldneck inlet x flat outlet 790
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, weldneck inlet x female threaded 791
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, weldneck inlet x weldneck outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x female threaded outlet
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, flat inlet x weldneck outlet 794
Rupture disc with rupture disc holder, union 795
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length through hub inclusive 801
of flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length through hub inclusive 802
of flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing, length through hub exclusive 803
of flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing, length through hub inclusive of 804
flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing, length through hub inclusive of 805
flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing, length through hub exclusive of 806
flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, non-reducing, length through hub 807
inclusive of flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, non-reducing, length through hub 808
inclusive of flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange
face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, non-reducing, length through hub 809
exclusive of flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing, length through hub inclusive of 810
flange face projection
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing, length through hub inclusive of 811
flange face projection, flange thickness exclusive of flange face
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing, length through hub exclusive of 812
flange face projection
Plug valve, 2-way, partial jacket, specified by face-to-face dimension 815

Jacket closure plate, outside diameter fits flush with inside diameter of 817
jacket pipe
Jacket closure plate, outside diameter larger than outside diameter of 818
jacket pipe
Cap, jacket, specified by cap length, tangent length, and inside diameter
Plug valve, 2-way, full jacket, oversized flanges, specified by face-to-face
dimension 820
Plug valve, 2-way, full jacket, standard flanges, specified by face-to-face
dimension 821
Plug valve, 3-way, partial jacket, specified by face-to-face dimension and
face-to-center dimension for branch 822
Plug valve, 3-way, full jacket, oversized flanges, specified by face-to-face
dimension and face-to-center dimension for branch 823
Sanitary tee, 45o right side outlet above center, specified by header face- 825
to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, 45o left side outlet above center, specified by header face- 826
to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, two 45o side outlets above center, specified by header face- 827
to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, 828
and seat-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, 90o side outlet on center, specified by face-to-center 1 and 829
face-to-center 3
Sanitary T branches with cleanout plug, specified by header face-to-face 830
dimension, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary T branches with cleanout plug, specified by face-to-center 1, 831
face-to-center 2, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, 832
and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, 90o right side outlet above center, specified by header face- 833
to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, 90o left side outlet above center, specified by header face- 834
to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, two 90o side outlets above center, specified by header face- 835
to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, outlet face-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, double horizontal branch, specified by header face-to-face 836
dimension, face-to-center 1, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, double horizontal branch, specified by face-to-center 1, 837
face-to-center 2, and face-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, double vertical branch, specified by header face-to-face 838
dimension, face-to-center 3, and offset between branches
Sanitary tee, with square base, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-
center 3, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
Sanitary tee, with square base, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to- 840
center 2, seat-to-center 3, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and
rib thickness
T branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to- 841
center 1, and face-to-center 3
T branches, single, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and 842
face-to-center 3
T branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to- 843
center 1, and seat-to-center 3
T branches, single, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and 844
seat-to-center 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension,
seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension,
face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header face-to-face dimension,
tangent length 1, branch radius, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 848
2, face-to-center 3, branch radius, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by tangent length 1, branch radius, 849
face-to-center 2, face-to-center 3, and tangent length 3
Sanitary T branches, single, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, 850
seat-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and branch radius
Sanitary tee, with round base, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-
center 3, center-to-base, base thickness, base width, and rib thickness
Test tee, specified by header face-to-face dimension, face-to-center 1, 852
and face-to-center 3
Test tee, specified by header seat-to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, 853
and seat-to-center 3
Sanitary tee, 90o right side outlet above center, specified by header seat- 854
to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, outlet seat-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, 90o left side outlet above center, specified by header seat-to- 855
seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, outlet seat-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, two 90o side outlets above center, specified by header seat- 856
to-seat dimension, seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 3, outlet seat-to-center,
and outlet offset from port 1
Sanitary tee, 90o right side outlet on center, specified by header face-to- 857
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and outlet face-to-
Sanitary tee, 90o left side outlet on center, specified by header face-to- 858
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and outlet face-to-
Sanitary tee, two 90o side outlets on center, specified by header face-to- 859
face dimension, face-to-center 1, face-to-center 3, and outlet face-to-
Sanitary tee, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 3 860
Tee, long sweep full flow 862
Tee, long sweep 863
Tee, long sweep with integral bull plug 864
Hub, butt weld 865
Hub, socket weld 866
Hub, female threaded 867
Hub, reducing butt weld 868
Hub, enlarging butt weld 869
Hub, reducing with two hub ends 870
Orifice hub, butt weld 871
Blind hub, specified by blind length and blind face diameter 872
11.25o elbow, mitered 881
15o elbow, mitered 882
22.5o elbow, mitered 883
30o elbow, mitered 884
45o elbow, mitered 885
60o elbow, mitered 886
67.5o elbow, mitered 887
90o elbow, mitered 888
22.5o elbow, 3D 891
60o elbow, 3D 892
Butterfly valve, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 1 894
Exhaust head, Type 1 900
Exhaust head, Type 2 901
Exhaust head, Type 3 902
Exhaust head, Type 4 903
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal 911
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal with drain plugs 912
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal with instrumentation taps 913
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric type 1 914
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric type 2 915
Flame arrester, in-line, vertical with drain plugs 916
Flame arrester, detonation 917
Flame arrester, detonation with drain port 918
Flame arrester, end-of-line, type 1 919
Flame arrester, end-of-line, type 2 920
Saddle, 45o oblique, specified by saddle length and branch face to header 925
centerline or seat to header centerline
Saddle, 90o square, specified by saddle length and branch face to header 926
centerline or seat to header centerline
Lap joint flange, assembly of backing flange and stub end, stub length 930
excludes flange face projection or seating depth
Lap joint flange, assembly of backing flange and stub end, stub length 932
includes flange face projection or seating depth
Lap joint flange, backing flange only 931
Expansion joint, single bellows 935
Expansion joint, universal 936
Expansion joint, externally pressurized 937
Expansion joint, single bellows with tie rods 938
Expansion joint, universal with tie rods 939
Expansion joint, hinged bellows 940
Expansion joint, gimbal bellows 941
Expansion joint, pressure balanced with elbow 942
Expansion joint, in-line pressure balanced 943
Expansion joint, externally pressurized pressure balance 944

Stub end, stub length excludes flange face projection or seating depth 948

Stub end, stub length includes flange face projection or seating depth 949
Silencer, compressor inline 952
Silencer, control valve 953
Silencer, vent or blowoff 958
Silencer, gas diffuser 959
Inspection elbow, specified by face-to-center 960
Ball valve, 3-way, T-type 963
Ball valve, 3-way, L-type 964
Ball valve, 3-way, Y-type 965
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve 971
manifold, Type 1
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve 972
manifold, Type 2
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve 973
manifold, Type 3
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve 974
manifold, Type 4
Averaging Pitot tube primary element with integral multiple valve 975
manifold, Type 5
Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 1
Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 2
Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 3
Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 4
Averaging Pitot tube flowmeter with integral primary element, multiple
valve manifold, and pressure differential transmitter, Type 5
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, 981
multiple valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and
multivariable transmitter, Type 1
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, 982
multiple valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and
multivariable transmitter, Type 2
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, 983
multiple valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and
multivariable transmitter, Type 3
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, 984
multiple valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and
multivariable transmitter, Type 4
Averaging Pitot tube mass flowmeter with integral primary element, 985
multiple valve manifold, pressure differential transmitter, and
multivariable transmitter, Type 5
Extended body gate valve, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 1
Flange, block 990
Flange, L-block 991
Double basket strainer, Type 1 994
Double basket strainer, Type 2 995
Double basket strainer, Type 3a 996
Double basket strainer, Type 3b 997
Double basket strainer, Type 4 998
Double basket strainer, Type 5 999
Double basket strainer, Type 6 1000
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation 1002
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation 1004
Asymmetrical Face-to-Center dimension basis, detailed representation
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension exclusive of socket 1008
depth or thread depth), detailed representation
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket 1010
depth or thread depth), detailed representation
Reducing bushing, hexagonal, length exclusive of hub thickness 1020
Reducing bushing, octagonal, length exclusive of hub thickness 1021
Reducing bushing, decagonal, length exclusive of hub thickness 1022
Reducing bushing, round, specified by face-to-face 1023
Plug, round, specified by face-to-face 1031
Plug, square, length exclusive of nut thickness 1032
Union head, Type 1 1033
Union head, Type 2, hexagonal 1034
Union head, Type 2, octagonal 2010
Union head, Type 2, decagonal 2005
Union head, Type 2, lug 2006
Union tail, Type 1 1035
Union tail, Type 2, hexagonal 1036
Union tail, Type 2, octagonal 2007
Union tail, Type 2, decagonal 2008
Union tail, Type 2, lug 2009
Pressure control valve, Type 1 1038
Pressure control valve, Type 2 1039
Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat-to-center 1043
Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to-center
3 1044
Vortex tee, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and seat-to- 1045
center 3
Spectacle blind, Type 1 1046
Spectacle blind, Type 2 1047
Spectacle blind, Type 3 1048
Spectacle blind, Type 4 1049
Spectacle blind, Type 5 1050
Needle valve, linear, Type 1 1052
Needle valve, linear, Type 2 1053
Needle valve, angle 1054
180o return, closed, specified by center-to-center 1055
180o return, open, specified by center-to-center 1056
180o return, open, specified by back-to-face 1057
180o return, open, single tangent, specified by center-to-center and 1058
tangent, port 1
180o return, open, single tangent, specified by back-to-tangent-line and 1059
tangent, port 1
180o return, open, double tangent, specified by center-to-center and 1060
180o return, open, double tangent, specified by back-to-tangent-line and 1061
180o return, open, single tangent, specified by center-to-center and 1062
tangent, port 2
180o return, open, single tangent, specified by back-to-face and tangent, 1063
port 2
Penetration sleeve, specified by outer diameter, thickness, length, and 1065
hole diameter
Penetration sleeve, specified by outer diameter, thickness, and length
Reducing bushing, hexagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness 1083
Plug, plain, length inclusive of nut thickness 1084
Plug, round, length inclusive of nut thickness 1085
Plug, counter sunk, specified by face-to-face 1086
Cap, hexagonal, specified by face-to-face 1087
Cap, octagonal, specified by face-to-face 1088
Cap, decagonal, specified by face-to-face 1089
Butterfly valve, double flange body, Type 1 2014
Butterfly valve, double flange body, Type 2 2011
Butterfly valve, double flange body, Type 3 2012
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 1 2013
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 2 1096
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 3 1097
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 4 1098
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 5 1099
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 6 1100
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 7 1101
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 1 1102
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 2 1103
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 3 1104
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 4 1105
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 5 1106
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 6 1107
Butterfly valve, lug body, Type 8 1108
Pressure vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, Type 4 1117
Pressure vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, Type 5 1118
Pressure vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, Type 6 1119
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 1 1120
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 2 1121
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 3 1122
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 4 1123
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 5 1124
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 6 1125
Pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 7 1126
Reducing bushing, decagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness 1127
Reducing bushing, hexagonal, specified by face-to-face 1128
Reducing bushing, octagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness 1129
Single basket strainer, specified by face-to-face dimension with outlet 1130
Slurry angle check valve, Type 1 1131
Slurry angle check valve, Type 2 1132
Slurry angle valve 1133
Slurry angle valve, with bayonet 1134
Slurry drain valve 1135
Vacuum relief valve, Type 1 1136
Vacuum relief valve, Type 2 1137
Vacuum relief valve, Type 3 1138
Vacuum relief valve, Type 4 1139
Vacuum relief valve, Type 5 1140
Extended body gate valve, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 1141
In-line pressure vacuum relief valve, Type 1 1143
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and tangent le 1144
One-quarter bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and tangent le 1145
Angle Basket Strainer, Type 1 1091
Angle Basket Strainer, Type 2 1092
Steam trap assembly 1093
Steam trap assembly with cock 1094
Steam trap assembly with cock and bypass 1095
Gate valve, PIV, Type 1, face-to-center 2001
Gate valve, PIV, Type 1, face-to-face 2000
Gate valve, PIV, Type 2, face-to-face 2002
Plug, hexagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness 1028
Plug,with 1/8 bend,
octagonal, double,
length specified
exclusive by thickness
of nut face-to-face, face-to-center 1, 1029
Wye 3, tangent
with 1/8 bend, length
double, 3, andby
specified center to seat,
seat to port offset
seat-to-center 1, 532
Wye 3, tangent
with 1/8 bend, length
single, 3, and
specified bycenter to port face-to-center
face-to-face, offset 1, 531
Wye 3, tangent
with 1/8 bend, length
single, 3, and
specified bycenter to port seat-to-center
seat-to-seat, offset 1, 517
seat-to-center 3, tangent length 3, and center to port offset 515
Plug, decagonal, length exclusive of nut thickness 1030

Concentric reducer, bell shaped 4144

Eccentric reducer, bell shaped 4143
Eccentric reducer, seat-to-seat basis, Type 2 4142
Eccentric reducer, seat-to-seat basis, Type 1 4141
Eccentric increaser, Type 1 3316
Concentric reducer, swaged nipple 4000
Eccentric reducer, swaged nipple 4001
Instrument tee, hygienic, Type 1 4002
Instrument tee, hygienic, Type 2 4003
Flange, block, flare 4004
Flange, block, retain ring 4005
Distance piece 4006
Solid spacer 4007
Lined ring spacer, Type 1 4008
Lined ring spacer, Type 2 4009
Lined, flanged pipe spool, Fixed x Fixed 4010
Lined, flanged pipe spool, Fixed x Rotating 4011
Lined, flanged pipe spool, Rotating x Rotating 4012
Clamp, cap nut, Type 1 4014
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 1 4015
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 2 4016
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 3 4017
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 1 4018
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 2 4019
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 3 4020
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 4 4021
Thermowell, Type 2 4022
Thermowell, Type 4 4023
Thermowell, Type 5 4024
Thermowell, Type 6 4025
Thermowell, Type 7 4026
Thermowell, Type 8 4027
Thermowell, Type 9 4028
Thermowell, Type 10 4029
Thermowell, Type 11 4030
Thermowell, Type 12 4031
Thermowell, Type 13 4032
Thermowell, Type 14 4033
Thermowell, Type 15 4034
Thermowell, Type 16 4035
Thermowell, Type 17 4036
Thermowell, Type 18 4037
Thermowell, Type 19 4038
Thermowell, Type 22 3216
Thermowell, Type 23 4145
Thermowell, Type 24 4146
Thermowell, Type 25 4147
Thermowell with integral extension, Type 1 4148
Temperature sensor adapter, Type 1 4039
Multipoint temperature profiling sensor, thermocouple, Type 1 4040
Multipoint temperature profiling sensor, thermocouple, Type 2 4041
Thermowell boss, Type 2 4042
Thermowell boss, Type 3 4043
Therma-Pipet®, Type 1 4045
Thermowell elbow adapter, Type 1 4046
Thermowell elbow adapter, Type 2 4047
Temperature sensor, RTD, Type 3 4048
Temperature sensor, RTD, Type 4 4049
Temperature sensor, direct immersion, RTD, Type 1 4050
Temperature sensor, direct immersion, RTD, Type 2 4051
Temperature sensor, bayonet, RTD, Type 1 4052
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 21 4063
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 1 4064
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 2 4065
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 3 4066
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 4 4067
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 5 4068
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 6 4069
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 7 4070
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 8 4071
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 9 4072
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 10 4073
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 11 4074
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 12 4075
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 13 4076
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 14 4077
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 15 4078
Temperature sensor, RTD assembly without thermowell, Type 16 4079
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 1 4080
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 2 4081
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 3 4082
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 4 4083
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 5 4084
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 6 4085
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 7 4086
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 8 4087
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 9 4088
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 10 4089
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 11 4090
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 12 4091
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 13 4092
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 14 4093
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 15 4094
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 16 4095
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 17 4096
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 18 4097
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 19 4098
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 20 4099
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 21 4100
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 22 4101
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 23 4102
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 24 4103
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 25 4104
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 26 4105
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 27 4106
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 28 4107
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 29 4108
Temperature sensor, thermocouple modular assembly, Type 30 4109
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 1 4110
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 2 4111
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 3 4112
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 4 4113
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 5 4114
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 6 4115
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 7 4116
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 8 4117
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 9 4118
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 4119
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 4120
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 4121
Temperature sensor, thermocouple assembly without thermowell, Type 4122
14 4123
Temperature transmitter, head mounted, Type 1 4124
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter runs, Type 8 4125
45o elbow, double back, manifold 4126
1/12 bend, symmetrical, specified by face to center and bend radius 4127
Female coupling, specified by seat-to-seat dimension 4128
Casing hanger, Type 1 4129
Casing hanger, Type 2 4130
Tubing hanger, Type 1 4131
Tubing hanger, Type 2 4132
Tubing hanger, Type 3 4133
Tubing hanger coupling 4134
Turbine flowmeter, Type 2 4135
Turbine flowmeter with flow straighteners, Type 2 4136
Rotometer, armored, Type 6 4137
Heat jacket, bolt-on, Type 1 4138
Rocker lug cap, Type 1 4053
Instrument sensor, pH, Type 1 4149
Instrument sensor, conductivity, Type 1 4150
Instrument sensor, ORP potential, Type 1 4151
Instrument sensor, turbidity, Type 1 4152
Instrument sensor, oxygen, Type 1 4153
Concentric reducer, hydraulics, Type 1 3321
Wye strainer, Type 4 106
Elbow, 92°, Type 1 3324
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a 3243
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b 3244
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a 3245
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b 3246
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1a 3247
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1b 3248
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a 3249
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b 3250
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 22 3251
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1 3252
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2 3253
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 3b 3254
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 7 3255
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b 3256
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a 3257
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b 3258
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1a 3259
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 1b 3260
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a 3261
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b 3262
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 6b 3263
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 18a 3264
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 18b 3265
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 4b 3266
Float and Thermostatic Steam Trap, Type 4c 3267
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a 3268
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b 3269
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a 3270
Thermodynamic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b 3271
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a 3272
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b 3273
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a 3274
Thermodynamic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b 3275
Thermodynamic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5 3276
Thermodynamic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 6 3277
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 4b 3278
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 5a 3279
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 5b 3280
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 9 3281
Thermodynamic steam trap, Type 10 3282
Bimetallic steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer, Type 1 3283
Bimetallic steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer,
strainer +Type 2 3284
blowdown valve, Type 1
Bimetallic steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer + 3285
blowdown valve, Type 2 3286
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a 3287
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b 3288
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a 3289
Bimetallic steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b 3290
Elbow, hydraulics, Type 1 3320
Tank drain valve, specified by face-to-face, Type 1 466
Tank drain valve, specified by face-to-face, Type 2 467
Sight flow indicator, type 10 488
Sight flow indicator, type 11 489
Sight flow indicator, type 12 495
Sight flow indicator, type 13 496
Ball valve, 3-way, Type 3 966
Pressure control valve, Type 1a 1040
Pressure control valve, Type 2a 1041
Gate valve, PIV, Type 3, face-to-face 2015
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 1 2016
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 2 2017
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 3 2018
Moisture Separator, Baffle Type 4 2019
Moisture Separator, Cyclonic Type 1 2020
Check valve, vertical, Type 2 2021
Rosebox strainer, Type 2 2022
Face-to-Face and Face-to-Center 1 dimension basis, detailed representation 2023
3 Way Diverter Valve, Type 1 2024
Side proportioning eductor, Type 1 2026
Dresser coupling, middle ring and follower, Type 1 2028
Dresser coupling, flange adapter, Type 1 2029
Dresser coupling, expansion sleeve, Type 1 2030
Pressure relief valve, Type 1 2031
Pressure relief valve, Type 2 2032
Pressure relief valve, Type 3 2033
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 1 2034
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 2 2035
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 3 2036
In-line pressure relief valve, Type 1 2037
Bell mouth, circular type, specified by face-to-center 2038
Bell mouth, oblong type, specified by face-to-center 2039
Rosebox strainer, Type 1 2045
Storm Valve, horizontal 2046
Storm Valve, vertical 2047
Storm valve, angular 2048
Single Basket Strainer, Type 5 2063
Single Basket Strainer, Type 6 2064
Single Basket Strainer, Type 7 2065
Single Basket Strainer, Type 8 2066
Angle Basket Strainer, Type 3 2067
Reinforcing pad, OD intersection – legacy symbol 2068
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-on 2069
Tee, specified by seat-to-center 1 2070
Aseptic or hygienic clamp, Type 1 2071
Aseptic or hygienic ferrule, notch end, Type 1 2072
Aseptic or hygienic ferrule, Type 2 2073
Aseptic or hygienic blind ferrule, Type 1 2074
Aseptic or hygienic blind ferrule, Type 2 2075
Aseptic or hygienic liner, Type 1 2076
Aseptic or hygienic liner, Type 2 2077
Aseptic or hygienic blind liner, Type 1 2078
Aseptic or hygienic nut, Type 1 2079
Elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2, zero 2080
Double basket strainer, Type 7 2081
Double basket strainer, Type 8 2082
Aseptic or hygienic ferrule, groove end, Type 1 2083
Aseptic or hygienic blind ferrule, groove end, Type 1 2084
Aseptic or hygienic liner, groove end, Type 1 2085
Aseptic or hygienic blind liner, groove end, Type 1 2086
Bell mouth, circular type, specified by face-to-face 2087
Lateral, specified by seat-to-center 1 2088
Elbow, symmetrical, zero radius, specified by face-to-center 2089
Diaphragm control valve, Type 1 2090
Diaphragm control valve, Type 2 2091
Bull plug, Type 1 2092
Bull plug, Type 1, tapped 2093
Bull plug, Type 2 2094
Lateral, Manifold, Specified by Face-to-Face 2095
Lateral, Manifold, Specified by Face-to-Center 2096
Concentric reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension, tangent length 1, and 2097
tangent length
Concentric 2
increaser, specified by seat-to-seat dimension, tangent length 1, 2098
and tangent length 2
Concentric increaser, Type 1 3317
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-face, Type 1 2099
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-face, Type 2 2100
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-center, Type 1 2101
Cross, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-center, Type 2 2102
Cross, block type, manifold, Type 1 2103
Cross, block type, manifold, Type 2 2104
Coupling, specified by seat-to-seat dimension 2107
Wye, long sweep 2108
Tee, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-face 2115
Tee, long sweep full flow, specified by face-to-center 2116
Tee, long sweep, Type 2 2117
90o elbow, cushion cross, manifold, Type 1 2118
Tee, block type, manifold 2119
Cushion cross, block type, manifold 2120
Concentric reducer, manifold 2121
Eccentric reducer, manifold 2122
Reducing bushing, round, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and seat-to- 2123
center 1 bushing, round, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and length
Reducing 2124
Plug, round, specified by length 1 and length 2 2125
Standpipe gooseneck 160o with top outlet, Type 1 2126
Standpipe gooseneck 160o with top outlet, Type 2 2127
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o with top outlet, Type 3 2128
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o with top integral bull plug, Type 1 2129
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o with top integral bull plug, Type 2 2130
Standpipe gooseneck, 160o 2131
Standpipe gooseneck, 180o 2132
Tee, specified by seat-to-center 1, end-to-center 2, and end-to-center 3 2133
Tee, vortex, specified by seat-to-center 1, end-to-center 2, and end-to-center 3 2134
Hose Valve, Asymmetrical Face-to-Center 2136
Hose Valve, Specified by Face-to-Center, Length 1, and Length 2 2137
Angle Hose Valve, Asymmetrical Face-to-Center 2139
Angle Hose Valve, Specified by Face-to-Center, Length 1, and Length 2 2140
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 1 2142
Asymmetrical Face-to-Center Dimension Basis, Detailed Representation, Type 2143
Asymmetrical Face-to-Center Dimension Basis, Detailed Representation, Type 2144
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, clockwise with offset
2 2146
Water filter, outlet port at 90o, counter-clockwise with offset 2147
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 1 2109
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 2 2110
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 3 2111
45o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 4 2112
45o elbow, block type, manifold 2113
45o elbow, lateral cushion, block type, specified by face-to-face 2114
90o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 1 2148
90o elbow, long sweep, manifold, Type 2 2149
90o elbow, long radius, manifold 2150
90o elbow, double back, manifold 2151
90o elbow, long sweep with outlet, manifold 2152
90o elbow, block type, manifold 2154
90o elbow, cushion tee, manifold 2155
Flanged nipolet, Type 1 2135
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 2 2157
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 2 2158
Tee, increasing, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2, and face-to- 2160
Flange3, branch as
thickness port 2 flange face projection, conical hub
includes 2169
Tubing head, Type 1 2170
Pressure control valve, Type 3 2161
Pressure control valve, angle, Type 1 2162
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, specified by face to header surface, 2163
and hole diameter
Weldolet®, in header
non-radial, tangential 2164
Weldolet®, non-radial, offset 2165
Flanged weldolet, Type 1 2167
Flanged weldolet, Type 2 2168
Wye, asymmetrical, based on three face-to-center dimensions 2177
Tee, increasing, specified by face-to-center, branch as port 2 2181
Tee, increasing, specified by seat-to-center, branch as port 2 2182
Tee, increasing, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2, branch as 2183
port 2 tube, insert, Type 1
Venturi 2185
Venturi tube, insert, Type 2 2186
Venturi tube, universal, Type 1 2187
Venturi tube, universal, Type 2 2188
Venturi tube, classical, Type 1 2189
Reinforcing pad, stub-on 2190
Reinforcing pad, stub-in 2191
Tubing head, Type 2 2192
Tubing head, Type 3 2193
Tubing head adapter, Type 1 2194
Tubing head adapter, Type 2 2195
Tubing head adapter, Type 3 2196
Tubing head adapter, Type 4 2197
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3 2198
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4 2199
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5 2200
Blind flange, wellhead, instrument, tapped thru center 2201
Blind flange, wellhead, instrument, tapped thru side 2202
Tree cap 2203
Adapter spool, Type 1 2184
Casing head spool, Type 1 2173
Casing head spool, Type 2 2174
Casing head housing, Type 1 2171
Casing head housing, Type 2 2172
Spacer spool, Type 1 2204
Drilling spool, Type 1 2205
Drilling spool, Type 2 2206
Drilling spool, Type 3 2207
Cross, block type, manifold, Type 3 2208
Cross, studded, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 3 2209
Hub, wellhead 2210
Tee, Wellhead, Type 1 2211
Tee, Wellhead, Type 2 2212
Clamp, Wellhead 2213
Choke valve, positive, Type 1 2214
Choke valve, positive, Type 2 2215
Choke valve, positive, Type 3 2216
Choke valve, adjustable, Type 1 2217
Choke valve, adjustable, Type 2 2218
Choke valve, adjustable, Type 3 2219
Flange, wellhead, instrument 2220
Flange, manifold, transmitter 2221
90o elbow, cushion type, manifold, Type 2 2222
Knife gate valve, Type 4 2223
Knife gate valve, Type 5 2224
Knife gate valve, Type 6 2225
Blind Hub, Wellhead, Instrument 2226
Flange adapter, wellhead 2227
Wye, double corner branch, 45° 2228
Wye, double corner branch, 87.5° 2229
Wye, double
Elbow, 87.5°, branch, 87.5° specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center
asymmetrical, 2230
2, tangent 1, tangent 2, and segment length 2231
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6 2232
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 1 2233
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 2 2234
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 3 2235
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 4 2236
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 5 2237
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 6 2238
Centering flange, Type 1 2239
Centering flange, Type 2 2240
Centering flange, Type 3 2241
Centering flange, Type 4 2242
Centering flange, slanted, Type 1 2243
Liquid drainer, Type 1 2277
Liquid drainer, Type 2 2278
Liquid drainer, Type 3 2279
Liquid drainer, Type 4 2280
Air/gas vent, Type 1 2281
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 1 2264
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3 2265
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4 2266
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7 2255
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8 2256
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9 2258
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10 2267
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11 2268
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12 2269
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13 2270
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed
and face-to-center representation,
1 dimension Type 14
basis, detailed 2271
representation, Type 2 2257
Deluge valve, Type 1 2259
Deluge valve, Type 2 2260
Concentrate controller, Type 1 2288
Concentrate controller, Type 2 2289
Concentrate controller, Type 3 2290
Concentrate controller, Type 4 2291
Elbow, 87.5°, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2, 2292
Elbow,bend radius
87.5°, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 2293
Tee, 87.5°, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and 2294
seat-to-center 3
Tee, 87.5°, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 1, and seat- 2295
Pressure 3 relief valve, pipe-away, Type 4 2282
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 5 2283
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 6 2284
Pressure relief valve, pipe-away, Type 7 2285
Bleed ring, Type 1 2301
Bleed ring, Type 2 2302
Base bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, base height, and base 2311
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve, vertical fitting access, Type 1 2312
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve, vertical fitting access, Type 2 2313
Sterile access valve, vertical valve, horizontal fitting access, Type 1 2314
Sterile access valve, vertical valve, horizontal fitting access, Type 2 2315
Sterile access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, vertical fitting access, 2316
Type 1 access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, vertical fitting access,
Sterile 2317
Type 2 access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, horizontal fitting access,
Sterile 2318
Type 1 access valve, horizontal valve at drain angle, horizontal fitting access,
Sterile 2319
Tandem 2 valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 1 2320
Tandem valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 2 2321
Tandem valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 3 2322
Tandem valve, horizontal main, vertical tandem, Type 4 2323
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 1 2324
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 2 2325
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 3 2326
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, vertical tandem, Type 4 2327
Tandem valve, vertical main, tandem at drain angle, Type 1 2328
Tandem valve, vertical main, tandem at drain angle, Type 2 2329
Tandem valve, horizontal main at drain angle, horizontal tandem at drain 2330
Tandem Type 1 horizontal main at drain angle, horizontal tandem at drain
valve, 2331
angle, Type
Tandem valve, 2 vertical main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from 2332
main centerline,
Tandem Type 1main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from
valve, vertical 2333
main centerline,
Tandem Type 2main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from
valve, vertical 2334
main centerline,
Tandem Type 3main, tandem at drain angle, tandem offset by 45o from
valve, vertical 2335
main centerline, Type 4Type 1
Tandem valve, double, 2336
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 1 2337
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 2 2338
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 3 2339
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 4 2340
Tandem valve, bio-block machined, Type 5 2341
Flow instrument, surface-mounted, Type 1 2345
Flow instrument, surface-mounted, Type 2 2346
Flow instrument, inline, Type 1 2347
Pad-Depad Valve, Type 1 2374
90o elbow with left side outlet, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 2375
90o elbow with left side outlet, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 2376
90o elbow with left side outlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, 2377
90o elbow with2,left
side side outlet
outlet, equals face-to-center
asymmetrical, specified by1seat-to-center 1, 2378
90o elbow with2,left
side side outlet
outlet, equals seat-to-center
asymmetrical, specified by1face-to-center 1, 2379
90o elbow with2,left
side side outlet
outlet, equals face-to-center
asymmetrical, specified by2seat-to-center 1, 2380
seat-to-center 2, where side
Face-to-face dimension outlet
basis, equals
detailed seat-to-centerType
representation, 2 15 2381
Sanitary trap, P-trap, Type 1 2348
Sanitary trap, P-trap, Type 2 2349
Sanitary trap, P-trap, long, Type 1 2350
Sanitary trap, P-trap, reducing, Type 1 2351
Sanitary trap, P-trap, deep seal, Type 1 2352
Sanitary trap, P-trap, deep seal, Type 2 2353
Sanitary trap, P-trap with tapped inlet, Type 1 2354
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout, Type 1 2355
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout and vent, Type 1 2356
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout, Type 2 2357
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout and vent, Type 2 2358
Sanitary trap, P-trap with cleanout, Type 3 2359
Sanitary trap, P-trap with primer tap, Type 1 2360
Sanitary trap, running trap with one vent, Type 1 2361
Sanitary trap, running trap with two vents, Type 1 2362
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout, Type 1 2363
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and one vent, Type 1 2364
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and two vents, Type 1 2365
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout, Type 2 2366
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and one vent, Type 2 2367
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and two vents, Type 2 2368
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout, Type 3 2369
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and one vent, Type 3 2370
Sanitary trap, running trap with cleanout and two vents, Type 3 2371
Sanitary trap, P-trap, Type 3 2372
Sanitary trap, combination trap and tee, Type 1 2373
Clamp, Type 1 2382
Clamp, Type 2 2383
Clamp, Type 3 2384
Clamp, Type 4 2385
Clamp, Type 5 2386
Reducing Coupling, Type 1 2403
Reducing Coupling, Type 2 2404
Closet cross, Type 1 2387
Closet cross, Type 2 2388
Closet cross, Type 3 2389
Cleanout, Two-Way, Type 1 2405
Cleanout, Two-Way, Type 2 2406
Cleanout, Two-Way, Double, Type 1 2407
Cleanout, Two-Way, Double, Type 2 2408
Tank bottom valve, Type 1 2409
Tank bottom valve, Type 2 2410
Tank bottom valve, Type 3 2411
Tank bottom valve, Type 4 2412
Sanitary vent branch, Type 1 2414
Wye, hub side opening 2415
Closet tee with top vent, right hand, Type 1 2395
Closet tee with top vent, right hand, Type 2 2396
Closet tee with top vent, left hand, Type 1 2397
Closet tee with top vent, left hand, Type 2 2398
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, right hand, Type 1 2399
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, right hand, Type 2 2400
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, left hand, Type 1 2401
Closet tee with top vent and side opening, left hand, Type 2 2402
Spectacle Blind, Type 6 2432
Wye, double, figure five, Type 1 2429
Wye, double, figure one, Type 1 2430
Wye, double with side opening, Type 1 2431
90° elbow with side outlet on center, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 2433
Sanitary T branches with cleanout plug, specified by header face-to-face 2434
Anchorage face-to-center
Base Tee, Type 1, 1and seat-to-center 3 2435
Zero static diaphragm valve, standard design, Type 1 2416
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, faceted, Type 1 2417
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, faceted, Type 2 2418
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, faceted, Type 3 2419
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, non-faceted, Type 1 2420
Zero static diaphragm valve, block body design, non-faceted, Type 2 2421
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 1 2422
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 2 2423
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 3 2424
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 4 2425
Zero static diaphragm valve, U-bend design, Type 5 2426
Sanitary figure eight, right hand 2436
Sanitary figure eight, left hand 2437
Sanitary figure eight, double 2438
Sanitary figure six, right hand 2439
Sanitary figure six, left hand 2440
Sanitary figure six, double 2441
Positive displacement type flow instrument, Type 1 2443
Seat-to-face dimension 2413
Face-to-seat dimension 2427
End-to-seat dimension 2428
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-face, Type 1 2449
Spec transition adapter, specified by seat-to-seat, Type 1 2450
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-seat, Type 1 2451
Instrument tee, Type 1 2442
Instrument manifold, 2 valves, Type 1 2444
Instrument manifold, 2 valves, Type 2 3126
Instrument manifold, 3 valves, Type 1 2445
Instrument manifold, 3 valves, Type 2 2446
Instrument manifold, 5 valves, Type 1 2447
Instrument manifold, 5 valves, Type 2 2448
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7 2452
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 1 2453
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 2 2454
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 3 2455
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 4 2456
Mechanical joint restraint, Type 5 2457
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of 2458
socket depth ordimension
Seat-to-center thread depth), detailed representation,
(Face-to-center Type 1 of socket depth
dimension exclusive 2460
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type 2
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5 2461
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6 2462
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth 2463
or thread depth),
Asymmetrical detailed representation,
seat-to-center Type 3
dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of 2464
socket depth ordimension
Seat-to-center thread depth), detailed representation,
(Face-to-center Type 2 of socket depth
dimension exclusive 2465
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 5
dimension exclusive of socket depth 2466
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type 6
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth 2467
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 4
dimension exclusive of socket depth 2468
or thread depth),
Face-to-face detailedbasis,
dimension representation, Type 7
detailed representation, Type 16 2459
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17 2469
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18 2470
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19 2471
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20 2472
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 1 2473
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 2 2474
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 3 2475
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 4 2476
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 5 2477
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 6 2478
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 7 2479
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 8 2480
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 9 2481
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 10 2482
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 11 2483
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 12 2484
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 13 2485
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 14 2486
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 15 2487
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 16 2488
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 17 2489
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 18 2490
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 19 2491
Face-to-face dimension and face-to-center 1, detailed representation, Type 20 2492
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8 2493
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9 2494
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10 2495
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11 2496
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12 2497
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13 2498
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 14 2499
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 15 2500
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 16 2501
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17 2502
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18 2503
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19 2504
Face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20 2505
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3 2506
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4 2507
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5 2508
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6 2509
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7 2510
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8 2511
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9 2512
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10 2513
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11 2514
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12 2515
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13 2516
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 14 2517
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 15 2518
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 16 2519
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17 2520
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18 2521
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19 2522
Asymmetrical face-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20 2523
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension exclusive of socket depth or 2524
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 2 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2525
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 3 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2526
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 4 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension 2527
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 5 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension 2528
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 6 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2529
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 7 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2530
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 8 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2531
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 9 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension 2532
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 10 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension 2533
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 11 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2534
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 12 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2535
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 13 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2536
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 14 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2537
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 15 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension 2538
thread depth), detailed representation, Type 16 exclusive of socket depth or
Seat-to-seat dimension (Face-to-face dimension 2539
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 17 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2540
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 18 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2541
thread depth),
Seat-to-seat detailed representation,
dimension Type 19 exclusive of socket depth or
(Face-to-face dimension 2542
thread depth), detailed representation,
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-centerType 20
dimension exclusive of socket depth 2543
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type 8
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth 2544
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 9
dimension exclusive of socket depth 2545
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 10 exclusive of socket depth
dimension 2546
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 11 exclusive of socket depth
dimension 2547
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 12 exclusive of socket depth
dimension 2548
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type 13 exclusive of socket depth
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension 2549
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type 14 exclusive of socket depth
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension 2550
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 15 exclusive of socket depth
dimension 2551
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 16 exclusive of socket depth
dimension 2552
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type 17
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of socket depth 2553
or thread depth),
Seat-to-center detailed (Face-to-center
dimension representation, Type 18 exclusive of socket depth
dimension 2554
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type
Seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension 19 exclusive of socket depth 2555
or thread depth), detailed representation, Type 20
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 1 2556
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 2 2557
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 3 2558
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 4 2559
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 5 2560
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 6 2561
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 7 2562
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 8 2563
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 9 2564
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 10 2565
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 11 2566
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 12 2567
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 13 2568
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 14 2569
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 15 2570
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 16 2571
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 17 2572
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 18 2573
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 19 2574
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 20 2575
Sanitary eccentric reducer, specified by face-to-face dimension and tangent 2576
Sanitary eccentric reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension and tangent 2577
Sanitary eccentric reducer, specified by seat-to-seat dimension 2578
Elbow, Hi-ear, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 2579
Tee, specified by face-to-face and face-to-center 3 2580
Tee, anchorage base, Type 1 2581
Tee, Hi-ear, specified by seat-to-center 2582
Tee, drop, specified by seat-to-center and face-to-center 3 2583
Knife gate valve, Type 7 2584
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 2585
1, seat-to-center
1/24 2, and face
bend, symmetrical, 1 to face
specified heel inlet
by face-to-center 2586
1/24 bend, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and bend radius 2587
1/24 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 2588
1/24 bend, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center and bend radius 2589
1/24 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to-center 2 2590
1/24 bend, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 2 and 2591
bend radiusasymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1 and seat-to-center 2
1/24 bend, 2592
1/24 bend, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2 and 2593
bend radiuscushion cross, manifold, Type 2
90o elbow, 2594
Wye, double, corner branch, 45° 2595
Wye, double, corner branch, 87.5° 2596
Wye, double, upright, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 3, and port-to- 2597
upright, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 3, and port-to-port offset 2598
Wye with cleanout, specified by face-to-seat, seat-to-center 2, and face-to- 2599
center 3 specified by face-to-face dimension and vertical offset
45o offset, 2600
90o elbow with side outlet on center, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center 2601
Cap, drain, specified by face-to-face 2603
Plug, slotted head, length exclusive of head thickness 2604
Penetration sleeve, Type 1 2605
Penetration sleeve, Type 2 2606
Penetration sleeve, Type 3 2607
Penetration sleeve, Type 4 2608
Penetration sleeve, Type 5 2609
Penetration sleeve, Type 6 2610
Penetration sleeve, Type 7 2611
Penetration sleeve, double, Type 1 2612
Penetration coupling, Type 1 2247
Penetration coupling, Type 2 (reducing), retired 2248
Penetration coupling, Type 3 (full size) 2249
Penetration coupling, double, Type 1 2616
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 1 2617
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 2 2618
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 3 2619
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 4 2620
Pad nozzle penetration, Type 5 2621
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-on 2622
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-in 2623
Flange face adapter, wellhead 2624
Line blind valve, Type 1 2625
Line blind valve, Type 2 2626
Line blind valve, Type 3 2627
Temperature sensor, Type 1 2628
Temperature sensor, Type 2 2629
Temperature sensor, Type 3 2630
T-body valve, Type 1 2631
Coupling with drain, specified by seat-to-seat 2632
Restrained coupling, Type 1 2633
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 1 2634
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 2 2635
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 3 2636
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 4 2637
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 5 2638
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 6 2639
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 7 2678
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 8 2679
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 9 2680
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 10 2690
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 11 2691
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 12 2692
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 13 2693
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 14 2694
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 15 2695
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 16 2696
Coriolis flowmeter, Type 17 2697
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 1 2640
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 2 2641
Orifice fitting, single chamber, Type 1 2642
Double branch, specified by seat-to-seat, seat-to-center 3, branch port-to-port 2643
offset, and branch,
Quadruple offset of specified
branch port from seat 1 seat-to-center 3, branch port-to-
by seat-to-seat, 2644
port offset, and offset of branch port from seat 1
Eccentric reducer, biological-pharmaceutical 2645
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 1 2649
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 2 2646
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 3 2647
Extended body gate valve, integrally reinforced, Type 4 2648
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-in 2650
Gate valve, two nipple ends, Type 1 2651
Gate valve, one nipple end, Type 1 2652
Gate valve, two nipple ends, Type 2 2653
Gate valve, one nipple end, Type 2 2654
Globe valve, two nipple ends, Type 1 2655
Globe valve, one nipple end, Type 1 2656
Globe valve, two nipple ends, Type 2 2657
Globe valve, two nipple ends, Type 3 3553
Globe valve, one nipple end, Type 2 2658
Extended body globe valve, integrally reinforced, Type 1 2659
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 21 2660
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 1 2661
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 2 2662
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 3 2663
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 4 2664
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 5 2665
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 6 2666
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 7 2667
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 8 2668
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 9 2669
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 10 2670
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 11 2671
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 12 2672
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 13 2673
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 14 2674
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 22 2685
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 23 2686
Latrolet, Type 1 2687
Segmented wedge flowmeter, Type 1 2675
Segmented wedge flowmeter, Type 2 2676
Segmented wedge flowmeter, Type 3 2677
Turbine flowmeter, Type 1 2681
Turbine flowmeter with flow straighteners, Type 1 2682
Instrument tee, Hygienic,Type 1 2683
Instrument tee, Hygienic,Type 2 2684
Asymmetrical seat-to-center dimension (Face-to-center dimension exclusive of 2715
socket depth or
Asymmetrical thread depth),
seat-to-center detailed representation,
dimension (Face-to-centerType 3
dimension exclusive of 2716
socket depth or
Orifice fitting, thread
dual depth),
chamber, detailed
Type 3 representation, Type 4 2717
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 4 2718
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 5 2719
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 6 2720
Orifice fitting, dual chamber, Type 7 2721
Orifice fitting, single chamber, Type 2 2722
Orifice fitting, single chamber, Type 3 2723
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 1 2724
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 2 2725
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 3 2726
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 4 2727
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 5 2728
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 6 2729
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 7 2730
Integral orifice flange assembly with meter run, Type 8 3376
Integral orifice flange assembly, Type 1 2731
Integral orifice flange assembly, Type 2 2732
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-face, Type 2 2733
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-face, Type 3 2734
Spec transition adapter, specified by seat-to-seat, Type 2 2735
Spec transition adapter, specified by seat-to-seat, Type 3 2736
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-seat, Type 2 2737
Spec transition adapter, specified by face-to-seat, Type 3 2738
Rotometer, Type 1 2739
Rotometer, Type 2 2740
Rotometer, Type 3 2741
Rotometer, Type 4 2742
Rotometer, Type 5 2743
Rotometer, Type 6 2744
Rotometer, Type 7 2745
Rotometer, Type 8 2746
Rotometer, Type 9 2747
Rotometer, Type 10 2748
Rotometer, Type 11 2749
Rotometer, Type 12 2750
Rotometer, Type 13 2751
Rotometer, Type 14 2752
Rotometer, Type 15 2753
Rotometer with alarm, Type 1 2754
Rotometer with alarm, Type 2 2755
Rotometer with alarm, Type 3 2773
Rotometer, armored, Type 1 2756
Rotometer, armored, Type 2 2757
Rotometer, armored, Type 3 2758
Rotometer, armored, Type 4 2759
Rotometer, armored, Type 5 2760
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 1 2761
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 2 2762
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 3 2763
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 4 2764
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 5 2765
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 6 2766
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 7 2767
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 8 2768
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 9 2769
Rotometer with transmitter, Type 10 2770
Rotometer with transmitter, armored, Type 1 2771
Rotometer with transmitter, armored, Type 2 2772
Vortex flowmeter, Type 1 2698
Vortex flowmeter, Type 2 2699
Vortex flowmeter, Type 3 2700
Vortex flowmeter, Type 4 2701
Vortex flowmeter, Type 5 2702
Vortex flowmeter, Type 6 2703
Vortex flowmeter, Type 7 2704
Vortex flowmeter, Type 8 2705
Vortex flowmeter, Type 9 2706
Vortex flowmeter, Type 10 2707
Vortex flowmeter, Type 11 2708
Vortex flowmeter, Type 12 2709
Vortex flowmeter, Type 13 2710
Vortex flowmeter, Type 14 2711
Vortex flowmeter, Type 15 2712
Vortex flowmeter, Type 16 2713
Vortex flowmeter, Type 17 2714
Sampling Valve, Type 1 2776
Sampling Valve, Type 2 2777
Tee, quick disconnect 2778
Tee, jacketed 2779
Tee, insert 2780
Water jet eductor, Type 1 2782
Water jet eductor, Type 2 2783
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 1 2784
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 2 2785
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 3 2786
Butterfly Valve, Fire Protection, Type 4 2787
Pressure Breakdown Orifice, Type 1 2788
Extended body gate valve, Type 1 2802
Extended body gate valve, Type 2 2803
Extended body globe valve, Type 1 2804
Rotary valve, Type 1 2805
Rotary valve, Type 2 2806
Rotary valve, Type 3 2807
Rotary valve, Type 4 2808
Rotary valve, Type 5 2809
Rotary valve, Type 6 2810
Rotary valve, Type 7 2811
Rotary valve, Type 8 2812
Rotary valve, Type 9 2813
Rotary valve, blow through, Type 1 2814
Rotary valve, blow through, Type 2 2815
Rotary valve, blow through, Type 3 2816
Adapter, tubing x tubing size reduction 2817
Nipple, cylindrical 2818
Nipple, hexagonal 2819
Nipple, octagonal 2820
Clamp-on saddle, single outlet, Type 2 2821
Clamp-on saddle, double outlet, Type 2 2822
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 1 2793
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 2 2794
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 3 2795
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 4 2796
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 5 2797
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 6 2798
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 7 2799
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 8 2800
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 9 2801
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Metallic flange 2823
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Non-metallic flange 2824
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Clamp 2825
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Weld nipple 2826
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Threaded adapter 2827
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Male threaded 2828
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Female threaded 2829
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Adhesive 2830
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 10, Hose 2831
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 11 2832
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 12 2833
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 13 2834
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 14 2835
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 15 2836
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Metallic flange 2837
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Non-metallic flange 2838
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Clamp 2839
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Weld nipple 2840
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Threaded adapter 2841
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Male threaded 2842
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Female threaded 2843
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Adhesive 2844
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 16, Hose 2845
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 17 2846
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Metallic flange 2847
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Non-metallic flange 2848
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Clamp 2849
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Weld nipple 2850
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Threaded adapter 2851
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Male threaded 2852
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Female threaded 2853
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Adhesive 2854
Electromagnetic flowmeter, Type 18, Hose 2855
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 24 2863
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 25 2864
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 26 2865
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 27 2866
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 28 2867
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 29 2868
Face-to-face dimension basis, detailed representation, Type 30 2869
Single Basket Strainer, Type 9 2870
Single Basket Strainer, Type 10 2871
Single Basket Strainer, Type 11 2872
Single Basket
Flange, Strainer,
elongated Type 12
hexagonal drilling template, length though hub 2873
Flange, flange face
elongated projection
hexagonal drilling template with offset, length though 2874
hub includes flange face projection 2875
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 1 2856
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 2 2857
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 3 2858
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 4 2859
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 5 2860
Check valve, two nipple ends, Type 6 2861
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 1 2876
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 2 2877
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 3 2890
Thermal mass flowmeter, Type 4 2891
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 1 2878
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 2 2879
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 3 2880
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 4 2881
Ultrasonic flowmeter, Type 5 2882
Orifice flange based on face-to-face dimension and face-to-tap dimension 2883
Radiation-based density detector, Type 1 2884
Radiation-based density detector, Type 2 2885
Radiation-based density detector, Type 3 2886
Radiation-based density detector, Type 4 2887
Flange, flued collar, concentric reducing 2992
Flange, flued collar, eccentric reducing 2993
Flange, weldneck, wellhead adapter 3207
Flange, expander, short 3208
Flange, expander, long 3209
Surface-mounted temperature sensor, RTD, Type 1 2888
Surface-mounted temperature sensor, RTD, Type 2 2889
Reducing filler flange, concentric 2990
Reducing filler flange, eccentric 2991
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 1 2994
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 2 2995
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 3 2996
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 4 2997
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 5 2998
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 6 2999
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 7 3000
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 8 3001
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 9 3002
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 10 3003
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 11 3004
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 12 3005
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 13 3006
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 14 3007
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 15 3008
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 16 3009
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 17 3010
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 18 3011
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 19 3012
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 20 3013
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 21 3014
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 22 3015
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, Type 23 3016
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 1 3017
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 2 3018
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 3 3019
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 4 3020
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 5 3021
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 6 3022
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 7 3023
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 8 3024
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 9 3025
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 10 3026
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 11 3027
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 12 3028
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 13 3029
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 14 3030
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 15 3031
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 16 3032
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 17 3033
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 18 3034
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 19 3035
Temperature sensor, RTD modular assembly, sanitary, Type 20 3036
Thermowell Boss, Type 1 3037
Thermalet®, Type 1 3038
Diaphragm Valve, 3-Way, Vertical Inlet, Type 1 3051
Bellows Valve, 3-Way, Vertical Inlet, Type 1 3309
Bellows valve, 4-way, Type 1 3057
Bellows valve, 4-way, Type 2 3058
Ball valve, 3-way, Type 4 3059
Tube gland, Type 1 3061
Tube gland, Type 2 3063
Tube gland, Type 3 3064
Tube gland, Type 4 3065
Tube gland with male nut, Type 1 3070
Tubing connector, Type 1 3066
Tubing connector, Type 2 3067
Tubing connector, Type 3 3068
Tubing connector, Type 4 3069
Clamp, tubing nut, Type 1 3049
Temperature sensor, non-intrusive
non-intrusive,elbow, RTD, sanitary,
RTD modular assembly,Type 1
sanitary, 3039
Type 1 3040
Temperature sensor, non-intrusive, RTD, sanitary, Type 2 3041
Instrument Housing, Straight-Through, Type 1 3042
Instrument Housing, Elbow-Type, Type 1 3043
Instrument Housing, Tee-Type, Type 1 3044
Surface-Mounted Remote Instrument Housing, Type 1 3045
Surface-Mounted Remote Instrument Housing, Type 2 3046
Aseptic or hygienic clamp, Type 2 3047
Aseptic or hygienic clamp, Type 3 3048
Multipoint temperature profiling sensor, RTD, Type 1 3050
Thermowell, Type 1 3060
Thermowell, Type 3 3062
Inline flow strainer, single screen, Type 1 3071
Inline flow strainer, dual screens, Type 1 3075
Angled flow strainer, single screen, Type 1 3078
Temperature Sensor Extension, Nipple, Type 1 3081
Temperature Sensor Extension, Coupling-Nipple, Type 1 3082
Temperature Sensor Extension, Nipple-Union-Nipple, Type 1 3083
Temperature Sensor Extension, Union-Nipple, Type 1 3084
Temperature Sensor Extension, Sanitary, Type 1 3085
Temperature Sensor Extension, Union-Nipple, Type 2 3089
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Type 1 3090
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Type 2 3095
Deck scupper, without water seal, rectangular 3091
Branch outlet fitting with integral thermowell, Type 1 3096
Branch outlet fitting with integral thermowell, Type 2 3097
Fire monitor, Type 1 3098
Fire monitor, Type 2 3099
Fire monitor, Type 3 3100
Fire hydrant, Type 1 3101
Fire hydrant, Type 2 3102
Fire hydrant, Type 3 3103
Fire hydrant, Type 4 3104
Fire hydrant mount, Type 1 3110
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 1 3115
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 2 3116
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 3 3117
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 4 3119
Sanitary Elbow with Integral Thermowell, Type 5 3120
ThreadedElbow with
flange, Integral Thermowell,
length-through-hub Type 6 excludes flange face
dimension 3121
Threaded conical hub
length-through-hub dimension includes flange face 3122
projection 3123
Check valve, jacketed, Type 1 3124
Check valve, jacketed, Type 2 3125
Steam distribution manifold, 4 valves, Type 1 3127
Steam distribution manifold, 8 valves, Type 1 3128
Steam distribution manifold, 12 valves, Type 1 3129
Coupling, mechanical x mechanical, Type 1 3130
Coupling, mechanical x mechanical, Type 2 3131
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 1 3132
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 2 3133
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 3 3134
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 4 3135
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 5 3136
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 6 3137
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 7 3138
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 8 3139
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 9 3140
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 10 3141
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 11 3142
Gate valve, jacketed, Type 1 3143
Gate valve, jacketed, Type 2 3144
Globe valve, jacketed, Type 1 3145
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 1 3151
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 2 3147
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 3 3148
Sleeved penetration fitting, Type 4 3149
Sleeved penetration fitting with flange, Type 1 3150
Check valve, jacketed, Type 3 3146
Sample cooler, Type 1 3164
Sample cooler, Type 2 3165
Sample cooler, Type 3 3166
Sample cooler, Type 4 3167
Sample cooler, Type 5 3168
Sample cooler, Type 6 3169
Sample cooler, Type 7 3170
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1 3171
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1 with drain 3172
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2 3173
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2 with drain 3174
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1a 3176
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1a with drain 3177
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2a 3178
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2a with drain 3179
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 3 3180
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 9 3181
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 10 3182
Check valve, jacketed, Type 4 3183
Plug valve, 2-way, full jacket, Type 3 3184
Penetration coupling, Outer Sleeve + Inner Sleeve, Type 1 4139
Penetration coupling, Inner Sleeve Only, Type 1 4140
Valve spacer, Type 1 3185
Backup ring, Type 1 3186
Flange adapter, Type 1 3187
Backup ring + stub end, Type 1 3188
Mechanical thermometer, straight, Type 1 3189
Mechanical glass tube thermometer, 90o, Type 1 3190
Mechanical thermometer, 135o, Type 1 3191
Thermowell, Type 20 3192
Thermowell, Type 21 3193
Temperature Sensor Extension, Union-Nipple, Type 3 3194
90o Elbow, molded, Type 1 3195
45o Elbow, molded, Type 1 3196
90o Elbow, Mitered, Type 2 3197
45o Elbow, Mitered, Type 2 3198
Tee, molded, Type 1 3199
Tee, pulled, Type 1 3310
Eccentric wye, Type 1 3314
Saddle, molded, Type 1 3200
Inverted coupling,
steamType 3 with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer, Type
trap 3201
Inverted bucket steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer, Type 3203
Inverted bucket steam trap with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer + 3204
blowdown valve,steam
Inverted bucket Type trap
1 with 4-bolt connector + integral strainer + 3205
blowdown valve, Type 2 3206
Gauge root
Inverted valve,
Bucket Type Trap
Steam 3 Horizontal Installation with Integral Strainer, 344
Type 1 Bucket Steam Trap Horizontal Installation with Integral Strainer,
Inverted 3210
Type 3 3211
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 4 3212
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 5 3213
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 6 3214
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 7 3215
Temperature Sensor, Direct Immersion, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1 3217
Temperature Sensor, Direct Immersion, RTD, Sanitary, Type 2 3218
Temperature Sensor, Spring Loaded, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1 3219
Temperature Sensor, Non-Intrusive, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1 3220
Temperature Sensor, Safety Socket, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1 3221
Temperature Sensor, Safety Socket, RTD, Sanitary, Type 2 3222
Temperature Sensor, Flush Mount, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1 3223
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 1 3224
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 2 3225
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 3 3226
Temperature Sensor, RTD, Sanitary, Type 4 3227
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b 3228
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a 3229
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a with drain 3230
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b with drain 3231
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a 3232
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b 3233
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a with drain 3234
Inverted bucket steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b with drain 3235
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Vertical Installation, Type 8 3236
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Horizontal Installation, Type 4 3237
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap Horizontal Installation, Type 5 3238
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1b 3239
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2b 3240
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 1b with drain 3241
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 2b with drain 3242
Flexible ball joint, Type 1a 3292
Flexible ball joint, Type 2a 3293
Flexible ball joint, Type 1b 3294
Flexible ball joint, Type 2b 3295
Isolation joint, Type 1 3318
Butterfly valve, wafer body, Type 7 3291
Globe valve, Y pattern, Type 7 3296
Valve manifold fitting, 2 valve ports, Type 1 3297
Wye with 1/8 bend, 87.5o branch 3298
Elbow, 15° mitered, Type 1 3299
Elbow, 15°, Type 1 3300
Double wye, double branch, 67.5° 3301
Pressure indicator, Type 1 3302
Reducing coupling, eccentric, Type 1 3202
Elbow, 30° mitered, Type 3 2297
Elbow, 87.5°, Asymmetrical, Specified by Seat-to-Center 1 and Seat-to-Center 3303
2, Long87.5°,
Elbow, Radiusasymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 2, and 3304
tangent length
Elbow, 88°, Type 1 3335
Elbow, 30°, Type 2 3305
Elbow, 45°, Type 2 3306
Elbow, 67.5°, Type 2 3307
45° Elbow, Asymmetrical, Specified by Seat-to-Center 1, Seat-to-Center 2, and 2296
Bend Radiustwo nipple ends, Type 3
Gate valve, 3308
Gate valve, two nipple ends, Type 4 3552
Diaphragm Valve, 3-Way, Horizontal Inlet, Type 1 3054
Diaphragm Valve, 3-Way, Horizontal Inlet, Type 2 3052
Hook-up stick, return, Type 1 3311
Hook-up stick, supply, Type 1 3312
Diaphragm valve, 4-way, horizontal inlet, Type 1 3055
Diaphragm Valve, 4-Way, Type 2 3053
Eccentric true wye, Type 1 3313
Eccentric true wye, Type 2 3315
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 3 3401
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 4 3402
Inverted bucket steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5 3403
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 3a 3404
Inverted bucket steam trap with valve station, Type 3b 3405
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 6 3406
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 9 3407
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 7 3408
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation, Type 11 3409
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation, Type 8 3410
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 1a 3411
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 1b 3412
Flexible expansion joint, single ball, Type 1a 3413
Flexible expansion joint, single ball, Type 1b 3414
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 2a 3415
Flexible expansion joint, double ball, Type 2b 3416
Tee, hydraulics, Type 1 3319
Flange, hydraulics, Type 1 3417
Tee, 88° branch, Type 1 2298
Fire monitor, Type 4 3106
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1a 3337
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 1b 3338
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2a 3339
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 2-bolt connector, Type 2b 3340
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 1a 3341
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 1b 3342
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 2a 3343
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with valve station, Type 2b 3344
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 360° connector, Type 1 3345
Thermostatic wafer steam trap with 360° connector, Type 2 3346
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 1 3347
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 2 3348
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 3 3349
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 4a 3350
Thermostatic wafer steam trap, Type 4b 3351
Reinforcing pad, non-radial 3336
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 16 3352
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, Type 15 3353
Averaging Pitot tube primary element, in-line, Type 1 3354
Tank bottom valve, Type 5 4054
Fixation saddle, Type 1 3418
Wear Saddle, Type 1 3419
Point level switch, Type 1a 3356
Point level switch, Type 1b 3373
Point level switch, Type 2a 3357
Point level switch, Type 2b 3374
Point level switch, Type 3a 3375
Point level switch, Type 3b 3358
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 1a 3359
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 1b 3360
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 2a 3371
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 3a 3372
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 2b 3361
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 3b 3365
Level sensor, radar, Type 1 3362
Level sensor, radar, Type 2 3363
Level sensor, radar, Type 3 3364
Level sensor, ultrasonic, Type 1 3366
Level sensor, ultrasonic, Type 2 3367
Pressure sensor, Type 1 3355
Level sensor, radar, Type 4a 3369
Level sensor, radar, Type 4b 3370
Level sensor, displacement, Type 1 3378
Pressure indicator, Type 2 3379
Pressure indicator, Type 3 3380
Pressure indicator, Type 4 3381
Pressure indicator, Type 5 3382
Penetration coupling, Type 4 (increasing) 3383
Penetration coupling, Type 2 (reducing) 3384
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 8 3450
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 9 3451
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 10 3452
Pig signaller, non-intrusive, Type 1 3400
Pig signaller, non-intrusive, Type 2 3596
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Nipolet®, Type 1 3377
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Nipolet®, Type 2 3386
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 11 3453
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 12 3454
Instrument tee, Type 2 3389
Instrument tee, Type 3 3390
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 4a 3387
Level sensor, capacitance, Type 4b 3388
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 13 3455
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 14 3456
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 15 3457
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 16 3458
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 23 3459
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 17 3460
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 18 3461
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 19 3462
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 20 3463
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 3 3464
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 4 3465
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5 3466
Wye, elbow, Type 1 3391
Wye, double, reducing outlet, Type 1 3500
Instrument tee with integral sensor, Type 1 3397
Flow Switch, Type 1 3398
Penetration sleeve, Type 8 3420
Condensate/seal chamber, Type 12 3421
Corrosion coupon holder, Type 1 3501
Corrosion coupon holder, Type 2 3502
Pressure indicator, Type 6 3422
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a 3467
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b 3468
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 21a 3469
Balanced pressure thermostatic steam trap, Type 21b 3470
Wye, double, slurry, Type 1 3425
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 1 3392
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 2 3393
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 3 3394
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 4 3395
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Weldolet®, Type 5 3396
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Thredolet®, Type 1 3399
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Thredolet®, Type 2 3499
Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting, Sockolet® Type 1 3426
Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting, Sockolet® Type 2 3427
Integrally Reinforced Branch Outlet Fitting, Sockolet® Type 3 3428
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 1 3429
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 2 3430
Float and thermostatic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 3 3431
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a 3432
Float and thermostatic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b 3433
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 8 3435
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9a 3436
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9b 3437
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9c 3438
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 9d 3439
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Brazolet®, Type 1 3434
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Sweepolet®, Type 1 3503
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 1 3504
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 2 3505
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 3 3506
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, FlexoletTM, Type 4 3507
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Insert Weldolet®, Type 1 3508
Elbolet®, Type 1 3509
Elbolet®, Type 2 3510
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 1 3511
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 2 3512
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 3 3513
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Weldolet®, Type 4 3514
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, CoupoletTM, Type 1 3515
Tee strainer, Type 1 3491
Tee strainer, Type 2 3492
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 1 3521
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 2 3522
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 3 3523
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat FlexoletTM, Type 4 3524
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Mechanical, Type 1 3525
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 3a 3322
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 3b 3323
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 2a 3325
Bimetallic steam trap with valve station, Type 2b 3326
Bimetallic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 4 3327
Bimetallic steam trap with 360o connector, Type 5 3328
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 6a 3329
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 6b 3330
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 7a 3331
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 7b 3332
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 8a 3333
Bimetallic steam trap, Type 8b 3334
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Thredolet®, Type 1 3516
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Thredolet®, Type 2 3517
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Sockolet®, Type 1 3518
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Sockolet®, Type 2 3519
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, flat Nipolet®, Type 1 3520
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Latrolet®, Type 1 3526
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Latrolet®, Type 2 3527
Integrally reinforced branch outlet fitting, Latrolet®, Type 3 3528
Thermowell Boss, Type 4 3529
Thermowell Boss, Type 5 3530
Reinforced branch, stub-on, Type 1 3531
Reinforced branch, stub-in, Type 1 3532
Reinforced branch, stub-through, Type 1 3533
Reinforced branch, stub-on, Type 2 3534
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 10a 3441
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 10b 3442
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 15 3443
Float and thermostatic steam trap, Type 16 3444
T-body valve, Type 2 3471
T-body valve, Type 3 3472
60o elbow, mitered, Type 2 3535
30o elbow, mitered, Type 2 3536
Coupling, mechanical x mechanical, Type 3 3556
Saddle, Type 1 3570
Saddle, Type 2 3571
Saddle, Type 3 3572
Saddle, snap-on, Type 1 3573
Saddle, clamp-on, single outlet, Type 1 3574
Saddle, clamp-on, single outlet, Type 2 3575
Saddle, clamp-on, double outlet, Type 1 3576
Saddle, clamp-on, double outlet, Type 2 3577
Saddle, 45o oblique, Type 1 3578
Saddle, 90o square, Type 1 3579
MonoFlange valve, isolation, Type 1 3601
MonoFlange valve, block and bleed, Type 1 3602
MonoFlange valve, double block and bleed, Type 1 3603
Pressure relief valve, Type 4 3549
Lateral, reducing run and branch 3580
Cross, reducing run and branch 3581
Penetration sleeve, Type 9 3587
Penetration sleeve, Type 10 3588
True Wye Fabricated Type 3604
Tank bottom valve, Type 6 3568
UnionTee,Type 1 3569
Union tee, Type 2 3590
Union tee, Type 3 3591
Positive displacement type flow instrument, Type 2 3582
Level controller, Type 1 3583
Level controller, Type 2 3584
Level controller, Type 3 3585
Level controller, Type 4 3586
Half coupling, Type 1 4055
Sight Flow Indicator, Type 14 3592
Sight Flow Indicator, Type 15 3593
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, OD intersection 3594
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, OD intersection 3595
Reinforcing pad, OD intersection 3597
Wye strainer, Type 5 3598
Blind flange, flange cover with optional lifting lugs 3599
Transmitter Bracket, Type 1 3611
Transmitter Bracket, Type 2 3612
Transmitter Bracket, Type 3 3613
Transmitter Bracket, Type 4 3614
Transmitter Bracket, Type 5 3615
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 12 3616
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 13 3617
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 14 3618
Temperature Field Transmitter, Type 15 3619
Flange adapter, flanged end includes seating depth 2145
HVAC double wye, tripod, reducing outlet, Type 1 3423
HVAC wye, duct transition, reducing outlet, Type 1 3424

Conduit elbow, type LB, specified by length, height, width, cover width 9000
and cover length
Conduit Elbow, type LL, specified by length, height, width, cover width 9001
and cover
Conduit lengthtype LR, specified by length, height, width, cover width
and cover length 9002
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by bend radius and tangent length
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by seat-to-center, tangent length, 9007
and bend radius
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center, tangent length, 9008
and bend radius
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-center and tangent 9011
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by bend radius, tangent 1, and 9012
tangent 2
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, tangent 1, 9013
and bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by seat-to-center 1, seat-to-center 9016
2, tangent 1, tangent 2, and bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, face-to-center 9017
2, tangent 1, tangent 2, and bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1, tangent 1, 9019
and tangent 2
Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by face-to-face along port 1, 9021
tangent length and bend radius
Conduit elbow, asymmetrical, specified by face-to-face along port 1, 9022
tangent length 1, tangent length 2 and bend radius
Conduit cap, type E, specified by length, height, width, cover width and 9031
cover length
Conduit Tee, with cover at side, specified by face-to-face, height, width, 9032
cover width and cover length
Conduit Tee, with cover at the bottom, specified by face-to-face, height, 9033
width, cover width and cover length
Single gang box, dead end, specified by length, height, width and 9034

Conduit elbow, symmetrical, specified by Tangent angle and bend radius 9004
Conduit Outlet Body, single outlet 9035
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 1 9036
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 2 9037
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 3 9038
Conduit Outlet Body, two outlets, type 4 9039
Conduit Outlet Body, three outlets, type 1 9040
Conduit Outlet Body, three outlets, type 2 9041
Conduit Outlet Body, three outlets, type 3 9042
Conduit Outlet Body, four outlets, type 1 9043
Conduit Outlet Body, four outlets, type 2 9044
Conduit elbow, LB, type 2 9045
Conduit elbow, LB, type 3 9046
Conduit elbow, LB, type 4 9047
Conduit elbow, LB, type 5 9048
Conduit elbow, LB, type 6 9049
Conduit elbow, LB, type 7 9050
Conduit elbow, LB, type 8 9051
Conduit elbow, LL, type 2 9052
Conduit elbow, LL, type 3 9053
Conduit elbow, LR, type 2 9054
Conduit elbow, LR, type 3 9055
Conduit elbow, type BB 9056
Conduit elbow, with union
asymmetrical, specified by face-to-center 1 and face-to- 9057
center 2 9058
Conduit seal, type 1 9059
Conduit seal, type 2 9060
Conduit seal, type 3 9061
Conduit seal, type 4 9062
Conduit seal, type 5 9063
Conduit seal, type 6 9064
Conduit seal, type 7 9065
Conduit seal, type 8 9066
Conduit cross, type 1 9067
Conduit cross, type 2 9068
Conduit hub, type 1 9072
Conduit hub, type 2 9073
Conduit hub, type 3 9074
Conduit hub, type 4 9075
Conduit hub, type 5 9076
Conduit hub, type 6 9077
Conduit expansion joint, type 1 9080
Conduit expansion joint, type 2 9081
Conduit expansion joint, type 3 9082
Conduit expansion joint, type 4 9083
Conduit Tee, with cover at side, type 2 9085
Conduit Tee, with cover at bottom, type 2 9086
Conduit Body, U type 9088
Gang box, two outlets, type 1 9090
Gang box, two outlets, type 2 9091
Gang box, two outlets, type 3 9092
Gang box, two outlets, type 4 9093
Gang box, two outlets, type 5 9094
Gang box, three outlets, type 1 9095
Gang box, four outlets, type 1 9096
Gang box, dead end, type 2 9097
Gang box, dead end, type 3 9098
Gang box, dead end, type 4 9099
Conduit pull box, type 2 9100
Conduit pull box, type 3 9101
Conduit outlet body, two outlets, type 5 9103
Conduit outlet body, two outlets, type 6 9104
Conduit outlet body, two outlets, type 7 9105
Conduit outlet body, three outlets, type 4 9106
Conduit outlet body, three outlets, type 5 9107
Conduit outlet body, four outlets, type 3 9108
Conduit outlet body, five outlets, type 1 9109
Conduit outlet body, five outlets, type 2 9110
Conduit outlet body, four outlets, type 4 9111
Conduit coupling, type 1 9114
Conduit coupling, type 2 9115
Conduit coupling, type 3 9116
Gang box, two outlets, type 6 9117
Gang box, three outlets, type 3 9118
Gang box, three outlets, type 4 9119
Gang box, four outlets, type 2 9120
Gang Box, Six Outlets, Type 1 9121
Conduit junction box, type 1 9122
Conduit junction box, type 2 9123
Conduit junction box, type 3 9124
nd the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD PlaneOfTurn ShortDescription PlaneOfTurn LongDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Rotation axis is parallel to Width Rotation axis is parallel to Width
Rotation axis is parallel to Depth Rotation axis is parallel to Depth

Codelist Sort
Number Order
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
PipeBendingMachineType PipeBendingMachineType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Cold form pressure Cold form pressure
Ram Ram
Roll Roll
Rotary draw Rotary draw
Compression Compression
Stretch Stretch
Hand Hand
Incremental Incremental
Induction Induction

Codelist Sort
Number Order
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
PipeBendRadiusByUserOption PipeBendRadiusByUserOption
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Pipe bend radius by user is disabled Pipe bend radius by user is disabled
Pipe bend radius by user is enabled Pipe bend radius by user is enabled

Codelist Sort
Number Order
e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a

ser must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Pipe bend radius by computation using NPD
Pipe bend radius by rule
Pipe bend radius by computation using OD

PipeBendRadiusMultiplierOption LongDescription
user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and t

Pipe bend radius is to be determined by computation, using nominal piping diameter

Pipe bend radius is to be determined by rule
Pipe bend radius is to be determined by computation, using outside diameter
Codelist Sort
Number Order
meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.

! Back to Index

HEAD PipeBendType ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Angle Bend, where bend angle < 45 degrees
Angle Bend, 45 degrees
Angle Bend, where 45 degrees < bend angle < 90 degrees
Quarter Bend (90 degrees)
Offset Bend
U-Bend (180 degrees)
Angle Bend, where 90 degrees < bend angle < 180 degre
Single Offset Quarter Bend
Crossover Bend
Single Offset U-Bend
Expansion U-Bend
Double Offset U-Bend
Double Offset Expansion U-Bend

Codelist Sort
PipeBendType LongDescription Number Order
added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Angle Bend, where bend angle < 45 degrees 1

Angle Bend, 45 degrees 2
Angle Bend, where 45 degrees < bend angle < 90 degrees 3
Quarter Bend (90 degrees) 4
Offset Bend 5
U-Bend (180 degrees) 6
Angle Bend, where 90 degrees < bend angle < 180 degrees 7
Single Offset Quarter Bend 8
Crossover Bend 9
Single Offset U-Bend 10
Expansion U-Bend 11
Double Offset U-Bend 12
Double Offset Expansion U-Bend 13
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

Concatenate the industry commodity code,

sizes, and schedules
Use the size-dependent contractor
commodity code from the piping
commodity filter

Use the size-dependent client commodity

code from the piping commodity
procurement data

PipingCmdtyCtlgPartNoBasisOpt Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; a

Concatenate the industry commodity code, sizes, 5

and schedules to form the piping commodity
catalog part number
Use the size-dependent contractor commodity 10
code from the piping commodity filter as the
piping commodity catalog part number
Use the size-dependent client commodity code
from the piping commodity procurement data as
the piping commodity catalog part number
meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Not applicable
Determine procurement data based on contractor
commodity code
Determine procurement data based on industry
commodity code

Codelist Sort
PipingCmdtyProcurementDataOpt LongDescription Number Order
change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user m

Not applicable 5
Determine procurement data based on contractor commodity code
Determine procurement data based on industry commodity code
of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Piping commodity overrides are disabled
Piping commodity overrides are enabled with
no justification required
Piping commodity overrides are enabled with
justification required

PipingCommodityOverrideOption Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and

Undefined 1
Piping commodity overrides are disabled 5
Piping commodity overrides are enabled with
no justification required 10
Piping commodity overrides are enabled with
justification required 15
eaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

PipingCommodityClass PipingCommodityClas
HEAD ShortDescription s LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in re
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,0
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.
In-Line Fittings
End Fittings
Direction Change Fittings
Branch Fittings
Fire and Safety

Straight sections
Other specialty components
Offline Instruments
! Warning: Any records added after this line will NOT be imported into the Engineerin
! Electrical Conduit Electrical Conduit

Conduit In-Line fittings

Other in-line conduit fittings

Conduit Direction Change Fittings

Conduit Branches

Conduit End fittings

Conduit PullBoxes

ShortDescription PipingCommodityType ShortDescription
he user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric va
ded by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
d not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

Linear Valves
Gate valve with nipple ends (pupped)
Ball valve, trunion mounted, side entry
Ball valve, trunion mounted, top entry
Ball valve, floating ball, 2-piece
Ball valve, floating ball, 3-piece
Ball valve with nipple ends (pupped)
Globe valve with nipple ends (pupped)
Plug valve, partial jacket
Plug valve, full jacket
Line blind valve
Ball valve, temperature blowdown automated
Globe valve, bonnetless inclined
Generic body valve
Solenoid valve
Multivane 1 damper/louver valve
Multivane 2 damper/louver valve
Single vane damper/louver valve
Solenoid valve, proportional
Plug valve, taper
Plug valve, stopcock
Flap valve
Stop valve
Gate valve, sluice
Gate valve, slab
Ball valve, trunion
Ball valve, floating
Plug valve, eccentric
Gate valve, bellow seal
Gate valve, solid wedge
Gate valve, flexible wedge
Gate valve, split wedge
Gate valve, parallel wedge
Gate valve, expanding
Gate valve, compact expanding
Gate valve, bolted bonnet, oval type
Gate valve, bolted bonnet, round type
Gate valve, extended bonnet
Gate valve, combination
Ball valve, sandwich
Ball valve, V-control
Globe valve, bolted bonnet
Globe valve, bolted bonnet, Y type
Globe valve, pressure seal
Globe valve, pressure seal, Y type
Globe valve, bellow seal
Globe valve, bellow seal, Y type
Globe valve, compact, full port
Globe valve, compact, Y type
Flap valve, flexible
Gauge valve
Root gauge valve
Cartridge valve
Cone valve
Cone valve, fixed
Cylinder valve
Plug valve, sleeved
Linear valves, flow directional
Backflow preventer, double check assembly
Backflow preventer, double check detector assembly
Backflow preventer, reduced pressure zone (RPZ)
Backflow preventer, vacuum breaker
Butterfly valve, high performance
Check valve, compact
Check valve, dual plate
Check valve, full port
Check valve, globe stop
Check valve, horizontal
Check valve, inverted vent
Check valve, lift, pressure seal
Check valve, lift, pressure seal, Y pattern
Check valve, piston, Y type
Check valve, plug
Check valve, pressure seal
Check valve, tilting disc, pressure seal
Check valve, vertical
Non-return valve, gate
Check valve, lift
Extended body valves
Angle valves, 90o
Angle bayonet valve, 90 Degree
Angle drain valve, 90 Degree
Generic body angle valve
Angle solenoid valve, 900
Angle slurry valve, 90 Degree
Angle plug valve
Angle taper plug valve
Angle ball valve
Angle diaphragm valve
Angle globe stop valve
Angle globe valve, bolted bonnet, 90 Degree
Angle globe valve, bellow seal, 90 Degree
Angle needle valve, 90o
Slurry drain valve, 90o
Angle Valves 90o Flow Directional
Angle check valve, lift, pressure seal, 90 Degree
Angle check valve, globe stop
Angle check valve, piston, 90 Degree
Angle check valve, slurry, 90o
Angle valves, 45 Degree
Angle slurry valve, 45 Degree
Tank drain valve, 45 Degree
Angle valves, other
Tank bottom valve
Surface choke valves (Joule-Thomson valves)
Choke valve, adjustable
Choke valve, positive
Subsea choke valves (Joule-Thomson valves)
Subsea choke valve, retrievable
Subsea choke valve, non-retrievable
Subsea choke valve, electric
3-way Valves
3-way ball valve, lateral
3-way plug valve, partial jacket
3-way plug valve, full jacket
3-way check valve, dual inlet - single outlet
Zero deadleg valve, L pattern
BAL3W, T-type
BAL3W, L-type
BAL3W, Y-type
3-way generic body valve
3-way solenoid valve
3-way plug valve, taper
3-way check valve, ball
3-way butterfly valve
3-way gauge valve
3-way diverting slurry valve
Close-coupled branch valve
Zero deadleg valve, T pattern
3-way plug valve, stopcock
3-way Valves Flow Directional
3-way diverter valve (materials handling)
4-way valves
4-way plug valve, taper
4-way check valve, ball
4-way solenoid valve
4-way generic body valve
4-way gauge valve
5-way valves
6-way valves
7-way valves
8-way valves
8-way diaphragm diverter valve
Shut-off valve systems
Gas burner valve system
Oil burner valve system
Triple service butterfly/check valve assembly
Triple service plug/check valve assembly
Tandem valves
Tandem valve
Sanitary access valve/fitting assemblies
Sanitary access valve
Fire and safety valves
Pressure valves
Air release valve
Pressure control valve
Pressure safety valve
Pressure automated valve
Balanced automatic pressure relief valve
Safety relief valve
Angle pressure relief valve
Tee type relief valve
Straight-through pressure relief valve
Vacuum relief valve
Pressure/vacuum relief valve
Conservation vent
Pressure reducing valve
Pressure reducing valve with injector
Angle pressure reducing valve
Angle pressure reducing valve with injector
Pressure reducing valve with integral strainer
Air/Vacuum valve
Angle pressure relief valve, pipe away
Angle pressure relief valve, vent to atmosphere
Pressure relief valve, vent to atmosphere
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, weight loaded, t
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, weight loaded, s
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, spring loaded, t
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, spring loaded, s
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, weight loaded, top
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, weight loaded, side
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, spring loaded, top
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, spring loaded, side
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, vent to atmosphere, weight lo
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, vent to atmosphere, spring lo
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, weight loaded
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, spring loaded
Temperature valves
Temperature safety valve
Temperature control valve
Specialty valves
Motor operated valve
Free flow reverse current valve
Mixing valve, thermostatic
Mixing valve, pressure balanced
Diverter valves
Right-hand tangential, reverse acting
Left-hand tangential, reverse acting
Upper tee, reverse acting
Upper cross, reverse acting
Tank outlet valves
Tee offset right
Tee offset left
Flanged offset right
Flanged offset left
Clamp cross
Flanged cross
10F flanged
Clamp inlet
Kettle valves
90 degrees
45 degrees
Flanged 90 degrees
Flanged 45 degrees
90 degrees, offset down
90 degrees, offset right
90 degrees, offset left
Control/Throttling valves
Lower tee
Lower cross
Upper tee / lower tee
Upper cross / lower cross
Upper tee / lower cross
Lower tee / upper cross
Sampling valves
Sampling valve
Other instrument valves
Valve with restriction orifice
Valve assemblies
Ball valve with tee
Vent valves
Check valve, inverted
Check valve, tank vent

Flange assembly with nipple end (pupped)
Slip-on flanges
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing
Slip-on adapter flange, e.g. Uni-Flange
Clamp-on adapter flange, e.g. Uni-Flange
Plate flanges
Bored flange, fixed
Bored flange, fixed, tapped
Bored flange, rotatable
Bored flange, rotatable, tapped
Lap joint flanges
Backing flange
Flanged nipples
Nipple, full
Nipple, reducing flange
Half nipples
Half nipple, fixed
Half nipple, fixed, tapped
Half nipple, rotatable
Half nipple, rotatable, tapped
Reducing flanges
Reducing zero length flange
Reducing Slip-on flanges
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing
Reducing Plate flanges
Expander flanges
Orifice flanges
Blind flange, rotatable
Blind flange, rotatable, tapped
Blind flange, tapped
Bored spacer
Close nipple
Hose nipple
Barrel nipple
Stub ends
Flange adapter (for use with HDPE pipe)
Flange adapter (for use with HDPE pipe, butterfly valve)
Stub end for slip-on flange
Weld-on plate collar
Weldneck collar, tapered
Weldneck ring, straight
Couplings and connectors
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, swivel joint
Clamp, Cameron
Clamp, Cameron Fastclamp connector
Coupling, transition
Coupling, compression
Coupling, flanged adapter
Tapping sleeve
Tapping sleeve, mechanical joint
Coupling, Victaulic
Clamp, Tri-Clamp
Clamp, Techlok
Clamp, Grayloc
Clamp, SPO-Lock
Clamp, bell-joint
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, heavy duty, double hinge with wing nut
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, heavy duty, single hinge with wing nut
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, 3-segment, single hinge with wing nut
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, medium duty with wing nut
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, light duty with T-bolt
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, light duty adjustable
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, fractional with wing nut
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, high pressure
Clamp, Tri-Clamp, sanitary for hose adapter
Dresser coupling
Coupling with tube stop
Coupling with drain
Coupling, eccentric
Coupling, hanger
Coupling, cross-over
Coupling, repair
Bushing, flush
Bushing, external
Bushing, hex head
Clamp, Wireloc
Coupling, Straub
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, heavy duty, 3-segment with wing nut
Wall penetration fittings
Penetration sleeve
Sleeve with puddle flange
Puddle flange
Seep ring
Wall collar
Thrust collar
Water collar
Doubler Plate
Insert Plate
Blind hub, Cameron
Blind hub, Wireloc™
Blind hub, WOODCO
Hub with non-erosion shroud, Grayloc
Hub, adapter, Grayloc
Hub, Cameron
Hub, enlarging, Grayloc
Hub, orifice, Grayloc
Hub, pressure tapped, Grayloc
Hub, reducing, Grayloc
Hub, socket weld, Grayloc
Hub, streamline bore (sanitary), Grayloc
Hub, threaded, Grayloc
Hub, Wireloc
Ferrule, short
Adapter, Conflat x ISO K
Adapter, Conflat x ISO KF
Adapter, Conflat x ISO KF, reducing
Adapter, drop (tubing)
Adapter, female
Adapter, Female NPT x Kwik-Flange
Adapter, Female NPT x Large-Flange
Adapter, female, reducing
Adapter, flush (tubing)
Adapter, hose (tubing)
Adapter, male
Adapter, Male NPT x Kwik-Flange
Adapter, Male NPT x Large-Flange
Adapter, male, reducing
Adapter, soil pipe (tubing)
Adapter, trap (tubing)
Adapter, tubing
High integrity flange load bearing rings
High integrity flange adapters
In-line spacers
Orifice spacers
Tapered spacers
In-line rings with taps
Bleed ring
Concentric diameter reduction
Conical reducer
Bushing, reducing
Concentric reducer with nipple ends (pupped)
Concentric diameter increase
Eccentric diameter reduction
Siphon, U-shape
Siphon, planar U-shape
Siphon, circular
Relief devices
Pressure/vacuum relief manhole cover
Rupture disc, pressure relief
Rupture disc, vacuum relief
Rupture disc, forward-acting
Rupture disc, reverse-acting
Rupture disc holder, bolted
Temperature fusible plug or disc
Rupture disc holder, union
Rupture disc holder, threaded
Rupture disc holder, booted
Spray nozzles
Orifice Plates
Orifice plate
Orifice plate, concentric
Orifice plate, eccentric
Orifice plate, segmental
Orifice plate, universal
In-line instruments
Restriction orifice union
Hydraulic compensator, balanced
Hydraulic compensator, non-balanced
Flow controller
Flow indicating controller
Flow recording controller
Flow indicator, sight glass
Flow indicator, sight glass, 3-way
Flow indicator, sight glass, 4-way
Level controller
Level indicating controller
Level recording controller
Level indicator, sight glass
Pressure controller
Pressure indicating controller
Pressure recording controller
Pressure differential indicating controller
Diaphragm seal
Temperature controller
Temperature indicating controller
Temperature recording controller
Water cut meter
Wet gas meter
Variable area flow instrument with upstream regulator
Variable area flow instrument with downstream regulator
Variable area flow instrument with upstream valve
Variable area flow instrument with downstream valve
In-line instruments, flow measurement
Mass flowmeter
Flow nozzle
Pitot tube
In-line averaging pitot tube
Multipoint pitot array
Differential pressure flow instrument, Pitot tube with Venturi
Differential pressure flow instrument, Pitot tube with double
Differential pressure flowmeter, Pitot tube, averaging (includ
Differential pressure mass flowmeter, Pitot tube, averaging (i
Venturi tube
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi tube, classical
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi tube, short for
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi tube, universal
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi nozzle
Wedge meter
Segmental wedge
Differential pressure flow instrument, conical flow conditione
Magnetic flow instrument
Positive displacement flow instrument
Positive displacement flow instrument, oscillating piston
Positive displacement flow instrument, oval gear
Positive displacement flow instrument, roots
Target flow instrument
Thermal flow instrument
Turbine flow instrument
Ultrasonic flow instrument, Doppler
Ultrasonic flow instrument, transit time
Variable area flow instrument
Variable area flow instrument, bypass rotometer
Variable area flow instrument, tapered plug
Variable area flow instrument, open-channel gate
Vortex flowmeter
Vortex and swirl flow instrument
Vortex shedding flow instrument
Propeller flow instrument
Differential temperature flow instrument
Water cut meter
Wet gas meter
Multi-phase flow meter
In-line instruments, temperature measurement
Internal-to-piping instruments
Flow straightening vane
Flow conditioning vane
Flow straightener, hexagonal cell-type
Flow straightener, tube bundles
Flow straightener, perforated plates
Flow straightener, internal tabs
Instrument assemblies
Integral orifice assembly
Static mixer
Bulk container agitator
Float-and-linkage level regulator
Pneumatically actuated level regulator
Self-contained pressure reduction regulator
Pressure reduction regulator with external tap
Pressure reduction regulator with internal relief valve
Self-contained back-pressure regulator
Back-pressure regulator with external tap
Differential pressure reducing regulator
Differential pressure reduction regulator with internal and ex
Filled system temperature regulator
Angle filled system temperature regulator
3-way filled system temperature regulator

Ending fittings
Cap, hexagonal
Cap, octagonal
Cap, decagonal
Cap with drain
Cap, extended tangent
Cap, solid end
Plug, plain
Plug, round
Plug, counter sunk
Plug, square
Plug, hexagonal
Plug, octagonal
Plug, decagonal
Fitting cleanout with plug
Flexible ending fittings
Closure plates
Closure plate, internal to jacket
Closure plate, external to jacket
Instrument indicators
Capsule standard platinum resistance thermometer (CSPRT)
Constant-volume gas thermometer (CVGT)
Displacer or float level instrument
Flow gauge
Flow glass
Flow indicator
Germanium resistance thermometer (GRT)
High-temperature standard platinum resistance thermomete
Industrial platinum resistance thermometer (IPRT)
Interpolating constant-volume gas thermometer (ICVGT)
Level gauge glass
Level indicator
Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT)
Pressure differential indicator
Pressure gauge
Pressure indicator
Resistance temperature detector (RTD)
Rhodium-iron resistance thermometer (RIRT)
Standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT)
Temperature differential indicator
Temperature indicator
Thermocouple, thin film
Instrument transmitters and process-connected switches
Flow transmitter
Level transmitter
Pressure transmitter
Pressure indicating transmitter
Pressure recording transmitter
Temperature transmitter
Process-connected pressure switch
Process-connected temperature switch
Analyzer transmitter
Nuclear solids flow transmitter
Single element differential pressure level transmitter
Analytical instruments
Consistency transmitter, probe
Consistency transmitter, blade
Consistency transmitter, rotary
Consistency transmitter, optical
Consistency transmitter, level detector
Consistency transmitter, flow bridge
Other instrument end fittings
Off-line single port pitot tube
Sampling nozzle

5.625o direction change

1/64 bend
11.25o direction change
11.25 degree elbow, 3D
11.25 degree miter, 1-cut mitered
15o direction change
15o miter, 1-cut mitered
22.5o direction change
22.5 degree elbow, 3D
1/16 bend
30o direction change
30 degree elbow, 3D
45o direction change
1/8 bend
1/8 bend, extended
1/8 bend, long
60o direction change
60 degree elbow, 3D
1/6 bend
67.5o direction change
67.5 degree elbow, 1-cut mitered
72o direction change
72 degree elbow
1/5 bend
88o direction change
90 direction change

One-quarter bend
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet
One-quarter bend with extended low heel inlet
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet
One-quarter bend, short sweep
One-quarter bend, long sweep
One-quarter bend, tapped
One-quarter bend, long
One-quarter bend, long low-hub
One-quarter bend with side inlet
Base bend
90 degree elbow with side outlet
Tee, long sweep with integral bull plug

90 degree elbow, close rough
90 degree elbow, intermediate radius
90 degree elbow, hanger
90 degree elbow, drop
90 degree elbow with vent
90 degree elbow with inlet
90 degree elbow with side inlet

90 degree elbow, drip pan
90o elbow, base
90o reducing direction change
One-quarter bend, reducing
One-quarter bend, long sweep, reducing
Double 90o direction change
90 degree double elbow
Double quarter bend
Double 90o reducing direction change
90 degree double elbow, reducing
180 degree return with cleanout
180 degree return, with use point on bottom offset
45 degree Offset

Full-size tees
Drop Tee
Equal tee with nipple ends (pupped)

Equal tee with nipple ends (pupped) and flanged branch

Long turn Tee
Sanitary tapped tee
Sanitary tapped tee, double horizontal
Sanitary tapped tee, double vertical
Sanitary tee
Sanitary tee with 45 degree side opening above center
Sanitary tee with 90 degree side opening above center
Sanitary tee with cleanout plug on main
Sanitary tee with side opening on center
Studded tee
Supply and return Tee
T branch cleanout with plug
T branches
T branches, tapped
Tee with offset
Tee with side outlet
Tee, barred
Tee, base
Tee, short outlet
Tee, wye
Test Tee
Tee, long sweep full flow
Tee, long sweep
Full-size, sloped header tees
Reducing tees
Tee, reducing run (baseboard)
Tee, heat exchanger
Tee with offset, reducing branch
Tee with offset, reducing run and branch
Tee with offset, reducing runs
Tee, reducing run wye
Tee, reducing branch wye
Tee, reducing run and branch wye
Tee, short outlet, reducing
Sanitary tee, reducing
Sanitary tapped tee, reducing
Reducing tee with nipple ends (pupped)
Reducing tee with nipple ends (pupped) and flanged branch
Tee, eccentric reducing
Tee, reducing short outlet
Double reducing tees
Tee with double offset, reducing branch
Tee with double offset, reducing run and branch
Tee with double offset, reducing runs
Increasing tees
Double full-size tees
Double Tee
Double long turn Tee
Tee with double offset
Full-size wyes
45 degree Y
60° Y
120° Y
Long turn Y
Wye, upright
Wye with 1/8 bend
Wye, tapped
Reducing wyes
Reducing wye
Reducing true Y
Reducing wye with 1/8 bend
Double wyes
Double Y with 1/8 bend
Double reducing wyes
Double reducing wye with 1/8 bend
Full-size laterals
Reducing laterals
Full-size crosses
Studded cross
Studded tee, 4 way
Sanitary cross
Sanitary tapped cross
T branches, double
T branches, double, tapped
Reducing crosses
Studded cross, reducing outlets
Cross, one reducing branch
Cross, reducing run and one branch
Sanitary cross, reducing
Sanitary tapped cross, reducing
5-way branches
Cross, 5-way
Studded cross, 5 way
Sanitary cross with 90 degree opening above center
5-way reducing branches
Cross, 5-way, reducing
6-way branches
Cross, 6-way (double cross)
Studded cross, 6 way
Studded cross, 6 way, reducing outlets
Sanitary cross with two 45 degree openings above center,
same side
6-way reducing branches
Cross, 6-way, reducing (reducing double cross)
Olet-type branches
Flanged Pipet
Mechanical-T, branch outlet
Nipple Pipet
Saddle, clamp-on
Saddle, snap-on
Saddle, 90° square
Socket Weld Pipet
Threaded Pipet
Weldolet, heavy wall forged
Double olet-type branches
Non-radial olet-type branches
Reinforcing pads
Reinforcing welds
Non-radial branch reinforcement
Increasing olet-type branches
Expanded pipet
Saddle, 45° oblique
Sockolet, flat
Weldolet, flat
Thredolet, flat
Reinforcing pad saddles
Reinforcing pad, stub-on
Reinforcing pad, stub-in
Reinforcing pad, stub-through
Full encirclement reinforcing pads
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-on
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-in
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-on
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-in

Monitors and Discharge Devices

Fire Hydrants
Dry barrel type hydrant
Hose Accessories
Hose reel

Piping variable length

Pipe stock, double walled containment
Pipe stock, pre-insulated
Jacketed piping, variable length
Plain piping with integral core and jacket
Distance pieces
Piping fixed length

Pipe stock by purchase length, double walled containment

Pipe stock by purchase length, pre-insulated
Transit hub
Tubing, double walled containment
Jumper hose (Jumpover hose)
Jacketed loading hose
Jacketed unloading hose
Compensator hose

Miscellaneous Accessories
Vent stack cover
Flange isolation kit
Blind assembly
Isolating sleeve
Union nut, hexagonal
Union nut, octagonal
Union nut, decagonal
Union nut, lug
Backup ring
Mechanical joint accessories
Grayloc shrouded bore connector
Retainer gland
Safety Shields (or Spray Shields)
Flange shield
Valve shield
Bonnet shield
Fitting shield
Piping specialty shield
Instrument shield
Valve Assembly Shields
Valve and flange shield
Valve Operator Accesories
Extension stem guide
Floor stand bracket
Solenoid pilot valve
Solenoid pilot valve, 3-way
Solenoid pilot valve, 4-way
Diaphragm pilot valve, 4-way
Manual control valve, 4-way
Speed control valve
Lock-up valve
Trip valve
Supply pressure regulator
Supply pressure regulator with air filter
Pressure relief regulator
Air filter regulator
Set point regulator, pneumatic
Bonnet relief device
Volume booster
External equalizer
Washout connection
Live loaded packing assembly
Leakoff assembly
Wall bracket
Stuffing box
Stuffing box, double
Safety block
Torque limiter
Valve positioner, pneumatic
Valve positioner, electro-pneumatic
Valve positioner, analog
Valve positioner, digital
Position transmitter
Position transducer
Visual position indicator
Fail-safe transmitter
Air switch/set
Limit stop
Limit positioner
Switchbox module
Manual override/control
Lockout (or tagout) kit
Remote switch
Remote sensor
Valve drain
Valve vent
Spacer, jacket
Spacer, jacket
Spacer group, jacket
Bolted joint spacers
Spacer ring
Valve packing
Miscellaneous bolting
Jack screw
Wireloc bolt set
Large-Flange center ring
Large-Flange spacer ring
Large-Flange rotatable bolt ring assembly
Large-Flange bolt
Bolt hole bushing
Tubing accessories
Tube strap
Crimp ring

Safety devices
Flame arrestor
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric
Flame arrester, in-line, vertical
Flame arrester with free vent
Flame check, low pressure
Flame check, high pressure
Detonation flame arrester
Detonation arrester, fire resistant
Flame trap assembly
Noise control devices
Vent silencer
In-line silencer
Acoustic filter
Acoustic pulse trap
Vent diffuser
Noise attenuator
Silencer, compressor inline
Silencer, control valve
Silencer, blowoff
Silencer, gas diffuser
Pressure attenuation devices
Hammer arrestor
Surge arrester
Shock trap
Liquid pulse trap
Gas pulse trap
Exhaust heads
Exhaust head
Exhaust head, cyclone
Free vent without screen
Free vent with screen
Expansion joints
Expansion joint
Expansion joint, single end
Expansion joint, double end
Hinged expansion joint
Expansion joint, 2 convolutions
Expansion joint, 3 convolutions
Expansion joint, 5 convolutions
Expansion joint, single bellows
Expansion joint, single bellows with tie rods
Expansion joint, universal with tie rods
Expansion joint, externally pressurized pressure balance
Swivel joints
Straight-thru swivel joint
Single elbow swivel joint
Double elbow swivel joint
Sample cooler
Sample cooler, low pressure
Sample cooler, high pressure
Sampler, in-line
Sampler, fixed volume liquid
Single basket strainer
Double basket strainer (Duplex wire basket strainer or Multi-
Double basket strainer, ball type
Double basket strainer, corrosive 3-way ball type
Double basket strainer, plug type
Double basket strainer, sliding gate type
Double basket strainer, butterfly with convoluted screen type
Temporary basket strainer
Basket strainer
Double basket strainer
Tee-type strainer
Tee-type assembly straight thru pattern strainer
Tee-type assembly angle pattern strainer
Wye-type strainer
Cone strainer
Inverted cone strainer
Perforated cone strainer
Truncated cone strainer (perforated basket strainer)
Temporary cone strainer
Inclined perforated strainer
Flat plate strainer
Flat perforated strainer
Flat face perforated strainer
Sump strainer
Tank suction strainer
Angle block strainer
Core strainer
Sludge shoe
Suction strainer or Suction diffuser
Basket strainer, angle
Barrel strainer
Permanent line strainer
Sanitary strainer
Filter, equipment protection
Filter, instrument protection
Filter, multiplex liquid
Filter, basket
Rock catcher
Suction tees and ejectors
Mixing tee
Mixing tee, high pressure static
Steam traps (or Condensate traps)
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation with
integral strainer
Steam trap
Thermostatic steam trap, balanced pressure
Thermostatic steam trap, bimetallic
Thermodynamic steam trap, high pressure
Bellows steam trap
Inverted bucket steam trap
Ball float steam trap
Ball float liquid drainer
Open bucket steam trap
Float trap, horizontal
Thermostatic steam trap
Float trap, vertical
Float trap, angle type
Integral seat disc trap
Fixed temperature discharge trap
Thermodynamic steam trap
Orifice trap
Impulse steam trap
Thermostatic steam trap, balanced pressure bellows
Thermostatic steam trap, balanced pressure wafer
Thermostatic steam trap, simple bimetallic
Thermostatic steam trap, liquid expansion
Thermostatic air vent
Float and thermostatic steam trap
Float steam trap, free
Upright (open top) bucket steam trap
Controlled disc steam trap
Automatic differential condensate controller
Steam trap diffuser
Thermodynamic disc steam trap
Steam trap assemblies
Steam trap assembly
Steam trap assembly with cock
Steam trap assembly with cock and bypass
Other traps
Trap, upturn
Drum trap, swivel
Drum trap with bottom inlet
P-trap, suction line
P-trap with union joint
P-trap with cleanout
P-trap with side inlet
P-trap with tapped inlet
P-trap, deep seal
P-trap with tap primer
P-trap, reducing
Running trap
Running trap with vent
Running trap with two vents
Vent bypass, right hand inlet
Vent bypass, left hand inlet
Cleanout fittings
Cleanout with tap
Cleanout, two way
Cleanout, Texas twin
Moisture Separators
Separator, baffle (vane) type
Separator, cyclonic (centrifugal) type
Separator, coalescence type
Miscellaneous tubing specialties
Bulkhead fitting
Air chamber
Venturi insert
Welded bellows
Specialty international compatibility
Flange face adapter

Switches and relays

Flow switch, high
Flow switch, medium
Flow switch, low
Flow switch, high and high
Flow switch, high and low
Flow switch, low and low
Level switch, high
Level switch, medium
Level switch, low
Level switch, high and high
Level switch, high and low
Level switch, low and low
Pressure switch, high
Pressure switch, medium
Pressure switch, low
Pressure switch, high and high
Pressure switch, high and low
Pressure switch, low and low
Pressure differential switch, high
Pressure differential switch, low
Temperature switch, high
Temperature switch, medium
Temperature switch, low
Temperature switch, high and high
Temperature switch, high and low
Temperature switch, low and low
Pressure relay
Pilot light
Flow recorder
Level recorder
Pressure recorder
Temperature recorder
Generic analyzer
Bubble detector
Clamp-on sensors
Clamp-on flow sensor
Clamp-on flow sensor, ultrasonic
Clamp-on sound velocity sensor
Clamp-on wall thickness sensor
Stress gauge
Analyzer strap
Other sensors
Conductivity sensor
Capacitance level instrument
Dielectric level instrument
Conductance level instrument
Magnetic gage level instrument
Nuclear level instrument
Optical level instrument
Electromechanical solids level instrument
Vibrating probe or radio frequency level instrument
Thermal level instrument
Ultrasonic level instrument
Miscellaneous off-line instruments
Capillary actuated temperature instrument
Non-contact temperature instrument
Single element potentiometer temperature instrument

e will NOT be imported into the Engineering Framework


Conduit Couplings
Conduit CPL
Conduit CPLR
Conduit Unions
Conduit UN
Conduit UNX
Conduit Reducers
Conduit REDC

Conduit Expansion joints

Conduit Expansion joint
Conduit Hubs
Conduit Hub
Conduit Seals
Conduit Seal

Conduit 22.5 degree direction change

Conduit E22.5
Conduit 30 degree direction change
Conduit E30
Conduit 45 degree direction change
Conduit E45
Conduit 60 degree direction change
Conduit E60
Conduit 90 degree direction change
Conduit E90
90 Degree Inspection elbow
Conduit Full-size tees
Conduit T
Conduit Reducing tees
Conduit TRB
Conduit Full-size crosses
Conduit Cross
Conduit Full-size wyes
Conduit Y

Conduit Ending fittings

Conduit Plug
Conduit Cap

Conduit PullBox
Conduit Gangbox, 6 Outlets
Conduit Gangbox, Dead End
Codelist Sort
PipingCommodityType LongDescription Number Order
ange the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.

Gate valve 5
Gate valve, short pattern 6
Gate valve with nipple ends (pupped) 7
Ball valve, trunion mounted, side entry 8
Ball valve, trunion mounted, top entry 9
Gate valve, full port 10
Ball valve, floating ball, 2-piece 11
Ball valve, floating ball, 3-piece 12
Ball valve with nipple ends (pupped) 13
Globe valve with nipple ends (pupped) 14
Gate valve, reduced port 15
Plug valve, partial jacket 17
Plug valve, full jacket 18
Line blind valve 19
Gate valve, reduced port asymmetric 30
Gate valve, pressure seal 31
Gate valve, through-conduit 40
Ball valve 41
Ball valve, reduced port 45
Ball valve, full port 46
Ball valve, short pattern 50
Ball valve, long pattern 51
Ball valve, temperature blowdown automated 52
Globe valve 55
Globe valve, short pattern 56
Globe valve, reduced port 60
Globe valve, bonnetless inclined 61
Globe valve, Y type 65
Plug valve 70
Plug valve, short pattern 71
Plug valve, venturi pattern 72
Needle valve 75
Diaphragm valve 80
Knife gate valve 85
Slide valve 90
Blank gate valve 95
Y blowdown valve 100
Pinch valve 105
Level control valve (Float valve) 110
Hose valve 120
Generic body valve 121
Solenoid valve 5030
Multivane 1 damper/louver valve 5105
Multivane 2 damper/louver valve 5110
Single vane damper/louver valve 5115
Gate valve, slide 6030
Gate valve, parallel slide 7740
Gate valve, wedge 7745
Globe valve, reciprocating 7750
Globe valve, rotary 7755
Plug valve, pressure balanced 7760
Ball float valve (Float vent valve) 7765
Solenoid valve, proportional 7770
Plug valve, taper 8900
Plug valve, stopcock 8910
Flap valve 8920
Stop valve 8930
Gate valve, sluice 9126
Gate valve, slab 9128
Ball valve, trunion 9131
Ball valve, floating 9132
Plug valve, eccentric 9134
Gate valve, bellow seal 9190
Gate valve, solid wedge 9192
Gate valve, flexible wedge 9194
Gate valve, split wedge 9196
Gate valve, parallel wedge 9198
Gate valve, expanding 9200
Gate valve, compact expanding 9202
Gate valve, bolted bonnet, oval type 9204
Gate valve, bolted bonnet, round type 9206
Gate valve, extended bonnet 9208
Gate valve, combination 9210
Ball valve, sandwich 9212
Ball valve, V-control 9214
Globe valve, bolted bonnet 9216
Globe valve, bolted bonnet, Y type 9218
Globe valve, pressure seal 9220
Globe valve, pressure seal, Y type 9222
Globe valve, bellow seal 9224
Globe valve, bellow seal, Y type 9226
Globe valve, compact, full port 9228
Globe valve, compact, Y type 9230
Flap valve, flexible 9232
Gauge valve 9234
Root gauge valve 9236
Cartridge valve 9238
Cone valve 9240
Cone valve, fixed 9242
Cylinder valve 9244
Plug valve, sleeved 9247
Back water valve 7875
Backflow preventer 185
Backflow preventer, double check assembly 8940
Backflow preventer, double check detector assembly 8950
Backflow preventer, reduced pressure zone (RPZ) 8960
Backflow preventer, vacuum breaker 8970
Butterfly valve, high performance 150
Butterfly valve, low pressure 151
Butterfly valve, double flanged 7805
Butterfly valve, double flanged, double eccentric 7830
Butterfly valve, double flanged, long 7815
Butterfly valve, double flanged, short 7810
Butterfly valve, lugged 7800
Butterfly valve, lugged, double eccentric 7825
Butterfly valve, triple eccentric 7835
Butterfly valve, wafer 7775
Butterfly valve, wafer, double eccentric 7820
Butterfly valve, wafer, long 7785
Butterfly valve, wafer, short 7780
Butterfly valve, wafer, single flange, long 7795
Butterfly valve, wafer, single flange, short 7790
Check valve, reduced port 160
Check valve, swing type, reduced port 167
Check valve, swing type 165
Check valve, swing type, short pattern 166
Check valve, Y reduced port 161
Check valve, ball 7860
Check valve, compact 9258
Check valve, dual plate 33
Check valve, full port 9256
Check valve, globe stop 9136
Check valve, horizontal 9394
Check valve, horizontal lift 7840
Check valve, inverted vent 9245
Check valve, lift, pressure seal 9246
Check valve, lift, pressure seal, Y pattern 9248
Check valve, piston 7855
Check valve, piston, Y type 9252
Check valve, plug 9254
Check valve, pressure seal 32
Check valve, swing type, pressure seal 168
Check valve, tilting disc 7850
Check valve, tilting disc, pressure seal 9250
Check valve, vertical 9395
Check valve, vertical lift 7845
Foot valve 190
Non-return valve, gate 9138
Check valve, stop 175
Check valve, wafer 170
Check valve, Y stop 180
Check valve, lift 519
Gate valve, extended body 35
Valvolet® 8880
Globe valve, extended body 8885
Angle bayonet valve, 90o 20
Angle drain valve, 90o 21
Angle globe valve, 900 200
Angle blowdown valve, 900 205
Angle hose valve, 900 210
Tank drain valve, 900 215
Generic body angle valve, 900 216
Angle solenoid valve, 900 5035
Angle slurry valve, 900 8795
Angle plug valve, 900 8980
Angle taper plug valve, 900 8982
Angle ball valve, 900 8984
Angle diaphragm valve, 900 8986
Angle globe stop valve, 900 8988
Angle globe valve, bolted bonnet, 900 9260
Angle globe valve, bellow seal, 900 9262
Angle needle valve, 90 o 9484
Slurry drain valve, 90o 9485
Angle check valve, lift, pressure seal, 90o 22
Angle check valve, 90o 250
Angle check valve, stop, 90o 255
Angle check valve, globe stop, 90o 9141
Angle check valve, piston, 90o 9264
Angle check valve, slurry, 90o 9265
Angle slurry valve, 45o 7880
Tank drain valve, 45o 24
Tank bottom valve 9393
Choke valve, adjustable 9144
Choke valve, positive 9146
Subsea choke valve, retrievable 9150
Subsea choke valve, non-retrievable 9152
Subsea choke valve, electric 9154
3-way ball valve, lateral 25
3-way plug valve, partial jacket 34
3-way plug valve, full jacket 36
3-way check valve, dual inlet - single outlet 37
Zero deadleg valve, L pattern 38
3-way ball valve 300
3-way ball valve, T-type 301
3-way ball valve, L-type 302
3-way ball valve, Y-type 303
3-way globe valve 305
3-way plug valve 310
3-way check valve 314
3-way check valve, stop 315
3-way slide valve 320
3-way generic body valve 326
3-way diaphragm diverter valve 433
3-way solenoid valve 5040
3-way plug valve, taper 8990
3-way check valve, ball 9266
3-way butterfly valve 9268
3-way gauge valve 9270
3-way diverting slurry valve 9271
Close-coupled branch valve 9390
Zero deadleg valve, T pattern 9392
3-way plug valve, stopcock 9427
Automatic recirculation valve 350
3-way diverter valve (materials handling) 351
4-way ball valve 7885
4-way plug valve 400
4-way plug valve, taper 8998
4-way check valve 8535
4-way check valve, ball 9272
4-way solenoid valve 5045
4-way generic body valve 406
4-way diaphragm diverter valve 434
4-way gauge valve 9274
5-way ball valve 7890
5-way plug valve 7895
5-way check valve 7900
5-way solenoid valve 7905
5-way generic body valve 7910
5-way diaphragm diverter valve 435
6-way plug valve 425
6-way solenoid valve 7915
6-way generic body valve 7920
7-way diaphragm diverter valve 8800
8-way diaphragm diverter valve 39
Gas burner valve system 9278
Oil burner valve system 9280
Triple service butterfly/check valve assembly 9282
Triple service plug/check valve assembly 9284
Tandem valve 436
Sanitary access valve 437
Deluge valve 115
Alarm valve 8540
Dry valve 8545
Air release valve 42
Pressure control valve 438
Pressure safety valve 439
Pressure automated valve 440
Balanced automatic pressure relief valve 5320
Safety relief valve 5325
Angle pressure relief valve 5330
Tee type relief valve 5331
Straight-through pressure relief valve 5335
Vacuum relief valve 5340
Pressure/vacuum relief valve 5345
Conservation vent 5366
Pressure safety valve, spring-operated 7925
Pressure safety valve, pilot-operated 7930
Conservation (breather) vent, diaphragm 8645
Pressure/vacuum conservation vent with flame arrester 8650
Pressure/vacuum conservation vent, in-line 8655
Pressure/vacuum conservation vent, in-line, spring-loaded 8660
Pressure/vacuum conservation vent, end-of-line 8665
Pressure/vacuum conservation vent, pipe-away 8670
Pressure/vacuum conservation vent, pipe-away, spring-loaded 8675
Pressure conservation vent, pipe-away 8680
Vacuum vent, end-of-line 8685
Vacuum vent, side-mounted 8690
Blow off valve 8695
Pressure reducing valve 9001
Pressure reducing valve with injector 9004
Angle pressure reducing valve 9007
Angle pressure reducing valve with injector 9080
Pressure reducing valve with integral strainer 9286
Air/Vacuum valve 9396
Angle pressure relief valve, pipe away 9397
Angle pressure relief valve, vent to atmosphere 9437
Pressure relief valve, vent to atmosphere 9399
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, weight loaded, top mount 9438
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, weight loaded, side mount 9401
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, spring loaded, top mount 9439
Vacuum relief valve, vent from atmosphere, spring loaded, side mount 9403
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, weight loaded, top mount 9440
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, weight loaded, side mount 9405
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, spring loaded, top mount 9429
Vacuum relief valve, flanged/piped inlet, spring loaded, side mount 9407
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, vent to atmosphere, weight loaded 9408
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, vent to atmosphere, spring loaded 9409
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, weight loaded 9433
Pressure/vacuum relief valve, pipe-away, spring loaded 9411
Temperature safety valve 7935
Temperature control valve 9156
Motor operated valve 441
Free flow reverse current valve 442
Flush bottom tank valve 7940
Safety selector valve 7945
Safety selector valve, tandem 7950
Mixing valve, thermostatic 43
Mixing valve, pressure balanced 44
Diverter valve, right-hand tangential, reverse acting 5130
Diverter valve, left-hand tangential, reverse acting 5135
Diverter valve, upper tee, reverse acting 5140
Diverter valve, upper cross, reverse acting 5145
Diverter valve, 2-way diaphragm 432
Tank outlet valve, tee offset right 5150
Tank outlet valve, tee offset left 5155
Tank outlet valve, flanged offset right 5160
Tank outlet valve, flanged offset left 5165
Tank outlet valve, clamp cross 5170
Tank outlet valve, flanged cross 5175
Tank outlet valve, 10F flanged 5180
Tank outlet valve, clamp inlet 5185
Kettle valve, 90o 5190
Kettle valve, 45o 5195
Kettle valve, flanged 90o 5200
Kettle valve, flanged 45o 5205
Kettle valve, 90o, offset down 5210
Kettle valve, 90o, offset right 5215
Kettle valve, 90o, offset left 5220
Control/throttling valve, lower tee 5225
Control/throttling valve, lower cross 5230
Control/throttling valve, upper tee / lower tee 5235
Control/throttling valve, upper cross / lower cross 5240
Control/throttling valve, upper tee / lower cross 5245
Control/throttling valve, lower tee / upper cross 5250
Control/throttling valve, Y-body 5255
Sampling valve 9288
Sampling valve, hand-operated 8705
Sampling valve, hand-operated with integral flange 8710
Valve with restriction orifice 443
Ball valve with tee 9292
Check valve, inverted 9380
Check valve, tank vent 9382
Weld neck flange 450
Long weld neck flange 470
Filler flange 475
Socket flange 465
Socket welded flange 455
Threaded flange 460
Flanged connecting piece 480
Solder joint flange 485
Ball flange 7955
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, non-reducing 7960
Flange assembly with nipple end (pupped) 47
Slip-on flange 500
Slip-on flange, stub end 505
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, non-reducing 48
Slip-on adapter flange, e.g. Uni-Flange® 506
Clamp-on adapter flange , e.g. Uni-Flange® 507
Plate flange 515
Plate flange, stub end 520
Bored flange, fixed 53
Bored flange, fixed, tapped 54
Bored flange, rotatable 57
Bored flange, rotatable, tapped 58
Lap joint flange 550
Lap joint flange, stub end 555
Backing flange 59
Nipple, full 67
Nipple, reducing flange 68
Half nipple, fixed 62
Half nipple, fixed, tapped 63
Half nipple, rotatable 64
Half nipple, rotatable, tapped 66
Reducing filler flange 616
Insert flange, jacket, buttweld, reducing 8550
Reducing zero length flange 69
Socket reducing flange 615
Socket welded reducing flange 605
Threaded reducing flange 610
Weld neck reducing flange 601
Slip-on reducing flange 600
Insert flange, jacket, slip-on, reducing 49
Plate reducing flange 620
Weld neck expander flange 650
Orifice flange, weld neck 700
Orifice flange, slip-on 705
Orifice flange, socket weld 710
Orifice flange, threaded 715
Blank disc (Single blind) 760
Blind flange 750
Blind flange, rotatable 74
Blind flange, rotatable, tapped 76
Blind flange, tapped 73
Bored spacer 77
Paddle blind (Paddle blank or Blind spacer) 765
Slip blind 8820
Spectacle blind (Figure 8 blind) 755
Union blind flange 7965
Close nipple 1110
In-line nipple 8555
Nipple (Branch nipple) 1105
Hose nipple 9430
Barrel nipple 9431
Stub end, long pattern 1120
Stub end, short pattern 1125
Flange adapter (for use with HDPE pipe) 1122
Flange adapter (for use with HDPE pipe, butterfly valve) 1124
Stub end for slip-on flange 1126
Weld-on plate collar 1127
Weldneck collar, tapered 1128
Weldneck ring, straight 1129
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, swivel joint 86
Clamp, Cameron 87
Clamp, Cameron Fastclamp connector 88
Coupling/connector 800
Hose connection 805
Sleeve 810
Coupling, tangential 825
Coupling, 45o elbow 830
Coupling, transition 831
Coupling, compression 832
Coupling, flanged adapter 833
Tapping sleeve 834
Tapping sleeve, mechanical joint 835
Coupling, Victaulic® 836
Clamp, Tri-Clamp® 837
Clamp, Techlok® 838
Clamp, Grayloc® 839
Clamp, SPO-Lock 840
Clamp, bell-joint 841
Bushing 1025
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, heavy duty, double hinge with wing nut 1155
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, heavy duty, single hinge with wing nut 1156
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, 3-segment, single hinge with wing nut 1157
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, medium duty with wing nut 1158
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, medium duty with wing nut 1159
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, light duty adjustable 1160
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, fractional with wing nut 1161
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, high pressure 1162
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, sanitary for hose adapter 1163
Coupling, Dresser® 3080
Coupling with tube stop 7500
Coupling with drain 7505
Coupling, eccentric 7510
Coupling, hanger 7515
Coupling, cross-over 7520
Coupling, repair 7525
Bushing, flush 7560
Bushing, external 7565
Bushing, hex head 7566
Coupling, combination 7970
Coupling, flexible 7975
Connecting piece 7980
Coupling, Victaulic® pressfit swage 7985
Clamp, G-Lok® 7990
Clamp, Cherry-Burrell 7995
Clamp, V-band 8000
Swivel backing ring, Taper-Lok 8005
Coupling, bayonet 8010
Coupling, field joint 8015
Swagelok® quick coupling body 8020
Swagelok® quick connect stem with shut-off 8025
Swagelok® quick connect stem without shut-off 8030
Swagelok® full-flow quick connect body 8035
Swagelok® full-flow quick connect stem 8040
Weld boss flange 8045
Bosset® 8050
High integrity flange vent coupling 8755
Clamp, Wireloc™ 9158
Clamp, WOODCO 9384
Coupling, Straub 9389
Clamp, Tri-Clamp®, heavy duty, 3-segment with wing nut 9428
Penetration sleeve 8825
Sleeve with puddle flange 8830
Puddle flange 8835
Seep ring 8840
Wall collar 8845
Thrust collar 8850
Water-stop 8855
Water collar 8860
Doubler Plate 8826
Insert Plate 8827
Blind hub, Cameron 106
Blind hub, Wireloc™ 9162
Blind hub, WOODCO 9388
Double hub 8060
Hub 8055
Hub with non-erosion shroud, Grayloc® 98
Hub, adapter, Grayloc® 97
Hub, blind, Grayloc® 8075
Hub, Cameron 104
Hub, enlarging, Grayloc® 96
Hub, Grayloc® 8070
Hub, orifice, Grayloc® 9406
Hub, pressure tapped, Grayloc® 93
Hub, reducing, Grayloc® 94
Hub, socket weld, Grayloc® 91
Hub, SPO-Lock 8080
Hub, streamline bore (sanitary), Grayloc® 89
Hub, Techlok® 8065
Hub, threaded, Grayloc® 92
Hub, Wireloc™ 9160
Hub, WOODCO 9386
Ferrule 1130
Ferrule, Tri-Clamp® 8085
Ferrule, Cherry-Burrell 8090
Ferrule, short 107
Adapter Type 1 850
Adapter Type 2 855
Adapter Type 3 860
Adapter Type 4 865
Adapter Type 5 870
Adapter Type 6 875
Adapter, Conflat® x ISO K 114
Adapter, Conflat® x ISO KF 113
Adapter, Conflat® x ISO KF, reducing 116
Adapter, drop (tubing) 7535
Adapter, female 108
Adapter, Female NPT x Kwik-FlangeTM 1166
Adapter, Female NPT x Large-FlangeTM 1168
Adapter, female, reducing 109
Adapter, flush (tubing) 7545
Adapter, hose (tubing) 7540
Adapter, male 111
Adapter, Male NPT x Kwik-FlangeTM 1165
Adapter, Male NPT x Large-FlangeTM 1167
Adapter, male, reducing 112
Adapter, soil pipe (tubing) 7550
Adapter, trap (tubing) 7555
Adapter, tubing 7530
Flanged double male adapter, Taper-Lok 8560
High integrity flange load bearing ring 8760
High integrity flange load bearing ring, special 8765
High integrity flange load bearing ring, stepped 8770
High integrity flange adapter 8775
High integrity flange adapter, special 8780
High integrity flange adapter, stepped 8785
Union 900
Orifice union 905
Dielectric insulating union 910
Union tail 8095
Union head 8100
Paddle spacer (Open spacer or Ring spacer) 770
Solid spacer 780
Ring spacer (Solid ring spacer) 775
Tapered bore spacer 776
Orifice ring spacer 785
Orifice spacer, full face 786
Tapered spacer, single taper 950
Tapered spacer, double taper 955
Bleed ring 999
Drip ring tee 1700
Concentric reducer 1000
Concentric reducer, extended Tangent 1003
Reducing coupling 1005
Concentric swage 1010
Conical reducer 9164
Reducing insert 1015
Bushing, reducing 1016
Concentric reducer with nipple ends (pupped) 123
Concentric increaser 8105
Eccentric reducer 1050
Eccentric reducer Extended Tangent 1051
Eccentric swage 1055
Siphon, U-shape 9296
Siphon, planar U-shape 9298
Siphon, circular 9300
Pressure/vacuum relief manhole cover 5350
Rupture disc, pressure relief 5355
Rupture disc, vacuum relief 5360
Rupture disc, forward-acting 5361
Rupture disc, reverse-acting 5362
Rupture disc holder, bolted 5363
Temperature fusible plug or disc 5365
Rupture disc holder, union 5367
Rupture disc holder, threaded 5368
Rupture disc holder, booted 5369
Nozzle, axial full cone 8615
Nozzle, helix full cone 8620
Nozzle, vaneless full cone 8625
Nozzle, hollow cone 8630
Nozzle, flat spray 8635
Nozzle, air atomized 8640
Orifice plate 6250
Orifice plate, concentric 9302
Orifice plate, eccentric 9304
Orifice plate, segmental 9306
Orifice plate, universal 9308
Restriction orifice union 5375
Restricting orifice plate 8110
Trap 5510
Drainer 5515
Hydraulic compensator, balanced 5411
Hydraulic compensator, non-balanced 5412
Flow controller 5413
Flow indicating controller 5414
Flow recording controller 5416
Flow indicator, sight glass 8865
Flow indicator, sight glass, 3-way 9310
Flow indicator, sight glass, 4-way 9312
Level controller 5417
Level indicating controller 5418
Level recording controller 5419
Level indicator, sight glass 8870
Pressure controller 5420
Pressure indicating controller 5421
Pressure recording controller 5422
Pressure differential indicating controller 5423
Diaphragm seal 5625
Temperature controller 5424
Temperature indicating controller 5425
Temperature recording controller 5426
Water cut meter 9314
Wet gas meter 9316
Variable area flow instrument with upstream regulator 5435
Variable area flow instrument with downstream regulator 5440
Variable area flow instrument with upstream valve 5445
Variable area flow instrument with downstream valve 5450
Mass flow instrument, including Coriolis flowmeter 5402
Differential pressure flow instrument, flow nozzle 5405
Differential pressure flow instrument, Pitot tube 5408
Differential pressure flow instrument, Pitot tube, averaging (includes an Ann 5410
Differential pressure flow instrument, Multipoint pitot array (Area averaging pi 5415
Differential pressure flow instrument, Pitot tube with Venturi 9318
Differential pressure flow instrument, Pitot tube with double Venturi 9320
Differential pressure flowmeter, Pitot tube, averaging (includes an Annubar ®) 9321
Differential pressure mass flowmeter, Pitot tube, averaging (includes an Annub 9323
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi tube 5400
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi tube, classical 9322
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi tube, short form 9324
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi tube, universal 9326
Differential pressure flow instrument, Venturi nozzle 9090
Differential pressure flow instrument, wedge 5409
Differential pressure flow instrument, segmental wedge 5500
Differential pressure flow instrument, conical flow conditioner 9092
Magnetic flow instrument 6235
Positive displacement flow instrument, nutating disc 5455
Positive displacement flow instrument, oscillating piston 9094
Positive displacement flow instrument, oval gear 9096
Positive displacement flow instrument, roots 9098
Target flow instrument 5465
Thermal flow instrument 9118
Turbine flow instrument 6255
Ultrasonic flow instrument, Doppler 5485
Ultrasonic flow instrument, transit time 9120
Variable area flow instrument, movable vane 5430
Variable area flow instrument, rotometer (RotameterTM) 5401
Variable area flow instrument, bypass rotometer 9328
Variable area flow instrument, tapered plug 9330
Variable area flow instrument, open-channel gate 9332
Variable area flow instrument, Weir 5406
Variable area flow instrument, flume 5404
Vortex flow instrument 6260
Vortex and swirl flow instrument 5403
Vortex shedding flow instrument 9122
Propeller flow instrument 9124
Differential temperature flow instrument 5495
Water cut meter 9334
Wet gas meter 9336
Multi-phase flow meter 9338
Thermowell 5645
Flow straightening vane 5505
Flow conditioning vane 5407
Flow straightener, hexagonal cell-type 9340
Flow straightener, tube bundles 9342
Flow straightener, perforated plates 9344
Flow straightener, internal tabs 9346
Integral orifice assembly (Orifice plate with orifice flanges and meter runs) 83
Static mixer 9102
Bulk container agitator 9104
Float-and-linkage level regulator 5260
Pneumatically actuated level regulator 5265
Pressure regulator control 8115
Back pressure control 8120
Self-contained pressure reduction regulator 5270
Pressure reduction regulator with external tap 5275
Pressure reduction regulator with internal relief valve 5280
Self-contained back-pressure regulator 5285
Back-pressure regulator with external tap 5290
Differential pressure reduction regulator 5315
Differential pressure reduction regulator with internal and external taps 5295
Filled system temperature regulator 5300
Angle filled system temperature regulator 5305
3-way filled system temperature regulator 5310
Cap, hemispherical 2100
Plug 2105
Cap 2110
Closure set 8125
Cap, hexagonal 9496
Cap, octagonal 9497
Cap, decagonal 9498
Cap with drain 7570
Cap, extended tangent 84
Cap, solid end 148
Plug, plain 9499
Plug, round 9500
Plug, counter sunk 9501
Plug, square 9502
Plug, hexagonal 9503
Plug, octagonal 9504
Plug, decagonal 9505
Fitting cleanout with plug 7575
High integrity flange vent plug 8790
DeckScupper 7576
Ball joint, straight thru 8565
Ball joint, 90o elbow 8570
Ball joint, double 90o elbow 8575
Closure plate, internal to jacket 2125
Closure plate, external to jacket 2130
Capsule standard platinum resistance thermometer (CSPRT) 9172
Constant-volume gas thermometer (CVGT) 9182
Displacer or float level instrument 2140
Flow gauge 2136
Flow glass 2137
Flow indicator 2135
Germanium resistance thermometer (GRT) 9180
High-temperature standard platinum resistance thermometer (HTSPRT) 9174
Industrial platinum resistance thermometer (IPRT) 9176
Interpolating constant-volume gas thermometer (ICVGT) 9184
Level gauge glass 2139
Level indicator 2138
Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) 9168
Pressure differential indicator 2143
Pressure gauge 2142
Pressure indicator 2141
Resistance temperature detector (RTD) 5660
Rhodium-iron resistance thermometer (RIRT) 9178
Standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) 9170
Temperature differential indicator 2145
Temperature indicator 2144
Thermocouple 5650
Thermocouple, thin film 9166
Thermometer 5655
Flow transmitter 2250
Level transmitter 2251
Pressure transmitter 2252
Pressure indicating transmitter 2253
Pressure recording transmitter 2254
Temperature transmitter 2255
Process-connected pressure switch 2256
Process-connected temperature switch 2257
Analyzer transmitter 2258
Nuclear solids flow transmitter 2259
Single element differential pressure level transmitter 2260
Consistency transmitter, probe 149
Consistency transmitter, blade 152
Consistency transmitter, rotary 153
Consistency transmitter, optical 154
Consistency transmitter, level detector 155
Consistency transmitter, flow bridge 156
Single port Pitot tube 5995
Sampling nozzle 157
5.625o elbow 1150
1/64 bend 1151
11.25o elbow 1175
11.25o elbow, 3D 1178
11.25o miter, 1-cut mitered 1179
15o Elbow 1176
15o miter, 1-cut mitered 1177
22.5o elbow 1200
22.5o elbow, 1-cut mitered 1201
22.5o elbow, 2-cut mitered 1202
22.5o elbow, 3-cut mitered 1203
22.5o elbow, 4-cut mitered 1204
22.5o elbow, 5-cut mitered 1205
22.5 degree elbow, 3D 1206
1/16 bend 1207
30 elbow
30o elbow, 1-cut mitered 1226
30o elbow, 2-cut mitered 1227
30o elbow, 3-cut mitered 1228
30o elbow, 4-cut mitered 1229
30o elbow, 5-cut mitered 1230
30 degree elbow, 3D 1231
45o elbow 1300
45o elbow, long radius 1305
45o elbow, long radius long tangent 1307
45o elbow, 3D 1310
45o elbow, union 1315
45o elbow, street 1320
45o elbow, short 1325
45o elbow, long 1330
45o elbow, 1-cut mitered 1335
45o elbow, 2-cut mitered 1340
45o elbow, 3-cut mitered 1345
45o elbow, 4-cut mitered 1346
45o elbow, 5-cut mitered 1347
1/8 bend 1348
1/8 bend, extended 1349
1/8 bend, long 1350
60o elbow 1375
60o elbow, 1-cut mitered 1376
60o elbow, 2-cut mitered 1377
60o elbow, 3-cut mitered 1378
60o elbow, 4-cut mitered 1379
60o elbow, 5-cut mitered 1380
60o elbow, 3D 1381
1/6 bend 1382
67.5o elbow, 1-cut mitered 1385
72o elbow 1390
1/5 bend 1391
88o elbow 8805
90o elbow 1400
One-quarter bend 1401
One-quarter bend with low heel inlet 1402
90o elbow, hygienic clamp joint 1403
One-quarter bend with extended low heel inlet 1404
90o elbow, long radius 1405
One-quarter bend with high heel inlet 1406
One-quarter bend, short sweep 1407
One-quarter bend, long sweep 1408
One-quarter bend, tapped 1409
90o elbow, short radius 1410
One-quarter bend, long 1411
One-quarter bend, long low-hub 1412
One-quarter bend with side inlet 1413
90o elbow, long radius long tangent 1415
Base bend 1417
90o elbow with side outlet 1418
Tee, long sweep with integral bull plug 1419
90o elbow, 3D 1420
90o elbow, union 1425
90o elbow, street 1430
90o elbow, short 1435
90o elbow, long 1440
90o elbow, 1-cut mitered 1445

90o elbow, 2-cut mitered 1450

90o elbow, 3-cut mitered 1455
90o elbow, 4-cut mitered 1460
90o elbow, 5-cut mitered 1465
90o elbow, close rough 7580
90o elbow, intermediate radius 7585
90o elbow, hanger 7590
90o elbow, drop 7595
90o elbow with vent 7600
90o elbow with inlet 7605
90o elbow with side inlet 7610
90o elbow, bulkhead union 8130

90o elbow, swing 8135

90o elbow, drip pan 8875
90o elbow, base 8876
90o reducing elbow 1500
90o reducing street elbow 1505
One-quarter bend, reducing 1414
One-quarter bend, long sweep, reducing 1416
90o double elbow 7615
Double quarter bend 158
90o double elbow, reducing 9490
180o return 1550
180o return, short radius 1560
180o return, long radius 1555
180o return, closed 1565
180o return, medium 1570
180o return, open 1575
180o return, with use point 1571
180o return, with use point on side offset 1572
180o return with cleanout 7620
180o return, with use point on bottom offset 159
45 degree Offset 1056
Tee, 90o short Y-branch 1625
Tee, basin 1620
Tee, drop 7625
Equal tee with nipple ends (pupped) 187

Equal tee with nipple ends (pupped) and flanged branch 188
Tee, instrument 1630
Tee, long turn 7640
Tee, on-branch union 1610
Tee, on-run union 1605
Sanitary tapped tee 176
Sanitary tapped tee, double horizontal 179
Sanitary tapped tee, double vertical 181
Sanitary tee 174
Sanitary tee with 45o side opening above center 177
Sanitary tee with 90 degree side opening above center 9476
Sanitary tee with cleanout plug on main 182
Sanitary tee with side opening on center 178
Tee, short outlet run 1601
Tee, street 1615
Studded tee 9349
Tee, supply and return 7630
T branch cleanout with plug 186
T branches 183
T branches, tapped 184
Tee 1600
Tee with offset 8715
Tee with side outlet 172
Tee, barred 9186
Tee, base 173
Tee, service 8145
Tee, short outlet 171
Tee, split 8140
Tee, wye 9348
Tee, test 7635
Tee, long sweep full flow 7637
Tee, long sweep 7638
Tee, 88o 8810
Tee, reducing branch 1650
Tee, reducing run and branch 1655
Tee, reducing instrument 1660
Tee, 90o reducing short Y-branch 1665
Tee, reducing run (baseboard) 7645
Tee, heat exchanger 7650
Tee with offset, reducing branch 8720
Tee with offset, reducing run and branch 8725
Tee with offset, reducing runs 8730
Tee, reducing run wye 9350
Tee, reducing branch wye 9410
Tee, reducing run and branch wye 9412
Tee, short outlet, reducing 9414
Sanitary tee, reducing 9416
Sanitary tapped tee, reducing 9418
Reducing tee with nipple ends (pupped) 9420
Reducing tee with nipple ends (pupped) and flanged branch 9422
Tee, eccentric reducing 9424
Tee, reducing short outlet 9426
Tee with double offset, reducing branch 8740
Tee with double offset, reducing run and branch 8745
Tee with double offset, reducing runs 8750
Bullhead tee 1670
Tee, double 7655
Tee, double long turn 7660
Tee with double offset 8735
WYE 8150
True Y 1725
45o Y 7665
60o Y 9480
120o Y 9482
Y, long turn 7670
Wye, upright 9398
Wye with 1/8 bend 9400
Wye, tapped 9402
Reducing wye 8155
Reducing true Y 8160
Reducing wye with 1/8 bend 9404
Double Y 1730
Double Y with 1/8 bend 1731
Double reducing wye with 1/8 bend 162
Lateral 1750
90o long Y-branch 1755
Lateral, reducing branch 1775
Lateral, reducing run 1776
Lateral, reducing run and branch 1780
90o reducing long Y-branch 1785
Cross 1800
Basin cross 1805
Studded cross 9351
Studded tee, 4 way 9353
Sanitary cross 192
Sanitary tapped cross 193
T branches, double 194
T branches, double, tapped 195
Cross, two reducing branches 1825
Cross, reducing run and two branches 1830
Studded cross, reducing outlets 9355
Cross, one reducing branch 196
Cross, reducing run and one branch 197
Sanitary cross, reducing 198
Sanitary tapped cross, reducing 199
Cross, 5-way 201
Studded cross, 5 way 202
Sanitary cross with 90o opening above center 203
Cross, 5-way, reducing 163
Cross, 6-way (double cross) 204
Studded cross, 6 way 206
Studded cross, 6 way, reducing outlets 207

Sanitary cross with two 45o openings above center, same side 208
Cross, 6-way, reducing (reducing double cross) 164
Brazolet® 1890
Butt-Weld Pipet® 8170
Coupolet® 1895
Flanget (Flanged olet or Weldoflange) 1891
Flanged Pipet® 9358
FlexoletTM 1880
Insert weldolet® 1885
Mechanical-T®, branch outlet 9368
Nipple Pipet® 9362
Nipolet® 1875
Saddle 1850
Saddle, clamp-on 1851
Saddle, snap-on 1852
Saddle, 90° square 1853
Socket Weld Pipet® 9354
Sockolet®, reducing 1865
Sockolet®, size on size 1905
Sweepolet® 1855
Tee-let or Clamp tee 8165
Threaded Pipet® 9356
Thredolet®, reducing 1870
Thredolet®, size on size 1910
Vesselet® 9360
Vic-Let™ 9364
Vic-O-Well™ 9366
Weldolet®, reducing 1860
Weldolet®, size on size 1900
Weldolet®, heavy wall forged 9352
Cross-let or Clamp cross 8815
Non-radial weldolet 1925
Stub-on reinforcing pad 2050
Stub-in reinforcing pad 2055
Stub-on reinforcing weld 2075
Stub-in reinforcing weld 2080
Non-radial reinforcing pad 2085
Non-radial reinforcing weld 2090
Expanded pipet® 8175
Elbolet® 1950
Elbo-pipet® 8180
Saddle, 45° oblique 1854
Latrolet® 1975
Lateral pipet® 8580
Endolet (Flatolet) 2000
Half coupling 2005
Sockolet®, flat 9108
Weldolet®, flat 9106
Thredolet®, flat 9110
Reinforcing pad, stub-on 9509
Reinforcing pad, stub-in 9510
Reinforcing pad, stub-through 9511
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-on 9512
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement, stub-in 9513
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-on 9514
Reinforcing pad, full encirclement with branch, stub-in 9515
Fire monitor, station type 2305
Fire monitor, elevated type 2300
Fire monitor, remotely operated 8185
Fire monitor, gun 8190
Fire monitor, elbow 8195
Foam monitor 8200
Foam chamber 8230
Foam tank 8235
Foam maker 8240
Hydrant, dry barrel type 2325
Hydrant, 3-way 8205
Hydrant with monitor nozzle 8210
Hydrant, simple frame 8215
Hydrant, underground 8220
Hydrant, indoor 8225
Hose reel 2350
Hose Rack 2355
Spray sprinkler 2380
Pipe stock 2150
Pipe stock, double walled containment 2151
Pipe stock, pre-insulated 2152
Pipe stock with integral core and jacket 787
Distance piece 784
Pipe stock by purchase length (standard length) 2155

Pipe stock by purchase length (standard length), double walled containment 2156
Pipe stock by purchase length (standard length), pre-insulated 2157
Transit hub 2158
Tubing 2175
Tubing, double walled containment 2176
Flexible hose 2200
Jumper hose (Jumpover hose) 9370
Jacketed loading hose 9372
Jacketed unloading hose 9374
Compensator hose 9376
Vent stack cover 2400
Flange isolation kit 8245
Blind assembly 8250
Isolating sleeve 8255
Union nut, hexagonal 8260
Union nut, octagonal 8261
Union nut, decagonal 8262
Union nut, lug 8263
Backup ring 9378
Grayloc® shrouded bore connector (non-erosion, insertable ring) 169
Retainer gland 2402
Flange shield 2425
Valve shield 2430
Bonnet shield 2432
Fitting shield 2434
Piping specialty shield 2436
Instrument shield 2438
Valve and flange shield 2440
Extension stem guide 2450
Chain (for chain wheel or chain wrench) 2455
Floor stand bracket 2460
Solenoid pilot valve 209
Solenoid pilot valve, 3-way 284
Solenoid pilot valve, 4-way 211
Diaphragm pilot valve, 4-way 212
Manual control valve, 4-way 213
Speed control valve 214
Lock-up valve 217
Trip valve 218
Electrovalve 219
Supply pressure regulator 220
Supply pressure regulator with air filter 221
Pressure relief regulator 222
Air filter regulator 223
Set point regulator, pneumatic 224
Bonnet relief device 225
Volume booster 226
External equalizer 227
Washout connection 228
Live loaded packing assembly 229
Leakoff assembly 230
Wall bracket 231
Stuffing box 232
Stuffing box, double 233
Safety block 234
Torque limiter 235
Valve positioner, pneumatic 236
Valve positioner, electro-pneumatic 237
Valve positioner, analog 238
Valve positioner, digital 239
Position transmitter 240
Position transducer 241
Visual position indicator 242
Fail-safe transmitter 243
Transducer 244
Air switch/set 245
Limit stop 246
Limit positioner 247
Switchbox 248
Switchbox module 249
Manual override/control 251
Lockout (or tagout) kit 252
Remote switch 253
Remote sensor 254
Valve drain 256
Valve vent 257
Spacer, jacket 2470
Spacer group, jacket 2475
Spacer ring 2476
Valve packing kit 8265
Bellows seal valve packing kit 8270
Double stem valve packing kit 8275
Jack screw 2480
Grayloc® bolt set 8280
Wireloc™ bolt set 9188
Large-Flange™ center ring 258
Large-Flange™ spacer ring 259
Large-Flange™ rotatable bolt ring assembly 260
Large-Flange™ bolt 262
Bolt hole bushing 263
Tube strap 7680
Crimp ring 7685
Flame arrester 3000
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal 3001
Flame arrester, in-line, horizontal, eccentric 9478
Flame arrester, in-line, vertical 3002
Flame arrester with free vent 3003
Flame arrester, end-of-line, circular plate 8285
Flame arrester, end-of-line, rectangular plate 8290
Flame arrester, end-of-line, crimped metal 8295
Flame arrester, in-line, circular plate 8300
Flame arrester, in-line, crimped metal 8305
Flame check (deflagration arrester), low pressure 3004
Flame check (deflagration arrester), high pressure 3006
Detonation arrester 3007
Detonation arrester, fire resistant 9112
Flame trap assembly 3008
Silencer, vent 3010
Silencer, inline 3015
Acoustic filter 3011
Acoustic pulse trap 3012
Vent diffuser 3013
Noise attenuator 3014
Silencer, compressor inline 3025
Silencer, control valve 3026
Silencer, blowoff 3027
Silencer, gas diffuser 3028
Anti-water hammer device (Hammer arrester) 3005
Surge arrester 3016
Shock trap 3017
Liquid pulse trap 3018
Gas pulse trap 3019
Exhaust head 3020
Exhaust head, cyclone 3022
Free vent 8605
Free vent with elbow 8610
Free vent without screen 3030
Free vent with screen 3035
Expansion joint 3050
Expansion joint, single end 3051
Expansion joint, double end 3052
Expansion joint, hinged bellows 3055
Expansion joint, toroidal 8310
Expansion joint, universal 8315
Expansion joint, externally pressurized 8320
Expansion joint, clamshell 8325
Expansion joint, gimbal bellows 8330
Expansion joint, in-line pressure balanced 8335
Expansion joint, pressure balanced with elbow 8340
Expansion joint, refractory lined 8345
Expansion joint, thick wall 8350
Expansion joint, rectangular 8355
Expansion joint, slip-type 8360
Expansion joint, fabric 8365
Expansion joint, telescoping 8370
Expansion joint, 2 convolutions 264
Expansion joint, 3 convolutions 265
Expansion joint, 5 convolutions 266
Expansion joint, single bellows 8371
Expansion joint, single bellows with tie rods 8372
Expansion joint, universal with tie rods 8373
Expansion joint, externally pressurized pressure balance 8374
Swivel joint, straight-thru 3060
Swivel joint, single elbow 3065
Swivel joint, double elbow 3070
Rotating union 8375
Loading arm, fixed 8380
Loading arm, scissor 8385
Loading arm, slide sleeve 8390
Loading arm, A-frame 8395
Loading arm, bottom loader 8400
Loading arm, vapor recovery loader 8405
Loading arm, wash arm 8410
Sample cooler 3090
Sample cooler, low pressure 3091
Sample cooler, high pressure 3092
Sampler, in-line 3093
Sampler, fixed volume liquid 3094
Sampler, manually operated bottle 8600
Sampler, pneumatic operated bottle 8415
Single basket strainer (Wire basket strainer, Simplex basket strainer) 3100
Double basket strainer (Duplex wire basket strainer or Multi-mesh strainer) 3105
Double basket strainer, ball type 3121
Double basket strainer, corrosive 3-way ball type 3122
Double basket strainer, plug type 3123
Double basket strainer, sliding gate type 3124
Double basket strainer, butterfly with convoluted screen type 3126
Temporary basket strainer 3120
Basket strainer 3125
Double basket strainer 8420
Tee-type strainer 3110
Tee-type assembly straight thru pattern strainer 3101
Tee-type assembly angle pattern strainer 3102
Wye-type strainer 3115
Cone strainer 3130
Inverted cone strainer 3103
Perforated cone strainer 8425
Truncated cone strainer (perforated basket strainer) 8430
Temporary cone strainer 8435
Inclined perforated strainer 3104
Flat plate strainer 3135
Flat perforated strainer 8440
Flat face perforated strainer 8445
Sump strainer 3140
Tank suction strainer 8450
Angle block strainer 3106
Core strainer 3107
Sludge shoe 3108
Suction strainer or Suction diffuser 3109
Basket strainer, angle 3111
Barrel strainer 8455
Permanent line strainer 8460
Sanitary strainer 8465
Filter 3150
Filter, equipment protection 3151
Filter, instrument protection 3152
Filter, multiplex liquid 3153
Filter, basket 3154
Rock catcher 3155
Mixing tee 8470
Mixing tee, high pressure static 8475
Ejector 8480
Injector 8485
Sparger 8490
Inverted bucket steam trap, vertical installation 267
Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation 268

Inverted bucket steam trap, horizontal installation with integral strainer 269
Steam trap 3160
Thermostatic steam trap, balanced pressure 3161
Thermostatic steam trap, bimetallic 3162
Thermodynamic steam trap, high pressure 3163
Bellows steam trap 3164
Inverted bucket steam trap 3165
Ball float steam trap 3166
Ball float liquid drainer 3167
Open bucket steam trap 3168
Float steam trap, horizontal 3169
Thermostatic steam trap 3170
Float steam trap, vertical 3171
Float steam trap, angle type 3172
Integral seat disc trap 3173
Fixed temperature discharge trap 3174
Thermodynamic steam trap 3175
Orifice trap 3176
Impulse steam trap 3180
Thermostatic steam trap, balanced pressure bellows 8495
Thermostatic steam trap, balanced pressure wafer 8500
Thermostatic steam trap, simple bimetallic 8505
Thermostatic steam trap, liquid expansion 8510
Thermostatic air vent 8515
Float and thermostatic steam trap 8520
Float steam trap, free 8525
Upright (open top) bucket steam trap 8530
Controlled disc steam trap 8585
Automatic differential condensate controller 8590
Steam trap diffuser 8595
Thermodynamic disc steam trap 9441
Steam trap assembly 8596
Steam trap assembly with cock 8597
Steam trap assembly with cock and bypass 8598
Trap, upturn 7690
Drum trap, swivel 7695
Drum trap with bottom inlet 7700
P-trap 7705
P-trap, suction line 7710
P-trap with union joint 7715
P-trap with cleanout 7720
P-trap with side inlet 270
P-trap with tapped inlet 271
P-trap, deep seal 272
P-trap with tap primer 273
P-trap, reducing 274
Running trap 275
Running trap with vent 276
Running trap with two vents 277
Vent bypass, right hand inlet 278
Vent bypass, left hand inlet 279
Cleanout with tap 281
Cleanout, two way 282
Cleanout, Texas twin 283
Separator, baffle (vane) type 9506
Separator, cyclonic (centrifugal) type 9507
Separator, coalescence type 9508
Bulkhead fitting 7725
Air chamber 7730
Venturi insert 7735
Welded bellows 7738

Flange face adapter 8890
Flow switch, high 3200
Flow switch, medium 3201
Flow switch, low 3202
Flow switch, high and high 3203
Flow switch, high and low 3204
Flow switch, low and low 3205
Level switch, high 3206
Level switch, medium 3207
Level switch, low 3208
Level switch, high and high 3209
Level switch, high and low 3210
Level switch, low and low 3211
Pressure switch, high 3212
Pressure switch, medium 3213
Pressure switch, low 3214
Pressure switch, high and high 3215
Pressure switch, high and low 3216
Pressure switch, low and low 3217
Pressure differential switch, high 3218
Pressure differential switch, low 3219
Temperature switch, high 3220
Temperature switch, medium 3221
Temperature switch, low 3222
Temperature switch, high and high 3223
Temperature switch, high and low 3224
Temperature switch, low and low 3225
Pressure relay 3226
Pilot light 3227
Flow recorder 3300
Level recorder 3301
Pressure recorder 3302
Temperature recorder 3303
Generic analyzer 3350
Bubble detector 3351
Clamp-on flow sensor 3353
Clamp-on flow sensor, ultrasonic 9114
Clamp-on sound velocity sensor 3356
Clamp-on wall thickness sensor 3359
Stress gauge 3362
Analyzer strap 3365
Conductivity sensor 3400
Capacitance level instrument 3401
Dielectric level instrument 3402
Conductance level instrument 3403
Magnetic gauge level instrument 3404
Nuclear level instrument 3405
Optical level instrument 3406
Electromechanical solids level instrument 3407
Vibrating probe or radio frequency level instrument 3408
Thermal level instrument 3409
Ultrasonic level instrument 3410
Capillary actuated temperature instrument 3450
Non-contact temperature instrument 3451
Single element potentiometer temperature instrument 3452

Straight conduit 7000
Full Coupling 7050
Reducing Coupling 7055
Union 7100
Expansion Union 7105
Concentric Reducer 7150
Conduit Expansion joint 7160
Conduit Hub 7170
Conduit Seal 7180
22.5 Degree Elbow 7215
30 Degree Elbow 7217
45 Degree Elbow 7200
60 Degree Elbow 7247
90 Degree Elbow 7250
90 Degree Inspection elbow 7252
Tee 7300
Reducing Tee 7350
Conduit Cross 7360
Conduit Y 7370
Plug 7400
Conduit Cap 7405
Conduit Gangbox, 6 Outlets 7430
Conduit Gangbox, Dead End 7410
ete a parent value.
! Back to Index
PipingPointUsage PipingPointUsage Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 1
Inlet Inlet 5
Outlet Outlet 10
Dual Flow Dual Flow 15
Alternate Alternate 20
Spare Spare 25
Tap by System Tap by System 50
Tap by User Tap by User 55
Vent Vent 60
Drain Drain 65
Upper Upper 70
Lower Lower 75
Bypass Bypass 80
High High 85
Low Low 90
Pressure Pressure 95
Temperature Temperature 100
Clean out Clean out 105
Steam out Steam out 110
Sample Sample 115
Bleed Bleed 120
Jumper Jumper 125
Nozzle Nozzle 127
Conduit Port Conduit Port 130

Jacket pipe termination Jacket pipe termination

by welding to the flange by welding to the flange 135

Jacket pipe termination Jacket pipe termination

by swaging and welding by swaging and welding
to the core pipe to the core pipe 140

Insert flange, termination Insert flange, termination

for jacket pipe for jacket pipe 145
Off-line instrument Off-line instrument 150
Pressure relief Pressure relief 155
Vacuum relief Vacuum relief 160
alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD PipingSpecificationNotesOpt ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Numeric value
Textual value

Codelist Sort
PipingSpecificationNotesOpt LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

Numeric value 5
Textual value 10
the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
PipingSpecStatus PipingSpecStatus Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined 1
Draft Draft 5
Issued for approval Issued for approval 10
Issued for design Issued for design 15
Issued for construction Issued for construction 20

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Versioning is disabled
Versioning is enabled

PipingSpecVerManagementOption Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
er may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
PipeStockUsage PipeStockUsage Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Plain pipe Plain pipe 5
Flanged pipe Flanged pipe 10
Flared pipe Flared pipe 15
Mechanical pipe Mechanical pipe 20
Jacketed pipe with Jacketed pipe with
integral core integral core 25

alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD PlaneOfFlip ShortDescription PlaneOfFlip LongDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Rotation axis is parallel to Width Rotation axis is parallel to Width
Rotation axis is parallel to Depth Rotation axis is parallel to Depth

Codelist Sort
Number Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele

ser must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD RatingPractice ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S

Universal Vacuum Ratings

United States of America, Standards

Germany, Standards (DIN)
Finland, Standards (SFS)
CEN/EU/ISO Standards

United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)

Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Standards
Japan, Standards (JISC)
China, Standards (SACS)

Korea, Standards (KATS)

Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
Australia, Standards (AS)
NORSOK, Standards
KKS, Standards
Company, Standards
France, Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas, Standards
Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)

Canada, Standards
(SCC = Standards
Council of Canada,
CSA = Canadian
Canada, Standards (SCC) Standards Association)
Chile, Standards (INN)
Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Norway, Standards (NSF)

Oman, Standards (DGSM)

Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS, Swedish
Standards Institute)

Switzerland, Standards (SNV)

Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)

Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)

Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)

PressureRating PressureRating Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or t
he user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
Vacuum Vacuum 7001
HV, High Vacuum HV, High Vacuum 7002
UHV, Ultra High Vacuum UHV, Ultra High Vacuum 7003
25 CL25 5
50 CL50 10
75 CL75 15
86 CL86 20
100 CL100 25
125 CL125 30
150 CL150 35
175 CL175 40
200 CL200 45
250 CL250 50
275 CL275 55
300 CL300 60
350 CL350 65
400 CL400 70
Class 450 Class 450 2
500 CL500 71
600 CL600 75
800 CL800 80
900 CL900 85
Class 960 Class 960 3
1000 CL1000 90
1500 CL1500 95
1690 CL1690 170
1700 CL1700 173
2000 CL2000 100
2050 CL2050 180
2350 CL2350 183
2500 CL2500 105
2680 CL2680 185
3000 CL3000 110
3100 CL3100 190
Class 3500 Class 3500 4
3600 CL3600 193
4000 CL4000 165
4500 CL4500 115
5000 CL5000 120
6000 CL6000 125
9000 CL9000 130
10000 CL10000 135
15000 CL15000 140
20000 CL20000 145
30000 CL30000 150
2M 2M 6
3M 3M 7
5M 5M 8
10M 10M 9
15M 15M 11
20M 20M 12
30M 30M 13
40 PSI 40 PSI 39
45 PSI 45 PSI 41
50 PSI 50 PSI 42
55 PSI 55 PSI 43
60 PSI 60 PSI 44
65 PSI 65 PSI 46
70 PSI 70 PSI 47
75 PSI 75 PSI 48
80 PSI 80 PSI 49
85 PSI 85 PSI 51
90 PSI 90 PSI 52
95 PSI 95 PSI 53
100 PSI 100 PSI 54
105 PSI 105 PSI 56
110 PSI 110 PSI 57
115 PSI 115 PSI 58
120 PSI 120 PSI 59
125 PSI 125 PSI 61
130 PSI 130 PSI 62
135 PSI 135 PSI 63
140 PSI 140 PSI 64
145 PSI 145 PSI 66
155 PSI 155 PSI 68
150 PSI 150 PSI 67
160 PSI 160 PSI 69
165 PSI 165 PSI 72
170 PSI 170 PSI 73
175 PSI 175 PSI 74
180 PSI 180 PSI 76
185 PSI 185 PSI 77
190 PSI 190 PSI 78
195 PSI 195 PSI 79
200 PSI 200 PSI 81
205 PSI 205 PSI 82
210 PSI 210 PSI 83
215 PSI 215 PSI 84
220 PSI 220 PSI 86
225 PSI 225 PSI 87
230 PSI 230 PSI 88
235 PSI 235 PSI 89
100 WOG 100 WOG 14
175 WOG 175 WOG 16
200 WOG 200 WOG 17
300 WOG 300 WOG 18
350 WOG 350 WOG 19
800 WOG 800 WOG 21
1000 WOG 1000 WOG 22
1500 WOG 1500 WOG 23
2000 WOG 2000 WOG 24
2160 WOG 2160 WOG 26
2220 WOG 2220 WOG 27
3000 WOG 3000 WOG 28
3600 WOG 3600 WOG 29
5000 WOG 5000 WOG 32
6000 WOG 6000 WOG 33
9000 WOG 9000 WOG 34
10000 WOG 10000 WOG 36
15000 WOG 15000 WOG 735
20000 WOG 20000 WOG 38
125LW CL125LW 31
Gravity Head Gravity Head 155
Not Required Not Required 160
PN0.5 DIN PN 0.5 200
PN1 DIN PN 1 205
PN1.6 DIN PN 1.6 210
PN2 DIN PN 2 215
PN2.5 DIN PN 2.5 220
PN3.2 DIN PN 3.2 225
PN4 DIN PN 4 230
PN5 DIN PN 5 235
PN6 DIN PN 6 240
PN8 DIN PN 8 245
PN10 DIN PN 10 250
PN12.5 DIN PN 12.5 255
PN16 DIN PN 16 260
PN20 DIN PN 20 265
PN25 DIN PN 25 270
PN32 DIN PN 32 275
PN40 DIN PN 40 280
PN50 DIN PN 50 285
PN63 DIN PN 63 (formerly DIN PN 64) 290
PN80 DIN PN 80 300
PN100 DIN PN 100 305
PN110 DIN PN 110 310
PN125 DIN PN 125 315
PN150 DIN PN 150 320
PN160 DIN PN 160 325
PN200 DIN PN 200 330
PN250 DIN PN 250 335
PN260 DIN PN 260 340
PN315 DIN PN 315 345
PN400 DIN PN 400 350
PN420 DIN PN 420 355
PN500 DIN PN 500 360
PN630 DIN PN 630 365
PN700 DIN PN 700 370
PN800 DIN PN 800 375
PN1000 DIN PN 1000 380
PN1250 DIN PN 1250 385
PN1600 DIN PN 1600 390
PN2000 DIN PN 2000 395
PN2500 DIN PN 2500 400
PN4000 DIN PN 4000 405
PN6300 DIN PN 6300 410
ISO PN 2 (0.2 MPa) ISO PN 2 (0.2 MPa) 97
JIS PN 0.5 JIS PN 0.5 (0.05 MPa) 3001
JIS PN 1 JIS PN 1 (0.10 MPa) 3002
JIS PN 1.5 JIS PN 1.5 (0.15 MPa) 3003
JIS PN 2.5 JIS PN 2.5 (0.25 MPa) 3004
JIS PN 3 JIS PN 3 (0.30 MPa) 3005
JIS PN 3.5 JIS PN 3.5 (0.35 MPa) 3006
JIS PN 6 JIS PN 6 (0.60 MPa) 3007
JIS PN 7 JIS PN 7 (0.70 MPa) 3008
JIS PN 10 JIS PN 10 (1.00 MPa) 3009
JIS PN 12 JIS PN 12 (1.20 MPa) 3010
JIS PN 13.5 JIS PN 13.5 (1.35 MPa) 3011
JIS PN 13.7 JIS PN 13.7 (1.37 MPa) 3012
JIS PN 14 JIS PN 14 (1.40 MPa) 3013
JIS PN 15 JIS PN 15 (1.50 MPa) 3014
JIS PN 16 JIS PN 16 (1.60 MPa) 3015
JIS PN 16.5 JIS PN 16.5 (1.65 MPa) 3016
JIS PN 17.2 JIS PN 17.2 (1.72 MPa) 3017
JIS PN 20 JIS PN 20 (2.00 MPa) 3018
JIS PN 25 JIS PN 25 (2.50 MPa) 3019
JIS PN 29 JIS PN 29 (2.90 MPa) 3020
JIS PN 30 JIS PN 30 (3.00 MPa) 3021
JIS PN 34.5 JIS PN 34.5 (3.45 MPa) 3022
JIS PN 40 JIS PN 40 (4.00 MPa) 3023
JIS PN 42 JIS PN 42 (4.20 MPa) 3024
JIS PN 43 JIS PN 43 (4.30 MPa) 3025
JIS PN 48 JIS PN 48 (4.80 MPa) 3026
JIS PN 50 JIS PN 50 (5.00 MPa) 3027
JIS PN 63 JIS PN 63 (6.30 MPa) 3028
JIS PN 64 JIS PN 64 (6.40 MPa) 3029
JIS PN 100 JIS PN 100 (10.0 MPa) 3030
JIS PN 110 JIS PN 110 (11.0 MPa) 3031
JIS PN 150 JIS PN 150 (15.0 MPa) 3032
JIS PN 160 JIS PN 160 (16.0 MPa) 3033
JIS PN 200 JIS PN 200 (20.0 MPa) 3034
JIS PN 210 JIS PN 210 (21.0 MPa) 3035
JIS PN 250 JIS PN 250 (25.0 MPa) 3036
JIS PN 260 JIS PN 260 (26.0 MPa) 3037
JIS PN 300 JIS PN 300 (30.0 MPa) 3038
JIS PN 320 JIS PN 320 (32.0 MPa) 3039
JIS PN 420 JIS PN 420 (42.0 MPa) 3040
JIS PN 500 JIS PN 500 (50.0 MPa) 3041
JIS PN 680 JIS PN 680 (68.0 MPa) 3042
JIS PN 1000 JIS PN 1000 (100.0 MPa) 3043
JIS PN 1400 JIS PN 1400 (140.0 MPa) 3044
JIS PN 1700 JIS PN 1700 (170.0 MPa) 3045
JIS PN 1850 JIS PN 1850 (185.0 MPa) 3046
JIS PN 1950 JIS PN 1950 (195.0 MPa) 3047
JIS PN 2100 JIS PN 2100 (210.0 MPa) 3048
JIS PN 2200 JIS PN 2200 (220.0 MPa) 3049
JIS PN 2500 JIS PN 2500 (250.0 MPa) 3050
JIS PN 3200 JIS PN 3200 (320.0 MPa) 3051
JIS PN 6000 JIS PN 6000 (600.0 MPa) 3052
JIS 2K JIS 2K (2 kg/cm2) 3053
JIS 3K JIS 3K (3 kg/cm2) 3054
JIS 4K JIS 4K (4 kg/cm2) 3055
JIS 5K JIS 5K (5 kg/cm2) 3056
JIS 6K JIS 6K (6 kg/cm2) 3057
JIS 7K JIS 7K (7 kg/cm2) 3058
JIS 7.5K JIS 7.5K (7.5 kg/cm2) 3059
JIS 8K JIS 8K (8 kg/cm2) 3060
JIS 10K JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2) 3061
JIS 10K LT JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Light Type 3062
JIS 10K TT JIS 10K (10 kg/cm2), Thin Type 3063
JIS 16K JIS 16K (16 kg/cm2) 3064
JIS 20K JIS 20K (20 kg/cm2) 3065
JIS 21K JIS 21K (21 kg/cm2) 3066
JIS 25K JIS 25K (25 kg/cm2) 3067
JIS 28K JIS 28K (28 kg/cm2) 3068
JIS 30K JIS 30K (30 kg/cm2) 3069
JIS 40K JIS 40K (40 kg/cm2) 3070
JIS 45K JIS 45K (45 kg/cm2) 3071
JIS 50K JIS 50K (50 kg/cm2) 3072
JIS 63K JIS 63K (63 kg/cm2) 3073
JIS 65K JIS 65K (65 kg/cm2) 3074
JIS 70K JIS 70K (70 kg/cm2) 3075
JIS 100K JIS 100K (100 kg/cm2) 3076
JIS 106K JIS 106K (106 kg/cm2) 3077
JIS 110K JIS 110K (110 kg/cm2) 3078
JIS 140K JIS 140K (140 kg/cm2) 3079
JIS 150K JIS 150K (150 kg/cm2) 3080
JIS 250K JIS 250K (250 kg/cm2) 3081
JIS 260K JIS 260K (260 kg/cm2) 3082
JIS 280K JIS 280K (280 kg/cm2) 3083
JIS 315K JIS 315K (315 kg/cm2) 3084
JIS 350K JIS 350K (350 kg/cm2) 3085
JIS 420K JIS 420K (420 kg/cm2) 3086
0.74 MPa MWP per JIS B 0.74 MPa Maximum Working 3129
2062 Pressure per JIS B 2062
3.00 MPa MWP per JIS B 3.00 MPa Maximum Working 3110
8602 Pressure per JIS B 8602
3.45 MPa MWP per JIS B 3.45 MPa Maximum Working 3111
8602 Pressure per JIS B 8602
4.30 MPa MWP per JIS B 4.30 MPa Maximum Working 3112
8602 Pressure per JIS B 8602
5.00 MPa MWP per JIS B 5.00 MPa Maximum Working 3113
8602 Pressure per JIS B 8602
2.00 MPa MWP per JIS B 2.00 MPa Maximum Working 3114
8605 Pressure per JIS B 8605
3.00 MPa MWP per JIS B 3.00 MPa Maximum Working 3115
8605 Pressure per JIS B 8605
3.45 MPa MWP per JIS B 3.45 MPa Maximum Working 3116
8605 Pressure per JIS B 8605
4.30 MPa MWP per JIS B 4.30 MPa Maximum Working 3117
8605 Pressure per JIS B 8605
5.00 MPa MWP per JIS B 5.00 MPa Maximum Working 3118
8605 Pressure per JIS B 8605
JPI 25 JPI Class 25 3087
JPI 75 JPI Class 75 3088
JPI 125 JPI Class 125 3089
JPI 150 JPI Class 150 3090
JPI 250 JPI Class 250 3091
JPI 300 JPI Class 300 3092
JPI 350 JPI Class 350 3093
JPI 400 JPI Class 400 3094
JPI 600 JPI Class 600 3095
JPI 800 JPI Class 800 3096
JPI 900 JPI Class 900 3097
JPI 1500 JPI Class 1500 3098
JPI 2000 JPI Class 2000 3099
JPI 2500 JPI Class 2500 3100
JPI 3000 JPI Class 3000 3101
JPI 4500 JPI Class 4500 3102
JPI 6000 JPI Class 6000 3103
JPI 9000 JPI Class 9000 3104
F12 F12 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 3105
(withdrawn), formerly F125
F15 F15 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 3106
(withdrawn), formerly F150
F20 F20 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 3107
(withdrawn), formerly F200
F25 F25 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 3108
(withdrawn), formerly F250
F29 F29 per JIS G 3443 or JIS G 3451 3109
(withdrawn), formerly F300
VP VP per JIS K 6741 3119
HIVP HIVP per JIS K 6741 3120
VM VM per JIS K 6741 3121
VU VU per JIS K 6741 3122
IDVP IDVP per JIS K 6741 3123
ISVP ISVP per JIS K 6741 3124
IWVP IWVP per JIS K 6741 3125
Class I per JIS B 2301 Class I per JIS B 2301 3126
Class II per JIS B 2301 Class II per JIS B 2301 3127
End dimensions per JIS B End dimensions per JIS B 2308 3128
GB-PN0.25 GB PN 0.25 Mpa (2.5bar) 4001
GB-PN0.6 GB PN 0.6 Mpa (6bar) 4002
GB-PN1.0 GB PN 1.0 Mpa (10bar) 4003
GB-PN1.6 GB PN 1.6 Mpa (16bar) 4004
GB-PN2.0 GB PN 2.0 Mpa (20bar) 4005
GB-PN2.5 GB PN 2.5 Mpa (25bar) 4006
GB-PN4.0 GB PN 4.0 Mpa (40bar) 4007
GB-PN5.0 GB PN 5.0 Mpa (50bar) 4008
GB-PN6.0 GB PN 6.0 Mpa (60bar) 4009
GB-PN6.3 GB PN 6.3 Mpa (63bar) 4010
GB-PN6.4 GB PN 6.4 Mpa (64bar) 4011
GB-PN10.0 GB PN 10 Mpa (100bar) 4012
GB-PN11.0 GB PN 11 Mpa (110bar) 4013
GB-PN15.0 GB PN 15 Mpa (150bar) 4014
GB-PN16.0 GB PN 16 Mpa (160bar) 4015
GB-PN20.0 GB PN 20 Mpa (200bar) 4016
GB-PN26.0 GB PN 26 Mpa (260bar) 4017
GB-PN32.0 GB PN 32 Mpa (320bar) 4018
GB-PN42.0 GB PN 42 Mpa (420bar) 4019
Table A (170 kPa) Table A (170 kPa) 90001
Table C Table C 90002
Table D (700 kPa) Table D (700 kPa) 90003
Table E (1400 kPa) Table E (1400 kPa) 90004
Table F (2100 kPa) Table F (2100 kPa) 90005
Table H (3500 kPa) Table H (3500 kPa) 90006
Table J Table J 90007
Table K Table K 90008
Table R Table R 90009
Table S Table S 90010
Table T Table T 90011

NS PN 10 NS PN 10 190001
NS PN 16 NS PN 16 190002
NS PN 40 NS PN 40 190003

SMS PN 6 SMS PN 6 160001
SMS PN 10 SMS PN 10 160002
SMS PN 16 SMS PN 16 160003
SMS PN 25 SMS PN 25 160004
SMS PN 40 SMS PN 40 160005
SMS PN 64 SMS PN 64 160006
SMS PN 100 SMS PN 100 160007
SMS PN 160 SMS PN 160 160008
SMS PN 250 SMS PN 250 160009
SMS PN 320 SMS PN 320 160010

ge the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
arent value.
! Back to Index
PropertyCategories PropertyCategories Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! Intergraph system codes reserved from 1-999
Standard Standard 1
Responsibility Responsibility 6
Testing Testing 7
Surface Treatment and Coating Surface Treatment and Coating 8
Temperature and Pressure Temperature and Pressure 9
Position and Orientation Position and Orientation 10
Insulation and Tracing Insulation and Tracing 11
Fabrication and Construction Fabrication and Construction 12
Weight and CG Weight and CG 13
Dynamic Pipe Port 1 Dynamic Pipe Port 1 21
Dynamic Pipe Port 2 Dynamic Pipe Port 2 22
Dynamic Pipe Port 3 Dynamic Pipe Port 3 23
Dynamic Pipe Port 4 Dynamic Pipe Port 4 24
Dynamic Pipe Port 5 Dynamic Pipe Port 5 25
Dynamic Pipe Port 6 Dynamic Pipe Port 6 26
Dynamic Pipe Port 7 Dynamic Pipe Port 7 27
Dynamic Pipe Port 8 Dynamic Pipe Port 8 28
Dynamic Pipe Port 9 Dynamic Pipe Port 9 29
Dynamic Pipe Port 10 Dynamic Pipe Port 10 30
Cable Fill Cable Fill 31
Fill Information Fill Information 32
Bend Data Bend Data 33
Layout Layout 34
Update Settings Update Settings 35
CommodityMaterialData Commodity Material Data 36
GenericMaterialData Generic Material Data 37
Valve Operator Valve Operator 1165
Vendor Info Vendor Information 39
Maintenance Volume Maintenance Volume 40
Welding Welding 41
! Intergraph product codes reserved
! from
Range 1000-9999:
1000-7999 is reserved for
! SmartPlant applications,
range 8000-9999 andfor
is reserved
Dimensions applications Dimensions 1000
Equipment Specification Equipment Specification 1010
Equipment Dimension Equipment Dimension 1015
Equipment Support Equipment Support 1020
Platform Platform 1025
Nozzle Length Nozzle Length 1030
Nozzle Orientation Nozzle Orientation 1035
Nozzle Position Nozzle Position 1040
Nozzle Offset Nozzle Offset 1045
Manhole Manhole 1050
Pipe Guide Pipe Guide 1055
Vessel Head Vessel Head 1060
Clamp Dimension Clamp Dimension 1065
Component Dimension Component Dimension 1070
Component Face Component Face 1075
Flow Meter Flow Meter 1080
Instrument Actuator Instrument Actuator 1085
Instrument Arm Instrument Arm 1090
Instrument Dimension Instrument Dimension 1095
Instrument Height Instrument Height 1100
Instrument Length Instrument Length 1105
Instrument Motor Instrument Motor 1110
Instrument Offset Instrument Offset 1115
Instrument Positioner Instrument Positioner 1120
Instrument Radius Instrument Radius 1125
Instrument Width Instrument Width 1130
Orifice Flange Orifice Flange 1135
Valve Appurtenance Valve Appurtenance 1140
Valve Body Valve Body 1145
Valve Dimension Valve Dimension 1150
Valve Handwheel Valve Handwheel 1155
! Valve Operator Valve Operator 1165
Operation Volume Operation Volume 1160
Port Rotation Port Rotation 1205
Instrument Actuator Rotation Instrument Actuator Rotation 1170
Specialty Steam Trap Specialty Steam Trap 1175
Cost Estimation Cost Estimation 1180
Cable Insulation Cable Insulation 1185
Cable Ratings Cable Ratings 1190
Cable Size Cable Size 1195
Cable Family Cable Family 1200
End Releases End Releases 1210
Pipe Rack Structure Pipe Rack Structure 1215
Restraints Restraints 1220
Drawing Style Drawing Style 1225
Insulation Generic Insulation Generic 5000
Insulation Fireproofing Insulation Fireproofing 5001
! Insulation Soundproofing Insulation Soundproofing 5002
! Insulation Type 03 Insulation Type 03 5003
! Insulation Type 04 Insulation Type 04 5004
! Insulation Type 05 Insulation Type 05 5005
Support Steel Configuration Support Steel Configuration 5050
Corporate Load Data Corporate Load Data 5055
Nuclear Load Data Nuclear Load Data 5060
Load Capacity Load Capacity 5065
Place By Reference Place By Reference 5070
! Back to Index

PurchaseLengthBasisOp PurchaseLengthBasisOption Codelist

HEAD tion ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
By System By System 5
By User (The purchase length will be
based on the commodity option
By User specified by the piping designer) 10

alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delet
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD RearEndType ShortDescription RearEndType LongDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Rear End Type L Exchanger Rear End Type L
Rear End Type M Exchanger Rear End Type M
Rear End Type N Exchanger Rear End Type N
Rear End Type P Exchanger Rear End Type P
Rear End Type Q Exchanger Rear End Type Q
Rear End Type S Exchanger Rear End Type S
Rear End Type T Exchanger Rear End Type T
Rear End Type U Exchanger Rear End Type U
Rear End Type W1 Exchanger Rear End Type W1
Rear End Type W2 Exchanger Rear End Type W2

Codelist Sort
Number Order
en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index

HEAD ReportingRequirementBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
By Piping Specification
By rule
By piping designer

Codelist Sort
ReportingRequirementBasis LongDescription Number Order
change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user m

Reporting requirement specified by Piping Specification 1

Reporting requirement specified by rule 5
Reporting requirement specified by piping designer 10
e value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
RefPlaneViewDirections RefPlaneViewDirections Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Not Defined Not Defined 0
Section View Section View 1
Plan View Plan View 2
Elevation View Elevation View 3

ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
t add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
ReportingRequirement ReportingRequirement
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The user may not change the codelist number 5 below in red. This is the default value u
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined

Not to be reported Not to be reported

To be reported To be reported

ReportingType ReportingType Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
er may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value o
5 below in red. This is the default value used by the system.
the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
Not to be reported, no-MTO
No-MTO (supplied by others) 2
As-built Not to be reported, as-built 3
Included in Material To be tracked by material
Control System control system 5
Excluded from Material Not to be tracked by material
Control System control system 10
ge the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
parent value.
! Back to Index
RequisitionResponsibility RequisitionResponsibility Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Contractor By Contractor 10
Owner By Owner 15
Piping By Piping 20
Instruments By Instruments 25
Others By Others 30
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 35
Vendor By Vendor 40

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Stock without validation
Stock with validation
Custom Engineered

Codelist Sort
RequisitionType LongDescription Number Order
ystem code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meanin

Stock item not requiring commodity-specific service limits validation 5

Stock item requiring commodity-specific service limits validation 6
Custom Engineered 10
meric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

RespectAssemblyBoundaries Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
r may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
RevisionHistoryNotesOption RevisionHistoryNotesOption
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Revision history notes are enabled
Revision history notes are disabled

Codelist Sort
Number Order
e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a

ser must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD RingNumberPractice ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red tex
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S

United States of America, Standards

Germany, Standards (DIN)
Finland, Standards (SFS)
CEN/EU Standards
United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Standards
Japan, Standards (JISC)
China, Standards (GB, Guojia Biaozhun; SACS)
Republic of Korea, Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
Australia, Standards (AS)
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
France, Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas, Standards
Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC =
Standards Council of
Canada, CSA = Canadian
Canada, Standards (SCC) Standards Association)
Chile, Standards (INN)
Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Norway, Standards (NS)
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS, Swedish Standards Institute)
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)

RingNumber RingNumber Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
e the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning
d be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
R11 R11 11
R12 R12 12
R13 R13 13
R14 R14 14
R15 R15 15
R16 R16 16
R17 R17 17
R18 R18 18
R19 R19 19
R20 R20 20
R21 R21 21
R22 R22 22
R23 R23 23
R24 R24 24
R25 R25 25
R26 R26 26
R27 R27 27
R28 R28 28
R29 R29 29
R30 R30 30
R31 R31 31
R32 R32 32
R33 R33 33
R34 R34 34
R35 R35 35
R36 R36 36
R37 R37 37
R38 R38 38
R39 R39 39
R40 R40 40
R41 R41 41
R42 R42 42
R43 R43 43
R44 R44 44
R45 R45 45
R46 R46 46
R47 R47 47
R48 R48 48
R49 R49 49
R50 R50 50
R51 R51 51
R52 R52 52
R53 R53 53
R54 R54 54
R55 R55 55
R56 R56 56
R57 R57 57
R58 R58 58
R59 R59 59
R60 R60 60
R61 R61 61
R62 R62 62
R63 R63 63
R64 R64 64
R65 R65 65
R66 R66 66
R67 R67 67
R68 R68 68
R69 R69 69
R70 R70 70
R71 R71 71
R72 R72 72
R73 R73 73
R74 R74 74
R75 R75 75
R76 R76 76
R77 R77 77
R78 R78 78
R79 R79 79
R80 R80 80
R81 R81 81
R82 R82 82
R83 R83 83
R84 R84 84
R85 R85 85
R86 R86 86
R87 R87 87
R88 R88 88
R89 R89 89
R90 R90 90
R91 R91 91
R92 R92 92
R93 R93 93
R94 R94 94
R95 R95 95
R96 R96 96
R97 R97 97
R98 R98 98
R99 R99 99
R100 R100 130
R101 R101 131
R102 R102 132
R103 R103 133
R104 R104 134
RX20 RX20 135
RX23 RX23 136
RX24 RX24 137
RX26 RX26 138
RX27 RX27 139
RX31 RX31 140
RX35 RX35 141
RX37 RX37 142
RX39 RX39 143
RX41 RX41 144
RX44 RX44 145
RX45 RX45 146
RX46 RX46 147
RX47 RX47 148
RX49 RX49 149
RX50 RX50 150
RX53 RX53 151
RX54 RX54 152
RX57 RX57 153
RX63 RX63 154
RX65 RX65 155
RX66 RX66 156
RX69 RX69 157
RX70 RX70 158
RX73 RX73 159
RX74 RX74 160
RX82 RX82 161
RX84 RX84 162
RX85 RX85 163
RX86 RX86 164
RX87 RX87 165
RX88 RX88 166
RX89 RX89 167
RX90 RX90 168
RX91 RX91 169
RX99 RX99 170
RX201 RX201 171
RX205 RX205 172
RX210 RX210 173
RX215 RX215 174
BX150 BX150 175
BX151 BX151 176
BX152 BX152 177
BX153 BX153 178
BX154 BX154 179
BX155 BX155 180
BX156 BX156 181
BX157 BX157 182
BX158 BX158 183
BX159 BX159 184
BX160 BX160 185
BX161 BX161 186
BX162 BX162 187
BX163 BX163 188
BX164 BX164 189
BX165 BX165 190
BX166 BX166 191
BX167 BX167 192
BX168 BX168 193
BX169 BX169 194
BX170 BX170 195
BX171 BX171 196
BX172 BX172 197
BX303 BX303 198

eric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
RotationOffsetType RotationOffsetType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
No Offset No Offset 5
By Reference By Reference 10
By Distance By Distance 15
By Reference-Distance By Reference-Distance 20
e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
RouteDirection RouteDirection Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined Undefined 1
East East 5
North North 10
Up Up 15
West West 20
South South 25
Down Down 30
Skew Skew 35

lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
RouteLayout RouteLayout Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined Undefined 1
At Edge At Edge 5
Large Bore At Edge Large Bore At Edge 10
Spreadout Spreadout 15
At Center At Center 20
Large Bore At Center Large Bore At Center 25

t must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value
add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
RouteOnFace RouteOnFace Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined Undefined 1
East East 5
North North 10
West West 15
South South 20
Top Top 25
Bottom Bottom 30

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Query based on first size x second size
Query based on second size

Codelist Sort
RptPipingCommodityBasis LongDescription Number Order
he user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; an

Query based on first size x second size (header size x branch size) 5
Query based on second size (branch size) 10
meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

ScheduleThicknessPractice ScheduleThicknessPractice
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red tex
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S

Not Required

Universal Wall Thickness Values

United States of America, Standards
Match Pipe Stock

Calculate Wall Thickness

Germany Standards (DIN)

Finland Standards (SFS)

CEN/EU Standards
United Kingdom Standards (BSI)

Other Europe, Middle East, and

Africa Standards
Japan Standards (JISC)
China Standards (SACS)
Korea Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific Standards
Australia Standards (AS)
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
France Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas Standards
Argentina Standards (IRAM)
Austria Standards (ON)
Bahrain Standards (BSMD)
Barbados Standards (BNSI)
Belarus Standards (BELST)
Belgium Standards (IBN)
Bolivia Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil Standards (ABNT)

Canada, Standards (SCC = Canada Standards (SCC = Standards

Standards Council of Canada, CSA Council of Canada, CSA = Canadian
= Canadian Standards Association) Standards Association)
Chile Standards (INN)
Colombia Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic Standards (CSNI)
Denmark Standards (DS)
Greece Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland Standards (IST)
India Standards (BIS)
Indonesia Standards (BSN)
Ireland Standards (NSAI)
Israel Standards (SII)
Italy Standards (UNI)
Jordan Standards (JISM)
Kuwait Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg Standards (SEE)
Malaysia Standards (DSM)
Malta Standards (MSA)
Mexico Standards (DGN)
Netherlands Standards (NEN)
New Zealand Standards (SNZ)
Norway Standards (NSF)
Oman Standards (DGSM)
Panama Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay Standards (INTN)
Peru Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines Standards (BPS)
Poland Standards (PKN)
Portugal Standards (IPQ)
Romania Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia Standards (SASO)
Singapore Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa Standards (SABS)
Spain Standards (AENOR)
Sweden Standards (SIS)
Switzerland Standards (SNV)
Thailand Standards (TISI)
Turkey Standards (TSE)
Ukraine Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam Standards (TCVN)

ScheduleThickness Codelist
ShortDescription ScheduleThickness LongDescription Number
change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the me
should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
NREQD Not Required 2
0.049” 0.049” 199
0.0625" 0.0625" 200
0.065" 0.065" 201
0.083" 0.083" 202
0.109" 0.109" 203
0.125" 0.125" 205
0.134" 0.134" 206
0.1875" 0.1875" 210
0.25" 0.25" 215
0.3125" 0.3125" 220
0.375" 0.375" 225
0.4375" 0.4375" 230
0.5" 0.5" 235
0.5625" 0.5625" 240
0.625" 0.625" 245
0.6875" 0.6875" 250
0.75" 0.75" 255
0.8125" 0.8125" 260
0.875" 0.875" 265
0.9375" 0.9375" 270
1" 1.0" 275
1.0625" 1.0625" 280
1.125" 1.125" 285
1.1875" 1.1875" 290
1.25" 1.25" 295
1.3125" 1.3125" 300
1.375" 1.375" 305
1.4375" 1.4375" 310
1.5" 1.5" 315
1.5625" 1.5625" 320
1.625" 1.625" 325
1.6875" 1.6875" 330
1.75" 1.75" 335
1.8125" 1.8125" 340
1.875" 1.875" 345
1.9375" 1.9375" 350
2" 2.0" 355
2.0625" 2.0625" 360
2.125" 2.125" 365
2.1875" 2.1875" 370
2.25" 2.25" 375
2.3125" 2.3125" 380
2.375" 2.375" 385
2.4375" 2.4375" 390
2.5" 2.5" 395
2.5625" 2.5625" 400
2.625" 2.625" 405
2.6875" 2.6875" 410
2.75" 2.75" 415
2.8125" 2.8125" 420
2.875" 2.875" 425
2.9375" 2.9375" 430
3" 3.0" 435
0.020" tubing 0.020", tubing 492
0.028" tubing 0.028", tubing 494
0.030" tubing 0.030", tubing 496
0.032" tubing 0.032", tubing 498
0.035" tubing 0.035", tubing 500
0.040" tubing 0.040", tubing 502
0.049" tubing 0.049", tubing 504
0.062" tubing 0.062", tubing 506
0.065" tubing 0.065", tubing 508
0.083" tubing 0.083", tubing 510
0.109" tubing 0.109", tubing 512
0.120" tubing 0.120", tubing 514
0.134" tubing 0.134", tubing 516
0.250" tubing 0.250", tubing 518
0.375" tubing 0.375", tubing 520
0.500" tubing 0.500", tubing 522
0.25 mm 0.25 mm 7001
0.3 mm 0.3 mm 7002
0.4 mm 0.4 mm 7003
0.5 mm 0.5 mm 7004
0.6 mm 0.6 mm 7005
0.8 mm 0.8 mm 7006
1.0 mm 1.0 mm 7007
1.2 mm 1.2 mm 7008
1.4 mm 1.4 mm 7009
1.5 mm 1.5 mm 7010
1.6 mm 1.6 mm 7011
1.8 mm 1.8 mm 7012
10.0 mm 10.0 mm 7013
102.1 mm 102.1 mm 7014
104.7 mm 104.7 mm 7015
107.9 mm 107.9 mm 7016
11.0 mm 11.0 mm 7017
111.0 mm 111.0 mm 7018
114.6 mm 114.6 mm 7019
12.0 mm 12.0 mm 7020
12.5 mm 12.5 mm 7021
12.7 mm 12.7 mm 7022
14.0 mm 14.0 mm 7024
15.0 mm 15.0 mm 7026
16.0 mm 16.0 mm 7027
17.0 mm 17.0 mm 7028
17.5 mm 17.5 mm 7029
18.0 mm 18.0 mm 7030
18.7 mm 18.7 mm 7031
19.0 mm 19.0 mm 7032
2.0 mm 2.0 mm 7033
2.2 mm 2.2 mm 7034
2.3 mm 2.3 mm 7035
2.5 mm 2.5 mm 7036
2.6 mm 2.6 mm 7037
2.8 mm 2.8 mm 7038
2.9 mm 2.9 mm 7039
20.0 mm 20.0 mm 7040
22.0 mm 22.0 mm 7041
22.2 mm 22.2 mm 7042
24.0 mm 24.0 mm 7043
25.0 mm 25.0 mm 7044
25.3 mm 25.3 mm 7045
26.0 mm 26.0 mm 7046
28.0 mm 28.0 mm 7047
3.0 mm 3.0 mm 7048
3.2 mm 3.2 mm 7049
3.5 mm 3.5 mm 7050
3.6 mm 3.6 mm 7051
3.8 mm 3.8 mm 7052
30.0 mm 30.0 mm 7053
31.2 mm 31.2 mm 7054
32.0 mm 32.0 mm 7055
34.4 mm 34.4 mm 7057
36.0 mm 36.0 mm 7058
37.0 mm 37.0 mm 7059
37.6 mm 37.6 mm 7060
38.0 mm 38.0 mm 7061
4.0 mm 4.0 mm 7062
4.2 mm 4.2 mm 7063
4.5 mm 4.5 mm 7064
40.0 mm 40.0 mm 7066
40.9 mm 40.9 mm 7067
44.1 mm 44.1 mm 7069
45.0 mm 45.0 mm 7070
47.3 mm 47.3 mm 7071
5.0 mm 5.0 mm 7073
5.5 mm 5.5 mm 7075
5.6 mm 5.6 mm 7076
50.0 mm 50.0 mm 7077
50.5 mm 50.5 mm 7078
53.8 mm 53.8 mm 7079
55.0 mm 55.0 mm 7080
56.0 mm 56.0 mm 7081
57.0 mm 57.0 mm 7082
6.0 mm 6.0 mm 7083
6.3 mm 6.3 mm 7084
6.5 mm 6.5 mm 7085
60.0 mm 60.0 mm 7086
61.3 mm 61.3 mm 7087
63.0 mm 63.0 mm 7088
63.8 mm 63.8 mm 7089
65.0 mm 65.0 mm 7090
66.0 mm 66.0 mm 7091
7.0 mm 7.0 mm 7092
7.1 mm 7.1 mm 7093
7.5 mm 7.5 mm 7094
70.0 mm 70.0 mm 7095
70.2 mm 70.2 mm 7096
73.4 mm 73.4 mm 7097
76.6 mm 76.6 mm 7098
79.8 mm 79.8 mm 7099
8.0 mm 8.0 mm 7100
8.5 mm 8.5 mm 7101
8.8 mm 8.8 mm 7102
83.0 mm 83.0 mm 7103
85.7 mm 85.7 mm 7104
88.9 mm 88.9 mm 7105
9.0 mm 9.0 mm 7106
9.5 mm 9.5 mm 7107
92.1 mm 92.1 mm 7108
95.8 mm 95.8 mm 7109
98.9 mm 98.9 mm 7110
0.042" tubing 0.042", tubing 7111
0.045" tubing 0.045", tubing 7112
0.058" tubing 0.058", tubing 7113
0.070" tubing 0.070", tubing 7114
0.072" tubing 0.072", tubing 7115
0.080" tubing 0.080", tubing 7116
0.090" tubing 0.090", tubing 7117
0.095" tubing 0.095", tubing 7118
0.110" tubing 0.110", tubing 7119
0.122" tubing 0.122", tubing 7120
0.125" tubing 0.125", tubing 7121
0.140" tubing 0.140", tubing 7122
0.160" tubing 0.160", tubing 7123
0.170" tubing 0.170", tubing 7124
0.192" tubing 0.192", tubing 7125
0.200" tubing 0.200", tubing 7126
0.271" tubing 0.271", tubing 7127
0.35 mm 0.35 mm 7128
0.7 mm 0.7 mm 7129
0.9 mm 0.9 mm 7130
1.24 mm 1.24 mm 7131
1.47 mm 1.47 mm 7132
1.65 mm 1.65 mm 7133
2.11 mm 2.11 mm 7134
2.41 mm 2.41 mm 7135
2.77 mm 2.77 mm 7136
5.3 mm 5.3 mm 7137
5.8 mm 5.8 mm 7138
6.2 mm 6.2 mm 7139
6.4 mm 6.4 mm 7140
6.6 mm 6.6 mm 7141
6.9 mm 6.9 mm 7142
7.9 mm 7.9 mm 7143
8.7 mm 8.7 mm 7144
10.3 mm 10.3 mm 7145
11.1 mm 11.1 mm 7146
11.9 mm 11.9 mm 7147
13.1 mm 13.1 mm 7148
15.1 mm 15.1 mm 7149
15.9 mm 15.9 mm 7150
21.0 mm 21.0 mm 7151
22.5 mm 22.5 mm 7152
35.0 mm 35.0 mm 7153
10.5 mm 10.5 mm 7154
13.5 mm 13.5 mm 7155
15.5 mm 15.5 mm 7156

S-5S S-5S 5
S-10S S-10S 10
S-40S S-40S 15
S-80S S-80S 20
S-10 S-10 25
S-20 S-20 30
S-30 S-30 35
S-40 S-40 40
S-60 S-60 45
S-80 S-80 50
S-100 S-100 55
S-120 S-120 60
S-140 S-140 65
S-160 S-160 70
S-STD S-STD, Standard Weight 100
S-XS S-XS, Extra Strong 105
S-XXS S-XXS, Double Extra Strong 110
S-XH S-XH, Extra Heavy 115
S-LW S-LW, Light Weight 116
CL50 Thickness Class 50, AWWA C151 ductile iron 150
CL51 Thickness Class 51, AWWA C151 ductile iron 151
CL52 Thickness Class 52, AWWA C151 ductile iron 152
CL53 Thickness Class 53, AWWA C151 ductile iron 153
CL54 Thickness Class 54, AWWA C151 ductile iron 154
CL55 Thickness Class 55, AWWA C151 ductile iron 155
CL56 Thickness Class 56, AWWA C151 ductile iron 156
Type K Type K, tubing 440
Type L Type L, tubing 445
Type M Type M, tubing 450
Type ACR Type ACR, tubing 455
Type DWV Type DWV, tubing 460
Class III, Wall A per ASTM C76 Class III, Wall A per ASTM C76 462
Class I, Wall A per ASTM C76 Class I, Wall A per ASTM C76 491
Class I, Wall B per ASTM C76 Class I, Wall B per ASTM C76 493
Class II, Wall A per ASTM C76 Class II, Wall A per ASTM C76 495
Class II, Wall B per ASTM C76 Class II, Wall B per ASTM C76 497
Class II, Wall C per ASTM C76 Class II, Wall C per ASTM C76 499
Class III, Wall B per ASTM C76 Class III, Wall B per ASTM C76 501
Class III, Wall C per ASTM C76 Class III, Wall C per ASTM C76 503
Class IV, Wall A per ASTM C76 Class IV, Wall A per ASTM C76 505
Class IV, Wall B per ASTM C76 Class IV, Wall B per ASTM C76 507
Class IV, Wall C per ASTM C76 Class IV, Wall C per ASTM C76 509
Class V, Wall A per ASTM C76 Class V, Wall A per ASTM C76 511
Class V, Wall B per ASTM C76 Class V, Wall B per ASTM C76 513
Class V, Wall C per ASTM C76 Class V, Wall C per ASTM C76 515
Wall A Wall-A, reinforced concrete 480
Wall B Wall-B, reinforced concrete 485
Wall C Wall-C, reinforced concrete 490
7SSG 7 (stainless steel gauge) 660
10SSG 10 (stainless steel gauge) 665
11SSG 11 (stainless steel gauge) 670
12SSG 12 (stainless steel gauge) 675
14SSG 14 (stainless steel gauge) 680
3/16SSG 3/16 (stainless steel gauge) 685
1/4SSG 1/4 (stainless steel gauge) 690
SDR 5 SDR 5 691
SDR 6 SDR 6 692
SDR 6.3 SDR 6.3 693
SDR 7 SDR 7 694
S-SV S-SV, Service Weight 695
SDR 7.3 SDR 7.3 696
SDR 8.8 SDR 8.8 697
SDR 10 SDR 10 698
SDR 11.5 SDR 11.5 699
SDR 9 SDR 9 700
SDR 17.5 SDR 17.5 701
SDR 32.5 SDR 32.5 702
SDR 51 SDR 51 703
SDR 64 SDR 64 704
SDR 11 SDR 11 705
SDR 81 SDR 81 706
SDR 13.5 SDR 13.5 710
SDR 14 SDR 14 715
SDR 17 SDR 17 720
SDR 18 SDR 18 725
SDR 21 SDR 21 730
SDR 23.5 SDR 23.5 735
SDR 25 SDR 25 740
SDR 26 SDR 26 745
SDR 35 SDR 35 750
SDR 41 SDR 41 755
SDR 42 SDR 42 760
DR 14 DR 14 765
DR 18 DR 18 770
DR 25 DR 25 775
DR 27.6 DR 27.6 780
DR 41 DR 41 781
DR 19 DR 19 782
DR 21 DR 21 783
DR 23.7 DR 23.7 784
DR 26 DR 26 785
DR 32.5 DR 32.5 786
DR 7 DR 7 787
DR 7.3 DR 7.3 788
DR 9 DR 9 789
DR 9.3 DR 9.3 790
DR 9.9 DR 9.9 791
S-5 S-5 792
SDR 15.5 SDR 15.5 793
SIDR 11.5 SIDR 11.5 794
SIDR 15 SIDR 15 795
SIDR 5.3 SIDR 5.3 796
SIDR 7 SIDR 7 797
SIDR 9 SIDR 9 798
MATCH Match 550
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
III, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant
ASME Section III Components 600
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
VIII, Division 1, Design and Fabrication of
ASME Section VIII-1 Pressure Vessels 605
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
ASME Section VIII-2 VIII, Division 2, Alternative Rules 610
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section
VIII, Division 3, Alternative Rules for Construction
ASME Section VIII-3 of High Pressure Vessels 611
ASME B31.1 ASME B31.1, Power 615
ASME B31.2 ASME B31.2, Fuel Gas 620
ASME B31.3 ASME B31.3, Petroleum 625
ASME B31.4, Pipeline Transportation Systems for
ASME B31.4 Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids 630
ASME B31.5, Refrigeration Piping and Heat
ASME B31.5 Transfer Components 635
ASME B31.8, Gas Transmission and Distribution
ASME B31.8 Piping Systems 640
ASME B31.9 ASME B31.9, Building Services Piping 645
API 2000, Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure
Storage Tanks: Nonrefrigerated and Refrigerated
API 650
AWWA AWWA M11, Water Services 655
Reihe 1 Wall thickness Reihe 1 181
Reihe 2 Wall thickness Reihe 2 182
Reihe 3 Wall thickness Reihe 3 183
Reihe 4 Wall thickness Reihe 4 184
Reihe 5 Wall thickness Reihe 5 185
Wanddickenreihe nach DIN 2463 Wall Thickness per DIN 2463 196
16swg 16swg 301
18swg 18swg 302

Sch. 10 per JIS Schedule 10 per JIS 3001
Sch. 20 per JIS Schedule 20 per JIS 3002
Sch. 30 per JIS Schedule 30 per JIS 3003
Sch. 40 per JIS Schedule 40 per JIS 3004
Sch. 60 per JIS Schedule 60 per JIS 3005
Sch. 80 per JIS Schedule 80 per JIS 3006
Sch. 100 per JIS Schedule 100 per JIS 3007
Sch. 120 per JIS Schedule 120 per JIS 3008
Sch. 140 per JIS Schedule 140 per JIS 3009
Sch. 160 per JIS Schedule 160 per JIS 3010
Sch. 5S per JIS Schedule 5S per JIS 3011
Sch. 10S per JIS Schedule 10S per JIS 3012
Sch. 20S per JIS Schedule 20S per JIS 3013
Sch. 40S per JIS Schedule 40S per JIS 3014
Sch. 80S per JIS Schedule 80S per JIS 3015
Sch. 120S per JIS Schedule 120S per JIS 3027
Sch. 160S per JIS Schedule 160S per JIS 3028
D1, Grade 1 pipe per JIS G 5526 D1, Grade 1 pipe per JIS G 5526 3016
D1.5, Grade 1.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 D1.5, Grade 1.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 3017
D2, Grade 2 pipe per JIS G 5526 D2, Grade 2 pipe per JIS G 5526 3018
D2.5, Grade 2.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 D2.5, Grade 2.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 3019
D3, Grade 3 pipe per JIS G 5526 D3, Grade 3 pipe per JIS G 5526 3020
D3.5, Grade 3.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 D3.5, Grade 3.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 3021
D4, Grade 4 pipe per JIS G 5526 D4, Grade 4 pipe per JIS G 5526 3022
D4.5, Grade 4.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 D4.5, Grade 4.5 pipe per JIS G 5526 3023
DPF, Grade PF pipe per JIS G 5526 DPF, Grade PF pipe per JIS G 5526 3024
GS per JIS G 3459 GS per JIS G 3459 3025
LG per JIS G 3460 LG per JIS G 3460 3026
Class 1 per JIS K 6761 Class 1 per JIS K 6761 3044
Class 2 per JIS K 6761 Class 2 per JIS K 6761 3045
Class 3, 17 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO Class 3, 17 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 3046
Class 3, 21 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO Class 3, 21 mm, per JIS K 6761 and ISO 4065 3047
LG per JIS B 2311 LG per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313 3048
STD per JIS B 2311 STD per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313 3049
XS per JIS B 2311 XS per JIS B 2311 or JIS B 2313 3050
Attached Table 1 per JIS B 2311 Attached Table 1 per JIS B 2311 3051
Table 2 per JIS G 3442 Table 2 per JIS G 3442 3052
Table 6 per JIS G 3452 Table 6 per JIS G 3452 3053

umeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ScraperType1Config ShortDescription ScraperType1Config LongDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list

entry added by the user should be
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant
would reserve all other numeric values.
Type A Left Type A Left
Type A Right Type A Right
Type B Left Type B Left
Type B Right Type B Right
Codelist Sort
Number Order

! Back to Index
HEAD ScraperType2Config ShortDescription ScraperType2Config LongDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list

entry added by the user should be
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant
would reserve all other numeric values.
Type A Left Type A Left
Type A Right Type A Right
Codelist Sort
Number Order

! Back to Index

HEAD SelectionBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Flange selection logic enabled
Flange selection logic disabled
Hub/ferrule selection logic enabled
Hub/ferrule selection logic disabled
Stub-on reinforcing pad by system
Stub-on reinforcing pad by user
Stub-on reinforcing pad by user, requiring branch reinforcement calculat
Stub-on reinforcing weld by system
Stub-on reinforcing weld by user
Stub-on reinforcing weld by user, requiring branch reinforcement
Stub-in reinforcing pad by system
Stub-in reinforcing pad by user
Stub-in reinforcing pad by user, requiring branch reinforcement
Stub-in reinforcing weld by system
Stub-in reinforcing weld by user
Stub-in reinforcing weld by user, requiring branch reinforcement
Non-radial weldolet
Non-radial stub-in reinforcing pad
Non-radial stub-on reinforcing pad
Non-radial stub-in reinforcing weld
Non-radial stub-on reinforcing weld
Elbow, fixed angle
Elbow, trimmed
Pipe bend
Pipe bend to be flared
Flexible hose
Plain piping ends flared
Mitered elbow

Fitting requires validation of commodity-specific Service Limits rule

Fitting plus reportable commodity requiring validation of commodity-
specific Service Limits rule
Branch fitting by system
Branch fitting by user
Reducing fitting by system
Reducing fitting by user
Extended body valve
Lap joint flange assembly (backing flange and stub end are to be
inserted in 3D model)
Bolted x mechanical to be treated as a bolted connection
Bolted x mechanical to be treated as a mechanical connection
Pipe stock plain end is to be beveled
Pipe stock plain end is to be threaded
Pipe stock push-on bell end to be cut as plain end
Pipe stock to be grooved at one plain end
Stub-on reinforcing weld by system with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Stub-on reinforcing weld by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Stub-in reinforcing weld by system with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Stub-in reinforcing weld by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Stub-on reinforcing pad by system with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Stub-on reinforcing pad by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Stub-in reinforcing pad by system with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Stub-in reinforcing pad by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection
Codelist Sort
SelectionBasis LongDescription Number Order
textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not ad

Default 1
Flange selection logic is enabled 5
Flange selection logic is disabled 10
Hub/ferrule selection logic is enabled 85
Hub/ferrule selection logic is disabled 90
Stub-on reinforcing pad by system 15
Stub-on reinforcing pad by user 20
Stub-on reinforcing pad by user, requiring branch reinforcement calcula 95
Stub-on reinforcing weld by system 25
Stub-on reinforcing weld by user 30
Stub-on reinforcing weld by user, requiring branch reinforcement
calculations 100
Stub-in reinforcing pad by system 135
Stub-in reinforcing pad by user 140
Stub-in reinforcing pad by user, requiring branch reinforcement
calculations 145
Stub-in reinforcing weld by system 150
Stub-in reinforcing weld by user 155
Stub-in reinforcing weld by user, requiring branch reinforcement
calculations 160
Non-radial weldolet 170
Non-radial stub-in reinforcing pad 175
Non-radial stub-on reinforcing pad 180
Non-radial stub-in reinforcing weld 185
Non-radial stub-on reinforcing weld 190
Elbow, fixed angle 65
Elbow, trimmed 70
Pipe bend 35
Pipe bend to be flared 80
Flexible hose 165
Pipe stock ends are to be flared 75
Mitered elbow to be automatically fabricated from pipe stock 40

Fitting that requires validation of commodity-specific Service Limits rule 50

Fitting plus reportable commodity requiring validation of commodity-spec 55

Branch fitting by system 110
Branch fitting by user 115
Reducing fitting by system 120
Reducing fitting by user 125
Extended body valve 195
Lap joint flange assembly (backing flange and stub end are to be
inserted in 3D model) 197
Bolted x mechanical to be treated as a bolted connection 199
Bolted x mechanical to be treated as a mechanical connection 201
Pipe stock plain end is to be beveled 202
Pipe stock plain end is to be threaded 203
Pipe stock push-on bell end to be cut as plain end 204
Pipe stock to be grooved at one plain end 205
Stub-on reinforcing weld by system with heavier schedule header pipe
at branch intersection 206
Stub-on reinforcing weld by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection 207
Stub-in reinforcing weld by system with heavier schedule header pipe
at branch intersection 208
Stub-in reinforcing weld by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection 209
Stub-on reinforcing pad by system with heavier schedule header pipe
at branch intersection 210
Stub-on reinforcing pad by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection 211
Stub-in reinforcing pad by system with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection 212
Stub-in reinforcing pad by user with heavier schedule header pipe at
branch intersection 213
e; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD SelectionBasisperPCF ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Not applicable
Pipe stock plain end is to be beveled
Pipe stock plain end is to be threaded
Pipe stock push-on bell end to be cut as plain end
Pipe stock to be grooved at one plain end
Codelist Sort
SelectionBasisperPCF LongDescription Number Order
textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not ad

Not applicable 1
Pipe stock plain end is to be beveled 202
Pipe stock plain end is to be threaded 203
Pipe stock push-on bell end to be cut as plain end 204
Pipe stock to be grooved at one plain end 205
e; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
ShortCodeHierarchyClass ShortCodeHierarchyClass
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Inline Fittings

Change Of Direction Fittings


Miscellaneous Fittings

Plain Piping Or Tubing

ShortCodeHierarchyType ShortCodeHierarchyType Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the m
er should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Valves 5
Flanges 10
Concentric Size Change Fittings 15
Eccentric Size Change Fittings 20
Closing Fittings 25
Elbolets 30
Other Inline Fittings 35
Elbows 40
Pipe Bends 45
Miters 50
Tee type Branches 55
Olet type Branches 60
Lateral type Branches 65
LateralOlet type Branches 70
Cross Branches 75
Other Branches 80
Miscellaneous 85
Returns 90
Surface Mounted Components 110
Pipes 95
Tubes 100
Hoses 105
e numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SignalType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription SignalType LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Undefined Undefined 0
Communication Communication 1
Control Control 2
Data Data 3
Fire Alarm Fire Alarm 4
Lighting Lighting 5
Multi-Conductor Power Multi-Conductor Power 6
Power Power 7
Signal Signal 8
All All 100

al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de
r must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD SingleRReturnIdlerBrTy ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user
should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve
all other numeric values.
Single Roll Return Idler Bracket Type A
Single Roll Return Idler Bracket Type B
SingleRReturnIdlerBrTy LongDescription Codelist

Single Roll Return Idler Bracket Type A 1

Single Roll Return Idler Bracket Type B 2
! Back to Index
SizeReductionPreference SizeReductionPreference Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Default size reduction Default size reduction 1
Second size reduction preference Second size reduction preference 2
Third size reduction preference Third size reduction preference 3
Fourth size reduction preference Fourth size reduction preference 4

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SizeReductionType SizeReductionType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Concentric Concentric size change 1
Eccentric Eccentric size change 2

alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delet
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabBoundaryReference SlabBoundaryReference
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Inner Inner port-face of a bounding member
Centerline Centerline (axis) of a bounding member
Outer Outer port-face of a bounding member

Codelist Sort
Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de

the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabComposition SlabComposition Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00

ld be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
SlabContinuity SlabContinuity Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Continuity-1 Continuity type 1 1
Continuity-2 Continuity type 2 2
Continuity-3 Continuity type 3 3
Continuity-4 Continuity type 4 4
Continuity-5 Continuity type 5 5
Continuity-6 Continuity type 6 6
Continuity-7 Continuity type 7 7
Continuity-8 Continuity type 8 8
Continuity-9 Continuity type 9 9

l value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de
r must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabCornerType SlabCornerType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is NOT a system code list. However, the user should not change the pre-existing num
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Structur
Mitre Mitre
Trim Trim
Vertical Vertical
Horizontal Horizontal

Codelist Sort
Number Order
ge the pre-existing numeric values.
rogram in the Structure product.

! Back to Index
SlabCrossSectionSymbol SlabCrossSectionSymbol Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
B B 1
T T 7
SR SR 11
S S 12
TC TC 13

e between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
SlabDirectionReference SlabDirectionReference
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
North North direction of global CS
East East direction of global CS

Codelist Sort
Number Order
al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de

the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabFacePosition Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription SlabFacePosition LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Top Top 1
Center Center 2
Bottom Bottom 3

e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabFastenerType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription SlabFastenerType LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00

d be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
SlabLayerRole SlabLayerRole Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Platform 1
Tread 2

l value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de
r must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabManufacturingProcess SlabManufacturingProcess
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Closed Mesh

Codelist Sort
Number Order
tual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or

nd the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabNosingMaterial SlabNosingMaterial Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00

tween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
SlabNosingType SlabNosingType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Bend 1
Bar 2

l value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de
r must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SlabPriority SlabPriority Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Undefined Undefined 0
Primary Primary 1
Secondary Secondary 2
Tertiary Tertiary 3

l value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de
r must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

SlabReferenceDirection SlabReferenceDirection
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is NOT a system code list. However, the user should not change the pre-existing num
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Structur
Normal Normal
Vertical Vertical
Horizontal Horizontal

Codelist Sort
Number Order
ge the pre-existing numeric values.
rogram in the Structure product.

! Back to Index
SpectaclePosition SpectaclePosition Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Open Spectacle blind is in open position 1
Closed Spectacle blind is in closed position 2

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a v
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Pipe Attachment Only
Pipe Attachment With All Shop Parts
Pipe Attachment With Assembly

SpoolIncludeWeldedParts Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and

None 5
Pipe Attachment Only 10
Pipe Attachment With All Shop Parts 15
Pipe Attachment With Assembly 20
eaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SpoolingBasis SpoolingBasis Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Pipeline 0
Block 1
WBS Item 2

een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD SpoolBreakByControlPoint ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Ignore Control Points
Break at Control Points
Break Only at Control Points

Codelist Sort
SpoolBreakByControlPoint LongDescription Number Order
y change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user

Ignore Control Points 5

Break at Control Points 10
Break Only at Control Points 15
the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SpoolSequencingType SpoolSequencingType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Numeric 0
Alpha 2

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SteamoutRequirement SteamoutRequirement Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
Not Required Not Required 5
Required Required 10

ween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD StressReliefPractice ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm

United States of America, Standards

Germany Standards (DIN)
Finland Standards (SFS)
CEN/EU Standards
Great Britain Standards (BSI)
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa Standards
Japan Standards (JISC)
China Standards (SACS)
Korea Standards (KATS)
Other Asia-Pacific Standards
Australia Standards (SAI)
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
France Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas Standards
Argentina Standards (IRAM)
Austria Standards (ON)
Bahrain Standards (BSMD)
Barbados Standards (BNSI)
Belarus Standards (BELST)
Belgium Standards (IBN)
Bolivia Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC =
Standards Council of
Canada, CSA = Canadian
Canada Standards (SCC) Standards Association)
Chile Standards (INN)
Colombia Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic Standards (CSNI)
Denmark Standards (DS)
Greece Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland Standards (IST)
India Standards (BIS)
Indonesia Standards (BSN)
Ireland Standards (NSAI)
Israel Standards (SII)
Italy Standards (UNI)
Jordan Standards (JISM)
Kuwait Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg Standards (SEE)
Malaysia Standards (DSM)
Malta Standards (MSA)
Mexico Standards (DGN)
Netherlands Standards (NEN)
New Zealand Standards (SNZ)
Norway Standards (NSF)
Oman Standards (DGSM)
Panama Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay Standards (INTN)
Peru Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines Standards (BPS)
Poland Standards (PKN)
Portugal Standards (IPQ)
Romania Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia Standards (SASO)
Singapore Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa Standards (SABS)
Spain Standards (AENOR)
Sweden Standards (SIS)
Switzerland Standards (SNV)
Thailand Standards (TISI)
Turkey Standards (TSE)
Ukraine Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam Standards (TCVN)

StressRelief StressRelief Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning o
be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined Undefined 1
ASME-I Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section I: Power
ASME-I Boilers 5

ASME-III Boiler & Pressure

Vessel Code - Section III - Rules
for Construction of Nuclear
ASME-III Power Plant Components 10

ASME-VIII-1 Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code, Section VIII,
Division 1: Design and
ASME-VIII-1 Fabrication of Pressure Vessels 15

ASME-VIII-2 Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code, Section VIII,
ASME-VIII-2 Division 2: Alternative Rules 20

ASME-VIII-2 Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code, Section VIII,
Division 3: Alternative Rules for
Construction of High Pressure
ASME-VIII-3 Vessels 21
ASME Fld Mets & AGA Rpt 3
ASME Fld Mets & AGA Rpt 3 (Instruments) 25
ASME-B31.1 ASME-B31.1 Power Piping 30
ASME-B31.2 ASME-B31.2 Fuel Gas Piping 35
ASME-B31.3 ASME-B31.3 Process Piping 40
ASME-B31.4 Pipeline
Transportation Systems for
Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other
ASME-B31.4 Liquids 45

ASME-B31.5 Refrigeration Piping

ASME-B31.5 and Heat Transfer Components 50

ASME-B31.8 Gas Transmission

ASME-B31.8 and Distribution Piping Systems 55
ASME-B31.9 Building Services
ASME-B31.9 Piping 60
API-2000 Venting Atmospheric
and Low-Pressure Storage
Tanks: Nonrefrigerated and
API-2000 Refrigerated 65
AWWA AWWA (Water Services) 70

value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
StressReliefRequirement StressReliefRequirement Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 1
Required for all piping Stress relief required for all piping 2
Not required Stress relief not required 3
Required if specified by code Stress relief required, if specified b 15

ue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
st not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
Struct2LBackToBackRule Struct2LBackToBackRule Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,00
Equal 0
Long 1
Short 2

ld be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructACLeftRightBoth StructACLeftRightBoth Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Both Both 1
Left Left 2
Right Right 3

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructACPadType StructACPadType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Auto Auto 1
Rectangular Rectangular 2
Circular Circular 3
Triangular Triangular 4

etween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructACSizingRule StructACSizingRule Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
ByRule By Rule 1
UserDefined User Defined 2

etween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructACSpliceTypes StructACSpliceTypes Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
None None 0
Flange and Web Plates Flange and Web Plates 1
Flange Plates Flange Plates 2
Web Plates Web Plates 3
End Plates End Plates 4

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructAlignment StructAlignment Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Center Center 1
Left Left 2
Right Right 3

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a val
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD StructBoundaryConditions StructBoundaryConditions Codelist Sort Order
ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value o
! Valid member end releases code-list numbers between 0 and 64; Comment out those you do not want expo
User Defined User Defined 0
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X 1
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y 2
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y 3
Fix: Z Fix: Z 4
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Z 5
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, Z 6
Fix: X, Y, Z Fix: X, Y, Z 7
! <Unnamed> Fixed: RX 8
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, RX 9
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, RX 10
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, RX 11
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Z, RX 12
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Z, RX 13
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, Z, RX 14
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, Z, RX 15
! <Unnamed> Fixed: RY 16
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, RY 17
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, RY 18
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, RY 19
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Z, RY 20
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Z, RY 21
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, Z, RY 22
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, Z, RY 23
! <Unnamed> Fixed: RX, RY 24
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, RX, RY 25
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, RX, RY 26
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, RX, RY 27
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Z, RX, RY 28
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Z, RX, RY 29
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, Z, RX, RY 30
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, Z, RX, RY 31
! <Unnamed> Fixed: RZ 32
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, RZ 33
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, RZ 34
Fix: X, Y, RZ Fix: X, Y, RZ 35
Fix: Z, RZ Fix: Z, RZ 36
Fix: X, Z, RZ Fix: X, Z, RZ 37
Fix: Y, Z, RZ Fix: Y, Z, RZ 38
Fix: X, Y, Z, RZ Fix: X, Y, Z, RZ 39
! <Unnamed> Fixed: RX, RZ 40
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, RX, RZ 41
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, RX, RZ 42
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, RX, RZ 43
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Z, RX, RZ 44
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Z, RX, RZ 45
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, Z, RX, RZ 46
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, Z, RX, RZ 47
! <Unnamed> Fixed: RY, RZ 48
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, RY, RZ 49
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, RY, RZ 50
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, RY, RZ 51
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Z, RY, RZ 52
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Z, RY, RZ 53
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, Z, RY, RZ 54
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, Z, RY, RZ 55
! <Unnamed> Fixed: RX, RY, RZ 56
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, RX, RY, RZ 57
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Y, RX, RY, RZ 58
! <Unnamed> Fixed: X, Y, RX, RY, RZ 59
! <Unnamed> Fixed: Z, RX, RY, RZ 60
Fix: X, Z, RX, RY, RZ Fix: X, Z, RX, RY, RZ 61
Fix: Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ Fix: Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ 62
Fix: All Fix: All 63

t change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
those you do not want exposed; Name and uncomment those you want exposed in the GUI.
! Back to Index
StructCanDiameterRule StructCanDiameterRule Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
OD Match OD Match 1
ID Match ID Match 2
User-Defined User-Defined 3
e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a
t not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Hull Factor
Hull Length
Centerline Factor
Centerline Length
StructCanLengthComputeMethod Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
ser may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and th

Hull Factor 1
Hull Length 2
Centerline Factor 3
Centerline Length 4
g of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

StructCanType StructCanType Codelist Sort

HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Inline Inline 1
Stub End Stub End 2
End End 3
ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a valu
add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructComputeRule StructComputeRule Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value o
by system by system 1
by user by user 2

t not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
StructConeLengthComputeMethod Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
ser may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and th

Slope 1
Angle 2
Length 3
ng of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructContinuity StructContinuity Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not chang
Continuous Continuous 0
Intercostal Intercostal 1

al value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or de
er must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructCoordSysReference StructCoordSysReference Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,00
Global 1
Local 2

should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructCustomPlatePartCategory StructCustomPlatePartCategory
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm









StructCustomPlatePartType StructCustomPlatePartType Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
xtual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the
een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Bracket 200

Collar 300

Pad 400

Parametric 500

BasePlate 600

Stiffener 700
Gusset 800

BearingPlate 900

SplicePlate 1000

BentPlate 1100
or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
HEAD StructEndReleases StructEndReleases Codelist Number Sort Order
ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value o
! Valid member end releases code-list numbers between 1 and 63; Comment out those you do not want expo
User Defined User Defined 0
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ 1
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Z, RX, RY, RZ 2
! <Unnamed> Free: Z, RX, RY, RZ 3
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, RX, RY, RZ 4
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, RX, RY, RZ 5
! <Unnamed> Free: X, RX, RY, RZ 6
! <Unnamed> Free: RX, RY, RZ 7
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, Z, RY, RZ 8
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z, RY, RZ 9
Free: X, Z, RY, RZ Free: X, Z, RY, RZ 10
Free: Z, RY, RZ Free: Z, RY, RZ 11
Free: X, Y, RY, RZ Free: X, Y, RY, RZ 12
Free: Y, RY, RZ Free: Y, RY, RZ 13
Free: X, RY, RZ Free: X, RY, RZ 14
Free: RY, RZ Free: RY, RZ 15
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, Z, RX, RZ 16
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z, RX, RZ 17
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Z, RX, RZ 18
! <Unnamed> Free: Z, RX, RZ 19
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, RX, RZ 20
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, RX, RZ 21
! <Unnamed> Free: X, RX, RZ 22
! <Unnamed> Free: RX, RZ 23
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, Z, RZ 24
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z, RZ 25
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Z, RZ 26
! <Unnamed> Free: Z, RZ 27
Free: X, Y, RZ Free: X, Y, RZ 28
Free: Y, RZ Free: Y, RZ 29
Free: X, RZ Free: X, RZ 30
Free: RZ Free: RZ 31
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, Z, RX, RY 32
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z, RX, RY 33
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Z, RX, RY 34
! <Unnamed> Free: Z, RX, RY 35
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, RX, RY 36
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, RX, RY 37
! <Unnamed> Free: X, RX, RY 38
! <Unnamed> Free: RX, RY 39
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, Z, RY 40
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z, RY 41
Free: X, Z, RY Free: X, Z, RY 42
Free: Z, RY Free: Z, RY 43
Free: X, Y, RY Free: X, Y, RY 44
Free: Y, RY Free: Y, RY 45
Free: X, RY Free: X, RY 46
Free: RY Free: RY 47
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, Z, RX 48
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z, RX 49
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Z, RX 50
! <Unnamed> Free: Z, RX 51
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, RX 52
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, RX 53
! <Unnamed> Free: X, RX 54
! <Unnamed> Free: RX 55
! <Unnamed> Free: X, Y, Z 56
! <Unnamed> Free: Y, Z 57
Free: X, Z Free: X, Z 58
Free: Z Free: Z 59
Free: X, Y Free: X, Y 60
Free: Y Free: Y 61
Free: X Free: X 62
Free: None Free: None 63

ange the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
se you do not want exposed; Name and uncomment those you want exposed in the GUI.
! Back to Index
StructFCChevronWPO StructFCChevronWPO Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Center Center 1
Near Near Side 2
Far Far Side 3

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructFCEndControlling StructFCEndControlling Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
End Only End Only 1
Along Independent Along Independent 2
Along Constrained Along Constrained 3
Along Splitting Along Splitting 4

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructFCOffsetAlong StructFCOffsetAlong Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Centerline Centerline 1
Surface Surface 2

en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructFCOffsetDirection StructFCOffsetDirection Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Horizontal Horizontal 1
Vertical Vertical 2

een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructFCSupportedEdge StructFCSupportedEdge Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Top Top 1
Bottom Bottom 2
Left Left 3
Right Right 4

en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructFCSupportingCPs StructFCSupportingCPs Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
0 0-None 0
1 1-Bottom Left 1
2 2-Bottom Center 2
3 3-Bottom Right 3
4 4-Center Left 4
5 5-Center 5
6 6-Center Right 6
7 7-Top Left 7
8 8-Top Center 8
9 9-Top Right 9
10 10-Centroid 10
11 11-Centroid Bottom 11
12 12-Centroid Left 12
13 13-Centroid Right 13
14 14-Centroid Top 14
15 15-Shear Center 15

but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructFCSupportingSide StructFCSupportingSide Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
TopOrRight Top Or Right 1
BottomOrLeft Bottom Or Left 2

en 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
StructFeatureRadiusType StructFeatureRadiusType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is NOT a system code list. However, the user should not change the pre-existing
! The user can add new values, but must customize a delivered VB program in the Stru
None None 0
Radius Radius 1
Chamfer Chamfer 2

change the pre-existing numeric values.
d VB program in the Structure product.
! Back to Index
StructFootingCompSizingRule StructFootingCompSizingRule
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,00
User Defined

Codelist Sort
Number Order
er should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

eric values.
! Back to Index
StructFrmConnPositionRef StructFrmConnPositionRef Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Top Top 1
Bottom Bottom 2
Left Left 3
Right Right 4
NeutralAxis0 Neutral Axis 0 5
NeutralAxis90 Neutral Axis 90 6
NeutralAxis180 Neutral Axis 180 7
NeutralAxis270 Neutral Axis 270 8

e, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a v
t not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
ProfileEncasementType ProfileEncasementType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm

Contour Encased Contour Encased

Contour Exposed Contour Exposed
Block Encased Block Encased
Block Exposed Block Exposed
Round Round
Octagonal Octagonal
Custom Custom

Codelist Number Sort Order

y the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
StructInsulationPurpose StructInsulationPurpose
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Codelist Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the
! Intergraph product codes
! reserved from 1000-9999:
Range 1000-7999 is reserved for
! SmartPlant
range applications,
8000-9999 is andfor
SmartMarine applications
Fireproofing Insulation FireProofing 5001
! Soundproofing Insulation SoundProofing 5002
! Insulation Type 03 Insulation Type 03 5003
! Insulation Type 04 Insulation Type 04 5004
! Insulation Type 05 Insulation Type 05 5005

Sort Order
ust not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructInsulationSetbackReference StructInsulationSetbackReference
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm

Part Start Part Start

Part End Part End
Axis Start Axis Start
Axis End Axis End

Codelist Number Sort Order

between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
StructPrismaticFootingShapes StructPrismaticFootingShapes
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,00

Codelist Sort
Number Order
r should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

ric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm

Variable Long Term

Variable Transient

Variable Short Term




StructLoadCaseSourceCategory StructLoadCaseSourceType
LongDescription ShortDescription
user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and
list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Self Weight
Pre Stress
Lack Of Fit

System Imperfection
Temperature Effect





StructLoadCaseSourceType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
lue or the meaning of the value; and the user must not delete a value.
eserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
StructMemberEndSelectionRule StructMemberEndSelectionRule
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Start Start
End End
Auto Auto
Codelist Sort
Number Order
ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a valu

must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

ionRule StructMemberPositionRule Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Intersection Intersection 1
Ratio Ratio 2
Distance Distance 3
but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
ot add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructuralMemberPriority StructuralMemberPriority Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined 0
Primary 1
Secondary 2
Tertiary 3

must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not delete a value.
delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructuralMemberTypeCategory StructuralMemberTypeCategory
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm



Truss Element


Handrail Element

Stair Element
Ladder Element

StructuralMemberType StructuralMemberType Codelist Sort
ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not delete a value.
een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Beam 100
Girder 104
Joist 105
Girt 106
Purlin 107
Stringer 108
Perimeter 109
Column 200
Stud 204
Brace 300
Horizontal Brace 301
Vertical Brace 302
Knee Brace 303
Sag Rod 304
Truss Element 400
Top Chord 401
Bottom Chord 402
Middle Chord 403
Cable 500
Wire 501
Handrail Element 601
Post 602
Top Rail 603
Mid Rail 604
Toe Plate 605
End Treatment 606
Handrail Attachment 607
Stair Element 701
Tread 702
Stair Stringer 703
Support 704
Landing 705
Stair Attachment 706
Ladder Element 801
Rung 802
Rail 803
Hoop 804
Ladder Attachment 805
st not delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructuralWPOIntersectionIndex StructuralWPOIntersectionIndex
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Center - Far Primary Center - Secondary Far Side
Center - Center Primary Center - Secondary Center
Center - Near Primary Center - Secondary Near Side
Near - Far Primary Near Side - Secondary Far Side
Near - Center Primary Near Side - Secondary Center
Near - Near Primary Near Side - Secondary Near Side

Codelist Sort
Number Order
ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a valu

must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructWallBoundarySize StructWallBoundarySize
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Infinite Infinite
Finite Finite
Number Sort Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele

er must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructWallBoundaryType StructWallBoundaryType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Above Above
Below Below
Start Start
End End
Contact Contact
Codelist Number Sort Order
alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete

ser must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructWallConnectionType StructWallConnectionType Codelist
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Undefined Undefined 0
Aligned Aligned 1
Along Along 2
Corner Corner 3
Sort Order
but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va
must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
StructWallReferenceAttribute StructWallReferenceAttribute
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Center Center
Far Far
Near Near
Number Sort Order
alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delet

must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Not Required

SupplementaryNutRequirement Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
ser may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and th

meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Not Required

SupplementaryWasherRequirement Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
ser may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and th

meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
SupplyResponsibility SupplyResponsibility Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
Contractor By Contractor 2
Owner By Owner 3
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 9
Vendor By Vendor 10
Piping By Piping 15
Instruments By Instruments 16
Fabrication Shop By Fabrication Shop 20
Others By Others 25

be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD SurfacePreparation ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Standard manufacturer’s finish
Primed, moisture-cured urethane universal primer
Primed, phenolic alkyd primer
Primed, polyamidoamine epoxy primer
Hot dip galvanized per ASTM A123
Hot dip galvanized per ASTM A153
Electro galvanized
Graphite coated
Aluminized, treated & wrapped
Aluminized per ASTM A676
Hot finish
Epoxy coated
Fusion-bonded epoxy
0.125" thick Monel cladding per ASTM B127 UNS N04400
Asphalt coated
Treated & wrapped
Carbon black, 2-3% (for UV protection of HDPE fittings)
Codelist Sort
SurfacePreparation LongDescription Number Order
ed by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Bare 5
Standard manufacturer’s finish 10
Primed 15
Primed, moisture-cured urethane universal primer 80
Primed, phenolic alkyd primer 85
Primed, polyamidoamine epoxy primer 90
Painted 20
Galvanized 25
Hot dip galvanized per ASTM A123 30
Hot dip galvanized per ASTM A153 35
Electro galvanized 40
Graphite coated 45
Aluminized 50
Aluminized, treated & wrapped 55
Aluminized per ASTM A676 60
Hot finish 65
Epoxy coated 75
Fusion-bonded epoxy 95
0.125" thick Monel cladding per ASTM B127 UNS N04400 100
Asphalt coated 105
Treated & wrapped 110
Carbon black, 2-3% (for UV protection of HDPE fittings) 115
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Use Value
Use List of Preferred Tap End Stud Bolt Lengths
TapEndStudBoltLenRoundoffOption Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the u

None 1
Use Value 2
Use List of Preferred Tap End Stud Bolt Lengths 3
ng of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
TechDeliveryConditionsPract TechDeliveryConditionsPract
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red text a
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Smar
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

United States of America, Standards

Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC) Canada, Standards (SCC = Standards
Council of Canada, CSA = Canadian
Standards Association)
Chile, Standards (INN)
Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Other Americas, Standards
Germany, Standards (DIN)

United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)

Finland, Standards (SFS)
France, Standards (AFNOR)
CEN/EU/ISO Standards
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
Norway, Standards (NS)
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS, Swedish Standards Institute)
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Standards
Japan, Standards (JISC)
China, Standards (GB, Guojia Biaozhun; SACS)
Republic of Korea, Standards (KATS)
Australia, Standards (AS)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards

he textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning o
e between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
e deleted eventually.


PAS 1057 Part 10, Technical delivery condition

PAS 1057 Part 11, Technical delivery condition

EN 10021, General technical delivery

conditions for steel products
EN 10028-1, Flat products made of steels for
pressure purposes - Part 1: General
EN 10028-2, Flat products made of steels for
pressure purposes Part 2: Non-alloy and
alloy steels with specified elevated
temperature properties
EN 10028-3, Flat products made of steels for
pressure purposes - Part 3: Weldable fine
grain steels, normalized
EN 10028-4, Flat products made of steels for
pressure purposes - Part 4: Nickel alloy
steels with specified low temperature

EN 10028-5, Flat products made of steels for

pressure purposes - Part 5: Weldable fine
grain steels, thermomechanically rolled
EN 10028-6, Flat products made of steels for
pressure purposes - Part 6: Weldable fine
grain steels, quenched and tempered

EN 10028-7, Flat products made of steels for

pressure purposes - Part 7: Stainless steels
EN 10168, Steel products: inspection
EN 10208-1, Steel pipes for pipelines for
combustible fluids - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 1: Pipes of requirement
class A
EN 10208-2, Steel pipes for pipelines for
combustible fluids - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 2: Pipes of requirement
class B
EN 10208-3, Steel pipes for pipelines for
combustible fluids - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 3: Pipes of requirement
class C
EN 10213-1, Technical Delivery Conditions
for Steel Castings for Pressure Purposes Part
1: General)

EN 10213-2, Technical Delivery Conditions

for Steel Castings for Pressure Purposes Part
2: Steel Grades for Use at Room Temperature
and at Elevated Temperature (V)

EN 10213-3, Technical Delivery Conditions

for Steel Castings for Pressure Purposes Part
3: Steels for Use at Low Temperatures
EN 10213-4, Technical Delivery Conditions
for Steel Castings for Pressure Purposes Part
4: Austenitic and Austenitic-Ferritic Steel
Grades (Q)
EN 10216-1, Seamless steel tubes for
pressure purposes - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with
specified room temperature properties
EN 10216-2, Seamless steel tubes for
pressure purposes - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 2: Non alloy and alloy steel
tubes with specified elevated temperature
EN 10216-3, Seamless steel tubes for
pressure purposes - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel
EN 10216-4, Seamless steel tubes for
pressure purposes - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy steel
tubes with specified low temperature
EN 10216-5, Seamless steel tubes for
pressure purposes - Technical delivery
conditions - Part 5: Stainless steel tubes

EN 10217-1, Welded steel tubes for pressure

purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified
room temperature properties
EN 10217-2, Welded steel tubes for pressure
purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 2: Electric welded non-alloy and alloy
steel tubes with specified elevated
temperature properties

EN 10217-3, Welded steel tubes for pressure

purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel tubes

EN 10217-5, Welded steel tubes for pressure

purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 5: Submerged arc welded non-alloy and
alloy steel tubes with specified elevated
temperature properties
EN 10217-6, Welded steel tubes for pressure
purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 6: Submerged arc welded non-alloy steel
tubes with specified low temperature
EN 10217-7, Welded steel tubes for pressure
purposes - Technical delivery conditions -
Part 7: Stainless steel tubes
EN 10222-1, Steel Forgings for Pressure
Purposes - Part 1: General Requirements for
Open Die Forgings
EN 10222-2, Steel Forgings for Pressure
Purposes - Part 2: Ferritic and Martensitic
Steels with Specified Elevated Temperature
EN 10222-3, Steel Forgings for Pressure
Purposes - Part 3: Nickel Steels with
Specified Low Temperature Properties
EN 10222-4, Steel Forgings for Pressure
Purposes - Part 4: Weldable Fine-Grain Steels
with High Proof Strength
EN 10222-5, Steel Forgings for Pressure
Purposes - Part 5: Martensitic, Austenitic and
Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steels
EN 10269, Steels and nickel alloys for
fasteners with specified elevated and/or low
temperature properties
EN 10272, Stainless Steel Bars for Pressure
EN 10273, Hot rolled weldable steel bars for
pressure purposes with specified elevated
temperature properties
EN 10204 Certificate Type 2.1, Test
certificates for stainless steel products:
Statement of compliance with the order by
the manufacturer

EN 10204 Certificate Type 2.2, Test

certificates for stainless steel products:
Statement of compliance with the order by
the manufacturer based on non-specific
inspections (tests) by the manufacturer
EN 10204 Certificate Type 3.1, Test
certificates for stainless steel products:
Statement of compliance with the order by
the manufacturer with results of specific
EN 10204 Certificate Type 3.2, Test
certificates for stainless steel products:
Statement of compliance with order with
indication of results of specific inspection
Codelist Sort
TechDeliveryConditions LongDescription Number Order
en highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add o
d reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1

PAS 1057 Part 10, Technical delivery conditions for pipe
components of alloyed and non-alloyed steel with specified
properties at elevated temperatures; Group 1.1 and 1.2 (CR ISO
15608) 2001
PAS 1057 Part 11, Technical delivery conditions for pipe
components of austenitic stainless steel of group 8.1 (CR ISO
15608) 2002
EN 10021, General technical delivery conditions for steel
products 100001

EN 10028-1, Flat products made of steels for pressure

purposes - Part 1: General requirements 100002

EN 10028-2, Flat products made of steels for pressure

purposes Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steels with specified
elevated temperature properties 100003
EN 10028-3, Flat products made of steels for pressure
purposes - Part 3: Weldable fine grain steels, normalized 100004

EN 10028-4, Flat products made of steels for pressure

purposes - Part 4: Nickel alloy steels with specified low
temperature properties 100005

EN 10028-5, Flat products made of steels for pressure

purposes - Part 5: Weldable fine grain steels,
thermomechanically rolled 100006
EN 10028-6, Flat products made of steels for pressure
purposes - Part 6: Weldable fine grain steels, quenched and
tempered 100007

EN 10028-7, Flat products made of steels for pressure

purposes - Part 7: Stainless steels 100008

EN 10168, Steel products: inspection documents 100009

EN 10208-1, Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Pipes of requirement
class A 100010

EN 10208-2, Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Pipes of requirement
class B 100011

EN 10208-3, Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Pipes of requirement
class C 100012

EN 10213-1, Technical Delivery Conditions for Steel Castings

for Pressure Purposes Part 1: General) 100013

EN 10213-2, Technical Delivery Conditions for Steel Castings

for Pressure Purposes Part 2: Steel Grades for Use at Room
Temperature and at Elevated Temperature (V) 100014

EN 10213-3, Technical Delivery Conditions for Steel Castings

for Pressure Purposes Part 3: Steels for Use at Low
Temperatures 100015

EN 10213-4, Technical Delivery Conditions for Steel Castings

for Pressure Purposes Part 4: Austenitic and Austenitic-Ferritic
Steel Grades (Q) 100016
EN 10216-1, Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes -
Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes
with specified room temperature properties 100017

EN 10216-2, Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Non alloy and alloy steel
tubes with specified elevated temperature properties 100018

EN 10216-3, Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel
tubes 100019

EN 10216-4, Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy steel
tubes with specified low temperature properties 100020

EN 10216-5, Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 5: Stainless steel tubes 100021

EN 10217-1, Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes
with specified room temperature properties 100022

EN 10217-2, Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Electric welded non-
alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature
properties 100023

EN 10217-3, Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel
tubes 100024

EN 10217-5, Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 5: Submerged arc welded
non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated
temperature properties 100025

EN 10217-6, Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 6: Submerged arc welded
non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties 100026

EN 10217-7, Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes -

Technical delivery conditions - Part 7: Stainless steel tubes 100027
EN 10222-1, Steel Forgings for Pressure Purposes - Part 1:
General Requirements for Open Die Forgings 100028

EN 10222-2, Steel Forgings for Pressure Purposes - Part 2:

Ferritic and Martensitic Steels with Specified Elevated
Temperature Properties 100029

EN 10222-3, Steel Forgings for Pressure Purposes - Part 3:

Nickel Steels with Specified Low Temperature Properties 100030

EN 10222-4, Steel Forgings for Pressure Purposes - Part 4:

Weldable Fine-Grain Steels with High Proof Strength 100031

EN 10222-5, Steel Forgings for Pressure Purposes - Part 5:

Martensitic, Austenitic and Austenitic-Ferritic Stainless Steels 100032

EN 10269, Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified

elevated and/or low temperature properties 100033

EN 10272, Stainless Steel Bars for Pressure Purposes 100034

EN 10273, Hot rolled weldable steel bars for pressure purposes

with specified elevated temperature properties 100035

EN 10204 Certificate Type 2.1, Test certificates for stainless

steel products: Statement of compliance with the order by the
manufacturer 100036

EN 10204 Certificate Type 2.2, Test certificates for stainless

steel products: Statement of compliance with the order by the
manufacturer based on non-specific inspections (tests) by the
manufacturer 100037

EN 10204 Certificate Type 3.1, Test certificates for stainless

steel products: Statement of compliance with the order by the
manufacturer with results of specific inspection 100038

EN 10204 Certificate Type 3.2, Test certificates for stainless

steel products: Statement of compliance with order with
indication of results of specific inspection 100039
and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
TestingResponsibility TestingResponsibility Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 5
Contractor By Contractor 10
Owner By Owner 15
Equipment Vendor By Equipment Vendor 20
Vendor By Vendor 25
Piping By Piping 30
Instruments By Instruments 35
Others By Others 40

be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
TestingRequirements TestingRequirements TestingType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription ShortDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined
Not Required Not Required
Not Required
Piping Piping
Welds Welds
Magnetic Particle
Liquid Fluorescent
Liquid Dye Penetrant

TestingType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
e textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of t
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Not Required 2
Hydrostatic Test Type 1 10
Hydrostatic Test Type 2 15
Hydrostatic Test Type 3 20
Hydrostatic Test Type 4 25
Hydrostatic Test Type 5 30
Hydrostatic Test Type 6 35
Visual Inspection 50
Radiographic Inspection 55
Magnetic Particle Inspection 60
Liquid Fluorescent Penetrant 65
Liquid Dye Penetrant 70
Ultrasonic Inspection 75
c value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index

Tightness Tightness Codelist Sort

HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined Undefined 1
None None 2
Gas tight Gas tight 3
Water tight Water tight 5
Smoke tight Smoke tight 10

een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
HEAD ThreeRSuspCarryIdlerOp ShortDescription

! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by
the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000.
SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
Origin constrained to the top of the Middle Roller with
Idler length as a reportable parameter
ThreeRSuspCarryIdlerOp LongDescription Codelist Sort
Number Order

Default 1
Origin constrained to the top of the Middle Roller with 5
Idler length as a reportable parameter
! Back to Index

TraySpecificationType TraySpecificationType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Cableway Specification Cableway Specification
Cabletray Specification Cabletray Specification
Ductbank Specification Ductbank Specification
Codelist Sort
Number Order
value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or dele
d be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

he user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
Type Type Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Rectangular foundation port 1
Circular foundation port 2
Single Hole 3
No Hole 4


, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a v
not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Absence of any temperature-pressure data to be
reported as an error
Absence of any temperature-pressure data to be
reported as a warning

UndefinedServiceLimitsruleOpt Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
er may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

Absence of any temperature-pressure data to be 5

reported as an error
Absence of any temperature-pressure data to be 10
reported as a warning
of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
ValveFlowPattern ValveFlowPattern Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 1
Short pattern Short pattern 5
Long pattern Long pattern 10
Globe pattern Globe pattern 15
T pattern T pattern 20
Y pattern Y pattern 25
2-way 2-way 50
2-way, diverter 2-way, diverter 55
3-way 3-way 60
3-way, diverter 3-way, diverter 65
4-way 4-way 70
4-way, diverter 4-way, diverter 75
5-way 5-way 80
5-way, diverter 5-way, diverter 85
alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
ValveManufacturerIndPractice ValveManufacturerIndPractice
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,00
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

U.S. Manufacturers
Canadian Manufacturers
Other American Manufacturers
German Manufacturers
British Manufacturers
Japanese Manufacturers
Finnish Manufacturers

China Manufacturers
Korean Manufacturers

French Manufacturers

Other Asia-Pacific Manufacturers

Other European Manufacturers
Australian Manufacturers

Offshore Industry Manufacturers

Power Industry Manufacturers
Italian Manufacturers
Norwegian Manufacturers
Other Americas Manufacturers

ValveManufacturer ShortDescription LongDescription
textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of th
etween 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
eleted eventually.

Undefined Undefined

AOP, A.R. Thomson Group AOP, A.R. Thomson Group

Aloyco, Crane Nuclear, Crane Aloyco, Crane Nuclear, Crane

Adams Valve Adams Valve
Alms Alms

Amri, KSB Amri, KSB

Anchor Darling Valve Anchor Darling Valve

Anderson Greenwood and Crosby, Tyco Flow Anderson Greenwood and Crosby,
Control Tyco Flow Control
Apollo, Conbraco Industries Apollo, Conbraco Industries

Armstrong International, Inc. Armstrong International, Inc.

ASCO Valve, Emerson Industrial Automation ASCO® Valve, Emerson Industrial Automation
Atomac Atomac

Atwood and Morrill, Weir Valves and Controls, Atwood and Morrill, Weir Valves and
Vector International Controls, Vector International
Baumann Control Valves, Fisher Controls, Baumann Control Valves, Fisher
Emerson Process Controls, Emerson Process

Bonney Forge Bonney Forge

Beltech Beltech

Bac Bac

Bray Controls Bray Controls

BuTech Pressure Systems BuTech Pressure Systems

Center Line Valve, Crane Center Line Valve, Crane
Century Valve, Tyco Flow Control Century Valve, Tyco Flow Control

ChemValve ChemValve

Clarkson, Tyco Flow Control Clarkson, Tyco Flow Control

Consolidated®, Dresser® Flow Solutions Consolidated®, Dresser® Flow

Crane Crane
Check-All Valve Check-All Valve

Cameron, Cooper Cameron Valve Cameron, Cameron Valves

Cooper, Cooper Cameron Valve Cooper, Cameron Valves

Chemtrol Valve, Nibco Chemtrol Valve, Nibco

Circle Seal Controls Circle Seal Controls

Conval Conval
DSI Valve DSI® Valve, Zy-Tech Global Industries
Daniel Valve Daniel Valve

DeltaValve, Curtiss-Wright Flow Control DeltaValve, Curtiss-Wright Flow Control

Douglas Chero Douglas Chero

Demco Demco , Cameron Valves

Descote Valves, Tyco Flow Control Descote Valves, Tyco Flow Control
Durco Durco®, FlowServe

Durabla, DFT, Inc. Durabla® Fluid Technology (DFT), Inc.,

A.R. Thomson Group
Duriron Valve Duriron Valve

Dynex High Pressure Hydraulics Dynex High Pressure Hydraulics

DeZurik, Copes-Vulcan DeZurik, Copes-Vulcan

Eagle Valve, A.R. Thomson Group Eagle Valve, A.R. Thomson Group

Edward Valves, FlowServe Edward Valves, FlowServe

Everest Valves Everest Valves

FNWTM Valve, Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. FNWTM Valve, Ferguson Enterprises, Inc.
FABRI-VALVE Fabri-Valve®, ITT Engineered Valves,
A.R. Thomson Group

Face Valve, Guide Valve Supply Face Valve, Guide Valve Supply

Fairbanks Valve Fairbanks® Valve, Zy-Tech Global

Farris Engineering, Curtiss Wright Flow Control Farris Engineering, Curtiss Wright
Flow Control

Fisher Controls, Emerson Process Fisher Controls, Emerson Process

Flow Control Oil & Gas, Cooper Cameron Valve Flow Control Oil & Gas, Cameron

Flow Safe, Inc. Flow Safe, Inc.

Flowseal Valve, Mark Controls, Crane Flowseal Valve, Crane

Flow-Tek, Bray International, Inc. Flow-Tek, Bray International, Inc.

FMC Technologies FMC Technologies

Foster, Cooper Cameron Valve Foster, Cooper Cameron Valve

Gemco Valve Gemco Valve

Gestra, FlowServe Gestra, FlowServe

George Fischer Valves George Fischer Valves

General Valve, Cameron Valves General Valve, Cameron Valves

Grove, Dresser Flow Solutions Grove, Cameron Valves

Gulf Valve, Tyco Valves Gulf Valve, Tyco Valves

Hancock Hancock

Hansen Technologies Hansen Technologies

Hammond Valve Hammond Valve

Hayward® Flow Control Systems Hayward® Flow Control Systems

Henry Seal Henry Seal

Henry Technologies Henry Technologies
Hex Hex

Hoke Valve Hoke Valve

Hydroseal Valve Company Hydroseal Valve Company

Hy-Grade Valve Hy-Grade Valve

ITT Industries ITT Industries, A.R. Thomson Group

ITT Grinnell ITT Grinnell

J.B. Industries J.B. Industries

Jamesbury Jamesbury, Metso Automation

Jenkins Valves, Stockham, Crane Jenkins Valves, Stockham, Crane
Jordan Valve Jordan Valve
Keystone, Tyco Keystone, Tyco
KF Industries, CIRCOR KF Industries, CIRCOR
Kitz Valves Kitz Valves, Zy-Tech Global Industries
KSB Valves KSB Valves
Klinger Fluid Control Klinger Fluid Control

KTM, Tyco Valves & Controls KTM, Tyco Valves & Controls
Kunkle, Tyco Valves & Controls Kunkle, Tyco Valves & Controls
Ladish Ladish
L&M Valve, Tyco Valves & Controls L&M Valve, Tyco Valves & Controls

M&J Valve, SPX Process Equipment M&J Valve, SPX Process Equipment

McCanna, Worchester Controls, FlowServe McCanna, Worchester Controls,


McGuire McGuire
Marlin Valves, Crane Marlin Valves, Crane

Masoneilan®, Dresser® Flow Solutions Masoneilan®, Dresser® Flow Solutions

Master Flo Valve Master Flo Valve

Milwaukee Valve Milwaukee Valve

Mosites Rubber, Media Valve Mosites Rubber, Media Valve

Mission, Duo Chek, Crane Mission, Duo Chek, Crane

MOGAS Industries MOGAS Industries

Mueller Mueller
Neles, Metso Automation Neles, Metso Automation

Nil-Cor, Dresser® Flow Solutions Nil-Cor, Dresser® Flow Solutions

Nordstrom Audco Valves, FlowServe Nordstrom Audco Valves, FlowServe

Nibco Valve Nibco Valve
Norris (Norriseal) Norris (Norriseal)
NeoTecha, Tyco Flow Control NeoTecha, Tyco Flow Control

Newco Valve Newco Valve

North American Valve Company®, Nutron® North American Valve Company®,

Industries, Cameron Valves Nutron® Industries, Cameron Valves

NuFlo Measurement Systems, Cameron Valves NuFloTM Measurement Systems, Cameron Valves
Nutron® Industries, Cameron Valves Nutron® Industries, Cameron Valves

OCV Control Valves OCV Control Valves

OMB Valves OMB Valves
Onyx Valve Onyx Valve

Orbit Valve, Cameron Valves Orbit Valve, Cameron Valves

Pacific Valves, Crane Pacific Valves, Crane

Parker Instrumentation, Parker Hannifin, A.R. Parker Instrumentation, Parker
Thompson Group Hannifin, A.R. Thompson Group
PBV, Zy-Tech Global Industries PBV®, Zy-Tech Global Industries

PGI International PGI International

Phonix Phonix

William Powell, Zy-Tech Global Industries William Powell, Zy-Tech Global Industries
Powhatan Powhatan

Performance Plastics Performance Plastics

Henry Pratt Valve Henry Pratt Valve

PureFlex PureFlex

R&G Sloane R&G Sloane

R&M Energy Systems R&M Energy Systems

Red Valve Company Red Valve Company
Resistoflex, Crane Resistoflex, Crane

RF Valves RF Valves

Raimondi, Tyco Flow Control Raimondi, Tyco Flow Control

Rockwell Rockwell

Rodney Hunt Company Rodney Hunt Company

Rovalve, Tyco Flow Control Rovalve, Tyco Flow Control

Salina Vortex Salina Vortex

Saunders Saunders, Crane

Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury
Sherwood Valve Sherwood Valve
Skotch, ITT Engineered Valves, A.R. Thomson GrouSkotch®, ITT Engineered Valves, A.R. Thomson Group

Smith Smith
Spence Engineering Spence Engineering

Stockham, Crane Stockham, Crane

Sure Seal Sure Seal

Swagelok-Whitey Swagelok-Whitey
Schutte Meyer Schutte Meyer

Taylor Valve Technology Taylor Valve Technology

TBV, Cameron Valves TBV, Cameron Valves

Techno, Cameron Valves Techno, Cameron Valves

TK Valves, Cameron Valves TK Valves, Cameron Valves

Technova, PCC Flow Technologies, Cameron Valve Technova, PCC Flow Technologies, Cameron Valves

Tescom Corporation, Emerson Process Tescom Corporation, Emerson Process

Tideflex Technologies, Red Valve Tideflex Technologies, Red Valve

Tom Wheatley Valve, Cameron Valves Tom Wheatley Valve, Cameron Valves
TopLine Process Equipment Company TopLine Process Equipment Company
Triac Controls, A-T Controls, Inc. Triac® Controls, A-T Controls, Inc.

TruSeal® Valve, Orbit Valve, Cameron Valves TruSeal® Valve, Orbit Valve, Cameron Valves
Ty Valve Ty Valve

Union Tech Union Tech

Val-Matic Valve and Manufacturing Val-Matic® Valve and Manufacturing

Vanessa, Keystone, Tyco Flow Control Vanessa, Keystone, Tyco Flow Control

Velan Valve Velan Valve

Velan-Proquip, Velan Valve Velan-Proquip, Velan Valve
Vickers, Eaton Corp. Vickers®, Eaton Corp.

Victaulic® Victaulic®
Virginia KMP Virginia KMP

Vogt Vogt Valve, Edward Valves, FlowServe

Valtorc International

Walworth Valves Walworth Valves

WKM, Cameron Valves WKM, Cameron Valves

Warren controls
Watts Regulator Watts Regulator
Worchester Valve Worchester Valve
Wey Valve Wey Valve

Xomox, Tufline® Valves, Pacific Valves, Crane Xomox, Tufline® Valves, Pacific Valves, Crane
Yarway Yarway, Tyco Valves and Controls

NH Valves, Jenkins Valves, Crane NH Valves, Jenkins Valves, Crane

Guide Valve Supply Guide Valve Supply

Lowe Valve, VCI, Guide Valve Supply Lowe Valve, VCI, Guide Valve Supply
FCX Newman Hattersley Valve FCX Newman Hattersley Valve

Score Energy Products Inc. Score Energy Products Inc.

Singer Valve Inc. Singer Valve Inc.

Sur-Flo Meters & Controls Ltd. Sur-Flo Meters & Controls Ltd.

Technequip, FFE Minerals Group Technequip, FFE Minerals Group

VCI, Guide Valve Supply VCI, Guide Valve Supply

Ebro Armaturen Ebro Armaturen®

Entech, Cameron Valves Entech, Cameron Valves

Gemu Gemu
Friedrich Krombach Friedrich Krombach

Pernow Aramturen Pernow Aramturen
Rexroth, Bosch Rexroth AG Rexroth, Bosch Rexroth AG
Richter, ITT Industries, A.R. Thomson Group Richter, ITT Industries, A.R. Thomson Group
Samson AG Samson AG
VTI, Valve Technology Ltd. VTI, Valve Technology Ltd.
Batley Valve, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector Inte Batley Valve, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector International

Blackhall Engineering Blackhall Engineering

Blakeborough Controls, Weir Valves and Controls, VBlakeborough Controls, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector Interna

FCX Thompson Valves FCX Thompson Valves

Goodwin International Goodwin International

Hopkinsons, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector Inter Hopkinsons, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector International
MAC Valves, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector Inter MAC Valves, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector International

Sarasin-RSBD, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector IntSarasin-RSBD, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector International

Sebim, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector InternationSebim, Weir Valves and Controls, Vector International

Severn Glocon, Severn Unival Severn Glocon, Severn Unival

Shipham Valves Shipham Valves

Spirax Sarco Spirax Sarco
Fushiman Co.,Ltd. Fushiman Co.,Ltd.
Larox Flowsys Oy Larox Flowsys Oy

Zhejiang ShuangDa Valve Co. Zhejiang ShuangDa Valve Co.

Kor-Lok Kor-Lok

Strahman MG Strahman MG
Linatex Global Linatex® Global

Sigma International Sigma International

BERMAD Control Valves BERMAD Control Valves
Cepex Cepex®

Control SealTM, Entech, Cameron Valves Control SealTM, Entech, Cameron Valves

Mokveld Valves Mokveld Valves


Venus DSH Venus DSH

Wouter Witzel EuroValve Wouter Witzel EuroValve

Winel BV Winel BV


Lunkenheimer Products, Tyco Flow Control Lunkenheimer Products, Tyco Flow Control

BESA Ing. Santangelo S.p.A. BESA Ing. Santangelo S.p.A.

Cimberio Valve Cimberio Valve
OMS Saleri OMS Saleri

PCC Ball Valves, A.R. Thomson Group PCC Ball Valves, A.R. Thomson Group

PetrolValve PetrolValve
Ring-O Valve, Cameron Valves Ring-O Valve, Cameron Valves

Rubinetterie utensilerie Bonomi Rubinetterie utensilerie Bonomi

Valvosider S.r.l. Valvosider S.r.l.
ValveModelNumber ShortDescription
meric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a grand parent value.


AOP F Series
AOP DT Series
AOP CT Series
AOP DB Series
AOP CB Series
AOP DBC Series
AOP CBR Series
AOP BN Series
AOP BSS Series
AOP BU Series

Aloyco Figure 110

Aloyco Figure 110EB
Aloyco Figure 114
Aloyco Figure 114EB
Aloyco Figure 117
Aloyco Figure 117EB
Aloyco Figure 2110
Aloyco Figure 2110A
Aloyco Figure 2114
Aloyco Figure 2117
Aloyco Figure 2117A
Aloyco Figure 2117EB
Aloyco Figure 2210A
Aloyco Figure 2214A
Aloyco Figure 2314
Aloyco Figure 2314A
Aloyco Figure 2317
Aloyco Figure 2317A
Aloyco Figure 2374
Aloyco Figure 2370
Aloyco Figure 2377
Aloyco Figure 310
Aloyco Figure 314
Aloyco Figure 314EB
Aloyco Figure 317
Aloyco Figure 317EB
Aloyco Figure 374
Aloyco Figure 377
Aloyco Figure 4210A
Aloyco Figure 4214A
Aloyco Figure 4217A
Aloyco Figure 4227
Aloyco Figure 4314A
Aloyco Figure 4327
Aloyco Figure 4374
Aloyco Figure 4387
Aloyco Figure 62
Aloyco Figure 751
Aloyco Figure 90
Aloyco Figure 190
Aloyco Figure 117F
Aloyco Figure 2117F
Aloyco Figure 4210
Aloyco Figure 4214
Aloyco Figure 4217
Aloyco Figure 4217F
Aloyco Figure 40
Aloyco Figure 2310
Aloyco Figure 4310
Aloyco Figure 4314
Aloyco Figure 4317
Aloyco Figure 49
Aloyco Figure 370
Aloyco Figure 4370
Aloyco Figure 4377
Aloyco Figure 9502

Adams MAK 316

Adams MAK-T 316
Adams HTK
Adams OSK
Adams WAK
Adams ASK
Adams DSK
Adams FCV
Adams GMV
Adams MAG
Adams RZN
Adams RZI
Adams SCV
Adams AZI
Adams GBZ
Adams GZA
Adams MFK
Adams GMZ

Alms 1210
Alms F0114C
Alms Fig 1312
Alms WL-300

Amri Acris I (ISO) Series

Amri Isoria 10
Amri Isoria 16
Amri Isoria 20
Amri Isoria H4
Amri Mammouth 6
Amri Mammouth 10
Amri Mammouth 16
Amri Mammouth 20
Amri Mammouth 25
Amri Cosmia
Amri Acris S (Standard) Series
Amri Isoria 16, Type 2
Amri Isoria 16, Type 4
Amri Isoria 16, Type 5
Amri Isoria 16, Type 6

Anchor Darling Enterprises 52

Anderson Greenwood Series 60 Type 61

Anderson Greenwood Series 60 Type 63B
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 81
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 81P
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 83
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 83F
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 86
Anderson Greenwood Series 200
Anderson Greenwood Series 400
Anderson Greenwood Series 500
Anderson Greenwood Series 700
Anderson Greenwood Series 800
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 91
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 93
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 94
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 95
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 96a
Anderson Greenwood Series 9000 Type 9200
Anderson Greenwood Series 9000 Type 9300
Anderson Greenwood Series 9000 Type 9700
Anderson Greenwood SVR, Single Active Safety Selector
Anderson Greenwood SVR, Tandem Safety Selector
Anderson Greenwood LCP
Anderson Greenwood MLCP
Anderson Greenwood RCRV
Anderson Greenwood BV1
Anderson Greenwood Y1R
Anderson Greenwood RAR
Anderson Greenwood ITV
Anderson Greenwood Type 526
Crosby Series BP Style BP5 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series BP Style BP6 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 800 Style 861 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 800 Style 871 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 800 Style 881 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 800 Style 891 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 900 Style 951 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 900 Style 955 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 900 Style 961 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 900 Style 965 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 900 Style 972 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 900 Style 981 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series 900 Style 991 OMNI-TRIM®
Crosby Series JOS-E
Crosby Series JBS-E
Crosby Series JBS-BP-E
Crosby Series JOS-H-E
Crosby Series JLT-JOS-E
Crosby Series JLT-JBS-E
Crosby Series JLT-JBS-BP-E
Crosby Series JBS-E-BLK
Crosby Style JB
Crosby Style JB-TD
Crosby Style JPV-A
Crosby Style HE ISOFLEX®
Crosby Style HCI ISOFLEX®
Crosby Style HCI-R ISOFLEX®
Crosby Style HSJ
Crosby Style HL
Crosby Style PVR
Crosby Style HPV-ST Pressurmatic®
Crosby Style HCA-118W

Apollo 70-100
Apollo 70-600
Apollo 72-100
Apollo 73A-100
Apollo 76-100
Apollo 87-100
Apollo 87-200
Apollo 87-700
Apollo 87-808
Apollo 88-100
Apollo 88-200
Apollo 88-700
Apollo 88-808
Apollo 89-160

Armstrong GD-30
Armstrong GD-30S
Armstrong GD-45
Armstrong GD-6
Armstrong GD-6N
Armstrong GD-10
Armstrong GD-10F
Armstrong AF-10
Armstrong GD-24
Armstrong GD-200
Armstrong GD-200H
Armstrong GD-2000K
Armstrong GP-1000
Armstrong GP-2000
Armstrong GP-2000K-1
Armstrong GP-2000K-3
Armstrong GP-2000K-6
Armstrong GP-2000R
Armstrong GP-11S
Armstrong ACV
Armstrong ECV
ustrial Automation
ASCO S Series
ASCO Series AL
ASCO Series AM
ASCO Series 067
ASCO Series 106
ASCO Series 107
ASCO Series 108
ASCO Series 109
ASCO Series 114
ASCO Series 115
ASCO Series 188
ASCO Series 189
ASCO Series 190
ASCO Series 192
ASCO Series 202
ASCO Series 263
ASCO Series 264
ASCO Series 282
ASCO Series 283
ASCO Series 284
ASCO Series 285
ASCO Series 302
ASCO Series 304
ASCO Series 309
ASCO Series 310
ASCO Series 330
ASCO Series 364
ASCO Series 368
ASCO Series 373
ASCO Series 383
ASCO Series 385
ASCO Series 388
ASCO Series 390
ASCO Series 397
ASCO Series 401
ASCO Series 407C
ASCO Series 407M
ASCO Series 443
ASCO Series 458
ASCO Series 462
ASCO Series 520
ASCO Series 540
ASCO Series 551
ASCO Series 8030
ASCO Series 8040
ASCO Series 8042
ASCO Series 8043
ASCO Series 8044
ASCO Series 8202
ASCO Series 8210
ASCO Series 8214
ASCO Series 8260
ASCO Series 8261
ASCO Series 8262
ASCO Series 8263
ASCO Series 8266
ASCO Series 8290
ASCO Series 8296
ASCO Series 8303
ASCO Series 8314
ASCO Series 8316
ASCO Series 8317
ASCO Series 8320
ASCO Series 8321
ASCO Series 8344
ASCO Series 8345
ASCO Series 8377
ASCO Series 8396
ASCO Series FT30
ASCO Series TZ50P
ASCO 8V311

Atomac AKH2
Atomac AKH3
Atomac ARV2
Atomac AKH2A
Atomac AKH5
Atomac AKH6
Atomac AKH7
Atomac ARV/SG
Atomac APN
Atomac APN/T
Atomac APN/SG
Atomac AMP3
Atomac AMP3L
Atomac AMP3T
Atomac ARL

Atwood and Morrill Free Flow Reverse Current Valve

Atwood and Morrill Cold Reheat Check Valve
Atwood and Morrill Compressor Check Valve
Atwood and Morrill Positive Closing Check Valve
Atwood and Morrill Swing Check Valve
Atwood and Morrill Wye Globe Valve
Atwood and Morrill 3-Way Valve
Atwood and Morrill Parallel Slide Gate Valve
Atwood and Morrill Atmospheric Relief Valve
Atwood and Morrill Main Steam Isolation Valve, Nuclear
Atwood and Morrill Controlled Closure Check Valve,
Atwood and Morrill Testable Check Valve, Nuclear
Atwood and Morrill Parallel Slide Gate Valve, Nuclear
Atwood and Morrill Tricentric® Butterfly Valve
Atwood and Morrill Trip Throttle Valve
Atwood and Morrill Ballast Tank Valve
Atwood and Morrill Spring Relief Valve
Baumann 24000 Series
Baumann 24003 Series
Baumann 24000C Series
Baumann 24000D Series
Baumann 24000S Series
Baumann 24000SVF Series
Baumann 24000F Series
Baumann 86000 Series
Baumann 24000SB Series
Baumann 26000 Series
Baumann 51000 Series
Baumann 81000 Series
Baumann 42000 Series
Baumann 21000 Series
Baumann 25000 Series
Baumann 83000
Baumann 84000
Baumann 87000 Flexsleev Series
Baumann 84000 Series
Baumann 96000

Bonney Forge 9HL-10

Bonney Forge 9HL-16
Bonney Forge 9HL-50
Bonney Forge 9HL-56
Bonney Forge 9HLF-10
Bonney Forge 9HLF-11
Bonney Forge 9HLF-12
Bonney Forge 9HLF-16
Bonney Forge 9HLF-19
Bonney Forge 9HLF-50
Bonney Forge 9VOLL-10
Bonney Forge 9WL-10
Bonney Forge 9WL-11
Bonney Forge 9WL-40
Bonney Forge 9WL-41
Bonney Forge 9WL-46
Bonney Forge 9WL-50
Bonney Forge H9-10
Bonney Forge H9-16
Bonney Forge H9-30
Bonney Forge H9-36
Bonney Forge H9-50
Bonney Forge H9-56
Bonney Forge H9F-10
Bonney Forge H9F-11
Bonney Forge H9F-12
Bonney Forge H9F-16
Bonney Forge H9F-19
Bonney Forge H9F-30
Bonney Forge H9F-50
Bonney Forge HL-10
Bonney Forge HL-30
Bonney Forge HL-50
Bonney Forge L1-10
Bonney Forge L3-10
Bonney Forge L6-10
Bonney Forge W9-10
Bonney Forge W9-11
Bonney Forge W9-30
Bonney Forge W9-31
Bonney Forge W9-36
Bonney Forge W9-39
Bonney Forge W9-40
Bonney Forge W9-41
Bonney Forge W9-46
Bonney Forge W9-49
Bonney Forge W9-50
Bonney Forge WL-41
Bonney Forge WL-42
Bonney Forge Y9-40
Bonney Forge Y9-41
Bonney Forge Y9-42
Bonney Forge Y9-46
Bonney Forge 9CLF-10
Bonney Forge 9HLF-30
Bonney Forge 9MLF-10
Bonney Forge VOLL-10
Bonney Forge VOLL-11
Bonney Forge 9WL-30
Bonney Forge L1-30
Bonney Forge L3-30
Bonney Forge L6-30
Bonney Forge WL-10
Bonney Forge WL-30
Bonney Forge 25HR-10
Bonney Forge 25HR-30
Bonney Forge 25RR-10
Bonney Forge 25W-10
Bonney Forge 39HL-30
Bonney Forge CL-10
Bonney Forge CL-30
Bonney Forge H-10
Bonney Forge MFL-10
Bonney Forge MFL-11
Bonney Forge SVWL-100
Bonney Forge SWHL-10

Beltech 560078LP
Beltech BSV-BVF
Beltech CEV

Bac FB

Bray Series 20
Bray Series 21
Bray Series 22
Bray Series 23
Bray Series 30
Bray Series 31
Bray Series 31H
Bray Series 32
Bray Series 33
Bray Series 35
Bray Series 36
Bray Series 36H
Bray Series 40
Bray Series 41
Bray Series 42
Bray Series 43
Bray Series 44
Bray Series 45

BuTech K34
BuTech K63
BuTech K103
BuTech K104
BuTech K106
BuTech K108
BuTech K204
BuTech K206
BuTech K316
BuTech 3DVK34
BuTech 3DVK63
BuTech 3DVK93
BuTech 3DVK106
BuTech 3DVK108
BuTech 3DVK123
BuTech 3DVK203
BuTech 3DVK206
BuTech 3K34
BuTech 3K63
BuTech 3K93
BuTech 3K106
BuTech 3K108
BuTech 3K123
BuTech 3K203
BuTech 3K206
BuTech 4K103
BuTech 4K106
BuTech 5K103
BuTech 5K106
BuTech 3K341
BuTech 3K631
BuTech 3K931
BuTech 3K1061
BuTech 3K1081
BuTech 3K1231
BuTech 3K2031
BuTech 3K2061
BuTech H64
BuTech H66
BuTech H68
BuTech FPV
BuTech DHP
BuTech JSV
BuTech JBV

Center Line A
Center Line LT
Center Line 504
Center Line Series 200
Center Line Series 225
Center Line Series 250
Center Line Series 300
Center Line Series 700
Center Line Series 800

Century CM1
Century CM1B
Century CM1C
Century CM2
Century CM2M
Century CM25
Century CM25A
Century CM25H
Century CM25D
Century CM6
Century CM7
Century CM4
Century CM40
Century CM45
Century CM11
Century CM11RS
Century CM29
Century CM9
Century CM26
Century CM26R
Century CM30-2
Century CM30-3
Century CM30-5

ChemValve Model 790EB-150

ChemValve Model 790EB-300
ChemValve Model 880-150
ChemValve Model 880S-150
ChemValve Model 880S-300
ChemValve Model 790EB-150-DBB

Clarkson KGA
Clarkson KGD
Clarkson KGF
Clarkson C-Valve

CLA-VAL TM-124-01
CLA-VAL TM-624-01
CLA-VAL TM-100-01
CLA-VAL TM-100-20
CLA-VAL TM-124-02
CLA-VAL TM-624-02
CLA-VAL TM-134-05
CLA-VAL TM-136-01
CLA-VAL TM-636-01
CLA-VAL TM-136-03
CLA-VAL TM-636-03
CLA-VAL TM-136-46
CLA-VAL TM-636-46
CLA-VAL TM-210-01
CLA-VAL TM-610-01
CLA-VAL TM-210-02
CLA-VAL TM-610-02
CLA-VAL TM-210-03
CLA-VAL TM-610-03
CLA-VAL TM-210-16
CLA-VAL TM-610-16
CLA-VAL TM-250-01
CLA-VAL TM-650-01
CLA-VAL TM-40-01
CLA-VAL TM-640-01
CLA-VAL TM-414-01
CLA-VAL TM-427-01
CLA-VAL TM-627-01
CLA-VAL TM-428-01
CLA-VAL TM-628-01
CLA-VAL TM-43-01
CLA-VAL TM-643-01
CLA-VAL TM-49-01
CLA-VAL TM-649-01
CLA-VAL TM-50-01
CLA-VAL TM-50-20
CLA-VAL TM-52-03
CLA-VAL TM-652-03
CLA-VAL TM-58-01
CLA-VAL TM-658-01
CLA-VAL TM-60-11
CLA-VAL TM-660-11
CLA-VAL TM-60-19
CLA-VAL TM-660-19
CLA-VAL TM-60-73
CLA-VAL TM-660-73
CLA-VAL TM-61-02
CLA-VAL TM-661-02
CLA-VAL TM-731-01
CLA-VAL TM-736-01
CLA-VAL TM-736-09
CLA-VAL TM-750-01
CLA-VAL TM-750-20
CLA-VAL TM-750-60
CLA-VAL TM-790-01
CLA-VAL TM-790-63
CLA-VAL TM-790-67
CLA-VAL TM-790-68
CLA-VAL TM-81-01
CLA-VAL TM-681-01
CLA-VAL TM-82-01
CLA-VAL TM-682-01
CLA-VAL TM-834-05
CLA-VAL TM-834-60
CLA-VAL TM-850-20
CLA-VAL TM-90-01
CLA-VAL TM-690-01
CLA-VAL TM-90-11
CLA-VAL TM-690-11
CLA-VAL TM-90-42
CLA-VAL TM-90-48
CLA-VAL TM-690-48
CLA-VAL TM-92-01
CLA-VAL TM-692-01
CLA-VAL TM-93-01
CLA-VAL TM-693-01
Consolidated Type 1511
Consolidated Type 1541
Consolidated Type 1541-3
Consolidated Type 1543
Consolidated Type 1543-3
Consolidated Type 1700 Maxiflow
Consolidated Type 1811
Consolidated Type 1900
Consolidated Type 1900/P
Consolidated Type 1970
Consolidated Type 1975
Consolidated Type 1982
Consolidated Type 1990
Consolidated 19000 Series
Consolidated Type 2478
Consolidated Type 2700
Consolidated Type 2900 MPVTM
Consolidated Type 3500
Consolidated Type 3700
Consolidated 31700 Series
Consolidated Electromatic 31533VX
Consolidated Electromatic 1525VX
Consolidated Type 3990
Consolidated 13900 Series
Consolidated Type 3900 MPVTM
Consolidated Type 4900 MPVTM

Crane Figure 137

Crane Figure 143
Crane Figure 143 1/2
Crane Figure 147
Crane Figure 147 1/2
Crane Figure 151
Crane Figure 151 1/2
Crane Figure 159
Crane Figure 159 1/2
Crane Figure 161
Crane Figure 161 1/2
Crane Figure 171
Crane Figure 171 1/2
Crane Figure 175
Crane Figure 175 1/2
Crane Figure 183
Crane Figure 183 1/2
Crane Figure 187
Crane Figure 187 1/2
Crane Figure 189
Crane Figure 189 1/2
Crane Figure 199
Crane Figure 199 1/2
Crane Figure 14 1/2 P
Crane Figure 33
Crane Figure 33 1/2
Crane Figure 36
Crane Figure 373
Crane Figure 431 UB
Crane Figure 47
Crane Figure 55
Crane Figure 47 1/2
Crane Figure 55 1/2
Crane Figure 76
Crane Figure 76 1/2
Crane Figure 787
Crane Figure 87
Crane Figure 87 1/2
Crane Figure 88
Crane Figure 1523
Crane Figure 1523 1/2
Crane Figure 7189
Crane Figure 9302
Crane Figure B-3655
Crane Figure B-3663
Crane Figure 83
Crane Figure 83 1/2
Crane Figure 1700
Crane Figure 1700S
Crane Figure 1701
Crane Figure 1701S
Crane Figure 1702
Crane Figure 1702S
Crane Figure 1703
Crane Figure 1703S
Crane Figure 1707
Crane Figure 1707S
Crane Figure 428
Crane Figure 428UB
Crane Figure 1334
Crane Figure 438
Crane Figure 1324
Crane Figure 431
Crane Figure 431UB
Crane Figure 437
Crane Figure 429
Crane Figure 459
Crane Figure 1320
Crane Figure 1330
Crane Figure 422
Crane Figure 424
Crane Figure 426
Crane Figure 622E
Crane Figure 634E
Crane Figure 636E
Crane Figure 1
Crane Figure 5TF
Crane Figure 7TF
Crane Figure 1310
Crane Figure 212P
Crane Figure 382P
Crane Figure 17TF
Crane Figure 89
Crane Figure 384P
Crane Figure 37
Crane Figure 41TF
Crane Figure 1342
Crane Figure 141TF
Crane Figure 1340
Crane Figure 76E
Crane Figure 29
Crane Figure 27TF
Crane Figure 366E
Crane Figure 9102-B
Crane Figure 9122-B
Crane Figure 9161-S
Crane Figure 9171-S-LL
Crane Figure 9201-UL
Crane Figure 9202-UL
Crane Figure 9203-B
Crane Figure 9211
Crane Figure 9211-HC
Crane Figure 9212
Crane Figure 9212-S-HC
Crane Figure 9223-B
Crane Figure 9303-B
Crane Figure 9311
Crane Figure 9312
Crane Figure 9323-B
Crane Figure 9303-S
Crane Figure 9323-S
Crane Figure 9421
Crane Figure 9431
Crane Figure 9502-S
Crane Figure 9521
Crane Figure 9523
Crane Figure 9531
Crane Figure 9533
Crane Figure 9621
Crane Figure 9621-S-API
Crane Figure 9623
Crane Figure 9623-S-API
Crane Figure 9631
Crane Figure 9631-S-API
Crane Figure 9633
Crane Figure 9633-S-API
Crane Figure 9641
Crane Figure 9643
Crane Figure 9651
Crane Figure 9653
Crane Series 21
Crane Series 23
Crane Series 42
Crane Series 44
Crane Series 52
Crane Series 54
Crane Series 62
Crane Series 64
Crane Figure 28
Crane Figure 28 1/2
Crane Figure 30
Crane Figure 30 1/2
Crane Figure 123
Crane Figure 123 1/2
Crane Figure 323
Crane Figure 323 1/2
Crane Figure 623
Crane Figure 623 1/2
Crane Figure 923
Crane Figure 923 1/2
Crane Figure 460
Crane Figure 461
Crane Figure 473
Crane Figure 464 1/2
Crane Figure 465
Crane Figure 465 1/2
Crane Figure 475 1/2
Crane Figure 467
Crane Figure 488
Crane Figure 488 1/2
Crane Figure 490
Crane Figure 490 1/2
Crane Figure 484 1/2
Crane Figure 485 1/2
Crane Figure 486 1/2
Crane Figure 487 1/2
Crane Figure 1670
Crane Figure 1671
Crane Figure 14477
Crane Figure 3E
Crane Figure 7E
Crane Figure 7 1/2 E
Crane Figure 351
Crane Figure 21E
Crane Figure 254XR
Crane Figure 353
Crane Figure 372
Crane Figure 373RS
Crane Figure 373 1/2
Crane Figure 383
Crane Figure 375
Crane Figure 14493
Crane Figure 39E
Crane Figure 346 1/2
Crane Figure 23
Crane Figure 24
Crane Figure 223
Crane Figure 224
Crane Figure 28E
Crane Figure 30E

Check-All FIV
Check-All Style UN-3
Check-All Style UN-10
Check-All Style SCV
Check-All Style 3SC
Check-All Style CON
Check-All Style BU
Check-All Style SIV
Check-All Style UIV
Check-All Style LPI
Check-All Style UN-SW
Check-All HVFD
Check-All HVFD-T
Check-All TCV
Check-All TCV-F
Check-All MCV
Check-All SSI
Check-All GPI
Check-All CAV

Cameron 115
Cameron 130
Cameron 160
Cameron 3381
Cameron MCS Gate Valve
Cameron FLS Gate Valve
Cameron FL Gate Valve
Cameron FLS-R Gate Valve
Cameron MS Check Valve
Cameron H2 Choke Valve
Cameron H2I Choke Valve
Cameron Subsea Welded Body Ball Valve
Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve, Type 31
Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve, Type 32
Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve, Type 33
Cameron Bolted Ball Valve, Type 40
Cameron Trunion Mounted Ball Valve, Top Entry
Cameron Trunion Mounted Ball Valve, Side Entry
Cooper 215
Cooper 230
Cooper 260
Cooper 315
Cooper 330
Cooper 360
Cooper 415
Cooper 430
Cooper 430T
Cooper 460RF
Cooper 460 Cooperfill
Cooper 2301
Cooper 4301
Cooper LC
Cooper LC315

Chemtrol F45TB
Chemtrol F51TB
Chemtrol S45BC
Chemtrol S45TB
Chemtrol S51BC
Chemtrol S51TB
Chemtrol S65TB
Chemtrol T51BC
Chemtrol T51TB
Chemtrol T65TB
Chemtrol U45BC
Chemtrol U45TB
Chemtrol U51BC
Chemtrol U51TB
Chemtrol U65TB

Circle Seal Bivco Series 1000

Circle Seal Bivco Series 3000
Circle Seal Bivco Series 4000
Circle Seal 100 Series
Circle Seal 2200 Series
Circle Seal C2900 Series
Circle Seal CVH Series

Conval T-Pattern-Stop
Conval Angle Pattern
Conval Tandem Blowdown, 2 Angle Bodies
Conval Y-Pattern Check
Conval Angle Pattern Check
Conval T-Pattern Check
Conval Gate
Conval Y-Pattern Stop
Conval Bellows Seal
Conval Tandem Blowdown, 1 Angle Body, 1 Y-Pattern
Conval Leak Off
Conval Continuous Blowdown
Conval T-Pattern Stop
Conval Y-Pattern Stop Check
Conval Angle Pattern Stop Check
Conval T-Pattern Stop Check
Conval Throttling
Conval Tandem Blowdown, 2 Y-Pattern Bodies
Conval Strainer w/Blowoff Valve
Conval Strainer w/Blowoff Fitting
Conval Strainer
Conval 3-Way

DSI 37 1/2XUF
DSI. *37 1/2XUF
DSI. *23 1/2XUF
DSI 23 1/2UF-N
DSI 23 1/2XUF
DSI 66UF-C12
DSI. *66UF-C12
DSI 66 1/2XUF
DSI *66 1/2XUF
DSI. *73UF-N
DSI 73 1/2UF
DSI. *133XU
DSI. *133LU-N
DSI 133U-C5
DSI 133U-C12
DSI. *133U-N
DSI. *133U-C12
DSI 133-1/2XU
DSI. *141XU
DSI 141U C5
DSI 141U-C12
DSI 141U-W
DSI. *141LU-N
DSI 141U
DSI. *141U-N
DSI. *141U-C12
DSI 161U-C12
DSI 161U-C5
DSI 161U
DSI 161U-WC6
DSI. *161XU
DSI. *161LU-N
DSI. *161U-N
DSI. *161U-C12
DSI 161-1/2XU
DSI 173U
DSI 179U
DSI 149
DSI 165
DSI 177
DSI 189
DSI 773
DSI 776
DSI 777
DSI 787
DSI 1131
DSI 1231
DSI 1331
DSI 2131
DSI 2231
DSI 2331
DSI 2431
DSI 3131
DSI 3231
DSI 3331
DSI 4101
DSI 4103
DSI 4111
DSI 4113
DSI 4121
DSI 4123
DSI 4125
DSI 4143
DSI 4153
DSI 4171
DSI 4193
DSI 4211
DSI 4213
DSI 4221
DSI 4311
DSI 4321
DSI 4411
DSI 4511
DSI 6101
DSI 6103
DSI 6111
DSI 6113
DSI 6121
DSI 6123
DSI 6171
DSI 6187
DSI 6193
DSI 6201
DSI 6211
DSI 6213
DSI 6221
DSI 6223
DSI 6263Y
DSI 6273Y
DSI 6287
DSI 6311
DSI 6321
DSI 7161
DSI 7163
DSI 7165
DSI 7173
DSI 7177
DSI 7179
DSI 7185
DSI 7187
DSI 7187R
DSI 7189
DSI 7273

Daniel Type 600

Daniel EG
Daniel EG Dow-4
Daniel EG Dow-6
Daniel SG
Daniel SG Dow-4
Daniel SG Dow-6
Daniel SG T1
Daniel Slab Gate
Flow Control
DeltaValve DeltaGard GV810
DeltaValve DeltaGard GV820
DeltaValve GV830
DeltaValve GV850
Douglas Chero 210
Douglas Chero 250
Douglas Chero 350
Douglas Chero 450
Douglas Chero 650
Douglas Chero 750
Douglas Chero 850
Douglas Chero 1050
Douglas Chero 1150
Douglas Chero 1250

Demco Series NE
Demco NF
Demco Series WF
Demco Series NE-C
Demco Series NE-C Marine
Demco Series NE-I
Demco Series NE-I Sanitary
Demco Series NE-I Marine
Demco Series NEI-T
Demco Series NE-D
Demco Series NE-D Marine
Demco Series NE-C/NF
Demco Series NE-DIN
Demco Series NE/NF-DIN
Demco Series NF
Demco Series NF-C
Demco Series NF-C Marine
Demco Series V
Demco Series DM
Demco Series DM 7500
Demco Series DT
Demco Series DB

Descote 2100B
Descote 2100B/BVF
Descote 2102B
Descote 2102B/BVF
Descote 1500B
Descote 1700
Descote 1900
Descote 2020
Descote 2100
Descote 2200
Descote 2300
Descote 2500
Descote 3000
Descote 921
Descote 925
Descote 926
Descote 928
Descote UF6

Durco Sleeveline G4
Durco Sleeveline G4Z
Durco Sleeveline FJ-G4
Durco Sleeveline TSG4
Durco G4 (300)
Durco G4Z (300)
Durco FJ-G4 (300)
Durco TSG4 (300)
Durco T-Line T-41
Durco T-41A (300)
Durco Sleeveline TSMG4
Durco G4 (Sc)
Durco G4Z (Sc)
Durco Microfinish
Durco BTV-2000
Durco Atomac
Durco Sleeveline G4E
Durco Sleeveline G4 Marathon
Durco Sleeveline G4B Marathon
Durco Sleeveline G4BZ-HF Marathon
Durco Sleeveline G4Z-HF
Durco Sleeveline EG4Z-HF
Durco Sleeveline G4R
Durco Sleeveline EG4
Durco T-Line T-43
Durco T-Line ST-41
Durco T-Line ST-43
Durco Big Max BX-2001
Durco Mach 1

Durabla® WLC®
Durabla® SCV
Durabla® DLC®
Durabla® Excalibur®
Durabla® PDC®
Durabla® GLC®
Durabla® Basic-Check®
Durabla® GPV
Durabla® HI-100
Durabla® Ultra-Trol
Durabla® Uniflo
Durabla® DSV, Vertical
Durabla® DSV, Horizontal
Durabla SCV-R
Durabla Restrictor Check
Durabla Vacuum Breaker
Durabla ALC

Duriron BTV-2000

Dynex VH
Dynex H8819
Dynex 8800 Spool
Dynex 8800 Poppet Style
Dynex HP Series
Dynex VST Series
Dynex VSW Series
Dynex N.F.P.A./ISO Pattern

DeZurik 632L
DeZurik 632W
DeZurik BAW
DeZurik BGS
DeZurik BHP
DeZurik BHP-Drilled
DeZurik BHP-RTS2
DeZurik C/800 ZJ (CS FLG)
DeZurik C/800 ZJ (CS LUG)
DeZurik KGS (LUG)
DeZurik Permaseal
DeZurik RCV
DeZurik VPB
DeZurik PPE
DeZurik BRS
DeZurik PEC
DeZurik KBD
DeZurik KGC
DeZurik KGL
DeZurik KGU
DeZurik KLS
DeZurik KCI
DeZurik KGO
DeZurik PGV

Eagle F6 Series
Eagle F8 Series
Eagle G6 Series
Eagle H8 Series
Eagle H8 Series BW
Eagle H8 Series SW
Eagle W6 Series
Eagle C Series
Eagle G8 Series
Eagle J Series
Eagle L Series
Eagle NH8 Series
Eagle W8 Series

Edward 158
Edward 158Y
Edward 160
Edward 160Y
Edward 238
Edward 238Y
Edward 303
Edward 303Y
Edward 304
Edward 304Y
Edward 318
Edward 318Y
Edward 319
Edward 319Y
Edward 329
Edward 329Y
Edward 338
Edward 338Y
Edward 391
Edward 391Y
Edward 394
Edward 394Y
Edward 393
Edward 393Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 602
Edward Flite-Flow® 602Y
Edward 604
Edward 604Y
Edward 605
Edward 605Y
Edward 606
Edward 606Y
Edward 607
Edward 607Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 614
Edward Flite-Flow® 614Y
Edward 616
Edward 616Y
Edward 617
Edward 617Y
Edward 618
Edward 618Y
Edward 619
Edward 619Y
Edward 670Y
Edward 690
Edward 690Y
Edward 691
Edward 691Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 692
Edward Flite-Flow® 692Y
Edward 694
Edward 694Y
Edward 695
Edward 695Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 702Y
Edward 706Y
Edward 707Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 714Y
Edward 716Y
Edward 717Y
Edward 770Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 792Y
Edward 794Y
Edward 795Y
Edward Univalve® 828
Edward Univalve® 829
Edward 832
Edward 832Y
Edward 838
Edward 838Y
Edward 846
Edward 847
Edward 848
Edward 848Y
Edward 849
Edward 849Y
Edward 858
Edward 868
Edward 868Y
Edward 869
Edward 869Y
Edward 970Y
Edward 1028
Edward 1029
Edward 1032
Edward 1032Y
Edward 1038
Edward 1038Y
Edward 1046
Edward 1047
Edward 1048
Edward 1048Y
Edward 1049
Edward 1049Y
Edward 1058
Edward 1068
Edward 1068Y
Edward 1069
Edward 1069Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 1302
Edward Flite-Flow® 1302Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 1314
Edward Flite-Flow® 1314Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 1324
Edward Flite-Flow® 1324Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 1390
Edward Flite-Flow® 1390Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 1392
Edward Flite-Flow® 1392Y
Edward 1441
Edward 1441Y
Edward 1443
Edward 1443Y
Edward 1570Y
Edward Equiwedge® 1611
Edward Equiwedge® 1611BY
Edward Equiwedge® 1611Y
Edward 1641
Edward 1641Y
Edward 1643
Edward 1643Y
Edward Equiwedge® 1711BY
Edward Equiwedge® 1711Y
Edward Equiwedge® 1911
Edward Equiwedge® 1911BY
Edward Equiwedge® 1911Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 2002Y
Edward 2006Y
Edward 2007Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 2014Y
Edward 2016Y
Edward 2017Y
Edward 2070Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 2092Y
Edward 2094Y
Edward 2095Y
Edward 2570Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 3902Y
Edward 3906
Edward 3906Y
Edward 3907
Edward 3907Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 3914Y
Edward 3916
Edward 3916Y
Edward 3917
Edward 3917Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 3992Y
Edward 3994
Edward 3994Y
Edward 3995
Edward 3995Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4002
Edward Flite-Flow® 4002Y
Edward 4006
Edward 4006Y
Edward 4007
Edward 4007Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4014
Edward Flite-Flow® 4014Y
Edward 4016
Edward 4016Y
Edward 4017
Edward 4017Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4092
Edward Flite-Flow® 4092Y
Edward 4094
Edward 4094Y
Edward 4095
Edward 4095Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4302Y
Edward 4306Y
Edward 4307Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4314Y
Edward 4316Y
Edward 4317Y
Edward 4370Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4392Y
Edward 4394Y
Edward 4395Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4402Y
Edward 4406Y
Edward 4407Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4414Y
Edward 4416Y
Edward 4417Y
Edward 4448Y
Edward 4470Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4492Y
Edward 4494Y
Edward 4495Y
Edward 4498Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4502Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4514Y
Edward 4570Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 4592Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 5002Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 5014Y
Edward 5070Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 5092Y
Edward 5158
Edward 5160
Edward Flite-Flow® 7502Y
Edward 7506
Edward 7506Y
Edward 7507
Edward 7507Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 7514Y
Edward 7516
Edward 7516Y
Edward 7517
Edward 7517Y
Edward 7548Y
Edward Flite-Flow® 7592Y
Edward 7594
Edward 7594Y
Edward 7595
Edward 7595Y
Edward 7598Y
Edward 9158
Edward 9160
Edward Equiwedge® 11511
Edward Equiwedge® 11511Y
Edward Equiwedge® 11511BY
Edward Equiwedge® 12011Y
Edward Equiwedge® 12011BY
Edward Equiwedge® 12511
Edward Equiwedge® 12511Y
Edward Equiwedge® 12511BY
Edward Equiwedge® 14311Y
Edward Equiwedge® 14311BY
Edward Equiwedge® 14411BY
Edward Equiwedge® 14411Y
Edward Hermavalve® 15004
Edward Hermavalve® 15008
Edward Hermavalve® 15014
Edward Hermavalve® 15018
Edward Hermavalve® 15104
Edward Hermavalve® 15108
Edward Hermavalve® 15114
Edward Hermavalve® 15118
Edward Hermavalve® 16004
Edward Hermavalve® 16008
Edward Hermavalve® 16014
Edward Hermavalve® 16018
Edward 35125
Edward 35129
Edward 35225
Edward 35229
Edward Univalve® 36120
Edward Univalve® 36122
Edward Univalve® 36124
Edward Univalve® 36125
Edward Univalve® 36128
Edward Univalve® 36129
Edward Univalve® 36160
Edward Univalve® 36164
Edward Univalve® 36165
Edward Univalve® 36168
Edward Univalve® 36169
Edward Univalve® 36170
Edward Univalve® 36174
Edward Univalve® 36175
Edward Univalve® 36178
Edward Univalve® 36179
Edward Univalve® 36220
Edward Univalve® 36222
Edward Univalve® 36224
Edward Univalve® 36225
Edward Univalve® 36228
Edward Univalve® 36229
Edward Univalve® 36260
Edward Univalve® 36264
Edward Univalve® 36265
Edward Univalve® 36268
Edward Univalve® 36269
Edward Univalve® 36270
Edward Univalve® 36274
Edward Univalve® 36275
Edward Univalve® 36278
Edward Univalve® 36279
Edward Univalve® 66120
Edward Univalve® 66124
Edward Univalve® 66125
Edward Univalve® 66128
Edward Univalve® 66129
Edward Univalve® 66160
Edward Univalve® 66164
Edward Univalve® 66165
Edward Univalve® 66168
Edward Univalve® 66169
Edward Univalve® 66170
Edward Univalve® 66174
Edward Univalve® 66175
Edward Univalve® 66178
Edward Univalve® 66179
Edward Univalve® 66220
Edward Univalve® 66224
Edward Univalve® 66225
Edward Univalve® 66228
Edward Univalve® 66229
Edward Univalve® 66260
Edward Univalve® 66264
Edward Univalve® 66265
Edward Univalve® 66268
Edward Univalve® 66269
Edward Univalve® 66270
Edward Univalve® 66274
Edward Univalve® 66275
Edward Univalve® 66278
Edward Univalve® 66279
Edward Univalve® 96124
Edward Univalve® 96128
Edward Univalve® 96164
Edward Univalve® 96168
Edward Univalve® 96174
Edward Univalve® 96178
Edward Univalve® 96224
Edward Univalve® 96228
Edward Univalve® 96264
Edward Univalve® 96268
Edward Univalve® 96274
Edward Univalve® 96278
Edward Equiwedge® A1611
Edward Equiwedge® A1611Y
Edward Equiwedge® A1911
Edward Equiwedge® A1911Y
Edward Cap Seal
Edward Hypresphere
Edward Flite-Flow 2214Y
Edward Flite-Flow 2292Y
Edward Flite-Flow 3214Y
Edward Flite-Flow 3292Y

Everest EMB-XX-M-U-GY
terprises, Inc.
FNWTM Figure 60R
FNWTM Figure 61B
FNWTM Figure 62B
FNWTM Figure 65B
FNWTM Figure 67B
FNWTM Figure 68B
FNWTM Figure 160
FNWTM Figure 2000B
FNWTM Figure 2000BTIV
FNWTM Figure F150
FNWTM Figure F65
FNWTM Figure F68
FNWTM Figure 420
FNWTM Figure 421
FNWTM Figure 425
FNWTM Figure 426
FNWTM Figure 427
FNWTM Figure 428
FNWTM Figure 430
FNWTM Figure 470
FNWTM Figure 475
FNWTM Figure 100
FNWTM Figure 200
FNWTM Figure 220
FNWTM Figure 220C
FNWTM Figure 221
FNWTM Figure 221C
FNWTM Figure 260
FNWTM Figure 310
FNWTM Figure 311
FNWTM Figure 320
FNWTM Figure 320C
FNWTM Figure 321
FNWTM Figure 321C
FNWTM Figure 360
FNWTM Figure 330CE
FNWTM Figure 440
FNWTM Figure 220M
FNWTM Figure 310M
FNWTM Figure 455
FNWTM Figure 465
FNWTM Figure 233
FNWTM Figure 633
FNWTM Figure 634
FNWTM Figure 500
FNWTM Figure 501
FNWTM Figure 600
FNWTM Figure 601
FNWTM Figure 660
FNWTM Figure 731
FNWTM Figure 732
FNWTM Figure 741
FNWTM Figure 742
FNWTM Figure 157
FNWTM Figure 340
FNWTM Figure 340F
FNWTM Figure 350
FNWTM Figure 721
FNWTM Figure 345
FNWTM Figure 355
FNWTM Figure 1211
FNWTM Figure 1212
FNWTM Figure 1221
FNWTM Figure 1222
FNWTM Figure 15B
FNWTM Figure 17B
FNWTM Figure 16B
FNWTM Figure 1201
FNWTM Figure 451
FNWTM Figure 452
FNWTM Figure 551
FNWTM Figure 552
FNWTM Figure 461
FNWTM Figure 462
FNWTM Figure 561
FNWTM Figure 562
FNWTM Figure 471
FNWTM Figure 472
FNWTM Figure 571
FNWTM Figure 572

Fabri-Valve® 36
Fabri-Valve® 37R
Fabri-Valve 333B
Fabri-Valve C88R/S
Fabri-Valve C67R

Face Valve Heavy Duty Wafer Butterfly

Face Valve Piston Ring Butterfly
Face Valve Pressurized T Ring Butterfly
Face Valve Full Flange Butterfly
Face Valve Weld End Butterfly
Face Valve Slide Butterfly

Fairbanks 453
Fairbanks 0642
Fairbanks 0702
Fairbanks GT600XUF
Fairbanks GL150XU
Fairbanks GL300XU
Fairbanks 0131
Fairbanks 0250
Fairbanks 0252
Fairbanks 0280
Fairbanks 0282
Fairbanks 0312
Fairbanks 0403
Fairbanks 0405
Fairbanks 0505
Fairbanks 0529
Fairbanks 0640
Fairbanks 0905
Fairbanks 3050
Fairbanks 3052
Fairbanks 3045
Fairbanks 3080
Fairbanks 3082
Fairbanks 3650
Fairbanks U-01

Farris Series 2600

Farris Series 2600S
Farris Series 2600L
Farris Series 1890
Farris Series 1896M
Farris Series 2850
Farris Series 2856
Farris Series 2700
Farris Series 3800
Farris Series 3800 PCM
Farris Series 3800 HP PCM
Farris Series 6400
Farris Series 6600

Fisher Model Design V150 Vee-Ball®

Fisher Model Design V200 Vee-Ball®
Fisher Model Design V300 Vee-Ball®
Fisher Model Design BV500 eplug™
Fisher Model Design CV500 eplug™
Fisher Model Design V500 eplug™
Fisher Model Design V250
Fisher Model Design V260
Fisher Model Type 8560 edisc®
Fisher Model Type 8532 edisc®
Fisher Model Type 8510 edisc®
Fisher Model Type 8510B edisc®
Fisher Model Type A41 POSI-SEAL®
Fisher Model Type A31A POSI-SEAL®
Fisher Model Type A11 POSI-SEAL®
Fisher Model A11
Fisher Model A31A
Fisher Model A31C
Fisher Model A31D
Fisher Model V250
Fisher Model V260
Fisher Model V300
Fisher easy-e® Model ED
Fisher easy-e® Model ES
Fisher easy-e® Model ET
Fisher easy-e® Model EZ
Fisher easy-e® Model EWD
Fisher easy-e® Model EWS
Fisher easy-e® Model EWT
Fisher Design Series YD
Fisher Design Series YS
Fisher Design Series CP
Fisher Model GX
Fisher Design Series RSS
Fisher Design Series D
Fisher Design Series DA
Fisher Design Series HP/EH
Fisher Design Series D2 FloProTM
Fisher Design Series D4
Fisher Model Flow Up, TBX
Fisher Model Hybrid Globe & Cooler
Fisher Sparger, TBX
Fisher Process Steam Conditioning, TBX
Fisher Model Polymer Flow Control, HVP
Fisher Type 630
Fisher Type 627
Fisher Type 1301F
Fisher Type 1301G
Fisher Type S102K
Fisher Type 64
Fisher Type 67CFR
Fisher Type 67CR
Fisher Type 1805
Fisher Type 119

Flow Control Model 10B

Flow Control Model 12B-HP-2
Flow Control Model 12B-HP-3
Flow Control Model 14T
Flow Control Model 15T
Flow Control Flow Master

Flow Safe F84 Series

Flow Safe F85 Series
Flow Safe F84M Series
Flow Safe F85M Series
Flow Safe F84L Series
Flow Safe F88 Series
Flow Safe F7000 Series
Flow Safe F8000 Series
Flow Safe F7000 IM Series
Flow Safe F8000 IM Series
Flow Safe F70PR Series
Flow Safe F70U Series
Flow Safe F70VP Series
Flow Safe F9000 Series

Flowseal High Performance Butterfly Valve

Flowseal High Performance Butterfly Valve, Marine

Flow-Tek Triad Series 2000

Flow-Tek Triad Series 3000
Flow-Tek Series 7000
Flow-Tek Series 8000
Flow-Tek Series 5000
Flow-Tek Micro Pure Series S7500
Flow-Tek Micro Pure Series S7700
Flow-Tek Model TK7000
Flow-Tek Model TK8000
Flow-Tek Model TKF15
Flow-Tek Series F15
Flow-Tek Series F30
Flow-Tek Series RF15
Flow-Tek Model A105/LF2
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 130
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 230
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 240
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Flanged Series
Flow-Tek Model HP
Flow-Tek Model HX
Flow-Tek Model 3HP
Flow-Tek Model Petro Series S3000
Flow-Tek Model Petro Series SW3000
Flow-Tek Model Series S20
Flow-Tek Model Series S85
Flow-Tek Model Series S70
Flow-Tek Model Series S90
Flow-Tek Model Series S80
Flow-Tek Model Series S40
Flow-Tek Model Series S51
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 300

FMC Valve Model 101

FMC Valve Model 120
FMC Valve Model 130/150
FMC Valve Model 130/150 VLT
FMC Valve Model 160

Foster 4000 B FT-10D

Foster 4000 D-Seal
Foster 4000 D-Seal B FT-7
Foster 4000 D-Seal C-271
Foster 4000 D-Seal FT36

Gemco Sani ValveTM

Gemco Sanitary K Valve
Gemco Type TLD
Gemco Type T
Gemco Type P21
Gemco Type D-2
Gemco SB Sanitary

Gestra RK 16A
Gestra RK 86A

George Fischer Type 304

George Fischer Type 306
George Fischer Type 314
George Fischer Type 317
George Fischer Type 323
George Fischer Type 301
George Fischer Type 343, Horizontal Port
George Fischer Type 343, Vertical Port
George Fischer Type 346
George Fischer Type 360
George Fischer Type 370
George Fischer Type 522
George Fischer Type 546, True Union
George Fischer Type 546, Control
George Fischer Type 324
George Fischer Type 350
George Fischer Type 353
George Fischer Type 354
George Fischer Type 355
George Fischer Type 374
George Fischer Type 375
George Fischer Type 315
George Fischer Type 315 HTR
George Fischer Type 319
George Fischer Type 319 HTR
George Fischer Type 567
George Fischer Type 567, with gear operator
George Fischer Type 365
George Fischer Type 365, with gear operator
George Fischer Type 388
George Fischer Type 388, with gear operator
George Fischer Tee Valve Assembly
George Fischer Type 107
George Fischer Type 108
George Fischer Type 131
George Fischer Type 132
George Fischer Type 133
George Fischer Type 175
George Fischer Type 176
George Fischer Type 177
George Fischer Type 178
George Fischer Type 208
George Fischer Type 231
George Fischer Type 232
George Fischer Type 233
George Fischer Type 275
George Fischer Type 276
George Fischer Type 277
George Fischer Type 278
George Fischer Type 140
George Fischer Type 240
George Fischer Diastar Type 025
George Fischer Diastar Type 028
George Fischer Diastar Zero Static
George Fischer Type 211

General Valve GTS 8000TM

General Valve Twin Seal 400 Series
General Valve Twin Seal 800 Series
General Valve Twin Seal 900 Series
General Valve C Model 4700 Series
General Valve CA Model 4700 Series
General Valve B Model 4700 Series
General Valve 1500 Series
General Valve 1600 Series
General Valve Stainless Steel Twin Seal

Grove B4
Grove B5
Grove B7
Grove B8
Grove B44
Grove B55
Grove B71
Grove BT1
Grove BT2
Grove Omega
Grove G3
Grove G4
Grove G5
Grove G9

Gulf MX
Gulf MBC
Gulf MB

Hancock 5505W
Hancock 7105W

Hansen Model HMMR

Hammond IB 952
Hammond IR 1124

Hayward® Model VC-100

Hayward® Model VC-150
Hayward® Model VC-200
Hayward® Model VC-250
Hayward® Model VC-400
Hayward® Model VC-450
Hayward® True Union Ball Valve
Hayward® ProFile2™
Hayward® True Union Z-Ball Valve
Hayward® QIC2™
Hayward® True Union Ball Check Valve
Hayward® Y Check Valve
Hayward® Spring-Loaded Y Check Valve
Hayward® Swing Check Valve
Hayward® Wafer Check Valve
Hayward® Diaphragm Valve
Hayward® Three-Way Ball Valve
Hayward® Lateral Ball Valve
Hayward® Butterfly Valve
Hayward® Angle Valve
Hayward® Pressure Relief Valve
Hayward® Pressure Regulator
Hayward® Air Release Valve
Hayward® Needle Valve
Hayward® Solenoid Valve
Henry Seal Cap
Henry Seal Cap-Globe

Henry Type C2G

Henry Type C3G
Henry Type 2G
Henry Type 3G
Henry Type C15B
Henry Type C25B
Henry Type 15B
Henry Type 25B
Henry Type C15
Henry Type C25
Henry Type 15
Henry Type 25
Henry Type 203
Henry Type 926
Henry Type 776-B
Henry Type 779-B
Henry Type 783
Henry Type 927
Henry Type 92
Henry Type 802
Henry Type 802A
Henry Type 205
Henry Type 215
Henry Type 116
Henry Type 119
Henry Type 120
Henry Type S-910
Henry Type 900
Henry Type 907
Henry Type 937
Henry Type 924
Henry Type 929
Henry Type 513
Henry Type 514
Henry Type 515
Henry Type 516
Henry Type 626
Henry Type 647
Henry Type 629
Henry Type 623
Henry Type 643
Henry Type 905
Henry Type 906
Henry Type 935
Henry Type 936
Henry Type 522
Henry Type 523
Henry Type 524
Henry Type 526
Henry Type 527
Henry Type 776
Henry Type 777

Hex HB-241
Hex HB-501
Hex HB-521
Hex HG-461
Hex HG-463
Hex HG-651
Hex HM-131
Hex HM-451
Hex HM-571
Hex HN-491

Hoke 70 Series
Hoke 71 Series
Hoke 72 Series
Hoke 76 Series
Hoke 79 Series
Hoke 7165 Series
Hoke 7177 Series
Hoke 7223D Series
Hoke 1700 Series
Hoke 2200 Series
Hoke 2700 Series
Hoke 2800 Series
Hoke 1500 Series
Hoke 2100 Series
Hoke 3700 Series
Hoke 3800 Series
Hoke 3900 Series

Hydroseal Series LSA

Hydroseal Series 14
Hydroseal Series 38
Hydroseal Series 1
Hydroseal Series 2
Hydroseal Series 3
Hydroseal Series 4
Hydroseal Series 5
Hydroseal Series 6
Hydroseal Series 7
Hydroseal Series 8
Hydroseal Series FT
Hydroseal Series HC
Hydroseal Series 19
Hydroseal Series 78
Hydroseal Series 79
Hydroseal Series 15
Hydroseal Series 25
Hydroseal Series FL
Hydroseal Series CV

Hy-Grade Series T
Hy-Grade Series F
Hy-Grade Series L
Hy-Grade Series X
Hy-Grade Series H
Hy-Grade Series P
Hy-Grade Series FF
Hy-Grade Series D

ITT Cam-Line®
ITT Cam-Tite®
ITT Dia-Flo Weir
ITT Dia-Flo Solid Plastic
ITT Dia-Flo StraightWay
ITT Dia-Flo DualRange

ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3010-1-3

ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3014-1-3
ITT Grinnell Fire Protection Multimatic A-4

JB V342 Series
JB V344 Series
JB V349 Series
JB NV-62 Series
JB D10160
JB D10162
JB CV200 Series

Jamesbury 4AB
Jamesbury 4CB
Jamesbury 5150
Jamesbury 5300
Jamesbury A11
Jamesbury AM150FD
Jamesbury DM150FD
Jamesbury 5150-11-2236TT
Jamesbury 5300-11-2236TT
Jamesbury 6150-11-2236TT
Jamesbury 6300-11-2236TT
Jamesbury 5150-11-3600TT
Jamesbury 5300-11-3600TT
Jamesbury 6150-11-3600TT
Jamesbury 6300-11-3600TT
Jamesbury AM150FB
Jamesbury DM150FB
Jamesbury 152M
Jamesbury 156M
Jamesbury 341T
Jamesbury 346T
Jamesbury 351T
Jamesbury 356T
Jamesbury 361T
Jamesbury 362T
Jamesbury 371T
Jamesbury 441T
Jamesbury 451A
Jamesbury 451T
Jamesbury 456T
Jamesbury 481T
Jamesbury 5180
Jamesbury 530S
Jamesbury 530SB
Jamesbury 5380
Jamesbury 6150
Jamesbury 6180
Jamesbury 6300
Jamesbury 6380
Jamesbury 7150
Jamesbury 7180
Jamesbury 730S
Jamesbury 730SB
Jamesbury 7300
Jamesbury 7305
Jamesbury 7380
Jamesbury 9150
Jamesbury 9180
Jamesbury 9300
Jamesbury 9300B
Jamesbury 9380
Jamesbury EliminatorTM
Jamesbury Clincher 21
Jamesbury Clincher 23
Jamesbury 4000
Jamesbury 815 W
Jamesbury F815 W
Jamesbury 818 W
Jamesbury F818 W
Jamesbury 815 L
Jamesbury F815 L
Jamesbury 818 L
Jamesbury F818 L
Jamesbury 830 W
Jamesbury F830 W
Jamesbury 838 W
Jamesbury F838 W
Jamesbury 830 L
Jamesbury F830 L
Jamesbury 838 L
Jamesbury F838 L
Jamesbury 860 W
Jamesbury F860 W
Jamesbury 868 W
Jamesbury F868 W
Jamesbury 860 L
Jamesbury F860 L
Jamesbury 868 L
Jamesbury F868 L
Jamesbury K815 W
Jamesbury K830 W
Jamesbury K860 W
Jamesbury K815 L
Jamesbury K830 L
Jamesbury K860 L
Jamesbury 835 L
Jamesbury 83P L
Jamesbury F835 L
Jamesbury F83P L
Jamesbury LG
Jamesbury LW
Jamesbury L6
Jamesbury R-Series
Jamesbury Style A/AZ
Jamesbury Style B
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 3A
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 3C
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 5H
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 6F
Jamesbury 3000
Jamesbury 5000
Jamesbury 7000
Jamesbury Clincher® Type 2000
Jamesbury Series 100
Jamesbury 6D15

Jenkins Figure J1009B8F

Jenkins Figure J1010B8F
Jenkins Figure J1012B8F
Jenkins Figure J1040B2
Jenkins Figure J1042B2
Jenkins Figure J1044B2
Jenkins Figure J1025B2
Jenkins Figure J1026B2
Jenkins Figure J1028B2
Jenkins Figure 21J
Jenkins Figure 22J
Jenkins Figure 201J
Jenkins Figure 201SJ
Jenkins Figure 202J
Jenkins Figure 202SJ
Jenkins Figure 106BJ
Jenkins Figure 106BPJ
Jenkins Figure 108BJ
Jenkins Figure 117ATJ
Jenkins Figure 119J
Jenkins Figure 2032J
Jenkins Figure 2050J
Jenkins Figure 2270UJ
Jenkins Figure 2272J
Jenkins Figure 2280UJ
Jenkins Figure 2082J
Jenkins Figure 2310J
Jenkins Figure 2429J
Jenkins Figure 2810J
Jenkins Figure 310J
Jenkins Figure 313J
Jenkins Figure 4037J
Jenkins Figure 4041TJ
Jenkins Figure 4092J
Jenkins Figure 4093J
Jenkins Figure 4449J
Jenkins Figure 4475TJ
Jenkins Figure 47CUJ
Jenkins Figure 4962J
Jenkins Figure 518J
Jenkins Figure 592J
Jenkins Figure 594J
Jenkins Figure 743J
Jenkins Figure 744J
Jenkins Figure 810J
Jenkins Figure 813J
Jenkins Figure 820J
Jenkins Figure 990AJ
Jenkins Figure 991AJ
Jenkins Figure 992AJ
Jenkins Figure 993AJ
Jenkins Figure 994AJ
Jenkins Figure 995AJ
Jenkins Figure 996AJ
Jenkins Figure 997AJ
Jenkins Series 200
Jenkins Series 225
Jenkins Series 800
Jenkins Figure 40BJ
Jenkins Figure 41J
Jenkins Figure 162J
Jenkins Figure 203J
Jenkins Figure 204J
Jenkins Figure 339RJ
Jenkins Figure 451J
Jenkins Figure 452J
Jenkins Figure 453J
Jenkins Figure 454J
Jenkins Figure 477J
Jenkins Figure 477LJ
Jenkins Figure 523J
Jenkins Figure 525J
Jenkins Figure 540J
Jenkins Figure 541J
Jenkins Figure 587J
Jenkins Figure 588J
Jenkins Figure 590J
Jenkins Figure 825CJ
Jenkins Figure 2342J
Jenkins Figure 2344J
Jordan Mark 60 Series
Jordan Mark 601 Series
Jordan Mark 602 Series
Jordan Mark 63 Series
Jordan Mark 66 Series
Jordan Mark 67 Series
Jordan Mark 68 Series
Jordan Mark 130 Series
Jordan Mark 50 Series
Jordan Mark 501 Series
Jordan Mark 502 Series
Jordan Mark 53 Series
Jordan Mark 56 Series
Jordan Mark 57 Series
Jordan Mark 58 Series
Jordan Mark 80 Series
Jordan Mark 801 Series
Jordan Mark 802 Series
Jordan Mark 82 Series
Jordan Mark 85 Series
Jordan Mark 86 Series
Jordan Mark 87 Series
Jordan Mark 89 Series
Jordan Mark 89MX Series
Jordan Mark 70 Series
Jordan Mark 701 Series
Jordan Mark 702 Series
Jordan Mark 707 Series
Jordan Mark 711 Series
Jordan Mark 74 Series
Jordan Mark 75 Series
Jordan Mark 76 Series
Jordan Mark 78 Series
Jordan Mark 78SP Series
Jordan Mark 78TP Series
Jordan Mark 79 Series
Jordan V1C Series
Jordan Mark 8000 Series
Jordan Mark 8000 BSS Series
Jordan Mark 8000 Cryogenic Series
Jordan Mark 8000 Three-Way Series
Jordan Mark 2000 Series
Jordan Mark 33 Series
Jordan Mark 37 Series
Jordan Mark 39 Series
Jordan Mark 708 Series
Jordan Mark 90 Series
Jordan Mark 92 Series
Jordan Mark 93 Series
Jordan Mark 95 Series
Jordan Mark 95FT Series
Jordan Mark 96 Series
Jordan Mark 97 Series
Jordan Mark 98 Series
Jordan Mark 968 Series
Jordan Mark 978 Series
Jordan Mark 708MV Series
Jordan Mark 708 BSS Series
Jordan Mark 708 Cryogenic Series
Jordan Mark 708 Double Packed Series
Jordan Mark 708 Finned Bonnet Series
Jordan Mark 709 Series
Jordan Mark 40 Series
Jordan Mark 44 Series
Jordan Mark 46 Series

Keystone Figure 990

Keystone Figure 920
Keystone Figure 999
Keystone Figure 992
Keystone Figure 601
Keystone Figure 602
Keystone Figure AR1
Keystone Figure AR2
Keystone Figure 320
Keystone Figure 322
Keystone Figure 221
Keystone Figure 222
Keystone Figure 55
Keystone Figure 56
Keystone Figure 100
Keystone Figure 106
Keystone Figure 129
Keystone Figure 139
Keystone Figure 250
Keystone Figure 251
Keystone Figure 267J
Keystone Figure 268J
Keystone Figure 269J
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 360
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 362
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 370
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 372
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 310
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 312
Keystone Prince Figure 809
Keystone Prince Figure 810
Keystone Prince Figure 813
Keystone Prince Figure 815
Keystone Series 61
Keystone Figure 611
Keystone Figure 612

KF Industries Series A
KF Industries Series AH
KF Industries Series B
KF Industries Series BH
KF Industries Series C
KF Industries Series CA
KF Industries Series CH
KF Industries Series CXH
KF Industries Series CB
KF Industries Series CBH
KF Industries KF Hale
KF Industries Series AF
KF Industries Series AFH
KF Industries Series CF
KF Industries Series CFH
KF Industries Series CFXH
KF Industries Series E
KF Industries Series EC
KF Industries Series EH
KF Industries Series F
KF Industries Series W
KF Industries Series T
KF Industries Series FA
KF Industries Series P2
KF Industries Series P2a
KF Industries Series P3
KF Industries Series 50
KF Industries Series DD
KF Industries Series BG
KF Industries Series BGD
KF Industries Series 2200
KF Industries Series H7000
KF Industries Packed Bonnet Style
KF Industries O-Ring Style
KF Industries Series NB
KF Industries Series NC
KF Industries Series TM
KF Industries Series AIV
KF Industries Series TC

Kitz 03
Kitz 04 (AKR)
Kitz 07
Kitz 08
Kitz 09
Kitz 10
Kitz 11
Kitz 12
Kitz 14 (CR)
Kitz 17
Kitz 17S
Kitz 18
Kitz 19
Kitz 22
Kitz 23
Kitz 24
Kitz 25
Kitz 27
Kitz 28
Kitz 29
Kitz 30
Kitz 37
Kitz 37S
Kitz 39
Kitz 40
Kitz 41
Kitz 42
Kitz 42T (AK150LUT)
Kitz 43
Kitz 44
Kitz 46
Kitz 49M
Kitz 56
Kitz 57
Kitz 58
Kitz 68
Kitz 68M
Kitz 69
Kitz 72
Kitz 73
Kitz 75
Kitz 76
Kitz 78
Kitz 81
Kitz 85
Kitz 150SCL
Kitz 300SCL
Kitz 150SCO
Kitz 300SCO
Kitz 600SCO
Kitz AK 150
Kitz AW 300
Kitz SCTB-3H
Kitz SCTB-6H
Kitz Series A
Kitz Series C
Kitz UTA
Kitz UTBZ-3H
Kitz UTBZ-6H
Kitz UTC
Kitz 150SCTAM
Kitz 300SCTAM
Kitz 150SCTBM
Kitz 150SCTBZM
Kitz 300SCTBZM
Kitz 300SCTBM
Kitz 600SCTBM
Kitz 150UTAM
Kitz 300UTAM
Kitz 150UTBM
Kitz 300UTBM
Kitz 600UTBM
Kitz AK150UMM
Kitz AK150UPM
Kitz AK150UOM
Kitz 150UMAM
Kitz 150UPAM
Kitz 150UOAM
Kitz AK300UMM
Kitz AK300UPM
Kitz AK300UOM
Kitz 300UMAM
Kitz 300UPAM
Kitz 300UOAM
Kitz AK600UMM
Kitz 600UMAM
Kitz 150UMACN
Kitz W150SCLSY
Kitz 300UMACN
Kitz 300UMA-GRF
Kitz 300UMA
Kitz W300SCLS
Kitz W300SCLSY
Kitz 600SCLS
Kitz 600SCLS6CY
Kitz 600SCLS5CY
Kitz W600SCLS
Kitz 1500SCLS
Kitz 150SCJS5C
Kitz 150SCJS
Kitz W150SCJ
Kitz 300SCJS6CY
Kitz 300SCJS
Kitz 300SCJS5C
Kitz 600SCJS5CY
Kitz 300SCTBMN
Kitz 300UTAMN
Kitz K150UTBM-N
Kitz 150SCTBMN
Kitz 150SCTAMN
Kitz 150SCTB3HM
Kitz W300SCOS
Kitz 600SCOS6CY
Kitz 600SCOS5CY

KSB BOA-SuperCompact
KSB BOA-Compact
KSB GL 150-600
KSB GL 900-2500
KSB GLF 800-2500
KSB GT 150-600
KSB GT 900-2500
KSB GTF 800-1500
KSB PCF 800-1500
KSB Nory (RXL)
KSB Model 2000
KSB SC 150-600
KSB SC 900-2500
KSB Danais
KSB Mammouth
KSB Priam

Klinger KHA-FL
Klinger KHA-FK
Klinger KHA-SL
Klinger KHA-SK
Klinger KHA-G
Klinger KHI
Klinger KHISVI
Klinger KHM-OE
Klinger KHMS-OE
Klinger KHS-OE
Klinger KHFS-OE
Klinger KHF-OE
Klinger KHSU-OE
Klinger BOTBV
Klinger KVN
Klinger KVNB
Klinger KVMN
Klinger KVSN

KTM EO100 (31-BX)
KTM EO100 (62-BG)
KTM EO100 (62-BX)
KTM E0108
KTM E01100 (62-BG)
KTM E01100 (62-BX)
KTM E0120-X (62-BX)
KTM E0800
KTM E0800R
KTM E0800R/0800
KTM E3900
KTM E7102
KTM EB-1 (62-BG)
KTM EB800R/E0800
KTM EO100/SB11 (Omni I Style)
KTM EO3100
KTM EO3800
KTM E3200
KTM E3200/RB
KTM EO7100
KTM EO7800
KTM EB162-32/39FU-30
KTM EB132-32/39FU-30
KTM Metaltite W04, Single V
KTM Metaltite W06, Single V
KTM Metaltite VS11
KTM Metaltite VS21
KTM Metaltite WA, Double V
KTM Metaltite EB100 (Omni II Style)
KTM Metaltite EO1200
KTM Metaltite EO8200
KTM Metaltite EO1100
KTM Metaltite EO8100
KTM Metaltite E3700

Kunkle Model 1
Kunkle Model 2
Kunkle Model 140
Kunkle Model 189
Kunkle Model 363
Kunkle Model 389
Kunkle Model 19
Kunkle Model 19M
Kunkle Model 20
Kunkle Model 20M
Kunkle Model 20MP
Kunkle Model 200A
Kunkle Model 200H
Kunkle Model 215V
Kunkle Model 337
Kunkle Model 230
Kunkle Model 330
Kunkle Model 330S
Kunkle Model 333S
Kunkle Model 264
Kunkle Model 265
Kunkle Model 266
Kunkle Model 267
Kunkle Model 264P
Kunkle Model 265P
Kunkle Model 266P
Kunkle Model 267P
Kunkle Model 299
Kunkle Model 30
Kunkle Model 300
Kunkle Model 600
Kunkle Model 40R
Kunkle Model 40RL
Kunkle Model 537
Kunkle Model 541
Kunkle Model 542
Kunkle Model 548
Kunkle Model Series 6000 Model 6393
Kunkle Model Series 6000 Model 6394
Kunkle Model Series 6000 Model 6395
Kunkle Model 6252
Kunkle Model 6254
Kunkle Model 71S
Kunkle Model 171
Kunkle Model 171P
Kunkle Model 171S
Kunkle Model 803
Kunkle Model 818
Kunkle Model 91
Kunkle Model 218
Kunkle Model 228
Kunkle Model 910
Kunkle Model 911
Kunkle Model 916
Kunkle Model 917
Kunkle Model 920
Kunkle Model 921
Kunkle Model 927
Kunkle Model 912
Kunkle Model 913
Kunkle Model 918
Kunkle Model 919
Kunkle Model 930

Ladish 5260
Ladish 5261
Ladish 5270
Ladish 5271
Ladish 5272
Ladish 5273
Ladish 5274
Ladish 5275
Ladish 5276
Ladish 5277
Ladish 5279
Ladish 5370
Ladish 5371
Ladish 5372
Ladish 5670
Ladish 5671
Ladish 5672
Ladish 7270
Ladish 7271
Ladish 7272
Ladish 7273
Ladish 7274
Ladish 7275
Ladish 7276
Ladish 7277
Ladish 7279
Ladish 7360
Ladish 7361
Ladish 7372
Ladish 7660
Ladish 7661
Ladish 7662
Ladish 8250
Ladish 8251
Ladish 8252
Ladish 8253
Ladish 8270
Ladish 8271
Ladish 8272
Ladish 8273
Ladish 8274
Ladish 8275
Ladish 8276
Ladish 8277
Ladish 8279
Ladish 8363
Ladish 8364
Ladish 8372
Ladish 8375
Ladish 8663
Ladish 8664
Ladish 8675

L&M Valve M145

L&M Valve M207
L&M Valve M345

M&J M303
M&J M303A
M&J C303
M&J 150 Series RQ-8
M&J Model EG
M&J Model CEG
DanfloTM Series 400
Ball-Trol CV
M&J 4-way
M&J Model S303G
M&J Model EG-NR

McCanna 10-1
McCanna S151
McCanna S151 Special
McCanna S151-U-DAB
McCanna S154
McCanna S301
McCanna S301-U-DAB
McCanna S301-W-DAB
McCanna S302
McCanna S1501
McCanna S3F1
McCanna S601
McCanna S601-U-DAB
McCanna S6F1
McCanna Y601
McCanna Z601
McCanna S901
McCanna S901-Cryoseal
McCanna S1501-Cryoseal
McCanna V503

Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 636

Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 232
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 242

Marlin Style M
Marlin Style MP
Marlin Style MR
Marlin Style ML
Marlin Style MLP
Marlin Style MT
Marlin Style MTP
Marlin Style MW
Marlin Style ME
Marlin Style MEL
Marlin Style MET
w Solutions
Masoneilan® 21000 Series
Masoneilan® 41005 Series
Masoneilan® 28000 Series
Masoneilan® 10000 Series
Masoneilan® 25000 Series
Masoneilan® 80000 Series
Masoneilan® 2600 Series
Masoneilan® 700 Series
Masoneilan® 35002 Series Camflex®
Masoneilan® 30000 Series Varimax®
Masoneilan® 31000 Series
Masoneilan® 36004 Series Paramax®
Masoneilan® 77000 Series
Masoneilan® 78000 Series
Masoneilan® 79000 Series
Masoneilan® 78200 Series, LincolnLog®
Masoneilan® 18200 Series, LincolnLog®

Master Flo Valve P1 E BB

Master Flo Valve P1 E BB HT
Master Flo Valve YP1 E
Master Flo Valve P2 E BB 6 000
Master Flo Valve P2 E BB 10 000
Master Flo Valve P2 E HUN HT 6 000
Master Flo Valve P2 E HUN 10 000
Master Flo Valve P25 E BB 6 000
Master Flo Valve P25 E BB 15 000
Master Flo Valve P25 E HUN 5 000
Master Flo Valve P25 E HUN HT 5 000
Master Flo Valve P3 E BB 6 000
Master Flo Valve P3 E BB 10 000
Master Flo Valve P35 E BB 6 000
Master Flo Valve P4 E BB 6 000
Master Flo Valve P4 E BB 10 000
Master Flo Valve P5 E BB 6 000
Master Flo Valve P6 E BB 6 000
Master Flo Valve P8 BB 6 000

Milwaukee 115
Milwaukee 507
Milwaukee 1590
Milwaukee F29274

Mosites C10
Mosites C30
Mosites C30N
Mosites C20
Mosites C20N

Mission Duo-Chek® II 12
Mission Duo-Chek® II 15
Mission Duo-Chek® II 30
Mission Duo-Chek® II 60
Duo-Chek® II Style H
Duo-Chek® II Style G
Duo-Chek® II Style X
Duo-Chek® II Style U
Duo-Chek® II Style W
Duo-Chek® II Series 800

MOGAS C-Series C-1

MOGAS C-Series Isolator

Mueller 31
Mueller 61
Mueller A-2052-6
Mueller P-2360-6
Mueller A 110 Series
Mueller A 135 Series
Mueller A 136 Series
Mueller A148 Series
Mueller A155 Series
Mueller A156 Series
Mueller A172 Series
Mueller A174 Series
Mueller A175 Series
Mueller A178 Series
Mueller B337 Series
Mueller B342 Series

Neles XB
Neles XC
Neles XG
Neles XM
Neles M2
Neles E2
Neles E6
Neles 6F
Neles 5H
Neles 3A
Neles 3C
Neles 33
Neles A

Nil-Cor Series 300

Nil-Cor Series 310
Nil-Cor Series 410
Nil-Cor Series 500
Nil-Cor Series 610

Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 50169

Nordstrom® Double DB®
Nordstrom® Figure 114
Nordstrom® Figure 115
Nordstrom® Figure 142
Nordstrom® Figure 143
Nordstrom® Figure 149
Nordstrom® Figure 164
Nordstrom® Figure 165
Nordstrom® Figure 169
Nordstrom® Figure 185
Nordstrom® Figure 189
Nordstrom® Figure 214
Nordstrom® Figure 265
Nordstrom® Figure 269
Nordstrom® Figure 305
Nordstrom® Figure 524
Nordstrom® Figure 525
Nordstrom® Figure 824
Nordstrom® Figure 825
Nordstrom® Figure 1169
Nordstrom® Figure 1485
Nordstrom® Figure 1489
Nordstrom® Figure 1585
Nordstrom® Figure 1589
Nordstrom® Figure 2815
Nordstrom® Figure 2865
Nordstrom® Figure 23144
Nordstrom® Figure 24191
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1942 ½
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1943 ½
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1943 ¼
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1924
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1925
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1925 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1945
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1945 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1949
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1949 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2445
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2449
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4149
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4149 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4149 ¼
Nordstrom® Figure 4185 ½
Nordstrom® Figure 4187 ½
Nordstrom® Figure 4189 ½
Nordstrom® Figure 2024
Nordstrom® Figure 2025
Nordstrom® Figure 2025 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2045
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2045 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2045 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2049
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2049 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2049 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2545
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2549
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4245
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4245 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4245 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4249
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4249 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4249 ¼
Super Nordstrom® Figure 2224
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2245
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2245 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2245 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2249
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2249 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2249 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4749
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4749 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4749 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2345
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2345 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2345 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2349
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2349 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2349 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4949
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4949 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4949 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3044
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3045
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3045 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3045 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3049
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3049 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3049 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6049
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6049 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6049 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20545
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20545 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20545 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20549
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20549 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20549 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 9349
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 9349 ½
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 9349 ¼
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 76305
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 76505
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 76509
Nordstrom® Figure 3402
Nordstrom® Figure 3403
Nordstrom® Figure 3412
Nordstrom® Figure 3413
Nordstrom® Figure 3422
Nordstrom® Figure 3423
Nordstrom® Figure 3464
Nordstrom® Figure 3465
Nordstrom® Figure 3469
Nordstrom® Figure 3474
Nordstrom® Figure 3475
Nordstrom® Figure 3479
Nordstrom® Figure 3484
Nordstrom® Figure 3485
Nordstrom® Figure 3489
Super Nordstrom® Figure 3803
Super Nordstrom® Figure 3813
Super Nordstrom® Figure 3823
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4802
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4803
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4812
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4813
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4822
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4823
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5105
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5109
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5115
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5119
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5125
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5129
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5205
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5209
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5215
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5219
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5225
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5229
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6405
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6415
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6804
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6814
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6824
Nordstrom® Hypresphere® Figure 39
Nordstrom® Hypresphere ® Figure 39 ½
Nordstrom® Hypresphere ® Figure 39 ¼
Nordstrom® Poly-Gas® Polyvalve II™
Nordstrom® Poly-Chem®
Nordstrom® Poly-Water®

Nibco F-637-31
Nibco S-113
Nibco T-135
Nibco T-235
Nibco T-413
Nibco T-473
Nibco T/S-580-70
Nibco T/S-585-70
Nibco TS/ST-585-70
Nibco MTT-585-70
Nibco T/S-595-Y
Nibco T-124
Nibco T-134
Nibco T/S-211-Y
Nibco T/S-211-B
Nibco T/S-235-Y
Nibco T-256-AP
Nibco T/S-311-Y
Nibco T/S-335-Y
Nibco T-376-AP
Nibco T/S-413-Y
Nibco T/S-433-Y
Nibco T/S-480-Y
Nibco T-560-BR
Nibco T/S/PS-585-70-HC/66-HC
Nibco T/S-585-70-SU
Nibco T-585-70-66-ST
Nibco PS-585-70/-66
Nibco FP600
Nibco LD3110
Nibco LD2000
Nibco LD2100
Nibco N200235
Nibco GD4775
Nibco GD4765
Nibco F-617-0
Nibco F-718-B
Nibco F-818-B
Nibco F-918-B
Nibco F-869-B
Nibco F-667-0
Nibco F-768-B
Nibco F-968-B
Nibco F-910-B
Nibco W920-W/KW900-W
Nibco F918-BL&S/L&W
Nibco T-104-0
Nibco KT/KG505-8W
Nibco F607-OTS/RW
Nibco F697-0
Nibco F/M609/RW
Nibco F908-W
Nibco KW900-W
Nibco WD3510-8
Nibco GD4765-8N

Norris R200
Norris M200
Norris R285
Norris M285
Norris R1000
Norris R3000
Norris T-Series
Norris Series NS

NeoTecha NTB
NeoTecha NTC
NeoTecha AK
NeoTecha KR
NeoTecha KR-S
NeoTecha NeoSeal, Wafer and lugged
NeoTecha NeoSeal, Double flanged

Newco 11F
Newco 13F
Newco 215F PS
Newco PS
Newco Type 1
Newco Type 2
Newco Type 3
Newco Type 6

Navco Model C1
Navco Model H1
Navco Model GA1
Navco Model GA2
Navco Model GA3
Navco Model GA4
Navco Model GA5
Navco Model GA6
Navco Model GA7
Navco Model GA8
Navco Model GA9
Navco Model GL1
Navco Model GL2
Navco Model GL3
Navco Model GL4
Navco Model GL5
Navco Model GL6
Navco Model GL7
Navco Model GL8
Navco Model CH1
Navco Model CH2
Navco Model CH3
Navco Model CH4
Navco Model CH5
Navco Model CH6
ems, Cameron Valves
NuFloTM Model HF
NuFloTM Model HL
NuFloTM Model HD

Nutron® Model TT
Nutron® Series D15
Nutron® Series D20
Nutron® Model D750
Nutron® Model CS
Nutron® Model T3
Nutron® Model B3
Nutron® Model B2

OCV Model 94
OCV Model 94-1
OCV Model 94-2
OCV Model 94-3
OCV Model 94-17
OCV Model 108-2
OCV Model 108-3
OCV Model 108-4
OCV Model 108-34
OCV Model 108FC
OCV Model 108-8
OCV Model 110
OCV Model 110-1
OCV Model 110-2
OCV Model 110-12
OCV Model 115-1
OCV Model 115-2
OCV Model 115-26
OCV Model 115-3
OCV Model 115-36
OCV Model 115-4
OCV Model 115-46
OCV Model 118-2
OCV Model 118-3
OCV Model 118-4
OCV Model 108SA-3
OCV Model 120
OCV Model 120-1
OCV Model 120-2
OCV Model 120-3
OCV Model 120-6
OCV Model 120-7
OCV Model 120-12
OCV Model 120-13
OCV Model 120-16
OCV Model 120-26
OCV Model 120-36
OCV Model 120-126
OCV Model 120-138
OCV Model 128
OCV Model 125
OCV Model 125-2
OCV Model 125-13
OCV Model 125-13E
OCV Model 125-14
OCV Model 125-15
OCV Model 125-18
OCV Model 125-7
OCV Model 125-27
OCV Model 125-8
OCV Model 125-134
OCV Model 125-137
OCV Model 125-157
OCV Model 125-1347
OCV Model 126
OCV Model 126-3
OCV Model 127-2
OCV Model 127-3
OCV Model 127-4
OCV Model 127-5
OCV Model 127-7
OCV Model 127-9
OCV Model 127-22
OCV Model 127-25
OCV Model 127-27
OCV Model 127-32
OCV Model 127-42
OCV Model 127-45
OCV Model 127-80
OCV Model 127-82
OCV Model 127-245
OCV Model 127-280
OCV Model 127-420
OCV Model 127-480
OCV Model 127-580
OCV Model 127-2480
OCV Model 127-3BDF
OCV Model 3331
OCV Model 3331-1
OCV Model 3331-2
OCV Model 3331-3
OCV Model 3331-4
OCV Model 3331-13
OCV Model 3331-14
OCV Model 3331-23
OCV Model 3331-24
OCV Model 3331-34
OCV Model 3331-C
OCV Model 3332
OCV Model 3332-1
OCV Model 3332-2
OCV Model 3332-3
OCV Model 3332-5
OCV Model 3332-13
OCV Model 3332-15
OCV Model 3332-23
OCV Model 3332-25
OCV Model 3332-35
OCV Model 22
OCV Model 22-2
OCV Model 22PR
OCV Model 22BP
OCV Model 88
OCV Model 88-2
OCV Model 88PR
OCV Model 88BP
OCV Model 8000
OCV Model 8000-1
OCV Model 8000-2
OCV Model 8000-3
OCV Model 8000-13
OCV Model 8000-23
OCV Model 8000VM
OCV Model 8000VM-1
OCV Model 8000VM-2
OCV Model 8000V3
OCV Model 8000VM-13
OCV Model 8000VM-23
OCV Model 65
OCV Model 65A
OCV Model 66
OCV Model 66A

OMB 610
OMB 810
OMB 830
OMB 840
OMB 940
OMB BW25L-2510
OMB CR-810
OMB CR-830
OMB F1-840
OMB F1-810
OMB F25-RJ-2530
OMB F25-RJ-2540
OMB F3-810
OMB F3-810-LG
OMB F3-810-RJ
OMB F3-830
OMB F3-840
OMB F6-810
OMB F6-830
OMB F6-810-RJ
OMB F6-840
OMB F9-RJ-910-RJ
OMB F9-RJ930
OMB F9-RJ-930-RJ
OMB F9-RJ-940
OMB F9-T-930
OMB F9-T-940
OMB F25-RJ-2510
OMB FS-810
OMB L830
OMB L2510
OMB LR-910
OMB LR-910-SH80
OMB LR-910-SH160
OMB LR-930
OMB R-910
OMB R-940
OMB RJ--2510-SH80
OMB RJ--2530-SH80
OMB Y-2540
OMB Y940

Onyx Series DBCP

Onyx Series DBF
Onyx Series DBS
Onyx Series CHP
Onyx Series CHR
Onyx Series DHC
Onyx Series DHO
Onyx Series DHA
Onyx Series DAC
Onyx Series DAO
Onyx Series CAR
Onyx Series CAP
Onyx Series GSF
Onyx Series GSD
Onyx Series GSS
Onyx Series CER
Onyx Series CEP
Onyx Series DEC

Orbit 113
Orbit 122
Orbit 123
Orbit 143
Orbit 243
Orbit 252
Orbit 262
Orbit 613
Orbit 643
Orbit 652
Orbit 662

Pacific Figure 03
Pacific Figure 06
Pacific Figure 09
Pacific Figure 71
Pacific Figure 73
Pacific Figure 91
Pacific Figure 93
Pacific Figure 150
Pacific Figure 150-BTT
Pacific Figure 160
Pacific Figure 160B
Pacific Figure 160S
Pacific Figure 161
Pacific Figure 180
Pacific Figure 184
Pacific Figure 350
Pacific Figure 350-BTT
Pacific Figure 360
Pacific Figure 360B
Pacific Figure 360S
Pacific Figure 361
Pacific Figure 380
Pacific Figure 384
Pacific Figure 650
Pacific Figure 650-BTT
Pacific Figure 660
Pacific Figure 660B
Pacific Figure 660S
Pacific Figure 661
Pacific Figure 680
Pacific Figure 684
Pacific Figure 960
Pacific Figure 984
Pacific Figure 1550
Pacific Figure 1584
Pacific Figure 2150
Pacific Figure 2155
Pacific Figure 21553
Pacific Figure 21555
Pacific Figure 2350
Pacific Figure 2355
Pacific Figure 2650
Pacific Figure 2655
Pacific Figure 2955
Pacific Figure 55006
Pacific Figure 55009
Pacific Figure 55015
Pacific Figure 55025
Pacific Figure 55406
Pacific Figure 55409
Pacific Figure 55415
Pacific Figure 55425H
Pacific Figure 55506
Pacific Figure 55509
Pacific Figure 55515
Pacific Figure 55525H
Pacific Figure 56015
Pacific Figure 56525H
Pacific Figure 56009
Pacific Figure 56515
Pacific Figure 58006
Pacific Figure 58009
Pacific Figure 58015
Pacific Figure 58025
Pacific Figure 58609
Pacific Figure 58615
Pacific Figure 58625H
Pacific Figure 58809
Pacific Figure 58815
Pacific Figure 58825H
Pacific Figure 59006
Pacific Figure 59009
Pacific Figure 59506
Pacific Figure 59015
Pacific Figure 59025H
Pacific Figure 59509
Pacific Figure 59515
Pacific Figure 59525H
Pacific Figure 59606
Pacific Figure 59609
Pacific Figure 59615
Pacific Figure 59625H
Pacific Figure 68801
Pacific Figure 68803
Pacific Figure 68806
Pacific Figure 3656-HF8
Pacific Figure 3656G-HF8T
Pacific Figure 3669-HF8
Pacific Figure 3682-HF8
Pacific Figure 350-HF8
Pacific Figure 350GR-HF8T
Pacific Figure 350GR-HF8-BTT
Pacific Figure 160-HF8
Pacific Figure 360-HF8
Pacific Figure 366-HF8
Pacific Figure 380-HF8
Pacific Figure 380R-HF8
Pacific Figure 3354P-HF8
Pacific Figure 3654P-HF8
Pacific Figure 3655P-HF8
Pacific Figure 3668P-HF8
Pacific Figure 3668P-HF8T
Pacific Figure 3667P-HF8
Pacific Figure 3681P-HF8
Pacific Figure 350P-HF8
Pacific Figure 350PL(2)-HF8
Pacific Figure 350PX-HF8
Pacific Figure 350P-HF8-BTT
Pacific Figure 350PL(2)-HF8-BTT
Pacific Figure 360P-HF8
Pacific Figure 380P-HF8

Parker NV Series
Parker RPV Series
Parker GV Series
Parker VG Series
Parker YV Series
Parker FN Series
Parker CN Series
Parker MN Series
Parker NP6 Series
Parker PV Series
Parker U6 Series
Parker U12 Series
Parker U16 Series
Parker V2 Series
Parker V4 Series
Parker V6 Series
Parker V8 Series
Parker V12 Series
Parker VL Series
Parker VQ4 Series
Parker VQ6 Series
Parker B2L Series
Parker B2X Series
Parker B6L Series
Parker B6X Series
Parker B8L Series
Parker B8X Series
Parker HB Series
Parker MB Series
Parker PR Series
Parker C2 Series
Parker C4 Series
Parker C6 Series
Parker C8 Series
Parker C12 Series
Parker C16 Series
Parker CO4 Series
Parker CO6 Series
Parker CO8 Series
Parker H0 Series
Parker H1 Series
Parker H2 Series
Parker H3 Series
Parker H4 Series
Parker H5 Series
Parker H6 Series
Parker NL Series
Parker NM Series
Parker RL4 Series
Parker RH4 Series
Parker PG4 Series
Parker BV4 Series
Parker BV8 Series

PBV Series 136

PBV Series 138
PBV Series 238
PBV Series 2136
PBV Series 2235
PBV Series 2236
PBV Series 2400
PBV Series 2836
PBV Series 3600
PBV Series 5322

PGI V-500
PGI V-501
PGI V-502
PGI V-503
PGI V-506
PGI V-507
PGI V-508
PGI V-509
PGI V-510
PGI V-511
PGI V-516
PGI V-517
PGI V-518
PGI V-519
PGI V-520
PGI V-521
PGI V-522
PGI V-523
PGI V-524
PGI V-525
PGI V-526
PGI V-527
PGI V-528
PGI V-529
PGI V-530
PGI V-531
PGI V-532
PGI V-552
PGI V-554
PGI V-556
PGI V-558
PGI V-570
PGI V-572
PGI V-573
PGI V-574
PGI V-575
PGI V-579
PGI V-580
PGI V-582
PGI V-584
PGI V-585
PGI V-586
PGI V-597
PGI V-598
PGI V-600
PGI V-602
PGI V-604
PGI V-606
PGI V-608
PGI V-611
PGI V-612
PGI V-613
PGI V-614
PGI V-615
PGI V-620
PGI V-626
PGI V-690
PGI V-692
PGI V-700
PGI V-702
PGI V-905
PGI V2-507
PGI V2-509
PGI V2-517
PGI V2-519
PGI V2-523
PGI V2-527
PGI V2-529
PGI V2-531
PGI V2-575
PGI V2-904
PGI V3-506
PGI V3-507
PGI V3-508
PGI V3-509
PGI V3-516
PGI V3-517
PGI V3-518
PGI V3-519
PGI V3-520
PGI V3-532
PGI V3-536
PGI V3-537
PGI V3-540
PGI V3-541
PGI V3-542
PGI V3-543
PGI V3-544
PGI V3-545
PGI V3-547
PGI V3-573
PGI V3-574
PGI V3-577
PGI V3-579
PGI V3-580
PGI V3-582
PGI V3-584
PGI VP-306
PGI VP-307
PGI VP-552
PGI VP-554
PGI VP-556
PGI VP-590
PGI VP-591
PGI VP-592

Phonix 300
Phonix 350
Phonix 350C
Phonix 350C4/5
Phonix 350 Equilibrating
bal Industries
Powell 1972
Powell 1973
Powell 2341
Powell 2342
Powell 2345
Powell 2346
Powell 2446
Powell 2447
Powell 2466
Powell 2467
Powell 2474
Powell 2494
Powell 2495
Powell 2629
Powell 1303
Powell 1303WE
Powell 1331
Powell 1331WE
Powell 1361
Powell 1361WE
Powell 1503
Powell 1503WE
Powell 1503N
Powell 1503N-WE
Powell 1531
Powell 1531WE
Powell 1561
Powell 1561WE
Powell 2503
Powell 2503WE
Powell 3003
Powell 3003N
Powell 3003WE
Powell 3003N-WE
Powell 3031
Powell 3031WE
Powell 3061
Powell 3061WE
Powell 6003
Powell 6003WE
Powell 6003 C5
Powell 6031
Powell 6031WE
Powell 6061
Powell 6061WE
Powell 9003
Powell 9003WE
Powell 9031
Powell 9031WE
Powell 9061
Powell 9061WE
Powell 102
Powell 110
Powell 116
Powell 116TD
Powell 120
Powell 120TD
Powell 150
Powell 151
Powell 241
Powell 375
Powell 377
Powell 506
Powell 507
Powell 512
Powell 514
Powell 559
Powell 559P
Powell 560
Powell 560TD
Powell 563
Powell 578
Powell 578TD
Powell 650
Powell 1202
Powell 1259
Powell 1313
Powell 1313WE
Powell 1323
Powell 1323WE
Powell 1341
Powell 1341WE
Powell 1351
Powell 1351WE
Powell 1395WE
Powell 1414
Powell 1513
Powell 1513WE
Powell 1523
Powell 1523WE
Powell 1533
Powell 1533WE
Powell 1541
Powell 1541WE
Powell 1543
Powell 1543WE
Powell 1551
Powell 1551WE
Powell 1553
Powell 1553WE
Powell 1595
Powell 1595WE
Powell 1787
Powell 1793
Powell 1797
Powell 1816
Powell 1821
Powell 1822
Powell 1823
Powell 1825
Powell 1842
Powell 1847
Powell 1861
Powell 1893
Powell 1976
Powell 1982
Powell 1983
Powell 2002
Powell 2003
Powell 2004
Powell 2005
Powell 2006
Powell 2007
Powell 2172
Powell 2173
Powell 2309
Powell 2310
Powell 2349
Powell 2350
Powell 2375
Powell 2377
Powell 2456
Powell 2475
Powell 2490
Powell 2491
Powell 2600
Powell 2608
Powell 2612
Powell 2633
Powell 2712
Powell 2714
Powell 2842
Powell 2872
Powell 2920
Powell 2921
Powell 2922
Powell 2923
Powell 3013
Powell 3013WE
Powell 3023
Powell 3023WE
Powell 3033
Powell 3033WE
Powell 3041
Powell 3041WE
Powell 3043
Powell 3043WE
Powell 3051
Powell 3051WE
Powell 3053
Powell 3053WE
Powell 3084
Powell 3086
Powell 3095
Powell 3460
Powell 3462
Powell 6013
Powell 6013WE
Powell 6023
Powell 6033
Powell 6033WE
Powell 6041
Powell 6041WE
Powell 6043
Powell 6043WE
Powell 6051
Powell 6051WE
Powell 6053
Powell 6053WE
Powell 6084
Powell 6084WE
Powell 6086
Powell 6086WE
Powell 6095
Powell 6095WE
Powell 9013
Powell 9013WE
Powell 9023
Powell 9023WE
Powell 9033
Powell 9033WE
Powell 9041
Powell 9041WE
Powell 9043
Powell 9043WE
Powell 9051
Powell 9051WE
Powell 9053
Powell 9053WE
Powell 9095WE
Powell 11095WE
Powell 11303WE
Powell 11313WE
Powell 11323WE
Powell 11331WE
Powell 11331Y-WE
Powell 11333WE
Powell 11341WE
Powell 11343WE
Powell 11351WE
Powell 11353WE
Powell 11361WE
Powell 11365WE
Powell 11365Y-WE
Powell 11367WE
Powell 11384WE
Powell 11384Y-WE
Powell 11386WE
Powell 16003WE
Powell 16013WE
Powell 16023
Powell 16031WE
Powell 16031Y-WE
Powell 16033WE
Powell 16041WE
Powell 16043WE
Powell 16051WE
Powell 16053WE
Powell 16061WE
Powell 16065WE
Powell 16067WE
Powell 16084WE
Powell 16084Y-WE
Powell 16086WE
Powell 16095WE
Powell 19003WE
Powell 19013WE
Powell 19023WE
Powell 19031WE
Powell 19031Y-WE
Powell 19033WE
Powell 19041WE
Powell 19043WE
Powell 19051WE
Powell 19053WE
Powell 19061WE
Powell 19084WE
Powell 19086WE
Powell 19095WE
Powell 25003
Powell 25003WE
Powell 25023
Powell 25023WE
Powell 120003WE
Powell 120013WE
Powell 125003WE
Powell 125013WE
Powell 125023WE
Powell 125031WE
Powell 125031-YWE
Powell 125033WE
Powell 125041WE
Powell 125043WE
Powell 125051WE
Powell 125053WE
Powell 125065WE
Powell 125065Y-WE
Powell 125067WE
Powell 125084WE
Powell 125084Y-WE
Powell 125086WE
Powell 125095WE

Powhatan 18-157

Performance Plastics Model 760

Performance Plastics Model 770
Performance Plastics Model 780

Pratt 2FII
Pratt Series 100
Pratt Series 200
Pratt Groundhog
Pratt HP-250
Pratt RD Series
Pratt MPV
Pratt MSBV
Pratt BPV
Pratt Series 400
Pratt Series 1100
Pratt Series 1200
Pratt Series 1400
Pratt RSBV
Pratt EDSV
Pratt CV
Pratt IBV
Pratt TDC
Pratt MKII
Pratt SCV
Pratt WCV

PureFlex 400 Series

PureFlex 800 Series
PureFlex 840 Series
PureFlex 860 Series

R&G Sloane 1081

Hamer Model BW
Hamer Model SG
Hamer Model VW
Hercules QT Series 37-100
Hercules QT Series 37-300
Hercules QT Series 37-330
Hercules QT Series 37-350
Hercules QT Series 37-400
Hercules Magnum Series 37-200
Hercules Magnum Series 37-210
Hercules Wildcat'r Series 37-500
Hercules Wildcat'r Series 37-550
Hercules Wildcat'r Series 37-750
Hercules 1205
Hercules Model H-142
Hercules Model H-142D
Hercules Model H-143
Hercules Model H-143D
Resun Model R-1430
Resun Model R-1431
Resun Figure 1520
Resun Figure 1524
Resun Figure 1525
Resun Figure 1545
Resun Figure 1545 WGA
Resun Figure 3020
Resun Figure 3024
Resun Figure 3025
Resun Figure 3045
Resun Figure 3045 WGA
Resun Figure 6020
Resun Figure 6025
Resun Figure 6045
Resun Figure 6045 WGA
Resun Figure R1525
Resun Figure BW 150/300
Resun Figure BW 300
Resun Figure DV-151
Resun Figure DV-151 WGA
Resun Figure DV-251
Resun Figure DV-251 WGA

Red Valve Type A

Red Valve Type R
Red Valve Series 2600
Red Valve Series 4700
Red Valve Megaflex
Red Valve Series 70
Red Valve Series 75
Red Valve Series 75B
Red Valve 75 Megaflex
Red Valve Weirflex
Red Valve Series 9000
Red Valve Series 5200, Pneumatic
Red Valve Series 5200, D-Port
Red Valve Series 5200, Electric
Red Valve Series 5200, Diaphragm
Red Valve Series 5300
Red Valve Series 5400
Red Valve Series RSR
Red Valve Series TFO
Red Valve Series 39F
Red Valve Flexgate
Red Valve Series G

Resistoflex Diaphragm Valve

Resistoflex Horizontal Check Valve
Resistoflex Vertical Check Valve
Resistoflex PTFE Clamp Valve

RF Valves P150
RF Valves P15
RF Valves aiRFlex

Raimondi 3005
Raimondi 3010
Raimondi 3011
Raimondi 3012
Raimondi 3013
Raimondi 3013/PS
Raimondi 3025
Raimondi 3026
Raimondi 3031
Raimondi 3032
Raimondi 3039
Raimondi 3040
Raimondi 3045
Raimondi 3045/PS
Raimondi 3046
Raimondi 3051
Raimondi 3051/PS
Raimondi 3052
Raimondi 3052/PS

Rockwell 1925
Rockwell 1945
Rockwell 1947
Rockwell 2025
Rockwell 2045
Rockwell 2245
Rockwell 2249
Rockwell 4149
Rockwell 4249
Rockwell 4749

Rodney Hunt Streamseal

Rodney Hunt Rotovalve
Rodney Hunt Howell-Bunger
Rodney Hunt Ring Jet
Rodney Hunt Series FV-SPR
Rodney Hunt Series FV-AC
Rodney Hunt Series FV-ACP
Rodney Hunt Series FV-AR
Rodney Hunt Series FV-T

Rovalve SB1700
Rovalve Figure S17D
Rovalve Figure S20
Rovalve Figure F17
Rovalve Figure F20
Rovalve Figure 215
Rovalve Figure 220
Rovalve Figure TIV
Rovalve SAM-A115/120
Rovalve Figure 1
Rovalve Figure 201
Rovalve Figure 3
Rovalve Figure S153
Rovalve Figure S156
Rovalve Figure S157
Rovalve Figure 6
Rovalve Figure 7
Rovalve Figure 27
Rovalve Figure 2020
Rovalve Figure 1717
Salina Vortex AP-HT3

Saunders SVMDV2
Saunders SVMDV3
Saunders SVMDV4
Saunders SVMDV5
Saunders Type A
Saunders Type K
Saunders Type KB
Saunders Type WFB
Saunders Type AFP
Saunders Bio-Seal Valve
Saunders Access Valve L602
Saunders Access Valve L604
Saunders Access Valve L608
Saunders Access Valve L610
Saunders Access Valve M406
Saunders Access Valve M412
Saunders Access Valve M806
Saunders Access Valve M812
Saunders Access Valve OM502
Saunders Access Valve OM510
Saunders Access Valve OM704
Saunders Access Valve OM708
Saunders Close-Welded Branch Valve
Saunders Close-Coupled Branch Valve
Saunders Drop Valve
Saunders Zero Deadleg L Pattern Valve
Saunders Zero Deadleg T Pattern Valve
Saunders Close-Welded Point of Use Valve
Saunders Close-Coupled Point of Use Valve
Saunders Tank Bottom Valve, Weld Flange
Saunders Tank Bottom Valve, Bolt Flange
Saunders Tandem H 04 54
Saunders Tandem H 04 36
Saunders Tandem H 04 04
Saunders Tandem H 04 18
Saunders Tandem H 32 36
Saunders Tandem H 32 18
Saunders Tandem H 32 54
Saunders Tandem H 32 00
Saunders Tandem H 18 36
Saunders Tandem H 18 18
Saunders Tandem H 18 54
Saunders Tandem H 18 00
Saunders Tandem H 18 58
Saunders Tandem H 18 14
Saunders Tandem H 18 22
Saunders Tandem H 18 50
Saunders Tandem H 22 68
Saunders Tandem H 22 40
Saunders Tandem H 14 04
Saunders Tandem H 14 32
Saunders WFB Model 1
Saunders WFB Model 2
Saunders WFB Model 4
Saunders WFB Model 6
Saunders WFB Model 7
Saunders WFB Model 9
Saunders WFB Model 11
Saunders Model 3456

Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 815

Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 815 Fire Tested
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 830
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury L6
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 9FA Eliminator
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury H Seat
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury MBV-H Seat
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury MBV-H Seat/High Temp
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Trunnion
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Trunnion W/ESSD Option
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 4000
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 5000
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 5000 W/Epak
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 5300
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 6000
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 6000 W/Epak
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 6300
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7000
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7000 (MBV)
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7000 W/Epak
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7300
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7300 (MBV)
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 9000
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 9000 (MBV)
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 9300
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 600G
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 600G-A
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series G
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series C
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series B
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series D
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 800
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury L90
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series F (casting)
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series F (forging)
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series DF
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series HP8
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series HP4

Sherwood GV 346 Series

Sherwood GV 347 Series
Sherwood GV 702 Series
Sherwood GV 580 Series
Sherwood GV 680 Series
Sherwood GV 677 Series
Sherwood GV 555 Series
Sherwood GV 320 Series
Sherwood GV 350 Series
Sherwood GV 695 Series
Sherwood GV 703 Series
Sherwood GV 660 Series
Sherwood GV 326 Series
Sherwood GV 540 Series
Sherwood GV 577 Series
Sherwood GV 701 Series
Sherwood/Superior Integra-Seal WA Series
Sherwood/Superior Integra-Seal WAS Series
Sherwood/Superior Tuffy Series
Sherwood/Superior Tuffy X2 Series
Sherwood/Superior Tuffy X7 Series
Sherwood/Superior LPD 290C Series
Sherwood/Superior LPD 190C Series
Sherwood/Superior H-V Type 802B Series
Sherwood/Superior H-V Type 804ADX11 Series
Sherwood/Superior 900MA Series
Sherwood/Superior Integra-Seal Series 3155W
Sherwood/Superior Type 3000A
Sherwood/Superior Type 3212A
Sherwood/Superior Type 3012A
Sherwood/Superior Type 3030A
Sherwood/Superior Type 3060A
Sherwood/Superior 600A Series
Sherwood/Superior 605 Series
Sherwood/Superior 617A Series
Sherwood/Superior 600B Series
Sherwood AV 300 Series
Sherwood AV 510 Series
Sherwood AVB 520 Series
Sherwood AVMC 200 Series
Sherwood AV/WB 510 Series
Sherwood BV 347 Series
Sherwood BV 68 Series
Sherwood BV 701 Series
Sherwood 1210 820 Series
Sherwood 1211 820 Series
Sherwood 1214 820 Series
Sherwood 1209 820 Series
Sherwood DF 115 Series
Sherwood DF 116 Series
Sherwood TV 104 Series
Sherwood JV 346 Series
Sherwood JV 347 Series
Sherwood JV 702 Series
Sherwood JV 580 Series
Sherwood JV 680 Series
Sherwood JV 677 Series
Sherwood JV 555 Series
Sherwood JV 320 Series
Sherwood JV 350 Series
Sherwood JV 695 Series
Sherwood JV 703 Series
Sherwood JV 660 Series
Sherwood JV 326 Series
Sherwood JV 540 Series
Sherwood JV 577 Series
Sherwood JV 701 Series
Sherwood KVA 950 Series
Sherwood KVA 940 Series
Sherwood KVA 920 Series
Sherwood KVA 900 Series
Sherwood KVA 930 Series
Sherwood KVA 973 Series
Sherwood KVA 960 Series
Sherwood KVA 910 Series
Sherwood KVA 965 Series
Sherwood KVA 870 Series
Sherwood KVA 880 Series
Sherwood KVA 890 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 346 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 347 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 580 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 680 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 350 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 695 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 540 Series
Sherwood SHERCheck TV 577 Series
Sherwood TV 346 Series
Sherwood TV 347 Series
Sherwood TV 702 Series
Sherwood TV 580 Series
Sherwood TV 680 Series
Sherwood TV 677 Series
Sherwood TV 320 Series
Sherwood TV 350 Series
Sherwood TV 695 Series
Sherwood TV 703 Series
Sherwood TV 326 Series
Sherwood TV 540 Series
Sherwood TV 577 Series
Sherwood TV 701 Series
Sherwood TV 660 Series
Sherwood TV 300 Series
Sherwood TV 415 Series
Sherwood TV 510 Series
Sherwood YV 300 Series
Sherwood YVA 300 Series
Sherwood YVB 540 Series
Sherwood 430 Series
Sherwood 5074 320 Series
Sherwood 5074 350 Series
Sherwood 5074 540 Series
Sherwood 5074 580 Series
Sherwood 5074 346 Series
Sherwood 5074 326 Series
Sherwood 5074 296 Series
Sherwood 5074 590 Series
Sherwood 5074 660 Series
Sherwood 5074 670 Series
Sherwood 1214Y 330 Series
Sherwood 1214Y 660 Series
Sherwood 5983 330 Series
Sherwood 5983 350 Series
Sherwood 5983 660 Series
Sherwood 5983 678 Series
Sherwood 6074 Series
Sherwood 6674 Series
Sherwood 6500 Series
Sherwood 7500 Series
alves, A.R. Thomson Group
Skotch Model T4105C
Skotch Model T4106C
Skotch Model T4155C
Skotch Model T4156C
Skotch Model T4205C
Skotch Model T4206C
Skotch Model T4205
Skotch Model T4206
Skotch Model T4305
Skotch Model T4306
Skotch Model T4405
Skotch Model T4406
Skotch Model T4606
Skotch Model T505
Skotch Model T506
Skotch Model T1001
Skotch Model T1003
Skotch Model T1005
Skotch Model T1006
Skotch Model T1007
Skotch Model T2001
Skotch Model T2003
Skotch Model T2005
Skotch Model T2006
Skotch Model T4200
Skotch Model T4600

Smith 1500
Smith 1570
Smith 411F
Smith 411T
Smith 5870
Smith 800
Smith 815
Smith 830
Smith 860
Smith 870
Smith 875
Smith 888
Smith B80
Smith C150
Smith C83
Smith G150
Smith G157
Smith G80
Smith G83
Smith G87
Smith SB80
Smith 876
Smith 877

Spence Type K1
Spence Type J
Spence Series D
Spence Series K
Spence Series MD
Spence Figure 31 Series
Spence Figure 41 Series
Spence Figure 800 Series
Spence Figure 10 Series
Spence Figure 15 Series
Spence Figure 15V Series
Spence Figure 50 Series
Spence Figure 710 Series
Spence Figure 760 Series
Spence Figure 765 Series
Spence Figure 770 Series
Spence Figure 775 Series
Spence Figure 780 Series
Spence Figure 790 Series
Spence 125WT Series
Spence 150WT Series
Spence 300WT Series
Spence 600WT Series
Spence 125WC Series
Spence 150WC Series
Spence 300WC Series
Spence 125FC Series
Spence 150FC Series
Spence BF Series
Spence Type ED
Spence Type EF14
Spence Type EF14D
Spence Type EP125
Spence Type D50
Spence Type ED5
Spence Type E8
Spence Type EA95P60
Spence Type E2

Sterlco Type 56
Sterlco Type 56-T
Sterlco Type R-150-F (cooling)
Sterlco Type R-150-F (heating)

Stockham Figure B-13T

Stockham Figure B-14T
Stockham Figure B-16
Stockham Figure B-17
Stockham Figure B-20T
Stockham Figure B-22T
Stockham Figure B-29
Stockham Figure B-32T
Stockham Figure B-37
Stockham Figure B-62
Stockham Figure B-64
Stockham Figure B-66
Stockham Figure B-74
Stockham Figure B-100
Stockham Figure B-103
Stockham Figure B-104
Stockham Figure B-105
Stockham Figure B-108
Stockham Figure B-120
Stockham Figure B-122
Stockham Figure B-124
Stockham Figure B-128
Stockham Figure B-131
Stockham Figure B-132
Stockham Figure B-135
Stockham Figure B-140
Stockham Figure B-144
Stockham Figure B-145
Stockham Figure B-147
Stockham Figure B-220
Stockham Figure B-222T
Stockham Figure B-264
Stockham Figure B-266
Stockham Figure B-274
Stockham Figure B-309Y
Stockham Figure B-310BY
Stockham Figure B-310TY
Stockham Figure B-314
Stockham Figure B-316
Stockham Figure B-319Y
Stockham Figure B-320BY
Stockham Figure B-320TY
Stockham Figure B-321
Stockham Figure B-322B
Stockham Figure B-322T
Stockham Figure B-337
Stockham Figure B-345
Stockham Figure B-367
Stockham Figure B-375
Stockham Figure B-13TC
Stockham Figure B-14TC
Stockham Figure B-16C
Stockham Figure B-17C
Stockham Figure B-100C
Stockham Figure B-103C
Stockham Figure B-104C
Stockham Figure B-108C
Stockham Figure B-309C
Stockham Figure B-310BC
Stockham Figure B-310TC
Stockham Figure B-319C
Stockham Figure B-320BC
Stockham Figure B-320TC
Stockham Figure B-320VC
Stockham Figure T-255
Stockham Figure S-255
Stockham Figure T-285
Stockham Figure S-285
Stockham Figure T-395
Stockham Figure S-395
Stockham Figure T-2852
Stockham Figure SW-2852
Stockham Figure T-3902
Stockham Figure SW-3902
Stockham Figure T-3951
Stockham Figure SW-3951
Stockham Figure T-3952
Stockham Figure SW-3952
Stockham Figure LD-502
Stockham Figure LD-512
Stockham Figure LD-521
Stockham Figure LD-522
Stockham Figure LD-552
Stockham Figure LD-572
Stockham Figure LD-582
Stockham Figure LD-702
Stockham Figure LD-712
Stockham Figure LD-721
Stockham Figure LD-722
Stockham Figure LD-752
Stockham Figure LD-772
Stockham Figure LD-782
Stockham Figure LG-502
Stockham Figure LG-512
Stockham Figure LG-521
Stockham Figure LG-522
Stockham Figure LG-552
Stockham Figure LG-572
Stockham Figure LG-582
Stockham Figure LG-512-BS3-EM
Stockham Figure LG-522-BS3-EM
Stockham Figure LG-712-BS3-EM
Stockham Figure LG-722-BS3-EM
Stockham Figure 17A-121 RTG
Stockham Figure 17C-121 RTG
Stockham Figure 37A-121 RTG
Stockham Figure 37C-121 RTG
Stockham Figure B-133
Stockham Figure G-600
Stockham Figure G-601
Stockham Figure G-610
Stockham Figure G-632
Stockham Figure G-634
Stockham Figure G-635
Stockham Figure G-939
Stockham Figure WG-990
Stockham Figure T-255-FB-P-UL
Stockham Figure S-255-FB-P-UL
Stockham Figure AG-642
Stockham Figure AG-931
Stockham Figure F-532
Stockham Figure F-540
Stockham Figure F-541
Stockham Figure F-661
Stockham Figure F-667
Stockham Figure F-947
Stockham Figure G-512
Stockham Figure G-515
Stockham Figure G-574
Stockham Figure G-608
Stockham Figure G-612
Stockham Figure G-613
Stockham Figure G-620
Stockham Figure G-623
Stockham Figure G-624
Stockham Figure G-675
Stockham Figure G-676
Stockham Figure G-679
Stockham Figure G-683
Stockham Figure G-684
Stockham Figure G-687
Stockham Figure G-688
Stockham Figure G-927
Stockham Figure G-931
Stockham Figure G-931 L&W
Stockham Figure G-932
Stockham Figure G-933
Stockham Figure G-975
Stockham Figure WG-961
Stockham Figure WG-970
Stockham Figure T-285-BR-R-HC
Stockham Figure S-285-BR-R-HC
Stockham Figure T-285-BR-R-66-HC
Stockham Figure S-285-BR-R-66-HC
Stockham Figure D-512
Stockham Figure D-623
Stockham Figure D-931

Sure Seal Series 500/522

Sure Seal Series 890-893
Sure Seal Series 899/892
Sure Seal Series 600-622
Sure Seal Beltech LBF Series
Sure Seal Beltech LBV Series
Sure Seal Series GTD
Sure Seal Series FSD
Sure Seal Series MTD
Sure Seal 895 Rotary
Sure Seal 894 Sanitary
Sure Seal BTSV-SB Series
Sure Seal Series 2000
Sure Seal G2
Sure Seal Series 340

Swagelok-Whitey Series 0
Swagelok-Whitey Series 1
Swagelok-Whitey Series 18
Swagelok-Whitey Series 50
Swagelok-Whitey Series 60
Swagelok-Whitey Series C
Swagelok-Whitey Series H65P
Swagelok-Whitey Series H83P-2Way
Swagelok-Whitey Series LD
Swagelok-Whitey Series LH83P-2Way
Swagelok-Whitey Series NB
Swagelok-Whitey Series S60P
Swagelok-Whitey Series T60M
Swagelok-Whitey Series W63E

Schutte Meyer KU-HP

Schutte Meyer KU-Std
Schutte Meyer ZFB
Schutte Meyer ZFN
Schutte Meyer ZFP
Schutte Meyer VEG
Schutte Meyer DFGH
Schutte Meyer DFGS

Taylor Valve Technology M2

Taylor Valve Technology M3
Taylor Valve Technology M4
Taylor Valve Technology R2
Taylor Valve Technology R3
Taylor Valve Technology R4
Taylor Valve Technology R6
Taylor Valve Technology CA
Taylor Valve Technology CI
Taylor Valve Technology MC
Taylor Valve Technology MCX
Taylor Valve Technology MDI
Taylor Valve Technology MDIS
Taylor Valve Technology MDA
Taylor Valve Technology MDAS
Taylor Valve Technology 8200 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 8300 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 7800 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 7900 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 7702 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 9400 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 9300 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 8400 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 211 Series
Taylor Valve Technology 211N Series
Taylor Valve Technology 211S Series
Taylor Valve Technology 632 Series

TBV Series 1100

TBV Series 1800
TBV Series 2000
TBV Series 2100
TBV Series 3100
TBV Series 4100
TBV Series 5100
TBV Series 6100
TBV Series 6400
TBV Series 6500
TBV Series 6800
TBV Series 6900
TBV Series 7100
TBV Series 9100

Techno DPW 5050

Techno DPW 5051
Techno DPW 5053
Techno DPW 5056
Techno EHF 5001
Techno EHF 5003
Techno EHF 5004
Techno EHF 5102
Techno EHF 5107
Techno EHF 5116
Techno EHF 5117
Techno EHW 5005
Techno EHW 5412
Techno EHW 5118
Techno EHW 5831
Techno EHW 5355
Techno EHW 5296
Techno EHW 5865
Techno EHW 5881
Techno EHW 5297
Techno EHW 5463
Techno EHW 5463-300
Techno EHB 5081
Techno EHB 5081-R
Techno EHB 5081-F
Techno EHT 5000
Techno EHT 5002
Techno EHV 5103
Techno EHP 5104
Techno EHS 5922
Techno SCW 1200
Techno SCN 100
Techno SCN 110

ologies, Cameron Valves
Technova BFV
Technova CPL
son Process
Tescom 22-2200 Series
Tescom 22-5400 Series
Tescom 26-2500 Series
Tescom 44-2200 Series
Tescom 44-2300 Series
Tescom 44-2600 Series
Tescom 44-2800 Series
Tescom 44-3200 Series
Tescom 44-3400 Series
Tescom 44-4700 Series
Tescom 44-4800 Series
Tescom 44-5000 Series
Tescom 64-2600 Series
Tescom 64-2800 Series
Tescom 64-3200 Series
Tescom 64-3400 Series
Tescom 64-3600 Series
Tescom 64-5000 Series
Tescom 74-300A Series
Tescom 74-2400 Series
Tescom 74-3000 Series
Tescom 74-3800 Series
Tescom MR-2400 Series
Tescom 04 Series
Tescom 12F Series
Tescom 14-11 Series
Tescom 14-12 Series
Tescom 14-13 Series
Tescom 14-14 Series
Tescom 14-15 Series
Tescom 14-17 Series
Tescom 14-21 Series
Tescom 14-31 Series
Tescom 14-41 Series
Tescom 15 Series
Tescom 23 Series
Tescom 31 Magnum Series
Tescom 32-1 Magnum Series
Tescom 35 Magnum Series
Tescom CM1 Magnum Series
Tescom 449-254 Series
Tescom 449-260 Series
Tescom DH-16
Tescom FR 2000 Series
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-1600 Series
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-1800 Series
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-2200 Series
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-2600 Series
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-3200 Series
Tescom DG Series
Tescom DH Series
Tescom ER3100 Series
Tescom 15-001 Series
Tescom CC Series
Tescom FL7000 Series
Tescom VA Series
Tescom VG Series
Tescom VJ Series
Tescom SJS Series

Tideflex Series TF-1 Flat Bottom

Tideflex Series TF-2
Tideflex Series TF-2 with Thimble Plate
Tideflex Series TF-2 with Cast In Thimble Plate
Tideflex Series 35-1 Flat Bottom
Tideflex Series 35 Flanged
Tideflex Series 37 InLine Flanged
Tideflex Series 37 InLine Flanged with Retaining Ring
Tideflex Series 37 InLine Flanged with Saddle Supports
Tideflex Series 37G InLine Insertable
Tideflex Series 2633 Inline Threaded Body
Tideflex Series 39 InLine Flanged Body
Tideflex Series 39 InLine Flanged Body with Full Faced Sa
Tideflex Series 39F Large Diameter InLine Flanged Body
Tideflex Series 4739 Lightweight InLine Flanged Aluminum
Tideflex Ultralite
Tideflex Waterflex

Tom Wheatley Fig 33

Tom Wheatley Fig 54
Tom Wheatley Fig 55
Tom Wheatley Fig 66
Tom Wheatley Fig 70
Tom Wheatley Fig 71
Tom Wheatley Fig 73
Tom Wheatley Fig 75
Tom Wheatley Fig 76
Tom Wheatley Fig 1451
Tom Wheatley Fig 1452
Tom Wheatley Fig 1515
Tom Wheatley Fig 1535
Tom Wheatley Fig 1547
Tom Wheatley Fig 1564
Tom Wheatley Fig 1565
Tom Wheatley Fig 1566
Tom Wheatley Fig 1574
Tom Wheatley Fig 1575
Tom Wheatley Fig 1576

TopLine Bio-Pro Forged

TopLine Bio-Pro Cast
TopLine Bio-Flo II
TopLine Zero DLTM T-Pattern
TopLine Zero DLTM Tank Bottom
TopLine Zero DLTM L-Pattern
TopLine Zero DLTM Point-of-Use
TopLine Sterile Access
TopLine Top-Flo Divert, 2-way
TopLine Top-Flo Divert, 3-way
TopLine Top-Flo Divert, 4-way
TopLine Top-Flo Divert, 5-way
TopLine Top-Flo Divert, 6-way
TopLine Top-Flo Divert, 7-way
TopLine Top-Flo Divert, 8-way
TopLine DCX3 L
TopLine DCX3 T
TopLine DCX3 X
TopLine DCX4 L/L
TopLine DCX4 T/L
TopLine DCX4 L/T
TopLine DCX4 L/X
TopLine DCX3A L
TopLine DCX3A T
TopLine DCX3A X
TopLine DCX4A L/L
TopLine DCX4A T/L
TopLine DCX4A L/T
TopLine DCX4A L/X
TopLine DCX3, Regulating
TopLine DCX3, Tank Bottom
TopLine DCX4, Tank Bottom
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 1
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 2
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 3
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 4
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 5
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 6
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 7
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 8
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 9
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 10
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 11
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 12
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 13
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 14
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 15
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 16
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 17
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 18
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 19
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 20
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 21
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 1
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 2
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 3
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 4
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 5
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 6
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 7
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 8
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 9
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 10
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 11
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 12
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 13
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 14
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 15
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 16
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 17
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 18
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 19
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 20
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 21
TopLine VDCI, Tank Bottom, Standard
TopLine VDCI, Tank Bottom, Aseptic
TopLine Top-Flo Ball Valve
TopLine Top-Flo Series 77 Ball Valve
TopLine Top-Flo Series 77 Ball Valve, Non-Cavity Filled
TopLine Top-Flo Series 77 Ball Valve, Cavity Filled
TopLine Sanitary Butterfly Valve
TopLine D10WW
TopLine D11WWW
TopLine D10MP
TopLine D11MP
TopLine T45MP
TopLine Top-Flo Sample Valve, In-Line
TopLine Top-Flo Sample Valve, Right Angle

Triac Series 10
Triac Series 20
Triac Series 21
Triac Series 22
Triac Series 24
Triac Series 30
Triac Series 33
Triac Series 38
Triac Series 55
Triac Series 77
Triac Series 83
Triac Series 8R
Triac Series 88
Triac Series R8
Triac Series 90
Triac Series 91
Triac Series 93
Triac Series V8
Triac Series V9
Triac Series D9
Triac Series LB
Triac Series LD
Triac Series T5
, Cameron Valves
TruSeal MBV
TruSeal MTR
TruSeal TRB
TruSeal TRA
TruSeal ABV
TruSeal TRG
TruSeal MBG

Ty Valve Type 1
Ty Valve Type 1H
Ty Valve Type 2
Ty Valve Type 2H
Ty Valve Type 3
Ty Valve Type 3H
Ty Valve Type 4
Ty Valve Type 4H
Ty Valve Type 5
Ty Valve Type 5H
Ty Valve Type 6
Ty Valve Type 6H
Ty Valve Type 7
Ty Valve Type 7H
Ty Valve Type 8
Ty Valve Type 8H
Ty Valve Type 9
Ty Valve Type 9H

Union Tech Metal-Seated Ball Valve

Val-Matic Silent Check

Val-Matic Dual Disc
Val-Matic Tilited Disc
Val-Matic Swing-Flex
Val-Matic American-BFV Series 2000
Val-Matic American-BFV Series 2100
Val-Matic American-BFV Series 2200
Val-Matic American-BFV Series 2300
Val-Matic American-BFV Series 2400
Val-Matic American-BFV Series 2500
Val-Matic American-BFV Series 2600
Val-Matic Sure Seal Foot Valve Series 1900
Val-Matic Cam-CentricEccentric Plug Valve Series 5000
Val-Matic Model 15A
Val-Matic Model 15A.2
Val-Matic Model 15A.3
Val-Matic Model 22.3
Val-Matic Model 22.4
Val-Matic Model 22.7
Val-Matic Model 22.9
Val-Matic Model 25.5
Val-Matic Model 25.6
Val-Matic Model 38
Val-Matic Model 38.2
Val-Matic Model 38.5
Val-Matic Model 38.6
Val-Matic Model 45
Val-Matic Model 45.2
Val-Matic Model 45.5
Val-Matic Model 45.6
Val-Matic Model 50
Val-Matic Model 50HP
Val-Matic Model 48A
Val-Matic Model 48A.2
Val-Matic Model 48A.4
Val-Matic Model 48A.5
Val-Matic Model 49A
Val-Matic Model 49A.2
Val-Matic Model 49A.4
Val-Matic Model 49A.5
Val-Matic Model 48ABW
Val-Matic Model 48A.2BW
Val-Matic Model 48A.4BW
Val-Matic Model 48A.5BW
Val-Matic Model 49ABW
Val-Matic Model 49A.2BW
Val-Matic Model 49A.4BW
Val-Matic Model 49A.5BW
Val-Matic Model 100S
Val-Matic Model 101S
Val-Matic Model 102S
Val-Matic Model 103S
Val-Matic Model 104S
Val-Matic Model 154S
Val-Matic Model 106
Val-Matic Model 156
Val-Matic Model 108
Val-Matic Model 158
Val-Matic Model 110
Val-Matic Model 160
Val-Matic Model 112
Val-Matic Model 162
Val-Matic Model 114
Val-Matic Model 164
Val-Matic Model 116
Val-Matic Model 166
Val-Matic Model 120
Val-Matic Model 170
Val-Matic Model 301A
Val-Matic Model 302A
Val-Matic Model 303A
Val-Matic Model 304
Val-Matic Model 306
Val-Matic Model 308
Val-Matic Model 301ABW
Val-Matic Model 302ABW
Val-Matic Model 303ABW
Val-Matic Model 304BW
Val-Matic Model 306BW
Val-Matic Model 308BW
Val-Matic Model 201C.2
Val-Matic Model 202C.2
Val-Matic Model 203C.2
Val-Matic Model 204C.2
Val-Matic Model 203C.14
Val-Matic Model 204C.14
Val-Matic Model 203C.15
Val-Matic Model 204C.15
Val-Matic Model 206C
Val-Matic Model 256C
Val-Matic Model 208C
Val-Matic Model 258C
Val-Matic Model 101S/22.9
Val-Matic Model 102S/22.9
Val-Matic Model 103S/22.9
Val-Matic Model 104S/38
Val-Matic Model 154S/38.5
Val-Matic Model 106/38
Val-Matic Model 156/38.5
Val-Matic Model 108/38
Val-Matic Model 158/38.5
Val-Matic Model 108/45
Val-Matic Model 158/45.5
Val-Matic Model 110/38
Val-Matic Model 160/38.5
Val-Matic Model 110/45
Val-Matic Model 160/45.5
Val-Matic Model 112/38
Val-Matic Model 162/38.5
Val-Matic Model 112/45
Val-Matic Model 162/45.5
Val-Matic Model 114/38
Val-Matic Model 164/38.5
Val-Matic Model 114/45
Val-Matic Model 164/45.5
Val-Matic Model 116/38
Val-Matic Model 166/38.5
Val-Matic Model 116/45
Val-Matic Model 166/45.5
Val-Matic Model 801A
Val-Matic Model 802A
Val-Matic Model 803A
Val-Matic Model 804
Val-Matic Model 48A/301A
Val-Matic Model 48A/302A
Val-Matic Model 49A/302A
Val-Matic Model 48A/303A
Val-Matic Model 49A/303A
Val-Matic Model 48A/304
Val-Matic Model 49A/304
Val-Matic Model 48A/306
Val-Matic Model 49A/306
Val-Matic Model 48A/308
Val-Matic Model 49A/308
Val-Matic Model 801ABW
Val-Matic Model 802ABW
Val-Matic Model 803ABW
Val-Matic Model 804BW
Val-Matic Model 48A/301ABW
Val-Matic Model 48A/302ABW
Val-Matic Model 49A/302ABW
Val-Matic Model 48A/303ABW
Val-Matic Model 49A/303ABW
Val-Matic Model 48A/304BW
Val-Matic Model 49A/304BW
Val-Matic Model 48A/306BW
Val-Matic Model 49A/306BW
Val-Matic Model 48A/308BW
Val-Matic Model 49A/308BW
Val-Matic Model 1201T/201C.2
Val-Matic Model 1202T/202C.2
Val-Matic Model 1203/203C.2
Val-Matic Model 1204/204C.2
Val-Matic Model 1206/206C
Val-Matic Model 1256/256C
Val-Matic Model 1208/208C
Val-Matic Model 1258/258C
Val-Matic Model 1201T/101S/38.5
Val-Matic Model 1202T/102S/38.5
Val-Matic Model 1203T/103S/38.5
Val-Matic Model 1204/104S/38
Val-Matic Model 1254/154S/38.5
Val-Matic Model 1206/106/38
Val-Matic Model 1256/156/38.5
Val-Matic Model 1208/108/38
Val-Matic Model 1258/158/38.5
Val-Matic Model 1210/110/45
Val-Matic Model 1260/160/45.5
Val-Matic Model 1212/112/45
Val-Matic Model 1262/162/45.5
Val-Matic Model 1214/114/45
Val-Matic Model 1264/164/45.5
Val-Matic Model 1216/116/45
Val-Matic Model 1266/166/45.5
Val-Matic Model 1220/120/45
Val-Matic Model 1270/170/45.5
Val-Matic Model 100ST
Val-Matic Model 101ST
Val-Matic Model 102ST
Val-Matic Model 103ST
Val-Matic Model 104WS
Val-Matic Model 154WS
Val-Matic Model 106WS
Val-Matic Model 156WS
Val-Matic Model 108WS
Val-Matic Model 158WS
Val-Matic Model 110WS
Val-Matic Model 160WS
Val-Matic Model 112WS
Val-Matic Model 162WS
Val-Matic Model 1803VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1804VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1805VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1806VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1808VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1810VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1812VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1814VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1816VB/38
Val-Matic Model 1803VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1804VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1805VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1806VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1808VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1810VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1812VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1814VB/48A
Val-Matic Model 1816VB/ 48A
Valmatic, American-BFV® Butterfly Valves

Vanessa Series 30,000/QTG

Vanessa Series 30,000/QTL
Vanessa Series 30,000/QTF
Vanessa Series 30,000/QTW
Vanessa Series 32,000
Vanessa Series 32,500
Vanessa Series 33,000

Velan 0064
Velan 0074
Velan 0074T
Velan 0074V
Velan 0114
Velan 0114C
Velan 1074
Velan 1074C
Velan 1074E
Velan 1074T
Velan F00302
Velan F10302
Velan F0142
Velan F11402
Velan F21402
Velan F00313
Velan F10313
Velan F01413
Velan F11413
Velan F21413
Velan 2034
Velan 2034B
Velan 2054B
Velan 2054W
Velan 2064
Velan 2064B
Velan 2064C
Velan 2064V
Velan 2074
Velan 2074B
Velan 2074E
Velan 2074T
Velan 2074V
Velan 2074W
Velan 2114
Velan 2114B
Velan 2114W
Velan 2174T
Velan 2174W
Velan 2184T
Velan 2184W
Velan 3034B
Velan 3054B
Velan 3054R
Velan 3054T
Velan 3054W
Velan 3064
Velan 3064C
Velan 3074B
Velan 3076S
Velan 3076W
Velan 3094B
Velan 3114
Velan 3114C
Velan 3174W
Velan 3184W
Velan 4054P
Velan 4054W
Velan 7064
Velan 7114
Velan 7114C
Velan 8036W
Velan 8076Z
Velan 9036W
Velan 9076Z
Velan B0064C
Velan B0074C
Velan B1064C
Velan B1064V
Velan B1074C
Velan B1114C
Velan B2064C
Velan B2074C
Velan B2114C
Velan B3034P
Velan B3054B
Velan B3054P
Velan B3064C
Velan B3074B
Velan B3074K
Velan B3074P
Velan B4034P
Velan B4054B
Velan B4086K
Velan B4086P
Velan B4094B
Velan B7064C
Velan B9036W
Velan B9076Z
Velan EP-2000
Velan EP-2000Z
Velan EP-4000
Velan F0034B
Velan F0054B
Velan F0054T
Velan F0064
Velan F0064C
Velan F0064V
Velan F0074C
Velan F0074E
Velan F0074F
Velan F0114C
Velan F0134B
Velan F1054B
Velan F1054E
Velan F1054T
Velan F1064
Velan F1064C
Velan F1064V
Velan F1074B
Velan F1074C
Velan F1074T
Velan F1074V
Velan F1114B
Velan F1114C
Velan F2034B
Velan F2054B
Velan F2074B
Velan F2074C
Velan F2114C
Velan F3034B
Velan F3054B
Velan F3054W
Velan F3056W
Velan F3064C
Velan F3074B
Velan F7064C
Velan F7074B
Velan F7114C
Velan FMV
Velan R1054B
Velan R1074B
Velan R2034B
Velan R2054B
Velan R2064C
Velan R2074B
Velan R2074C
Velan R2114C
Velan R3034B
Velan R3054B
Velan R3054E
Velan R7064C
Velan R7064E
Velan S2054B
Velan S2054P
Velan S2064W
Velan S2054T
Velan S2064C
Velan S2074W
Velan SB
Velan SB-Live Loaded
Velan SB-Trunnion
Velan SB-Double Packing
Velan UB/SB
Velan W2054B
Velan W2054T
Velan W2054W
Velan X2054W
Velan B0114C
Velan Type 31
Velan Type 32
Velan Type 33
Velan Type 34
Velan Type 37
Velan Type 38
Velan Type 322C
Velan Type 310B
Velan Type 320B

Proquip VW
Proquip VL
Proquip VF
Proquip VH
Vickers D*8P1 Series
Vickers C2-800 Series
Vickers C5G Series
Vickers 4C* Series
Vickers PCGV Series;
Vickers PCG5V Series
Vickers CPF1* Series
Vickers CPF2* Series
Vickers CPF3* Series
Vickers CPF4* Series
Vickers UPF1* Series
Vickers UPF2* Series
Vickers DCPFS Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMR Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMC Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMC2 Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMX2 Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMR1 Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMFN Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMPC Series
Vickers SystemStak DGMDC Series
Vickers DG4V Series

Victaulic Vic-300 MasterSealTM

Victaulic Three-way Automated
Victaulic Series 700
Victaulic Series 763
Victaulic Series 608
Victaulic Series 716
Victaulic Series 779
Victaulic Series 712 Swinger
Victaulic Series 712S Swinger
Victaulic Series 713 Swinger
Victaulic Series 317
Victaulic Series 377
Victaulic Vic-Plug Series 365
Victaulic Vic-Plug Series 366
Victaulic Series 722
Victaulic Series 723
Victaulic Series 723S
Victaulic Series 726
Victaulic Series 726S
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 782
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 783
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 785
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 786
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 787
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 787-U
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 788
Victaulic Tour & Andersson Series 789
Victaulic Series Triple Service Butterfly/Check Combo
Victaulic Series Triple Service Plug/Check Combo
Victaulic Series 706
Victaulic Series 709
Victaulic Series W715
Victaulic Series W706
Victaulic Series W709
Victaulic Series 522
Victaulic Series 569
Victaulic Series 721S
Victaulic Series 793
Victaulic Series 797
Victaulic Series 589

KMP LW-S Series

KMP LW-SP Series

Vogt 353
Vogt 363
Vogt 373
Vogt 473
Vogt 483
Vogt 493
Vogt 573
Vogt 583
Vogt 593
Vogt 2801
Vogt 2821
Vogt 2831
Vogt 4835
Vogt 10603
Vogt 12111
Vogt 12141
Vogt 12401
Vogt 12501
Vogt 13111
Vogt 13373
Vogt 15373
Vogt 15401
Vogt 15493
Vogt 15701
Vogt 22461
Vogt CT2831
Vogt CT2901
Vogt F22461
Vogt S74
Vogt S718
Vogt ST2801
Vogt ST2831
Vogt SW701
Vogt SW718
Vogt SW1610
Vogt SW2522
Vogt SW2610
Vogt SW2622
Vogt SW2801
Vogt SW2821
Vogt SW2831
Vogt SW12111
Vogt SW12141
Vogt SW12143
Vogt SW12401
Vogt SW12501
Vogt SW15141
Vogt SW15401
Vogt SW15701
Vogt SW15801
Vogt SW15821
Vogt SW32111F8M
Vogt SW35111F8M
Vogt SW66703
Vogt SW66713
Vogt SWS74
Vogt SW66723
Vogt TSW2801
Vogt TSW12111
Vogt TSW12401
Vogt TSW32111F8M
Vogt TT2801

Valtorc, Automated Butterfly Valve

Walworth Figure No. 5202F

Walworth Figure No. 5202WE
Walworth Figure No. 5206F
Walworth Figure No. 5206WE
Walworth Figure No. 5232F
Walworth Figure No. 5232WE
Walworth Figure No. 5247F
Walworth Figure No. 5247WE
Walworth Figure No. 5262F
Walworth Figure No. 5262WE
Walworth Figure No. 5275F
Walworth Figure No. 5275WE
Walworth Figure No. 5278F
Walworth Figure No. 5278WE
Walworth Figure No. 5281F
Walworth Figure No. 5281WE
Walworth Figure No. 5283F
Walworth Figure No. 5283WE
Walworth Figure No. 5295F
Walworth Figure No. 5295WE
Walworth Figure No. 5297F
Walworth Figure No. 5297WE
Walworth Figure No. 5301F
Walworth Figure No. 5301WE
Walworth Figure No. 5303F
Walworth Figure No. 5303WE
Walworth Figure No. 5308F
Walworth Figure No. 5308WE
Walworth Figure No. 5310F
Walworth Figure No. 5310WE
Walworth Figure No. 5341F
Walworth Figure No. 5341WE
Walworth Figure No. 5344F
Walworth Figure No. 5344WE
Walworth Figure No. 5350F
Walworth Figure No. 5350WE
Walworth Figure No. 5353F
Walworth Figure No. 5353WE
Walworth Figure No. 5356F
Walworth Figure No. 5356WE

WKM Model 210A

WKM Model 310C
WKM Model 310D
WKM Model 310F
WKM Model 370CT
WKM Model 370D4
WKM Model 370E4
WKM Pow-R-Seal
WKM Saf-T-Seal
WKM Series E

Warren Controls Type 1840

Warren Controls Type 1852
Warren Controls Type 1843
Warren Controls Type 1850
Warren Controls Type 2820
Warren Controls Type 2830
Warren Controls Type 2832
Warren Controls Type 2920
Warren Controls Type 2922
Warren Controls Type 2923
Warren Controls Type 2930
Warren Controls Type 2932
Warren Controls Type 5840

Watts 900
Watts 909
Watts 1500
Watts 1500-FS
Watts 1800
Watts 1800-FS
Watts 2500
Watts 2500-FS
Watts 2800
Watts 2800-FS
Watts 3500
Watts 3500-FS
Watts 3800
Watts 3800-FS
Watts 5500
Watts 5800
Watts 5800-FS
Watts 7200
Watts 7200-FS
Watts 7400
Watts 8200
Watts 8200-FS
Watts 8400
Watts 9200
Watts 9800
Watts A-3200
Watts B-6100
Watts B-6400
Watts B-6800-LL
Watts 1501-212A
Watts 1503-212A
Watts CF1800-150-T316
Watts CF1800-300-T316
Watts CF7380-600-02
Watts C-7000-LL
Watts 2501-212A
Watts 2503-212A
Watts SF2800-150
Watts SF2800-300
Watts S-8000-LL
Watts ACV 110-10
Watts ACV 110-14
Watts ACV 113-12
Watts ACV 113-6
Watts ACV 113-46
Watts ACV 113-21
Watts ACV 413-21
Watts ACV 513-5
Watts ACV 513-6
Watts ACV 513-12
Watts ACV 114R
Watts ACV 115
Watts ACV 115-2
Watts ACV 115-3
Watts ACV 115-4
Watts ACV 115-7
Watts ACV 115-74
Watts ACV 116
Watts ACV 116-31
Watts ACV 116-52
Watts ACV 118-3R
Watts ACV 127-1
Watts ACV 127-2
Watts ACV 127-11
Watts ACV 115F
Watts ACV 116FM
Watts ACV 116-1FM
Watts ACV 100D-A
Watts ACV 100D-B
Watts ACV 1116FH

Worchester 44 Series
Worchester 51V19
Worchester 52V19
Worchester 59V19
Worchester 82V19
Worchester 83V19
Worchester 94-150
Worchester 94-300
Worchester AF51V19
Worchester AF52V19
Worchester AF82V19
Worchester AF83V19
Worchester PT51V19-A
Worchester PT51V19-G
Worchester PT52V19-G
Worchester 5146TT150
Worchester 5246TT300
Worchester 8246TT50
Worchester 8346TT300
Worchester 4346RSE
Worchester 5166TT150
Worchester 5266TT150
Worchester 8266TT150
Worchester 8366TT150
Worchester 4866RSE

Wey VL
Wey VS
Wey NA1
Wey T13
Wey Bianca Centric Butterfly Valve
Wey Sheargate Valve
cific Valves, Crane
Tufline® Figure 511R
Tufline® Figure 513R
Tufline® Figure 521F
Tufline® Figure 523F
Tufline® Figure 521R
Tufline® Figure 523R
Tufline® Figure 533F
Tufline® Figure 536F
Tufline® Figure 536R
Xomox 821
Tufline® 067
Tufline® 067-FT
Tufline® 067-FJ
Tufline® 067-XP
Tufline® 097
Tufline® 367
Tufline® 367-FT
Tufline® 367-FJ
Tufline® 367-XP
Tufline® 397
Tufline® 061
Tufline® 361
Tufline® 031 - Flow Pattern
Tufline® 127-FT
Tufline® 166BW
Tufline® 366
Tufline® 366-FT
Tufline® 037 - Flow Pattern
Tufline® 071
Tufline® 073
Tufline® 0667-DR
Tufline® 0667-XP
Tufline® 0697
Xomox Tufline® Figure 0366-HF
Xomox Tufline® Figure 0367-HF
Xomox Tufline® Figure 0367EG-HF
Xomox Tufline® Figure 0667-HF
Xomox Tufline® Figure 20367EG-HF
Xomox Tufline® Figure 0667DR-HF

Yarway 909-C
Yarway 3486-R
Yarway 3488-R
Yarway 5301
Yarway 5302
Yarway 6909-C
Yarway Series 5300 ARC
Yarway Series 7100 ARC
Yarway Series 9100 ARC
Yarway Series 9200 ARC
Yarway Series 9300 ARC
Yarway Turbo-Cascade High Pressure
Yarway TempLow Steam Desuperheater

NH Figure C1481
NH Figure C1482
NH Figure C1484
NH Figure C1881
NH Figure C1882
NH Figure C1884
NH Figure C1981
NH Figure C1982
NH Figure C1984
NH Figure C1144
NH Figure C1174
NH Figure C1344
NH Figure C1374
NH Figure C1644
NH Figure C1674
NH Figure C1844
NH Figure C1874
NH A40
NH A50
NH A60
NH T607M
NH T609M
NH 33
NH 608
NH 668
NH 13
NH 14
NH 23
NH 47
NH 48
NH 42
NH 49
NH T807
NH 1969F
NH 1999
NH 1969
NH 1979
NH 1989ST
NH 1999ST
NH 1969CAP
NH R650
NH R658
NH R602
NH R602A
NH R602B
NH R602C
NH R605
NH R661
NH Series 45
NH 610
NH 630
NH 810
NH 830
NH R623
NH R624

GVS BB-1 (Licensed from General Electric Nuovo Pignone)

GVS B-1 (Licensed from General Electric Nuovo Pignone)

Lowe Trunion Ball Valve

Lowe Floating Ball Valve
Lowe Sure Seal Butterfly Valve
Lowe FlowSeal Butterfly Valve
Lowe Series G
Lowe Series S
Lowe Series T400
Lowe Series T404
Lowe Series 800
Lowe Series 900

Hattersley 05G46
Hattersley 05V44
Hattersley 05W44
Hattersley C4054/29
Hattersley C4084/31
Hattersley C7914/29
Hattersley C7924/15
Hattersley C7944/15
Hattersley C7944/29
Hattersley C8054/15
Hattersley C8054/29
Hattersley C8914/15B
Hattersley C8914/29
Hattersley C8924/29
Hattersley K8054/29
Hattersley LC4054/15
Hattersley LC4054/29
Hattersley LC7914/29
Hattersley LC7924/29
Hattersley LC8054/15
Hattersley LC8914/29
Hattersley LC8924/29
Hattersley M8054/15
Hattersley M8054/29
Hattersley S7914/16
Hattersley S7914/29
Hattersley S7924/29
Hattersley S8054/29
Hattersley S8914/29
Hattersley S8924/29

Score Tricentric Butterfly Valve


Singer Model 106-PG

Singer Model 106-PG-AC
Singer Model 106-PG-RW
Singer Model 106-PGX
Singer Model 206-PG
Singer Model 206-PG-RW
Singer Model 206-PGX
Singer Model 106-PT
Singer Model 106-PT-AC
Singer Model 106-PT-RW
Singer Model 106-PTC
Singer Model 106-PTC-AC
Singer Model 106-PTC-RW
Singer Model 206-PT
Singer Model 206-PT-RW
Singer Model 206-PTC
Singer Model 206-PTC-RW
Singer Model 106-PGM
Singer Model 106-PGM-AC
Singer Model 106-PGM-RW
Singer Model 206-PGM
Singer Model 106-PR-SM
Singer Model 206-PR-SM
Singer Model 106-2SC-MV
Singer Model 206-2SC-MV
Singer Model 106-PFC
Singer Model 206-PFC
Singer Model 106-PR
Singer Model 206-PR
Singer Model 106-PR-R
Singer Model 206-PR-R
Singer Model 106-PR-48
Singer Model 206-PR-48
Singer Model 106-PRC
Singer Model 206-PRC
Singer Model 106-PRC-SC
Singer Model 206-PRC-SC
Singer Model 106-PR-S
Singer Model 206-PR-S
Singer Model 106-RPS
Singer Model 206-RPS
Singer Model 106-RPS L&H
Singer Model 206-RPS L&H
Singer Model 106-RPS-D
Singer Model 206-RPS-D
Singer Model 106-RPS-RR
Singer Model 206-RPS-RR
Singer Model 106 DL
Singer Model 106-BPC
Singer Model 206-BPC
Singer Model 106-PG-BPC
Singer Model 206-PG-BPC
Singer Model 106-DW
Singer Model 206-DW
Singer Model 106-DWX
Singer Model 206-DWX
Singer Model 106-HC
Singer Model 206-HC
Singer Model 106 F-Type 4
Singer Model 206 F-Type 4
Singer Model 106 F-Type 5
Singer Model 206 F-Type 5
Singer Model 106 A-Type 1
Singer Model 206 A-Type 1
Singer Model 106 A-Type 2
Singer Model 206 A-Type 2
Singer Model 106 A-Type 3
Singer Model 206 A-Type 3
Singer Model 106 A-Type 4
Singer Model 206 A-Type 4
Singer Model 106-RF
Singer Model 206-RF
Singer Model 106-SC
Singer Model 206-SC
Singer Model 106-2SC-PCO
Singer Model 206-2SC-PCO
Singer Model 301-4
Singer Model 852-B
Singer Model 10
Singer Model 12

Sur-Flo SF10V

Tech-TaylorTM Series T1 Vacuum BreakerTM

Tech-TaylorTM Series T2

VCI Series A160

VCI Series A260
VCI Series A180
VCI Series C180
VCI Series A170
VCI Series 202FB
VCI Series 201F
VCI Series 201FB
VCI Series 22D
VCI Series 250
VCI Series 203FB
VCI Series 303FB
VCI Series 203TB
VCI Series F100
VCI Series F200K
VCI Series CR 201
VCI Series CR F200
VCI Series CR 301

Ebro Z011-A
Ebro Z014-A
Ebro Z011-AS
Ebro T 211-A
Ebro T 214-A
Ebro HP 111
Ebro HP 114
Ebro F012-A
Ebro BE 250
Ebro BE 300
Ebro BE 50
Ebro BE 80
Ebro BV
Ebro CK
Ebro DC
Ebro EBROtherm
Ebro F012-K1
Ebro HP 111-E
Ebro HP 114-E
Ebro K016
Ebro MV
Ebro QV
Ebro RSK
Ebro T 212-A
Ebro TW150
Ebro TW200
Ebro TW80
Ebro TW100
Ebro XV
Ebro Z 411-A
Ebro Z 414-A
Ebro Z011-GMX
Ebro Z611-A
Ebro Z614-A

Entech DRV-Z
Entech KRV
Entech DRV-B
Entech KRV-B
Entech DRVg

Gemu Type 320

Gemu Type 322
Gemu Type 324
Gemu Type 610
Gemu Type 647
Gemu Type 690
Gemu C60 HPW
Gemu C67 HPW
Gemu Type 512
Gemu Type 601
Gemu Type 602
Gemu Type 605
Gemu Type 611
Gemu Type 612
Gemu Type 615
Gemu Type 618
Gemu Type 625
Gemu Type 640
Gemu Type 641
Gemu Type 671
Gemu Type 672
Gemu Type 673
Gemu Type 675
Gemu Type 677
Gemu Type 687
Gemu Type 688
Gemu Type 695
Gemu Zero Deadleg T-Valve
Gemu Zero Static T-Valve
Gemu Duplex Valve
Gemu GMP
Gemu SAP
Gemu Tank Bottom Diaphragm Valve
Gemu By-Pass Valve
Gemu M600 3-2.A
Gemu M600 3-2.B
Gemu M600 3-2.C
Gemu M600 3-3.A
Gemu M600 3-3.B
Gemu M600 5-4.B
Gemu M600 5-2.A
Gemu M600 8-6.A
Gemu M600 8-8.A

Krombach KFO 1246

Krombach KFO 599
Krombach KFO 799


Pernow Type PA-465.288

Pernow Type PA-470.277
Pernow Type PA-029.266
Pernow Type VNA
Pernow Type VNB
Pernow Type VNC
Pernow Type VNE
Pernow Type PA-014
Pernow Type PA-024
Pernow Type PA-031
Pernow Type PA-032
Pernow Type PA-033
Pernow Type PA-070
Pernow Type PA-075
Pernow Type PA-10
Pernow Type PA-11
Pernow Type PA-13
Pernow Type PA-20
Pernow Type PA-21
Pernow Type PA-23
Pernow Type D06
Pernow Type D06F
Pernow Type D06FH
Pernow Type D06FN
Pernow Type D15
Pernow Type D15P
Pernow Type D15NP
Pernow Type D17
Pernow Type D17P
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 12.701
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 22.701
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 23.701
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 34.701
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 35.701
Pernow Type Gestra 5801
Pernow Type 418
Pernow Type 418N
Pernow Type 418V
Pernow Type 418T
Pernow Type 619 E
Pernow Type 619 T
Pernow Type Gestra 5610
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 12.753
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 22.753
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 32.753
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 52.753
Pernow Type PA-112.288.N
Pernow Figure 110-Ms
Pernow Figure 110-St
Pernow Figure 110-VA
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.070
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.070
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.071
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.071
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.072
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.072
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.073
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.073
Pernow Type KSB BOA-Compact
Pernow Type KSB BOA-Compact EKB
Pernow Type PA-600.215
Pernow Type PA-600.235
Pernow Type PA-600.435
Pernow Type PA-601.215
Pernow Type PA-601.435
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 12.006
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 22.006
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 23.006
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 34.006
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 35.006
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 12.046
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 22.046
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 23.046
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 34.046
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 35.046
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 52.069
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 55.069
Pernow Type KSB BOA-H
Pernow Type KSB SISTO-16 RGA
Pernow Type KSB SISTO-16
Pernow Type KSB SISTO-16 TWA
Pernow Type PA-1120E
Pernow Type PA-1140E
Pernow Type PA-1120P
Pernow Type PA-1140P
Pernow Type PA-1120
Pernow Type PA-1140
Pernow Type PA-1160
Pernow Type PA-1170
Pernow Type PA-1320
Pernow Type PA-1340
Pernow Type PA-2000
Pernow Type PA-720
Pernow Type PA-740
Pernow Type PA-760
Pernow Type PA-920
Pernow Type PA-940
Pernow Type PA-960
Pernow Type PA-34E.388.P
Pernow Type PA-70E.566.P
Pernow Type PA-12E.566.P
Pernow Type PA-13E.566.P
Pernow Type PA-19E.266.P
Pernow Type PA-55E.266.P
Pernow Type PA-73E.218.P
Pernow Type PA-73E.216.P
Pernow Type PA-182E.388.P
Pernow Type PA-58E.566.P
Pernow Type PA-48E.566.P
Pernow Type PA-34P.388.P
Pernow Type PA-70P.566.P
Pernow Type PA-12P.566.P
Pernow Type PA-13P.566.P
Pernow Type PA-19P.266.P
Pernow Type PA-55P.266.P
Pernow Type PA-73P.218.P
Pernow Type PA-73P.216.P
Pernow Type PA-182P.388.P
Pernow Type PA-58P.566.P
Pernow Type PA-48P.566.P
Pernow Type PA-842.466.P
Pernow Type PA-012.566.P
Pernow Type PA-013.566.P
Pernow Type PA-12D.566.P
Pernow Type PA-13D.566.P
Pernow Type PA-019.266.P
Pernow Type PA-055.266.P
Pernow Type PA-73.218.P
Pernow Type PA-73.216.P
Pernow Type PA-751.228.P
Pernow Type PA-751.226.P
Pernow Type 64.102
Pernow Type 64.103
Pernow Type 64.100
Pernow Type 63.102
Pernow Type PA-150.388.P
Pernow Type PA-34D.388.P
Pernow Type PA-070.388.P
Pernow Type PA-058.566.P
Pernow Type PA-58D.566.P
Pernow Type PA-48D.566.P
Pernow Type PA-182.388.P
Pernow Type PA-182D.388.P
Pernow Type 851 E
Pernow Type 851 bF
Pernow Type 851 P
Pernow Type 851 T
Pernow Type 851 bG
Pernow Type PA-100.285.N
Pernow Type PA-121.288.N
Pernow Type PA-050.266.P
Pernow Type PA-790.188.N
Pernow Type PA-030.266
Pernow Type PA-38.444.N
Pernow Type PA-38.466.N
Pernow Type PA-39.444.N
Pernow Type PA-39.466.N
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 41
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 86
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 86A
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 49
Pernow Type PA-4000
Pernow Type PA-4400
Pernow Type PA-486
Pernow Type PA-400
Pernow Type PA-402
Pernow Type PA-406
Pernow Type PA-420
Pernow Type PA-422
Pernow Type PA-426
Pernow Type PA-450
Pernow Type PA-460
Pernow Type PA-003.215
Pernow Type PA-003.435
Pernow Type PA-003.266
Pernow Type PA-003.466

Rexroth Series QR1-ANR

Rexroth Series QR1-AAN
Rexroth Series QR1-AVT
Rexroth Series QR1-ASK
Rexroth Series QR1-ASS
Rexroth Series QR1-AGG
Rexroth Series QR1-AGS
Rexroth Series QR1-ASG
Rexroth Series QR1-ASC
Rexroth Series QR1-BGS
Rexroth Series QR1-BWG
Rexroth Series QR1-BSS
Rexroth Series QR1-BSK
Rexroth Series QR1-BWS
Rexroth Series QR1-DWA
Rexroth Series QR1-DBS
Rexroth Series QR1-SKR
Rexroth Series 343
Rexroth Series 344
Rexroth Series 345
Rexroth Series 490
Rexroth Series 545
Rexroth Series 550
Rexroth Series 560
Rexroth Series 563
Rexroth Series 579
Rexroth Series 581
Rexroth Series 583
Rexroth Series 589
Rexroth Series 740
Rexroth Series 840
Rexroth Series CD 01
Rexroth Series CD 4
Rexroth Series CD 7
Rexroth Series CD 12
Rexroth Series CD 26
Rexroth Series LS 04
Rexroth Series TC 08
Rexroth Series TC 15
Rexroth Series WV 02
Rexroth Series WV 04
Rexroth Series ISO
Rexroth Series ISO 1
Rexroth Series ISO 3
Rexroth Series Compact 10
Rexroth Series Compact 18
Rexroth Series AP
Rexroth Series DO
Rexroth Series RA
Rexroth Series ST
Rexroth Series TH
Rexroth ND 3
Rexroth ND 7
Rexroth Series ED02
Rexroth Series ED05
Rexroth Series EV04
Rexroth Series EV07
Thomson Group
Richter Model BAV/F
Richter Model BC/F
Richter Model BCV/F
Richter Model BV/F
Richter Model CV/F
Richter Model CVV/F
Richter Model GR/F
Richter Model GU/F
Richter Model GUT/F
Richter Model HV/F
Richter Model HVR/F
Richter Model KA/F
Richter Model KK/F
Richter Model KN-S/F
Richter Model KN/F
Richter Model KNA/F
Richter Model KNAP/F
Richter Model KNAR/F
Richter Model KNP/F
Richter Model KNR/F
Richter Model KSE/F
Richter Model LPV/F-A
Richter Model LPV/F-D
Richter Model MV/F
Richter Model NK/F
Richter Model NKL/F
Richter Model NKP/F
Richter Model NKS/F
Richter Model PA/F
Richter Model PA/S
Richter Model RSS/F
Richter Model SR-B/F
Richter Model SR/F
Richter Model SRV-B/F
Richter Model SRV/F
Richter Model SRZ-V/F

Samson Type 3241

Samson Type 3244
Samson Type 3245
Samson Type 3247
Samson Type 3248
Samson Type 3249
Samson Type 3251
Samson Type 3252
Samson Type 3253
Samson Type 3254
Samson Type 3256
Samson Type 3259
Samson Type 3281
Samson Type 3286
Samson Type 3284
Samson Type 3345
Samson Type 3347
Samson Type 3351
Samson Type 3353
Samson Type 3381
Samson Type 3510
Samson Type 3701
Samson Type W&T RVG
Samson Type W&T DUV-C3
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 1a
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 1b
Samson Type V2001-IP
Samson Type V2001-P
Samson Type V2001-PA
Samson Type V2001-E1
Samson Type V2001-E3
Samson Type 3237
Samson Type 3310
Samson Type 3331
Samson Type 3335
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 10a
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 10e
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 14b
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 14c
Samson Type LTR 43
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 20a
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 20b
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 21a
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 22a
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26l
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26t
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26v
Samson Type VETEC 72.3
Samson Type VETEC 72.4
Samson Type VETEC 73.3
Samson Type VETEC 73.7
Samson Type 3237-1
Samson Type 3237-7

VTI K905
VTI P100
VTI P200
VTI P202
VTI P300
VTI P500
VTI P502
VTI K200
VTI Excess Flow Valve
VTI K632
VTI K622
VTI K633
VTI K85-11
VTI K85-13
VTI K85-20
VTI K85-41
VTI K85-50
VTI K85-55
VTI K85-63
VTI K900
VTI K904
VTI K100

nd Controls, Vector International


Blackhall Series 2005

Blackhall Series 2012
Blackhall Series 2013
Blackhall Series 2020
Blackhall Series 2100
Blackhall Series 2101
Blackhall Series 2200
Blackhall Series 2300
Blackhall Series 2301
Blackhall Series 2400
Blackhall Series 2500
Blackhall Series 2501
Blackhall Series 2600
Blackhall Series 2700
Blackhall Series 2800
Blackhall Series 3200
Blackhall Series 3300
Blackhall Series 4100
Blackhall Series 4200
Blackhall Series 4300
Blackhall Series 4400
Blackhall Series 4500
Blackhall Series 9101
Blackhall Series 9111
Blackhall Series 9121
Blackhall Series 9201
Blackhall Series 9211
Blackhall Series 9221
Blackhall Series 9301
Blackhall Series 9311
Blackhall Angle Pattern Float Control Valve
Blackhall Parallel Faced Gate Valve
Blackhall Larner Johnson Needle Valve
Blackhall Automatic Recirculation Valve
Blackhall Bellows Sealed Angle Globe Valve
Blackhall Vent vacuum valve
Blackhall 3 Way Switch Valve
Blackhall High Temperature Gate Valve
Blackhall High Temperature Plate Valve
Blackhall Parallel Plug Valve
Blackhall Sample Valve
Blackhall Tank Bottom Valve
Blackhall Taper Plug Valve
Blackhall 3-Piece Trunnion Ball Valve CL900
ir Valves and Controls, Vector International

Maxseal Model ICO2S

Maxseal Model ICO4D
Maxseal Model ICO4N
Maxseal Model ICO4S
Maxseal Model AOV
Maxseal Model POV
Maxseal Model SOV
Maxseal Model POICO4
Maxseal Model Dual Shuttle Valve
Maxseal Model M01
Maxseal Model M02
Maxseal Model M03
Maxseal Model K02
Maxseal Model K04
Maxseal Model K05
Maxseal Model K06
Maxseal Model K07
Maxseal Model K11
Maxseal Model K12
Maxseal Model K13
Maxseal Model R05
Maxseal Model R06
Maxseal Model PC
Maxseal Model L01
Maxseal Model L03
Maxseal Model J07
Maxseal Model J08
Maxseal Model J09
Maxseal Model J10
Maxseal Model J16
Maxseal Model J17
Maxseal Model J20
Maxseal Model J26
Maxseal Model J50
Ashford Model D14
Ashford Model D29
Ashford Model D30
Ashford Model D31
Ashford Model D40
Ashford Model D50
Ashford Model E70
Ashford Model E71
Ashford Model E72
Ashford Model E73
Ashford Model E74
Ashford Model E76
Ashford Model E80
Ashford Model E84
Ashford Model F20
Ashford Model F26
Ashford Model F30
Ashford Model F50
Ashford Model F61
Ashford Model H21
Ashford Model H31
Ashford Model H34
Ashford Model H39
Ashford Model H51
Ashford Model H54
Ashford Model J26
Ashford Model J99
Ashford Model N04
Ashford Model N07
NHI Bellows Model 6045
NHI Bellows Model 6055
NHI Bellows Model 6065
NHI Bellows Model 6075

Goodwin BR
Goodwin BFR
Goodwin BFT
Goodwin BSR
Goodwin BTR
Goodwin BHR
Goodwin BH
Goodwin BWR
Goodwin BL
Goodwin BFL
Goodwin BSL
nd Controls, Vector International
Hopkinsons A21901
Hopkinsons A21901W
Hopkinsons A21903
Hopkinsons A21903W
Hopkinsons A21906
Hopkinsons A21906W
Hopkinsons A23906
Hopkinsons A23906W
Hopkinsons A21909
Hopkinsons A21909W
Hopkinsons A23909
Hopkinsons A23909W
Hopkinsons A21910W
Hopkinsons A23910W
Hopkinsons A21915W
Hopkinsons A21915S
Hopkinsons A21917W
Hopkinsons A21917S
Hopkinsons A21921W
Hopkinsons A21923W
Hopkinsons A23923W
Hopkinsons A21925W
Hopkinsons A21925S
Hopkinsons A21931W
Hopkinsons A23931W
Hopkinsons A21931S
Hopkinsons A21936W
Hopkinsons M218420W
Hopkinsons M268420W
Hopkinsons A21825W
Hopkinsons A26825W
Hopkinsons M218520W
Hopkinsons M268520W
Hopkinsons A21831W
Hopkinsons A26831W
Hopkinsons A21815W
Hopkinsons A26815W
Hopkinsons A21809W
Hopkinsons A26809W
Hopkinsons A21836W
Hopkinsons A26836W
Hopkinsons A70
Hopkinsons Bled (Extraction) Steam Check Valve
Hopkinsons Cold Reheat Check Valve
Hopkinsons Compressor Discharge Check Valve
Hopkinsons Feedwater Check Valve
Hopkinsons Swing Check Valve
Hopkinsons Reheater Isolating Device
Hopkinsons Uniflow Slide Valve
Hopkinsons Spring Loaded Feedheater Bypass Valve
Hopkinsons Globe Valve
nd Controls, Vector International
MAC Side Entry Ball Valve
MAC Top Entry Ball Valve
MAC Double Block & Bleed Ball Valve
and Controls, Vector International
Sarasin-RSBD Change Over Valve
Sarasin-RSBD Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valve Series 78
Sarasin-RSBD Safety Relief Valve
ntrols, Vector International
Sebim Pilot Operated Safety Valve
Sebim Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valve Tandem
Sebim Discharge Pilot Operated Safety Valve
Sebim Pilot Operated Isolation Valve
Sebim Spring Loaded Safety Relief Valve

Severn Series 5000

Severn Gloceal
Severn EPIC

Shipham GA Series
Shipham GL Series
Shipham BA Series
Shipham LC Series
Shipham SC Series
Shipham C Series
Shipham RSeries
Shipham E Series
Shipham T Series
Shipham TOSV
Shipham HY Series

Spirax Sarco DCV1

Spirax Sarco DCV2
Spirax Sarco DCV3
Spirax Sarco DCV4
Spirax Sarco DCV7
Spirax Sarco DCV8
Spirax Sarco DCV9
Spirax Sarco DCV41
Spirax Sarco LCV1
Spirax Sarco LCV2
Spirax Sarco SDCV3
Spirax Sarco SDCV4
Spirax Sarco SDCV7
Spirax Sarco SDCV8
Spirax Sarco WCV1
Spirax Sarco WCV2
Spirax Sarco WCV3
Spirax Sarco DV1
Spirax Sarco DV2
Spirax Sarco C Series
Spirax Sarco K Series KE71
Spirax Sarco K Series KE73
Spirax Sarco K Series KE43
Spirax Sarco K Series KE63
Spirax Sarco K Series KE71B
Spirax Sarco K Series KE73B
Spirax Sarco K Series KE43B
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL73
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL43
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL73D
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL43D
Spirax Sarco LE Series
Spirax Sarco PF5 Series
Spirax Sarco PF6 Series
Spirax Sarco SRV2
Spirax Sarco LRV2
Spirax Sarco BRV71
Spirax Sarco BRV73
Spirax Sarco DEP7
Spirax Sarco DEP4
Spirax Sarco DRV7
Spirax Sarco DRV7G
Spirax Sarco DRV4
Spirax Sarco DRV4G
Spirax Sarco DP17
Spirax Sarco DP143
Spirax Sarco DP163
Spirax Sarco BRV2
Spirax Sarco SV405
Spirax Sarco SV604
Spirax Sarco SV607
Spirax Sarco SV615
Spirax Sarco SV73
Spirax Sarco SV74
Spirax Sarco SV488
Spirax Sarco SV606
Spirax Sarco SV80
Spirax Sarco SV81
Spirax Sarco SV60
Spirax Sarco BSA
Spirax Sarco A3S
Spirax Sarco HV3
Spirax Sarco RP31
Spirax Sarco RP32
Spirax Sarco M10V
Spirax Sarco M10S
Spirax Sarco M10H
Spirax Sarco M10F
Spirax Sarco M10P
Spirax Sarco M10HP
Spirax Sarco M10T
Spirax Sarco M15V
Spirax Sarco M15K
Spirax Sarco M60G
Spirax Sarco M60K
Spirax Sarco M31V
Spirax Sarco M31S
Spirax Sarco M31H
Spirax Sarco M31T
Spirax Sarco M31F
Spirax Sarco M32S
Spirax Sarco M40V
Spirax Sarco M40S
Spirax Sarco M40F
Spirax Sarco M42S
Spirax Sarco M21S
Spirax Sarco M45V
Spirax Sarco M45K
Spirax Sarco M20H
Spirax Sarco M20S
Spirax Sarco BW7A
Spirax Sarco BS7H
Spirax Sarco BS7A
Fushiman T88, Temperature Regulating Valve
Fushiman T88S, Temperature Regulating Valve
Fushiman BW4, Temperature Regulating Valve
Fushiman Wax Type, Temperature Regulating Valve
Fushiman P260, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PHP30, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PPD41-2, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman B260, Back Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman PMD31, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PMD31L, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PPD41B, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PPD41B-2, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PPD41L-2, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PFD42, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman RMD31, Back Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman RMD31L, Back Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman RFD42, Back Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman RPD52-2, Back Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman PLG61-2, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PRL, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PPD25, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman 67R, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman PLG41, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman RLG61-2, Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman BRL, Back Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman AW, Pressure Reducing Valve
Fushiman AWR, Back Pressure Regulating Valve
Fushiman RPF12, Safety Relief Valve
Fushiman RPF13, Safety Relief Valve
Fushiman RPC14, Relief Valve
Fushiman R101-1BHA, Relief Valve

Larox PV
Larox PVE
Larox PVE/S
Larox PVS

Zhejiang ShuangDa Floating Ball Valve

Zhejiang ShuangDa Trunnion Ball Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Gate Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Parallel Gate Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Butterfly Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Globe Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Swing Check Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Wafer Check Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Lubricated Plug Valve
Zhejiang ShuangDa Pressure Balanced Plug Valve
Kor-Lok SRV
Kor-Lok SRGV
Kor-Lok SRGV2
Kor-Lok SBL
Kor-Lok SGVU
Kor-Lok SNVF
Kor-Lok SNVM
Kor-Lok SNVW
Kor-Lok SAVF
Kor-Lok SAVU
Kor-Lok SBVU
Kor-Lok SBVF
Kor-Lok SCV
Kor-Lok 2VM
Kor-Lok 3VM
Kor-Lok 5VM

Strahman Type 035D

Strahman Type 040
Strahman Type 046
Strahman Type 047
Strahman Type 050D
Strahman Type 053
Strahman Type 055
Strahman Type 060D
Strahman Type 072
Strahman Type 074
Strahman Type 222/9115
Strahman Type 230
Strahman Type 337D
Strahman Type 339D
Strahman Type 340D
Strahman Type 570
Strahman Type 550
Strahman Type ME
Strahman Type MB
Strahman Type MT
Strahman Type M Seal
Strahman Type Poppet
Strahman Type Change Over
Strahman Econo Blind
Strahman Stacey
Strahman Safe Blind
Strahman Cam Blind
Strahman Enclosed Blind
Linatex LinaValve STTM
Linatex Jaco
Linatex LinaFlow
Linatex Knife Gate Valve
Linatex Single Non Return (SNR) Check Valve
Linatex Double Non Return (DNR) Check Valve
Linatex Delta

Sigma SA-101
Sigma SA-102
Sigma SA-103
Sigma SA-104
Sigma SA-3WRH-3000
Sigma SA-201P
Sigma SA-201
Sigma SA-201M
Sigma SA-201R
Sigma SA-201H
Sigma SA-2S-T/T
Sigma SA-2S-M/M
Sigma SA-2S-M/F
Sigma SA-2SHM-2000 / 2160
Sigma SA-301
Sigma SA-301DM
Sigma SA-301M
Sigma SA-302
Sigma SA-301L
Sigma SA-301SB
Sigma SA-301HP
Sigma SA-3FL-DM
Sigma SA-3FH-3000
Sigma SA-503M
Sigma SAF-503
Sigma SA-503
Sigma SA-503DM
Sigma SA-4MBS
Sigma SA-503DMTC
Sigma SAF-503TC
Sigma SAF-503TC1
Sigma SAF-303
Sigma SAF-305
Sigma SAF-101
Sigma SAF-102
Sigma SAF201
Sigma SAF-202
Sigma SAF-203
Sigma SAF-203L
Sigma SAF-302
Sigma SAF-601
Sigma SAF-701
Sigma SAF-801
Sigma SAF-901
Sigma SA-401
Sigma SA-402
Sigma CHE3F
Sigma SA-504
Sigma SA-601
Sigma SA-701
Sigma SA-801
Sigma SA-801s
Sigma SA-901
Sigma SA-701Y
Sigma SA-205
Sigma SAF-205
Sigma SAF-803
Sigma SA-803
Sigma SATL-12SS
Sigma SATL-12
Sigma SATL-14
Sigma SATL-13
Sigma SATL-15
Sigma SATL-15SS
Sigma SATL-40
Sigma SATL-41
Sigma SATL-62
Sigma SATL-63
Sigma SATL-63SS
Sigma SATL-64
Sigma SATL-65
Sigma SATL-66
Sigma SATL-67

BERMAD 400 Series

BERMAD Model 700
BERMAD Model 705
BERMAD Model 710
BERMAD Model 718-03
BERMAD Model 720
BERMAD Model 720-PD
BERMAD Model 730
BERMAD Model 735-M
BERMAD Model 736
BERMAD Model 740
BERMAD Model 750-66-B
BERMAD Model 750-80-X
BERMAD Model 770-U
BERMAD Model 790-M
BERMAD Model 800
BERMAD Model 805
BERMAD Model 820
BERMAD Model 820-PP
BERMAD Model 835-M
BERMAD Model 840
BERMAD AF 700 Series
BERMAD FP 430-59
BERMAD FP 730-59
BERMAD FP 450-60
BERMAD FP 450-65
BERMAD FP 450-66
BERMAD FP 450-80-M6

Cepex® True Union Ball Valve, Industrial Series

Cepex® True Union Check Valves, Ball Series
Cepex® Butterfly Valve, Industrial Series
Cepex® Butterfly Valve, Classic Series
meron Valves
Control SealTM Double Block and Bleed Valve
Control SealTM Rising Stem Ball Valve

Mokveld Control Valve

Mokveld Check Valve, short pattern
Mokveld Check Valve, API 6D
Mokveld Surge Relief Valve
Mokveld Shut-Off Valve

ORBINOX Series 10
ORBINOX Series 11
ORBINOX Series 20
ORBINOX Series 30
ORBINOX Series 35
ORBINOX Series 60
ORBINOX Series 70
ORBINOX Series 80

Venus Model N2
Venus Model B8
Venus Model P6
Venus Model A9H
Venus Model C1H
Venus Model F3
Venus Model A9S
Venus Model C3S
Venus Model G5
Venus Model R7
Venus Model C2R
Venus Model Y10

EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVS

EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVBS
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVMS
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVUS
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVFS
EuroValve® Euronomic BA
EuroValve® Euronomic BB
EuroValve® Eurocheck ECV
EuroValve® Dynaxe W201
EuroValve® Dynaxe L201
EuroValve® Dynaxe D201

4G GHIDINI Figure 1.1

4G GHIDINI Figure 1.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.5
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.7
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.9
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.11
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.13
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.15
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.17
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.19
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.21
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.23
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.25
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.27
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.5
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.7
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.9
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.11
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.13
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.15
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.17
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.19
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.21
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.23
4G GHIDINI Figure 3.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 3.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 4.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 4.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 4.5
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.5
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.7
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.9
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.11
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.13
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.15
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.17
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.19
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.21
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.23
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.0.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.0.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.5
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.7
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.9
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.11
4G GHIDINI Figure 8.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 8.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.5
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.7
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.9
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.11
4G GHIDINI Figure 10.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 10.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.2.1
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.3
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.5
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.7

Winel Type RM-1

Winel Type RM-2
Winel Type Bolero
Winel Type RMO

VAT 64 Series

co Flow Control
Lunkenheimer Figure F603
Lunkenheimer Figure F604
Lunkenheimer Figure F605
Lunkenheimer Figure F606
Lunkenheimer Figure F607
Lunkenheimer Figure F608
Lunkenheimer Figure F609
Lunkenheimer Figure F621
Lunkenheimer Figure F623
Lunkenheimer Figure F625
Lunkenheimer Figure F645
Klein K4050
Klein K4100
Klein K4150
BESA Model 241
BESA Model 242
BESA Model 241T
BESA Model 241b
BESA Model 242b
BESA Model 241F
BESA Model 242F
BESA Model 241bF
BESA Model 242bF
BESA Model 251
BESA Model 252
BESA Model 261
BESA Model 262
BESA Model 131
BESA Model 132
BESA Model 139
BESA Model 249
BESA Model 241PL
BESA Val-fonta VAL-VM

Cimberio CIM 70BS

Cimberio CIM 70BSL
Cimberio CIM 70BSCR
Cimberio CIM 70BCRL
Cimberio CIM 70B
Cimberio CIM 70WOG
Cimberio CIM 50
Cimberio CIM 71
Cimberio CIM 71/50
Cimberio CIM 71/50CC
Cimberio CIM *72FPN6
Cimberio CIM *72FPN10
Cimberio CIM *72FPN16
Cimberio CIM 72FPN6
Cimberio CIM 72FPN10
Cimberio CIM 72FPN16
Cimberio CIM 58
Cimberio CIM 50CC
Cimberio CIM 2999
Cimberio CIM 3000
Cimberio CIM 3010
Cimberio CIM 3099
Cimberio CIM 3100
Cimberio CIM 3110
Cimberio CIM 3199
Cimberio CIM 3200
Cimberio CIM 206/12CR
Cimberio CIM 207/12CR
Cimberio CIM 306/12CR
Cimberio CIM 307/12CR
Cimberio CIM 406/12CR
Cimberio CIM 407/12CR
Cimberio CIM 506/12CR
Cimberio CIM 507/12CR
Cimberio CIM 206
Cimberio CIM 206/12
Cimberio CIM 206/14
Cimberio CIM 207
Cimberio CIM 207/12
Cimberio CIM 207/14
Cimberio CIM 208
Cimberio CIM 208/12
Cimberio CIM 208/14
Cimberio CIM 87
Cimberio CIM 306
Cimberio CIM 306/12
Cimberio CIM 306/14
Cimberio CIM 307
Cimberio CIM 307/12
Cimberio CIM 307/14
Cimberio CIM 308
Cimberio CIM 308/12
Cimberio CIM 308/14
Cimberio CIM 406
Cimberio CIM 406/12
Cimberio CIM 406/14
Cimberio CIM 407
Cimberio CIM 407/12
Cimberio CIM 407/14
Cimberio CIM 408
Cimberio CIM 408/12
Cimberio CIM 408/14
Cimberio CIM 506
Cimberio CIM 506/12
Cimberio CIM 506/14
Cimberio CIM 507
Cimberio CIM 507/12
Cimberio CIM 507/14
Cimberio CIM 508
Cimberio CIM 508/12
Cimberio CIM 508/14
Cimberio CIM 722L
Cimberio CIM 722M
Cimberio CIM 721L
Cimberio CIM 721M
Cimberio CIM 721S
Cimberio CIM 721
Cimberio CIM 722S
Cimberio CIM 722
Cimberio CIM 3721
Cimberio CIM 3722
Cimberio CIM 737L
Cimberio CIM 737ML
Cimberio CIM 737MS
Cimberio CIM 736L
Cimberio CIM 736ML
Cimberio CIM 736MS
Cimberio CIM 727L
Cimberio CIM 727
Cimberio CIM 737
Cimberio CIM 747
Cimberio CIM 745
Cimberio CIM 748
Cimberio CIM 736
Cimberio CIM 3736
Cimberio CIM 3737
Cimberio CIM 61
Cimberio CIM 62
Cimberio CIM 73
Cimberio CIM 74
Cimberio CIM 75
Cimberio CIM 81
Cimberio CIM 81L
Cimberio CIM *76PN6
Cimberio CIM *76PN10
Cimberio CIM *76PN16
Cimberio CIM 76PN6
Cimberio CIM 76PN10
Cimberio CIM 76PN16
Cimberio CIM *82PN6
Cimberio CIM *82PN10
Cimberio CIM *82PN16
Cimberio CIM 82PN6
Cimberio CIM 82PN10
Cimberio CIM 82PN16
Cimberio CIM *77PN6
Cimberio CIM *77PN10
Cimberio CIM *77PN16
Cimberio CIM 77PN6
Cimberio CIM 77PN10
Cimberio CIM 77PN16
Cimberio CIM *79PN6
Cimberio CIM *79PN10
Cimberio CIM *79PN16
Cimberio CIM 79PN6
Cimberio CIM 79PN10
Cimberio CIM 79PN16
Cimberio CIM 78
Cimberio CIM 79A
Cimberio CIM 80
Cimberio CIM 80A
Cimberio CIM 30
Cimberio CIM 30DK
Cimberio CIM 30VA
Cimberio CIM 32
Cimberio CIM 32DK
Cimberio CIM 33CR
Cimberio CIM 33DK
Cimberio CIM 95
Cimberio CIM 95A
Cimberio CIM 30A
Cimberio CIM 30ADK
Cimberio CIM 33ACR
Cimberio CIM 33ADK
Cimberio CIM 96
Cimberio CIM 60
Cimberio CIM 700
Cimberio CIM 700RE
Cimberio CIM 702
Cimberio CIM 702RE
Cimberio CIM 703
Cimberio CIM 703RE
Cimberio CIM 708
Cimberio CIM 708RE
Cimberio CIM 710
Cimberio CIM 710RE
Cimberio CIM 600RE
Cimberio CIM 602RE
Cimberio CIM 603RE
Cimberio CIM 400
Cimberio CIM 402
Cimberio CIM 403
Cimberio CIM 031
Cimberio CIM 032
Cimberio CIM 033
Cimberio CIM 011
Cimberio CIM 012
Cimberio CIM 013
Cimberio CIM 014
Cimberio CIM 015
Cimberio CIM 016
Cimberio CIM 017
Cimberio CIM 018
Cimberio CIM 019
Cimberio CIM 020
Cimberio CIM 021
Cimberio CIM 022
Cimberio CIM 10
Cimberio CIM 310
Cimberio CIM 11
Cimberio CIM 11CR
Cimberio CIM 11NPT
Cimberio CIM 12
Cimberio CIM 12CR
Cimberio CIM 12NPT
Cimberio CIM 312
Cimberio CIM 312CR
Cimberio CIM 312NPT
Cimberio CIM 14
Cimberio CIM 14M
Cimberio CIM 314
Cimberio CIM 16
Cimberio CIM 17
Cimberio CIM 317
Cimberio CIM RED5
Cimberio CIM RED5/1
Cimberio CIM RED6
Cimberio CIM 200
Cimberio CIM 300
Cimberio CIM 201
Cimberio CIM 301
Cimberio CIM
Cimberio CIM 241.1
Cimberio CIM 226.1
Cimberio CIM 223MC.1

Saleri Cryogenic Ball Valve

Saleri Metal-to-Metal Ball Valve
Saleri Subsea Ball Valve
Saleri Jacketed Ball Valve

Side Entry, Soft Seated

Top Entry, Soft Seated
Welded Body, Soft Seated
Side Entry, Metal Seated
Top Entry, Metal Seated
Sub Sea Side Entry, Soft Seated
Sub Sea Top Entry, Soft Seated
Sub Sea Welded Body, Soft Seated

PetrolValve Through Conduit Double Expanding Gate Valv

PetrolValve Through Conduit Slab Gate Valve
PetrolValve Bolted Bonnet Wedge Gate Valve
PetrolValve Pressure Seal Wedge Gate Valve
PetrolValve Through Conduit Slab (Fabricated/Wafer) Gate
PetrolValve Parallel Slide Valve - Bolted Bonnet
PetrolValve Parallel Slide Valve - Pressure Seal
PetrolValve Bolted Bonnet Globe Valve - Standard Pattern
PetrolValve Pressure Seal Globe Valve - Standard Pattern
PetrolValve Angle Bolted Bonnet Globe Valve
PetrolValve Angle Pressure Seal Globe Valve
PetrolValve Y Pattern Pressure Seal Globe Valve
PetrolValve Bolted Bonnet Swing Type Check Valve
PetrolValve Pressure Seal Tilting Disc Check Valve
PetrolValve Nozzle Check Valve
PetrolValve Dual Plate Check Valve
PetrolValve Piston Check Valve
PetrolValve Stop Check Valve
PetrolValve Split Body / End Entry Ball Valve
PetrolValve Top Entry Ball Valve
PetrolValve Three Way Ball Valve
PetrolValve PTA Ball Valve
PetrolValve Plug Type Choke Valve
PetrolValve Cage Type Choke Valve
PetrolValve Depressurized Orifice Fitting Valve
PetrolValve Pressurized Orifice Fitting Valve

Rising Stem Ball Valve

RuB Series k.60

RuB Series k.84
RuB Series s.84 EN331
RuB Series s.10
RuB Series s.10 TE
RuB Series k.84 TE
RuB Series s.91
RuB Series s.91 lock
RuB Series s.84 BSPT
RuB Series s.95 NPT
RuB Series s.82 side drain
RuB Series s.92 NPT
RuB Series s.80 NPT
RuB Series s.8043 NPT
RuB Series s.195 NPT
RuB Series s.195 flare
RuB Series s.195 side drain
RuB Series s.15
RuB Series s.33
RuB Series s.100
RuB Series s.101
RuB Series s.85
RuB Series s.84 SR
RuB Series s.93
RuB Series k.6405
RuB Series s.6400
RuB Series V-Tork
RuB Series s.92 BD
RuB Series s.95 SR
RuB Series s.6441 NPT
RuB Series s.6440 NPT
RuB Series s.6439 NPT
RuB Series s.130 NPT
RuB Series Needle Valve
RuB Series s.35
RuB Series s.34
RuB Series s.84 SAE
RuB Series s.93 NPT
RuB Series s.35 NPT
RuB Series s.34 NPT
RuB Series s.90
RuB Series s.96
RuB Series s.81
RuB Series s.151
RuB Series s.94
RuB Series s.37
RuB Series s.37 U
RuB Series s.20
RuB Series s.26
RuB Series s.21
RuB Series s.27
RuB Series s.29
RuB Series s.160
RuB Series s.99
RuB Series s.48
RuB Series s.63
RuB Series s.69
RuB Series s.140
RuB Series s.142
RuB Series s.50
RuB Series s.51
RuB Series s.41
RuB Series s.120
RuB Series s.122
RuB Series s.124
RuB Series s.126
RuB Series s.59
RuB Series s.110
RuB Series s.111
RuB Series s.42
RuB Series s.42 side drain
RuB Series s.88
RuB Series s.90 NPT
RuB Series s.22
RuB Series Cap & Strap
RuB Series s.70 NPT
RuB Series s.40 sweat
RuB Series s.89 NPT
RuB Series s.112 NPT
RuB Series s.114 NPT
RuB Series s.115 NPT
RuB Series s.6094 square head
RuB Series Puri-T 95
RuB Series Puri-T 92
RuB Series Puri-T 82
RuB Series Puri-T 42
RuB Series Puri-T 70
RuB Series Puri-T 40
RuB Series Puri-T 6439
RuB Series Puri-T 6441
RuB Series Puri-T 35

Valvosider Fig. No. 450

Valvosider Fig. No. 451
Valvosider Fig. No. 452
Valvosider Fig. No. 453
Valvosider Fig. No. 454
Valvosider Fig. No. 455
Valvosider Fig. No. 450EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 451EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 452EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 453EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 454EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 450SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 451SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 452SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 453SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 454SO
Valvosider Fig. No. P52
Valvosider Fig. No. P53
Valvosider Fig. No. P54
Valvosider Fig. No. P55
Valvosider Fig. No. T50
Valvosider Fig. No. T51
Valvosider Fig. No. T52
Valvosider Fig. No. T53
Valvosider Fig. No. T54
Valvosider Fig. No. 460
Valvosider Fig. No. 461
Valvosider Fig. No. 462
Valvosider Fig. No. 463
Valvosider Fig. No. 464
Valvosider Fig. No. 460Y
Valvosider Fig. No. 461Y
Valvosider Fig. No. 462Y
Valvosider Fig. No. 463Y
Valvosider Fig. No. 464Y
Valvosider Fig. No. 460A
Valvosider Fig. No. 461A
Valvosider Fig. No. 462A
Valvosider Fig. No. 463A
Valvosider Fig. No. 464A
Valvosider Fig. No. 460EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 461EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 462EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 463EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 464EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 460YSO
Valvosider Fig. No. 461YSO
Valvosider Fig. No. 462YSO
Valvosider Fig. No. 463YSO
Valvosider Fig. No. 464YSO
Valvosider Fig. No. 460SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 461SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 462SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 463SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 464SO
Valvosider Fig. No. P62
Valvosider Fig. No. P63
Valvosider Fig. No. P64
Valvosider Fig. No. P65
Valvosider Fig. No. P82
Valvosider Fig. No. P83
Valvosider Fig. No. P84
Valvosider Fig. No. P85
Valvosider Fig. No. 470
Valvosider Fig. No. 471
Valvosider Fig. No. 472
Valvosider Fig. No. 473
Valvosider Fig. No. 474
Valvosider Fig. No. 475
Valvosider Fig. No. 460PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 461PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 462PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 463PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 464PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 490PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 491PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 492PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 493PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 494PC
Valvosider Fig. No. 495PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P72
Valvosider Fig. No. P73
Valvosider Fig. No. P74
Valvosider Fig. No. P75
Valvosider Fig. No. P62PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P63PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P64PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P65PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P82PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P83PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P84PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P85PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P72T
Valvosider Fig. No. P73T
Valvosider Fig. No. P74T
Valvosider Fig. No. P75T
Valvosider Fig. No. 1180
Valvosider Fig. No. 1190
Valvosider Fig. No. 1200
Valvosider Fig. No. 1210
Valvosider Fig. No. 1220
Valvosider Fig. No. 1230
Valvosider Fig. No. 1240
Valvosider Fig. No. 1250
Valvosider Fig. No. 1200EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1210EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1220EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1230EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1240EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1200SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1210SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1220SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1230SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1240SO
Valvosider Fig. No. P24
Valvosider Fig. No. P25
Valvosider Fig. No. P26
Valvosider Fig. No. P27
Valvosider Fig. No. P28
Valvosider Fig. No. 1800
Valvosider Fig. No. 1670
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1401
Valvosider Fig. No. 1430
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570
Valvosider Fig. No. 1580
Valvosider Fig. No. 1810
Valvosider Fig. No. 1680
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560ASO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570ASO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1410
Valvosider Fig. No. 1440
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560A
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570A
Valvosider Fig. No. 1432SO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560YSO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570YSO
Valvosider Fig. No. 1403
Valvosider Fig. No. 1432
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560Y
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570Y
Valvosider Fig. No. P182
Valvosider Fig. No. P183
Valvosider Fig. No. P184
Valvosider Fig. No. P185
Valvosider Fig. No. P186
Valvosider Fig. No. P162
Valvosider Fig. No. P163
Valvosider Fig. No. P164
Valvosider Fig. No. P165
Valvosider Fig. No. P166
Valvosider Fig. No. 1430EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570EB
Valvosider Fig. No. 1405
Valvosider Fig. No. 1434
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560YR
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570YR
Valvosider Fig. No. 1311
Valvosider Fig. No. 1312
Valvosider Fig. No. 1313
Valvosider Fig. No. 1314
Valvosider Fig. No. 1315
Valvosider Fig. No. 1316
Valvosider Fig. No. 1317
Valvosider Fig. No. 1411
Valvosider Fig. No. 1441
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560AR
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570AR
Valvosider Fig. No. 1402
Valvosider Fig. No. 1431
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560R
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570R
Valvosider Fig. No. 1580R
Valvosider Fig. No. P172T
Valvosider Fig. No. P173T
Valvosider Fig. No. P174T
Valvosider Fig. No. P175T
Valvosider Fig. No. P176T
Valvosider Fig. No. P172
Valvosider Fig. No. P173
Valvosider Fig. No. P174
Valvosider Fig. No. P175
Valvosider Fig. No. P176
Valvosider Fig. No. P182PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P183PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P184PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P185PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P186PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P162PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P163PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P164PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P165PC
Valvosider Fig. No. P166PC
Codelist Sort
ValveModelNumber LongDescription Number Order
user must not add or delete a grand parent value.

Undefined 1
AOP F Series 6
AOP DT Series 7
AOP CT Series 8
AOP DB Series 9
AOP CB Series 11
AOP DBC Series 12
AOP CBR Series 13
AOP BN Series 14
AOP BSS Series 16
AOP BU Series 17
Aloyco Figure 110 5
Aloyco Figure 110EB 10
Aloyco Figure 114 15
Aloyco Figure 114EB 20
Aloyco Figure 117 25
Aloyco Figure 117EB 30
Aloyco Figure 2110 35
Aloyco Figure 2110A 40
Aloyco Figure 2114 45
Aloyco Figure 2117 50
Aloyco Figure 2117A 55
Aloyco Figure 2117EB 60
Aloyco Figure 2210A 1957
Aloyco Figure 2214A 65
Aloyco Figure 2314 1959
Aloyco Figure 2314A 70
Aloyco Figure 2317 75
Aloyco Figure 2317A 80
Aloyco Figure 2374 85
Aloyco Figure 2370 1961
Aloyco Figure 2377 90
Aloyco Figure 310 1963
Aloyco Figure 314 95
Aloyco Figure 314EB 100
Aloyco Figure 317 105
Aloyco Figure 317EB 110
Aloyco Figure 374 115
Aloyco Figure 377 125
Aloyco Figure 4210A 130
Aloyco Figure 4214A 135
Aloyco Figure 4217A 140
Aloyco Figure 4227 145
Aloyco Figure 4314A 150
Aloyco Figure 4327 155
Aloyco Figure 4374 160
Aloyco Figure 4387 165
Aloyco Figure 62 170
Aloyco Figure 751 171
Aloyco Figure 90 1965
Aloyco Figure 190 1967
Aloyco Figure 117F 1969
Aloyco Figure 2117F 1971
Aloyco Figure 4210 1973
Aloyco Figure 4214 1975
Aloyco Figure 4217 1977
Aloyco Figure 4217F 1979
Aloyco Figure 40 1981
Aloyco Figure 2310 1983
Aloyco Figure 4310 1985
Aloyco Figure 4314 1987
Aloyco Figure 4317 1989
Aloyco Figure 49 1991
Aloyco Figure 370 1993
Aloyco Figure 4370 1995
Aloyco Figure 4377 1997
Aloyco Figure 9502 1999
Adams MAK 316 2019
Adams MAK-T 316 2021
Adams HTK 2023
Adams OSK 2025
Adams WAK 2027
Adams ASK 2029
Adams DSK 2031
Adams FCV 2033
Adams GMV 2035
Adams MAG 2037
Adams RZN 2039
Adams RZI 2041
Adams SCV 2043
Adams AZI 2045
Adams GBZ 2047
Adams GZA 2049
Adams MFK 2051
Adams GMZ 2053
Alms 1210 2055
Alms F0114C 2057
Alms Fig 1312 2059
Alms WL-300 2061
Amri Acris I (ISO) Series 2063
Amri Isoria 10 2065
Amri Isoria 16 2067
Amri Isoria 20 2069
Amri Isoria H4 2071
Amri Mammouth 6 2073
Amri Mammouth 10 2075
Amri Mammouth 16 2077
Amri Mammouth 20 2079
Amri Mammouth 25 2081
Amri Cosmia 2083
Amri Acris S (Standard) Series 18
Amri Isoria 16, Type 2 19
Amri Isoria 16, Type 4 21
Amri Isoria 16, Type 5 22
Amri Isoria 16, Type 6 23
Anchor Darling Enterprises 52 2085
Anderson Greenwood Series 60 Type 61 2087
Anderson Greenwood Series 60 Type 63B 2089
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 81 2091
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 81P 2093
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 83 2095
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 83F 2097
Anderson Greenwood Series 80 Type 86 2099
Anderson Greenwood Series 200 2101
Anderson Greenwood Series 400 2103
Anderson Greenwood Series 500 2105
Anderson Greenwood Series 700 2107
Anderson Greenwood Series 800 2109
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 91 2111
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 93 2113
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 94 2115
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 95 2117
Anderson Greenwood Series 90 Type 96a 2119
Anderson Greenwood Series 9000 Type 9200 2121
Anderson Greenwood Series 9000 Type 9300 2123
Anderson Greenwood Series 9000 Type 9700 2125
Anderson Greenwood SVR, Single Active Safety 2127
Anderson Greenwood SVR, Tandem Safety Selector 2129
Anderson Greenwood LCP 2131
Anderson Greenwood MLCP 2133
Anderson Greenwood RCRV 2135
Anderson Greenwood BV1 2137
Anderson Greenwood Y1R 2139
Anderson Greenwood RAR 2141
Anderson Greenwood ITV 2143
Anderson Greenwood Type 526 2145
Crosby Series BP Style BP5 OMNI-TRIM® 2147
Crosby Series BP Style BP6 OMNI-TRIM® 2149
Crosby Series 800 Style 861 OMNI-TRIM® 2151
Crosby Series 800 Style 871 OMNI-TRIM® 2153
Crosby Series 800 Style 881 OMNI-TRIM® 2155
Crosby Series 800 Style 891 OMNI-TRIM® 2157
Crosby Series 900 Style 951 OMNI-TRIM® 2159
Crosby Series 900 Style 955 OMNI-TRIM® 2161
Crosby Series 900 Style 961 OMNI-TRIM® 2163
Crosby Series 900 Style 965 OMNI-TRIM® 2165
Crosby Series 900 Style 972 OMNI-TRIM® 2167
Crosby Series 900 Style 981 OMNI-TRIM® 2169
Crosby Series 900 Style 991 OMNI-TRIM® 2171
Crosby Series JOS-E 2173
Crosby Series JBS-E 2175
Crosby Series JBS-BP-E 2177
Crosby Series JOS-H-E 2179
Crosby Series JLT-JOS-E 2181
Crosby Series JLT-JBS-E 2183
Crosby Series JLT-JBS-BP-E 2185
Crosby Series JBS-E-BLK 2187
Crosby Style JB 2189
Crosby Style JB-TD 2191
Crosby Style JPV-A 2193
Crosby Style HE ISOFLEX® 2195
Crosby Style HCI ISOFLEX® 2197
Crosby Style HCI-R ISOFLEX® 2199
Crosby Style HSJ 2201
Crosby Style HL 2203
Crosby Style PVR 2205
Crosby Style HPV-ST Pressurmatic® 2207
Crosby Style HCA-118W 2209
Apollo 70-100 2211
Apollo 70-600 2213
Apollo 72-100 2215
Apollo 73A-100 2217
Apollo 76-100 2219
Apollo 87-100 2221
Apollo 87-200 2223
Apollo 87-700 2225
Apollo 87-808 2227
Apollo 88-100 2229
Apollo 88-200 2231
Apollo 88-700 2233
Apollo 88-808 2235
Apollo 89-160 2237
Armstrong GD-30 24
Armstrong GD-30S 26
Armstrong GD-45 27
Armstrong GD-6 28
Armstrong GD-6N 29
Armstrong GD-10 31
Armstrong GD-10F 32
Armstrong AF-10 33
Armstrong GD-24 34
Armstrong GD-200 36
Armstrong GD-200H 37
Armstrong GD-2000K 38
Armstrong GP-1000 39
Armstrong GP-2000 41
Armstrong GP-2000K-1 42
Armstrong GP-2000K-3 43
Armstrong GP-2000K-6 44
Armstrong GP-2000R 46
Armstrong GP-11S 47
Armstrong ACV 48
Armstrong ECV 49
ASCO® S Series 51
ASCO® Series AL 52
ASCO® Series AM 53
ASCO® Series 067 54
ASCO® Series 106 56
ASCO® Series 107 57
ASCO® Series 108 58
ASCO® Series 109 59
ASCO® Series 114 61
ASCO® Series 115 62
ASCO® Series 188 63
ASCO® Series 189 64
ASCO® Series 190 66
ASCO® Series 192 67
ASCO® Series 202 68
ASCO® Series 263 69
ASCO® Series 264 71
ASCO® Series 282 72
ASCO® Series 283 73
ASCO® Series 284 74
ASCO® Series 285 76
ASCO® Series 302 77
ASCO® Series 304 78
ASCO® Series 309 79
ASCO® Series 310 81
ASCO® Series 330 82
ASCO® Series 364 83
ASCO® Series 368 84
ASCO® Series 373 86
ASCO® Series 383 87
ASCO® Series 385 88
ASCO® Series 388 89
ASCO® Series 390 91
ASCO® Series 397 92
ASCO® Series 401 93
ASCO® Series 407C 94
ASCO® Series 407M 96
ASCO® Series 443 97
ASCO® Series 458 98
ASCO® Series 462 99
ASCO® Series 520 101
ASCO® Series 540 102
ASCO® Series 551 103
ASCO® Series 8030 104
ASCO® Series 8040 106
ASCO® Series 8042 107
ASCO® Series 8043 108
ASCO® Series 8044 109
ASCO® Series 8202 111
ASCO® Series 8210 112
ASCO® Series 8214 113
ASCO® Series 8260 114
ASCO® Series 8261 116
ASCO® Series 8262 117
ASCO® Series 8263 118
ASCO® Series 8266 119
ASCO® Series 8290 121
ASCO® Series 8296 122
ASCO® Series 8303 123
ASCO® Series 8314 124
ASCO® Series 8316 126
ASCO® Series 8317 127
ASCO® Series 8320 128
ASCO® Series 8321 129
ASCO® Series 8344 131
ASCO® Series 8345 132
ASCO® Series 8377 133
ASCO® Series 8396 134
ASCO® Series FT30 136
ASCO® Series TZ50P 137
ASCO® V710 138
ASCO® H117 139
ASCO® H118 141
ASCO® H137 142
ASCO® HV266 143
ASCO® K3A4 144
ASCO® K3A5 146
ASCO® K3A6 147
ASCO® K3A7 148
ASCO® 8V311 149
ASCO® HOV1 151
ASCO® HOV13 152
ASCO® SV401 153
ASCO® HV216 154
ASCO® JV216 156
Atomac AKH2 2239
Atomac AKH3 2241
Atomac ARV2 2243
Atomac AKH2A 157
Atomac AKH5 158
Atomac AKH6 159
Atomac AKH7 161
Atomac ARV/SG 162
Atomac APN 163
Atomac APN/T 164
Atomac APN/SG 166
Atomac AMP3 167
Atomac AMP3L 168
Atomac AMP3T 169
Atomac ARL 464
Atwood and Morrill Free Flow Reverse Current Valve 2245
Atwood and Morrill Cold Reheat Check Valve 2247
Atwood and Morrill Compressor Check Valve 2249
Atwood and Morrill Positive Closing Check Valve 2251
Atwood and Morrill Swing Check Valve 2253
Atwood and Morrill Wye Globe Valve 2255
Atwood and Morrill 3-Way Valve 2257
Atwood and Morrill Parallel Slide Gate Valve 2259
Atwood and Morrill Atmospheric Relief Valve 2261
Atwood and Morrill Main Steam Isolation Valve, 2263
Atwood and Morrill Controlled Closure Check Valve, 2265
Atwood and Morrill Testable Check Valve, Nuclear 2267
Atwood and Morrill Parallel Slide Gate Valve, Nuclear 2269
Atwood and Morrill Tricentric® Butterfly Valve 2271
Atwood and Morrill Trip Throttle Valve 2273
Atwood and Morrill Ballast Tank Valve 2275
Atwood and Morrill Spring Relief Valve 2277
Baumann 24000 Series 2279
Baumann 24003 Series 2281
Baumann 24000C Series 2283
Baumann 24000D Series 2285
Baumann 24000S Series 2287
Baumann 24000SVF Series 2289
Baumann 24000F Series 2291
Baumann 86000 Series 2293
Baumann 24000SB Series 2295
Baumann 26000 Series 2297
Baumann 51000 Series 2299
Baumann 81000 Series 2301
Baumann 42000 Series 2303
Baumann 21000 Series 2305
Baumann 25000 Series 2307
Baumann 83000 2309
Baumann 84000 2311
Baumann 87000 Flexsleev Series 2313
Baumann 84000 Series 2315
Baumann 96000 2317
Bonney Forge 9HL-10 194
Bonney Forge 9HL-16 191
Bonney Forge 9HL-50 182
Bonney Forge 9HL-56 179
Bonney Forge 9HLF-10 187
Bonney Forge 9HLF-11 186
Bonney Forge 9HLF-12 196
Bonney Forge 9HLF-16 192
Bonney Forge 9HLF-19 193
Bonney Forge 9HLF-50 184
Bonney Forge 9VOLL-10 197
Bonney Forge 9WL-10 189
Bonney Forge 9WL-11 188
Bonney Forge 9WL-40 176
Bonney Forge 9WL-41 177
Bonney Forge 9WL-46 181
Bonney Forge 9WL-50 178
Bonney Forge H9-10 175
Bonney Forge H9-16 180
Bonney Forge H9-30 185
Bonney Forge H9-36 190
Bonney Forge H9-50 195
Bonney Forge H9-56 200
Bonney Forge H9F-10 205
Bonney Forge H9F-11 210
Bonney Forge H9F-12 215
Bonney Forge H9F-16 220
Bonney Forge H9F-19 225
Bonney Forge H9F-30 230
Bonney Forge H9F-50 235
Bonney Forge HL-10 240
Bonney Forge HL-30 245
Bonney Forge HL-50 250
Bonney Forge L1-10 255
Bonney Forge L3-10 260
Bonney Forge L6-10 265
Bonney Forge W9-10 270
Bonney Forge W9-11 275
Bonney Forge W9-30 280
Bonney Forge W9-31 285
Bonney Forge W9-36 290
Bonney Forge W9-39 295
Bonney Forge W9-40 300
Bonney Forge W9-41 305
Bonney Forge W9-46 310
Bonney Forge W9-49 315
Bonney Forge W9-50 320
Bonney Forge WL-41 325
Bonney Forge WL-42 183
Bonney Forge Y9-40 330
Bonney Forge Y9-41 335
Bonney Forge Y9-42 340
Bonney Forge Y9-46 345
Bonney Forge 9CLF-10 2319
Bonney Forge 9HLF-30 2321
Bonney Forge 9MLF-10 2323
Bonney Forge VOLL-10 2325
Bonney Forge VOLL-11 2327
Bonney Forge 9WL-30 2329
Bonney Forge L1-30 2331
Bonney Forge L3-30 2333
Bonney Forge L6-30 2335
Bonney Forge WL-10 2337
Bonney Forge WL-30 2339
Bonney Forge 25HR-10 2341
Bonney Forge 25HR-30 2343
Bonney Forge 25RR-10 2345
Bonney Forge 25W-10 2347
Bonney Forge 39HL-30 2349
Bonney Forge CL-10 2351
Bonney Forge CL-30 2353
Bonney Forge H-10 2355
Bonney Forge MFL-10 2357
Bonney Forge MFL-11 2359
Bonney Forge SVWL-100 2361
Bonney Forge SWHL-10 2363
Beltech 560078LP 2371
Beltech BSV-BVF 2373
Beltech CEV 2375
Bac FB 2377
Bac PQR-I 2379
Bray Series 20 2381
Bray Series 21 2383
Bray Series 22 2385
Bray Series 23 2387
Bray Series 30 2389
Bray Series 31 2391
Bray Series 31H 2393
Bray Series 32 2395
Bray Series 33 2397
Bray Series 35 2399
Bray Series 36 2401
Bray Series 36H 2403
Bray Series 40 2405
Bray Series 41 2407
Bray Series 42 2409
Bray Series 43 2411
Bray Series 44 2413
Bray Series 45 2415
BuTech K34 172
BuTech K63 173
BuTech K103 174
BuTech K104 466
BuTech K106 467
BuTech K108 468
BuTech K204 469
BuTech K206 471
BuTech K316 472
BuTech 3DVK34 473
BuTech 3DVK63 474
BuTech 3DVK93 476
BuTech 3DVK106 477
BuTech 3DVK108 478
BuTech 3DVK123 479
BuTech 3DVK203 481
BuTech 3DVK206 482
BuTech 3K34 483
BuTech 3K63 484
BuTech 3K93 486
BuTech 3K106 487
BuTech 3K108 198
BuTech 3K123 199
BuTech 3K203 201
BuTech 3K206 202
BuTech 4K103 203
BuTech 4K106 204
BuTech 5K103 206
BuTech 5K106 207
BuTech 3K341 208
BuTech 3K631 209
BuTech 3K931 211
BuTech 3K1061 212
BuTech 3K1081 213
BuTech 3K1231 214
BuTech 3K2031 216
BuTech 3K2061 217
BuTech H64 218
BuTech H66 219
BuTech H68 221
BuTech SFPV 222
BuTech FPV 223
BuTech DHP 224
BuTech JSV 226
BuTech JBV 227
Center Line A 355
Center Line LT 360
Center Line 504 350
Center Line Series 200 2417
Center Line Series 225 2419
Center Line Series 250 2421
Center Line Series 300 2423
Center Line Series 700 2425
Center Line Series 800 2427
Century CM1 228
Century CM1B 229
Century CM1C 231
Century CM2 232
Century CM2M 233
Century CM25 234
Century CM25A 236
Century CM25H 237
Century CM25D 238
Century CM6 239
Century CM7 241
Century CM4 242
Century CM40 243
Century CM45 244
Century CM11 246
Century CM11RS 247
Century CM29 248
Century CM9 249
Century CM26 251
Century CM26R 252
Century CM30-2 254
Century CM30-3 256
Century CM30-5 257
ChemValve Model 790EB-150 2431
ChemValve Model 790EB-300 2433
ChemValve Model 880-150 2435
ChemValve Model 880S-150 2437
ChemValve Model 880S-300 2439
ChemValve Model 790EB-150-DBB 2441
Clarkson KGA 2445
Clarkson KGD 2447
Clarkson KGF 2449
Clarkson C-Valve 2451
CLA-VAL TM-124-01 258
CLA-VAL TM-624-01 259
CLA-VAL TM-100-01 261
CLA-VAL TM-100-20 262
CLA-VAL TM-124-02 263
CLA-VAL TM-624-02 264
CLA-VAL TM-134-05 266
CLA-VAL TM-136-01 267
CLA-VAL TM-636-01 268
CLA-VAL TM-136-03 269
CLA-VAL TM-636-03 271
CLA-VAL TM-136-46 272
CLA-VAL TM-636-46 273
CLA-VAL TM-210-01 274
CLA-VAL TM-610-01 276
CLA-VAL TM-210-02 277
CLA-VAL TM-610-02 278
CLA-VAL TM-210-03 279
CLA-VAL TM-610-03 281
CLA-VAL TM-210-16 282
CLA-VAL TM-610-16 283
CLA-VAL TM-250-01 284
CLA-VAL TM-650-01 286
CLA-VAL TM-40-01 287
CLA-VAL TM-640-01 288
CLA-VAL TM-414-01 289
CLA-VAL TM-427-01 291
CLA-VAL TM-627-01 292
CLA-VAL TM-428-01 293
CLA-VAL TM-628-01 294
CLA-VAL TM-43-01 296
CLA-VAL TM-643-01 297
CLA-VAL TM-49-01 298
CLA-VAL TM-649-01 299
CLA-VAL TM-50-01 301
CLA-VAL TM-50-20 303
CLA-VAL TM-50B-4KG-1 304
CLA-VAL TM-50B-5KG 306
CLA-VAL TM-52-03 307
CLA-VAL TM-652-03 308
CLA-VAL TM-58-01 309
CLA-VAL TM-658-01 311
CLA-VAL TM-60-11 312
CLA-VAL TM-660-11 313
CLA-VAL TM-60-19 314
CLA-VAL TM-660-19 316
CLA-VAL TM-60-73 317
CLA-VAL TM-660-73 318
CLA-VAL TM-61-02 319
CLA-VAL TM-661-02 321
CLA-VAL TM-7100 322
CLA-VAL TM-731-01 323
CLA-VAL TM-736-01 324
CLA-VAL TM-736-09 326
CLA-VAL TM-750-01 327
CLA-VAL TM-750-20 328
CLA-VAL TM-750-60 329
CLA-VAL TM-750B-4KG-1 331
CLA-VAL TM-790-01 332
CLA-VAL TM-790-63 333
CLA-VAL TM-790-67 334
CLA-VAL TM-790-68 336
CLA-VAL TM-81-01 337
CLA-VAL TM-681-01 338
CLA-VAL TM-82-01 339
CLA-VAL TM-682-01 341
CLA-VAL TM-834-05 342
CLA-VAL TM-834-60 343
CLA-VAL TM-850-20 344
CLA-VAL TM-850B-4 346
CLA-VAL TM-90-01 347
CLA-VAL TM-690-01 348
CLA-VAL TM-90-11 349
CLA-VAL TM-690-11 351
CLA-VAL TM-90-42 352
CLA-VAL TM-90-48 353
CLA-VAL TM-690-48 354
CLA-VAL TM-90G-21 356
CLA-VAL TM-92-01 357
CLA-VAL TM-692-01 358
CLA-VAL TM-93-01 359
CLA-VAL TM-693-01 361
Consolidated® Type 1511 2455
Consolidated® Type 1541 2457
Consolidated® Type 1541-3 2459
Consolidated® Type 1543 2461
Consolidated® Type 1543-3 2463
Consolidated® Type 1700 Maxiflow 2465
Consolidated® Type 1811 2467
Consolidated® Type 1900 2469
Consolidated® Type 1900/P 2471
Consolidated® Type 1970 2473
Consolidated® Type 1975 2475
Consolidated® Type 1982 2477
Consolidated® Type 1990 2479
Consolidated® 19000 Series 2481
Consolidated® Type 2478 2483
Consolidated® Type 2700 2485
Consolidated® Type 2900 MPVTM 2487
Consolidated® Type 3500 2489
Consolidated® Type 3700 2491
Consolidated® 31700 Series 2493
Consolidated® Electromatic 31533VX 2495
Consolidated® Electromatic 1525VX 2497
Consolidated® Type 3990 2499
Consolidated® 13900 Series 2501
Consolidated® Type 3900 MPVTM 2503
Consolidated® Type 4900 MPVTM 2505
Crane Figure 137 365
Crane Figure 143 375
Crane Figure 143 1/2 2507
Crane Figure 147 2509
Crane Figure 147 1/2 2511
Crane Figure 151 380
Crane Figure 151 1/2 385
Crane Figure 159 2513
Crane Figure 159 1/2 2515
Crane Figure 161 2517
Crane Figure 161 1/2 2519
Crane Figure 171 400
Crane Figure 171 1/2 405
Crane Figure 175 2521
Crane Figure 175 1/2 2523
Crane Figure 183 2525
Crane Figure 183 1/2 2527
Crane Figure 187 2529
Crane Figure 187 1/2 2531
Crane Figure 189 410
Crane Figure 189 1/2 2533
Crane Figure 199 2535
Crane Figure 199 1/2 2537
Crane Figure 14 1/2 P 370
Crane Figure 33 415
Crane Figure 33 1/2 420
Crane Figure 36 425
Crane Figure 373 430
Crane Figure 431 UB 435
Crane Figure 47 440
Crane Figure 55 445
Crane Figure 47 1/2 2539
Crane Figure 55 1/2 2541
Crane Figure 76 455
Crane Figure 76 1/2 460
Crane Figure 787 465
Crane Figure 87 470
Crane Figure 87 1/2 2543
Crane Figure 88 475
Crane Figure 1523 390
Crane Figure 1523 1/2 395
Crane Figure 7189 450
Crane Figure 9302 480
Crane Figure B-3655 485
Crane Figure B-3663 490
Crane Figure 83 2545
Crane Figure 83 1/2 2547
Crane Figure 1700 2549
Crane Figure 1700S 2551
Crane Figure 1701 2553
Crane Figure 1701S 2555
Crane Figure 1702 2557
Crane Figure 1702S 2559
Crane Figure 1703 2561
Crane Figure 1703S 2563
Crane Figure 1707 2565
Crane Figure 1707S 2567
Crane Figure 428 2569
Crane Figure 428UB 2571
Crane Figure 1334 2573
Crane Figure 438 2575
Crane Figure 1324 2577
Crane Figure 431 2579
Crane Figure 431UB 2581
Crane Figure 437 2583
Crane Figure 429 2585
Crane Figure 459 2587
Crane Figure 1320 2589
Crane Figure 1330 2591
Crane Figure 422 2593
Crane Figure 424 2595
Crane Figure 426 2597
Crane Figure 622E 2599
Crane Figure 634E 2601
Crane Figure 636E 2603
Crane Figure 1 2605
Crane Figure 5TF 2607
Crane Figure 7TF 2609
Crane Figure 1310 2611
Crane Figure 212P 2613
Crane Figure 382P 2615
Crane Figure 17TF 2617
Crane Figure 89 2619
Crane Figure 384P 2621
Crane Figure 37 2623
Crane Figure 41TF 2625
Crane Figure 1342 2627
Crane Figure 141TF 2629
Crane Figure 1340 2631
Crane Figure 76E 2633
Crane Figure 29 2635
Crane Figure 27TF 2637
Crane Figure 366E 2639
Crane Figure 9102-B 2641
Crane Figure 9122-B 2643
Crane Figure 9161-S 935
Crane Figure 9171-S-LL 940
Crane Figure 9201-UL 9997
Crane Figure 9202-UL 950
Crane Figure 9203-B 2645
Crane Figure 9211 120
Crane Figure 9211-HC 253
Crane Figure 9212 302
Crane Figure 9212-S-HC 497
Crane Figure 9223-B 2647
Crane Figure 9303-B 2649
Crane Figure 9311 503
Crane Figure 9312 514
Crane Figure 9323-B 2651
Crane Figure 9303-S 2653
Crane Figure 9323-S 2655
Crane Figure 9421 680
Crane Figure 9431 750
Crane Figure 9502-S 2657
Crane Figure 9521 800
Crane Figure 9523 803
Crane Figure 9531 817
Crane Figure 9533 870
Crane Figure 9621 875
Crane Figure 9621-S-API 880
Crane Figure 9623 885
Crane Figure 9623-S-API 890
Crane Figure 9631 895
Crane Figure 9631-S-API 900
Crane Figure 9633 905
Crane Figure 9633-S-API 910
Crane Figure 9641 915
Crane Figure 9643 920
Crane Figure 9651 925
Crane Figure 9653 930
Crane Series 21 2659
Crane Series 23 2661
Crane Series 42 2663
Crane Series 44 2665
Crane Series 52 2667
Crane Series 54 2669
Crane Series 62 2671
Crane Series 64 2673
Crane Figure 28 2675
Crane Figure 28 1/2 2677
Crane Figure 30 2679
Crane Figure 30 1/2 2681
Crane Figure 123 2683
Crane Figure 123 1/2 2685
Crane Figure 323 2687
Crane Figure 323 1/2 2689
Crane Figure 623 2691
Crane Figure 623 1/2 2693
Crane Figure 923 2695
Crane Figure 923 1/2 2697
Crane Figure 460 2699
Crane Figure 461 2701
Crane Figure 473 2703
Crane Figure 464 1/2 2705
Crane Figure 465 2707
Crane Figure 465 1/2 2709
Crane Figure 475 1/2 2711
Crane Figure 467 2713
Crane Figure 488 2715
Crane Figure 488 1/2 2717
Crane Figure 490 2719
Crane Figure 490 1/2 2721
Crane Figure 484 1/2 2723
Crane Figure 485 1/2 2725
Crane Figure 486 1/2 2727
Crane Figure 487 1/2 2729
Crane Figure 1670 2731
Crane Figure 1671 2733
Crane Figure 14477 2735
Crane Figure 3E 2737
Crane Figure 7E 2739
Crane Figure 7 1/2 E 2741
Crane Figure 351 2743
Crane Figure 21E 2745
Crane Figure 254XR 2747
Crane Figure 353 2749
Crane Figure 372 2751
Crane Figure 373RS 2753
Crane Figure 373 1/2 2755
Crane Figure 383 2757
Crane Figure 375 2759
Crane Figure 14493 2761
Crane Figure 39E 2763
Crane Figure 346 1/2 2765
Crane Figure 23 2767
Crane Figure 24 2769
Crane Figure 223 2771
Crane Figure 224 2773
Crane Figure 28E 2775
Crane Figure 30E 2777
Check-All FIV 2781
Check-All Style UN-3 2783
Check-All Style UN-10 2785
Check-All Style SCV 2787
Check-All Style 3SC 2789
Check-All Style CON 2791
Check-All Style BU 2793
Check-All Style SIV 2795
Check-All Style UIV 2797
Check-All Style LPI 2799
Check-All Style UN-SW 2801
Check-All HVFD 2803
Check-All HVFD-T 2805
Check-All TCV 2807
Check-All TCV-F 2809
Check-All MCV 2811
Check-All SSI 2813
Check-All GPI 2815
Check-All CAV 2817
Cameron 115 2821
Cameron 130 2823
Cameron 160 2825
Cameron 3381 2827
Cameron MCS Gate Valve 364
Cameron FLS Gate Valve 366
Cameron FL Gate Valve 367
Cameron FLS-R Gate Valve 368
Cameron MS Check Valve 369
Cameron H2 Choke Valve 371
Cameron H2I Choke Valve 372
Cameron Subsea Welded Body Ball Valve 373
Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve, Type 31 374
Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve, Type 32 376
Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve, Type 33 377
Cameron Bolted Ball Valve, Type 40 378
Cameron Trunion Mounted Ball Valve, Top Entry 379
Cameron Trunion Mounted Ball Valve, Side Entry 381
Cooper 215 2831
Cooper 230 2833
Cooper 260 2835
Cooper 315 2837
Cooper 330 2839
Cooper 360 2841
Cooper 415 2843
Cooper 430 2845
Cooper 430T 2847
Cooper 460RF 2849
Cooper 460 Cooperfill 2851
Cooper 2301 2853
Cooper 4301 2855
Cooper LC 2857
Cooper LC315 2859
Chemtrol F45TB 2863
Chemtrol F51TB 2865
Chemtrol S45BC 2867
Chemtrol S45TB 2869
Chemtrol S51BC 2871
Chemtrol S51TB 2873
Chemtrol S65TB 2875
Chemtrol T51BC 2877
Chemtrol T51TB 2879
Chemtrol T65TB 2881
Chemtrol U45BC 2883
Chemtrol U45TB 2885
Chemtrol U51BC 2887
Chemtrol U51TB 2889
Chemtrol U65TB 2891
Circle Seal Bivco Series 1000 2895
Circle Seal Bivco Series 3000 2897
Circle Seal Bivco Series 4000 2899
Circle Seal 100 Series 2901
Circle Seal 2200 Series 2903
Circle Seal C2900 Series 2905
Circle Seal CVH Series 2907
Conval T-Pattern-Stop 2911
Conval Angle Pattern 2913
Conval Tandem Blowdown, 2 Angle Bodies 2915
Conval Y-Pattern Check 2917
Conval Angle Pattern Check 2919
Conval T-Pattern Check 2921
Conval Gate 2923
Conval Y-Pattern Stop 2925
Conval Bellows Seal 2927
Conval Tandem Blowdown, 1 Angle Body, 1 Y-Pattern 2929
Conval Leak Off 2931
Conval Continuous Blowdown 2933
Conval T-Pattern Stop 2935
Conval Y-Pattern Stop Check 2937
Conval Angle Pattern Stop Check 2939
Conval T-Pattern Stop Check 2941
Conval Throttling 2943
Conval Tandem Blowdown, 2 Y-Pattern Bodies 2945
Conval Strainer w/Blowoff Valve 2947
Conval Strainer w/Blowoff Fitting 2949
Conval Strainer 2951
Conval 3-Way 2953
DSI 37 1/2XUF 1185
DSI. *37 1/2XUF 1190
DSI. *23 1/2XUF 1195
DSI 23 1/2UF-N 1200
DSI 23 1/2XUF 1205
DSI 66XUF 1210
DSI 66LUF-N 1215
DSI 66UF-WC6 1220
DSI 66UF-C12 1225
DSI. *66XUF 1230
DSI 66LUF-N-LCC 1235
DSI 66UF-N 1240
DSI 66XUF-N 1245
DSI 66UF-C5 1250
DSI R66UF 1255
DSI. *R66UF-N 1260
DSI. *66UF-C12 1265
DSI. *66LUF-N-LCC 1270
DSI. *66LUF-N 1275
DSI 66 1/2XUF 1280
DSI *66 1/2XUF 1285
DSI 73UF 1290
DSI 73UF-WC6 1295
DSI R73UF 1300
DSI 73LUF-N-LCC 1305
DSI 73LUF-N 1310
DSI. *73UF-N 1315
DSI 73 1/2UF 1320
DSI 77UF 1325
DSI R77UF 1330
DSI 77UF-WC6 1335
DSI 133XU 1340
DSI. *133XU 1345
DSI. *133LU-N 1350
DSI 133U-C5 1355
DSI 133U-C12 1360
DSI 133LU-N 1365
DSI 133LU-N LCC 1370
DSI. *133LU-N-LCC 1375
DSI. *133U-N 1380
DSI. *133U-C12 1385
DSI 133-1/2XU 1390
DSI 141XU 1395
DSI. *141XU 1400
DSI 141U C5 1405
DSI 141U-C12 1410
DSI 141U-W 1415
DSI. *141LU-N 1420
DSI 141LU-N 1425
DSI 141U 1430
DSI 141 LU-N-LCC 1435
DSI. *141LU-N-LCC 1440
DSI. *141U-N 1445
DSI. *141U-C12 1450
DSI 161LU-N 1455
DSI 161U-C12 1460
DSI 161U-C5 1465
DSI 161XU 1470
DSI 161U 1475
DSI 161LU-N-LCC 1480
DSI 161U-WC6 1485
DSI. *161XU 1490
DSI. *161LU-N 1495
DSI. *161LU-N-LCC 1500
DSI. *161U-N 1505
DSI. *161U-C12 1510
DSI 161-1/2XU 1515
DSI 173U 1520
DSI R173U 1525
DSI 179U 1530
DSI R179U 1535
DSI 149 382
DSI 165 383
DSI 177 384
DSI 189 386
DSI 773 387
DSI 776 388
DSI 777 389
DSI 787 391
DSI 1131 392
DSI 1231 393
DSI 1331 394
DSI 2131 396
DSI 2231 397
DSI 2331 398
DSI 2431 399
DSI 3131 401
DSI 3231 402
DSI 3331 403
DSI 4101 404
DSI 4103 406
DSI 4111 407
DSI 4113 408
DSI 4121 409
DSI 4123 411
DSI 4125 412
DSI 4143 413
DSI 4153 414
DSI 4171 416
DSI 4193 417
DSI 4211 418
DSI 4213 419
DSI 4221 421
DSI 4311 422
DSI 4321 423
DSI 4411 424
DSI 4511 426
DSI 6101 427
DSI 6103 428
DSI 6111 429
DSI 6113 431
DSI 6121 432
DSI 6123 433
DSI 6171 434
DSI 6187 436
DSI 6193 437
DSI 6201 438
DSI 6211 439
DSI 6213 441
DSI 6221 442
DSI 6223 443
DSI 6263Y 444
DSI 6273Y 446
DSI 6287 447
DSI 6311 448
DSI 6321 449
DSI 7161 451
DSI 7163 452
DSI 7165 453
DSI 7173 454
DSI 7177 456
DSI 7179 457
DSI 7185 458
DSI 7187 459
DSI 7187R 461
DSI 7189 462
DSI 7273 463
Daniel Type 600 2957
Daniel EG 2959
Daniel EG Dow-4 2961
Daniel EG Dow-6 2963
Daniel SG 2965
Daniel SG Dow-4 2967
Daniel SG Dow-6 2969
Daniel SG T1 2971
Daniel Slab Gate 2973
DeltaValve DeltaGard® GV810 488
DeltaValve DeltaGard® GV820 489
DeltaValve GV830 491
DeltaValve GV850 492
Douglas Chero 210 2977
Douglas Chero 250 2979
Douglas Chero 350 2981
Douglas Chero 450 2983
Douglas Chero 650 2985
Douglas Chero 750 2987
Douglas Chero 850 2989
Douglas Chero 1050 2991
Douglas Chero 1150 2993
Douglas Chero 1250 2995
Demco Series NE 495
Demco NF 500
Demco Series WF 505
Demco Series NE-C 2997
Demco Series NE-C Marine 2999
Demco Series NE-I 3001
Demco Series NE-I Sanitary 3003
Demco Series NE-I Marine 3005
Demco Series NEI-T 3007
Demco Series NE-D 3009
Demco Series NE-D Marine 3011
Demco Series NE-C/NF 3013
Demco Series NE-DIN 3015
Demco Series NE/NF-DIN 3017
Demco Series NF 3019
Demco Series NF-C 3021
Demco Series NF-C Marine 3023
Demco Series V 3025
Demco Series DM 3027
Demco Series DM 7500 3029
Demco Series DT 3031
Demco Series DB 3033
Descote 2100B 3037
Descote 2100B/BVF 3039
Descote 2102B 3041
Descote 2102B/BVF 3043
Descote 1500B 3045
Descote 1700 3047
Descote 1900 3049
Descote 2020 3051
Descote 2100 3053
Descote 2200 3055
Descote 2300 3057
Descote 2500 3059
Descote 3000 3061
Descote 921 3063
Descote 925 3065
Descote 926 3067
Descote 928 3069
Descote UF6 3071
Durco® Sleeveline® G4 3075
Durco® Sleeveline® G4Z 3077
Durco® Sleeveline® FJ-G4 3079
Durco® Sleeveline® TSG4 3081
Durco G4 (300) 3083
Durco G4Z (300) 3085
Durco FJ-G4 (300) 3087
Durco TSG4 (300) 3089
Durco® T-Line® T-41 3091
Durco T-41A (300) 3093
Durco® Sleeveline® TSMG4 3095
Durco G4 (Sc) 3099
Durco G4Z (Sc) 3101
Durco® Microfinish™ 493
Durco® BTV-2000 494
Durco® Atomac® 496
Durco® Sleeveline® G4E 498
Durco® Sleeveline® G4 Marathon™ 499
Durco® Sleeveline® G4B Marathon™ 501
Durco® Sleeveline® G4BZ-HF Marathon™ 502
Durco® Sleeveline® G4Z-HF 504
Durco® Sleeveline® EG4Z-HF 507
Durco® Sleeveline® G4R 508
Durco® Sleeveline® EG4 509
Durco® T-Line® T-43 516
Durco® T-Line® ST-41 517
Durco® T-Line® ST-43 518
Durco® Big Max® BX-2001 519
Durco® Mach 1™ 521
Durabla® WLC® 3105
Durabla® SCV 3107
Durabla® DLC® 3109
Durabla® Excalibur® 3111
Durabla® PDC® 3113
Durabla® GLC® 3115
Durabla® Basic-Check® 3117
Durabla® GPV 3119
Durabla® HI-100 3121
Durabla® Ultra-Trol 3123
Durabla® Uniflo 3125
Durabla® DSV, Vertical 3127
Durabla® DSV, Horizontal 3129
Durabla® SCV-R 522
Durabla® Restrictor Check 523
Durabla® Vacuum Breaker 524
Durabla® ALC® 526
Duriron BTV-2000 3133
Dynex VH 3137
Dynex H8819 3139
Dynex 8800 Spool 3141
Dynex 8800 Poppet Style 3143
Dynex HP Series 3145
Dynex VST Series 3147
Dynex VSW Series 3149
Dynex N.F.P.A./ISO Pattern 3151
DeZurik 632L 3155
DeZurik 632W 3157
DeZurik BAW 3159
DeZurik BGS 3161
DeZurik BHP 3163
DeZurik BHP-Drilled 3165
DeZurik BHP-RTS2 3167
DeZurik C/800 ZJ (CS FLG) 3169
DeZurik C/800 ZJ (CS LUG) 3171
DeZurik KGS (LUG) 3173
DeZurik Permaseal 3175
DeZurik RCV 3177
DeZurik VPB 3179
DeZurik PPE 3181
DeZurik BRS 3183
DeZurik BGSII 3185
DeZurik PEC 3187
DeZurik PTW/PFW 3189
DeZurik KBD 3191
DeZurik KGC 3193
DeZurik KGL 3195
DeZurik KGU 3197
DeZurik KLS 3199
DeZurik KCI 3201
DeZurik KGO 3203
DeZurik PGV 3205
Eagle F6 Series 3209
Eagle F8 Series 3211
Eagle G6 Series 3213
Eagle H8 Series 3215
Eagle H8 Series BW 3217
Eagle H8 Series SW 3219
Eagle W6 Series 3221
Eagle C Series 527
Eagle G8 Series 528
Eagle J Series 529
Eagle L Series 531
Eagle NH8 Series 532
Eagle W8 Series 533
Edward 158 3225
Edward 158Y 3227
Edward 160 3229
Edward 160Y 3231
Edward 238 3233
Edward 238Y 3235
Edward 303 3237
Edward 303Y 3239
Edward 304 3241
Edward 304Y 3243
Edward 318 3245
Edward 318Y 3247
Edward 319 3249
Edward 319Y 3251
Edward 329 3253
Edward 329Y 3255
Edward 338 3257
Edward 338Y 3259
Edward 391 3261
Edward 391Y 3263
Edward 394 3265
Edward 394Y 3267
Edward 393 3269
Edward 393Y 3271
Edward Flite-Flow® 602 3273
Edward Flite-Flow® 602Y 3275
Edward 604 3277
Edward 604Y 3279
Edward 605 3281
Edward 605Y 3283
Edward 606 3285
Edward 606Y 3287
Edward 607 3289
Edward 607Y 3291
Edward Flite-Flow® 614 3293
Edward Flite-Flow® 614Y 3295
Edward 616 3297
Edward 616Y 3299
Edward 617 3301
Edward 617Y 3303
Edward 618 3305
Edward 618Y 3307
Edward 619 3309
Edward 619Y 3311
Edward 670Y 3313
Edward 690 3315
Edward 690Y 3317
Edward 691 3319
Edward 691Y 3321
Edward Flite-Flow® 692 3323
Edward Flite-Flow® 692Y 3325
Edward 694 3327
Edward 694Y 3329
Edward 695 3331
Edward 695Y 3333
Edward Flite-Flow® 702Y 3335
Edward 706Y 3337
Edward 707Y 3339
Edward Flite-Flow® 714Y 3341
Edward 716Y 3343
Edward 717Y 3345
Edward 770Y 3347
Edward Flite-Flow® 792Y 3349
Edward 794Y 3351
Edward 795Y 3353
Edward Univalve® 828 3355
Edward Univalve® 829 3357
Edward 832 3359
Edward 832Y 3361
Edward 838 3363
Edward 838Y 3365
Edward 846 3367
Edward 847 3369
Edward 848 3371
Edward 848Y 3373
Edward 849 3375
Edward 849Y 3377
Edward 858 3379
Edward 868 3381
Edward 868Y 3383
Edward 869 3385
Edward 869Y 3387
Edward 970Y 3389
Edward 1028 3391
Edward 1029 3393
Edward 1032 3395
Edward 1032Y 3397
Edward 1038 3399
Edward 1038Y 3401
Edward 1046 3403
Edward 1047 3405
Edward 1048 3407
Edward 1048Y 3409
Edward 1049 3411
Edward 1049Y 3413
Edward 1058 3415
Edward 1068 3417
Edward 1068Y 3419
Edward 1069 3421
Edward 1069Y 3423
Edward Flite-Flow® 1302 3425
Edward Flite-Flow® 1302Y 3427
Edward Flite-Flow® 1314 3429
Edward Flite-Flow® 1314Y 3431
Edward Flite-Flow® 1324 3433
Edward Flite-Flow® 1324Y 3435
Edward Flite-Flow® 1390 3437
Edward Flite-Flow® 1390Y 3439
Edward Flite-Flow® 1392 3441
Edward Flite-Flow® 1392Y 3443
Edward 1441 3445
Edward 1441Y 3447
Edward 1443 3449
Edward 1443Y 3451
Edward 1570Y 3453
Edward Equiwedge® 1611 3455
Edward Equiwedge® 1611BY 3457
Edward Equiwedge® 1611Y 3459
Edward 1641 3461
Edward 1641Y 3463
Edward 1643 3465
Edward 1643Y 3467
Edward Equiwedge® 1711BY 3469
Edward Equiwedge® 1711Y 3471
Edward Equiwedge® 1911 3473
Edward Equiwedge® 1911BY 3475
Edward Equiwedge® 1911Y 3477
Edward Flite-Flow® 2002Y 3479
Edward 2006Y 3481
Edward 2007Y 3483
Edward Flite-Flow® 2014Y 3485
Edward 2016Y 3487
Edward 2017Y 3489
Edward 2070Y 3491
Edward Flite-Flow® 2092Y 3493
Edward 2094Y 3495
Edward 2095Y 3497
Edward 2570Y 3499
Edward Flite-Flow® 3902Y 3501
Edward 3906 3503
Edward 3906Y 3505
Edward 3907 3507
Edward 3907Y 3509
Edward Flite-Flow® 3914Y 3511
Edward 3916 3513
Edward 3916Y 3515
Edward 3917 3517
Edward 3917Y 3519
Edward Flite-Flow® 3992Y 3521
Edward 3994 3523
Edward 3994Y 3525
Edward 3995 3527
Edward 3995Y 3529
Edward Flite-Flow® 4002 3531
Edward Flite-Flow® 4002Y 3533
Edward 4006 3535
Edward 4006Y 3537
Edward 4007 3539
Edward 4007Y 3541
Edward Flite-Flow® 4014 3543
Edward Flite-Flow® 4014Y 3545
Edward 4016 3547
Edward 4016Y 3549
Edward 4017 3551
Edward 4017Y 3553
Edward Flite-Flow® 4092 3555
Edward Flite-Flow® 4092Y 3557
Edward 4094 3559
Edward 4094Y 3561
Edward 4095 3563
Edward 4095Y 3565
Edward Flite-Flow® 4302Y 3567
Edward 4306Y 3569
Edward 4307Y 3571
Edward Flite-Flow® 4314Y 3573
Edward 4316Y 3575
Edward 4317Y 3577
Edward 4370Y 3579
Edward Flite-Flow® 4392Y 3581
Edward 4394Y 3583
Edward 4395Y 3585
Edward Flite-Flow® 4402Y 3587
Edward 4406Y 3589
Edward 4407Y 3591
Edward Flite-Flow® 4414Y 3593
Edward 4416Y 3595
Edward 4417Y 3597
Edward 4448Y 3599
Edward 4470Y 3601
Edward Flite-Flow® 4492Y 3603
Edward 4494Y 3605
Edward 4495Y 3607
Edward 4498Y 3609
Edward Flite-Flow® 4502Y 3611
Edward Flite-Flow® 4514Y 3613
Edward 4570Y 3615
Edward Flite-Flow® 4592Y 3617
Edward Flite-Flow® 5002Y 3619
Edward Flite-Flow® 5014Y 3621
Edward 5070Y 3623
Edward Flite-Flow® 5092Y 3625
Edward 5158 3627
Edward 5160 3629
Edward Flite-Flow® 7502Y 3631
Edward 7506 3633
Edward 7506Y 3635
Edward 7507 3637
Edward 7507Y 3639
Edward Flite-Flow® 7514Y 3641
Edward 7516 3643
Edward 7516Y 3645
Edward 7517 3647
Edward 7517Y 3649
Edward 7548Y 3651
Edward Flite-Flow® 7592Y 3653
Edward 7594 3655
Edward 7594Y 3657
Edward 7595 3659
Edward 7595Y 3661
Edward 7598Y 3663
Edward 9158 3665
Edward 9160 3667
Edward Equiwedge® 11511 3669
Edward Equiwedge® 11511Y 3671
Edward Equiwedge® 11511BY 3673
Edward Equiwedge® 12011Y 3675
Edward Equiwedge® 12011BY 3677
Edward Equiwedge® 12511 3679
Edward Equiwedge® 12511Y 3681
Edward Equiwedge® 12511BY 3683
Edward Equiwedge® 14311Y 3685
Edward Equiwedge® 14311BY 3687
Edward Equiwedge® 14411BY 3689
Edward Equiwedge® 14411Y 3691
Edward Hermavalve® 15004 3693
Edward Hermavalve® 15008 3695
Edward Hermavalve® 15014 3697
Edward Hermavalve® 15018 3699
Edward Hermavalve® 15104 3701
Edward Hermavalve® 15108 3703
Edward Hermavalve® 15114 3705
Edward Hermavalve® 15118 3707
Edward Hermavalve® 16004 3709
Edward Hermavalve® 16008 3711
Edward Hermavalve® 16014 3713
Edward Hermavalve® 16018 3715
Edward 35125 3717
Edward 35129 3719
Edward 35225 3721
Edward 35229 3723
Edward Univalve® 36120 3725
Edward Univalve® 36122 3727
Edward Univalve® 36124 3729
Edward Univalve® 36125 3731
Edward Univalve® 36128 3733
Edward Univalve® 36129 3735
Edward Univalve® 36160 3737
Edward Univalve® 36164 3739
Edward Univalve® 36165 3741
Edward Univalve® 36168 3743
Edward Univalve® 36169 3745
Edward Univalve® 36170 3747
Edward Univalve® 36174 3749
Edward Univalve® 36175 3751
Edward Univalve® 36178 3753
Edward Univalve® 36179 3755
Edward Univalve® 36220 3757
Edward Univalve® 36222 3759
Edward Univalve® 36224 3761
Edward Univalve® 36225 3763
Edward Univalve® 36228 3765
Edward Univalve® 36229 3767
Edward Univalve® 36260 3769
Edward Univalve® 36264 3771
Edward Univalve® 36265 3773
Edward Univalve® 36268 3775
Edward Univalve® 36269 3777
Edward Univalve® 36270 3779
Edward Univalve® 36274 3781
Edward Univalve® 36275 3783
Edward Univalve® 36278 3785
Edward Univalve® 36279 3789
Edward Univalve® 66120 3791
Edward Univalve® 66124 3793
Edward Univalve® 66125 3795
Edward Univalve® 66128 3797
Edward Univalve® 66129 3799
Edward Univalve® 66160 3801
Edward Univalve® 66164 3803
Edward Univalve® 66165 3805
Edward Univalve® 66168 3807
Edward Univalve® 66169 3809
Edward Univalve® 66170 3811
Edward Univalve® 66174 3813
Edward Univalve® 66175 3815
Edward Univalve® 66178 3817
Edward Univalve® 66179 3819
Edward Univalve® 66220 3821
Edward Univalve® 66224 3823
Edward Univalve® 66225 3825
Edward Univalve® 66228 3827
Edward Univalve® 66229 3829
Edward Univalve® 66260 3831
Edward Univalve® 66264 3833
Edward Univalve® 66265 3835
Edward Univalve® 66268 3837
Edward Univalve® 66269 3839
Edward Univalve® 66270 3841
Edward Univalve® 66274 3843
Edward Univalve® 66275 3845
Edward Univalve® 66278 3847
Edward Univalve® 66279 3849
Edward Univalve® 96124 3851
Edward Univalve® 96128 3853
Edward Univalve® 96164 3855
Edward Univalve® 96168 3857
Edward Univalve® 96174 3859
Edward Univalve® 96178 3861
Edward Univalve® 96224 3863
Edward Univalve® 96228 3865
Edward Univalve® 96264 3867
Edward Univalve® 96268 3869
Edward Univalve® 96274 3871
Edward Univalve® 96278 3873
Edward Equiwedge® A1611 3875
Edward Equiwedge® A1611Y 3877
Edward Equiwedge® A1911 3879
Edward Equiwedge® A1911Y 3881
Edward Cap Seal 3883
Edward Hypresphere 3885
Edward Flite-Flow® 2214Y 534
Edward Flite-Flow® 2292Y 536
Edward Flite-Flow® 3214Y 537
Edward Flite-Flow® 3292Y 538
Everest EMB-XX-M-U-GY 3889
FNWTM Figure 60R 539
FNWTM Figure 61B 541
FNWTM Figure 62B 542
FNWTM Figure 65B 543
FNWTM Figure 67B 544
FNWTM Figure 68B 546
FNWTM Figure 160 547
FNWTM Figure 2000B 548
FNWTM Figure 2000BTIV 549
FNWTM Figure F150 551
FNWTM Figure F65 552
FNWTM Figure F68 553
FNWTM Figure 420 554
FNWTM Figure 421 556
FNWTM Figure 425 557
FNWTM Figure 426 558
FNWTM Figure 427 559
FNWTM Figure 428 561
FNWTM Figure 430 562
FNWTM Figure 470 563
FNWTM Figure 475 564
FNWTM Figure 100 566
FNWTM Figure 200 567
FNWTM Figure 220 568
FNWTM Figure 220C 569
FNWTM Figure 221 571
FNWTM Figure 221C 572
FNWTM Figure 260 573
FNWTM Figure 310 574
FNWTM Figure 311 576
FNWTM Figure 320 577
FNWTM Figure 320C 578
FNWTM Figure 321 579
FNWTM Figure 321C 581
FNWTM Figure 360 582
FNWTM Figure 330CE 583
FNWTM Figure 440 584
FNWTM Figure 220M 588
FNWTM Figure 310M 589
FNWTM Figure 455 591
FNWTM Figure 465 592
FNWTM Figure 233 593
FNWTM Figure 633 594
FNWTM Figure 634 596
FNWTM Figure 500 597
FNWTM Figure 501 598
FNWTM Figure 600 599
FNWTM Figure 601 601
FNWTM Figure 660 602
FNWTM Figure 731 603
FNWTM Figure 732 604
FNWTM Figure 741 606
FNWTM Figure 742 607
FNWTM Figure 157 608
FNWTM Figure 340 609
FNWTM Figure 340F 611
FNWTM Figure 350 612
FNWTM Figure 721 613
FNWTM Figure 345 614
FNWTM Figure 355 616
FNWTM Figure 1211 617
FNWTM Figure 1212 618
FNWTM Figure 1221 619
FNWTM Figure 1222 621
FNWTM Figure 15B 622
FNWTM Figure 17B 623
FNWTM Figure 16B 624
FNWTM Figure 1201 626
FNWTM Figure 451 627
FNWTM Figure 452 628
FNWTM Figure 551 629
FNWTM Figure 552 631
FNWTM Figure 461 632
FNWTM Figure 462 633
FNWTM Figure 561 634
FNWTM Figure 562 636
FNWTM Figure 471 637
FNWTM Figure 472 638
FNWTM Figure 571 639
FNWTM Figure 572 641
Fabri-Valve® 36 506
Fabri-Valve® 37R 3891
Fabri-Valve® 333B 642
Fabri-Valve® C88R/S 643
Fabri-Valve® C67R 644
Face Valve Heavy Duty Wafer Butterfly 646
Face Valve Piston Ring Butterfly 647
Face Valve Pressurized T Ring Butterfly 648
Face Valve Full Flange Butterfly 649
Face Valve Weld End Butterfly 651
Face Valve Slide Butterfly 652
Fairbanks 453 1540
Fairbanks 0642 1545
Fairbanks 0702 1550
Fairbanks GT600XUF 1555
Fairbanks GL150XU 1560
Fairbanks GL300XU 1565
Fairbanks 0131 653
Fairbanks 0250 654
Fairbanks 0252 656
Fairbanks 0280 657
Fairbanks 0282 658
Fairbanks 0312 659
Fairbanks 0403 661
Fairbanks 0405 662
Fairbanks 0505 663
Fairbanks 0529 664
Fairbanks 0640 666
Fairbanks 0905 667
Fairbanks 3050 668
Fairbanks 3052 669
Fairbanks 3045 672
Fairbanks 3080 673
Fairbanks 3082 674
Fairbanks 3650 676
Fairbanks U-01 677

Farris Series 2600 3895
Farris Series 2600S 3897
Farris Series 2600L 3899
Farris Series 1890 3901
Farris Series 1896M 3903
Farris Series 2850 3905
Farris Series 2856 3907
Farris Series 2700 3909
Farris Series 3800 3911
Farris Series 3800 PCM 3913
Farris Series 3800 HP PCM 3915
Farris Series 6400 3917
Farris Series 6600 3919
Fisher Model Design V150 Vee-Ball® 3923
Fisher Model Design V200 Vee-Ball® 3925
Fisher Model Design V300 Vee-Ball® 3927
Fisher Model Design BV500 eplug™ 3929
Fisher Model Design CV500 eplug™ 3931
Fisher Model Design V500 eplug™ 3933
Fisher Model Design V250 3935
Fisher Model Design V260 3937
Fisher Model Type 8560 edisc® 3939
Fisher Model Type 8532 edisc® 3941
Fisher Model Type 8510 edisc® 3943
Fisher Model Type 8510B edisc® 3945
Fisher Model Type A41 POSI-SEAL® 3947
Fisher Model Type A31A POSI-SEAL® 3949
Fisher Model Type A11 POSI-SEAL® 3951
Fisher Model A11 3953
Fisher Model A31A 3955
Fisher Model A31C 3957
Fisher Model A31D 3959
Fisher Model V250 3961
Fisher Model V260 3963
Fisher Model V300 3965
Fisher easy-e® Model ED 3967
Fisher easy-e® Model ES 3969
Fisher easy-e® Model ET 3971
Fisher easy-e® Model EZ 3973
Fisher easy-e® Model EWD 3975
Fisher easy-e® Model EWS 3977
Fisher easy-e® Model EWT 3979
Fisher Design Series YD 3981
Fisher Design Series YS 3983
Fisher Design Series CP 3985
Fisher Model GX 3987
Fisher Design Series RSS 3989
Fisher Design Series D 3991
Fisher Design Series DA 3993
Fisher Design Series HP/EH 3995
Fisher Design Series D2 FloProTM 3997
Fisher Design Series D4 3999
Fisher Model Flow Up, TBX 4001
Fisher Model Hybrid Globe & Cooler 4003
Fisher Sparger, TBX 4005
Fisher Process Steam Conditioning, TBX 4007
Fisher Model Polymer Flow Control, HVP 4009
Fisher Type 630 4011
Fisher Type 627 4013
Fisher Type 1301F 4015
Fisher Type 1301G 4017
Fisher Type S102K 4019
Fisher Type 64 4021
Fisher Type 67CFR 4023
Fisher Type 67CR 4025
Fisher Type 1805 4027
Fisher Type 119 4029

Flow Control Model 10B 4033
Flow Control Model 12B-HP-2 4035
Flow Control Model 12B-HP-3 4037
Flow Control Model 14T 4039
Flow Control Model 15T 4041
Flow Control Flow Master 4043
Flow Safe F84 Series 678
Flow Safe F85 Series 679
Flow Safe F84M Series 681
Flow Safe F85M Series 682
Flow Safe F84L Series 683
Flow Safe F88 Series 684
Flow Safe F7000 Series 686
Flow Safe F8000 Series 687
Flow Safe F7000 IM Series 688
Flow Safe F8000 IM Series 689
Flow Safe F70PR Series 691
Flow Safe F70U Series 692
Flow Safe F70VP Series 693
Flow Safe F9000 Series 694
Flowseal High Performance Butterfly Valve 4047
Flowseal High Performance Butterfly Valve, Marine
Flow-Tek Triad Series 2000 4053
Flow-Tek Triad Series 3000 4055
Flow-Tek Series 7000 4057
Flow-Tek Series 8000 4059
Flow-Tek Series 5000 4061
Flow-Tek Micro Pure Series S7500 4063
Flow-Tek Micro Pure Series S7700 4065
Flow-Tek Model TK7000 4067
Flow-Tek Model TK8000 4069
Flow-Tek Model TKF15 4071
Flow-Tek Series F15 4073
Flow-Tek Series F30 4075
Flow-Tek Series RF15 4077
Flow-Tek Model A105/LF2 4079
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 130 4081
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 230 4083
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 240 4085
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Flanged Series 4087
Flow-Tek Model HP 4089
Flow-Tek Model HX 4091
Flow-Tek Model 3HP 4093
Flow-Tek Model Petro Series S3000 4095
Flow-Tek Model Petro Series SW3000 4097
Flow-Tek Model Series S20 4099
Flow-Tek Model Series S85 4101
Flow-Tek Model Series S70 4103
Flow-Tek Model Series S90 4105
Flow-Tek Model Series S80 4107
Flow-Tek Model Series S40 4109
Flow-Tek Model Series S51 4111
Flow-Tek Multi-Port Series 300 4113
FMC Valve Model 101 696
FMC Valve Model 120 697
FMC Valve Model 130/150 698
FMC Valve Model 130/150 VLT 699
FMC Valve Model 160 701
Foster 4000 B FT-10D 4117
Foster 4000 D-Seal 4119
Foster 4000 D-Seal B FT-7 4121
Foster 4000 D-Seal C-271 4123
Foster 4000 D-Seal FT36 4125
Gemco Sani ValveTM 702
Gemco Sanitary K Valve 703
Gemco Type TLD 704
Gemco Type T 706
Gemco Type P21 707
Gemco Type D-2 708
Gemco SB Sanitary 709
Gestra RK 16A 4129
Gestra RK 86A 4131
George Fischer Type 304 4135
George Fischer Type 306 4137
George Fischer Type 314 4139
George Fischer Type 317 4141
George Fischer Type 323 4143
George Fischer Type 301 4145
George Fischer Type 343, Horizontal Port 4147
George Fischer Type 343, Vertical Port 4149
George Fischer Type 346 4151
George Fischer Type 360 4153
George Fischer Type 370 4155
George Fischer Type 522 4157
George Fischer Type 546, True Union 4159
George Fischer Type 546, Control 4161
George Fischer Type 324 711
George Fischer Type 350 712
George Fischer Type 353 713
George Fischer Type 354 714
George Fischer Type 355 716
George Fischer Type 374 717
George Fischer Type 375 718
George Fischer Type 315 719
George Fischer Type 315 HTR 721
George Fischer Type 319 722
George Fischer Type 319 HTR 723
George Fischer Type 567 724
George Fischer Type 567, with gear operator 726
George Fischer Type 365 727
George Fischer Type 365, with gear operator 728
George Fischer Type 388 729
George Fischer Type 388, with gear operator 731
George Fischer Tee Valve Assembly 732
George Fischer Type 107 733
George Fischer Type 108 734
George Fischer Type 131 736
George Fischer Type 132 737
George Fischer Type 133 738
George Fischer Type 175 739
George Fischer Type 176 741
George Fischer Type 177 742
George Fischer Type 178 743
George Fischer Type 208 744
George Fischer Type 231 746
George Fischer Type 232 747
George Fischer Type 233 748
George Fischer Type 275 749
George Fischer Type 276 751
George Fischer Type 277 752
George Fischer Type 278 753
George Fischer Type 140 754
George Fischer Type 240 756
George Fischer Diastar Type 025 757
George Fischer Diastar Type 028 758
George Fischer Diastar Zero Static 759
George Fischer Type 211 761
General Valve GTS 8000TM 4165
General Valve Twin SealTM 400 Series 4167
General Valve Twin SealTM 800 Series 4169
General Valve Twin SealTM 900 Series 4171
General Valve C Model 4700 Series 4173
General Valve CA Model 4700 Series 4175
General Valve B Model 4700 Series 4177
General Valve 1500 Series 4179
General Valve 1600 Series 4181
General Valve Stainless Steel Twin SealTM 762
Grove B4 4185
Grove B5 4187
Grove B7 4189
Grove B8 4191
Grove B44 4193
Grove B55 4195
Grove B71 4197
Grove BT1 4199
Grove BT2 4201
Grove Omega 4203
Grove G3 4205
Grove G4N 4207
Grove G5D 4209
Grove G9 4211
Gulf MX 4215
Gulf MBC 4217
Gulf MB 763
Hancock 5505W 510
Hancock 7105W 515
Hansen Model HMMR 869
Hammond IB 952 4221
Hammond IR 1124 4223
Hayward® Model VC-100 9936
Hayward® Model VC-150 9937
Hayward® Model VC-200 9938
Hayward® Model VC-250 9939
Hayward® Model VC-400 9940
Hayward® Model VC-450 9941
Hayward® True Union Ball Valve 9942
Hayward® ProFile2™ 9943
Hayward® True Union Z-Ball Valve 9944
Hayward® QIC2™ 9945
Hayward® True Union Ball Check Valve 9946
Hayward® Y Check Valve 9947
Hayward® Spring-Loaded Y Check Valve 9948
Hayward® Swing Check Valve 9949
Hayward® Wafer Check Valve 9950
Hayward® Diaphragm Valve 9951
Hayward® Three-Way Ball Valve 9952
Hayward® Lateral Ball Valve 9953
Hayward® Butterfly Valve 9954
Hayward® Angle Valve 9955
Hayward® Pressure Relief Valve 9956
Hayward® Pressure Regulator 9957
Hayward® Air Release Valve 9958
Hayward® Needle Valve 9959
Hayward® Solenoid Valve 9960
Henry Seal Cap 4227
Henry Seal Cap-Globe 4229
Henry Type C2G 764
Henry Type C3G 766
Henry Type 2G 767
Henry Type 3G 768
Henry Type C15B 769
Henry Type C25B 771
Henry Type 15B 772
Henry Type 25B 773
Henry Type C15 774
Henry Type C25 776
Henry Type 15 777
Henry Type 25 778
Henry Type 203 779
Henry Type 926 781
Henry Type 776-B 782
Henry Type 779-B 783
Henry Type 783 784
Henry Type 927 786
Henry Type 92 787
Henry Type 802 788
Henry Type 802A 789
Henry Type 205 791
Henry Type 215 792
Henry Type 116 793
Henry Type 119 794
Henry Type 120 796
Henry Type S-910 797
Henry Type 900 798
Henry Type 907 799
Henry Type 937 801
Henry Type 924 802
Henry Type 929 804
Henry Type 513 806
Henry Type 514 807
Henry Type 515 808
Henry Type 516 809
Henry Type 626 811
Henry Type 647 812
Henry Type 629 813
Henry Type 623 814
Henry Type 643 816
Henry Type 905 818
Henry Type 906 819
Henry Type 935 821
Henry Type 936 822
Henry Type 522 823
Henry Type 523 824
Henry Type 524 826
Henry Type 526 827
Henry Type 527 828
Henry Type 776 829
Henry Type 777 831
Hex HB-241 520
Hex HB-501 525
Hex HB-521 530
Hex HG-461 535
Hex HG-463 540
Hex HG-651 545
Hex HM-131 550
Hex HM-451 555
Hex HM-571 560
Hex HN-491 565
Hoke 70 Series 4233
Hoke 71 Series 4235
Hoke 72 Series 4237
Hoke 76 Series 4239
Hoke 79 Series 4241
Hoke 7165 Series 4243
Hoke 7177 Series 4245
Hoke 7223D Series 4247
Hoke 1700 Series 4249
Hoke 2200 Series 4251
Hoke 2700 Series 4253
Hoke 2800 Series 4255
Hoke 1500 Series 4257
Hoke 2100 Series 4259
Hoke 3700 Series 4261
Hoke 3800 Series 4263
Hoke 3900 Series 4265
Hydroseal Series LSA 4269
Hydroseal Series 14 4271
Hydroseal Series 38 4273
Hydroseal Series 1 4275
Hydroseal Series 2 4277
Hydroseal Series 3 4279
Hydroseal Series 4 4281
Hydroseal Series 5 4283
Hydroseal Series 6 4285
Hydroseal Series 7 4287
Hydroseal Series 8 4289
Hydroseal Series FT 4291
Hydroseal Series HC 4293
Hydroseal Series 19 4295
Hydroseal Series 78 4297
Hydroseal Series 79 4299
Hydroseal Series 15 4301
Hydroseal Series 25 4303
Hydroseal Series FL 4305
Hydroseal Series CV 4307
Hy-Grade Series T 4311
Hy-Grade Series F 4313
Hy-Grade Series L 4315
Hy-Grade Series X 4317
Hy-Grade Series H 4319
Hy-Grade Series P 4321
Hy-Grade Series FF 4323
Hy-Grade Series D 4325
ITT Cam-Line® 4329
ITT Cam-Tite® 4331
ITT Dia-Flo® Weir 832
ITT Dia-Flo® Solid Plastic 833
ITT Dia-Flo® StraightWay 834
ITT Dia-Flo® DualRange® 836
ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3010-1-3 570
ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3014-1-3 575
ITT Grinnell Fire Protection Multimatic A-4 580
JB V342 Series 837
JB V344 Series 838
JB V349 Series 839
JB NV-62 Series 841
JB D10160 842
JB D10162 843
JB CV200 Series 844
Jamesbury 4AB 585
Jamesbury 4CB 590
Jamesbury 5150 595
Jamesbury 5300 600
Jamesbury A11 605
Jamesbury AM150FD 586
Jamesbury DM150FD 587
Jamesbury 5150-11-2236TT 4333
Jamesbury 5300-11-2236TT 4335
Jamesbury 6150-11-2236TT 4337
Jamesbury 6300-11-2236TT 4339
Jamesbury 5150-11-3600TT 4341
Jamesbury 5300-11-3600TT 4343
Jamesbury 6150-11-3600TT 4345
Jamesbury 6300-11-3600TT 4347
Jamesbury AM150FB 846
Jamesbury DM150FB 847
Jamesbury 152M 848
Jamesbury 156M 849
Jamesbury 341T 851
Jamesbury 346T 852
Jamesbury 351T 853
Jamesbury 356T 854
Jamesbury 361T 856
Jamesbury 362T 857
Jamesbury 371T 858
Jamesbury 441T 859
Jamesbury 451A 861
Jamesbury 451T 862
Jamesbury 456T 863
Jamesbury 481T 864
Jamesbury 5180 866
Jamesbury 530S 867
Jamesbury 530SB 955
Jamesbury 5380 868
Jamesbury 6150 871
Jamesbury 6180 872
Jamesbury 6300 874
Jamesbury 6380 876
Jamesbury 7150 878
Jamesbury 7180 879
Jamesbury 730S 882
Jamesbury 730SB 960
Jamesbury 7300 884
Jamesbury 7305 1017
Jamesbury 7380 886
Jamesbury 9150 888
Jamesbury 9180 889
Jamesbury 9300 3102
Jamesbury 9300B 1095
Jamesbury 9380 892
Jamesbury EliminatorTM 893
Jamesbury Clincher® 21 894
Jamesbury Clincher® 23 896
Jamesbury 4000 897
Jamesbury 815 W 898
Jamesbury F815 W 899
Jamesbury 818 W 901
Jamesbury F818 W 902
Jamesbury 815 L 903
Jamesbury F815 L 904
Jamesbury 818 L 906
Jamesbury F818 L 907
Jamesbury 830 W 908
Jamesbury F830 W 909
Jamesbury 838 W 911
Jamesbury F838 W 912
Jamesbury 830 L 913
Jamesbury F830 L 914
Jamesbury 838 L 916
Jamesbury F838 L 917
Jamesbury 860 W 918
Jamesbury F860 W 919
Jamesbury 868 W 921
Jamesbury F868 W 922
Jamesbury 860 L 923
Jamesbury F860 L 924
Jamesbury 868 L 926
Jamesbury F868 L 927
Jamesbury K815 W 928
Jamesbury K830 W 929
Jamesbury K860 W 931
Jamesbury K815 L 932
Jamesbury K830 L 933
Jamesbury K860 L 934
Jamesbury 835 L 936
Jamesbury 83P L 937
Jamesbury F835 L 938
Jamesbury F83P L 939
Jamesbury LG 941
Jamesbury LW 942
Jamesbury L6 943
Jamesbury R-Series 944
Jamesbury Style A/AZ 1614
Jamesbury Style B 1616
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 3A 1892
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 3C 1960
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 5H 1970
Jamesbury Value-Line® Series 6F 1980
Jamesbury 3000 1990
Jamesbury 5000 2000
Jamesbury 7000 2005
Jamesbury Clincher® Type 2000 2010
Jamesbury Series 100 2015
Jamesbury 6D15 2020
Jenkins Figure J1009B8F 4351
Jenkins Figure J1010B8F 4353
Jenkins Figure J1012B8F 4355
Jenkins Figure J1040B2 4357
Jenkins Figure J1042B2 4359
Jenkins Figure J1044B2 4361
Jenkins Figure J1025B2 4363
Jenkins Figure J1026B2 4365
Jenkins Figure J1028B2 4367
Jenkins Figure 21J 4369
Jenkins Figure 22J 4371
Jenkins Figure 201J 4373
Jenkins Figure 201SJ 4375
Jenkins Figure 202J 4377
Jenkins Figure 202SJ 4379
Jenkins Figure 106BJ 4381
Jenkins Figure 106BPJ 4383
Jenkins Figure 108BJ 4385
Jenkins Figure 117ATJ 4387
Jenkins Figure 119J 4389
Jenkins Figure 2032J 4391
Jenkins Figure 2050J 4393
Jenkins Figure 2270UJ 4395
Jenkins Figure 2272J 4397
Jenkins Figure 2280UJ 4399
Jenkins Figure 2082J 4401
Jenkins Figure 2310J 4403
Jenkins Figure 2429J 4405
Jenkins Figure 2810J 4407
Jenkins Figure 310J 4409
Jenkins Figure 313J 4411
Jenkins Figure 4037J 4413
Jenkins Figure 4041TJ 4415
Jenkins Figure 4092J 4417
Jenkins Figure 4093J 4419
Jenkins Figure 4449J 4421
Jenkins Figure 4475TJ 4423
Jenkins Figure 47CUJ 4425
Jenkins Figure 4962J 4427
Jenkins Figure 518J 4429
Jenkins Figure 592J 4431
Jenkins Figure 594J 4433
Jenkins Figure 743J 4435
Jenkins Figure 744J 4437
Jenkins Figure 810J 4439
Jenkins Figure 813J 4441
Jenkins Figure 820J 4443
Jenkins Figure 990AJ 4445
Jenkins Figure 991AJ 4447
Jenkins Figure 992AJ 4449
Jenkins Figure 993AJ 4451
Jenkins Figure 994AJ 4453
Jenkins Figure 995AJ 4455
Jenkins Figure 996AJ 4457
Jenkins Figure 997AJ 4459
Jenkins Series 200 4461
Jenkins Series 225 4463
Jenkins Series 800 4465
Jenkins Figure 40BJ 4467
Jenkins Figure 41J 4469
Jenkins Figure 162J 4471
Jenkins Figure 203J 4473
Jenkins Figure 204J 4475
Jenkins Figure 339RJ 4477
Jenkins Figure 451J 4479
Jenkins Figure 452J 4481
Jenkins Figure 453J 4483
Jenkins Figure 454J 4485
Jenkins Figure 477J 4487
Jenkins Figure 477LJ 4489
Jenkins Figure 523J 4491
Jenkins Figure 525J 4493
Jenkins Figure 540J 4495
Jenkins Figure 541J 4497
Jenkins Figure 587J 4499
Jenkins Figure 588J 4501
Jenkins Figure 590J 4503
Jenkins Figure 825CJ 4505
Jenkins Figure 2342J 4507
Jenkins Figure 2344J 4509
Jordan Mark 60 Series 946
Jordan Mark 601 Series 947
Jordan Mark 602 Series 948
Jordan Mark 63 Series 949
Jordan Mark 66 Series 951
Jordan Mark 67 Series 952
Jordan Mark 68 Series 953
Jordan Mark 130 Series 954
Jordan Mark 50 Series 956
Jordan Mark 501 Series 957
Jordan Mark 502 Series 958
Jordan Mark 53 Series 959
Jordan Mark 56 Series 961
Jordan Mark 57 Series 962
Jordan Mark 58 Series 963
Jordan Mark 80 Series 964
Jordan Mark 801 Series 966
Jordan Mark 802 Series 967
Jordan Mark 82 Series 968
Jordan Mark 85 Series 969
Jordan Mark 86 Series 971
Jordan Mark 87 Series 972
Jordan Mark 89 Series 973
Jordan Mark 89MX Series 974
Jordan Mark 70 Series 976
Jordan Mark 701 Series 977
Jordan Mark 702 Series 978
Jordan Mark 707 Series 979
Jordan Mark 711 Series 981
Jordan Mark 74 Series 982
Jordan Mark 75 Series 983
Jordan Mark 76 Series 984
Jordan Mark 78 Series 986
Jordan Mark 78SP Series 987
Jordan Mark 78TP Series 988
Jordan Mark 79 Series 989
Jordan V1C Series 991
Jordan Mark 8000 Series 992
Jordan Mark 8000 BSS Series 993
Jordan Mark 8000 Cryogenic Series 994
Jordan Mark 8000 Three-Way Series 996
Jordan Mark 2000 Series 997
Jordan Mark 33 Series 998
Jordan Mark 37 Series 999
Jordan Mark 39 Series 1001
Jordan Mark 708 Series 1002
Jordan Mark 90 Series 1003
Jordan Mark 92 Series 1004
Jordan Mark 93 Series 1006
Jordan Mark 95 Series 1007
Jordan Mark 95FT Series 1008
Jordan Mark 96 Series 1009
Jordan Mark 97 Series 1012
Jordan Mark 98 Series 1013
Jordan Mark 968 Series 1014
Jordan Mark 978 Series 1016
Jordan Mark 708MV Series 1018
Jordan Mark 708 BSS Series 1019
Jordan Mark 708 Cryogenic Series 1021
Jordan Mark 708 Double Packed Series 1022
Jordan Mark 708 Finned Bonnet Series 1023
Jordan Mark 709 Series 1024
Jordan Mark 40 Series 1026
Jordan Mark 44 Series 1027
Jordan Mark 46 Series 1028
Keystone Figure 990 4513
Keystone Figure 920 4515
Keystone Figure 999 4517
Keystone Figure 992 4519
Keystone Figure 601 4521
Keystone Figure 602 4523
Keystone Figure AR1 4525
Keystone Figure AR2 4527
Keystone Figure 320 4529
Keystone Figure 322 4531
Keystone Figure 221 4533
Keystone Figure 222 4535
Keystone Figure 55 4537
Keystone Figure 56 4539
Keystone Figure 100 4541
Keystone Figure 106 4543
Keystone Figure 129 4545
Keystone Figure 139 4547
Keystone Figure 250 4549
Keystone Figure 251 4551
Keystone Figure 267J 4553
Keystone Figure 268J 4555
Keystone Figure 269J 4557
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 360 4559
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 362 4561
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 370 4563
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 372 4565
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 310 4567
Keystone K-LokTM Figure 312 4569
Keystone Prince Figure 809 9981
Keystone Prince Figure 810 9982
Keystone Prince Figure 813 9983
Keystone Prince Figure 815 9984
Keystone Series 61 9985
Keystone Figure 611 5010
Keystone Figure 612 5012
KF Industries Series A 4573
KF Industries Series AH 4575
KF Industries Series B 4577
KF Industries Series BH 4579
KF Industries Series C 4581
KF Industries Series CA 4583
KF Industries Series CH 4585
KF Industries Series CXH 4587
KF Industries Series CB 4589
KF Industries Series CBH 4591
KF Industries KF Hale 4593
KF Industries Series AF 4595
KF Industries Series AFH 4597
KF Industries Series CF 4599
KF Industries Series CFH 4601
KF Industries Series CFXH 4603
KF Industries Series E 4605
KF Industries Series EC 4607
KF Industries Series EH 4609
KF Industries Series F 4611
KF Industries Series W 4613
KF Industries Series T 4615
KF Industries Series FA 4617
KF Industries Series P2 4619
KF Industries Series P2a 4621
KF Industries Series P3 4623
KF Industries Series 50 4625
KF Industries Series DD 4627
KF Industries Series BG 4629
KF Industries Series BGD 4631
KF Industries Series 2200 4633
KF Industries Series H7000 4635
KF Industries Packed Bonnet Style 4637
KF Industries O-Ring Style 4639
KF Industries Series NB 4641
KF Industries Series NC 4643
KF Industries Series TM 4645
KF Industries Series AIV 4647
KF Industries Series TC 4649
Kitz 03 2030
Kitz 04 (AKR) 2040
Kitz 07 2050
Kitz 08 2060
Kitz 09 1570
Kitz 10 2070
Kitz 11 2080
Kitz 12 2090
Kitz 14 (CR) 2100
Kitz 17 9986
Kitz 17S 2120
Kitz 18 2130
Kitz 19 1575
Kitz 22 1580
Kitz 23 2140
Kitz 24 9987
Kitz 25 2160
Kitz 27 2170
Kitz 28 2180
Kitz 29 2190
Kitz 30 2200
Kitz 37 9988
Kitz 37S 2220
Kitz 39 2230
Kitz 40 2240
Kitz 41 1585
Kitz 42 1590
Kitz 42T (AK150LUT) 2250
Kitz 43 2260
Kitz 44 2270
Kitz 46 2280
Kitz 49M 2290
Kitz 56 2300
Kitz 57 2310
Kitz 58 9989
Kitz 68 9990
Kitz 68M 1595
Kitz 69 2340
Kitz 72 9991
Kitz 73 2360
Kitz 75 2365
Kitz 76 9992
Kitz 78 9993
Kitz 81 2390
Kitz 85 2400
Kitz 150SCL 1600
Kitz 300SCL 1605
Kitz 150SCO 9994
Kitz 300SCO 9995
Kitz 600SCO 9996
Kitz AK 150 1610
Kitz AW 300 1615
Kitz SCJS 1620
Kitz SCLS 1625
Kitz SCLSP 1630
Kitz SCOS 1635
Kitz SCTA 1640
Kitz SCTB 1645
Kitz SCTB-3H 1650
Kitz SCTB-6H 1655
Kitz SCTC 1660
Kitz SCTCR 1665
Kitz Series A 1670
Kitz Series C 1675
Kitz UTA 1680
Kitz UTBZ 1685
Kitz UTBZ-3H 1690
Kitz UTBZ-6H 1695
Kitz UTC 1700
Kitz UTCSM 1705
Kitz WSCOS 1710
Kitz 150SCTAM 1715
Kitz 300SCTAM 1720
Kitz 150SCTBM 1725
Kitz 150SCTBZM 2440
Kitz 300SCTBZM 2450
Kitz 300SCTBM 1730
Kitz 600SCTBM 1735
Kitz AKSCTAHM 1740
Kitz 150UTAM 1745
Kitz 300UTAM 1750
Kitz 150UTBM 1755
Kitz 300UTBM 1760
Kitz 600UTBM 1765
Kitz AKUTAHM 1770
Kitz AK150UMM 1775
Kitz AK150UPM 1780
Kitz AK150UOM 1785
Kitz 150UMAM 1790
Kitz 150UPAM 1795
Kitz 150UOAM 1800
Kitz AK300UMM 1805
Kitz AK300UPM 1810
Kitz AK300UOM 1815
Kitz 300UMAM 1820
Kitz 300UPAM 1825
Kitz 300UOAM 1830
Kitz AK600UMM 1835
Kitz 600UMAM 1840
Kitz 150UMACN 1845
Kitz W150SCLSY 1850
Kitz 300UMACN 1855
Kitz 300UMA-GRF 1860
Kitz 300UMA 1865
Kitz W300SCLS 1870
Kitz W300SCLSY 1875
Kitz 600SCLS 1880
Kitz 600SCLSCLMMN 1885
Kitz 600SCLS6CY 1890
Kitz 600SCLS5CY 1895
Kitz W600SCLS 1900
Kitz 1500SCLS 1905
Kitz 150SCJS5C 1910
Kitz 150SCJS 1915
Kitz 150SCJCLMMN 1920
Kitz 150SCJSCLMMN 1925
Kitz 150SCJSMMN 1930
Kitz W150SCJ 1935
Kitz 300SCJS6CY 1940
Kitz 300SCJS 1945
Kitz 300SCJS5C 1950
Kitz 600SCJS5CY 1955
Kitz AKUJM 1029
Kitz 300SCTAMFSN 1031
Kitz 300SCTBMN 1032
Kitz 300UTAMN 1033
Kitz K150UTBM-N 1034
Kitz 150SCTBMN 1036
Kitz 150SCTBZMFSN 1037
Kitz 150SCTAMN 1038
Kitz 150SCTAMFSN 1039
Kitz 150SCTB3HM 1041
Kitz K150SCTBMN 1042
Kitz 150UTAMFSN 1043
Kitz W300SCOS 1044
Kitz 600SCOS6CY 1046
Kitz 600SCOS5CY 1047
KSB BOA-SuperCompact 4653
KSB BOA-Compact 4655
KSB BOA-Compact EKB 4657
KSB BOA-Control IMS 4659
KSB BOA-Control SAR 4661
KSB BOA-W 4663
KSB BOA-H 4667
KSB NORI 40 4675
KSB NORI 160 4677
KSB NORI 320 4681
KSB GL 150-600 4685
KSB GL 900-2500 4687
KSB GLF 800-2500 4689
KSB ZTS 4699
KSB GT 150-600 4701
KSB GT 900-2500 4703
KSB GTF 800-1500 4705
KSB SISTO-10 4707
KSB SISTO-16/16S 4711
KSB SISTO-20 4713
KSB BOA-R 4723
KSB NORI 40 RXL 4727
KSB NORI 160 RXL 4729
KSB PCF 800-1500 4733
KSB RSK 4735
KSB RSK-S 4737
KSB Nory (RXL) 4741
KSB ZRS 4747
KSB Model 2000 4749
KSB SC 150-600 4751
KSB SC 900-2500 4753
KSB KE 4757
KSB Danais 4759
KSB Mammouth 4761
KSB Priam 4767
Klinger KHA-FL 4771
Klinger KHA-FK 4773
Klinger KHA-SL 4775
Klinger KHA-SK 4777
Klinger KHA-G 4779
Klinger KHI 4781
Klinger KHISVI 4783
Klinger KHM-OE 4785
Klinger KHMS-OE 4787
Klinger KHS-OE 4789
Klinger KHFS-OE 4791
Klinger KHF-OE 4793
Klinger KHSU-OE 4795
Klinger BOTBV 4797
Klinger KVN 4799
Klinger KVNB 4801
Klinger KVMN 4803
Klinger KVSN 4805
KTM EB-1 4809
KTM EO100 4811
KTM EO100 (31-BX) 4813
KTM EO100 (62-BG) 4815
KTM EO100 (62-BX) 4817
KTM EO100-X 4819
KTM E0108 4821
KTM E01100 (62-BG) 4823
KTM E01100 (62-BX) 4825
KTM E0120-X (62-BX) 4827
KTM E0800 4829
KTM E0800R 4831
KTM E0800R/0800 4833
KTM E3900 4835
KTM E7102 4837
KTM EB1 4839
KTM EB-1 (62-BG) 4841
KTM EB100X 4843
KTM EB800R 4845
KTM EB800R/E0800 4847
KTM EB-X 4849
KTM EO100/SB11 (Omni I Style) 1048
KTM EO3100 1049
KTM EO3800 1051
KTM E3200 1052
KTM E3200/RB 1053
KTM EO7100 1054
KTM EO7800 1056
KTM EB8 1057
KTM EB162-32/39FU-30 1058
KTM EB132-32/39FU-30 1059
KTM Metaltite™ W04, Single V 1061
KTM Metaltite™ W06, Single V 1062
KTM Metaltite™ VS11 1063
KTM Metaltite™ VS21 1064
KTM Metaltite™ WA, Double V 1066
KTM Metaltite™ EB100 (Omni II Style) 1067
KTM Metaltite™ EO1200 1068
KTM Metaltite™ EO8200 1069
KTM Metaltite™ EO1100 1071
KTM Metaltite™ EO8100 1072
KTM Metaltite™ E3700 1073
Kunkle Model 1 4853
Kunkle Model 2 4855
Kunkle Model 140 4857
Kunkle Model 189 4859
Kunkle Model 363 4861
Kunkle Model 389 4863
Kunkle Model 19 4865
Kunkle Model 19M 4867
Kunkle Model 20 4869
Kunkle Model 20M 4871
Kunkle Model 20MP 4873
Kunkle Model 200A 4875
Kunkle Model 200H 4877
Kunkle Model 215V 4879
Kunkle Model 337 4881
Kunkle Model 230 4883
Kunkle Model 330 4885
Kunkle Model 330S 4887
Kunkle Model 333S 4889
Kunkle Model 264 4891
Kunkle Model 265 4893
Kunkle Model 266 4895
Kunkle Model 267 4897
Kunkle Model 264P 4899
Kunkle Model 265P 4901
Kunkle Model 266P 4903
Kunkle Model 267P 4905
Kunkle Model 299 4907
Kunkle Model 30 4909
Kunkle Model 300 4911
Kunkle Model 600 4913
Kunkle Model 40R 4915
Kunkle Model 40RL 4917
Kunkle Model 537 4919
Kunkle Model 541 4921
Kunkle Model 542 4923
Kunkle Model 548 4925
Kunkle Model Series 6000 Model 6393 4927
Kunkle Model Series 6000 Model 6394 4929
Kunkle Model Series 6000 Model 6395 4931
Kunkle Model 6252 4933
Kunkle Model 6254 4935
Kunkle Model 71S 4937
Kunkle Model 171 4939
Kunkle Model 171P 4941
Kunkle Model 171S 4943
Kunkle Model 803 4945
Kunkle Model 818 4947
Kunkle Model 91 4949
Kunkle Model 218 4951
Kunkle Model 228 4953
Kunkle Model 910 4955
Kunkle Model 911 4957
Kunkle Model 916 4959
Kunkle Model 917 4961
Kunkle Model 920 4963
Kunkle Model 921 4965
Kunkle Model 927 4967
Kunkle Model 912 4969
Kunkle Model 913 4971
Kunkle Model 918 4973
Kunkle Model 919 4975
Kunkle Model 930 4977
Ladish 5260 4981
Ladish 5261 4983
Ladish 5270 4985
Ladish 5271 4987
Ladish 5272 4989
Ladish 5273 4991
Ladish 5274 4993
Ladish 5275 4995
Ladish 5276 4997
Ladish 5277 4999
Ladish 5279 5001
Ladish 5370 5003
Ladish 5371 5005
Ladish 5372 5007
Ladish 5670 5009
Ladish 5671 5011
Ladish 5672 5013
Ladish 7270 5015
Ladish 7271 5017
Ladish 7272 5019
Ladish 7273 5021
Ladish 7274 5023
Ladish 7275 5025
Ladish 7276 5027
Ladish 7277 5029
Ladish 7279 5031
Ladish 7360 5033
Ladish 7361 5035
Ladish 7372 5037
Ladish 7660 5039
Ladish 7661 5041
Ladish 7662 5043
Ladish 8250 5045
Ladish 8251 5047
Ladish 8252 5049
Ladish 8253 5051
Ladish 8270 5053
Ladish 8271 5055
Ladish 8272 5057
Ladish 8273 5059
Ladish 8274 5061
Ladish 8275 5063
Ladish 8276 5065
Ladish 8277 5067
Ladish 8279 5069
Ladish 8363 5071
Ladish 8364 5073
Ladish 8372 5075
Ladish 8375 5077
Ladish 8663 5079
Ladish 8664 5081
Ladish 8675 5083
L&M Valve M145 5087
L&M Valve M207 5089
L&M Valve M345 5091
M&J M303 1074
M&J M303A 1076
M&J C303 1077
M&J 150 Series RQ-8 1078
M&J Model EG 1079
M&J Model CEG 1081
M&J PCCV 1082
M&J SCV 1083
DanfloTM Series 400 1084
Ball-Trol CV 1086
M&J 4-way 1087
M&J Model S303G 1088
M&J Model EG-NR 1089

McCanna 10-1 5095
McCanna S151 5097
McCanna S151 Special 5099
McCanna S151-U-DAB 5101
McCanna S154 5103
McCanna S301 5105
McCanna S301-U-DAB 5107
McCanna S301-W-DAB 5109
McCanna S302 5111
McCanna S1501 5113
McCanna S3F1 5115
McCanna S601 5117
McCanna S601-U-DAB 5119
McCanna S6F1 5121
McCanna Y601 5123
McCanna Z601 5125
McCanna S901 5127
McCanna S901-Cryoseal 5129
McCanna S1501-Cryoseal 5133
McCanna V503 5135
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 636 610
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646 615
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 232 620
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 242 625
Marlin Style M 5139
Marlin Style MP 5141
Marlin Style MR 5143
Marlin Style ML 5145
Marlin Style MLP 5147
Marlin Style MT 5149
Marlin Style MTP 5151
Marlin Style MW 5153
Marlin Style ME 5155
Marlin Style MEL 5157
Marlin Style MET 5159
Masoneilan® 21000 Series 5163
Masoneilan® 41005 Series 5165
Masoneilan® 28000 Series 5167
Masoneilan® 10000 Series 5169
Masoneilan® 25000 Series 5171
Masoneilan® 80000 Series 5173
Masoneilan® 2600 Series 5175
Masoneilan® 700 Series 5177
Masoneilan® 35002 Series Camflex® 5179
Masoneilan® 30000 Series Varimax® 5181
Masoneilan® 31000 Series 5183
Masoneilan® 36004 Series Paramax® 5185
Masoneilan® 77000 Series 5187
Masoneilan® 78000 Series 5189
Masoneilan® 79000 Series 5191
Masoneilan® 78200 Series, LincolnLog® 5193
Masoneilan® 18200 Series, LincolnLog® 5195
Master Flo Valve P1 E BB 1091
Master Flo Valve P1 E BB HT 1092
Master Flo Valve YP1 E 1093
Master Flo Valve P2 E BB 6 000 1094
Master Flo Valve P2 E BB 10 000 1096
Master Flo Valve P2 E HUN HT 6 000 1097
Master Flo Valve P2 E HUN 10 000 1098
Master Flo Valve P25 E BB 6 000 1099
Master Flo Valve P25 E BB 15 000 1101
Master Flo Valve P25 E HUN 5 000 1102
Master Flo Valve P25 E HUN HT 5 000 1103
Master Flo Valve P3 E BB 6 000 1104
Master Flo Valve P3 E BB 10 000 1106
Master Flo Valve P35 E BB 6 000 1107
Master Flo Valve P4 E BB 6 000 1108
Master Flo Valve P4 E BB 10 000 1109
Master Flo Valve P5 E BB 6 000 1111
Master Flo Valve P6 E BB 6 000 1112
Master Flo Valve P8 BB 6 000 1113
Milwaukee 115 5199
Milwaukee 507 5201
Milwaukee 1590 5203
Milwaukee F29274 5205
Mosites C10 5209
Mosites C30 5211
Mosites C30N 5213
Mosites C20 5215
Mosites C20N 5217
Mission Duo-Chek® II 12 630
Mission Duo-Chek® II 15 635
Mission Duo-Chek® II 30 640
Mission Duo-Chek® II 60 645
Duo-Chek® II Style H 5219
Duo-Chek® II Style G 5221
Duo-Chek® II Style X 5223
Duo-Chek® II Style U 5225
Duo-Chek® II Style W 5227
Duo-Chek® II Series 800 5229
Uni-Chek® 5231
Noz-Chek® 5233
Compac-Noz® 5235
MOGAS C-Series C-1 1114
MOGAS C-Series CA-HO1 1121
MOGAS C-Series Isolator 1122
Mueller 31 650
Mueller 61 655
Mueller A-2052-6 5237
Mueller P-2360-6 5239
Mueller A 110 Series 1129
Mueller A 135 Series 1131
Mueller A 136 Series 1132
Mueller A148 Series 1133
Mueller A155 Series 1134
Mueller A156 Series 1136
Mueller A172 Series 1137
Mueller A174 Series 1138
Mueller A175 Series 1139
Mueller A178 Series 1141
Mueller B337 Series 1142
Mueller B342 Series 1143
Neles XB 1144
Neles XC 1146
Neles XG 1147
Neles XM 1148
Neles M2 1149
Neles E2 1151
Neles E6 1152
Neles 6F 1153
Neles 5H 1154
Neles 3A 1156
Neles 3C 1157
Neles 33 1158
Neles A 1159
Nil-Cor Series 300 5243
Nil-Cor Series 310 5245
Nil-Cor Series 410 5247
Nil-Cor Series 500 5249
Nil-Cor Series 610 5251
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 50169 5255
Nordstrom® Double DB® 5257
Nordstrom® Figure 114 5259
Nordstrom® Figure 115 5261
Nordstrom® Figure 142 5263
Nordstrom® Figure 143 5265
Nordstrom® Figure 149 5267
Nordstrom® Figure 164 5269
Nordstrom® Figure 165 5271
Nordstrom® Figure 169 5273
Nordstrom® Figure 185 5275
Nordstrom® Figure 189 5277
Nordstrom® Figure 214 5279
Nordstrom® Figure 265 5281
Nordstrom® Figure 269 5283
Nordstrom® Figure 305 5285
Nordstrom® Figure 524 5287
Nordstrom® Figure 525 5289
Nordstrom® Figure 824 5291
Nordstrom® Figure 825 5293
Nordstrom® Figure 1169 5295
Nordstrom® Figure 1485 5297
Nordstrom® Figure 1489 5299
Nordstrom® Figure 1585 5301
Nordstrom® Figure 1589 5303
Nordstrom® Figure 2815 5305
Nordstrom® Figure 2865 5307
Nordstrom® Figure 23144 5309
Nordstrom® Figure 24191 5311
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1942 ½ 5313
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1943 ½ 5315
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1943 ¼ 5317
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1924 5319
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1925 5321
Super Nordstrom® Figure 1925 ½ 5323
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1945 5325
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1945 ½ 5327
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1949 5329
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 1949 ½ 5331
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2445 5333
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2449 5335
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4149 5337
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4149 ½ 5339
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4149 ¼ 5341
Nordstrom® Figure 4185 ½ 5343
Nordstrom® Figure 4187 ½ 5345
Nordstrom® Figure 4189 ½ 5347
Nordstrom® Figure 2024 5349
Nordstrom® Figure 2025 5351
Nordstrom® Figure 2025 ½ 5353
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2045 5355
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2045 ½ 5357
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2045 ¼ 5359
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2049 5361
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2049 ½ 5363
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2049 ¼ 5365
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2545 5367
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2549 5369
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4245 5371
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4245 ½ 5373
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4245 ¼ 5375
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4249 5377
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4249 ½ 5379
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4249 ¼ 5381
Super Nordstrom® Figure 2224 5383
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2245 5385
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2245 ½ 5387
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2245 ¼ 5389
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2249 5391
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2249 ½ 5393
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2249 ¼ 5395
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4749 5397
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4749 ½ 5399
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4749 ¼ 5401
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2345 5403
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2345 ½ 5405
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2345 ¼ 5407
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2349 5409
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2349 ½ 5411
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 2349 ¼ 5413
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4949 5415
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4949 ½ 5417
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 4949 ¼ 5419
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3044 5421
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3045 5423
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3045 ½ 5425
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3045 ¼ 5427
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3049 5429
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3049 ½ 5431
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 3049 ¼ 5433
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6049 5435
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6049 ½ 5437
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6049 ¼ 5439
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20545 5441
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20545 ½ 5443
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20545 ¼ 5445
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20549 5447
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20549 ½ 5449
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 20549 ¼ 5451
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 9349 5453
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 9349 ½ 5455
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 9349 ¼ 5457
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 76305 5459
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 76505 5461
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 76509 5463
Nordstrom® Figure 3402 5465
Nordstrom® Figure 3403 5467
Nordstrom® Figure 3412 5469
Nordstrom® Figure 3413 5471
Nordstrom® Figure 3422 5473
Nordstrom® Figure 3423 5475
Nordstrom® Figure 3464 5477
Nordstrom® Figure 3465 5479
Nordstrom® Figure 3469 5481
Nordstrom® Figure 3474 5483
Nordstrom® Figure 3475 5485
Nordstrom® Figure 3479 5487
Nordstrom® Figure 3484 5489
Nordstrom® Figure 3485 5491
Nordstrom® Figure 3489 5493
Super Nordstrom® Figure 3803 5495
Super Nordstrom® Figure 3813 5497
Super Nordstrom® Figure 3823 5499
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4802 5501
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4803 5503
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4812 5505
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4813 5507
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4822 5509
Super Nordstrom® Figure 4823 5511
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5105 5513
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5109 5515
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5115 5517
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5119 5519
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5125 5521
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5129 5523
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5205 5525
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5209 5527
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5215 5529
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5219 5531
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5225 5533
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 5229 5535
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6405 5537
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6415 5539
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6804 5541
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6814 5543
Nordstrom® Dynamic Balance® Figure 6824 5545
Nordstrom® Hypresphere® Figure 39 5547
Nordstrom® Hypresphere ® Figure 39 ½ 5549
Nordstrom® Hypresphere ® Figure 39 ¼ 5551
Nordstrom® Poly-Gas® Polyvalve II™ 5553
Nordstrom® Poly-Chem® 5555
Nordstrom® Poly-Water® 5557
Nibco F-637-31 5561
Nibco S-113 5563
Nibco T-135 5565
Nibco T-235 5567
Nibco T-413 5569
Nibco T-473 5571
Nibco T/S-580-70 5573
Nibco T/S-585-70 5575
Nibco TS/ST-585-70 2110
Nibco MTT-585-70 2320
Nibco T/S-595-Y 5577
Nibco T-124 5579
Nibco T-134 5581
Nibco T/S-211-Y 5583
Nibco T/S-211-B 9998
Nibco T/S-235-Y 5585
Nibco T-256-AP 5587
Nibco T/S-311-Y 5589
Nibco T/S-335-Y 5591
Nibco T-376-AP 5593
Nibco T/S-413-Y 5595
Nibco T/S-433-Y 5597
Nibco T/S-480-Y 5599
Nibco T-560-BR 2330
Nibco T/S/PS-585-70-HC/66-HC 2350
Nibco T/S-585-70-SU 2370
Nibco T-585-70-66-ST 2380
Nibco PS-585-70/-66 2410
Nibco FP600 5601
Nibco LD3110 5603
Nibco LD2000 5605
Nibco LD2100 5607
Nibco N200235 5609
Nibco GD4775 5611
Nibco GD4765 5613
Nibco F-617-0 5615
Nibco F-718-B 5617
Nibco F-818-B 5619
Nibco F-918-B 5621
Nibco F-869-B 5623
Nibco F-667-0 5625
Nibco F-768-B 5627
Nibco F-968-B 5631
Nibco F-910-B 5633
Nibco W920-W/KW900-W 5635
Nibco F918-BL&S/L&W 5637
Nibco T-104-0 5639
Nibco KT/KG505-8W 5641
Nibco F607-OTS/RW 5643
Nibco F697-0 5645
Nibco F/M609/RW 5647
Nibco F908-W 5649
Nibco KW900-W 5651
Nibco WD3510-8 5653
Nibco GD4765-8N 5655
Norris R200 5659
Norris M200 5661
Norris R285 5663
Norris M285 5665
Norris R1000 5667
Norris R3000 5669
Norris T-Series 5671
Norris Series NS 5673
NeoTecha NTB 5677
NeoTecha NTC 5679
NeoTecha AK 5681
NeoTecha KR 5683
NeoTecha KR-S 5685
NeoTecha NeoSeal, Wafer and lugged 5687
NeoTecha NeoSeal, Double flanged 5689
Newco 11F 5693
Newco 13F 5695
Newco 215F PS 5697
Newco PS 5699
Newco Type 1 5701
Newco Type 2 5703
Newco Type 3 5705
Newco Type 6 5707

Navco Model C1 5711
Navco Model H1 5713
Navco Model GA1 5715
Navco Model GA2 5717
Navco Model GA3 5719
Navco Model GA4 5721
Navco Model GA5 5723
Navco Model GA6 5725
Navco Model GA7 5727
Navco Model GA8 5729
Navco Model GA9 5731
Navco Model GL1 5733
Navco Model GL2 5735
Navco Model GL3 5737
Navco Model GL4 5739
Navco Model GL5 5741
Navco Model GL6 5743
Navco Model GL7 5745
Navco Model GL8 5747
Navco Model CH1 5749
Navco Model CH2 5751
Navco Model CH3 5753
Navco Model CH4 5755
Navco Model CH5 5757
Navco Model CH6 5759
NuFloTM Model HF 1161
NuFloTM Model HL 1162
NuFloTM Model HD 1163
Nutron® Model TT 5763
Nutron® Series D15 5765
Nutron® Series D20 5767
Nutron® Model D750 5769
Nutron® Model CS 5771
Nutron® Model T3 5773
Nutron® Model B3 5775
Nutron® Model B2 5777
OCV Model 94 1164
OCV Model 94-1 1166
OCV Model 94-2 1167
OCV Model 94-3 1168
OCV Model 94-17 1169
OCV Model 108-2 1171
OCV Model 108-3 1172
OCV Model 108-4 1173
OCV Model 108-34 1174
OCV Model 108FC 1176
OCV Model 108-8 1177
OCV Model 110 1178
OCV Model 110-1 1179
OCV Model 110-2 1181
OCV Model 110-12 1182
OCV Model 115-1 1183
OCV Model 115-2 1184
OCV Model 115-26 1186
OCV Model 115-3 1187
OCV Model 115-36 1188
OCV Model 115-4 1189
OCV Model 115-46 1191
OCV Model 118-2 1192
OCV Model 118-3 1193
OCV Model 118-4 1194
OCV Model 108SA-3 1196
OCV Model 120 1197
OCV Model 120-1 1198
OCV Model 120-2 1199
OCV Model 120-3 1201
OCV Model 120-6 1202
OCV Model 120-7 1203
OCV Model 120-12 1204
OCV Model 120-13 1206
OCV Model 120-16 1207
OCV Model 120-26 1208
OCV Model 120-36 1209
OCV Model 120-126 1211
OCV Model 120-138 1212
OCV Model 128 1213
OCV Model 125 1214
OCV Model 125-2 1216
OCV Model 125-13 1217
OCV Model 125-13E 1218
OCV Model 125-14 1219
OCV Model 125-15 1221
OCV Model 125-18 1222
OCV Model 125-7 1223
OCV Model 125-27 1224
OCV Model 125-8 1226
OCV Model 125-134 1227
OCV Model 125-137 1228
OCV Model 125-157 1229
OCV Model 125-1347 1231
OCV Model 126 1232
OCV Model 126-3 1233
OCV Model 127-2 1234
OCV Model 127-3 1236
OCV Model 127-4 1237
OCV Model 127-5 1238
OCV Model 127-7 1239
OCV Model 127-9 1241
OCV Model 127-22 1242
OCV Model 127-25 1243
OCV Model 127-27 1244
OCV Model 127-32 1246
OCV Model 127-42 1247
OCV Model 127-45 1248
OCV Model 127-80 1249
OCV Model 127-82 1251
OCV Model 127-245 1252
OCV Model 127-280 1253
OCV Model 127-420 1254
OCV Model 127-480 1256
OCV Model 127-580 1257
OCV Model 127-2480 1258
OCV Model 127-3BDF 1259
OCV Model 3331 1261
OCV Model 3331-1 1262
OCV Model 3331-2 1263
OCV Model 3331-3 1264
OCV Model 3331-4 1266
OCV Model 3331-13 1267
OCV Model 3331-14 1268
OCV Model 3331-23 1269
OCV Model 3331-24 1271
OCV Model 3331-34 1272
OCV Model 3331-C 1273
OCV Model 3332 1274
OCV Model 3332-1 1276
OCV Model 3332-2 1277
OCV Model 3332-3 1278
OCV Model 3332-5 1279
OCV Model 3332-13 1281
OCV Model 3332-15 1282
OCV Model 3332-23 1283
OCV Model 3332-25 1284
OCV Model 3332-35 1286
OCV Model 22 1287
OCV Model 22-2 1288
OCV Model 22PR 1289
OCV Model 22BP 1291
OCV Model 88 1292
OCV Model 88-2 1293
OCV Model 88PR 1294
OCV Model 88BP 1296
OCV Model 8000 1297
OCV Model 8000-1 1298
OCV Model 8000-2 1299
OCV Model 8000-3 1301
OCV Model 8000-13 1302
OCV Model 8000-23 1303
OCV Model 8000VM 1304
OCV Model 8000VM-1 1306
OCV Model 8000VM-2 1307
OCV Model 8000V3 1308
OCV Model 8000VM-13 1309
OCV Model 8000VM-23 1311
OCV Model 65 1312
OCV Model 65A 1313
OCV Model 66 1314
OCV Model 66A 1316
OMB 610 5781
OMB 810 5783
OMB 830 5785
OMB 840 5787
OMB 940 5789
OMB BW25L-2510 5791
OMB CR-810 5793
OMB CR-830 5795
OMB F1-840 5797
OMB F1-810 5799
OMB F25-RJ-2530 5801
OMB F25-RJ-2540 5803
OMB F3-810 5805
OMB F3-810-LG 5807
OMB F3-810-RJ 5809
OMB F3-830 5811
OMB F3-840 5813
OMB F6-810 5815
OMB F6-830 5817
OMB F6-810-RJ 5819
OMB F6-840 5821
OMB F9-RJ-910-RJ 5823
OMB F9-RJ930 5825
OMB F9-RJ-930-RJ 5827
OMB F9-RJ-940 5829
OMB F9-T-930 5831
OMB F9-T-940 5833
OMB F9-WPL-910-RJ 5835
OMB F25-RJ-2510 5837
OMB FS-810 5839
OMB L830 5841
OMB L2510 5843
OMB LR-910 5845
OMB LR-910-SH80 5847
OMB LR-910-SH160 5849
OMB LR-930 5851
OMB MWA-810 5853
OMB MWB-810 5855
OMB MWB-R910 5857
OMW MWW-810 5859
OMB MWW-R910 5861
OMB R-910 5863
OMB R-940 5865
OMB RJ--2510-SH80 5867
OMB RJ--2530-SH80 5869
OMB SF--MWB-810 5871
OMB Y-2540 5873
OMB Y940 5875
Onyx Series DBCP 1317
Onyx Series DBF 1318
Onyx Series DBS 1319
Onyx Series CHP 1321
Onyx Series CHR 1322
Onyx Series DHC 1323
Onyx Series DHO 1324
Onyx Series DHA 1326
Onyx Series DAC 1327
Onyx Series DAO 1328
Onyx Series CAR 1329
Onyx Series CAP 1331
Onyx Series GSF 1332
Onyx Series GSD 1333
Onyx Series GSS 1334
Onyx Series CER 1336
Onyx Series CEP 1337
Onyx Series DEC 1338
Orbit 113 1339
Orbit 122 1341
Orbit 123 1342
Orbit 143 1343
Orbit 243 1344
Orbit 252 1346
Orbit 262 1347
Orbit 613 1348
Orbit 643 1349
Orbit 652 1351
Orbit 662 1352
Pacific Figure 03 5877
Pacific Figure 06 5879
Pacific Figure 09 5881
Pacific Figure 71 5883
Pacific Figure 73 5885
Pacific Figure 91 5887
Pacific Figure 93 5889
Pacific Figure 150 5891
Pacific Figure 150-BTT 5893
Pacific Figure 160 670
Pacific Figure 160B 5895
Pacific Figure 160S 671
Pacific Figure 161 5897
Pacific Figure 180 675
Pacific Figure 184 5899
Pacific Figure 350 715
Pacific Figure 350-BTT 5901
Pacific Figure 360 720
Pacific Figure 360B 5903
Pacific Figure 360S 5905
Pacific Figure 361 5907
Pacific Figure 380 725
Pacific Figure 384 5909
Pacific Figure 650 5911
Pacific Figure 650-BTT 5913
Pacific Figure 660 770
Pacific Figure 660B 5915
Pacific Figure 660S 5917
Pacific Figure 661 5919
Pacific Figure 680 775
Pacific Figure 684 5921
Pacific Figure 960 780
Pacific Figure 984 785
Pacific Figure 1550 660
Pacific Figure 1584 665
Pacific Figure 2150 5923
Pacific Figure 2155 685
Pacific Figure 21553 690
Pacific Figure 21555 695
Pacific Figure 2350 5925
Pacific Figure 2355 700
Pacific Figure 2650 5927
Pacific Figure 2655 705
Pacific Figure 2955 710
Pacific Figure 55006 5929
Pacific Figure 55009 5931
Pacific Figure 55015 5933
Pacific Figure 55025 5935
Pacific Figure 55406 5937
Pacific Figure 55409 5939
Pacific Figure 55415 5941
Pacific Figure 55425H 5943
Pacific Figure 55506 5945
Pacific Figure 55509 730
Pacific Figure 55515 735
Pacific Figure 55525H 5947
Pacific Figure 56015 745
Pacific Figure 56525H 5951
Pacific Figure 56009 740
Pacific Figure 56515 5953
Pacific Figure 58006 5957
Pacific Figure 58009 755
Pacific Figure 58015 5959
Pacific Figure 58025 5961
Pacific Figure 58609 5963
Pacific Figure 58615 5965
Pacific Figure 58625H 5967
Pacific Figure 58809 760
Pacific Figure 58815 765
Pacific Figure 58825H 5969
Pacific Figure 59006 5971
Pacific Figure 59009 5973
Pacific Figure 59506 5975
Pacific Figure 59015 5979
Pacific Figure 59025H 5981
Pacific Figure 59509 5983
Pacific Figure 59515 5985
Pacific Figure 59525H 5987
Pacific Figure 59606 5989
Pacific Figure 59609 5991
Pacific Figure 59615 5993
Pacific Figure 59625H 5995
Pacific Figure 68801 5997
Pacific Figure 68803 5999
Pacific Figure 68806 6001
Pacific Figure 3656-HF8 6003
Pacific Figure 3656G-HF8T 6005
Pacific Figure 3669-HF8 6007
Pacific Figure 3682-HF8 6009
Pacific Figure 350-HF8 6011
Pacific Figure 350GR-HF8T 6013
Pacific Figure 350GR-HF8-BTT 6015
Pacific Figure 160-HF8 6017
Pacific Figure 360-HF8 6019
Pacific Figure 366-HF8 6021
Pacific Figure 380-HF8 6023
Pacific Figure 380R-HF8 6025
Pacific Figure 3354P-HF8 6027
Pacific Figure 3654P-HF8 6029
Pacific Figure 3655P-HF8 6031
Pacific Figure 3668P-HF8 6033
Pacific Figure 3668P-HF8T 6035
Pacific Figure 3667P-HF8 6037
Pacific Figure 3681P-HF8 6039
Pacific Figure 350P-HF8 6041
Pacific Figure 350PL(2)-HF8 6043
Pacific Figure 350PX-HF8 6045
Pacific Figure 350P-HF8-BTT 6047
Pacific Figure 350PL(2)-HF8-BTT 6049
Pacific Figure 360P-HF8 6051
Pacific Figure 380P-HF8 6053

Parker NV Series 1353
Parker RPV Series 1354
Parker GV Series 1356
Parker VG Series 1357
Parker YV Series 1358
Parker FN Series 1359
Parker CN Series 1361
Parker MN Series 1362
Parker NP6 Series 1363
Parker PV Series 1364
Parker U6 Series 1366
Parker U12 Series 1367
Parker U16 Series 1368
Parker V2 Series 1369
Parker V4 Series 1371
Parker V6 Series 1372
Parker V8 Series 1373
Parker V12 Series 1374
Parker VL Series 1376
Parker VQ4 Series 1377
Parker VQ6 Series 1378
Parker B2L Series 1379
Parker B2X Series 1381
Parker B6L Series 1382
Parker B6X Series 1383
Parker B8L Series 1384
Parker B8X Series 1386
Parker HB Series 1387
Parker MB Series 1388
Parker PR Series 1389
Parker C2 Series 1391
Parker C4 Series 1392
Parker C6 Series 1393
Parker C8 Series 1394
Parker C12 Series 1396
Parker C16 Series 1397
Parker CO4 Series 1398
Parker CO6 Series 1399
Parker CO8 Series 1401
Parker H0 Series 1402
Parker H1 Series 1403
Parker H2 Series 1404
Parker H3 Series 1406
Parker H4 Series 1407
Parker H5 Series 1408
Parker H6 Series 1409
Parker NL Series 1411
Parker NM Series 1412
Parker RL4 Series 1413
Parker RH4 Series 1414
Parker PG4 Series 1416
Parker BV4 Series 1417
Parker BV8 Series 1418
PBV Series 136 1419
PBV Series 138 1421
PBV Series 238 1422
PBV Series 2136 1423
PBV Series 2235 1424
PBV Series 2236 1426
PBV Series 2400 1427
PBV Series 2836 1428
PBV Series 3600 1429
PBV Series 5322 1431
PGI V-500 1432
PGI V-501 1433
PGI V-502 1434
PGI V-503 1436
PGI V-506 1437
PGI V-507 1438
PGI V-508 1439
PGI V-509 1441
PGI V-510 1442
PGI V-511 1443
PGI V-516 1444
PGI V-517 1446
PGI V-518 1447
PGI V-519 1448
PGI V-520 1449
PGI V-521 1451
PGI V-522 1452
PGI V-523 1453
PGI V-524 1454
PGI V-525 1456
PGI V-526 1457
PGI V-527 1458
PGI V-528 1459
PGI V-529 1461
PGI V-530 1462
PGI V-531 1463
PGI V-532 1464
PGI V-552 1466
PGI V-554 1467
PGI V-556 1468
PGI V-558 1469
PGI V-570 1471
PGI V-572 1472
PGI V-573 1473
PGI V-574 1474
PGI V-575 1476
PGI V-579 1477
PGI V-580 1478
PGI V-582 1479
PGI V-584 1481
PGI V-585 1482
PGI V-586 1483
PGI V-597 1484
PGI V-598 1486
PGI V-600 1487
PGI V-602 1488
PGI V-604 1489
PGI V-606 1491
PGI V-608 1492
PGI V-611 1493
PGI V-612 1494
PGI V-613 1496
PGI V-614 1497
PGI V-615 1498
PGI V-620 1499
PGI V-626 1501
PGI V-690 1502
PGI V-692 1503
PGI V-700 1504
PGI V-702 1506
PGI V-905 1507
PGI V2-507 1508
PGI V2-509 1509
PGI V2-517 1511
PGI V2-519 1512
PGI V2-523 1513
PGI V2-527 1514
PGI V2-529 1516
PGI V2-531 1517
PGI V2-575 1518
PGI V2-904 1519
PGI V3-506 1521
PGI V3-507 1522
PGI V3-508 1523
PGI V3-509 1524
PGI V3-516 1526
PGI V3-517 1527
PGI V3-518 1528
PGI V3-519 1529
PGI V3-520 1531
PGI V3-532 1532
PGI V3-536 1533
PGI V3-537 1534
PGI V3-540 1536
PGI V3-541 1537
PGI V3-542 1538
PGI V3-543 1539
PGI V3-544 1541
PGI V3-545 1542
PGI V3-547 1543
PGI V3-573 1544
PGI V3-574 1546
PGI V3-577 1547
PGI V3-579 1548
PGI V3-580 1549
PGI V3-582 1551
PGI V3-584 1552
PGI VP-306 1553
PGI VP-307 1554
PGI VP-552 1556
PGI VP-554 1557
PGI VP-556 1558
PGI VP-590 1559
PGI VP-591 1561
PGI VP-592 1562
Phonix 300 6057
Phonix 350 6059
Phonix 350C 6061
Phonix 350C4/5 6063
Phonix 350 Equilibrating 6065
Powell 1972 6067
Powell 1973 6069
Powell 2341 6071
Powell 2342 6073
Powell 2345 6075
Powell 2346 6077
Powell 2446 6079
Powell 2447 6081
Powell 2466 6083
Powell 2467 6085
Powell 2474 6087
Powell 2494 6089
Powell 2495 6091
Powell 2629 6093
Powell 1303 6095
Powell 1303WE 6097
Powell 1331 790
Powell 1331WE 6099
Powell 1361 6101
Powell 1361WE 6103
Powell 1503 6105
Powell 1503WE 6107
Powell 1503N 6109
Powell 1503N-WE 6111
Powell 1531 6113
Powell 1531WE 6115
Powell 1561 6117
Powell 1561WE 6119
Powell 2503 6121
Powell 2503WE 6123
Powell 3003 6125
Powell 3003N 6127
Powell 3003WE 6129
Powell 3003N-WE 6131
Powell 3031 6133
Powell 3031WE 6135
Powell 3061 6137
Powell 3061WE 6139
Powell 6003 6141
Powell 6003WE 6143
Powell 6003 C5 6145
Powell 6031 6147
Powell 6031WE 6149
Powell 6061 6151
Powell 6061WE 6153
Powell 9003 6155
Powell 9003WE 6157
Powell 9031 6159
Powell 9031WE 6161
Powell 9061 6163
Powell 9061WE 6165
Powell 102 6167
Powell 110 6169
Powell 116 6171
Powell 116TD 6173
Powell 120 6175
Powell 120TD 6177
Powell 150 6179
Powell 151 6181
Powell 241 6183
Powell 375 6185
Powell 377 6187
Powell 506 6189
Powell 507 6191
Powell 512 6193
Powell 514 6195
Powell 559 6197
Powell 559P 6199
Powell 560 6201
Powell 560TD 6203
Powell 563 6205
Powell 578 6207
Powell 578TD 6209
Powell 650 6211
Powell 1202 6213
Powell 1259 6215
Powell 1313 6217
Powell 1313WE 6219
Powell 1323 6221
Powell 1323WE 6223
Powell 1341 6225
Powell 1341WE 6227
Powell 1351 6229
Powell 1351WE 6231
Powell 1395WE 6233
Powell 1414 6235
Powell 1513 6237
Powell 1513WE 6239
Powell 1523 6241
Powell 1523WE 6243
Powell 1533 6245
Powell 1533WE 6247
Powell 1541 6249
Powell 1541WE 6251
Powell 1543 6253
Powell 1543WE 6255
Powell 1551 6257
Powell 1551WE 6259
Powell 1553 6261
Powell 1553WE 6263
Powell 1595 6265
Powell 1595WE 6267
Powell 1787 6269
Powell 1793 6271
Powell 1797 6273
Powell 1816 6275
Powell 1821 6277
Powell 1822 6279
Powell 1823 6281
Powell 1825 6283
Powell 1842 6285
Powell 1847 6287
Powell 1861 6289
Powell 1893 6291
Powell 1976 6293
Powell 1982 6295
Powell 1983 6297
Powell 2002 6299
Powell 2003 6301
Powell 2004 6303
Powell 2005 6305
Powell 2006 6307
Powell 2007 6309
Powell 2172 6311
Powell 2173 6313
Powell 2309 6315
Powell 2310 6317
Powell 2349 6319
Powell 2350 6321
Powell 2375 6323
Powell 2377 6325
Powell 2456 6327
Powell 2475 6329
Powell 2490 6331
Powell 2491 6333
Powell 2600 6335
Powell 2608 6337
Powell 2612 6339
Powell 2633 6341
Powell 2712 6343
Powell 2714 6345
Powell 2842 6347
Powell 2872 6349
Powell 2920 6351
Powell 2921 6353
Powell 2922 6355
Powell 2923 6357
Powell 3013 6359
Powell 3013WE 6361
Powell 3023 6363
Powell 3023WE 6365
Powell 3033 6367
Powell 3033WE 6369
Powell 3041 6371
Powell 3041WE 6373
Powell 3043 6375
Powell 3043WE 6377
Powell 3051 6379
Powell 3051WE 6381
Powell 3053 6383
Powell 3053WE 6385
Powell 3084 6387
Powell 3086 6389
Powell 3095 6391
Powell 3460 6393
Powell 3462 6395
Powell 6013 6397
Powell 6013WE 6399
Powell 6023 6401
Powell 6033 6403
Powell 6033WE 6405
Powell 6041 6407
Powell 6041WE 6409
Powell 6043 6411
Powell 6043WE 6413
Powell 6051 6415
Powell 6051WE 6417
Powell 6053 6419
Powell 6053WE 6421
Powell 6084 6423
Powell 6084WE 6425
Powell 6086 6427
Powell 6086WE 6429
Powell 6095 6431
Powell 6095WE 6433
Powell 9013 6435
Powell 9013WE 6437
Powell 9023 6439
Powell 9023WE 6441
Powell 9033 6443
Powell 9033WE 6445
Powell 9041 6447
Powell 9041WE 6449
Powell 9043 6451
Powell 9043WE 6453
Powell 9051 6455
Powell 9051WE 6457
Powell 9053 6459
Powell 9053WE 6461
Powell 9095WE 6463
Powell 11095WE 6465
Powell 11303WE 6467
Powell 11313WE 6469
Powell 11323WE 6471
Powell 11331WE 6473
Powell 11331Y-WE 6475
Powell 11333WE 6477
Powell 11341WE 6479
Powell 11343WE 6481
Powell 11351WE 6483
Powell 11353WE 6485
Powell 11361WE 6487
Powell 11365WE 6489
Powell 11365Y-WE 6491
Powell 11367WE 6493
Powell 11384WE 6495
Powell 11384Y-WE 6497
Powell 11386WE 6499
Powell 16003WE 6501
Powell 16013WE 6503
Powell 16023 6505
Powell 16031WE 6507
Powell 16031Y-WE 6509
Powell 16033WE 6511
Powell 16041WE 6513
Powell 16043WE 6515
Powell 16051WE 6517
Powell 16053WE 6519
Powell 16061WE 6521
Powell 16065WE 6523
Powell 16067WE 6525
Powell 16084WE 6527
Powell 16084Y-WE 6529
Powell 16086WE 6531
Powell 16095WE 6533
Powell 19003WE 6535
Powell 19013WE 6537
Powell 19023WE 6539
Powell 19031WE 6541
Powell 19031Y-WE 6543
Powell 19033WE 6545
Powell 19041WE 6547
Powell 19043WE 6549
Powell 19051WE 6551
Powell 19053WE 6553
Powell 19061WE 6555
Powell 19084WE 6557
Powell 19086WE 6559
Powell 19095WE 6561
Powell 25003 6563
Powell 25003WE 6565
Powell 25023 6567
Powell 25023WE 6569
Powell 120003WE 6571
Powell 120013WE 6573
Powell 125003WE 6575
Powell 125013WE 6577
Powell 125023WE 6579
Powell 125031WE 6581
Powell 125031-YWE 6583
Powell 125033WE 6585
Powell 125041WE 6587
Powell 125043WE 6589
Powell 125051WE 6591
Powell 125053WE 6593
Powell 125065WE 6595
Powell 125065Y-WE 6597
Powell 125067WE 6599
Powell 125084WE 6601
Powell 125084Y-WE 6603
Powell 125086WE 6605
Powell 125095WE 6607
Powhatan 18-157 795
Performance Plastics Model 760 6611
Performance Plastics Model 770 6613
Performance Plastics Model 780 6615
Pratt 2FII 6619
Pratt Series 100 6621
Pratt Series 200 6623
Pratt Groundhog 805
Pratt HP-250 6625
Pratt RD Series 6627
Pratt MPV 6629
Pratt MSBV 6631
Pratt BPV 6633
Pratt Series 400 6635
Pratt Series 1100 6637
Pratt Series 1200 6639
Pratt Series 1400 6641
Pratt RSBV 6643
Pratt TRSBV 6645
Pratt EDSV 6647
Pratt CV 6649
Pratt IBV 6651
Pratt TDC 6653
Pratt MKII 6655
Pratt EDFCV 6657
Pratt SCV 6659
Pratt WCV 6661
PureFlex 400 Series 6663
PureFlex 800 Series 6665
PureFlex 840 Series 6667
PureFlex 860 Series 6669
R&G Sloane 1081 810
Hamer® Model BW 1563
Hamer® Model SG 1564
Hamer® Model VW 1566
Hercules® QT™ Series 37-100 1567
Hercules® QT™ Series 37-300 1568
Hercules® QT™ Series 37-330 1569
Hercules® QT™ Series 37-350 1571
Hercules® QT™ Series 37-400 1572
Hercules® Magnum™ Series 37-200 1573
Hercules® Magnum™ Series 37-210 1574
Hercules® Wildcat'r™ Series 37-500 1576
Hercules® Wildcat'r™ Series 37-550 1577
Hercules® Wildcat'r™ Series 37-750 1578
Hercules® 1205 1579
Hercules® Model H-142 1581
Hercules® Model H-142D 1582
Hercules® Model H-143 1583
Hercules® Model H-143D 1584
Resun® Model R-1430 1586
Resun® Model R-1431 1587
Resun® Figure 1520 1588
Resun® Figure 1524 1589
Resun® Figure 1525 1591
Resun® Figure 1545 1592
Resun® Figure 1545 WGA 1593
Resun® Figure 3020 1594
Resun® Figure 3024 1596
Resun® Figure 3025 1597
Resun® Figure 3045 1598
Resun® Figure 3045 WGA 1599
Resun® Figure 6020 1601
Resun® Figure 6025 1602
Resun® Figure 6045 1603
Resun® Figure 6045 WGA 1604
Resun® Figure R1525 1606
Resun® Figure BW 150/300 1607
Resun® Figure BW 300 1608
Resun® Figure DV-151 1609
Resun® Figure DV-151 WGA 1611
Resun® Figure DV-251 1612
Resun® Figure DV-251 WGA 1613
Red Valve Type A 6673
Red Valve Type R 6675
Red Valve Series 2600 6677
Red Valve Series 4700 6679
Red Valve Megaflex 6681
Red Valve Series 70 6683
Red Valve Series 75 6685
Red Valve Series 75B 6687
Red Valve 75 Megaflex 6689
Red Valve Weirflex 6691
Red Valve Series 9000 6693
Red Valve Series 5200, Pneumatic 6695
Red Valve Series 5200, D-Port 6697
Red Valve Series 5200, Electric 6699
Red Valve Series 5200, Diaphragm 6701
Red Valve Series 5300 6703
Red Valve Series 5400 6705
Red Valve Series RSR 6707
Red Valve Series TFO 6709
Red Valve Series 39F 6711
Red Valve Flexgate 6713
Red Valve Series G 6715
Resistoflex Diaphragm Valve 815
Resistoflex Horizontal Check Valve 6717
Resistoflex Vertical Check Valve 6719
Resistoflex PTFE Clamp Valve 6721
RF Valves P150 3152
RF Valves P15 3158
RF Valves aiRFlex® 2420
Raimondi 3005 6725
Raimondi 3010 6727
Raimondi 3011 6729
Raimondi 3012 6731
Raimondi 3013 6733
Raimondi 3013/PS 6735
Raimondi 3025 6737
Raimondi 3026 6739
Raimondi 3031 6741
Raimondi 3032 6743
Raimondi 3039 6745
Raimondi 3040 6747
Raimondi 3045 6749
Raimondi 3045/PS 6751
Raimondi 3046 6753
Raimondi 3051 6755
Raimondi 3051/PS 6757
Raimondi 3052 6759
Raimondi 3052/PS 6761
Rockwell 1925 820
Rockwell 1945 825
Rockwell 1947 830
Rockwell 2025 835
Rockwell 2045 840
Rockwell 2245 845
Rockwell 2249 850
Rockwell 4149 855
Rockwell 4249 860
Rockwell 4749 865
Rodney Hunt Streamseal™ 1617
Rodney Hunt Rotovalve™ 1618
Rodney Hunt Howell-Bunger® 1619
Rodney Hunt Ring Jet 1621
Rodney Hunt Series FV-SPR 1622
Rodney Hunt Series FV-AC 1623
Rodney Hunt Series FV-ACP 1624
Rodney Hunt Series FV-AR 1626
Rodney Hunt Series FV-T 1627
Rovalve SB1700 6765
Rovalve Figure S17D 6767
Rovalve Figure S20 6769
Rovalve Figure F17 6771
Rovalve Figure F20 6773
Rovalve Figure 215 6775
Rovalve Figure 220 6777
Rovalve Figure TIV 6779
Rovalve SAM-A115/120 6781
Rovalve Figure 1 6783
Rovalve Figure 201 6785
Rovalve Figure 3 6787
Rovalve Figure S153 6789
Rovalve Figure S156 6791
Rovalve Figure S157 6793
Rovalve Figure 6 6795
Rovalve Figure 7 6797
Rovalve Figure 27 6799
Rovalve Figure 2020 6801
Rovalve Figure 1717 6803
Salina Vortex AP-HT3 6807
Saunders SVMDV2 1125
Saunders SVMDV3 1130
Saunders SVMDV4 1135
Saunders SVMDV5 1140
Saunders Type A 1628
Saunders Type K 1629
Saunders Type KB 1631
Saunders Type WFB 1632
Saunders Type AFP 1633
Saunders Bio-Seal Valve 1634
Saunders Access Valve L602 1636
Saunders Access Valve L604 1637
Saunders Access Valve L608 1638
Saunders Access Valve L610 1639
Saunders Access Valve M406 1641
Saunders Access Valve M412 1642
Saunders Access Valve M806 1643
Saunders Access Valve M812 1644
Saunders Access Valve OM502 1646
Saunders Access Valve OM510 1647
Saunders Access Valve OM704 1648
Saunders Access Valve OM708 1649
Saunders Close-Welded Branch Valve 1651
Saunders Close-Coupled Branch Valve 1652
Saunders Drop Valve 1653
Saunders Zero Deadleg L Pattern Valve 1654
Saunders Zero Deadleg T Pattern Valve 1656
Saunders Close-Welded Point of Use Valve 1657
Saunders Close-Coupled Point of Use Valve 1658
Saunders Tank Bottom Valve, Weld Flange 1659
Saunders Tank Bottom Valve, Bolt Flange 1661
Saunders Tandem H 04 54 1662
Saunders Tandem H 04 36 1663
Saunders Tandem H 04 04 1664
Saunders Tandem H 04 18 1666
Saunders Tandem H 32 36 1667
Saunders Tandem H 32 18 1668
Saunders Tandem H 32 54 1669
Saunders Tandem H 32 00 1671
Saunders Tandem H 18 36 1672
Saunders Tandem H 18 18 1673
Saunders Tandem H 18 54 1674
Saunders Tandem H 18 00 1676
Saunders Tandem H 18 58 1677
Saunders Tandem H 18 14 1678
Saunders Tandem H 18 22 1679
Saunders Tandem H 18 50 1681
Saunders Tandem H 22 68 1682
Saunders Tandem H 22 40 1683
Saunders Tandem H 14 04 1684
Saunders Tandem H 14 32 1686
Saunders WFB Model 1 1687
Saunders WFB Model 2 1688
Saunders WFB Model 4 1689
Saunders WFB Model 6 1691
Saunders WFB Model 7 1692
Saunders WFB Model 9 1693
Saunders WFB Model 11 1694
Saunders Model 3456 1696
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 815 6821
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 815 Fire Tested 6823
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 830 6825
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury L6 6827
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury 9FA Eliminator 6829
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury H Seat 6831
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury MBV-H Seat 6833
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury MBV-H Seat/High Temp 6835
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Trunnion 6837
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Trunnion W/ESSD Option 6839
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 4000 6841
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 5000 6843
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 5000 W/Epak 6845
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 5300 6847
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 6000 6849
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 6000 W/Epak 6851
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 6300 6853
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7000 6855
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7000 (MBV) 6857
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7000 W/Epak 6859
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7300 6861
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 7300 (MBV) 6863
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 9000 6865
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 9000 (MBV) 6867
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 9300 6869
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 600G 6871
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 600G-A 6873
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series G 6875
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series C 6877
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series B 6879
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series D 6881
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series 800 6883
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury L90 6885
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series F (casting) 6887
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series F (forging) 6889
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series DF 6891
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series HP8 6893
Shanghai Neles-Jamesbury Series HP4 6895
Sherwood GV 346 Series 1697
Sherwood GV 347 Series 1698
Sherwood GV 702 Series 1699
Sherwood GV 580 Series 1701
Sherwood GV 680 Series 1702
Sherwood GV 677 Series 1703
Sherwood GV 555 Series 1704
Sherwood GV 320 Series 1706
Sherwood GV 350 Series 1707
Sherwood GV 695 Series 1708
Sherwood GV 703 Series 1709
Sherwood GV 660 Series 1711
Sherwood GV 326 Series 1712
Sherwood GV 540 Series 1713
Sherwood GV 577 Series 1714
Sherwood GV 701 Series 1716
Sherwood/Superior Integra-Seal® WA Series 1717
Sherwood/Superior Integra-Seal® WAS Series 1718
Sherwood/Superior Tuffy Series 1719
Sherwood/Superior Tuffy X2 Series 1721
Sherwood/Superior Tuffy X7 Series 1722
Sherwood/Superior LPD 290C Series 1723
Sherwood/Superior LPD 190C Series 1724
Sherwood/Superior H-V Type 802B Series 1726
Sherwood/Superior H-V Type 804ADX11 Series 1727
Sherwood/Superior 900MA Series 1728
Sherwood/Superior Integra-Seal® Series 3155W 1729
Sherwood/Superior Type 3000A 1731
Sherwood/Superior Type 3212A 1732
Sherwood/Superior Type 3012A 1733
Sherwood/Superior Type 3030A 1734
Sherwood/Superior Type 3060A 1736
Sherwood/Superior 600A Series 1737
Sherwood/Superior 605 Series 1738
Sherwood/Superior 617A Series 1739
Sherwood/Superior 600B Series 1741
Sherwood AV 300 Series 1742
Sherwood AV 510 Series 1743
Sherwood AVB 520 Series 1744
Sherwood AVMC 200 Series 1746
Sherwood AV/WB 510 Series 1747
Sherwood BV 347 Series 1748
Sherwood BV 68 Series 1749
Sherwood BV 701 Series 1751
Sherwood 1210 820 Series 1752
Sherwood 1211 820 Series 1753
Sherwood 1214 820 Series 1754
Sherwood 1209 820 Series 1756
Sherwood DF 115 Series 1757
Sherwood DF 116 Series 1758
Sherwood TV 104 Series 1759
Sherwood JV 346 Series 1761
Sherwood JV 347 Series 1762
Sherwood JV 702 Series 1763
Sherwood JV 580 Series 1764
Sherwood JV 680 Series 1766
Sherwood JV 677 Series 1767
Sherwood JV 555 Series 1768
Sherwood JV 320 Series 1769
Sherwood JV 350 Series 1771
Sherwood JV 695 Series 1772
Sherwood JV 703 Series 1773
Sherwood JV 660 Series 1774
Sherwood JV 326 Series 1776
Sherwood JV 540 Series 1777
Sherwood JV 577 Series 1778
Sherwood JV 701 Series 1779
Sherwood KVA 950 Series 1781
Sherwood KVA 940 Series 1782
Sherwood KVA 920 Series 1783
Sherwood KVA 900 Series 1784
Sherwood KVA 930 Series 1786
Sherwood KVA 973 Series 1787
Sherwood KVA 960 Series 1788
Sherwood KVA 910 Series 1789
Sherwood KVA 965 Series 1791
Sherwood KVA 870 Series 1792
Sherwood KVA 880 Series 1793
Sherwood KVA 890 Series 1794
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 346 Series 1796
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 347 Series 1797
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 580 Series 1798
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 680 Series 1799
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 350 Series 1801
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 695 Series 1802
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 540 Series 1803
Sherwood SHERCheck® TV 577 Series 1804
Sherwood TV 346 Series 1806
Sherwood TV 347 Series 1807
Sherwood TV 702 Series 1808
Sherwood TV 580 Series 1809
Sherwood TV 680 Series 1811
Sherwood TV 677 Series 1812
Sherwood TV 320 Series 1813
Sherwood TV 350 Series 1814
Sherwood TV 695 Series 1816
Sherwood TV 703 Series 1817
Sherwood TV 326 Series 1818
Sherwood TV 540 Series 1819
Sherwood TV 577 Series 1821
Sherwood TV 701 Series 1822
Sherwood TV 660 Series 1823
Sherwood TV 300 Series 1824
Sherwood TV 415 Series 1826
Sherwood TV 510 Series 1827
Sherwood YV 300 Series 1828
Sherwood YVA 300 Series 1829
Sherwood YVB 540 Series 1831
Sherwood 430 Series 1832
Sherwood 5074 320 Series 1833
Sherwood 5074 350 Series 1834
Sherwood 5074 540 Series 1836
Sherwood 5074 580 Series 1837
Sherwood 5074 346 Series 1838
Sherwood 5074 326 Series 1839
Sherwood 5074 296 Series 1841
Sherwood 5074 590 Series 1842
Sherwood 5074 660 Series 1843
Sherwood 5074 670 Series 1844
Sherwood 1214Y 330 Series 1846
Sherwood 1214Y 660 Series 1847
Sherwood 5983 330 Series 1848
Sherwood 5983 350 Series 1849
Sherwood 5983 660 Series 1851
Sherwood 5983 678 Series 1852
Sherwood 6074 Series 1853
Sherwood 6674 Series 1854
Sherwood 6500 Series 1856
Sherwood 7500 Series 1857
Skotch® Model T4105C 1858
Skotch® Model T4106C 1859
Skotch® Model T4155C 1861
Skotch® Model T4156C 1862
Skotch® Model T4205C 1863
Skotch® Model T4206C 1864
Skotch® Model T4205 1866
Skotch® Model T4206 1867
Skotch® Model T4305 1868
Skotch® Model T4306 1869
Skotch® Model T4405 1871
Skotch® Model T4406 1872
Skotch® Model T4606 1873
Skotch® Model T505 1874
Skotch® Model T506 1876
Skotch® Model T1001 1877
Skotch® Model T1003 1878
Skotch® Model T1005 1879
Skotch® Model T1006 1881
Skotch® Model T1007 1882
Skotch® Model T2001 1883
Skotch® Model T2003 1884
Skotch® Model T2005 1886
Skotch® Model T2006 1887
Skotch® Model T4200 1888
Skotch® Model T4600 1889
Smith 1500 965
Smith 1570 970
Smith 411F 975
Smith 411T 980
Smith 5870 985
Smith 800 990
Smith 815 995
Smith 830 1000
Smith 860 1005
Smith 870 1010
Smith 875 1011
Smith 888 1015
Smith B80 1020
Smith C150 1025
Smith C83 1030
Smith G150 1035
Smith G157 1040
Smith G80 1045
Smith G83 1050
Smith G87 1055
Smith SB80 1060
Smith 876 6897
Smith 877 6899
Spence Type K1 6903
Spence Type J 6905
Spence Series D 6907
Spence Series K 6909
Spence Series MD 6911
Spence Figure 31 Series 6913
Spence Figure 41 Series 6915
Spence Figure 800 Series 6917
Spence Figure 10 Series 6919
Spence Figure 15 Series 6921
Spence Figure 15V Series 6923
Spence Figure 50 Series 6925
Spence Figure 710 Series 6927
Spence Figure 760 Series 6929
Spence Figure 765 Series 6931
Spence Figure 770 Series 6933
Spence Figure 775 Series 6935
Spence Figure 780 Series 6937
Spence Figure 790 Series 6939
Spence 125WT Series 6941
Spence 150WT Series 6943
Spence 300WT Series 6945
Spence 600WT Series 6947
Spence 125WC Series 6949
Spence 150WC Series 6951
Spence 300WC Series 6953
Spence 125FC Series 6955
Spence 150FC Series 6957
Spence BF Series 6961
Spence Type ED 6965
Spence Type EF14 6967
Spence Type EF14D 6969
Spence Type EP125 6971
Spence Type D50 6973
Spence Type ED5 6975
Spence Type E8 6977
Spence Type EA95P60 6979
Spence Type E2 6981
Sterlco® Type 56 1891
Sterlco® Type 56-T 891
Sterlco® Type R-150-F (cooling) 1893
Sterlco® Type R-150-F (heating) 1894
Stockham Figure B-13T 6983
Stockham Figure B-14T 6985
Stockham Figure B-16 6987
Stockham Figure B-17 6989
Stockham Figure B-20T 6991
Stockham Figure B-22T 6993
Stockham Figure B-29 6995
Stockham Figure B-32T 6997
Stockham Figure B-37 6999
Stockham Figure B-62 7001
Stockham Figure B-64 7003
Stockham Figure B-66 7005
Stockham Figure B-74 7007
Stockham Figure B-100 7009
Stockham Figure B-103 7011
Stockham Figure B-104 7013
Stockham Figure B-105 7015
Stockham Figure B-108 7017
Stockham Figure B-120 7019
Stockham Figure B-122 7021
Stockham Figure B-124 7023
Stockham Figure B-128 7025
Stockham Figure B-131 7027
Stockham Figure B-132 7029
Stockham Figure B-135 7031
Stockham Figure B-140 7033
Stockham Figure B-144 7035
Stockham Figure B-145 7037
Stockham Figure B-147 7039
Stockham Figure B-220 7041
Stockham Figure B-222T 7043
Stockham Figure B-264 7045
Stockham Figure B-266 7047
Stockham Figure B-274 7049
Stockham Figure B-309Y 7051
Stockham Figure B-310BY 7053
Stockham Figure B-310TY 7055
Stockham Figure B-314 7057
Stockham Figure B-316 7059
Stockham Figure B-319Y 7061
Stockham Figure B-320BY 7063
Stockham Figure B-320TY 7065
Stockham Figure B-321 7067
Stockham Figure B-322B 7069
Stockham Figure B-322T 7071
Stockham Figure B-337 7073
Stockham Figure B-345 7075
Stockham Figure B-367 7077
Stockham Figure B-375 7079
Stockham Figure B-13TC 7081
Stockham Figure B-14TC 7083
Stockham Figure B-16C 7085
Stockham Figure B-17C 7087
Stockham Figure B-100C 7089
Stockham Figure B-103C 7091
Stockham Figure B-104C 7093
Stockham Figure B-108C 7095
Stockham Figure B-309C 7097
Stockham Figure B-310BC 7099
Stockham Figure B-310TC 7101
Stockham Figure B-319C 7103
Stockham Figure B-320BC 7105
Stockham Figure B-320TC 7107
Stockham Figure B-320VC 7109
Stockham Figure T-255 7111
Stockham Figure S-255 7113
Stockham Figure T-285 7115
Stockham Figure S-285 7117
Stockham Figure T-395 7119
Stockham Figure S-395 7121
Stockham Figure T-2852 7123
Stockham Figure SW-2852 7125
Stockham Figure T-3902 7127
Stockham Figure SW-3902 7129
Stockham Figure T-3951 7131
Stockham Figure SW-3951 7133
Stockham Figure T-3952 7135
Stockham Figure SW-3952 7137
Stockham Figure LD-502 7139
Stockham Figure LD-512 7141
Stockham Figure LD-521 7143
Stockham Figure LD-522 7145
Stockham Figure LD-552 7147
Stockham Figure LD-572 7149
Stockham Figure LD-582 7151
Stockham Figure LD-702 7153
Stockham Figure LD-712 7155
Stockham Figure LD-721 7157
Stockham Figure LD-722 7159
Stockham Figure LD-752 7161
Stockham Figure LD-772 7163
Stockham Figure LD-782 7165
Stockham Figure LG-502 7167
Stockham Figure LG-512 7169
Stockham Figure LG-521 7171
Stockham Figure LG-522 7173
Stockham Figure LG-552 7175
Stockham Figure LG-572 7177
Stockham Figure LG-582 7179
Stockham Figure LG-512-BS3-EM 7181
Stockham Figure LG-522-BS3-EM 7183
Stockham Figure LG-712-BS3-EM 7185
Stockham Figure LG-722-BS3-EM 7187
Stockham Figure 17A-121 RTG 7189
Stockham Figure 17C-121 RTG 7191
Stockham Figure 37A-121 RTG 7193
Stockham Figure 37C-121 RTG 7195
Stockham Figure B-133 7197
Stockham Figure G-600 7199
Stockham Figure G-601 7201
Stockham Figure G-610 7203
Stockham Figure G-632 7205
Stockham Figure G-634 7207
Stockham Figure G-635 7209
Stockham Figure G-939 7211
Stockham Figure WG-990 7213
Stockham Figure T-255-FB-P-UL 7215
Stockham Figure S-255-FB-P-UL 7217
Stockham Figure AG-642 7219
Stockham Figure AG-931 7221
Stockham Figure F-532 7223
Stockham Figure F-540 7225
Stockham Figure F-541 7227
Stockham Figure F-661 7229
Stockham Figure F-667 7231
Stockham Figure F-947 7233
Stockham Figure G-512 7235
Stockham Figure G-515 7237
Stockham Figure G-574 7239
Stockham Figure G-608 7241
Stockham Figure G-612 7243
Stockham Figure G-613 7245
Stockham Figure G-620 7247
Stockham Figure G-623 7249
Stockham Figure G-624 7251
Stockham Figure G-675 7253
Stockham Figure G-676 7255
Stockham Figure G-679 7257
Stockham Figure G-683 7259
Stockham Figure G-684 7261
Stockham Figure G-687 7263
Stockham Figure G-688 7265
Stockham Figure G-927 7267
Stockham Figure G-931 7269
Stockham Figure G-931 L&W 7271
Stockham Figure G-932 7273
Stockham Figure G-933 7275
Stockham Figure G-975 7277
Stockham Figure WG-961 7279
Stockham Figure WG-970 7281
Stockham Figure T-285-BR-R-HC 7283
Stockham Figure S-285-BR-R-HC 7285
Stockham Figure T-285-BR-R-66-HC 7287
Stockham Figure S-285-BR-R-66-HC 7289
Stockham Figure D-512 1065
Stockham Figure D-623 1070
Stockham Figure D-931 1075
Sure Seal Series 500/522 7293
Sure Seal Series 890-893 7295
Sure Seal Series 899/892 7297
Sure Seal Series 600-622 7299
Sure Seal Beltech LBF Series 7301
Sure Seal Beltech LBV Series 7303
Sure Seal Series GTD 7305
Sure Seal Series FSD 7307
Sure Seal Series MTD 7309
Sure Seal 895 Rotary 7311
Sure Seal 894 Sanitary 7313
Sure Seal BTSV-SB Series 7315
Sure Seal Series 2000 7317
Sure Seal G2 7319
Sure Seal Series 340 7321
Swagelok-Whitey Series 0 7325
Swagelok-Whitey Series 1 7327
Swagelok-Whitey Series 18 7329
Swagelok-Whitey Series 50 7331
Swagelok-Whitey Series 60 7333
Swagelok-Whitey Series C 7335
Swagelok-Whitey Series H65P 7337
Swagelok-Whitey Series H83P-2Way 7339
Swagelok-Whitey Series LD 7341
Swagelok-Whitey Series LH83P-2Way 7343
Swagelok-Whitey Series NB 7345
Swagelok-Whitey Series S60P 7347
Swagelok-Whitey Series T60M 7349
Swagelok-Whitey Series W63E 7351
Schutte Meyer KU-HP 7355
Schutte Meyer KU-Std 7357
Schutte Meyer ZFB 7359
Schutte Meyer ZFN 7361
Schutte Meyer ZFP 7363
Schutte Meyer VEG 7365
Schutte Meyer DFGH 7367
Schutte Meyer DFGS 7369
Taylor Valve Technology M2 1896
Taylor Valve Technology M3 1897
Taylor Valve Technology M4 1898
Taylor Valve Technology R2 1899
Taylor Valve Technology R3 1901
Taylor Valve Technology R4 1902
Taylor Valve Technology R6 1903
Taylor Valve Technology CA 1904
Taylor Valve Technology CI 1906
Taylor Valve Technology MC 1907
Taylor Valve Technology MCX 1908
Taylor Valve Technology MDI 1909
Taylor Valve Technology MDIS 1911
Taylor Valve Technology MDA 1912
Taylor Valve Technology MDAS 1913
Taylor Valve Technology 8200 Series 1914
Taylor Valve Technology 8300 Series 1916
Taylor Valve Technology 7800 Series 1917
Taylor Valve Technology 7900 Series 1918
Taylor Valve Technology 7702 Series 1919
Taylor Valve Technology 9400 Series 1921
Taylor Valve Technology 9300 Series 1922
Taylor Valve Technology 8400 Series 1923
Taylor Valve Technology 211 Series 1924
Taylor Valve Technology 211N Series 1926
Taylor Valve Technology 211S Series 1927
Taylor Valve Technology 632 Series 1928
TBV Series 1100 7373
TBV Series 1800 7375
TBV Series 2000 7377
TBV Series 2100 7379
TBV Series 3100 7381
TBV Series 4100 7383
TBV Series 5100 7385
TBV Series 6100 7387
TBV Series 6400 7389
TBV Series 6500 7391
TBV Series 6800 7393
TBV Series 6900 7395
TBV Series 7100 7397
TBV Series 9100 7399
Techno DPW 5050 7403
Techno DPW 5051 7405
Techno DPW 5053 7407
Techno DPW 5056 7409
Techno EHF 5001 7411
Techno EHF 5003 7413
Techno EHF 5004 7415
Techno EHF 5102 7417
Techno EHF 5107 7419
Techno EHF 5116 7421
Techno EHF 5117 7423
Techno EHW 5005 7425
Techno EHW 5412 7427
Techno EHW 5118 7429
Techno EHW 5831 7431
Techno EHW 5355 7433
Techno EHW 5296 7435
Techno EHW 5865 7437
Techno EHW 5881 7439
Techno EHW 5297 7441
Techno EHW 5463 7443
Techno EHW 5463-300 7445
Techno EHB 5081 7447
Techno EHB 5081-R 7449
Techno EHB 5081-F 7451
Techno EHT 5000 7453
Techno EHT 5002 7455
Techno EHV 5103 7457
Techno EHP 5104 7459
Techno EHS 5922 7461
Techno SCW 1200 7463
Techno SCN 100 7465
Techno SCN 110 7467
TK FloTM 7471
TK OF 7473
TK D1 7475
TK D2 7477
Technova BFV 7481
Technova CPL 7483
Tescom 22-2200 Series 1929
Tescom 22-5400 Series 1931
Tescom 26-2500 Series 1932
Tescom 44-2200 Series 1933
Tescom 44-2300 Series 1934
Tescom 44-2600 Series 1936
Tescom 44-2800 Series 1937
Tescom 44-3200 Series 1938
Tescom 44-3400 Series 1939
Tescom 44-4700 Series 1941
Tescom 44-4800 Series 1942
Tescom 44-5000 Series 1943
Tescom 64-2600 Series 1944
Tescom 64-2800 Series 1946
Tescom 64-3200 Series 1947
Tescom 64-3400 Series 1948
Tescom 64-3600 Series 1949
Tescom 64-5000 Series 1951
Tescom 74-300A Series 1952
Tescom 74-2400 Series 1953
Tescom 74-3000 Series 1954
Tescom 74-3800 Series 1956
Tescom MR-2400 Series 1958
Tescom 04 Series 1962
Tescom 12F Series 1964
Tescom 14-11 Series 1966
Tescom 14-12 Series 1968
Tescom 14-13 Series 1972
Tescom 14-14 Series 1974
Tescom 14-15 Series 1976
Tescom 14-17 Series 1978
Tescom 14-21 Series 1982
Tescom 14-31 Series 1984
Tescom 14-41 Series 1986
Tescom 15 Series 1988
Tescom 23 Series 1992
Tescom 31 Magnum Series 1994
Tescom 32-1 Magnum Series 1996
Tescom 35 Magnum Series 1998
Tescom CM1 Magnum Series 2001
Tescom 449-254 Series 2002
Tescom 449-260 Series 2003
Tescom DH-16 2004
Tescom FR 2000 Series 2006
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-1600 Series 2007
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-1800 Series 2008
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-2200 Series 2009
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-2600 Series 2011
Tescom PharmpureTM PH-3200 Series 2012
Tescom DG Series 2013
Tescom DH Series 2014
Tescom ER3100 Series 2016
Tescom 15-001 Series 2017
Tescom CC Series 2018
Tescom FL7000 Series 2022
Tescom VA Series 2024
Tescom VG Series 2026
Tescom VJ Series 2028
Tescom SJS Series 2032
Tideflex Series TF-1 Flat Bottom 7487
Tideflex Series TF-2 7489
Tideflex Series TF-2 with Thimble Plate 7491
Tideflex Series TF-2 with Cast In Thimble Plate 7493
Tideflex Series 35-1 Flat Bottom 7495
Tideflex Series 35 Flanged 7497
Tideflex Series 37 InLine Flanged 7499
Tideflex Series 37 InLine Flanged with Retaining Ring 7501
Tideflex Series 37 InLine Flanged with Saddle Supports 7503
Tideflex Series 37G InLine Insertable 7505
Tideflex Series 2633 Inline Threaded Body 7507
Tideflex Series 39 InLine Flanged Body 7509
Tideflex Series 39 InLine Flanged Body with Full Face 7511
Tideflex Series 39F Large Diameter InLine Flanged Bod 7513
Tideflex Series 4739 Lightweight InLine Flanged Alum 7515
Tideflex Ultralite 7517
Tideflex Waterflex 7519
Tom Wheatley Fig 33 7523
Tom Wheatley Fig 54 7525
Tom Wheatley Fig 55 7527
Tom Wheatley Fig 66 7529
Tom Wheatley Fig 70 7531
Tom Wheatley Fig 71 7533
Tom Wheatley Fig 73 7535
Tom Wheatley Fig 75 7537
Tom Wheatley Fig 76 7539
Tom Wheatley Fig 1451 7541
Tom Wheatley Fig 1452 7543
Tom Wheatley Fig 1515 7545
Tom Wheatley Fig 1535 7547
Tom Wheatley Fig 1547 7549
Tom Wheatley Fig 1564 7551
Tom Wheatley Fig 1565 7553
Tom Wheatley Fig 1566 7555
Tom Wheatley Fig 1574 7557
Tom Wheatley Fig 1575 7559
Tom Wheatley Fig 1576 7561
TopLine Bio-Pro® Forged 2034
TopLine Bio-Pro® Cast 2036
TopLine Bio-Flo® II 2038
TopLine Zero DLTM T-Pattern 2042
TopLine Zero DLTM Tank Bottom 2044
TopLine Zero DLTM L-Pattern 2046
TopLine Zero DLTM Point-of-Use 2048
TopLine Sterile Access 2052
TopLine Top-Flo® Divert, 2-way 2054
TopLine Top-Flo® Divert, 3-way 2056
TopLine Top-Flo® Divert, 4-way 2058
TopLine Top-Flo® Divert, 5-way 2062
TopLine Top-Flo® Divert, 6-way 2064
TopLine Top-Flo® Divert, 7-way 2066
TopLine Top-Flo® Divert, 8-way 2068
TopLine DCX3 L 2072
TopLine DCX3 T 2074
TopLine DCX3 X 2076
TopLine DCX4 L/L 2078
TopLine DCX4 T/L 2082
TopLine DCX4 L/T 2084
TopLine DCX4 L/X 2086
TopLine DCX3A L 2088
TopLine DCX3A T 2092
TopLine DCX3A X 2094
TopLine DCX4A L/L 2096
TopLine DCX4A T/L 2098
TopLine DCX4A L/T 2102
TopLine DCX4A L/X 2104
TopLine DCX3, Regulating 2106
TopLine DCX3, Tank Bottom 2108
TopLine DCX4, Tank Bottom 2112
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 1 2114
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 2 2116
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 3 2118
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 4 2122
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 5 2124
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 6 2126
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 7 2128
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 8 2132
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 9 2134
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 10 2136
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 11 2138
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 12 2142
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 13 2144
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 14 2146
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 15 2148
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 16 2152
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 17 2154
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 18 2156
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 19 2158
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 20 2162
TopLine VDCI, Body Design 21 2164
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 1 2166
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 2 2168
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 3 2172
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 4 2174
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 5 2176
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 6 2178
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 7 2182
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 8 2184
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 9 2186
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 10 2188
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 11 2192
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 12 2194
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 13 2196
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 14 2198
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 15 2202
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 16 2204
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 17 2206
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 18 2208
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 19 2212
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 20 2214
TopLine VDCI-PMO, Body Design 21 2216
TopLine VDCI, Tank Bottom, Standard 2218
TopLine VDCI, Tank Bottom, Aseptic 2222
TopLine Top-Flo® Ball Valve 2224
TopLine Top-Flo® Series 77 Ball Valve 2226
TopLine Top-Flo® Series 77 Ball Valve, Non-Cavity Fill 2228
TopLine Top-Flo® Series 77 Ball Valve, Cavity Filled 2232
TopLine Sanitary Butterfly Valve 2234
TopLine D10WW 2236
TopLine D11WWW 2238
TopLine D10MP 2242
TopLine D11MP 2244
TopLine T45MP 2246
TopLine Top-Flo® Sample Valve, In-Line 2248
TopLine Top-Flo® Sample Valve, Right Angle 2252
Triac® Series 10 2254
Triac® Series 20 2256
Triac® Series 21 2258
Triac® Series 22 2262
Triac® Series 24 2264
Triac® Series 30 2266
Triac® Series 33 2268
Triac® Series 38 2272
Triac® Series 55 2274
Triac® Series 77 2276
Triac® Series 83 2278
Triac® Series 8R 2282
Triac® Series 88 2284
Triac® Series R8 2286
Triac® Series 90 2288
Triac® Series 91 2292
Triac® Series 93 2294
Triac® Series V8 2296
Triac® Series V9 2298
Triac® Series D9 2302
Triac® Series LB 2304
Triac® Series LD 2306
Triac® Series T5 2308
TruSeal MBV 7565
TruSeal MTR 7567
TruSeal TRB 7569
TruSeal TRA 7571
TruSeal ABV 7573
TruSeal TRG 7575
TruSeal MBG 7577
Ty Valve Type 1 7583
Ty Valve Type 1H 7585
Ty Valve Type 2 7587
Ty Valve Type 2H 7589
Ty Valve Type 3 7591
Ty Valve Type 3H 7593
Ty Valve Type 4 7595
Ty Valve Type 4H 7597
Ty Valve Type 5 7599
Ty Valve Type 5H 7601
Ty Valve Type 6 7603
Ty Valve Type 6H 7605
Ty Valve Type 7 7607
Ty Valve Type 7H 7609
Ty Valve Type 8 7611
Ty Valve Type 8H 7613
Ty Valve Type 9 7615
Ty Valve Type 9H 7617
Union Tech Metal-Seated Ball Valve 2312
Val-Matic® Silent Check® 2314
Val-Matic® Dual Disc® 2316
Val-Matic® Tilited Disc® 2318
Val-Matic® Swing-Flex® 2322
Val-Matic® SURGEBUSTER® 2324
Val-Matic® American-BFV® Series 2000 2326
Val-Matic® American-BFV® Series 2100 2328
Val-Matic® American-BFV® Series 2200 2332
Val-Matic® American-BFV® Series 2300 2334
Val-Matic® American-BFV® Series 2400 2336
Val-Matic® American-BFV® Series 2500 2338
Val-Matic® American-BFV® Series 2600 2342
Val-Matic® Sure Seal Foot Valve Series 1900 2344
Val-Matic® Cam-Centric®Eccentric Plug Valve Series 2346
Val-Matic® Model 15A 2348
Val-Matic® Model 15A.2 2352
Val-Matic® Model 15A.3 2354
Val-Matic® Model 22.3 2356
Val-Matic® Model 22.4 2358
Val-Matic® Model 22.7 2362
Val-Matic® Model 22.9 2364
Val-Matic® Model 25.5 2366
Val-Matic® Model 25.6 2367
Val-Matic® Model 38 2368
Val-Matic® Model 38.2 2369
Val-Matic® Model 38.5 2372
Val-Matic® Model 38.6 2374
Val-Matic® Model 45 2376
Val-Matic® Model 45.2 2378
Val-Matic® Model 45.5 2382
Val-Matic® Model 45.6 2384
Val-Matic® Model 50 2386
Val-Matic® Model 50HP 2388
Val-Matic® Model 48A 2392
Val-Matic® Model 48A.2 2394
Val-Matic® Model 48A.4 2396
Val-Matic® Model 48A.5 2398
Val-Matic® Model 49A 2402
Val-Matic® Model 49A.2 2404
Val-Matic® Model 49A.4 2406
Val-Matic® Model 49A.5 2408
Val-Matic® Model 48ABW 2412
Val-Matic® Model 48A.2BW 2414
Val-Matic® Model 48A.4BW 2416
Val-Matic® Model 48A.5BW 2418
Val-Matic® Model 49ABW 2422
Val-Matic® Model 49A.2BW 2424
Val-Matic® Model 49A.4BW 2426
Val-Matic® Model 49A.5BW 2428
Val-Matic® Model 100S 2429
Val-Matic® Model 101S 2432
Val-Matic® Model 102S 2434
Val-Matic® Model 103S 2436
Val-Matic® Model 104S 2438
Val-Matic® Model 154S 2442
Val-Matic® Model 106 2443
Val-Matic® Model 156 2444
Val-Matic® Model 108 2446
Val-Matic® Model 158 2448
Val-Matic® Model 110 2452
Val-Matic® Model 160 2453
Val-Matic® Model 112 2454
Val-Matic® Model 162 2456
Val-Matic® Model 114 2458
Val-Matic® Model 164 2462
Val-Matic® Model 116 2464
Val-Matic® Model 166 2466
Val-Matic® Model 120 2468
Val-Matic® Model 170 2472
Val-Matic® Model 301A 2474
Val-Matic® Model 302A 2476
Val-Matic® Model 303A 2478
Val-Matic® Model 304 2482
Val-Matic® Model 306 2484
Val-Matic® Model 308 2486
Val-Matic® Model 301ABW 2488
Val-Matic® Model 302ABW 2492
Val-Matic® Model 303ABW 2494
Val-Matic® Model 304BW 2496
Val-Matic® Model 306BW 2498
Val-Matic® Model 308BW 2502
Val-Matic® Model 201C.2 2504
Val-Matic® Model 202C.2 2506
Val-Matic® Model 203C.2 2508
Val-Matic® Model 204C.2 2512
Val-Matic® Model 203C.14 2514
Val-Matic® Model 204C.14 2516
Val-Matic® Model 203C.15 2518
Val-Matic® Model 204C.15 2522
Val-Matic® Model 206C 2524
Val-Matic® Model 256C 2526
Val-Matic® Model 208C 2528
Val-Matic® Model 258C 2532
Val-Matic® Model 101S/22.9 2534
Val-Matic® Model 102S/22.9 2536
Val-Matic® Model 103S/22.9 2538
Val-Matic® Model 104S/38 2542
Val-Matic® Model 154S/38.5 2544
Val-Matic® Model 106/38 2546
Val-Matic® Model 156/38.5 2548
Val-Matic® Model 108/38 2552
Val-Matic® Model 158/38.5 2554
Val-Matic® Model 108/45 2556
Val-Matic® Model 158/45.5 2558
Val-Matic® Model 110/38 2562
Val-Matic® Model 160/38.5 2564
Val-Matic® Model 110/45 2566
Val-Matic® Model 160/45.5 2568
Val-Matic® Model 112/38 2572
Val-Matic® Model 162/38.5 2574
Val-Matic® Model 112/45 2576
Val-Matic® Model 162/45.5 2578
Val-Matic® Model 114/38 2582
Val-Matic® Model 164/38.5 2584
Val-Matic® Model 114/45 2586
Val-Matic® Model 164/45.5 2588
Val-Matic® Model 116/38 2592
Val-Matic® Model 166/38.5 2594
Val-Matic® Model 116/45 2596
Val-Matic® Model 166/45.5 2598
Val-Matic® Model 801A 2602
Val-Matic® Model 802A 2604
Val-Matic® Model 803A 2606
Val-Matic® Model 804 2608
Val-Matic® Model 48A/301A 2612
Val-Matic® Model 48A/302A 2614
Val-Matic® Model 49A/302A 2616
Val-Matic® Model 48A/303A 2618
Val-Matic® Model 49A/303A 2622
Val-Matic® Model 48A/304 2624
Val-Matic® Model 49A/304 2626
Val-Matic® Model 48A/306 2628
Val-Matic® Model 49A/306 2632
Val-Matic® Model 48A/308 2634
Val-Matic® Model 49A/308 2636
Val-Matic® Model 801ABW 2638
Val-Matic® Model 802ABW 2642
Val-Matic® Model 803ABW 2644
Val-Matic® Model 804BW 2646
Val-Matic® Model 48A/301ABW 2648
Val-Matic® Model 48A/302ABW 2652
Val-Matic® Model 49A/302ABW 2654
Val-Matic® Model 48A/303ABW 2656
Val-Matic® Model 49A/303ABW 2658
Val-Matic® Model 48A/304BW 2662
Val-Matic® Model 49A/304BW 2664
Val-Matic® Model 48A/306BW 2666
Val-Matic® Model 49A/306BW 2668
Val-Matic® Model 48A/308BW 2672
Val-Matic® Model 49A/308BW 2674
Val-Matic® Model 1201T/201C.2 2676
Val-Matic® Model 1202T/202C.2 2678
Val-Matic® Model 1203/203C.2 2682
Val-Matic® Model 1204/204C.2 2684
Val-Matic® Model 1206/206C 2686
Val-Matic® Model 1256/256C 2688
Val-Matic® Model 1208/208C 2692
Val-Matic® Model 1258/258C 2694
Val-Matic® Model 1201T/101S/38.5 2696
Val-Matic® Model 1202T/102S/38.5 2698
Val-Matic® Model 1203T/103S/38.5 2702
Val-Matic® Model 1204/104S/38 2704
Val-Matic® Model 1254/154S/38.5 2706
Val-Matic® Model 1206/106/38 2708
Val-Matic® Model 1256/156/38.5 2712
Val-Matic® Model 1208/108/38 2714
Val-Matic® Model 1258/158/38.5 2716
Val-Matic® Model 1210/110/45 2718
Val-Matic® Model 1260/160/45.5 2722
Val-Matic® Model 1212/112/45 2724
Val-Matic® Model 1262/162/45.5 2726
Val-Matic® Model 1214/114/45 2728
Val-Matic® Model 1264/164/45.5 2732
Val-Matic® Model 1216/116/45 2734
Val-Matic® Model 1266/166/45.5 2736
Val-Matic® Model 1220/120/45 2738
Val-Matic® Model 1270/170/45.5 2742
Val-Matic® Model 100ST 2744
Val-Matic® Model 101ST 2746
Val-Matic® Model 102ST 2748
Val-Matic® Model 103ST 2752
Val-Matic® Model 104WS 2754
Val-Matic® Model 154WS 2756
Val-Matic® Model 106WS 2758
Val-Matic® Model 156WS 2762
Val-Matic® Model 108WS 2764
Val-Matic® Model 158WS 2766
Val-Matic® Model 110WS 2768
Val-Matic® Model 160WS 2772
Val-Matic® Model 112WS 2774
Val-Matic® Model 162WS 2776
Val-Matic® Model 1803VB/38 2778
Val-Matic® Model 1804VB/38 2779
Val-Matic® Model 1805VB/38 2782
Val-Matic® Model 1806VB/38 2784
Val-Matic® Model 1808VB/38 2786
Val-Matic® Model 1810VB/38 2788
Val-Matic® Model 1812VB/38 2792
Val-Matic® Model 1814VB/38 2794
Val-Matic® Model 1816VB/38 2796
Val-Matic® Model 1803VB/48A 2798
Val-Matic® Model 1804VB/48A 2802
Val-Matic® Model 1805VB/48A 2804
Val-Matic® Model 1806VB/48A 2806
Val-Matic® Model 1808VB/48A 2808
Val-Matic® Model 1810VB/48A 2812
Val-Matic® Model 1812VB/48A 2814
Val-Matic® Model 1814VB/48A 2816
Val-Matic® Model 1816VB/ 48A 2818
Valmatic, American-BFV® Butterfly Valves 887
Vanessa Series 30,000/QTG 7621
Vanessa Series 30,000/QTL 7623
Vanessa Series 30,000/QTF 7625
Vanessa Series 30,000/QTW 7627
Vanessa Series 32,000 7629
Vanessa Series 32,500 7631
Vanessa Series 33,000 7633
Velan 0064 7637
Velan 0074 7639
Velan 0074T 7641
Velan 0074V 7643
Velan 0114 7645
Velan 0114C 7647
Velan 1074 7649
Velan 1074C 7651
Velan 1074E 7653
Velan 1074T 7655
Velan F00302 7657
Velan F10302 7659
Velan F0142 7661
Velan F11402 7663
Velan F21402 7665
Velan F00313 7667
Velan F10313 7669
Velan F01413 7671
Velan F11413 7673
Velan F21413 7675
Velan 2034 7677
Velan 2034B 7679
Velan 2054B 7681
Velan 2054W 7683
Velan 2064 7685
Velan 2064B 7687
Velan 2064C 7689
Velan 2064V 7691
Velan 2074 7693
Velan 2074B 7695
Velan 2074E 7697
Velan 2074T 7699
Velan 2074V 7701
Velan 2074W 7703
Velan 2114 7705
Velan 2114B 7707
Velan 2114W 7709
Velan 2174T 7711
Velan 2174W 7713
Velan 2184T 7715
Velan 2184W 7717
Velan 3034B 7719
Velan 3054B 7721
Velan 3054R 7723
Velan 3054T 7725
Velan 3054W 7727
Velan 3064 7729
Velan 3064C 7731
Velan 3074B 7733
Velan 3076S 7735
Velan 3076W 7737
Velan 3094B 7739
Velan 3114 7741
Velan 3114C 7743
Velan 3174W 7745
Velan 3184W 7747
Velan 4054P 7749
Velan 4054W 7751
Velan 7064 7753
Velan 7114 7755
Velan 7114C 7757
Velan 8036W 7759
Velan 8076Z 7761
Velan 9036W 7763
Velan 9076Z 7765
Velan B0064C 7767
Velan B0074C 7769
Velan B1064C 7771
Velan B1064V 7773
Velan B1074C 7775
Velan B1114C 7777
Velan B2064C 7779
Velan B2074C 7781
Velan B2114C 7783
Velan B3034P 7785
Velan B3054B 7787
Velan B3054P 7789
Velan B3064C 7791
Velan B3074B 7793
Velan B3074K 7795
Velan B3074P 7797
Velan B4034P 7799
Velan B4054B 7801
Velan B4086K 7803
Velan B4086P 7805
Velan B4094B 7807
Velan B7064C 7809
Velan B9036W 7811
Velan B9076Z 7813
Velan EP-2000 7815
Velan EP-2000Z 7817
Velan EP-4000 7819
Velan F0034B 7821
Velan F0054B 7823
Velan F0054T 7825
Velan F0064 7827
Velan F0064C 7829
Velan F0064V 7831
Velan F0074C 7833
Velan F0074E 7835
Velan F0074F 7837
Velan F0114C 7839
Velan F0134B 7841
Velan F1054B 7843
Velan F1054E 7845
Velan F1054T 7847
Velan F1064 7849
Velan F1064C 7851
Velan F1064V 7853
Velan F1074B 7855
Velan F1074C 7857
Velan F1074T 7859
Velan F1074V 7861
Velan F1114B 7863
Velan F1114C 7865
Velan F2034B 7867
Velan F2054B 7869
Velan F2074B 7871
Velan F2074C 7873
Velan F2114C 7875
Velan F3034B 7877
Velan F3054B 7879
Velan F3054W 7881
Velan F3056W 7883
Velan F3064C 7885
Velan F3074B 7887
Velan F7064C 7889
Velan F7074B 7891
Velan F7114C 7893
Velan FMV 7895
Velan R1054B 7897
Velan R1074B 7899
Velan R2034B 7901
Velan R2054B 7903
Velan R2064C 7905
Velan R2074B 7907
Velan R2074C 7909
Velan R2114C 7911
Velan R3034B 7913
Velan R3054B 7915
Velan R3054E 7917
Velan R7064C 7919
Velan R7064E 7921
Velan S2054B 7923
Velan S2054P 7925
Velan S2064W 7927
Velan S2054T 7929
Velan S2064C 7931
Velan S2074W 7933
Velan SB 7935
Velan SB-Live Loaded 7937
Velan SB-Trunnion 7939
Velan SB-Double Packing 7941
Velan UB/SB 7943
Velan W2054B 7945
Velan W2054T 7947
Velan W2054W 7949
Velan X2054W 7951
Velan B0114C 7953
Velan Type 31 7957
Velan Type 32 7959
Velan Type 33 7961
Velan Type 34 7963
Velan Type 37 7965
Velan Type 38 7967
Velan Type 322C 7969
Velan Type 310B 7971
Velan Type 320B 7973
Proquip VW 7977
Proquip VL 7979
Proquip VF 7981
Proquip VH 7983
Vickers® D*8P1 Series 2819
Vickers® C2-800 Series 2822
Vickers® C5G Series 2824
Vickers® 4C* Series 2826
Vickers® PCGV Series; 2828
Vickers® PCG5V Series 2829
Vickers® CPF1* Series 2832
Vickers® CPF2* Series 2834
Vickers® CPF3* Series 2836
Vickers® CPF4* Series 2838
Vickers® UPF1* Series 2842
Vickers® UPF2* Series 2844
Vickers® DCPFS Series 2846
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMR Series 2848
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMC Series 2852
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMC2 Series 2854
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMX2 Series 2856
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMR1 Series 2858
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMFN Series 2861
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMPC Series 2862
Vickers® SystemStak™ DGMDC Series 2864
Vickers® DG4V Series 2866
Victaulic® Vic®-300 MasterSealTM 2868
Victaulic® Three-way Automated 2872
Victaulic® Series 700 2874
Victaulic® Series 763 2876
Victaulic® Series 608 2878
Victaulic® Series 716 2882
Victaulic® Series 779 2884
Victaulic® Series 712 Swinger® 2886
Victaulic® Series 712S Swinger® 2888
Victaulic® Series 713 Swinger® 2892
Victaulic® Series 317 2893
Victaulic® Series 377 2894
Victaulic® Vic®-Plug Series 365 2896
Victaulic® Vic®-Plug Series 366 2898
Victaulic® Series 722 2902
Victaulic® Series 723 2904
Victaulic® Series 723S 2906
Victaulic® Series 726 2908
Victaulic® Series 726S 2909
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 782 2912
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 783 2914
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 785 2916
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 786 2918
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 787 2922
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 787-U 2924
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 788 2926
Victaulic® Tour & Andersson Series 789 2928
Victaulic® Series Triple Service Butterfly/Check Comb 2932
Victaulic® Series Triple Service Plug/Check Combo 2934
Victaulic® Series 706 2936
Victaulic® Series 709 2938
Victaulic® Series W715 2942
Victaulic® Series W706 2944
Victaulic® Series W709 2946
Victaulic® Series 522 2948
Victaulic® Series 569 2952
Victaulic® Series 721S 2954
Victaulic® Series 793 2956
Victaulic® Series 797 2958
Victaulic® Series 589 2962
KMP LW-S Series 2964
KMP LW-SP Series 2966
Vogt 353 7985
Vogt 363 7987
Vogt 373 7989
Vogt 473 7991
Vogt 483 7993
Vogt 493 7995
Vogt 573 7997
Vogt 583 7999
Vogt 593 8001
Vogt 2801 8003
Vogt 2821 8005
Vogt 2831 8007
Vogt 4835 8009
Vogt 10603 8011
Vogt 12111 8013
Vogt 12141 8015
Vogt 12401 8017
Vogt 12501 8019
Vogt 13111 8021
Vogt 13373 8023
Vogt 15373 1080
Vogt 15401 1085
Vogt 15493 8025
Vogt 15701 8027
Vogt 22461 1090
Vogt CT2831 8029
Vogt CT2901 8031
Vogt F22461 8033
Vogt S74 8035
Vogt S718 8037
Vogt ST2801 8039
Vogt ST2831 8041
Vogt SW701 8043
Vogt SW718 8045
Vogt SW1610 8047
Vogt SW2522 8049
Vogt SW2610 8051
Vogt SW2622 8053
Vogt SW2801 8055
Vogt SW2821 8057
Vogt SW2831 8059
Vogt SW12111 8061
Vogt SW12141 8063
Vogt SW12143 8065
Vogt SW12401 8067
Vogt SW12501 8069
Vogt SW15141 8071
Vogt SW15401 8073
Vogt SW15701 8075
Vogt SW15801 8077
Vogt SW15821 8079
Vogt SW32111F8M 8081
Vogt SW35111F8M 8083
Vogt SW66703 8085
Vogt SW66713 8087
Vogt SWS74 1100
Vogt SW66723 8089
Vogt TSW2801 8091
Vogt TSW12111 8093
Vogt TSW12401 8095
Vogt TSW32111F8M 8097
Vogt TT2801 8099
Valtorc, Automated Butterfly Valve 877
Walworth Figure No. 5202F 8103
Walworth Figure No. 5202WE 8105
Walworth Figure No. 5206F 8107
Walworth Figure No. 5206WE 8109
Walworth Figure No. 5232F 8111
Walworth Figure No. 5232WE 8113
Walworth Figure No. 5247F 8115
Walworth Figure No. 5247WE 8117
Walworth Figure No. 5262F 8119
Walworth Figure No. 5262WE 8121
Walworth Figure No. 5275F 8123
Walworth Figure No. 5275WE 8125
Walworth Figure No. 5278F 8127
Walworth Figure No. 5278WE 8129
Walworth Figure No. 5281F 8131
Walworth Figure No. 5281WE 8133
Walworth Figure No. 5283F 8135
Walworth Figure No. 5283WE 8137
Walworth Figure No. 5295F 8139
Walworth Figure No. 5295WE 8141
Walworth Figure No. 5297F 8143
Walworth Figure No. 5297WE 8145
Walworth Figure No. 5301F 8147
Walworth Figure No. 5301WE 8149
Walworth Figure No. 5303F 8151
Walworth Figure No. 5303WE 8153
Walworth Figure No. 5308F 8155
Walworth Figure No. 5308WE 8157
Walworth Figure No. 5310F 8159
Walworth Figure No. 5310WE 8161
Walworth Figure No. 5341F 8163
Walworth Figure No. 5341WE 8165
Walworth Figure No. 5344F 8167
Walworth Figure No. 5344WE 8169
Walworth Figure No. 5350F 8171
Walworth Figure No. 5350WE 8173
Walworth Figure No. 5353F 8175
Walworth Figure No. 5353WE 8177
Walworth Figure No. 5356F 8179
Walworth Figure No. 5356WE 8181
WKM Model 210A 8185
WKM Model 310C 8187
WKM Model 310D 8189
WKM Model 310F 8191
WKM Model 370CT 8193
WKM Model 370D4 8195
WKM Model 370E4 8197
WKM Pow-R-Seal 8199
WKM Saf-T-Seal 8201
WKM Series E 8203
WKM API 6D 8205
Warren Controls Type 1840 881
Warren Controls Type 1852 883
Warren Controls Type 1843 9961
Warren Controls Type 1850 9962
Warren Controls Type 2820 9973
Warren Controls Type 2830 9974
Warren Controls Type 2832 9975
Warren Controls Type 2920 9976
Warren Controls Type 2922 9967
Warren Controls Type 2923 9977
Warren Controls Type 2930 9978
Warren Controls Type 2932 9979
Warren Controls Type 5840 9980
Watts 900 1105
Watts 909 1110
Watts 1500 8207
Watts 1500-FS 8209
Watts 1800 8211
Watts 1800-FS 8213
Watts 2500 8215
Watts 2500-FS 8217
Watts 2800 8219
Watts 2800-FS 8221
Watts 3500 8223
Watts 3500-FS 8225
Watts 3800 8227
Watts 3800-FS 8229
Watts 5500 8231
Watts 5800 8233
Watts 5800-FS 8235
Watts 7200 8237
Watts 7200-FS 8239
Watts 7400 8241
Watts 8200 8243
Watts 8200-FS 8245
Watts 8400 8247
Watts 9200 8249
Watts 9800 8251
Watts A-3200 8253
Watts B-6100 8255
Watts B-6400 8257
Watts B-6800-LL 8259
Watts 1501-212A 8261
Watts 1503-212A 8263
Watts CF1800-150-T316 8265
Watts CF1800-300-T316 8267
Watts CF7380-600-02 8269
Watts C-7000-LL 8271
Watts 2501-212A 8273
Watts 2503-212A 8275
Watts SF2800-150 8277
Watts SF2800-300 8279
Watts S-8000-LL 8281
Watts ACV 110-10 2968
Watts ACV 110-14 2972
Watts ACV 113-12 2974
Watts ACV 113-6 2976
Watts ACV 113-46 2978
Watts ACV 113-21 2982
Watts ACV 413-21 2984
Watts ACV 513-5 2986
Watts ACV 513-6 2988
Watts ACV 513-12 2992
Watts ACV 114R 2994
Watts ACV 115 2996
Watts ACV 115-2 2998
Watts ACV 115-3 3002
Watts ACV 115-4 3004
Watts ACV 115-7 3006
Watts ACV 115-74 3008
Watts ACV 116 3012
Watts ACV 116-31 3014
Watts ACV 116-52 3016
Watts ACV 118-3R 3018
Watts ACV 127-1 3022
Watts ACV 127-2 3024
Watts ACV 127-11 3026
Watts ACV 115F 3028
Watts ACV 116FM 3032
Watts ACV 116-1FM 3034
Watts ACV 100D-A 3036
Watts ACV 100D-B 3038
Watts ACV 1116FH 3042
Worchester 44 Series 8285
Worchester 51V19 8287
Worchester 52V19 8289
Worchester 59V19 8291
Worchester 82V19 8293
Worchester 83V19 8295
Worchester 94-150 8297
Worchester 94-300 8299
Worchester AF51V19 8301
Worchester AF52V19 8303
Worchester AF82V19 8305
Worchester AF83V19 8307
Worchester PT51V19-A 8309
Worchester PT51V19-G 8311
Worchester PT52V19-G 8313
Worchester 5146TT150 8315
Worchester 5246TT300 8317
Worchester 8246TT50 8319
Worchester 8346TT300 8321
Worchester 4346RSE 8323
Worchester 5166TT150 8325
Worchester 5266TT150 8327
Worchester 8266TT150 8329
Worchester 8366TT150 8331
Worchester 4866RSE 8333
Wey VL 8337
Wey VS 8339
Wey NA1 8341
Wey DBB 8343
Wey T13 8345
Wey Bianca Centric Butterfly Valve 8347
Wey Sheargate Valve 8349
Tufline Figure 511R 8353
Tufline Figure 513R 8355
Tufline Figure 521F 8357
Tufline Figure 523F 8359
Tufline Figure 521R 8361
Tufline Figure 523R 8363
Tufline Figure 533F 8365
Tufline Figure 536F 8367
Tufline Figure 536R 8369
Xomox 821 8371
Tufline 067 8373
Tufline 067-FT 8375
Tufline 067-FJ 8377
Tufline 067-XP 8379
Tufline 097 8381
Tufline 367 8383
Tufline 367-FT 8385
Tufline 367-FJ 8387
Tufline 367-XP 8389
Tufline 397 8391
Tufline 061 8393
Tufline 361 8395
Tufline 031 - Flow Pattern 8397
Tufline 127-FT 8399
Tufline 166BW 8401
Tufline 366 8403
Tufline 366-FT 8405
Tufline 037 - Flow Pattern 8407
Tufline 071 8409
Tufline 073 8411
Tufline 0667-DR 8413
Tufline 0667-XP 8415
Tufline 0697 8417
Xomox Tufline Figure 0366-HF 8419
Xomox Tufline Figure 0367-HF 8421
Xomox Tufline Figure 0367EG-HF 8423
Xomox Tufline Figure 0667-HF 8425
Xomox Tufline Figure 20367EG-HF 8427
Xomox Tufline Figure 0667DR-HF 8433
Yarway 909-C 1119
Yarway 3486-R 1115
Yarway 3488-R 1120
Yarway 5301 1118
Yarway 5302 1117
Yarway 6909-C 1116
Yarway Series 5300 ARC 3044
Yarway Series 7100 ARC 3046
Yarway Series 9100 ARC 3048
Yarway Series 9200 ARC 3052
Yarway Series 9300 ARC 3054
Yarway Turbo-Cascade® High Pressure 3056
Yarway TempLow Steam Desuperheater 3058
NH Figure C1481 8441
NH Figure C1482 8443
NH Figure C1484 8445
NH Figure C1881 8447
NH Figure C1882 8449
NH Figure C1884 8451
NH Figure C1981 8453
NH Figure C1982 8455
NH Figure C1984 8457
NH Figure C1144 8459
NH Figure C1174 8461
NH Figure C1344 8463
NH Figure C1374 8465
NH Figure C1644 8467
NH Figure C1674 8469
NH Figure C1844 8471
NH Figure C1874 8473
NH A40 8475
NH A50 8477
NH A60 8479
NH A40M 8481
NH A41M 8483
NH A50M 8485
NH A51M 8487
NH A60M 8489
NH T607M 8493
NH T609M 8495
NH 33 8497
NH 608 8499
NH 668 8501
NH 13 8503
NH 14 8505
NH 23 8507
NH 47 8509
NH 48 8511
NH 42 8513
NH 49 8515
NH T807 8517
NH 1969F 8519
NH 1999 8521
NH 1969 8523
NH 1979 8525
NH 1989ST 8527
NH 1999ST 8529
NH 1969CAP 8531
NH R650 8533
NH R658 8535
NH R258CC 8537
NH R602 8539
NH R602A 8541
NH R602B 8543
NH R602C 8545
NH R605 8547
NH R661 8549
NH Series 45 8551
NH 610 8553
NH 630 8555
NH 810 8557
NH 830 8559
NH R623 8561
NH R624 8563
GVS BB-1 (Licensed from General Electric Nuovo Pign 170001
GVS B-1 (Licensed from General Electric Nuovo Pigno 170002
Lowe Trunion Ball Valve 170003
Lowe Floating Ball Valve 170004
Lowe Sure Seal Butterfly Valve 170005
Lowe FlowSeal Butterfly Valve 170006
Lowe Series G 170007
Lowe Series S 170008
Lowe Series T400 170009
Lowe Series T404 170010
Lowe Series 800 170011
Lowe Series 900 170012
Hattersley 05G46 8567
Hattersley 05V44 8569
Hattersley 05W44 8571
Hattersley C4054/29 8573
Hattersley C4084/31 8575
Hattersley C7914/29 8577
Hattersley C7924/15 8579
Hattersley C7944/15 8581
Hattersley C7944/29 8583
Hattersley C8054/15 8585
Hattersley C8054/29 8587
Hattersley C8914/15B 8589
Hattersley C8914/29 8591
Hattersley C8924/29 8593
Hattersley K8054/29 8595
Hattersley LC4054/15 8597
Hattersley LC4054/29 8599
Hattersley LC7914/29 8601
Hattersley LC7924/29 8603
Hattersley LC8054/15 8605
Hattersley LC8914/29 8607
Hattersley LC8924/29 8609
Hattersley M8054/15 8611
Hattersley M8054/29 8613
Hattersley S7914/16 8615
Hattersley S7914/29 8617
Hattersley S7924/29 8619
Hattersley S8054/29 8621
Hattersley S8914/29 8623
Hattersley S8924/29 8625
Score Tricentric® Butterfly Valve 170013
Score HIGHSEAL® GTD 170014
Score HIGHSEAL® FSD 170015
Score HIGHSEAL® BWD 170016
Score HIGHSEAL® GRS 170017
Score HIGHSEAL® GTS 170018
Score HIGHSEAL® GFB 170019
Singer Model 106-PG 170020
Singer Model 106-PG-AC 170021
Singer Model 106-PG-RW 170022
Singer Model 106-PGX 170023
Singer Model 206-PG 170024
Singer Model 206-PG-RW 170025
Singer Model 206-PGX 170026
Singer Model 106-PT 170027
Singer Model 106-PT-AC 170028
Singer Model 106-PT-RW 170029
Singer Model 106-PTC 170030
Singer Model 106-PTC-AC 170031
Singer Model 106-PTC-RW 170032
Singer Model 206-PT 170033
Singer Model 206-PT-RW 170034
Singer Model 206-PTC 170035
Singer Model 206-PTC-RW 170036
Singer Model 106-PGM 170037
Singer Model 106-PGM-AC 170038
Singer Model 106-PGM-RW 170039
Singer Model 206-PGM 170040
Singer Model 106-PR-SM 170041
Singer Model 206-PR-SM 170042
Singer Model 106-2SC-MV 170043
Singer Model 206-2SC-MV 170044
Singer Model 106-PFC 170045
Singer Model 206-PFC 170046
Singer Model 106-PR 170047
Singer Model 206-PR 170048
Singer Model 106-PR-R 170049
Singer Model 206-PR-R 170050
Singer Model 106-PR-48 170051
Singer Model 206-PR-48 170052
Singer Model 106-PRC 170053
Singer Model 206-PRC 170054
Singer Model 106-PRC-SC 170055
Singer Model 206-PRC-SC 170056
Singer Model 106-PR-S 170057
Singer Model 206-PR-S 170058
Singer Model 106-RPS 170059
Singer Model 206-RPS 170060
Singer Model 106-RPS L&H 170061
Singer Model 206-RPS L&H 170062
Singer Model 106-RPS-D 170063
Singer Model 206-RPS-D 170064
Singer Model 106-RPS-RR 170065
Singer Model 206-RPS-RR 170066
Singer Model 106 DL 170067
Singer Model 106-BPC 170068
Singer Model 206-BPC 170069
Singer Model 106-PG-BPC 170070
Singer Model 206-PG-BPC 170071
Singer Model 106-DW 170072
Singer Model 206-DW 170073
Singer Model 106-DWX 170074
Singer Model 206-DWX 170075
Singer Model 106-HC 170076
Singer Model 206-HC 170077
Singer Model 106 F-Type 4 170078
Singer Model 206 F-Type 4 170079
Singer Model 106 F-Type 5 170080
Singer Model 206 F-Type 5 170081
Singer Model 106 A-Type 1 170082
Singer Model 206 A-Type 1 170083
Singer Model 106 A-Type 2 170084
Singer Model 206 A-Type 2 170085
Singer Model 106 A-Type 3 170086
Singer Model 206 A-Type 3 170087
Singer Model 106 A-Type 4 170088
Singer Model 206 A-Type 4 170089
Singer Model 106-RF 170090
Singer Model 206-RF 170091
Singer Model 106-SC 170092
Singer Model 206-SC 170093
Singer Model 106-2SC-PCO 170094
Singer Model 206-2SC-PCO 170095
Singer Model 301-4 170098
Singer Model 852-B 170099
Singer Model 10 170100
Singer Model 12 170101
Sur-Flo SF10V 170102
Tech-TaylorTM Series T1 Vacuum BreakerTM 170103
Tech-TaylorTM Series T2 170104
Technegate™ 170106
VCI Series A160 170107
VCI Series A260 170108
VCI Series A180 170109
VCI Series C180 170110
VCI Series A170 170111
VCI Series 202FB 170112
VCI Series 201F 170113
VCI Series 201FB 170114
VCI Series 22D 170115
VCI Series 250 170116
VCI Series 203FB 170117
VCI Series 303FB 170118
VCI Series 203TB 170119
VCI Series F100 170120
VCI Series F200K 170121
VCI Series CR 201 170122
VCI Series CR F200 170123
VCI Series CR 301 170124
Ebro Z011-A 50001
Ebro Z014-A 50002
Ebro Z011-AS 50003
Ebro T 211-A 50004
Ebro T 214-A 50005
Ebro HP 111 50006
Ebro HP 114 50007
Ebro F012-A 50008
Ebro BE 250 50009
Ebro BE 300 50010
Ebro BE 50 50011
Ebro BE 80 50012
Ebro BV 50013
Ebro CK 50014
Ebro DC 50015
Ebro EBROtherm 50016
Ebro F012-K1 50017
Ebro HP 111-E 50018
Ebro HP 114-E 50019
Ebro K016 50020
Ebro MV 50021
Ebro QV 50022
Ebro RSK 50023
Ebro T 212-A 50024
Ebro TW150 50025
Ebro TW200 50026
Ebro TW80 50027
Ebro TW100 50028
Ebro XV 50029
Ebro Z 411-A 50030
Ebro Z 414-A 50031
Ebro Z011-GMX 50032
Ebro Z611-A 50033
Ebro Z614-A 50034
Entech DRV-Z 8629
Entech KRV 8631
Entech DRV-B 8633
Entech KRV-B 8635
Entech DRVg 8637
Gemu Type 320 1145
Gemu Type 322 1150
Gemu Type 324 1155
Gemu Type 610 1160
Gemu Type 647 1165
Gemu Type 690 1170
Gemu C60 HPW 1175
Gemu C67 HPW 1180
Gemu Type 512 50035
Gemu Type 601 50036
Gemu Type 602 50037
Gemu Type 605 50038
Gemu Type 611 50039
Gemu Type 612 50040
Gemu Type 615 50041
Gemu Type 618 50042
Gemu Type 625 50043
Gemu Type 640 50044
Gemu Type 641 50045
Gemu Type 671 50046
Gemu Type 672 50047
Gemu Type 673 50048
Gemu Type 675 50049
Gemu Type 677 50050
Gemu Type 687 50051
Gemu Type 688 50052
Gemu Type 695 50053
Gemu Zero Deadleg T-Valve 50054
Gemu Zero Static T-Valve 50055
Gemu Duplex Valve 50056
Gemu GMP 50057
Gemu SAP 50058
Gemu Tank Bottom Diaphragm Valve 50059
Gemu By-Pass Valve 50060
Gemu M600 3-2.A 50061
Gemu M600 3-2.B 50062
Gemu M600 3-2.C 50063
Gemu M600 3-3.A 50064
Gemu M600 3-3.B 50065
Gemu M600 5-4.B 50066
Gemu M600 5-2.A 50067
Gemu M600 8-6.A 50068
Gemu M600 8-8.A 50069
Krombach KFO 1246 8641
Krombach KFO 599 8643
Krombach KFO 799 8645
NRV-Z 8649
NRV-ZK 8651
NRV-K 8653
NRV-B 8655
NRV-BK 8657
NRV-G 8659
NRV-R 8661
NRV-ZSK 50070
Pernow Type PA-465.288 50071
Pernow Type PA-470.277 50072
Pernow Type PA-029.266 50073
Pernow Type VNA 50074
Pernow Type VNB 50075
Pernow Type VNC 50076
Pernow Type VNE 50077
Pernow Type PA-014 50078
Pernow Type PA-024 50079
Pernow Type PA-031 50080
Pernow Type PA-032 50081
Pernow Type PA-033 50082
Pernow Type PA-070 50083
Pernow Type PA-075 50084
Pernow Type PA-10 50085
Pernow Type PA-11 50086
Pernow Type PA-13 50087
Pernow Type PA-20 50088
Pernow Type PA-21 50089
Pernow Type PA-23 50090
Pernow Type D06 50091
Pernow Type D06F 50092
Pernow Type D06FH 50093
Pernow Type D06FN 50094
Pernow Type D15 50095
Pernow Type D15P 50096
Pernow Type D15NP 50097
Pernow Type D17 50098
Pernow Type D17P 50099
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 12.701 50100
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 22.701 50101
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 23.701 50102
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 34.701 50103
Pernow Type ARI PREDU Figure 35.701 50104
Pernow Type Gestra 5801 50105
Pernow Type 418 50106
Pernow Type 418N 50107
Pernow Type 418V 50108
Pernow Type 418T 50109
Pernow Type 619 E 50110
Pernow Type 619 T 50111
Pernow Type Gestra 5610 50112
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 12.753 50113
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 22.753 50114
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 32.753 50115
Pernow Type ARI PRESO Figure 52.753 50116
Pernow Type PA-112.288.N 50117
Pernow Figure 110-Ms 50118
Pernow Figure 110-St 50119
Pernow Figure 110-VA 50120
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.070 50121
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.070 50122
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.071 50123
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.071 50124
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.072 50125
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.072 50126
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 10.073 50127
Pernow Type ARI EURO-WEDI Figure 12.073 50128
Pernow Type KSB BOA-Compact 50129
Pernow Type KSB BOA-Compact EKB 50130
Pernow Type PA-600.215 50131
Pernow Type PA-600.235 50132
Pernow Type PA-600.435 50133
Pernow Type PA-601.215 50134
Pernow Type PA-601.435 50135
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 12.006 50136
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 22.006 50137
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 23.006 50138
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 34.006 50139
Pernow Type ARI STOBU Figure 35.006 50140
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 12.046 50141
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 22.046 50142
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 23.046 50143
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 34.046 50144
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 35.046 50145
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 52.069 50146
Pernow Type ARI FABA Figure 55.069 50147
Pernow Type KSB BOA-H 50148
Pernow Type KSB SISTO-16 RGA 50149
Pernow Type KSB SISTO-16 50150
Pernow Type KSB SISTO-16 TWA 50151
Pernow Type PA-1120E 50152
Pernow Type PA-1140E 50153
Pernow Type PA-1120P 50154
Pernow Type PA-1140P 50155
Pernow Type PA-1120 50156
Pernow Type PA-1140 50157
Pernow Type PA-1160 50158
Pernow Type PA-1170 50159
Pernow Type PA-1320 50160
Pernow Type PA-1340 50161
Pernow Type PA-2000 50162
Pernow Type PA-720 50163
Pernow Type PA-740 50164
Pernow Type PA-760 50165
Pernow Type PA-920 50166
Pernow Type PA-940 50167
Pernow Type PA-960 50168
Pernow Type PA-34E.388.P 50169
Pernow Type PA-70E.566.P 50170
Pernow Type PA-12E.566.P 50171
Pernow Type PA-13E.566.P 50172
Pernow Type PA-19E.266.P 50173
Pernow Type PA-55E.266.P 50174
Pernow Type PA-73E.218.P 50175
Pernow Type PA-73E.216.P 50176
Pernow Type PA-182E.388.P 50177
Pernow Type PA-58E.566.P 50178
Pernow Type PA-48E.566.P 50179
Pernow Type PA-34P.388.P 50180
Pernow Type PA-70P.566.P 50181
Pernow Type PA-12P.566.P 50182
Pernow Type PA-13P.566.P 50183
Pernow Type PA-19P.266.P 50184
Pernow Type PA-55P.266.P 50185
Pernow Type PA-73P.218.P 50186
Pernow Type PA-73P.216.P 50187
Pernow Type PA-182P.388.P 50188
Pernow Type PA-58P.566.P 50189
Pernow Type PA-48P.566.P 50190
Pernow Type PA-842.466.P 50191
Pernow Type PA-012.566.P 50192
Pernow Type PA-013.566.P 50193
Pernow Type PA-12D.566.P 50194
Pernow Type PA-13D.566.P 50195
Pernow Type PA-019.266.P 50196
Pernow Type PA-055.266.P 50197
Pernow Type PA-73.218.P 50198
Pernow Type PA-73.216.P 50199
Pernow Type PA-751.228.P 50200
Pernow Type PA-751.226.P 50201
Pernow Type 64.102 50202
Pernow Type 64.103 50203
Pernow Type 64.100 50204
Pernow Type 63.102 50205
Pernow Type PA-150.388.P 50206
Pernow Type PA-34D.388.P 50207
Pernow Type PA-070.388.P 50208
Pernow Type PA-058.566.P 50209
Pernow Type PA-58D.566.P 50210
Pernow Type PA-48D.566.P 50211
Pernow Type PA-182.388.P 50212
Pernow Type PA-182D.388.P 50213
Pernow Type 851 E 50214
Pernow Type 851 bF 50215
Pernow Type 851 P 50216
Pernow Type 851 T 50217
Pernow Type 851 bG 50218
Pernow Type PA-100.285.N 50219
Pernow Type PA-121.288.N 50220
Pernow Type PA-050.266.P 50221
Pernow Type PA-790.188.N 50222
Pernow Type PA-030.266 50223
Pernow Type PA-38.444.N 50224
Pernow Type PA-38.466.N 50225
Pernow Type PA-39.444.N 50226
Pernow Type PA-39.466.N 50227
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 41 50228
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 86 50229
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 86A 50230
Pernow DISCO Gestra RK 49 50231
Pernow Type PA-4000 50232
Pernow Type PA-4400 50233
Pernow Type PA-486 50234
Pernow Type PA-400 50235
Pernow Type PA-402 50236
Pernow Type PA-406 50237
Pernow Type PA-420 50238
Pernow Type PA-422 50239
Pernow Type PA-426 50240
Pernow Type PA-450 50241
Pernow Type PA-460 50242
Pernow Type PA-003.215 50243
Pernow Type PA-003.435 50244
Pernow Type PA-003.266 50245
Pernow Type PA-003.466 50246
Rexroth Series QR1-ANR 50247
Rexroth Series QR1-AAN 50248
Rexroth Series QR1-AVT 50249
Rexroth Series QR1-ASK 50250
Rexroth Series QR1-ASS 50251
Rexroth Series QR1-AGG 50252
Rexroth Series QR1-AGS 50253
Rexroth Series QR1-ASG 50254
Rexroth Series QR1-ASC 50255
Rexroth Series QR1-BGS 50257
Rexroth Series QR1-BWG 50258
Rexroth Series QR1-BSS 50259
Rexroth Series QR1-BSK 50260
Rexroth Series QR1-BWS 50261
Rexroth Series QR1-DWA 50262
Rexroth Series QR1-DBS 50263
Rexroth Series QR1-SKR 50264
Rexroth Series 343 50265
Rexroth Series 344 50266
Rexroth Series 345 50267
Rexroth Series 490 50268
Rexroth Series 545 50269
Rexroth Series 550 50270
Rexroth Series 560 50271
Rexroth Series 563 50272
Rexroth Series 579 50273
Rexroth Series 581 50274
Rexroth Series 583 50275
Rexroth Series 589 50276
Rexroth Series 740 50277
Rexroth Series 840 50278
Rexroth Series CD 01 50279
Rexroth Series CD 4 50280
Rexroth Series CD 7 50281
Rexroth Series CD 12 50282
Rexroth Series CD 26 50283
Rexroth Series LS 04 50284
Rexroth Series TC 08 50285
Rexroth Series TC 15 50286
Rexroth Series WV 02 50287
Rexroth Series WV 04 50288
Rexroth Series ISO 50289
Rexroth Series ISO 1 50290
Rexroth Series ISO 3 50291
Rexroth Series Compact 10 50292
Rexroth Series Compact 18 50293
Rexroth Series AP 50294
Rexroth Series DO 50295
Rexroth Series RA 50296
Rexroth Series ST 50297
Rexroth Series TH 50298
Rexroth ND 3 50299
Rexroth ND 7 50300
Rexroth Series ED02 50301
Rexroth Series ED05 50302
Rexroth Series EV04 50304
Rexroth Series EV07 50305
Richter Model BAV/F 50306
Richter Model BC/F 50307
Richter Model BCV/F 50308
Richter Model BV/F 50309
Richter Model CV/F 50310
Richter Model CVV/F 50311
Richter Model GR/F 50312
Richter Model GU/F 50313
Richter Model GUT/F 50314
Richter Model HV/F 50315
Richter Model HVR/F 50316
Richter Model KA/F 50317
Richter Model KK/F 50318
Richter Model KN-S/F 50319
Richter Model KN/F 50320
Richter Model KNA/F 50321
Richter Model KNAP/F 50322
Richter Model KNAR/F 50323
Richter Model KNP/F 50324
Richter Model KNR/F 50325
Richter Model KSE/F 50326
Richter Model LPV/F-A 50327
Richter Model LPV/F-D 50328
Richter Model MV/F 50329
Richter Model NK/F 50330
Richter Model NKL/F 50331
Richter Model NKP/F 50332
Richter Model NKS/F 50333
Richter Model PA/F 50334
Richter Model PA/S 50335
Richter Model RSS/F 50336
Richter Model SR-B/F 50337
Richter Model SR/F 50338
Richter Model SRV-B/F 50339
Richter Model SRV/F 50340
Richter Model SRZ-V/F 50341
Samson Type 3241 50342
Samson Type 3244 50343
Samson Type 3245 50344
Samson Type 3247 50345
Samson Type 3248 50346
Samson Type 3249 50347
Samson Type 3251 50348
Samson Type 3252 50349
Samson Type 3253 50350
Samson Type 3254 50351
Samson Type 3256 50352
Samson Type 3259 50353
Samson Type 3281 50354
Samson Type 3286 50355
Samson Type 3284 50356
Samson Type 3345 50357
Samson Type 3347 50358
Samson Type 3351 50359
Samson Type 3353 50360
Samson Type 3381 50361
Samson Type 3510 50362
Samson Type 3701 50363
Samson Type W&T RVG 50364
Samson Type W&T DUV-C3 50365
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 1a 50366
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 1b 50367
Samson Type V2001-IP 50368
Samson Type V2001-P 50369
Samson Type V2001-PA 50370
Samson Type V2001-E1 50371
Samson Type V2001-E3 50372
Samson Type 3237 50373
Samson Type 3310 50374
Samson Type 3331 50375
Samson Type 3335 50376
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 10a 50377
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 10e 50378
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 14b 50379
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 14c 50380
Samson Type LTR 43 50381
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26 50382
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 20a 50383
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 20b 50384
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 21a 50385
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 22a 50386
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26l 50387
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26t 50388
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 26v 50389
Samson Type VETEC 72.3 50390
Samson Type VETEC 72.4 50391
Samson Type VETEC 73.3 50392
Samson Type VETEC 73.7 50393
Samson Type 3237-1 50394
Samson Type 3237-7 50395
VTI K905 50396
VTI P100 50397
VTI P200 50398
VTI P202 50399
VTI P300 50400
VTI P500 50401
VTI P502 50402
VTI K200 50403
VTI Excess Flow Valve 50404
VTI K36 50405
VTI K44 50406
VTI K632 50407
VTI K50 50408
VTI K21 50409
VTI K36 II 50410
VTI K622 50411
VTI K633 50412
VTI K85-11 50413
VTI K85-13 50414
VTI K85-20 50415
VTI K85-41 50416
VTI K85-50 50417
VTI K85-55 50418
VTI K85-63 50419
VTI K46 50420
VTI K47 50421
VTI K48 50422
VTI K49 50423
VTI K900 50424
VTI K904 50425
VTI K100 50427
BV10000 8665
BV12000 8667
BV14000 8669
BV16000 8671
BV18000 8673
BV20000 8675
BV22000 8677
BV24000 8679
BV26000 8681
BV28000 8683
BV30000 8685
BV34000 8687
BV36000 8689
XT-5 8691
XT-6 8693
XT-7 8695
XTV-5 8697
XTV-6 8699
XTV-7 8701
Blackhall Series 2005 80001
Blackhall Series 2012 80002
Blackhall Series 2013 80003
Blackhall Series 2020 80004
Blackhall Series 2100 80005
Blackhall Series 2101 80006
Blackhall Series 2200 80007
Blackhall Series 2300 80008
Blackhall Series 2301 80009
Blackhall Series 2400 80010
Blackhall Series 2500 80011
Blackhall Series 2501 80012
Blackhall Series 2600 80013
Blackhall Series 2700 80014
Blackhall Series 2800 80015
Blackhall Series 3200 80016
Blackhall Series 3300 80017
Blackhall Series 4100 80018
Blackhall Series 4200 80019
Blackhall Series 4300 80020
Blackhall Series 4400 80021
Blackhall Series 4500 80022
Blackhall Series 9101 80023
Blackhall Series 9111 80024
Blackhall Series 9121 80025
Blackhall Series 9201 80026
Blackhall Series 9211 80027
Blackhall Series 9221 80028
Blackhall Series 9301 80029
Blackhall Series 9311 80030
Blackhall Angle Pattern Float Control Valve 80031
Blackhall Parallel Faced Gate Valve 80032
Blackhall Larner Johnson Needle Valve 80033
Blackhall Automatic Recirculation Valve 80034
Blackhall Bellows Sealed Angle Globe Valve 80035
Blackhall Vent vacuum valve 80036
Blackhall 3 Way Switch Valve 80037
Blackhall High Temperature Gate Valve 80038
Blackhall High Temperature Plate Valve 80039
Blackhall Parallel Plug Valve 80040
Blackhall Sample Valve 80041
Blackhall Tank Bottom Valve 80042
Blackhall Taper Plug Valve 80043
Blackhall 3-Piece Trunnion Ball Valve CL900 80045
BV500 8705
BV501 8707
BV502 8709
BV503 8711
BV504 8713
BV505 8715
BV800 8717
BV801 8719
BV802 8721
BV803 8723
BV830 8725
BV831 8727
BV990 8729
BV992 8731
BV993 8733
Maxseal Model ICO2S 8737
Maxseal Model ICO4D 8739
Maxseal Model ICO4N 8741
Maxseal Model ICO4S 8743
Maxseal Model AOV 8745
Maxseal Model POV 8747
Maxseal Model SOV 8749
Maxseal Model POICO4 8751
Maxseal Model Dual Shuttle Valve 8753
Maxseal Model M01 8755
Maxseal Model M02 8757
Maxseal Model M03 8759
Maxseal Model K02 8761
Maxseal Model K04 8763
Maxseal Model K05 8765
Maxseal Model K06 8767
Maxseal Model K07 8769
Maxseal Model K11 8771
Maxseal Model K12 8773
Maxseal Model K13 8775
Maxseal Model R05 8777
Maxseal Model R06 8779
Maxseal Model PC 8781
Maxseal Model L01 8783
Maxseal Model L03 8785
Maxseal Model J07 8787
Maxseal Model J08 8789
Maxseal Model J09 8791
Maxseal Model J10 8793
Maxseal Model J16 8795
Maxseal Model J17 8797
Maxseal Model J20 8799
Maxseal Model J26 8801
Maxseal Model J50 8803
Ashford Model D14 8805
Ashford Model D29 8807
Ashford Model D30 8809
Ashford Model D31 8811
Ashford Model D40 8813
Ashford Model D50 8815
Ashford Model E70 8817
Ashford Model E71 8819
Ashford Model E72 8821
Ashford Model E73 8823
Ashford Model E74 8825
Ashford Model E76 8827
Ashford Model E80 8829
Ashford Model E84 8831
Ashford Model F20 8833
Ashford Model F26 8835
Ashford Model F30 8837
Ashford Model F50 8839
Ashford Model F61 8841
Ashford Model H21 8843
Ashford Model H31 8845
Ashford Model H34 8847
Ashford Model H39 8849
Ashford Model H51 8851
Ashford Model H54 8853
Ashford Model J26 8855
Ashford Model J99 8857
Ashford Model N04 8859
Ashford Model N07 8861
NHI Bellows Model 6045 8863
NHI Bellows Model 6055 8865
NHI Bellows Model 6065 8867
NHI Bellows Model 6075 8869
Goodwin BR 8873
Goodwin BFR 8875
Goodwin BFT 8877
Goodwin BSR 8879
Goodwin BTR 8881
Goodwin BHR 8883
Goodwin BH 8885
Goodwin BWR 8887
Goodwin BL 8889
Goodwin BFL 8891
Goodwin BSL 8893
Hopkinsons A21901 8897
Hopkinsons A21901W 8899
Hopkinsons A21903 8901
Hopkinsons A21903W 8903
Hopkinsons A21906 8905
Hopkinsons A21906W 8907
Hopkinsons A23906 8909
Hopkinsons A23906W 8911
Hopkinsons A21909 8913
Hopkinsons A21909W 8915
Hopkinsons A23909 8917
Hopkinsons A23909W 8919
Hopkinsons A21910W 8921
Hopkinsons A23910W 8923
Hopkinsons A21915W 8925
Hopkinsons A21915S 8927
Hopkinsons A21917W 8929
Hopkinsons A21917S 8931
Hopkinsons A21921W 8933
Hopkinsons A21923W 8935
Hopkinsons A23923W 8937
Hopkinsons A21925W 8939
Hopkinsons A21925S 8941
Hopkinsons A21931W 8943
Hopkinsons A23931W 8945
Hopkinsons A21931S 8947
Hopkinsons A21936W 8949
Hopkinsons M218420W 8951
Hopkinsons M268420W 8953
Hopkinsons A21825W 8955
Hopkinsons A26825W 8957
Hopkinsons M218520W 8959
Hopkinsons M268520W 8961
Hopkinsons A21831W 8963
Hopkinsons A26831W 8965
Hopkinsons A21815W 8967
Hopkinsons A26815W 8969
Hopkinsons A21809W 8975
Hopkinsons A26809W 8977
Hopkinsons A21836W 8987
Hopkinsons A26836W 8989
Hopkinsons A70 8995
Hopkinsons Bled (Extraction) Steam Check Valve 8997
Hopkinsons Cold Reheat Check Valve 8999
Hopkinsons Compressor Discharge Check Valve 9001
Hopkinsons Feedwater Check Valve 9003
Hopkinsons Swing Check Valve 9005
Hopkinsons Reheater Isolating Device 9007
Hopkinsons Uniflow Slide Valve 9009
Hopkinsons Spring Loaded Feedheater Bypass Valve 9011
Hopkinsons Globe Valve 9013
MAC Side Entry Ball Valve 9017
MAC Top Entry Ball Valve 9019
MAC Double Block & Bleed Ball Valve 9021
Sarasin-RSBD Change Over Valve 9025
Sarasin-RSBD Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valve Serie 9027
Sarasin-RSBD Safety Relief Valve 9029
Sebim Pilot Operated Safety Valve 9033
Sebim Pilot Operated Safety Relief Valve Tandem 9035
Sebim Discharge Pilot Operated Safety Valve 9037
Sebim Pilot Operated Isolation Valve 9039
Sebim Spring Loaded Safety Relief Valve 9041
Severn Series 5000 80046
Severn Gloceal 80047
Severn EPIC 80048
Shipham GA Series 80049
Shipham GL Series 80050
Shipham BA Series 80051
Shipham LC Series 80052
Shipham SC Series 80053
Shipham C Series 80054
Shipham RSeries 80055
Shipham E Series 80056
Shipham T Series 80057
Shipham TOSV 80058
Shipham HY Series 80059
Spirax Sarco DCV1 9045
Spirax Sarco DCV2 9047
Spirax Sarco DCV3 9049
Spirax Sarco DCV4 9051
Spirax Sarco DCV7 9053
Spirax Sarco DCV8 9055
Spirax Sarco DCV9 9057
Spirax Sarco DCV41 9059
Spirax Sarco LCV1 9061
Spirax Sarco LCV2 9063
Spirax Sarco SDCV3 9065
Spirax Sarco SDCV4 9067
Spirax Sarco SDCV7 9069
Spirax Sarco SDCV8 9071
Spirax Sarco WCV1 9073
Spirax Sarco WCV2 9075
Spirax Sarco WCV3 9077
Spirax Sarco DV1 9079
Spirax Sarco DV2 9081
Spirax Sarco C Series 9083
Spirax Sarco K Series KE71 9085
Spirax Sarco K Series KE73 9087
Spirax Sarco K Series KE43 9089
Spirax Sarco K Series KE63 9091
Spirax Sarco K Series KE71B 9093
Spirax Sarco K Series KE73B 9095
Spirax Sarco K Series KE43B 9097
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL73 9099
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL43 9101
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL73D 9103
Spirax Sarco QL Series QL43D 9105
Spirax Sarco LE Series 9107
Spirax Sarco PF5 Series 9109
Spirax Sarco PF6 Series 9111
Spirax Sarco SRV2 9113
Spirax Sarco LRV2 9115
Spirax Sarco BRV71 9117
Spirax Sarco BRV73 9119
Spirax Sarco DEP7 9121
Spirax Sarco DEP4 9123
Spirax Sarco DRV7 9125
Spirax Sarco DRV7G 9127
Spirax Sarco DRV4 9129
Spirax Sarco DRV4G 9131
Spirax Sarco DP17 9133
Spirax Sarco DP143 9135
Spirax Sarco DP163 9137
Spirax Sarco BRV2 9139
Spirax Sarco SV405 9141
Spirax Sarco SV604 9143
Spirax Sarco SV607 9145
Spirax Sarco SV615 9147
Spirax Sarco SV73 9149
Spirax Sarco SV74 9151
Spirax Sarco SV488 9153
Spirax Sarco SV606 9155
Spirax Sarco SV80 9157
Spirax Sarco SV81 9159
Spirax Sarco SV60 9161
Spirax Sarco BSA 9163
Spirax Sarco A3S 9165
Spirax Sarco HV3 9167
Spirax Sarco RP31 9169
Spirax Sarco RP32 9171
Spirax Sarco M10V 9173
Spirax Sarco M10S 9175
Spirax Sarco M10H 9177
Spirax Sarco M10F 9179
Spirax Sarco M10P 9181
Spirax Sarco M10HP 9183
Spirax Sarco M10T 9185
Spirax Sarco M15V 9187
Spirax Sarco M15K 9189
Spirax Sarco M60G 9191
Spirax Sarco M60K 9193
Spirax Sarco M31V 9195
Spirax Sarco M31S 9197
Spirax Sarco M31H 9199
Spirax Sarco M31T 9201
Spirax Sarco M31F 9203
Spirax Sarco M32S 9205
Spirax Sarco M40V 9207
Spirax Sarco M40S 9209
Spirax Sarco M40F 9211
Spirax Sarco M42S 9213
Spirax Sarco M21S 9215
Spirax Sarco M45V 9217
Spirax Sarco M45K 9219
Spirax Sarco M20H 9221
Spirax Sarco M20S 9223
Spirax Sarco BW7A 9225
Spirax Sarco BS7H 9227
Spirax Sarco BS7A 9229
Fushiman T88, Temperature Regulating Valve 60001
Fushiman T88S, Temperature Regulating Valve 60002
Fushiman BW4, Temperature Regulating Valve 60003
Fushiman Wax Type, Temperature Regulating Valve 60004
Fushiman P260, Pressure Reducing Valve 60005
Fushiman PHP30, Pressure Reducing Valve 60006
Fushiman PPD41-2, Pressure Reducing Valve 60007
Fushiman B260, Back Pressure Regulating Valve 60008
Fushiman PMD31, Pressure Reducing Valve 60009
Fushiman PMD31L, Pressure Reducing Valve 60010
Fushiman PPD41B, Pressure Reducing Valve 60011
Fushiman PPD41B-2, Pressure Reducing Valve 60012
Fushiman PPD41L-2, Pressure Reducing Valve 60013
Fushiman PFD42, Pressure Reducing Valve 60014
Fushiman RMD31, Back Pressure Regulating Valve 60015
Fushiman RMD31L, Back Pressure Regulating Valve 60016
Fushiman RFD42, Back Pressure Regulating Valve 60017
Fushiman RPD52-2, Back Pressure Regulating Valve 60018
Fushiman PLG61-2, Pressure Reducing Valve 60019
Fushiman PRL, Pressure Reducing Valve 60020
Fushiman PPD25, Pressure Reducing Valve 60021
Fushiman 67R, Pressure Reducing Valve 60022
Fushiman PLG41, Pressure Reducing Valve 60023
Fushiman RLG61-2, Pressure Regulating Valve 60024
Fushiman BRL, Back Pressure Regulating Valve 60025
Fushiman AW, Pressure Reducing Valve 60026
Fushiman AWR, Back Pressure Regulating Valve 60027
Fushiman RPF12, Safety Relief Valve 60028
Fushiman RPF13, Safety Relief Valve 60029
Fushiman RPC14, Relief Valve 60030
Fushiman R101-1BHA, Relief Valve 60031
Larox PV 220001
Larox PVE 220002
Larox PVE/S 220003
Larox PVS 220004
Zhejiang ShuangDa Floating Ball Valve 70001
Zhejiang ShuangDa Trunnion Ball Valve 70002
Zhejiang ShuangDa Gate Valve 70003
Zhejiang ShuangDa Parallel Gate Valve 70004
Zhejiang ShuangDa Butterfly Valve 70005
Zhejiang ShuangDa Globe Valve 70006
Zhejiang ShuangDa Swing Check Valve 70007
Zhejiang ShuangDa Wafer Check Valve 70008
Zhejiang ShuangDa Lubricated Plug Valve 70009
Zhejiang ShuangDa Pressure Balanced Plug Valve 70010
Kor-Lok SRV 240001
Kor-Lok SRGV 240002
Kor-Lok SRGV2 240003
Kor-Lok SBL 240004
Kor-Lok SGVU 240005
Kor-Lok SNVF 240006
Kor-Lok SNVM 240007
Kor-Lok SNVMU 240008
Kor-Lok SNVW 240009
Kor-Lok SAVF 240010
Kor-Lok SAVU 240011
Kor-Lok SBVU 240012
Kor-Lok SBVF 240013
Kor-Lok SCV 240014
Kor-Lok 2VM 240015
Kor-Lok 3VM 240016
Kor-Lok 5VM 240017
Strahman Type 035D 110001
Strahman Type 040 110002
Strahman Type 046 110003
Strahman Type 047 110004
Strahman Type 050D 110005
Strahman Type 053 110006
Strahman Type 055 110007
Strahman Type 060D 110008
Strahman Type 072 110009
Strahman Type 074 110010
Strahman Type 222/9115 110011
Strahman Type 230 110012
Strahman Type 337D 110013
Strahman Type 339D 110014
Strahman Type 340D 110015
Strahman Type 570 110016
Strahman Type 550 110017
Strahman Type ME 110018
Strahman Type MB 110019
Strahman Type MT 110020
Strahman Type M Seal 110021
Strahman Type Poppet 110022
Strahman Type Change Over 110023
Strahman Econo Blind 110024
Strahman Stacey 110025
Strahman Safe Blind 110026
Strahman Cam Blind 110027
Strahman Enclosed Blind 110028
Linatex® LinaValve STTM 250001
Linatex® Jaco 250002
Linatex® LinaFlow 250003
Linatex® Knife Gate Valve 250004
Linatex® Single Non Return (SNR) Check Valve 250005
Linatex® Double Non Return (DNR) Check Valve 250006
Linatex® Delta 250007
Sigma SA-101 250008
Sigma SA-102 250009
Sigma SA-103 250010
Sigma SA-104 250011
Sigma SA-3WRH-3000 250012
Sigma SA-201P 250013
Sigma SA-201 250014
Sigma SA-201M 250015
Sigma SA-201R 250016
Sigma SA-201H 250017
Sigma SA-2S-T/T 250018
Sigma SA-2S-M/M 250019
Sigma SA-2S-M/F 250020
Sigma SA-2SHM-2000 / 2160 250021
Sigma SA-301 250022
Sigma SA-301DM 250023
Sigma SA-301M 250024
Sigma SA-302 250025
Sigma SA-301L 250026
Sigma SA-301SB 250027
Sigma SA-301HP 250028
Sigma SA-3FL-DM 250029
Sigma SA-3FH-3000 250030
Sigma SA-503M 250031
Sigma SAF-503 250032
Sigma SA-503 250033
Sigma SA-503DM 250034
Sigma SA-4MBS 250035
Sigma SA-503DMTC 250036
Sigma SAF-503TC 250037
Sigma SAF-503TC1 250038
Sigma SAF-303 250039
Sigma SAF-305 250040
Sigma SAF-101 250041
Sigma SAF-102 250042
Sigma SAF201 250043
Sigma SAF-202 250044
Sigma SAF-203 250045
Sigma SAF-203L 250046
Sigma SAF-302 250047
Sigma SAF-601 250048
Sigma SAF-701 250049
Sigma SAF-801 250050
Sigma SAF-901 250051
Sigma SA-401 250052
Sigma SA-402 250053
Sigma CHE3F 250054
Sigma SA-504 250055
Sigma SA-601 250056
Sigma SA-701 250057
Sigma SA-801 250058
Sigma SA-801s 250059
Sigma SA-901 250060
Sigma SA-701Y 250061
Sigma SA-205 250062
Sigma SAF-205 250063
Sigma SAF-803 250064
Sigma SA-803 250065
Sigma SATL-12SS 250066
Sigma SATL-12 250067
Sigma SATL-14 250068
Sigma SATL-13 250069
Sigma SATL-15 250070
Sigma SATL-15SS 250071
Sigma SATL-40 250072
Sigma SATL-41 250073
Sigma SATL-62 250074
Sigma SATL-63 250075
Sigma SATL-63SS 250076
Sigma SATL-64 250077
Sigma SATL-65 250078
Sigma SATL-66 250079
Sigma SATL-67 250080
BERMAD 400 Series 230001
BERMAD Model 700 230002
BERMAD Model 705 230003
BERMAD Model 710 230004
BERMAD Model 718-03 230005
BERMAD Model 720 230006
BERMAD Model 720-PD 230007
BERMAD Model 730 230008
BERMAD Model 735-M 230009
BERMAD Model 736 230010
BERMAD Model 740 230011
BERMAD Model 750-66-B 230012
BERMAD Model 750-80-X 230013
BERMAD Model 770-U 230014
BERMAD Model 790-M 230015
BERMAD Model 800 230016
BERMAD Model 805 230017
BERMAD Model 820 230018
BERMAD Model 820-PP 230019
BERMAD Model 835-M 230020
BERMAD Model 840 230021
BERMAD AF 700 Series 230022
BERMAD Type TOO 230023
BERMAD Type TOR 230024
BERMAD FP 400E-1M 230025
BERMAD FP 400E-2M 230026
BERMAD FP 400E-3M 230027
BERMAD FP 400E-4M 230028
BERMAD FP 400E-5M 230029
BERMAD FP 400E-2MC 230030
BERMAD FP 400E-3DC 230031
BERMAD FP 400E-4DC 230032
BERMAD FP 400E-5DC 230033
BERMAD FP 400E-6DC 230034
BERMAD FP 400E-3D 230035
BERMAD FP 400E-4D 230036
BERMAD FP 400E-5D 230037
BERMAD FP 400E-6D 230038
BERMAD FP 400E-2M-VDS 230039
BERMAD FP 400E-3M-VDS 230040
BERMAD FP 400E-4M-VDS 230041
BERMAD FP 400E-2-VDS 230042
BERMAD FP 400E-3-VDS 230043
BERMAD FP 400E-4-VDS 230044
BERMAD FP 400E-3X 230045
BERMAD FP 400E-4X 230046
BERMAD FP 400E-5X 230047
BERMAD FP 400E-6X 230048
BERMAD FP 400E-6X-N 230049
BERMAD FP 400E-60C-N 230050
BERMAD FP 700E-3X-N-BO 230051
BERMAD FP 405E-11 230052
BERMAD FP 405E-02 230053
BERMAD FP 420E-HY 230054
BERMAD FP 400E-7M 230055
BERMAD FP 400E-7BM 230056
BERMAD FP 400E-7DM 230057
BERMAD FP 400E-DP 230058
BERMAD FP 420E-00 230059
BERMAD FP 430E-UF 230060
BERMAD FP 730E-UF 230061
BERMAD FP 430-59 230062
BERMAD FP 730-59 230063
BERMAD FP 436 230064
BERMAD FP 730-R=UL 230065
BERMAD FP 770-UL-A3 230066
BERMAD FP 770-UL-A5 230067
BERMAD FP 450-60 230068
BERMAD FP 450-65 230069
BERMAD FP 450-66 230070
BERMAD FP 450-80-M6 230071
Cepex® True Union Ball Valve, Industrial Series 230072
Cepex® True Union Check Valves, Ball Series 230073
Cepex® Butterfly Valve, Industrial Series 230074
Cepex® Butterfly Valve, Classic Series 230075
Control SealTM Double Block and Bleed Valve 9645
Control SealTM Rising Stem Ball Valve 9647
Mokveld Control Valve 9651
Mokveld Check Valve, short pattern 9653
Mokveld Check Valve, API 6D 9655
Mokveld Surge Relief Valve 9657
Mokveld Shut-Off Valve 9659
ORBINOX Series 10 9663
ORBINOX Series 11 9665
ORBINOX Series 20 9667
ORBINOX Series 30 9669
ORBINOX Series 35 9671
ORBINOX Series 60 9673
ORBINOX Series 70 9675
ORBINOX Series 80 9677
Venus Model N2 230076
Venus Model B8 230077
Venus Model P6 230078
Venus Model A9H 230079
Venus Model C1H 230080
Venus Model F3 230081
Venus Model A9S 230082
Venus Model C3S 230083
Venus Model G5 230084
Venus Model R7 230085
Venus Model C2R 230086
Venus Model Y10 230087
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVS 230088
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVBS 230089
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVMS 230090
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVUS 230091
EuroValve® Wouter Witzel EVFS 230092
EuroValve® Euronomic BA 230093
EuroValve® Euronomic BB 230094
EuroValve® Eurocheck ECV 230095
EuroValve® Dynaxe W201 230096
EuroValve® Dynaxe L201 230097
EuroValve® Dynaxe D201 230098
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.1 9866
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.3 9867
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.5 9868
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.7 9869
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.9 9870
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.11 9871
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.13 9872
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.15 9873
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.17 9874
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.19 9875
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.21 9876
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.23 9877
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.25 9878
4G GHIDINI Figure 1.27 9879
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.1 9880
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.3 9881
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.5 9882
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.7 9883
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.9 9884
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.11 9885
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.13 9886
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.15 9887
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.17 9888
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.19 9889
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.21 9890
4G GHIDINI Figure 2.23 9891
4G GHIDINI Figure 3.1 9892
4G GHIDINI Figure 3.3 9893
4G GHIDINI Figure 4.1 9894
4G GHIDINI Figure 4.3 9895
4G GHIDINI Figure 4.5 9896
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.1 9897
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.3 9898
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.5 9899
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.7 9900
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.9 9901
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.11 9902
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.13 9903
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.15 9904
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.17 9905
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.19 9906
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.21 9907
4G GHIDINI Figure 5.23 9908
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.0.1 9909
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.0.3 9910
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.1 9911
4G GHIDINI Figure 6.3 9912
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.1 9913
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.3 9914
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.5 9915
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.7 9916
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.9 9917
4G GHIDINI Figure 7.11 9918
4G GHIDINI Figure 8.1 9919
4G GHIDINI Figure 8.3 9920
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.1 9921
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.3 9922
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.5 9923
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.7 9924
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.9 9925
4G GHIDINI Figure 9.11 9926
4G GHIDINI Figure 10.1 9927
4G GHIDINI Figure 10.3 9928
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.1 9929
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.2.1 9930
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.3 9931
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.5 9932
4G GHIDINI Figure 11.7 9933
Winel Type RM-1 9963
Winel Type RM-2 9964
Winel Type Bolero 9965
Winel Type RMO 9966
VAT 64 Series 873
Lunkenheimer Figure F603 9968
Lunkenheimer Figure F604 9969
Lunkenheimer Figure F605 9970
Lunkenheimer Figure F606 9971
Lunkenheimer Figure F607 9972
Lunkenheimer Figure F608 90100
Lunkenheimer Figure F609 90105
Lunkenheimer Figure F621 90110
Lunkenheimer Figure F623 90115
Lunkenheimer Figure F625 90120
Lunkenheimer Figure F645 90125
Klein K4050 90130
Klein K4100 90135
Klein K4150 90140
BESA Model 241 120001
BESA Model 242 120002
BESA Model 241T 120003
BESA Model 241b 120004
BESA Model 242b 120005
BESA Model 241F 120006
BESA Model 242F 120007
BESA Model 241bF 120008
BESA Model 242bF 120009
BESA Model 251 120010
BESA Model 252 120011
BESA Model 261 120012
BESA Model 262 120013
BESA Model 131 120014
BESA Model 132 120015
BESA Model 139 120016
BESA Model 249 120017
BESA Model 241PL 120018
BESA Val-fonta VAL-VM 120019
Cimberio CIM 70BS 9233
Cimberio CIM 70BSL 9235
Cimberio CIM 70BSCR 9237
Cimberio CIM 70BCRL 9239
Cimberio CIM 70B 9241
Cimberio CIM 70WOG 9243
Cimberio CIM 50 9245
Cimberio CIM 71 9247
Cimberio CIM 71/50 9249
Cimberio CIM 71/50CC 9251
Cimberio CIM *72FPN6 9253
Cimberio CIM *72FPN10 9255
Cimberio CIM *72FPN16 9257
Cimberio CIM 72FPN6 9259
Cimberio CIM 72FPN10 9261
Cimberio CIM 72FPN16 9263
Cimberio CIM 58 9265
Cimberio CIM 50CC 9267
Cimberio CIM 2999 9269
Cimberio CIM 3000 9271
Cimberio CIM 3010 9273
Cimberio CIM 3099 9275
Cimberio CIM 3100 9277
Cimberio CIM 3110 9279
Cimberio CIM 3199 9281
Cimberio CIM 3200 9283
Cimberio CIM 206/12CR 9285
Cimberio CIM 207/12CR 9287
Cimberio CIM 306/12CR 9289
Cimberio CIM 307/12CR 9291
Cimberio CIM 406/12CR 9293
Cimberio CIM 407/12CR 9295
Cimberio CIM 506/12CR 9297
Cimberio CIM 507/12CR 9299
Cimberio CIM 206 9301
Cimberio CIM 206/12 9303
Cimberio CIM 206/14 9305
Cimberio CIM 207 9307
Cimberio CIM 207/12 9309
Cimberio CIM 207/14 9311
Cimberio CIM 208 9313
Cimberio CIM 208/12 9315
Cimberio CIM 208/14 9317
Cimberio CIM 87 9319
Cimberio CIM 306 9321
Cimberio CIM 306/12 9323
Cimberio CIM 306/14 9325
Cimberio CIM 307 9327
Cimberio CIM 307/12 9329
Cimberio CIM 307/14 9331
Cimberio CIM 308 9333
Cimberio CIM 308/12 9335
Cimberio CIM 308/14 9337
Cimberio CIM 406 9339
Cimberio CIM 406/12 9341
Cimberio CIM 406/14 9343
Cimberio CIM 407 9345
Cimberio CIM 407/12 9347
Cimberio CIM 407/14 9349
Cimberio CIM 408 9351
Cimberio CIM 408/12 9353
Cimberio CIM 408/14 9355
Cimberio CIM 506 9357
Cimberio CIM 506/12 9359
Cimberio CIM 506/14 9361
Cimberio CIM 507 9363
Cimberio CIM 507/12 9365
Cimberio CIM 507/14 9367
Cimberio CIM 508 9369
Cimberio CIM 508/12 9371
Cimberio CIM 508/14 9373
Cimberio CIM 722L 9375
Cimberio CIM 722M 9377
Cimberio CIM 721L 9379
Cimberio CIM 721M 9381
Cimberio CIM 721S 9383
Cimberio CIM 721 9385
Cimberio CIM 722S 9387
Cimberio CIM 722 9389
Cimberio CIM 3721 9391
Cimberio CIM 3722 9393
Cimberio CIM 737L 9395
Cimberio CIM 737ML 9397
Cimberio CIM 737MS 9399
Cimberio CIM 736L 9401
Cimberio CIM 736ML 9403
Cimberio CIM 736MS 9405
Cimberio CIM 727L 9407
Cimberio CIM 727 9409
Cimberio CIM 737 9411
Cimberio CIM 747 9413
Cimberio CIM 745 9415
Cimberio CIM 748 9417
Cimberio CIM 736 9419
Cimberio CIM 3736 9421
Cimberio CIM 3737 9423
Cimberio CIM 61 9425
Cimberio CIM 62 9427
Cimberio CIM 73 9429
Cimberio CIM 74 9431
Cimberio CIM 75 9433
Cimberio CIM 81 9435
Cimberio CIM 81L 9437
Cimberio CIM *76PN6 9439
Cimberio CIM *76PN10 9441
Cimberio CIM *76PN16 9443
Cimberio CIM 76PN6 9445
Cimberio CIM 76PN10 9447
Cimberio CIM 76PN16 9449
Cimberio CIM *82PN6 9451
Cimberio CIM *82PN10 9453
Cimberio CIM *82PN16 9455
Cimberio CIM 82PN6 9457
Cimberio CIM 82PN10 9459
Cimberio CIM 82PN16 9461
Cimberio CIM *77PN6 9463
Cimberio CIM *77PN10 9465
Cimberio CIM *77PN16 9467
Cimberio CIM 77PN6 9469
Cimberio CIM 77PN10 9471
Cimberio CIM 77PN16 9473
Cimberio CIM *79PN6 9475
Cimberio CIM *79PN10 9477
Cimberio CIM *79PN16 9479
Cimberio CIM 79PN6 9481
Cimberio CIM 79PN10 9483
Cimberio CIM 79PN16 9485
Cimberio CIM 78 9487
Cimberio CIM 79A 9489
Cimberio CIM 80 9491
Cimberio CIM 80A 9493
Cimberio CIM 30 9495
Cimberio CIM 30DK 9497
Cimberio CIM 30VA 9499
Cimberio CIM 32 9501
Cimberio CIM 32DK 9503
Cimberio CIM 33CR 9505
Cimberio CIM 33DK 9507
Cimberio CIM 95 9509
Cimberio CIM 95A 9511
Cimberio CIM 30A 9513
Cimberio CIM 30ADK 9515
Cimberio CIM 33ACR 9517
Cimberio CIM 33ADK 9519
Cimberio CIM 96 9521
Cimberio CIM 60 9523
Cimberio CIM 700 9525
Cimberio CIM 700RE 9527
Cimberio CIM 702 9529
Cimberio CIM 702RE 9531
Cimberio CIM 703 9533
Cimberio CIM 703RE 9535
Cimberio CIM 708 9537
Cimberio CIM 708RE 9539
Cimberio CIM 710 9541
Cimberio CIM 710RE 9543
Cimberio CIM 600RE 9545
Cimberio CIM 602RE 9547
Cimberio CIM 603RE 9549
Cimberio CIM 400 9551
Cimberio CIM 402 9553
Cimberio CIM 403 9555
Cimberio CIM 031 9557
Cimberio CIM 032 9559
Cimberio CIM 033 9561
Cimberio CIM 011 9563
Cimberio CIM 012 9565
Cimberio CIM 013 9567
Cimberio CIM 014 9569
Cimberio CIM 015 9571
Cimberio CIM 016 9573
Cimberio CIM 017 9575
Cimberio CIM 018 9577
Cimberio CIM 019 9579
Cimberio CIM 020 9581
Cimberio CIM 021 9583
Cimberio CIM 022 9585
Cimberio CIM 10 9587
Cimberio CIM 310 9589
Cimberio CIM 11 9591
Cimberio CIM 11CR 9593
Cimberio CIM 11NPT 9595
Cimberio CIM 12 9597
Cimberio CIM 12CR 9599
Cimberio CIM 12NPT 9601
Cimberio CIM 312 9603
Cimberio CIM 312CR 9605
Cimberio CIM 312NPT 9607
Cimberio CIM 14 9609
Cimberio CIM 14M 9611
Cimberio CIM 314 9613
Cimberio CIM 16 9615
Cimberio CIM 17 9617
Cimberio CIM 317 9619
Cimberio CIM RED5 9621
Cimberio CIM RED5/1 9623
Cimberio CIM RED6 9625
Cimberio CIM 200 9627
Cimberio CIM 300 9629
Cimberio CIM 201 9631
Cimberio CIM 301 9633
Cimberio CIM 9635
Cimberio CIM 241.1 9637
Cimberio CIM 226.1 9639
Cimberio CIM 223MC.1 9641
Saleri Cryogenic Ball Valve 120020
Saleri Metal-to-Metal Ball Valve 120021
Saleri Subsea Ball Valve 120022
Saleri Jacketed Ball Valve 120023
Side Entry, Soft Seated 120024
Top Entry, Soft Seated 120025
Welded Body, Soft Seated 120026
Side Entry, Metal Seated 120027
Top Entry, Metal Seated 120028
Sub Sea Side Entry, Soft Seated 120029
Sub Sea Top Entry, Soft Seated 120030
Sub Sea Welded Body, Soft Seated 120031
PetrolValve Through Conduit Double Expanding Gate 120032
PetrolValve Through Conduit Slab Gate Valve 120033
PetrolValve Bolted Bonnet Wedge Gate Valve 120034
PetrolValve Pressure Seal Wedge Gate Valve 120035
PetrolValve Through Conduit Slab (Fabricated/Wafer) 120036
PetrolValve Parallel Slide Valve - Bolted Bonnet 120037
PetrolValve Parallel Slide Valve - Pressure Seal 120038
PetrolValve Bolted Bonnet Globe Valve - Standard Patt 120039
PetrolValve Pressure Seal Globe Valve - Standard Patt 120040
PetrolValve Angle Bolted Bonnet Globe Valve 120041
PetrolValve Angle Pressure Seal Globe Valve 120042
PetrolValve Y Pattern Pressure Seal Globe Valve 120043
PetrolValve Bolted Bonnet Swing Type Check Valve 120044
PetrolValve Pressure Seal Tilting Disc Check Valve 120045
PetrolValve Nozzle Check Valve 120046
PetrolValve Dual Plate Check Valve 120047
PetrolValve Piston Check Valve 120048
PetrolValve Stop Check Valve 120049
PetrolValve Split Body / End Entry Ball Valve 120050
PetrolValve Top Entry Ball Valve 120051
PetrolValve Three Way Ball Valve 120052
PetrolValve PTA Ball Valve 120053
PetrolValve Plug Type Choke Valve 120054
PetrolValve Cage Type Choke Valve 120055
PetrolValve Depressurized Orifice Fitting Valve 120056
PetrolValve Pressurized Orifice Fitting Valve 120057
Rising Stem Ball Valve 120254
RuB Series k.60 9683
RuB Series k.84 9685
RuB Series s.84 EN331 9687
RuB Series s.10 9689
RuB Series s.10 TE 9691
RuB Series k.84 TE 9693
RuB Series s.91 9695
RuB Series s.91 lock 9697
RuB Series s.84 BSPT 9699
RuB Series s.95 NPT 9701
RuB Series s.82 side drain 9703
RuB Series s.92 NPT 9705
RuB Series s.80 NPT 9707
RuB Series s.8043 NPT 9709
RuB Series s.195 NPT 9711
RuB Series s.195 flare 9713
RuB Series s.195 side drain 9715
RuB Series s.15 9717
RuB Series s.33 9719
RuB Series s.100 9721
RuB Series s.101 9723
RuB Series s.85 9725
RuB Series s.84 SR 9727
RuB Series s.93 9729
RuB Series k.6405 9731
RuB Series s.6400 9733
RuB Series V-Tork 9735
RuB Series s.92 BD 9737
RuB Series s.95 SR 9739
RuB Series s.6441 NPT 9741
RuB Series s.6440 NPT 9743
RuB Series s.6439 NPT 9745
RuB Series s.130 NPT 9747
RuB Series Needle Valve 9749
RuB Series s.35 9751
RuB Series s.34 9753
RuB Series s.84 SAE 9755
RuB Series s.93 NPT 9757
RuB Series s.35 NPT 9759
RuB Series s.34 NPT 9761
RuB Series s.90 9763
RuB Series s.96 9765
RuB Series s.81 9767
RuB Series s.151 9769
RuB Series s.94 9771
RuB Series s.37 9773
RuB Series s.37 U 9775
RuB Series s.20 9777
RuB Series s.26 9779
RuB Series s.21 9781
RuB Series s.27 9783
RuB Series s.29 9785
RuB Series s.160 9787
RuB Series s.99 9789
RuB Series s.48 9791
RuB Series s.63 9793
RuB Series s.69 9795
RuB Series s.140 9797
RuB Series s.142 9799
RuB Series s.50 9801
RuB Series s.51 9803
RuB Series s.41 9805
RuB Series s.120 9807
RuB Series s.122 9809
RuB Series s.124 9811
RuB Series s.126 9813
RuB Series s.59 9815
RuB Series s.110 9817
RuB Series s.111 9819
RuB Series s.42 9821
RuB Series s.42 side drain 9823
RuB Series s.88 9825
RuB Series s.90 NPT 9827
RuB Series s.22 9829
RuB Series Cap & Strap 9831
RuB Series s.70 NPT 9833
RuB Series s.40 sweat 9835
RuB Series s.89 NPT 9837
RuB Series s.112 NPT 9839
RuB Series s.114 NPT 9841
RuB Series s.115 NPT 9843
RuB Series s.6094 square head 9845
RuB Series Puri-T 95 9847
RuB Series Puri-T 92 9849
RuB Series Puri-T 82 9851
RuB Series Puri-T 42 9853
RuB Series Puri-T 70 9855
RuB Series Puri-T 40 9857
RuB Series Puri-T 6439 9859
RuB Series Puri-T 6441 9861
RuB Series Puri-T 35 9863
Valvosider Fig. No. 450 120058
Valvosider Fig. No. 451 120059
Valvosider Fig. No. 452 120060
Valvosider Fig. No. 453 120061
Valvosider Fig. No. 454 120062
Valvosider Fig. No. 455 120063
Valvosider Fig. No. 450EB 120064
Valvosider Fig. No. 451EB 120065
Valvosider Fig. No. 452EB 120066
Valvosider Fig. No. 453EB 120067
Valvosider Fig. No. 454EB 120068
Valvosider Fig. No. 450SO 120069
Valvosider Fig. No. 451SO 120070
Valvosider Fig. No. 452SO 120071
Valvosider Fig. No. 453SO 120072
Valvosider Fig. No. 454SO 120073
Valvosider Fig. No. P52 120074
Valvosider Fig. No. P53 120075
Valvosider Fig. No. P54 120076
Valvosider Fig. No. P55 120077
Valvosider Fig. No. T50 120078
Valvosider Fig. No. T51 120079
Valvosider Fig. No. T52 120080
Valvosider Fig. No. T53 120081
Valvosider Fig. No. T54 120082
Valvosider Fig. No. 460 120083
Valvosider Fig. No. 461 120084
Valvosider Fig. No. 462 120085
Valvosider Fig. No. 463 120086
Valvosider Fig. No. 464 120087
Valvosider Fig. No. 460Y 120088
Valvosider Fig. No. 461Y 120089
Valvosider Fig. No. 462Y 120090
Valvosider Fig. No. 463Y 120091
Valvosider Fig. No. 464Y 120092
Valvosider Fig. No. 460A 120093
Valvosider Fig. No. 461A 120094
Valvosider Fig. No. 462A 120095
Valvosider Fig. No. 463A 120096
Valvosider Fig. No. 464A 120097
Valvosider Fig. No. 460EB 120098
Valvosider Fig. No. 461EB 120099
Valvosider Fig. No. 462EB 120100
Valvosider Fig. No. 463EB 120101
Valvosider Fig. No. 464EB 120102
Valvosider Fig. No. 460YSO 120103
Valvosider Fig. No. 461YSO 120104
Valvosider Fig. No. 462YSO 120105
Valvosider Fig. No. 463YSO 120106
Valvosider Fig. No. 464YSO 120107
Valvosider Fig. No. 460SO 120108
Valvosider Fig. No. 461SO 120109
Valvosider Fig. No. 462SO 120110
Valvosider Fig. No. 463SO 120111
Valvosider Fig. No. 464SO 120112
Valvosider Fig. No. P62 120113
Valvosider Fig. No. P63 120114
Valvosider Fig. No. P64 120115
Valvosider Fig. No. P65 120116
Valvosider Fig. No. P82 120117
Valvosider Fig. No. P83 120118
Valvosider Fig. No. P84 120119
Valvosider Fig. No. P85 120120
Valvosider Fig. No. 470 120121
Valvosider Fig. No. 471 120122
Valvosider Fig. No. 472 120123
Valvosider Fig. No. 473 120124
Valvosider Fig. No. 474 120125
Valvosider Fig. No. 475 120126
Valvosider Fig. No. 460PC 120127
Valvosider Fig. No. 461PC 120128
Valvosider Fig. No. 462PC 120129
Valvosider Fig. No. 463PC 120130
Valvosider Fig. No. 464PC 120131
Valvosider Fig. No. 490PC 120132
Valvosider Fig. No. 491PC 120133
Valvosider Fig. No. 492PC 120134
Valvosider Fig. No. 493PC 120135
Valvosider Fig. No. 494PC 120136
Valvosider Fig. No. 495PC 120137
Valvosider Fig. No. P72 120138
Valvosider Fig. No. P73 120139
Valvosider Fig. No. P74 120140
Valvosider Fig. No. P75 120141
Valvosider Fig. No. P62PC 120142
Valvosider Fig. No. P63PC 120143
Valvosider Fig. No. P64PC 120144
Valvosider Fig. No. P65PC 120145
Valvosider Fig. No. P82PC 120146
Valvosider Fig. No. P83PC 120147
Valvosider Fig. No. P84PC 120148
Valvosider Fig. No. P85PC 120149
Valvosider Fig. No. P72T 120150
Valvosider Fig. No. P73T 120151
Valvosider Fig. No. P74T 120152
Valvosider Fig. No. P75T 120153
Valvosider Fig. No. 1180 120154
Valvosider Fig. No. 1190 120155
Valvosider Fig. No. 1200 120156
Valvosider Fig. No. 1210 120157
Valvosider Fig. No. 1220 120158
Valvosider Fig. No. 1230 120159
Valvosider Fig. No. 1240 120160
Valvosider Fig. No. 1250 120161
Valvosider Fig. No. 1200EB 120162
Valvosider Fig. No. 1210EB 120163
Valvosider Fig. No. 1220EB 120164
Valvosider Fig. No. 1230EB 120165
Valvosider Fig. No. 1240EB 120166
Valvosider Fig. No. 1200SO 120167
Valvosider Fig. No. 1210SO 120168
Valvosider Fig. No. 1220SO 120169
Valvosider Fig. No. 1230SO 120170
Valvosider Fig. No. 1240SO 120171
Valvosider Fig. No. P24 120172
Valvosider Fig. No. P25 120173
Valvosider Fig. No. P26 120174
Valvosider Fig. No. P27 120175
Valvosider Fig. No. P28 120176
Valvosider Fig. No. 1800 120177
Valvosider Fig. No. 1670 120178
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560SO 120179
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570SO 120180
Valvosider Fig. No. 1401 120181
Valvosider Fig. No. 1430 120182
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560 120183
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570 120184
Valvosider Fig. No. 1580 120185
Valvosider Fig. No. 1810 120186
Valvosider Fig. No. 1680 120187
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560ASO 120188
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570ASO 120189
Valvosider Fig. No. 1410 120190
Valvosider Fig. No. 1440 120191
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560A 120192
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570A 120193
Valvosider Fig. No. 1432SO 120194
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560YSO 120195
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570YSO 120196
Valvosider Fig. No. 1403 120197
Valvosider Fig. No. 1432 120198
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560Y 120199
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570Y 120200
Valvosider Fig. No. P182 120201
Valvosider Fig. No. P183 120202
Valvosider Fig. No. P184 120203
Valvosider Fig. No. P185 120204
Valvosider Fig. No. P186 120205
Valvosider Fig. No. P162 120206
Valvosider Fig. No. P163 120207
Valvosider Fig. No. P164 120208
Valvosider Fig. No. P165 120209
Valvosider Fig. No. P166 120210
Valvosider Fig. No. 1430EB 120211
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560EB 120212
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570EB 120213
Valvosider Fig. No. 1405 120214
Valvosider Fig. No. 1434 120215
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560YR 120216
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570YR 120217
Valvosider Fig. No. 1311 120218
Valvosider Fig. No. 1312 120219
Valvosider Fig. No. 1313 120220
Valvosider Fig. No. 1314 120221
Valvosider Fig. No. 1315 120222
Valvosider Fig. No. 1316 120223
Valvosider Fig. No. 1317 120224
Valvosider Fig. No. 1411 120225
Valvosider Fig. No. 1441 120226
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560AR 120227
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570AR 120228
Valvosider Fig. No. 1402 120229
Valvosider Fig. No. 1431 120230
Valvosider Fig. No. 1560R 120231
Valvosider Fig. No. 1570R 120232
Valvosider Fig. No. 1580R 120233
Valvosider Fig. No. P172T 120234
Valvosider Fig. No. P173T 120235
Valvosider Fig. No. P174T 120236
Valvosider Fig. No. P175T 120237
Valvosider Fig. No. P176T 120238
Valvosider Fig. No. P172 120239
Valvosider Fig. No. P173 120240
Valvosider Fig. No. P174 120241
Valvosider Fig. No. P175 120242
Valvosider Fig. No. P176 120243
Valvosider Fig. No. P182PC 120244
Valvosider Fig. No. P183PC 120245
Valvosider Fig. No. P184PC 120246
Valvosider Fig. No. P185PC 120247
Valvosider Fig. No. P186PC 120248
Valvosider Fig. No. P162PC 120249
Valvosider Fig. No. P163PC 120250
Valvosider Fig. No. P164PC 120251
Valvosider Fig. No. P165PC 120252
Valvosider Fig. No. P166PC 120253
! Back to Index

HEAD ValveOperatorGeometricIndPract ShortDescription

! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in re
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,0
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

United States of America, Standards

United States of America, Manufacturers

Germany Standards (DIN)

Finland Standards (SFS)

Germany Manufacturers
CEN/EU Standards
United Kingdom Standards (BSI)

United Kingdom Manufacturers

Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa Standards
Japan Standards (JISC)
Japan Manufacturers

China Standards (SACS)

Korea Standards (KATS)

Other Asia-Pacific Standards
Australia Standards (AS)
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
Finland Manufacturers

China Manufacturers
France Standards (AFNOR)
Korea Manufacturers
France Manufacturers
Other Asia-Pacific Manufacturers

Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa Manufacturers

Australia Manufacturers

Offshore Industry Manufacturers

Power Industry Manufacturers
Other Americas Standards
Other Americas Manufacturers

Argentina Standards (IRAM)

Austria Standards (ON)
Bahrain Standards (BSMD)
Barbados Standards (BNSI)
Belarus Standards (BELST)
Belgium Standards (IBN)
Bolivia Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil Standards (ABNT)
Canada Standards (SCC)

Chile Standards (INN)

Colombia Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica Standards (INTECO)
Czech Republic Standards (CSNI)
Denmark Standards (DS)
Denmark, Manufacturers
Greece Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland Standards (IST)
India Standards (BIS)
Indonesia Standards (BSN)
Ireland Standards (NSAI)
Israel Standards (SII)
Italy Standards (UNI)
Italy, Manufacturers
Jordan Standards (JISM)
Kuwait Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg Standards (SEE)
Malaysia Standards (DSM)
Malta Standards (MSA)
Mexico Standards (DGN)
Netherlands Standards (NEN)
New Zealand Standards (SNZ)
Norway Standards (NSF)
Norway, Manufacturers
Oman Standards (DGSM)
Panama Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay Standards (INTN)
Peru Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines Standards (BPS)
Poland Standards (PKN)
Portugal Standards (IPQ)
Romania Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia Standards (SASO)
Singapore Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa Standards (SABS)
Spain Standards (AENOR)
Sweden Standards (SIS)
Switzerland Standards (SNV)
Thailand Standards (TISI)
Turkey Standards (TSE)
Ukraine Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam Standards (TCVN)

ricIndPract ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd
LongDescription ShortDescription
may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or th
user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
sed. They will be deleted eventually.


MSS SP-101
MSS SP-102

Aloyco 110
Aloyco 110EB
Aloyco 114
Aloyco 114EB
Aloyco 117
Aloyco 117EB
Aloyco 2110
Aloyco 2114
Aloyco 2117
Aloyco 2117A
Aloyco 2117EB
Aloyco 2210A
Aloyco 2214-A
Aloyco 2314-A
Aloyco 2317
Aloyco 2317A
Aloyco 2374
Aloyco 2377
Aloyco 314
Aloyco 314EB
Aloyco 317
Aloyco 317EB
Aloyco 374
Aloyco 377
Aloyco 4210A
Aloyco 4214A
Aloyco 4217A
Aloyco 4227
Aloyco 4314A
Aloyco 4327
Aloyco 4374
Aloyco 4387
Aloyco 62
Amri ACTAIR 1.5
Amri ACTAIR 100
Amri ACTAIR 12
Amri ACTAIR 200
Amri ACTAIR 25
Amri ACTAIR 400
Amri ACTAIR 50
Amri ACTAIR 800
Amri ACTELEC 100
Amri ACTELEC 150
Amri ACTELEC 200/ SA 07-5
Amri ACTELEC 200/SRA 6
Amri ACTELEC 31/SA 07-5
Amri ACTELEC 400/SA 10-1
Amri ACTELEC 500/SA 07-5
Amri ACTELEC 500/SRA 6
Amri ACTELEC 800/SA 10-1
Amri ACTO 100
Amri ACTO 1600
Amri ACTO 200
Amri ACTO 25
Amri ACTO 400
Amri ACTO 50
Amri ACTO 800
Amri DYNACTO 100
Amri M
Amri M101
Amri M31
Amri M401A
Amri M401B
Amri M61
Amri MA 12
Amri MA 65
Amri MR 100
Amri MR 200
Amri MR 25
Amri MR 400
Amri MR 50
Amri MR 600
Amri MR 800
Amri NP/165
Amri NP/300
Amri NR/165
Amri NR/300
Amri SM/260
Amri SM/330
Amri SM/530
Amri WG
Andco Actuators 7102S
Andco Actuators 7105T
Andco Actuators 7202S
Andco Actuators 7205T
Andco Actuators 7210T
Andco Actuators 7302S
Andco Actuators 7310T
Andco Actuators 7317T
Andco Actuators 7324T
Andco Actuators 7430T
Andco Actuators 7450T
Andco Actuators 74-7330T
Andco Actuators 7530T
Andco Actuators 7550T
Andco Actuators 8202S
Andco Actuators 8202T
Andco Actuators 8203T
Andco Actuators 8205T
Andco Actuators 8302S
Andco Actuators 8303T
Andco Actuators 8305T
Andco Actuators 8310T
Andco Actuators 8410T
Andco Actuators 8417T
Andco Actuators 8424T
Andco Actuators 8510T
Andco Actuators 8517T
Andco Actuators 8524T
Andco Actuators Eagle
Andco Actuators QR2-05T
Andco Actuators QR2-10T
Andco Actuators QR2-17T
Andco Actuators QR2-24T
Andco Actuators QR2-25S
Andco Actuators QRG2-05T
Andco Actuators QRG2-10T
Andco Actuators QRG2-17T
Andco Actuators QRG2-24T
Andco Actuators QRG2-25S
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A160D
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A160S
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A20D
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A20S
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A270D
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A270S
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A40D
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A40S
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A500D
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A500S
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A80D
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A80S
Automax Valve Automation Systems R1414DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R205
Automax Valve Automation Systems R205SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R206
Automax Valve Automation Systems R206SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R207
Automax Valve Automation Systems R207SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R208
Automax Valve Automation Systems R208SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R310
Automax Valve Automation Systems R310SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R312
Automax Valve Automation Systems R312SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R314
Automax Valve Automation Systems R314SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R316
Automax Valve Automation Systems R316SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R414
Automax Valve Automation Systems R414SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R416
Automax Valve Automation Systems R416SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R418
Automax Valve Automation Systems R418SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R420
Automax Valve Automation Systems R420SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R514DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51614DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51616DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R516DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R516SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51816DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51818DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R518DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R518SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R52020DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R520DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R520SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R52214SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R522DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R522SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R52416SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems R524DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems R524SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B050D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B050S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B063D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B063S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B085D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B085S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B100D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B100S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B115D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B115S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B125D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B125S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B150D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B150S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B175D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B175S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B200D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B200S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S050D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S050S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S063D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S063S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S085D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S085S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S100D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S100S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S115D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S115S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S125D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S125S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S150D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S150S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S175D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S175S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S200D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S200S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN250DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN250SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN300DA
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN300SR
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA250D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA250S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA300D
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA300S
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL050
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL050
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL063
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL063
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL085
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL085
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL100
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL100
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL115
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL115
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL125
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL125
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL150
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL150
Becker Precision Equipment GS-1032-DA
Becker Precision Equipment GS-216-DA
Becker Precision Equipment GS-216-SR
Becker Precision Equipment GS-220-DA
Becker Precision Equipment GS-220-SR
Becker Precision Equipment GS-616-SR
Becker Precision Equipment GS-620-SR
Becker Precision Equipment GS-623-DA
Becker Precision Equipment GS-628-DA
Becker Precision Equipment GS-628-SR
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10C-#8
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10E-#39
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10x2-1/2-#8
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10x3-1/2-#33
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10x3-1/2-#8
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 12E-#39
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 12x3-1/2-#33
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 5B-#2
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 5x1-1/2-#2
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 6B-#2
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 6x1-1/2-#2
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8B-#7
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8C-#8
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8x2-1/2-#7
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8x3-1/2-#8
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 10F
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 10H
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 10L
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12L
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12T
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12X
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12Z
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14L
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14T
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14X
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14Z
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 4D
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 5D
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 6D
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 6F
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 8F
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 8H
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 8L
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D12T
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D12X
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D12Z
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D14T
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D14X
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D14Z
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10F-SR-33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10H-SR-33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10H-SR-39
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10L-SR-33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10L-SR-39
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10L-SR-41
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L/10L-SR-39/7/39
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L/10L-SR-39/7/41
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-39
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-39/7
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-41
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-41/33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12N/12M-SR- 41/41/33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12N/12M-SR-D41/8
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 14L-SR-39/7
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 14L-SR-41/33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 14N/12M-SR-D41/8
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 5D-SR-2
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 6D-SR-2
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 6D-SR-7
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 6F-SR-7
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 8F-SR-7
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 8F-SR-8
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 8H-SR-33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D10L-SR-39/39/7
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D10L-SR-39/41
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D10L-SR-39/7/41
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D12L-SR-39/39/7
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D12L-SR-39/41/33
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D12L-SR-D39
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1032-DA
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1032-SR
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1043-DA
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1043-SR
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1053-SR
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1443-DA
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1443-SR
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1453-DA
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1453-SR
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2043-DA
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2053-DA
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2053-SR
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2064-DA
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2064-SR
Bettis CBA 1030
Bettis CBA 1030-M11
Bettis CBA 1030-M3HW
Bettis CBA 1030-SR
Bettis CBA 1030-SR -M11
Bettis CBA 1030-SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA 730
Bettis CBA 730-M11
Bettis CBA 730-M3HW
Bettis CBA 730-SR
Bettis CBA 730-SR -M11
Bettis CBA 730-SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA 830
Bettis CBA 830-M11
Bettis CBA 830-M3HW
Bettis CBA 830-SR
Bettis CBA 830-SR -M11
Bettis CBA 830-SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA 930
Bettis CBA 930-M11
Bettis CBA 930-M3HW
Bettis CBA 930-SR
Bettis CBA 930-SR -M11
Bettis CBA 930-SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA315
Bettis CBA315-M3HW
Bettis CBA315-SR
Bettis CBA315-SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA420
Bettis CBA420- SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA420-M3HW
Bettis CBA420-SR
Bettis CBA520
Bettis CBA520- SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA520-M3HW
Bettis CBA520-SR
Bettis CBA525
Bettis CBA525- SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA525-M3HW
Bettis CBA525-SR
Bettis CBA725
Bettis CBA725- SR-M3HW
Bettis CBA725-M3HW
Bettis CBA725-SR
Bettis DD0012
Bettis DD0025
Bettis DD0040
Bettis DD0065
Bettis DD0100
Bettis DD0200
Bettis DD0350
Bettis DD0600
Bettis DD0950
Bettis DD1600
Bettis DS0012
Bettis DS0025
Bettis DS0040
Bettis DS0065
Bettis DS0100
Bettis DS0200
Bettis DS0350
Bettis DS0600
Bettis DS0950
Bettis DS1600
Bettis G01001.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01001.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01001.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01001.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01001.7 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01001.7-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01001.7-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01001.7-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.2 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.2-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.2-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.2-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01008 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01008-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01008-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01008-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01009 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01009-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01009-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01009-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01010 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01010-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01010-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01010-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01012 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01012-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01012-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01014 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01014-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01014-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G01014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10006.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10006.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10006.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10007.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10007.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10007.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10008.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10008.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10008.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10009.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10009.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10009.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10009.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10010.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10010.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10010.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10010.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10012.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10012.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10012.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10012.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10014.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10014.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10014.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10014.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100206.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100207.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100208.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100209.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100210.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100212.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100214.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100232 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100232-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100232-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100236 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100236-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100236-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100240 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100240-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G100240-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10028 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10028-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10028-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10032 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10032-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10032-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10036 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10036-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10036-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10040 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10040-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10040-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G10040-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2001.7 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2001.7-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2001.7-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2001.7-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.25 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.25-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.25-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.25-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2004.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2004.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2004.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2009 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2009-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2009-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2009-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2010 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2010-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2010-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2010-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2012 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2012-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2012-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2014 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2014-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2014-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2016 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2016-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2016-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G2016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G20201.7 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G20202.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G20202.25 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G20202.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G20203.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G20203.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G20204.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.25 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.25-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.25-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.25-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3010 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3010-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3010-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3010-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3012 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3012-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3012-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3014 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3014-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3014-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3016 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3016-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3016-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3020 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G30202.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G30202.25 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G30202.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G30203.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G30203.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G30204.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G30204.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3020-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3020-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G3020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4002.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4002.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4002.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4005.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4005.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4005.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4006.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4006.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4006.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4012 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4012-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4012-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4014 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4014-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4014-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4016 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4016-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4016-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4020 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G40202.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G40203.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G40203.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G40204.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G40204.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G40205.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G40206.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4020-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4020-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4024 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4024-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4024-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4028 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4028-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4028-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G4028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5003.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5003.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5003.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5005.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5005.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5005.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5006.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5006.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5006.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5007.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5007.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5007.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5008.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5008.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5008.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5016 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5016-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5016-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5020 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G50203.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G50204.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G50204.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G50205.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G50206.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G50207.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G50208.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5020-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5020-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5024 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5024-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5024-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5028 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5028-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5028-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5032 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5032-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5032-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5036 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5036-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5036-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G5036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.5-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.5-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7005.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7005.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7005.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7006.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7006.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7006.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7007.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7007.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7007.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7008.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7008.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7008.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7009.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7009.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7009.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7009.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7010.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7010.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7010.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7010.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7020 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70204.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70204.5 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70205.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70206.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70207.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70208.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70209.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7020-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7020-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70210.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70228 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7024 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7024-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7024-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7028 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7028-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7028-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7032 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7032-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7032-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7036 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7036-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7036-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G7036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70T28-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G70T28-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8005.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8005.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8005.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8006.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8006.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8006.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8007.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8007.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8007.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8008.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8008.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8008.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8009.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8009.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8009.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8009.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8010.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8010.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8010.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8010.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8012.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8012.0-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8012.0-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8012.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80205.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80206.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80207.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80208.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80209.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80210.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80212.0 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80232 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80232-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80232-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80236 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80236-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G80236-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8024 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8024-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8024-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8028 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8028-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8028-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8032 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8032-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8032-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8036 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8036-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8036-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8040 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8040-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8040-SR (Robotarm II)
Bettis G8040-SR-M11 (Robotarm II)
Bettis HD 251.5-SR 5150
Bettis HD 251.5-SR 560
Bettis HD 251-SR 5100
Bettis HD 251-SR 5125
Bettis HD 251-SR 540
Bettis HD 251-SR 560
Bettis HD 251-SR 580
Bettis HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 7100
Bettis HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 7125
Bettis HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 7150
Bettis HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 740
Bettis HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 760
Bettis HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 780
Bettis HD 521
Bettis HD 521-M11
Bettis HD 521-SR
Bettis HD 521-SR-M11
Bettis HD 721
Bettis HD 721-M11
Bettis HD 721-SR
Bettis HD 721-SR-M11
Bettis HD 722
Bettis HD 722-SR
Bettis HD 731
Bettis HD 731-M11
Bettis HD 732
Bettis HD 732-SR
Bettis HD 732-SR-M11
Bettis TorqPlus EM-050
Bettis TorqPlus EM-100
Bettis TorqPlus EM-300
Bettis TorqPlus EM-500
Bettis TorqPlus EM-510
Bettis TorqPlus EM-520
Bettis TorqPlus EM-810
Bettis TorqPlus EM-820
Bettis TorqPlus EM-830
Bettis TorqPlus EM-840
Bettis TorqPlus EM-SR5
Bettis WellGuard DWG Pneumatic Diaphragm
Bettis WellGuard HWG-HL Hydraulic Piston
Bettis WellGuard PWG Pneumatic Piston
Bettis WellGuard PWG-IO Pneumatic Piston with Override
Bonney Forge H9-10
Bonney Forge H9-16
Bonney Forge H9-30
Bonney Forge H9-36
Bonney Forge H9-50
Bonney Forge H9-56
Bonney Forge H9F-10
Bonney Forge H9F-11
Bonney Forge H9F-12
Bonney Forge H9F-16
Bonney Forge H9F-19
Bonney Forge H9F-30
Bonney Forge H9F-50
Bonney Forge HL-10
Bonney Forge HL-30
Bonney Forge HL-50
Bonney Forge L1-10
Bonney Forge L3-10
Bonney Forge L6-10
Bonney Forge W9-10
Bonney Forge W9-11
Bonney Forge W9-30
Bonney Forge W9-31
Bonney Forge W9-36
Bonney Forge W9-39
Bonney Forge W9-40
Bonney Forge W9-41
Bonney Forge W9-42
Bonney Forge W9-46
Bonney Forge W9-49
Bonney Forge W9-50
Bonney Forge WL-41
Bonney Forge Y9-40
Bonney Forge Y9-41
Bonney Forge Y9-42
Bonney Forge Y9-46
Centerline 504
Centerline A
Centerline LT
Clarkson KGA-AC, Air Cylinder
Clarkson KGA-EM, Electro-mechanical
Clarkson KGA-HC, Hydraulic Cylinder
Clarkson KGA-MG, Manual Bevel Gear
Clarkson KGA-MH, Manual Handwheel
Clarkson KGD-AC, Air Cylinder
Clarkson KGD-EM, Electro-mechanical
Clarkson KGD-HC, Hydraulic Cylinder
Clarkson KGD-MG, Manual Bevel Gear
Clarkson KGD-MH, Manual Handwheel
Clarkson KGF-MH, Manual Handwheel
Clarkson KGF-MG, Manual Bevel Gear
Clarkson KGF-AC, Air Cylinder
Clarkson KGF-HC, Hydraulic Cylinder
Crane 137
Crane 14 1/2 P
Crane 143
Crane 151
Crane 151 1/2
Crane 1523
Crane 1523 1/2
Crane 171
Crane 171 1/2
Crane 189
Crane Figure 351
Crane 33
Crane 33 1/2
Crane 36
Crane 373
Crane Figure 428
Crane 431 UB
Crane Figure 459
Crane 461
Crane Figure 465
Crane Figure 467
Crane 47
Crane 55
Crane 7189
Crane 76
Crane 76 1/2
Crane 787
Crane 87
Crane 88
Crane 9302
Crane B-3655
Crane B-3663
Crane Figure 5TF
Crane Figure 7TF
Crane Figure 9201-UL
Demco NE
Demco NF
Demco WF
Dezurik PEC - Cylinder Actuated
EIM HQ-006
EIM HQ-008
EIM HQ-015
EIM HQ-020
EIM HQ-030
EIM HQ-050
EIM HQ-060
EIM HQ-080
EIM HQ-120
EIM HQ-200
EIM HQ-300
EIM Model 1000
EIM Model 2000
EIM Model 3000
EIM Model 4000
EIM Model 5000
EIM Model EB-03
EIM Model EB-04
El-O-Matic E100
El-O-Matic E12
El-O-Matic E1600
El-O-Matic E200
El-O-Matic E25
El-O-Matic E350
El-O-Matic E40
El-O-Matic E600
El-O-Matic E65
El-O-Matic E950
El-O-Matic ED100
El-O-Matic ED12
El-O-Matic ED1600
El-O-Matic ED200
El-O-Matic ED25
El-O-Matic ED350
El-O-Matic ED40
El-O-Matic ED600
El-O-Matic ED65
El-O-Matic ED950
El-O-Matic ES100
El-O-Matic ES12
El-O-Matic ES1600
El-O-Matic ES200
El-O-Matic ES25
El-O-Matic ES350
El-O-Matic ES40
El-O-Matic ES600
El-O-Matic ES65
El-O-Matic ES950
El-O-Matic P2500
El-O-Matic P4000
El-O-Matic PD 1100
El-O-Matic PD 150
El-O-Matic PD 280
El-O-Matic PD 500
El-O-Matic PD 60
El-O-Matic PD 750
El-O-Matic PD2500
El-O-Matic PD4000
El-O-Matic PE 1100
El-O-Matic PE 150
El-O-Matic PE 280
El-O-Matic PE 500
El-O-Matic PE 60
El-O-Matic PE 750
El-O-Matic PS2500
El-O-Matic PS4000
FieldQ E100
FieldQ E1600
FieldQ E200
FieldQ E350
FieldQ E40
FieldQ E600
FieldQ E950
FieldQ Q100
FieldQ Q1600
FieldQ Q200
FieldQ Q350
FieldQ Q40
FieldQ Q600
FieldQ Q950
FieldQ QD100
FieldQ QD1600
FieldQ QD200
FieldQ QD350
FieldQ QD40
FieldQ QD600
FieldQ QD950
FieldQ QS100
FieldQ QS1600
FieldQ QS200
FieldQ QS350
FieldQ QS40
FieldQ QS600
FieldQ QS950
Fisher Controls Type 657, Top-Mounted Handwheel
Fisher Controls Type 657, Side-Mounted Handwheel
Fisher Controls Type 667
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-05
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-10
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-140
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-20
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-40
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-85
Flowserve Limitorque B320-20
Flowserve Limitorque B320-40
Flowserve Limitorque B320-50
Flowserve Limitorque B320-70
Flowserve Limitorque B320-80
Flowserve Limitorque B320-90
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-0
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-1
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-2
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-3
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-4
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-5
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-6
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-7
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-7M
Flowserve Limitorque L120-10
Flowserve Limitorque L120-190
Flowserve Limitorque L120-20
Flowserve Limitorque L120-2000
Flowserve Limitorque L120-40
Flowserve Limitorque L120-420
Flowserve Limitorque L120-800
Flowserve Limitorque L120-85
Flowserve Limitorque LY-1001
Flowserve Limitorque LY-2001
Flowserve Limitorque LY-3001
Flowserve Limitorque MT-1
Flowserve Limitorque MT-2
Flowserve Limitorque MT-3
Flowserve Limitorque MT-4
Flowserve Limitorque MT-5
Flowserve Limitorque MT-6
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C120
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C150
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C18
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C250
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C65
Flowserve Limitorque PTA10
Flowserve Limitorque PTA32
Flowserve Limitorque PTC32
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-0
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-00
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-000
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-1
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-2
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-3
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-4
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-5
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-5T
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-5XT
FNWTM Figure 1000E
FNWTM Figure 100E
FNWTM Figure 1600E
FNWTM Figure 200E
FNWTM Figure 300E
FNWTM Figure 350E
FNWTM Figure 600E
FNWTM Model 100
FNWTM Model 115
FNWTM Model 125
FNWTM Model 160
FNWTM Model 200
FNWTM Model 270
FNWTM Model 52
FNWTM Model 63
FNWTM Model 75
FNWTM Model 85
Grinnell Fire Protection A-4
Hancock 5505W
Hancock 7105W
Hayward LH1
Hayward LH1LS
Hayward LH1SR
Hayward LH1SRS
Hayward Series EATB
Hayward Series EAU
Hayward Series EJM
Hayward Series EVR
Hayward Series EVS
Hayward Series EVT
Hayward Series PAD
Hayward Series PAS
Hayward Series PCD
Hayward Series PCS
Hayward Series PKD
Hayward Series PKS
Hayward Series PMD
Hayward Series PMS
Hex HB-241
Hex HB-501
Hex HB-521
Hex HG-461
Hex HG-463
Hex HG-651
Hex HM-131
Hex HM-451
Hex HM-571
Hex HN-491
Hytork XL1126-DA
Hytork XL1126-SR
Hytork XL131-DA
Hytork XL131-SR
Hytork XL1371-DA
Hytork XL1371-SR
Hytork XL186-DA
Hytork XL186-SR
Hytork XL221-DA
Hytork XL221-SR
Hytork XL2586-DA
Hytork XL2586-SR
Hytork XL26-DA
Hytork XL26-DA-S40
Hytork XL26-SR
Hytork XL281-DA
Hytork XL281-SR
Hytork XL426-DA
Hytork XL426-SR
Hytork XL4581-DA
Hytork XL4581-SR
Hytork XL681-DA
Hytork XL681-SR
Hytork XL71-DA
Hytork XL71-SR
Iso-Gate - Bevel gear
Iso-Gate - Handwheel
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H15
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H20
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H25
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H30
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H35
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H45
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H60
ITT Cam-Line Compact Model H75
ITT Cam-Line Mastergear Model 980
ITT Cam-Line Mastergear Model 981
ITT Cam-Line Mastergear Model 984
ITT Cam-Line Mastergear Model 987
ITT Dia-Flo Series 3100
ITT Dia-Flo Series 3200
ITT Dia-Flo Series 3300
ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3010-1-3
ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3014-1-3
Jamesbury 4AB
Jamesbury 4CB
Jamesbury 5150
Jamesbury 5300
Jamesbury A11
Jamesbury AM150FD
Jamesbury DM150FD
Jordan Controls EH-1000
Jordan Controls EH-2010-N
Jordan Controls EH-2020
Jordan Controls EH-2020-A
Jordan Controls EH-2020-N
Jordan Controls EH-2030-A
Jordan Controls EH-2030-N
Jordan Controls EH-2040-A
Jordan Controls EH-2040-N
Jordan Controls EH-2110-A
Jordan Controls EH-2110-N
Jordan Controls EH-2130-A
Jordan Controls EH-2130-N
Jordan Controls EH-2140-A
Jordan Controls EH-2140-N
Jordan Controls EH-9100
Jordan Controls JBM2-N
Jordan Controls JOM1-A
Jordan Controls JOM1-N
Jordan Controls JOM2-A
Jordan Controls JOM2-N
Jordan Controls JOM3-A
Jordan Controls JOM3-N
Jordan Controls JOM4-A
Jordan Controls JOM4-N
Jordan Controls JOM5-A
Jordan Controls JOM5-N
Jordan Controls JOM6-A
Jordan Controls JOM6-N
Jordan Controls JOM7-A
Jordan Controls JOM7-N
Jordan Controls JOM8-A
Jordan Controls JOM8-N
Jordan Controls JOM-A
Jordan Controls JOMB-A
Jordan Controls JOMB-N
Jordan Controls JOM-N
Jordan Controls LA-1020-D
Jordan Controls LA-1110-D
Jordan Controls LA-1110-N
Jordan Controls LA-1140-N
Jordan Controls LA-1170-D
Jordan Controls LA-1170-N
Jordan Controls LA-1510-D
Jordan Controls LA-1510-N
Jordan Controls LA-1570-D
Jordan Controls LA-1570-N
Jordan Controls LA-2315-N
Jordan Controls LA-2320-D
Jordan Controls LA-2320-N
Jordan Controls LA-2390-D
Jordan Controls LA-2390-N
Jordan Controls LA-2410-D
Jordan Controls LA-2410-N
Jordan Controls LA-2415-N
Jordan Controls LA-2420-D
Jordan Controls LA-2420-N
Jordan Controls LA-2440-N
Jordan Controls LA-2450-D
Jordan Controls LA-2450-N
Jordan Controls LA-2460-N
Jordan Controls LA-2490-D
Jordan Controls LA-2490-N
Jordan Controls LA-2510-N
Jordan Controls LA-2520-D
Jordan Controls LA-2520-E
Jordan Controls LA-2520-N
Jordan Controls LA-2610-A
Jordan Controls LA-2610-N
Jordan Controls LA-2620-D
Jordan Controls LA-2620-N
Jordan Controls LA-2710-A
Jordan Controls LA-2710-N
Jordan Controls LA-2720-N
Jordan Controls LA-2910-N
Jordan Controls LA-2980-N
Jordan Controls LA-3330-D
Jordan Controls LA-3330-N
Jordan Controls LA-3350-D
Jordan Controls LA-3350-N
Jordan Controls LA-5115-A
Jordan Controls LA-5115-N
Jordan Controls LA-5120-D
Jordan Controls LA-5120-N
Jordan Controls LA-5140-N
Jordan Controls LA-5160-A
Jordan Controls LA-5160-D
Jordan Controls LA-5160-N
Jordan Controls LA-5190-D
Jordan Controls LA-5190-N
Jordan Controls LA-5210-A
Jordan Controls LA-5210-N
Jordan Controls LA-5220-D
Jordan Controls LA-5220-N
Jordan Controls LA-5260-A
Jordan Controls LA-5260-D
Jordan Controls LA-5260-N
Jordan Controls MV-1005-0102
Jordan Controls MV-1005-0103
Jordan Controls MV-1010-D
Jordan Controls MV-1020-D
Jordan Controls MV-1110-D
Jordan Controls MV-1110-N
Jordan Controls MV-1140-N
Jordan Controls MV-1170-D
Jordan Controls MV-1170-N
Jordan Controls MV-1510-D
Jordan Controls MV-1510-N
Jordan Controls MV-1530-D
Jordan Controls MV-1530-N
Jordan Controls MV-1540-N
Jordan Controls MV-1550-D
Jordan Controls MV-1550-N
Jordan Controls MV-1570-D
Jordan Controls MV-1570-N
Jordan Controls SM-1015
Jordan Controls SM-1020
Jordan Controls SM-1020 with gearbox
Jordan Controls SM-1110-D
Jordan Controls SM-1110-N
Jordan Controls SM-1120-D
Jordan Controls SM-1120-N
Jordan Controls SM-1140-N
Jordan Controls SM-1150-D
Jordan Controls SM-1150-N
Jordan Controls SM-1170-D
Jordan Controls SM-1170-N
Jordan Controls SM-1180-N
Jordan Controls SM-1520-D
Jordan Controls SM-1520-N
Jordan Controls SM-1530-D
Jordan Controls SM-1530-N
Jordan Controls SM-1540-N
Jordan Controls SM-1550-D
Jordan Controls SM-1550-N
Jordan Controls SM-1580-N
Jordan Controls SM-1590-D
Jordan Controls SM-1590-N
Jordan Controls SM-1630-D
Jordan Controls SM-1630-N
Jordan Controls SM-1650-D
Jordan Controls SM-1650-N
Jordan Controls SM-1680-N
Jordan Controls SM-1715-N
Jordan Controls SM-1720-D
Jordan Controls SM-1720-N
Jordan Controls SM-1730-D
Jordan Controls SM-1730-N
Jordan Controls SM-1740-N
Jordan Controls SM-1750-D
Jordan Controls SM-1750-N
Jordan Controls SM-1760-N
Jordan Controls SM-1790-D
Jordan Controls SM-1790-N
Jordan Controls SM-3330-D
Jordan Controls SM-3330-N
Jordan Controls SM-3350-D
Jordan Controls SM-3350-N
Jordan Controls SM-5115-A
Jordan Controls SM-5115-N
Jordan Controls SM-5120-D
Jordan Controls SM-5120-N
Jordan Controls SM-5140-N
Jordan Controls SM-5160-A
Jordan Controls SM-5160-D
Jordan Controls SM-5160-N
Jordan Controls SM-5190-D
Jordan Controls SM-5190-N
Jordan Controls SM-5210-A
Jordan Controls SM-5210-N
Jordan Controls SM-5220-D
Jordan Controls SM-5220-N
Jordan Controls SM-5260-A
Jordan Controls SM-5260-D
Jordan Controls SM-5260-N
Jordan Controls SM-5310-A
Jordan Controls SM-5310-N
Jordan Controls SM-5320-N
Jordan Controls SM-5360-A
Jordan Controls SM-5360-D
Jordan Controls SM-5360-N
Jordan Controls SM-5430-A
Jordan Controls SM-5430-N
Jordan Controls SM-5480-A
Jordan Controls SM-5480-D
Jordan Controls SM-5480-N
Jordan Controls SM-6000-D
Jordan Controls TA-1200
Jordan Controls TA-1200-E
Jordan Controls TA-1200-R
Jordan Controls VA-1015-D
Jordan Controls VA-1020-D
Jordan Controls VA-1630-D
Jordan Controls VA-1630-N
Jordan Controls VA-1650-D
Jordan Controls VA-1650-N
Jordan Controls VA-1680-N
Keystone AR1
Keystone AR2
Keystone Prince Figure 809 - Internal Spring
Keystone Prince Figure 810 - Internal Spring
Keystone Prince Figure 813 - External Spring
Keystone Prince Figure 815 - External Spring
Kitz 09
Kitz 17
Kitz 24
Kitz 37
Kitz 58
Kitz 68
Kitz 72
Kitz 76
Kitz 300SCL
Masoneilan Domotor Type 71-100
Masoneilan Domotor Type 71-200
Masoneilan Domotor Type 71-25
Masoneilan Domotor Type 71-50
Masoneilan Type 37/38-11
Masoneilan Type 37/38-13
Masoneilan Type 37/38-15
Masoneilan Type 37/38-18
Masoneilan Type 37/38-24
Masoneilan Type 87/88-10
Masoneilan Type 87/88-16
Masoneilan Type 87/88-23
Masoneilan Type 87/88-6
Mastergear 90° Output Worm Declutch
Mastergear A03 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A04 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A11 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A110 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A111 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A13 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A24 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A25 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A300 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A33 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A43 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A70 Bevel Gear
Mastergear A90 Bevel Gear
Mastergear M10 Side Declutch
Mastergear M12 Side Declutch
Mastergear M15 Side Declutch
Mastergear SE Series
Mastergear SE07 Series
Mastergear SE10 Series
Mastergear SE12 Series
Mastergear Top Pull Declutch
Mastergear Type 9801
Mastergear Type 9804
Mastergear Type 9807
Mastergear Type FP05
Mastergear Type FP07
Mastergear Type FP10
Mastergear Type M05
Mastergear Type M07
Mastergear Type M07FB
Mastergear Type M10
Mastergear Type M10FB
Mastergear Type M12
Mastergear Type M125/DB9/D9
Mastergear Type M12FB
Mastergear Type M14
Mastergear Type M14FB
Mastergear Type M15
Mastergear Type M15FB
Mastergear Type M16
Mastergear Type M160/DB9/D9
Mastergear Type M20
Mastergear Type M200/DB9/D9
Mastergear Type M83/DB9/D9
Mastergear Type MAFF46
Mastergear Type MAWD44
Mastergear Type MAWD44/TF10TP
Mastergear Type MAWD44/TF12TP
Mastergear Type MAWD44/TF14TP
Mastergear Type MCFF72
Mastergear Type MCWD54
Mastergear Type MCWD54/TF12TP
Mastergear Type MCWD54/TF14TP
Mastergear Type MCWD54/TF16TP
Mastergear Type MF10F07
Mastergear Type MF10F10
Mastergear Type MF12F10
Mastergear Type MF14F10
Mastergear Type MF15F10
Mastergear Type MF15F14
Mastergear Type MF16F10
Mastergear Type MF16F14
Mastergear Type MF20F10
Mastergear Type MFF36/S5
Mastergear Type MFWD57/TF16TP
Mastergear Type MJF50/D9
Mastergear Type MJF50/S5
Mastergear Type MLF60/D12
Mastergear Type MLF60/D9
Mastergear Type MLF60/D9/S3
Mastergear Type MPF50/D12/S
Mastergear Type MPF50/D12/S3
Mastergear Type MPF50/D15/S3
Mastergear Type MTF50/DB6/D9
Mastergear Type MVWD43
Mastergear Type MVWD43/TF07TP
Mastergear Type MVWD43/TF10TP
Mastergear Type MVWD43/TF12TP
Mastergear Type MWBF64
Mastergear Type MWCF72
Mastergear Type MWFF57/S3
Mastergear Type MWJF50/D9
Mastergear Type MWJF50/S5
Mastergear Type MWLF60/D12
Mastergear Type MWLF60/D9/S3
Mastergear Type MWYF40
Mission Duo Chek II 12
Mission Duo Chek II 15
Mission Duo Chek II 30
Mission Duo Chek II 60
Morin Model 002DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 002SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 003DA, Series S
Morin Model 003SR, Series S
Morin Model 004DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 004SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 006DA, Series B
Morin Model 006DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 006DA, Series S
Morin Model 006SR, Series B
Morin Model 006SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 006SR, Series S
Morin Model 009DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 009SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 012DA, Series S
Morin Model 012SR, Series S
Morin Model 014DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 014SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 015DA, Series B
Morin Model 015DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 015SR, Series B
Morin Model 015SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 023DA, Series B
Morin Model 023DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 023DA, Series S
Morin Model 023SR, Series B
Morin Model 023SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 023SR, Series S
Morin Model 025DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 025SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 036DA, Series B
Morin Model 036DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 036DA, Series S
Morin Model 036SR, Series B
Morin Model 036SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 036SR, Series S
Morin Model 037DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 037SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 045DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 045SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 046SR, Series B
Morin Model 046SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 046SR, Series S
Morin Model 050DA, Series B
Morin Model 050DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 050DA, Series S
Morin Model 058SR, Series B
Morin Model 058SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 059DA, Series B
Morin Model 059DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 059SR, Series B
Morin Model 059SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 070DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 070SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 072DA, Series B
Morin Model 072DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 072DA, Series S
Morin Model 072SR, Series B
Morin Model 072SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 072SR, Series S
Morin Model 088DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 088SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 100DA, Series B
Morin Model 100DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 100DA, Series S
Morin Model 100SR, Series B
Morin Model 100SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 100SR, Series S
Morin Model 1150DA, Series B
Morin Model 1150DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 1150SR, Series B
Morin Model 1150SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 1150SR, Series S
Morin Model 135DA, Series B
Morin Model 135DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 135DA, Series S
Morin Model 135SR, Series B
Morin Model 135SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 135SR, Series S
Morin Model 144DA, Series S
Morin Model 144SR, Series S
Morin Model 1480DA, Series B
Morin Model 1480DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 1480SR, Series B
Morin Model 1480SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 1480SR, Series S
Morin Model 180DA, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 180SR, Series MRP/MRS
Morin Model 1929SR, Series B
Morin Model 1929SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 1930DA, Series B
Morin Model 1930DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 1930SR, Series B
Morin Model 1930SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 210DA, Series B
Morin Model 210DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 210DA, Series S
Morin Model 210SR, Series B
Morin Model 210SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 210SR, Series S
Morin Model 2380DA, Series B
Morin Model 2380DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 2380SR, Series B
Morin Model 2380SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 2380SR, Series S
Morin Model 270DA, Series B
Morin Model 270DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 270DA, Series S
Morin Model 270SR, Series B
Morin Model 270SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 270SR, Series S
Morin Model 344SR, Series B
Morin Model 344SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 345DA, Series B
Morin Model 345DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 345SR, Series B
Morin Model 345SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 370DA, Series B
Morin Model 370DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 370DA, Series S
Morin Model 370SR, Series B
Morin Model 370SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 370SR, Series S
Morin Model 420DA, Series B
Morin Model 420DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 420DA, Series S
Morin Model 420SR, Series B
Morin Model 420SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 420SR, Series S
Morin Model 575DA, Series B
Morin Model 575DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 575DA, Series S
Morin Model 575SR, Series B
Morin Model 575SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 575SR, Series S
Morin Model 740DA, Series B
Morin Model 740DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 740SR, Series B
Morin Model 740SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 740SR, Series S
Morin Model 944SR, Series B
Morin Model 944SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model 945DA, Series B
Morin Model 945DA, Series B-WH
Morin Model 945SR, Series B
Morin Model 945SR, Series B-WH
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-023S
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-046S
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-072S
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-100S
Morin Model HP15U-2-1DA
Morin Model HP15U-2-2DA
Morin Model HP15U-3-1-100S
Morin Model HP15U-3-1DA
Morin Model HP25U-3-1-210S
Morin Model HP25U-3-1-420S
Morin Model HP25U-3-1DA
Morin Model HP25U-4-1-210S
Morin Model HP25U-4-1-420S
Morin Model HP25U-4-1DA
Morin Model HP30U-4-1-370S
Morin Model HP30U-4-1-740S
Morin Model HP30U-4-1DA
Morin Model HP30U-6-1-1150S
Morin Model HP30U-6-1-575S
Morin Model HP30U-6-1-740S
Morin Model HP30U-6-1DA
Morin Model HP30U-8-1-1150S
Morin Model HP30U-8-1-740S
Morin Model HP30U-8-1DA
Mueller 31
Mueller 61
Onyx Valve PFC
Onyx Valve PFO
Nibco F-617-0
Nibco F-718-B
Nibco T-124
Nibco T-104-0
Nibco T/S-211-B
Nibco T/S-595-Y
Pacific 1550
Pacific 1584
Pacific 160
Pacific 180
Pacific 2155
Pacific 21553
Pacific 21555
Pacific 2355
Pacific 2655
Pacific 2955
Pacific 350
Pacific 360
Pacific 380
Pacific 55509
Pacific 55515
Pacific 56009
Pacific 56015
Pacific 56509
Pacific 58009
Pacific 58809
Pacific 58815
Pacific 660
Pacific 680
Pacific 960
Pacific 984
Parker Model 61AC/O
Parker Model 61ACX
Parker Model 61AD
Parker Model 61ADX
Parker Model 61SAC/O
Parker Model 61SACX
Parker Model 61SAD
Parker Model 61SADX
Parker Model 62AC/O
Parker Model 62AD
Parker Model 63AC/O
Parker Model 63AD
Parker Model 64ACX
Parker Model 64ADX
Parker Model 65AC/O
Parker Model 65AD
Parker Model 66AC/O
Parker Model 66AD
Parker Model 68ACX
Parker Model 68ADX
Parker Model 69AC/O
Parker Model 69AD
Parker Model 71
Parker Model 72
Parker Model 73
Parker Model 81
Parker Model 82
Parker Model 83
Parker Model 84
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 636
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 636 for SP-44
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646, w/sP-44 drill
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 232
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 232 for MSS-SP-44
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 242
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 242 for MSS-SP-44
Powell 1331
Powhatan 18-157
Pratt PIVA
R&G Sloane 1081
Resistoflex Diaphragm Type 1
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D10000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D100000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D1200
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D20000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D4000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D5000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D50000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D600
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L10000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L120000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L15000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L2000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L20000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L30000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L4000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L40000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L500
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L5000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L50000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L60000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L8000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L80000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R10000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R100000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R1200
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R20000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R4000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R5000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R50000
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R600
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D10000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D100000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D1200
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D20000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D4000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D5000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D50000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D600
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L10000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L120000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L15000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L2000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L20000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L4000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L40000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L5000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L60000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L80000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R10000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R100000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R1200
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R20000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R200000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R4000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R400000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R5000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R50000
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R600
RF Valves P15 - Pneumatic
RF Valves P90 - Pneumatic
RF Valves P150 - Pneumatic
RF Valves P15 - Sealed Body Pneumatic
RF Valves P90 - Sealed Body Pneumatic
RF Valves P150 - Sealed Body Pneumatic
RF Valves H15 - Hydraulic
RF Valves H90 - Hydraulic
RF Valves H150 - Hydraulic
RF Valves E15 - Electric
RF Valves E90 - Electric
RF Valves E150 - Electric
RF Valves M15 - Electric
RF Valves M90 - Electric
RF Valves M150 - Electric
Rockwell 1925
Rockwell 1945
Rockwell 1947
Rockwell 2025
Rockwell 2045
Rockwell 2245
Rockwell 2249
Rockwell 4149
Rockwell 4249
Rockwell 4749
Rockwell Edward 1570Y
Rockwell Edward 1641Y
Rockwell Edward 1643
Rockwell Edward 1643Y
Rockwell Edward 36124
Rockwell Edward 36128
Rockwell Edward 36164
Rockwell Edward 36168
Rockwell Edward 36174
Rockwell Edward 36178
Rockwell Edward 4007Y
Rockwell Edward 607Y
Rockwell Edward 66124
Rockwell Edward 66128
Rockwell Edward 670Y
Rockwell Edward 7502Y
Rockwell Edward 7507Y
Rockwell Edward 7514Y
Rockwell Edward 832Y
Rockwell McCanna S151
Rockwell McCanna S301
Rockwell McCanna V503
Saunders Cast Iron Rising Handwheel
Saunders Cast Iron Rising Handwheel Bonnet
Saunders EC
Saunders ECX/DA, H Series
Saunders ECX/DA, S Series
Saunders ECX/SC - Heads F1, F2, & F3
Saunders ECX/SC - Heads G1, G2, & G3
Saunders ECX/SC - Heads H1, H2, & H3
Saunders ECX/SO, H Series
Saunders ECX/SO, S Series
Saunders Endurance Bonnet
Saunders ESC61
Saunders ESC62
Saunders ESC63
Saunders ESC64
Saunders ESC65
Saunders ESDA54
Saunders ESDA55
Saunders ESDA56
Saunders ESDA57
Saunders ESDA58
Saunders ESM54 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM54 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM55 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM55 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM56 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM56 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM57 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM57 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM58 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM58 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM61 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM61 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM62 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM62 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM63 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM63 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM64 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM64 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM65 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM65 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM68 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM68 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM69 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM69 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM70 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM70 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM71 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM71 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESM72 (for Type A valve)
Saunders ESM72 (for Type KB valve)
Saunders ESO68
Saunders ESO69
Saunders ESO70
Saunders ESO71
Saunders ESO72
Saunders EVC61
Saunders EVC62
Saunders EVC63
Saunders EVC64
Saunders EVDA54
Saunders EVDA55
Saunders EVDA56
Saunders EVDA57
Saunders EVO68
Saunders EVO69
Saunders EVO70
Saunders EVO71
Saunders Flanged Performance Bonnet
Saunders Fluoroelastomer Sealed Bonnet
Saunders Fluoroelastomer Sealed Padlocking Bonnet
Saunders HC4
Saunders Non-Rising Bronze Gunmetal LG4 Bonnet (padlo
Saunders Non-rising Handwheel (fluoroelastomer sealed)
Saunders Non-rising Handwheel with Indicator
Saunders Non-rising Handwheel without Indicator
Saunders PES - Performance Bonnet Assembly, Type 1
Saunders PES - Performance Bonnet Assembly, Type 2
Saunders Pure Performance Bonnet Assembly
Saunders Rising Handwheel
Saunders Rising Handwheel with Indicator
Saunders Rising Handwheel with Indicator (simple padloc
Saunders Rising Handwheel with Indicator (with optional
Saunders SSC
Saunders Stainless Steel (Silicone Sealed) Bonnet
Saunders Stainless Steel Bonnet Assembly, Type 1
Saunders Stainless Steel Bonnet Assembly, Type 2
Saunders Stainless Steel Sealed Bonnet Assembly, Type
Saunders Stainless Steel Sealed Bonnet Assembly, Type
Saunders Standard Non-rising Handwheel
Saunders Standard Performance Bonnet
Saunders SVMDV2
Saunders SVMDV3
Saunders SVMDV4
Saunders SVMDV5
Saunders White Epoxy Bonnet Assembly, Type 1
Saunders White Epoxy Bonnet Assembly, Type 2
ServoValve CF
ServoValve CS
ServoValve HA
ServoValve HC
ServoValve HD
ServoValve PA
ServoValve PC
ServoValve PD
ServoValve RFO
ServoValve RFOM
ServoValve RFP
ServoValve RFPM
ServoValve RGO
ServoValve RGOM
ServoValve RGP
ServoValve RGPM
ServoValve RH
ServoValve RHM
ServoValve RP
ServoValve RPM
Shafer HS Series
Shafer L Series DA
Shafer L Series SR
Shafer RP Series DA
Shafer RP Series SR
Shafer RV 11 x 10
Shafer RV 12 ½ x 12
Shafer RV 14 ½ x 14
Shafer RV 16 ½ x 16
Shafer RV 20 x 16
Shafer RV 25 x 16
Shafer RV 26 x 22
Shafer RV 26 x 36
Shafer RV 33 x 32
Shafer RV 5 x 3
Shafer RV 6 ½ x 8
Shafer RV 6½ x 3½
Shafer RV 9 x 12
Shafer RV 9 x 7
Shafer Subsea RV Series DA
Shafer Subsea RV Series SR
Shafer Subsea S Series DA
Shafer Subsea S Series SR
Smith 1500
Smith 1570
Smith 411F
Smith 411T
Smith 5870
Smith 800
Smith 815
Smith 830
Smith 860
Smith 870
Smith 888
Smith B80
Smith C150
Smith C83
Smith G150
Smith G157
Smith G80
Smith G83
Smith G87
Smith SB80
Stockham D512
Stockham D623
Stockham D931
TopLine SRS Model 21
TopLine SRS Model 34
TopLine SRS Model 47
TopLine SRS Model 50
Triac WE-29500
Triac XE-29500
Triac 2CB130XX/2-3
Triac 2CB130XX/4
Triac 2CB130XX/5-6
Triac 2CB40XX/2-3
Triac 2CB80XX/2-3
Triac 2CB80XX/4
Triac 2CB80XX/5-6
Triac 2CI1200XX/10
Triac 2CI1200XX/12-14
Triac 2CI200XX/4
Triac 2CI200XX/5-6
Triac 2CI300XX/10
Triac 2CI300XX/5-6
Triac 2CI300XX/8
Triac 2CI500XX/10
Triac 2CI500XX/12-14
Triac 2CI500XX/8
Triac 2CI850XX/10
Triac 2CI850XX/12-14
Triac 2R10DA
Triac 2R1200DA
Triac 2R1200SR
Triac 2R130DA
Triac 2R130SR
Triac 2R1750DA
Triac 2R1750SR
Triac 2R200DA
Triac 2R200SR
Triac 2R20DA
Triac 2R20SR
Triac 2R2500DA
Triac 2R2500SR
Triac 2R300DA
Triac 2R300SR
Triac 2R3500DA
Triac 2R3500SR
Triac 2R40DA
Triac 2R40SR
Triac 2R500DA
Triac 2R500SR
Triac 2R80DA
Triac 2R80SR
Triac 2R850DA
Triac 2R850SR
Triac Acutrol XGJ24
Triac Acutrol XGJ30
Triac Acutrol XGJ50
Triac Acutrol XGJ70
Triac Acutrol XGJ80
Triac Acutrol XJ24
Triac Acutrol XJ290
Triac Acutrol XJ30
Triac Acutrol XJ50
Triac Acutrol XJ80
Triac E-1300
Triac E-13000
Triac E-17000
Triac E-21000
Triac E-2600
Triac E-26000
Triac E-300
Triac E-30000
Triac E-3500
Triac E-400
Triac E-4300
Triac E-700
Triac E-8600
Triac WE-10500
Triac WE-1350
Triac WE-1700
Triac WE-17500
Triac WE-2640
Triac WE-4400
Triac WE-500
Triac WE-5200
Triac WE-690
Triac WE-6900
Triac XE-10500
Triac XE-1350
Triac XE-1700
Triac XE-17500
Triac XE-2640
Triac XE-4400
Triac XE-5200
Triac XE-690
Triac XE-6900
Victaulic® Vic®-300 MasterSeal™
Victaulic® Series 706
Vogt 15373
Vogt 15401
Vogt 22461
Vogt SWS74
Watts 900
Watts 909
Worchester Controls 1039
Worchester Controls 1075
Worchester Controls 1275
Worchester Controls 1539
Worchester Controls 1575
Worchester Controls 2039
Worchester Controls 2075
Worchester Controls 2275
Worchester Controls 2375
Worchester Controls 2539
Worchester Controls 2575
Worchester Controls 3039
Worchester Controls 3075
Worchester Controls 3339
Worchester Controls 3539
Worchester Controls 4039
Worchester Controls 4239
Worchester Controls 4539
Worchester Controls 5039
Yarway 3486-R
Yarway 3488-R
Yarway 909-C
Jamesbury A11
DIN 3164

Kammer Control Valves Series 1 Type P0
Kammer Control Valves Series 1 Type P1
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P2
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P3
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P4
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P5
Kammer Control Valves Series 3 Type P6
Kammer Control Valves Series 3 Type P7
Samson Type 3204-1
Samson Type 3204-7
Samson Type 3271
Samson Type 3272
Samson Type 3273
Samson Type 3274
Samson Type 3274-11
Samson Type 3274-12
Samson Type 3274-13
Samson Type 3274-14
Samson Type 3274-15
Samson Type 3274-16
Samson Type 3274-17
Samson Type 3274-18
Samson Type 3274-19
Samson Type 3274-20
Samson Type 3274-21
Samson Type 3274-22
Samson Type 3274-23
Samson Type 3275
Samson Type 3277
Samson Type 3278
Samson Type 3374
Samson Type SAM
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 31a SRP
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 31a DAP
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 30a
Samson Type VETEC R110
Samson Type VETEC R150
Samson Type VETEC R200
Samson Type VETEC R250
Samson Type VETEC R250V
Samson Type VETEC MN 450/100
Samson Type VETEC MN 450/100V
Samson Type VETEC MN 700/130
Samson Type VETEC MN 700/130V
Samson Type VETEC AT SC/SO
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 127
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 252
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 502
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 700
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 1502
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 3002

BS EN ISO 5210
BS EN ISO 5211

Kinetrol EHD
Kinetrol Model OMO-100
Kinetrol Model 01-100
Kinetrol Model 01A-100
Kinetrol Model 02-100
Kinetrol Model 03-100
Kinetrol Model 05-100
Kinetrol Model 07-100
Kinetrol Model 08-100
Kinetrol Model 09-100
Kinetrol Model 10-100
Kinetrol Model 12-100
Kinetrol Model 14-100
Kinetrol Model 16-100
Kinetrol Model 18-100
Kinetrol Model 20-100
Kinetrol Model 28-100
Kinetrol Model 29-100
Kinetrol Model 30-100
Kinetrol Model 38-100
Kinetrol Model 39-100
Kinetrol Model 50-100
Kinetrol Model 58-100
Kinetrol Model 59-100
Kinetrol Model 70-100
Kinetrol Model 78-100
Kinetrol Model 79-100
Kinetrol Model 80-100
Kinetrol Model 88-100
Kinetrol Model 89-100
Kinetrol Model 90-100
Kinetrol Model 98-100
Kinetrol Model 99-100
Kinetrol Model 100-100
Kinetrol Model 108-100
Kinetrol Model 109-100
Kinetrol Model 120-100
Kinetrol Model 128-100
Kinetrol Model 129-100
Kinetrol Model 140-100
Kinetrol Model 148-100
Kinetrol Model 149-100
Kinetrol Model 160-100
Kinetrol Model 168-100
Kinetrol Model 169-100
Kinetrol Model 180-100
Kinetrol Model 188-100
Kinetrol Model 189-100
Kinetrol Model 200-100
Kinetrol Model 208-100
Kinetrol Model 209-100
Kinetrol Model 10-100A
Kinetrol Model 19-100A
Kinetrol Model OMO-100-2138
Kinetrol Model 020-100-2138
Kinetrol Model 030-100-2138
Kinetrol Model 050-100-2138
Kinetrol Model 21
Kinetrol Model 31
Kinetrol Model 51
Kinetrol Model 71
Kinetrol Model 91
Kinetrol Model 121
Kinetrol Model 141
Kinetrol Model 161
Kinetrol Model 21-100
Kinetrol Model 31-100
Kinetrol Model 51-100
Kinetrol Model 71-100
Kinetrol Model 91-100
Kinetrol Model 121-100
Kinetrol Model 141-100
Kinetrol Model 161-100
Kinetrol Model 02-1001
Kinetrol Model 03-1001
Kinetrol Model 05-1001
Kinetrol Model 07-1001
Kinetrol Model 09-1001
Kinetrol Model 12-1001
Kinetrol Model 14-1001
Kinetrol Model 16-1001
Kinetrol Model 02-1201
Kinetrol Model 03-1201
Kinetrol Model 05-1201
Kinetrol Model 07-1201
Kinetrol Model 09-1201
Kinetrol Model 12-1201
Kinetrol Model 14-1201-4900
Kinetrol Model 16-1201
Kinetrol Model 020-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 030-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 031-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 031-020-1006/F4
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1007
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1201
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1203
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1006/F4
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1007
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1007/F4
Kinetrol Model 029-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 039-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1006
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1007
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1201
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1203
Kinetrol Model 01-120
Kinetrol Model 01A-120
Kinetrol Model 02-120
Kinetrol Model 03-120-5600
Kinetrol Model 03-120
Kinetrol Model 05-120
Kinetrol Model 07-120-4000
Kinetrol Model 07-120
Kinetrol Model 08-120-4100
Kinetrol Model 08-120
Kinetrol Model 09-120-4200
Kinetrol Model 09-120
Kinetrol Model 10-120-5800
Kinetrol Model 10-120
Kinetrol Model 12-120-4300
Kinetrol Model 12-120-4400
Kinetrol Model 12-120
Kinetrol Model 14-120-4900
Kinetrol Model 14-120
Kinetrol Model 14-120-5000
Kinetrol Model 16-120-6000
Kinetrol Model 16-120-6100
Kinetrol Model 16-120
Kinetrol Model 16-120-7000
Kinetrol Model 18-120
Kinetrol Model 20-120-7200
Kinetrol Model 20-120-7300
Kinetrol Model 20-120
Norbro 05-39R
Norbro 10-39R
Norbro 15-39R
Norbro 20-39R
Norbro 25-39R
Norbro 30-39R
Norbro 33-39R
Norbro 35-39R
Norbro 40-39R
Norbro 42-39R
Norbro 45-39
Norbro 50-39
Norbro 05-40R
Norbro 10-40R
Norbro 15-40R
Norbro 20-40R
Norbro 25-40R
Norbro 30-40R
Norbro 33-40R
Norbro 35-40R
Norbro 40-40R
Norbro 42-40R
Norbro 45-40
Norbro 50-40
Norbro Series 33R
Norbro Series 61
Norbro Series 75
Rotork IQ
Rotork IQT
Rotork AM
Rotork AQ
Rotork Q
Rotork Skilmatic
Rotork GP
Rotork GH
Rotork CP
Rotork P
Rotork H
Rotork RP
Rotork RH
Rotork R
Rotork LP
Rotork LH
Rotork HPG
Rotork HPL
Rotork GO
Rotork GL
Rotork EH

JIS F 7216
JIS F 7301
JIS F 7302
JIS F 7303
JIS F 7304
JIS F 7305
JIS F 7306
JIS F 7307
JIS F 7308
JIS F 7309
JIS F 7310
JIS F 7311
JIS F 7312
JIS F 7313
JIS F 7314
JIS F 7315
JIS F 7316
JIS F 7317
JIS F 7318
JIS F 7319
JIS F 7320
JIS F 7329
JIS F 7330
JIS F 7333
JIS F 7334
JIS F 7336
JIS F 7337
JIS F 7340
JIS F 7341
JIS F 7346
JIS F 7347
JIS F 7348
JIS F 7349
JIS F 7350
JIS F 7351
JIS F 7352
JIS F 7353
JIS F 7354
JIS F 7356
JIS F 7358
JIS F 7359
JIS F 7360
JIS F 7363
JIS F 7364
JIS F 7365
JIS F 7366
JIS F 7367
JIS F 7368
JIS F 7369
JIS F 7371
JIS F 7372
JIS F 7373
JIS F 7375
JIS F 7376
JIS F 7377
JIS F 7378
JIS F 7379
JIS F 7381
JIS F 7388
JIS F 7389
JIS F 7398
JIS F 7399
JIS F 7403
JIS F 7404
JIS F 7409
JIS F 7410
JIS F 7411
JIS F 7412
JIS F 7413
JIS F 7414
JIS F 7415
JIS F 7416
JIS F 7417
JIS F 7418
JIS F 7421
JIS F 7422
JIS F 7425
JIS F 7426
JIS F 7427
JIS F 7471
JIS F 7472
JIS F 7473
JIS F 7474
JIS F 7475
JIS F 7480
JIS F 7490
JIS F 7491
JIS F 7492
JIS F 7493
JIS F 7494
JIS F 7495
JIS F 7496
JIS F 7497
JIS F 7498
JIS F 7499
JIS F 7500
JIS F 7504
JIS F 7343
JIS F 7505
JIS F 7804
JIS F 7805
JIS F 7806
JIS F 7810
JIS F 7387

Hitachi Plant Corporation

GB/T 12222
GB/T 12223

Larox PV

Bernard OA
Bernard OA w/INTEGRAL+
Bernard OA w/POSIGAM+
Bernard AS
Bernard AS w/INTEGRAL+
Bernard AS w/POSIGAM+
Bernard ASM
Bernard ASM w/POSIGAM+
Bernard BS
Bernard BS w/INTEGRAL+
Bernard BS w/POSIGAM+
Bernard SRA
Bernard SRA w/POSIGAM+
Bernard SRC
Bernard SRC w/POSIGAM+
Bernard ST
Bernard ST w/INTEGRAL+
Bernard ST w/POSIGAM+
Bernard UX
Bernard UX w/INTEGRAL+
Bernard UX w/POSIGAM+

Linatex Jaco Type LT

CH Warman Pump Group

Keystone Pacific F401

Keystone Pacific F427 A1
Keystone Pacific F427 A2
Keystone Pacific F427 B1
Keystone Pacific F427 B2
Keystone Pacific F427 B3
Keystone Pacific F427 B4
Keystone Pacific F427 K12
Keystone Pacific F427 K18
Keystone Pacific F427 K26S3
Keystone Pacific F427 K26S5
Keystone Pacific F427 K40S3
Keystone Pacific F427 K40S5
Keystone Pacific F427 K65S3
Keystone Pacific F427 K65S5

Technegate™ Air Cylinder

Technegate™ Handwheel
Technegate™ Bevel Gear
Technegate™ Hydraulic
Technegate™ Electric
Canada Standards (SCC =
Standards Council of
Canada, CSA = Canadian
Standards Association)

Dantorque RD 0.32
Dantorque RD 0.68
Dantorque RD 1.26
Dantorque RD 2.27
Dantorque RD 4.63
Dantorque RD 8.00
Dantorque RD 13.3
Dantorque RD 26.0
Dantorque RD 45.0
Dantorque RD 72.0
Dantorque RD 99.0
Dantorque RD 125
Dantorque RD 171
Dantorque RD 241
Dantorque RD 296
Dantorque RD 406
Dantorque RS 0.32
Dantorque RS 0.68
Dantorque RS 1.26
Dantorque RS 2.27
Dantorque RS 4.63
Dantorque RS 8.00
Dantorque RS 13.3
Dantorque RS 26.0
Dantorque RS 45.0
Dantorque RS 72.0
Dantorque RS 99.0
Dantorque RS 125
Dantorque RS 171
Dantorque RS 241
Dantorque RS 296
Dantorque RS 406
Dantorque RK 6
Dantorque RK 10
Dantorque RK 20
Dantorque RK 34
Dantorque RK 54
Dantorque RK 75
Dantorque RK 93
Dantorque RK 130
Dantorque RK 180
Dantorque RK 225
Dantorque RK 305
Dantorque RP 6
Dantorque RP 10
Dantorque RP 20
Dantorque RP 34
Dantorque RP 54
Dantorque RP 75
Dantorque RP 93
Dantorque RP 130
Dantorque RP 180
Dantorque RP 225
Dantorque RP 305
Dantorque MP 6
Dantorque MP 10
Dantorque MP 20
Dantorque MP 34
Dantorque MP 54
Dantorque MP 75
Dantorque MP 93
Dantorque MP 130
Dantorque MP 180
Dantorque MP 225
Dantorque MP 305

BIFFI F01-2000
Valbia Model DA 32
Valbia Model DA 52
Valbia Model DA 63
Valbia Model DA 75
Valbia Model DA 85
Valbia Model DA 100
Valbia Model DA 115
Valbia Model DA 125
Valbia Model DA 160
Valbia Model DA 200
Valbia Model DA 270
Valbia Model SR 32
Valbia Model SR 52
Valbia Model SR 63
Valbia Model SR 75
Valbia Model SR 85
Valbia Model SR 100
Valbia Model SR 115
Valbia Model SR 125
Valbia Model SR 160
Valbia Model SR 200
Valbia Model SR 270
Valbia Model VB015
Valbia Model VB30
Valbia Model VB60
Valbia Model VB110
Valbia Model VB190
Valbia Model VB270
Valbia Model VB350

Damcos BRC 125

Damcos BRC 250
Damcos BRC 500
Damcos BRC 1000
Damcos BRC 2000
Damcos BRC 4000
Damcos BRC 8000
Damcos BRC 16000
Damcos BRCF 125
Damcos BRCF 250
Damcos BRCF 500
Damcos BRCF 1000
Damcos BRCF 2000
Damcos BRCF 4000
Damcos BRCF 8000
Damcos BRCF 16000
Damcos KC
Damcos KF
Damcos KFR
ValveOperatorGeometricIndStd Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent valu

ASME B16.10, Face to Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves 5
AWWA C540, Power-Actuating Devices for Valves and Slide Gates 6
MSS SP-101, Part-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment 7
MSS SP-102, Multi-Turn Valve Actuator Attachment 8
Aloyco 110 1765
Aloyco 110EB 1815
Aloyco 114 1745
Aloyco 114EB 1770
Aloyco 117 1750
Aloyco 117EB 1775
Aloyco 2110 1820
Aloyco 2114 1825
Aloyco 2117 1760
Aloyco 2117A 1830
Aloyco 2117EB 1780
Aloyco 2210A 1835
Aloyco 2214-A 1725
Aloyco 2314-A 1730
Aloyco 2317 1860
Aloyco 2317A 1800
Aloyco 2374 1805
Aloyco 2377 1810
Aloyco 314 1785
Aloyco 314EB 1790
Aloyco 317 1755
Aloyco 317EB 1795
Aloyco 374 1735
Aloyco 377 1740
Aloyco 4210A 1850
Aloyco 4214A 1855
Aloyco 4217A 1840
Aloyco 4227 1845
Aloyco 4314A 1870
Aloyco 4327 1865
Aloyco 4374 1885
Aloyco 4387 1880
Aloyco 62 1890
Amri ACTAIR 1.5 296
Amri ACTAIR 100 302
Amri ACTAIR 12 299
Amri ACTAIR 200 303
Amri ACTAIR 25 300
Amri ACTAIR 3 297
Amri ACTAIR 400 304
Amri ACTAIR 50 301
Amri ACTAIR 6 298
Amri ACTAIR 800 305
Amri ACTELEC 100 281
Amri ACTELEC 15 277
Amri ACTELEC 150 282
Amri ACTELEC 200/ SA 07-5 288
Amri ACTELEC 200/SRA 6 289
Amri ACTELEC 25 278
Amri ACTELEC 3 274
Amri ACTELEC 31/SA 07-5 287
Amri ACTELEC 400/SA 10-1 290
Amri ACTELEC 400/SRC 291
Amri ACTELEC 50 279
Amri ACTELEC 500/SA 07-5 292
Amri ACTELEC 500/SRA 6 293
Amri ACTELEC 6 275
Amri ACTELEC 8 276
Amri ACTELEC 80 280
Amri ACTELEC 800/SA 10-1 294
Amri ACTELEC 800/SRC 295
Amri ACTELEC SG 05 283
Amri ACTELEC SG 07 284
Amri ACTELEC SG 10 285
Amri ACTELEC SG 12 286
Amri ACTO 100 318
Amri ACTO 1600 322
Amri ACTO 200 319
Amri ACTO 25 316
Amri ACTO 400 320
Amri ACTO 50 317
Amri ACTO 800 321
Amri DYNACTAIR 1.5 306
Amri DYNACTAIR 100 312
Amri DYNACTAIR 12 309
Amri DYNACTAIR 200 313
Amri DYNACTAIR 25 310
Amri DYNACTAIR 3 307
Amri DYNACTAIR 400 314
Amri DYNACTAIR 50 311
Amri DYNACTAIR 6 308
Amri DYNACTAIR 800 315
Amri DYNACTO 100 326
Amri DYNACTO 12 323
Amri DYNACTO 25 324
Amri DYNACTO 50 325
Amri M 251
Amri M101 271
Amri M31 269
Amri M401A 272
Amri M401B 273
Amri M61 270
Amri MA 12 260
Amri MA 65 261
Amri MR 100 264
Amri MR 200 265
Amri MR 25 262
Amri MR 400 266
Amri MR 50 263
Amri MR 600 267
Amri MR 800 268
Amri NP/165 257
Amri NP/300 258
Amri NR/165 255
Amri NR/300 256
Amri SM/260 252
Amri SM/330 253
Amri SM/530 254
Amri WG 259
Andco® Actuators 7102S 338
Andco® Actuators 7105T 339
Andco® Actuators 7202S 340
Andco® Actuators 7205T 341
Andco® Actuators 7210T 342
Andco® Actuators 7302S 347
Andco® Actuators 7310T 343
Andco® Actuators 7317T 344
Andco® Actuators 7324T 345
Andco® Actuators 7430T 348
Andco® Actuators 7450T 349
Andco® Actuators 74-7330T 346
Andco® Actuators 7530T 350
Andco® Actuators 7550T 351
Andco® Actuators 8202S 352
Andco® Actuators 8202T 353
Andco® Actuators 8203T 354
Andco® Actuators 8205T 355
Andco® Actuators 8302S 356
Andco® Actuators 8303T 357
Andco® Actuators 8305T 358
Andco® Actuators 8310T 359
Andco® Actuators 8410T 360
Andco® Actuators 8417T 361
Andco® Actuators 8424T 362
Andco® Actuators 8510T 363
Andco® Actuators 8517T 364
Andco® Actuators 8524T 365
Andco® Actuators Eagle 337
Andco® Actuators QR2-05T 328
Andco® Actuators QR2-10T 329
Andco® Actuators QR2-17T 330
Andco® Actuators QR2-24T 331
Andco® Actuators QR2-25S 327
Andco® Actuators QRG2-05T 333
Andco® Actuators QRG2-10T 334
Andco® Actuators QRG2-17T 335
Andco® Actuators QRG2-24T 336
Andco® Actuators QRG2-25S 332
ASCO® Valve AH2D 368
ASCO® Valve AH2DMR 371
ASCO® Valve AH4D 369
ASCO® Valve AH8D 370
ASCO® Valve MO 366
ASCO® Valve MS 367
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A160D 439
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A160S 433
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A20D 436
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A20S 430
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A270D 440
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A270S 434
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A40D 437
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A40S 431
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A500D 441
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A500S 435
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A80D 438
Automax Valve Automation Systems EFC A80S 432
Automax Valve Automation Systems R1414DA 469
Automax Valve Automation Systems R205 442
Automax Valve Automation Systems R205SR 454
Automax Valve Automation Systems R206 443
Automax Valve Automation Systems R206SR 455
Automax Valve Automation Systems R207 444
Automax Valve Automation Systems R207SR 456
Automax Valve Automation Systems R208 445
Automax Valve Automation Systems R208SR 457
Automax Valve Automation Systems R310 446
Automax Valve Automation Systems R310SR 458
Automax Valve Automation Systems R312 447
Automax Valve Automation Systems R312SR 459
Automax Valve Automation Systems R314 448
Automax Valve Automation Systems R314SR 460
Automax Valve Automation Systems R316 449
Automax Valve Automation Systems R316SR 461
Automax Valve Automation Systems R414 450
Automax Valve Automation Systems R414SR 462
Automax Valve Automation Systems R416 451
Automax Valve Automation Systems R416SR 463
Automax Valve Automation Systems R418 452
Automax Valve Automation Systems R418SR 464
Automax Valve Automation Systems R420 453
Automax Valve Automation Systems R420SR 465
Automax Valve Automation Systems R514DA 466
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51614DA 471
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51616DA 473
Automax Valve Automation Systems R516DA 467
Automax Valve Automation Systems R516SR 478
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51816DA 475
Automax Valve Automation Systems R51818DA 476
Automax Valve Automation Systems R518DA 468
Automax Valve Automation Systems R518SR 479
Automax Valve Automation Systems R52020DA 477
Automax Valve Automation Systems R520DA 470
Automax Valve Automation Systems R520SR 480
Automax Valve Automation Systems R52214SR 483
Automax Valve Automation Systems R522DA 472
Automax Valve Automation Systems R522SR 481
Automax Valve Automation Systems R52416SR 484
Automax Valve Automation Systems R524DA 474
Automax Valve Automation Systems R524SR 482
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B050D 419
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B050S 408
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B063D 420
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B063S 409
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B085D 421
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B085S 410
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B100D 422
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B100S 411
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B115D 423
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B115S 412
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B125D 424
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B125S 413
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B150D 425
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B150S 414
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B175D 426
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B175S 415
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B200D 427
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova B200S 416
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S050D 397
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S050S 386
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S063D 398
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S063S 387
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S085D 399
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S085S 388
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S100D 400
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S100S 389
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S115D 401
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S115S 390
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S125D 402
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S125S 391
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S150D 403
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S150S 392
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S175D 404
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S175S 393
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S200D 405
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova S200S 394
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN250DA 406
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN250SR 395
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN300DA 407
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SN300SR 396
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA250DA 428
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA250SR 417
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA300DA 429
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SNA300SR 418
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL050 DA 379
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL050 SR 372
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL063 DA 380
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL063 SR 373
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL085 DA 381
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL085 SR 374
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL100 DA 382
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL100 SR 375
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL115 DA 383
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL115 SR 376
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL125 DA 384
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL125 SR 377
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL150 DA 385
Automax Valve Automation Systems SuperNova SXL150 SR 378
Becker Precision Equipment GS-1032-DA 563
Becker Precision Equipment GS-216-DA 559
Becker Precision Equipment GS-216-SR 554
Becker Precision Equipment GS-220-DA 560
Becker Precision Equipment GS-220-SR 555
Becker Precision Equipment GS-616-SR 556
Becker Precision Equipment GS-620-SR 557
Becker Precision Equipment GS-623-DA 561
Becker Precision Equipment GS-628-DA 562
Becker Precision Equipment GS-628-SR 558
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10C-#8 551
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10E-#39 552
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10x2-1/2-#8 542
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10x3-1/2-#33 545
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 10x3-1/2-#8 544
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 12E-#39 553
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 12x3-1/2-#33 546
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 5B-#2 547
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 5x1-1/2-#2 539
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 6B-#2 548
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 6x1-1/2-#2 540
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8B-#7 549
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8C-#8 550
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8x2-1/2-#7 541
Becker Precision Equipment LPSR 8x3-1/2-#8 543
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 10F 492
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 10H 493
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 10L 494
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12L 495
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12T 497
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12X 498
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 12Z 499
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14L 496
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14T 500
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14X 501
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 14Z 502
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 4D 485
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 5D 486
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 6D 487
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 6F 488
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 8F 489
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 8H 490
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA 8L 491
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D12T 503
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D12X 504
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D12Z 505
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D14T 506
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D14X 507
Becker Precision Equipment RPDA D14Z 508
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10F-SR-33 515
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10H-SR-33 517
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10H-SR-39 518
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10L-SR-33 519
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10L-SR-39 520
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 10L-SR-41 521
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L/10L-SR-39/7/39 531
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L/10L-SR-39/7/41 532
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-39 522
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-39/7 525
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-41 523
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12L-SR-41/33 524
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12N/12M-SR- 41/41/33 537
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 12N/12M-SR-D41/8 536
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 14L-SR-39/7 527
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 14L-SR-41/33 526
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 14N/12M-SR-D41/8 538
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 5D-SR-2 509
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 6D-SR-2 511
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 6D-SR-7 512
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 6F-SR-7 510
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 8F-SR-7 513
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 8F-SR-8 514
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR 8H-SR-33 516
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D10L-SR-39/39/7 528
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D10L-SR-39/41 529
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D10L-SR-39/7/41 530
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D12L-SR-39/39/7 534
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D12L-SR-39/41/33 535
Becker Precision Equipment RPSR D12L-SR-D39 533
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1032-DA 571
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1032-SR 564
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1043-DA 572
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1043-SR 565
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1053-SR 566
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1443-DA 573
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1443-SR 567
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1453-DA 574
Becker Precision Equipment SY-1453-SR 568
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2043-DA 575
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2053-DA 576
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2053-SR 569
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2064-DA 577
Becker Precision Equipment SY-2064-SR 570
Bettis® CBA 1030 601
Bettis® CBA 1030-M11 617
Bettis® CBA 1030-M3HW 609
Bettis® CBA 1030-SR 605
Bettis® CBA 1030-SR -M11 621
Bettis® CBA 1030-SR-M3HW 613
Bettis® CBA 730 598
Bettis® CBA 730-M11 614
Bettis® CBA 730-M3HW 606
Bettis® CBA 730-SR 602
Bettis® CBA 730-SR -M11 618
Bettis® CBA 730-SR-M3HW 610
Bettis® CBA 830 599
Bettis® CBA 830-M11 615
Bettis® CBA 830-M3HW 607
Bettis® CBA 830-SR 603
Bettis® CBA 830-SR -M11 619
Bettis® CBA 830-SR-M3HW 611
Bettis® CBA 930 600
Bettis® CBA 930-M11 616
Bettis® CBA 930-M3HW 608
Bettis® CBA 930-SR 604
Bettis® CBA 930-SR -M11 620
Bettis® CBA 930-SR-M3HW 612
Bettis® CBA315 578
Bettis® CBA315-M3HW 588
Bettis® CBA315-SR 583
Bettis® CBA315-SR-M3HW 593
Bettis® CBA420 579
Bettis® CBA420- SR-M3HW 594
Bettis® CBA420-M3HW 589
Bettis® CBA420-SR 584
Bettis® CBA520 580
Bettis® CBA520- SR-M3HW 595
Bettis® CBA520-M3HW 590
Bettis® CBA520-SR 585
Bettis® CBA525 581
Bettis® CBA525- SR-M3HW 596
Bettis® CBA525-M3HW 591
Bettis® CBA525-SR 586
Bettis® CBA725 582
Bettis® CBA725- SR-M3HW 597
Bettis® CBA725-M3HW 592
Bettis® CBA725-SR 587
Bettis® DD0012 622
Bettis® DD0025 623
Bettis® DD0040 624
Bettis® DD0065 625
Bettis® DD0100 626
Bettis® DD0200 627
Bettis® DD0350 628
Bettis® DD0600 629
Bettis® DD0950 630
Bettis® DD1600 631
Bettis® DS0012 632
Bettis® DS0025 633
Bettis® DS0040 634
Bettis® DS0065 635
Bettis® DS0100 636
Bettis® DS0200 637
Bettis® DS0350 638
Bettis® DS0600 639
Bettis® DS0950 640
Bettis® DS1600 641
Bettis® G01001.5 (Robotarm II™) 852
Bettis® G01001.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 859
Bettis® G01001.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 866
Bettis® G01001.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 873
Bettis® G01001.7 (Robotarm II™) 853
Bettis® G01001.7-M11 (Robotarm II™) 860
Bettis® G01001.7-SR (Robotarm II™) 867
Bettis® G01001.7-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 874
Bettis® G01002.0 (Robotarm II™) 854
Bettis® G01002.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 861
Bettis® G01002.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 868
Bettis® G01002.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 875
Bettis® G01002.2 (Robotarm II™) 855
Bettis® G01002.2-M11 (Robotarm II™) 862
Bettis® G01002.2-SR (Robotarm II™) 869
Bettis® G01002.2-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 876
Bettis® G01002.5 (Robotarm II™) 856
Bettis® G01002.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 863
Bettis® G01002.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 870
Bettis® G01002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 877
Bettis® G01003.0 (Robotarm II™) 857
Bettis® G01003.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 864
Bettis® G01003.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 871
Bettis® G01003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 878
Bettis® G01003.5 (Robotarm II™) 858
Bettis® G01003.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 865
Bettis® G01003.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 872
Bettis® G01003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 879
Bettis® G01008 (Robotarm II™) 670
Bettis® G01008-M11 (Robotarm II™) 675
Bettis® G01008-SR (Robotarm II™) 680
Bettis® G01008-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 685
Bettis® G01009 (Robotarm II™) 671
Bettis® G01009-M11 (Robotarm II™) 676
Bettis® G01009-SR (Robotarm II™) 681
Bettis® G01009-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 686
Bettis® G01010 (Robotarm II™) 672
Bettis® G01010-M11 (Robotarm II™) 677
Bettis® G01010-SR (Robotarm II™) 682
Bettis® G01010-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 687
Bettis® G01012 (Robotarm II™) 673
Bettis® G01012-M11 (Robotarm II™) 678
Bettis® G01012-SR (Robotarm II™) 683
Bettis® G01012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 688
Bettis® G01014 (Robotarm II™) 674
Bettis® G01014-M11 (Robotarm II™) 679
Bettis® G01014-SR (Robotarm II™) 684
Bettis® G01014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 689
Bettis® G10006.0 (Robotarm II™) 1119
Bettis® G10006.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1128
Bettis® G10006.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1146
Bettis® G10007.0 (Robotarm II™) 1121
Bettis® G10007.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1129
Bettis® G10007.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1147
Bettis® G10007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1156
Bettis® G10008.0 (Robotarm II™) 1122
Bettis® G10008.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1131
Bettis® G10008.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1148
Bettis® G10008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1157
Bettis® G10009.0 (Robotarm II™) 1123
Bettis® G10009.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1132
Bettis® G10009.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1149
Bettis® G10009.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1158
Bettis® G10010.0 (Robotarm II™) 1124
Bettis® G10010.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1133
Bettis® G10010.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1151
Bettis® G10010.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1159
Bettis® G10012.0 (Robotarm II™) 1126
Bettis® G10012.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1134
Bettis® G10012.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1152
Bettis® G10012.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1161
Bettis® G10014.0 (Robotarm II™) 1127
Bettis® G10014.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1136
Bettis® G10014.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1153
Bettis® G10014.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1162
Bettis® G100206.0 (Robotarm II™) 1137
Bettis® G100207.0 (Robotarm II™) 1138
Bettis® G100208.0 (Robotarm II™) 1139
Bettis® G100209.0 (Robotarm II™) 1141
Bettis® G100210.0 (Robotarm II™) 1142
Bettis® G100212.0 (Robotarm II™) 1143
Bettis® G100214.0 (Robotarm II™) 1144
Bettis® G100232 (Robotarm II™) 831
Bettis® G100232-SR (Robotarm II™) 842
Bettis® G100232-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 849
Bettis® G100236 (Robotarm II™) 832
Bettis® G100236-SR (Robotarm II™) 843
Bettis® G100236-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 850
Bettis® G100240 (Robotarm II™) 833
Bettis® G100240-SR (Robotarm II™) 844
Bettis® G100240-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 851
Bettis® G10028 (Robotarm II™) 827
Bettis® G10028-M11 (Robotarm II™) 834
Bettis® G10028-SR (Robotarm II™) 838
Bettis® G10028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 845
Bettis® G10032 (Robotarm II™) 828
Bettis® G10032-M11 (Robotarm II™) 835
Bettis® G10032-SR (Robotarm II™) 839
Bettis® G10032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 846
Bettis® G10036 (Robotarm II™) 829
Bettis® G10036-M11 (Robotarm II™) 836
Bettis® G10036-SR (Robotarm II™) 840
Bettis® G10036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 847
Bettis® G10040 (Robotarm II™) 830
Bettis® G10040-M11 (Robotarm II™) 837
Bettis® G10040-SR (Robotarm II™) 841
Bettis® G10040-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 848
Bettis® G2001.7 (Robotarm II™) 880
Bettis® G2001.7-M11 (Robotarm II™) 887
Bettis® G2001.7-SR (Robotarm II™) 901
Bettis® G2001.7-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 908
Bettis® G2002.0 (Robotarm II™) 881
Bettis® G2002.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 888
Bettis® G2002.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 902
Bettis® G2002.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 909
Bettis® G2002.25 (Robotarm II™) 882
Bettis® G2002.25-M11 (Robotarm II™) 889
Bettis® G2002.25-SR (Robotarm II™) 903
Bettis® G2002.25-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 910
Bettis® G2002.5 (Robotarm II™) 883
Bettis® G2002.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 890
Bettis® G2002.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 904
Bettis® G2002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 911
Bettis® G2003.0 (Robotarm II™) 884
Bettis® G2003.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 891
Bettis® G2003.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 905
Bettis® G2003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 912
Bettis® G2003.5 (Robotarm II™) 885
Bettis® G2003.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 892
Bettis® G2003.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 906
Bettis® G2003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 913
Bettis® G2004.0 (Robotarm II™) 886
Bettis® G2004.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 893
Bettis® G2004.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 907
Bettis® G2004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 914
Bettis® G2009 (Robotarm II™) 690
Bettis® G2009-M11 (Robotarm II™) 695
Bettis® G2009-SR (Robotarm II™) 700
Bettis® G2009-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 705
Bettis® G2010 (Robotarm II™) 691
Bettis® G2010-M11 (Robotarm II™) 696
Bettis® G2010-SR (Robotarm II™) 701
Bettis® G2010-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 706
Bettis® G2012 (Robotarm II™) 692
Bettis® G2012-M11 (Robotarm II™) 697
Bettis® G2012-SR (Robotarm II™) 702
Bettis® G2012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 707
Bettis® G2014 (Robotarm II™) 693
Bettis® G2014-M11 (Robotarm II™) 698
Bettis® G2014-SR (Robotarm II™) 703
Bettis® G2014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 708
Bettis® G2016 (Robotarm II™) 694
Bettis® G2016-M11 (Robotarm II™) 699
Bettis® G2016-SR (Robotarm II™) 704
Bettis® G2016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 709
Bettis® G20201.7 (Robotarm II™) 894
Bettis® G20202.0 (Robotarm II™) 895
Bettis® G20202.25 (Robotarm II™) 896
Bettis® G20202.5 (Robotarm II™) 897
Bettis® G20203.0 (Robotarm II™) 898
Bettis® G20203.5 (Robotarm II™) 899
Bettis® G20204.0 (Robotarm II™) 900
Bettis® G3002.0 (Robotarm II™) 915
Bettis® G3002.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 922
Bettis® G3002.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 936
Bettis® G3002.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 943
Bettis® G3002.25 (Robotarm II™) 916
Bettis® G3002.25-M11 (Robotarm II™) 923
Bettis® G3002.25-SR (Robotarm II™) 937
Bettis® G3002.25-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 944
Bettis® G3002.5 (Robotarm II™) 917
Bettis® G3002.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 924
Bettis® G3002.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 938
Bettis® G3002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 945
Bettis® G3003.0 (Robotarm II™) 918
Bettis® G3003.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 925
Bettis® G3003.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 939
Bettis® G3003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 946
Bettis® G3003.5 (Robotarm II™) 919
Bettis® G3003.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 926
Bettis® G3003.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 940
Bettis® G3003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 947
Bettis® G3004.0 (Robotarm II™) 920
Bettis® G3004.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 927
Bettis® G3004.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 941
Bettis® G3004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 948
Bettis® G3004.5 (Robotarm II™) 921
Bettis® G3004.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 928
Bettis® G3004.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 942
Bettis® G3004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 949
Bettis® G3010 (Robotarm II™) 710
Bettis® G3010-M11 (Robotarm II™) 715
Bettis® G3010-SR (Robotarm II™) 720
Bettis® G3010-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 725
Bettis® G3012 (Robotarm II™) 711
Bettis® G3012-M11 (Robotarm II™) 716
Bettis® G3012-SR (Robotarm II™) 721
Bettis® G3012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 726
Bettis® G3014 (Robotarm II™) 712
Bettis® G3014-M11 (Robotarm II™) 717
Bettis® G3014-SR (Robotarm II™) 722
Bettis® G3014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 727
Bettis® G3016 (Robotarm II™) 713
Bettis® G3016-M11 (Robotarm II™) 718
Bettis® G3016-SR (Robotarm II™) 723
Bettis® G3016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 728
Bettis® G3020 (Robotarm II™) 714
Bettis® G30202.0 (Robotarm II™) 929
Bettis® G30202.25 (Robotarm II™) 930
Bettis® G30202.5 (Robotarm II™) 931
Bettis® G30203.0 (Robotarm II™) 932
Bettis® G30203.5 (Robotarm II™) 933
Bettis® G30204.0 (Robotarm II™) 934
Bettis® G30204.5 (Robotarm II™) 935
Bettis® G3020-M11 (Robotarm II™) 719
Bettis® G3020-SR (Robotarm II™) 724
Bettis® G3020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 729
Bettis® G4002.5 (Robotarm II™) 950
Bettis® G4002.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 957
Bettis® G4002.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 971
Bettis® G4002.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 978
Bettis® G4003.0 (Robotarm II™) 951
Bettis® G4003.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 958
Bettis® G4003.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 972
Bettis® G4003.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 979
Bettis® G4003.5 (Robotarm II™) 952
Bettis® G4003.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 959
Bettis® G4003.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 973
Bettis® G4003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 980
Bettis® G4004.0 (Robotarm II™) 953
Bettis® G4004.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 960
Bettis® G4004.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 974
Bettis® G4004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 981
Bettis® G4004.5 (Robotarm II™) 954
Bettis® G4004.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 961
Bettis® G4004.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 975
Bettis® G4004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 982
Bettis® G4005.0 (Robotarm II™) 955
Bettis® G4005.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 962
Bettis® G4005.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 976
Bettis® G4005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 983
Bettis® G4006.0 (Robotarm II™) 956
Bettis® G4006.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 963
Bettis® G4006.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 977
Bettis® G4006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 984
Bettis® G4012 (Robotarm II™) 730
Bettis® G4012-M11 (Robotarm II™) 736
Bettis® G4012-SR (Robotarm II™) 742
Bettis® G4012-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 748
Bettis® G4014 (Robotarm II™) 731
Bettis® G4014-M11 (Robotarm II™) 737
Bettis® G4014-SR (Robotarm II™) 743
Bettis® G4014-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 749
Bettis® G4016 (Robotarm II™) 732
Bettis® G4016-M11 (Robotarm II™) 738
Bettis® G4016-SR (Robotarm II™) 744
Bettis® G4016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 750
Bettis® G4020 (Robotarm II™) 733
Bettis® G40202.5 (Robotarm II™) 964
Bettis® G40203.0 (Robotarm II™) 965
Bettis® G40203.5 (Robotarm II™) 966
Bettis® G40204.0 (Robotarm II™) 967
Bettis® G40204.5 (Robotarm II™) 968
Bettis® G40205.0 (Robotarm II™) 969
Bettis® G40206.0 (Robotarm II™) 970
Bettis® G4020-M11 (Robotarm II™) 739
Bettis® G4020-SR (Robotarm II™) 745
Bettis® G4020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 751
Bettis® G4024 (Robotarm II™) 734
Bettis® G4024-M11 (Robotarm II™) 740
Bettis® G4024-SR (Robotarm II™) 746
Bettis® G4024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 752
Bettis® G4028 (Robotarm II™) 735
Bettis® G4028-M11 (Robotarm II™) 741
Bettis® G4028-SR (Robotarm II™) 747
Bettis® G4028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 753
Bettis® G5003.5 (Robotarm II™) 985
Bettis® G5003.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 992
Bettis® G5003.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 1008
Bettis® G5003.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1017
Bettis® G5004.0 (Robotarm II™) 986
Bettis® G5004.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 993
Bettis® G5004.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1009
Bettis® G5004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1018
Bettis® G5004.5 (Robotarm II™) 987
Bettis® G5004.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 994
Bettis® G5004.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 1011
Bettis® G5004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1019
Bettis® G5005.0 (Robotarm II™) 988
Bettis® G5005.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 995
Bettis® G5005.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1012
Bettis® G5005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1021
Bettis® G5006.0 (Robotarm II™) 989
Bettis® G5006.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 996
Bettis® G5006.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1013
Bettis® G5006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1022
Bettis® G5007.0 (Robotarm II™) 990
Bettis® G5007.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 997
Bettis® G5007.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1014
Bettis® G5007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1023
Bettis® G5008.0 (Robotarm II™) 991
Bettis® G5008.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 998
Bettis® G5008.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1016
Bettis® G5008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1024
Bettis® G5016 (Robotarm II™) 754
Bettis® G5016-M11 (Robotarm II™) 760
Bettis® G5016-SR (Robotarm II™) 766
Bettis® G5016-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 772
Bettis® G5020 (Robotarm II™) 755
Bettis® G50203.5 (Robotarm II™) 999
Bettis® G50204.0 (Robotarm II™) 1001
Bettis® G50204.5 (Robotarm II™) 1002
Bettis® G50205.0 (Robotarm II™) 1003
Bettis® G50206.0 (Robotarm II™) 1004
Bettis® G50207.0 (Robotarm II™) 1006
Bettis® G50208.0 (Robotarm II™) 1007
Bettis® G5020-M11 (Robotarm II™) 761
Bettis® G5020-SR (Robotarm II™) 767
Bettis® G5020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 773
Bettis® G5024 (Robotarm II™) 756
Bettis® G5024-M11 (Robotarm II™) 762
Bettis® G5024-SR (Robotarm II™) 768
Bettis® G5024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 774
Bettis® G5028 (Robotarm II™) 757
Bettis® G5028-M11 (Robotarm II™) 763
Bettis® G5028-SR (Robotarm II™) 769
Bettis® G5028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 775
Bettis® G5032 (Robotarm II™) 758
Bettis® G5032-M11 (Robotarm II™) 764
Bettis® G5032-SR (Robotarm II™) 770
Bettis® G5032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 776
Bettis® G5036 (Robotarm II™) 759
Bettis® G5036-M11 (Robotarm II™) 765
Bettis® G5036-SR (Robotarm II™) 771
Bettis® G5036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 777
Bettis® G7004.0 (Robotarm II™) 1026
Bettis® G7004.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1036
Bettis® G7004.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1056
Bettis® G7004.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1066
Bettis® G7004.5 (Robotarm II™) 1027
Bettis® G7004.5-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1037
Bettis® G7004.5-SR (Robotarm II™) 1057
Bettis® G7004.5-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1067
Bettis® G7005.0 (Robotarm II™) 1028
Bettis® G7005.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1038
Bettis® G7005.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1058
Bettis® G7005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1068
Bettis® G7006.0 (Robotarm II™) 1029
Bettis® G7006.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1039
Bettis® G7006.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1059
Bettis® G7006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1069
Bettis® G7007.0 (Robotarm II™) 1031
Bettis® G7007.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1041
Bettis® G7007.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1061
Bettis® G7007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1071
Bettis® G7008.0 (Robotarm II™) 1032
Bettis® G7008.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1042
Bettis® G7008.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1062
Bettis® G7008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1072
Bettis® G7009.0 (Robotarm II™) 1033
Bettis® G7009.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1043
Bettis® G7009.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1063
Bettis® G7009.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1073
Bettis® G7010.0 (Robotarm II™) 1034
Bettis® G7010.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1044
Bettis® G7010.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1064
Bettis® G7010.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1074
Bettis® G7020 (Robotarm II™) 778
Bettis® G70204.0 (Robotarm II™) 1046
Bettis® G70204.5 (Robotarm II™) 1047
Bettis® G70205.0 (Robotarm II™) 1048
Bettis® G70206.0 (Robotarm II™) 1049
Bettis® G70207.0 (Robotarm II™) 1051
Bettis® G70208.0 (Robotarm II™) 1052
Bettis® G70209.0 (Robotarm II™) 1053
Bettis® G7020-M11 (Robotarm II™) 784
Bettis® G7020-SR (Robotarm II™) 789
Bettis® G7020-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 795
Bettis® G70210.0 (Robotarm II™) 1054
Bettis® G70228 (Robotarm II™) 783
Bettis® G7024 (Robotarm II™) 779
Bettis® G7024-M11 (Robotarm II™) 785
Bettis® G7024-SR (Robotarm II™) 790
Bettis® G7024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 796
Bettis® G7028 (Robotarm II™) 780
Bettis® G7028-M11 (Robotarm II™) 786
Bettis® G7028-SR (Robotarm II™) 791
Bettis® G7028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 797
Bettis® G7032 (Robotarm II™) 781
Bettis® G7032-M11 (Robotarm II™) 787
Bettis® G7032-SR (Robotarm II™) 792
Bettis® G7032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 798
Bettis® G7036 (Robotarm II™) 782
Bettis® G7036-M11 (Robotarm II™) 788
Bettis® G7036-SR (Robotarm II™) 793
Bettis® G7036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 799
Bettis® G70T28-SR (Robotarm II™) 794
Bettis® G70T28-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 800
Bettis® G8005.0 (Robotarm II™) 1076
Bettis® G8005.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1084
Bettis® G8005.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1102
Bettis® G8005.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1111
Bettis® G8006.0 (Robotarm II™) 1077
Bettis® G8006.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1086
Bettis® G8006.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1103
Bettis® G8006.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1112
Bettis® G8007.0 (Robotarm II™) 1078
Bettis® G8007.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1087
Bettis® G8007.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1104
Bettis® G8007.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1113
Bettis® G8008.0 (Robotarm II™) 1079
Bettis® G8008.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1088
Bettis® G8008.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1106
Bettis® G8008.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1114
Bettis® G8009.0 (Robotarm II™) 1081
Bettis® G8009.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1089
Bettis® G8009.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1107
Bettis® G8009.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1116
Bettis® G8010.0 (Robotarm II™) 1082
Bettis® G8010.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1091
Bettis® G8010.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1108
Bettis® G8010.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1117
Bettis® G8012.0 (Robotarm II™) 1083
Bettis® G8012.0-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1092
Bettis® G8012.0-SR (Robotarm II™) 1109
Bettis® G8012.0-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 1118
Bettis® G80205.0 (Robotarm II™) 1093
Bettis® G80206.0 (Robotarm II™) 1094
Bettis® G80207.0 (Robotarm II™) 1096
Bettis® G80208.0 (Robotarm II™) 1097
Bettis® G80209.0 (Robotarm II™) 1098
Bettis® G80210.0 (Robotarm II™) 1099
Bettis® G80212.0 (Robotarm II™) 1101
Bettis® G80232 (Robotarm II™) 806
Bettis® G80232-SR (Robotarm II™) 818
Bettis® G80232-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 825
Bettis® G80236 (Robotarm II™) 807
Bettis® G80236-SR (Robotarm II™) 819
Bettis® G80236-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 826
Bettis® G8024 (Robotarm II™) 801
Bettis® G8024-M11 (Robotarm II™) 808
Bettis® G8024-SR (Robotarm II™) 813
Bettis® G8024-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 820
Bettis® G8028 (Robotarm II™) 802
Bettis® G8028-M11 (Robotarm II™) 809
Bettis® G8028-SR (Robotarm II™) 814
Bettis® G8028-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 821
Bettis® G8032 (Robotarm II™) 803
Bettis® G8032-M11 (Robotarm II™) 810
Bettis® G8032-SR (Robotarm II™) 815
Bettis® G8032-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 822
Bettis® G8036 (Robotarm II™) 804
Bettis® G8036-M11 (Robotarm II™) 811
Bettis® G8036-SR (Robotarm II™) 816
Bettis® G8036-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 823
Bettis® G8040 (Robotarm II™) 805
Bettis® G8040-M11 (Robotarm II™) 812
Bettis® G8040-SR (Robotarm II™) 817
Bettis® G8040-SR-M11 (Robotarm II™) 824
Bettis® HD 251.5-SR 5150 643
Bettis® HD 251.5-SR 560 642
Bettis® HD 251-SR 5100 644
Bettis® HD 251-SR 5125 645
Bettis® HD 251-SR 540 647
Bettis® HD 251-SR 560 648
Bettis® HD 251-SR 580 646
Bettis® HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 7100 652
Bettis® HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 7125 653
Bettis® HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 7150 654
Bettis® HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 740 649
Bettis® HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 760 650
Bettis® HD 251-SR H352.1-SR 780 651
Bettis® HD 521 655
Bettis® HD 521-M11 660
Bettis® HD 521-SR 663
Bettis® HD 521-SR-M11 667
Bettis® HD 721 656
Bettis® HD 721-M11 661
Bettis® HD 721-SR 664
Bettis® HD 721-SR-M11 668
Bettis® HD 722 657
Bettis® HD 722-SR 665
Bettis® HD 731 658
Bettis® HD 731-M11 662
Bettis® HD 732 659
Bettis® HD 732-SR 666
Bettis® HD 732-SR-M11 669
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-050 1163
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-100 1164
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-300 1166
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-500 1167
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-510 1168
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-520 1169
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-810 1171
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-820 1172
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-830 1173
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-840 1174
Bettis® TorqPlus™ EM-SR5 1176
Bettis® WellGuard™ DWG Pneumatic Diaphragm 1177
Bettis® WellGuard™ HWG-HL Hydraulic Piston 1182
Bettis® WellGuard™ PWG Pneumatic Piston 1183
Bettis® WellGuard™ PWG-IO Pneumatic Piston with Override 1181
Bonney Forge H9-10 1045
Bonney Forge H9-16 1000
Bonney Forge H9-30 1050
Bonney Forge H9-36 1005
Bonney Forge H9-50 1055
Bonney Forge H9-56 1010
Bonney Forge H9F-10 1095
Bonney Forge H9F-11 1015
Bonney Forge H9F-12 1080
Bonney Forge H9F-16 1120
Bonney Forge H9F-19 1020
Bonney Forge H9F-30 1160
Bonney Forge H9F-50 1165
Bonney Forge HL-10 1115
Bonney Forge HL-30 1070
Bonney Forge HL-50 1075
Bonney Forge L1-10 1060
Bonney Forge L3-10 1065
Bonney Forge L6-10 1110
Bonney Forge W9-10 1090
Bonney Forge W9-11 1130
Bonney Forge W9-30 1100
Bonney Forge W9-31 1135
Bonney Forge W9-36 1155
Bonney Forge W9-39 1030
Bonney Forge W9-40 1150
Bonney Forge W9-41 1140
Bonney Forge W9-42 1175
Bonney Forge W9-46 1170
Bonney Forge W9-49 1035
Bonney Forge W9-50 1105
Bonney Forge WL-41 1025
Bonney Forge Y9-40 1145
Bonney Forge Y9-41 1040
Bonney Forge Y9-42 1085
Bonney Forge Y9-46 1125
Centerline 504 2100
Centerline A 2105
Centerline LT 2110
Clarkson KGA-AC, Air Cylinder 1187
Clarkson KGA-EM, Electro-mechanical 1189
Clarkson KGA-HC, Hydraulic Cylinder 1188
Clarkson KGA-MG, Manual Bevel Gear 1186
Clarkson KGA-MH, Manual Handwheel 1184
Clarkson KGD-AC, Air Cylinder 1193
Clarkson KGD-EM, Electro-mechanical 1196
Clarkson KGD-HC, Hydraulic Cylinder 1194
Clarkson KGD-MG, Manual Bevel Gear 1192
Clarkson KGD-MH, Manual Handwheel 1191
Clarkson KGF-MH, Manual Handwheel 2500
Clarkson KGF-MG, Manual Bevel Gear 2501
Clarkson KGF-AC, Air Cylinder 2502
Clarkson KGF-HC, Hydraulic Cylinder 2503
Crane 137 1290
Crane 14 1/2 P 1260
Crane 143 1205
Crane 151 1210
Crane 151 ½ 1215
Crane 1523 1225
Crane 1523 1/2 1285
Crane 171 1305
Crane 171 1/2 1300
Crane 189 1315
Crane Figure 351 2560
Crane 33 1180
Crane 33 ½ 1185
Crane 36 1265
Crane 373 1320
Crane Figure 428 2561
Crane 431 UB 1270
Crane Figure 459 2562
Crane 461 1217
Crane Figure 465 2563
Crane Figure 467 2564
Crane 47 1190
Crane 55 1195
Crane 7189 1230
Crane 76 1200
Crane 76 1/2 1295
Crane 787 1220
Crane 87 1310
Crane 88 1280
Crane 9302 1235
Crane B-3655 1240
Crane B-3663 1245
Crane Figure 5TF 2565
Crane Figure 7TF 2566
Crane Figure 9201-UL 2567
Demco NE 2125
Demco NF 2130
Demco WF 2135
Dezurik PEC - Cylinder Actuated 1322
EIM HQ-006 1198
EIM HQ-008 1199
EIM HQ-015 1201
EIM HQ-020 1202
EIM HQ-030 1203
EIM HQ-050 1204
EIM HQ-060 1206
EIM HQ-080 1207
EIM HQ-120 1208
EIM HQ-200 1209
EIM HQ-300 1211
EIM Model 1000 1212
EIM Model 2000 1213
EIM Model 3000 1214
EIM Model 4000 1216
EIM Model 5000 2485
EIM Model EB-03 1218
EIM Model EB-04 1219
El-O-Matic E100 1226
El-O-Matic E12 1221
El-O-Matic E1600 1232
El-O-Matic E200 1227
El-O-Matic E25 1222
El-O-Matic E350 1228
El-O-Matic E40 1223
El-O-Matic E600 1229
El-O-Matic E65 1224
El-O-Matic E950 1231
El-O-Matic ED100 1241
El-O-Matic ED12 1236
El-O-Matic ED1600 1247
El-O-Matic ED200 1242
El-O-Matic ED25 1237
El-O-Matic ED350 1243
El-O-Matic ED40 1238
El-O-Matic ED600 1244
El-O-Matic ED65 1239
El-O-Matic ED950 1246
El-O-Matic ES100 1256
El-O-Matic ES12 1251
El-O-Matic ES1600 1262
El-O-Matic ES200 1257
El-O-Matic ES25 1252
El-O-Matic ES350 1258
El-O-Matic ES40 1253
El-O-Matic ES600 1259
El-O-Matic ES65 1254
El-O-Matic ES950 1261
El-O-Matic P2500 1233
El-O-Matic P4000 1234
El-O-Matic PD 1100 1272
El-O-Matic PD 150 1267
El-O-Matic PD 280 1268
El-O-Matic PD 500 1269
El-O-Matic PD 60 1266
El-O-Matic PD 750 1271
El-O-Matic PD2500 1248
El-O-Matic PD4000 1249
El-O-Matic PE 1100 1279
El-O-Matic PE 150 1274
El-O-Matic PE 280 1276
El-O-Matic PE 500 1277
El-O-Matic PE 60 1273
El-O-Matic PE 750 1278
El-O-Matic PS2500 1263
El-O-Matic PS4000 1264
FieldQ E100 1312
FieldQ E1600 1318
FieldQ E200 1313
FieldQ E350 1314
FieldQ E40 1311
FieldQ E600 1316
FieldQ E950 1317
FieldQ Q100 1321
FieldQ Q1600 1327
FieldQ Q200 2487
FieldQ Q350 1323
FieldQ Q40 1319
FieldQ Q600 1324
FieldQ Q950 1326
FieldQ QD100 1338
FieldQ QD1600 1346
FieldQ QD200 1339
FieldQ QD350 1342
FieldQ QD40 1337
FieldQ QD600 1343
FieldQ QD950 1344
FieldQ QS100 1329
FieldQ QS1600 1336
FieldQ QS200 1331
FieldQ QS350 1332
FieldQ QS40 1328
FieldQ QS600 1333
FieldQ QS950 1334
Fisher Controls Type 657, Top-Mounted Handwheel 1250
Fisher Controls Type 657, Side-Mounted Handwheel 1255
Fisher Controls Type 667 1275
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-05 1347
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-10 1348
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-140 1353
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-20 1349
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-40 1351
Flowserve Limitorque Accutronix MX-85 1352
Flowserve Limitorque B320-20 1354
Flowserve Limitorque B320-40 1356
Flowserve Limitorque B320-50 1357
Flowserve Limitorque B320-70 1358
Flowserve Limitorque B320-80 1359
Flowserve Limitorque B320-90 1361
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-0 1362
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-1 1363
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-2 1364
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-3 1366
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-4 1367
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-5 1368
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-6 1369
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-7 1371
Flowserve Limitorque HBC-7M 1372
Flowserve Limitorque L120-10 1373
Flowserve Limitorque L120-190 1378
Flowserve Limitorque L120-20 1374
Flowserve Limitorque L120-2000 1382
Flowserve Limitorque L120-40 1376
Flowserve Limitorque L120-420 1379
Flowserve Limitorque L120-800 1381
Flowserve Limitorque L120-85 1377
Flowserve Limitorque LY-1001 1383
Flowserve Limitorque LY-2001 1384
Flowserve Limitorque LY-3001 1386
Flowserve Limitorque MT-1 1409
Flowserve Limitorque MT-2 1411
Flowserve Limitorque MT-3 1412
Flowserve Limitorque MT-4 1413
Flowserve Limitorque MT-5 1414
Flowserve Limitorque MT-6 1416
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C120 1393
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C150 1394
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C18 1388
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C250 1396
Flowserve Limitorque PTA/C65 1392
Flowserve Limitorque PTA10 1387
Flowserve Limitorque PTA32 1391
Flowserve Limitorque PTC32 1389
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-0 1399
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-00 1398
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-000 1397
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-1 1401
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-2 1402
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-3 1403
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-4 1404
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-5 1406
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-5T 1407
Flowserve Limitorque SMB-5XT 1408
FNWTM BxS 1288
FNWTM Figure 1000E 1308
FNWTM Figure 100E 1302
FNWTM Figure 1600E 1309
FNWTM Figure 200E 1303
FNWTM Figure 300E 1306
FNWTM Figure 350E 1304
FNWTM Figure 600E 1307
FNWTM G731 1281
FNWTM Model 100 1294
FNWTM Model 115 1296
FNWTM Model 125 1297
FNWTM Model 160 1298
FNWTM Model 200 1299
FNWTM Model 270 1301
FNWTM Model 52 1289
FNWTM Model 63 1291
FNWTM Model 75 1292
FNWTM Model 85 1293
FNWTM SB-V0 1286
FNWTM SB-V2 1287
FNWTM WG-00 1282
FNWTM WG-01 1283
FNWTM WG-02 1284
Grinnell Fire Protection A-4 2150
Hancock 5505W 1590
Hancock 7105W 1595
Hayward LH1 1434
Hayward LH1LS 1439
Hayward LH1SR 1438
Hayward LH1SRS 1441
Hayward Series EATB 1417
Hayward Series EAU 1432
Hayward Series EJM 1428
Hayward Series EVR 1433
Hayward Series EVS 1429
Hayward Series EVT 1431
Hayward Series PAD 1423
Hayward Series PAS 1424
Hayward Series PCD 1418
Hayward Series PCS 1419
Hayward Series PKD 1421
Hayward Series PKS 1422
Hayward Series PMD 1426
Hayward Series PMS 1427
Hex HB-241 1660
Hex HB-501 1670
Hex HB-521 1665
Hex HG-461 1655
Hex HG-463 1650
Hex HG-651 1645
Hex HM-131 1690
Hex HM-451 1685
Hex HM-571 1680
Hex HN-491 1675
Hytork XL1126-DA 1463
Hytork XL1126-SR 1464
Hytork XL131-DA 1448
Hytork XL131-SR 1449
Hytork XL1371-DA 1466
Hytork XL1371-SR 1467
Hytork XL186-DA 1451
Hytork XL186-SR 1452
Hytork XL221-DA 1453
Hytork XL221-SR 1454
Hytork XL2586-DA 1468
Hytork XL2586-SR 1469
Hytork XL26-DA 1443
Hytork XL26-DA-S40 1442
Hytork XL26-SR 1444
Hytork XL281-DA 1456
Hytork XL281-SR 1457
Hytork XL426-DA 1458
Hytork XL426-SR 1459
Hytork XL4581-DA 1471
Hytork XL4581-SR 1472
Hytork XL681-DA 1461
Hytork XL681-SR 1462
Hytork XL71-DA 1446
Hytork XL71-SR 1447
Iso-Gate - Bevel gear 1579
Iso-Gate - Handwheel 1578
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H15 1473
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H20 1474
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H25 1476
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H30 1477
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H35 1478
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H45 1479
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H60 1481
ITT Cam-Line® Compact Model H75 1482
ITT Cam-Line® Mastergear Model 980 1483
ITT Cam-Line® Mastergear Model 981 1484
ITT Cam-Line® Mastergear Model 984 1486
ITT Cam-Line® Mastergear Model 987 1487
ITT Dia-Flo® Series 3100 1488
ITT Dia-Flo® Series 3200 1489
ITT Dia-Flo® Series 3300 1491
ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3010-1-3 1580
ITT Grinnell Cam-Tite 3014-1-3 1585
Jamesbury 4AB 1620
Jamesbury 4CB 1600
Jamesbury 5150 1605
Jamesbury 5300 1610
Jamesbury A11 1615
Jamesbury AM150FD 1601
Jamesbury DM150FD 1602
Jordan Controls EH-1000 1727
Jordan Controls EH-2010-N 1711
Jordan Controls EH-2020 1728
Jordan Controls EH-2020-A 1713
Jordan Controls EH-2020-N 1712
Jordan Controls EH-2030-A 1716
Jordan Controls EH-2030-N 1714
Jordan Controls EH-2040-A 1718
Jordan Controls EH-2040-N 1717
Jordan Controls EH-2110-A 1721
Jordan Controls EH-2110-N 1719
Jordan Controls EH-2130-A 1723
Jordan Controls EH-2130-N 1722
Jordan Controls EH-2140-A 1726
Jordan Controls EH-2140-N 1724
Jordan Controls EH-9100 1729
Jordan Controls JBM2-N 1607
Jordan Controls JOM1-A 1586
Jordan Controls JOM1-N 1584
Jordan Controls JOM2-A 1588
Jordan Controls JOM2-N 1587
Jordan Controls JOM3-A 1591
Jordan Controls JOM3-N 1589
Jordan Controls JOM4-A 1593
Jordan Controls JOM4-N 1592
Jordan Controls JOM5-A 1596
Jordan Controls JOM5-N 1594
Jordan Controls JOM6-A 1598
Jordan Controls JOM6-N 1597
Jordan Controls JOM7-A 1603
Jordan Controls JOM7-N 1599
Jordan Controls JOM8-A 1606
Jordan Controls JOM8-N 1604
Jordan Controls JOM-A 1581
Jordan Controls JOMB-A 1583
Jordan Controls JOMB-N 1582
Jordan Controls JOM-N 1577
Jordan Controls LA-1020-D 1608
Jordan Controls LA-1110-D 1611
Jordan Controls LA-1110-N 1609
Jordan Controls LA-1140-N 1612
Jordan Controls LA-1170-D 1614
Jordan Controls LA-1170-N 1613
Jordan Controls LA-1510-D 1617
Jordan Controls LA-1510-N 1616
Jordan Controls LA-1570-D 1619
Jordan Controls LA-1570-N 1618
Jordan Controls LA-2315-N 1621
Jordan Controls LA-2320-D 1623
Jordan Controls LA-2320-N 1622
Jordan Controls LA-2390-D 1626
Jordan Controls LA-2390-N 1624
Jordan Controls LA-2410-D 1628
Jordan Controls LA-2410-N 1627
Jordan Controls LA-2415-N 1629
Jordan Controls LA-2420-D 1632
Jordan Controls LA-2420-N 1631
Jordan Controls LA-2440-N 1634
Jordan Controls LA-2450-D 1637
Jordan Controls LA-2450-N 1636
Jordan Controls LA-2460-N 1638
Jordan Controls LA-2490-D 1641
Jordan Controls LA-2490-N 1639
Jordan Controls LA-2510-N 1642
Jordan Controls LA-2520-D 1644
Jordan Controls LA-2520-E 1646
Jordan Controls LA-2520-N 1643
Jordan Controls LA-2610-A 1648
Jordan Controls LA-2610-N 1647
Jordan Controls LA-2620-D 1651
Jordan Controls LA-2620-N 1649
Jordan Controls LA-2710-A 1653
Jordan Controls LA-2710-N 1652
Jordan Controls LA-2720-N 1654
Jordan Controls LA-2910-N 1656
Jordan Controls LA-2980-N 1657
Jordan Controls LA-3330-D 1741
Jordan Controls LA-3330-N 1739
Jordan Controls LA-3350-D 1743
Jordan Controls LA-3350-N 1742
Jordan Controls LA-5115-A 1691
Jordan Controls LA-5115-N 1689
Jordan Controls LA-5120-D 1693
Jordan Controls LA-5120-N 1692
Jordan Controls LA-5140-N 1694
Jordan Controls LA-5160-A 1697
Jordan Controls LA-5160-D 1698
Jordan Controls LA-5160-N 1696
Jordan Controls LA-5190-D 1701
Jordan Controls LA-5190-N 1699
Jordan Controls LA-5210-A 1703
Jordan Controls LA-5210-N 1702
Jordan Controls LA-5220-D 1706
Jordan Controls LA-5220-N 1704
Jordan Controls LA-5260-A 1708
Jordan Controls LA-5260-D 1709
Jordan Controls LA-5260-N 1707
Jordan Controls MV-1005-0102 1658
Jordan Controls MV-1005-0103 1659
Jordan Controls MV-1010-D 1661
Jordan Controls MV-1020-D 1662
Jordan Controls MV-1110-D 1667
Jordan Controls MV-1110-N 1666
Jordan Controls MV-1140-N 1668
Jordan Controls MV-1170-D 1671
Jordan Controls MV-1170-N 1669
Jordan Controls MV-1510-D 1673
Jordan Controls MV-1510-N 1672
Jordan Controls MV-1530-D 1676
Jordan Controls MV-1530-N 1674
Jordan Controls MV-1540-N 1677
Jordan Controls MV-1550-D 1679
Jordan Controls MV-1550-N 1678
Jordan Controls MV-1570-D 1682
Jordan Controls MV-1570-N 1681
Jordan Controls SM-1015 1492
Jordan Controls SM-1020 1493
Jordan Controls SM-1020 with gearbox 1494
Jordan Controls SM-1110-D 1497
Jordan Controls SM-1110-N 1496
Jordan Controls SM-1120-D 1499
Jordan Controls SM-1120-N 1498
Jordan Controls SM-1140-N 1501
Jordan Controls SM-1150-D 1503
Jordan Controls SM-1150-N 1502
Jordan Controls SM-1170-D 1506
Jordan Controls SM-1170-N 1504
Jordan Controls SM-1180-N 1507
Jordan Controls SM-1520-D 1509
Jordan Controls SM-1520-N 1508
Jordan Controls SM-1530-D 1512
Jordan Controls SM-1530-N 1511
Jordan Controls SM-1540-N 1513
Jordan Controls SM-1550-D 1516
Jordan Controls SM-1550-N 1514
Jordan Controls SM-1580-N 1517
Jordan Controls SM-1590-D 1519
Jordan Controls SM-1590-N 1518
Jordan Controls SM-1630-D 1522
Jordan Controls SM-1630-N 1521
Jordan Controls SM-1650-D 1524
Jordan Controls SM-1650-N 1523
Jordan Controls SM-1680-N 1526
Jordan Controls SM-1715-N 1527
Jordan Controls SM-1720-D 1529
Jordan Controls SM-1720-N 1528
Jordan Controls SM-1730-D 1532
Jordan Controls SM-1730-N 1531
Jordan Controls SM-1740-N 1533
Jordan Controls SM-1750-D 1536
Jordan Controls SM-1750-N 1534
Jordan Controls SM-1760-N 1537
Jordan Controls SM-1790-D 1539
Jordan Controls SM-1790-N 1538
Jordan Controls SM-3330-D 1736
Jordan Controls SM-3330-N 1734
Jordan Controls SM-3350-D 1738
Jordan Controls SM-3350-N 1737
Jordan Controls SM-5115-A 1542
Jordan Controls SM-5115-N 1541
Jordan Controls SM-5120-D 1544
Jordan Controls SM-5120-N 1543
Jordan Controls SM-5140-N 1546
Jordan Controls SM-5160-A 1548
Jordan Controls SM-5160-D 1549
Jordan Controls SM-5160-N 1547
Jordan Controls SM-5190-D 1552
Jordan Controls SM-5190-N 1551
Jordan Controls SM-5210-A 1554
Jordan Controls SM-5210-N 1553
Jordan Controls SM-5220-D 1557
Jordan Controls SM-5220-N 1556
Jordan Controls SM-5260-A 1559
Jordan Controls SM-5260-D 1561
Jordan Controls SM-5260-N 1558
Jordan Controls SM-5310-A 1563
Jordan Controls SM-5310-N 1562
Jordan Controls SM-5320-N 1564
Jordan Controls SM-5360-A 1567
Jordan Controls SM-5360-D 1568
Jordan Controls SM-5360-N 1566
Jordan Controls SM-5430-A 1571
Jordan Controls SM-5430-N 1569
Jordan Controls SM-5480-A 1573
Jordan Controls SM-5480-D 1574
Jordan Controls SM-5480-N 1572
Jordan Controls SM-6000-D 1576
Jordan Controls TA-1200 1731
Jordan Controls TA-1200-E 1733
Jordan Controls TA-1200-R 1732
Jordan Controls VA-1015-D 1663
Jordan Controls VA-1020-D 1664
Jordan Controls VA-1630-D 1684
Jordan Controls VA-1630-N 1683
Jordan Controls VA-1650-D 1687
Jordan Controls VA-1650-N 1686
Jordan Controls VA-1680-N 1688
Keystone AR1 2195
Keystone AR2 2196
Keystone Prince Figure 809 – Internal Spring 2530
Keystone Prince Figure 810 – Internal Spring 2531
Keystone Prince Figure 813 – External Spring 2532
Keystone Prince Figure 815 – External Spring 2533
Kitz 09 2534
Kitz 17 2535
Kitz 24 2536
Kitz 37 2537
Kitz 58 2538
Kitz 68 2539
Kitz 72 2540
Kitz 76 2541
Kitz 300SCL 2542
Masoneilan® Domotor® Type 71-100 1758
Masoneilan® Domotor® Type 71-200 1759
Masoneilan® Domotor® Type 71-25 1756
Masoneilan® Domotor® Type 71-50 1757
Masoneilan® Type 37/38-11 1749
Masoneilan® Type 37/38-13 1751
Masoneilan® Type 37/38-15 1752
Masoneilan® Type 37/38-18 1753
Masoneilan® Type 37/38-24 1754
Masoneilan® Type 87/88-10 1746
Masoneilan® Type 87/88-16 1747
Masoneilan® Type 87/88-23 1748
Masoneilan® Type 87/88-6 1744
Mastergear 90° Output Worm Declutch 1837
Mastergear A03 Bevel Gear 1856
Mastergear A04 Bevel Gear 1857
Mastergear A11 Bevel Gear 1858
Mastergear A110 Bevel Gear 1868
Mastergear A111 Bevel Gear 1869
Mastergear A13 Bevel Gear 1859
Mastergear A24 Bevel Gear 1861
Mastergear A25 Bevel Gear 1862
Mastergear A300 Bevel Gear 1871
Mastergear A33 Bevel Gear 1863
Mastergear A43 Bevel Gear 1864
Mastergear A70 Bevel Gear 1866
Mastergear A90 Bevel Gear 1867
Mastergear M10 Side Declutch 1833
Mastergear M12 Side Declutch 1834
Mastergear M15 Side Declutch 1836
Mastergear SE Series 1824
Mastergear SE07 Series 1826
Mastergear SE10 Series 1827
Mastergear SE12 Series 1828
Mastergear Top Pull Declutch 1842
Mastergear Type 9801 1829
Mastergear Type 9804 1831
Mastergear Type 9807 1832
Mastergear Type FP05 1872
Mastergear Type FP07 1873
Mastergear Type FP10 1874
Mastergear Type M05 1761
Mastergear Type M07 1762
Mastergear Type M07FB 1763
Mastergear Type M10 1764
Mastergear Type M10FB 1766
Mastergear Type M12 1767
Mastergear Type M125/DB9/D9 1788
Mastergear Type M12FB 1768
Mastergear Type M14 1769
Mastergear Type M14FB 1771
Mastergear Type M15 1772
Mastergear Type M15FB 1773
Mastergear Type M16 1774
Mastergear Type M160/DB9/D9 1789
Mastergear Type M20 1776
Mastergear Type M200/DB9/D9 1791
Mastergear Type M83/DB9/D9 1787
Mastergear Type MAFF46 1813
Mastergear Type MAWD44 1839
Mastergear Type MAWD44/TF10TP 1847
Mastergear Type MAWD44/TF12TP 1848
Mastergear Type MAWD44/TF14TP 1849
Mastergear Type MCFF72 1814
Mastergear Type MCWD54 1841
Mastergear Type MCWD54/TF12TP 1851
Mastergear Type MCWD54/TF14TP 1852
Mastergear Type MCWD54/TF16TP 1853
Mastergear Type MF10F07 1802
Mastergear Type MF10F10 1803
Mastergear Type MF12F10 1804
Mastergear Type MF14F10 1806
Mastergear Type MF15F10 1807
Mastergear Type MF15F14 1808
Mastergear Type MF16F10 1809
Mastergear Type MF16F14 1811
Mastergear Type MF20F10 1812
Mastergear Type MFF36/S5 1816
Mastergear Type MFWD57/TF16TP 1854
Mastergear Type MJF50/D9 1778
Mastergear Type MJF50/S5 1777
Mastergear Type MLF60/D12 1781
Mastergear Type MLF60/D9 1779
Mastergear Type MLF60/D9/S3 1782
Mastergear Type MPF50/D12/S 1819
Mastergear Type MPF50/D12/S3 1783
Mastergear Type MPF50/D15/S3 1784
Mastergear Type MTF50/DB6/D9 1786
Mastergear Type MVWD43 1838
Mastergear Type MVWD43/TF07TP 1843
Mastergear Type MVWD43/TF10TP 1844
Mastergear Type MVWD43/TF12TP 1846
Mastergear Type MWBF64 1793
Mastergear Type MWCF72 1794
Mastergear Type MWFF57/S3 1796
Mastergear Type MWJF50/D9 1797
Mastergear Type MWJF50/S5 1798
Mastergear Type MWLF60/D12 1799
Mastergear Type MWLF60/D9/S3 1801
Mastergear Type MWYF40 1792
Mission Duo Chek II 12 1720
Mission Duo Chek II 15 1695
Mission Duo Chek II 30 1700
Mission Duo Chek II 60 1715
Morin Model 002DA, Series MRP/MRS 2066
Morin Model 002SR, Series MRP/MRS 2078
Morin Model 003DA, Series S 1989
Morin Model 003SR, Series S 2012
Morin Model 004DA, Series MRP/MRS 2067
Morin Model 004SR, Series MRP/MRS 2079
Morin Model 006DA, Series B 1875
Morin Model 006DA, Series B-WH 1932
Morin Model 006DA, Series S 1991
Morin Model 006SR, Series B 1901
Morin Model 006SR, Series B-WH 1958
Morin Model 006SR, Series S 2013
Morin Model 009DA, Series MRP/MRS 2068
Morin Model 009SR, Series MRP/MRS 2081
Morin Model 012DA, Series S 1992
Morin Model 012SR, Series S 2014
Morin Model 014DA, Series MRP/MRS 2069
Morin Model 014SR, Series MRP/MRS 2082
Morin Model 015DA, Series B 1876
Morin Model 015DA, Series B-WH 1933
Morin Model 015SR, Series B 1902
Morin Model 015SR, Series B-WH 1959
Morin Model 023DA, Series B 1877
Morin Model 023DA, Series B-WH 1934
Morin Model 023DA, Series S 1993
Morin Model 023SR, Series B 1903
Morin Model 023SR, Series B-WH 1961
Morin Model 023SR, Series S 2016
Morin Model 025DA, Series MRP/MRS 2071
Morin Model 025SR, Series MRP/MRS 2083
Morin Model 036DA, Series B 1878
Morin Model 036DA, Series B-WH 1936
Morin Model 036DA, Series S 1994
Morin Model 036SR, Series B 1904
Morin Model 036SR, Series B-WH 1962
Morin Model 036SR, Series S 2017
Morin Model 037DA, Series MRP/MRS 2072
Morin Model 037SR, Series MRP/MRS 2084
Morin Model 045DA, Series MRP/MRS 2073
Morin Model 045SR, Series MRP/MRS 2086
Morin Model 046SR, Series B 1906
Morin Model 046SR, Series B-WH 1963
Morin Model 046SR, Series S 2018
Morin Model 050DA, Series B 1879
Morin Model 050DA, Series B-WH 1937
Morin Model 050DA, Series S 2486
Morin Model 058SR, Series B 1907
Morin Model 058SR, Series B-WH 1964
Morin Model 059DA, Series B 1881
Morin Model 059DA, Series B-WH 1938
Morin Model 059SR, Series B 1908
Morin Model 059SR, Series B-WH 1966
Morin Model 070DA, Series MRP/MRS 2074
Morin Model 070SR, Series MRP/MRS 2087
Morin Model 072DA, Series B 1882
Morin Model 072DA, Series B-WH 1939
Morin Model 072DA, Series S 1996
Morin Model 072SR, Series B 1909
Morin Model 072SR, Series B-WH 1967
Morin Model 072SR, Series S 2019
Morin Model 088DA, Series MRP/MRS 2076
Morin Model 088SR, Series MRP/MRS 2088
Morin Model 100DA, Series B 1883
Morin Model 100DA, Series B-WH 1941
Morin Model 100DA, Series S 1997
Morin Model 100SR, Series B 1911
Morin Model 100SR, Series B-WH 1968
Morin Model 100SR, Series S 2021
Morin Model 1150DA, Series B 1896
Morin Model 1150DA, Series B-WH 1953
Morin Model 1150SR, Series B 1926
Morin Model 1150SR, Series B-WH 1983
Morin Model 1150SR, Series S 2008
Morin Model 135DA, Series B 1884
Morin Model 135DA, Series B-WH 1942
Morin Model 135DA, Series S 1998
Morin Model 135SR, Series B 1912
Morin Model 135SR, Series B-WH 1969
Morin Model 135SR, Series S 2022
Morin Model 144DA, Series S 1999
Morin Model 144SR, Series S 2023
Morin Model 1480DA, Series B 1897
Morin Model 1480DA, Series B-WH 1954
Morin Model 1480SR, Series B 1927
Morin Model 1480SR, Series B-WH 1984
Morin Model 1480SR, Series S 2009
Morin Model 180DA, Series MRP/MRS 2077
Morin Model 180SR, Series MRP/MRS 2089
Morin Model 1929SR, Series B 1928
Morin Model 1929SR, Series B-WH 1986
Morin Model 1930DA, Series B 1898
Morin Model 1930DA, Series B-WH 1956
Morin Model 1930SR, Series B 1929
Morin Model 1930SR, Series B-WH 1987
Morin Model 210DA, Series B 1886
Morin Model 210DA, Series B-WH 1943
Morin Model 210DA, Series S 2001
Morin Model 210SR, Series B 1913
Morin Model 210SR, Series B-WH 1971
Morin Model 210SR, Series S 2024
Morin Model 2380DA, Series B 1899
Morin Model 2380DA, Series B-WH 1957
Morin Model 2380SR, Series B 1931
Morin Model 2380SR, Series B-WH 1988
Morin Model 2380SR, Series S 2011
Morin Model 270DA, Series B 1887
Morin Model 270DA, Series B-WH 1944
Morin Model 270DA, Series S 2002
Morin Model 270SR, Series B 1914
Morin Model 270SR, Series B-WH 1972
Morin Model 270SR, Series S 2026
Morin Model 344SR, Series B 1916
Morin Model 344SR, Series B-WH 1973
Morin Model 345DA, Series B 1888
Morin Model 345DA, Series B-WH 1946
Morin Model 345SR, Series B 1917
Morin Model 345SR, Series B-WH 1974
Morin Model 370DA, Series B 1889
Morin Model 370DA, Series B-WH 1947
Morin Model 370DA, Series S 2003
Morin Model 370SR, Series B 1918
Morin Model 370SR, Series B-WH 1976
Morin Model 370SR, Series S 2027
Morin Model 420DA, Series B 1891
Morin Model 420DA, Series B-WH 1948
Morin Model 420DA, Series S 2004
Morin Model 420SR, Series B 1919
Morin Model 420SR, Series B-WH 1977
Morin Model 420SR, Series S 2028
Morin Model 575DA, Series B 1892
Morin Model 575DA, Series B-WH 1949
Morin Model 575DA, Series S 2006
Morin Model 575SR, Series B 1921
Morin Model 575SR, Series B-WH 1978
Morin Model 575SR, Series S 2029
Morin Model 740DA, Series B 1893
Morin Model 740DA, Series B-WH 1951
Morin Model 740SR, Series B 1922
Morin Model 740SR, Series B-WH 1979
Morin Model 740SR, Series S 2007
Morin Model 944SR, Series B 1923
Morin Model 944SR, Series B-WH 1981
Morin Model 945DA, Series B 1894
Morin Model 945DA, Series B-WH 1952
Morin Model 945SR, Series B 1924
Morin Model 945SR, Series B-WH 1982
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-023S 2046
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-046S 2047
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-072S 2048
Morin Model HP15U-2-1-100S 2049
Morin Model HP15U-2-1DA 2036
Morin Model HP15U-2-2DA 2037
Morin Model HP15U-3-1-100S 2051
Morin Model HP15U-3-1DA 2038
Morin Model HP25U-3-1-210S 2052
Morin Model HP25U-3-1-420S 2053
Morin Model HP25U-3-1DA 2039
Morin Model HP25U-4-1-210S 2054
Morin Model HP25U-4-1-420S 2056
Morin Model HP25U-4-1DA 2041
Morin Model HP30U-4-1-370S 2057
Morin Model HP30U-4-1-740S 2058
Morin Model HP30U-4-1DA 2042
Morin Model HP30U-6-1-1150S 2062
Morin Model HP30U-6-1-575S 2059
Morin Model HP30U-6-1-740S 2061
Morin Model HP30U-6-1DA 2043
Morin Model HP30U-8-1-1150S 2064
Morin Model HP30U-8-1-740S 2063
Morin Model HP30U-8-1DA 2044
Mueller 31 2140
Mueller 61 2145
Onyx Valve PFC 2092
Onyx Valve PFO 2091
Nibco F-617-0 2570
Nibco F-718-B 2571
Nibco T-124 2572
Nibco T-104-0 2573
Nibco T/S-211-B 2574
Nibco T/S-595-Y 2575
Pacific 1550 2010
Pacific 1584 1920
Pacific 160 1895
Pacific 180 1900
Pacific 2155 1925
Pacific 21553 2000
Pacific 21555 1970
Pacific 2355 1930
Pacific 2655 1935
Pacific 2955 1995
Pacific 350 1990
Pacific 360 1975
Pacific 380 1905
Pacific 55509 1980
Pacific 55515 1940
Pacific 56009 1945
Pacific 56015 1950
Pacific 56509 2005
Pacific 58009 1955
Pacific 58809 1985
Pacific 58815 1960
Pacific 660 1910
Pacific 680 1915
Pacific 960 2015
Pacific 984 2020
Parker Model 61AC/O 2103
Parker Model 61ACX 2106
Parker Model 61AD 2102
Parker Model 61ADX 2104
Parker Model 61SAC/O 2108
Parker Model 61SACX 2111
Parker Model 61SAD 2107
Parker Model 61SADX 2109
Parker Model 62AC/O 2113
Parker Model 62AD 2112
Parker Model 63AC/O 2116
Parker Model 63AD 2114
Parker Model 64ACX 2118
Parker Model 64ADX 2117
Parker Model 65AC/O 2121
Parker Model 65AD 2119
Parker Model 66AC/O 2123
Parker Model 66AD 2122
Parker Model 68ACX 2126
Parker Model 68ADX 2124
Parker Model 69AC/O 2128
Parker Model 69AD 2127
Parker Model 71 2093
Parker Model 72 2094
Parker Model 73 2096
Parker Model 81 2097
Parker Model 82 2098
Parker Model 83 2099
Parker Model 84 2101
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646 2070
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 636 2055
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 636 for SP-44 2060
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646 2065
Posi-Seal Cryo Firesafe 646, w/sP-44 drill 2075
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 232 2035
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 232 for MSS-SP-44 2040
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 242 2045
Posi-Seal Phoenix III 242 for MSS-SP-44 2050
Powell 1331 2120
Powhatan 18-157 2155
Pratt GROUNDHOG 2030
Pratt PIVA 2025
R&G Sloane 1081 2115
Resistoflex Diaphragm Type 1 2170
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D10000 2199
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D100000 2202
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D1200 2194
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D20000 2200
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D4000 2197
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D5000 2198
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D50000 2201
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac D600 2193
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L10000 2172
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L120000 2182
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L15000 2173
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L2000 2167
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L20000 2174
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L30000 2176
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L4000 2168
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L40000 2177
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L500 2166
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L5000 2169
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L50000 2178
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L60000 2179
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L8000 2171
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac L80000 2181
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R10000 2188
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R100000 2192
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R1200 2184
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R20000 2189
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R4000 2186
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R5000 2187
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R50000 2191
REXA ElectraulicTM Mpac R600 2183
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D10000 2159
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D100000 2164
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D1200 2156
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D20000 2162
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D4000 2157
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D5000 2158
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D50000 2163
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac D600 2154
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L10000 2133
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L120000 2141
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L15000 2134
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L2000 2129
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L20000 2136
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L4000 2131
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L40000 2137
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L5000 2132
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L60000 2138
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac L80000 2139
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R10000 2147
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R100000 2151
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R1200 2143
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R20000 2148
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R200000 2152
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R4000 2144
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R400000 2153
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R5000 2146
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R50000 2149
REXA ElectraulicTM Xpac R600 2142
RF Valves P15 - Pneumatic 2510
RF Valves P90 - Pneumatic 2511
RF Valves P150 - Pneumatic 2512
RF Valves P15 - Sealed Body Pneumatic 2513
RF Valves P90 - Sealed Body Pneumatic 2514
RF Valves P150 - Sealed Body Pneumatic 2515
RF Valves H15 - Hydraulic 2516
RF Valves H90 - Hydraulic 2517
RF Valves H150 - Hydraulic 2518
RF Valves E15 - Electric 2519
RF Valves E90 - Electric 2581
RF Valves E150 - Electric 2582
RF Valves M15 - Electric 2583
RF Valves M90 - Electric 2584
RF Valves M150 - Electric 2585
Rockwell 1925 1325
Rockwell 1945 1330
Rockwell 1947 1465
Rockwell 2025 1370
Rockwell 2045 1375
Rockwell 2245 1355
Rockwell 2249 1385
Rockwell 4149 1335
Rockwell 4249 1380
Rockwell 4749 1390
Rockwell Edward 1570Y 1415
Rockwell Edward 1641Y 1435
Rockwell Edward 1643 1436
Rockwell Edward 1643Y 1437
Rockwell Edward 36124 1345
Rockwell Edward 36128 1350
Rockwell Edward 36164 1440
Rockwell Edward 36168 1450
Rockwell Edward 36174 1410
Rockwell Edward 36178 1395
Rockwell Edward 4007Y 1425
Rockwell Edward 607Y 1420
Rockwell Edward 66124 1455
Rockwell Edward 66128 1460
Rockwell Edward 670Y 1405
Rockwell Edward 7502Y 1445
Rockwell Edward 7507Y 1430
Rockwell Edward 7514Y 1360
Rockwell Edward 832Y 1400
Rockwell McCanna S151 1340
Rockwell McCanna S301 1365
Rockwell McCanna V503 1341
Saunders Cast Iron Rising Handwheel 2272
Saunders Cast Iron Rising Handwheel Bonnet 2271
Saunders EC 2203
Saunders ECX/DA, H Series 2210
Saunders ECX/DA, S Series 2209
Saunders ECX/SC - Heads F1, F2, & F3 2206
Saunders ECX/SC - Heads G1, G2, & G3 2207
Saunders ECX/SC - Heads H1, H2, & H3 2208
Saunders ECX/SO, H Series 2205
Saunders ECX/SO, S Series 2204
Saunders Endurance Bonnet 2295
Saunders ESC61 2251
Saunders ESC62 2252
Saunders ESC63 2253
Saunders ESC64 2254
Saunders ESC65 2255
Saunders ESDA54 2265
Saunders ESDA55 2266
Saunders ESDA56 2267
Saunders ESDA57 2268
Saunders ESDA58 2269
Saunders ESM54 (for Type A valve) 2232
Saunders ESM54 (for Type KB valve) 2237
Saunders ESM55 (for Type A valve) 2233
Saunders ESM55 (for Type KB valve) 2238
Saunders ESM56 (for Type A valve) 2234
Saunders ESM56 (for Type KB valve) 2239
Saunders ESM57 (for Type A valve) 2235
Saunders ESM57 (for Type KB valve) 2240
Saunders ESM58 (for Type A valve) 2236
Saunders ESM58 (for Type KB valve) 2241
Saunders ESM61 (for Type A valve) 2212
Saunders ESM61 (for Type KB valve) 2217
Saunders ESM62 (for Type A valve) 2213
Saunders ESM62 (for Type KB valve) 2218
Saunders ESM63 (for Type A valve) 2214
Saunders ESM63 (for Type KB valve) 2219
Saunders ESM64 (for Type A valve) 2215
Saunders ESM64 (for Type KB valve) 2220
Saunders ESM65 (for Type A valve) 2216
Saunders ESM65 (for Type KB valve) 2221
Saunders ESM68 (for Type A valve) 2222
Saunders ESM68 (for Type KB valve) 2227
Saunders ESM69 (for Type A valve) 2223
Saunders ESM69 (for Type KB valve) 2228
Saunders ESM70 (for Type A valve) 2224
Saunders ESM70 (for Type KB valve) 2229
Saunders ESM71 (for Type A valve) 2225
Saunders ESM71 (for Type KB valve) 2230
Saunders ESM72 (for Type A valve) 2226
Saunders ESM72 (for Type KB valve) 2231
Saunders ESO68 2256
Saunders ESO69 2257
Saunders ESO70 2258
Saunders ESO71 2259
Saunders ESO72 2260
Saunders EVC61 2243
Saunders EVC62 2244
Saunders EVC63 2245
Saunders EVC64 2246
Saunders EVDA54 2261
Saunders EVDA55 2262
Saunders EVDA56 2263
Saunders EVDA57 2264
Saunders EVO68 2247
Saunders EVO69 2248
Saunders EVO70 2249
Saunders EVO71 2250
Saunders Flanged Performance Bonnet 2277
Saunders Fluoroelastomer Sealed Bonnet 2275
Saunders Fluoroelastomer Sealed Padlocking Bonnet 2290
Saunders HC4 2242
Saunders Non-Rising Bronze Gunmetal LG4 Bonnet (padlocking) 2294
Saunders Non-rising Handwheel (fluoroelastomer sealed) 2292
Saunders Non-rising Handwheel with Indicator 2273
Saunders Non-rising Handwheel without Indicator 2274
Saunders PES - Performance Bonnet Assembly, Type 1 2283
Saunders PES - Performance Bonnet Assembly, Type 2 2284
Saunders Pure Performance Bonnet Assembly 2278
Saunders Rising Handwheel 2270
Saunders Rising Handwheel with Indicator 2288
Saunders Rising Handwheel with Indicator (simple padlocking) 2293
Saunders Rising Handwheel with Indicator (with optional metal handwheel) 2289
Saunders SSC 2211
Saunders Stainless Steel (Silicone Sealed) Bonnet 2287
Saunders Stainless Steel Bonnet Assembly, Type 1 2281
Saunders Stainless Steel Bonnet Assembly, Type 2 2282
Saunders Stainless Steel Sealed Bonnet Assembly, Type 1 2285
Saunders Stainless Steel Sealed Bonnet Assembly, Type 2 2286
Saunders Standard Non-rising Handwheel 2291
Saunders Standard Performance Bonnet 2276
Saunders SVMDV2 2175
Saunders SVMDV3 2180
Saunders SVMDV4 2185
Saunders SVMDV5 2190
Saunders White Epoxy Bonnet Assembly, Type 1 2279
Saunders White Epoxy Bonnet Assembly, Type 2 2280
ServoValve CF 2309
ServoValve CS 2308
ServoValve HA 2315
ServoValve HC 2314
ServoValve HD 2311
ServoValve PA 2313
ServoValve PC 2312
ServoValve PD 2310
ServoValve RFO 2306
ServoValve RFOM 2307
ServoValve RFP 2304
ServoValve RFPM 2305
ServoValve RGO 2302
ServoValve RGOM 2303
ServoValve RGP 2300
ServoValve RGPM 2301
ServoValve RH 2298
ServoValve RHM 2299
ServoValve RP 2296
ServoValve RPM 2297
Shafer HS Series 2338
Shafer L Series DA 2330
Shafer L Series SR 2331
Shafer RP Series DA 2332
Shafer RP Series SR 2333
Shafer RV 11 x 10 2321
Shafer RV 12 ½ x 12 2322
Shafer RV 14 ½ x 14 2323
Shafer RV 16 ½ x 16 2324
Shafer RV 20 x 16 2325
Shafer RV 25 x 16 2326
Shafer RV 26 x 22 2327
Shafer RV 26 x 36 2328
Shafer RV 33 x 32 2329
Shafer RV 5 x 3 2316
Shafer RV 6 ½ x 8 2318
Shafer RV 6½ x 3½ 2317
Shafer RV 9 x 12 2320
Shafer RV 9 x 7 2319
Shafer Subsea RV Series DA 2334
Shafer Subsea RV Series SR 2335
Shafer Subsea S Series DA 2336
Shafer Subsea S Series SR 2337
Smith 1500 1500
Smith 1570 1505
Smith 411F 1570
Smith 411T 1575
Smith 5870 1495
Smith 800 1480
Smith 815 1510
Smith 830 1515
Smith 860 1550
Smith 870 1485
Smith 888 1490
Smith B80 1565
Smith C150 1545
Smith C83 1560
Smith G150 1530
Smith G157 1535
Smith G80 1520
Smith G83 1555
Smith G87 1525
Smith SB80 1540
Stockham D512 1635
Stockham D623 1630
Stockham D931 1640
TopLine SRS Model 21 2339
TopLine SRS Model 34 2340
TopLine SRS Model 47 2341
TopLine SRS Model 50 2342
Triac WE-29500 2353
Triac XE-29500 2363
Triac 2CB130XX/2-3 2417
Triac 2CB130XX/4 2418
Triac 2CB130XX/5-6 2419
Triac 2CB40XX/2-3 2412
Triac 2CB80XX/2-3 2413
Triac 2CB80XX/4 2414
Triac 2CB80XX/5-6 2416
Triac 2CI1200XX/10 2430
Triac 2CI1200XX/12-14 2431
Triac 2CI200XX/4 2420
Triac 2CI200XX/5-6 2421
Triac 2CI300XX/10 2424
Triac 2CI300XX/5-6 2422
Triac 2CI300XX/8 2423
Triac 2CI500XX/10 2426
Triac 2CI500XX/12-14 2427
Triac 2CI500XX/8 2425
Triac 2CI850XX/10 2428
Triac 2CI850XX/12-14 2429
Triac 2R10DA 2399
Triac 2R1200DA 2408
Triac 2R1200SR 2395
Triac 2R130DA 2403
Triac 2R130SR 2390
Triac 2R1750DA 2409
Triac 2R1750SR 2396
Triac 2R200DA 2404
Triac 2R200SR 2391
Triac 2R20DA 2400
Triac 2R20SR 2387
Triac 2R2500DA 2410
Triac 2R2500SR 2397
Triac 2R300DA 2405
Triac 2R300SR 2392
Triac 2R3500DA 2411
Triac 2R3500SR 2398
Triac 2R40DA 2401
Triac 2R40SR 2388
Triac 2R500DA 2406
Triac 2R500SR 2393
Triac 2R80DA 2402
Triac 2R80SR 2389
Triac 2R850DA 2407
Triac 2R850SR 2394
Triac Acutrol XGJ24 2382
Triac Acutrol XGJ30 2383
Triac Acutrol XGJ50 2384
Triac Acutrol XGJ70 2386
Triac Acutrol XGJ80 2385
Triac Acutrol XJ24 2377
Triac Acutrol XJ290 2381
Triac Acutrol XJ30 2378
Triac Acutrol XJ50 2379
Triac Acutrol XJ80 2380
Triac E-1300 2367
Triac E-13000 2372
Triac E-17000 2373
Triac E-21000 2374
Triac E-2600 2368
Triac E-26000 2375
Triac E-300 2364
Triac E-30000 2376
Triac E-3500 2369
Triac E-400 2365
Triac E-4300 2370
Triac E-700 2366
Triac E-8600 2371
Triac WE-10500 2351
Triac WE-1350 2345
Triac WE-1700 2346
Triac WE-17500 2352
Triac WE-2640 2347
Triac WE-4400 2348
Triac WE-500 2343
Triac WE-5200 2349
Triac WE-690 2344
Triac WE-6900 2350
Triac XE-10500 2361
Triac XE-1350 2355
Triac XE-1700 2356
Triac XE-17500 2362
Triac XE-2640 2357
Triac XE-4400 2358
Triac XE-5200 2359
Triac XE-690 2354
Triac XE-6900 2360
Victaulic® Vic®-300 MasterSealTM 2550
Victaulic® Series 706 2551
Vogt 15373 2085
Vogt 15401 2090
Vogt 22461 2080
Vogt SWS74 2095
Watts 900 1470
Watts 909 1475
Worchester Controls 1039 2440
Worchester Controls 1075 2432
Worchester Controls 1275 2433
Worchester Controls 1539 2441
Worchester Controls 1575 2434
Worchester Controls 2039 2442
Worchester Controls 2075 2435
Worchester Controls 2275 2436
Worchester Controls 2375 2437
Worchester Controls 2539 2443
Worchester Controls 2575 2438
Worchester Controls 3039 2444
Worchester Controls 3075 2439
Worchester Controls 3339 2445
Worchester Controls 3539 2446
Worchester Controls 4039 2447
Worchester Controls 4239 2448
Worchester Controls 4539 2449
Worchester Controls 5039 2450
Yarway 3486-R 2160
Yarway 3488-R 2165
Yarway 909-C 2161
Jamesbury A11 1625
DIN 3164, Position indicators for refrigerant valves 50001
AUMA® SG 50002
AUMA® SGR 50003
AUMA® SGExC 50004
AUMA® ASR 50005
AUMA® SGF 50006
AUMA® SGRF 50007
AUMA® SGFExC 50008
AUMA® ALS 50009
AUMA® SAExC 50010
AUMA® SAExC w/GK 50011
AUMA® SAExC w/GST 50012
AUMA® SAExC w/LE 50013
AUMA® SARExC 50014
AUMA® SAN 50015
AUMA® SARN 50016
AUMA® SA 50017
AUMA® SA w/GK 50018
AUMA® SA w/GST 50019
AUMA® SA w/GS 50020
AUMA® SA w/LE 50021
AUMA® SA w/GF 50022
AUMA® SAR 50023
AUMA® SV 50024
AUMA® SAI 50025
AUMA® SARI 50026
DREHMO® D(R)30 50027
DREHMO® D(R)59 50028
DREHMO® D(R)60 50029
DREHMO® D(R)120 50030
DREHMO® D(R)249 50031
DREHMO® D(R)250 50032
DREHMO® D(R)500 50033
DREHMO® D(R)1000 50034
DREHMO® DMC(R)30 50035
DREHMO® DMC(R)59 50036
DREHMO® DMC(R)60 50037
DREHMO® DMC(R)120 50038
DREHMO® DMC(R)249 50039
DREHMO® DMC(R)250 50040
DREHMO® DMC(R)500 50041
DREHMO® DMC(R)1000 50042
DREHMO® DiM(R)30 50043
DREHMO® DiM(R)59 50044
DREHMO® DiM(R)60 50045
DREHMO® DiM(R)120 50046
DREHMO® DiM(R)249 50047
DREHMO® DiM(R)250 50048
DREHMO® DiM(R)500 50049
DREHMO® DiM(R)1000 50050
DREHMO® DP30 50051
DREHMO® DP59 50052
DREHMO® DP119 50053
DREHMO® DP319 50054
DREHMO® DP799 50055
DREHMO® DP1599 50056
DREHMO® DPMC30 50057
DREHMO® DPMC59 50058
DREHMO® DPMC119 50059
DREHMO® DPMC319 50060
DREHMO® DPMC799 50061
DREHMO® DPMC1599 50062
DREHMO® DPiM30 50063
DREHMO® DPiM59 50064
DREHMO® DPiM119 50065
DREHMO® DPiM319 50066
DREHMO® DPiM799 50067
DREHMO® DPiM1599 50068
DREHMO® DL(R)15 50069
DREHMO® DL(R)20 50070
DREHMO® DL(R)40 50071
DREHMO® DL(R)80 50072
DREHMO® DLMC(R)15 50073
DREHMO® DLMC(R)20 50074
DREHMO® DLMC(R)40 50075
DREHMO® DLMC(R)80 50076
Kammer Control Valves Series 1 Type P0 50077
Kammer Control Valves Series 1 Type P1 50078
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P2 50079
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P3 50080
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P4 50081
Kammer Control Valves Series 2 Type P5 50082
Kammer Control Valves Series 3 Type P6 50083
Kammer Control Valves Series 3 Type P7 50084
Samson Type 3204-1 50085
Samson Type 3204-7 50086
Samson Type 3271 50087
Samson Type 3272 50088
Samson Type 3273 50089
Samson Type 3274 50090
Samson Type 3274-11 50091
Samson Type 3274-12 50092
Samson Type 3274-13 50093
Samson Type 3274-14 50094
Samson Type 3274-15 50095
Samson Type 3274-16 50096
Samson Type 3274-17 50097
Samson Type 3274-18 50098
Samson Type 3274-19 50099
Samson Type 3274-20 50100
Samson Type 3274-21 50101
Samson Type 3274-22 50102
Samson Type 3274-23 50103
Samson Type 3275 50104
Samson Type 3277 50105
Samson Type 3278 50106
Samson Type 3374 50107
Samson Type SAM 50108
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 31a SRP 50109
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 31a DAP 50110
Samson Type Pfeiffer BR 30a 50111
Samson Type VETEC R110 50112
Samson Type VETEC R150 50113
Samson Type VETEC R200 50114
Samson Type VETEC R250 50115
Samson Type VETEC R250V 50116
Samson Type VETEC MN 450/100 50117
Samson Type VETEC MN 450/100V 50118
Samson Type VETEC MN 700/130 50119
Samson Type VETEC MN 700/130V 50120
Samson Type VETEC AT SC/SO 50121
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 127 50122
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 252 50123
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 502 50124
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 700 50125
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 1502 50126
Schmidt Armaturen FlowActTM 3002 50127

BS EN ISO 5210, Industrial valves. Multi-turn valve actuator attachments 80001

BS EN ISO 5211, Industrial valves. Part-turn actuator attachments 80002
Kinetrol EHD 80003
Kinetrol Model OMO-100 80004
Kinetrol Model 01-100 80005
Kinetrol Model 01A-100 80006
Kinetrol Model 02-100 80007
Kinetrol Model 03-100 80008
Kinetrol Model 05-100 80009
Kinetrol Model 07-100 80010
Kinetrol Model 08-100 80011
Kinetrol Model 09-100 80012
Kinetrol Model 10-100 80013
Kinetrol Model 12-100 80014
Kinetrol Model 14-100 80015
Kinetrol Model 16-100 80016
Kinetrol Model 18-100 80017
Kinetrol Model 20-100 80018
Kinetrol Model 28-100 80019
Kinetrol Model 29-100 80020
Kinetrol Model 30-100 80021
Kinetrol Model 38-100 80022
Kinetrol Model 39-100 80023
Kinetrol Model 50-100 80024
Kinetrol Model 58-100 80025
Kinetrol Model 59-100 80026
Kinetrol Model 70-100 80027
Kinetrol Model 78-100 80028
Kinetrol Model 79-100 80029
Kinetrol Model 80-100 80030
Kinetrol Model 88-100 80031
Kinetrol Model 89-100 80032
Kinetrol Model 90-100 80033
Kinetrol Model 98-100 80034
Kinetrol Model 99-100 80035
Kinetrol Model 100-100 80036
Kinetrol Model 108-100 80037
Kinetrol Model 109-100 80038
Kinetrol Model 120-100 80039
Kinetrol Model 128-100 80040
Kinetrol Model 129-100 80041
Kinetrol Model 140-100 80042
Kinetrol Model 148-100 80043
Kinetrol Model 149-100 80044
Kinetrol Model 160-100 80045
Kinetrol Model 168-100 80046
Kinetrol Model 169-100 80047
Kinetrol Model 180-100 80048
Kinetrol Model 188-100 80049
Kinetrol Model 189-100 80050
Kinetrol Model 200-100 80051
Kinetrol Model 208-100 80052
Kinetrol Model 209-100 80053
Kinetrol Model 10-100A 80054
Kinetrol Model 19-100A 80055
Kinetrol Model OMO-100-2138 80056
Kinetrol Model 020-100-2138 80057
Kinetrol Model 030-100-2138 80058
Kinetrol Model 050-100-2138 80059
Kinetrol Model 21 80060
Kinetrol Model 31 80061
Kinetrol Model 51 80062
Kinetrol Model 71 80063
Kinetrol Model 91 80064
Kinetrol Model 121 80065
Kinetrol Model 141 80066
Kinetrol Model 161 80067
Kinetrol Model 21-100 80068
Kinetrol Model 31-100 80069
Kinetrol Model 51-100 80070
Kinetrol Model 71-100 80071
Kinetrol Model 91-100 80072
Kinetrol Model 121-100 80073
Kinetrol Model 141-100 80074
Kinetrol Model 161-100 80075
Kinetrol Model 02-1001 80076
Kinetrol Model 03-1001 80077
Kinetrol Model 05-1001 80078
Kinetrol Model 07-1001 80079
Kinetrol Model 09-1001 80080
Kinetrol Model 12-1001 80081
Kinetrol Model 14-1001 80082
Kinetrol Model 16-1001 80083
Kinetrol Model 02-1201 80084
Kinetrol Model 03-1201 80085
Kinetrol Model 05-1201 80086
Kinetrol Model 07-1201 80087
Kinetrol Model 09-1201 80088
Kinetrol Model 12-1201 80089
Kinetrol Model 14-1201-4900 80090
Kinetrol Model 16-1201 80091
Kinetrol Model 020-020-1006 80092
Kinetrol Model 030-020-1006 80093
Kinetrol Model 031-020-1006 80094
Kinetrol Model 031-020-1006/F4 80095
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1006 80096
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1007 80097
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1201 80098
Kinetrol Model 060-020-1203 80099
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1006 80100
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1006/F4 80101
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1007 80102
Kinetrol Model 061-020-1007/F4 80103
Kinetrol Model 029-020-1006 80104
Kinetrol Model 039-020-1006 80105
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1006 80106
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1007 80107
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1201 80108
Kinetrol Model 059-020-1203 80109
Kinetrol Model 01-120 80110
Kinetrol Model 01A-120 80111
Kinetrol Model 02-120 80112
Kinetrol Model 03-120-5600 80113
Kinetrol Model 03-120 80114
Kinetrol Model 05-120 80115
Kinetrol Model 07-120-4000 80116
Kinetrol Model 07-120 80117
Kinetrol Model 08-120-4100 80118
Kinetrol Model 08-120 80119
Kinetrol Model 09-120-4200 80120
Kinetrol Model 09-120 80121
Kinetrol Model 10-120-5800 80122
Kinetrol Model 10-120 80123
Kinetrol Model 12-120-4300 80124
Kinetrol Model 12-120-4400 80125
Kinetrol Model 12-120 80126
Kinetrol Model 14-120-4900 80127
Kinetrol Model 14-120 80128
Kinetrol Model 14-120-5000 80129
Kinetrol Model 16-120-6000 80130
Kinetrol Model 16-120-6100 80131
Kinetrol Model 16-120 80132
Kinetrol Model 16-120-7000 80133
Kinetrol Model 18-120 80134
Kinetrol Model 20-120-7200 80135
Kinetrol Model 20-120-7300 80136
Kinetrol Model 20-120 80137
Norbro 05-39R 80138
Norbro 10-39R 80139
Norbro 15-39R 80140
Norbro 20-39R 80141
Norbro 25-39R 80142
Norbro 30-39R 80143
Norbro 33-39R 80144
Norbro 35-39R 80145
Norbro 40-39R 80146
Norbro 42-39R 80147
Norbro 45-39 80148
Norbro 50-39 80149
Norbro 05-40R 80150
Norbro 10-40R 80151
Norbro 15-40R 80152
Norbro 20-40R 80153
Norbro 25-40R 80154
Norbro 30-40R 80155
Norbro 33-40R 80156
Norbro 35-40R 80157
Norbro 40-40R 80158
Norbro 42-40R 80159
Norbro 45-40 80160
Norbro 50-40 80161
Norbro Series 33R 80162
Norbro Series 61 80163
Norbro Series 75 80164
Rotork IQ 80165
Rotork IQT 80166
Rotork AM 80167
Rotork AQ 80168
Rotork Q 80169
Rotork Skilmatic 80170
Rotork GP 80171
Rotork GH 80172
Rotork CP 80173
Rotork P 80174
Rotork H 80175
Rotork RP 80176
Rotork RH 80177
Rotork R 80178
Rotork LP 80179
Rotork LH 80180
Rotork HPG 80181
Rotork HPL 80182
Rotork GO 80183
Rotork GL 80184
Rotork EH 80185
JIS F 7216, Shipbuilding - Self closing valves for oil level gauges 60002
JIS F 7301, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K globe valves 60003
JIS F 7302, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K angle valves 60004
JIS F 7303, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K globe valves 60005
JIS F 7304, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K angle valves 60006
JIS F 7305, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K globe valves 60007
JIS F 7306, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K angle valves 60008
JIS F 7307, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K globe valves 60009
JIS F 7308, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K angle valves 60010
JIS F 7309, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K globe valves 60011
JIS F 7310, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K angle valves 60012
JIS F 7311, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 5K globe valves 60013
JIS F 7312, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 5K angle valves 60014
JIS F 7313, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K globe valves 60015
JIS F 7314, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K angle valves 60016
JIS F 7315, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 30K globe valves 60017
JIS F 7316, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 30K angle valves 60018
JIS F 7317, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 40K globe valves 60019
JIS F 7318, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 40K angle valves 60020
JIS F 7319, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K globe valves 60021
JIS F 7320, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K angle valves 60022
JIS F 7329, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 40K globe valves 60023
JIS F 7330, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 40K angle valves 60024
JIS F 7333, Shipbuilding - Cast iron hose valves 60025
JIS F 7334, Shipbuilding - Bronze hose valves 60026
JIS F 7336, Shipbuilding - Forged steel globe air valves 60027
JIS F 7337, Shipbuilding - Forged steel angle air Valves 60028
JIS F 7340, Shipbuilding - Cast steel globe air valves 60029
JIS F 7341, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 100K pressure gauge valves 60030
JIS F 7346, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K globe valves (union bonnet type) 60031
JIS F 7347, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K angle valves (union bonnet type) 60032
JIS F 7348, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K globe valves (union bonnet type) 60033
JIS F 7349, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K angle valves (union bonnet type) 60034
JIS F 7350, Shipbuilding - Hull cast steel angle valves 60035
JIS F 7351, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check globe valves 60036
JIS F 7352, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check angle valves 60037
JIS F 7353, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K screw-down check globe valves 60038
JIS F 7354, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K screw-down check angle valves 60039
JIS F 7356, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K lift check valves 60040
JIS F 7358, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K lift check globe valves 60041
JIS F 7359, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K lift check angle valves 60042
JIS F 7360, Shipbuilding - Hull cast steel gate valves 60043
JIS F 7363, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K gate valves 60044
JIS F 7364, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K gate valves 60045
JIS F 7365, Shipbuilding - Hull cast steel globe valves 60046
JIS F 7366, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K gate valves 60047
JIS F 7367, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K rising stem type gate valves 60048
JIS F 7368, Shipbuilding - Bronze 10K rising stem type gate valves 60049
JIS F 7369, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K gate valves 60050
JIS F 7371, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K swing check valves 60051
JIS F 7372, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 5K swing check valves 60052
JIS F 7373, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K swing check valves 60053
JIS F 7375, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K screw-down check globe valves 60054
JIS F 7376, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 10K screw-down check angle valves 60055
JIS F 7377, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K screw-down check globe valves 60056
JIS F 7378, Shipbuilding - Cast iron 16K screw-down check angle valves 60057
JIS F 7379, Shipbuilding - Brass 30K stop valves with bite joint(s) 60058
JIS F 7381, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K flanged cock valves 60059
JIS F 7388, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K globe valves 60060
JIS F 7389, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K angle valves 60061
JIS F 7398, Shipbuilding - Fuel oil tank self-closing drain valves 60062
JIS F 7399, Shipbuilding - Oil tank emergency shut-off valves 60063
JIS F 7403, Shipbuilding - Hull bronze globe valves 60064
JIS F 7404, Shipbuilding - Hull bronze angle valves 60065
JIS F 7409, Shipbuilding - bronze 16K screw-down check globe valves 60066
JIS F 7410, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K screw-down check angle valves 60067
JIS F 7411, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check globe valves (union b 60068
JIS F 7412, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K screw-down check angle valves (union b 60069
JIS F 7413, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K screw-down check globe valves (union 60070
JIS F 7414, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K screw-down check angle valves (union 60071
JIS F 7415, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K lift check globe valves (union bonnet typ 60072
JIS F 7416, Shipbuilding - Bronze 5K lift check angle valves (union bonnet typ 60073
JIS F 7417, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K lift check globe valves (union bonnet ty 60074
JIS F 7418, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K lift check angle valves (union bonnet ty 60075
JIS F 7421, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K globe valves 60076
JIS F 7422, Shipbuilding - Forged steel 20K angle valves 60077
JIS F 7425, Shipbuilding - Cast iron valves 60078
JIS F 7426, Shipbuilding - Cast steel valves 60079
JIS F 7427, Shipbuilding - Bronze valves 60080
JIS F 7471, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K screw-down check globe valves 60081
JIS F 7472, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 10K screw-down check angle valves 60082
JIS F 7473, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K screw-down check globe valves 60083
JIS F 7474, Shipbuilding - Cast steel 20K screw-down check angle valves 60084
JIS F 7475, Shipbuilding - Cast steel angle air valves 60085
JIS F 7480, Shipbuilding - Rubber seat butterfly valves 60086
JIS F 7490, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 5K globe val 60087
JIS F 7491, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 5K angle val 60088
JIS F 7492, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 5K screw-d 60089
JIS F 7493, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 5K screw-d 60090
JIS F 7494, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K globe va 60091
JIS F 7495, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K screw- 60092
JIS F 7496, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K angle va 60093
JIS F 7497, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 10K screw- 60094
JIS F 7498, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K globe va 60095
JIS F 7499, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K screw- 60096
JIS F 7500, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K angle va 60097
JIS F 7504, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) 16K screw- 60098
JIS F 7343, Shipbuilding - Bronze 20K pressure gauge cocks 60099
JIS F 7505, Shipbuilding - Spheroidal graphite iron (ductile iron) valves 60700
JIS F 7804, Shipbuilding - 5K copper alloy pipe flanges for marine use 60701
JIS F 7805, Basic dimensions of steel flanges for marine exhaust gas pipe 60702
JIS F 7806, Shipbuilding – Ship’s 280K and 350K socket welding pipe flanges 60703
JIS F 7810, Shipbuilding - Welding sleeve type joints for steel pipe 60704
JIS F 7387, Shipbuilding - Bronze 16K cocks 60705
Hitachi Plant Corporation 60001
GB/T 12222, Multi-turn valve actuator attachments 70001
GB/T 12223, Part-turn valve actuator attachments 70002
Larox PV 2545
Bernard OA 110001
Bernard OA w/INTEGRAL+ 110002
Bernard OA w/POSIGAM+ 110003
Bernard AS 110004
Bernard AS w/INTEGRAL+ 110005
Bernard AS w/POSIGAM+ 110006
Bernard ASM 110007
Bernard ASM w/INTEGRAL+ 110008
Bernard ASM w/POSIGAM+ 110009
Bernard BS 110010
Bernard BS w/INTEGRAL+ 110011
Bernard BS w/POSIGAM+ 110012
Bernard SRA 110013
Bernard SRA w/INTEGRAL+ 110014
Bernard SRA w/POSIGAM+ 110015
Bernard SRC 110016
Bernard SRC w/INTEGRAL+ 110017
Bernard SRC w/POSIGAM+ 110018
Bernard ST 110019
Bernard ST w/INTEGRAL+ 110020
Bernard ST w/POSIGAM+ 110021
Bernard UX 110022
Bernard UX w/INTEGRAL+ 110023
Bernard UX w/POSIGAM+ 110024
Linatex Jaco Type LT 1633
CH Warman Pump Group 230001
Keystone Pacific F401 90001
Keystone Pacific F427 A1 90002
Keystone Pacific F427 A2 90003
Keystone Pacific F427 B1 90004
Keystone Pacific F427 B2 90005
Keystone Pacific F427 B3 90006
Keystone Pacific F427 B4 90007
Keystone Pacific F427 K12 90008
Keystone Pacific F427 K18 90009
Keystone Pacific F427 K26S3 90010
Keystone Pacific F427 K26S5 90011
Keystone Pacific F427 K40S3 90012
Keystone Pacific F427 K40S5 90013
Keystone Pacific F427 K65S3 90014
Keystone Pacific F427 K65S5 90015
Technegate™ Air Cylinder 2520
Technegate™ Handwheel 2521
Technegate™ Bevel Gear 2522
Technegate™ Hydraulic 2523
Technegate™ Electric 2524

Dantorque RD 0.32 210001
Dantorque RD 0.68 210002
Dantorque RD 1.26 210003
Dantorque RD 2.27 210004
Dantorque RD 4.63 210005
Dantorque RD 8.00 210006
Dantorque RD 13.3 210007
Dantorque RD 26.0 210008
Dantorque RD 45.0 210009
Dantorque RD 72.0 210010
Dantorque RD 99.0 210011
Dantorque RD 125 210012
Dantorque RD 171 210013
Dantorque RD 241 210014
Dantorque RD 296 210015
Dantorque RD 406 210016
Dantorque RS 0.32 210017
Dantorque RS 0.68 210018
Dantorque RS 1.26 210019
Dantorque RS 2.27 210020
Dantorque RS 4.63 210021
Dantorque RS 8.00 210022
Dantorque RS 13.3 210023
Dantorque RS 26.0 210024
Dantorque RS 45.0 210025
Dantorque RS 72.0 210026
Dantorque RS 99.0 210027
Dantorque RS 125 210028
Dantorque RS 171 210029
Dantorque RS 241 210030
Dantorque RS 296 210031
Dantorque RS 406 210032
Dantorque RK 6 210033
Dantorque RK 10 210034
Dantorque RK 20 210035
Dantorque RK 34 210036
Dantorque RK 54 210037
Dantorque RK 75 210038
Dantorque RK 93 210039
Dantorque RK 130 210040
Dantorque RK 180 210041
Dantorque RK 225 210042
Dantorque RK 305 210043
Dantorque RP 6 210044
Dantorque RP 10 210045
Dantorque RP 20 210046
Dantorque RP 34 210047
Dantorque RP 54 210048
Dantorque RP 75 210049
Dantorque RP 93 210050
Dantorque RP 130 210051
Dantorque RP 180 210052
Dantorque RP 225 210053
Dantorque RP 305 210054
Dantorque MP 6 210055
Dantorque MP 10 210056
Dantorque MP 20 210057
Dantorque MP 34 210058
Dantorque MP 54 210059
Dantorque MP 75 210060
Dantorque MP 93 210061
Dantorque MP 130 210062
Dantorque MP 180 210063
Dantorque MP 225 210064
Dantorque MP 305 210065
BIFFI F01 120003
BIFFI F01-2000 120004
BIFFI ICON-2000 120005
BIFFI RPD 120006
BIFFI RPS 120007
Valbia Model DA 32 120012
Valbia Model DA 52 120013
Valbia Model DA 63 120014
Valbia Model DA 75 120015
Valbia Model DA 85 120016
Valbia Model DA 100 120017
Valbia Model DA 115 120018
Valbia Model DA 125 120019
Valbia Model DA 160 120020
Valbia Model DA 200 120021
Valbia Model DA 270 120022
Valbia Model SR 32 120023
Valbia Model SR 52 120024
Valbia Model SR 63 120025
Valbia Model SR 75 120026
Valbia Model SR 85 120027
Valbia Model SR 100 120028
Valbia Model SR 115 120029
Valbia Model SR 125 120030
Valbia Model SR 160 120031
Valbia Model SR 200 120032
Valbia Model SR 270 120033
Valbia Model VB015 120034
Valbia Model VB30 120035
Valbia Model VB60 120036
Valbia Model VB110 120037
Valbia Model VB190 120038
Valbia Model VB270 120039
Valbia Model VB350 120040
Damcos BRC 125 190001
Damcos BRC 250 190002
Damcos BRC 500 190003
Damcos BRC 1000 190004
Damcos BRC 2000 190005
Damcos BRC 4000 190006
Damcos BRC 8000 190007
Damcos BRC 16000 190008
Damcos BRCF 125 190009
Damcos BRCF 250 190010
Damcos BRCF 500 190011
Damcos BRCF 1000 190012
Damcos BRCF 2000 190013
Damcos BRCF 4000 190014
Damcos BRCF 8000 190015
Damcos BRCF 16000 190016
Damcos KC 190017
Damcos KF 190018
Damcos KFR 190019
or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Valve operator is rotatable
Valve operator is fixed

ValveOperatorIsRotatable Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
st. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the valu

The valve operator can be rotated 5

The valve operator orientation is fixed relative to the valve body 10
he meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ValveOperatorPartDataBasis ShortDescription

! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
! The values in green are system code list values added between Version 7 and Version 8
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 1
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 2
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 3
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 4
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 5 (mirror of Type 1)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 3)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 9
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of Type 9)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 1
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 (mirror of Type 11)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with stem extension
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem extension (mirror of Type
11 with stem extension)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with shaft (mirror of Type 11 with
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 1
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (mirror of Type 1)
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4 (mirror of Type 2)
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 5)
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 6)
Handwheel, Type 1
Lever, Type 1
Lever, inclined, Type 1
Lever, Type 2
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 13
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 14 (mirror of Type 13)
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 1
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1)
Switchbox accessory, Type 1
Travel stop accessory, Type 1
Travel stop accessory, Type 2
Travel stop accessory, Type 3
Travel stop accessory, Type 4
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 1
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 2
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 3
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 4
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 5
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 6
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 7
! Smart Support Codelists
Actuator, Type 1
Air switch accessory, Type 1
Bench Stand, Type 1
Bench Stand, Type 2
Chain lever, Type 1
Chain lever, Type 2
Chain lever, Type 3
Chain wheel assembly, Type 1
Chain wheel assembly, Type 2
Chain wheel assembly, Type 3
Diaphragm Actuator, Type 1
Diaphragm Actuator, Type 1a
Diaphragm Actuator, Type 2
Diaphragm actuator, Type 3
Diaphragm actuator, Type 4
Diaphragm actuator, Type 5
Diaphragm actuator, Type 6
Diaphragm actuator, Type 7
Diaphragm actuator, Type 8
Diaphragm actuator, Type 9
Diaphragm actuator, Type 10
Diaphragm actuator, Type 11
Diaphragm actuator, Type 12
Diaphragm actuator, Type 13
Diaphragm actuator, Type 14
Diaphragm actuator, Type 15
Diaphragm actuator, Type 16
Diaphragm actuator, Type 17
Diaphragm actuator, Type 18
Diaphragm actuator, Type 19
Diaphragm actuator, Type 20
Diaphragm actuator, Type 21
Diaphragm actuator, Type 22
Diaphragm actuator, Type 23
Diaphragm actuator, Type 24
Diaphragm actuator, Type 25
Diaphragm actuator, Type 26
Diaphragm actuator, Type 27
Diaphragm actuator, Type 28
Diaphragm actuator, Type 29
Diaphragm actuator, Type 30
Diaphragm actuator, Type 31
Diaphragm actuator, Type 32
Diaphragm actuator, Type 33
Differential pressure transmitter with integral valve manifold, Type 1
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 1
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 2
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 4
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 5
Drive actuator, chain, Type 1
Drive actuator, chain, Type 2
Drive actuator, gear motor, Type 1
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 1
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 2
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 3
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 4
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 5
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 6
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 7
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 8
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 9
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 10
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 11
Electrohydraulic actuator, Type 1
Extension stem with handwheel, Type 1
Extension stem with handwheel, Type 2
Extension stem, Type 1
Extension stem, Type 2
Extension stem, Type 3
Extension stem, Type 4
Fire protection actuator, Type 1
Floor stand assembly, Type 1
Floor stand assembly, Type 2
Floor stand assembly, Type 3
Floor stand assembly, Type 4
Floor Stand, Type 1
Floor Stand, Type 2
Gear Box
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 15
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 16
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 17 (mirror of Type 16)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 18
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 19
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 20
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 21
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 22
Gear, Side Mounted Handwheel, Type 23
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 24
Gear, top mounted handwheel, Type 9
Handle, Type 1
Handle, Type 2
Handle, Type 3
Handle, Type 4
Handwheel, Type 2
Handwheel, Type 3
Handwheel, Type 4
Handwheel, Type 5
Handwheel, Type 6
Handwheel, Type 7
Handwheel, Type 8
Handwheel, Type 9
Handwheel, Type 10
Handwheel, Type 11
Handwheel, Type 12
Handwheel, Type 13
Handwheel, Type 14
Handwheel, Type 15
Handwheel, Type 16
Handwheel, Type 17
Handwheel, Type 18
Handwheel, Type 19
Handwheel, Type 21
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 1
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 2
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 3
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 4
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 5
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 6
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 7
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 8
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 9
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 10
Hydraulics tank accessory, Type 1
Indicator post, upright, Type 1
Indicator post, upright, Type 2
Indicator post, upright, Type 3
Indicator post, upright, Type 4
Indicator post, upright, Type 5
Indicator post, upright, Type 6
Indicator post, wall, Type 1
Indicator post, wall, Type 2
Lever, inclined, Type 2
Lever, inclined, Type 3
Lever, Type 3
Lever, Type 4
Lever, Type 5
Lever, Type 6
Lever, Type 7
Lever, Type 8
Lever, Type 9
Lever, Type 10
Lever, Type 11
Lever, Type 12
Lever, Type 13
Lever, Type 14
Lever, Type 15
Temperature sensor enclosure with indicating transmitter, Type 1
Temperature sensor enclosure with indicating transmitter, Type 2
Temperature sensor enclosure with indicating transmitter, Type 3
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 1
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 2
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 3
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 4
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 5
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 6
Manual Override Accessory, Type 1
Oval handle, Type 1
Oval handle, Type 2
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 1
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 2
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 3
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 4
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 5
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 6
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 7
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 8
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 9
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 10
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 11
Side mounted handwheel accessory, Type 1
Side mounted handwheel accessory, Type 2
Speed motor, Type 1
Temperature field transmitter, Type 1
Temperature field transmitter, Type 2
Temperature field transmitter, Type 3
Temperature field transmitter, Type 4
Temperature field transmitter, Type 5
Temperature field transmitter, Type 6
Temperature field transmitter, Type 7
Temperature field transmitter, Type 8
Temperature field transmitter, Type 9
Temperature field transmitter, Type 10
Temperature field transmitter, Type 11
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 1
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 2
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 3
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 4
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 5
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 6
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 7
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 8
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 9
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 10
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 11
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 12
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 13
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 14
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 15
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 16
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 17
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 18
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 19
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 20
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 21
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 22
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 23
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 24
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 25
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 26
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 27
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 28
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 29
T-Handle, Type 1
T-handle, Type 2
T-Handle, Type 3
T-Handle, Type 4
T-handle, Type 5
T-handle, Type 6
T-handle, Type 7
Threaded cap assembly operator, Type 1
Threaded cap assembly operator, Type 2
Top mounted handwheel accessory, Type 1
Top mounted handwheel accessory, Type 2
Valve Manifold, 3 Valves, Type 1
Valve Manifold, 3 Valves, Type 2
Valve Manifold, 3 Valves, Type 3
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 1
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 2
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 3
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 4
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 1
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 2
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 3
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 1
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 2
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 3
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 4
Wrench, Type 1
Wrench, Type 2
Wrench, Type 3
Wrench, Type 4
Wrench, Type 5
Wrench, Type 6
Wrench, Type 7
T-handle, Type 8
T-handle, Type 9
Electric motor actuator, Type 12a
Electric motor actuator, Type 12b
Electric motor actuator, Type 12c
Gear box, Type 2LH
Gear box, Type 2RH
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 12
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 11
Pilot-operator actuator, Type 1
Pilot-operator actuator, Type 2
Grip handle, Type 1
Handwheel, Type 22
Rotary diaphragm actuator, Type 4a
Rotary diaphragm actuator, Type 4b
Diaphragm actuator, Type 34
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 13
Extension Stem, Type 5
Extension Stem, Type 6
Gear Operator, Side Mounted Handwheel, Type 1
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 4
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 5
Handle, Type 5
Lever, Type 16
Handwheel, Type 23
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 25
Spring regulator, Type 1
Handwheel, Type 24
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 14
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3a
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3b
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3c
Electric motor actuator, Type 13
Differential Pressure Transmitter, Type 7
Diaphragm actuator, Type 35
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 4
Manual actuator, Type 1
Bonnet assembly, Type 1
Bonnet assembly, Type 2
Bonnet assembly, Type 3
Bonnet assembly, Type 4
Bonnet assembly, Type 5
Bonnet assembly, Type 6
Bonnet assembly, Type 7
Bonnet assembly, Type 8
Bonnet assembly, Type 9
Bonnet assembly, Type 10
Bonnet assembly, Type 11
Differential Pressure Transmitter, Type 6
Wrench, Type 8
Handwheel, Type 25
Handwheel accessory, Type 1
Operator nut accessory, Type 1
Traveling nut manual actuator, Type 1
Traveling nut manual actuator, Type 2
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 5
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 1a
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 1b
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 2a
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 2b
! Piping Specialty Controls
Discharge pipe with stacked tip, Type 1
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 1
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 2
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 3
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 4
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 5
Strainer handwheel, Type 1
Strainer handwheel, Type 2
Strainer screen drive motor, Type 1
Codelist Sort
ValveOperatorPartDataBasis LongDescription Number Order
ual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or d
etween Version 7 and Version 8.

Default 1
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 1 11
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 2 12
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 3 13
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 4 14
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 5 (mirror of Type 1) 15
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2) 16
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 3) 17
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4) 18
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 9 19
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of Type 9) 20
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 21
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 1 22
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1) 23
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 (mirror of Type 11) 24
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with stem extension 25
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem extension (mirror of Type 26
11 with stem extension)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft 27
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with shaft (mirror of Type 11 with 28
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 1 31
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2 32
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (mirror of Type 1) 33
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4 (mirror of Type 2) 34
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5 35
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6 36
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 5) 37
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 6) 38
Handwheel, Type 1 50
Lever, Type 1 60
Lever, inclined, Type 1 61
Lever, Type 2 62
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 13 63
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 14 (mirror of Type 13) 64
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 1 65
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1) 66
Switchbox accessory, Type 1 67
Travel stop accessory, Type 1 70
Travel stop accessory, Type 2 71
Travel stop accessory, Type 3 72
Travel stop accessory, Type 4 73
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 1 74
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 2 75
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 3 76
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 4 77
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 5 78
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 6 79
Solenoid valve accesspry, Type 7 80

Actuator, Type 1 111

Air switch accessory, Type 1 235
Bench Stand, Type 1 145
Bench Stand, Type 2 146
Chain lever, Type 1 100
Chain lever, Type 2 330
Chain lever, Type 3 331
Chain wheel assembly, Type 1 97
Chain wheel assembly, Type 2 98
Chain wheel assembly, Type 3 99
Diaphragm Actuator, Type 1 95
Diaphragm Actuator, Type 1a 96
Diaphragm Actuator, Type 2 122
Diaphragm actuator, Type 3 169
Diaphragm actuator, Type 4 170
Diaphragm actuator, Type 5 171
Diaphragm actuator, Type 6 172
Diaphragm actuator, Type 7 173
Diaphragm actuator, Type 8 174
Diaphragm actuator, Type 9 198
Diaphragm actuator, Type 10 199
Diaphragm actuator, Type 11 200
Diaphragm actuator, Type 12 201
Diaphragm actuator, Type 13 247
Diaphragm actuator, Type 14 248
Diaphragm actuator, Type 15 249
Diaphragm actuator, Type 16 250
Diaphragm actuator, Type 17 251
Diaphragm actuator, Type 18 252
Diaphragm actuator, Type 19 253
Diaphragm actuator, Type 20 254
Diaphragm actuator, Type 21 255
Diaphragm actuator, Type 22 256
Diaphragm actuator, Type 23 257
Diaphragm actuator, Type 24 258
Diaphragm actuator, Type 25 259
Diaphragm actuator, Type 26 260
Diaphragm actuator, Type 27 261
Diaphragm actuator, Type 28 262
Diaphragm actuator, Type 29 263
Diaphragm actuator, Type 30 264
Diaphragm actuator, Type 31 265
Diaphragm actuator, Type 32 266
Diaphragm actuator, Type 33 267
Differential pressure transmitter with integral valve manifold, Type 1 211
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 1 209
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 2 210
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3 212
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 4 213
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 5 214
Drive actuator, chain, Type 1 239
Drive actuator, chain, Type 2 240
Drive actuator, gear motor, Type 1 238
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 1 116
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 2 117
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 3 118
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 4 119
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 5 120
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 6 121
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 7 242
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 8 243
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 9 244
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 10 245
Electric Motor Actuator, Type 11 237
Electrohydraulic actuator, Type 1 246
Extension stem with handwheel, Type 1 123
Extension stem with handwheel, Type 2 124
Extension stem, Type 1 125
Extension stem, Type 2 126
Extension stem, Type 3 127
Extension stem, Type 4 128
Fire protection actuator, Type 1 236
Floor stand assembly, Type 1 91
Floor stand assembly, Type 2 92
Floor stand assembly, Type 3 93
Floor stand assembly, Type 4 94
Floor Stand, Type 1 143
Floor Stand, Type 2 144
Gear Box 110
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 15 154
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 16 220
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 17 (mirror of Type 16) 221
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 18 234
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 19 319
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 20 320
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 21 322
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 22 323
Gear, Side Mounted Handwheel, Type 23 329
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 24 215
Gear, top mounted handwheel, Type 9 216
Handle, Type 1 225
Handle, Type 2 229
Handle, Type 3 230
Handle, Type 4 231
Handwheel, Type 2 129
Handwheel, Type 3 130
Handwheel, Type 4 131
Handwheel, Type 5 132
Handwheel, Type 6 133
Handwheel, Type 7 134
Handwheel, Type 8 135
Handwheel, Type 9 136
Handwheel, Type 10 147
Handwheel, Type 11 148
Handwheel, Type 12 155
Handwheel, Type 13 156
Handwheel, Type 14 157
Handwheel, Type 15 226
Handwheel, Type 16 227
Handwheel, Type 17 233
Handwheel, Type 18 318
Handwheel, Type 19 326
Handwheel, Type 21 328
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 1 115
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 2 137
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 3 138
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 4 139
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 5 158
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 6 161
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 7 162
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 8 192
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 9 193
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 10 194
Hydraulics tank accessory, Type 1 168
Indicator post, upright, Type 1 83
Indicator post, upright, Type 2 84
Indicator post, upright, Type 3 85
Indicator post, upright, Type 4 86
Indicator post, upright, Type 5 87
Indicator post, upright, Type 6 88
Indicator post, wall, Type 1 89
Indicator post, wall, Type 2 90
Lever, inclined, Type 2 82
Lever, inclined, Type 3 311
Lever, Type 3 81
Lever, Type 4 112
Lever, Type 5 141
Lever, Type 6 159
Lever, Type 7 160
Lever, Type 8 188
Lever, Type 9 305
Lever, Type 10 306
Lever, Type 11 307
Lever, Type 12 308
Lever, Type 13 309
Lever, Type 14 310
Lever, Type 15 400
Temperature sensor enclosure with indicating transmitter, Type 1 401
Temperature sensor enclosure with indicating transmitter, Type 2 402
Temperature sensor enclosure with indicating transmitter, Type 3 403
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 1 182
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 2 183
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 3 184
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 4 185
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 5 186
Lifting gear assembly operator, Type 6 187
Manual Override Accessory, Type 1 140
Oval handle, Type 1 327
Oval handle, Type 2 332
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 1 101
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 2 102
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 3 103
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 4 104
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 5 105
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 6 106
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 7 107
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 8 108
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 9 153
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 10 191
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 11 232
Side mounted handwheel accessory, Type 1 197
Side mounted handwheel accessory, Type 2 167
Speed motor, Type 1 241
Temperature field transmitter, Type 1 290
Temperature field transmitter, Type 2 291
Temperature field transmitter, Type 3 292
Temperature field transmitter, Type 4 294
Temperature field transmitter, Type 5 293
Temperature field transmitter, Type 6 295
Temperature field transmitter, Type 7 296
Temperature field transmitter, Type 8 297
Temperature field transmitter, Type 9 298
Temperature field transmitter, Type 10 299
Temperature field transmitter, Type 11 300
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 1 268
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 2 269
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 3 270
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 4 271
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 5 272
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 6 273
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 7 274
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 8 275
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 9 276
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 10 277
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 11 278
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 12 279
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 13 280
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 14 281
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 15 282
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 16 283
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 17 284
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 18 285
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 19 286
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 20 287
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 21 288
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 22 289
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 23 301
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 24 302
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 25 303
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 26 304
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 27 315
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 28 316
Temperature sensor enclosure, Type 29 317
T-Handle, Type 1 142
T-handle, Type 2 163
T-Handle, Type 3 190
T-Handle, Type 4 228
T-handle, Type 5 312
T-handle, Type 6 313
T-handle, Type 7 314
Threaded cap assembly operator, Type 1 180
Threaded cap assembly operator, Type 2 181
Top mounted handwheel accessory, Type 1 166
Top mounted handwheel accessory, Type 2 196
Valve Manifold, 3 Valves, Type 1 202
Valve Manifold, 3 Valves, Type 2 203
Valve Manifold, 3 Valves, Type 3 204
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 1 205
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 2 206
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 3 207
Valve Manifold, 5 Valves, Type 4 208
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 1 164
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 2 195
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 3 165
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 1 149
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 2 150
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 3 151
Valve Positioner Accessory, Type 4 152
Wrench, Type 1 175
Wrench, Type 2 176
Wrench, Type 3 177
Wrench, Type 4 178
Wrench, Type 5 179
Wrench, Type 6 321
Wrench, Type 7 324
T-handle, Type 8 325
T-handle, Type 9 344
Electric motor actuator, Type 12a 333
Electric motor actuator, Type 12b 334
Electric motor actuator, Type 12c 335
Gear box, Type 2LH 336
Gear box, Type 2RH 337
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 12 338
Hydraulic cylinder actuator, Type 11 339
Pilot-operator actuator, Type 1 340
Pilot-operator actuator, Type 2 341
Grip handle, Type 1 342
Handwheel, Type 22 343
Rotary diaphragm actuator, Type 4a 217
Rotary diaphragm actuator, Type 4b 218
Diaphragm actuator, Type 34 219
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 13 222
Extension Stem, Type 5 224
Extension Stem, Type 6 223
Gear Operator, Side Mounted Handwheel, Type 1 345
Valve manifold, 3 valves, Type 4 404
Valve manifold, 5 valves, Type 5 405
Handle, Type 5 346
Lever, Type 16 347
Handwheel, Type 23 406
Gear, side mounted handwheel, Type 25 348
Spring regulator, Type 1 349
Handwheel, Type 24 407
Pneumatic cylinder actuator, Type 14 350
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3a 351
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3b 352
Differential pressure transmitter, Type 3c 353
Electric motor actuator, Type 13 354
Differential Pressure Transmitter, Type 7 355
Diaphragm actuator, Type 35 356
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 4 357
Manual actuator, Type 1 358
Bonnet assembly, Type 1 359
Bonnet assembly, Type 2 360
Bonnet assembly, Type 3 361
Bonnet assembly, Type 4 362
Bonnet assembly, Type 5 363
Bonnet assembly, Type 6 364
Bonnet assembly, Type 7 365
Bonnet assembly, Type 8 366
Bonnet assembly, Type 9 367
Bonnet assembly, Type 10 368
Bonnet assembly, Type 11 369
Differential Pressure Transmitter, Type 6 370
Wrench, Type 8 374
Handwheel, Type 25 378
Handwheel accessory, Type 1 373
Operator nut accessory, Type 1 375
Traveling nut manual actuator, Type 1 376
Traveling nut manual actuator, Type 2 377
Valve position indicator accessory, Type 5 379
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 1a 380
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 1b 381
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 2a 382
Rack and pinion actuator, Type 2b 383

Discharge pipe with stacked tip, Type 1 1013

Fire monitor nozzle, Type 1 1008
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 2 1009
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 3 1010
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 4 1011
Fire monitor nozzle, Type 5 1012
Strainer handwheel, Type 1 1001
Strainer handwheel, Type 2 1002
Strainer screen drive motor, Type 1 1006
e user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription ValveOperatorClass LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined Undefined

Manual Operators Manual Operators

Remotely Controlled Remotely Controlled Operators and Actuators
Operators and Actuators
Addition Accessories Valve accessories (appurtenances), addition to
operator or actuator
Replacement Accessories Valve accessories (appurtenances), replacement
for operator or actuator

ValveOperatorType ShortDescription
e the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning
d be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


Bonnet, manual
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 1
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 2
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 3 (mirror of Type 1)
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 4 (mirror of Type 2)
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 5
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 6
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 5)
Gear, top mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 6)
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 1
Gear, top mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 1
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 2
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 3
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 4
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 5 (mirror of Type 1)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 6 (mirror of Type 2)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 7 (mirror of Type 3)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 8 (mirror of Type 4)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 9
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 10 (mirror of Type 9)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 (mirror of Type 11)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with stem extension
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with stem extension (mirror of Type 11 with stem extension)
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 11 with shaft
Gear, side mounted handwheel Type 12 with shaft (mirror of Type 11 with shaft)
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 1
Gear, side mounted inclined handwheel Type 2 (mirror of Type 1)
Handwheel, inclined
Handwheel, non-rising stem
Handwheel, rising stem
Handwheel, special
Handwheel, extended bonnet
Handwheel, extended spindle
Handwheel, impactor
Handwheel, oval
Handle, impactor
Handle, locking
Handle, memory stop
Handle, oval
Handle, round safety
Handle, spring return
Lever, quick action
Lever, lock
Manual, Type 1
Manual, Type 2
Manual, Type 3
Manual, Type 4
T-handle, short
T-handle, long
Wrench, short
Wrench, long
Wrench, special
Wall post
Indicator post
Extension stem
Extension stem, 90o
Extension stem, low temperature
Extension stem, tee

Ball float
Bonnet, pneumatic
Capacitance sensor
Cylinder, double acting
Cylinder, pilot operated
Cylinder, piston
Cylinder, single acting Type 1
Cylinder, single acting Type 2
Cylinder, single acting Type 3
Cylinder, single acting Type 4
Diaphragm, press-balanced Type 1
Diaphragm, Type 1
Diaphragm, Type 2
Displacement float
Electro-hydraulic, linear
Electro-hydraulic, rotary
Handwheel, side declutchable
Linear electric
Linear electric, bi-directional
Linear electric, high thrust
Linear electric, low thrust
Motor, Type 1
Motor, Type 2
Motor, Type 3
Motor, Type 4
Paddle wheel
Rack and pinion
Regulator, Type 1
Regulator, Type 2
Regulator, Type 3
Remote reset
Rotary electric
Rotary electric, 90o
Rotary electric, multi-turn
Rotary electric, scotch yoke
Rotary vane
Scotch yoke
Solenoid, double
Solenoid, single
Solenoid, single with reset
Spring return, linear
Spring return, rotary

Air filter regulator

Air switch/set
Bonnet relief device
Chain wheel assembly with impactor
Chain wrench assembly
Chain wheel assembly (sprocket rim and guide)
Conversion kit
Diaphragm pilot valve, 4-way
Extension stem guide
External equalizer
Fail-safe transmitter
Leakoff assembly
Limit positioner
Limit stop
Live loaded packing assembly
Lockout (or tagout) kit
Lock-up valve
Manual control valve, 4-way
Manual override/control
Position transducer
Position transmitter
Pressure relief regulator
Remote sensor
Remote switch
Safety block
Set point regulator, pneumatic
Solenoid pilot valve
Solenoid pilot valve, 3-way
Solenoid pilot valve, 4-way
Speed control valve
Stuffing box
Stuffing box, double
Supply pressure regulator
Supply pressure regulator with air filter
Switchbox module
Torque limiter
Trip valve
Valve drain
Valve positioner, analog
Valve positioner, digital
Valve positioner, electro-pneumatic
Valve positioner, pneumatic
Valve vent
Visual position indicator
Volume booster
Wall bracket
Washout connection
Extended bonnet
Floor box (valve box)
Floor stand
Square nut stem adapter
ValveOperatorType Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
st not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent va

mirror of Type 11 with stem extension) 1140
ype 11 with shaft) 1142
Wall post 235
Indicator post 230
Extension stem 210
Extension stem, 90o 85
Extension stem, low temperatur 87
Extension stem, tee 86


Extended bonnet 88
Floor box (valve box) 225
Floor stand 205
Square nut stem adapter 89

ot add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
ValvePortOption ValvePortOption Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Undefined Undefined 1
Full port Full port 5
Reduced port (two size redReduced port (two size red 10
Reduced port, asymmetric Reduced port, asymmetric 15
Y Reduced port Y Reduced port 20
Conventional port Conventional port 25
Standard port (one size re Standard port (one size re 50
Regular port (one size red Regular port (one size red 55
L option L option 60
T option T option 65
V port V port 70
Venturi port Venturi port 75
Horizontal port Horizontal port 80
Vertical port Vertical port 85
alue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete
ust not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index

HEAD ValveTrimPractice ShortDescription

! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
! The codelist values with RED color cell fill should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.

United States of America, Standards

United States of America, Manufacturers
Germany, Standards (DIN)
Germany Manufacturers
Finland, Standards (SFS)
Finland Manufacturers
CEN/EU, Standards
United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)
United Kingdom Manufacturers
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Standards
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa, Manufacturers
Japan, Standards (JISC)
Japan Manufacturers
China, Standards (SACS)
China Manufacturers
Korea, Standards (KATS)
Republic of Korea Manufacturers
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
Other Asia-Pacific Manufacturers
Australia, Standards (AS)
Australia Manufacturers

NORSOK, Standards
KKS, Standards
Company, Standards
France, Standards (AFNOR)
Other Americas, Standards
Other Americas Manufacturers
Offshore Industry Manufacturers
Power Industry Manufacturers
Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards (SCC)
Chile, Standards (INN)
Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)

Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)

Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Italy Manufacturers
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Norway, Standards (NSF)
Norway Manufacturers
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS)
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)

ValveTrimPractice LongDescription
st. The user may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the nume
try added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
should not be used. They will be deleted eventually.
Canada, Standards (SCC = Standards Council of
Canada, CSA = Canadian Standards Association)
ValveTrim ShortDescription
red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the u
,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.


API trim No. 1

API trim No. 2
API trim No. 3
API trim No. 4
API trim No. 5
API trim No. 5A
API trim No. 6
API trim No. 7
API trim No. 8
API trim No. 8A
API trim No. 9
API trim No. 10
API trim No. 11
API trim No. 12
API trim No. 13
API trim No. 14
API trim No. 15
API trim No. 16
API trim No. 17
API trim No. 18
Trim F6/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F6/FHF
Trim F304/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F304/FHF
Trim F316/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F316/FHF
Trim F317/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F317/FHF
Trim F321/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F321/FHF
Trim F347/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F347/FHF
Trim F44
Trim F44/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F44/FHF
Trim F51
Trim F51/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim F51/FHF
Trim Alloy 6 (Co-Cr)
Trim Alloy 20
Trim Alloy 20/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Alloy 20/FHF
Trim Monel® 500
Trim Monel® 500/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Monel® 500/FHF
Trim Monel® alloy K-500 (UNS N05500)
Trim Monel® alloy K-500 (UNS N05500)/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Monel® alloy K-500 (UNS N05500)/FHF
Trim Hastelloy® B
Trim Hastelloy® B/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Hastelloy® B/FHF
Trim Hastelloy® C
Trim Hastelloy® C/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Hastelloy® C /FHF
Trim Inconel® 800/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Inconel® 800/FHF
Trim Inconel® 825/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Inconel® 825/FHF
Trim Titanium/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Titanium/FHF
Trim Bronze
Trim Aluminum Bronze
Trim Nickel
Trim 12% Cr
Trim 13% Cr (410 Stainless Steel)
Trim 13% Cr/HF (Hard Faced seats)
Trim Type 416 410 SS 40 RC
Trim Type 416-40RC
Trim Type 440-60RC
Trim Colmonoy 6
Trim NITRONIC® 60 Alloy 218 (UNS S21800)
Trim Neoprene
Trim Nitrile (Buna N)
Trim Fluoroelastomer, Viton®
Trim Fluoroelastomer, Fluorel
Trim Polyethylene
Trim Polyamide-imide Torlon (PAI)
Trim Nylatron Polyamide (Nylon)
Trim Modified by molybdenum disulhide Tefzel, Virgin T200
Trim Glass reinforced HT-2004
Trim Carbon graphite reinforced Teflon (C-TRFE)
Trim Polyethererketon, reinforced by glass or graphite (PEEK)
Trim Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE)
Trim TFE
Trim TFE, Bronze-filled
Trim 17-4 PH
Trim Low Temperature Steel
Trim Duplex (Internal) Stainless Steel
Trim Full Duplex Stainless Steel
Trim Tefzel (Acidizing)
Trim Tefzel, Low Temperature
Trim Stellite
Butterfly valve trim
High performance butterfly valve fire safe trim
Other high performance butterfly valve trim
Ball valve fire safe trim
Ball valve trim
Mogas® Flexstream
13Cr + stellite Trim
A410 SS disc
AISI 304 + Stellite Trim
AISI 316L + Stellite Trim
Other trim
Inconel trim
Bronze trim

Keystone Trim Code 106

Keystone Trim Code 107
Keystone Trim Code 113
Keystone Trim Code 114
Keystone Trim Code 115
Keystone Trim Code 116
Keystone Trim Code 123
Keystone Trim Code 124
Keystone Trim Code 133
Keystone Trim Code 134
Keystone Trim Code 158
Keystone Trim Code 159
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 01
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 11
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 12
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 13
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 14
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 20
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 21
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 22
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 23
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 24
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 25
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 26
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 27
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 28
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 29
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 2A
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 31
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 41
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 53
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 54
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 55
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 56
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 57
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 58
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 59
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 71
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 81
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 82
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 91
ValvTechnologies Trim Code A2
ValvTechnologies Trim Code B1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code B3
ValvTechnologies Trim Code B5
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C2
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C3
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C4
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C5
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C6
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C7
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C8
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C9
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CA
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CB
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CC
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CD
ValvTechnologies Trim Code D1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code D2
ValvTechnologies Trim Code D3
ValvTechnologies Trim Code E1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code E2
ValvTechnologies Trim Code E3
ValvTechnologies Trim Code F1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code G1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J2
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J3
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J4
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L1
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L2
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L4
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L5
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L7
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L8

Lukenheimer 11C222
Lukenheimer 11C251
Lukenheimer 33C223
Lukenheimer 66C224
ValveTrim Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
eric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a parent value.

Undefined 1
API trim No. 1 5
API trim No. 2 6
API trim No. 3 10
API trim No. 4 15
API trim No. 5 20
API trim No. 5A 21
API trim No. 6 25
API trim No. 7 30
API trim No. 8 35
API trim No. 8A 36
API trim No. 9 40
API trim No. 10 45
API trim No. 11 50
API trim No. 12 55
API trim No. 13 60
API trim No. 14 65
API trim No. 15 66
API trim No. 16 110
API trim No. 17 67
API trim No. 18 68
Trim F6/HF (Hard Faced seats) 115
Trim F6/FHF 120
Trim F304/HF (Hard Faced seats) 125
Trim F304/FHF 130
Trim F316/HF (Hard Faced seats) 135
Trim F316/FHF 140
Trim F317/HF (Hard Faced seats) 145
Trim F317/FHF 150
Trim F321/HF (Hard Faced seats) 98
Trim F321/FHF 155
Trim F347/HF (Hard Faced seats) 97
Trim F347/FHF 160
Trim F44 165
Trim F44/HF (Hard Faced seats) 170
Trim F44/FHF 175
Trim F51 180
Trim F51/HF (Hard Faced seats) 185
Trim F51/FHF 190
Trim Alloy 6 (Co-Cr) 195
Trim Alloy 20 200
Trim Alloy 20/HF (Hard Faced seats) 205
Trim Alloy 20/FHF 210
Trim Monel® 500 215
Trim Monel® 500/HF (Hard Faced seats) 220
Trim Monel® 500/FHF 225
Trim Monel® alloy K-500 (UNS N05500) 230
Trim Monel® alloy K-500 (UNS N05500)/HF (Hard Fac 235
Trim Monel® alloy K-500 (UNS N05500)/FHF 240
Trim Hastelloy® B 245
Trim Hastelloy® B/HF (Hard Faced seats) 250
Trim Hastelloy® B/FHF 255
Trim Hastelloy® C 260
Trim Hastelloy® C/HF (Hard Faced seats) 265
Trim Hastelloy® C /FHF 270
Trim Inconel® 800/HF (Hard Faced seats) 275
Trim Inconel® 800/FHF 280
Trim Inconel® 825/HF (Hard Faced seats) 285
Trim Inconel® 825/FHF 290
Trim Titanium/HF (Hard Faced seats) 295
Trim Titanium/FHF 300
Trim Bronze 305
Trim Aluminum Bronze 310
Trim Nickel 315
Trim 12% Cr 320
Trim 13% Cr (410 Stainless Steel) 325
Trim 13% Cr/HF (Hard Faced seats) 330
Trim Type 416 410 SS 40 RC 335
Trim Type 416-40RC 340
Trim Type 440-60RC 345
Trim Colmonoy 6 350
Trim NITRONIC® 60 Alloy 218 (UNS S21800) 355
Trim Neoprene 360
Trim Nitrile (Buna N) 365
Trim Fluoroelastomer, Viton® 370
Trim Fluoroelastomer, Fluorel 375
Trim Polyethylene 380
Trim Polyamide-imide Torlon (PAI) 385
Trim Nylatron Polyamide (Nylon) 390
Trim Modified by molybdenum disulhide Tefzel, Virgi 395
Trim Glass reinforced HT-2004 400
Trim Carbon graphite reinforced Teflon (C-TRFE) 405
Trim Polyethererketon, reinforced by glass or graph 410
Trim Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UH 415
Trim TFE 420
Trim TFE, Bronze-filled 425
Trim 17-4 PH 430
Trim Low Temperature Steel 61
Trim Duplex (Internal) Stainless Steel 62
Trim Full Duplex Stainless Steel 63
Trim Tefzel (Acidizing) 64
Trim Tefzel, Low Temperature 69
Trim Stellite 71
Butterfly valve trim 70
High performance butterfly valve fire safe trim 80
Other high performance butterfly valve trim 85
Ball valve fire safe trim 90
Ball valve trim 95
Mogas® Flexstream 101
13Cr + stellite Trim 435
A410 SS disc 440
AISI 304 + Stellite Trim 445
AISI 316L + Stellite Trim 450
Other trim 105
Inconel trim 96
Bronze trim 99
Keystone Trim Code 106 1001
Keystone Trim Code 107 1002
Keystone Trim Code 113 1003
Keystone Trim Code 114 1004
Keystone Trim Code 115 1005
Keystone Trim Code 116 1006
Keystone Trim Code 123 1007
Keystone Trim Code 124 1008
Keystone Trim Code 133 1009
Keystone Trim Code 134 1010
Keystone Trim Code 158 1011
Keystone Trim Code 159 1012
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 01 1013
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 11 1014
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 12 1015
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 13 1016
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 14 1017
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 20 1018
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 21 1019
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 22 1020
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 23 1021
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 24 1022
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 25 1023
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 26 1024
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 27 1025
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 28 1026
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 29 1027
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 2A 1028
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 31 1029
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 41 1030
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 53 1031
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 54 1032
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 55 1033
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 56 1034
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 57 1035
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 58 1036
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 59 1037
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 71 1038
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 81 1039
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 82 1040
ValvTechnologies Trim Code 91 1041
ValvTechnologies Trim Code A2 1042
ValvTechnologies Trim Code B1 1043
ValvTechnologies Trim Code B3 1044
ValvTechnologies Trim Code B5 1045
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C1 1046
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C2 1047
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C3 1048
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C4 1049
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C5 1050
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C6 1051
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C7 1052
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C8 1053
ValvTechnologies Trim Code C9 1054
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CA 1055
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CB 1056
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CC 1057
ValvTechnologies Trim Code CD 1058
ValvTechnologies Trim Code D1 1059
ValvTechnologies Trim Code D2 1060
ValvTechnologies Trim Code D3 1061
ValvTechnologies Trim Code E1 1062
ValvTechnologies Trim Code E2 1063
ValvTechnologies Trim Code E3 1064
ValvTechnologies Trim Code F1 1065
ValvTechnologies Trim Code G1 1066
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J1 1067
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J2 1068
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J3 1069
ValvTechnologies Trim Code J4 1070
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L1 1071
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L2 1072
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L4 1073
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L5 1074
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L7 1075
ValvTechnologies Trim Code L8 1076
Lukenheimer 11C222 6001
Lukenheimer 11C251 6002
Lukenheimer 33C223 6003
Lukenheimer 66C224 6004

ent value.
! Back to Index
Vendor Vendor Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
Undefined 1
Vendor 1 5
Vendor 2 10
Vendor 3 15
Vendor 4 20

be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index

HEAD ShortDescription VesselHeadType LongDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
2:1 Head 2:1 Head
Cone Head Cone Head
Dome Head Dome Head
F&D Head F&D Head
Flat Head Flat Head
Flanged Head Flanged Head
Tori-Conical Head Tori-Conical Head
Tori-Spherical Head Tori-Spherical Head

Codelist Sort
Number Order
d be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th

Codelist Sort
VoltageGrade LongDescription Number Order
m code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of

Undefined 1
Low Voltage (< 2kV) 100
Low Voltage (600V cables for 480/277V Power) 101
Low Voltage (600V cables for 208/120V ac Power) 102
Low Voltage (300V cables for signal and relay circuits <50V and >15V) 103
Low Voltage (300V low-level anolog signals, field bus, RTD Feeder) 104
Medium Voltage (>= 2kV and < 35kV) 200
Medium Voltage (>= 2kV and < 5kV) 201
Medium Voltage (>= 5kV and < 15kV) 202
Medium Voltage (>= 15kV and < 35kV) 203
High Voltage (>= 35 kV) 300
ic value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription WasherCreationOption LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Disable the creation of washers Disable the creation of washers at a bolted joint
Enable the creation of washers Enable the creation of washers at a bolted joint

Codelist Sort
Number Order
but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a va

r must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
WasherOption WasherOption Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Default Default 1
Flat Washer Flat Washer 5
Split Lock Washer Split Lock Washer 10
Conical spring washer Conical spring washer 15
Tooth lock washer Tooth lock washer 20
Serrated safety washer Serrated safety washer 25
Helical spring washer Helical spring washer 30
Spherical washer Spherical washer 35
Tension indicating washer Tension indicating washer 40
Captive washer Captive washer 45
Wedge-locking washer Wedge-locking washer 50
Spring lock washer Spring lock washer 55
Toothed lock washer Toothed lock washer 60
Waved spring washer Waved spring washer 65
between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
WasherType WasherType Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S
Undefined 1
Flat Washer 5
Tooth lock washer 20
Serrated safety washer 25
Spring lock washer 27
Split Lock Washer 10
Conical spring washer 15
Helical spring washer 30
Toothed lock washer 32
Waved spring washer 33
Spherical washer 35
Tension indicating washer 40
Captive washer 45
Wedge-locking washer 50
een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.
! Back to Index
WeldingProcedurePractice WeldingProcedurePractice
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but


United States of America, Standards

Argentina, Standards (IRAM)
Barbados, Standards (BNSI)
Bolivia, Standards (IBNORCA)
Brazil, Standards (ABNT)
Canada, Standards Canada, Standards (SCC =
Standards Council of Canada, CSA =
Canadian Standards Association)

Chile, Standards (INN)

Colombia, Standards (ICONTEC)
Costa Rica, Standards (INTECO)
Mexico, Standards (DGN)
Panama, Standards (COPANIT)
Paraguay, Standards (INTN)
Peru, Standards (INDECOPI)
Uruguay, Standards (UNIT)
Venezuela, Standards (FONDONORMA)
Other Americas, Standards
Germany, Standards (DIN)
United Kingdom, Standards (BSI)
Finland, Standards (SFS)
France, Standards (AFNOR)
CEN/EU Standards
Austria, Standards (ON)
Bahrain, Standards (BSMD)
Belarus, Standards (BELST)
Belgium, Standards (IBN)
Czech Republic, Standards (CSNI)
Denmark, Standards (DS)
Greece, Standards (ELOT)
Iceland, Standards (IST)
Ireland, Standards (NSAI)
Israel, Standards (SII)
Italy, Standards (UNI)
Jordan, Standards (JISM)
Kuwait, Standards (KOWSMD)
Lebanon, Standards (LIBNOR)
Luxembourg, Standards (SEE)
Malta, Standards (MSA)
Netherlands, Standards (NEN)
Norway, Standards (NS)
Oman, Standards (DGSM)
Poland, Standards (PKN)
Portugal, Standards (IPQ)
Romania, Standards (ASRO)
Russian Federation, Standards (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia, Standards (SASO)
South Africa, Standards (SABS)
Spain, Standards (AENOR)
Sweden, Standards (SIS, Swedish Standards
Switzerland, Standards (SNV)
Turkey, Standards (TSE)
Ukraine, Standards (DSTU)
United Arab Emirates, Standards (SSUAE)
Other Europe, Middle East, and Africa,
Japan, Standards (JISC)
China, Standards (GB, Guojia Biaozhun;
Republic of Korea, Standards (KATS)
Australia, Standards (AS)
Hong Kong, Standards (ITCHKSAR)
India, Standards (BIS)
Indonesia, Standards (BSN)
Malaysia, Standards (DSM)
New Zealand, Standards (SNZ)
Philippines, Standards (BPS)
Singapore, Standards (SPRING SG)
Thailand, Standards (TISI)
Viet Nam, Standards (TCVN)
Other Asia-Pacific, Standards
NORSOK Standards
KKS Standards
Company Standards
WeldingProcedureSpecification WeldingProcedureSpecification Codelist
ShortDescription LongDescription Number
This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeri

Undefined Undefined 1
None required None required 5
SMAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 1/16" SMAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 1/16"
to 3/4" to 3/4" 11
SMAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 3/16" SMAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 3/16"
to 2" to 2" 12
SMAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel, SMAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel,
1/16" to 3/4" 1/16" to 3/4" 13
SMAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel, SMAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel,
3/16" to 2" 3/16" to 2" 14
SMAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel, SMAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel,
1/16" to 3/4" 1/16" to 3/4" 15
SMAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel, SMAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel,
3/16" to 2" 3/16" to 2" 16
GTAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 1/16" GTAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 1/16"
to 0.688" to 0.688" 21
GTAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel, GTAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel,
1/16" to 0.688" 1/16" to 0.688" 22
GTAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel, GTAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel, 1/16"
1/16" to 0.688" to 0.688" 23
GMAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 3/16" GMAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 3/16"
to 2" to 2" 31
GMAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel, GMAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel,
3/16" to 1" 3/16" to 1" 32
GMAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel, GMAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel,
3/16" to 1" 3/16" to 1" 33
FCAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 3/16" FCAW, Carbon steel to carbon steel, 3/16"
to 2" to 2" 41
FCAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel, FCAW, Stainless steel to stainless steel,
3/16" to 2" 3/16" to 2" 42
FCAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel, FCAW, Carbon steel to stainless steel, 3/16"
3/16" to 2" to 2" 43

SMAW, SA-335 P22 to same, 1/16" to 0.688" SMAW, SA-335 P22 to same, 1/16" to 0.688" 51
SMAW, SA-335 P22 to carbon steel, 1/16" to SMAW, SA-335 P22 to carbon steel, 1/16" to
0.688" 0.688" 52

SMAW, SA-335 P11 to same, 1/16" to 0.688" SMAW, SA-335 P11 to same, 1/16" to 0.688" 53
SMAW, SA-335 P11 to carbon steel, 1/16" to SMAW, SA-335 P11 to carbon steel, 1/16" to
0.688" 0.688" 54
SMAW, SA-612 to carbon steel, 3/16" to SMAW, SA-612 to carbon steel, 3/16" to
1.346" 1.346" 55
SMAW, SA-612 to same, 3/16" to 1.346" SMAW, SA-612 to same, 3/16" to 1.346" 56

GTAW, SA-213 T22 to same, 1/16" to 0.240" GTAW, SA-213 T22 to same, 1/16" to 0.240" 61
GTAW, SA-213 T22 to carbon steel, 1/16" to GTAW, SA-213 T22 to carbon steel, 1/16" to
0.240" 0.240" 62

GTAW, SA-213 T11 to same, 1/16" to 0.240" GTAW, SA-213 T11 to same, 1/16" to 0.240" 63
GTAW, SA-213 T11 to carbon steel, 1/16" to GTAW, SA-213 T11 to carbon steel, 1/16" to
0.240" 0.240" 64
GTAW, SA-335 P22 to stainless steel, 1/16" GTAW, SA-335 P22 to stainless steel, 1/16"
to 0.688" to 0.688" 65
GTAW, SA-789 31803 to stainless steel, . GTAW, SA-789 31803 to stainless steel, .
049" to 0.098" 049" to 0.098" 66
GTAW, SA-789 31803 to same, .049" to GTAW, SA-789 31803 to same, .049" to
0.098" 0.098" 67
GTAW, SB-619 C-276 to same, 1/16" to GTAW, SB-619 C-276 to same, 1/16" to
0.308" 0.308" 68
GTAW, SA-312 TP 304 to same, .109" to GTAW, SA-312 TP 304 to same, .109" to
0.688", -320 oF and warmer 0.688", -320 oF and warmer 69
GTAW/SMAW, SA-335 P22 to same, 1/16" to GTAW/SMAW, SA-335 P22 to same, 1/16" to
0.688" 0.688" 70
GTAW/GMAW, SA-335 P11 to same, 1/16" GTAW/GMAW, SA-335 P11 to same, 1/16" to
to 0.688" 0.688" 71




not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
Weld at each welded end
Additional weld at flange face
Optional additional weld at flange face

Weld based on Weld Type Exception for Sleeves

No welds required

WeldingRequirement Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
r may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the

Each welded end requires a reportable weld 5

Additional weld required at face of flange 10
Optional additional weld required at face of flange 15
based on plate flange thickness
Reportable weld is required based on Weld Type 20
Exception for Sleeves option
None of the ends require welding 50
ning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD WeldClass ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a hierarchical system code list. The user may change the textual values in red te
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. S

By Pipe Fabricator

By Pipe Erector

By Pipe Erector, Loose Material

(temporary or tack weld)

By Pipe Erector, Field Fit

WeldType ShortDescription
ser may change the textual values in red text and/or green highlight, but must not change the numeric value
by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Pipe Connector

Shop weld
Shop weld at job site fabrication shop
Automatic shop weld
Miter weld
Miter weld at job site fabrication shop
Thermal fusion shop weld
Thermal fusion shop weld at job site fabrication shop
Electrofusion shop weld
Electrofusion shop weld at job site fabrication shop
Laminated shop weld
Laminated shop weld at job site fabrication shop
Brazed joint at shop
Brazed joint at job site fabrication shop

Field weld at assembly site

Field weld at job site, including offshore

Field weld at job site for loose flange

Field fit weld at assembly site

Field fit weld at job site
Field fit weld for nozzle at assembly site
Field fit weld for nozzle at job site, including offshore
Thermal fusion weld at assembly site
Electrofusion weld at assembly site
Laminated weld at assembly site
Brazed joint at assembly site
Codelist Sort
WeldType LongDescription Number Order
green highlight, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not a
would reserve all other numeric values.

Undefined 1
Pipe Connector 2
Shop weld 5
Shop weld at job site fabrication shop 10
Automatic shop weld 15
Miter weld 20
Miter weld at job site fabrication shop 25
Thermal fusion shop weld 65
Thermal fusion shop weld at job site fabrication shop 66
Electrofusion shop weld 67
Electrofusion shop weld at job site fabrication shop 68
Laminated shop weld 69
Laminated shop weld at job site fabrication shop 70
Brazed joint at shop 71
Brazed joint at job site fabrication shop 72
Field weld at assembly site 30
Field weld at job site, including offshore 35

Field weld at job site for loose flange 50
Field fit weld at assembly site 40
Field fit weld at job site, including offshore 45
Field fit weld for nozzle at assembly site 60
Field fit weld for nozzle at job site, including offshore 55
Thermal fusion weld at assembly site 61
Electrofusion weld at assembly site 62
Laminated weld at assembly site 63
Brazed joint at assembly site 64
d the user must not add or delete a parent value.
! Back to Index
HEAD WBSItemAssignment WBSItemAssignment Codelist Sort Order
ShortDescription LongDescription Number
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! Range 1000-7999 is reserved for SmartPlant applications, and
! range 8000-9999 is reserved for IntelliShip applications
System System 1
Assembly Assembly 2
Manual Manual 3
ut must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a valu
add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
WBSAutoGroupingRuleType WBSAutoGroupingRuleType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Group by query
Group by control point
Group by query and control point

Codelist Sort
Number Order
lue, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete

ser must not add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
WBSItemType WBSItemType
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription WBSItemPurpose ShortDescription
! The numeric value for any new code list entry added by the user should be between 10,001 and 40,000. Sm
! Range 1000-7999 is reserved for SmartPlant applications, and
! range 8000-9999 is reserved for IntelliShip applications
Contract Civil
Contract Instrument & Electrical
Contract Mechanical
Contract Buildings
Contract General Mechanical
Contract Insulation
Contract Painting
Contract Piling
Contract Safety & Protection
Contract Site Development
Contract Structural Steel
Contract Vessel
Contract Purchase Order
Contract Other
Sub-Contract Fabrication
Sub-Contract Erection
Sub-Contract Fabrication and Erection
Sub-Contract Other
Design Area
Design Area Piping
Design Area Civil
Design Area Electrical
Design Area Instrument
Design Area Mechanical
Design Area PCE
Design Area Other
Group Piping
Group Civil
Group Electrical
Group Instrument
Group Mechanical
Group PCE
Group Iso Drawing
Iso Drawing - Tracing
Iso Drawing - Stress
Iso Drawing - System
Iso Drawing - Fabrication
Group Other
Group Stress Analysis
WBSItemPurpose Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
een 10,001 and 40,000. SmartPlant would reserve all other numeric values.

Civil 10
Instrument & Electrical 25
Mechanical 30
Buildings 32
General Mechanical 34
Insulation 36
Painting 38
Piling 40
Safety & Protection 42
Site Development 44
Structural Steel 46
Vessel 47
Purchase Order 48
Other 49
Fabrication 50
Erection 55
Fabrication and Erection 60
Reference 65
Other 70
Piping 100
Civil 105
Electrical 115
Instrument 120
Mechanical 125
PCE 130
Other 135
Piping 155
Civil 165
Electrical 170
Instrument 175
Mechanical 180
PCE 185
Iso Drawing 195
Iso Drawing - Tracing 200
Iso Drawing - Stress 205
Iso Drawing - System 210
Iso Drawing - Fabrication 215
Other 190
Stress Analysis 220
! Back to Index
WBSProjectPurpose WBSProjectPurpose Codelist Sort
HEAD ShortDescription LongDescription Number Order
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change th
! Range 1000-7999 is reserved for SmartPlant applications, and
! range 8000-9999 is reserved for IntelliShip applications
Project 1
As-built 2

must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value
add or delete a value.
! Back to Index
HEAD ShortDescription
! This is a system code list. The user may change the textual value, but must not change
Associated items
Associated items and Pipe Supports
Pipe Support Only

WBSPullInAssociatedItems Codelist Sort
LongDescription Number Order
The user may change the textual value, but must not change the numeric value or the meaning of the value;

None 1
Connection and Reportable 2
Supports, Connection Reportable and Welded 3
Pipe Support Only 4
r the meaning of the value; and the user must not add or delete a value.

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