Mini-Case A Firm Production Date

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Garcia, Ralph Gio P.

Mini-Case: A Firm Production Date

The paper will discuss about the analysis of
conflict of interest between the director of R&D
department and the Vice President of the Marketing
department, Tom and Scott, respectively. Scott with
concerns about hastily giving of the assurance of the
firm production date by Tom. The analysis will discuss
the unethical behavior of Scott and Tom, the
possibilities of what if they tackle the issue in
ethical manner and if there might be a chance of having
a better relationship after the conflict.

The problem with Tom was he doesn’t take full

responsibility of the words that he provided to Scott.
The behavior of Tom as the director of the R&D for the
new project must not give assurance until everything is
refine and ready for production date. He’s the one who
gives the firm production date and he’s responsible for
the consequences of it.

Additional, Tom must also practice prudence as a

R&D director. Given the fact that R&D is so fragile
that things might not go well even in the last phase of
testing certain products. It means that giving
assurance about the firm production date must be done
after the last very phase of the process is successful.

The concerns over R&D’s credibility is just a

practice of being prudent in the side of marketing
division. Scott being sensitive as a marketing Vice
President is a great thing in marketing aspect.
Marketing requires further research about timing,
demographics and production to be aligned for greater
product success.
Scott shouldn’t take everything easily. He must see
the progress report first before deciding the firm
production date. Scott must see the tangible results
first before making decision as a marketing Vice

There’s no excuses when dealing with ethics. If

it’s unethical, it will always be. Even though you
might use it for assurance, ethics should be practiced.
As Mr. Martin Luther King tells us, “The time is always
right to do what is right.”

In order to deal the assurance of Tom that had been

given to Scott, it must be appropriate that Scott deals
with Tom in ethical way. For example, there’s a third
party that have knowledge about their conversation. A
man must practice ethics even dealing with unethical

Once a relationship had been damaged, it’s

difficult to turn it back to a perfect one. The
relations between the R&D and Marketing is excruciating
that may take some years to heal. As they keep blaming
each other, they will not be in a better relationship
even in the future times. They may settle things at
work, but they may not settle their personal feelings
towards each other because of pride and ego.

The conflict between Marketing and R&D could have

been avoided, if the two of them settle things
ethically. If they confront each other personally and
talk about the possibilities of what may happen, if Tom
doesn’t give assurance easily about the new complex
project, or even if Tom waits for the progress report
of the R&D department. Plenty of situations might have
been done in order to avoid the conflict between them.
That’s why it’s better to settle things ethically,
rationally and patiently.
In summary, any individual must take responsibility
of words and actions he takes. Also, being prudent or
cautions is a good characteristic of being a leader.
Sometimes, being a leader also requires tangible result
in order to take further step into breakthrough of new
projects. To think rationally, in order to take things
into better side in every situation, one must practice
ethics. Because, like the relationship of Scott and Tom
had been damaged because they don’t take things in
ethical manner. Conflicts could have been avoided if
one promotes ethics in his principles. Lastly, if a
relationship can’t avoid conflicts, one must learn to
discard ego and pride and let their mind be at peace
for them to thrive together in the better future.
Relationship might not be perfect, but make it better.

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