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Lift Heavy Shit cultofstrength.


CoS Smolov Accessory Program

One of the top questions we get about the Smolov program is, “how do I train my upper body
during this squat cycle?”  Great question.  

If you haven’t heard, Smolov is one of the hardest squat routines you will ever do. It will take
every ounce of your energy to get through some of the sets.  IF you make it through though, you
will come out the other end a stronger and mentally tougher lifter. Our goal with this accessory
program is to answer that common question - How do you train your upper body on Smolov?

After all, no one wants tree trunks for legs just to support a puny torso up top? The lifts in this
accessory program are meant to be completed each day after you’ve done your Smolov squats.
You won’t be smashing bench press PRs while on this program, but that’s not it’s purpose.  This
program is simply meant to help you maintain your upper body strength while you focus on
dominating your squat.

INTRO PHASE:  Weeks 1-2

The Smolov intro phase is 2 weeks long and meant to warm you up for all the fun you’ll be get
to have in the following phases ;) Complete the movements below after your main squat
session. Week 2 is meant to build on week 1, the movements are the same, but you should aim
to finish with a heavier final set.

Day 1
After Smolov,
Close Grip Bench Press - Build to a heavy 5 reps
(on the following week, add 5-10# if possible)

Day 2
After Smolov,
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows- 3 sets of 8 tough reps per side
(on the following week, try to go a bit heavier)
*if no access to DBs, substitute with Pendlay Rows

Day 3
After Smolov,
Power Clean - Build to a heavy set of 3
*if not familiar or untrained in the power clean, ain’t no shame in that, substitute seated box
jumps 4 sets x 3 reps

*See last 2 pages of this document for the table format of the accessory program
Lift Heavy Shit

BASE CYCLE: Weeks 3-6

Now it’s time to get on the gain train!  Keep in mind, these accessory movements are meant to
be performed after the squat sessions. We’re up to 4 squat days a week now so be sure to get
plenty of food, water, and sleep for optimal results. Just like in the intro phase, each week you
should try to add weight to your top set from the previous week. So, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to
start off week 1 with a moderately heavy set to allow yourself room for progress in the coming

Alright, now get out there and lift some heavy shit.

Day 1
After Smolov,
Bench Press- Build to a heavy 3 reps

Day 2
After Smolov,
Bent Over Rows- 3 sets x 8 reps
*alternate grip each week- start with pronated (overhand) for week 1, supinated (underhand) for
week 2, etc.

Day 3
After Smolov,
Strict Press- Build to a heavy 5 reps

Day 4
After Smolov,
Pull Ups- 4 sets x 3-8 reps
*if unable to do at least 3 pull ups, substitute inverted rows or ring rows, if you can do more than
8 reps then go weighted

*See last 2 pages of this document for the table format of the accessory program
Lift Heavy Shit


If you’ve made it this far, you should be pretty damn proud of yourself. It’s time for the switch
cycle where you’ll get a well deserved 2-week deload and a bit of a change of pace. Complete
the following 2 weeks as written below. Focus your energy on tension and holding perfect form
in your pause back squats and being explosive in your plyometric work - those aren’t about
weight, they’re about speed after all. Enjoy the mini-vacay.

Week 7
Day 1
A. Pause Back Squat (hold for 2 sec @ bottom)
5 reps x 4 sets / 2 min.
B1. Seated Box Jumps
5 reps x 3 sets / 30 sec.
B2. Pull Ups
5-10 reps x 3 sets / 2 min.
C. Single Leg Hip Extensions
10 reps per leg x 3 sets / 90 sec.

Day 2
A.  Power Clean
3 reps x 5 sets @ 60-65% / 90 sec.
B1. Incline DB Bench Press
8 reps x 3 sets / 90 sec.
B2. Hanging Leg Raises
10 reps x 3 sets / 90 sec.
C. Tall Kneeling Pallof Press
12-15 reps per side x 3 sets / 90 sec.

Day 3
A. Barbell Squat Jumps
10 reps x 3 sets @ 20% / 90 sec.
B1. Hurdle Jumps
4 reps x 4 sets / 30 sec.
B2. Face Pulls (rings, cable, or band)
15 reps x 4 sets / 90 sec.
C. Sprint (you better go all out on these!)
50m x 4 sets / 90 sec.

*B1 & B2 are meant to be supersets; A & C are normal sets

*See last 2 pages of this document for the table format of the accessory program
Lift Heavy Shit

Week 8
Day 1
A. Pause Back Squat (2 sec. hold @ bottom)
5 reps x 4 sets / 2 min.
B1. Depth Box Jumps
5 reps x 3 sets / 30 sec.
B2. Pull Ups
5-10 reps x 3 sets / 2 min.
C. Jump Switch Lunges
20 reps per leg x 3 sets / 90 sec.

Day 2
A.  Power Clean
3 reps x 5 sets @ 65-70% / 90 sec.
B1. Incline DB Bench Press
8 reps x 3 sets / 90 sec.
B2. Strict TTB
8-10 reps x 3 sets / 90 sec.
C. Tall Kneeling Pallof Press
12-15 reps per side x 3 sets / 90 sec.

Day 3
A. Barbell Squat Jumps
8 reps x 3 sets @ 30% / 90 sec.
B1. Hurdle Jumps
4 reps x 4 sets / 30 sec.
B2. Face Pulls (ring, band, or cable)
15 reps x 4 sets / 90 sec.
C. Sprint (you better go all out on these!)
50m x 4 sets / 90 sec.

*B1 & B2 are meant to be supersets; A & C are normal sets

*See last 2 pages of this document for the table format of the accessory program
Lift Heavy Shit

INTENSITY: Weeks 9-12

Hope you enjoyed your break, because the pain is about to come.  You’ll be squatting at
90-95% nearly every session for multiple reps and multiple sets. You will need every ounce of
will, strength, and determination you can muster to finish out this phase. Over the next few
weeks recovery is paramount.

While in the gym, your focus and energy should be on squatting - that’s why you chose to do the
Smolov program if the first place… right?  As such, accessory work will not be included during
the Intensity phase.  Also make sure you eat, sleep, and recover well. This is the home
stretch… you will be rewarded in just a few weeks!

With all that said, if you’re a maniac and still feel like you have energy and your body is
recovering well each week, you’ll find an upper-body focused, 4th training day below to add into
the mix each week.

Upper Body Day (for psychos)

A1. Incline Bench Press
6 reps x 4 sets / 2 min.
A2. Weighted Chin Ups
4-6 reps x 4 sets / 2 min.
*substitute bodyweight chin ups or inverted rows if unable to do weighted chin ups
B1. Single Arm Bench Press
8 reps per arm x 3 sets / 90 sec.
B2. Kroc Rows
10 reps per arm x 3 sets / 90 sec.
C. Face Pulls (cable, ring, or band)
12-15 reps x 3 sets / 90 sec.

*A1 & A2 as well as B1 & B2 are meant to be supersets; C should be normal sets

Taper.. and then TEST.

Reap the rewards of your hard work.
Lift heavier shit.

*See last 2 pages of this document for the table format of the accessory program
Lift Heavy Shit

Smolov Accessory Program: Recap Chart

Phase Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Intro After Smolov, After Smolov, After Smolov,

Close Grip Bench Press - Single Arm Dumbbell Power Clean - Build to a
Weeks Build to a heavy 5 reps Rows- 3 sets of 8 tough heavy set of 3
1-2 reps per side

Base After Smolov, After Smolov, After Smolov, After Smolov,

Bench Press- Build to a Bent Over Rows- 3 sets x 8 Strict Press- Build to a Pull Ups- 4 sets x 3-8 reps
Weeks heavy 3 reps reps heavy 5 reps
3-6 *alternate grip each week
A. Pause Back Squat A.  Power Clean A. Barbell Squat Jumps
5reps x 4sets / 2 min 3reps x5 sets @ 60-65% / 10reps x 3sets @ 20% / 90
B1. Seated Box Jumps 90 sec. sec.
5reps x 3sets / 30 sec. B1. Incline DB Bench B1. Hurdle Jumps
B2. Pull Ups Press 4reps x 4sets / 30 sec.
Switch 5-10reps x 3sets / 2 min. 8reps x 3sets / 90 sec. B2. Face Pulls
C. Single Leg Hip B2. Hanging Leg Raises 15reps x 4sets / 90 sec.
7 Extensions 10reps x 3sets / 90 sec. C. Sprint
10 reps/leg x 3sets / 90 sec. C. Tall Kneeling Pallof 50m x 4sets / 90 sec.
12-15reps/side x 3 sets / 90
Lift Heavy Shit

Phase Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

A. Pause Back Squat A.  Power Clean A. Barbell Squat Jumps

5reps x 4sets / 2 min. 3reps x 5sets @ 65-70% / 8reps x 3sets @ 30% / 90
B1. Depth Box Jumps 90 sec. sec.
5reps x 3sets / 30 sec. B1. Incline DB Bench B1. Hurdle Jumps
B2. Pull Ups Press 4reps x 4sets / 30 sec.
5-10reps x 3sets / 2 min. 8reps x 3sets / 90 sec. B2. Face Pulls
C. Jump Switch Lunges B2. Strict TTB 15reps x 4sets / 90 sec. N/A
8 20reps/leg x 3sets / 90 sec. 8-10reps x 3sets / 90 sec. C. Sprint
C. Tall Kneeling Pallof 50m x 4sets / 90 sec.
12-15reps/side x 3sets / 90

A1. Incline Bench Press

6reps x 4sets / 2 min.
A2. Weighted Chin Ups
4-6reps x 4sets / 2 min.
B1. Single Arm Bench
Intense Press
N/A N/A N/A 8reps/arm x 3sets / 90 sec.
9-12 B2. Kroc Rows
10 reps/arm x 3sets / 90
C. Face Pulls
12-15reps x 3sets / 90 sec.

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