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A Latent Variable Model for Geographic Lexical Variation

Jacob EisensteinBrendan O’Connor Noah A. Smith Eric P. Xing

School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Abstract One challenge in the study of lexical variation is

that term frequencies are influenced by a variety of
The rapid growth of geotagged social media factors, such as the topic of discourse. We address
raises new computational possibilities for in- this issue by adding latent variables that allow us to
vestigating geographic linguistic variation. In model topical variation explicitly. We hypothesize
this paper, we present a multi-level generative that geography and topic interact, as “pure” topi-
model that reasons jointly about latent topics
cal lexical distributions are corrupted by geographi-
and geographical regions. High-level topics
such as “sports” or “entertainment” are ren- cal factors; for example, a sports-related topic will
dered differently in each geographic region, be rendered differently in New York and Califor-
revealing topic-specific regional distinctions. nia. Each author is imbued with a latent “region”
Applied to a new dataset of geotagged mi- indicator, which both selects the regional variant of
croblogs, our model recovers coherent top- each topic, and generates the author’s observed ge-
ics and their regional variants, while identi- ographical location. The regional corruption of top-
fying geographic areas of linguistic consis-
ics is modeled through a cascade of logistic normal
tency. The model also enables prediction of
an author’s geographic location from raw text, priors—a general modeling approach which we call
outperforming both text regression and super- cascading topic models. The resulting system has
vised topic models. multiple capabilities, including: (i) analyzing lexi-
cal variation by both topic and geography; (ii) seg-
menting geographical space into coherent linguistic
1 Introduction communities; (iii) predicting author location based
on text alone.
Sociolinguistics and dialectology study how lan-
This research is only possible due to the rapid
guage varies across social and regional contexts.
growth of social media. Our dataset is derived from
Quantitative research in these fields generally pro-
the microblogging website Twitter,1 which permits
ceeds by counting the frequency of a handful of
users to post short messages to the public. Many
previously-identified linguistic variables: pairs of
users of Twitter also supply exact geographical co-
phonological, lexical, or morphosyntactic features
ordinates from GPS-enabled devices (e.g., mobile
that are semantically equivalent, but whose fre-
phones),2 yielding geotagged text data. Text in
quency depends on social, geographical, or other
computer-mediated communication is often more
factors (Paolillo, 2002; Chambers, 2009). It is left to
vernacular (Tagliamonte and Denis, 2008), and as
the experimenter to determine which variables will
such it is more likely to reveal the influence of ge-
be considered, and there is no obvious procedure for
ographic factors than text written in a more formal
drawing inferences from the distribution of multiple
genre, such as news text (Labov, 1966).
variables. In this paper, we present a method for
We evaluate our approach both qualitatively and
identifying geographically-aligned lexical variation
quantitatively. We investigate the topics and regions
directly from raw text. Our approach takes the form
of a probabilistic graphical model capable of iden- 1
tifying both geographically-salient terms and coher- 2
User profiles also contain self-reported location names, but
ent linguistic communities. we do not use that information in this work.
that the model obtains, showing both common-sense spell-checking program aspell.
results (place names and sports teams are grouped Every message is tagged with a location, but most
appropriately), as well as less-obvious insights about messages from a single individual tend to come from
slang. Quantitatively, we apply our model to predict nearby locations (as they go about their day); for
the location of unlabeled authors, using text alone. modeling purposes we use only a single geographic
On this task, our model outperforms several alterna- location for each author, simply taking the location
tives, including both discriminative text regression of the first message in the sample.
and related latent-variable approaches. The authors in our dataset are fairly heavy Twit-
ter users, posting an average of 40 messages per day
2 Data (although we see only 15% of this total). We have
little information about their demographics, though
The main dataset in this research is gathered from from the text it seems likely that this user set skews
the microblog website Twitter, via its official API. towards teens and young adults. The dataset cov-
We use an archive of messages collected over the ers each of the 48 contiguous United States and the
first week of March 2010 from the “Gardenhose” District of Columbia.
sample stream,3 which then consisted of 15% of
all public messages, totaling millions per day. We 3 Model
aggressively filter this stream, using only messages
that are tagged with physical (latitude, longitude) We develop a model that incorporates two sources
coordinate pairs from a mobile client, and whose au- of lexical variation: topic and geographical region.
thors wrote at least 20 messages over this period. We We treat the text and geographic locations as out-
also filter to include only authors who follow fewer puts from a generative process that incorporates both
than 1,000 other people, and have fewer than 1,000 topics and regions as latent variables.6 During infer-
followers. Kwak et al. (2010) find dramatic shifts ence, we seek to recover the topics and regions that
in behavior among users with social graph connec- best explain the observed data.
tivity outside of that range; such users may be mar- At the base level of model are “pure” topics (such
keters, celebrities with professional publicists, news as “sports”, “weather”, or “slang”); these topics are
media sources, etc. We also remove messages con- rendered differently in each region. We call this gen-
taining URLs to eliminate bots posting information eral modeling approach a cascading topic model; we
such as advertising or weather conditions. For inter- describe it first in general terms before moving to the
pretability, we restrict our attention to authors inside specific application to geographical variation.
a bounding box around the contiguous U.S. states,
yielding a final sample of about 9,500 users and 3.1 Cascading Topic Models
380,000 messages, totaling 4.7 million word tokens. Cascading topic models generate text from a chain
We have made this dataset available online.4 of random variables. Each element in the chain de-
Informal text from mobile phones is challeng- fines a distribution over words, and acts as the mean
ing to tokenize; we adapt a publicly available tok- of the distribution over the subsequent element in
enizer5 originally developed for Twitter (O’Connor the chain. Thus, each element in the chain can be
et al., 2010), which preserves emoticons and blocks thought of as introducing some additional corrup-
of punctuation and other symbols as tokens. For tion. All words are drawn from the final distribution
each user’s Twitter feed, we combine all messages in the chain.
into a single “document.” We remove word types At the beginning of the chain are the priors, fol-
that appear in fewer than 40 feeds, yielding a vocab- lowed by unadulerated base topics, which may then
ulary of 5,216 words. Of these, 1,332 do not appear be corrupted by other factors (such as geography or
in the English, French, or Spanish dictionaries of the time). For example, consider a base “food” topic
3 6 api The region could be observed by using a predefined geo-
4 graphical decomposition, e.g., political boundaries. However,
5 such regions may not correspond well to linguistic variation.
that emphasizes words like dinner and delicious; from a single shared multinomial ϑ. The model is
the corrupted “food-California” topic would place shown as a plate diagram in Figure 1.
weight on these words, but might place extra em- Given a vocabulary size W , the generative story
phasis on other words like sprouts. is as follows:
The path through the cascade is determined by a • Generate base topics: for each topic k < K
set of indexing variables, which may be hidden or – Draw the base topic from a normal distribu-
observed. As in standard latent Dirichlet allocation tion with uniform diagonal covariance: µk ∼
(Blei et al., 2003), the base topics are selected by N(a, b2 I),
a per-token hidden variable z. In the geographical – Draw the regional variance from a Gamma
topic model, the next level corresponds to regions, distribution: σk2 ∼ G(c, d).
which are selected by a per-author latent variable r. – Generate regional variants: for each region
Formally, we draw each level of the cascade from j < J,
a normal distribution centered on the previous level; ∗ Draw the region-topic η jk from a normal
the final multinomial distribution over words is ob- distribution with uniform diagonal covari-
ance: η jk ∼ N(µk , σk2 I).
tained by exponentiating and normalizing. To ensure
∗ Convert η jk into a multinomial
tractable inference, we assume that all covariance
distribution over words by ex-
matrices are uniform diagonal, i.e., aI with a > 0; ponentiating and normalizing:
this means we do not model interactions between β jk =
exp η jk / i exp(ηjk ),

words. where the denominator sums over the

3.2 The Geographic Topic Model
• Generate regions: for each region j < J,
The application of cascading topic models to ge-
ographical variation is straightforward. Each doc- – Draw the spatial mean ν j from a normal dis-
ument corresponds to the entire Twitter feed of a
– Draw the precision matrix Λj from a Wishart
given author during the time period covered by our
corpus. For each author, the latent variable r cor-
responds to the geographical region of the author, • Draw the distribution over regions ϑ from a sym-
which is not observed. As described above, r se- metric Dirichlet prior, ϑ ∼ Dir(αϑ 1).
lects a corrupted version of each topic: the kth basic • Generate text and locations: for each document d,
topic has mean µk , with uniform diagonal covari- – Draw topic proportions from a symmetric
ance σk2 ; for region j, we can draw the regionally- Dirichlet prior, θ ∼ Dir(α1).
corrupted topic from the normal distribution, η jk ∼ – Draw the region r from the multinomial dis-
N(µk , σk2 I). tribution ϑ.
Because η is normally-distributed, it lies not in – Draw the location y from the bivariate Gaus-
the simplex but in RW . We deterministically com- sian, y ∼ N(ν r , Λr ).
pute multinomial parameters β by exponentiating – For each word token,
P (i) ∗ Draw the topic indicator z ∼ θ.
and normalizing: β jk = exp(η jk )/ i exp(ηjk ).
This normalization could introduce identifiability ∗ Draw the word token w ∼ β rz .
problems, as there are multiple settings for η that
4 Inference
maximize P (w|η) (Blei and Lafferty, 2006a). How-
ever, this difficulty is obviated by the priors: given We apply mean-field variational inference: a fully-
µ and σ 2 , there is only a single η that maximizes factored variational distribution Q is chosen to min-
P (w|η)P (η|µ, σ 2 ); similarly, only a single µ max- imize the Kullback-Leibler divergence from the
imizes P (η|µ)P (µ|a, b2 ). true distribution. Mean-field variational inference
The observed latitude and longitude, denoted y, with conjugate priors is described in detail else-
are normally distributed and conditioned on the re- where (Bishop, 2006; Wainwright and Jordan,
gion, with mean ν r and precision matrix Λr indexed 2008); we restrict our focus to the issues that are
by the region r. The region index r is itself drawn unique to the geographic topic model.
ϴ α µk log of base topic k’s distribution over word types
σk2 variance parameter for regional variants of topic k
η jk region j’s variant of base topic µk
z σ2 μ θd author d’s topic proportions
rd author d’s latent region
w η yd author d’s observed GPS location
Nd K νj region j’s spatial center
Λj region j’s spatial precision
r ϑ Λ zn token n’s topic assignment
wn token n’s observed word type
α global prior over author-topic proportions
y ν ϑ global prior over region classes

Figure 1: Plate diagram for the geographic topic model, with a table of all random variables. Priors (besides α) are
omitted for clarity, and the document indices on z and w are implicit.

We place variational distributions over all latent with the first term representing the likelihood of the
variables of interest: θ, z, r, ϑ, η, µ, σ 2 , ν, and Λ, observed words (recall that β is computed determin-
updating each of these distributions in turn, until istically from η) and the second term corresponding
convergence. The variational distributions over θ to the prior. The likelihood term requires the expec-
and ϑ are Dirichlet, and have closed form updates: tation hlog βi, but
P this is somewhat complicated by
each can be set to the sum of the expected counts, the normalizer W i exp(η (i) ), which sums over all

plus a term from the prior (Blei et al., 2003). The terms in the vocabulary. As in previous work on lo-
variational distributions q(z) and q(r) are categor- gistic normal topic models, we use a Taylor approx-
ical, and can be set proportional to the expected imation for this term (Blei and Lafferty, 2006a).
joint likelihood—to set q(z) we marginalize over r, The prior on η is normal, so the contribution from
and vice versa.7 The updates for the multivariate the second term of the objective (Equation 1) is
Gaussian spatial parameters ν and Λ are described (i) (i)
− 2hσ1 2 i h(ηjk − µk )2 i. We introduce the following
by Penny (2001). k
notation for expected counts: N (i, j, k) indicates the
4.1 Regional Word Distributions P of term i in region j and topic k, and
expected count
N (j, k) = i N (i, j, k). After some calculus, we
The variational region-topic distribution η jk is nor- ((i))
can write the gradient ∂L/∂hηjk i as
mal, with uniform diagonal covariance for tractabil-
ity. Throughout we will write hxi to indicate the ex-
pectation of x under the variational distribution Q. (i) (i) (i)
N (i, j, k) − N (j, k)hβjk i − hσk−2 i(hηjk i − hµk i),
Thus, the vector mean of the distribution q(η jk ) is (2)
written hη jk i, while the variance (uniform across i) which has an intuitive interpretation. The first two
of q(η) is written V(η jk ). terms represent the difference in expected counts for
To update the mean parameter hη jk i, we max- term i under the variational distributions q(z, r) and
imize the contribution to the variational bound L (i)
q(z, r, β): this difference goes to zero when βjk per-
from the relevant terms: fectly matches N (i, j, k)/N (j, k). The third term
(i) (i)
(i) (i) penalizes ηjk for deviating from its prior µk , but
L[hη(i) i] = hlog p(w|β, z, r)i+hlog p(ηjk |µk , σk2 )i,
jk this penalty is proportional to the expected inverse
(1) variance hσk−2 i. We apply gradient ascent to maxi-
Thanks to the naı̈ve mean field assumption, we can
mize the objective L. A similar set of calculations
marginalize over z by first decomposing across all Nd words gives the gradient for the variance of η; these are
and then summing over q(z). described in an forthcoming appendix.
4.2 Base Topics the locations y, using variational inference on the
The base topic parameters are µk and σk2 ; in the vari- truncated stick-breaking approximation (Blei and
ational distribution, q(µk ) is normally distributed Jordan, 2006). This automatically selects the num-
and q(σk2 ) is Gamma distributed. Note that µk and ber of regions J, and gives a distribution over each
σk2 affect only the regional word distributions η jk . region indicator rd from geographical information
An advantage of the logistic normal is that the vari- alone. We then run standard latent Dirichlet alloca-
ational parameters over µk are available in closed tion to obtain estimates of z for each token (ignoring
form, the locations). From this initialization we can com-
pute the first set of expected counts, which are used
PJ (i) to obtain initial estimates of all parameters needed
(i) b2 j hηjk i + hσk2 ia(i)
hµk i = to begin variational inference in the full model.
b2 J + hσk2 i
The prior a is the expected mean of each topic
V(µk ) = (b−2 + Jhσk−2 i)−1 , µ; for each term i, we set a(i) = log N (i) − log N ,
whereP N (i) is the total count of i in the corpus and
where J indicates the number of regions. The ex-
N = i N (i). The variance prior b2 is set to 1, and
pectation of the base topic µ incorporates the prior
the prior on σ 2 is the Gamma distribution G(2, 200),
and the average of the generated region-topics—
encouraging minimal deviation from the base topics.
these two components are weighted respectively by
The symmetric Dirichlet prior on θ is set to 12 , and
the expected variance of the region-topics hσk2 i and
the symmetric Dirichlet parameter on ϑ is updated
the prior topical variance b2 . The posterior variance
from weak hyperpriors (Minka, 2003). Finally, the
V(µ) is a harmonic combination of the prior vari-
geographical model takes priors that are linked to the
ance b2 and the expected variance of the region top-
data: for each region, the mean is very weakly en-
couraged to be near the overall mean, and the covari-
The variational distribution over the region-topic
ance prior is set by the average covariance of clusters
variance σk2 has Gamma parameters. These param-
obtained by running K-means.
eters cannot be updated in closed form, so gradi-
ent optimization is again required. The derivation
6 Evaluation
of these updates is more involved, and is left for a
forthcoming appendix. For a quantitative evaluation of the estimated rela-
tionship between text and geography, we assess our
5 Implementation model’s ability to predict the geographic location of
Variational scheduling and initialization are impor- unlabeled authors based on their text alone.8 This
tant aspects of any hierarchical generative model, task may also be practically relevant as a step toward
and are often under-discussed. In our implementa- applications for recommending local businesses or
tion, the variational updates are scheduled as fol- social connections. A randomly-chosen 60% of au-
lows: given expected counts, we iteratively update thors are used for training, 20% for development,
the variational parameters on the region-topics η and and the remaining 20% for final evaluation.
the base topics µ, until convergence. We then update
the geographical parameters ν and Λ, as well as the 6.1 Systems
distribution over regions ϑ. Finally, for each doc- We compare several approaches for predicting au-
ument we iteratively update the variational param- thor location; we divide these into latent variable
eters over θ, z, and r until convergence, obtaining generative models and discriminative approaches.
expected counts that are used in the next iteration
of updates for the topics and their regional variants. Alternatively, one might evaluate the attributed regional
We iterate an outer loop over the entire set of updates memberships of the words themselves. While the Dictionary of
American Regional English (Cassidy and Hall, 1985) attempts
until convergence. a comprehensive list of all regionally-affiliated terms, it is based
We initialize the model in a piecewise fashion. on interviews conducted from 1965-1970, and the final volume
First we train a Dirichlet process mixture model on (covering Si–Z) is not yet complete.
6.1.1 Latent Variable Models Weights are trained to minimize the sum of squared
Geographic Topic Model This is the full version Euclidean distances, subject to L1 regularization:
of our system, as described in this paper. To pre- X
dict the unseen location y d , we iterate until con- (xT lat lat 2
d a − yd ) + (xd a
T lon
− ydlon )2
vergence on the variational updates for the hidden
topics z d , the topic proportions θ d , and the region + λlat ||alat ||1 + λlon ||alon ||1
rd . From P rd , the location can be estimated as ŷ d = The minimization problem decouples into two sep-
arg maxy Jj p(y|ν j , Λj )q(rd = j). The develop- arate latitude and longitude models, which we fit
ment set is used to tune the number of topics and to using the glmnet elastic net regularized regres-
select the best of multiple random initializations. sion package (Friedman et al., 2010), which ob-
Mixture of Unigrams A core premise of our ap- tained good results on other text-based prediction
proach is that modeling topical variation will im- tasks (Joshi et al., 2010). Regularization parameters
prove our ability to understand geographical varia- were tuned on the development set. The L1 penalty
tion. We test this idea by fixing K = 1, running our outperformed L2 and mixtures of L1 and L2 .
system with only a single topic. This is equivalent Note that for both word-level linear regression
to a Bayesian mixture of unigrams in which each au- here, and the topic-level linear regression in SLDA,
thor is assigned a single, regional unigram language the choice of squared Euclidean distance dovetails
model that generates all of his or her text. The de- with our use of spatial Gaussian likelihoods in the
velopment set is used to select the best of multiple geographic topic models, since optimizing a is
random initializations. equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation un-
der the assumption that locations are drawn from
Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation In a
equivariant circular Gaussians centered around each
more subtle version of the mixture-of-unigrams
f (xd ; a) linear prediction. We experimented with
model, we model each author as an admixture of re-
decorrelating the location dimensions by projecting
gions. Thus, the latent variable attached to each au-
y d into the principal component space, but this did
thor is no longer an index, but rather a vector on the
not help text regression.
simplex. This model is equivalent to supervised la-
tent Dirichlet allocation (Blei and McAuliffe, 2007): K-Nearest Neighbors Linear regression is a poor
each topic is associated with equivariant Gaussian model for the multimodal density of human popula-
distributions over the latitude and longitude, and tions. As an alternative baseline, we applied super-
these topics must explain both the text and the ob- vised K-nearest neighbors to predict the location y d
served geographical locations. For unlabeled au- as the average of the positions of the K most sim-
thors, we estimate latitude and longitude by esti- ilar authors in the training set. We computed term-
mating the topic proportions and then applying the frequency inverse-document frequency features and
learned geographical distributions. This is a linear applied cosine similarity over their first 30 principal
prediction components to find the neighbors. The choices of
principal components, IDF weighting, and neighbor-
f (z̄ d ; a) = (z̄ T lat T lon
d a , z̄ d a )
hood size K = 20 were tuned on the development
for an author’s topic proportions z̄ d and topic- set.
geography weights a ∈ R2K .
6.2 Metrics
6.1.2 Baseline Approaches
Our principle error metrics are the mean and median
Text Regression We perform linear regression
distance between the predicted and true location in
to discriminatively learn the relationship between
kilometers.9 Because the distance error may be dif-
words and locations. Using term frequency features
ficult to interpret, we also report accuracy of classi-
xd for each author, we predict locations with word-
geography weights a ∈ R2W : For convenience, model training and prediction use latitude
and longitude as an unprojected 2D Euclidean space. However,
f (xd ; a) = (xT lat T lon
d a , xd a ) properly measuring the physical distance between points on the
Regression Classification accuracy (%)
System Mean Dist. (km) Median Dist. (km) Region (4-way) State (49-way)
Geographic topic model 900 494 58 24
Mixture of unigrams 947 644 53 19
Supervised LDA 1055 728 39 4
Text regression 948 712 41 4
K-nearest neighbors 1077 853 37 2
Mean location 1148 1018
Most common class 37 27

Table 1: Location prediction results; lower scores are better on the regression task, higher scores are better on the
classification task. Distances are in kilometers. Mean location and most common class are computed from the test set.
Both the geographic topic model and supervised LDA use the best number of topics from the development set (10 and
5, respectively).

fication by state and by region of the United States. 1100

Our data includes the 48 contiguous states plus the Geographic Topic Model
District of Columbia; the U.S. Census Bureau di- Supervised LDA
vides these states into four regions: West, Midwest, 900 Mean location

Northeast, and South.10 Note that while major pop- Median error (km) 800
ulation centers straddle several state lines, most re-
gion boundaries are far from the largest cities, re- 700

sulting in a clearer analysis. 600

6.3 Results 500

As shown in Table 1, the geographic topic model 400

0 5 10 15 20
achieves the strongest performance on all metrics. Number of topics

All differences in performance between systems

are statistically significant (p < .01) using the Figure 2: The effect of varying the number of topics on
the median regression error (lower is better).
Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for regression error
and the χ2 test for classification accuracy. Figure 2
each word in the document: in text regression, each
shows how performance changes as the number of
word is directly multiplied by a feature weight; in
topics varies.
supervised LDA the word is associated with a la-
Note that the geographic topic model and the mix-
tent topic first, and then multiplied by a weight. For
ture of unigrams use identical code and parametriza-
these models, all words exert an influence on the pre-
tion – the only difference is that the geographic topic
dicted location, so uninformative words will draw
model accounts for topical variation, while the mix-
the prediction towards the center of the map. This
ture of unigrams sets K = 1. These results validate
yields reasonable distance errors but poor classifica-
our basic premise that it is important to model the
tion accuracy. We had hoped that K-nearest neigh-
interaction between topical and geographical varia-
bors would be a better fit for this metric, but its per-
formance is poor at all values of K. Of course it is
Text regression and supervised LDA perform es-
always possible to optimize classification accuracy
pecially poorly on the classification metric. Both
directly, but such an approach would be incapable
methods make predictions that are averaged across
of predicting the exact geographical location, which
Earth’s surface requires computing or approximating the great is the focus of our evaluation (given that the desired
circle distance – we use the Haversine formula (Sinnott, 1984). geographical partition is unknown). Note that the
For the continental U.S., the relationship between degrees and
geographic topic model is also not trained to opti-
kilometers is nearly linear, but extending the model to a conti-
nental scale would require a more sophisticated approach. mize classification accuracy.
10 regdiv.pdf
“basketball” “daily life” “emoticons” “chit chat”
PISTONS KOBE album music tonight shop
lol smh jk yea
LAKERS game beats artist video weekend getting :) haha :d :( ;) :p wyd coo ima
DUKE NBA # LAKERS going chilling xd :/ hahaha wassup
CAVS STUCKEY ITUNES tour ready discount hahah somethin jp
JETS KNICKS produced vol waiting iam

+ CELTICS victory
playing daughter
PEARL alive war
BOSTON ;p gna loveee
ese exam suttin

N. California + THUNDER
pimp trees clap
mountain seee
pues hella koo
SAN fckn
hella flirt hut

New York
+ NETS KNICKS BRONX iam cab oww wasssup nm

# LAKERS load

Los Angeles + # KOBE

omw tacos hr
af papi raining
th bomb coo
wyd coo af nada
tacos messin
fasho bomb

premiere prod
joint TORONTO foul WIZ salty
onto designer excuses lames
Lake Erie OHIO BUCKS od tipsy hve OHIO
CANADA village officer lastnight

Table 2: Example base topics (top line) and regional variants. For the base topics, terms are ranked by log-odds
compared to the background distribution. The regional variants show words that are strong compared to both the base
topic and the background. Foreign-language words are shown in italics, while terms that are usually in proper nouns
are shown in SMALL CAPS. See Table 3 for definitions of slang terms; see Section 7 for more explanation and details
on the methodology.

Figure 3: Regional clustering of the training set obtained by one randomly-initialized run of the geographical topic
model. Each point represents one author, and each shape/color combination represents the most likely cluster as-
signment. Ellipses represent the regions’ spatial means and covariances. The same model and coloring are shown in
Table 2.
7 Analysis term definition term definition
af as fuck (very) jk just kidding
Our model permits analysis of geographical vari- coo cool jp just playing (kid-
ation in the context of topics that help to clarify dl download ding)
fasho for sure koo cool
the significance of geographically-salient terms. Ta- gna going to lol laugh out loud
ble 2 shows a subset of the results of one randomly- hella very nm nothing much
initialized run, including five hand-chosen topics (of hr hour od overdone (very)
50 total) and five regions (of 13, as chosen automat- iam I am omw on my way
ima I’m going to smh shake my head
ically during initialization). Terms were selected by imm I’m suttin something
log-odds comparison. For the base topics we show iono I don’t know wassup what’s up
the ten strongest terms in each topic as compared to lames lame (not cool) wyd what are you do-
the background word distribution. For the regional people ing?
variants, we show terms that are strong both region-
ally and topically: specifically, we select terms that Table 3: A glossary of non-standard terms from Ta-
ble 2. Definitions are obtained by manually inspecting
are in the top 100 compared to both the background
the context in which the terms appear, and by consulting
distribution and to the base topic. The names for the
topics and regions were chosen by the authors.
Nearly all of the terms in column 1 (“basketball”)
refer to sports teams, athletes, and place names— While research in perceptual dialectology does con-
encouragingly, terms tend to appear in the regions firm the link of hella to Northern California (Bu-
where their referents reside. Column 2 contains sev- choltz et al., 2007), we caution that our findings
eral proper nouns, mostly referring to popular mu- are merely suggestive, and a more rigorous analysis
sic figures (including PEARL from the band Pearl must be undertaken before making definitive state-
Jam).11 Columns 3–5 are more conversational. ments about the regional membership of individual
Spanish-language terms (papi, pues, nada, ese) tend terms. We view the geographic topic model as an
to appear in regions with large Spanish-speaking exploratory tool that may be used to facilitate such
populations—it is also telling that these terms ap- investigations.
pear in topics with emoticons and slang abbrevia- Figure 3 shows the regional clustering on the
tions, which may transcend linguistic barriers. Other training set obtained by one run of the model. Each
terms refer to people or subjects that may be espe- point represents an author, and the ellipses represent
cially relevant in certain regions: tacos appears in the bivariate Gaussians for each region. There are
the southern California region and cab in the New nine compact regions for major metropolitan areas,
York region; TUPAC refers to a rap musician from two slightly larger regions that encompass Florida
Los Angeles, and WIZ refers to a rap musician from and the area around Lake Erie, and two large re-
Pittsburgh, not far from the center of the “Lake Erie” gions that partition the country roughly into north
region. and south.
A large number of slang terms are found to have
8 Related Work
strong regional biases, suggesting that slang may
depend on geography more than standard English The relationship between language and geography
does. The terms af and hella display especially has been a topic of interest to linguists since the
strong regional affinities, appearing in the regional nineteenth century (Johnstone, 2010). An early
variants of multiple topics (see Table 3 for defini- work of particular relevance is Kurath’s (1949) Word
tions). Northern and Southern California use variant Geography of the Eastern United States, in which
spellings koo and coo to express the same meaning. he conducted interviews and then mapped the oc-
currence of equivalent word pairs such as stoop and
This analysis is from an earlier version of our dataset that
contained some Twitterbots, including one from a Boston-area
porch. The essence of this approach—identifying
radio station. The bots were purged for the evaluation in Sec- variable pairs and measuring their frequencies—
tion 6, though the numerical results are nearly identical. remains a dominant methodology in both dialec-
tology (Labov et al., 2006) and sociolinguis- butions in topic models follows earlier work on dy-
tics (Tagliamonte, 2006). Within this paradigm, namic topic models (Blei and Lafferty, 2006b; Xing,
computational techniques are often applied to post 2005).
hoc analysis: logistic regression (Sankoff et al.,
2005) and mixed-effects models (Johnson, 2009) are 9 Conclusion
used to measure the contribution of individual vari-
ables, while hierarchical clustering and multidimen- This paper presents a model that jointly identifies
sional scaling enable aggregated inference across words with high regional affinity, geographically-
multiple variables (Nerbonne, 2009). However, in coherent linguistic regions, and the relationship be-
all such work it is assumed that the relevant linguis- tween regional and topic variation. The key model-
tic variables have already been identified—a time- ing assumption is that regions and topics interact to
consuming process involving considerable linguistic shape observed lexical frequencies. We validate this
expertise. We view our work as complementary to assumption on a prediction task in which our model
this tradition: we work directly from raw text, iden- outperforms strong alternatives that do not distin-
tifying both the relevant features and coherent lin- guish regional and topical variation.
guistic communities. We see this work as a first step towards a unsuper-
An active recent literature concerns geotagged in- vised methodology for modeling linguistic variation
formation on the web, such as search queries (Back- using raw text. Indeed, in a study of morphosyn-
strom et al., 2008) and tagged images (Crandall et tactic variation, Szmrecsanyi (2010) finds that by
al., 2009). This research identifies the geographic the most generous measure, geographical factors ac-
distribution of individual queries and tags, but does count for only 33% of the observed variation. Our
not attempt to induce any structural organization of analysis might well improve if non-geographical
either the text or geographical space, which is the factors were considered, including age, race, gen-
focus of our research. More relevant is the work der, income and whether a location is urban or ru-
of Mei et al. (2006), in which the distribution over ral. In some regions, estimates of many of these fac-
latent topics in blog posts is conditioned on the ge- tors may be obtained by cross-referencing geogra-
ographical location of the author. This is somewhat phy with demographic data. We hope to explore this
similar to the supervised LDA model that we con- possibility in future work.
sider, but their approach assumes that a partitioning
of geographical space into regions is already given.
Methodologically, our cascading topic model is We would like to thank Amr Ahmed, Jonathan Chang,
designed to capture multiple dimensions of variabil- Shay Cohen, William Cohen, Ross Curtis, Miro Dudı́k,
ity: topics and geography. Mei et al. (2007) include Scott Kiesling, Seyoung Kim, and the anonymous re-
sentiment as a second dimension in a topic model, viewers. This research was enabled by Google’s sup-
port of the Worldly Knowledge project at CMU, AFOSR
using a switching variable so that individual word
FA9550010247, ONR N0001140910758, NSF CAREER
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sentiment. However, our hypothesis is that individ- Fellowship.
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