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No. 348 17 February 1984


u.s. Out of Near East, Central America!

"I don't want to he killed here. It's

crazy. They are crazy. We are crazy. "
-Israeli soldier in southern l.cbanon

FEBRUARY 12-"We arc, making

progress in Lebanon," proclaimed
Ronald Reagan in his State of the Union
speech in late January. A week later he
baited Congressional Democratic lead-
er Tip O'Neill for proposing to pull thc
Marines out of Beirut: "He may be
ready to surrender, but I'm not." Yet
within days the macho man president
was forced to eat crow. ordering the
besieged Marines evacuated to warships
offshore within the next few weeks. And
to make it look like he didn't "cut and
run:' he ordered the Sixth Fleet to open Shi'ite
up with the USS Nell' Jersey's In-inch militiaman
guns, killing who knows how many battles
hundreds or even thousands of Dru7~ Gemayel's
For domestic consumption the cow-
boy' in the White House declares that
"America is standing tall," but when the
fighting broke out in West Beirut last
weekend the American press reported
with relief that the Marines were safely
in with the Shi'itcs and Druze 'and start I )ru/e gunmen" the l ' .S. was vitupcrat-
hunkered down at the airport while national force" he was leaving in the
lurch. The British bugged out the next shelling the lJ .S. ttcct. ing against a lew days ago')
bullets whizzed around them. Some
day. the Italians ordered a "gradual" Also left high and dry hy Reagan's Almost all Americans wantnut of the
"peacekeeping" troops! With consum- bloodv mess Reagan has gotten him~elt
mate cynicism Reagan offered; naval pullout and the French replied. "thanks. announcement were American civilians
in Beirut. When l' .S. citizens called up into i,; l.ehanon. hut som~ right-winger-
and air cover to the British, French-and but no thanks." If Mitterrand wants to
to ask about evacuation, crnbassy were shocked that their hero came on
Italian contingents of the "multi- regain some credibility he might throw
officers told them they were on their looking like a paper tiger in his first
own or simply hung up. State Depart- serious test. The ultra-hawkish Wall
ment officials were worried ahout giving Street Journal (X lcbruurv) wrote in
the "wrong impression" in I )amascus.•· dismav:
When the Committee to Re-Flect the "Prcvidcnt Real!an', d.:.:i,ill·n til 1110\ e
I .s. \brin~, ';'Ilm Ikirllt til <hip-. 1111
President discovered this was creating th.: l.cbunc-c l'I~L,t i"L "tu!'TIli,t1!! dd.:at
the wrong impression in Dubuque. continued on page 9
Washington suddcnlv switched gears
and sta~ted coptcring them out !oJ; the
He sought to curb hundreds. The last thing Reagan needs
the worst excesses is hundreds of American "hostages" BLACK HISTORY
of the bureaucracy. trapped in Lebanon on 'memher 4.
.lust ask Jimmy Carter.
He sought to As. the U .S. 'a\y was indiscrimi-
increase the
John Reed Speaks to
nately bombarding villages in the Shuf
productivity of Mountains surrounding Beirut. Druzc the Communist
the Soviet masses, leader Walid Jurnblatt (who named a International, 1920
son after Tarncrlanc) vowed: "We will

He made no oved not allow our people to he killed without
betrayals on behalf taking revenge." This is no idle threat. as
of imperialism. the Maronites or the French Foreign
Legion ca n attest (sec box page l)). The
He was no friend
of freedom.
Druzc have a long memory of the
wrongs done them. and a history of
doing something about it. Suddenly the
Sell' Jersey stopped Its shelling and
Druze militiamen showed up with
flowers in their gun barrels at the l'.S.·
Embassy to help in the evacuation. "I
am here just to make sure that no
one bothers the Americans." said one
(.\'£'\1 }'urk Times. II Februaryl. What
happened to all those "bloodthirsty
An .Exchange: Yuri Al1dropov
'and Soviet Defensism
When the Spartacist League initiated -styled "External Tendency" (ET) in To-
the Labor! Black Mobilization which
stopped the Ku Klux Klanfrom staging
a race-terror provocation in Washing-
ronto said it was a new low even for us.
In our reply to their first letter, 'we oh-
served that our Stalinophobic critics,
In Defense of Trotskyism
ton, D.C. on 27 November 1982, we
never imagined that one result would he
who claim that the "Yuri Andropov
Brigade" means we have sold out to
SL Reply safer, more secure, privileged life" (p.
196). Andropov is known as a decisive
an interesting hot debate with some 01' Stalinism, evidently have no objection 3 January 1984 and efficient administrator who used the
our ex-members on the question of to the "Ulysses S. Grant Division." KGB not only to persecute dissidents
Dear Comrades,
Stalinism. But when the charter busload named for a Repuhlican capitalist but to fight crime and corruption in the
from Norfolk. Virginia took the name politician. We publish below the second Your reply of 28 October 1983 highest levels -of the bureaucracy,
"Nat Turner Battalion" and the New letter on the subject (rom the Toronto regarding-the "Yuri Andropov Brigade" including Brezhnev's immediate family.
York comrades followed suit with the "External Tendency;' along with our collapses the contradictions inherent in Confronted by Reagan's nuclear Arma-
"Yuri Andropov Brigade," the self- reply. the Soviet bureaucracy and Soviet geddon, the bureaucracy evidently felt
degenerated workers state, thereby the need for a leader who would shake
vitiating .the Trotskyist position of out the sloth, corruption and misman-

Dissidents Denounce unconditional defense. of the Soviet

Union when that question has become
most urgent.
agement of the Brezhnev years.
Of course the bureaucracy cannot

"Andropov Brigade~
reform itself as neo-Bukharinites like
You consider the key point made in the Medvedev brothers believe. It will
your original letter your paraphrase of take the restoration of soviet-democracy
our slogan "You Can't Fight Reagan through proletarian political revolution
ET Letter and the bureaucrats he represents are
counterposed to everything that Trot- with Democrats" as "You Can't Defend . to unleash the productive resources of
Toronto sky fought for." We would have thought the Soviet Union with Yuri Andro- the Soviet workers state. And as
October 28, 1983 that this was a fairly unobjectionable povs." Our slogan is based on the fact comrade Robertson wrote you, in
statement among Trotskyists. Leon that there is no class difference between our view, that political revolution is
Dear Comrade Robertson: the twin parties. of the American inextricably linked to the uncon-
Trotsky throughout his life fought for
Thank you for being so good as to international proletarian revolution; imperialist bourgeoisie. Do you mean to ditional military defense of the Soviet
send us a copy of your reply to our letter Stalin was the "gravedigger" of imply that there is no class difference Union against American and other
of 13 December, 1982. Please be assured revolutions. between imperialism and the Soviet imperialisms.
that we have given it our most careful But after quoting the above line you bureaucracy'? Then you thereby reject Your comparison of Andropov with
consideration. choose not to take it up at all. Instead Trotsky's analysis of the Soviet degener- Stalin and Beria, the mass murder-
Frankly we were a bit disappointed you attempt to substitute a position ated workers state as well. "Oh, no," you ers of tens of thousands of Commu-
with your letter. You defend so ada- which we do not hold which, you assure protest. But your all-too-clever and very nists and Red Army officers, is an
mantly (but so poorly) what is so clearly us, is only a "more poetic version" of the revealing paraphrase of our slogan is obscehe amalgam worthy ofthe pages of
a mistake. Perhaps it is a mistake that same thing. But it is not. We reject the ambiguous at best. Can the Soviet <, Commentary. Andropov's entire politi-
you feel some personal responsibility erroneo\s position of the Dobbs- Union be defended with Marshals cal career was shaped by a more tranq uil
for. We sympathize with the inherent Cannon SWP majority in 1952-53 with Ustinov and Ogarkov, who are also part period domestically. To hold him
difficulties of attempting to develop a . which you attempt to saddle us ("Stalin- of the bureaucracy and who helped personally responsible for the psycho-
coherent defense of the "Yuri Andropov ism is counterrevolutionary through engineer Andropov's rise to power? Is pathological mass crimes of Stalin
Brigade" within the programmatic and through and to the core"). We reject the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan reflects " the methodology that holds
framework of Trotskyism, but even so adulation of Yuri Andropov for· the then not to be hailed and the Soviet the bureaucracy to be a homogenous
we were disappointed. We had some- same reason-s-because it negates the handling of the KA L 007 provocation to reactionary mass counterrevolutionary
how expected more from you. contradictors' character of the Stalinist be condemned? through and through-e-i.e., a new
You quote a line from our letter that bureaucracy' and thus constitutes a. Your position is reminiscent of. the exploiting class. Given this methodolo-
"On'the most general 'level A~ro"ov continued on page J statement; "'We have never supported gy there is no distinction between a
the Kremlin's internationa·l·· policy," Guevara heroically fighting for social
8eforeyougrowtoo enamored of that . , revolution arms in hand and a.Corva-
formula let me. remind you thaFits lin who disatme<t the workers in the
Lenin'sLutStrulll~ author was Max Shachunariinthe face of counterrevolution. since they
1939..040 fight overtl\e Russia-nquestion.. ·both were Latiq American Stalinists.·1t
On his deathbed in kJlt·/922-tarly /923 About it Trotsky observed: is, worthy of those who· make. no"
Le'nin foutl1t
10 prevent the bureauct'atic "'In ,t$ present foreign as well as distinction between a Ramon Mercader
degenerationo! the CommUnist Party·in . domestic policy. {he bureaucracy places and "a Leopold Trepper, between a Mark
power. He therefore proposed to broaden firstand foremost for defense its own Zborowski and a Kim Philby, since they
par.asitic interests, To that extent we
working-Class rept'esentat;onon theCen- wage mortalstruggle·a~instit. but in were all agents of Stalin's murderous
tra! Committee and to remove Stalinfrom the final analysis. through the interests secret police. This methodology can
the powerful post of secretary-general. of the bureaucracy, in a very distorted never account for, muchtess attract, an
linin's testament was subsequently sup- form the interests of the workers' state Ignace Reiss•. He. served as an officer of
are reflected. These interests we
pressed by Stalin for three decades. defend-s-wirh our own methods."
theGPU at,thevery height of Stalin's
TROTSKY LENIN ~"From a Scratch to the Danger .terror, and declared for the Fourth
Stalin is too rude and this defect. alt~ough quite tolerable in our midst and in of Gangrene," In Defense of International at .the cost of his life
Mona.I'III,· p. 127 precisely because he sawin it the
dealings among us Communists, becomes intolerable ina Secretary-General. That is
why I suggest that the comrades think about a way of removing Stalin from that post Trotskyism provides a coherent world- unstained banner of revolutionary
and appointing another man in his stead who in all other respects differs frorri view in whichthecontradictorycharac- Soviet defensism, To paraphrase com-
Comrade Stalin in having only one advantage, namely. that of being more tolerant, ter of the Stalinist bureaucracy is rade Robertson's reply to you: sitting at
more loyal, more polite and more considerate to the comrades. less capricious. etc, reflected. Your assertion. "On the most the summit of the Soviet bureaucracy,
This circumstance may appear to be a negligible detail. But I think that from the general level Andropov andthebureau- Andropov is unlikely to follow the path
standpoint of safeguards against a split and from the standpoint of what I wrote crats he. represents are counterposed to of Ignace Reiss. But it is infinitely easier
above about the relationship between Stalin and Trotsky it is not a detail, or it is a everything that Trotsky fought for," is to see him in that role than (if you will
detail which can assume decisive importance. I
both undialectical and very distant from. not have Sakharov) the Douglas Frasers
V.I. Lenin Trotskyism. of the world who have placed them-
January 4. 1923 Do you not believe that under the gun selves countless times in the direct
-s-Collected Works, Volume 36 (Moscow. 1966) of Reagan's anti-Soviet war drive the service of the imperialist secret police.
Soviet bureaucracy may be compelled Truth is concrete; therefore it is
to take certain measures, albeit de- hardly surprising that there is not a
formed and partial, to defend the state word in your letters about the concrete
power from which they reap their conditions in which the Russian ques-

I WfJIiliEIiS ""','Ii'
Marxist Working-Class Biweekly of the Spartacist League of the U.S.
privileges? It is no accident that in this
hour of grave peril the bureaucracy has
placed at its head Yuri Vladirnirovich
tion is posed today: the crisis of U.S. and
other imperialisms finds no other es-
cape than thermonuclear Armageddon
Andropov. An interesting account of against the Soviet Union, imperiling not
EDITOR: Jan Norden
Andropov's character and rise to power only the working-class gains of the
can be found in Zhores Medvedev's Russian October but the very survival of
EDITORIAL BOARD: Jon Brule, Charles Burroughs, George Foster. Liz Gordon. James Robertson,
recent book Andropov. There is no love humanity. This is manifestly a period of
Reuben Samuels, Joseph Seymour. Marjorie Stamberg (Closing editor for No. 348: Liz Gordon) lost between this Soviet biologist and enhanced dangers for our small revolu-
Workers Vanguard (USPS 098-770) published biweekly, skipping an issue in August and a week in December, by dissident and the former head of the tionary party. It is as well a time of
the Spartacist PUblishing Co., 41 Warren Street, New York, NY 10007. Telephone: 732-7862 (Editorial), 732-7861 KGB who incarcerated him in a mental enhanced opportunities for us. as shown
(Business). Address all correspondence to: Box 1377, GPO, New York, NY 10116. Domestic subscriptions: $5.00/24
Issues Second-class postege paid at New York, NY. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Workers Vanguard, hospital and exiled him. Nevertheless, for example by our demonstrated
Box 1377, GPO, New York, NY 10116. Medvedev contrasts Andropov . to capacity to lead large numbers of blacks
OP'nI'!,"s expressed in signed articles or letters do not necessarily express the editorial viewpoint.
Brezhnev, who "was not a real leader in and other working people in mass
. 17 February 1984 1964, but the representative of the struggles against the, fascist race-
No. 348
bureaucracy which sought a quieter, continued on page 3

ET Letter...
(continued from page 2)
development is somewhat less probable
than the prospect of you declaring for
the External Tendency.) Obviously,
to cling to this error, indeed the fact that
it could occur in the first place, is
evidence that the leadership of the SL/
openly pro-imperialist . elements, like US, with you at the apex, is losing its
departure from Trotskyism. Of cqurse, Sakharov, are even less likely to support political bearings. This can only be a
from your point of view the position has the workers than Andropov. So what'? reflection of the atrophying of confi-
the advantage of being considerably The necessity for an "open struggle dence in the possibility of building a
easier to knock down-an attribute it against" the Stalinist oligarchs is in no mass Bolshevik party capable ofleading
shares with other straw men. way obviated by that. the seizure of power by the working
If all you are searching for is a more As for the hypothetical glee experi- class.
lyrical rendering of the idea which we enced by blacks in D.C. upon hearing of There is a necessary and reciprocal
were seeking to convey, you might wish the advent of the Yuri Andropov relationship between the loss of commu-
to consider the following passage by Brigade. would they have been any less nist cutting edge and the destruction of
Trotsky: happy about a John Brown, Frederick internal democracy in a revolutionary
"Stalinism originated not as an organic Douglass or Leon Trotsky Brigade'? As organiza tion. For a Bolshevik tendency,
outgrowth of Bolshevism hut as a a matter of fact, we have our doubts as especially a small propaganda group in
negation of Bolshevism consummated to whether any of the "ground-down
in blood. The process of this negation is conditions of bourgeois democracy, a
mitrored very graphically in the history black people of D.C." actually ever vigorous and democratic internal life is
of the Central Committee. Stalinism heard of the Yuri AndropovBrigade. not a desirable option but a vital
had to exterminate first politically and How could they-it wasn't among the necessity if the organization is to be able
then physically the leading cadres of endorsers of the demonstration. If any to respond effectively to the changing
Bolshevism in order to become what it
now is: an apparatus of the privileged. a of Washington's black population did developments of the class struggle. Lochon/Gamma-Liaison
brake upon historical progress. an feel Igleeful about that name on a bus Unfortunately the SL/iSt is no longer In late 1979, when Soviet forces
agency of world imperialism. Stalinism from New York, imagine their pleasure an organization which has a healthy intervened against U.S.-backed
and Bolshevism are mortal enemies." had the Yuri Andropov Brigade ven- internal life-a development for which Afghan feudallsts, Spartacists said:
("A Graphic History of Bolshevism." tured a little further out of the closet and you more than any other' individual Hail Red Army in Afghanistan!
7 June 1939) paraded down Pennsylvania Avenue in must be held accountable. popular front building a Democratic
Not merely "counterposed." but , front of the White House holding aloft Party rally at McPherson Square. Or,
Bolshevik greetings,
"mortal enemies!" He puts it so nicely. pictures of its namesake! But of course not wanting to confront the Democrats
External Tendency of the iSt
Of course despite this assessment to do that, the "semi-facetious" semi- in Congress and City Hall, they were,
Trotsky remained, as do we, firmly disclaimer would have to be discarded like yourselves, absent.
Soviet defensist. The two positions are
mutually exclusive only in the minds of
and you would no longer be the leader of
a Trotskyist organization.
SL Reply ... Finally, we note-and your puerile
affectation of superciliousness does not
Stalinist sycophants. Surely we could We can only imagine that the final (continued from page 2) disguise-that despite yourselves you
agree that "on the most general level" "illuminating" red herring that you toss must pay the Leninist democracy of the
Glenn Watts and Lane Kirkland are our way regarding a united front with terrorists. A number of our softer and Spartacist League its due. For as you
counterposed to class-struggle militants the Kremlin for Soviet defensism is weaker members, intimidated by the attest, this exchange, as with any serious
in the unions'? Yet is it not easy to intended to distract the attention of the dangers (and often equally intimidated (and even not so serious) criticism or
imagine situations where we would both unsophisticated readers of your internal by the obligations posed by our new polemic against the SL, will find its
find ourselves in a military bloc with bulletin. (Just to be absolutely clear, let opportunities). have departed the Spar- place in an internal bulletin or some
these treacherous parasites'? Same thing. us assure you that we entirely agree with tacist tendency, including yourselves: othe-r suitable format. What other
Of course the Soviet bureaucracy has the point which Trotsky makes in the . But when the KKK threatened to march tendency is so solicitous of healthy
a dual nature. But your reply dodges the quote you cite.) Or are you perhaps on 27 November 1982 the issues posed internal life and education of its mem-
key point that we made in our original trying to suggest that parading around prompted many ex-members from New bership as to publish a series like
letter: "You can't defend the Soviet Washington as the "Yuri Andropov York to head for D.C. with us. We were Hate Trotskyism. Hate" the Spartacist
Union with Yuri Andropovs." You Brigade" would somehow constitute a pleased to have so many former mem- League'? No, comrades. we esteem that
claim to continue to recognize the military bloc with the Kremlin for the bers turn out (without of course making rich party democracy necessary to
"inextricable" connection between mili- defense of the USS R'? If that's what-you any political concessions to them); forging centralized revolutionary clarity
tary defense and political revolution in mean why not comeout and sayso? Fascists.are the domestic shock troops andvdeterrnination in action, that
the' Soviet Union" But, those who - Calling yourselves the "Yuri Andre- for Reagan's anti-Soviet war drive; democracy whicb.. you vciuntasily
adulate Stalin's heirs act to undermine povBrigade'twas a mistake. All of your
very considerable political experience as
therefore it was entirely appropriate as placed yourselves outside of m-.
the defense of the Soviet Union. Let us well as ironic to dub this contingent in period of-urgent revolutionary tasks,
refer you once again to comrade well as the talents of the capable and the Labor/ Black Mobilization the "Yuri We know what our duty is and we
Trotsky: devoted Marxists who-produce WV Andropov Brigade," which was appre- stand at our posts. As Trotsky wrote on
" ... 1 consider the main source of can't change that, If we were to offer you ciated by most if not all of its partici- the eve of the Second World War:
danger to the USSR in the present some advice it would be this: don't try to pants. The only protest hes come from "The workers' state must be taken as it
international situation to be Stalin and defend the indefensible. it can only the "External Tendency.zwhich while has emerged.from themerciless labora-
the oligarchy beaded by him. An open tory 3f history and not as it 'is imagined
struggle against them, in the view of produce b.ad results. ' capable oftraveling all over the country
world' public opinion. is inseparably For several decades you played. a to attend Sk..functions (and speakiilg twa·:s()cialist' professor, reflectively
exploring his nose with his finger. It is
connected for me with the defense of the critical role iq,preserving. defending.and without hindra,~ce) were, atthis historic the .duty of revolutionists to de(end
USSR." even developing the, Trotskyist pro- victory cOI;l~j)jc~ousb>, their _a~sence. every .conquest of the working class
("Stalin After the Finnish Experience," gram. But you didn't thereby acquire And 1}09I)ej~ WashiJ)gt90 that day even thoughit'rnay be .distprted by the
13 March 1940) pressure of hostile Iorces.« Those who
proprietary rights to it. Adulation of a would !rllv.cmistaken theYuri Andropov
Of course, one cannot rule out in cannot defend old positions will never
Stalinist bureaucrat can neither be Brigadeas.a concession to, Stalinism. conquer new ones." L
theory the-possibilitywhich you raise squared with fidelity to Trotskyism in The real Kremlin sycophants and' ~"BalanceSheet ol\the Finnish
that a Stalin or an Andropov might general nor with Soviet defensism in Stalinoids, the Communist Party and its Events;" In fJfl~"~'e of'
throw in his lot with the insurgent particular. We_doubt that you would various satellites (Marcyites, Guardian- ," Marxistn. 'p.J78.' !,'
proletariat in the course of a political even have tried ten years ago. ites, Trendites, CLP, CWP, etc.) were Fr~ternally,
revolution. (We imagine that such a The fact that you find it so necessary busy .in the service of the anti-Soviet Reuben Samuels

open racists, ,strikebr~akersand the

Kangaroo Court Sus~ends CWA Militant company against militant unionists.
lrnerzel's trial' body has fined

Fight the WitChhunt of Kathylkegami! Ikegami $300 and suspended her from
the union for six months-c-an open
invitation to the company to fire her.
lkegami now has 30 days to appeal this
SAN FRANCISCO. February 10-A disgust on militants like Kathy lkega- want a fighting union whose officials, verdict to the membership-and there
kangaroo court in phone workers mi. lrnerzel wants to get rid of Kathy should be. elected by the' member- is no membership meeting scheduled,
union (CWA) Local 9410 has just and the MAC because they exposed ship to represent them, not behold- of course. During the trial. over a
handed down its frame-up' verdict his collusion in concealing projected en to patronage from the sellout thousand CW A members signed peti-
against Kathy lkegarni, a leader of the layoffs; because they fight to win bureaucrats, ., tions demanding the dropping of the
Militant Action Caucus (MAC). Local strikes through mass militant picket Imerzel's brazen frame-up verdict frame-up charges against lkegami and
9410 president Jim lmerzel's hand- lines that nobody dares to cross; comes down now when phone workers the recall of the lmerzel clique. Now
picked trial body, chaired by his because they stand for an end to the are still reeling from the debacle oflast it's up to Kathy's union brothers and
girlfriend. pronounced Ikegami guilty union's notorious ties to the CIA and s~mmer's strike and the continuing sisters to act again in defense of Kathy
after an 18-month inquisition. for a workers government to put an victimization of picket line militants Ikegami-the union needs more fight-
According to Imerzel's witch- end to capitalist oppression. like Lauren Mozee and Ray Palmiero. ers like her! As Kathy put it in her
hunters. lkegami "brought the union Most of the trial was spent Busy witchhunting lkegami for a year statement January 16 before walking
into disrepute" because. as the verdict "proving" the well-known fact that and a half, lmerzel & Co. are protect- out of the kangaroo court:
statement put it, she "divided the Kathy is a Spartacist supporter, an ing some real criminals in the union.
"Purging fighters from the union...
leadership of this Union and its Rank- association she termed "a badge of The MAC brought out during the trial [is] a policy of making' enemies, of
and-File members." In short, she told honor" in her closing trial statement. that lmerzel's buddy, former secretary those who want to make our union
the CWA membership the truth about lkegami was also declared guilty of Joe Mckenna, had attended meetings strong. It's the militants who build
Imerzel's prostration before Ma Bell. "willfully violating" union bylaws of the Ku Klux Klan. This racist has no unions. and win strikes. Imerzel is
because. as an exec board member, she place in any labor organization! And playing righte-into the hands of Ma
The CW A bureaucracy has for de- Bell."
cades refused to fight the phone refused to rubberstamp Imerzel's the bureaucrats have protected the
company and now wants to blame ~ appointments to steward and com- scabs who crossed CW A picket lines Smash lmerzel's purge of Kathy
phone workers' demoralization and mittee posts. Kathy and the MAC last summer. lmerzel's side is with lkegami!

17 FEBRUARY 1984 3
what was at stake in this case and
were not afraid to face down Mayor
"Fuhrer" Folmar and his Confederate
'troopers each day in court. "I wouldn't
be satisfied unless the man who shot and
assaulted those officers are behind
bars.... But this was the best we could
do," said Folmar t Montgomerv Adver-
tiser. 5 February). It was the spectre of
further mobilization of blacks around
the case which led D.A. Evans to seek a
settlement on the eve ofWorrie Taylor's
scheduled retrial.
While Montgomery's black people
were on the front line of the battle to
save the Taylors, they had powerful
The state of Alabama couldn't get Taylor family gathered in Montgomery law was primarily the black people of allies from working people in the plants
away with its attempted racist - legal to mourn the death of Annie Bell Montgomery who saw the case as their and ghettos in the North. In Pontiac,
lynching of the Taylor family, five black Taylor. Racist plainclothes cops Brown own and came forward in courageous Michigan the Taylor family's union
working people from the North who and Spivey, seeing "shiny new cars with support of the Taylors. Last November brothers and sisters in the UA W came
faced monstrous frame-up charges in out-of-state plates" outside the dilapi- a hung jury refused to convict Worrie out to show support; hundreds came out
Montgomery. Although the court is dated shack, burst into the Taylor Taylor, 49. of Warren. Ohio. the first to black church rallies there and in
demanding ransom in a settlement gathering with their .357 magnums member of the family to stand trial. Warren. Ohio. Early on, the Spartacist
reached on February 3, the state was not League took up the cause, seeking to
able to send the Taylors to jail where, as mobilize labor/black support around
black men branded as would-be cop- the country. publicize and raise funds
killers. they would face almost certain for the Taylors' defense. With demon-
death. Under the terms of the settlement strations at Wayne State University and
reached in Judge Randall Thomas" outside the giant Ford River Rouge
chambers last Friday. Worrie, Elbert complex in Detroit, we sought to enlist
and Willie James Taylor and Larry Hill the support of black workers and
each pleaded guilty to one count of students at these key centers. In the
third-degree assault (a misdemeanor). campaign to stop Chris Taylor's extra-
Although they faced charges which dition from Michigan to face the
could have put them in jail for 20 years. Alabama legal lynch mob, the Partisan
each received a six-month suspended Defense Committee, Labor/Black
sentence and a year's probation to be Struggle League and Rouge Militant
served not in Alabama but in their home Caucus initiated a petition signed by 139
states of Ohio and Michigan. Charges Detroit area unionists, labor and black
against Chris Taylor, who has been leaders, including 95 workers in UAW
fighting extradition to Alabama, were Local 600. -
dropped. The Taylors have acted courageously
Justice in this case would have been to from the first moment the cops burst
drop the charges against the Taylors.jail through their door. Their attorney Troy
the killer cops and give millions to this _ "Massey reported that with the plea
tormented black family. Instead, the The Taylor family. settlement, the Taylors "still feel that
Taylors must pay $11,000 to the despi- drawn and shouting racist slurs. The Three black jurors stood firm for they were morally and legally justified in
cable nightriding cops, Ed Spivey and Taylors, thinking they were under Ku acquittal. able to resist some 20 hours of doing what they did" (Alabama Journal
Les Brown. But it was not money the Klux Klan attack, disarmed the thugs deliberation and pressure from the and Advertiser, 5 February). It may well
racists were after here in the Deep (one of whom was shot in the process), judge. These jurors knew that black give the next set of nightriding copswho
South. The lynch mob wanted the and called the cops. But the racist thugs Montgomery was behind them because plan to attack some black homes
deaths of the Taylors as an "example" to were the cops. For the Taylors' elemen- each day of the trial they saw 80-100 of something to think about. The Taylors
all black people in Reagan's America tary actof self-defense they were beaten the Taylors' supporters from 9 a.m. have made their contribution to black
who dare to defend themselves against bloody, official police tapes doctored when the court opened to 10p.m. each Southern self-defense. We must contin-
KKK-style attack. Chris Taylor ex- and the full weight of the state of night. The spirit of defiance was ue to defend the Taylors by helping pay
pressed the relief of every supporter of Alabama was brought against them to particularly loud and clear when Dis- Alabama's racist ransom. The price of
the Taylors when he told WV: "This case finish in the-courtroom what failed on: trict Attorney Evans asked the jury in black courage in Alabama must not be
was a really. racist thing and it's Todd Road that night of February 27. his summary: "If you break into my borne by the Taylors atone-s-they
. unfortunate for us that justice wasn't It sticks in the craws of Mayor home, I'll kill you. Is that the message shouldn't have to pay a dime! WV
served .... They [the family] feel it was Folmar and D.A. Evans that the you want to send outof this communi- urges its readers to send generous
unfair too, but it was something they Taylors who whipped the police are ty'!" An estimated 150 blacks in the contributions to: Taylor Defense
had to accept because our lives are so alive to tell about it. But the racists courtroom replied, "Yeah." Fund, c/o Central Bank of the South,
much more valuable than the $11,000." couldn't make their frame-up stick. The trial had touched a nerve among 150 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery,
Almost ayear ago, 30 members of the What stayed the hand of Alabama lynch these black people who understood Alabama 36104.•

POC -Jazz Benefit last summer's nationwide telephone
WV Photos

pie packed the second floor of the Ibex

Club in Washington, D.C. on February
I for three sets of great jazz from
saxophonist Houston Person and his
A ,Big Hit strike.
Houston and Etta gave one of their
best performances ever for the benefit/
fundraiser for thePDC. The audience,
group, featuring vocalist Etta Jones, in a more than three-quarters black, was a
benefit performance for the Partisan nation's capital on 27 November 1982. ber 27 anti-Klan mobilization. The congenial mixture of labor militants,
Defense Committee (PDC). The PDC The PDC has been raising funds to PDC is also supporting and raising jazz buffs and socialists-quite a few
is a nationwide class-struggle, anti- cover the costs .of the legal campaign funds for the defense of victimized Bay were all three at once. Before the
sectarian defense organization in ac- which successfully forced the Washing- Area phone strikers Lauren Mozee and second set, the master of ceremonies,
cordance with the political views of the ton Times, organ of the anti-communist Ray Palmiero. Lauren, a former ten- Gene Herson, a militant opposition-
Spartacist League. The enthusiastic, messiah Sun Myung Moon, to retract its year member of the Black Panther ist in the National Maritime Union,

integrated crowd carne - to hear the . deadly libel against the Spartacist Party, and Ray were fired from their read. greetings from Lauren. The audi-
popular jazz artists and to celebrate the League/Spartacus Youth League (see jobs and are facing years in the state ence cheered at Mozee's remark that
victory achieved when the SL-initiated WV No. 345, 6 January). The Moonie penitentiary for defending themselves "Labor/black mobilization stopped the
Labor/ Black Mobilization stopped the- press had accused us of provoking and their picket line against a violent KKK from marching in Washington,
Ku Klux Klan from marching in the violence against the cops in the Novem- racist assault by a scab manager during continued on page 8 .

British Si!artacistsSlamSheffieidBan might have turned out. At that very
moment. four coaches filled with
skinheads-one embla/oned with the
('ross of Sf. (ieorge-were being de-
tained and turned around at the Shef-

Martyrs of "Bloody Sunday"

field spur' off the motorway bv the
Having seen-to it that there would he
no Bloody SU~lday march. the powers-
that-he now tried to make sure that
there was no public expression of

L'r:CI:RPTU) rROM a hot potato rather than come out day Brittan announced the han. we
opposition to British imperialism at all
that " day, Three hours before our
scheduled public meeting. a reprcscnta-
tive of the Sheffield Polv Student Union
l.xccutive notified us 'that our room
hooking there had been cancelled
SPA RTA CIST BRITAIN against Labour "left" Blunkett. And the organised a protest picket outside because they did not want a public
NO. 54. FEBRUARY 1984, nationalists of Sinn Fein and their fake- Sheffield Town Hall. Thirty protesters meeting on Ireland, They didn't stop
left press agents of the Revolutionarv picketed behind banners which pointed us-our meeting went ahead at an
Communist Party (RCP), its Irish the way forward: "Smash Britain's alternative venue. We I'el1ll'l1Ihel'ed
Bloody Sunday, January 1972: the
Freedom Movement (I FM) front group Torture Camps-Troops Out Now!" Bloodv Sundav'
day 14civil rights marchers were gunned
and the centrist Workers! Power (WP). "Labour Council's Anti-Irish Barf is In the wake of their criminal betraval.
down in the streets of Derry [Northern
who were meant to be mobilising the Green Light for :"F-Trade Unions. Sinn hin'. and its RCP and WF ca'mp
Ireland] by British troops. Now the
Bloody Sunday march, did everything Minorities: Drive the Fascists Oil the followers attempted to cover their
fascist National Front (N F) wanted to
to demobilise it. For weeks their only Streets!" And on the Sunday. while the tracks. Having abandoned their Hloodv
make the annual commemoration
march, slated for Sheffield 29 January:
response toBlunkett's ban was an Republicans and their fake~lCft friends Sundav. demonstration. thcv. held I
impotent petition campaign, - to be were nowhere to be seen. we held a well- meeting subsequently to concoct an
the scene for another bloody Sunday.
followed by an even more impotent call defended public meeting. "A Commem- a ttcr-t he-fact "a ltcrna tivc"-to bus
When Sheffield's Labour-dominated
toreselect the Labour councillors. In the oration of. the Centuries of Celtic people to Wakefid1 pri~on where Irish
City Council, headed by Labour "left"
rising star David Blunkett, imposed a hunger striker I· rank Stagg died. 10
ban on use ofcouncil facilities by march exculpate their consistent refusal to do
organisers in' the wake of the Harrods -anything to stop the Xational Front.
bombing, the NF saw a green light for they now try to claim there was no:" F.
race-hate provocation. Emboldened by dismissing our report of the coaches
the labour bureaucracy's cowardly turned around hy the cops as a "slan-
der." claiming they were I ~M and not
treachery in the face of the Tory
:"1- supporters. An SL supporter at the
onslaught against the NGA [printers
meet ing made short sh rift 01' this crap hy
union], feeding off the anti-Soviet war
describing the coaches with their skin .;
drive, the NF crawled out of the sewers
heads and banner and asked. "That
in an attempt to prove itself as the
couldn't have been IFM supportcrs->
bourgeoisie's shock troops for anti-Irish
could it'!"
reaction. What was called for was
In their thirst to tail after some force
English and Irish workers and all racial
or another. these opportunists exposed
minorities joining together in struggle
their hollow pretensions to "anti-
against a common, deadly enemy: a
imperialism" and "anti-racism.vCling-
mass trade-union/minority mobilisa-
ing to the coattails of the Sinn Fein
'lion in this solidly trade-union city to
nationalists. their only stratcgv for
demand the imperialist troops get out of Spartacist Britain fighting the oppression of the Irish
Ireland and to inflict a crushing and Spartacist League/Britain protests
Catholic people is to scream about "self-
humiliating blow against the NF race- ban on demonstrations in Sheffield,
England, January 27. ' determination for the Irish people as a
terrorists. That's what was needed.
whole." endorsing the nationalist pro-
That's what the revolutionary Trotsky- Struggle Against English Domination: ject of a united Ireland forcibly incorpo-
ists of the Spartacist League (SL) fought The Role of Sheffield and its Labour rating the Protestant people. In contrast
for. Movement." revolutionaries understand that the
What happened instead w'asan anti- When we proposed to the Bloody fight against the special- oppression of
democratic ban on all marches, initiated Sunday "mobilisers" that they join us in Irish Catholics in.the :"orth requires the
by Blunkett and imposed by Tory Home the picket of Sheffield Town Hall. a unity of Catholic and Protestant work-
Secretary Leon Brittan, in towns and number of their supporters initially ers in a struggle for their common class
cities throughout the region. For the agreed. But the leaders moved in to interests,
first time in 12 years, there was no quash any suggestion-of joint action. Racist British imperialism will meet
Bloody Sunday march in England. hastily conjuring up a wimpy "alter- its downfall only at the hands of a
Instead of being crushed under the heel native"-a "picket" to '''accompany unified working-class assault led bv a
, of labour and minorities, the fascists got end, they abandoned their march the submission of their pleading peti- revolutionary \anguard party which
off scot-free with the knowledge that the without any warning. criminally setting tion, deliberately scheduled to take acts as tribune of all the oppressed.
streets of England were off limits to up militants- and minorities for a place an hour .and a half before our Around the events of the Bloody
opponents of British imperialism that potential fascist rampage as they turned proposed picket. And when we mobi- Sunday march. the Labour-loyalists
day. That this outrage could come-to be tail and ran. lised our forces to get there at the same and vicarious nationalists demonstrated
was bitter testimony to the state ofiliM1e The martyrs of Bloody Sunday were time, these hardy souls wrapped up their where they stood. This year's Bloody
opportunist left in this period of Cold 'remembered in Sheffield last month- banners and fled. Sunday march should have been a
War. by the Spartacist League. Our support- As late as the Saturday afternoon " victorious rout of the fascist rabble by
The Labourite misleaders bent over ers distributed thousands of leaflets edition' of the [Sheffield] STar. the -thousands of militant workers and
backwards to prove themselves loyal [excerpts printed below] agitating for Bloody Sunday "rnobilisers" stuck to minorities. That is what we fought to
lackeys to the imperialist ruling class. mass trade-union/ minority mobilisa- their storv that coaches would be build. To make sure that happens next
The Communist Party, with its industri- tion at pits and steel plantsand minority leaving.from Sheffield Poly for a march. time, the task facing us today is to build
al base in Sheffield, staye., invisible. The communities in the Sheffield area as destination unstated. But on the Sun- the Spartacist League into the mass
fake-Trotskyists, like Socialist Action well as elsewhere. We canvassed dozens dav, there were no coaches, mobilisers. revolutionary workers party this coun-
and Socialist Organiser, erstwhile cheer- of Labour Party and trade-union no' march. Twenty minutes after the trv needs..
leaders for Provo-nationalism now officials in an attempt to unlock the buses were meant to depart, two Sinn . Excerptsfrom the Spartacist League /
ensconced in the Labour Committee on potential social power of the labour Fein supporters showed up to announce Britain lea/let
./ dated 24 Januarv. are

Ireland (LCI), dropped the question like movement. On Friday 27 January, the the cancellation of the march to any who reprinted below.

Labour Council Anti-Irish Ban: Green Light for NF Provocation

The National Front's threat to stage a Troops Out of Ireland Now! Crush the Fascists Through Belgrano. who "shoot to kill" in the
race-hate anti-Irish provocation in Mass Trade-Union/Minority Mobilisation! streets of Belfast day in and day out.
Sheffield Sunday 29 January must be Scratch the "socialism" of Blunkett and
stopped! That these racist anti-working- vou find a "little England" chauvinist.
class scum dare even to show their faces and imperialist leaders. But attacks like use of Yorkshire levies to massacre and Thatcher hardly needs the PTA [Pre-
in this solidly pro-union, working class the Harrods bombing, aimed against-a raze Berwick. The Celtic nations have vention of Terrorism Act] when "lefts"
city is the direct result of the green light random civilian population.aresimply suffered the atrocities of English domi- like Blunkett ate around to do the dirty
given them by the Labour-dominated criminal acts. Such nationalist crimes nation for .hundreds of years. But the work. We say: Damn you England-
City Council's anti-Irish ban.. .. deepen and exacerbate national. and Labour Party leaders of the "Socialist leave the Irish alone! Troops out of
The Harrods [department store] racial divisions within the working class; Republic" rant only against those "who Ireland now! Smash the Prevention of
bombing was an indefensible act of But they pale beside the mass terrorism advocate, support or are involved in the Terro~ism Act! Trade union blacking
indiscriminate terrorism. Marxists op-x of the imperialist ruling class. We taking of life of civilians of Great ["hot-cargoing"] of military goods to
pose the strategy of individual terrorism deplore the Harrods bombing-as We Britain." They' amnesty the blood- Northern Ireland! Not Green against
as a futile diversion from the task of ~ deplore Ulster Protestant terror against stained ruling class who invented Orange, but class against class! .For
mobilising the masses, while defending Catholics, as we deplore the razing of concentration camps and mass terror anti-sectarian workers militias. to com-
against state repression the perpetrators countless Irish villages over the centu- bombing of civilian centres, who carried bat communal terror and imperialist
of attacks aimed against military targets ries by English overlords; or Edward 1's out mass murder in India, blew up the continued on page 10

17 FEBRUARY 1984 5
Black History Month-From the Archives of the Revolution

John Reed Sneaks to Communist International, 1920

The "Manifesto of the Communist

aes an e s
lnternational to the Workers of the
World," written by Leon Trotsky and
adopted by the Com intern's First
Congress (1919), proclaimed: "Colonial
slaves of Africa and Asia! The hour of
proletarian dictatorship in Europe will
strike for you as the hour of your own
emancipation!" The Bolsheviks had led
the Russian Revolution to victory by
championing and awakening the sub-
jugated nations of the tsaristempire.
Now they hammered home the need to
unite behind Communist banners the
struggle of oppressed peoples against
imperialism..' This was a sharp break
from the traditions of social democracy,
which gave short shrift to the colonial
question and too often echoed the Lenin
bourgeoisie's racist hypocritical talk ofa Second
"civilizing mission." Regarding the U.S., Congress of
Lenin urged American Communists to Communist
reach out to the doubly oppressed black International,
masses with a program of special 1920,
demands: "The black question has
become an integral part of the world
revolution," declared the Comintern.
James P. Cannon, founder of
American Trotskyism and one of the
foremost leaders of the early Commu-
nist Party, stated categorically: "Every- part of the Bolsheviks' struggle to at commission and congress sessions on "Negro self-determination in the Black
thing new on the Negro question came convince American Communists to the national and colonial questions. In Belt," its recruitment of thousands of
from Moscow-after the Russian Revo- recognize the special oppression of his speech to the congress, reprinted militant blacks reflected the early
lution began to thunder its demand blacks as a matter of strategic impor- below, Reed powerfully portrayed the Com intern's commitment to fight
throughout the world for freedom and tance that John Reed was designated, at Southern lynchings, Jim Crow segrega- against special oppression. The s:'P's
equality for all national minorities, all Lenin's personal request, to report on tion and the impact of proletarianiza- militant fight for black rights in the early
subject peoples and all races-for all the the "Negro Question" at the Communist tion and imperialist war on radicalizing 1930s, particularly around the racist
despised ana rejected of the earth" (see International's Second Congress. blacks. Here he made great strides in frame-up of the Scottsboro Boys, was
"The Russian Revolution and the Fight The popular movie Reds is a generally transcending the Debsian tradition, subsequently betrayed on the altar of
for Black Liberation," Young Spartacus faithful account of - John Reed's declaring that Communists must use the the popular front, of support to
No. II L September 1983). Previously evolution, under the impact of the rapidly growing race consciousness to Roosevelt and the racist Democratic
American Socialists had been at best October Revolution, from America's expose the lie of bourgeois equality and Party. Only the Trotskyists can rightful-
"colorblind:' as with Eugene Debs who foremost radical journalist into a draw oppressed minorities into the ly claim the Leninist heritage of revolu-
stated that "we have nothing special to committed Communist. But the movie struggle for socialist 'revolution. tionary mobilization of the oppressed.
offer the Negro, and we cannot make makes a. serious omission. It notes It took a decade ·before Reed's Today, John Reed's stirring speech and
separate appeals to all the races. The Reed's desire to attend the Second exhortation to the Communist Party to the Communist International's clarion
Socialist Party is the party of the whole Congress-in order to get the Com intern take the lead in the struggle for black call to the black masses are carried
working class, regardless of color. ..." mandate for his faction of the American emancipation was translated into ac- forward in the Spartacist League pro-
At worst. as with Victor .Berger's Communist movement and to argue tion. Although the CPUSA had by then gram: Finish the Civil War-Forward
reformist "sewer socialists," they shaded against work within the old AFL craft become fully Stalinized. raising its tg""a Workers State! Black Liberation
over into open white racism. It was as'. unions. But Reds omits Reed's reports diversionary "Third Period" call for through Socialist Revolution!

the North. The Negroes in the North are The IWW of course organized the use of Party resources for propaganda
SPEECH BY JOHN REED employed in industry while in the South Negroes, the old Socialist Party how- among Negroes.
the majority are farm labourers or small ever undertook no serious attempt to In the South the Negro has no rights
farmers. The position of the Negroes is organize them. In some states the at all and does not evert enjoy the
(n America there live ten million
terrible, particularly in the Southern Negroes were not accepted into the protection' of the law. lJ sually one can
'egroes who are concentrated mainly in
states. Paragraph 16 of the Constitution party at all, in others they were kill Negroes without being punished.
the South. In recent years however
of the United States grants the Negroes separated off into special sections, and One terrible white institution is the
many thousands of them have moved to
full civil rights. Nevertheless most in general the party statutes banned the lynching of Negroes. This happens in
Southern states deny the Negroes these
rights. In other states, where by law the A ~is\ pamphlet ~
A Spartacist Pamphlet

Negroes possess the right to vote, they

are killed if they dare to exercise this
right. I

Negroes are not allowed to travel in

the same railway carriages as whites,
visit the same saloons and restaurants,
or live in the same districts. There exist
special. and worse, schools for Negroes
and similarly special churches. This
separation of the Negroes is called the
"J im Crow system:' and the clergy in the
Southern churches preach about para-
dise on the "Jim Crow system." Negroes
are used as unskilled workers in indus- 25e
try. Until recently they were excluded $1,00 Make checks payable/mail to: $2.50
from most of the unions that belong to Spartaclst Publishing Co., Box 1377 GPO, New York, f'tY 10116
the American Federation of Labour.
John Reed

the following manner. The Negro is
covered with oil and strung up on. a
telegraph pole. The whole of the town.
men. women and children. run up to
watch the show and take home a piece of
the clothing or the skin of the Negro
they have tortured to death "as a
I have too little time to explain the
historical background to the Negro
question in the United States. The
descendants of the slave population.
who wore liberated 'during the Civil
War. when politically and economically
they were still completely underdevei-
oped. were later given full .political /

rights in order to unleash a bitter class

struggle in the South which was in-
tended to hold up Southern capitalism
until the capitalists in the North were'
able to bring together all the country's
resources into their own possession. -
Until recently the Negroes did not
show any aggressive class consciousness ..
at all. The first awakening of the
Negroes took place after the Spanish-
American War. in which the black
. 4,~~
Harlemblacks protest racist rampage in East St. Louis, 1917. Schomburg library
troops had fought with extraordinary
courage and from which they returned took part in Negro-baiting. and empha- didly organized and arc not at all afraid is never successful among the Negroes.
with the feeling that as men they were sized that the enmity between the white of thcwhites. The results of the 'egroes' They hold themselves above all to be
equal to the white troops. Until then the and black races was supported bv the resistance were first of all a belated Americans. they feel at home in the-
only movement that existed among the capitalists in their own interests. ' intervention by the government and United States. That simplifies the tasks
Negroes was a semi-philanthropic edu- The return of the army from the front secondly the acceptance of 'egroes into (If the communists considcrablv.
cational association led by Booker T. threw many millions of white workers the unions of the American Federation The only correct polic~ 'for the
Washington and supported by the white on to the labour market all at.once.The of Labour. American Communists towards the
capitalists. This movement found its result -. was unemployment. and the Raeial consciousness grew among the 'egroes is to regard them a hove a II as
expression in the organization of demobilized soldiers' impatience .rook 'egroes themselves. At present there is workers, The agricultural workers and
schools in which the Negroes were such threatening proportions that the among the Negroes a section which the small farmers of the South pose.
brought up to be good servants of employers were forced to tell the preaches the armed uprising of the despite the backwardness of the 'e-
industry. As intellectual nourishment soldiers that their jobs had been taken Negroes against the whites. The 'egroes grocs. the same tasks as those we have in
they were presented with the good by Negroes in order thus to incite the who returned home from the war have respect to the white rural proletariat.
advice to resign themselves to the fate of whites to massacre the Negroes. The set up associations everywhere for self- Communist propaganda can he carried
an oppressed people. During the Span- first of these outbreaks took place in defence and to fight against the white out among the 'egroes who are em-
ish War an aggressive reform movement Washington. where civil servants from supporters of lynch law. The circulation ployed as industrial workers in the
arose among the Negroes which de- the administration returning from the of the Messenger is growing constantly. 'orth. In hot h pa rts of the countrv we
manded social and political-equality war found their jobs occupied by At present it sells I HO.OOO copies must strive to organize 'egroes i~ the
with the whites. With the beginning of Negroes, The civil servants were in the monthly. At the same time. s(~cialist ·same unions as the whites. This is the
the European war half a million Negroes main Southerners. They organized a ideas have taken root and are spreading best and quickest way to root out racial
who had joined the US Army were sent night attack on the Negro district in rapidly among the Negroes employed in prejudice and awaken class solidaritv.
to France. where they were billeted with order to terrorize the Negroes into industry. The Communists must not sta'nd
French troop detachments and sudden- giving up their jobs, To everybody's If we consider the Negroes as an aloof from the 'egro movement which
ly made the discovery that they were amazement the Negroes came on to the enslaved and oppressed people. then demands their social and political
treated as equals socially and in every streets fully armed. A fight developed they pose us with two tasks: on the one equality and at the moment, at a time of
other respect. The American General and the Negroes fought so well that for hand a strong racial movement and on the rapid growth of racial conscious-
Staff approached the French High every dead Negro there were three dead the other a strong proletarian workers' ness. is spreading rapidly among 'e-
Command and asked them to forbid whites. Another revolt which lasted movement, whose class consciousness is groes. The Communists must use this
Negroes to visit places used by whites several days and left many dead on both quickly growing. The Negroes do not movement to expose the lie of bourgeois
and to treat them as second-class sides broke out a few months later in pose the demand of national independ- equality and emphasize the necessity of
people. After the war the Negroes, many Chicago. Later still a massacre took ence. A movement that aims for a the social revolution which will not on lv
of whom had received medals for place inOmaha. In all these fights the separate national existence. like for liberate ail workers from servitude hut i's
bravery from the English and French Negroes showed for the first time in instance the "back to.Africa" movement also the only way to free the enslaved
governments. returned to their South- history that they are armed and splen- that could be observed a few years ago. 'egro people.•
ern villages where they were subjected to
lynch law because they dared to.,we.ar
their uniforms and their decorations on _ ....._ .......---Black History ·Month-------
the street.
At the same time a strong movement
Spertecisi Forums
Spartacist Events SYL Video Snowint; & DISCUSSion
arose among the Negroes who had
stayed behind. Thousands of them Black History November 27, 1982:
"We Stopped the Klan!"
moved to the North; began to work in and the SYL Video ShOWing & DISCUSSion
the war industries and came into contact 'Class Struggle Black History
with the surging current of the labour
Speaker: Michael Haines
Novemt>er 27, 1982: Labor/Black and the
movement. High as they were. their
wage rates trailed behind the incredible
Spartacist League
Mobilization Stops the KKK
Class Struggle
increases in the prices of the most Thursday, February 16, 7:00 p.m, Blacks, Labor Need a Thursday, February 23, 7:30 p.m..
important necessities. Moreover the Harris Hall Auditorium
Virginia State University
Workers Party- Malcolm X Lounge, Hartley Hall
Columbia University
Negroes were outraged by the way all
their strength was sucked out and the PETERSBURG, VA Not front Men for the Sponsored by the Spartacus Youth League

terrible exertions demanded by the

Friday, February 17, 12:00 noon
Racist Democrats and the Black Students Organization

work much more than were the white McKeldin Student Center Ballroom Wednesday, February 15 NEW YORK
workers who had grown used to the _ For more Information (212) 267·1025
Morgan State University Noon-3:00 p.m.
terrible exploitation in the course of Co-sponsored by the Morgan State (continuous showings)
Student Government Association
many years. University of Illinois, Chicago
and Spartacus Youth Leaque
The Negroes went on strike alongside CCC Room 506 SYL Forum
the white workers and quickly joined the For more information: (202) 636-3537
industrial proletariat. They proved very Blacks, Labor Need a Workers Party
Thursday, February 23, 1:40 p.m.
ready to accept revolutionary propa-
ganda. At that time the newspaper
Truman College. Room 1516 Jesse Jackson:
S YL Film ShOWing & Discussion Speaker: Tweet Carter front Man for the
Messenger was founded, published by a
SL Central Committee
young Negro, the socialist Randolph,
"finally Got the News" Racist Democrats
and pursuing revolutionary propagan-
Documentary on the League of Revolution- Thursday, March 1, 1:40 p.m. Speaker: Bernard Vance
dist aims. This paper united socialist ary Black Workers and the struggle of black SL Central Committee
Truman College, Room 1516
propaganda with an appeal to the racial auto workers in Detroit during the late '60s.
consciousness of the Negroes and' with Speaker: Bernard Vance Saturday, February 25, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February . 22, 7:00 p.m. SL Central Committee Memorial Union
the call to organize self-defence against
Wayne State UJliversity (see"Today in the Union"for location)
the brutal attacks of the whites. At the
same time the paper insisted on the
8CB. Room 583 CHICAGO
DETROIT For more mformation(312) 427-0003 MADISON
closest links with the white workers, for more information (312) 427-0003
For more information (313) 961-1680
regardless of the fact that the latter often ~

17 FEBRUARjY 1984 7
policy against the TP [Tudeh party]

Save Iranian Tudeh Leaders!

amounts to going after the revolution
with a hammer rather than using
tweezers to extract the thorn" ("Iran
regime vs. the.Tudeh Party," Interconti-
nental Press. 26 December 1983). Such
Three senior military officers, mem- disgusting treachery for the "imam" will
struggle. As late as November 1981 disastrous Stalinist "two-stage" theory
bers of Iran's pro-Moscow Tudeh not of course save the H KE. just as it
Kianuri was proclaiming "total support of revolution, in, which the first stage
C'Masses") party, have been sentenced failed to save the Tudeh-in fact, H KE
to the people's anti-imperialist policy of involves unity with the so-called "pro- ,
to death by a military tribunal, accord- leaders Bahram Ali Atai and Mo-
Imam Khorneini," who was then crack- gressive" bourgeoisie, such as Chiang
ing to the Iranian news agency (New hammed Bagher Falsafi have been in jail
ing down on the Mujahedin. Kai-shek in China in the 1920s, in order
York Times, 5 February). The an- for a year and a half, while the H K E's
Apparently Tudeh hoped that the to make the "democratic" revolution.
nouncement came on the heels of the No. 1 spokesman, Babak Zahraie,
ayatollah's need for a few 20t/1 century The resultin China was Chiang's bloody former editor of their newspaper Kar-
sentencing of 87 Tudeh members in the minds to run thegovemmentspparatus massacre of Communists in 1927, and
army t(; prison terms ranging from a gar, has been prohibited from receiving
would bring them some posts and the result in Iran appears headed in the
year to life on trumped-up charges of visitors and correspondence for the past
influence, and for a short time that was same direction. But in Iran. this Stalinist
espionage and subversion. The fate of year he has been injail! We demand that
the case, but this reformist treachery policy has reached a new low, as it
jailed Tudeh party leader Nureddin even these vile social-chauvinists be
turned on its practitioners. In February involves unity with the openly reaction- freed from the prisons of Islamic
Kianuri and former navy commander 1983 the central party leadership was
Bahram Afzali, also a Tudeh member, reaction.
arrested and charged with "espionage" The "Islamic revolution" was never
has not yet been revealed. But the while 18 Soviet diplomats were sudden-
unleashing of Ayatollah Khorneini's "anti-imperialist" but Koranic reaction
ly: expelled from the country. Party incarnate. If it made trouble for the
terror against his former Stalinist leader Kianuri was paraded ontelevi-
flunkies, a blow aimed at the Soviet "Great Satan" (the USA), it was under
sion, where he "confessed" to the the flag of Persian chauvinism and
Union, exposes the fundamentally anti- charges-many said he appeared
Communist character of the so-called religious mysticism'. In any case the
drugged and under extreme pressure, collection of mullah fanatics and bazaar
"Islamic revolution.'; though it's possible he was only continu- merchants who run Iran have in
While Tudeh now tries to explain its ing the Stalinist line of loyalty to the common with Western capitalism and
declining fortunes by referring to "imam." By December over 10,000 the Reaganite terrorists that they all see
anonymous "right-wing forces" and Tudeh members were reported to have the "godless" Soviet Union as an "evil
"enemies of the revolution," the fact is been arrested. ' empire." Even the U.S. State Depart-
that the five-year-old Khorneini-led The war against "godless" Commu- ment has sensed this, looking the other
"revolution". has all along been a nism. proclaimed by, Khorneini's way as hundreds of millions of dollars in
reactionary movement led by fanatic support to the guerrilla war of Afghan American arms and spare parts have
Muslim mullahs who openly pro- mullahs against the Soviet Red Army, been shipped to Iran via third parties
claimed their goal of taking Iran back to has now been brought home. As we such as Israel and South Korea. Ele-
the seventh century. But the Tudeh warned back in 1979: . mentsof the U.S. ruling class argue that,
party, along with the entire so-called " ... detente between Teheran and Mos- despite all the "Great Satan" baiting, the
"left," turned a blind eye to this in order cow will not be enough to save the ygma
mullahs' fundamental hostility to the
to curry favor with the ayatollah. So Tudeh party from Islamic repression .... Khomeini's white terror at work. Soviet Union can overcome their anti-
while Khomeini suppressed, the Kurds Can there be any doubt that once
Khomeini has succeeded in consolidat- Americanism. A member of the Council
and other nationalities, forced women ary, medievalist mullahs, who are on Foreign Relations, Elaine Sciolino,
ing his rule and repressing the far left he
back into the veil, executed homosexu- will also move to smash Tudeh?" declared enemies of every democratic writing in the prestigious Foreign
als and other "deviants," arrested and -"Moscow Stalinists Cheer principle, however minimal. Alfairs(Spring 1983) points out:
shot the populist Mujahedin and leftist Khorneini's Witchhunt." "Over time a gradual return to the
WV No. 231. II May 1979
Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed
groups-an estimated 10,000 men and "Trotskyists" of the Revolutionary historic perception of a serious Soviet
women have been executed thus far- Our slogan then was "Down with/the threat could incline this regime [in Iran]
Workers Party (HKE). affiliated to the or its successor to the time-honored
the Tudeh party cheered. with the shah. down with the mullahs! For fake "Fourth International" of Ernest strategy of offsetting such a proximate
blessing of the Moscow Stalinist workers revolution!" Now more than Mandel and Jack Barnes, have tried to Soviet threat with ties to a distant and
leaders. ever, the several-million-strong Iranian outdo the Stalinists in supporting friendly supporting power."
Indeed. Kianuri rose to leadership proletariat, centered on the powerful oil Shi'ite terror. In a mealy-mouthed The tasks of the Iranian workers
back in 1979 because Moscow consid- workers, must take action not only to "defense" of Tudeh victims, the HKE revolution are intertwined with defense
ered him to be more conciliatory to defend itself but also to defend the practically excuses the Khomeiniite of the Soviet degenerated workers state.
Khomeini than was his predecessor. As Soviet Union, the world's first workers repression: " ... the charges against them It will take a Trotskyist party to
the sordid border war between Iran and state, which shares al ,SOO-mile border [Tudeh] seem completely logical and estabfish proletarian rule in Iran; not
Iraq dragged on, the Tudeh party told with Iran. Demand freedom for Tudeh natural to popular opinion and particu- "two stages" but permanent revolu-
its members to report to their mosques members and all leftist victims of larly to militant Muslims"! The HKE tion-seizure of power by the Iranian
(!) for military duty under the pasdaran, Khomeini's repression! ~ gently advises the prosecutors that the working class supported by the peas-
and the party denounced strikes as Tudeh's fatal policy in Iran is in fact a Tudeh is "like a thorn in the side ofthe antry to form a workers and peasants
"sabotage" of the "anti-imperialist" blurred carboncopy of the standardand revolution" and "the present course of government. •

poe maniac cowboy in the White House too.

Down _with South Africa-style justice!
Picket lines mean don't cross!"
the anti-Klan victory benefit over his.
WPFW (Pacifica) radio show. Another
WPFW announcer spoke with SL
heard about the benefit and helped
make the evening a real success. The
PDC took in some $1,500 from the
Jazz Benefit...
(continued from page 4)
The emcee introduced Tony Marti-
nez, president of Capital Branch 142 of
representatives about the case of his
friend, 'American Indian Loren Thom-
The SL/SYL and PDC extend their
the National Association of Letter as. a victim of the recent wave of racist most heartfelt gratitude to Houston
D.C. on November 2}th. Labor/black Carriers, who saw to it that flyers forihe killings by Washington police (see "Jail Person, Etta Jones and the other fine
mobilization in Oakland last October " benefit were distributed throughout the the Killer Cops! D.C. Cops on Racist musicians in the group, organist David
29th saw to it that one of the charges post office by union. stewards. Subse- Terror Rampage," WV No. 346. 20 Braham and drummer Frankie Jones.
against Ray and me has already been quently the union heard PDC represen- January 1984). Thanks to them, to the hard work of the
dropped." And they applauded her tatives at its February 6 local meeting. Terrell Allen, president of the Duke comrades and the enthusiastic response
statement that "Ray and I aren't the and voted to make a financial contribu- Ellington Society, one of the largest jazz of all those who came out, it was a
criminals. The criminals are Ma Bell, tion to the Partisan Defense Committee. associations in the country, was there thoroughly enjoyable evening in the
the San Leandro police, the Alameda Herson also introduced popular local with his friends. He helped publicize the service of labor and black struggle.•
County District Attorney and that blues singer Nap Turner, who plugged benefit throughout D.C. jazz circles. A
South African student attending How-
ard U niversity said he had been listening
to Person since he was seven years old Spartaclst Leaguel
over the black South African station
- Sparticus Youth League
"Radio S.R." which opens at 5:00 a.m.
Public Offices
every morning with his rendition of -:-MARXIST LlTERATURE-
Marxist Working-Class Biweekly of the Spartacist League "Stormy Weather." Houston adds that Bay Area
South African blacks are among his' - Fri.: 5:00-8:00 p.m.; Sat.:3:0D-6:oo p.m.
1634 Telegraph, 3rd Floor (near 17th Street)
biggest fans. . Oakland, California Phone: (415) 835-1535
[J $2/4 issues of
Twenty-three benefit tickets weres'.)l~
.I .:.$5/24ISSueS of Workers Vanguard Chicago
.••. , eludes Spartacistj Internationatrates: Women and Revolution to 'Howard students, many of wh~ Tues.: 5:30-9:00 p.m., Sat.: 2:00-5:30 p.m.
, . New l ) Renewal $20/24 Issues-Airmail helped defend the SYL agairistRea~ 523 S. Plymouth Court, 3rd Floor
$5124 issues-c Seamau
[J $2/10 introouctorv issues of lackey and Howard U. p'!iident Jall1ies ChicagO, Illinois Phone: (312) 427-0003
Workers Vanguard
(includes Spartacist) Cheek's crackdown on st"nt prot~t., . -liew ,...k City
19 Issues of Young Spartacus
Cheek had had SpartacmtsuPP0rtt~, Tues.: 6:00-9:00 p.m., Sat.:12:00-4:00p.m.

~tT)e ----..:.-~--------------~ arrested and barre<lfrofTt't.camp~~s· 41 Warren St. (Qne block below
j::hambers St. near Church St.)
"outside agitators:' stemming from at'l New York, N.Y. Phone: (212) 267-1025
A(!dress ~

SYL protest 'over Reagan's invasioo.of


Grenada andU:S. interventionjln Trotskyist League

....,.,..,_----------Phone ( Lebanon. The fund-raiser also deepened of Canada
:i5ity ---"'- State Zip ---::-:: the SL/SYL's roots in this 70 percent Tor.to
348 sat.: 1:00-5:00 p.m.
black city. Several people who met and 299 Queen SI. W., Suite 502
'M.e checkl pey.ble/mell to: Sparfac:llt Publllhing Co., Box 13n GPO, N_ York, NY 10116 worked with the SL at the November 27 Toronto, Ontario Phone: (416)'593-4138
anti-Klan demo cal\ed up when they

Lebanon... and so on. The Christians were allocated
a six-to-five majority in parliament, and
more importantly the officer caste of-the
Druze vs. French Foreign legion
(cont inued from page I) Lebanese "army was drawn predomi- We reprint below excerpts from At first I thought I was shooting
nantly from the Maronite elite. Bennett Doty 's The Legion of the badly. Then little by little I saw that
lor his Lebanon policy and a haunting Since the Muslims' birthrate out- Damned on the hattie of' Messifre in with several bullets in them, these
reminder or the Carter administration's stripped the Christians' for a couple of
failure in Iran. Svria. 1925. fanatic Druse tribesmen came on. to
generations, the deal that was Lebanon die on our barbed wire. And the
" ... the Reagan administration. for ,~I\
its tough talk. was unable to succeed 111 fell apart by the beginning of the 1970s. At their head rode the Emir on a
wounded kept on fighting. Bleeding
its most visible foreign-policy venture." The mass of impoverished and down- beautiful blooded stallion. He wore a
to death. from behind a stone or even
While the American ruling class debates trodden Shi'ites, who had become the medieval suit of armor and a helmet
in the open, they kept firing til1 the
"Who Lost Lebanon?" (the Democratic largest sectarian/communal grouping, with flaps of chain-mail like those in
last convulsive twitch.
demanded a change in the constitution museums. one used hundreds of
Congress and its War Powers Resolu- -reprinted in Soldier 01" Fortune,
tion, replied a Journal editorial), the to redress the balance of political and years ago against the Frankish October 1983
economic power in their favor. Further, crusaders.
simple fact is there was no Lebanon to
lose. Alfof King Reagan's Marines and the OPEC oil boom of the early 1970s. I was scared witless....
all of his battleships and tough talk which Lebanon shared as the main
couldn't put the artificial country back financial center and entrepot for the
together again. Asfor Lebanese "presi- Arab East. widened the disparities
dent" Gernayel, he has ceased even being between rich and poor in this bankers' Take supposed Lebanese "progres- force whose militias have nothing to
"mayor of Beirut." republic. Shi'ite peasants from the sive" leader Walid Jumblatt, a vice learn from the Salvadoran death squads
Ronald Reagan's Lebanon adventure countryside and migrant workers from president of the Second International. when it comes to barbarity. Yet the
has turned into a first-class debacle. The Syria streamed into Beirut and other H is "Progressive Socialist Party" is Phalange hardly represents the whole of
self-appointed sheriff of world imperial- port cities looking for work, producing actual1y a communalist party of the the Maronite population; former Mar-
ism shot himself in the foot and is a class of .desperate slum dwellers. estimated 350,000 Druze (an esoteric onite president Suleiman Franjieh
hobbling away. But the global repercus- American liberal academic Stanley sect derived from Shi'a Islam) in (whose, son was murdered by the
sions are by no means all to the good. Reed described Maronite-dominated Lebanon. In the 1860s some 10.000 Phalange) is currently in Damascus with
The Reagan gang will want to wipe out Lebanon on the eve of the 197S..:{6 civil Maronite peasants were massacred Jurnblatt seeking Syrian favor. And the
their humiliation by launching a bloody war: when they rose up against Druze 500.000 Maronites are only a third of
adventure somewhere where the odds "The conflict occurred because Leba- landlords; and last fall the Druze Lebanon's Christian population (which
non's political and ,econon:ic structure besieged some 20,000 Christians in the includes Greek Orthodox, Greek Cath-
are more in their favor. Remember how cheated too many people 111 too many
the U.S. raped the tiny black West wavs, The Maronite businessmen and town of Deir al Qamar. In the mid-'70s olics. Armenians and other sects).
Indian isle of Grenada in order to divert bankers who dominated the country Walid's father Kamal Jumblatt was Moreover. before the communal civil
attention from the devastating truck- refused to part with any of th~ir hug.e head of the largely Muslim National war. the Lebanese leftist groups, nota-
profits derived from handling 011 Movement. al1ied with the Palestinians bly the CP, typically drew much oftheir
bomb attack' on Marine HQ in Beirut money.... The system that gave the
last October. Lebanon was a long-shot in the 1975-76 Lebanese civil war. With cadre from the Christian communities
presidency and the command of the
gamble in the anti-Soviet war drive, one army to the Maronites became a symbol the Israeli invasion in June 1982, while many downtrodden Shi'ites were
which the Pentagon always considered a of injustice to the ~a~e-nots and the however. the younger Jumblatt de- recruited into their ranks. While they
leftists, both consistmg largely of clared, "The PLO[Palestine Liberation sided with the Muslim warlords in '75-
no-win situation. The humiliation in Moslem city dwellers.... What began as
Beirut will intensify the Reagan gang's Organization] as it used to be in '76. the result was the destruction of the
a social revolution has obviously taken
drive to drown in blood the insurgent on many other meanings. For instance, Lebanon is finished," and told PLO left as a significant political force as
masses of Central America. the leftist militia leaders who set out to fighters to lay down their arms. The Lebanon was increasingly polarized
Unlike the squalid communalist topple the old warlords have wound up Druze chieftain established friendly along communal lines.
emulating them." relations with the Israeli occupying
bloodletting in Lebanon-between -i-New York Times, 9 July 1982 As for Syria, far from being a Soviet
Christians and Muslims, Shi'ites and army, and last summer promised t.o juggernaut in the Near ~ast, the Ass~d
In early 1975 Lebanon stood on ~he keep Palestinian guerrillas out of hl~ regime is extremely fragile and plays ItS
Palestinians, Druze and everyone-in
brink of a revolutionary upheaval which feudal fiefdom in exchange for Israeli own game in regional politics. Based on
Central America a potential social
could have radically altered the political withdrawal from the Shuf. Due to the Alawite sect (only 10 percent of the
revolution is at stake. Salvadoran
situation in the entire region, most Phalangist president Gemayel's refusal
- workers and peasants. are fighting (and population), in 1982 ~ssad destro~ed
immediately by extending itself to Syria. to cut a deal, Walid is currently aligned
beating) a blood-drenched oligarchy Syria's fourth-largest .Clty, Ha~a, kl~l­
- But a ..revolutionary outcome was with Syrian president Assad, who,
and its Yankee protectors. A rout of the ing at least 20,000 of Its mhablt~nts. In
diverted by the traditional Muslim clan however, was responsible for the assas- order to exterminate the Sunni-based
puppet dictatorship by leftist guerrillas
chiefs (abetted by the Palestinian sination of the elder Jumblatt., Muslim Brotherhood. Syria first inter-
in EI Salvador would pose the threat of
direct U.S. military intervention. The nationalist leaders) into a decade-long The estimated one mil1ion Shi'ites are vened in Lebanon in 1976 on behalf of
CIA's contras are now ravaging Nicara- . series of bloody squabbles between the at the bottom of the social scale in the Maronite Christians with the sup-
various communal groups. The Levant Lebanon. but the notion that they are
gua, while 5,000 U.S. combat troopsa~e port of both Washington and Jerusa...
poised for attack across the border 10 correspondent for the snide London agents of an international Communist lem. This shifted the balance of forces,
Honduras. While the Democrats and
Economist (5 November 1983) neatly conspiracy run from Moscow (or setting up the gruesome massacre of
reformist leftists seethe Marine with- captured the essence of Leb~nese alternatively a patriotic leftist force) is Palestinians at the huge Tel Zaatar
politics when he wrote of th~ "national even more absurd. In the'75-'76 fighting camp by the Gemayels' Phalange and
drawal from Lebanon as a retreat from
reconciliation" conference 10 Geneva the Shi'ite "Movement of the Dis- other Maronite gangs. And who has the
foreign military adventurism, in reality
last fall: possessed" .(which later became the 'Syrian army in Lebanon beet) fighting in
it only makes more urgent the need to
organize working-class opposition to "To compare this week'~ conference.of Amal) was loosely associated with the recent, months'! U.S. Marines'! The
the American war drive in Central Lebanese faction bosses in Geneva with Palestinian-M uslirn bloc. Yet on the eve French Foreign Legion'! The Israel
a gathering of Mafia ..godfathers r:night . of the June '82 Israeliinvasion the Amal
America-boycotting military cargo be unfair .to the Mafia. because It has "Defense Force"? No. the Arafat-loyal
bound for right-wing regimes, and labor was engaged in bloody battles against . PLO. In December, Syrian-backed
never eliminated several hundred vic-
strikes against U.S. intervention. tims in a single day. There can seldom the PLO and the Lebanese Communist forces laid waste to two Palestinian
have been so many delegates around a Party. They Were pushed into op~o­ refugee camps in northern Leban~)O,
Lebanon: Not a Country table who were directly and personally sition by the Zionist army terronzmg killing an estimated 700 and wound 109
responsible for killing the followers of their stronghold in southern Lebanon.
But a Deal fellow delegates." thousands of defenseless refugees and
Only when Gemayel's army be~?n Lebanese Muslims while the Zionists
The workers of the. world have side indiscriminately shel1ing the Shi'ite cheered.
in the revolutionary struggles now . All Sides Squalid suburbs of Beirut at the end ofJanuary
engulfing Central America. But they do did they finally "unite" with Jumblatt l!<- 1n short, the Lebanese political scene
not take sides in the Lebanese blood Today in Lebanon the Reaganites Co. Shi'ite militiamen celebrated their is a swamp. While Reagan wanted to use
feuds, the endless succession of commu- present the Druze and Shi'ite~ as "liberation" of West Beirut by smashing the U.S. "peacekeeping" troops as a
nal massacres and retaliations. Lebanon 'nothing but surrogates for the Syrians, all whiskey bottles-shades of Khornei- continued on page 10
is not a nation nor even a country, but a who are in turn labeled surrogates for nil Any Soviet KGB agent who fooled
deal among the imperialists (J 919) and the Soviets, while the Maronite Chris- around with this gang of reactionary
between the imperialists and the various tian Phalange are supposedly the true Islamic fundamentalists would proba-
Christian and Muslim clan chiefs defenders of Western-style democracy. CORRECTIONS
bly be skinned alive.
(1943). One is reminded of the descrip- The reformist left, on the other hand, Regarding the article "Defend
tion of Austria between' the two world The half million or so Palestinian the Scoundrel!· Vii/age Voice's
presents the squalid communal fig?ting
wars as a "situation [that was] fatal but refugees have been largely out of the Cockburn Up a Creek" (WV No.
in Lebanon as a war of national
current fighting, having been disarmed 346, 20 January), Alexander Cock-
not serious." liberation in which' the entire people
The entity known as Lebanon was by the imperialists (at the request of the burn informs us that Emma Roth-
rises up against Yankee invaders. Thus
PLO leadership, which chose to run schild is not the mother of his child,
created by the French. who together Sam Marcy's Workers World Party
with the British carved up the Ottoman rather than fight the Israelis inside as we had incorrectly stated. We
empire in the Near East after World "Different religious and ethnic groups. Beirut). Though PLO chief Arafat has apologize for the error. And we look
War I. They sought to fashion a pro- different political parties ranging from long been a hero of Western lef~ists.. in forward to being able to read more
Western enclave in the Levant by conservative to revolutionary. have his shifting alliances the nationalist contributions from Alexander
united in their opposition to Gemayel leader has embraced some of the most
combining the predominantly Christian and his U.S.. French and other imperi- Cockburn on Arab-Israeli matters
Mount Lebanon with a subordinate reactionary forces in the region; in and Near Eastern issues in general.
alist backers."
Muslim hinterland, part of it (notably - Workers World, October 1983 Arafat sided with a local The article "Fight Cold War II
17 November 1983 sheik in Tripoli as the latter was Witchhunt! Why Reagan Needs
the Bekaa Valley) extracted from the
province of Syria. The French colonial- The reality looks considerably different massacring Lebanese CPers. Currentl.y 'Terrorism'" (WV No. 347, 3 Feb-
ist system of Maronite privilege was from these fictions. The myriad ethnic/ lacking any military muscle, Arafat. IS ruary) unfortunately omitted a
religious/communal groups in Leba- trying to work out an arrangement With concluding sentence: "And for
preserved after Lebanon became inde-
non, far from being united. have every the Israelis together with Egypt's M u- those of you with not much to lose
pendent. Under the so-called National
one of them been in treacherous, barak and Jordan's Hussein, two of and a lot to win, and with the
Covenant the president would always be
Washington's main Arab clients. requisite guts, let's get rid of this
a Maronite Christian, the prime minis- ~ murderous al1iance with and against
ter a Sunni Muslim, the head of the . every other one. Let Lebanon be On the other hand, the Christian' whole damn system!"
Chamber of Deputies a Shi'ite Muslim, Lebanon and this is what you get. Maronite Phalange is an openly fascistic

17 FEBRUARY 1984 9
Lebanon... many of today's Lebanon "doves" are
. committed Near East hawks. Remem-
ber, it was the Democratic Cart~r
(continued from page 9) administration that proclaimed the U.S.
springboard to achieve an anti-Soviet had "strategic interests" in the Persian
Pax Ameiicana in the Near East. he Gulf equivalent to its control of the
only s~cceeded in sinking deeper into Panama Canal.
the quicksand of Lebanese politics. The , The Near East could be the flashpoin~
pseudo-socialists (Communist Party for World War Ill. In pointof fact, the
Socialist Workers Party, W orker~ most massive mobilization of U,S. naval
World, etc.) who pretend that there is an power since World War II (more than 65
"anti-~mperialist struggle" going on in ships in the eastern Mediterranean and
, the midst of the communal slaughter in off the Persi~n.Gulf) remains in place.
Lebanon are following their usual As Henry Klss~nger (along with many
practice of cheering for the murderous others) has pointed out. the endemic
nationalists of "progressive" Third and explosive national antagonisms of
World peoples (here identified with the the region make it resemble the Balkans
~ uslims. as opposed to the supposedly USb ttl hi N Hoagland/Gamma-Liaison ?efor~ World War I. But unlike the
.• a es p ew Jersey opened up massive bo b d
villages to cover""Mirines' humlllating withdrawal fro:: B~r~~nt of Cruze
'inherently reactionary Christians). And Inter-Imperialist rivalries that engen-
they are trying to cover their own dered that slaughter, there is a class line
complicity in calling for or refusing to between the two major world powers
Palestinians in the occupied West them it means memories of frantic presently confronting each other: the
protest the entry of the imperialist forces Bank-internal passports, armed humiliation-those helicopters whirling
m the first place (August-September bloody imperialist United States and the
searches, wanton-brutality against the ou~ of the ,u.S. embassy compound in bureaucratically degenerated Soviet
1982). As we wrote last fall: Arab population. But the Lebanese Saigon, With ARVN officers pushing
"At bott0!TI the present fighting in workers state. We warn of the danger of
have. ~ot been cowed by almost 20 years aside women and children to climb a ~ew. world war, instigated by the
Lebanon IS a continuation of the
c~nturics-old communal/sectarian con-
of military terror, and they do not live in abo~rd. For right-wing commentator capitalists who live in mortal fear of new
1~lcts .between Muslims and Christians. refugee camps. They own their own land Patnck Buchanan, speaking on ABC- social revolutions. Most ofaB with
T~'~, . Nightline (8 February) "cutting their military stretched across th~ globe
Sunnis and Shi'ites, Druzc and others and increasingly they are resisting the
A victory of the 'other side' (whi)ev~~ Zionist jackboot: bait 10 Lebanon represents nothing less
tha! is at any given moment) against the and the worst economic crisis since the
"Ma~y of southern Lebanon's 700.000 than the decline and fall of the West:
~:S. and the Ph~llange would simply M';1slIms arc being radicalized bv ~reat.D~pre~sion still lingering on, the
"Pr~sident Gemayel must be reflecting
lead ,to !1ew.conlll.cts and deals among ~ClIglO~ls lea~~rs advocating violence. imperialists fear proletarian class
the myriad feudalist warlords of Leba- to.rught on the great truism from the
m~I';1dmg SUICide attacks. as a wav of Vietnam era-s-although it is often struggle at home which could frustrate
non. restoring conditions more or less driving out the Israeli occupation
as they existed before the Israeli in- dange,rous to be an enemy of the their war preparations and bring the
force." Amen.cans, to be their friend is fatal. whole damn system tumbling down.
vasion of June 19M2." . -I.os Angeles Times.
-"Rape of Grenada. Bloodv fhe Impending Marine withdrawal Defend the Soviet Union! U.S. Out of
12 December 1.9M3 toward the ships of the Sixth Fleet
Mess in Lebanon." UT . the Near East! Yankee Imperialists-
No. 341. 4 November 19M3 SO what is Shamir going to do'? Tap recalls a similar episode some 700 years
ago when the last of the crusaders sailed Hands Off the World!-
Brooklyn for 5,000 more machine away. leaving Christians of the home-
Israel Out of Lebanon and the gunners in yarmulkes'? Form 9,000 land to t~e ~ercy of the Marnelukes [!].
Occupied Territories! armed Jewish settlements'! Meanwhile I~ o~e lifetime we have witnessed the

A few months before the present

Major Haddad's death has left Israel's
Einsatzgruppe in southern Lebanon
w~ndmg down of the last great Crusade
01 the West." .' "Bloody
collapse of the Gemayel "government,"
former Israeli chief of staff Mordechai
Gur warned: '
without a leader.
. Israel is paying a high price-far
higher than Sharon and 'Begin In
But Lebanon is not Vietnam. The
~ ndochinese war was a social revolution:
the Leyant the U.S. is bogged down in
SUd ' "..•
" ... the U.S. hope for establishing a
(continued from page 5)
expected-in both money and blood for a quagmire of communal and sectarian
~trong central government in Lebanon warfare. In Vietnam, the class interests
!S unrealistic, No.' foreign rnilitarv the Lebanon: adventure, and this is rampage in Northern Ireland! No to
of the proletariat were clear, and our
rnter~'entlOn can accomplish that":':"· .~~ziDgtbe"H.ebfC,w.populatKm. The fOrcible reunification! Ireland will only
certainly not theU .S. Marines, whose In.vasronl~~",,,,,.i&sawing:';.MlCt-··. !i\~-"the heroic. workers and peasants
ha~e .~. future as-a workers republic in a
lor~e is so small that nobodv takes it morale of .the _army, including _the ,_~ho had' fought imperialism, colonial- ~oclatist federation of the-British Isles!
scriouslv." . '
officers, ,who are no longer the cocky Ism andi.t~ local puppets for 30 years-
. -':"'Ne\l·.~h·eek. 19 December 19H3 .Make no mistake about it: the "anti-
world-beaters of yesteryear. Time ( 13 won decisively. That is why Vietnam
te~rori.st" hysteria is targetted at every
T~e Israeli~ sl1O~ld know, since they February) recently reported one Israeli was, a .historic defeat for American
tried and failed With far greater military
mmonty, at every militant trade union-
soldier in Lebanon crying out: "I don't imperialism, sapping its political, mili-
ist,at~very opponent of the imperialist
forces to impose a Phalange govern- want to be killed here. It's crazy. They tary, moral and economic capital, In
war drive against.the Soviet Union. It is
~ent on Lebanon. They adroitly sucked are crazy. We are crazy:' fact, the resulting "Vietnam syndrome"
o~chestrated by the same people who
In ~he' A.mericans with talk of an easy has been the most compelling compo-
. T~e bloody.course of Zionist expan- ~Itchhunt Arthur Scargill for telIing the
anti-Soviet victory. And then to mini- siornsm contains the seeds of its own nent ?f the wave of pessimism and
Simple truth about warmongers Reagan
mize their ,own casualties, they pulled destruction. But with madme~ like defeatism that has become dominant in
and. Thatcher. and for correctly labelling
back from the Beirut area last Septem- Begin, Sharon and Shamir sitting on a the U:S. bourgeoisie over Lebanon.
their favourite "trade union," Polish
ber to a buffer zone south of the Awali nuclear arsenal, the working masses of They Simply believe that no matter what
Solidamosc, anti-socialist: the same
River ... while Reagan's. Marines were the Near East and the world cannot wait happens, they're likely to lose again.
people who denounce NGA strikers and
left holding the bag. The. Israeli generals for the eventual disintegration of Reagan wants to bring back the
militant miners defending picket lines as
were no doubt laughing up theirsleeves "Greater Israel." The Hebrew working "~r.nerican Century," the pre-Vietnam
"violent lawbreakers"; the same people
after the Beirut Marine headquarters . class must be broken from Zionism ~Ilitary-political arrogance of U.S.
wh? hounded t~e Bradford 12and stage
bo~bing las~ October, but now they're before it's too late. For a binational Imperialism, in preparation for war
~aclst deponations. And taking his cue
getting worned as the U.S. prepares to Palestinian workers state as part of a against the Soviet Union. He wants to
I~ lapdog Blunkett. Is it any surprise that
pull out. . socialist federation ofthe Near East! regain the nuclear superiority the U.S.
SIX months ago this same "realistic"
,The Israeli army has its hands full held at the time of the Cuban missile
"socialist" was red-baiting the refonnist
Wlt.~ the 700,0~ hostile, predominantly. Near East Flashpoint for crisis of 1962, and this time he wants to
Revolution~ry Communist Party and
Shiite Muslim Arabs in southern World War III use it. The problem for Reagan is that
the revoluti~nary Marxist Spartacist
Lebanon (now called the "North' the. Russians aren't going to let the
League as "disruptive," throwing "CIA
Bank"). The Israelis thought they could' Reaganit~ demagogues feel betrayed United States achieve that kind of
treat Lebanese Muslims like they do by the Manne pullout from Beirut. For agent" smears at the Soviet-defencist
strategic military superiority again, and SL... .
they have the wherewithal to prevent it.
The N F i~ looking for another Bloody
Influential sections of the American
Sunday-with our blood! Irish blacks
r~li~g class are starting to balk at the
SP~~TACIST LE!'GUEI U.S~ LOCAL DIRECTORY Asians, an army of Scots stormi~gdow~
trillion-dollar war budgets for weapons
across the border like WalIace and the
that don't work. While Reagan embarks
Natlort••·Office Clevelarld New York B.lack. Douglas did-alI marching be-
~n an escalating campaign of provoca-
E!ox1377, GPO Box 91954 'Box 444 hind the power of organised labour-:'
New York, NY 10116 'Cleveland, OH 44101 Canal Street Station tlOn-~rom KAL Flight 007 to crippling
New York. NY 10013 that's what's needed this Sunday. Let's
(212) 732-7860 (216).621-5138 a RUSSian sub on the high seas-he can't
(212) 267-1025 bash the fascists! To hell with Blunkett's
seem to .win on the battlefield anywhere
Ann Arbor ban! What's at stake is the right of
c/o SYL . Detroit Norfolk except tiny Grenada. But while he can't
Box 1972. Main P.O. opponents of English imperialism,
P.O. Box 8364 Box 32717 put Lebanon back together under a U.S.
Ann Arbor. MI 48107 Detroit. MI 48232 Norfolk. VA 23501 workers and minorities to organise and
puppet, Reagan can blow up the world.
(313) 961-1680
Oakland demonstrate. Remember what Marx
Box 4012
P.O. Box 3255~
Oakland, CA 94604
Reagan is stung by his debacle in
Lebanon, and this could make the
said 0:'Irela~d and .the English working
Atlanta, GA 30302 Los Angeles class: A nation which oppresses anoth-
(415) 835-1535 1 imperialist beast even more dangerous.
Box 29574 er cannot be free." Stop the fascist
Boston Los Feliz Station San Francisco Particularly with 'the death of Soviet
swine! Drive them into the sewers! The
Box 840. Central Station Los Angeles, CA 90029 Box 5712 leader Yuri Andropov, the demonolo-
Cambridge. MA 02139 (213) 663-1216 San Francisco. CA 94101 need for the unity of English and Irish
(617) 492-3928
gists in the White House may imagine
(415) 863-6963 workers, all Celtic minorities, blacks,
~hat t~e ~remlin will be paralyzed. U.S.
Chicago Madison Washington, D.C. imperialism's truly evil empire, the mass Asians-all those targetted by the
Box 6441. Main P.O. c/o SYL P.O. Box 75073 fascists-could not be posed more
murder~rs of Hiroshima and My Lai,
Chicago, IL 60680 Box 2074 Washington, D.C. 20013 clearly than it is this weekend .. Troops
(312) 427-0003 Madison, WI 53701 (202) 636-3537 may strike back anywhere on the globe.
out of Ireland now! For a mass trade-
It could be Central America. Or, as the
union/minority mobilisation on Bloody
heavy gu~s pound away at Syrian
Sunday to crush the fascist anti-Irish
Box 7198. Station A
posrnons, It could just as well be in the
Near East, where several thousand provocation!
OF CANADA Toronto. Ontario M5W 1X8
(416) 593-4138 Russian advisers are stationed less than Spartacist League/ Britain
100miles from the Sixth Fleet. After all, 24 January 1984

Not Protectionism But ~nion Organization
have parroted this company hype are advocate of workers' solidarity, simply

Cleveland Steel Referendum

now reaping the fruits of their protec- neglect to mention any of the tlag-
tionism. To beat the import restrictions. waving, anti-foreign propaganda that
foreign capital is now investing in this the bureaucrats are peddling all over
country, the largest instance being the Cleveland. A letter from "a steelworker"
GM-Toyota deal in Fremont. Califor- printed in th~JJai~1' World (2 February)
CLEVELAND-For the last couple indefinitely shut down. If Tubular sets' nia. The bosses have only one "small" moans. "Although there is no law that
months. a collection of trade-union up. it will have state-of-the-art technolo- condition: keep the unions out! Now the says the the steelworkers' union can't go
bureaucrats. ex-mayor Dennis Kucinich gy. Republic doesn't want the competi- bureaucrats are whining for the "good in and organize in the new mills. these
and the-Republic- Steel Corporation tion. so they quietly backed the labor old days." In Ohio, they've been joined companies will spend millions of dollars
have been waging a protectionist cam- bureaucrats' campaign. According to by the Communist Party (CP), whose to keep the union out." There you have
paign over a proposed new steel mini- the USWA's Valenta, working people spokesman Rick Nagin appeared on the it. brothers and sisters: since the bosses
mill in the industrial Flats area of ought to side with the "good bosses" local ABC affiliate to throw his weight don't like unions, there's no sense in
Cleveland. Their bid to vote down a who provide union jobs. What union behind the bureaucracy's crusade. The fighting!
federally funded $7.5 million city jobs? Last time we looked over half the accounts in the CP's Daily World. Naturally. we don't advocate handing
council loan to the non-union Tubular union steel workers in this country had which tries to palm itself off as an out taxpayers' money to the Tubular
Steel Corporation was narrowly defeat- been thrown out of work by M r. Steel bosses or any capitalist outfit.
ed in a special referendum February 7. Valenta's friends in the corporate whether American or foreign. Since
Citing the fact that the projected bar boardrooms of U.S. Steel, Republic and when are there any "good bosses"? We
mill would use imported steel and get J&L. - stand for class struggle against both the
financing in part from Brazilian capital, Valenta ought to know. The number scab outfits like, Tubular, who want to
the trade-union tops" went into a of dues-paying USWA members in his keep the unions out, and against the
chauvinist frenzy, plastering the town district has been reduced from 47,000 to bosses at Republic. U.S. Steel and J&L.
with red, white and blue posters com- 26.000 through layoffs and plant clos- who want to gut the union. Should
plete with the Stars and Stripes and the ings. The American steel bosses are the Tubular follow through and set up
slogan, "Keep America #1, Save biggest bunch, of job-robbing pirates operations in Cleveland, .it should be
American Jobs." United Steelworkers around, who have bled the mills for met with a full-scale organizing drive.
of America (USWA) District 31 head everything they're worth and then Use\he weapons of labor solidarity-
Frank Valenta ranted that the project invested their profits elsewhere. U.S. mass picket lines. hot-cargoing-s-to
"relies heavily on foreign money, for- Steel, for example, just shut its Cuyaho- make sure that no steel leaves the Flats
eign interests, foreign investments and a ga Works in Cleveland along with unless it's union steel. This should be
philosophy foreign to American work- several other plants. That was after they linked to a fight against layoffs and pay
ing people" (Plain Dealer, 2 January). raked in their share of $4 billion in union cuts at the organized plants through sit-
Those workers who backed the concessions, supposedly to "save jobs." .down strikes and other class-struggle
bureaucrats' and bosses' referendum and after they spent $6 billion a couple weapons. The fact of the matter is the
drive because they thought they were of years ago to buyout Marathon Oil. steel plants are shut down because of an
fighting scab shops were being taken for More mill closings in the Flats are now international capitalist economic crisis.
a ride. Right next door to the projected expected as the result of the Republic- We need a workers government that
new mill isRepublic Steel Corporation, LTV merger., Having run the industry "PROTECTIONIST POISON: would expropriate all the robber baron
organized by the USW A. Republic has into the grou6d, the bosses have the gall Posters distributed by union bu- steel bosses and establish a planned
an antiquated bar mill that used to to blame it all on foreign steel. reaucrats whip up hatred against economy in the interests of working
employ 800 workers but has been The trade-union bureaucrats who foreign workers. people! •

Today the LAPD has virtually Penitentiary in Illinois. She called for sell better cars. better Walkman cassette
LA. Demo...
(continued frompage /2)
declared martial law for the, Summer
Olympics as they squabble withthe FBI,
unity against "the capitalists and their
hired, henchmen, the police department
'recorders. Mondale and Jackson and
the Democratic Party and the labor
bureaucracy are preaching the same
claiming they have the only really ...'because when we rebel, we are people reactionary racist poison targeting
Metromedia's Channel II. The 7 Febru- "tested" paramilitary outfit in, the that are not the capitalist class ... who foreign-born workers for the crisis of
ary Los Angeles Times wrote: country! While, AClUliberals seek an ' do they get but their little boys in blue to American capitalism, And the Sparta-
"The release of Armstrong, who served cist League maintains, that the way to
out-of-court se,tdement in .their suit keep us in place?" Manuel Delgadillo, a
only,8 months,in jail/has drawn fire light "ma~s.ive ,u~emrloyment.layoffs.
(rom' a group of black organil.lltioas; againsttheformerllUelligenceOivision. teJephoneworker mi-litant; stated,lOftis"" ihe 'j'ndustrialrot which is part and
some of ·whichltave asked for an the "red squad" puts on a, ski ma*to the duty and" obligation .of ev~1)' parcel of the dying capitalist system. is
investigation of his. treatment by the reappear as the "Anti..-Terrorist.Divi- unionist in thiscityto comeforWlil'd and to exproP.riate the capitalists. take away
criminal justice, system. Earlier on sion," Theshoot-first-.ask-questions- in a loud ,and angry voice say: No more , their fac;:tories, take it out of the hands
Monday, members of the radical
Delois v<wngs! N~ mor~P,atrick, , ~f the,,~,~,~,~."
Spartacist group, picketed against the
release, calling itanteist insult."
later LAPD. which treats ,black gllett
like Watts and the vast Latmobarrio
Masons! No more Rcn Settles!Nom~e,, ' The bU~)(Ji!,~ofa T rotskyist vanguard
from~ast LosAngeles to Huntington Eulia Loves! No more Pontiac Broth- pal"iy with 'a. 'Ileavy black leadership
Demonstration organizers reported
increased 'policesurveilla.nce and har- Parkas free-fire zones, growsout of ,ers! No '~recop terrw:l: ~L spokes- , ¢ompQnent iSk'ey.to thefight for labor!
L.A.'shist'?TY as an "open shop"'tQwn. man .Don Andrewscalled for abreak black mobUizatjonagliinst racist terror.
assment, including the copsdemand Such a pafty wiDJead the working class
Marxists know that the cops: cannot be with the Democrats: - '
that the S L stop 'using a bullhorn. and its allies to a victorious socialist
A Spartacus Youth League spokes- "reformed"gr "controlled"; ttle>,are the
"Labor IS the key to reali7.irigeverythihg revolutidn,srttashing the capitalist sys-
man at the demonstration "denounced bourgeoisie's hired thugs and' strike... that I have just, meritionedBecause
breakers, 'the pillar of racist capitalist' tem and bringing killer cop Armstrong,
the string of racist killingsby"tbe l.A. what we see in this country, is the
"la~ and order." To fight the rampaging bureaucrats and the black Democrats chief Darryl "Choke Hold" Gates and
storm troopers and pointed OUt the and white Democrats arc trying to pit the rest of the racist killers to justice
connection between' anti-black terror police brutality which is a daily Occur-
sections of the working class against tfeforei workers tribunals from Har-
and the bipartisan anti-Soviet war drive. rence here means mobilizing the power each other. to set them at each other's
of labor at the head of the black and lem to Watts. The heinous crimes
She noted the absence of thl reformist throats. So all these fake-leftgroups run
Latin masses. It will take a third up behind Jesse Jackson. He is for this against Delois Young must be avenged!
left at the demonstration: .,', Black liberation through socialist
American revolution, a workers revolu- racist protectionism. the idea that the
"The reason why they're not here today Japanese are the enemy because they revolution! •
is because demonstrating in L.A. means tion; to finally do away with these
going against Uncle Tom Bradley and uniformed hit-men.
the Democratic Party-their partners Tile fake-leftists who call for
in the popular front. These groups call
for civilian review boards of cops. Does reforming the killer cops virtually Special Blues Benefit
anyone really think that the LAPD ignored the racist torments perpetrated for the Phone Strikers Defense Committee
would listen to a civilian reviewboard in against Delois Young and made ft most
Watts or any other community?" token protest against the hideous Stop the racist anti-labor frame-up of Mozee and Palmierol
Reformists like the Communist Party murder of Patrick Mason. The Sparta- ____________ Featuring------------
(CP) and the NAACP liberals share the cist League has taken the lead in
illusion that review boards and "com- championing the struggle of all the Big Joe Peewee Percy
munity control" schemes can actually oppressed, organizing protests against Turner Crayton Mayfield
-"curb" these killers in blue. Last March Patrick Mason's racist murder and
when racist Orange County cop Sperl against. the obscene $35,000, bounty Special Appearance: actor William Marshall performing an excerpt from
kicked in the door and gunned down a payment to his killer, Last July the SL his one-man show as the great black abolitionist Frederick Douglass
five-year-old black child, Patrick Ma- demonstrated to defend Delois Young's
son. the CP's grotesque response was to family against the racist cop vendetta. In
Sunday, February 19, 3 to 9 p.m,
call for "state legislation for community March 1981 the Los Angeles SL held the - - - - - - - -....- - Ticket Outlets - - - - - - - - - - -
control of police" (People's World, 19 first demonstration in this country Flash Records
Chatterton's Book Store 1861 West Adams Blvd, Jerry White Enterprises
March 1983). This, in Los Angeles, the against the wave' of deportations- of 4308'/2South Vermont Ave,
1818 North Vermont Ave.
capital of cop terror, where critics of Salvadorans fleeing the U.S.-backed Aquarian Book Shop
1342 We~t Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd,
police brutality themselves automatical- terror regime.
ly become police targets. not only in the The February 6 demonstration was
movie Blue Thunder but also in reality addressed by MarieTolbert, mother of At the National Association of Lett ..r CarrIers, Branch 24, 774 South Valencia
as in the cases of Compton black activist one of the black "Pontiac Brothers." For more information: $5 donation
Mattie Billinger and Michael Zinzun in- who had led a 1978 prison revolt against (213) 663-1216 or 1217 Proceeds to the PSDC
Pasadena. inhuman conditions at Pontiac State

17 FEBRUARY 1984 11
Crime Against Delois Young Must Be Avenged!

Demo Protests
Release of Killer Cop
LOS ANGELES-"If Delois Young dragging her out of her home in
Had Shot a Cop, When Would She Get handcuffs for "missing" a court date for
Out'?-Would She Be Alive?" .de- traffic tickets ... because she was in the
manded the Spartacist League demon- hospital at the time recovering from her
stration outside L.A. County Court- bullet wounds! Last JUly after a jury
house on Monday, February 6. The convicted Armstrong of only second-
emergency demo was -called to protest degree murder, the racist judge reduced
the scheduled release of killer cop even this charge to "involuntary man-
Robert Armstrong, the murderer of slaughter" with a one-year sentence.
Delois Young's unborn child. The SL Armstrong and his three accomplices
demonstration was the only public are all walking the streets today.
protest of the racist atrocity against this The SL demonstration demanded
_ young black woman, and it brought out "Vengeance for Young's Unborn
30 angry and militant protesters, includ- Child!" and "Labor/ Black Mobiliza-
ing phone. oil and postal unionists. tions to Stop Racist Terror!" Signs at
Armstrong was released Monday the protest included "Life in San
night after serving only eight months in Quentin for Armstrong and Accom-
a "minimum security" jail. It was L.A. plices!" "Free Geronimo Pratt!" "Rea-
sheriff's deputy Armstrong who in April gan's Anti-Soviet War Drive Fuels
19X2 staged the phony call to headq uar- Racist Murders!" and "Hands Off
ters setting up the late night raid on Soviet Athletes!" Also "Gun Control
Delois Young's Duarte apartment on Kills Blacks" and "Full Citizenship
the pretext ofa "drug bust." Armstrong Rights for Foreign-Born Workers!"
and his three other deputies then burst Local black radio stations picked up the
into her home, shooting Delois Young demonstration call and the popular-
in the stomach at pointblank range. KJLH played the announcement
Young's full-term fetus was killed and throughout the day. Local CBS-TV
she will have a .38 slug embedded in her affiliate KNXTcovered the demo on
chest for life. The cops have been on a the 6 p.m. and II p.m. news as did Spartacist League-initiated demonstration outside L.A. County Court-
vendetta against Delois Young, once continued on page 11 house, February 6.

Protest Racist Anti-LaborJrame-Uili

All-Out for Lauren and Ray!
OAKLAND-All out on Thursday. this demonstration at the courthouse to a militant opposition in the CW A.
March I! Demonstrate from 8 a.m. to 9 demand: Stop the racist anti-labor because tauren was a ten-year member

a.m. at the Hayward Hall of Justice frame-up-Mozee and Palmiero must of the Black Panther Party and because
(24405 Amador in Hayward, Califor- not go to jail! Freedom and jobs back they are an interracial couple. The
nia) and attend the preliminary hearing for Lauren and Ray! bosses' war on labor that claimed the
for victimized phone strikers Lauren On picket duty during the nation- lives of union pickets Ray Phillips and

' ,.. Mozee and Ray Palmiero set for 9 a.m. al telephone strike last August 10 in Greg Goobic is also behind theIrame-up
At this hearing the district attorney's Klan-infested San Leandro, Lauren of Lauren and Ray. The same system of
SHl'T office, local mouthpiece for the Reagan-
ite racists and labor-haters, is supposed
was assaulted by racist scab manager
Michelle Rose Hansen, who called her a
racist injustice that murdered five-year-
old Patrick Mason and Willie Lee
to present evidence to justify the "black 'nigger bitch" and struck her in Drumgoole in cold blood is trying to
trumped-up charges against the fired the face. Lauren defended-herself-and railroad Lauren and Ray.
CWA (Communications Workers of Ray came to her assistance. For defend- In mobilizing for the widely endorsed
SHUT America) militants. The judge will rule ing themselves and their union picket labor/black demonstration in Oakland
\T TIGHT! on whether or not to send the 'case to line against racist attack, Mozee and last October 29 We forced the D.A. to
trial and what charges Lauren and Ray Palmiero were fired from their jobs, drop the most serious felony charge
will face. The Phone Strikers Defense arrested on felony assault charges and against Lauren and Ray. In every court

Committee (PSDC) is pursuing every denied unemployment benefits. While appearance the courtroom has been
avenue of legal defense while placing no Lauren and Ray face years in prison, packed with 'supporters of Lauren and
confidence in the class "justice" of the racist scab Hansen got off scot-free! Ray. Demonstrate on March I to make
......... AI
WV Photo capitalist courts. Militant protest and Lauren and Ray have been targeted it clear that the decent working people
Phone militants Ray Palmiero and public exposure are key to defeating this by the D.A.,-phone company and FBI as of the Bay Area will not stand for South
Lauren Mozee. vicious frame-up. The PSDC is calling members of the Militant Action Caucus, Africa-style justice! •

Demonstrate! 8 a.m., March 1, Hayward Courthouse

12 17 FEBRUARY 1984

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