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WfJIlIlEIlS· ,,1NltJI1R'

No. 505 ~X'523

29 June 1990

Anti-Communism, Anti-Semitism Boil U~

East Europe:
Reaction and Resistance

Romanian Miners AP Photos

Right-wing mobs rampage in
Romanian capital of Bucharest,
June 13.
Suppress Counterrevolutionaries Romanian miners patrol Bucharest
June 14, answering lIiescu's appeal
to suppress rightist power bid.

Imperialist governments and the West- As bankrupt Stalinist regimes crumble they saw the threat of counterrevolution. occupied by the protesters. The workers
ern media howled with indignation when throughout East Europe, the imperialists For seven weeks, right-wing students then gathered in Victory Square.
ten thousand miners descended on Bu- had occupied University Square in down- "Plumes of black smoke poured from the
seek to create the impression of a steam- police headquarters.... The crowd ran-
charest, the capital of Romania, to deal roller heading toward capitalism against town Bucharest, the capital of Roma- sackedthe building,throwingdocuments
with ultrarightists who had burned down which resistance is futile. But in Poland nia, declaring it a "neo-Communist free and fumiture from the windows, before
police headquarters, invaded the Interior in early June railway workers tied up zone." They demanded that former mem- setting it on fire.
Ministry and sought to take over the freight and passenger traffic in a wildcat bers of the Communist Party, which ran "Teenagers drove hijacked police vans
into the front doors to break them down
central TV studios. "Romanian Miners strike against brutal austerity policies the country until the overthrow of the while the crowd cheered them on, chant-
Invade Bucharest" wailed the New- York which have produced mass unemploy- brutal Ceausescu regime last December, ing, 'The second revolution!'
Times (15 June). "The Romanian revolu- ment and hunger. In Bulgaria, the Social- be banned from office for ten years. This "The protesters also set fire to the Min-
tion, if it ever took place, is certainly 'ist (formerly Communist) Party won a would have excluded virtually the entire istry of Interior and tried to penetrate
the former Securitate [secret police]
over," lamented Le Monde in Paris. The majority in parliament in June elections. National Salvation Front, which won headquarters .... "
Foreign Office in London inveighed Reactionary forces had pinned great more than two-thirds of the vote in mid-
against "rent-a-mob coal miners." The hopes on Romania, anticipating that the May elections. When ministers of the Meanwhile, thousands of coal miners
U.S. State Department denounced "vigi- bloodshed during the December uprising Front sought to negotiate with the pro- in the Jiu Valley had mobilized and after
lante violence that departs from the com- could spark the violent anti-Communist testers, the government emissaries were an overnight trip arrived in the capital
monly accepted norms of democracy," pogroms needed to carry out capitalist run out. The imperialist press lionized before dawn on Thursday. They quickly
and cut off humanitarian aid for earth- restoration at one blow. But the Roma- the protesters as paragons of "democra- took over University Square and, with
quake victims. Washington's "norms" nian workers repeatedly mobilized in cy," but they were widely despised by most of the students gone after a night
would be to let anti-Communist riots response to government appeals (in Jan- the working people of Romania as elitist of rioting, seized anyone who looked
prepare the way for a coup. uary, February and again in June) when ultra-nationalists. suspicious. Some rightists were stripped
On the early morning of Wednesday, of their clothes, others ran a gauntlet
June 13, police cleared University Square of punches, kicks and blows from rub-
of protesters who had blocked traffic on ber hoses before being hauled off to
one of Bucharest's main arteries. That police stations. Meanwhile, typographers
afternoon several thousand students re- refused to print the opposition news-
took the square, setting fire to buses and paper Romania Libera, and delegations
police trucks. They then used these of workers from around the country
trucks to ram the front door of the police marched through the streets in columns.
headquarters, and set the building ablaze Speaking later at a stadium rally, Presi-
along with a couple dozen vehicles dent Ion Iliescu thanked the miners and
around the building. In response, Presi- said he hoped they would "maintain and
dent Ion Iliescu called on the citizenry to develop this spirit of combativeness."
fill the streets around government head- The imperialist press screamed bloody
quarters to "defend democracy." The murder: the New York Times (15 June)
Washington Post (14 June) reported that reported with the genuine horror of class
"many of the casualties were suffered in privilege that the miners, "in grimy work
fighting outside the television station clothes and helmets, their faces black-
when factory workers rushed into the city ened by soot," went after "well-dressed
to protect the government": professors, students, photographers, re-
"Alarm bells were sounded in the facto- porters, mothers with children and girls
Jandke/Action Press ries. By 8:30 p.m. 1,000 workersarrived walking their dogs." American author
Fascist skinheads "celebrate" Hitler's birthday in East Berlin, April 21. to liberate the television station, already continued on page 6
Racist "Light UP. the Border" Camp~g~

Vigilante Terror Along Mexican Border

For the last several months, right-wing kind of military or paramilitary atmos- Hedgecock, now a radio talk-show host, sioner Gary McNary announced plans to
racists have been massing along the bor- phere." In April, the American Friends who spews out racist filth, claiming im- formally deport (and possibly jail)
der south of San Diego, turning it into a Service Committee released a report doc- migrants are narco-terrorists. This echoes "aliens" who "repeatedly slip into the
war zone in which immigrants are the umenting 20 people shot and killed over INS spokesman Duke Austin, who claims United States." But to do this they
targets. The vigilantes drive to the edge the last four years near San Diego by the that "interdiction of drugs and ilIegals require vastly expanded detention cen-
of San Ysidro and line up hundreds of Border Patrol. is almost synonymous." Meanwhile, the ters-modern-day concentration camps.
cars with their headlights on, pointed On May 18, a 12-year-old boy from fascist "Warboys," a split-off from the While the reactionaries tremble, we
toward Mexico. They seek to intimidate the Mexican state of Michoacan, Emilio Ku Klux Klan, threatened to bring out greet the infusion of Hispanic workers
those making the dangerous crossing at Jimenez, was shot and killed by a man skinheads from San Diego and Orange from south of the border, many with long
night and aid the roundups by the INS who claims he was "target shooting" a counties, warning "wetback lovers" it experience in social struggle in their
Border Patrol ("la migra"). This "Light high-powered rifle and accidentally hit would be "war with the white man, down countries, who can serve as a human
Up the Border" campaign is spearheading the boy. Then on May 26 a Border Patrol on Dairy Mart road." bridge linking up class struggle through-
a wave of violence against "illegal cop fired three bullets into a van of As we go to press, the "lighting" out the Americas. The Spartacist League
aliens." "suspected illegal aliens," shooting a movement said it would suspend its calls on labor to mobilize its muscle to
Last month the Los Angeles Times (26 16-year-old Mexican boy in the neck, border mobs. But not until the Border stop deportations, smash racist immigra-
May) reported: and a woman in the arm. The L.A. Times Patrol announced it was installing flood- tion laws, defend immigrants against
"The lighting movement, which began reported, "The shooting is the third in lights in the area, and San Diego cops racist vigilante and police attacks, pro-
with small gatherings last winter, has a week that has raised questions about said they would deploy a SWAT team. vide union protection against INS raids,
expanded rapidly and grown into huge, the deadly use of force by San Diego As part of a campaign to "regain control and demand full citizenship rights for the
highly publicized protests involving 1,000
or more people, energizing supporters enforcement agencies." of the border," the new INS commis- foreign-born and their familieslja
and opponents on both sides of the "Illegals" are prey to both cops and
frontier." outlaws. Recently, 27 immigrants were
Across the road, courageous counter- held hostage at a South Central L.A. drop
demonstrators have gathered, holding up house by smugglers demanding $1,000
mirrors and aluminum foil to reflect the each in ransom from their families. After
headlights' glare back toward the line of the LAPD "rescued" them on June 13,
cars. They hold banners proclaiming "No they were hauled off to an INS detention
Apartheid on the Borders" and chant center where the new ransom is a bond
"Somos un pueblo sin fronteras" (We are fee of $5,000! In late May, when the
one people without borders). Maoist Revolutionary Communist Youth
So far in 1990, there have been seven Brigade demonstrated at the Pico-Union ,
reported killings in this DMZ, and count- detention center, the LAPD came out in
less victims have been robbed, beaten full riot gear, beating and arresting many
and terrorized. Following Congressional of the protesters. We demand: drop the
hearings this spring, U.S. Representative charges!
Jim Bates cited a "dramatic increase in The two most visible organizers of the
deaths, in violence and in the abuse of "lighting" movement are Muriel Watson,
human beings" at the border. Bates whose late husband was a Border Patrol
charged that the INS "has taken on a pilot, and former San Diego mayor Roger

For a Socialist Federation WV Photo

of the Balkans
With the collapse of the Stalinist bureauc-
racies and the ensuing drive toward capi-
talist counterrevolution in East Europe, the
S.F. Protest Against
old plagues of anti-Semitism, violent anti-
Communism andfratricidal nationalism have
again come to the fore. Before World War Il,
AIDS Witchhunts
fascism. monarchism and other forms of SAN FRANCISCO-Spartacist con- homosexual arch-bigot Senator Jesse
bloody reaction reigned supreme in this tingent (above) at June 19 protest Helms, author of the HIV-exclusion
TROTSKY region. In discussions with his Greek support- LENIN against the obscene U.S. immigration policy.
ers in 1932, Trotsky maintained that only policy of excluding foreigners who The city massed the biggest police
proletarian revolution could overcome the deep-going national antagonisms and forge test positive for rnv (the AIDS detail since the 1984 Democratic
a Socialist Federation of the Balkans. virus). The demonstration was held convention, with squads "discreetly"
on the eve of the Sixth Internation- hidden in the Moscone Center wings,
Prior to the war there were the Tesniaki (left Social Democrats) in Bulgaria, who
al Conference on AIDS. Partisan ready to spring. Below, cops drill for
supported a Balkan federation. At that time, this slogan played a big role. We took
Defense Committee sign demands: "crowd control." As SF gays well
it up although what was proposed was a [bourgeois] democratic federation. It is now
"Down with INS Homophobic, Racist, know, the city cops have a long histo-
clear that no democratic power exists in the Balkans that could make such a federation
Anti-Communist Restrictions on Im- ry of anti-gay violence. Last October
a reality. Rather this is a task for the proletariat. The perspective of a workers'
migration!" ACT UP, one of the police rioted against an ACT UP
congress, a peasants' movement, a general strike, that is, the prelude to insurrection
organizers of protests throughout the demo, sweeping through the Castro
in Greece, will pose the question of the Balkan federation with greater force. "How
week, held civil disobedience demon- district and savagely clubbing people.
can anyone imagine a victorious revolution in a Greece caught in this birdcage system
strations in which mass arrests took Despite all the peace and "gay sensi-
of the Balkan states, hemmed in on all sides by dictatorship and fascism?" some will
place, while at the same time carry- tivity" talk from the top cop brass in
say. We will answer: "A revolutionary perspective is impossible without a federation
ing a banner begging: "George Bush, the weeks before the conference, the
of the Balkan states, which obviously will not stop here, but rather will extend into
Use Your Power." Bush, meanwhile, local powers were prepared to use an
the federation of the United Soviet States of Europe."
was attending a fund-raiser for anti- iron fist against AIDS protesters.
-Leon Trotsky, "A Discussion on Greece" (Spring 1932)

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EDITOR Jan Norden
EDITORIAL BOARD: George Foster, Frank Hunter, Jane Kerrigan, Len Meyers, James Robertson,
Reuben Samuels, Joseph Seymour, Alison Spencer, Marjorie Stamberg
The Spartacist League is the U.S. Section of the International Communist League (Fourth
Internationalist) .
Workers Vanguard (USPS 098-770) published biweekly, except 2nd issue August and with 3-week interval December,
by the Spartacist Publishing Co, 41 Warren Street, New York, NY 10007. Telephone (212) 732-7862 (Editorial),
(212) 732-7861 (Business). Address all correspondence to: Box 1377, GPO, New York, NY 10116. Domestic
subscriptions: $7.00/24 issues. Second-class postage paid at New York, NY. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
to Workers Vanguard, Box 1377, GPO, New York, NY 10116.
Opinions expressed in signed articles or letters do not necessarily express the editorial viewpoint.

No. 505 29 June 1990

Jalalabad, 7 July 1989-Thousands celebrate hard-won victory over months-long mujahedin siege.

u.s. Sore Losers Over Afghanistan

Amidst the triumphalist hoopla over "final" offensive by the mujahedin aid money). Hanging out at a "diplo- Partisan Defense Committee and the
the "collapse of Communism" in East (holy warriors) last year, launched after matic gathering" in Islamabad, New sections ofthe International Communist
Europe, the CIA is privately depressed the precipitous Soviet withdrawal or- York Times reporter John F. Burns in a League (Fourth Internationalist) played
over one of their biggest defeats: Af- dered by Gorbachev, shattered against 20 May article noted the glum mood a role in the Jalalabad defense last year
ghanistan. For the past decade the the resolute stand by the left-nationalist that victory was "no longer a realistic with an international campaign of hu-
Langley spies poured billions in arms PDPA government forces in the battle hope" and there was a "conviction that manitarian assistance to the civilian
and aid to Afghan counterrevolution- at Jalalabad. the guerrillas cannot win the war." The victims of the mujahedin siege, raising
aries with the bipartisan support of "In a practical sense, it's all over," Kabul regime has not been militarily over $44,000 in less than two months.
Congress. Their aim was to overthrow admitted a "senior official" of the Pak- defeated and, in fact, "the Soviets have While the anti-Soviet "left" shunned
the Soviet-backed regimein Kabul and istani regime of Benazir Bhutto, which been encouraged in their hopes by the the PDC campaign, through our efforts
install a motley collection of reaction- had put its armed forces at the dispo- debility of the guerrillas since their de- thousands of people worldwide were
ary mullahs who kill teachers for teach- sal of the CIA effort (in exchange feat at Jalalabad." able to contribute to handing a defeat
ing girls how to read. But the so-called for a hefty rake-off in weapons and And we are proud to say that the to imperialism.

Zionist Rulers and the choose suicide over surrender. Instead, early Zionist intellectuals knew that they
the men murdered their own families were falsifying history, and knew who
(who were not present at the decisive they were siding with.
Political tendencies define themselves
Masada Complex
meeting) before knocking themselves off.
This fact is left out of most Zionist in part by choosing their ancestors. Marx
histories as it doesn't really have the chose Spartacus, the leader of the great-
right freedom-loving military-romantic est slave revolt in Ancient Rome (73-
To the Editor: to Vespasian's army and Roman rule. I ring to it. 71 B.C.E.), "the most splendid fellow
It is clear that Ami Popper's murder remember being taught this moving story Flavius Josephus' The Jewish War is in the whole of ancient history. Great
of seven Palestinian workers on May 20 of human freedom in Hebrew school, the only surviving source for the Masada general (no Garibaldi), noble character,
is not merely the act of an individual along with a sermon on the necessity of legend. It was first translated in its real representative of the ancient pro-
loser jilted by his girlfriend, but is defending modem "democratic" Israel. entirety from the original Greek, and letariat" (Letter to Engels, 27 Febru-
the statistically predictable result of New inductees into the Israeli army are thus made available to the assimilated ary 1861). The Zionists willingly chose
Israel's militarized racist society- which sworn in at the ruins of the Masada for- Jewish intellectuals who were attracted child-murderers rejected by their own
has systematically denied the humanity tress where they vow that "Masada Shall to early Zionism, in the late nineteenth people. To each his own.
and dignity of the Palestinians for dec- Not Fall Again," thus giving this particu- century. Since The Jewish War is the Sincerely yours,
ades. (How come we know the name and lar myth a special place in the Hebrew- ultimate source for the facts above, the Jeff Vogel
personal situation of Popper but not of Israeli national identity, and indicating a
the Palestinian victims and their fami- very dangerous suicide-persecution com-
lies?) Indeed, as "Zionist Terror on the
Rampage" (WV 503 [l June]) explained,
the Israeli police trying to quell the ensu-
plex in people who have a substantial
nuclear arsenal. PeoRle's Daily World Banquet:
But the Zionists "create facts" in sev-
ing protests killed almost three times as
many people as Popper did, showing
eral ways. The Masada legend isn't true.
First, the Zealots didn't voluntarily go to
Swallow This One If You Can
clearly where the real blame lies, as if Masada to defend their religious princi- Boston African Defense Forces" about fusing
there could any longer be any doubt. ples on independent soil. They were 22 June 1990 their forces. This was followed by tumul-
But there might still be those who, expelled from Jerusalem by their fellow tuous applause from the CPers present!
while unwilling to support the current Jews. The Judean national liberation To the Editor: It doesn't take a Marxist to understand
actions of the Israeli state, believe that struggle against Roman imperialism in With regard to the article, "CPUSA In that the SADF butchers have the blood
its actions are somehow a deviation from 66-70 had (allowing for considerable Turbulent Waters" in the last issue of of thousands of black workers and youth
the original, progressive (or even "so- overlap and local variation due to primi- Workers Vanguard [No. 504, 15 June], in South Africa on their hands. It is the
cialist"!) Zionism. Supporters of the tive social conditions) two wings, This it seems the internal divisions in the armed fist of repression of apartheid, the
"humane" Zionist, bourgeois-defeatist was particularly true in the major city of Communist Party can reconcile when it state that has kept racist South African
Peace Now or Yesh G'vul ["There Is a Jerusalem, where Simon bar Giora led comes to common support to the Afri- capitalism in power. To end apartheid,
Limit"] groups in Israel, whatever their the heavily taxed and oppressed artisans, can National Congress in South Africa. this state must be smashed and any illu-
individual sincerity and courage in risk- peasants and workers, while Eleazar ben On June 10 we attended the Annual Peo- sions to the contrary must be fought.
ing jail, come to mind here. The follow- Simon represented the interests of the pie's Daily World fund-raising benefit These negotiations will either be purely
ing piece of intellectual history should merchants and Judean nobility as the here in Boston where Dr. Bernard Magu- suicidal or, if not, result in the ANC
help debunk this "left" Zionist viewpoint: priestly head of the Jerusalem Zealots, bane, an ANC representative, was the forces aiding and abetting the apartheid
Many people are familiar with the from whom the Masada defenders were keynote speaker. After laying out a long army in the crushing of black workers'
story of the religious Zealots at Masada finally drawn. In short, the mass of revo- and detailed history; of the struggle strikes and township protests. As cheer-
-you know, where militant Jewish parti- lutionary Jews in Jerusalem thought the against apartheid, Magubane announced leaders forsuch a process, the future role
sans at Masada finally chose to die by Zealots were divisive sectarians and near the end of his talk that the ANC's of the CP appears grim and grisly indeed.
their own hands as free individuals rather kicked them out. military wing, Spear of the Nation, had Comradely,
than betray their principles and submit Second, the Zealots did not quite recently held discussions with the "South , Lisa Martin

29 JUNE 1990 3

Fundamentalism Against Women

Local elections on June 12 sent an
electric shock through Algeria, and shock
waves through North Africa. While the
ruling National Liberation Front (FLN)
won barely a third of the municipal coun-
cils, the opposition Islamic Salvation
Front (FIS) took a majority of the cities
and towns, and won control of 32 of
Algeria's 48 wilayas (provinces). The
vote was first of all a repudiation of the
corrupt and decomposing FLN, which
has ruled the country since winning
independence from France in 1962. But
it also represented a dramatic surge of Algiers,
support for Islamic fundamentalism, with May 10-Mass
its appeal to the urban poor and youth, demonstration
and jihad (holy war) against any and all against Islamic
democratic rights for women. behind the slogan
After army troops shot down hundreds "No to Fascism."
of protesters during the hunger riots
which shook Algeria in 1988, President
Chadli Bendjedid responded by stepping
up "liberalization" of the economy (sell-
ing off state-owned companies to multi-
nationals, privatizing agriculture, lifting
price controls), which only increased The Front's election triumph has countered along the route. At the palace, trances of university housing complexes
unemployment and inflation, and prom- already encouraged fundamentalists a list of demands was read calling for in several cities, checking the papers of
ising "free elections." Having been repu- throughout North Africa, particularly dissolving the exclusively FLN parlia- men seeking to enter and preventing
diated at the polls, Chadli is now under next door in Tunisia where the govern- ment and a commitment by the president young women from going out after 6
pressure from the FIS to dissolve parlia- ment party just "won" a rigged vote. In to abide by Islamic Sharia law. This p.m. In Algeria today many women have
ment and call national elections. Mean- Algeria, in addition to relief at the end of specifies punishments including stoning taken to wearing the veil simply to avoid
while the FLN's ability to rule is being the FLN's political monopoly, there is accused "adulteresses." being accosted or even beaten by funda-
challenged as sanitation, health and gas growing fear over what Islamic fanatics The ruling party had originally called mentalist thugs if they venture out alone.
station workers have gone on strike. In in local power may do, shutting down a counterdemonstration for the same day In response to the threatening advance
response to the fundamentalist vote, there discos, banning alcohol, and particularly as the FIS march, then canceled it at the of Islamic reaction, the response by liber-
have been calls for various "democratic" forcing the veil on emancipated women. last minute. Then on May 17, the FLN als, leftists and feminists has been to
initiatives. But what's needed is a prole- The FIS is already showing its class held its own mass demonstration in rally around the banner of (capitalist)
tarian answer to the advance of Islamic allegiances: allied with traders in the Algiers, also well over 100,000 strong, "democracy." At the May 10 march, the
reaction. trabendo black markets, it is urging busing in supporters from its rural lead banner proclaimed "No to Fascism."
In the days after June 12, FIS leader neighborhoods to break the sanitation bailiwicks. This pro-government march This perspective harks back to the Euro-
"Sheik" Abassi Madani soothingly called strike by picking up accumulated gar- was also devoid of women, and mainly pean popular fronts against fascism in the
for good relations with the former co- bage. The New York Times (25 June) emphasized patriotic slogans. The week '30s which tied the working class to the
lonial master, which French president reports that many secular Algerians now before, on May 10, a march by "demo- liberal bourgeois parties on a minimum,
Mitterrand reciprocated. Experts talked look to the army which has been the cratic" parties, including the Stalinists reformist program. Such "broad" coali-
of the Front's "moderation," saying it arbiter of Algerian politics since 1962. of the Party of the Socialist Vanguard tions were impotent to halt the rise of
had nothing in common with Khomeini- (pAGS) and the Assembly for Culture fascism because they left untouched the
style fanaticism. But while Madani ap- Holy War on Women and Democracy (RCD) based in the material roots from which fascism grows.
peals to businessmen with his criticism On April 20, more than 100,000 dem- Berber-speaking region of Kabylie, as In Algeria, this popular-front perspective
of the FLN's "socialist drift," preacher- onstrators marched through Algiers in a well as many feminists, brought out implies support to the FLN (or at least
demagogue Ali Belhadj is whipping up show of strength by the Islamic Front. equal numbers. And on June 1, the President Chadli), whose economic poli-
the poor in the mosques. At the Friday Pouring out of mosques across the city, Kabylie-based Front of Socialist Forces cies and brutal military are pushing poor
prayers he proclaimed that "France will the demonstrators-exclusively male, (FFS) mobilized an estimated 200,000 in youths into the arms of the fundamental-
pay dearly" for its bloody massacres, since the organizers had prohibited parti- the capital. Le Monde (2 June) reported: ist fanatics.
such as at Serif in 1945. He exhorted his cipation by women-converged on the "It is surprising to see in Algeria tens Algeria is today a country torn by
audience that "the West and France ... presidential palace. The fundamentalists of thousands of men wearing a badge contradictions which could well be
want to use women as a card against us." were joined by masses of the perma- saying, in Arabic, Berber and French, played out, as in Iran, by a turn to the
And he declared that "Islam was the nently unemployed youth from Bab-el- 'Hands Off My Sister'...." deepest reaction. Should the fundamen-
victor" in the vote, "not democracy.'tand Oued and other poor quarters of the The rights of women are at the center talists come to power, it would effective-
that Muslims will not be satisfied until capital where the army carried out an of the political agitation in Algeria. The ly terminate even those elementary rights
"the restoration of the' caliphate," the unforgettable bloodbath in October 1988. rise of the fundamentalists has been which exist in Algeria, such as the for-
Islamic theocratic empire which stretched As they advanced, the hundreds of pa- marked by a virtual campaign of terror mal right for women to work, to bring
from Afghanistan to Algeria. rade marshals removed any women en- against women they feel do not conform court cases and to dress as they please.
to Koranic strictures. In the early 1980s
the Muslim Brotherhood in Oran shocked Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism
public opinion when they went on a and Fundamentalist Reaction
rampage against young women in West-
ern dress, throwing acid in their faces The FLN initially launched a policy of
(Peter Knauss, The Persistence of Patri- investments in heavy, state-owned industry
archy: Class. Gender and Ideology in -the centerpiece of Algerian "socialism"
20th Century Algeria [1987]). Since then, -which, it was promised, would mod-
fundamentalists have waged campaigns ernize the country and lead to economic
against coeducation and women's right independence from imperialism. Giant
to work. Last October they tried to break refineries, steel plants, cement and other
a teachers strike, demanding that all "turnkey" factories were purchased from
women teachers be forced into early abroad. Chronically short of spare parts
retirement. More recently they have and skilled personnel. they generally ran
raided movie theaters, discotheques, bars at a fraction of capacity. But this policy
and restaurants which stay open during did permit a class of state and army bu-
the month of Ramadan. reaucrats and their entourage to set up
A prime target of the fundamentalists private companies which. through their
has been single or divorced women who connections. were able to make profits by
live or appear in public alone-i.e., buying intermediate products from state
without being under the direct guardian- owned industry at bargain prices. Many
ship of a father or husband. In April the of these nascent capitalists were able to
FIS' sinister shorta Islamiya (Islamic amass' colossal fortunes: at the same
police) devastated the apartments of four time the working class was considerably
divorcees in Sidi-Arner, throwing their strengthened, doubling in numbers since
Abbas/Magnum furniture out onto the sidewalk and burn- independence.
Women segregated by curtain at Friday prayers at the Kouba mosque in ing down their homes. In recent weeks This deeply contradictory system-
Algiers. they have posted their goons at the en- which favored the worst excesses of

bribery, mismanagement and pillage of code and secular power to the principle
state funds-provided a costly and highly of formal political equality introduced by
inefficient economic motor, but it contin- the bourgeois-democratic revolutions.
ued to run as long as it was generously
fueled with earnings from oil and gas The Algerian National Struggle
exports. In reality, behind the facade Fails to Liberate Women
Algeria remained, like a classic colony, French colonialism used the Islamic
dependent on selling off its oil and gas degradation of women to justify denying
resources-98 percent of exports-to the democratic rights to Muslims. In fact,
imperialists. At the close of the 1970s colonial rule vastly reinforced the weight
the world market price of oil went into of religious obscurantism and backward-
free fall, dropping from some $40 per ness. A dual legal and administrative
barrel in 1979 to $12 at the end of 1988. system was set up in which the Muslim
As state revenues fell off, the FLN went population was subject to Sharia law,
on a borrowing spree in order to keep the administered by the religious authorities.
economy' afloat. Today the imperialist A Muslim woman could in theory marry
rape of Algeria has become transparent before the local mayor and thus receive
as the yearly cost of debt service eats up the protection of French law (right to
almost three-quarters of total export divorce, prohibition of polygamy, etc.),
earnings. but to do so she had to renounce her
In the fall of 1988, these tensions status as a Muslim, which was inevitably
exploded in a confrontation which sound- viewed by her family and community as
ed the death knell of popular support for apostasy. As the Algerian population was
Roberto Cristofoli
the FLN. As a burgeoning strike wave In act of racist exclusion, young Muslim women were expelled from school driven from its land and relegated to a
against government austerity threatened in Creil, France for wearing the hldjeb (Islamic headscarf). precarious existence on the margins of
to grow into a general strike, youth from the colonial economy, they reacted with
the poor quarters of Algiers exploded in which established a bureaucratically de- the workforce-7.7 percent according to increased Islamic orthodoxy, including
protest. As they attacked government formed workers state in Cuba, the FLN El-Moudjahid (19 February)-is one of portraying the seclusion of women as
buildings, symbols of FLN rule and· replaced colonial rule by French capital the lowest in the world. On this question, protection of traditional values against
monuments of opulence like the Ryad-el- with the rule of a native bourgeoisie obscurantist backwardness intersects the French decadence.
Fateh shopping complex, the government closely tied to imperialism through the capitalist crisis and unemployment to During the struggle for national libera-
called in the army. Some 500 youth in world market. reinforce the widespread attitude that it tion, the French made some largely cyni-
Algiers and other cities were shot down Nowhere is the continuation of semi- is practically indecent for a woman to cal efforts to draw women out of their
and many more were tortured with elec- colonial backwardness and oppression even look for a job. The rare woman who isolation into support for French colo-
tric shock and other techniques borrowed clearer than in the condition reserved for attempts to live outside the confines of nialism, including granting women's
from the heritage of French colonial Algerian women. "Socialist" Algeria has domestic slavery in the patriarchal family suffrage, extending some educational
repression (see Le Bolchevik No. 88, been incapable of completing even the
November 1988). Not least of many rea- most elementary democratic tasks, rein-
sons why Algeria needs a socialist revo- forcing instead the Islamic religion and
lution is to bring to proletarian justice the authoritarian family structure as essential
authors of this atrocity. props of bourgeois rule. In Algeria today
Since the October 1988 massacre, the women live basically as they did before
biggest strike wave in Algerian history and during French colonial rule: locked
has been lashing the public sector. But up at home, excluded from the workplace
because of its traitorous leadership, the and political life, sold in marriage to
working class has been incapable of strangers. Condemned at an early age to
consolidating its disparate struggles into a life of repeated childbirth, without
a united offensive and posing itself as a effective access to birth control, lacking
class alternative to the FLN regime. With proper medical attention, and often un-
the UGTA trade-union leadership an inte- dernourished-this is the hellish exis-
gral part of the FLN apparatus and the tence of most Algerian women.
Stalinists of the PAGS slavishly tailing This reality is not simply a remnant of
after Chadli, as they have after every the past in the process of dying out; it
post-independence government, disillu- summarizes the policy of the FLN in
sioned youth are turning to the FIS as power. Laws like the Family Code of
the only "radical" opposition to the FLN 1984 codify the basic provisions of
government. Sharia law regarding women and the Gamma
family, sanctioning polygamy, granting Algiers, October 1988-Durlng desperate hunger riots, youths target symbols
No to the Veil! the husband the right to divorce at of opUlence and corrupt FLN regime.
For the Separation of will, prohibiting marriage of Muslim
State and Religion! women to non-Muslim men, and relegat- is confronted with a thousand barriers. opportunities for women, and organizing
The Algerian masses' successful war ing women to the status of permanent Not only is it extremely difficult for a public unveilings. But when Algeria
of independence against French colonial- minors, subject to the "authority" of their single woman to find an apartment, to finally achieved independence, the wear-
ism was held up at the time by Third fathers and then of their husbands. say nothing of a job, but she may find ing of the veil was more widespread, par-
World nationalists as proof that working- According to the Family Code, a married herself arrested on a morals' charge if she ticularly in the cities, than before the
class revolution was no longer necessary woman by law owes "obedience" to her is seen alone in a cafe, takes a hotel French arrived almost a century and a
to open the road to liberation from husband who can at any moment divorce room, or kisses a man in public. If she is half earlier, Although thousands of
imperialism. Along with the overturn of her without cause. The wife can petition divorced, it is marked on her police women fought in the FLN forces, their
capitalism in Castro's Cuba, so-called for divorce only in certain extremely record that she has been a "repudiated integration was a result of military exi-
Algerian "socialism" was said to confirm limited cases (e.g., non-consummation of woman." gencies and not commitment to emanci-
the revolutionary potential of peasants the marriage). This is quite in conformity with the pation. An exceedingly high proportion
and urban plebeians, what FLN ideologue . Barely 3.5 percent of women of work- fact, inscribed in the Constitution, that of these courageous women died at the
Frantz Fanon termed "the wretched of the ing age have been able to take jobs out- Islam is the state religion. Some Muslim hands of the colonialists, but once inde-
earth." But unlike the social revolution side the home; the female proportion of "modernists," claiming vagueness in the pendence was achieved,' the promise of
Koran's prescriptions for enforced seclu- equality born of the struggle quickly
sion of women (purdah), say that Islam became nothing more than a memory.
is compatible. with equality of the sexes. In "Women and the Permanent Revolu-
But the' Koran is abundantly clear on , tion" (WV No. 17,March 1973), we
its attitude toward women: "Men are noted that Frantz Fanon's L'An V de la
superior to women on account of the Revolution Algerienne was "a testament
qualities which God hath fitted the to the courage and fortitude of the Alge-
one above the other and on account of rian revolutionary woman-showing how
the outlay they make from their sub- involvement in the FLN revolutionized
stance for them. Virtuous women are her social standing," yet "Fanon finds her
obedient, careful during the husband's strength not in the liberating experience
absence, because God hath of them been of equality imposed by commando life,
Pro-FLN careful." but in patriarchal Moslem tradition."
demonstration Nevertheless, the role of Islam as a This was not due centrally to the
In Algiers, bastion in the oppression of women is undoubted "patriarchal attitudes" of the
11 December not centrally the result of Koranic pro- FLN leadership, as the feminists would
1960. Algerian nouncements. It reflects the nature of have it, but to the class forces which
war won the societies where Islam is dominant. dominated the struggle for independence.
independence Like Judaism and Christianity, Islamic The petty-bourgeois FLN made agree-
from colonial
teachings depict women as excessively ments with the ulema (Muslim clergy)
rule but did not
end capitalist sensual and morally inferior, needing the already in the 1950s, and did all it could
exploitation or guidance of men to protect them against to prevent the struggle against French
liberate women. their own weakness. But Islam, largely colonialism from leading to the overturn
because it is centered in semi-colonial of capitalism through socialist revolution.
countries where social backwardness is The FLN turned the considerable Alge-
reinforced by imperialist oppression, has rian proletariat concentrated in French
not had to adapt its repressive moral continued vn page 8

29 JUNE 1990 5
East Europe... mOlAl lB£lM
(continued from page 1) 5 January 1990
William McPherson was quoted as say-
ing, "It was like the end of civilization."
M~T~Hr B Tperrroa-nopxe
This was echoed by the Financial Times
(18 June), which complained that in
ransacking opposition parties' offices,
"The miners destroyed all their com-
puters, phones and fax machines." Le
Monde (17 June) wrote an analytical
article on "Workers Militias and 'Fascist-
Communism' ."
Aside from a handful of articles, the
Western media barely reported the right-
ist rampage 'of the 13th. The Times edito-
rialized that the National Salvation Front
responded to "peaceful demonstrators"
with "Tiananmen-like ferocity," although
the death toll was six. For Iliescu to
call the University Square protesters
"fascist rebels," they wrote, is "sheer
effrontery." Yet even the "sophisticated"
anti-Communists of Le Monde observed

JlOHh•• EapeH -
that "The 'golans' (hooligans) who occu- crenee!e , .repM8HCKHH peitx :8

pied University Square" were "among the

most violent and the most determined" Mass demonstration against fascist provocations at Soviet
of the regime's opponents, and reported war memorial in Treptow Park, East Berlin last January
that crowds applauded the miners. The was featured in Pravda and Soviet Army newspaper
Washington Post (20 June) noted the Red Star, which showed banner of Trotzkistische liga
• Deutschlands calling for defense of the Soviet Union.
"surprising fact" that "few Romanians" Spart~kist
opposed the government's decision to Dirty Jews. To the gas chambers." In Forum in April elections. One can easily Brecht with the words "Jews Out."
end the "pro-democracy sit-in." Yugoslavia, recent elections in Croatia envision war between "democratic" Hun- Brecht wasn't Jewish, but he sure hated
As for the "effrontery" of calling the were won by the right-wing nationalist gary and "democratic" Romania. anti-Semites and fascists. As he wrote
protesters fascists, an article by Paul Croatian Democratic Union, funded in Zionist leaders from around the world after World War II of the Hitlerite brown
Hockenos in the social-democratic In part by contributions from emigre Usta- spent the early days of May in West plague, "The womb is still fecund from
These Times (6 June) is compelled to shi fascists, who ruled Croatia during Berlin debating the extent of the danger which that crawled forth." In Poland,
note that "The democracy movement World War II as bloodthirsty puppets of of the new wave of anti-Semitism and where only 4,400 remain of a prewar
has several troubling features," among Nazi Germany. asking each other why the old nightmare Jewish population of 3.5 million, the
them "the new emphasis on nationalist- As capitalist ideologues hail the "death is coming again. The answer is simple. Jewish State Theater in Warsaw has been
religious values" and a "hate psychol- of Communism" in East Europe, the The push to capitalist counterrevolution defaced with the slogan "Jews to the
ogy" that has led to violent attacks arrival of pro-capitalist "democracy" in East Europe has both intensified the Ovens. Jews for Soap." And in the Soviet
against Romania's Hungarian minority. there has raised all the old nationalist, nationalisms which have plagued the Union, where Gorbachev's perestroika
Hockenos, who is no friend of the Salva- anti-Semitic, anti-Communist murderous region since the last century, and allowed has intensified all national antagonisms,
tion Front regime, reports that "roughly scum which dominated the region before the filth that the Stalinist regimes failed the black-shirted fascists of Pamyat are
half the students in Bucharest express the victory ofthe Red Army in 1945. For to clean out to boil to the surface once openly calling for pogroms.
sympathy with the neo-fascist organiza- over 40 years Western imperialism, its more. This filthy spawn of the "democratiza-
tion Vatra Romeneasca" which espouses social-democratic agents and the Vatican The Stalinist regimes in East Europe tion" of the Soviet bloc has become so
"a crude xenophobic nationalism aimed have dreamed and plotted the overthrow could put a lid on some of the reaction- ugly and dangerous that even major
at the ethnic Hungarians." "Perhaps most of "godless, totalitarian Communism" in ary filth that historically plagued the capitalist media feel compelled to report
alarming is the strength of the ultraright East Europe and the return to a capitalist, region but could not lay the material on it. Newsweek (7 May) devoted a
in the student movement's top leader- "Christian" order. With the collapse of basis for eliminating it. Economic autar- seven-page spread to the subject, noting:
ship," he continues. "Student League the Stalinist bureaucracies from East ky, bureaucratic commandism, national- "The old specter returns: Anti-Semitism,
President Marion Munteanu and news- Germany to Yugoslavia and the new ism, the appeasement of imperialism, the offspring of unbridled religion and
paper editor Sorin Dragan...embrace un- regimes' rush to re-establish "free mar- wholesale falsification of history, sup- nationalism, is working the fringes of
abashed nationalist views," Dragan being ket" economies, they're starting to get pression of the independent political life the new politics in the Soviet Union
"a monarchist and active Vatra Rome- what they want-and it's pretty ugly. of the working class-these have been and East Europe." The rise of clerical-
neasca member." Thus just as Gorbachev's market- hallmarks ofthe Stalinist Soviet and East nationalism is but ideological expres-
oriented perestroika has fueled bloody European regimes. As the young Karl sion of the drive toward capitalist coun-
East Europe: nationalist strife in the Soviet Trans- Marx wrote, two years before The Com- terrevolution. Behind the foul-mouthed
The Old Crap Returns caucasia, we are seeing the beginnings munist Manifesto: "A development of the thugs plotting pogroms in East Berlin
For the moment, the Romanian work- of similar developments in East Europe. productive forces is the absolutely neces- and Budapest beer halls are the ever-so-
ers' action has checked the rightist In Romania, where Ceausescu's down- sary practical premise [of communism], civilized bankers of Wall Street, the City
thrust. But all across East Europe, such fall was triggered by protests over the because without it want is generalized, of London and Frankfurt.
reactionary scum are surfacing. In East oppression of the large Hungarian minor- and with want the struggle for necessities Anti-Semitism is fueled not only by
Berlin's Alexanderplatz, skinheads and ity in Transylvania, today fascists whip begins again, and that means that all the backward-looking ideologies but also by
neo-Nazis giving the stiff-armed salute up xenophobia and Romanian national- old crap must revive." economic insecurity. Even the CIA now
publicly celebrated Hitler's birthday on ism. In late March, six people were projects the "transition to a market econ-
April 21. In early Maya mob of 400 killed by pitchfork- and ax-wielding Anti-Communism, omy" in East Europe will result in mil-
attacked Mozambican workers 'in the Romanian mobs who attacked Hungari- Anti-Semitism lions of unemployed amid the wholesale
Lichtenberg quarter of East Berlin, shout- ans demonstrating for language rights. In East Germany every week Jewish dismantling of social security programs.
ing "Foreigners out, Niggers out." In The nationalist strife in Transylvania gravestones and buildings associated with Szymon Szurmiej, head of the Jewish
Hungary, the once-Jewish Hungarian naturally provoked a reaction in Hun- Jewish activities are defaced with anti- State Theater in Poland, points out:
MTK soccer team is greeted with gary, contributing to' the unexpected Semitic filth, including the recent dese- "When the economic situation becomes
screams of "No goals for the Jews. victory of the nationalist Democratic cration of the grave of playwright Bertolt difficult, those who play the political
AP New York Post game seek an escape valve and the Jew
is an escape valve."
East European anti-Semites have taken
up the old Hitler refrain of a "Judeo-
Bolshevik conspiracy." The Newsweek
article presents a semi-justification for
this: "To the degree that Jews helped
introduce Communist rule in Eastern
Europe, anti-communists will resent
them." In the early postwar years, Jewish
Communists did play a significant role
in the new East European regimes since
they were passionately hostile to the old
order of the eagle and cross in Poland,
Arrow Cross in Hungary and Iron Guard
in Romania,
However, in the early 1950s Stalin
launched a savage anti-Semitic campaign
in both Russ'ia (the Kremlin "doctors
plot") and East Europe. Prominent East
European Jews (for example, Rudolf
Body of a man killed when Romanian nationalists Slansky in Czechoslovakia, Ana Pauker
attacked Hungarian minority in Transylvania last March in Romania, Gabor Peter in Hungary,
(above). Anti-Hungarian agitation is spearheaded by Paul Merker in East Germany) were
fascistic Vatra Romeneasca, descendants of Romanian made the victims of show trials as agents
Iron Guard in the 1930s (right). - of "Zionism and imperialism." The era

Sam Marcy Meets Kim II Sung
Together at last, Sam Marcy and Kim shall unswervingly follow the socialist
II Sung. Since the early 1950s Marcy road."
has heralded the Stalinist leader of Of course Marcy neglects to mention
North Korea-who has built up a "cult that it is in China where the program
of personality" that would make J.v. of "building socialism with capitalist
Stalin blush-as the most militant and methods" has gone the furthest, produc-
intransigent fighter in the "global class ing the greatest class inequalities. It
war." Four decades later, Marcy and a was this which led to the mobilization
delegation from his' Workers World of hundreds of thousands of workers' in
Party were invited to North Korea "to defense of the student protesters in
discuss the serious international situa- Tiananmen Square last spring.
tion" with the president of the Demo- Ironically, the stars in the Marcyites'
cratic People's Republic of Korea. constellation of "global class warriors"
For the Kim regime, the seriousness have also numbered among Washing-
of the international situation is indi- ton's most-favored Stalinist despots.
cated by the fact that while they were For almost two decades the U.S. lauded
visiting with Marcy in Pyongyang, Ceausescu for his "independence" from
Soviet leader Gorbachev was meeting Moscow. George Bush called him "one
with South Korean strongman Roh Tae of Europe's good communists." In his
Woo in San Francisco. Last year, North later years, Ceausescu was displaced by
Korea hosted a delegation from the Deng Xiao-ping, who became one of
CPUSA headed by Gus Hall. These the prime players in U.S. imperialism's
visits are really a sign of North Korea's anti-Soviet military alliances.
growing isolation. More than ever, Kim This doesn't bother the Marcyites.
father and son will have to make a But then on the home front they take
Workers World
virtue out of juche (self-reliance). How shrubbery was turned into Sam Marcy (third ,from left). a back seat to no one when it comes
Since their inception- as a political to class collaboration, pushing Jesse
tendency during the Korean War, the Now the Marcyites, who split from With Ceausescu gone, Marcy's party Jackson and Teddy Kennedy as coali-
Marcyites have embraced the Stalinist Trotskyism in cheering the crushing began to cast around in search of some tion partners in the cause of "anti-
bureaucracies, claiming that they were of the 1956 workers' uprising in Hun- Stalinist holdout. The 25 January issue imperialism." Marcy runs a popular-
waging an inexorable and epochal battle gary, mourn the passing of Romania's of Workers World heralded the "Com- front zoo for the Democrats, claiming
against imperialism. Yet the regimes Nicolae Ceausescu. When a mass revolt munist Party leadership of Albania" for to represent everyone from feminists to
which' sit on top of the deformed/ toppled Ceausescu's one-family Stalin- standing "firm in its rejection of capi- the disabled. But here he is with Kim
degenerated workers states aren't com- ist dictatorship last December, Marcy talist 'solutions' to the building of II Sung who has any aged, crippled or
mitted to "global class war" but rather decried it as a "fascist-like coup d'etat socialism." Ditto for Deng Xiao-ping 's otherwise "defective" person shipped
to global class collaboration. Today by Romanian bourgeois reactionaries." regime in Beijing. In the same issue out of Pyongyang to peasant villages.
this treacherous policy of appeasement (To be fair, Marcy did admit that Ceau- an article by Marcy praises the Chi- Of course, if the Marcyites ever get a
and accommodation to world imperial- sescu had committed some "subjective nese Stalinists' bloody suppression of chance to play in the big leagues with
ism is being brought home with a ven- errors," like starving and freezing the Tiananmen Square protests last spring the Democratic Party, you can bet this
geance in the demise of Stalinist rule in Romanian working people in order to and gives kudos to Prime Minister picture will be one of the first things
East Europe. payoff the imperialist bankers.) Li Peng for his declaration that "we through the shredder.

of "liberal" Stalinism which opened up and other left-wing parties. As the bril- From Poland to Slovakia to Croatia, Democratic Forum resorted to virulent
in 1956 led to the rise of "national liant Jewish Marxist Abram Leon, who the resurgent Catholic church under Pope nationalist-fascist appeals. In January,
Communists," especially in Poland, at the was killed in Auschwitz, wrote in 1938 John Paul Wojtyla of Cracow is seeking Forum supporter and well-known writer
expense of Jewish members of the bu- in his book The Jewish Question: to establish a neo-medieval "Christian Istvan Czurka proclaimed on radio,
reaucracy. By the 1970s few Jews held "The rulingclassespersecute withspecial order" in Europe. The "democratic" "Hungarians, awake!" as he lashed out at
positions of power in Gierek's Poland, sadismtheJewishintellectuals and work- counterrevolution in East Europe has to the "dwarfish minority" he claimed was
Husak's Czechoslovakia or Kadar's Hun- ers, who have supplieda host of fighters a large extent been spearheaded by for- trying to control the country. "Hungari-
to the revolutionary movement. To isolate
gary. But as the new anti-Communist re- the Jews completely from the sourcesof mer dissident Stalinist intellectuals turned ans, awake!" was the main slogan of the
gimes push to "purify" their countries for culture and science has become a vital Western-style social democrats or bour- fascist Arrow Cross in the 1920s-30s.
"democratic" capitalist exploitation, Jews necessity for the decaying system which geois liberals. But now these people Many Free Democratic election posters
and reds have become easy scapegoats. persecutes them. The ridiculous legendof are coming under attack from clerical- were smeared with the Star of David and
.Jewish-Marxism' is nothingbut a carica-
This amalgam of anti-Communism and ture of the bonds that actually exist be- nationalist forces to their right. Thus the Arrow Cross.
anti-Semitism is not a new device. Many tweensocialism and the Jewish masses." Jan Sabata, who was expelled from Redbaiting was also prominent in
Jews suffering the vicious pogroms of Leon wrote this at a time when the the Czechoslovak CP after Soviet tanks elections in Romania, where the night-
the tsarist Black Hundreds found in Bol- East European Jewish communities were put an end to the 1968 Prague Spring, marish reign of Nicolae Ceausescu was
shevik internationalism a way to fight strongholds of the left, and Jews in was recently the target of howling right- overthrown by a popular revolt last
both anti-Semitism and the capitalist West Europe and the United States were wing mobs in the Moravian capital of December that was supported by the
system which perpetuated it. Some of the generally well left of center politically. Brno. "Primitive, nearly fascist senti- military high command. The tyrant, a
outstanding Bolshevik leaders-Trotsky, The rise of. Zionist Israel combined ments exist throughout our republic," cross between Josef Stalin and Count
Sverdlov, Kamenev, Zinoviev, just to with decades of Stalinist oppression has Sabata exclaimed. Dracula, was quickly executed by his
name a few-who played a leading role shifted to the right the political center Redbaiting of former Communists generals. In his place the National Salva-
in the October 1917 Russian Revolution of gravity of the Jewish community, East dominated the recent elections in Hun- tion Front was established, led by former
and the fight to forge the Leninist Third and West. But for the fascists, clerical- gary. The Free Democrats are staunchly Stalinist apparatchiks like Ion Iliescu
International were Jewish. During the nationalists and other reactionary scum pro- Western intellectuals clamoring for who had run afoul of the megalomaniac
1920s-30s the deeply oppressed Jews of running around East Europe, the equation a "free market" economy, foreign capital Ceausescu and his family. But while
East Europe flocked into the Communist of Jew and red is still very much alive. investment and membership in the Euro- Iliescu & Co. declared their attachment
Thus capitalist counterrevolution will pean Common Market. But a number of to Western-style social democracy, the
bring anti-Semitic pogroms as well as leading Free Democrats are former left- right-wing National Christian Democratic
impoverishment of the working class. ists of Jewish descent. Against them the continued on page 8

McCarthyism Comes to
East Europe
East Europe today is experiencing a
rip-roaring anti-Communist witchhunt: Marxist Working-Class Biweekly of the Spartacist League
not only "are you now or have you
ever been ... " but also what about your
brother, sister, mother, father ... and your
o $7/24 issues of Workers Vanguard o $3/3
issues of
(includes English-language Spartacist) Women and Revolution
father's father. The former mayor of East o New 0 Renewal
Berlin cannot even get a job because of International rates:
0$2/10 introductory issues
$25/24 issues-Airmail $7/24 issues-c-Searnai! of Workers Vanguard
his Communist past. In Czechoslovakia, (includes English-language
land of the "velvet revolution," Prague 0$2/4 issues of Spartacist (edici6n en espariol) Spartacist)
prosecutor Tomas Sokol called for out-
Name _
lawing the Communist Party, which he
equates with fascism, while the political- Address _
ly influential Catholic priest Vaclav Mali
called Communists "a mafia in the back- --------o---Apt. # Phone (_) _
ground." They are worried that the CP City State Zip -=-=
in Czechoslovakia retains substantial 505
Anti-Semitic desecration of tomb of
working-class support and won 13 per- Make checks payable/mall to: Spartaclst Publishing Co., Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 10116
German Communist playwright and
poet Bertolt Brecht. cent of the vote in June 9 elections.

29 JUNE 1990 7
pressed. Iliescu doubled their wages and Romania are well awareof the violent will notbe restored in Eastern Europe or
East cut the workweek to four days. Writing
on the Op-Ed page of the New York
oppression wreaked by the fascist Iron
Guard regime of the 1930s which the
the Soviet Union by a charming bunch of
playwrights voted in peacefully on sunny
(continued from page 7) Times (19 June), Daniel Nelson of the anti-Communists in University Square Sunday afternoons. Christian Rakovsky,
Peasants Party (a haven for the prewar Carnegie Endowment noted: look to with fondness. But the toilers of co-leader of the International Left Oppo-
fascists of the Iron Guard) and National "Industrial workers, including miners. are East Europe cannot maintain their eco- sition with Trotsky, pointed to the danger
Liberal Party attacked Front leaders as one stratum in which Mr. Iliescu enjoys nomic security by supporting politicians in 1929 that the thoroughgoing Staliniza-
crypto-Communists. unswerving support. His Communist past who promise Western-style social democ- tion of the Soviet Communist Party
doesn't bother most workers, but the
As it turned out, the Salvation Front fear of unemployment does-and the racy-the soft-core version of counter- would allow the class enemy to break
won a landslide victory, with the Liberals Front, has gained workers' allegiance by revolution. Whether fast or slow, the "into our Soviet fortress under the false,
and Peasants combined polling less than guaranteeing a slow economic transition introduction of market-oriented reforms, hypocritical and base flag of bourgeois
10 percent of the vote. And when the toward a market economy." leading toward the restoration of capital- democracy," to lay the road thereby for
frustrated ultrarightists tried to set the But Romania's ex-CP rulers now find ism, will be at the workers' expense. unrestrained fascism."
stage for a coup with their rampage, themselves in a dilemma. The London What's desperately needed are genuinely What is needed to fight capitalist coun-
while the army and police stood by pas- Guardian (15 June) noted: "By unleash- communist parties committed to defend- terrevolution and the all-sided reaction it
sively, the workers responded enthusias- ing violent workers onto the streets of ing socialized property based on the engenders is above all to forge genuinely
tically to Iliescu's call for help. What the capital, Mr Iliescu has essentially tied perspective of international proletarian communist (Leninist-Trotskyist) parties.
accounts for this massive setback for the his' future to a policy which precludes revolution, including in the imperialist The Bolshevik Party was built and tri-
right in Romania. breaking the pattern in any economic reform. No restructuring centers of West Europe, North America umphed in implacable struggle against
other East European countries? of the national economy can take place and Japan. all forms of nationalism. The founder of
The Front won wide popularity by without closing unprofitable factories, the Red Army, Leon Trotsky, and the
quickly turning on the heat and lights, but this is now out of the question." And For Communist first chairman of the All-Russian Su-
and increasing food supplies. This sub- with all the hauteur of capitalists talk- Internationalism! preme Soviet, Yakov Sverdlov, were
stantially raised living standards from ing disdainfully of "mob rule," the Paris In East Germany, when the fascists Jews. The founder of the Cheka (political
the enforced misery of the Ceausescu Liberation of the same date put it bluntly first struck against the Soviet war memo- police), Felix Dzerzhinsky, was a Pole,
regime. which drained Romania's wealth from a capitalist viewpoint: "By playing rial in East Berlin, there was also a pow- and his chief lieutenants, Martin Latsis
to payoff loans from Wall Street and to 'the street' too often, the Romanian erful response by the working class. and Yakov Peters, were Latvians. Stalin
Frankfurt bankers. The miners, far from regime is exposing itself to a severe After our comrades of the Trotzkistische was a Georgian and Lenin was Russian.
being Ceausescu supporters, were the turnabout when the social crisis erupts Liga Deutschlands (now the Spartakist The first head of the Bolshevik govern-
first to rebel, with a strike in the Jiu which many experts consider inevitable." Workers Party) called to stop the Nazis ment in the Ukraine, Rakovsky, was a
Valley in 1977 which was brutally re- The workers and collective farmers of with workers united-front action on Janu- Bulgarian by birth who led the Romanian
ary 3, the then-ruling Stalinist SED took socialists in the decade before WW I.
up the ,call and 250,000 came out to Capitalist restoration is a bloody busi-
Treptow Park to show their solidarity ness, and the shock troops of counter-
with the Red Army which crushed the revolution have begun openly mobilizing.
Hitler regime. This was shown (includ- Should the proletariat, misled and atom-
ing a picture prominently featuring the ized by the Stalinists for decades, fail to
Soviet-defensist banner of the TLD) on assert its class power to oppose and
the front page of the Soviet Army paper defeat counterrevolution, the resulting
Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star). governments will not be stable parlia-
But in the aftermath, as the bourgeoi- mentary democracies but fascist dictator-
sie denounced the Treptow mobilization ships forged through crushing the de-
the Stalinist "reformers" recoiled from formed workers states and the workers
the wrath of the social democrats and organizations. These regimes will very
their capitalist masters. And in that mobi- likely be in direct continuity with those
lization they all saw the spectre of politi- that slaughtered 6 million Jews and 20
cal revolution and civil war. The same million Soviet citizens. And fierce com-
may be happening now in Romania, as petition for the spoils of East Europe
Editions La Breche Prime Minister Petr Roman apologizes could be a trip wire for a third imperialist
Abram Leon (above), for the "excesses" of the miners. world war. The counterrevolutionary dan-
murdered by the Nazis in The drive toward capitalist restoration ger looming in East Europe and the So-
Auschwitz. Christian in East Europe is unleashing the most
Rakovsky, head of Bolshevik viet Union must be fought and crushed.
government in the Ukraine, violent. primitive nationalist passions in It is the task of the Trotskyists to lead
killed in Stalin's purges. order to prevent united working-class the workers and peasants in the struggle
struggle. Make no mistake-capitalism to sweep away all the old crap forever.•
Novosti Press

Algeria... vented the French working class from

playing a revolutionary role. After years
of being an ardent supporter of the
torture and while tensions from the war
brought the ruling class to the verge of
civil war (as in the April 1961 generals'
But even the feminists are not unanimous
.in calling for abrogation of the family
code-in recent meetings of North
(continued from page 5)
"French Union" (i.e., empire), including revolt in Algiers), the PCF reformists African women in Paris, some called for
heavy industry, where it could have con- as part of the postwar government, and never once called a significant political "reforming" it.
stituted a living link with revolutionary voting for the military budget as the strike against the dirty colonial war. What's needed to tum around the
class struggle in the imperialist heartland, French army was massacring Algerians When French colonialism recognized reactionary offensive is to mobilize the
into a simple supplier of funds. The first and Vietnamese, the French Communist Algerian independence in 1962, the social power of the working class on
campaign undertaken by the FLN among Party (PCF) only declared itself in favor petty-bourgeois nationalists of the FLN the side of the victims of the funda-
Algerian workers was a campaign of of Algerian "independence" after 1958 had already affirmed, through the Evian mentalists' attacks. The rise of' Islamic
intimidation against those who smoked when de Gaulle began seeking a neo- Accords, their commitment to defend reaction is a direct threat to the unions,
or drank alcohol; recalcitrants had part colonial solution to a costly and losing private property and respect key interests as shown by the FIS' record of strike-
of their nose cut off! war. During the entire struggle of the of French imperialism in Algeria. In a breaking. But instead of seeking to pre-
Meanwhile, the Stalinist leaders pre- Algerian people, amid revelations of sense, de Gaulle had drawn the lessons pare a working-class counteroffensive,
of Cuba where the unrelenting pressure various self-proclaimed revolutionary
of U.S. imperialism had forced Castro's groups in Algeria call instead for a
petty-bourgeois guerrillaists, in order to mythical "democratization" of society
preserve their very existence at the head carried out without socialist revolution.
SPARTACIST LEAGUE/U.S. LOCAL DIRECTORY of the state, to expropriate the bourgeoi- Thus the PST (Parti Socialiste des Tra-
National Office: Box 1377 GPO, New York, NY 10116 • (212) 732-7860 sie. The Algerian Revolution achieved vailleurs), linked to Ernest Mandel's
independence from French colonialism, United Secretariat, and the OST (Organi-
Atlanta Detroit Norfolk at enormous human cost, but it did not sation Socialiste des Travailleurs), linked
Box 4012 Box 441043 Box 1972, Main PO free the urban and peasant masses from to Pierre Lambert's tendency in France,
Atlanta, GA 30302 Detroit, MI 48244 Norfolk, VA 23501 poverty and exploitation, nor from the both center their political programs on
Boston Oakland social oppression which is part of the the call for a constituent assembly which
Los Angeles fabric of capitalist rule. is conceived, not as a product of a revo-
Box 840, Central Sta. Box 29574, Los Feliz Sta. Box 32552
Cambridge, MA 02139 Los Angeles, CA 90029 Oakland, CA 94604 lutionary upsurge leading to a socialist
(617) 492-3928 (415) 839-0851 Women's Liberation Through revolution, but of "democratic" elec-
(213) 380-8239 Proletarian Revolution! tions under capitalism.
Chicago San Francisco
Madison Since the upsurge of October 1988 a Thus the PST criticizes the Chadli
Box 6441, Main PO Box 5712
Chicago, IL 60680 Box 2074 San Francisco, CA.94101 score of women's groups have arisen in regime for holding local elections, saying
(312) 663-0715 Madison, WI 53701 (415) 863-6963 ~
Algeria, largely in reaction to the spec- it "would have been more democratic" to
tacular rise of violent fundamentalism. call an election for a national constituent
Cleveland New York Washington, D.C. They have centered their activity on assembly "on the basis of proportional
Box 91037 Box 444, Canal St. Sta. Box 75073 organizing opposition to the family code representation" (Rouge, 22 March). And
Cleveland, OH 44101 New York, NY 10013 Washington, D.C. 20013 and mobilizing protests against funda- in an interview with the Mandelite
(216) 781-7500 (212) 267-1025 (202) 636-3537 mentalist atrocities. Demonstrations were USec's International Viewpoint (9 April),
held last November when a woman's a PST spokesman calls for "a democratic
house was burned down in Annaba transitional programme that will lead, via
TROTSKYIST LEAGUE OF CANADA because she was a member of a women's the establishment of a broad workers and
Toronto Vancouver group; and last July in Ouargla where a popular front, to the setting up of a
Box 7198, Station A Box 2717, Main Post Office woman provoked the wrath of the funda- workers government" and for an electoral
Toronto, Ontario M5W 1X8 Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3X2 mentalists because she lived alone with ."alliance of all those forces that base
(416) 593-4138 (604) 255-0636 her children and led a "free" life, they themselves on the struggle of the popular
burned down her house, killing her son. masses." This is the classic formula of

Alps/Santa Monica WV Photo
Scores are injured as L.A. cops club striking janitors outtsidle Century City, June 15. Right: unionists gather in Beverly Hills park before march.

Bloody Cop. Attack on Latino Labor Rally

L.A. Janitors Strike Wins Union
LOS ANGELES, June 26-Strikingjani- many with young children-moved into while the union bureaucrats told them to mented workers, but the AFL-CIO tops'
tors have won recognition of their union the major intersection of Century Park lie down if the LAPD attacked, the cops poisonous protectionist campaign against
by the huge ISS cleaning contractor. As East and Olympic Boulevard it was just continued to beat people, including Japanese, Korean and Mexican workers
part of a nationwide "Justice for Jani- blocked by a solid wall of cops. An elderly women. Strikers told of experi- feeds into the bosses' attempts to divide
tors" organizing drive, Service Employ- LAPD commander suddenly shouted over encing civil war and seeing death in EI the working class in order to more bru-
ees International Union (SEIU) Local a bullhorn: "Disperse within 30 sec- Salvador-they are not used to this kind tally exploit us. We say: labor must fight
399 struck the glitzy Century City office onds!" James Wood, L.A. AFL-CIO of treatment without fighting back. for full citizenship rights for foreign-born
complex in West L.A. on May 31. After council member, tried to negotiate with The LAPD is still burning over the workers and their families!
three weeks on the picket line and a the cops. Campaign organizers told union mobilization on June 1, when hun- In the face of the racist cop attack on
brutal assault by the LAPD against a strikers to sit down in the intersection, dreds of strikers swept past cops into the June 15 march, the local AFL-CIO
union march, a settlement was announced expecting to be quietly arrested. Others Century City. These badge-toting strike- tops can only whine that "The LAPD
yesterday which brings the heavily linked arms, facing the police. breakers and their capitalist masters are needs to change." But the armed fist
Latino workers into the SEIU master Without warning, the cops went ber- dead-set on smashing the organizing of the capitalist state will never be
L.A. contract with a 15 percent wage serk, charging the line of strikers and drives by heavily Latino workers in reformed. The LAPD is a paramilitary
increase, and medical benefits and vaca- wading into the crowded intersection. office buildings, hotels and garment force which acts like an occupying army
tion pay to start next spring. Unionists and their families were clubbed sweatshops. The capitalists here want to in the black ghetto and the sprawling
At today's press conference by the senseless, even as they sat on the ground. tum back the clock to the 1920s, when barrios because they have to in order to
SEIU, strikers were proud of their vic- As the marchers tried to back off, the union organizers were run out of town or "keep control" over a huge proletarian
tory, but told Workers Vanguard that cops raced down Olympic, cutting off thrown in jail as "criminal syndicalists." population. The bureaucrats' appeals to
even with the wage increase they will their retreat. Today they want to put foreign-born former top cop and L.A. mayor Tom
only earn a miserable $5.20 per hour. More than 60 marchers were injured, workers "in their place." But the result Bradley to "investigate" the cop riot are
Unemployed Latino workers who had 16 severely, including some with broken could be explosive, as many of these designed to politically disarm workers,
traveled from East L.A. to back the legs and fractured skulls, and a woman strikers have had firsthand experience by tying them to the capitalist Dem-
strike, including some who were injured five months pregnant who may miscarry with militant class struggle against right- ocratic Party.
in the racist cop attack, were bitter that due to severe hemorrhaging. Among the ist regimes in Central America. The June 15 cop riot was aimed at all
they were still jobless. The struggle must injured was Salvadoran poet Maria Guar- Until their hand was stayed by a recent L.A. labor. The SEIU is going ahead
continue for a big wage increase for all, dado, already disabled by torture. Forty court ruling, the INS immigration cops with a noon demonstration on June 28,
and a shorter workweek, to create jobs workers were arrested on trumped-up were threatening to deport over 100 again at Century City, to protest the cop
for the jobless. charges. That evening, the SEIU strike foreign-born SEIU Local .535 nurses, attack. But this time it must be a show
On June 15,500 strikers and support- HQ looked like a military field hospital, among 900 who are striking against the of power by L.A. labor: let the LAPD try
ers marched from Beverly Hills' Roxbury as the strikers 'returned from hospitals Kaiser Permanente hospital on Sunset and stand in the way of massed long-
Park. As the marchers-overwhelmingly and jails. Frustrated workers at the hall Boulevard. Some local unions have been shoremen, Teamsters, hospital and hotel
Latino and one-third women, including told a WorkersVanguard supporter that forced to take up defense of undocu- workers! •

a popular front with sectors of the bour- . Meanwhile, in France the growing weak "national bourgeoisie," intimately forces there is the direct result of the
geoisie. Lest anyone be fooled by the strength of fundamentalism in the North tied to imperialism and threatened by its turn toward pro-capitalist market reforms
reference to a "workers government," it African community came to a head last "own" proletariat, cannot even take up by the unraveling Stalinist bureaucracy.
should be recalled that the USec at its year in a battle over the wearing of the the democratic tasks formerly associated The October Revolution underlined the
founding in 1963 justified support to the Islamic hidjeb (headscarf) by girls in with bourgeois revolutions, to say noth- need for a revolutionary party of the
FLN regime under Ben Bella by labeling secondary schools. Cynically talking of ing of building "socialism." As Trotsky's working class, serving as a tribune of all
it a "workers and peasants government." secularism, racist forces (as well as theory of permanent revolution affirmed, the oppressed. Such a party will mobilize
The rise of reactionary fundamentalism government bureaucrats whose pseudo- these tasks can only be accomplished by the revolutionary energy and determina-
in Algeria has provoked fears of its "socialism" smacks of bourgeois free- the working class in power. drawing after tion of women in a way which was only
spread to other North African countries. masonry) tried to expel students whose it all the oppressed sectors of society. foreshadowed in the struggle of the Alge-
Neighboring Tunisia has long been held Muslim parents had them wear the tradi- And that requires the leadership of a rian masses against French colonialism.•
up as the model of "modernizing" nation- tional headscarves. Our comrades of the proletarian party modeled on Lenin's
alism, particularly since women enjoy Ligue Trotskyste de France condemned Bolsheviks.
certain-limited-rights (such as the this as "nothing but an act of racial The Russian Revolution of October
prohibition of polygamy and of the hus- discrimination" ("Muslim Girls Banned 1917 not only permitted the economic Spartacist League
band's right to divorce by simple repu- From School in Anti-Immigrant Hys- development of the Soviet Union into a Public Offices
diation) which are unique in the Arab teria," Women and Revolution No. 37, world industrial power but, despite the
world. Yet today the fundamentalists of Spring 1990). At the same time, the reversals which accompanied the consoli- - MARXIST LITERA TURE -
the Movement of the Islamic Tendency International Communist League has dation of the Stalinist bureaucracy, raised Bay Area
(MTI) are the principal opposition to the fought uncompromisingly against reac- the social status of women above that of Thurs 530-8:00 pm Sat 100-500 p.m.
regime. The Tunisian working class, be- tionary Islamic forces which enforce the advanced capitalist countries. In 1634 Telegraph. 3rd Floor (near 17th Street)
Oakland, Calitorrua Phone: (415) 839-0851
cause of its extensive trade-union organ- wearing of the veil, such as in Kho- Soviet Central Asia the shroud of centu-
ization, has had a capacity for organized meini's Iran and in Afghanistan, where ries of Islamic obscurantism was cast off Chicago
class struggle which is unique in Africa. we proclaimed "Hail Red Army!" in by women who gained access to higher Tues. 5:00-9:00 pm ,Sat. 1100 am.-2:00 pm
161 W Harrison st. 10th Floor
But when the plebeian masses revolted 1980 when Soviet forces intervened to education, positions as doctors and other Chicago. Illinois Phone' (312) 663-0715
in January 1984, the reformist misleaders beat back the CIA-financed, woman- professionals, and posts of responsibility
offered no working-class alternative. As hating mujahedin. in industry and the state administration. New York City
Tues 630-9:00 p.rn., Sat 1:00-500 p.m.
the regime subsequently moved to check As Algeria has amply demonstrated. in The only veils which can be seen today 41 Warren St (one block below
the power of the unions, the field was the epoch of imperial ist decline there is in Soviet Central Asia are in the photo- Chambers St. near Church St.)
left open for the fundamentalists to 'no margin for independent development graphs in museum exhibitions. And the New York, NY Phone: (212) ~67-1 025

attract the masses of disaffected youth. of the backward capitalist countries. The recent resurgence of reactionary Islamic

29 JUNE 1990 9
the authority to kill a minority." This
Rap... clearly struck a chord; it was chanted by
hundreds of black youth who were
(continued from page 12) viciously attacked by police and National
Guardsmen in Virginia Beach last sum-
done in other states or in a back alley. mer. N.W.A. was targeted by the FBI,
Judge Gonzalez's "obscenity" ruling which sent an intimidating letter to their
set the stage for a nationwide offensive. record company. and cops have tried to
First, Miami black record store owner close down N.W.A.'s concerts in Detroit
Charles Freeman was arrested June 8 for (where they rushed the stage and
refusing to take the record off the shelves detained .the band), Washington, D.C.,
of his store. Then came the arrests of the Chattanooga, Milwaukee and Cincinnati.
band members. Now Freeman, the band
members, and anyone buying the record "Fight the Power"
in southern Florida can be slapped with
a year in prison and a $1,000 fine! In a society which has "dissed" black
After the Florida bust, 2 Live Crew youth to the max, and lacking any lead-
was "welcomed" to Gwinnett County, ership to point the way toward over-
Georgia by the local police chief who throwing the real enemy-racist capi-
told them he was "looking forward to a talism-the mounting despair and anger
nice, clean PG version of the concert." is directed against other oppressed
Ernest Paniccioli groups. The poisonous effects fare heard
(Fearful they would also be thrown Public Enemy: radical posture combined with Farrakhanite rhetoric and
behind bars in Georgia, 2 Live Crew can- on many recordings where rappers strut
anti-Semitic bigotry.
celed their first gig at a teen club.) The their stuff in vile rape fantasies or reach-
vice squad videotaped the concert while drive to roll back all democratic rights and wide appeal to youth (of all colors) ing for a rhyme just to take a swipe at
undercover cops in suits tried to mingle and reinforce every backward, sexist, have always drawn the wrath of the gays. The very few female rap artists
nonchalantly with the teenagers inside. racist, jingoistic prejudice to instill obe- segregationists. And it always had a lot often refer bitterly in their songs to the
Bold rap fans with black tape over their dience to a racist, right-wing govern- to do with sex. Jazz was first a verb for macho glorification of violence against
mouths trailed cops around the parking ment. Frank Zappa aptly spoofed these screwing and the music emerged from women and verbal abuse that they've
lot outside, carrying signs reading, bigots by designing his own "warning/ New Orleans' black Storyville red light been subjected to.
"Idiots rule." Here 2 Live Crew outwitted guarantee" label for his records which district, in clubs like the Funky Butt Public Enemy was one of the first rap
the censors, bleeping themselves and reads in part: Hall. While white singers crooned about groups to do overtly political songs.
letting the entire audience uproariously "In some socially retarded areas, religious moonlight in June, black artists like Their hit "Party for the Right to Fight"
chant the "dirty" words. fanatics and ultra-conservative political Bessie Smith were singing the blues is about the Black Panther Party, while
organizations violate your First Amend- about sex and pain and life: "Fight the Power" was the theme song
ment Rights by attempting to censor rock for Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing last
Screw the Censors & roll albums .... "I'm a young woman
"The language and concepts contained and ain't done running 'round.... summer. With their own "Security of the
All this hullabaloo has naturally made See that long lonesome road First World" standing guard on stage
the album a collector's item, and the herein are GUARANTEED NOT TO
CAUSE ETERNAL TORMENT IN Lord you know it's gotta end with fake Uzis, they see themselves as
band's popularity has soared. As Nasty THE PLACE WHERE THE GUY I'm a good woman
and I can get plenty men." role models for black kids seeking a way
as They Wanna Be is outselling its WITH THE HORNS AND POINTED out of the ghetto. It's a defiant posture
sanitized-for-radio twin As Clean as They (1926) and catchy rhetoric, but it's sure not the
Wanna Be by ten to one. 2 Live Crew "This guarantee is as real as the threats
of the video fundamentalists who use And Helen Humes, longtime lead singer way out. There's only room for so many
will soon release a new album, Banned attacks on rock music in their attempt black rap stars to capture the market, and
in the USA, which they promise will be with Count Basie, sang in "Airplane
to transform America into a nation of the false heroes they promote, like Farra-
"just as raunchy." Yet it could be only a check-mailing nincompoops (in the name
of Jesus Christ). If there is a hell, its fires "First he turns me over, then he starts khan, are enemies of black liberation.
matter of time before record sellers, the loop-the-loop
wait for them, not us."
companies and club owners completely It takes a long, long time till his
knuckle under to government censorship. With black youth unemployment soar- wings begin to droop
Already authorities in San Antonio and ing over 50 percent in rotting inner cit- Now he rides me slow, he flys me fast
Atlanta suburbs are warning record sell- ies, the government wants to crush any And I'm hopin' and prayin' he don't
form of social, political, sexual or artistic run out of gas."
ers that they'd better stop selling the
album or face arrest under those states' expression it deems "deviant" or fears In the '40s, when Billie Holiday sang
obscenity laws. In Missouri, the "show could ignite the social tinderbox. It is no "The Yanks Are Not Coming," a Com-
me" state, minors are required to present mere coincidence that the U.S. marches munist antiwar song, the FBI intervened
proof of age before buying "adult" in lockstep with apartheid South Africa and demanded she remove it from her
albums. which has the most stringent "anti- nightclub acts.
Anti-porn crusaders Jack Thompson pornography" laws on the planet. Young No one screamed "obscenity" until
and Robert DeMoss, of the fundamental- Spartacus was banned as "political por- large numbers of whites began to take
ist group Focus on the Family, started the nography" by South Africa's rulers in notice of black music in the '50s. When
furor against 2 Live Crew by sending 1985 for calling on black workers to bury Elvis shook his hips and copied black
letters to public prosecutors and sheriffs apartheid. songs and dance, white kids loved it and
across Florida, appealing for action to Accompanying police repression of the the bigots went wild. All this was hap-
ban the album. Focus on the Family is black population in South Africa and the pening just as the civil rights movement
intimately linked to the notorious Parents United States is systematic government began to take off. White Southern Bap-
Music Resource Center (PMRC). PMRC regimentation in all spheres of life, not tists, who saw rock as.representing "race-
is a cabal of frustrated Washington Con- least sexuality, because the "homoge- mixing" and godless Communism, led
gressmen's wives who spend their after- nized" white family is a key prop of the mass rock 'n roll record-burnings. For
noons listening to "explicit" records. racist status quo. Odds are that if 2 Live daring to break the "color bar" by play-
They initiated hearings on rock 'n roll Crew hadn't "crossed over" to white ing black music on his show, famous
resulting in the ratings system and warn- audiences the state would have left them disc jockey Alan Freed was scapegoated Robin Carson
ing labels designed to "protect the inno- alone. As Luther "Luke Skyywalker" and destroyed in the "payola" scandal of Blues great Billie Holiday was target
cent" from "dangerous" music. . Campbell shouted to his fans in Georgia, 1960. Today, record companies and radio of FBI harassment.
No "parental advisory" warning label "See what all these people are talking stations perpetuate this cultural segre-
is going to stop teenagers from listening about? 2 Live Crew is all about this: gation by relegating black artists to The disgusting anti-Semitic bigotry
to the music they want to or discovering blacks and whites being together." the "black" (a/k/a "urban contemporary") displayed by Public Enemy's "Minister
that sex is a big part of life. But state charts where there's less playing time of Information" Richard "Professor Griff"
interference and infringement on the Rock 'n Race and a lot less money. Griffin, who declared Jews the cause of
rights of young people to get their hands Rock 'n roll has always been rooted in Rap, with its origins in black street "the majority of the wickedness," comes
on whatever turns them on is part of the black music, and its frankly sexual nature culture, was initially and totally ignored directly from their adulation of Louis
by the music industry as a black fad with Farrakhan. This kind of race-baiting
Cammuso/Syracuse World Journal little moneymaking potential. Not so long feeds into pogroms-lynch mobs-such
ago, the MTV music video channel had as the mobilizations against Hassidic
a racist policy of excluding black per- Jews in Brooklyn's Crown Heights a
formers, to the point of refusing to air decade ago, or the boycott of a Korean
Michael Jackson's megahit "Billie Jean" grocer and anti-Asian violence today.
in order not to "alienate" its target white And, as always, in race war it is blacks
male teenage audience. But rap, uniquely who lose.
suited to venting frustration, quickly Many black newspapers and fans blast-
caught on by word of mouth; now Yo! ed Public Enemy for capitulating to their
MTV Raps is one of the channel's record company and firing Griff (who
highest-rated shows. One reason rap is so was later rehired but banned from media
popular is that, besides being danceable, contact) by the group. No doubt these
many rap groups talk about life in racist fans thought that if the white power
America, in which the extreme oppres- structure was in an uproar, then Public
sion faced by black youth is increasing Enemy must have done something right.
daily. They're wrong. It was the lynch rope
N.W.A. (a black Los Angeles rap . murder of a Jew, Leo Frank, that marked
group whose acronym stands for the self- the mass resurgence of the race-hate
deprecating name "Niggers With Atti- terrorists of the KKK in the 1920s, and
tude") popularized "Fuck tha Police," a' in this country white racists still have
"revenge fantasy" about the frustration Jews as well as blacks in their cross
and humiliation felt by black teenagers hairs. Farrakhan's anti-Semitism and
harassed by cops who "think they have opposition to racial integration has put

him in direct cahoots with Klansmen like
Tom Metzger who donated money to this
sinister demagogue. -

A Racist Double Standard

The mainstream media does its part to
encourage police repression of black
rappers by whipping up white fear and
hatred. "Rap Rage" was Newsweek's
March 19 cover, while Time worried The real obscenity:
about rap's "racial boosterism... delivered Florida leads U.S. in
by young, self-consciously arrogant black juvenile executions,
men in a society where black youths locks up Haitian
make many whites uneasy." It's a racist refugees in
Krome Avenue
double standard. There is an ominous concentration camp
upsurge of filthy racist white entertainers (right).
like Axl Rose of Guns n' Roses and
"comedians" Andrew Dice Clay and Sam
Kinison. Yet when Rose spews racist
filth in such songs as "One in a Million,"
and Clay makes "jokes" about AIDS Bob Sherman Salyer/NY Times

victims, they are lauded for breaking hurst gang that murdered Yusuf Hawkins Rose drew cheers for screaming racial was assassinated. Farrakhan's "communi-
"taboos." This is no fringe phenomenon, for the "crime" of being black in a white epithets. The next night, black guitarist ty control" separatism, a despairing an-
and has far surpassed the neo-fascist neighborhood. No harmonious "We Are Vernon Reid calmly took the mike and swer to racism, is very different from the
skinhead scum around British "Oi" the World" fantasies for these white thugs told the crowd, "If you don't have a militant self-defense of the Panthers. who
music. This is music for the mainstream -they want and they're getting riffs to problem with gay people, don't call them were hunted down by the racist FBI and
in a time of resurgent racism. rampage by. What the popularity of pigs faggots. If you don't have a problem red squads who killed 38 Panther lead-
Axl Rose brings entire audiences to like Guns n' Roses represents is the with black people, don't call them nig- ers through the deadly COINTELPRO
their feet with Klan-like tirades like reality of America today-that it's OK gers. I never met a nigger in my life." program. Several who survived are still
"N ----rs ...get out of my way." In his to be a racist, if you' re white. Like a reborn Booker T. Washington, rotting in jails, among them Mumia Abu-
spare time, Axl Rose likes to cruise the In Newsweek's "rap rage" piece, "the Farrakhan blames black people for their Jamal on death row in Pennsylvania, and
gay strip of Hollywood hurling insults at disinterment of the word 'nigger'" is own oppression and, like other nationalist Geronimo Pratt in California.
gays. Guns n' Roses' "Welcome to the called the "most visible contribution" to hustlers, worships the accomplished fact The Panthers never made the links to
Jungle," the unofficial theme song of the rap music's "Culture of Attitude." But of segregation in order to push their own the powerful, integrated working class
U.S. military's' bloody rape of Panama, the pervasive use of the word "nigger" ambitions: to politically control and eco- which should have been mobilized with
was blasted along with bullets outside the by rappers reflects a profound, if uncon- nomically exploit "their" people, "their" its tremendous social power in the fight
Papal Nunciature where Noriega was scious, demoralization and self-hatred. market. Farrakhan hated Malcolm X for for black rights. What we need today is
holed up. White frat rats like to get Living Colour, the only black heavy breaking with the Black Muslims, in a working-class revolution against the
tanked up listening to this stuff before metal group in the country, showed guts part over the question of self-defense whole stinking system of racist capital-
they go out and bash blacks on college when they opened for the Rolling Stones against racist attacks, and issued a death ism. That's the way to "fight the powers
campuses. This is music for the Benson- in L.A.'s Memorial Coliseum after Axl threat against Malcolm shortly before he that be.".

advised Casey, "my local opposes the champion of black rights fighting for his the Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Save Mumia death penalty," and demanded, "Mumia
Abu-Jamal must not die. In the name of
life in a Pennsylvania dungeon. Tens of
thousands of rally leaflets were handed
Vancouver Local, endorsers of the To-
ronto demonstration, wrote Governor
Abu-Jamal... Freedom 'Let My People Go'."
Overseas the labor movement has also
out, thousands signed petitions and many
signed up to help the campaign.
Casey to stop the execution and to "do
the right thing." Jamal's case is what the
(continued from page 12) come forward to save Philadelphia's At press time, in Mexico City the Na- death penalty is all about. Join the
"voice of the voiceless." From London, tional University student council (CEU) campaign to save Mumia Abu-Jamal. Get
on June 28 and wind up July 14 in Chi- Jamal's colleagues in the National Union unanimously passed a motion demanding your union to take up the cause-bring
cago, Oakland and Jamal's hometown of of Journalists wrote Governor Casey, "on Mumia's freedom. Over 20,000 people your union brothers and sisters to the
Philadelphia. Civil rights activists, death behalf of journalists throughout Great worldwide have signed petitions demand- rallies. Make Jamal's fight your own.
penalty abolitionists and elected officials Britain and the Republic of Ireland we ing Jamal must not die, and unions repre- Contact the Partisan Defense Committee
have joined together in this crucial fight beg you not to allow this barbaric sen- senting hundreds of thousands more are for campaign materials: P.O. Box 99,
against racist "legal" lynchings. The past tence to be carried out." Workers in on record for him. "On behalf of 2800 Canal Street Station, New York, NY
three weeks have brought important London's multiracial transport unions members," Brian Charlton, president of 10013. Telephone: (212) 406-4252.•
breakthroughs in winning union support have enthusiastically embraced Jamal's
-the force with the social power to save fight. The Finsbury Park branch of the
Jamal from the executioner's hands. National Union of Railwaymen has en-
The president of the Toronto Labour dorsed the July 6 London rally and desig-
Council, Linda Torney, addressed Penn- nated its chairman G. Watson to speak as
sylvania governor Casey: "I am writing its representative.
to you on behalf of the 180,000 trade Oppressed minorities, opponents of
unionists affiliated to the Labour Council racist terror and leftist organizations are
of Metro Toronto and York Region to rallying to Jamal's cause. Our comrades
urge you to use your powers as Governor of the Partisan Defence Committee in
to commute the death sentence imposed Britain received signed petitions from
upon Mumia Abu-Jamal.. .." The Labour Scotland, Wales and Leicester. cut out of
Council endorsed the July 4 demonstra- London's Caribbean Times newspaper.
tion outside the U.S. Consulate in Toron- In Paris L' Humanite (22 June), the
to. Other endorsers include Canadian newspaper of the French Communist
Union of Public Employees Local 391. Party. reported on "An American Black
Vancouver; Telecommunications Workers Man in Danger." Speaking at the June 29 June 28, 7:00 p.m. July 14, 2:00 p.m.
Union Local 1 Executive Council. Van- rally in Paris organized by the Comite de Associated Musicians Church of the Advocate
couver; and United Transportation Union Defense Sociale will be Robert Pac, of of Greater New York, 18th and Diamond Sts.
Local 483, Toronto. the American Commission of the Move- Local 802, 330 West 42nd Street For more information: (215) 222-7880
Faced' with wholesale attacks on their ment Against Racism (MRAP). Also, the For more information: (212) 406-4252
living standards and government efforts French Commission of Justice and Peace
to snuff the life out of their unions, the wrote Governor Casey on June 4.
integrated labor movement in the U.S. In Germany former DDR prime minis-
is coming forward on Jamal's behalf. ter Hans Modrow has endorsed the July July 14, 7:30 p.m. July 14, 2:00 p.m.
Speakers at rallies will include officials 3 protests to be held in Berlin and Ham-
ILWU Local 6 Hall The Blackstone Hotel
from Transport Workers Union Local 100 burg, and the AGIPA-Press has initiated 99 Hegenberger Road 636 S. Michigan Avenue
(NYC transit); lAM District 100 (Eastern a protest action in Bremen. Down under For more information: (415) 839-0852 For more information: (312) 663-0719
Airlines); Social Service Employees in Australia, where the PDC-organized
Union Local 371; International Brother- rally will be held July 12, the Sydney
hood of Teamsters Local 808; NABET University student newspaper Honi Soil
Local 15; District 65 UAW; Amalgamat- carried a major piece on Jamal. ,
ed Transit Union. On the West Coast, The link between the brutal oppression
International' Longshoremen's and Ware- of black political prisoners by the South
housemen's Union Local 6 and Local 10, African apartheid regime (where, unlike
and Oakland Education Association/ the U.S., executions have been put on
CTA/NEA; and RWDSU Local 1034 in hold), and the Jim Crow death penalty in
Philadelphia. the U.S. was brought to crowds across
In Jamal's hometown, the Philly chap- North America who came to see Nelson
ter of the Pennsylvania Social Services Mandela. But while Mandela was silent July 4, 5:30 p.m. July 6, 7:00 p.m, July 12, 7:30 p.m.
Union, SEIU Local 668, designated Ray- on the desperate situation of blacks in the U.S. Consulate Lambeth Town Hall Tom Mann Theatre
mond Martinez Jr. to speak in its name. U.S., and his wife Winnie praised Har- 360 University Avenue Brixton Hill 136-140 Chalmers St.
And in a recent letter Linda Riggins. lem's black masses for their "patience," Surry Hills
president of Atlanta's SEIU Local 679, - many eagerly supported the cause of the

29 JUNE 1990 11
W,/iNE/iS VANlfJAll1J
oc an ace
Rap, the wildly popular music which
emerged in the '80s from the black ghet-
los of New York and Los Angeles, has
'ong been accused by self-appointed
"guardians of morality" of inciting youth
to violence, drugs and screwing. But to
the horror of religious fundamentalists
and racists, this music from the streets
has hecome a phenomenon nationwide,
attracting integrated audiences to its
blend of rhymes, put-downs and dance
musi .

In ie Deep South, rap music collided
Ileac! n with racist state repression when
Rhythm & AP
two embers of the Miami-based rap Miami rappers 2 Live Crew (left). Record seller Charles Freeman arrested by Florida sheriff's deputies (right) for selling
grout ~ Live Crew were arrested June 10 album declared "obscene" by judge.
on ob cenity charges. 2 Live Crew trans-
gress, I the ultimate taboo in the unre- jail while arrest warrants were issued regulating what people of any age can ed to his untimely death by bigoted
canst' icted South: interracial sex. The for the other two band members, David read, watch or listen to! Rap music, "morality," exposed bourgeois hypocrisy
speer: -le of white girls bumping and "Mr. Mixx" Hobbs and Mark "Brother which grew out of street games like when he asked, "What's wrong with
grind.i.g to the beat of black males rap- Marquis" Ross. "playing the dozens" (escalating strings appealing to the prurient interest? We
pinga out their "wild thang" was judged Declaring "philistines are not always of insults), aims to offend, and often appeal to the killing interest." The real
an "O( .cenity" by the forces of "law and wrong," U.S. District Court Judge Jose does. A black kid who raps is trying to obscenity is capitalist "justice" in the
order who have always made defense of Gonzalez ruled two days earlier that all shock, to say "Look at me, I exist!" to a state of Florida: the "Sunshine State"
Soutl: -rn "white womanhood" a pretext 18 songs on 2 Live Crew's platinum society that has determined black youth leads the country in execution of juve-
for a !\ nch mob against blacks. On their album As Nasty as They Wanna Be, re- are simply an expendable surplus popula- niles, interns black Haitian refugees
way horne after a concert in Hollywood, leased over a year ago, were "obscene" tion and dispenses with them through in brutal concentration camps, hounds
Florida at 3:05 a.m. Luther "Luke Skyy- and possessed "no serious artistic, scien- prison, cop terror on the streets and life- homosexuals, and forces hundreds of
walker" Campbell and Chris "Fresh Kid tific or literary value." As the saying time unemployment. teenage girls in need of abortions to flee
Ice" Won Wong were pulled over to the goes, "perversion" is what you aren't The prescient social commentator/ the state's "squeal rule" and have them
side of the road by cops and hauled into into. This government has no business comedian Lenny Bruce, who was hound- continued on page J0

Worldwide Support
Builds for
Mumia Abu-Jamal
"Mu ria Abu-Jamal must not die!" of the MOVE organization, Jamal was
"Ret« Lias Leben von Mumia Abu- framed on charges of killing a Phila-
Jamal: "Mumia Abu-Jamal ne doit pas delphia policeman in 1981. Last year
moun ' Every day, in union halls, Pennsylvania State Representative David
.·;lmpuses and urban ghettos- Richardson summed it up, "Mumia's trial
;',:n)' country and around the world was a farce .... It was clear, to anyone
-th.: »and is being shouted. As South whose eyes are open to racism, that
Africt.. b.ack leader Nelson Mandela Mumia had been framed for his political
'!1Okc,';'ankee Stadium, a banner in beliefs.. .. An innocent man has been
(i'e d-, proclaimed, "Save Mumia sentenced to die."
.\bu-J, u;!" To mark the eighth anniversary of
The ,;luse of the 36-year-old black Jamal's sentencing, the Partisan Defense
journai ;1 on death row in Pennsylvania Committee has initiated two weeks of
is the !lying cry for opponents of the international protest to build the cam-
racist .ieath penalty USA. A former paign to save Mumia Abu-Jamal's life. WV Photo
Black Panther Party spokesman, well- _ Rallies and protests begin in New York Yankee Stadium, June 21-Partisan Defense Committee raises call to save
known journalist and prominent supporter continued on page JJ Mumia Abu-Jamal at Mandela rally.

12 29 JUNE 1990

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