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96, Fin<t the remainder when

find the remainder'when
93. Using Rernainder Theorem'
'"' }rj:r*-4.'; ;* J1t ai'ia*a \x lccc2010l -7\' pU)= l3 + + I is divided UV '' - |
3yr +3Y
to find remainder when /{x) OR
94. Use remainder
'h"o'"* the.result by actual division
is divided by gG;iii;eriff
3x - 4 and xl - 4x 't ieave
_e*\'izi -x*z,g(x) =a + f,. If the polynomial 'Lt3 + 4az +

,* yr:* [ccE 20111 samerenrainderwtrtendividedbyx_3thenfindthevalue

95. Factonse: of ,t.
@),J-3x2-9x-5 + C -- 3abcand a't b + c =0 show that
(") 21)t +12s2'3 Sl. lf oi n
' (i) 1?x2 -7x+ I
i;)- +l *9tYz c)2,+ {.*'l* ialb)r -,
(i") 27* +f {b-
3bc 3ac saD

for the din,ensions of a

18. Find the possible expressions
* lJr + 142x - 120 cubic
1. Factorise : f+13x2+32x+20' cuboid whose volume is 'r'
2. Factorise : rt - 10* units,
* + [ccE 2o1o]
3. Factorise i -Z* 5r 6' :
OR Ifx -y + : = 0 shcw that.{3 -}" + i 3xyz',
cubes- find the value
-' 3 is a factor' H.rr.. without actuall1' calcuiating
4y3 +20x2
+ 33x +18 given that2x
Factorise of[53-113-16]l'
+ zj -.9 xYz' tccE 201'01
4. Factorise 'x4 + 4x2 + 16' 19. Factorise :27x3 - f
2x3 - f - 1 3x - 6 ' I
5, Using factor theorem' factorise * pry * qi'- 20. Verifo that x3 +
+ zi - 3IYz = (''+y+z)[(x*,v]2
b)' thenfactorise *z
Y3 ,
o. Ifx2 + px + q= (v + a)(x+ + (y - z)2 , (z * x)'?] and hence find the value of
'1. Faotorise : (x2-5-v+ 6): -('x2*6x* n r .r-- -.L^. l4)r + q-
8. rf (x s) is a factor of rr + Zxz - 13x - to'tlfil'#llel 2?3 + (_

lccE 20rrl the dimensions of a

20111 Write three possible set of values for
9. Factorise:d*ab6' cuboidwhosevolumeisgivenbyvolume=1,3+f,112*|]11
10. Using factor theorem'
factorise the pol'vnomial * 10, where Y is a natural number'
| =-l findthe
21. Ifx +y+z= l,x.v*y:+
x4*13 -'t,}:-x"6'
ll.Usingfactortheorem'factorisethepolynomial OR
xa-Zxl- 7x2.8x+12. + px + 5 and are t-actors of polynomial
12. The PolYnomials P(x) = 4r' - lf both x-2 and '-;
'-' ;;) : ;.r - 6xr + p leave the remainders a and b
when divided by (-t
ofP - 2). Find the value pxz + 5x+ r show that '4 = l'
if a- h=0 22. The polynomial p{x) - 5* * *' -j'. * 5-and q(x) : -t3 o
ICCE 2o1ol 2f - x+ fr, when divided bv (x * 2)of19111the
ir if r'

If + bf + x*6 hasx + 2 asa facor and leavesremainder 7r*A|rrespectively' Find the value
l'fr", ii*al by x -Z'Find the values
of a and b' iJ#Oro,
p(x) :
* ?* - 6x}
lccE 20111
23. The polynomial
'-- 3x2 - 5x *-l3nd q{fl
14. Let A and B are
the remainders when the
potynomial ;;;-i, wtren-divided by (x + 2) leave the remaindcrs tt tiJJil
-3 r
ya r.l
Ly - \mt and y' +
- J4/-'l 12y
+ 6 af .
are divided by
,rund r'rrespectively' Find the value of lt'
* = 6, find the value
y+ t andY-2 i'r.ty. tf Ze
-7f - l lx + 12' if x - l' is
ofa' * a when 24. Find zeroes of polynomial 6x3

15. il; po$nomiats dt + 3* - 3 and 4 . s' M and N a factor of tlre polynomial' ICCE 20101
divided by (x * 4) leaves t!:-
l"*::nders -
25. Prove that:
;;;";fu iina*" vatue ora ifM +N = o' (d-Ff +W-ey + (*-d\'=3(a+6X&+ c)(c+ a)
of + .tf - i. *1 Tj * a when
re. ir,i potynlmiats
divided by g -'a) leavesa the " A and B i,*alir*"l("-a)'
B : o'
-iY ilnd the vatue
= ,f *
of irzA-
ot.n o{ * ao' then find the '" ;',:;:TTli r;T: rff;If, F -'l35Ji;,'i
r?. i;6 -
' ' o{-o
value of a'
Find the
uufu. of an+3ar-+9ar*27a,+87ao'

37. tf the polynomia, ,,.'t-t.) t ,..t1 + 312 - ar + I is divided 75. WritE the expansicns of the follcrrving :

by (r - 2), it lea : i a remainder 10. Find the value of a'
(a) (3x + 4y)i (r) .;,i )'
lccE 20111 [;, J

33. Ifd +F+cz =30and a+b+ c: l0,thenfindthevalue

76. Find the value ofp3 - 93, if
{a) P-q=-'7 and Pq---la
ofab+bc+ca, lccE 20ltl
Factorise uach of thefollowing expressions: 39 to 71 (b) p-q:7 and P,t=1
39. 13 + 81F + Sxy (x + 2y).
40. 2x3-* * tsx*s. lccn 20101 77. SimpliS:

-31 (a) (ax + 21,)3 + (4x -2yf {b) (34 + 5&)3 - {3(r - 5&)l
4!.. xr + 3x + -+-: 78. Evaluate the following
xx' . :

42. + 25f +20xy- llx -25Y.
(a) (lo5)3 (b) (c) (505)r
?9. \Yrite the expansions of the following :
43. 25x-- 30y* 25xz -36f + 60ry.
*2x). (b)
44. Ztt (x -fj + 3b (5.r - 5y) + 4c (2:t (c) (r - 3y)3 (3r - Ss)l

cs. Is,-l]' *afs*-1) .*. " ( 3 ,\'

\ xl \ x) (c) | P'-:q'
\/) I

46. 4(x- i2 - 12 dx - Y)(x +Y) + 9 {x + Y)z 80. Find ihe value of a3 + 8&1, if a +2b:10 and *Z': !5.
4?, x4 10x3 + 35.x2 + 50r * 24
+ 81. Find the value of a-' - 2'l b3, i:f n * 3 b = * 6 and ai : * I 0.
3 E2. Evaluate the following :
"T^ * 24x 49. 64db4 + 2t6a6b
48. --:- - 64 - 3.t:t (a) (1ol)3 (&) (9.8)3 (c) (5ol)3 (.0 (3e9)3
*8(t'+7x)(2x- l)- - 1): 83. Find the foilorving products
50" 12(l +1i)2
15 (2'x
51." 7x4 - 7x3 - l3l + 63x - 45
(a) (3x r- 5) (9x2 -i5; ;25)
52,14+12+l 53. #- 1.1*/-8of (6) (0.4x + 0,5y) (0.16x2 -0.2x1; + 0.251)

54. (r2 *f\' *'ff --z'1' + (22 - x2)3 84- Find the following Products :

{a) {.a + b) daz - ab "' b?) (b) (a - b) (,r: * uh t fi)

55. (a + 7b)3 +' (2a + b)3 56. 64? - Sry - 6x
85. Find the follow'ing Products :
57, 8x3 + 125ji + 60x2y + 150x1
sB, x6 +l {a') (x + 3) (x2 -- 3x * 9)
(r) (5o - 3h) {25a2 * lsub * 9b2}
59. 0.027f - 0.00sd - 0.00lC + 0.Ul\pqr.
rl 86. Factorise the exPression :
60. *y' + 729x4 61. -rrs - xto I - -i.r'v'+; f
ii 19xz + 81"y2 + 14422 + !26xv+2l6yz+ l68x:"
87. lfx +y+z:8 and xy+)'1 +zx'= 20,findthevalueof
62. (ax - by)' + laY - bx\z 63- -t'*{+Z x3*f+23-\xyz.
38. (a) lf a+ b + c= 9 atrd a2 + b2 + C:35" find the value of
64. x2 *4ahx*1a? --b212 a3 + +
b3 c3 -3abc.
65. 4{ab - clz * {d + bz - C - *12 (b) lf p + q +r= 1 and pq + qr + pr: -l andpqr=-1, find
66" {x - y)z -7 {x2 - f} + 12 (x + Y}2 the value ofp3 +' q3 * l.
6?. (1 + a+ b)(a+ b+ ab)* ab 89. Find the value of (2.?)3 * ( 1.6)3 -- ( L I )l
68, x3 * L*y + 2xf *f 69. 1 -xr + 81f + 6O 90. Find the values of :

70. (a + $ + c)i -(b + e *.r)1 (c + a- -(a +b - r)3

(a) (35)3 - (27)3 - (8f (6) (2.s)r - (2.8)3 * (0'l)3
- b)3
91. Ifthepolynomial 2x3'- 9* + 15x +p when divided by x -2
11. x3-2x2-5x+6
72. Simplify: leaves (-p) as remainder. Find the value of 7r.

{a) +y+z)2+(x+Y*z\2
(x OR
(b) (2x+ p* c)2'{2x*P+ c)l
?3, Write the expansions of each of the following
,'i [,---l--'] l'---L=l

(a) (x -y-zz)2 (e) {--Ir**rl' 1,,-r)1,,-

(- x+il(- x+2) \ rr3J \ x-10/
\. 2' 3,1
74. Find rhe value of 27x!' + 81, if 3x + 2y = 20 and ry = u 92. Using factor theorem, factorise grf - 27 a2 - 1000o + 300.
'?ardte rri# ccE (Mathemntics *In

Class [X
Phvsics Wprks,heet
Motion Fiurne-ricals
W'-:ul"late the acceleration of a body u,hich slarts from rest and irar,,els jsc.l
a? A car moving ri'ith a certain velocity cornes to a halt if tire retardarion rvzi.s 5m/s2.,find the initial
;r(rcit1 of the car?
(W::t: t1,:,A an{B are moving along in a straight line car A is moi-in* at a speed
t'I]KN{ph u' B is moving at a peed 5OKMph in the same drrection.
1,rnd the
mag.nirude anci iirection of
(a)the relative ve1ocit1, of car A rvith respect rrr
(b) The relative velocilv of cai B ,ulith respecr to
Q4' A ball starts from rest and rolls down 16m down an inclined plane in -{ s.
(a)What is the acceleration of the ball?
p4\l'nut is the velocity of the trail at the boto,r of the inciine?
car trar eis at a speed of 4Okm,fu for tuo hour and then
Mraue speed of rhe car durinq rhe enrire joumer ?
ar 60kmhi ior i,rree hours. whar is rhe

Q5. Calculate the acceieration and diEance of the body mc.. int riilit
-;n sl ri:rich comes to rest alier
traveiing lor 6sec?
Q7' A bodf is dropped fron.r a height of 320m. The acceleration .lue ro the gravity is
q21 bo1' throws a stone upward rvith a velocitr. of 60rrys.
heighr (S : _ 10m sl i?
(a) Horv lons ,^i11 it take to reach the a-raximum
(b) \l/hat is the maximr_rm height reached by,the bali? , '"
(_c) Flori, long r.r.ill it takc to reach the ground?

QC)' ,'\ bodf is rnoving il'itit a velocitf if 12m s and rt cones ro re sr in gi,.
i ri hat *.as the
oX trom rest and moves u'ith a unilorm acceleraticn of:lm,,s2 until
SOTt{flnd ,ttfs
the f'jnd rtelocity.
it travels a distance
Ql)(Tl^te ciriver u.:1, traveling along a straight road ri'ith a speed of 7lK\.1 ph
,4, .
.l'nlch "f observes a signboard
91t e the speed limit to be 54KM ph. The signboard is 70m a}read u,hen ih"
brakesO calculate the acceleration of thecar q'hich
dri.,.. applie-s the
u,ill cause the car topass rhe/ rrtrrvv4lu
sicnboard at the
4L tt.lg 5slated
.-^.,^.1 1i--:*o
speed lirnit?
Qll A car moves 10u nt dLte east andthen 25 m due \\est. (a) \\'hat is:irc ciisrence
coverbd b1, rhe car? (b) \l,hat is its displacemenr?
Qli' A person *'aiks alons the sides oia square field. Each side is 100m lone \\,.har is
the maximum magnitude of dispracenrent of the person
i, .,r,rl,*.1;;r,^ii "
Qi"1' In the hare-tortoise race. the hare ran lor 2 min ut u sp..d of 7.5 km,'h, slept
for 56
rnin and again ran for 2 min at a speedoiT.5 km,1h. Find
the average speed oi the
fiin thc race.
q].]1 * ?" takes I hours to cover a distance of 320 lon. What is rhe average speed of the bus?
Vlo l he maxtmurn speed of a train is80 km/h. It takes 10 hours to corer-a distance of
400 km' Find the rario of its maximum speed to its average
Q 1 7' The maximum speed of a train is 80 km/h. It takes i0 hou^ to co\er a
distance of
j$l Find the ratio of its maximum speed to irs average speed.
'€-pa car moves through 20 km at a speed of 40 kmih.Ind
(-lalculate its average speed.
the next 20 km at a speed of 60 km/h

Q19' A bicycle increases its velocity from 10 km/h to l5 km,tr in 6 secuids. calculate its

Q20. A, object moves alo,g a straight line u,ith an accereraticr of r ur,/sr if its inr,ial speeci i," 10 m/s.
r."i:at *iii be its spred 5 s laier? :
Q2i. rin object iircpped from a c1ilf falis rr,ith a constant acceleration of 10 nr,rsl. Finc its
spei'o 2 s afier it ii'as dropped.
Q22' A bLillcr hits a wall *'ith a veiocitlr of 20 ni/s arJ peneirates ir Lrp to a distan<:e of 5 cm, Fincj the
.rlstqleration of the bullet in thc uall.
tiuown ver-iicaily upwards with a velocity oi 10 m/s. CalcLrlare rhe height atrairr by ball anci
ttr.i;e laxen'ov it to reach the highest point if the acceleration of ball
is - 10 mrs2 during its moiion? (5m,
l-scc )
stone thrown vertically upwarris ivitir a speedtcf 5 mis. Flori mucl heigh the stone goes
back ro ^ rhe earrh? A:-9.8nr/s2 (1.2gm) before

Q25. A bullei moving rvith 1Om/s hit the u'ooden p)ank. The bullets srops r,r,hen penetrares 2 crl decp.
Calcuiate the rerardation of bullet.(2500n-/s2)
Q26' A car is travelling u'ith a speed of i6 itrnh . The drirer applieci the hreaks and rerards tire car
uniformly' The car is stopped in 5 sec. Find (i) The acceleration of car and (ii) Distance before it
irfu(Applins breaks?r lmisl.25m )
' lrar el br
bodl'starts from rest accelerate uniiorml-v at the rare of :nr sl ibrl0 sec. Find the rlistance
the bodr ?13-s0m )
Q28, Airain acceleiate fronr i6 kmih to 5,1 km/h in 10 sec. Find'(i) accelerarion (ii) The
distance travetled b,r* car ( 0.5m/s . i25m)
Q29. A train stafls tiom rest and accelerate uniformil, at rhe ra,.c cl,{ nr'sl for 5 sec.
Calculate the velocitl,oltrajn in 5 sec. (l5mrs)
Q30. A car traveiing at 54 km,h is slou'dorvn to 36 kr h :n i0 sec. Fiirrj dr: retardarion ofcar. (0.-i
Q3l. A car start from rest and acquire a relocitl,of 5-l km h in 2 sec. Find Lrl the
acceleration (ii) distance travelled bv catassume morion of car is unillrr.l.n
900nr I
ri g m,sl . -

Q32' A train travelling at 5 mis speed upto 10 m/s in 4 sec. Find 1he acceleration of train. (i.25m/s2
Q33' \\irite pet(pression lor the centripetal acceleration. A moror car tra'elir.rc ar l0 p-r/s olr a circular
t'oad ot r?*fus 500 rn. it is increasing its speed at the rar.- of I m .; l.
\\' har*/the accelerar i on ?
Qi{ \\-hat are the angle of projection of a pro-iectile
i" ' --'rr! pro-]ected
}'rLr' s! r.,i:it.,elc.ciii lr-) n s. so that horizontal
.i,.rru i:-J-{rir a,d take S = iir ,aa I
Qi5. A ball tiuorur rerticalh'upw.ards uith the spc:d of 19.6 nt,s frout tlre lop of rhe to\\,enetLtn,ts t0 the
earlh in 6 sec. Find tite height of the rower.
Q36.'lhe cirirer of'a car travellins at 36 knr/h applres thc brakcs to cleccler-are Lrniforml\.
Tl-re car stops in 10 s. Piot the speed-time grapir i'or ihis pcriod. Finci thc ijisrapcc
travellcd by the car during this period bv calculating the area ulder the rnph.
Q37. An object is rnoving along a straight line ri,ith a unifomr speed of iGnr,s. piot a graph showing
distance versus time from t : 0 to t: 10 s.
Q38. A particle moves along a straight line u,ith a uniform velocity of 5.0m/s. plot a
distance-time graph for the period t : 0 to t : 5 s.
Q39. A bicycle mo\,'es rvith a constant velocity of 5 krn/h for 10 minutcs and then
decelerates at the rate I km/hl, till it stops. Find the total Cistance covered b1 the
bi clc l e.
Q40' A ship moving with a constant acceleration of 36 km/h2 tn afixed direction speeds up
flom 12 krtu'h to I 8 km,&. Find the distance traversed by the ship in this period.

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