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Oil-Based Muds for Reservoir Drilling:

Their Performance and

Cleanup Characteristics
J.M. Davison, SPE, and M. Jones, SPE, M-I LLC; C.E. Shuchart, SPE, Mobil Technology Co.; and C. Gerard, M-I LLC

Summary their efficiency in reducing the FIP needed to initiate flow from
This paper evaluates the performance of a standard oil-based mud reservoir rocks. Where the FIP of the filter cake is higher than the
(OBM) to drill horizontal wellbores, concentrating on its formation- flowing pressure available from the reservoir, it will be necessary to
damage characteristics and the flow-initiation pressures (FIP’s) reduce the filter-cake FIP to achieve inflow from as large a section
required for production to flow through the filter cake. For hetero- as possible of the horizontal wellbore.
geneous reservoirs, damage is relatively low in low-permeability
rocks, but the FIP is high. Conversely, for high-permeability rocks, OBM Formation Damage and FIP
the FIP is low but formation damage is relatively high. If the draw- Experimental Methods. A variety of rock types covering a range
down pressure available from the reservoir is low, the scenario of permeabilities were used as substrates to evaluate the formation
exists where inflow will occur predominantly from the higher- damage and FIP for OBM in heterogeneous reservoirs. These are
permeability formations, which could be damaged badly, but little listed in Table 1. Core plugs 25 mm in diameter and 30 mm in
inflow will occur from relatively undamaged lower-permeability length were used throughout this study. The cores were vacuum
rocks. In terms of maximizing production, this is obviously a less- saturated with brine, then flushed with Isopar L, a highly refined,
than-optimal scenario. isoparaffinic kerosene. The cores are brought to residual water sat-
Evaluations of cleanup fluids were conducted to gauge their uration using Isopar L at a flow rate of 7.67 mL/min. For the for-
effect on lowering the FIP of OBM filter cakes. Various fluids were mation damage and FIP tests, the permeability of the cores was
screened for their mud-removal performance, which would indicate measured at imposed constant flow rates of 2, 4, and 6 mL/min.
potentially good OBM “chemical breakers.” Mud parameters such For all the flow rates, the pressure drop across the core was meas-
as oil:water (O:W) ratio, base-oil type, and emulsifier content all ured by a pressure transducer fitted to the inlet of the core holder.
affected the efficiency of the cleanup fluids. The best cleanup fluids Permeability of the core plugs was calculated by plotting the pres-
were used then in a series of core tests to evaluate their effective- sure drop vs. flow rate and curve fitting the data points.
ness in reducing the filter-cake FIP. Reductions between 25 and After measuring the initial permeability of the core plug,
40% were possible, although parameters such as soak time and drilling fluid was placed in the cell, and the core was exposed to
overbalance pressure were critical to their success. the mud at a temperature of 180°F, a differential pressure of 500
psi, and dynamic filtration at 150 rev/min for 3 or 17 hours.
Introduction After the mud-filtration phase, permeability to Isopar L was
Increased inflow area offered by a horizontal wellbore over a ver- measured again, flowing in the production direction, using the
tical wellbore, and hence the greater productivity available, has led same flow rates as used to measure the initial permeability. As
to a large increase in the drilling and completing of horizontal backflow was imposed, a peak in the pressure was observed, which
wells. These wells often are completed with open holes where appears to correlate with cake rupture.1,2 This pressure peak has
screens either with or without gravel packs are used. Where the been used by some authors as an explicit value to signify the reser-
ultimate goal of the drilling and completion phase is to minimize voir drawdown needed to initiate flow through the drilling-fluid
the skin and maximize productivity, the drilling fluid can have a filter cake.1,3 Others use the difference in peak pressure with the
major impact on achieving this aim. equilibrium flowing pressure in the damaged core and define this
Various laboratory evaluations of drilling-fluid performance, in as the FIP.2,4 Following Alfenore et al.,3 in this paper we will use
terms of the formation damage and FIP, have been reported in the the overall pressure peak, FIPpeak, as the drawdown needed to ini-
literature.1–7 Although both water-based mud (WBM) and OBM tiate flow from the reservoir and FIPeq as the pressure where the
results have been reported, there has been a relative emphasis on FIPpeak is adjusted for the equilibrium flowing pressure (Fig. 1). The
the former, particularly sized-salt and polymer-carbonate drilling recovered permeability is the difference between the equilibrium
fluids. This paper aims to assess both the formation damage and flowing pressures before and after the mud-filtration phase and is
FIP for an OBM applied to a variety of reservoir rock permeabili- a measure of residual damage.
ties and to assess the use of displacement/cleanup fluids. Table 2 lists the drilling-fluid formulations used. A standard
Performance advantages of OBM, such as the lubricity, shale sta- OBM using a low-toxicity mineral oil was the base fluid. The
bility, and fluid loss and filter-cake characteristics, can make them drilling fluid had an O:W ratio of 75:25 and mud weight of 10.53
particularly suitable for reservoir-drilling applications. However, if lbm/gal (barite-weighted). As well as the various mud products
the design of the completion phase involves the use of a water- needed to make up the fluid, Rev Dust (calcium montmorillonite)
based brine or gravel-pack fluid, then the engineering of the fluids was added at 15 lbm/bbl concentration to simulate drilled solids.
and displacement procedures will have a significant impact on the The drilling fluid had an API plastic viscosity (PV) of 31 cp and
overall success of the completion (i.e., minimum skin). yield point (YP) of 21 lbm/100 ft2.
Displacement efficiency will depend on the hydrodynamic char-
acteristics of the drilling and displacement fluids as well as the Results: Retained Permeability vs. Rock Permeability. Results
chemical interaction of the drilling and cleanup fluids. This paper for the cores ranging in permeability from 5 to 7,632 md are given
evaluates some properties of the drilling fluid that control the effi- in Table 3 and plotted in Fig. 2. Damage from the drilling fluid is
ciency of these cleanup fluids. Cleanup fluids also are evaluated for low for the lower-permeability samples. For the tightest cores, the
retained permeability is greater than 100%. The very high retained
permeabilities suggest that the components of the OBM are very
Copyright © 2001 Society of Petroleum Engineers
effective in bridging the pore throats for the cores with perme-
This paper (SPE 72063) was revised for publication from paper SPE 58798, prepared for ability to oil of up to 1,000 md. For permeabilities greater than
presentation at the 2000 SPE Intl. Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette,
Louisiana, 23–24 February. Original manuscript received for review 18 April 2000. Revised
1,000 md, we can see a significant reduction in the retained per-
manuscript received 4 December 2000. Manuscript peer approved 27 March 2001. meability figures. As the permeability of the core plugs increases,

June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion 127

Permeability Range (to oil) 50
Rock Type (md)
Birchover 5 to 15
40 FIPpeak FIPeq

Pressure, psi
Spynie 30 to 50
Clashach A 250 to 450
Clashach B 500 to 850
Clashach C 900 to 1,500
Synthetic A 2,000 to 3,000
Synthetic B 4,000 to 8,000 20
so do the pore throat diameters, permitting greater invasion by the 10 Damage
drilling fluid. This can lead to damage in the region of 50 to 60%
for rock permeabilities of 5,000 to 8,000 md.
To evaluate the sensitivity of this trend with various test param- 0
eters, some of the test conditions and fluid parameters were varied. 0 5 10 15 20 25
The significance of the filtration time was evaluated by completing
some tests for 17 hours as well as the standard 3-hour duration. Time, minutes
Fig. 3a shows the effect of increased time of mud filtration on the
low- and high-permeability cores. For the low-permeability cores, Fig. 1—Sketch of the definitions used for FIPpeak, FIPeq, and
the retained permeability was greater than 100% (i.e., core stimu- residual damage.
lated), with the 17-hour filtration test possessing a slightly higher
retained-permeability value than the shorter time test. For the high-
permeability cores, there is no discernible difference between the 225
retained permeability when 3 or 17 hours of mud filtration are 200
used. These results indicate that alteration of the rock matrix by the
Retained Permeability, %
Product Concentration
Base oil (low-toxicity mineral oil) 0.60 bbl
Water 0.20 bbl
Primary Emulsifier 3.6 lbm/bbl 50
Secondary Emulsifier 3.6 lbm/bbl 25
Organoclay 6 lbm/bbl
Gilsonite 5 lbm/bbl
6 lbm/bbl 1 10 100 1000 10000
Calcium Chloride 35.2 lbm/bbl Permeability, md
Barite 123 lbm/bbl
Rev Dust 15 lbm/bbl Fig. 2—Formation damage results for the OBM vs. rock perme-
ability. Point circled has 25 lbm/bbl bridging carbonate added.

Permeability Filtrate Loss Permeability FIPpeak FIPeq
Reference (md) (mL) (%) (psi) (psi) Comments
1 451 1.5 90 7.47 4.45 Standard conditions
1A 262 1.6 100 7.86 3.89 Standard conditions
2 1,539 0.9 68 2.69 1.04 Standard conditions
2A 1,093 1.3 74 2.20 1.00 Standard conditions
3 847 1.4 95 3.64 1.97 Standard conditions
3A 481 1.7 99 8.03 4.43 Standard conditions
4 1,288 2.2 78 3.51 2.15 Standard conditions
2B 934 1.4 94 4.15 2.56 Standard conditions
5 4,532 2.5 52 1.49 1.01 Standard conditions
6 51.8 1.7 91 40.90 10.40 Standard conditions
6A 29.0 1.4 99 54.90 5.42 Standard conditions
7B 5.41 1.6 139 131.00 14.20 Standard conditions
7C 6.95 1.3 123 114.00 10.60 Standard conditions
A 7,637 1.7 39 2.03 1.51 Standard conditions
B 6,852 3.0 41 1.23 1.42 Standard conditions
V 14.03 1.6 191 116.00 24.60 Standard conditions
E 4,728 3.4 48 2.87 1.45 17 hours filtration
W 17.81 2.2 209 83.0 18.70 17 hours filtration
C 3,226 1.5 66 2.81 1.56 25 lbm/bbl CaCO3
NB: Standard conditions are as stated in the text.

128 June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion

(a) (b)
250 250

3 hours

Retained Permeability, %
Retained Permeability, %
200 17 hours 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
14 to 18 md 4,532 to 4,728 md 5 to 14 md 6,852 to 7,637 md
Fig. 3—Effect of OBM filtration time (a) and O:W ratio (b) on the levels of damage found in low and high permeability rocks.

drilling fluid occurs in the early part of the filtration process, such hence when the FIPpeak is corrected to derive the FIPeq, the pres-
as the spurt phase, and that further exposure to OBM filtrate does sure is relatively low.
not alter this level of damage. For lower-permeability rocks (i.e., less than 100 md), we can
The drilling fluid O:W ratio was altered to evaluate whether this see that the FIPpeak has a very clear trend with the permeability of
affected the trend of mud damage data with rock permeability. Fig. the core plug and that this is an order of magnitude greater than the
3b shows that with both low-and high-permeability formations, the FIPeq for a given permeability. More scatter to the data is caused by
level of retained permeability does not alter with varying the O:W the variability in the FIPeq value with the varying levels of retained
ratio. Again, with the tighter rocks we can see that the retained- permeability (i.e, the equilibrium flowing pressure). Laboratory
permeability values are far greater than 100%. results reported here compare very favorably with FIPpeak results
In terms of bridging the pore throats, the emulsion phase of the reported in Browne et al.5 for field OBM evaluated with various
OBM is obviously too small. Additions were made of a suitably core permeabilities. Their data showed that tighter rocks have far
sized calcium carbonate chosen based on the rule that the majority higher FIPpeak values than more permeable formations, and the val-
of the particles should be one-third to one-half times greater than ues compare very well with those reported in this paper.
the pore-throat size. The results indicate that addition of 25 lbm/bbl
bridging carbonate wasn’t very successful in reducing the levels of Results: Filtrate Volume vs. Rock Permeability. For all the
damage (circled point in Fig. 2). tests, the mean fluid loss across the full permeability range was
1.66 mL with a standard deviation of 0.49 mL. The plot in Fig. 5
Results: FIP vs. Rock Permeability. The values for FIPpeak and shows that the volume of filtrate collected during the mud filtra-
FIPeq are given in Table 3 and plotted vs. rock permeability in Fig. 4. tion does not change below 1,000 md, but above this there is
As found by Browne and Smith1 and Browne et al.,5 our results greater fluid loss, indicating the poorer bridging performance.
show that only with the lower-permeability cores do we see sig- Changing the mud filtration time from 3 to 17 hours on the 14 to
nificant levels of drawdown needed to initiate flow. For example, 18 and 4,532 to 4,728 md rock substrates results in higher fluid
the tightest rock had a permeability of 5.41 md with an FIPpeak of loss, as expected from Darcy’s law, but not a change in the for-
131 psi. The FIPeq values are much lower (e.g., 14 psi) and this is mation damage or FIPpeak values. Also, the same drilling fluid that
because of the greater-than-100% retained permeability after had the sized calcium carbonate added reduced the fluid loss com-
drilling-fluid filtration. In these cases the equilibrium flowing pared to the tests using cores of similar permeability with the stan-
pressure is always lower than the initial flowing pressure, and dard mud formulation. However, the formation damage for these
FIPpeak 3
Filtrate Volume, mL

FIPeq 2.5
FIPpeak / FIPeq, psi


10 1


1 0
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 1 10 100 1,000 10,000
Core Permeability, md Permeability, md

Fig. 4—FIP values for the OBM filtercake vs. core permeability. Fig. 5—OBM filtrate volumes vs. rock permeability.

June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion 129

tests was very similar. This shows that the early-time behavior of A caveat to these results is that the high FIP values were always
the filtration phase (i.e., the spurt loss), controls the performance measured to oil as the flowing medium. For tight formations con-
of the mud in terms of damage and flowback properties. It appears taining gas, we do not know what effect this has in terms of the
that for these tests, the overall fluid loss of the OBM does not play multiphase flow and how gas FIP values would compare to the oil
a major role in the damage imparted by the fluid, which is not the FIP values. This is an area for future research.
case with WBM formulations.3
Cleanup Fluids for OBM
Discussion of Damage and FIP vs. Rock Permeability. Studies Within the context of minimizing skin for the completed reservoir
of FIP values for WBM have found a number of factors, includ- interval, the displacement and cleanup phase can be crtitical to
ing the solids-volume fraction, particle size of the solids, miner- achieving this aim.3 We have demonstrated that if an OBM is used
alogy of the solids, rock permeability, and filtration pressure, are for drilling a horizontal reservoir section where the reservoir per-
all important.2,4 Mud type also plays an important role in the meability is heterogeneous, we can have the scenario where inflow
behavior of the filter cake when exposed to fluid flow, with FIP occurs only from the higher-permeability, relatively badly dam-
values for OBM being less than WBM values.1,3,5 For example, aged, horizons. As noted by Browne and Smith,1 who used reser-
FIP values of WBM can depend on the flocculation state of the voir inflow modeling, it is far better in terms of productivity to pro-
bentonite mud as well as the concentration of polymers. Results duce from as large a section as possible of the wellbore, even if it
reported here are for one mud type across a range of core per- is badly damaged (e.g., 60%), than producing from a smaller area
meabilities; however, the match with data from Browne et al.5 is of undamaged reservoir. We therefore decided to evaluate some
very good. displacement/cleanup fluids for application to the filter cake in
Interpreting the formation damage and FIPpeak results together, those areas of the reservoir where high FIP values could exist.
we can see that for wellbores intersecting heterogeneous reservoirs
with a range of producing horizon permeabilities, an OBM will give Experimental Methods: Screening of Fluids. We adopted a lab-
rise to invasion and damage in the high-permeability formations, developed procedure to screen a variety of solutions for applications
whereas at lower permeabilities the damage is relatively low. The in displacement/cleanup of OBM in the reservoir. The technique
FIPpeak needed to initiate production counterbalances these results, uses an oilfield viscometer that is rotor coated in sand to which mud
where high pressures will be needed to initiate flow through the adheres. The mud-removal efficiency of various combinations of
filter cake in the undamaged lower-permeability horizons. For the solvents, surfactants, and dispersants can be evaluated. It is antici-
high-permeability horizons, the FIPpeak will be relatively low but the pated that the combinations of chemicals effective in mud removal
damage quite high. In these tests we have found damage up to also could be applied as a breaker to weaken the OBM filter cake.
50 to 60% which, according to modeling of reservoir inflow per-
formance for horizontal wellbores, can lead to significant reduction Results: Cleanup Fluid Efficiencies. Prior to evaluating a suite of
in the reservoir inflow performance.1,6 cleanup chemicals, a series of tests considered the effect of certain
Reasons for this variability in the damage and FIP/FIPpeak pro- mud parameters on removal efficiencies. Some mud parameters
file are related to drilling fluid and core matrix effects. In the tighter evaluated included base-oil type, O:W ratio, and emulsifier content.
rocks, relative permeability effects largely control the flow of fluid It is difficult to change the mud parameters without influencing
through the matrix.7 The loss of filtrate into the formation affects other mud properties, but attempts were made to limit the interfluid
the phase saturation of the core plug, and greater oil saturation leads variation in viscosity, solids-volume fraction, etc. For cleanup Fluid
to a relative increase in rock permeability. In the tests using the tight B, a blend of organic solvents and surfactants, the results in Fig. 6
core plugs reported here, we found a greater than 100% return per- show that base-oil type and O:W ratio significantly affect mud
meability each time. Flow characteristics and relative-permeability removal efficiency. Where the emulsifier content of the mud was
effects give the increased permeability of the rock matrix. For the varied, the cleanup efficiency of Fluid A, 2% surfactants and dis-
higher-permeability rocks, the matrix effects and the saturation persants in base oil, was not affected; however, for Fluid B, the rate
levels are not as important, and the cake characteristics assume of removal was significantly slower (Fig. 7).
greater influence on the FIP value rather than the rock matrix. The Cleanup efficiencies of a variety of combinations of surfactants,
yield stress of OBM filter cakes is low, hence the FIP required to solvents and dispersants were appraised using the sand-rotor coated
initiate flow is low. in the OBM used throughout the formation damage/FIP tests. The

(a) (b)
90 90

80 80
Mud Removal, wt %

Mud Removal, wt%

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 Ester 40

30 LAO 30 95\5
LTMO-1 70\30
20 20
LTMO-2 55\45
10 10
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

Time^0.5 Time^0.5
Fig. 6—Effect of base-oil type (a) and O:W ratio (b) on OBM removal efficiency for cleanup fluid B.

130 June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion

100 The switching of wellbore-wettability state is an important
90 consideration for displacement in horizontal wells using sand-

Mud Removal, wt %
80 control screens where a water-based gravel-pack carrier fluid is
70 used. The more complete the change in the wettability state, the
60 less chance exists of forming emulsion blocks in the formation
50 and completion. It would appear prudent to use an oil-based sol-
40 vent to remove as much of the OBM as possible and then apply a
30 Lo-Emul/100% Fluid B
water-wetting fluid phase.
Hi-Emul/100% Fluid B
Lo-Emul/2% Fluid A Reduction of OBM Filter-Cake FIP
10 Hi-Emul/2% Fluid A Experimental Methods. Some form of a cleanup fluid would be
0 required in reservoirs where the drawdown pressure for the flow-
0 2 4 6 8 10 ing interval is low and less than the FIPpeak for a mud applied to
Time,^0. 5 that formation. Results presented here and discussed in other
papers1,2,4,5 show that it is more than likely the low-permeability
Fig. 7—Effect of emulsifier content on OBM removal efficiency horizons will not have sufficient drawdown to initiate flow through
for cleanup fluids A and B. the filter cake. We describe here a series of tests that evaluated
whether the cleanup fluids found to be effective in mud removal
results in Fig. 8 show that the rate and overall removal efficiency, could also be used to lower the FIPpeak needed to initiate flow
as well as the wettability state, varies depending on the combina- through the cake.
tions of the various chemicals. What became apparent from the tests To achieve this goal, another series of core tests were com-
was that achieving a surfactant-induced change in wettability state pleted. After the mud-filtration phase, another phase of exposure
from that of the carrying-base fluid was very difficult (Table 4). An of the mud filter cake and core to a cleanup fluid was made. The
intermediate state between oil- and water-wet was the best outcome core material used for this part of the study was Birchover sand-
we found. Much better removal and change in wettability was stone, which had relatively low permeabilities (~5–18 md) and
achieved when two stages were employed. Fluids A and B were consequently, relatively high FIP values. The measurement of the
chosen for further evaluation for FIPpeak reduction tests. Fluid A was core permeability was made at an imposed constant flow rate of 4
chosen based on these test results; Fluid B was chosen from both the mL/min. The mud-filtration conditions were the same as the for-
performance here and successful field applications. mation damage/FIP evaluations discussed in this paper. After the

Mud Removal, %

60 15 minutes
50 30 minutes
40 60 minutes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fig. 8—Results of screening tests for suitable OBM cleanup-fluid chemistry. X-axis numbers refer to fluid chemistry in Table 4.


Chemicals and Concentration
Reference* Base Fluid (vol%) Wettability State
1 Base oil Surfactant blend A (2%) Intermediate
2 None Solvent/Surfactant blend B (100%) Oil-wet
3 Water Mutual Solvent (3%) + Surfactant A (0.2%) Water-wet
4 Water Mutual Solvent (5%) + Surfactant A (0.5%) Water-wet
5 Water Mutual Solvent (5%) + Surfactant B (0.5%) Water-wet
6 Water Surfactant A (0.5%) + Surfactant C (1%) Water-wet
7 Water Surfactant B (0.5%) + Surfactant C (1%) Water-wet
8 Base oil Organic Solvent (5%) Oil-wet
9 Base oil Organic Solvent (3%) Oil-wet
10 Water Surfactant blend C (2%) Water-wet
11 Base oil Organic Solvent (2%) + Surfactant blend C (2%) Oil-wet
12 1st Base oil 1st Organic Solvent (2%) Oil-wet
2nd Water 2nd Surfactant blend C (2%) Water-wet
* Reference number relates to those used in Fig. 8.

June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion 131

140 140
3 hrs/100 psi
120 120
17 hrs/100 psi
FIPpeak, psi 100 100


FIPpeak, psi
3 hrs/0 psi 80
3 hrs/0 psi
3 hrs/100 psi
60 60
17 hrs/0 psi
40 17 hrs/0 psi 40
Nontreated Nontreated
20 Cleanup Fluid A 20 Cleanup Fluid B

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

Permeability, mD Permeability, mD

Fig. 9—Results for cleanup Fluids A and B in terms of their ability to lower the FIPpeak of the OBM filtercake.

mud-filtration phase, cleanup fluid was applied at 180°F at a dif- for Fluid B (i.e., 100% “active” compared to 2% for Fluid A), the
ferential pressure of either 0 or 100 psi for either 3 or 17 hours best result was achieved for the longest soak period prior to flow-
under static conditions. ing in the production direction. This suggests that for certain types
Retained permeability and FIPpeak were measured after exposure of cleanup fluids, the soak period is important to allow diffusion
to the cleanup fluid to gauge their impact on these values. Two into the filter cake to permit the weakening of the structure.
cleanup fluids were evaluated. Fluid A consisted of a blend of surfac- In terms of regained permeability, Fig. 11 illustrates that
tants, solvents, and dispersants mixed at 2% by volume into a base cleanup fluids do not really change the overall values compared to
oil. Fluid B was a 100% solution of organic solvent and surfactants. the tests where no cleanup fluids were applied. Mud filtration
through the low-permeability core plugs results in a relative
Results: Reduction of OBM Filter-Cake FIP. The results illus- increase in the permeability. Application of the cleanup fluid
trated in Fig. 9 for Fluid A show that all three tests conducted at bal- appears to introduce more variability to the regained-permeability
anced soak conditions produced significantly lower FIPpeak values. values, with some lower and some higher. There are no trends in
Little difference was found between the 3 and 17 hours of exposure. the formation-damage data for those tests where an overbalance
For the one test conducted with 100 psi differential pressure and 3- pressure was applied relative to those conducted at balanced pres-
hour soak period, there appears to be no reduction in the FIPpeak. sure conditions. Alfenore et al.3 found that application of chemical
Results for Fluid B show that for the tests conducted at balanced breakers with an overbalance pressure to OBM filter cakes was
pressure conditions, the 17-hour exposure produced the largest deleterious to the regained-permeability values.
reduction in the FIPpeak. For both fluids tested where an overbalance
pressure of 100 psi was applied either for 3 or 17 hours, all the filter General Discussion
cakes had the lowest reduction in the FIPpeak and had similar values For the OBM formation-damage tests, it was noted that mud-
to those tests where no cleanup fluid was applied. induced damage increased dramatically above approximately
If we take the data for the tests where the mud filtration was 1,000 md. Similarly, the plot of the filtrate volume vs. rock perme-
conducted without any application of a cleanup fluid and plot the ability shows an increase in filtrate above approximately 1,000 md.
permeability vs. FIPpeak, we see a very good fit of the relationship However, tests for the extended period of filtration time do not
using a polynomial function (see Fig. 9, R2=0.92). For the tests show an increase in the levels of damage. Interpreting these results
where cleanup fluids were applied, we derive an actual FIPpeak that togther, we can say that the initial spurt loss of the fluid is the dam-
can be compared to a predicted FIPpeak using the polynomial func- aging phase and that further fluid loss of the oil filtrate does not
tion that corrects the FIPpeak for the specific core permeability. By change the level of damage imposed by the drilling fluid.
comparing these two values, we can calculate the percentage The obvious way to lower the spurt loss of the OBM on high-
reduction in the FIPpeak caused by the cleanup fluid. For the given permeability substrates is to improve its bridging properties by
conditions examined in these tests, reductions in FIPpeak for low- adding a suitably sized material, such as calcium carbonate. This is
permeability formations can be reduced by 25 to 40% (Fig. 10). certainly possible for an OBM and has proved effective in lab tests3
Results show that a differential pressure during the soak period although a relatively large scatter of the data was found around the
might be deleterious to the overall aim of FIPpeak reduction. Also, overall trend. The same paper also demonstrated that there was not a


0.00 1-8 No Cleanup Fluid

9 Fluid A: 17 hrs/0 psi
Change in FIPpeak, %

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 Fluid A: 3 hr/0 psi

-10.00 11 Fluid A: 17 hr/0 psi
12 Fluid A: 3 hr/100 psi
-20.00 13 Fluid B: 3 hr/0 psi
14 Fluid B: 17 hr/0 psi
15 Fluid B: 3 hr/0 psi
-30.00 16 Fluid B: 3 hr/100 psi
17 Fluid B: 17 hr/100 psi
-40.00 18 Fluid B: 3 hr/0 psi


Fig. 10—Reduction in filtercake FIPpeak caused by the application of cleanup fluids A and B under different conditions. FIPpeak cor-
rected for permeability variations.

132 June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion


Retained Permeability, %
1-8 No Cleanup Fluid
200 9 Fluid A: 17 hrs/0 psi
10 Fluid A: 3 hr/0 psi
11 Fluid A: 17 hr/0 psi
150 12 Fluid A: 3 hr/100 psi
13 Fluid B: 3 hr/0 psi
14 Fluid B: 17 hr/0 psi
100 15 Fluid B: 3 hr/0 psi
16 Fluid B: 3 hr/100 psi
17 Fluid B: 17 hr/100 psi
50 18 Fluid B: 3 hr/0 psi

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Fig. 11—Retained permeability values for the cleanup fluid tests using fluids A and B.

clear relationship between magnitude of overbalance and subsequent 100 md, with an FIPpeak for the 5.41-md rock of 131 psi. All the
damage. The bridging characteristics of a fluid depend on the size and low-permeability rocks had greater than 100% retained perme-
concentration of the particulates. With OBM there is often a consid- ability because of changes in the saturation state of the rock
erable concentration of emulsion droplets in the sub- to few micron- matrix and increases in relative permeability.
size range which will skew the overall particle size of the bridging 4. FIP values for core plugs with greater than 300 to 400 md were
material. This has little impact on the lower-permeability rocks; how- all less than 10 psi.
ever, for high-permeability rocks where effective bridging is needed 5. Results reported here suggest that production in heterogeneous
to minimize the spurt loss, this is an important facet to consider. reservoirs will flow easily from the low FIP/high-permeability
Results reported in this paper, that cleanup fluids were effec- horizons which could be damaged relatively badly. Conversely,
tive only for lowering the FIP when no overbalance pressure was for the relatively undamaged low-permeability horizons, the
applied, were somewhat counterintuitive. Following Darcy’s law drawdown pressure available might not be sufficient to exceed
of flow, under a pressure gradient it would be expected that the the filter-cake FIP, and no inflow would occur from these hori-
cleanup fluid would permeate into the filter cake and possibly zons. This is a less-than-optimal scenario.
the core, depending on the time period. Admittedly, applying an Given the last observation, further evaluations investigated the
overbalance pressure would lead to OBM filter-cake com- efficacy of cleanup fluids for resolving this scenario. Conclusions
paction, thereby reducing the void ratio8 and, hence, the perme- drawn from this part of the study are as follows.
ability of the cake matrix. Sherwood and Meeten8 reported that 1. A screening method used for evaluating cleanup fluid mud-
profiles of void ratios within WBM cakes and OBM could be removal efficiencies found that mud parameters such as base-
expected to follow similar trends. Just as compaction of the fil- oil type, emulsifier content, and O:W ratio all affect overall
ter cake occurs when an overbalance pressure is applied, cleanup-fluid efficiency.
swelling or expansion of the filter cake will occur when this 2. Cleanup fluids found to be efficient in mud removal were eval-
pressure is released. The result would be an increase in the void uated also to gauge their effect on drilling-fluid filter-cake FIP
ratio of the filter cake, with the fluid in contact with the cake values. Using low-permeability rocks, reductions in the FIPpeak
being imbibed, i.e., the cleanup fluid. It is envisaged that the of 25 to 40% were achieved.
less-compacted nature of the cake will aid the diffusion of chem- 3. Successful application of such fluids could depend on the over-
ical species into the filtercake matrix. balance applied during the soak stage. Soak time can be impor-
Limiting the damage from the completion phase of a reservoir tant for certain cleanup fluid chemistry.
drilled with an OBM will require suitable engineering of the displace-
ment fluids and procedures. The displacement should aim to remove Acknowledgments
as much of the mud as possible, especially in the interfacial area The authors extend thanks to their respective managements for per-
between the filter cake and the mud, while maintaining the filter-cake mission to publish this paper. The paper has benefited from many
integrity. Various physical tests and modeling of this process have valuable discussions, especially with Liz Morris, Hemant Ladva,
been made and reported in the literature.8–10 These references gener- Bud Schlemmer, John Sherwood, and Alan Gilmour.
ally recommend turbulent flow regimes for the displacement fluids to
improve the hydrodynamic removal of mud and less-compacted parts References
of the filter cake. Following the hydrodynamic removal, a shut-in and 1. Browne, S.V. and Smith, P.S: “Mudcake Cleanup To Enhance
soak period at balanced pressure conditions, if possible, is recom- Productivity of High-Angle Wells,” paper SPE 27350 presented at the
mended for diffusion-based chemical interaction between the cake and 1994 SPE Intl. Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette,
cleanup fluid. This could lead to a reduction in the filter-cake FIP for Louisiana, 7–10 February.
low-permeability formations. There is some support for the idea that 2. Bailey, L., Meeten, G., Way, P., and L’Alloret, F.: “Filtercake Integrity
diffusion with time improved the reduction in the FIP for one of the and Reservoir Damage,” paper SPE 39429 presented at the 1998 SPE
cleanup fluids tested, while for the other fluid the same reduction was Intl. Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana,
achieved whether the soak was for 3 or 17 hours. There is an obvious 18–19 February.
chemical specificity to the cleanup fluid soak time required to opti- 3. Alfenore, J., Longeron, D., and Saintpere, S: “What really Matters In
mize the inflow performance for low-permeability rocks. our Quest of Minimizing Formation Damage In Open Hole Horizontal
Wells,” paper SPE 54731 presented at the 1999 SPE European
Conclusions Formation Damage Conference, The Hague, 31 May–1 June.
For formation-damage and FIP evaluations reported here using a 4. Zain, Z.M. and Sharma, M.M.: “Cleanup of Wall-Building Filter
standard OBM formulation, the following conclusions are drawn. Cakes,” paper SPE 56635 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical
1. Formation damage arising from OBM increases dramatically Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3–6 October.
above 1,000 md, with damage levels up to 50 to 60% for rock 5. Browne, S.V. et al.: “Simple Approach to the Cleanup of Horizontal
permeabilities in the range of 5000 to 8,000 md. Wells With Prepacked Screen Completions,” JPT (September 1995)
2. The level of damage arising from the OBM was not found to be 794.
related to the time of drilling-fluid filtration. Very similar levels 6. Burton, R.C. and Hodge, R.M.: “The Impact of Formation Damage and
of damage arose for the tests conducted for 3 and 17 hours. Completion Impairment on Horizontal Well Productivity,” paper SPE
3. FIP values increase dramatically below permeabilities of about 49097 prepared for presentation at the 1998 Annual Technical

June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion 133

Conference, New Orleans, 27–30 September. Mark Davison is a research scientist with Swaco, M-I LLC at
7. Ladva, H.K.J., et al: “Multiphase Flow and Drilling Fluid Filtrate the M-I Research and Technology Center in Aberdeen, con-
Effects on the Onset of Production,” paper SPE 58795 presented at the ducting research on various waste management projects.
2000 SPE Intl. Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, e-mail: Before joining M-I he worked
with Schlumberger in fluids-related research, product devel-
Louisiana, 23–24 February. opment, and technical support in the U.K. and France.
8. Sherwood, J.D. and Meeten, G.H.: “The filtration properties of compressi- Davison holds a BS degree in geology and a PhD degree in
ble mud filtercakes,” J. Petroleum Science and Engineering (1997) 18, 73. geochemistry, both from the U. of Sheffield, U.K. Marshall B.
9. Sherwood, J.D. et al.: “The concentration profile within non-uniform Jones is Technical Service Manager, West Africa/
mudcakes,” J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., (1991) 87, 611. Mediterranean, with M-I LLC in Houston. e-mail:
10. Fordham, E.J. et al.: “The Principle of Critical Invasion Rate and Its Before joining Schlumberger Dowell in
Implications for Log Interpretation,” paper SPE 22539 presented at the 1997, he worked for Imco, OBI-Hughes, and as an inde-
pendent contractor. Jones studied petroleum engineering
1991 SPE Annual Technical Conference, Dallas, 6–9 October. at Texas Tech U. and industrial engineering technology at U.
of Southwestern Louisiana. Chris Shuchart is an engineering
specialist with ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. in
SI Metric Conversion Factors Houston. e-mail: His
bbl ´ 1.589 873 E - 01 = m3 experience includes research in the areas of sandstone,
cp ´ 1.0 E - 03 = Pa×s carbonate acidizing, and fracturing fluids/breakers with
Halliburton and on research and field applications in well
ft2 ´ 9.290 304* E - 02 = m2 completions, acidizing and minimization of formation dam-
°F ´ (°F - 32)/1.8 = °C age with Mobil. He served on the 1999 SPE Intl. Symposium
gal ´ 3.785 412 E - 03 = m3 on Oilfield Chemistry Committee. Shuchart holds a BS
lbf ´ 4.448 222 E + 00 = N degree in chemistry from Shippensberg U., Pennsylvania,
and a PhD degree in chemistry from Ohio State U. Clotilde
lbm ´ 4.535 924 E - 01 = kg Gerard is a research chemist with Swaco, M-I LLC at the M-I
mL ´ 1.0 E - 06 = m3 Research and Technology Center in Aberden. Before the M-I
psi ´ 6.894 757 E + 00 = kPa joint venture between Smith and Schlumberger, she worked
in the drilling fluids technical support group at the
rpm ´ 1.047 198 E - 01 = rad/s Schlumberger Dowell Technology Center in Aberdeen.
*Conversion factor is exact. SPEDC Gerard holds a degree in chemical engineering from
L’École Nationale Superiéure de Chimie de Rennes, France.

134 June 2001 SPE Drilling & Completion

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