Hurdles and Pitfalls in Measuring Antiox PDF

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journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j ff

Hurdles and pitfalls in measuring antioxidant

efficacy: A critical evaluation of ABTS, DPPH, and
ORAC assays

K.M. Schaich *, X. Tian, J. Xie

Department of Food Science, Rutgers University, 65 Dudley Rd., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8520, USA


Article history: Assays developed to measure radical scavenging ability of natural compounds have been
Received 1 October 2014 used as a basis for ranking and recommending best foods for consumption. However, assays
Received in revised form 1 January often were adapted for screening assays with inadequate consideration of reaction chem-
2015 istry, particularly kinetics. Recent research results raise serious questions about the chemistry,
Accepted 23 January 2015 execution, and application of these assays. This paper critically evaluates conceptual and
Available online technical issues that limit use and compromise validity of three commonly-used assays –
TEAC/ABTS•+, DPPH, and ORAC. Recommendations are made for discontinuing use of
Keywords: ABTS•+ and DPPH radicals for measuring radical quenching, redirecting them instead to dis-
Antioxidant efficacy assays tinguishing electron transfer reaction mechanisms. Conditions required for accurate results
Limitations in ORAC are reviewed, and recommendations are made for redirecting this assay to distin-
TEAC – Trolox equivalent guishing compounds that quench radicals by hydrogen atom transfer. The mechanistic
antioxidant capacity assay information so gained can be then applied to understanding how natural antioxidants can
ABTS – 2,2′-azino-bis(3- be used most effectively in foods.
ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
acid) assay
ORAC – Oxygen Radical Absorbance
Capacity assay
Radical quenching kinetics


1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 112

2. Hurdles and pitfalls in three common antioxidant assays ....................................................................................................... 113
2.1. TEAC/ABTS•+ – Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity/2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) assay . 113
2.1.1. TEAC I ........................................................................................................................................................................... 114
2.1.2. TEAC II .......................................................................................................................................................................... 114
2.1.3. Limitations of the TEAC/ABTS•+ assay .................................................................................................................... 114

* Corresponding author. Department of Food Science, Rutgers University, 65 Dudley Rd., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8520, USA. Tel.: +1 848
932 5454; fax: 732 932-6776.
E-mail address: (K.M. Schaich).
Abbreviations: SET, single electron transfer; HAT, hydrogen atom transfer; TEAC, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity; ABTS•+, 2,2′-
azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid); ORAC, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity; AAPH, 2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane)
dihydrochloride; IU, International Units; CuPRAC, Cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity; FRAP, Ferric reducing antioxidant power
1756-4646/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
112 journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125

2.1.4. Summary and recommendations – TEAC/ABTS•+ assay ...................................................................................... 116

2.2. DPPH (2,2′-diphenylpicryl hydrazyl free radical) assay ................................................................................................... 116
2.2.1. Limitations of the DPPH assay ................................................................................................................................. 116
2.2.2. Summary and recommendations – DPPH assay ................................................................................................... 118
2.3. ORAC – Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity ................................................................................................................. 119
2.3.1. Advantages of the ORAC assay ................................................................................................................................ 119
2.3.2. Limitations of the ORAC assay ................................................................................................................................. 119
2.3.3. Summary and recommendations – ORAC assay ................................................................................................... 123
3. Summary and recommendations ................................................................................................................................................. 123
References ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 123

limitation is that, although antioxidant assays were designed

1. Introduction to identify which antioxidants should be expected to provide
greatest protective effects against free radicals in vivo, the radical
Recognition of potential health effects of antioxidants more scavenging observed in test tubes probably does not occur in
than twenty years ago stimulated what could be called the “An- vivo. Most antioxidants are poorly absorbed or are rapidly con-
tioxidant Bandwagon” of research seeking to determine which jugated and eliminated in the urine, so circulating phenol
natural materials contain the highest levels of the most active concentrations reach trace levels at best. It is unlikely that
antioxidants, addition of antioxidants to beverages and all forms such minute amounts can mediate physiological actions of
of foods, prophylactic and therapeutic medical applications, antioxidants merely by scavenging radicals. Reviews of the
and hyper marketing. At the same time, numerous in vitro an- antioxidant literature suggest that microbial or physiological
tioxidant assays were developed to measure radical scavenging metabolites of antioxidants may actually be more active in vivo
and to compare and rank antioxidants in different foods (Frankel & Finley, 2008), but such metabolites remain largely
and natural materials. Antioxidant assays have measured three unidentified and they are not the compounds tested in in vitro
values: assays. Cell culture assays attempt at least in part to include
effects of metabolites, but most cell types used in assay cul-
• antioxidant capacity – the total number of electrons donated tures never see antioxidants in vivo. Phenols bind readily to
or target molecules converted per mol of antioxidant at proteins in cells and foods, so they may be inactivated for clas-
full reaction under given conditions. This usually approxi- sical radical quenching or activated for some other physiological
mates the number of phenolic —OH groups, or two electrons action not tested in the assays. Finally, original assumptions
per —OH group, though not always. Unfortunately, the re- regarding radical scavenging being the mode of antioxidant
quirement for full reaction ignores reaction rate and creates action in vivo may well be erroneous in light of new evidence
a kind of “tortoise and hare” situation where slow react- regarding signal transduction and regulation of gene expres-
ing antioxidants with many phenol groups receive highest sion of redox controlling and detoxifying enzymes (Frankel,
rankings while fast reacting antioxidants with few phenol 2007; Halliwell, Rafter, & Jenner, 2005). Indeed, the U.S. De-
groups can be greatly underestimated or even overlooked. partment of Agriculture recently withdrew the compiled tables
• antioxidant activity – the antioxidant concentration re- of ORAC values of many foods, herbs, and spices which had
quired to provide a specified rate or extent of reaction been posted on their website for some time, leaving behind
• antioxidant potential – a nebulous general term used to the following statement (USDA, 2010):
describe the expectation that an antioxidant can quench
radicals under specific conditions. This term can easily be “There is no evidence that the beneficial effects of
confused with thermodynamic potential, so its applica- polyphenol-rich foods can be attributed to the antioxi-
tion to antioxidant assays has been controversial. dant properties of these foods. The data for antioxidant
capacity of foods generated by in vitro (test-tube) methods
Assays based on these measures have been applied so ex- cannot be extrapolated to in vivo (human) effects and the
tensively to evaluation of fruits, vegetables, leaves and stems, clinical trials to test benefits of dietary antioxidants have
herbs and spices that TEAC, DPPH, ORAC, CuPRAC, and FRAP produced mixed results. We know now that antioxidant mol-
are now household words in scientific publications, health food ecules in food have a wide range of functions, many of which
publications, and internet websites. Thousands of research are unrelated to the ability to absorb free radicals. For these
papers have been published comparing values of different foods, reasons the ORAC table, previously available on this web site
and these results have provided the basis for recommending has been withdrawn.”
the best foods to eat, for labeling Super Foods, and for mar-
keting products. A second conceptual limitation is that the chemistry and
Despite extensive use of in vitro antioxidant assays to dis- molecular targets of most in vitro assays are not relevant to in
tinguish which antioxidants and foods are most efficacious, vivo conditions. Antioxidant concentrations used in these assays
time has shown that the assays have both conceptual and tech- are orders of magnitude higher than would ever be found in
nical limitations (Apak et al., 2013). One major conceptual vivo, the assays use sterically-hindered stable radicals (e.g.
journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125 113

ABTS•+ or DPPH) as targets rather than small, readily acces- test signaling processes of antioxidants, to conduct de-
sible but short-lived radicals such as HO•, O2−•, or lipid oxyl tailed pharmacokinetic analyses in animals – where do
radicals that are active in vivo, and they follow reaction times antioxidants go, what do they do, and how do they break
much longer than radical lifetimes in vivo (ranging from 10 s down? – and to identify other actions of antioxidants.
for peroxyl radicals to 10−9 s for hydroxyl radicals). If an anti- 2. Do the assays accurately reflect radical quenching capabil-
oxidant requires many minutes to hours to quench radicals, ity of antioxidants with different structures or in mixtures?
its action as a radical scavenger must be irrelevant in vivo in 3. How can the assays be used to predict effectiveness or op-
cells or even in situ in foods. timize usage of natural antioxidants in foods?
A third conceptual limitation is that the assays in common
use do not address radical reactions in lipids, when mem- This critical evaluation focuses on Question 2, with em-
brane lipids are clearly involved in oxidation of both membranes phasis on ABTS•+, DPPH, and ORAC assays.
and foods. A few lipophilic versions of assays have been de-
veloped (Alcolea, Cano, Acosta, & Arnao, 2003; Arnao, Cano,
& Acosta, 2001; Huang, Ou, Hampsch-Woodill, Flanagan, & 2. Hurdles and pitfalls in three common
Deemer, 2002; Jimenez-Alvarez et al., 2008; Prior et al., 2003), antioxidant assays
but these approaches mostly solubilize lipophilic antioxi-
dants for reaction in aqueous phase rather than testing Radicals are most commonly quenched by two mechanisms,
reactions in lipid phases. As a result, relatively little informa- transfer of either a hydrogen atom or an electron to convert
tion is available about how natural antioxidants partition into the radical to a stable species:
and interact with lipids. HAT – hydrogen atom transfer (H atom transferred to target
Technical limitations are no less problematic. First and fore- radical, possible secondary quenching by radical recombina-
most, the assays have unclear chemistry for quantitative tions).
analyses. They were developed for rapid screening without de-
tailed investigations of underlying initiators, targets, antioxidant ROO• + AH PheOH → ROOH + A • Phe-O• (1)
interactions, kinetics, solvent effects, concentration effects, etc.
Lacking full understanding of the chemistry, control issues such
ROO• + A • → ROOA (2)
as oxygen (dissolved and atmospheric), light, temperature,
reagent concentrations, solvent, pH, and running blanks are rou-
SET – single electron transfer (one or more electrons
tinely ignored. Most assays measure stoichiometry (capacity)
transferred to reduce target compounds).
rather than kinetics of antioxidant reactions, i.e. how much reacts
rather than how fast. Ignoring the chemistry leads to incorrect
assessment of antioxidant activity, both quantitatively and quali- + H2O (3)
→ ROO− + AH+ PheOH+ ⎯⎯⎯ → A • Phe-O• + H3O+
tatively. In addition, each laboratory has adapted procedures to
work with instrumentation and capabilities available. As a result,
there is currently almost total lack of standardization in ex- ROO− + H3O+ → ROOH + H2O (4)
perimental procedures in the assays, particularly in expressing
results where methods are quite varied and often meaning- M (III) + AH ArOH → AH+ ArOH+ + M (II) (5)
less in terms of action in situ. Finally, most “screening” assays
and natural antioxidants are water-based and ignore lipid phases. where AH = any antioxidant with donatable H, PheOH = phenol
After more than twenty years of antioxidant assays, it is clear or polyphenol, M = redox-active metal.
that fruits and vegetables, herbs, and spices have antioxi- While the end result of the two mechanisms may be the
dants and that antioxidant activity generally correlates with same, kinetics and dependence on system conditions, espe-
content of total phenols in natural products. What remains cially solvent and pH, vary tremendously. Electron transfer is
unclear is which fruits and vegetables are “best”, whether and very fast (femtoseconds) (Ganapathi, Hermann, Naumov, &
how antioxidants interact with each other in assays and with Brede, 2000), it is not diffusion-controlled, and it increases with
other compounds in vivo and in foods, and how in vitro assay pH as ionization increases availability of electrons. Hydrogen
results correlate with multiple in situ actions of antioxidants atom transfer, in contrast, is considerably slowed by diffu-
in foods and biological tissues. Thus, when antioxidant assays sion; it is independent of pH but strongly enhanced by water
are used for screening, results must be taken with a prover- and inhibited by hydrogen bonding solvents such as alco-
bial grain of salt. hols. These differences actually have critical impacts on how
Recent attempts to standardize assays have raised new ques- antioxidants act in complex, multiphase systems.
tions about reliability and appropriate applications of antioxidant Effects of electron versus hydrogen atom transfer can be
assays: seen in the three most commonly-used assays.

1. Do the assays accurately reflect antioxidant chemistry 2.1. TEAC/ABTS•+ – Trolox equivalent antioxidant
occurring in vivo? Increasing evidence suggests that radical capacity/2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic
scavenging may occur in the gastro-intestinal tract but other acid) assay
actions of antioxidants may be even more important there
and systemically. Thus, there are critical needs to move TEAC measures antioxidant capacity as the ability of test an-
beyond these simplistic assays to find accurate models that tioxidants (AH) to decrease ABTS•+ color by (a) intercepting initial
114 journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125

oxidation and preventing ABTS•+ production, or (b) reacting in design and performance compromise the usefulness and
directly with the ABTS•+. Two versions of the assay are in use, even the validity of this assay. First, the most important chem-
based on these two approaches. istry in this reaction – the antioxidant reaction rate and kinetic
pattern – is totally ignored. The absorbance drop (A0–Af) upon
2.1.1. TEAC I which TEAC calculations are based provides only reaction stoi-
TEAC 1 utilizes metmyoglobin-H 2O2 to generate hydroxyl chiometry (total mols ABTS•+ reduced per mol antioxidant after
radicals, which oxidize ABTS to its colored free radical form, full reaction). Usually two electrons can be donated per phenol
ABTS•+ (Rxn 6a); subsequent reaction with antioxidants (AH) —OH group, so antioxidant capacity as measured in TEAC
results in loss of the green color (Rxn 6b) (Miller & Rice-Evans, should be closely predictable from antioxidant structure. Indeed,
1997; Miller, Rice-Evans, Davies, Gopinathan, & Milner, 1993). under these conditions, polyphenols are highly favored and
other structural effects on antioxidant reactivity are ob-
scured. TEAC correlation with number of phenol groups have
been claimed, but we found the relation held primarily within
common structural groups and that other factors have
stronger control over antioxidant reaction with ABTS •+
(Tian & Schaich, 2013).
Recording the ABTS•+ absorbance continuously during re-
action rather than at the beginning and the end generates
curves from which reaction kinetics can be calculated (Fig. 1).
These curves also reveal marked differences between antioxi-
dant behaviors that reflect whether SET or HAT reaction
This version is available in commercial kits. However, the
mechanisms are dominant. Some antioxidants react com-
reaction is ambiguous because antioxidants (AH) can react with
pletely in less than mixing time, some react slowly and
the original HO• radical oxidant, the metmyoglobin, and the
gradually, and others have mixed fast and slow initial reac-
ABTS•+, causing an overestimation of antioxidant activity
tions (Tian & Schaich, 2013). These differences in antioxidant
(Strube, Haenen, van den Berg, & Bast, 1997). Furthermore, the
reaction rates are critical because they reflect ability to quench
antioxidant reaction mechanism cannot be determined. Are
short-lived reactive radicals that are present in biological
different mechanisms active with each radical, e.g. HAT with
systems and in foods. Such capability is missed entirely in
HO• and SET with ABTS•+? Do active mechanisms vary with
normal assay procedures.
phenol structure? It is not possible to accurately compare
What molecular properties account for differences in initial
antioxidants without this information.
reaction rates and patterns? Only key points will be reviewed
here; further details are available in Tian and Schaich (2013).
2.1.2. TEAC II
Two factors control reaction rates and shapes of response
To circumvent the problems of double reaction, ABTS•+ can be
curves: SET vs HAT mechanisms and steric access to the
generated directly in high yield using potassium persulphate
hindered ABTS•+ radical site. Antioxidants acting by electron
as the oxidizing agent (Re et al., 1999). Antioxidants then
transfer and having full access to ABTS•+ radical site react within
react only with ABTS•+ and color is diminished by only one
milliseconds. Reactions are slowed by the presence of mul-
reaction (Rxn 7):
tiple —OH and rings, bulky ring adducts, high antioxidant
concentrations, and hydrogen atom transfer. Thus, almost in-
stantaneous initial reaction (Group 1, Fig. 1) arises from electron
transfer. The reaction is so fast that accurate results can be ob-
tained only with rapid mixing methods such as autodispensing
plate readers or stopped-flow mixers, which take the assay out
of routine laboratory capabilities. Continued reaction after rapid
For reaction, aliquots of ABTS•+ solution are diluted to an
initial absorbance drop (Group 2, Fig. 1) results from phenol
absorbance of ~1.0 at 734 nm, which is recorded as the start-
structure (ring adducts) that interferes with access to ABTS•+.
ing point. The antioxidant is added and mixed, and the drop
Smaller initial absorbance drop with continued reaction af-
in absorbance (A0–Af) is typically measured after reaction periods
terwards (Group 3, Fig. 1) is still mostly electron transfer, but
varying from minutes to hours. Antioxidant action is re-
now the phenol has bulky side groups or multiple rings that
ported as Trolox equivalents by comparing (A0–Af) of the test
impede diffusion and orientation toward ABTS•+; these com-
antioxidant to (A0–Af) of Trolox standards, or the antioxidant
pounds may also act partially by slower hydrogen atom transfer.
concentration that gives the same response as 1 mM Trolox
No initial fast reaction but gradual drop from starting absor-
(Rxn 8):
bance (Group 4, Fig. 1) arises from dominant HAT.
Critical controlling effects of steric accessibility are shown
(A 0 − A f )sample − blank
TEAC ( ABTS) = (8) quite dramatically in effects of antioxidant concentration on
(A 0 − A f )1 mM Trolox − blank
reaction rate (Fig. 2). Small molecules and single phenols reduce
~1:1 ABTS•+ per phenolic —OH and reaction response remains
2.1.3. Limitations of the TEAC/ABTS•+ assay linear as antioxidant concentration increases (Group 1).
Despite the extensive use of the ABTS•+ reaction to screen However, the reaction becomes increasingly impeded at higher
antioxidant activity in a wide range of materials, serious flaws antioxidant concentrations as the structural complexity and
journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125 115

1.4 Group 1, inst & complete, SET mM 1.4 Group 2, very fast, SET 1.4 Group 3, fast SET, some steric
AOX hindrance or HAT
1.2 0 1.2 1.2
Absorbance, 734 nm

1.0 0.005 1.0 1.0
0.8 0.10 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.25 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.50 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min)

1.4 Group 4, hindered SET, HAT, or mixed 1.4 Group 5, HAT at low conc, SET at high Group 6, unreactive
1.2 1.2 1.2
Absorbance, 734 nm

1.0 1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min)

Fig. 1 – Kinetic response curves showing different types of reactivity of phenolic compounds with ABTS+•. Adapted from
Tian and Schaich (2013), used with permission.

size of the phenol increases because the additional ring adducts reduced/mol antioxidant and per —OH group decrease, par-
(Group 2, Group 3-simple phenols) and especially secondary ticularly for polyphenols where reaction efficiency decreases
rings (Group 3-polyphenols) interfere with phenol access to the with each additional —OH. Such marked differences in rate pat-
hindered ABTS•+. As a result, rates slow and mols ABTS•+ terns mean that this assay must be conducted over a range

Group 1 0.8 Group 2 1.0 Group 3 - simple phenols

Hydroquinone Pyrogallol Gallic acid
acid 3-Methylcatechol
0.8 2-Propyl gallate
0.6 Chlorogenic 0.6
Coniferyl alcohol
Initial ΔA

acid Catechol
0.6 Caffeic acid
0.4 0.4
0.4 Ferulic acid

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0 0.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
AOX Concentration (mM) AOX Concentration (mM) AOX Concentration (mM)

1.4 Group 3 - polyphenols 0.8 Group 4 0.8 Group 5

Gallocatechin gallate
Catechin gallate p-Coumaric acid
Final ΔA

1.0 0.6 0.6

0.8 Glutathione
Catechin 0.4 0.4
0.4 Curcumin
0.2 0.2
0.2 Rutin

0.0 0.0 0.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
AOX Concentration (mM) AOX Concentration (mM) AOX Concentration (mM)

Fig. 2 – Effects of antioxidant concentrations on reaction rates with ABTS+•. Adapted from Tian and Schaich (2013), used
with permission.
116 journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125

of known phenol concentrations to obtain accurate activity

comparisons of compounds or extracts with different phenol NO2 NO2
N N O2 N
. N
Rate dependence on steric accessibility is further sup-
ported by lack of correlation with initial reaction rate and
stoichiometry or antioxidant properties such as redox poten-
tials, with only weak correlations (p = 0.75–.86) between TEAC
values and reaction rates with number of phenol —OH groups
(Tian & Schaich, 2013). TEAC stoichiometry generally in- Purple Colorless
creased while the rate per —OH decreased with the number
of phenol —OH groups.
DPPH• + Phe-OH → DPPH (H) + Phe-O• (9a)

2.1.4. Summary and recommendations – TEAC/ABTS•+ assay DPPH• + Phe-O− → DPPH− + Phe-O• (9b)
As a large nitrogen-centered and sterically-hindered radical,
ABTS•+ is not a good model for small highly-reactive radicals DPPH• + Phe-OH → DPPH− + Phe-O+ (9c)
[e.g. OH•, NO•, O2−•. LO(O)•] that are active in biological tissues
and foods. That steric accessibility rather than chemical prop- Like ABTS•+, DPPH is sterically-hindered with the radical center
erties of antioxidants controls the reaction invalidates the highly protected (Foti, Daquino, Mackie, DiLabio, & Ingold, 2008;
chemical accuracy of this assay and its ability to predict Williams, 1966). In contrast to water-soluble ABTS•+, DPPH is
which antioxidants will be active in real situations. Negli- hydrophobic so its reactions must be run in organic solvents.
gible hydrogen atom transfer rates with ABTS •+ further Although literature reports attribute DPPH reactions mostly at-
compromise the usefulness of this assay because it totally tributed to HAT, reactions in strong hydrogen-bonding solvents
misses activity of compounds such as glutathione, thiols, such as methanol interfere with release of hydrogen atoms and
and proteins that are HAT-dominant and very important thus strongly enhance SET over HAT (Barclay, Edwards, & Vinqvist,
antioxidants in vivo. 1999; Foti, Daquino, & Geraci, 2004; Foti et al., 2008). Results out-
Van den Berg recognized problems with the TEAC fifteen lined in the Limitations discussion suggest that electron transfer
years ago, stating “Quantitative evaluation of antioxidant dominates in the organic solvents required to dissolve DPPH.
capacity using the TEAC assay can be troublesome or even DPPH assays are performed very much like ABTS•+ reac-
impossible” (van den Berg, Haenen, van den Berg, & Bast, 1999). tions.A stock solution of concentrated DPPH in methanol is diluted
We concur with his conclusion and, further, consider the to an absorbance of ~1 at 515 nm, the starting absorbance (A0)
limitations of the TEAC/ABTS•+ assay fatal. We thus recom- is measured, and the antioxidant is added to start the reaction.
mend that the use of this assay to screen and compare Traditional methodology then measures final absorbance (Af)
antioxidants of different structure be discontinued. This at 515 nm after reaction times that range from 4 minutes to
assay does not provide information that is sufficiently many hours, or even days. The quantity (A0–Af) is used to
accurate on a chemical basis to be used for ranking of anti- generate a value for ranking tested materials, e.g. EC50 (antioxi-
oxidants or for construction of SARS (structure–activity dant concentration required to reduce DPPH 50%) (Bondet,
relationships). Brand-Williams, & Berset, 1997; Brand-Williams, Cuvelier, & Berset,
Nevertheless, the TEAC/ABTS•+ assay can be used to assess 1995), %DPPH loss or %DPPH remaining (Burda & Oleszek, 2001;
whether antioxidants are HAT or SET dominant in their reac- Stratil, Klejdus, & Kuban, 2006), or Antiradical Efficiency
tions, and it can be used to compare changes in the same [1/[EC50(Sample) × EC50(Trolox)] (Awika, Rooney, Wu, Prior, &
antioxidant during processing or storage. For example, ABTS•+ Cisneros-Zevallos, 2003; Butkovic, Klasinc, & Bors, 2004).
has been used to monitor changes in tocopherol activity after
heat exposure in frying oils and in extrusion of packaging films 2.2.1. Limitations of the DPPH assay
(Lang, 2009) and to determine loss of antioxidant activity in The DPPH reaction has been used as if it is a simplistic chemi-
strawberries dried with different methods (Wojdyło, Figiel, & cal “black box” – reagents are mixed and a number is generated,
Oszmiański, 2009). In such applications, limitations of the assay and the chemistry occurring between is ignored. The calcula-
remain but antioxidant components are constant, and varia- tion methods noted in the previous paragraph provide relative
tions in ABTS•+ accessibility are not the prime determinant of rather than absolute values, and carry no direct chemical
reactivity. Rather, alterations in a single antioxidant struc- information unless absorbance change is converted to mols DPPH
ture modify radical quenching capabilities. lost using Beer’s Law and extinction coefficient ε values of 10,900–
12,500 (Lebeau et al., 2000). Even more importantly, this assay
does not measure reaction rates and it misses important in-
2.2. DPPH (2,2′-diphenylpicryl hydrazyl free radical) formation contained in reaction curves. Hence, deleting reaction
assay rates can lead to erroneous assessment of antioxidant efficacy.
That antioxidant reactions with DPPH are actually rather
DPPH is a stable radical with a deep purple color. Reaction complex becomes obvious when absorbance changes are fol-
with other radicals, electrons, or hydrogen atoms leads to lowed continuously. Reaction curves show multiple reactivity
loss of color at 515 nm and loss of the EPR free radical signal patterns (Fig. 3) that are similar to ABTS•+ but comparisons
(Rxns 9a–c). of 28 phenolic compounds showed some key differences
journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125 117

Group 1 - Extremely fast (SET) mM AOX Group 2 - Fast (hindered SET)

1.0 Blank 1.0

Absorbance 515 nm
0.8 2.5

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 25 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min)

Group 3 - Moderate, delayed (mixed) Group 4 - Slow (HAT)

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min)

Fig. 3 – Kinetic patterns of phenol reactions with DPPH. From Xie and Schaich (2014), used with permission. Examples for
each group are shown. Antioxidants showing similar reaction patterns: Group 1 (instantaneous initial absorbance drop) –
n-propyl gallate, pyrogallol, and ascorbic acid; Group 2 (rapid initial absorbance drop, then reaction continues more slowly)
– catechol, 3-methylcatechol, α-tocopherol, caffeic acid, gallic acid, quercetin, epicatechin; Group 3 (moderate, delayed initial
reaction) – hydroquinone, protocatechuic acid, rosmarinic acid, Trolox, ferulic acid, chlorogenic acid; Group 4 (absorbance
drop very slow and almost linear over time) – glutathione, resorcinol, and vanillic acid.

(Xie & Schaich, 2014). Antioxidants react with DPPH by very antioxidant and extract responses over a reasonable phenol
rapid electron transfer and by slow hydrogen atom transfer. Initial concentration range must be determined to understand
reactions (electron transfer) are quite rapid but slower than ABTS•+ what is happening in the reactions, especially when phenol
reactions due to difficult phenol access to the hindered DPPH structures are different or unknown.
radical site. Hindered access impedes all reactions but espe- DPPH reactions are highly sensitive to reaction environ-
cially hydrogen atom transfer for which formation of a hydrogen ment, i.e. water and solvent (even more than ABTS•+), pH, oxygen,
bonded complex between the radical α-C—H and the nitrogen
lone pair is required (Salamone, DiLabio, & Bietti, 2011; Salamone,
Martella, & Bietti, 2012). Compounds reacting rapidly (domi- 1
Initial rate, nmol DPPH/sec

nant electron transfer) are ascorbic acid and simple phenols

with no ring adducts; reactions slow with addition of acid groups 0.8
or other side chains to aromatic rings, and there are some
inductive effects of ring adducts within phenol classes.
Effects of steric hindrance to DPPH are exhibited quite dis-
tinctively in plots of initial rates as a function of antioxidant
concentration (Fig. 4) (Xie & Schaich, 2014). Similar to ABTS•+, 0.4
small compounds with fast initial rates (Group 1, e.g. pyrogal-
lol) show a linear increase at low concentrations, but the linear 0.2
reaction range shrinks and saturation concentrations de- Resorcinol
crease with addition of bulky ring adducts and multiple rings. 0
Molecules with complex structures more readily get in the way 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
of each other and impede access to DPPH at low concentra- [AOX], mM
tions and they strongly block reaction at high concentrations.
These results show that single antioxidant concentrations are Fig. 4 – Effects of phenol concentrations on rates of phenol
clearly inadequate to quantitate and compare antioxidant re- reactions with DPPH. Only samples from each group are
activity with DPPH, that phenol concentrations of extracts must shown. Full details for all tested compounds are available
be known for accurate comparisons, and that the patterns of in Xie and Schaich (2014).
118 journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125

light exposure (Xie & Schaich, 2014). The presence of both elec- Unfortunately, our results suggest that neither of these re-
tron and hydrogen atom transfer mechanisms is particularly quirements can be met in the DPPH assay. Steric accessibility
evident in variability of DPPH reactions with solvent. Methanol, to the DPPH radical site is the overall most important driver
the solvent most commonly used for the DPPH assay, strongly of reaction rate, with secondary contributions from balance
binds hydrogen atoms and inhibits HAT processes (Barclay et al., between electron and hydrogen atom transfer quenching
1999; Foti et al., 2004; Hogg, Lohmann, & Russell, 1961). However, mechanisms. In contrast, both initial reaction rate and final
water disrupts the binding and facilitates H atom transfer, so stoichiometry are poorly correlated with molecular structure
when it is added to the reaction medium, any test compounds and chemical characteristics, including number of phenolic
with H atom transfer capabilities increase their reaction rate. —OH groups and redox potential (Xie & Schaich, 2014). These
Similarly, electron transfer is pH-dependent, increasing in rate observations raise serious questions about using the DPPH assay
with pH and degree of ionization, while HAT is pH-independent. to rank antioxidant efficacy of foods and extracts.
The dominant mechanism of a test compound can thus be as-
sessed by reacting it with DPPH in methanol and in 50% methanol 2.2.2. Summary and recommendations – DPPH assay
in which the aqueous phase is buffered to a range of pH from Like ABTS•+, DPPH is a poor model for radical quenching in vivo
acid to strongly alkaline (Xie & Schaich, 2014). Reaction rates of and in foods because it is nitrogen-centered and the radical
compounds that are HAT-dominant (e.g. glutathione) increase site is highly hindered. Questions must be raised regarding use
markedly in 50% water but not with pH. In contrast, SET- of DPPH in antioxidant screening and quantitation of radical
dominant compounds such as hydroquinone will react extremely quenching in extracts of natural materials for the following
fast in methanol, show small change in 50% water, then in- reasons (Xie & Schaich, 2014):
crease markedly with pH of the water phase. The strength of
SET processes for individual antioxidants can thus be evalu- 1. The main reaction for fast reactors is complete in <10
ated by plotting DPPH initial reaction rates as a function of pH. seconds. Long reaction times to allow for “full reaction”
High slopes indicate dominant electron transfer (Xie & Schaich, merely count the phenolic groups, overestimate polyphe-
2014). nols and underestimate small phenols, and are irrelevant
DPPH reactions also vary with dissolved oxygen in the re- to fast radical reactions in situ.
action mixtures (Xie & Schaich, 2014). Compounds that autoxidize, 2. Recording initial fast reaction rates accurately requires use
e.g. ascorbic acid (with metal catalysts) and some phenols, reduce of fast mixing techniques such as dispensing plate readers
oxygen to O2•− which then enters the reaction mix: and continuous or stopped flow mixers. Normal hand mixing
can miss much of the early reaction.
3. Rate calculations are not straightforward because the re-
sponse curves lack linear regions, change with antioxidant
concentration and reaction conditions, and do not exhibit
a constant reaction order.
O2−• reacts instantaneously with ABTS•+, leading to aberrantly 4. DPPH reaction rates are more closely related to steric ac-
high antioxidant activity, while it reacts poorly with DPPH•, cessibility than chemical characteristics of test antioxidants.
resulting in aberrantly low antioxidant reactivity because 5. DPPH reacts by mixed SET and HAT mechanisms, the
oxidation of phenols to less reactive quinones or unreactive proportion of which changes with the antioxidant.
products competitively removes them from the reaction and 6. DPPH reaction mechanisms and quantitative responses are
reduces detected reactivity. Thus, a good working rule of thumb altered by many environmental factors.
to eliminate potential artifacts is to sparge all solutions with 7. Reaction of antioxidant mixtures with DPPH is less than the
argon before running the DPPH and ABTS•+ reactions. total reactivity of individual components, suggesting that
An additional issue with DPPH assays is what happens in radical quenching by mixed extracts is actually depressed
mixtures of compounds. Given problems with steric inaccessi- in the DPPH assay. The assay thus may greatly underesti-
bility of the DPPH radical site, do DPPH reactions accurately reflect mate potential radical quenching in cells or foods. Steric
radical quenching capabilities of mixtures of antioxidants, such interferences do not account for all antagonisms or syner-
as would be found in fruit and vegetable extracts? Can they detect gisms in the assay.
synergisms that have been reported from in vivo feeding studies,
or do multiple compounds in mixtures interfere with each other All these factors invalidate the chemical accuracy of this
reaching the DPPH radical? Studies in our laboratory show that assay and its ability to predict which antioxidants will be active
reaction of phenol mixtures with DPPH is nearly always less than in real situations. We thus recommend that the DPPH assay
the sum of individual phenol components because steric factors no longer be used to compare “activity” of antioxidants with
control the reactions (G.Wu and K.M. Schaich, unpublished data). different or unknown structures, especially as occurs in ex-
The response shifts with the proportion of components and tracts of natural materials. At the same time, although there
balance between HAT and SET, synergisms and antagonisms are is still much to be elucidated about the fundamental chem-
difficult to detect, and ascorbic acid, when present, dominates istry of this reaction, we feel the DPPH assay may be usefully
reactions. This is a critical limitation when comparing mix- redirected to gain information about active quenching mecha-
tures of compounds in extracts and infusions. nisms of antioxidants being tested.
Finally, for any quantitative assay to be valid, reactivity Such redirection requires a nearly total revamping of the assay.
must be directly related to chemical properties of the test com- Fast mixing methods must be used to capture early reactions.
pounds, and the reaction mechanism must be constant. Reactions must be recorded continuously from the point of mixing
journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125 119

to determine initial reaction rate and shape of reaction re- (no antioxidant) to account for increased induction period (lag
sponse curves. Kinetics (rate constants) of initial fast response time) and total extent of inhibition, including secondary reac-
(mixing to point of diversion from linear, usually a few seconds tions, induced by antioxidants (Fig. 5A). Converting these unitless
to about thirty seconds) must be calculated. When initial fast areas into chemically-meaningful values then requires that AUCs
absorbance drop is absent, rates should be calculated from the from test samples be compared to AUCs from Trolox standards,
slope of the first thirty seconds of response curves. Reaction rates and results are reported as Trolox equivalents. This practice,
must be calculated over a range of antioxidant concentrations, however, does not measure rates and it can underestimate fast
then plotted versus concentration to calculate second order rate reactors.
constants and determine concentration effects on reactivity. For
comparability between laboratories, standard protocols for 2.3.1. Advantages of the ORAC assay
calculating rates and first and second order rate constants must The ORAC assay offers several advantages over ABTS•+ and DPPH
be adopted. Currently, nearly every study that reports kinetics assays. It uses peroxyl radicals that are better models of an-
uses a different procedure.Antioxidant reactions with DPPH must tioxidant reactions with oxidizing lipids and reactive oxygen
be tested in different solvents and pHs over a range of antioxi- species (ROS) in foods and in vivo, and it provides continuous
dant or phenol concentrations to determine dominant radical generation of radicals on a realistic time scale (more like actual
quenching mechanisms. Extracts, juices, infusions, etc. should reactions in situ). The completely hydrogen atom transfer radical
be normalized to identical phenol and ascorbic acid concen- quenching mechanism presents a contrast and comparison to
trations before assays. Finally, DPPH blanks must always be electron transfer in ABTS•+ and DPPH assays. The assay can be
subtracted from test samples. This step seems to be ignored in adapted to detect both hydrophilic and hydrophobic antioxi-
many current research reports. dants generally or specifically by altering the radical source,
solvent, and target molecule, and has been routinely automated.
2.3. ORAC – Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
2.3.2. Limitations of the ORAC assay
The ORAC assay originally developed by Glazer and Ghiselli Nonetheless, the complexity of the ORAC reaction means there
(Ghiselli, Serafini, Maiani, Azzini, & Ferro-Luzzi, 1995; Glazer, 1990) are many points to cause difficulties for researchers using this
was refined and applied to extensive analyses of hundreds assay. The issues outlined below pose significant limitations
of foods by Prior and colleagues in U.S. Department of Agricul- and problems for ORAC and can compromise the accuracy and
ture research laboratories (Cao, Sofic, & Prior, 1996; Huang, Ou, use of this assay. The purpose in raising these issues is not to
Hampsch-Woodill, Flanagan, & Prior, 2002; Ou, Hampsch-Woodill, argue that one set of concentrations is correct or optimum, but
& Prior, 2001; Prior et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2004) and commer- to call attention to problems in the assay and the critical need
cialized by Brunswick Laboratories (Wareham, MA, USA). Perhaps for more systematic investigations of all ORAC reaction con-
most widely recognized of all the antioxidant assays, the reac- ditions. More detailed studies of the chemistry are essential
tion is simple in concept but complex in practice. Radicals are to ensure optimization, understand the reactions better for
generated by heating an azide compound. The azide decom- general use, and guide decisions about standardization of
poses, eliminating nitrogen gas and leaving behind two carbon- protocols. More details may be found in Apak et al. (2013).
centered radicals, R• (Rxn 11). In the presence of oxygen, R• are Very careful control of ORAC reaction temperature is critical!
converted almost instantaneously to reactive peroxyl radicals, Consistent generation of radicals in the azide reaction re-
ROO• (Rxn 11) which can either attack target molecules that have quires accurate and reproducible temperature control to ensure
color or fluorescence (Rxn. 12) or react with antioxidants (Rxns. timely and complete azide decomposition. The temperature
13, 14). required depends on the azide used, e.g. for AAPH (2,2′-azobis-
2-amidinopropane dihydrochloride), it is 37 °C. When required
R − N = N-R ⎯⎯⎯
→ N2 + 2 R • ⎯⎯
→ ROO•
⎯ (11) temperatures are not reached, reactions are slow and in-
complete, and results are poorly reproducible. Even more
problematic, slow reaction can be misinterpreted as in-
ROO• + target → ROOH + oxidized target (product ) (12) creased radical scavenging, leading to an overestimation of
antioxidant activity.
ROO• + AH → ROOH + A • (13) Never assume that a reaction temperature is achieved just because
it is set on an instrument. Temperatures must be measured. The most
ROO• + A • → ROO-A (14) accurate control is obtained by reactions in single cells in heated
holding blocks and fluorescence sample blocks but this elimi-
Competition between reaction of targets and antioxidants nates rapid throughput. Obtaining required temperatures with
with the ROO• forms the basis of the assay. Fluorescein, the most plate readers is difficult. Plastic plates (e.g. 96 wells) are good
common target in current use, is intensely fluorescent in its native insulators, so temperatures of most ovens must be set at some
form.When attacked by peroxyl radicals, the fluorescence is lost. higher point to ensure that azide decomposition tempera-
An antioxidant slows the loss of fluorescence by quenching the ture in the wells is reached. We tested a number of different
peroxyl radicals via hydrogen atom transfer (Rxn 13) or radical plate readers and found that each unit had to be evaluated in-
addition (Rxn 14) (Prior, Wu, & Schaich, 2005). The reaction is dependently to determine the required set temperature. We also
followed by recording fluorescence over time (Prior et al., 2005). found that plate readers in which the oven and optical reader
Results are calculated as the total area under the reaction curves were separate gave highly irreproducible results across the
(AUC) for each antioxidant sample minus the reaction blank area plate and from plate to plate because the temperature
120 journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125

50 µM Trolox (A) (B) (C)

uorescence IIntensity

Net area under curve Oregano




0 5 10 15 20 25 0
30 10 20 30 40 50 1 0.79 0.50 0.26 0.13
Reaction time (min) Reaction time (min) Fluorescein dilution

(D) (E) Excitation Emission (F)

1:1000 dil. 100 mM Trolox 3.6e7 auc units
oregano extract Fluorescein
1000x dil oregano
1:5000 dil. 4.1e7 auc units
41441937.500 RFU.s
47485687.500 RFU.s

10000x dil oregano Fluorescein

1:10000 dil. 4.7e7 auc units + oregano

00:00 0:10:00
1 0:20:00
2 0:30:00
4 0:50:00
7 1:00:00
8 0 20 40 60 450 500 550 600 650
Blank time (hr) Reaction time (min) wavelength (nm)

Fig. 5 – Standard ORAC response curve and some aberrations that compromise accuracy of results. (A) Standard ORAC
reaction curves showing area under curve used to quantitate reactions. Fluorescence quenching at high fluorescein
concentrations can be seen in temporary increases in fluorescence immediately after mixing with antioxidants (B) and in
maintenance of fluorescence levels even after dilution (C). Non-radical antioxidant interactions with fluorescein can prevent
fluorescence decay (D). Samples must be diluted until reactions run in reasonable time. Dilution required for each extract
must be determined independently. (E) Effects of non-radical antioxidant interactions with fluorescein can be seen in ORAC
values (area under curve) that increase as antioxidant concentrations decrease. Fluorescein and azide concentrations
different from (D). (E) Overlap of fluorescein and antioxidant fluorescence spectra can dissipate fluorescence in absence of
azide. Fluorescein–antioxidant extract mixture has same reagent concentrations as for individual spectra. Possibility of
multiple effects means that each antioxidant effect must be tested independently with fluorescein alone. Y-axis was
fluorescence intensity in counts per second for A–E; Absorbance or fluorescence units in (F). All graphs: K.M. Schaich,
unpublished data.

varied too much as the plate was moved back and forth between thoroughly with oxygen just before mixing in both manual and
oven and reader. Most accurate, stable, and consistent plate reader testing.
temperatures are obtained in plate readers that are heated from Very careful control of reagent concentrations is critical! Abso-
above and below the plate, not from the sides, and the optical lute and relative concentrations of azide, fluorescein, and samples
system rotates over the plates to take a reading. In this con- control the reaction. Because fluorescein emission intensity is
figuration, the plates never move and the temperature is so intense, only nM or lower concentrations are needed to follow
maintained more accurately. the reaction. However, the reaction is diffusion controlled. At
Very careful control of oxygen is critical! Full and reproducible typical nM concentrations, fluorescein molecules are greatly scat-
oxygenation is required for the azide reaction to efficiently tered in the medium. At the same time, the peroxyl radicals
generate radicals. However, solubility of oxygen declines as tem- generated from the azide are very short-lived and must en-
perature increases, so oxygen becomes depleted when solutions counter a fluorescein molecule before decaying.Thus, very high
are pre-warmed before runs, during thermal equilibration in concentrations of peroxyl radicals are needed to surround the
ovens, and when reaction must be heated over long times due fluorescein and ensure efficient reaction. Prior and colleagues
to strong antioxidant inhibition. Variations in handling and investigated azide levels up to 2000 times greater than fluores-
heating times between samples cause considerable variabil- cein concentrations (Prior et al., 2003) yet adopted 1.6 µmol AAPH
ity in dissolved pO2, hence inconsistent results. With insufficient and 7.5 nmols fluorescein per reaction in their standard pro-
oxygen, reactions are slow, variable, and do not run to comple- cedure (Wu, 2005). We found that azide concentrations in their
tion. In our laboratory, most robust reactions and most higher range provide more consistent reactions and are nec-
reproducible results are obtained when all solutions are sparged essary to keep reaction times for controls at about twenty minutes.
journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125 121

Imbalance in reagent proportions – e.g. fluorescein too high Variations in calculation methods as well as reporting and
(leading to quenching) and azide too low (leading to insuffi- use of results lead to huge inconsistencies in ORAC values
cient ROO• for rapid reaction) results in very slow reactions that reported by different laboratories and on internet websites.
do not always go to completion. We find consistent reactions This is perhaps the greatest problem with ORAC. Simply
running to completion in about 15 minutes for controls when calculating the area under the curve leads to differences and
half Prior’s fluorescein concentration (1.9 nM) and 2–10 times inaccuracies imposed by timing of data recording and equa-
his AAPH concentration (1.6 µM) are used. High fluorescein con- tions used for integration. One equation proposed for calculating
centrations are a problem because extensive H bonding between the AUCs integrates successive slices of the curve deter-
the phenol groups and pi stacking of the rings decrease net mined by interval sampling time when point values are
fluorescence, a process called self-quenching (Schauenstein, recorded (Cao, Alessio, & Cutler, 1993) or a selected time in-
Schauenstein, & Wick, 1978). When fluorescence quenching terval when absorbance is recorded continuously:
occurs, emissions do not diminish with dilution – they stay the
same or even increase, as can be seen as a rise at the begin- AUC = ( 0.5 + f 5 f 4 + f 6 f 4 + f 7 f 4 + … + f i f 4) × CT (15)
ning of some reaction curves when consumption of fluorescein
in reaction releases fluorescence quenching (Fig. 5B) or when where fi = fluorescence reading at cycle i (i.e. f4 = initial fluo-
emission intensity does not decrease with dilution (Fig. 5C). Delay rescence reading at cycle 4), and CT = cycle time in minutes.
in fluorescence decay leads to loss of resolution between samples It is easy to see from this equation that the time interval
and overestimation of antioxidant action. We find fluores- matters. The smaller the time interval in data recording, the
cence quenching at the 1.9 nM fluorescein concentrations more closely the calculated AUC approaches actual area, or
recommended in USDA and Brunswick Labs protocols (Prior et al., conversely, the longer the sampling interval, the more the
2003; Wu, 2005); using half this fluorescein concentration or less calculated AUC underestimates actual area. Variations in cal-
eliminates initial fluorescence increases and speeds reactions. culation method contribute to inconsistent quantitative results
Sample concentrations are no less important. When working between laboratories.
with isolated compounds or Trolox standards, the recom- Converting AUC to Trolox equivalents (ORAC units) is a
mended µM solutions can be prepared with certainty. However, source of additional vagaries and inconsistencies. Early methods
phenol identity and concentrations in extracts from foods and recommended the following equation for calculating ORAC units
natural materials are seldom measured before analysis. Most (Ou et al., 2001):
commonly, a single standard aliquot (e.g. 20 µl) of extract is ana-
lyzed without standardization to phenol or ascorbic acid content
and without testing a range of dilutions. This practice can lead
to distorted if not outright incorrect results, due in part to varying
concentration response patterns with different antioxidants as
well as to non-radical interactions with fluorescein. Phenolic,
quinone, and aromatic rings in the fluorescein structure provide This equation includes a factor (circled in equation) for nor-
multiple sites and modes for non-radical associations that block malizing to a known Trolox standard concentration (usually
normal reactions with antioxidants. Polyphenol binding may block 1 mM) that takes the place of a standard curve. Unfortu-
reactive —OH groups and stabilize fluorescein during reac- nately, phenol concentrations in extract samples are seldom
tion. Such interactions between antioxidants and fluorescein determined before analyses, and the equation is often applied
mostly increase apparent antioxidant reactivity with ROO•, as without sample normalization, or with just comparison to 1 mM
can be seen in exceptionally long reaction times, implausibly Trolox. This practice can lead to huge errors in ORAC values.
high ORAC values (Fig. 5D), and higher ORAC values with more Taking problems of ORAC normalization one step further,
dilute antioxidants (Fig. 5E). Alternatively, if antioxidant and the practice of reporting ORAC units as micromolar equiva-
fluorescein excitation or emission manifolds overlap, fluorescein– lents of Trolox generates very large numbers which give the
antioxidant binding can either stabilize or reduce fluorescence erroneous impression that extracts of foods and other natural
emissions (Fig. 5F). Interaction interferences must be tested for materials have components that are more reactive than to-
in appropriate blanks with extracts plus fluorescein (no azide) copherols by many orders of magnitude. In fact, ORAC values
and in overlaps of fluorescein and phenol excitation and emis- of 1,000,000 micromolar equivalents are needed to provide the
sion manifolds in fluorescence spectra. same protection as 1 M α-tocopherol. Thus, care needs to be
Thus, considering all these concentration effects, as with taken so that expressions of ORAC values do not psychologi-
the ABTS•+ and DPPH assays, it is necessary to assay a range cally or actually overestimate antioxidant action.
of antioxidant or extract concentrations to determine linear Perhaps the greatest problem in calculating ORAC values
response ranges or concentration ranges for valid measure- is what to do with extracts and edible materials. Calculations
ments, and also the cross-over concentration at which anti- are straightforward for solutions of pure phenols where con-
oxidants may become pro-oxidant. To eliminate non-radical centrations are known, but phenol concentrations in extracts
interferences, extracts should be diluted to a concentration that are seldom known or measured. What normalization base
gives complete reaction in less than one hour. Longer times should be used in these conditions – mmol Trolox equiva-
increase complicating side reactions and likelihood that the lents per ml extract? L of extract? Liter of starting material (e.g.
system will become oxygen limited. Furthermore, the occur- fruit juice)? g or kg fresh wt? g or kg dried extract? mol phenol?
rence of very long reaction times without substantial fluorescein per 100 g? per serving? unspecified? All of these bases are in
decay often signals extract interactions with the fluorescein. common use, and the variable units and normalization bases
122 journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125

for expressing ORAC values lead to considerable confusion,

Table 1 – ORAC values for foods, selected to illustrate
uncertainty, and obfuscation of results as researchers and mar-
effects of food moisture content and serving size on
keters alike try to enlarge the numbers to amplify psychological numerical values reported.
response to results. So which reporting basis is preferable?
Serving ORAC per
It cannot be overstressed that ORAC units must be speci- sizea serving
fied and reported on a common and reasonable basis for useful (µmol TE/
comparisons. Reporting without normalization to a concen- 100 g)
tration standard and without units, as has occurred often in Spicesb
reports on the internet, is meaningless and often reflects intent Cloves, ground 1 cup 314,446
to deceive or over-exaggerate results. However, even in valid Sumac, bran, raw 312,400
research, determining a basis that is reasonable for practical Cinnamon, ground 1 cup 267,536
understanding and still not misleading is not straightfor- Sorghum, bran, hi-tannin 240,000
Oregano, dried 2 cups 200,129
ward. Compare the ORAC values presented in Table 1, for
Acai berry, freeze-dried 161,400
example, where ORAC values were determined for 100 g of ma-
Turmeric, ground 0.7 cup 159,277
terial. ORAC values varied by several orders of magnitude, and Sorghum, bran, black 100,800
taking the numbers at face value might lead one to think spices Sumac, grain, raw 86,800
had much higher antioxidant power than fruits and veg- Cocoa, dry powder, 0.85 cup 80,933
etables. However, with further consideration several factors that unsweetened
strongly distort interpretation of the ORAC values immedi- Cumin seed 76,800
Maqui berry, 75,000
ately become apparent. First is moisture content when the
concentrated powder
comparison basis is weight. The spices listed are dry, but the
Parsley, dried 4 cups 74,349
foods have moisture contents typically of 90% or greater, which Sorghum, bran, red 71,000
markedly dilute the antioxidants. The second issue is, what Basil, dried 3 cups 67,553
does 100 g mean in terms of how much of a food is normally Foodsc
consumed? One hundred grams of cinnamon, for example, is Aronia black chokeberry 100 g 16,062
about 1 cup, a volume very far from consumable. In contrast, Small red bean 1⁄2 c. dried beans (112 g) 13,727
Wild blueberry 1 cup (145 g) 13,427
100 g strawberries is only half a normal serving, and a medium-
Red kidney bean 1⁄2 c. dried beans 13,259
size apple is about 145 g rather than 100 g. Thus, for the two Pinto bean 1⁄2 cup 11,864
fruits, and indeed most foods in the list, normalizing to 100 g Blueberry 1 cup berries (145 g) 9019
underestimates to variable degrees the antioxidant potential Cranberry 1 cup berries (120 g) 8983
that would actually be consumed. Reporting on a fresh weight Artichoke hearts 1 cup, cooked 7904
basis that ignores moisture contents distorts and underreports Blackberry 1 cup berries (145 g) 7701
Prune 1⁄2 cup (75 g) 7291
antioxidant potential even more. This example demonstrates
Raspberry 1 cup (123 g) 6058
that ORAC values cannot be accepted as just numbers for com-
Strawberry 1 cup (200 g) 5938
parison, but must be expressed on bases that are meaningful Red Delicious apple 1 apple (154 g, medium) 5900
to consumption and include normalization to dry solids. Granny Smith apple 1 apple (154 g, medium) 5381
In addition, to ascertain whether an extract has higher Pecan 1 oz. 5095
phenol content or higher phenol activity, normalization at least Sweet cherry 1 cup (140 g) 4873
to total phenols should be included. Black plum 1 plum (78 g) 4844
Russet potato 1, cooked (148 g) 4649
One further limitation in using and interpreting ORAC values
Black bean 1⁄2 cup dried beans 4181
is understanding what they mean chemically, physiologically,
Plum 1 plum (78 g) 4118
or nutritionally. Chemically, although phenols are assumed to Gala apple 1 apple (154 g, medium) 3903
be the key reactants, correlations of phenol contents to ORAC a
Serving sizes for spices and herbs is the approximate volume for
values have not been established and there is little to no other 100 g, to provide perspective. Weights taken from Aqua-Calc (2014).
documentation of the compounds responsible for extract re- Cups are U.S. volumes.
sponse in ORAC assays. Since some phenols have known toxicity b
ORACValues, 2014.
(Bermúdez-Saldaña, Escuder-Gilabert, Medina-Hernández, Wu et al., 2004.
Villanueva-Camañas, & Sagrado, 2007; Hansch, McKarns, Smith,
& Doolittle, 2000; Moridani, Siraki, & O’Brien, 2003; Selassie,
DeSoyza, Rosario, Gao, & Hansch, 1998), especially at higher
concentrations, using such a blind assay to make recommen- but few people would consider that either of these food quan-
dations or decisions about best foods to eat is dangerous. tities contains sufficient antioxidant levels for health. Taking
Physiologically, lack of substantive documentation of radical a different approach, for ORAC expressed as µmoles Trolox
quenching by phenols in vivo has led to removal of the ORAC equivalent, 5000 ORAC units ≅ 5 mmol Vit E = 2153 mg. If it is
Values of Foods list from the USDA website (USDA, assumed that tocopherol reaction with fluorescein is compa-
2010), as noted in the Introduction. rable to that of Trolox, 5000 ORAC units is equivalent to about
Nutritionally, ORAC values are very confusing. At one point, 3230 IU of tocopherol daily. Compared to the 30 IU Toc needed
the USDA recommended that 3000–5000 ORAC units be con- to prevent deficiency and the 400 IU max recommended
sumed per day for health. Five thousand ORAC units can be supplement level, 5000 ORAC units totally absorbed could be
obtained from one Granny Smith apple or one ounce of pecans, a potentially dangerous overdose.
journal of functional foods 14 (2015) 111–125 123

2.3.3. Summary and recommendations – ORAC assay

The ORAC assay provides a means of evaluating ability of 3. Summary and recommendations
an antioxidant to quench radicals by hydrogen atom trans-
fer independently of electron transfer. It also provides a Twenty five years of antioxidant screening in natural materi-
means of testing reactivity with a number of different als have shown that polyphenols are good antioxidants; that
types of radicals, e.g. by changing initiators (Ou et al., 2002). most plant materials have high contents of phenols which
Nevertheless, the radical reactions employed in the ORAC exhibit excellent antioxidant activity; that within classes of
assay are complex, even with non-azide initiators, they require antioxidants, the number and position of phenolic —OH groups
rigid control over reaction conditions to ensure reproducible affects antioxidant efficacy; and that non-phenol antioxidant
and accurate results, and they are subject to numerous structures are poorly detected in most existing antioxidant
complications and limitations that can compromise use of assays. Twenty five years of antioxidant screening have NOT
this assay. resolved issues of assay chemistry, standardization, and re-
We recognize that assays such as ORAC provide important porting; provided significant insight into chemical mechanisms
tools for preliminary evaluation and screening of antioxi- and factors controlling antioxidant action; clearly connected
dants. However, ORAC values have been used more as political in vitro assay chemistry to in vivo actions; established rate con-
and marketing tools than as chemical tools. Despite the exten- stants for reaction of antioxidants with radicals that are relevant
sive use of ORAC assays to analyze a very wide range of materials in foods and biological tissues; shown how antioxidants with
and current focus on standardizing this assay as an official negligible absorption exert systemic effects; or addressed
method, many glitches remain in the way the assay is handled. counter issues of (poly)phenol toxicity.
ORAC reaction chemistry is not well enough defined in either The early need to merely identify which natural materials
reaction progress or connection to specific molecular proper- had strong antioxidant efficacy has been replaced by the need
ties to warrant standardization of any existing protocols. Key to elucidate accurately how natural antioxidants act. The
problem areas in chemistry include: reaction patterns discussed in this paper demonstrate the
chemical inaccuracies of three common in vitro antioxidant
• Fluorescein needs to be replaced with a target that has no assays and argue for redirecting their orientation and empha-
side reactions and does not interact with itself or phenols sis. ABTS•+, DPPH, and ORAC assays conducted with more
by non-radical mechanisms. detailed and revised protocols can still be useful for reveal-
• Detailed investigations of the effects of absolute and rela- ing dominant quenching mechanisms. However, for quantitative
tive reagent concentrations on reaction rates and extent are antioxidant analysis of natural materials, these assays should
urgently needed before standardization. be replaced with new antioxidant assays, including lipid oxi-
• Non-radical target self-associations and interactions with dation assays, with clearly identifiable reaction mechanisms,
phenols in the absence of radicals are insufficiently docu- fully tested reaction conditions, and kinetic as well as stoi-
mented and may contribute to erroneously high ORAC chiometric analyses.
values. Finally, it is essential that all assays used to investigate
• Alternate methods for following reactions that will clearly antioxidant efficacy emphasize fundamental chemistry rather
determine kinetics as well as stoichiometry need to be than easy or rapid analysis in order to elucidate radical quench-
developed. ing mechanisms for different classes of phenols, determine rate
• To provide chemical logic relating ORAC reactivity to phenol constants and specificity for reactions of antioxidants with dif-
structures, structural features that control reactivity of ferent radicals (will require rapid-mix techniques), identify
antioxidants with fluorescein or other target molecules must synergisms and antagonisms among classes of antioxidant
be identified and ORAC values need to be connected di- compounds, and then learn how to exploit this information
rectly to levels and types of antioxidants in extracts rather for more effective application of natural antioxidants in medical
than analyzing extracts blindly. therapies and food stabilization.

Critical problems exist also with use and applications of

ORAC values. Although correlations between ORAC values
of consumed foods and elevated plasma antioxidant capac-
ity or beneficial anti-disease actions have been claimed, the
appearance of components of tested materials in the blood- Alcolea, J. F., Cano, A., Acosta, M., & Arnao, M. B. (2003).
Determination of the hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant
stream have not been demonstrated. Phenols are poorly
activity of white and red wines during the wine-making
absorbed and rapidly conjugated and excreted so actual intake process.Italian Journal of Food Science, 15, 207–214.
from consumed foods cannot be predicted from ORAC values, Apak, R., Gorinstein, S., Böhm, V., Schaich, K. M., Özyürek, M., &
and toxicity of high levels of phenols in general and some Güçlü, K. (2013). Methods of measurement and evaluation of
specific phenols is well documented (Bermúdez-Saldaña et al., natural antioxidant capacity/activity (IUPAC Technical
2007; Hansch et al., 2000; Moridani et al., 2003; Selassie et al., Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 85, 957–998.
Aqua-Calc. (2014). Conversions and calculations.
1998; Yen, Duh, & Tsai, 2002). Thus, high ORAC values should
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not be used to rank foods, sell foods, or determine food choices.
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nections between molecules detected in ORAC assays and lipophilic contribution to total antioxidant activity. Food
physiological actions. Chemistry, 73, 239–244.
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