Experiment 3 REYES EEA101L A15

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Paul David Lozano

Group 1
Simulation Circuit and Readings
Simulated Circuit

Readings (All Currents)

Readings (Voltages)

Voltage 1

Voltage 2
Voltage 3

Voltage 4
Voltage 5
Answers to Questions

Determine the mesh current Ix of the figure below

Analysis per mesh

Leftmost mesh:

Rightmost mesh:

Current analysis:



The mesh current Ix is approximately equal to 1.14 A with the direction going from
top to bottom.
Preliminary Data Sheet

Mesh Currents Voltages

I1 I2 I3 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

-73.22mA 31.69mA -72.13mA -7.32V 0.22V 12.46V -12.68V -20.22V

● Direction of currents:
○ I1 and I2 were assumed to go from t0p to bottom.
○ I3 was assumed to go from left to right.

Using Mesh Analysis:

Mesh Currents Voltages

I1 I2 I3 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

73.22mA -31.69mA 72.13mA 7.32V 0.22V 12.46V -12.68V 20.22V

Sample Computation

Top Left Mesh:

Top Right Mesh:

Bottom Mesh:




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