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Name of student:

Name of lecturer:

Course number:


GRE Acceptance/ Waiver Request for the Application to Ph.D. in Public


I am writing this letter to formally request a GRE waiver for my application for a Ph.D.

program in Public Administration. I have desired to advance my Public Administration career at

the university, and I hope to continue with my educational dreams in your institution. I have a

master’s in Public Administration from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, where I completed

the program and attained a GPA of 4.0. I have four years of work experience in this field

working for the state of Florida, where, in this case, I used my analytical writing and critical

thinking skills daily. I am currently working as a coordinator of community affairs in the state,

employing some of the essential skills needed for a GRE test. My central role in the department

is to provide influential analytical writings and critically thought data. I also provided tutoring

services in mathematics and French in the public sector. I have as well worked as a graduate

assistant for two years, where I was involved in research and class preparation. Also, I have been

trained in different classes to harness my analytical and writing skills.

I firmly believe that my academic achievement gives me enough analytical, quantitative,

and reasoning abilities that are tested in the GRE examinations. I would be obliged if the request

is granted because the skills and knowledge required for exceptional performance could be

drawn from my graduate school, and this is evident from my transcripts. I understand that the
exam is critical in the selection process, though I would be much appreciative if you considered

this as a special waiver. Besides, I would be glad that the department finds my dying desire to

achieve my goals in life. I have been through the GRE exams six times, but unfortunately, I have

not been able to reach the 60th percentile as required. Other than failed exams, I have currently

improved in this test, and this should show my true abilities in the area of expertise. I am an

excellent student with an outstanding GPA and which is proved by my master's grades. It has

been difficult for me to multi-task between the exams and work. Therefore, the course material is

not a difficult thing to grasp, but my current mental state is quite not stable; thus, the results. A

special exam waiver would help reduce my testing anxiety.

I think highly of the GRE exam because it is an excellent way to gauge students' way of

mastery in mathematics, critical thinking writing skills. The potential used in the selection of

individuals for an advanced academic program is measured using the potential shown in these

exams. However, I believe my academic and experience record shows the same kind of potential

for success in the Ph.D. program. I have not been able to reach the set targets of the GRE tests

done but believe in me to show the potential in me. Once granted an opportunity by the

committee, I will deliberately work to show how the consideration was of significance and give

back to the school for this one chance. I thank you for your time, and I would be grateful if my

special waiver request is considered to achieve my long designed goals.

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