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Lama Fera Healing Workshop

Dr. Deepak Subedi, Himalayan Shamanism

*DAY 1*

Namaste ,
My name is Dr. Deepak Subedi,( half Nepalese half Japanese ) welcome you to this 21 days lama
fera healing workshops. It is a blessing of Buddha to welcome you here.

*Lama-Fera* is Buddhist healing technique which has been used since 620 B.C. It involves calling
upon Lord Buddha to come to the healing situation. His healing energy flows through the healer to
the person needing healing in Lama-Fera. It has 12 symbols to practice. Though it’s method of
treating or healing is quite different from what we practice in Reiki and other healing therapies
but, its symbols have abundance power to treat highest level of negative energies.

What sets Lama-Fera apart from other energy healing technique is that no laying of hands is
required. The healer only acts as a channel for Lord Buddha to pass through and heal the
person. Lama-Fera healing periods can be shorter when performed in monasteries than Reiki style
traditional method, but have to be performed repeatedly for a sequence to be complete.

A practitioner can sense the vibrations and feel change in his energy levels just after the session
of Lama-Fera. It helps to clear negative energy or problems in business, property, health etc… It
does not result in any physical problem or adverse reaction. It promotes chemical processing of
body, muscles, bones, digestive disorders and give strength and radiant energy.

There are some parameters for learning Lama Fera, Not everyone can learn the technique
of Lama Fera healing as it needs ample of meditation and a genuine interest to help others not for
one-self, As it is one of the most vital parameters without which one cannot progress into next

*Here are the lists of BENEFITS OF LAMA FERA*

         It helps in sensing the vibrations and feel change in energy levels 
         It helps in clearing negative energy or problems in business, property, health etc
         Lama Fera Healing promotes chemical processing of body, muscles, bones, digestive
disorders and give strength and radiant energy
         It helps in striking a balance of physical and spiritual problems 
         It helps in healing the root cause of diseases directly
         It helps in attaining and developing awareness, enlightenment, and knowledge
         It supports increasing activity, alertness, and self-confidence
         Lama Fera in India boosts good results in land, property matters and other disputes
         It provides protection from black magic, curse, evil eye, voodoo
         It helps in attaining abundance and success in life
         It gives protection from enemies 
         It helps in repaying loans and settling debt issues
Lama Fera Healing Workshop
Dr. Deepak Subedi, Himalayan Shamanism

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