Picnic?: An Adventure

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Hannah Ruth B. Labana | March 29, 2018 | Marc Joash C. Perez

Picnic Plan
Place: Mountain View Nature Park, Busay Cebu
When: March 29, 2018, Thursday, 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. (Can be negotiated)

Meet-Up Place: Option 1: JY Square, Lahug

Option 2: Cabancalan Eskina then we will go together to JY Square

Picnic Environment
The “adventure” will be held in Mountain View Nature Park. It is located in Sitio
Garahe Busay, Cebu City. This is a nature park with several picturesque areas and an
infinity pool. Additionally, the park includes a great view of Cebu City. This has been
noted by several people as the “perfect escape from the city.”

Picnic Procedure
If you will choose the second option of me et-up place which is Cabancalan
Eskina, I will wait for you there and we will commute to J.Y. Square located in Lahug. As I
researched, Rejuso (2012) stated that there are two options on how we can reach the
nature park. As what he said, “(1) From JY square ride a habal-habal going to mountain
view (note: the fare is Php50 only alot of driver is taking up advantage if you dont know
the exact fare.) at the entrance gate I suggest to just walk going up to explore the place. (2)
or just wait for the PUJ going to mountain view area. (Php10 fare).” There may have been
few changes on the fare but I believe that we can just ask around since Mountain View
Nature Park is a common area in which people want to visit.

As we arrive in the place, we will walk around and take as many pictures as
possible. I advise you to fully charge your cellular phone for it to go through the whole
day. You may also bring powerbank. Although there is an infinity pool in the place, I
suggest that we will not enter it for several reasons, unless you have a reason which tops
off mine. For the food, you can leave that to me, but if you want, you can also bring snacks
like junk food, biscuits, and alike.

Although I mentioned that we will end by 4:00 P.M., that can be negotiated with a
good-enough reason. We also don’t have to stay in the nature park for the whole day. We
can proceed to other places which you can suggest in the upcoming parts.

Picnic Agenda
 Update on how my life has been
 Update on how your life has been
 What should I take for senior high
 Where you are going for college
 What are you doing for college
 Serious talk when almost everything is done
 Chikka me with the issues in your life
 Chikka me with the scandals in school
 Just have fun!!

Picnic Response

YAY! I can go

BOO IM NO FUN I cannot go (Note: Hannah will be super sad if you won’t and
will convince Gian Daniel C. Perez to convince you to go)

If no, reason:

Yes, I am fine with 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Suggestion: From ______ to _______


Cabancalan Eskina
J.Y. Square, Lahug




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