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SOAL MCQ Thyroid, Parathyroid 2010

1 A 32 year old man came to Medical Check Up for screening according recruitment for Pilot .

Physical examination : In normal limit. The laboratory result : TSH : 0,45 mU/L (N : 0,5 – 4,7),
FT4: 2,5 nmol/L (N : 0,8 – 2,7 ng/dL), FT3 : 4,9 pg/mL ( N : 1,4 – 4,4 pg/ml ).Another laboratory
result in normal limit .
The most possible diagnosis for Mr Yudi:
a) Hyperthyroidism
b) NTI ( Non Thyroidical Ilness)
c) Non functional pituitary gland.
d) Sub clinical hyperthyroid
e) Normal condition

2 .A 58 years old woman , came to Medical Check Up for regular examination. Physical diagnosis in
normal limit. Laboratory result : Blood Ca : 12,5 ( N : 9 – 10,5 mg/dL) , Blood Phosphorus : 2,5 ( N: 3 –
4,5 mg/dL) Alkali phospatase: 135 (N :30 – 120 U/L) , AST : 32 U/L ( N : < 35 U/L), ALT 34 U/L (N: <
40U/L), Gamma glutamyl transferase : 70 U /L ( N: 1 – 94 ). Another lab examination in normal limit.

As a physicians what the most possible diagnosis for Mrs Jane :

a) Hyperthyroidism
b) Hypothyroidism
c) Hyperparathyroism
d) Hypoparathyroidism
e) Cholestasis .

3. A 45 years old woman, same to General Practitioner with complain palpitation

Excessive sweating, and loss of body weight 5 kg in a month, she had increased frequency of stool. In
Physical examination : BP : 135/85, Pulse 110 X/minute. She look confuse and tremor.
According data above what the most possible diagnose :
a) Diabetes Mellitus
b) Coronary Heart Disease
c) Hyper thyroids
d) Hyper parathyroid
e) Electrolyte Imbalance

4. What is next examination for supporting diagnose :

a) Random glucose plasma level
b) Oral glucose tolerance test
c) FT3 ,FT4 and TSH level
d) Na, Cl and K plasma concentration l
e) Parathyroid level

5. A 50 year old man, came to General Practitioner, he bring result of laboratory examination : random
glucose plasma 186 mg/dl. As general practitioner what your suggestion to this man :
a) repeat examination random blood glucose plasma 1 days later
b) exam fasting blood glucose and 2 hours after meal
c) Examination Oral Glucose tolerance test
d) complete Urinalysis
e) Complete Blood Count

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