H. Gerhardter - Coeficientes de Arrastre para Particulas No Uniformes

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Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163

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Powder Technology

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Evaluation of drag models for particles and powders with non-uniform

size and shape
H. Gerhardter a,⁎, R. Prieler a, B. Mayr a, M. Knoll a, M. Mühlböck b, P. Tomazic b, C. Hochenauer a
Graz University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering, Inffeldgasse 25/b, 8010 Graz, Austria
M. Swarovski Gesellschaft m.b.H., Industriestraße 10, 3300 Amstetten, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One of the key issues with the application of drag models for non-spherical particles is the incorporation of dif-
Received 19 October 2017 ferently shaped particles. Under real world conditions, every single grain in a powder or granule has a unique ge-
Received in revised form 1 February 2018 ometry which strongly affects its drag coefficient. To incorporate the effects of different particle shape factors on
Accepted 12 February 2018
their trajectories in the flow field, a drag analysis of crushed coal slag particles with sizes between 400 μm and
Available online 17 February 2018
850 μm was performed within this work. The particle shapes were examined using brightfield microscopy and
an optical particle analyzer. Also, the drop velocities of particles in still air were measured using a “Sony DSC-
Particle drag coefficient RX100 IV” standard digital camera at a frame rate of 1000 pictures per second instead of more costly special-
Varying particle shape purpose high speed camera equipment. A novel particle classification was introduced based on the obtained
Polydisperse powders data. This data was also used as an input for three different drag models from literature. In order to evaluate
Multiphase flow the practicality of each drag model, a simple test rig in form of an air tunnel separator was built. It basically
Computational fluid dynamics consisted of a box where freely falling slag particles were deflected by a free stream of air. The particle mass
spreading at the bottom of the air flow separator was compared to numerical results. Numerical simulations of
the setup were performed using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and a numerically efficient Euler-
Lagrange approach in order to calculate the particle trajectories. It was concluded that the simple particle classi-
fication method provided satisfying calculated results. A special drag formulation for crushed coal slag particles
was developed on the basis of two drag models from literature. The customized drag model improved the calcu-
lated results significantly. It can be added to nearly every commercial CFD code on the market without significant
increase on computational cost and the proposed procedure also appeared to be well suited for the determination
of drag model characteristics of other particulate materials in many fields of research.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction which seems not acceptable for industrial applications. In general it

was noted that the error increased with lower particle sphericity, for ex-
In order to describe the interaction between disperse particles and ample needles and disks, while the results were acceptable for arbitrary
the flow of a continuous phase, numerous models for the calculation shaped, isometric particles. Based on the extensive experimental data of
of particle drag coefficients were proposed in literature. The applicabil- Schulz etal. [3], one of the first drag models which incorporated the par-
ity of each model mostly depends on the particle Reynolds number and ticle shape was developed by Swamee etal. [4]. Here, the drag coefficient
its shape. This research is restricted to non-spherical particles. Experi- was calculated in dependence of the particle Reynolds number and the
ments and numerical calculations within this work were carried out Corey shape factor which is a function of three particle main dimen-
for particle Reynolds numbers in the range ReP b 1000. sions. This basic idea was adopted by a number of researchers and
An evaluation of most commonly used models was performed by more recently developed drag models are still based on it. A very mod-
Chhabra etal. [1]. They compared the predictions of different drag ern model was proposed by Hölzer and Sommerfeld [5]. Besides the par-
models at N1900 data points and concluded, that the drag model pro- ticle Reynolds number and the particle sphericity, the drag formulation
posed by Ganser [2] provided the most accurate results but still incorpo- was based on the lengthwise and crosswise sphericity. In their work, the
rated an average error of 16.3% and a maximum error of almost 181% crosswise sphericity is the ratio between the cross-sectional area of the
volume equivalent sphere and the projected cross-sectional area of the
considered particle perpendicular to the flow. The lengthwise sphericity
⁎ Corresponding author.
is the ratio between the cross-sectional area of the volume equivalent
E-mail addresses: hannes.gerhardter@tugraz.at (H. Gerhardter),
rene.prieler@tugraz.at (R. Prieler), bernhard.mayr@tugraz.at (B. Mayr), sphere and the difference between half the surface area and the mean
mario.knoll@tugraz.at (M. Knoll), christoph.hochenauer@tugraz.at (C. Hochenauer). projected longitudinal cross-sectional area of the considered particle.

0032-5910/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163 153

The mean relative deviation between the correlation of Hölzer and assumed to be totally spherical. The results brought up that, due to the
Sommerfeld and 2061 data points from literature was reported to be lower surface-to-volume ratio, spherical particles heated up slower.
at 14.1% [5]. According to Bagheri and Bonadonna [6], the characteriza- The devolatilization, pyrolysis and combustion characteristics of parti-
tion of particles based on length measurements is easier, more precise cles showed significant differences and thus, the temperature dis-
and less time consuming in comparison to the determination of their tribution as well as the mass fractions of volatiles and oxygen within
sphericity. They developed a drag formulation where the particle the burner chamber were strongly influenced by the shape of fuel par-
shape was incorporated by two shape factors corresponding to Newtons ticles. Only the tracks of the smallest cylindrical particles with a length
and Stokes regime in the flow [7]. Both shape factors are a function of of 1.3 mm, a diameter of 0.2 mm and an initial density of 139 kg/m3
the equal volume diameter, the particle flatness and the particle elonga- were almost similar compared to those of spherical particles with the
tion. They found that the average error of the novel equation was at ap- same initial mass. While the work of Yin etal. [13–15] was focused on
proximately 10%. the motion of particles, numerous other researchers [16–19] focused
One characteristic, that the drag models proposed by Hölzer and on the physical and chemical processes within the particle and also con-
Sommerfeld etal. [5] and Bagheri and Bonadonna [7] have in common cluded, that the particle shape also should be taken into account by this
is, that not only the particle shape, but also the particle orientation is field of research. The influence of particle porosity on heat and fluid flow
taken into account. The orientation of freely falling disks was in- past and through porous particles was investigated by Wittig etal. [20].
vestigated by Willmarth etal. [8]. They concluded that particles They performed numerical calculations using agglomerates of differ-
orienttheir largest projection area perpendicular to the flow up to a ently shaped grains and an immersed boundary method in order to re-
critical particle Reynolds number which, in the case of disks, was at solve porous particles. The particle porosity, as well as the particle
ReP ≈ 100. The same effect was observed by Carranza etal. [9] and fur- surface ratio were varied in order to identify the impact on drag and
ther, they investigated the influence of tumbling motions and the heat transfer coefficients. Based on the numerical data, new correlations
angle of attack on the particle drag coefficient. In the case of disks, tum- for the drag coefficient and the Nusselt number of porous particles were
bling motions of the particle had a major impact on the drag coefficient. proposed.
Richter and Nikrityuk [10] performed numerical calculations in the In summary, the numerical and experimental methods are highly
range 10 b ReP b 200 in order to verify the correlation between particle optimized and have been in the focus of researchers for a long time.
orientation, drag, lift and torque coefficients and the particle Nusselt On the other hand, the proposed methods lack of simple feasibility in in-
number and provide closure relations for cubic and ellipsoidal particles. dustrial applications. Tamura etal. [21] investigated the grinding and
Their results showed that at different angles of attack the drag coeffi- combustion characteristics of woody biomass. They found that the
cient of ellipsoidal particles changes up to 80% and up to 23% for cubical resin content in the biomass had large impact on the stability of
particles. thegrinding process. Without any major research effort, none of the
The precise prediction of the drag coefficient of nonspherical parti- above-mentioned methods can determine the effect of quality fluctua-
cles is of major importance in many fields of research. Especially when tions of biomass on combustion. A highly simplified method for drag
modelling the gasification and combustion of particulate fuels, the influ- calculations was proposed by Dunnu etal. [22–24]. They investigated
ence of particle size and shape has a large impact on the calculated com- the aerodynamic lift velocity of solid recovered fuel (SRF) particles
bustion characteristics, pollutant formation and aerosol emissions. The and found, that satisfying results were achieved if a constant particle
trajectories of biomass particles in a 1 MW furnace were numerically in- drag coefficient had been assumed. The validity of this assumption
vestigated by Jones etal. [11]. They concluded in application of an Euler- was limited to Newtons flow regime. The lift velocities of different SRF
Lagrangian approach that non-spherical particles with a sphericity of particles were calculated and experimentally validated, the closest cor-
0.1 and a diameter of 750 μm penetrate to the fly ash while spherical relation between experiments and calculated lift velocities was
particles of the same size would end up in the bottom ash of the boiler. achieved with a drag coefficient cD = 1.5.
The impact of particle shape on the combustion characteristics of co- The number of applications, where particles are in Newtons flow re-
fired coal and biomass particles was investigated by Gubba etal. [12]. gime and a constant drag coefficient is a valid approximation, is limited.
They used an Euler-Lagrangian multiphase model in order to calculate Hence, a simple, time- and cost-efficient method for the determination
the particle trajectories, devolatilization and char combustion and also of the drag coefficient of crushed coal slag particles was presented
compared the numerical to experimental results of an industrial scale within this paper. The influence of the particle geometry on the aerody-
test facility. Their numerical work involved two test cases. In the first namic properties of the particles and the applicability of different drag
case, the particles were assumed to be spherical while in the second models in combination with this particle type were also investigated.
case, 50% of the particles had a cylindrical shape in order to represent
the fibrous texture of ground biomass. The experimentally determined 2. Drag models
flame shape was in close agreement with the second test case and it
was concluded that the combustion characteristics of biomass particles The development of novel drag correlations was not the main focus
were highly influenced by the particle geometry. A comprehensive of this research but instead, three different drag models from literature
study on the combustion of biomass particles was carried out by Yin were evaluated. The drag coefficient cD is a dimensionless quantity for
etal. [13]. In the first part of their research, they developed a model drag force FD calculations and is given by Eq.(1).
which allowed not only the calculation of drag, but also of other forces
like torque, lift and a virtual mass force for cylindrical biomass particles 2∙F D
cD ¼ ¼ f ðRe; GeometryÞ ð1Þ
[14]. To validate the model, the rotation and translation of a PVC particle ρ∙u2rel ∙A
during sedimentation in water was investigated by numerical calcula-
tions and experimental work. The results showed good correlation
and it was therefore concluded that the validated model can be ex- Here, ρ is the fluid density, A ¼ deq;V π=4 is the cross-sectional area of
! !
tended for calculations on the combustion characteristics of biomass the volume-equivalent sphere and urel ¼ j u p − u j is the magnitude of
particles. In a further work [15], Yin etal. performed a detailed numerical relative velocity between the particle and the fluid. Within this work,
analysis on the co-firing of biomass particles and natural gas in applica- the particle Reynolds number is calculated via ReP = deq, V ∙ c ∙ ρ/μ
tion of their specialized model and an Euler-Lagrangian tracking algo- where the equal-volume diameter deq, V is the characteristic length
rithm. Calculations were performed on a 10 m long combustion scale and μ is the dynamic fluid viscosity. As stated earlier, the drag coef-
chamber, 22 shape and size groups of particles were incorporated and ficient is a function of the particle Reynolds number and the geometric
the results were compared to a second case where particles were properties of the particle. Depending on the selected drag model, the
154 H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163

influence of the particle geometry is taken into account by different standard in many industrial applications. One of the objectives of this
shape factors. A very common and widely used model for drag calcula- study was to point out, that the rising performance and decreasing
tions was provided by Haider and Levenspiel [25]. The particle drag coef- cost of consumer electronics allows researchers in many fields the at-
ficient was calculated via Eq.(2) and the coefficients A, B, C and D were tainability of results with very reasonable quality under the use of less
given in [25] as a function of sphericity as the governing particle shape resources.
descriptor in this model.

24   C 3.1. Particle geometry analysis

cD;HL ¼ 1 þ A∙ ReB þ   ð2Þ
1þ Different slag particles were examined using a digital brightfield mi-
croscope and 50× magnification. The software package “ImageJ” [29,30]
was used for post-processing of the images and the measurement of
The sphericity Ψ is the ratio between the surface area of the equal
particle dimensions. Fig. 1 shows the minimum and maximum Feret di-
volume sphere and the surface area of the non-spherical particle. Spher-
ameters of the largest projection area and a second lateral view of the
ical particles have a sphericity Ψ = 1 while the value is close to zero for
particle, these measurements were determined by the software.
highly apsherical particles. The model of Haider and Levenspiel is valid
The microscopic characterization of particles was carried out in con-
for ReP b 2.6 ∙ 105 and provides reasonable results for Ψ N 0.67 [25].
sideration of the “PA protocol” as proposed by Bagheri and Bonadonna
The second model for drag force calculations within this work was
[6] in order to prevent operator-dependent measurements. Averaged
developed by Richter and Nikrityuk [26] on the basis of numerical calcu-
particle dimensions were obtained by measuring 50 individual particles
lations. The influence of the particle geometry on the drag coefficient,
and forming the arithmetic mean value. The drag model of Kishore and
given by Eq.(3), was incorporated by the particle length parallel to the
Gu [27] was specially developed for elliptical particles and the particle
flow direction S normalized with the equal volume sphere diameter
aspect ratio, which is the particle shape descriptor within this model,
deq, V. Within this work, this proportion was referred to as the size
was as well only defined for elliptical particles. Hence, the geometrically
ratio SR = S/deq, V.
determined particle aspect ratio ARGeo was defined via Eq.(5) within this
20 6:9 work.
cD;RN ¼ 0:21 þ SR0:58 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ∙SR−1:4 ð3Þ
2∙D f ;max
The model was able to predict the drag coefficient of spherical, ellip- ARGeo ¼ ð5Þ
D f ;min þ d f ;max
soidal and cubic particles with a maximum relative deviation of 8.58%
compared to numerical calculations in the range 10 ≤ ReP ≤ 250 [26].
The third drag model, that was used within this work, has been pro-
In addition to the characteristic particle dimensions, the mean sphe-
posed by Kishore and Gu [27]. On the basis of numerical calculations, the
ricity and the particle size distribution of particle samples were deter-
drag law given by Eq.(4) was developed.
mined by a particle analyzer based on the principle of dynamic image
analysis [31]. The apparatus analyzed at least 50,000 individual particle
cD;KG ¼ ∙ 1; 05 þ 0; 152∙ ReP 0;687 ∙AR0;671 ð4Þ images of each sample in less than 2 min which obviously saved an
enormous amount of time in comparison to microscopy.

The model was specially designed for ellipsoidal particles. The parti-
cle geometry was taken into account by the aspect ratio AR which is the 3.2. Drop velocity measurement
ratio between the equatorial and polar radii of the particle [27]. The fact
that particles orient themselves with their largest projection area nor- As already mentioned in Section2, the drag models within this work
mal to the flow [8,9] must be considered by the calculation of the aspect rely on different particle shape descriptors as input parameters. As Loth
ratio. The model is valid in the range 1 ≤ ReP ≤ 200 and the authors con- [32] concluded, the use of geometrically determined shape descriptors
sidered particles with aspect ratios 0.25 ≤ AR ≤ 2.5, but no strict limits of provides drag calculations with reasonable results, but their quality
the particle aspect ratio were given [27]. The drag model proposed by can still be improved by experimental data of the same particles at the
Haider and Levenspiel [25], as well as the drag work of Richter and same particle Reynolds – numbers. Here, the experimental data was ob-
Nikrityuk [26] represent more general drag formulations while the tained from particle velocity measurements after a drop from 3 m
drag model of Kishore and Gu [27] was primarily tested on ellipsoidal through still air. The particles fell through a grounded stainless steel
particles. Due to the fact that the ellipsoid was proposed as a simplifica- pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. Shortly after exiting the pipe, the parti-
tion for a wide range of particle shapes [28], the application of a special- cles were tracked with a frame rate of 1000 pictures per second. A “Sony
ized drag formulation with caution to the input parameters still DSC-RX100 IV” digital camera was used for imaging, light was provided
appeared as a valid approach. by two 400 W halogen headlamps. The major advantage of the setup
displayed in Fig. 2 was, that the cost for the camera had only been a frac-
3. Experimental setup tion of the cost for usual high speed cameras. The camera axis was posi-
tioned exactly 3 m below the particle inlet and pictures with a height of
In basic research, precise measurements with high resolution are 126 mm were taken. The distance δP between the camera lens and the
often mandatory. For example, Bagheri and Bonadonna [6,7] measured pipe axis was set to 250 mm, the scale was mounted at the same dis-
the particle velocity in a settling column using a high speed camera tance. In order to prevent external influences on the measurements,
and also presented 3D-models of particles which were generated the setup including the camera was shielded with clear polycarbonate.
using SEMmicro-CT. Carranza and Zhang [9] proposed the usage of ste- Due to the fact, that the particles passed the view field of the camera
reo vision and Schlieren photography to study the orientation of parti- at an arbitrary distance δP, 1 ≥ δ ≥ δP, 2 but the scale was mounted at
cles and their drag coefficients in settling column experiments. the distinct distance δP as outlined in Fig. 2, the velocity of each particle
Unfortunately, these methods are either very costly or time consuming. varied in the range z_ P;1 ≥ z_ P ≥ z_ P;2. Thus, a random error ε = ± 8, 77% was
For that reason, the results in the present study were determined in ab- induced to the velocity measurements. With respect to the random
sence of such techniques. The equipment used for experimental work error, the highest and lowest velocity measurements were neglected
was either from the market segment of consumer electronics or already as outlined further in Section5.1.
H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163 155

Fig. 1. Particle from two different views.

3.3. Air tunnel separator and concentrations are difficult to measure in such environments, but
an important point of this research was to perform application-
Simplifications such as free fall and sedimentation are rare in indus- oriented tests on the above-mentioned drag formulations. For this rea-
trial applications. Particularly in the thermal utilization of granular fuels, son, a test rig in form of an air tunnel separator, displayed in Fig. 3
the particles are exposed to highly turbulent flows. Particle trajectories was built.

Fig. 2. Camera setup.

156 H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163

Fig. 3. Test rig.

The volume flow rate of supplied compressed air was adjusted by a The median aspect ratio of the three computational grids was below
pressure regulator. A rotameter was used for adjustments while the vol- 1.4 and the median orthogonal quality above 0.93 which seemed suffi-
ume flow rate was determined using a simple diaphragm gas meter and a cient. The details of mesh 2 are displayed in Fig. 4.
stop watch. The air stream was fed to the air tunnel separator through a The 4 mm thick plywood baffles were resolved by the mesh. Here,
slotted hole with a width of 6 mm and a length of 46 mm in the left particles were reflected. Due to the lack of reliable literature data for
side wall. The heart of the test stand was a box which was 815 mm the pairing of coal slag particles and plywood walls, a coefficient of res-
long, 700 mm high and 216 mm in depth. The clear polycarbonate front titution of 0.6 was assumed in tangential and normal direction. This
wall, which is missing in Fig. 3, was removed for documentation only. value was a rough approximation of the data published by Sommerfeld
Particles were fed through a bore which was 5 mm in diameter and lo- and Huber [35] for rough quartz particles and polished steel. The varia-
cated in the top wall. The particles were deflected by the air jet and set- tion of the coefficient of restitution between 0.5 and 0.8 brought up the
tled in the plastic containers on the bottom. Baffles made from 4 mm same results. The portion of particle mass flow into each of the 14 rows
thick plywood were installed to prevent the particles from bouncing be- was determined by numerical samples at the marked surfaces in Fig. 4.
tween the 14 plastic container rows. The rows were numbered, starting
with number one on the left and number 14 on the right side of the box. 4.2. Modelling of fluid flow and turbulence
The basic idea was that particles with lower drag coefficients will
settle on the left side of the box while highly aspherical particles A steady-state solution of the isothermal flow within the test bench
would be further deflected to the right. After the experiment, the parti- was obtained in application of the commercial CFD solver Ansys Fluent
cle mass distribution on the bottom was determined by weighing the 17.0. For each cell in the computational grid, the governing laws, namely
plastic containers. Later, it was compared to the numerical result. The the conservation of mass and momentum, given by Eqs.(6)and (7) in
parameters of the experiment, which have also been used for further form of the Reynolds Avereged Navies Stokes equations (RANS), were
numerical work, are listed in Table1. The material properties of air solved numerically.
were taken from [33], the particle density was set to ρP = 2500 kg/m3
according to the work of Aineto etal. [34]. ∂
ðρui Þ ¼ 0 ð6Þ
4. Numerical setup
" !#
4.1. Numerical grid and boundary conditions ∂   ∂p ∂ ∂ui ∂u j 2 ∂ui
ρui u j ¼ − þ μ þ − δij
∂x j ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j ∂xi 3 ∂xi
To ensure the mesh-independence of the numerical simulation, cal- ∂  0 0

þ −ρui u j ð7Þ
culations were performed on three different numerical grids. The grid ∂x j
parameters are given in Table2.
Table 1
Parameters of the experimental setup.

Duration of the experiment 484 [s] Table 2

Air volume flow rate 297,52 [l/min] Mesh parameters.
Air temperature 20 [°C]
Mesh 1 Mesh 2 Mesh 3
Air density 1204 [kg/m3]
Air dynamic viscosity 0,00001825 [kg/m s] Number of elements 0.86 Mio. 1.68 Mio. 2.22 Mio.
Air mass flow rate 0,0059702 [kg/s] Max. cell aspect ratio 17.39 16.76 20.92
Particle mass flow rate 0,002360 [kg/s] Min. orthogonal quality 0.1534 0.1809 0.1199
Particle density 2530 [kg/m3] Max. skewness 0.88 0.88 0.89
H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163 157

Fig. 4. Mesh and boundary conditions.

The Transition-SST turbulence model [36–38] was used to incorpo- each particle was tracked 50 times. ARosin-Rammler distribution
rate turbulence. The basic equations were solved in application of a [40,41] was fitted to the cumulative size distribution measured by the
pressure-based coupled solver. The pressure-velocity coupling was particle analyzer, both curves are displayed in Fig. 5.
solved in application of the PRESTO! – scheme, other transport equa- The parameters of the Rosin-Rammler distribution were a mean di-
tions were discretized using a second order upwind scheme. A Least ameter deq;V ¼ 700 μm and a spread parameter of 6. 10 diameter classes
Squares Cell-Based method was applied to calculate gradients [36]. in the range between 400 μm and 850 μm were incorporated by the
numerical model. The particle volume fraction was well below 1% and
4.3. Discrete phase modelling hence, a one-way-coupled approach, where the particles had no
influence on the flow field of the continuous phase was neglected,
While the basic equations of fluid mechanics have been solved in an was chosen [36].
Eulerian reference frame, a Lagrangian reference frame was used to cal-
culate the particle trajectories. The equation of particle motion is basi-
5. Results and discussion
cally a force balance, here displayed in form of Eq.(8).
! ! ! 5.1. Determination of drag parameters
dup u−up !
¼ þ a ð8Þ
dt τr
The first objective was to determine a valid formulation for the par-
! ticle drag coefficient by the measurement of the drop velocity of 50 dif-
dup ferent, randomly picked particles. The measured drop velocities are
The temporal change of particle momentum is caused by drag
dt displayed in Fig. 6.
! !
u−up ! The drop velocities were spread widely in the range between
τr and other forces a , for example gravity [36]. An Euler-implizit
discretization scheme was applied to solve the equation of motion for −4.47 m/s and −2.04 m/s. The variation of the fall speed could
!nþ1 not be explained by the size distribution alone, the influence of differ-
each particle. The particle velocity u p after the timestep Δt is calcu-
ently shaped particles had to be taken into account. Thus, the particles
lated via Eq.(9).
were divided into four classes and the mean drop velocity z_ P was
! ! u
u p þ Δt a þ
!nþ1 τr
up ¼ ð9Þ


The particle relaxation time τr is given by Eq.(10).

ρP d P 24
τr ¼ ∙ ð10Þ
18μ cD ∙ ReP

In addition to the particle density ρP, the dynamic viscosity of the

continuous phase μ, the volume-equivalent particle diameter deq, V and
the particle Reynolds – number ReP, it is mainly influenced by the parti-
cle drag coefficient cD. The characteristic length scale for particle track-
ing was set to 10−4 m, further refinement didn't bring up significantly
different results. A stochastic tracking approach proposed by Gosmann
and Ioannides [39] was used to incorporate the interaction between
the slag particles and turbulent fluctuations in the flow field. This way, Fig. 5. Particle size distribution.
158 H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163

Fig. 6. Drop velocity measurements and particle classification.

determined for each class. To account for the random error, the results mean drop velocities of the four particle classes and the free fall of a
of measurement 1–3 and 48–50 were neglected in further work while spherical particle with the same size are compared in Fig.7a. Here, the
44valid results remained. It was assumed that the four particle drag model proposed by Kishore and Gu [27] was applied.
classesshare the same particle size distribution as displayed in Fig.
5and thus, the particle mean diameter of each class was set to deq;V ¼
700 μm. Theproperties of the classes are outlined in Table3. The mea-
surements 4–10 were picked to represent particle class 1. The particle
mass fraction of each class was determined by the ratio between the
number of measurements corresponding to one particle class and the
total number of measurements, e.g. class 1: x1 = 7/44 = 15.91%.
In the second step, the drag model parameters, namely the mean
particle sphericity Ψ for the drag model of Haider and Levenspiel [25],
the mean size ratio SR for the model of Richter and Nikrityuk [26] and
the mean aspect ratio AR for the model of Kishore and Gu [27] were de-
termined. The velocity of a particle with a diameter deq, V = 700 μm after
3 m of free fall in still air was calculated with Eqs.(9)and (10) and a
timestep Δt = 10−4 s. The drag models [25–27] were used to calculate
the drag coefficient at each timestep and the corresponding particle
shape descriptors were varied in order to fit the calculated drop velocity
to the measured mean velocities in Table3, the resulting mean particle
shape descriptors of each class are given in Table4. The calculated

Table 3
Particle classification.

deq;V ½μm Measurement no. z_ P ½m=s xi

Class 1 700 4–10 −3.94 15.91%

Class 2 11–25 −3.47 34.09%
Class 3 26–40 −2.85 34.09%
Class 4 41–47 −2.45 15.91%

Table 4
Particle shape descriptors.

Ψ ½− SR ½− AR ½−

Class 1 0.786 0.674 1.365

Class 2 0.714 0.546 1.69
Class 3 0.599 0.414 2.295
Class 4 0.503 0.343 2.875
Fig. 7. Calculated drop velocities.
H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163 159

Table 5
Calculated drop velocity [m/s] and Reynolds number [-] variation.

Drag model Haider and Richter and Kishore and

Levenspiel [24] Nikrityuk [25] Gu [26]

deq, V 400 850 400 850 400 850

Class 1 −2.69 −4.32 −3.19 −4.10 −2.41 −4.51
Class 2 −2.46 −3.80 −2.90 −3.60 −2.09 −4.03
Class 3 −2.08 −3.13 −2.47 −2.94 −1.71 −3.35
Class 4 −1.80 −2.68 −2.17 −2.52 −1.48 −2.89
ReP,max 242 230 253
ReP,min 47.5 57.3 39

The calculated results of particle class 1 and 4 and all applied drag
models are compared with each other in Fig.7b. The deviation between
the results was small and it has to be noted, that the particles in class 3
and 4 already reached N99% of their terminal velocity after 3 m. The cal-
culations were performed with a diameter deq, V = 700 μm, the variation
between the velocity of each particle class at a distinct position was only
caused by the influence of the particle shape. The drop velocities of
differently sized and shaped particles were summarized in Table5. The Fig. 9. Velocity profiles for mesh independence test.
maximum and minimum particle Reynolds numbers ReP,max and ReP,
min were calculated with the highest and lowest drop velocity magni-
tude given by the corresponding drag model. When the particle size clearly visible in all three pictures. For further investigations, the veloc-
was incorporated by the calculations, the different drag models ity profiles at the dashed lines in Fig. 8 were compared with each other.
[25–27] resulted in different velocity variations. The lowest spreading The velocity profiles are displayed in Fig. 9.
was predicted by the drag model of Richter and Nikrityuk [26]. In- Mesh 2 and mesh 3 brought up almost identical results in the rest of
corporating the particle size and shape, the values were spread between the body while small deviations occur for mesh 1. The velocity profile
−2.17 m/s and −4.10 m/s which almost covered the measured spec- within the freestream was almost equal in all three simulations. The
trum between −4.47 m/s and −2.04 m/s in Fig. 6. The drop velocity comparison of the numerically obtained particle mass distributions
predicted by the drag model proposed by Kishore and Gu [27], varied within the container rows of the test stand in Fig. 10 brought up a sim-
between −1.48 m/s and −4.51 m/s which is significantly wider than ilar trend. Here, the drag model of Kishore and Gu [27] was applied. The
the measured range displayed in Fig. 6. deviations between mesh 1 and the other grids were relatively high
while the differences between mesh 2 and 3 were almost negligible.
5.2. Air tunnel separator Hence it was concluded, that the resolution of mesh 2 and mesh 3 was
sufficient for further work while mesh 1 appeared to be too coarse. Fur-
After the determination of valid drag model parameters, the numeri- ther results in this work were obtained on the basis of mesh 2.
cal and experimental results of the air tunnel separator were evaluated.
The main emphasis was to investigate the applicability of the dragmodels 5.3. Multiphase flow
and the corresponding model parameters in practical applications.
The particle content in each of the rows on the bottom of the test
5.2.1. Fluid flow and mesh independence stand was weighted and compared to the numerical results. The
The numerically calculated velocity profile within the air tunnel sep- amount of particles in the rows 1–4 and 12–14 was relatively small.
arator is displayed in Fig. 8, the results were obtained on the three dif- For that reason, the filling of the containers in these rows was deter-
ferent meshes. The freestream of air as well as the circulating flow are mined by a single weighing.

Fig. 8. Calculated velocity profile within the test stand.

160 H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163

Fig. 10. Particle mass distribution within the test stand on different meshes.

Fig. 11. Particle Classes in the test stand (numerical result).

The importance of particle classification is displayed in Fig. 11 which The experimentally determined particle mass distribution in the
was obtained by numerical calculations and the drag model proposed container rows and the numerical results are displayed in Fig. 12. The
by Kishore etal. [27], similar results were obtained in application of drag model proposed by Haider and Levenspiel [25], in combination
the other drag models. As lined out in Table3 and Table4, the drop with the custom drag model parameters given in Table4, generally
velocity decreased from class 1 to class 4. Slower particles had higher overestimated the drag coefficients. As a result, the calculated particle
aspect ratios or lower size ratios and sphericity values, respectively. accumulation in rows 8–14 was too high. The drag models proposed
This significantly affected the particle drag coefficient. As displayed in by Kishore and Gu [27] and Richter and Nikrityuk [26] provided more
Fig.11, highly aspherical particles in class 4 were caught further down- reasonable results in the left section of the test stand while they
stream within the test stand while more spherical particles settled in underestimated the particle content in the downstream rows. The
the first rows. If only a single particle class with an averaged drag coef- reason for the deviations between the models was found, when the
ficient of the coal slag particles was used in numerical calculations, the particle drag coefficients as a function of the particle Reynolds number,
calculated particle dispersion would have been significantly lower. displayed in Fig. 13, and the Reynolds numbers of 100 particles,

Fig. 12. Particle mass distribution within the test stand – experimental and numerical results.
H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163 161

Fig. 13. Drag coefficient as a function of particle Reynolds number.

ReP N 200. Fig. 14 shows that the particle Reynolds numbers were
below this limit in most regions of the airflow separator. Higher particle
Reynolds numbers only occurred directly in the freestream. It was as-
sumed, that the particle drag coefficient was overestimated by [25],
while the values calculated by [26,27] were too low for 100 ≤ ReP ≤
1000 and that the problem could be overcome by a simple solution:
The particle drag coefficients were calculated in application of the
drag models proposed by Haider and Levenspiel [25] via Eq.(2) in com-
bination with the drag model proposed by Kishore and Gu [27] and Eq.
(4). The custom drag formulation is given by Eq.(11). The best fit was
found for the weighting factors C1 = 0.3 and C2 = 0.7.

cD;HL KG ¼ C 1 ∙cD;HL þ C 2 ∙cD;KG ð11Þ

The particle mass distribution within the container rows is displayed

in Fig. 15 and the corresponding deviation between experimental and
numerical results is displayed in Fig. 16. The results on the basis of the
weighted average drag model due to [25,27] showed the slightest devi-
ation in all rows. Even though the amount of particles in row 12–14 was
Fig. 14. Particle tracks coloured by the particle Reynolds number.
underestimated by N50%, the custom drag model provided a significant
improvement compared to the other approaches.
displayed in Fig. 14, were investigated. The results in Fig. 14 were ob-
tained by the drag model proposed by Kishore and Gu [27]. 5.3.1. Particle shape factor measurement
The drag formulation of Haider and Levenspiel [25] predicted an in- The four particle classes were characterized by the particle shape de-
creasing drag coefficient in the region 100 ≤ ReP ≤ 1000 while a decreas- scriptors given by Table4. These shape factors were obtained by fitting
ing curve was calculated by the drag formulations of Richter and calculated drop velocities to measurements and as a consequence, they
Nikrityuk [26] and Kishore and Gu [27]. As pointed out in Section2, constituted empirically determined drag model parameters. As already
the latter two drag models only offer a limited validity in the range displayed in Fig. 11, particles of each class settled in distinct sections of

Fig. 15. Particle mass distribution in application of the custom drag model.
162 H. Gerhardter et al. / Powder Technology 330 (2018) 152–163

Fig. 16. Error of the numerical results.

the test stand. According to the numerical results, only the particle classes particles on the images was identified as the only limiting factor. Real
1 and 2 were trapped in the first four rows, whereas in the rows 12–14 powders consist of differently sized and shaped particles. It was shown
almost exclusively the particle class 4 was to be found. All four particle that it is necessary to incorporate not only the particle size distribution,
classes settled in row 7. In these sections the empirically determined but also different particle shapes in the drag calculations in order to pre-
drag model parameters, namely the mean sphericity Ψ and mean aspect dict the motion of the powder grains in a flow. The empirically deter-
ratio AR, were compared to the geometrical shape descriptors ΨGeo and mined drag model parameters were validated by measurements and
numerical calculations of an air tunnel separator. Two of the three evalu-
ARGeo . The geometric mean particle aspect ratio ARGeo was calculated by
ated drag models, namely the model of Kishore and Gu [27] and the drag
Eq.(5), the corresponding particle dimensions were obtained by micro-
model proposed by Richter and Nikrityuk [26], were specialized on ellip-
scopic measurements. The particle sphericity ΨGeo was determined by dy-
soidal particles while the third model, proposed by Haider and Levenspiel
namic image analysis of the coal slag particles. The results, which were
[25], was a general drag model for nonspherical particles. Even though the
obtained in application of the weighted average drag model due to
drag parameters of all three models were determined in the same way,
[25,27], are listed in Table6.
the specialized models for ellipsoidal particles provided satisfying results.
In general, the drag model parameter Ψ was lower than the geomet- It was concluded that the results of drag calculations can be improved fur-
rical shape descriptor ΨGeo. Calculating the particle drag coefficient with ther by selecting a drag model which is specialized on the particle shape.
the geometrical shape descriptor would have returned values which Based on the experimental and numerical results of the air tunnel separa-
were too low and as a result, the particle deflection would have been tor, the empirically determined particle shape descriptors were compared
underestimated. The drag model parameter AR was significantly lower to the geometric values. The geometrically determined particle shape fac-
than the geometric value ARGeo in rows 1–4 while the opposite was tors deviated significantly from the empirically determined drag model
the case in the rows 12–14. In row 7, a relatively close fit was obtained. parameters. It was concluded that both the particle dispersion and the po-
The determination of the particle drag coefficient by means of the geo- sition of the peak particle concentration at the bottom of the test rig can
metric particle aspect ratio would have resulted in too low particle dis- only be calculated by means of empirically determined model parame-
persion. Loth's proposal [32] to determine the model parameters ters. The proposed procedure for the determination of drag model param-
experimentally instead of using geometric shape parameters as input eters provided a significant improvement on the calculated results. Due to
variables was thus confirmed. its simplicity, it can be easily adapted for the determination of drag pa-
rameters of almost any powder or granular matter. This way, the results
of numerical calculations of particle laden flows in various fields of re-
6. Conclusion and outlook search, for example waste incineration, biomass gasification or in the
chemical industry can be highly improved.
The performance of the three evaluated drag models was improved by
measuring the settling velocity of powder grains. The measurements
were divided into four velocity classes and, instead of using geometrically
determined particle shape descriptors for drag calculations, the drag
This work was financially supported by the Austrian Research
model parameters of each particle class were determined empirically by
Promotion Agency (FFG) (Project 861148, eCall 9336196).
fitting them according to the mean velocity of each class. A standard dig-
ital camera with a frame rate of 1000 pictures per second was used for
particle velocity measurements. The camera enabled measurements
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