Emcee Script

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Bea: "God may forgive you, but your body systems won't." Magis afternoon Ateneo Hearters!

to today's science forum entitled "Better Living With Better Health".

Melisa: Before anything else, let us ask for God's guidance and wisdom to be lead by Phoebe Liong of Gr.
10-St. Aloysius Gonzaga. Please stand.

Bea: Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem to be led by Josef Anton
Lobitania of Gr. 10 - St. Peter Faber.

•Prayer and NA•

Melisa: Thank you Phoebe and Josef. Please be seated. Let us now welcome Mr. Roberto Joseph Galvan,
our principal as he gives light to this afternoon talk.

•Opening Remarks by Mr. Galvan•

Bea: Thank you Mr. Galvan! Now, this talk would not be made possible without the presence of our
competent and gifted speakers. Let us welcome Winillo dela Calzada of Gr. 10 - St. Alberto Hurtado to
introduce our first speaker.

•Dr. dela Calzada's Talk•

Melisa: Thank you so much for those insightful inputs Dr. dela Calzada. That was definitely an
information overload but I'm sure they'll be very useful for our upcoming tests. Right, Bea?

Bea: I certainly agree, Melisa. But for now, let's take a breather and be entertained by a song number to
be performed by Angelica Amante of Gr. 10 - St. Bernardino Realino and Patricia Siasoyco of Gr. 10 - St.
Aloysius Gonzaga. A round of applause please!

•Song number•

Melisa: Wow! That was just, wow. *insert more comments and realizations* Now let us move on to the
next part of our program. To introduce our next guest speaker, please give a hand to Joshua Capanas of
Gr. 10 - St. Peter Faber. A round of applause please!

•Dr. Capanas' Talk•

Melisa: Thank you so much Dr. Capanas! Now we've heart it from a doctor herself. *insert more
comments and realizations*

Bea: At this point, I'm sure we all have our own decent and appropriate questions to ask our dear
guests. The floor is now open for questions. You may ask either or both speakers. Please introduce
yourself, state your section and ask your question.

•open forum•

Melisa: *insert takeaway* But as much as we would like to accommodate all your questions, we do not
have the luxury of time.
Bea: Thank you again dear batchmates for your questions. Now lets us welcome to the stage our Gr. 10
science teachers for the giving of certificates.


Melisa: William Arthur Ward once said, "Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring
change". Thank you Dr. Jo Janetter dela Calzada and Dr. Eunice S. Capanas for not only imparting
knowledge, but also for inspiring us Ateneo Hearters to engage ourselves in the area of science.

Bea: Now, it's been a very fulfilling and productive afternoon and I know most of us are excited to to go
home. So may I request everyone to please stand for the closing prayer to be lead by Kent Cagape of Gr.
10 - St. Aloysius Gonzaga and the singing of the school hymn Lux Oriens by Raplh de San Miguel of Gr. 10
- St. Alberto Hurtado.

•prayer and lux oriens•

Melisa: Thank you Ralph and Kent. Batchmates, please take your seats.

Bea: May we always remember to take to heart all that we've learned today. And I hope you took notes
from the discussions-

Melisa: Coz you'll never know, it might come up in our quarterly assessment.

Bea: This has been Beatrice Maranan

Melisa: And Melisa Maranan from Gr. 10 - St. Ignatius of Loyola

Both: Always Magis! Always Lux Oriens. Always Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

Bea: Thank you and magis afternoon!

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