Press Release AFG/152 SC/7167: Press Statement On Terrorist Threats by Security Council President

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Press Release


Following is today’s statement to the press by the President of the Security Council, Richard
Ryan (Ireland), on the threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts:

The members of the Security Council met this evening at the request of the representatives of
the United States and of the United Kingdom, to enable them to inform the members regarding the
action that has been initiated by their armed forces in Afghanistan, with the contribution and support of
other United Nations Member States. The Secretary-General was present at the meeting. The
members of the Council welcomed the Secretary-General’s public statement of today.

I might recall that the Security Council reacted to the attacks of 11 September, first through
resolution 1368, and then through resolution 1373, which took direct aim at the financing and support
of international terrorism. The members of the Council are determined to see the full implementation
of these resolutions.

The members of the Security Council took note of the letters that the representatives of the
United States and of the United Kingdom sent yesterday to the President of the Security Council, in
accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, in which they state that the action was taken
in accordance with the inherent right of individual and collective self-defence following the terrorist
attacks in the United States of 11 September 2001.

The permanent representatives made it clear that the military action that commenced on 7
October was taken in self-defence and directed at terrorists and those who harboured them. They
stressed that every effort was being made to avoid civilian casualties, and that the action was in no
way a strike against the people of Afghanistan, Islam or the Muslim world.

The members of the Council were appreciative of the presentation made by the United States
and the United Kingdom.

The members of the Security Council are deeply concerned at the humanitarian situation in
Afghanistan. They expressed appreciation for the humanitarian assistance being offered by many
countries. They expressed their support for the Secretary-General’s continued efforts, and welcomed
the appointment of Ambassador Brahimi as his Special Representative for Afghanistan. Mr. Brahimi
will address the political, humanitarian and in due course the rehabilitation aspects of the situation.

The members of the Council are already scheduled to meet tomorrow morning to hold a
further discussion on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan following a briefing from the
Secretariat, with particular reference to the situation regarding refugees.

The Council will remain seized of the matter.

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