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Sequence one

Me, universal landmarks and outstanding figures in arts, literature, and


1/ A/ vocabulary

Landmark= monument A trip= a journey= a tour= a cruise

Famous= well- known # unknown Situated = located

Was born # died = passed away Job= occupation= profession

Explore= discover

B/ types of landmarks

Mosque temple tower bridge

monument castle

2/ the past simple: to narrate using historical information about landmarks or biographical
information about outstanding figures, we use the past simple:


FORM: affirmative form:


Regular verbs: Irregular verbs

Subject + stem + ed ( 2nd column of table of irregular verbs .

Negative form: ) subject +didn’t+ stem+.

eg= she didn’t come yesterday

Interrogative form:

Did+ subject+ stem+ R.O.S ?

Wh word+ did+ subject+ R.O.S+?

Eg: did you go to school?

When did you go to school?

3/ the passive voice

1. We use the active voice when the focus is on the subject.

2. We use the passive voice when the focus is on the action or the direct object.

Subject + verb + direct object.

Subject + (to be) + past participle + by + direct Ob.

Tense Rule (Passive form ) + Examples

Object + to be (s. present ) + past participle + agent ( by…)

( am / is / are )

- Present simple

The Eiffel Tower is visited by many tourists every year

- Simple past - Object + to be (S. past ) + past participle + agent ( by…)

( was / were )

A lot of monuments were protected by the UNESCO

4/ chronological order
To order a set of sequences, events, and actions in a chronological order I use:
1/ time sequencers:
First, second, third, fourth, fifth …………finally.
First, next , then , after that, and ……….finally.

5/ comparative adjective:

To compare between famous landmarks and outstanding figures I use comparative adjectives
as the following:

A) EQUALITY : AS + adjective + as

Eg : The tower Bridge is as famous as The London Eye.


Not aS + adjective + as

Eg: France is not as beautiful as Italy.

5/ I pronounce:
The final (ed) of the verbs/ adjectives / past participles is pronounced /t/ - /d/ - /id/

when the sound before the (ed) is :

/t/ /p/ - /f/ - /k/ -/s/ - / ʃ / - /ʧ / - / Ө /

/d/ /b/ - /g / - /z / - /L/ - /m/ - / n/ - /ŋ/ - /r / - /v/ - /z/ - / ∂/ - / w/ - /dʒ/ - (vowels)

/id/ /t/ - /d/

Activity: Classify these words according to the pronunciation of the final “ed”:
Crashed/wanted / helped/ used/ cooked/ boiled/ matched/ roasted/ played/ consulted/
changed/ resided/ showed/ filed.

/t/ /d/ /id/

6/ diphthongs:

Boy /ɔɪ/ Eye /aɪ/ Nose /əʊ/ Mouth /aʊ/

Face /eɪ/ Ear /ɪə/ Hair /eə/ Tourist /ʊə/

7/ consonant cluster:

A consonant cluster in a word is a group of consonants with no vowels between them. The
longest possible cluster in English is three consonant sounds at the start, such as 'splash', and
four at the end, as in 'twelfths'.

They can appear at the beginning , middle , or the end of the word.

Initial position Mid- position Final position

spring umbrella land
8/ cause and effects:

To express cause/reason we use : because, As, Since
Examples 1:
She travelled to France because she loves The Eiffel tower.
Since she loves The Eiffel tower , She travelled to France .
As she loves The Eiffel tower , She travelled to France .

To express effect/result we use : so, and therefore, As a result
Examples 2:
She loves The Eiffel tower , so she travelled to France . EFFECT
She loves The Eiffel tower and therefore she travelled to France .
She loves The Eiffel tower. As a result, she travelled to France .

Situation of integrations

1/ an outstanding figure:

Assia Djebar is the pen-name of Fatima Zohra Imalayen.

She is an Algerian novelist, poet, playwright, translator and film
maker. She was born on August 4th, 1936 in Cherchel, a small
coastal town near Algiers.

Assia attended the primary school where her father taught

French. In 1995, she was the first Algerian woman to be accepted at
the “École Normale Supérieure’ an elite college in Paris where she studied History. Two years
later, she published her first novel, ‘La soif’. In 1962, she published ‘Les enfants du nouveau
monde’ and in 1967, ‘Les alouettes naïves’. She also wrote and directed her own films. She won
the Biennale prize at the 1979 Venice Film Festival with her very first attempt, “La Nouba des
Femmes du Mont Chenoua”.

Assia won the prestigious ‘Neustadt” prize for contribution to world literature in 1996, and
the next year, the ‘Yourcenar’ prize.

Djebar is considered one of North Africa’s most famous and influential writers, and was elected
to the ‘Académie Française’ on June 16, 2005.. Djebar worked as a professor of francophone
literature at New York University.

Assia Djebar died on February 6th 2015 at the age of 78 in Paris, France.
2/ a famous monument

The Sultan Ahmed Mosque ( Sultan Ahmet Camii) is a

historic mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. and a popular tourist
site, the Sultan Ahmed Mosque continues to function as a mosque
today; men still kneel in prayer on the mosque's lush red carpet after
the call to prayer. The Blue Mosque, as it is popularly known, was
constructed between 1609 and 1616 during the rule of Ahmed I.

Its Külliye which is a complex of buildings associated with Turkish

architecture centered on a mosque and managed within a single
institution, contains Ahmed's tomb, a madrasah and a hospice. Hand-
painted blue tiles adorn the mosque’s interior walls, and at night the
mosque is bathed in blue as lights frame the mosque’s five main domes, six minarets and eight
secondary domes. This wonderful landmark is 73 meters long and 65 meters wide. It sits next to
the Hagia Sophia, another popular tourist site in Turkey.

3/ a trip around Algeria:

Hi, let me tell you about my wonderful trip around my beloved country
Algeria. Well, Algeria is situated in north Africa, with a population of
about 40 million. Algiers is the capital city.

First , we visited the old city" Casabah", which was listed as a

world Heritage site by UNESCO in 1991.It was where the famous Chaabi singer Mohamed El
Anka was born. We enjoyed the beauty of this amazing city and we saw “ Sidi Abderrahman
mausoleum” .Next , we saw Maquam El-Shahid- "famous monument", we took some photos
there ,at the same time ,we visited the national museum"El- Moujahid".We discovered a lot of
things about our history. Then , we drove to Batna with a stopover in Setif. We saw the roman
ruins there. They were as attractive as Djemila in Setif.They were built by the Roman Emperor
Trajan in 100 AD. After that , we drove to the city of the great scholar Abdehamid Ibn
Badis(Constantine1889-1940), we walked through the suspended Bridges. In the afternoon, we
had a wonderful dinner Couscous with meat and vegetables, we enjoyed the amazing malouf
music. Finally, we flew back to Algiers. It was a fantastic cruise.



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