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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | June 23, 2020

Group works to get historically Black cemetery ‘on the map’

Local activists, academics hope to highlight
Starkville’s African-American cemeteries
BY TESS VRBIN “There is a whole slave cemetery in Starkville that
does not have a point on Ap-
Shane Miller and Molly ple Maps or on Google Maps,”
Zuckerman perked up when MSU student Jala Douglas told
an organizer of Starkville’s ra- the audience of thousands.
cial justice protest mentioned “You can’t find this anywhere
a local cemetery during the unless you’re walking past it.
rally at the Mississippi State We’re going to change that.”
University Amphitheatre on The cemetery in question
June 6. See CEMETERY, 6A

Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff

LEFT: Wier family headstones, as shown on Monday at Odd Fellows Cemetery off of Highway 182 in Starkville. Robert and Sadye Wier both advocated to preserve the Odd Fellows
Cemetery during their lifetimes. Robert organized citizens into a cemetery association that raised funds for preservation in 1955. Sadye helped get a Mississippi Highway Depart-
ment historical marker placed on the property in 1979, according to a Historic Starkville sign posted at the entrance to the cemetery. RIGHT: The headstone of Rosa Stewart, as
shown on Monday at Odd Fellows Cemetery off of Highway 182 in Starkville. Stewart was an English teacher and civil rights activist. Henderson Ward Stewart Elementary is partial-
ly named after her. A group of Starkville activists, including anthropology professors from Mississippi State, are planning a project to get a historic marker for nearby Brush Arbor
Cemetery, in hopes of highlighting Brush Arbor, Odd Fellows and other historic African-American cemeteries in the area.

Beck to become
‘Love always finds a way’ Columbus-Lowndes
Dating apps, websites draw increased chamber director
Zachary’s restaurant manager
traffic in Golden Triangle during pandemic to succeed Lisa James

It took the Colum-

bus-Lowndes Chamber of
Commerce less than two
weeks to find a successor
for Lisa James as its new
Restaurant manager Wil-
son Beck was announced as
the new leader of the cham- Beck
ber Monday, following the
June 10 resignation of James, who is mov-
ing to Texas as her husband continues his
Air Force career.
Although new to the position, Beck
is no stranger to the Columbus retail
business community. He comes to the
new position from Zachary’s Restaurant
where, as general manager, he helped the
restaurant eclipse $1 million in annual
sales. Prior to that, he worked at Ashley
Furniture and BancorpSouth.
“The experience I have obtained serv-
ing this city through the years has provid-
Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff
ed me with a skill set that I feel perfectly
Liz Petro looks at her Tinder profile for a photo illustration on Monday in Starkville. Use of dating apps and websites
fits the chamber’s mission of Connect,
has vastly increased, nationwide and in the Golden Triangle, since COVID-19 brought quarantines and social distanc-
ing guidelines. Support, Grow,” Beck said. “I will be a
strong voice for business in Lowndes
County. I am excited to meet all of the
BY TESS VRBIN would land on any Top 100 lists, app again in the first place.” current members and carry on the stel-
AND GARRICK HODGE but it would be the closest thing Bates said he is trying to stop lar reputation set by Lisa James and her, using Bumble and Tinder, two
to resembling the truth if several management of the Columbus-Lowndes
Golden Triangle residents using popular dating apps. But he and Chamber of Commerce.”

n 1977, musician John Paul dating websites and apps are to be other users agree that activity and The CLCC operates under the umbrel-
Young first released the hit believed. matches on the apps increased in la of the Golden Triangle Development
song “Love Is in the Air.” “If I get a match or something, March and April when the pandem- LINK.
If a musician tried to write lyrics it’s like, ‘Oh, cool’ and there’s that ic started restricting activity both LINK CEO Joe Max Higgins said
to detail the virtual dating scene little release of dopamine in your locally and nationally. Gov. Tate Beck’s energy and enthusiasm made him
in the Golden Triangle amidst the brain,” said Cody Bates, a 24-year- Reeves implemented a “shelter an appealing candidate for the chamber
COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, old graduate student at Mississippi in place” order in early April that director position.
they probably would have a differ- State University. “Then you start lasted most of the month. “Wilson has been a major asset to
ent message. talking with some of these people, Since then, activity on dating Doug (Pellum, Zachary’s owner) and
It’s not likely a song titled and nine out of 10 (times), it’s just sites has increased, both local- the Zachary’s team, and we see great po-
“Boredom, Loneliness and Minor a super dry conversation and I end ly and nationally. According to tential in his transition to the Chamber,”
Shreds of Optimism Are in the Air” up asking myself why I’m on this See DATING, 3A Higgins said. “He has great energy and
has experience as a Chamber member
that will serve the membership well.”


1 A certain species of lemur is the only primate,
other than some humans, to have which physical Today: OCH Regional
attribute? Medical Center Board
2 Which national landmark did daredevil Evel Kniev- of Trustees, 4 p.m.
el hope to jump, but was prevented from doing so July 6: Oktibbeha
by the U.S. government? County Board of
3 What city lay at the end of the 1,922-mile ride
Supervisors meeting,
Julie Krieger aboard the Orient Express, which left Paris daily in
1889? Chancery Court-
Second grade, Annunciation house, 9 a.m.
4 What is “Rugrats” character Tommy’s surname?

86 Low 68
5 In which state is the Democratic Party called the July 7: Starkville
High Democratic Farmer-Labor Party? Board of Aldermen
Rain and thunder meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
Answers, 6B
Full forecast on City Hall
page 3A. July 17: Starkville
Board of Aldermen
work session, 10
INSIDE a.m., City Hall
Classifieds 6B Health 6A July 21: Starkville
Comics 3B Obituaries 5A Board of Aldermen
Crossword 2B Opinions 4A Albert MCCarter lives in Columbus and meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
Dear Abby 3B enjoys playing basketball at the YMCA. City Hall


2A TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

A Thousand Words

Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff

Keira Davis, 7, watches as her dad, Greg Davis, washes the car on Thursday at Hancock Carwash in Brooksville.
Keira’s mom, Viola, also came to the carwash with them.

Election chaos renews focus on gutted Voting Rights Act
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stand the court’s scrutiny,
1 city, 1 voting place: the request days before
said Ringhand, is for Con-
ATLANTA — When the election.
some Georgia voters en-
Kentucky braces for The surge of absen-
gress to set standards that
lines in primary apply nationally.
dured a pandemic, pour- tee ballots could cause
LOUISVILLE, Ky. waits of another sort A White House spokes-
ing rain and massive waits
— With only one poll- Tuesday, as some coun- man declined to comment
earlier this month to cast
ing place designated for ties have said they won’t when asked whether
their ballot, President
Louisville on Tuesday, release vote totals before Trump might ever pursue
Donald Trump and other
Republicans blamed local voters who didn’t cast June 30. a Voting Rights Act update.
Democrats for presiding mail-in ballots or show Kentucky turned The previous require-
over chaos. up early could face long to widespread mail-in ments were a key voting
“Make no mistake, the lines in Kentucky’s pri- absentee voting in an rights tool because it
reduction in polling plac- mary election, the latest agreement between the turned a usual legal prin-
es is a result of a concert- to unfold in a pandemic Democratic governor ciple on its head. Litigants
ed effort by Democrats to that’s triggered unprec- and Adams in response usually must wait until af-
push vote-by-mail at the edented election disrup- to the coronavirus out- ter some harmful action
expense of in-person vot- tions across the country. break. But many voters before asking a court for
ing,” said Justin Clark, the The outcome of a not requesting absen- relief, but “preclearance”
Trump campaign’s senior competitive Democrat- tee ballots will head to put the burden on gov-
counsel. “Nothing more ic U.S. Senate primary the polls Tuesday. Each ernment officials to prove
and nothing less.” could hang in the bal- county submitted a plan their proposed election
But the meltdown was ance if Election Day to the state on how many rules would not harm mi-
also a manifestation of a turnout is hampered in polling places to open.
nority voters.
landmark Supreme Court Louisville — the home- The state’s primary is
case that gutted a key pro- town of Charles Booker, typically in late May but
vision of the Voting Rights who’s mounted a strong was delayed.
Act. The 2013 decision — late challenge against Many states pushed
Shelby County v. Holder presumed front-runner their elections back to
— was heralded by con- Amy McGrath. manage an onslaught
servatives at the time for “If Charles Booker of poll worker cancella-
invalidating a longstand- barely loses, I think the tions and consolidation
ing “preclearance” pro- integrity of that election of polling places. They
cess that required certain is in question,” Repub- also sought time to push
states and jurisdictions lican state Rep. Jason more voters to cast ab-
with high minority popu- Nemes said Monday. sentee ballots.
lations and a history of dis- The primary’s winner New York also has a
crimination to get federal will go against Senate primary Tuesday and
approval for any changes Republican leader Mitch has consolidated some
to voting procedures. McConnell, who isn’t ex- polling sites. Erie Coun-
Seven years later, the pected to see a serious ty — home to the state’s
fallout from that decision GOP primary challenge, second-largest city, Buf-
is colliding with unprece- in November. falo — will see 40% fewer
dented changes to the way The state’s Republi- polling sites.
elections are being con- can secretary of state, State board of elec-
ducted. In response to the Michael Adams, said tions spokesman John
coronavirus, many states he’s “cautiously opti- Conklin said he hopes
are encouraging mail-in mistic” long lines won’t the consolidation plan
voting. That — combined force people in Louis- will have “minimal” im-
with a reduction in poll ville to wait hours be- pact on voter turnout
workers — has prompted fore voting. Early voting and access.
the consolidation of polling opened statewide two State election work-
places. weeks ago. That, along ers were trying to get 1.8
That reduction would with strong demand for million absentee ballots
have been much harder to absentee ballots, could to New Yorkers. County
pull off in Georgia without spare people in Louis- boards of elections have
the Supreme Court deci- ville or elsewhere from scrambled to process 11
sion. Voting rights advo- long waits, Adams said times as many ballot ap-
cates are braced for more Monday. plications as they did for
potential trouble on Tues- Nemes sued to get the 2016 primaries with-
day when another round of more in-person voting out extra state funding,
states hold elections. locations in the state’s Conklin said.
In Kentucky, the most populous counties.
planned reductions in poll- A federal judge denied SOURCE: AP
ing places are even sharp-
er than Georgia, with few- new voting machines and Party Chairwoman Ni-
er than 200 across a state years of legal wrangling kema Williams said the
that usually has nearly over racial discrimina- anxiety among many in
3,700, prompting worries tion and election security. her party is a reminder
especially about the state’s “It’s just a perfect storm that a full-strength Vot-
most populous cities where happening in a political ing Rights Act is needed,
Kentucky’s nonwhite pop- environment that has polit- though she accepts that
ulation is concentrated. icized the very act of mak- federal law won’t change
Meanwhile, Trump has ing voting either easier or before November.
railed against voting by harder.” “Your right to vote
mail, arguing without evi- Democrats worry that should not depend on your
dence that it could contrib- the GOP goal is to make zip code, what county you
ute to fraud. Conservatives voting harder. Trump is live in,” she said.
are trying to use an Ari- especially critical of moves Joe Biden, the presump-
zona case over absentee that would expand voting tive Democratic presiden-
voting to further weaken by mail and warned with- tial nominee, has called
the Voting Rights Act. out evidence on Monday for restoring the Voting
And concerns are mount- that foreign countries may Rights Act, but he has not
ing across the ideological try to print ballots. released detailed propos-
spectrum that the chang- “That’s going to be als.
ing nature of elections Trump’s mantra through A key question is wheth-
could leave some Ameri- September, October: er to attempt a new version
cans questioning the re- ‘They’re going to try to of “preclearance” by updat-
sult in November. steal the election!’” said ing the formula used to de-
“Everything is happen- Terry McAuliffe, the for- cide what states and local
ing at once right now,” said mer Virginia governor areas must submit to the
University of Georgia law and onetime Democratic process, since that formula
professor Lori Ringhand, National Committee chair- is what the Supreme Court
citing the pandemic, states man. ruled impermissible. The
like Georgia moving to Georgia Democratic path more likely to with-
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 3A


Mississippi posts
Miss. Gov. Tate Reeves rejects COVID-19 data
‘separate but equal’ 2-flag plan after 5-day delay
‘I don’t believe it would satisfy either side of this THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

sissippi Republican debate, and I don’t think it is a viable alternative.’ JACKSON — The Mississippi Depart-
ment of Health reported 1,646 new cases
Gov. Tate Reeves Gov. Tate Reeves
of coronavirus and 40 deaths on Monday,
said Monday that he’s
against having two ‘We want one unifying flag that does not incorporate after a five-day delay in posting figures
state flags — the cur-
rent banner with the Confederate symbols or connotations.’ The numbers represent new cases and
Confederate battle Democratic Sen. Angela Turner Ford of West Point deaths that occurred in the state between
emblem that critics Reeves done in another statewide election. been rebranded as the “hospitality Wednesday and Sunday. Two of the 40 re-
see as racist, and a He said Monday on social media that flag.” ported deaths happened between May 25
yet-to-be-determined “any attempt to change the current Other people have proposed a and June 7 and were identified from death
design that would Mississippi flag by a few politicians variation on the flag Stennis de- certificate reports, officials said.
erase Confederate im- in the Capitol will be met with much signed, with a circle of blue stars Mississippi’s total number of
ages. contempt.” around a magnolia, the state flower. COVID-19 cases since March 11 now
“Over the weekend The Legislative Black Caucus Reeves is not the first person to stands at 22,287, with 978 deaths. There
there has been a pro- said in a statement Monday that use “separate but equal” to describe are 485 Mississippians hospitalized with
posal floating amongst legislators should vote to change plans for two state flags. White pol- confirmed COVID-19 infection. Missis-
some in the Legisla- Ford the flag during the current session, iticians in the U.S. used the phrase sippi has a population of about 3 million.
ture to create a second which is set to end in a few days. decades ago to try to justify keep- Monday’s delay is not the first time offi-
Mississippi flag. Let’s call it the ‘Sep- “We want one unifying flag that ing racially segregated schools. cials have been slow to post daily corona-
arate but Equal’ flag option,” Reeves does not incorporate Confederate The U.S. Supreme Court declared virus numbers in Mississippi. Health Of-
said Monday on social media. symbols or connotations,” said the the doctrine unconstitutional for ficer Dr. Thomas Dobbs has apologized
He said having two flags would caucus chairwoman, Democratic schools in 1954. repeatedly in recent weeks for delays, cit-
further divide the state. Sen. Angela Turner Ford of West All eight of Mississippi’s public ing the state’s outdated software system.
“I don’t believe it would satis- Point. “Our constituents, student universities stopped flying the state
In a Facebook post Monday, Depart-
fy either side of this debate, and I athletes and businesses deserve bet- flag years ago because of the Con-
ment officials again blamed the software
don’t think it is a viable alternative,” ter.” federate emblem. Several cities and
Reeves said. for the most recent reporting delays.
A white Republican statewide counties have also removed it. Sev-
Confederate symbols have come elected official, Insurance Commis- eral business groups have said the “We appreciate the importance of de-
under increased scrutiny in recent sioner Mike Chaney, said Monday state should drop the Confederate tailed data reporting, and we are working
weeks amid protests against racial that the current state flag needs to image from the banner, including to resume timely, accurate and detailed
injustice across the United States, be “retired and replaced” because it the politically conservative Delta reports as soon as possible,” the post
and monuments are being toppled in does not achieve “a common broth- Council, which represents business reads.
some states. Mississippi has the only erhood of our citizens.” people and farmers. The delays come as other Southern
state flag that includes the Confeder- Some people and businesses have Mississippi faces additional pres- states including Florida and Texas have
ate battle emblem, a red field topped been flying a flag designed in 2014 sure because the NCA A on Friday reported a spike in coronavirus infections
by a blue X with 13 white stars. by Jackson artist Laurin Stennis. expanded its policy banning states in recent days. Cases in Florida surpassed
White supremacist Mississippi It has red vertical stripes on either with prominent Confederate sym- 100,000 on Monday.
lawmakers set the flag design in end with a white field in the center bols from hosting its sponsored The Mississippi Health Department
1894 during the backlash to politi- topped by a 19 small blue stars en- events. That happened a day after marked its own significant rise in cases
cal power that African Americans circling a large blue star that rep- the Southeastern Conference made last Wednesday, when it reported 489
gained during Reconstruction. Peo- resents Mississippi as the 20th state. a similar declaration aimed at the more infections and 23 more deaths than
ple who voted in a 2001 statewide Stennis is the granddaughter of Mississippi flag. it had the day before — one of the larg-
election chose to keep the flag, but the late U.S. Sen. John C. Stennis, The current NCA A ban, in place est single-day increases since the start of
the rebel symbol has remained divi- who retired in 1989 after being a since 2001, applies to what the the pandemic in March. The deaths hap-
sive in a state with a 38% Black pop- segregationist for most of his four NCA A calls predetermined sites,
pened between May 23 and June 11, but
ulation. decades in Washington. While she such as for men’s basketball tourna-
had not been counted previously because
Mississippi legislators have the rejects that part of her grandfather’s ment games.
power to change the flag, just as they mindset, some critics have said Mis- Mississippi is the only state cur- of delayed death certificates.
have changed other state symbols. sissippi should not adopt a state flag rently affected by the policy. The ex- On Twitter, Gov. Tate Reeves described
Several years ago when Reeves was that has commonly been called the panded ban is supported by all eight the jump as “a large number by any mea-
lieutenant governor and was presid- “Stennis flag” in recent years. public universities in the state. It sure.”
ing over the state Senate, legislators Laurin Stennis said Sunday on means that even when sites of NCA A “I’m concerned that people are losing
added “In God We Trust” to the state Twitter that she is stepping away events are determined by perfor- interest in the effort to keep each oth-
seal. from the effort to change the state mance, as they are in baseball, wom- er safe,” Reeves wrote Wednesday. “We
Reeves, however, has said repeat- flag “as I understand the hurt and en’s basketball and softball, Missis- are all tired and ready to be done, but
edly that if the flag is going to be potential harm my last name can sippi schools will not be permitted to the virus doesn’t care. Please be on your
redesigned, he thinks it should be cause.” The flag she designed has host. guard.”

Continued from Page 1A
a spokesperson from matches. In May, the site more clients now, and to say about the quaran- pretty isolated already boredom rather than to
eHarmony, a dating site began hosting virtual they’re going to keep tine, more than likely.” and I’m an introvert find a potential partner,
that requires a subscrip- social hours to help sin- those clients since they Some mentioned it by nature, so (social Callahan said.
tion, messaging between gles date from a distance had to use it, and now in their bios, and some distancing) didn’t both- Bates said he has
users has increased 338 every Thursday and they’ve discovered, ‘This mentioned it in private er me as much,” said been on a few in-person
percent in West Point, Saturday night on Live! is kind of nice,’” Petro conversations after a Callahan, who is 24 and dates recently, but not
Columbus and Starkville “We are always said. match. It comes up now a graduate research as- with anyone he met on
since the beginning working on new ways to in person, said Petro, sistant at MSU’s Center the apps. The lack of
of social distancing in best help our members who has been on a cou- for Advanced Vehicular interpersonal contact
March. In the Golden find meaningful rela-
The impacts ple of Tinder dates since Systems. during the pandemic
Triangle, the most active tionships,” said Gareth of quarantine restaurants reopened. Callahan agreed has gotten to him, he
age groups are Millenni- Mandel, chief operating Petro has used Kyle Callahan, on with Bates that swiping said.
als (25-40) and Genera- officer for eHarmony. Bumble and Tinder for the other hand, said he through dating apps “Now more so than
tion X users (41-55). “While we’ve had to about five years, minus hasn’t gone on any dates provides a dopamine ever, I want that human
To further enhance its adapt to this new normal, a year when she was recently and lost interest rush but doesn’t replace contact,” he said. “Not
site, eHarmony added a we will always continue in a relationship with in Bumble after the first interactions with others. even in a sexual way, but
“Videodate” feature on to connect compatible someone she met on one few weeks of quarantine. Bumble eventually be- just hugs and snuggles
April 20, which resulted people looking for rela- of the apps. She started “Where I work, I was came a way to alleviate and cuddles and stuff.”
in a 28 percent increase tionships. Love always using the apps again
in new user sign-ups finds a way.” and added Hinge to the
from the month prior. The increase in virtual mix last year after the
Videodate is available dating activity, at least relationship ended, she
only after two members in the Golden Triangle, said.
have initiated a conver- didn’t wane when state “I’m very picky when
sation and sent several and local restrictions on it comes to pictures,
messages back and businesses and move- but if I see a person
forth. There are no time ment lifted in late April and hear how they talk
restrictions. and early May. to me, I’m not as shal-
Data from OkCupid, Liz Petro, 25, of low,” Petro said. “So I
a free dating website, Starkville, compares don’t match with tons
shows a 4-percent virtual dating to food de- of people, but I noticed
increase in introduction livery companies, having (recently) that there was
messages sent by users recently started working a good bit, every single
in the state of Mississip- for the latter. day, more and more, and
pi. An OkCupid spokes- “They’ve got a lot they all had something
person said women on
the site have become
more accustomed to
making the first move, as
females have sent 9 per-
cent more intro messag-
es during the pandemic
than they were at this
time in 2019.
Tinder, Hinge and
Plenty of Fish, all of
which are free, declined
to reveal data specific to SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

Mississippi. However, a peak-feeding times for fish and game.

Tues. Wed.
2:50a 3:47a
spokesperson for Tinder Major
Minor 8:26a 9:31a
said daily conversations Major 3:19p 4:15p
Minor 10:15p 11:04p
increased 19 percent Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
around the U.S. and have

The Dispatch
lasted 8-percent longer
since March.
Meanwhile, Plenty of
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Fish added a virtual dat- Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
ing feature called Plenty Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
of Fish Live!, which POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
enables Plenty of Fish The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
app-users to livestream Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
with friends and potential
4A TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Drug laws need
The Harrison Narcotics
Tax Act of 1914 was a bill
that regulated and taxed
the production, importa-
tion, and distribution of
opiates and coca products.
Actually, since it banned
the sale and use of them,
the tax part has never been
implemented. Senator Har-
rison was a New Yorker,
but the real source of the
bill was the South. Bill Gillmore
Dr. Christopher Koch
of the State Pharmacy Board of Pennsylvania
testified that “Most of the attacks upon the white
women of the South are the direct result of a co-
caine-crazed Negro brain.”
On February 8, 1914, the New York Times pub-
lished an article entitled “Negro Cocaine ‘Fiends’
Are New Southern Menace: Murder and Insanity
Increasing Among Lower-Class Blacks” by Edward
Huntington Williams, which reported that South-
ern sheriffs had increased the caliber of their
weapons from .32 to .38 to bring down Negroes
under the effect of cocaine.
Despite the extreme racial focus that took place
in the buildup to the Act’s passage, the contempo-
rary research on the subject indicated that black
Americans were using cocaine and opium at much LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
lower rates than white Americans.
Since its passage, enforcement has been pre-
dominantly against African-Americans.
During debate, the Senator from South Carolina
Voice of the people
said, “We need this legislation. We have to control Points out problem with litter him.
The exploits of Robert E. Lee and the others who
the Negro!” We as parents, grandparents, and great grand-
To make things worse, in 1937, Congress added parents have failed both the children we have raised fought in the Civil War will never be forgotten, even
marijuana to the list. In 1937, African-Americans and are helping to raise. They demonstrate little/no if you move the statue or take them down. That was
were, by far, the major consumers of marijuana. sense of responsibility toward the earth that God has a very important time in the United States. The time
The Dispatch publishes a list of arrests each blessed us with. now though is to do the right thing and move it.
week. Most weeks, at least half of the arrests are Litter adorns both sides of highways and side Robert E. Lee did not even want them at all. It is like
for “possession of controlled substances.” And roads. It is so easy to recycle a grocery store, dollar he saw into the future and said that they would only
most of those arrested for that are African-Ameri- store or Walmart bag by placing them under the seats cause even more division. He also stated that the
can. of our vehicles to collect trash inside the cars! There South lost the war and was time to let go! It is time
August Vollmer, founder of the School of are garbage cans at every gas station to dispose of the to let go! Those symbols just cause hurt and remind
Criminology at University of California, Irvine and trash we collect in our vehicles. Since this is so easy, people of the not so good ole days! It is not removing
former president of the International Association of then why is there so much trash along the roadways? or erasing your southern heritage. It is starting a new
Chiefs of Police, wrote, “Stringent laws, spectacu- It is because we are raising inconsiderate children heritage, one which everyone feels welcomed!
lar police drives, vigorous prosecution, and impris- to turn into inconsiderate teens and adults and the Jarion Jones
onment of addicts and peddlers have proved not cycle is perpetuated. I can’t help but think that we are Columbus
only useless and enormously expensive as means just spoiled in America and are insensitive to taking
of correcting this evil, but they are also unjustifi- care of what we have. An open letter to Gov. Reeves
ably and unbelievably cruel in their application to We as parents/ grandparents need to teach and Dear Governor Reeves,
the unfortunate drug victims... Finally, and not the demonstrate how to take care of what God has en- I applaud you for publicly acknowledging that
least of the evils associated with repression, the trusted us to care for. We need to protect our environ- you are the Governor of all Mississippians. Begin-
helpless addict has been forced to resort to crime ment and can begin with the litter problem. ning your four-year term with the goal of bringing
in order to get money for the drug which is abso- Katrina Rhudy Mississippi together is a great way to start. It is with
lutely indispensable for his comfortable existence.” Vernon, Alabama this ideal in mind that I am writing concerning the
Our War on Drugs has not only been ineffectual Mississippi state flag. I recall touring Washington,
at controlling proscribed drugs and devastating to D.C. and looking at all of the flags and my heart sank,
addicts, it has created a vast criminal organization Confederate symbolism similar to swastika as the Mississippi flag was the only flag which carried
with almost national wealth and power across the The Confederate flag is a symbol of hate in exactly
a symbol of hatred.
world, especially in the Americas. It has all but the same way that the swastika is. It is as equally ab-
As such, our state flag is a direct contradiction
destroyed the societies of the countries that traffic horrent to people of color as the swastika is to Jewish
to the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag and the
in cocaine. Cartels are better armed than state people. They both represent atrocities that mankind
quote we live by, “In God We Trust.” Moreover, it
armies in those countries, far better than their must never forget and never minimize.
disappointing that you would declare that the flag
police. This misery and horror may be laid only at I am of German heritage. My grandfather and his
“properly represents the state” — so much so that
the door of the Harrison Act. brothers were orphaned in southern Ohio. As such, I
you would proclaim April “Confederate Heritage
The War on Drugs was created as a tool for really don’t know anything about his extended family.
Month.” I appreciate that you feel any change to the
social control, especially for control of our Afri- It is quite possible that some of my relatives fought for
flag should be made by the people, not through a
can-American population. Its success is stark. At the Nazis. That being said, I am proud of my German
back room deal by politicians in Jackson. There is
the stroke of Woodrow Wilson’s pen, an entire heritage. What I will never do, however, is celebrate it
growing public sentiment in Mississippi for changing
category of our population was criminalized. Our by displaying a swastika flag!
the flag. As State President of the American Federa-
prison population, with almost 25 percent of the I don’t believe that people of southern descent
tion of Teachers-MS, I represent a membership that,
world’s prisoners, dwarfs that of even the world’s need to be ashamed of their heritage either. We are like you, has to consider all students, at all times.
worst tyrants, and African-Americans, with 13 not guilty of our fathers sins. But, anyone claiming to This change is a part of that.
percent of the general population, make up 40 celebrate that heritage by displaying the Confederate I also urge you to consider that Mississippi has
percent of the prison population, most of those for flag is either lying to themselves or proudly acknowl- used the Confederate emblem in its flag since
drug-related crimes. edging their hatred! 1894—when white supremacists in state government
People do not risk their lives and freedom to Francis J. Neutzling adopted it after reconstruction. While you say you are
buy and use proscribed drugs for no reason. They Powell, Ohio proud to live in a state that produces great men like
are an escape from pain and anguish. People with Medgar Wiley Evers; recall, Evers, was assassinated
nearly nothing, and with institutional walls stand- Points out other statues that have been removed by a white supremacist in Jackson.
ing in the way of their ever having anything, find, There has been a lot of confusion on wanting to With all due respect, I ask you to keep the promise
in the words of that great Southern poet, Edgar move the Civil War monument from the Lowndes of your gubernatorial office in line with your slogan:
Allen Poe, surcease of sorrow. County courthouse. People are screaming that For All Mississippi. Please sir, change the flag.
“Controlling the Negro” leads to prison. Never moving it is trying to erase history. Sadly it is not! Geraldine Bender
to opportunity. Never to help and support. It also The statue would be moved to Friendship Cemetery, AFT-MS State President
provides for social control of the population at which contains Confederate graves. Editor’s note: The following message was included
large. The Drug Enforcement Administration has History is full of taking down a statue or a monu- with this letter: The letter was sent (to the Governor) on
chilling powers. They may seize your property ment. In Bible days, when Moses was so angry with Friday, June 19, 2020. AFT-MS still awaits a response.
without any due process, and the burden of proof the Israelites for building the gold calf, he broke the
is on you to show that they were wrong. If you have Ten Commandments and burned down the idol. That A letter to the editor is an excellent way to participate
five thousand dollars or more in cash you must was a part of history and was recorded and not for- in your community. We request the tone of your letters
prove its source or it is deemed drug money and gotten. More recently, over in Russia, Joseph Stalin’s be constructive and respectful and the length be limited
seized. They even have seizures built into their hometown took down a statue of him. The culture to 450 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for
budget. minister said the reason why is that Stalin had caused clarity, grammar and length. While commentary on
It is far past time to end this. We must decrim- enough and it is time to heal. national issues is always welcome, we limit candidate
inalize these drugs and find socially productive Everyone remembers the famous pictures of the endorsements to one per letter-writer. We welcome all
ways to deal with the ill effects of their use. statue of Saddam Hussein being taken down in Bagh- letters emailed to or mailed to
Bill Gillmore is a bookseller transplanted to Co- dad. We all cheered and roared that moment. Why? The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO Box 511,
lumbus from Ann Arbor, Michigan. That was their history and we were trying to erase Columbus, MS 39703-0511.

Our View: Local Editorials THE STAFF OF THE DISPATCH

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The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 5A

Fauci to testify at a fraught

time for US pandemic response
Infectious disease After Tulsa, Trump heads to virus vs.-blue cultural issue. Polling suggests
that Republicans are far less likely to
expert will testify hotspot Arizona and border wear a face covering than Democrats
WASHINGTON — despite health experts’ warnings that it
before a House Regrouping after a hum- dramatically reduces the risk of trans-
bling weekend rally, Pres- mitting the virus.
committee ident Donald Trump faces The “Students for Trump” event will
another test of his ability be held at the Dream City Church and
to draw a crowd during a broadcast to groups across the nation.
pandemic Tuesday as he Students for Trump is a special project of
visits Arizona and tries
With coronavirus cases Turning Point Action, a grouped chaired
to remind voters of one Trump
rising in about half the by Trump ally Charlie Kirk, which is
of his key 2016 campaign
states and hosting the president for his address.
political po- Organizers said health and safety mea-
Trump’s weekend rally in Tulsa,
larization sures still were being finalized and it
Oklahoma, had been meant to be a sign
competing was unclear if attendees would be asked
of the nation’s reopening and a show
for attention to wear masks or keep socially distant.
of political force but instead generated
with public Since late May, Arizona has emerged
thousands of empty seats and swirling
health rec- as one of the nation’s most active hot
questions about the president’s cam-
ommenda- spots for the spread of COVID-19. Use of
paign leadership and his case for anoth-
tions, Dr. An- Fauci hospitals, intensive care units and venti-
er four years in office. The low turnout
thony Fauci lators has set daily records over the past
has sharpened the focus on Trump’s
returns to Capitol Hill on week.
visit to Arizona, which doubles as both
Tuesday at a fraught mo- Photos of restaurants and bars crowd-
a 2020 battleground state and a surging
ment in the nation’s pan- ed with unmasked patrons ignited con-
coronavirus hot spot.
demic response. troversy. Republican Gov. Doug Ducey,
First, the president will travel to
The government’s top a Trump supporter, reversed himself
Yuma to mark the construction of more
infectious disease expert last week and allowed cities and coun-
than 200 miles (322 kilometers) of wall
will testify before a House ties to require people to wear masks
along the U.S.-Mexico border, an is-
committee, along with in public places. Most have, including
sue that he built his campaign on four
the heads of the Centers Phoenix and Yuma and the counties that
years ago. Later, he’ll address a group of
for Disease Control and surround them.
young Republicans at a Phoenix mega-
Prevention, the Food and Arizona is seeing disturbing trends
church, where event organizers have
Drug Administration, and in several benchmarks, including the
pledged thousands will attend.
a top official at the De- percentage of tests that prove positive
Throughout the trip, the COVID-19
partment of Health and for the virus, which is the highest in the
pandemic will shadow Trump. The Dem-
Human Services. nation.
ocratic mayor of Phoenix made clear
Since Fauci’s last ap- The state’s positive test rate is at a
that she does not believe the speech can
pearance at a high-pro- seven-day average of 20.4%, well above
be safely held in her city — and urged
file hearing more than the national average of 8.4% and the 10%
the president to wear a face mask.
a month ago, the U.S. is level that public health officials say is a
“Everyone attending tomorrow’s
emerging from weeks
event, particularly any elected official, problem.
of stay-at-home orders
should set an example to residents by Campaign officials are still assess-
and business shutdowns.
wearing a mask,” said Mayor Kate Gal- ing the fallout from low turnout in Tulsa
But it’s being done in an
lego. “This includes the President.” amid concern about the virus.
uneven way, with some
Trump has refused to wear a mask
states far less cautious
in public, instead turning it into a red- SOURCE: AP
than others. A trio of
states with Republican
governors who are bullish outbreaks in a given com- resources and support have been harshly criti-
on reopening — Arizona, munity. Americans need during cal of the administration.
Florida and Texas — are About 2.3 million this time of crisis.” However, not all Repub-
among those seeing wor- Americans have been There is still no vac- licans have lined up to
risome increases in cases. sickened in the pandemic, cine for COVID-19, and defend the White House.
Last week, Vice Pres- and some 120,000 have there are no treatments Some GOP members
ident Mike Pence pub- died, according to data specifically developed for were growing concerned
lished an opinion article from Johns Hopkins Uni- the disease, although the early in the year that the
in The Wall Street Jour- versity. antiviral drug remdesivir administration wasn’t do-
nal saying the admin- As head of the Nation- has been shown to help ing enough to prepare.
istration’s efforts have al Institute of Allergy and some patients, as well as a
strengthened the nation’s Infectious Diseases, Fau- steroid called dexameth-
ability to counter the virus ci will be joined before asone, and plasma from
and should be “a cause for the House Energy and patients who have recov-
celebration.” Commerce Committee ered.
Then President Donald by CDC director Dr. Rob- Since Fauci last testi-
Trump said at his week- ert Redfield, FDA chief fied, hospital physicians
end rally in Tulsa that he Dr. Stephen Hahn and have become more skilled
had asked administration the head of the U.S. Pub- in treating coronavirus pa-
officials to slow down lic Health Service, Adm. tients with the techniques
testing, because too many Brett Giroir. and medications at their
positive cases are turn- Giroir was tapped disposal. The U.S. con-
ing up. Many rally goers by the White House to tinues to ramp up testing,
did not wear masks, and oversee the expansion of with some 27.5 million
for some that was an act coronavirus testing. But Americans, or more than
of defiance against what he gained notoriety af- 8% of the population, test-
they see as government ter a whistleblower com- ed thus far. But most com-
intrusion. White House plaint flagged him for munities still lack enough
officials later tried to walk trying to push a malaria health workers trained in
back Trump’s comment drug touted by Trump to doing contact tracing, the
on testing, suggesting it treat COVID-19 without work of identifying people
wasn’t meant to be taken conclusive scientific evi- who have had interactions
literally. dence. The FDA has since with an infected person.
Fauci has recently withdrawn its emergency That could make it more
warned that the U.S. is use authorization for hy- difficult to tamp down
still in the first wave of droxychloroquine. emerging outbreaks.
the pandemic and has “There have been a lot Fauci remains opti-
continued to urge the of unfortunate missteps mistic that a vaccine will
American public to prac- in the Trump adminis- be found, noting that pa-
tice social distancing. tration’s response to the tients develop antibodies
And, in a recent ABC COVID-19 pandemic,” to the virus — a sign that
News interview, he said said committee Chairman the human immune sys-
political demonstrations Frank Pallone, D-N.J. “As tem is able to battle back.
such as protests against communities across the However, he shies away
racial injustice are “risky” country ease social dis- from promising results
to all involved. Asked if tancing guidance and by the end of the year, as
that applied to Trump ral- reopen their economies, Trump has done.
lies, he said it did. Fauci it is critically important The Energy and Com-
continues to recognize that both the administra- merce panel has oversight
widespread testing as tion and Congress remain over drugs and vaccines,
critical for catching clus- focused on containing among other facets of the
ters of COVID-19 cases the spread of the corona- U.S. health care system.
before they turn into full virus and providing the Committee Democrats

Virus numbers surge a bid to restart the ailing and West are raising fears
economy, which has shed that progress against the
globally as many millions of jobs. virus is slipping away, as
nations ease lockdowns Hospitals in Pakistan states reopen and many
WELLINGTON, New are turning away patients, Americans resist wearing
Zealand — The number but with the economy masks and keeping their
of global coronavirus there teetering, the gov- distance from others.
cases continued to surge ernment remains deter- On Tuesday, Dr. An-
Tuesday in many large mined to reopen the coun- thony Fauci will return to
countries that have been try. Capitol Hill at a fraught
lifting lockdowns, includ- New cases have also moment in the nation’s
ing the U.S., even as new been rising steeply in response. The govern-
infections stabilized or Mexico, Colombia and In- ment’s top infectious dis-
dropped in parts of West- donesia. ease expert will testify be-
ern Europe. Brazil, with more fore a House committee.
India has been re- than 1.1 million cases His testimony comes
cording about 15,000 and 51,000 deaths, has after President Donald
new infections each day, been affected more than Trump said at a weekend
and some states Tuesday anywhere but the U.S., rally in Oklahoma that
were considering fresh which has reported more he had asked administra-
lockdown measures to than 2.3 million cases and tion officials to slow down
try to halt the spread of 120,000 deaths, accord- testing, because too many
the virus in the nation of ing to a tally kept by Johns positive cases are turning
more than 1.3 billion. The Hopkins University. up.
government earlier lifted In the U.S., surges in
a nationwide lockdown in cases across the South SOURCE: AP
6A TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Health is about more than your weight: Most people focus too much on
weight gain or loss. The truth is that health goes way beyond that. Many obese people
are metabolically healthy, while many normal-weight people have the same metabolic
problems associated with obesity. Focusing just on body weight is counterproductive.
It’s possible to improve health without losing weight — and vice versa.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Bovine colostrum is ers. They shared seven
higher in protein, fat, other top-quality studies
carbohydrates, magne- that found bovine colos-
sium, B vitamins and trum also reduced the
What to eat two of want 16 next workout. For more vitamins A, C and E than gastrointestinal damage
healthy ounces. information on foods regular milk, and very linked to NSAIDs such
after a workout carbs and As you to eat in all kinds of rich in antibodies. It’s as ibuprofen and aspirin,
On Thanksgiving Day hydration exercise, situations, check out Dr. designed to strengthen by 80 percent!
2019, when QB Drew tech- don’t al- Mike’s book “What to the immune system of Dr. Mike suggests
Brees and the Saints niques low your- Eat When.” a newborn and prepare that docs prescribing a
clinched their third that start self to the digestive system for low-dose aspirin daily
NFC South victory in a
row, they chowed down,
before become Amazing supplement receiving nutrition — to reduce risk of heart
your thirsty. and it can do the same attack, stroke and 11
post-game, on succulent work- Post
battles respiratory for you. cancers consider adding
roasted turkey legs. Just out and workout, infections, gut As Dr. Mike was this supplement to the
the protein boost needed continue drink as problems researching supplements regimen. He even joined
to repair tired muscles after Drs. Oz and Roizen much “The cow is of the that may stop viruses, he the scientific advisory
after a workout. your cool as you bovine ilk; one end is discovered two random- board of one company to
We know that when down. feel you need or enjoy moo, the other milk,” ized studies that found see if he could motivate
you’re done with a Have you enjoyed a hydrating smoothie, is a rhyme by humorist taking bovine colostrum them to fund a study on
moderate- or high-inten- a moderately intense such as this tasty treat: Ogden Nash. Well, it’s supplements decreases the benefits of taking bo-
sity round of exercise, workout? Afterward, you Blend 1 cup of kale; 1 the milk end that we’re the incidence of upper vine colostrum with aspi-
you want to refuel with might eat 3 ounces of medium apple (with interested in — partic- respiratory infections rin. Tips: Talk with your
carbs, restore with fluids chicken breast (skinless) peel); 1 cup frozen man- ularly the colostrum, (such as COVID-19) by doc before trying this.
and repair with protein. or salmon with a side of goes; 1 cup cucumber; 1 the first secretion of the 50 percent. So he got in Avoid if you’re lactose
Registered dietitian quinoa or brown rice. tablespoon lemon juice; mammary glands of a touch with the research- intolerant or pregnant.
Allison Knott says that For hydration? Before 1/2 tablespoon ginger; cow after giving birth.
translates to 20 to 25 you exercise, drink an 3/4 cup water and 3 to (It happens for up to
grams of protein within ounce of fluid for ev- 4 ice cubes. You’ll build seven days, and cows
an hour of exercise, ery 10 pounds of body muscle and stamina, produce far more colos-
paired with a serving or weight. Weigh 160? You and be ready for your trum than a calf needs.)

Continued from Page 1A
is Brush Arbor, former- work as a team “to learn more respectful to Afri- buried in the first half
ly known as Starkville more about the history of can Americans, Baldwin of the 19th century was
Colored Cemetery, next this place and to revive it said. primarily a slave ceme-
to the well-known Odd and preserve it.” “I’ve never seen a Find- tery, said Chuck Yarbor-
Fellows Cemetery south She is a bioarchaeol- A-Grave cemetery that ough, who teaches Afri-
of University Drive and ogist, or someone who doesn’t show up on Goo- can-American history at
east of Fellowship Street. studies skeletal remains gle Maps, so that’s really the Mississippi School
Odd Fellows is one of the through an archaeologi- strange,” she said. for Mathematics and Sci-
oldest African-American cal lens, and she said she Many of the graves in ence in Columbus.
cemeteries in Mississippi has spent the past eight African-American cem- Even graves that
and has been on the Na- years researching the site eteries are unmarked, were originally marked
tional Register of Histor- of the state mental health and documentation of the tend to become “over-
ic Places since 1990. It is asylum in Jackson that cemeteries’ existence is
whelmed by time, which
one of 10 cemeteries na- once occupied where the rare, so they live on pri-
is kind of the reality of
tionwide associated with University of Mississippi marily in the memories
the story of the black
the Odd Fellows interna- Medical Center is now. of descendants and other
tional fraternity. locals, Baldwin and Zuck- community,” he said.
Thousands of deceased
Miller and Zucker- erman both said. Once the COVID-19
asylum inmates were
man are anthropology “All over the country, coronavirus pandemic
buried in now-unmarked
professors at MSU, and there are thousands of recedes and allows peo-
graves there, and at least
both said they saw an 50 percent of them were African-American burial ple to gather in large
opportunity in Douglas’ African Americans, Zuck- grounds that are threat- groups safely again,
comment. Miller has erman said. ened, that are being the Oktibbeha County
since been in contact with Meanwhile, incoming damaged by development NAACP plans to hold an
Starkville Stand Up, the MSU anthropology grad- (or) disuse and neglect, event highlighting local
activist group for racial uate student Cassidy Ray- without communities that black cemeteries at the
justice that formed in late burn will be researching know of them and are tak- Heritage Museum, locat-
May and organized the African-American cem- ing care of them,” Zucker- ed on Fellowship Street
protest. eteries for her master’s man said. just across from Odd Fel-
While Starkville Stand thesis, and she said she is Federal legislation lows Cemetery, NAACP
Up and its associates will excited to get started. passed in 1990 protects chapter president Yulan-
work to get Brush Arbor “I want to use my time Native American burial da Haddix said.
recognized on mapping as a graduate student to grounds from excava- A more immediate
apps and with a historical help advocate for commu- tion or occupation by any project is cleaning up
marker, MSU anthropol- nities and their heritage group that is not the tribe debris in Odd Fellows
ogy students and faculty as much as possible,” Ray- buried on that land. There and Brush Arbor, which
will be doing their own burn said. are no such protections Zuckerman said MSU
work to study and high- for African-American students have been do-
light African-American gravesites, and uniform
cemeteries. A rich but guidelines are necessary
fading history Rayburn said she
“I’d like to think our to properly preserve this
DeeDee Baldwin, a his- hopes her graduate re-
role would be just getting history, Zuckerman said.
interest from students tory research librarian at “Any remains recov- search can “bring to-
and having them see this MSU, has been research- ered from them could be gether academic and
as an opportunity to take ing cemeteries in Oktib- associated with their de- cultural communities on
the bigger issues that they beha County for years as scendant communities, many different levels” for
see around the world, in a hobby, including taking so we can move forward Starkville’s benefit.
the United States and on pictures of graves for the in a coherent way of pro- “Personally, I believe
the news, and actually af- Find-A-Grave website. tecting these places rath- that we can understand
fect some change locally,” Starkville Colored er than having to do it in ourselves and our rela-
Miller said. Cemetery was renamed patchwork,” she said. tionships with others if
Zuckerman said she Brush Arbor several Any cemetery in Mis- we have a better compre-
hopes MSU and the years ago because the sissippi where African hension of our history,”
Starkville community latter name was deemed Americans were being Rayburn said.


Columbus native Hill threatens to hold out if state flag is not changed
BY BEN PORTNOY Point product Marcus put out by Mississippi don’t think it is a viable Ohio State University helm in Starkville, Hill Murphy offered his sup- Gov. Tate Reaves who option.” Michael V. Drake said was expected to be a ma-
port of Hill, retweeting said the plan being float- The NCA A also an- in a news release Friday. jor piece of his air raid
Mississippi State run- the original ed to create a second nounced on Friday “We must continually offense this fall after
ning back Kylin Hill has message state flag would not meet that it would no longer evaluate ways to protect leading the Southeast-
chimed in on the Missis- with the the threshold for being allow Mississippi to and enhance the cham- ern Conference in rush-
sippi state flag debate. added note, taken seriously by him. host NCA A postseason pionship experience for ing a year ago. His 1,350
Hill, who was a four- “& we from “Any similar plan events in an escalation of college athletes. Ex-
star recruit out of Co- yards were just 41 yards
Ms... we would actually accom- its previously developed panding the Confederate
lumbus High School in shy of Anthony Dixon’s
gone stand plish the exact opposite Confederate flag policy. flag policy to all cham-
the class of 2017, wrote for some- of our stated goal — it “There is no place in pionships is an import- single-season school re-
on Twitter Monday, “Ei- thing but Hill would actually divide college athletics or the ant step by the NCA A to cord.
ther change the flag or NOT fall out state more,” Reeves world for symbols or acts further provide a quality In addition to the 10
I won’t be representing for anything. I’m wit ya said in a statement via of discrimination and op- experience for all partic- touchdowns Hill notched
this State anymore & I 8.” Twitter. “I don’t believe pression,” Chair of the ipants and fans.” on the ground, he added
meant that .. I’m tired.” Hill’s tweet came in it would satisfy either NCA A Board of Gover- With new head coach another 18 receptions for
MSU safety and West response to a statement side of this debate and I nors and President of the Mike Leach now at the 180 yards and one score.



BY BEN PORTNOY Cohen also noted that MSU has been in touch
with officials at Ole Miss,
STARKVILLE — As Southern Miss and Jack-
Davis Wade Stadium sits son State in regard to how
barren inching through this year’s football season
the middle of summer, it could be handled, should
remains to be seen when it occur.
the Mississippi State’s “We’re always talking
football home will be to other schools and oth-
filled once more. er schools are always
Speaking with The reaching out to us,” Co-
Dispatch Monday, MSU hen said. “It’s not a bad
Athletic Director John idea if it’s not your own.
Cohen said he thinks the Other people can have re-
school will need to make ally good ideas. We are in
a final decision on how constant contact, we’re in
many fans can attend meetings with the South-
games this fall around eastern Conference and
the “30-day mark” ahead I think we’re constantly
of the Bulldogs’ open- bouncing things off of
er against New Mexico each other.”
scheduled for Sept. 5.
Should MSU stick to
Cohen’s suggested time-
Confederate flag debate
line, that would mean a in legislators’ hands
decision would be made Having spent eight
in the days around Aug. 1. years as the head baseball
“I think the fact that coach at MSU coupled
we have some time that with the time he spent
we can make some better playing for former coach
decisions, that bodes well Mississippi State athletics Ron Polk in the late-
for us,” Cohen told The Mississippi State Athletic Director John Cohen estimates the school will have a decision on football attendance 1980s, Cohen has been a
Dispatch. around Aug. 1. part of eight Regionals/
While MSU has yet to the athletic department additional sales and start officials at Iowa State also tickets. Super Regionals held at
determine how many fans would cease ticket sales focusing on reduced ca- announced they would “I think we feel like it’s Dudy Noble Field.
will be allowed into Davis at the end of this month pacity seating models only sell 30,000 season important for all of us to But current and future
Wade Stadium this fall and only fans who have based on our season tick- tickets to the 61,500-seat be on the same page,” he Bulldog student-athletes
in conjunction with what renewed their season et holders,” Iowa Athletic Jack Trice Stadium in said. “ And the good news may not be entitled to
state law will permit, oth- tickets and completed Director Gary Barta said an effort to incorporate is we have some time. So those same events should
er schools nationwide are per-seat contributions by in a news release. “We social distancing mea- I think it’s not necessari- the Confederate battle
preparing for a season June 30 will be incorpo- anticipate finalizing this sures necessitated by the ly careless, but I think in emblem remain on the
with limited capacity. rated into any new seating by late July and will share COVID-19 pandemic. It’s some ways, it’s a little pre- Mississippi state flag.
Monday, officials at plans at Kinnick Stadium. with our fans.” also expected the school mature to be able to make The NCAA escalated
Iowa announced that “We needed to pause Earlier this offseason, won’t sell single-game those decisions.” See COHEN, 2B

NASCAR rallies around Wallace as FBI investigates noose MSU MBB adds 2020
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SCAR champion Jimmie had a chance to race for at its venues less than recruit Derek Fountain
Johnson. “And we want to the win. A late stop for two weeks ago and he
Bubba Wallace steered stand with our friend.” gas led to a 14th-place fin- was the target when the
BY GARRICK HODGE is very skilled and pos- sesses all the tools. He’s
the No. 43 to the front of The 82-year-old Petty, ish but felt like a win for noose was found hang-
pit road, NASCAR cham- at his first race since the Wallace. He went to the ing in the Richard Petty a strong shooter, passer,
Mississippi State rebounder and defender
pion Kyle Busch pushing coronavirus pandemic fence and slapped hands Motorsports garage stall men’s basketball may
the famous car on one began and at Talladega through the wiring with a Sunday afternoon at the who comes from a great
have added its last piece family.”
side and close friend on race day for the first group of fans, many wear- Alabama track. A mem- to the puzzle for the
Ryan Blaney pushing on time in more than 10 ing “I Can’t Breathe” ber of Wallace’s crew Fountain was the
2020-2021 season. second-best prospect in
the other. years, stood side by side shirts as they cheered. reported it to NASCAR, Derek Fountain, a
The entire 40-driv- with Wallace during the He apologized for and by Monday morning the state of Mississippi
6 -foot-8 forward from for the 2020 class, ac-
er field and their crew national anthem before not wearing a mandato- U.S. Attorney Jay Town Holly Springs, signed
members followed. After Monday’s rain-postponed ry mask but didn’t put said his office, the FBI cording to 247Sports.
his National Letter of
the car came to a stop, event. Everyone stood it on because “I wanted and the Justice Depart- Mississippi State’s
Intent with the Bull-
Wallace climbed out, sat behind the car while to show whoever it was, ment’s Civil Rights Divi- 2020 haul included the
dogs on Monday. With
on the window ledge and Brad Keselowski held you are not going to take sion were involved. three best players in
Fountain, the Bulldogs
sobbed. Richard Petty, the American flag at the away my smile.” “Regardless of wheth- the state, with Keondre
are up to 11 scholar-
his Hall of Fame team front of the display of sol- “This sport is chang- er federal charges can Montgomery (No. 1)
ship players, with one
owner, gently placed a idarity. ing,” he said. “The pre- be brought, this type of and Cameron Matthews
to play with depending
hand on Wallace’s shoul- The idea to stand with race deal was probably action has no place in our (No. 3) being the other
on if Robert Woodard
der. Wallace started with one of the hardest things society,” Town said. two. Other incoming
II decides to return to
As federal authorities Johnson, while former I’ve ever had to witness NASCAR President freshmen include Dei-
school or stay in the
descended on Talladega series champion Kevin in my life. From all the Steve Phelps said secu- NBA Draft. von Smith and Anders-
Superspeedway on Mon- Harvick suggested they supporters, from drivers rity has been stepped up “I’m really excited son Garcia.
day to investigate the dis- all push the car to the to crew members, every- for Wallace — his team for Derek to join our In his senior sea-
covery of a noose in Wal- front of the grid, Wallace body here, the bad-ass was also granted unusual basketball family and son, Fountain posted
lace’s garage stall, the said. fan base, thank you guys access to its car Monday for his commitment to 23 points and 13 re-
entire industry rallied One by one, after the for coming out. This is morning to ensure it had our program,” MSU bounds per game as
around the Cup Series’ anthem, they hugged truly incredible and I’m not been tampered with coach Ben Howland Holly Springs secured
only Black driver. Wallace. He then had a glad to be a part of this overnight — and the FBI said in a news release. a 28-5 record en route
“The news has dis- long embrace with Petty. sport.” was “currently on site” at “He will continue to get to the MHSA A Class 3A
turbed us all and of And then he went rac- It was Wallace who the track. bigger and stronger and state semifinals. As a ju-
course we want justice ing. successfully pushed the He said the FBI direc- has an outstanding fu- nior, Fountain averaged
and know who and why,” If not for a shortage of stock car series to ban tor had told agents in Bir- ture ahead of him being 16.0 points and 10.0 re-
said seven-time NA- fuel, Wallace might have the Confederate flag See NASCAR, 2B only 17 years old. Derek See MBB, 2B
2B TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

MLB plans 60-game slate as union balks

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sion told The Associated “It’s absolute death for infighting that fractured
Press. The person spoke this industry to keep act- the sport in the past. An
NEW YORK — Major on condition of anonymity ing as it has been. Both initial deal March 26
League Baseball plans because no announcement sides,” Cincinnati pitcher called for players to re-
to unilaterally issue a was made. Trevor Bauer tweeted in ceive prorated salaries
60-game schedule for its MLB asked the union a rare instance of a play- and gave Manfred power
shortest season since 1878 to respond by 5 p.m. EDT er criticizing the union. to set the schedule, but
after the players’ associa- Tuesday as to whether “We’re driving the bus that agreement did not
tion rejected a negotiated players can report to train- straight off a cliff. How is require MLB to play in
deal of the same length, ing and whether the play- this good for anyone in- empty ballparks.
putting the sport on track ers’ association will agree volved? Covid 19 already Players refused to al-
for a combative and possi- on the operating manual presented a lose lose lose ter from their insistence
bly unhappy return to the of health and safety proto- situation and we’ve some- on prorated salaries, and
field amid the coronavirus cols. The schedule would how found a way to make MLB finally agreed last
pandemic. be the shortest since the it worse. Incredible.” week during the one-on-
Six days after baseball National League’s third The union said in a one meeting between
Commissioner Rob Man-
fred and union head Tony
The union announced
statement that the “board
reaffirmed the players’
Manfred and Clark.
While Manfred called it Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

Clark negotiated to expand

the playoffs from 10 teams
its rejection, and the vote
total was confirmed by a
eagerness to return to
work as soon and as safe-
framework for an agree-
ment, Clark said it was Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
to 16, widen use of the person familiar with that ly as possible.” merely a proposal and Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 9 2 1 3 6 5 7 8 4
designated hitter to Na- meeting who spoke to the “To that end we antic- further angered MLB. ber-placing puzzle
given numbers. The object 7 6 4 9 2 8 1 3 5

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

tional League games and AP on condition of ano- ipate finalizing a com- At that point, the sides based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 5 8 4 7 1 9 6 2
introduce an experiment nymity because the ballot- prehensive set of health remained about $275 grid with several
1 to 9 in the empty spaces 1 7 2 5 9 3 8 4 6
to start extra innings with ing was not made public. and safety protocols with million apart after weeks given
so that numbers. The
each row, each 5 8 3 6 1 4 2 9 7
a runner on second base, The decision likely will Major League Baseball of talks. MLB offered 60 object
column isandtoeach
3x3 the
box 6 4 9 7 8 2 3 5 1
the deal was rejected by provoke what figures to be in the coming days, and games and $1.48 billion numbers
contains the1same
to 9 number
the Major League Baseball lengthy and costly litiga- we await word from the from salaries that orig- the empty spaces so 4 1 5 2 3 9 6 7 8
only once. The difficulty 8 3 6 1 5 7 4 2 9
Players Association’s exec- tion over the impact of the league on the resumption inally totaled $4 billion, that each row, each
level increases from
utive board in a 33-5 vote. coronavirus on the sport, of spring training camps plus a $25 million post- column and each 2 9 7 8 4 6 5 1 3
3x3 boxtocontains
“Needless to say, we similar to the collusion cas- and a proposed 2020 season players’ pool. The Difficulty Level 6/22

are disappointed by this es that sent baseball spiral- schedule,” the union said. union wanted 70 games the same number only once. The difficulty level
development,” MLB said ing to a a spring training With the collapse of a and $1.73 billion plus a increases from Monday to Sunday.
in a statement. “The frame- lockout in 1990 and a 7 negotiated deal, playoffs $50 million pool.
work provided an oppor- 1/2-month strike in 1994- are set to remain at 10 Players are expected
tunity for MLB and its 95 that wiped out the World teams rather than expand to file a grievance, claim-
players to work together Series for the first time in to 16. The framework had ing MLB violated a provi-
to confront the difficulties nine decades. included the expanded sion in the March agree-
and challenges presented It also eliminates a $25 playoffs for both 2020 ment requiring both sides
by the pandemic. It gave million postseason play- and 2021, and Manfred to “work in good faith to
our fans the chance to see ers’ pool, meaning players offered to drop its inclu- as soon as is practica-
an exciting new postsea- will not get paid anything sion in the second season ble commence play, and
son format. And, it offered above meal money during if players feared it would complete the fullest 2020
players significant bene- the playoffs and World decrease their future championship season and
fits.” Series, and $33 million in leverage. postseason that is eco-
MLB’s control owners advance salary that would Spring training was nomically feasible” con-
approved going unilaterally have been forgiven for 769 suspended on March sistent with several provi-
with the 60-game schedule players at the bottom of 12, two weeks ahead of sions. MLB is expected to
if the final arrangements the salary scale with low- scheduled openers, and file a grievance accusing
can be put in place, a per- er rates of pay while in the the sides have reverted the union of negotiating
son familiar with the deci- minors. to the familiar financial in bad faith.

Continued from Page 1B
mingham to “use all their resourc- state,” Ivey said. “Bubba Wallace is shirt that says “I Can’t Breathe”
es” to find the perpetrator. one of us; he is a native of Mobile over his firesuit and sported a
“Unequivocally they will be and on behalf of all Alabamians, I Black Lives Matter paint scheme in
banned from this sport for life,” apologize to Bubba Wallace as well a race last month in Martinsville,
Phelps said. “There is no room for as to his family and friends for the Virginia.
this at all. We won’t tolerate it. They hurt this has caused and regret the
Talladega is one of the more rau-
won’t be here. I don’t care who they mark this leaves on our state.”
are, they will not be here.” Petty said in a statement he was cous stops on the NASCAR sched-
NASCAR has tried to distance “enraged” by the “filthy act” of rac- ule, but the pandemic prompted
itself from the Confederate flag for ism. Retired champion Jeff Gordon the series, like all sports, to ban or
years at the risk of alienating a core called it a “cowardly” act while re- sharply limit fans. Up to 5,000 fans
group of its fan base. At Wallace’s tired champion and current team were allowed in, but there were far
urging, it went ahead with the ban owner Tony Stewart seethed in a fewer than that Monday and none
as the nation grapples with social social media post: “Angry. Out- of them had access to the the in-
unrest largely tied to George Floyd, raged. Disappointed. Those words field or the Cup Series garage.
an unarmed Black man who died in don’t fully describe how I feel. Under strict new health guide-
the custody of Minneapolis police. #IStandWithBubba and I’ll damn ACROSS
lines, a very limited number of
NASCAR has not outlined how sure stand up to anyone who engag- 1 Los Angeles
it will enforce the restriction and es in this kind of behavior.” people can access the garage. That team
this week’s race at Talladega, in Phelps said he was the one who would include crew members for 5 By the side of
the heart of the South, presented told Wallace about the noose. each of the 40 teams, NASCAR em- 10 Some wood-
the series with its biggest test in “It was a difficult moment for ployees, Talladega staff members winds
the early going. Disgruntled fans Bubba, a difficult moment for me,” and any contracted safety crews or 12 San —,
with Confederate flags drove past he said. “He’s handled it with the security guards. California
the main entrance to the track all grace that he has handled every- Phelps declined to discuss 13 Apportioned
weekend and a plane flew above thing that’s happened over the last whether cameras in the garage 15 Greek vowel
the track Sunday pulling a banner few weeks.” area might have captured anything 16 — Vegas
of the flag that read “Defund NA- The 26-year-old Wallace said
of value but noted NASCAR has an 17 Hosp. parts
SCAR.” after the noose was discovered:
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey said she “T his will not break me, I will not approved list of who is allowed ac- 18 Depends
was “shocked and appalled” by the give in nor will I back down. I will cess that has been turned over to 20 Lotion
“vile act” against Wallace. continue to proudly stand for what authorities. additive
“There is no place for this dis- I believe in.” “It will be part of what the FBI is 21 Judi of “Choc-
gusting display of hatred in our Wallace has previously worn a looking at,” he said olat”
22 Car scar 43 Hive group 24 Blew off
23 Carell of

movies DOWN 25 Tea amount
25 Walk ner- 1 Lasso expert 26 One-celled
Continued from Page 1B vously 2 Subsided organism
28 Secluded 3 Esprit de corps 27 Lemon’s
its stance on the Confederate flag on Friday, barring Starkville than the athletic department.” valleys 4 Min. part cousin
Mississippi from hosting any kind of NCAA postseason Having released statements in favor of changing the 31 Leave out 5 Iowa city 29 Tony winner
event until the controversial iconography is removed state flag in recent days alongside MSU President Dr. 32 Outdoes 6 Boy Patti
from the state banner. Mark E. Keenum, Cohen added that the decision to 34 Young one 7 Peter of “Troy” 30 Husband or
“There is no place in college athletics or the world change the state’s official banner is now up to the state 35 Place 8 Impulse relayer wife
for symbols or acts of discrimination and oppression,” legislators. 36 Luau dish
“I mean this is no longer in our hands,” he said. “And
9 Prepared 33 Places
Chair of the NCAA Board of Governors and President 37 Uncovered
again, that’s one of the things that bothers you is host- 11 Choose 35 Singer
of the Ohio State University Michael V. Drake said in
ing used to be in the hands of the student-athletes and
40 German sub 14 Made verbal Seeger
a news release Friday. “We must continually evaluate
the coaches and their staff. Now it’s in somebody else’s 41 Tightly attacks 38 Joplin piece
ways to protect and enhance the championship experi-
hands.” packed 19 Miniature map 39 Coming-out
ence for college athletes. Expanding the Confederate
flag policy to all championships is an important step by
42 Jessica of 20 “Skyfall” girl
“Tootsie” singer
the NCAA to further provide a quality experience for Humphrey Coliseum renovations on pause
all participants and fans.” With uncertainty regarding football season run-
With the NCAA levying a major blow to supporters ning rampant throughout college athletics, Cohen said
of the Confederate markings emblazoned on the state plans for the renovations on Humphrey Coliseum are
flag, Cohen sympathized with the student-athletes on on hold for the time being.
campus who may not be able to partake in the regionals Should the football season proceed without any ma-
he did as both a player and a coach, but added that the jor complications, he expects the changes to MSU’s
decision could also have a staunch economic impact in home basketball arena to continue as planned, but until
Starkville. then, the school has put the project on pause.
“I’ll tell you, I think the economic impact is bigger “I mean if we can play seven home football games
on the Starkville community than it is for our athletic and if we can get close to full capacity, I think it’s re-
department,” he said. “Because when you’re hosting, alistic,” Cohen said. “If that doesn’t happen, then it’s
you’re sending a great deal of the proceeds back to going to cause delays. So we’re in a little bit of a holding
the NCAA. So I think the bigger impact on the city of pattern to see what football season brings us.”

Continued from Page 1B

bounds per game.

“Derek is a versatile wing man who leads by example,” Holly Springs coach Kenzaki Jones said. “He is a
very humble young man with a great work ethic. I think that once his body develops and he gets stronger,
he will be an elite ball player at the next level. He has all the tangibles to excel and do great things for Mis-
sissippi State.”
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 3B

Return of college athletes gives glimpse of back to school

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sports programs around With an eye toward blown practices in early just weren’t taking it seri- a season.
the country are providing preparing for competition August. ous,” Taylor told The Ath- The average student
Late last week, Clemson a daily glimpse at the chal- in a couple months — the To do so, athletic ad- letic. isn’t facing that type of
announced 28 athletes and lenges that lie ahead — and major college football sea- ministrators and coach- The University of Hous- pressure to take precau-
athletic staffers had tested maybe some solutions. son kicks off in most plac- ing staffs are stressing to ton suspended its voluntary tions, which worries Dr.
positive for COVID-19. “When you’re thinking es around the Labor Day players that there is only workouts on June 12 after Greg Stewart, the team
On Saturday, Kansas about athletes, people are weekend — athletic de- so much that can be put in six athletes tested positive physician for Tulane ath-
State said it was shutting very worried about sports partments began bringing place to protect them from with symptoms. letics.
down its voluntary work- and the close contact they groups of athletes back to contracting coronavirus. Not every school is re- “The general student
outs for athletes at team have. And there’s a little campus June 1. Some of it is on the players vealing testing results. population, it’s not that
facilities after a spike of 14 bit less concern when it The goal is to create themselves. There have been no reports they are not going to care,
positive cases. comes to the general stu- something of a bubble Kansas State University of athletes being hospital- but they’re not going to
And on Monday, Notre dent body because of their around players, using athletic director Gene Tay- ized. care as much,” Stewart
Dame reported one positive interactions being differ- frequent testing to catch lor told The Athletic a spike College students, and said. “It’s not going to be
among 91 tested football ent,” Dr. Amesh Adalja, a positive cases and contact in cases might have had especially college ath- the same for them as it is
players, Wisconsin had two senior scholar at the Johns tracing and quarantining to two causes: A small num- letes, are mostly among for the football team.”
positives among 117 ath- Hopkins University Cen- mitigate spread. ber of athletes not complet- the lowest risk groups for Setting up protocols
letes tested and Iowa’s lat- ter for Health Security and Positive tests were an- ing their quarantine after becoming severely sick or for the return of athletes
est round of testing found a member of the NCAA’s ticipated, and they should they arrived on campus and dying from COVID-19. For has been a campus-wide
nine positives among 40 COVID-19 advisory panel. be when the rest of the been tested, and then that most athletes, the great- project, extending outside
overall. “But I do think it speaks to students come back. For group joining some other er personal risk is being the athletic department at
As colleges and univer- the fact that the colleges are athletes, the hope is by athletes in attending an sidelined from competi- most schools. Stewart said
sities ponder how to reopen going to have to come up mid-July football teams will off-campus party. tion or possibly infecting he speaks with speaks with
campuses to droves of stu- with a plan for dealing with be able to move into larger “It wasn’t that they did teammates and causing Tulane’s director of student
dents during a pandemic, these cases.” group activities, then full- anything on purpose. They an outbreak that disrupts health at least once a week.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: affects them and choice of standing in line or
My son was their families? — being nagged by my husband, I
murdered HURT AGAIN IN chose the former and was the
four years ago KENTUCKY first person to form a line.
by a supposed DEAR HURT After 20 minutes standing
friend. Despite a AGAIN: Please there and reading the news
10-year sentence, accept my sympa- on my phone, the ATM guards
the murderer was thy for the tragic seemed to be finished. That’s
released from loss of your son. when a woman approached me
prison this month. Nothing can take and said she had been waiting
The perpetra- away the pain of longer than me, albeit in her
tor and my son losing a child, let car, and I would have to go to
ZITS had some mutual alone at the hand the end of the line. I ignored
friends. When I go of another per- her.
onto the convicted son. The family Soon, a guard motioned to
manslaughterer’s and friends of the me that the ATM was available.
Facebook page, person who killed As I was making my withdrawal,
he has many peo- Dear Abby your son appear I could hear the woman say to
ple congratulating to have lost sight the others now lined up behind
and welcoming him home. of the reason for his incarcera- her that I had jumped the line
The murderer has not once tion. But viewed from another and she called me an expletive,
apologized or shown remorse. perspective, they are happy to which two others in line repeat-
He was on home incarceration have their loved one back with ed. Was I wrong to have stood
for six months before he was them, which is why they are my ground, or should I have
sentenced for manslaughter, posting welcome messages. moved to the back? — WAITING
and during that time, he impreg- A resource that might help IN TEXAS
nated his girlfriend instead of you is the National Organization DEAR WAITING: If you were
GARFIELD thinking about the devastation
he’s caused my family. My son
of Parents of Murdered Children
Inc. You can find it by going to
the first person to stand at the
ATM while others chose to wait
will NEVER have a family. I hope you will give it in the comfort of their vehicles,
Instead of announcing to a try. My heart goes out to you. you owed no one an apology.
his Facebook friends and family DEAR ABBY: Sometimes the The person who was out of line
that he’s on his way home and simplest situations make me (literally) was the woman who
that he is home, I feel he should wonder the most. Recently we called you an expletive, and you
keep his mouth shut and live a needed to use the local ATM. were right to ignore her.
quiet life. I cannot believe that When we drove by, we could see
murderers and rapists receive it was being filled by an armored Dear Abby is written by
respect and congratulations truck. My husband said I should Abigail Van Buren, also known
once they reenter society. Do get in line. I looked around and as Jeanne Phillips, and was
people not recognize the dev- saw other people waiting in founded by her mother,
astation that has been caused their cars, so I thought I would Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear
to surviving family members of do the same. My husband Abby at or
the victim? Or do they no longer repeated that I should get out P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,
CANDORVILLE care until something like this and get in line. Faced with the CA 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June as you get better at recognizing fluctuations. Highs and lows
23). Your cosmic birthday gift what’s going on with others. only bring out the best in you,
is raw, unadulterated drive. You TAURUS (April 20-May 20). as they help you come to an un-
know what you want. Your moti- In the past, there have been derstanding of the situation that
vation is so high that whatever times when certain people took otherwise wouldn’t be possible.
might have stopped you before advantage of your soft heart. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
will no longer be an issue. You Now you’re a little more guarded The road of love isn’t always
will have all the support you but not jaded. Compassion is smooth, so you have to
desire. There’s frivolous fun that still your best guide. celebrate the times like right
turns into a lucrative venture. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). now, when love is bringing you
BABY BLUES You’ve an excellent sense for Usually, the calm comes before comfort and excitement without
investing. Aries and Libra adore the storm, but today, the order asking for too much in return.
you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, will be reversed. The excitement VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
40, 2, 10 and 15. will hit without warning, followed Everything in your life serves
ARIES (March 21-April by a calm that stretches for a purpose but not always an
19). Relationships heal with hours beyond. obvious one. When you want
awareness. Knowing what CANCER (June 22-July something for no apparent
you’re feeling is stage one, and 22). You know the emotional reason, perhaps the reason is
then things really come together landscape and aren’t afraid of primal, soul deep, or it belongs
to a future known only to your
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Listening well is easier within
set parameters. Be judicious.
Sure, people need to be heard.
BEETLE BAILEY But you’re not the only one in
the world assigned to the work
of listening.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Neatness is not the same
as style, but when things are
neat, clean and organized, it is
easier to see your way to choic-
es that could lift the scene to a
stylish level.
21). The surprising and silly
things that happen are what
make a good story. You can’t
force such things, but when
MALLARD FILLMORE you’re open to them, they tend
to land in your life.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’ll enjoy your time alone
even more than usual, recogniz-
ing the stellar features of your
own company. It’s so much easi-
er to be a good friend to others
when you’re first a good friend
to yourself.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). “Someday” doesn’t really
exist, and that is why it never
shows up. There is only today.
As you make your plans and act
FAMILY CIRCUS on them, you’ll line up some-
thing solid for a future “today.”
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’re warm and welcom-
ing, and people will be disarmed
by your lack of pretention.
You don’t have to worry about
earning respect. You’ll have it

The cow jumped over the moon

4B TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 The Dispatch •

Funeral for Rayshard Brooks to be held at MLK’s church

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ter Brooks fired a Taser in his
direction while running away
‘Rayshard was not a member of our church but he, and his
ATLANTA — Rayshard
Brooks, who was fatally shot by
after a struggle with officers
outside a Wendy’s restaurant
loved ones, are a part of our family. We seek to embrace them,
a police officer, is to be remem-
bered Tuesday at the church in
on June 12. Rolfe, 27, is white. comfort them and walk beside them in the days ahead.’
Brooks, 27, was Black. The Rev. Raphael Warnock, senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church
Atlanta where the Rev. Martin King’s daughter, the Rev.
Luther King Jr. once preached. and Democratic candidate for Senate
Bernice King, also plans to de-
The private funeral at liver remarks at Brooks’ funer- for the services, according to direction as he ran away. assault and violating his oath.
Ebenezer Baptist Church fol- al, along with a friend of his and that statement. An autopsy found he was Lawyers for both men said
lows a public viewing held Mon- When officers responded to shot twice in the back. their clients’ actions were jus-
his mother-in-law, according to
day. The Rev. Raphael Warnock, complaints of a car blocking the Rolfe was fired and the other tified.
a draft program released by the
senior pastor at the church and Wendy’s drive-thru lane, they officer, 26-year-old Devin Bros- Interim police Chief Rodney
a Democratic candidate for Sen- found Brooks asleep in the car. nan, was placed on desk duty Bryant has said he was sur-
ate, will deliver the eulogy. “Ebenezer is a parish for all
Police body camera video then after the shooting. Police Chief prised Howard brought charges
“Rayshard Brooks wasn’t people, a sanctuary for those showed Brooks and officers Erika Shields stepped down so quickly, before the Georgia
just running from the police. who suffer,” Warnock said in having a calm and respectful less than 24 hours after Brooks Bureau of Investigation had fin-
He was running from a system a statement when the funeral conversation for more than 40 died. ished looking into the shooting.
that makes slaves out of people. plans were first announced. minutes. Fulton County District Attor- The GBI said in a tweet after
A system that doesn’t give ordi- “Rayshard was not a member of After conducting field so- ney Paul Howard announced 11 Howard announced the charges
nary people who’ve made mis- our church but he, and his loved briety tests, Rolfe told Brooks charges against Rolfe, includ- that the agency was not consult-
takes a second chance, a real ones, are a part of our family. he’d had “too much to drink ing felony murder, and said the ed on the charges.
shot at redemption,” Warnock We seek to embrace them, com- to be driving.” Brooks resisted officer kicked Brooks as he lay Both Rolfe and Brosnan
plans to say, according to a fort them and walk beside them being handcuffed, and he and dying. Brosnan, who the pros- turned themselves in Thursday.
short excerpt released Monday. in the days ahead.” the two officers wrestled on the ecutor said stood on Brooks’ Brosnan was released on bond.
Officer Garrett Rolfe fatal- Actor and filmmaker Tyler ground. Brooks grabbed one of shoulder as he struggled for his Rolfe was being held without
ly shot Brooks in the back af- Perry has offered financial help their Tasers and fired it in their life, is charged with aggravated bond.


Lockdown placed on German area with slaughterhouse outbreak

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in Rheda-Wiedenbrueck and es of the pandemic in March ue to cater to people from the Prior to the latest outbreak,
thousands more have been put and April. same household, he added. Pre- Germany had been widely
BERLIN — New lockdown under a quarantine to try to halt These include limiting the viously, the western county had praised for its handling of the
measures are being imposed for the outbreak. number of people who can only closed schools and child pandemic. Widespread testing,
one week in a German region
The governor of North meet in public to those from a care centers. tracing and hospital prepara-
that has seen a large increase in
coronavirus infections linked to Rhine-Westphalia state said single household or two people Laschet said the measures tion measures tamped down
a slaughterhouse, officials said people in Guetersloh and parts from separate households, Gov. will be lifted on June 30 if the the outbreak and kept Germa-
Tuesday. of a neighboring county will Armin Laschet said. situation has improved, but de- ny’s death toll five times small-
More than 1,500 people have now face the same kind of re- Cinemas, fitness studios clined to provide specific pa- er than Britain’s. Germany has
tested positive for coronavirus strictions that existed across and bars will also be closed, al- rameters for how success will seen 8,899 confirmed virus
at the Toennies slaughterhouse Germany during the early stag- though restaurants can contin- be measured. deaths.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH her residence. Chapel. Burial will
OBITUARY POLICY Arrangements are follow in Beersheba
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
incomplete and will be Cemetery. Visitation
service times, are provided free announced by Lown- will be one hour prior
of charge. Extended obituaries des Funeral Home of to services at the fu-
with a photograph, detailed Columbus. neral home. Memorial
biographical information and Gunter Peel Funeral
other details families may wish
Hazel Williams Home Second Avenue
to include, are available for a
North is in charge of
fee. Obituaries must be sub- COLUMBUS —
mitted through funeral homes Hazel Williams, 93,
unless the deceased’s body has died June, 2020, at her
been donated to science. If the
residence. Louella Herron
deceased’s body was donated
Arrangements are CARROLLTON,
to science, the family must
incomplete and will be Ala. ­­— Louella Taylor
provide official proof of death.
Please submit all obituaries on announced by Carter’s Herron, 63, died June
20, 2020.
the form provided by The Com- Funeral Services of
mercial Dispatch. Free notices A graveside home
must be submitted to the news- going celebration will
paper no later than 3 p.m. the be at noon, Friday, in
day prior for publication Tuesday Doris McGlynn Community Cemetery.
through Friday; no later than 4 COLUMBUS — Do- Visitation will be from
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
ris McGlynn, 90, died noon-5 p.m. Thursday
edition; and no later than 7:30
a.m. for the Monday edition. June 22, 2020, at her at Lavender’s Funeral
Incomplete notices must be residence. Service. Lavender’s
received no later than 7:30 a.m. Services will be at Funeral Service of
for the Monday through Friday 1 p.m. Wednesday, at Aliceville is in charge of
editions. Paid notices must be Memorial Gunter Peel arrangements.
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
p.m. for Sunday and Monday
publication. For more informa-
tion, call 662-328-2471.

Cheryl Watkins
— Cheryl Watkins, 59,
died June 19, 2020, at

Pat McCloskey
Patsy “Pat” Ann McCloskey,
76 of Columbus, MS passed
away Wednesday, June 17, 2020,
at her residence.
A visitation will be Monday,
June 22, 2020, from 11:00 AM
Brad Lamar – 12:00 PM at Antioch Baptist
Visitation: Church, Columbus, MS. A
Sunday, June 28 • 1 PM funeral service will follow at
2nd Ave. North Location
Memorial Services: 12:00 PM. Interment will be at
Sunday, June 28 • 2 PM Memorial Gardens, Columbus MS with Lowndes
2nd Ave. North Location
Funeral Home directing.
Mrs. McCloskey was born May 25, 1944,
William Pearman
Memorial Services: to the late Harold Harding and Patricia Pearl
To Be Held At A Later Date. Sills Holliday I Carbondale, IL. She worked in
College St. Location
childcare for many years. Mrs. McCloskey was
a member of Antioch Baptist Church, Columbus,
Doris McGlynn
MS where she was a Sunday School teacher.

Wednesday, June 24 • 12 PM She was a member of the YAH Club and the
2nd Ave. North Chapel Ladies Club. Mrs. McCloskey was an avid reader
Services: of our customers
Wednesday, June 24 • 1 PM
and loved taking care of her many adopted receive their paper on time.
2nd Ave. North Location grandchildren. (Believe us. We track these things.)
Burial In addition to her parents, Mrs. McCloskey
Beersheba Cemetery
2nd Ave. North Location was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas If you are unhappy with your delivery
Jerome McCloskey. please let us know. Our goal is 100%
Pallbearers will be Kye Van Someren, Kobe

The Dispatch
customer satisfaction.
Van Someren, Wade Bouchard, TJ Yates, Caleb
Kincade, Grant Bouchard and Nathan Killen.
Call customer support at: Compliments of 662-328-2424
Lowndes Funeral Home
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 5B
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Legal Notices Legal Notices General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other Waterfront Property


Advertisement for Reverse Auc-
DISPATCH seeks a motiv- COLEMAN
bedroom, two 1/2 bath
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- ated, contracted carrier for
Call us: 662-328-2424 SIPPI East Mississippi Community RENTALS home in private community
Ads starting at $12
College Board of Trustees is re- the Brooksville & Macon TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS with community boat
COLUMBUS REDEVELOPMENT ceiving un-priced solicitations area. Excellent opportunity landing. Property sits on
Legal Notices AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF for the following: Classroom to earn money for college. 1 BEDROOM Tibbee Creek and is Autos For Sale
Lecture Recording Equipment Must have good transporta- conveniently located to
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF VS. tion, valid driver's license 2 BEDROOMS West Point, Columbus, and 2004 FORD T−BIRD. Two
Solicitations will be received
until 10:00 a.m. on Monday,
& insurance. Delivers on 3 BEDROOMS Starkville. Home has a tops, hard & soft. Little
SIPPI Sunday morning and Mon- screened in back patio with over 100k mi. Excellent
FENDANTS July 6, 2020, at the Administra-
Fri afternoons. Apply at The LEASE, a deck that overlooks

© The Dispatch
Condition. Call Holly at
BRUCE WAYNE BRADLEY tion Office, Student Union
Commercial Dispatch, 516 Tibbee Creek. $198,800. Eaton Motor Company in
PLAINTIFF NO. 2020-0009-ED2 Building, P.O. Box 100, May-
hew, MS 39753 (Attn: Dana Main Street in Columbus. DEPOSIT 662−549−2768 Houston, 662−705−1143.
VERSUS SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Mordecai) or by electronic sub- No phone calls please. AND
mission at www.centralauction-
CREDIT CHECK Trucks, Vans & Buses

THOMPSON DEFENDANT LAW AND DEVISEES OF GLOR- be evaluated, and vendors sub-

CAUSE NO: 2015-0194-D

mitting acceptable proposals
will be invited to participate in
Rentals 662-329-2323 2009 Red, Extended cab,
Chevrolet Silverado 1500,
the Electronic Reverse Auction
to be held on Tuesday, July 7, 2411 HWY 45 N Ads starting at $12 less than 78k mi. Can be
seen @ Stokes on 82 on
KNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW AND DE- 2020, at www.centralauction- Ads starting at $25 COLUMBUS, MS
Monday, 6/22. Cashier’s
TO: REBECCA FAYE MORRIS VISEES OF IRENE MCCOY, DE- General Merchandise check only. $11,500.
THOMPSON an adult non-resid- CEASED, THE UNKNOWN 662−327−7845.
ent citizen of the State of Mis- HEIRS-AT-LAW AND DEVISEES Information about the specific Apts For Rent: North Houses For Rent: North 2018 40FT Gooseneck
sissippi or not to be found OF FEBBER MCCOY, AND ALL items in the reverse auction
PERSONS OR ENTITIES HAV- may be obtained by contacting
Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12
therein on diligent inquiry and FOX RUN APARTMENTS 135 HORSESHOE LOOP, ton axles, 10−4inch straps
the Post Office and physical ad- ING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL OR Mike Tvarkunas at (662) 476- 1 & 2 BR near hospital. COLUMBUS. 3BR/2BA,
dresses are unknown. You EQUITABLE INTEREST IN CER- 5059 or & tarps. $7,000.
$595−$645 monthly. fenced yard, quiet & retired 662−251−3001.
have been made parties in the TAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- This information will also be
Military discount, pet area,
Complaint for Child Custody ATED IN BLOCK 22, NORTH OF made available online by visit- area. Storage building in
pet friendly, and furnished back yard. $700/mo +
and Other Relief filed in the MAIN, ON 3D STREET NORTH,
Court by Bruce Wayne Bradley. COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI IN
ing our website at corporate apts. dep. 901−314−3098. 5X10 UTILITY TRAILER Ads starting at $12
You are summoned to appear SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 18 or 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Good condition, single axle.
in this cause at 9:00 o'clock SOUTH, RANGE 18 WEST, GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. $500. 662−425−2454. Travel & Entertainment
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- For questions relating to the re- ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
A.M. on the 29th day of July, OWNER. 220 Mclemore
A.D., 2020 in the Chancery SIPPI, BEING TAX PARCEL NO. verse auction process, please ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
Courthouse in West Point, Clay 61W090004800 ASSESSED contact Central Bidding at 225- 24−HOUR CAMERA Road, Columbus. 1750sqft FREE HORSE MANURE, PUBLIC CATFISH POND
County, Mississippi, and in the TO IRENE P. MCCOY AND 810-4814. Brick house in quiet neigh− mixed with sawdust. @ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
FEBBER B. MCCOY SURVEILLANCE. Benji & borhood. 3 bedrooms & 2 By appointment. Will load.
case of your failure to appear Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
and defend this matter will be The East Mississippi Com- Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. full baths. No HUD, West Lowndes.
You have been made Defend- munity College Board of Trust- 662−364−6990. 662−386−8591
forced to default all rights. Columbus City school Call for pricing.
ants in a lawsuit filed in this ees reserves the right to reject Apts For Rent: West district. $1000/mo with
You are required to mail or Court by the Columbus Re- any or all bids and to negoti- 1 mo deposit. Serious
hand deliver a copy of a writ- development Authority to con- ate with the lowest/best bid-

inquiries only please. Call WHITE POSTER BOARD
ten ANSWER either admitting demn by eminent domain cer- der. EMCC reserves the right to
Five Questions:
662−574−3202 to see the $0.50 each − 24"x23"
or denying each allegation in tain real property located in award the bid as a whole or by Visit 516 Main Street

the Complaint to Charles Eas- Block 22 North of Main, Colum- individual line item. house or make application.
bus, Mississippi, and being or call 662−328−2424
ley, Jr., Attorney whose ad-
dress is Post Office Box 1472, Lowndes tax parcel East Mississippi Community HOUSE FOR RENT
1 Blue eyes
Columbus, MS 39703-1472. 61W090004800. The property College is committed to assur-
is necessary to renew and re- ing that the College and its pro- Apartments & Houses 2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath Lawn & Garden
development blighted condi- grams are free from discrimina-
Fenced in yard. $675.
MAILED OR DELIVERED NO tions in accordance with the tion and harassment based 1 Bedrooms 662−549−9555.
Ask for Glenn or text.
LATER THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS Urban Renewal Plan (Burns upon race, color, ethnicity, sex,
2 Bedroooms
Open mornings. M−S.
2 Grand
FROM THE DATE OF FIRST PUB- Bottom) of the City of Colum- pregnancy, religion, national
Mobile Homes for Rent 1069 New Hope Rd. Call
3 Bedrooms
origin, disability, age, sexual 662−251−6665.
NOT MAILED OR DELIVERED orientation, gender identity, ge-
You are summoned to appear
and defend against the com-
netic information, status as a
U.S. veteran, or any other Furnished & Unfurnished
CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! Wanted To Buy Canyon
ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR plaint or petition filed against status protected by state or Utilities & cable included,
THE MONEY OR OTHER RELIEF you in this action at 9:30
o’clock a. m. on the 17th day
federal law. The following of-
fices have been designated to
1, 2, & 3 Baths from $145/wk − $535/mo USED COMPUTER. Must
Lease, Deposit 3 Constantino-
DEMANDED IN THE COM- Columbus & County School work good. 806 Shiloh Dr.
PLAINT FOR DIVORCE AND of September, 2020, in the handle inquiries regarding the
locations. 662−242−7653 662−889−6619.
OTHER RELIEF. second floor County Court non-discrimination policies:
& Credit Check
courtroom of the Lowndes or 205−442−2011.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND County Courthouse in Colum- Office of the Director of Hu-
OFFICIAL SEAL OF said Court of bus, Mississippi, and in case man Resources, 1512 Kemper

of your failure to appear and Street, Scooba, Mississippi

Real Estate
Lowndes County, Columbus,
Mississippi, this 12th day of defend, a judgment will be 39358
June, 2020. entered against you for the 662.476.5274.
4 Pickles
money or other things deman- Apts For Rent: Other
Cindy Goode ded in the complaint or peti- Publication Dates: June 16,
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes tion. 2020 and June 23, 2020 Ads starting at $25
County, Mississippi
(SEAL) You are hereby further given Houses For Sale: New Hope 5 Minnesota
notice that not less than ten
BY: Tina Fisher (10) days prior to the date of
the trial on September 17, NEW CONSTRUCTION
PUBLISH: 6/16, 6/23, & 2020, you are required to file
the Statement of Values pursu-
6/30/2020 Call us: 662-328-2424 FOR SALE SOON
ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-
7, which shall be treated as
This 4 bedroom beauty is
almost ready. Take
new car?
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF pleadings in this action. The
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- date of the filing of the Com- General Help Wanted advantage of historic low
plaint herein is the 30th day of
interest rates. Hardwood,
March, 2020, and the name WANTED: Qualified granite, security and more.
IN RE: MATTER OF THE LAST and address of the attorney for Automotive Technicians Call P & D Builders, Inc.
WILL AND TESTAMENT OF the Plaintiff is Martha Bost Call for details. @ 662−328−0770.
DOROTHY PIERCE, DECEASED, Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Tu- 662-574-4221 Builder/Broker/Owner.
MELISSA A. TURNER, EXEC- pelo, Mississippi 38802. Oth-
UTRIX er than the Statement of Val- AREA BUSINESS Lots & Acreage
ues you are not required to file
CAUSE NO. 2020-0103-PDE an Answer or other pleading
is seeking a mature,
motivated person who 1.75 ACRE LOTS.
but you may do so if you de- Good/Bad Credit Options.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS sire. enjoys interacting with
people, being outdoors Good credit as low as 10%
Letters Testamentary were is- Issued under my hand and the and multitasking. Skills down, $299/mo. Eaton
sued unto me as Executrix of seal of said Court, this 10th related to maintaining Land, 662−361−7711.
the Last Will and Testament of day of June, 2020. equipment and/or farm Start in the classifieds section for
Dorothy T. Pierce, deceased, by
the Chancery Court of Lowndes TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK
work are desired but not
required. Person needs to
your buying and selling needs!
County, Mississippi on the
10th day of June, 2020.
DOMAIN, be flexible enough to pitch Classified ads are a great form of
in where ever needed but
Notice is hereby given to all
also keep their core person-to-person advertising. Ads starting at $12 for one week!
persons having claims against BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. responsibilities in mind.
the Estate of Dorothy T. Pierce If you enjoy a different ex-
to have the same probated and Publish: 6/16, 6/23 &

Service Directory
registered by the Chancery 6/30/2020
perience on the regular,
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- meeting new people and
sissippi within ninety (90) days believe in customer
of the date of the first publica- NOTICE TO CREDITORS satisfaction this job might
tion of this Notice, or they will be for you.
be forever barred. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Please submit resume to:
COUNTY OF LOWNDES Blind Box 675 c/o The
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this Commercial Dispatch
the 15th day of June, 2020. Letters Testamentary have PO Box 511 Promote your small business starting at only $25
been granted and issued for
s/MELISSA A. TURNER the undersigned upon the Es- Columbus, MS 39703
MELISSA A. TURNER, Carpet & Flooring General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping Painting & Papering
tate of Todd Taggart, De-
EXECUTRIX ceased, by the Chancery Court CALEDONIA BUSINESS
of Lowndes County, Missis- needs General Laborer. CARPET INSTALLATION. Jake’s Mowing QUALITY PAINTING.
Publish: June 23, June 30, and sippi on the 10th day of June, Experienced weed-eater, Re−Stretch & Repair also Mowing, Weed−eating, Ext/Int Painting.
July 7, 2020 2020. This is to give notice to avail. I accept select jobs. Blow off walks, Trim shrubs Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
all persons having claims
$10-12/hour. Valid driver's
license, transportation & Call Walt, 662−574−8134. Free quote. Great pricing. Repair. Pressure Washing.
against said estate to probate Call, text, leave message. Free Estimates. Ask for
THE FOLLOWING VEHICLE HAS and register same with the experience helpful. Call
BEEN ABANDONED AT COREY Jesse & Beverly's Lawn General Services 662−570−8815 specials! Larry Webber,
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes 662−242−4932.
HERRING AUTOMOTIVE, 1230 County, Mississippi, within 90 Service at 662-356-6525.
MS. failure to so probate and re- Bucket truck & stump LAWN SERVICE
gister said claim will forever David Anglican Church in removal. Free est. Garage Door Services Mowing, cleanup,
2009 TOYOTA COROLLA bar the same. Serving Columbus M&M Garage Door, LLC landscaping, sodding, SERVICE
VIN# 2T1BU40E29C116030 Mayhew, MS, to provide Special Prices.
music for Sunday service & since 1987. Senior Offering competitive prices & tree cutting.
This the 15th day of June, citizen disc. Call Alvin @ and quality service. 662−356−6525 Interior & Exterior Painting.
2013 HONDA ACCORD 2020 occasional special ser- 662−435−6528
VIN# 1HGCR2F37DA047351 vices. Knowledge/experi- 242−0324/241−4447 Available for all of your
/s/ J. Fowler "We’ll go out on a limb for garage door needs.
ence with Anglican Liturgy Lawn Care
2003 ACURA MDX Janice Fowler you!" Call us today for your free Mow, Trim, Edge and Blow.
VIN# 2HNYD188X3H533698
helpful, but not necessary. consultation.
Executrix of the Estate of Todd The 1928 Book of Com- Free Estimate.
Taggart, Deceased 662−251−4904 Call 662−574−1225.
VEHICLES WILL BE PUT UP FOR PUBLISH: 6/23, 6/30 & copal Hymnal are used. If no answer please leave
$545 plus Filing Fee message.
PUBLIC SALE ON THE 11TH 7/7/2020 (318)527-9213 for info.
HERRING AUTOMOTIVE, 1230 All Attorney Fees Through The Plan kind of work! We can build, SAM’S LAWN SERVICE
MS 39702. Read local. Jim Arnold, Attorney
662-324-1666 • 601-656-6914
paint, drywall, clean,
pressure wash & cut grass.
No lawn too large or too
small. Mowing, trimming &
PUBLISH: 6/23, 6/30 &
7/7/2020 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville
Reasonable rates. Safe &
Reliable. 662−386−3658.
Call 662−243−1694 Grow your business.

Just a click away!

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