Friendship Badge: #2 Qualities

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They say friends aren’t there forever because of the word ‘end’ in it.
Well, I think that that is the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard! So much
for nose-bleeding terms, it is true though. And let me just say that although
friends may not be our blood, they are our family.

True friends rejoice in our triumph and cry when we can’t shed a tear.
They’re there through thick and thin, laughing, teasing, joking, and even
fighting. When there’s an argument, they don’t just give up. They do their best
to make amends and keep the friendship fire burning. Sometimes, when our
house is at war with itself and our studies are chaotic, our friends manage to
cheer us up. We feel special, loved, and accepted by them. And as weird as it
sounds, our friends colour our world.

So we better cherish our friends. Be open, appreciative, patient, and

understanding with them before we lose our chance of doing all those things.
And what can I say to those anti-forevers? Pity them…because they don’t know
what they missed.

#2 Qualities:

Honest = not ‘plastic’; sincere

Selfless = ready to wait if his/her friend is behind
Patient = ready to help and listen
True friend = stays when the things get stuff
Respectful = brave enough to sit and listen to anyone especially to people
he/she doesn’t like

#4 Surprises

It’s a tradition in the ushering ministry of Victory Cebu to celebrate
birthdays with joyful hearts together as a family. Last May 12, the 3:30
pm Ushering Ministry surprised kuya Reynard Ortigosa with cheerful
greetings and a birthday cake. The prayers of blessing for kuya Reynard
then ended the mini birthday party.

Beatrice Maranan

Janet Maranan

Ritzy Ronald Maranan


Last December 13, we had another surprise for one of our dear
sisters in our Ushering Family. The thing is, we don’t just celebrate
birthdays. We also go all out in other occasions such as this particular
one. Ate Con Degula passed the teachers’ board exam recently,
something she has been preparing for a couple of weeks before. A cake
again was shared, prayers spoken, and greetings given. Truly God is

Beatrice Maranan

Janet Maranan

Ritzy Ronald Maranan


(a.) I will politely decline and say politely that dying of lung cancer- which
can be avoided in this situation- is pathetic
(b.) I will politely decline and say, ‘I have respect as well as dignity.’
(c.) I will politely decline and mention in short response the worst case
scenario if I skipped class
(d.) I will politely decline and remind myself of my priorities

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