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Fall 2020 Reopening Plans 
Last updated: June 22, 2020 






PAGE 10 

This plan was developed in collaboration with the Warren County Health District and other Warren County school districts. 
Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Conduct a student wellness check including temperature  ● Ensure classroom setup of desks provides physical distancing for students. 
prior to sending a student to school. Students with  ● Wear a mask or face shield when working one on one with students or when 
temperatures over 100°F should stay home.  circulating around the room and proper physical distancing cannot be 
● Provide a mask for your student to wear when needed  maintained. 
during small group instruction.  ● Ensure students maintain physical distance whenever possible.  
Students  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when entering,  repeated expectation violators to the office. 
exiting, or moving around the room.  ● Eliminate shared classroom materials. 
● Wearing a mask is required when working directly with  ● Keep the classroom door open to maximize airflow and reduce the number of 
staff (i.e.- one-on-one, small group instruction, etc.)  touches to door handles. 
when distancing cannot be maintained protocol.  ● Use supplies provided to spray desks, chairs, and any common materials 
● Wearing a mask is required when working closely with  needed before new students transition into the room, 
other students in small groups or lab settings.  Custodians 
● Maintain maximum physical distance from peers  ● Make sure teachers are provided with all supplies needed daily including 
whenever possible.   disinfectant and paper towels. 
● Obtain a paper towel when entering the room to wipe  ● Disinfect classrooms during teacher plan bell, during lunch, and after school.  
any residual cleaner before being seated (when age  Administration 
appropriate).  ● Ensure classrooms are physically distanced. 
Building differences as noted  ● Ensure classrooms are disinfected between classes, during plan bells, lunch, 
● Students in grades 5-12 will clean desks and seats at  and after school. 
the conclusion of each class​.  ● Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians and teaching staff. 

Hallways, Lockers and Common Areas 
Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Provide a mask for your student to wear when in hallways or at  ● Supervise hallways and common areas to ensure students are 
lockers.  reporting immediately to class and not congregating in hallways 
● Provide your student with a water bottle daily as water fountains will  or common areas. 
not be available for use.  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, 
Students  and report repeated expectation violators to the office. 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when in hallways or at lockers.  ● Supervise implementation of locker use schedule to minimize 
● Report immediately to your classroom, upon arrival to school.    congestion in hallways for buildings who issue lockers. 
● Carry a water bottle as water fountains will not be available for use.   Custodians 
● Follow all signage in the hallways and common areas.   ● Disinfect common areas based on a schedule provided by school 
● When possible, stay to the right when traveling down hallways and  administration. This includes but is not limited to door handles, 
using stairs.    handrails, toilets, stalls, and sinks. 
● Follow locker use schedules as provided by staff for buildings who  Administration 
issue lockers.  ● Ensure proper signage is installed in hallways and common 
Building differences as noted  areas. 
Bowman Primary School  ● Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians. 
● Access assigned cubbies only during scheduled time provided by the  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, 
classroom teacher.  and issue consequences to repeated expectation violators. 
● When standing in hallways, students must stand on white  ● Develop and implement locker use schedules for buildings where 
markings/dots on the floor to ensure safe social distancing.  lockers are issued to students.  
Donovan Elementary School  ● Implement staggered dismissal times if necessary to maximize 
● Locker use will be directed by the homeroom teacher.  physical distancing and student safety.   
Berry Intermediate School  Building differences as noted 
● Locker use will be directed by the homeroom teacher.  Bowman Primary School 
Lebanon Junior High School  ● Provide and monitor cubby use schedules to minimize congestion 
● Locker use will be during ETEH with teacher permission, before/after  at the cubbies during arrival and dismissal.  
lunch, and at the end of the school day with teacher permission.  ● When standing in the hallway or playground, ensure students 
Lebanon High School  are maintaining safe social distance by standing on white floor 
● Follow established procedures concerning locker use.  markings/dots. 

Dropoff, Pick Up, and Visitors 
Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Conduct a student wellness check including  ● Supervise hallways and common areas to ensure students are reporting immediately to 
temperature prior to sending a student to  assigned class and not congregating in hallways or common areas. 
school. Students with temperatures over  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated 
100°F should stay home.  expectation violators to the office. 
● Provide a mask for your student to wear on  Custodians 
the bus and while at school when needed.  ● Disinfect common areas based on a schedule provided by school administration. This 
● Limit visits to school as much as possible.  includes but is not limited to door handles, handrails, toilets, stalls, counters, and sinks. 
● Conduct a personal health screening prior to  ● Ensure designated doors are propped open at arrival and dismissal. 
coming to a school building and do not come if  ● Ensure designated doors are closed after arrival and dismissal. 
you are running a fever higher than 100​o or 

showing other symptoms  ● Ensure adequate supervision is available on bus lots, in parking lots, and in common 
● Follow posted guidelines and read all signage  areas of the building.   
whenever entering the building.  ● Ensure proper signage is installed in hallways and common areas. 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when  ● Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians. 
entering the building.  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and issue consequences 
Students  to repeated expectation violators.  
● Wearing a mask is recommended when  ● Ensure designated doors are propped open at arrival and dismissal. 
entering, exiting, or moving around the  ● Ensure designated doors are closed after arrival and dismissal. 
building.  ● Eliminate parent and community volunteers to ensure safety and health of students and 
● Report directly to your assigned  staff.  
classroom/area upon arrival to school.  ● Implement staggered dismissal times if necessary to maximize physical distancing and 
● Maintain maximum physical distance from  student safety. 
peers whenever possible in hallways, common  Building differences as noted 
areas, offices, etc.  Bowman Primary School: 
● Due to preschool guidelines, assigned staff must check temperatures of preschool 
students upon arrival.  

Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Drivers 
● Conduct a student wellness check including temperature prior to  ● Wear a mask or face shield while students are on the bus. 
sending a student to school. Students with temperatures over  ● Provide reminders to students of bus expectations- 2 per seat, 
100°F should stay home.  wearing masks, seated facing forward. 
● Provide a mask for your student to wear on the bus and while at  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and 
school when needed. If you cannot provide a mask, the school will  report repeated expectation violators to the office. 
provide one.  ● Ensure the bus is disinfected following outlined safety protocols. 
Students  School/District Administration 
● Maintain appropriate physical distances while at the bus stop, on  ● Reduce the number of transfers and overall time on buses for 
bus lots, and while entering the building.  students. 
● Sit two per seat on the bus and sit in your assigned seat.  ● Monitor drop off and dismissal to ensure students do not 
● Wear a mask while riding the bus.  congregate in groups. 
● Remain seated, facing forward while riding the bus.   ● Provide consequences, including loss of privilege to ride the bus to 
those who violate rules. 
Meetings and Conferences 
Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Notify the school of your preference to attend meetings in person,  ● When possible, attend meetings from the classroom using video 
via phone, or using a virtual platform.  technology.   
● In person meetings should follow appropriate physical distancing  Custodians 
protocols and it is recommended masks be worn when entering,  ● Clean and disinfect conference rooms after meetings or provide 
exiting, and moving around the building.  materials for cleaning and disinfecting to take place.  
● Conduct a personal health screening prior to coming to a school  Administration 
building and do not come if you are running a fever higher than  ● Provide parents/caregivers with options for in-person, phone, or 
100​o ​or showing other symptoms.  video conferencing.   
Students  ● Ensure physical distancing guidelines are followed as much as 
● Participate in meetings as requested by parents/caregivers or  possible when in-person meetings are held. 
school staff.   ● Ensure physical space used for meetings allows for distancing 
● Follow physical distancing protocols.  guidelines 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when entering the meeting, 
exiting the meeting, or when moving around the building to attend 
the meeting. 

Health Services 
Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Nurse 
● Conduct a student wellness check including  ● Wear a mask when working individually with students. 
temperature prior to sending a student to school.  ● Ensure the workspace is kept clean and sanitized. 
Students with temperatures over 100°F should stay  ● Ensure physical distancing protocols are followed whenever possible.   
home.  ● Isolate students who are showing symptoms to a separate area away from other 
● Provide a mask for your student to wear on the bus  students already in the clinic. 
and while at school when needed.  ● Ensure the clinic is disinfected immediately following a student entering who is 
● Ensure contact information is up to date in the event  exhibiting symptoms.   
the nurse needs to contact home.  ● Ensure doors to the clinic are open to minimize use of door handles and to ensure 
● Ensure there are multiple, pre-arranged methods of  maximum air flow to the area. 
getting a student home from school should they  Custodians 
become ill or exhibit symptoms.    ● Disinfect clinic based on schedule provided by school administration. This includes 
Students  but is not limited to door handles, countertops, seating areas, restrooms, etc. 
● Use designated entrances and exits to the office.  ● Disinfect the isolation area after students who utilize the area have left the 
● Following physical distancing protocols as much as  building.   
possible when in office.  Administration 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when in or  ● Install barriers as needed to protect employees working in the nurse's office. 
moving around the clinic.   ● Ensure proper signage is installed. 
● Wearing a mask is required if a student is  ● Ensure regular cleaning and disinfecting takes place in the office area. 
determined to have a fever or other symptoms.  ● Ensure seating areas are properly physically distanced. 
● Ensure the student isolation area is properly supervised when in use.   

Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Provide a mask for your student to wear when in  ● Assist in supervision of restrooms, hallways, and common areas between classes. 
hallways and in restrooms.  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated 
Students  expectation violators to the office. 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when in  Custodians 
hallways and in restrooms.  ● Disinfect restrooms based on schedule provided by school administration. This 
● Follow all signage in the hallways, common areas  includes but is not limited to door handles, toilets, stalls, and sinks. 
and restrooms.   Administration 
● When possible, stay to the right when traveling  ● Ensure proper signage is installed in hallways, common areas and restrooms. 
down hallways to get to restrooms.  ● Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians. 
Building differences as noted:  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and issue 
Bowman Primary School    consequences to repeated expectation violators. 
● Students should only use the right and left faucet.  ● Provide supervision of restrooms between classes to ensure limited numbers of 
● If all restroom stalls are in use, students wait on  students are in restrooms at the same time. 
white floor markings outside the restroom  ● Implement measures such as closing sinks or urinals when necessary to allow for 
entrance.  appropriate physical distancing. 

Lunches and Cafeteria 
Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Provide a mask for your student to wear while  ● Supervise designated eating areas to ensure students are properly physically distanced.   
at school when needed.  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and report repeated 
● Limit visits to school as much as possible  expectation violators to the office. 
including visits to drop off forgotten items.  ● Wear a mask or face shield when circulating around designated eating areas.  
Students  ● Monitor and issue passes for bathroom use during lunch time. 
● When possible, stay to the right when traveling  ● Use staggered dismissal to ensure physical distancing at the end of lunch.  
down hallways.   Custodians 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when in line  ● Disinfect all table tops and seats before and after each lunch. 
or moving around the cafeteria.  ● Disinfect restrooms and common spaces between lunches. This includes but is not 
● Sit in designated seats.  limited to door handles, handrails, toilets, stalls, and sinks. 
● Follow guidelines for restroom use during lunch  Cafeteria Staff 
periods.    ● Wear masks while serving food. 
● If bringing a packed lunch, report immediately  ● Clean and disinfect serving areas and tables between lunches. 
to your designated seating area.  ● Serve all food to students. (Students will not self-serve items as they have in the past.) 
● Follow physical distancing guidelines as much  Administration 
as possible when in line and in the serving  ● Ensure proper signage is installed in designated eating areas. 
areas.  ● Ensure enough seating is provided to ensure proper physical distancing and be 
Building differences as noted:  practiced.  
Lebanon Junior High School  ● Add additional seating areas on stage, outside, and in the practice/aux gym to ensure 
● Students will v​isit lockers prior to and/or after  proper physical distancing.  
lunch. Students should not cluster with peers  ● Ensure supplies are readily available for custodians. 
during this time.  ● Provide reminders, issue warnings, contact parents/caregivers, and issue consequences 
  to repeated expectation violators. 
● Implement staggered dismissal times if necessary to maximize physical distancing and 
student safety.   

Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Conduct a personal health screening prior to coming to  ● Wearing a mask is recommended when moving around the office area. 
a school building and do not come if you are running a  ● Follow physical distancing protocols. 
fever higher than 100​o ​or showing other symptoms.   Office Staff 
● Wearing a mask is recommended when entering,  ● Monitor and control the number of people in the office at any one time. 
exiting, and moving around the office/building.  ● Ensure physical distancing guidelines are followed as much as possible when 
● In-person office visits should follow appropriate  in-person meetings are held. 
physical distancing protocols.  Custodians 
Students  ● Disinfect office based on schedule provided by school administration. This 
● Use designated entrances and exits to the office.  includes but is not limited to door handles, countertops, seating areas, 
● Following physical distancing protocols as much as  restrooms, etc. 
possible when in office.  Administration 
● Wearing a mask is recommended while in or moving  ● Install barriers to protect employees working in the main office. 
around the office.   ● Eliminate community and parent volunteers to ensure safety of all students. 
● Ensure proper signage is installed in the office and leading into the office.  
● Ensure regular cleaning and disinfecting takes place in the office area. 
● Ensure seating areas are properly physically distanced. 
Remote Learning (If state or local regulations require a school closure, we would shift into remote learning.) 
Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers/Assistants 
● Monitor student progress on coursework.  ● Create lessons that are engaging for students using a variety of strategies. 
● Developing a “school schedule” is recommended to keep  ● Be available for office hours, One session will be available in the morning and 
routines in place for students while working from home.  one in the afternoon.   
● Communicate questions and concerns immediately to  ● Use Google Classroom as the platform for all assignments, links to resources, 
staff.  etc. 
Students  ● Grade work in a timely manner and provide feedback to students on 
● Following a regular “school schedule” is recommended  assignments.  
to help keep routines in place for students while working  Technology Department 
from home.    ● Provide help desk assistance when technology issues occur.  
● Communicate questions and concerns immediately to  Administration 
teachers.  ● Ensure each student has a device at home. 
● Participate in virtual sessions with teachers as  ● Monitor and assist teachers in the delivery of content for students. 
scheduled.  ● Implement appropriate grading procedures and work from home guidelines for 
● Watch lessons provided by teachers and complete  teachers.   
assignments according to timelines. 

Student and Parent/Caregiver Expectations and Additional Information  Staff Expectations 
Parents/Caregivers  Teachers 
● Monitor student progress on coursework.  ● Teachers will support students by assisting 
● Developing a “school schedule” is recommended to keep routines in place for students while  with use of the online platform, pacing, and 
working from home.  providing feedback on assignments and 
● Communicate questions and concerns immediately to staff.  assessments. 
● Monitor and support student progress through an online curriculum with parent/caregiver  ● Students and teachers will participate in 
access to the online platform and progress information.  virtual check-in meetings designed to 
  support student course progress and 
Students  provide opportunities for students to 
● This option is different from what students experienced during remote learning last spring.  connect with each other. 
● Students participating in this option will be using VLA, an online curriculum and platform  ● Teachers will be available for office hours, 
designed by an outside company that specializes in virtual learning.  One session will be available in the morning 
● Students will not come to a school building for instruction and will not be in the same  and one in the afternoon.   
classes or have the same teachers as students participating in Option 1  ● Teachers will grade work in a timely 
● It is recommended students follow a schedule to complete online learning, assignments, and  manner. 
● The online curriculum will meet the same standards as our Lebanon City Schools curriculum,  Technology Department 
but it will not necessarily match the same pacing or activities that are delivered in school  ● The district will provide a chromebook for 
buildings.  each student to use at home; students will 
● Students will have access to courses in all core areas (English language arts, mathematics,  not be asked to share devices. 
sciences, and social studies)  ● The district will support families without 
● Students will also have limited access to special area courses (K-6) and elective courses  wi-fi access. 
(7-12), Students in grades 7-12 will not have access to their full schedule as planned this  ● The district will provide help desk 
past spring.  assistance when technology issues occur.  
● Communicate questions and concerns immediately to teachers.   
● Students and teachers will participate in virtual check-in meetings designed to support  Administration 
student course progress and provide opportunities for students to connect with each other.  ● Ensure each student has a device at home. 
● Students will earn grades for their work.  ● Monitor and assist teachers in the delivery 
● If state or local regulations require a school closure, students participating in this option will  of content for students. 
continue as scheduled, and will continue to use the online curriculum and platform.  ● Implement appropriate grading procedures 
● Students may continue to participate in after-school activities at their school building,  and work from home guidelines for 
including extra-curricular activities  teachers.   


● LINK TO:​ Essential Questions for Review: District staff considered these questions as Reopening Plans were created.  
● LINK TO:​ Warren County Schools Common Agreements for Reopening Schools 
● LINK TO:​ Warren County Health District 


Date  Description of update 

June 22, 2020  No changes to date 



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