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1. Personal profile of each respondent.

2. Survey questions related to employees attitudes towards the performance
management system.


1. Which age group do you belong to?

a) Less than 25 b) 26- 35

c) 36 - 45 d) 46- 55

e) Above 55

2. Sex: a) Female b) Male

3. Educational level: a) Certificate b) Diploma

c) BA/BSC Degree d) Masters

4. Total relevant work experiences in years:

a) Less than 5 years b) 5-10

c) 11-15 d) 16-20 e) above 20 years

5. Designation/Position of employee------------------------------------

6. Branch/Department ----------------------------------------------------
7. Job grade

Part II Questions on employee’s attitudes towards the Performance

Management system

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

1 I know my organization’s
vision, mission and values.

2 The PMS is aligned with the

organizational culture and

3 Both behavioural and result

expectations are set and given
to employees

4 performance management
system provides behavioural
standards that describe what is
expected of employees

5 During the performance

planning process, managers
review and discuss this
behavioural standards with

6 Performance standards and

measures are communicated
before implementation
7 Work processes are well
organized within the

8 We keep a copy of the initial

PMS document that includes
the expectations set at the
beginning of the performance
management cycle.

9 Performance management is
generally a concern of Human
Resource Department, not of
individual line managers

10 The PMS supports honest two-

way communication between
managers and employees

11 Every one of us evaluated

based on the same values and

12 I was evaluated against clearly

stated goals & objectives that
were stated at the beginning of
the performance term

13 The performance measure

elements are measurable,
understandable, achievable and

14 The performance review

process is fair, open and

15 The evaluation and feedback is
received in a timely manner

16 Our manager is skilled in

Providing ongoing monitoring
and feedback on daily

17 The managers show us the

performance results and we

sign on it
18 We are provided with
continuous feedback

19 Formal and periodical

performance evaluation is more
effective than informal day-to-
day feedback and coaching.

20 Employees are encouraged to

Suggestions to improve the way
things are done in the

21 PMS creates clear duties and


22 Our organization provides

sufficient resources to carry out
the duties and

23 I have good working
relationships with my

24 Our organization provides
employees with support to
balance their work and personal

25 The managers focus on what

the person did or did not rather
than personal characteristics

26 My job is rewarding

27 I am encouraged to develop
new and more efficient ways to
do my work.

28 Job promotions are awarded

based on merit

29 Our organization values the

individual worker

30 It is clear how my job

contributes to the success of
this organization

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