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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of



Submitted by
Department of Civil Engineering,Mahatma Gandhi
College of Engineering and Technology,Kamothe, Navi Mumbai-410209.2016-17
Working on the project has been a grateful experience for us. This acknowledgement is our sign
of gratitude, we feel towards all the persons who guided and helped us to make this project, a
rich exposure, as without their guidance we should not have done so far. We are thankful to
Prof. P.J. Salunkhe
, guide of the project and Head of Department, who always respected our views and guided us to
achieve that, also Ms. Shwa Istape, co-guide and Assistant Professor, made sure that we are
working on our project and was always there to help us on regular basis. We, all would like to
express our gratitude to Principal
Dr. S.K. Narayankhedkar forgiving an opportunity to develop our technical knowledge.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to all the staff and faculty members of Civil
Engineering Department, MGMCET, for their encouragement. We would also like to thank our
colleagues and friends for their encouragement and help.

Table of Contents
Chapter Title Page no.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 General 21.2 Objective 21.3 Scope of Work 21.4 Outline of Present Work 3
2 Literature Review 4
2.1 General 42.2 literature 4
3 Gravity Dams 7
3.1 General 73.2 Different Parts and Terminologies of Dams 83.3 Classification of Gravity Dams 93.4 Adva
ntages 123.5 Disadvantages 123.6 Zones of storage in a reservoir 133.7 Forces acting on Gravity Da
m 143.8 Modes of Failure 14
4 Preliminary Considerations 15
4.1 Engineering Surveys 154.2 Geological Considerations 174.3 Hydraulic Considerations 184.4 
Hydrologic Considerations 19
5 Forces Acting On Gravity Dam 21
5.1 Introduction 21

8.6 Reduction of uplift pressures and seepage 85
9 Modern Structural Advancement In Dams 90
9.1 Introduction 909.2 FSH dams 919.3 CSG Dams 939.4 Concept Of The Rock-Filled Concrete 
Dam And The CementedRock-fill Dam969.5 Conclusions 98
10 Case Study: Middle Vaitarna Dam 100
10.1 Introduction 10010.2 Purpose 10110.3 Technical Details 10110.4 Construction Details 1031
0.5Construction Planning 10410.6Engineering Challenges 10610.7Stability Checks Of Middle
Vaitarna Dam 107

List of Figures
Figure no. Description Page no.
3.1 Typical c/s view of a gravity dam 73.2 Three gorges dam 83.3 Middle vaitarna dam 83.4 Pat
hfinder dam 93.5 Grand coulee dam 93.6 Shasta Dam 103.7 Zones of storage in a reservoir 125.1 
Different forces acting on dam section 235.2 Water pressure distribution diagram 245.3 Horizont
al water force on spillway block during flood wateroverflow255.4 Water pressure acting on both 
faces 255.5 Water pressure acting on u/s vertical face 365.6 Water pressure acting on u/s inclined 
face 275.7 Seismic zones of India 295.8 Worst combination of earthquake forces under reservoir
condition315.9 Worst combination of earthquake forces under reservoir fullcondition325.10 Vari
ation of horizontal and vertical acceleration in terms ofbasic seismic
coefficient325.11 Earthquake acceleration forces in an infinite horizontal stripin the body of the
dam335.12 Variation of coefficients C
 and C
 345.13 Hydro dynamic pressure distribution diagram 355.14 FBD of dam showing weight of co
mponents 365.15 Uplift pressure at base and on any general plane in the dambody (drainage
holes not considered)38
5.16 Uplift pressure diagram considering horizontal cracks at anygeneral plane at the
base385.17 Uplift pressure acting on dam body 395.18 Position of gallery, drainage hole, curtain 
grout hole,ventilation405.19 Formation crack at the heel before drainage line 435.20 Formation c
rack at the heel which extends beyond drainageline445.21 Changes in uplift pressure due to apro
n 465.22 Design height of wave for provision of free body 497.1 Base pressure acting on gravity 
dam 789.1 Cross section of FSH dam 929.2 CSG- Tobetsu dam in Japan 9510.1 Sectional view o
f middle vaitarna dam 107

List of Tables
Table no.
Description Page no.
5.1 Values of basic seismic coefficients for different zones 305.2 Values of seismic zone factor f
or different zones 306.1 Permissible tensile stresses for various load combinations 687.1 Method
s for analysing static stability 807.2 Drainage problems and solutions 887.3 Abutment and toe pr
otection 8910.1 Additional forces and moments neglecting earthquake forces 11110..2 Additiona
l forces and moments including forces earthquakeforces112

The strategic importance of dams has been introduced to the world from as long as from ancient
times. Dams complies heavy workmanship and large construction materials which requires large
area to be submerged for its reservoir, hence it failure can cause enormous destruction of both
resources and properties. Hence construction of Dams should be carefully undertaken and
designed on basis of the forces acting and measures should be taken to make the dam most stable
by the topographical conditions of terrain. This context is about the various forces acting on the
dam and the stability requirements that would be beneficial for the economic and efficient
construction and stability of Dams. The construction should be designed to withstand the most
adverse load conditions, in case of gravity dams there are several forces acting on the structure
but the only resultant force which resists the forces is the self-weight of the mass structure, the
gravitational force acting on every part of the structure gives immense stability to withstand the
oncoming pressure. The various forces which act on the dam and its causes are explained further
in this topic, the topic consists analysis of these forces on the structure and the modes of failures
which are to be considered while designing the same. The analysis described in the context is
based on the gravity method of analysis also the various merits and limitations of this method is
showcased which will bring the conclusion of the topic.
 Chapter 1Introduction
1.1 General
Basically, a gravity dam is defined as a structure, which is designed in such a way that its own
weight resists the external forces. It is primarily the weight of a gravity dam which prevents it
from being overturned when subjected to the thrust of impounded water. This type of structure is
durable, and requires very little maintenance. Gravity dams typically consist of a non-overflow
section(s) and an overflow section or spillway. The two general concrete construction methods
for concrete gravity dams are conventional placed mass concrete and RCC. Gravity dams,
constructed in stone masonry, were built even in ancient times, most often in Egypt, Greece, and
the Roman Empire. However, concrete gravity dams are preferred these days and mostly
constructed. They can be constructed with ease on any dam site, where there exists a natural
foundation strong enough to bear the enormous weight of the dam. Such a dam is generally
straight in plan, although sometimes, it may be slightly curve. The line of the upstream face of
the dam or the line of the crown of the dam if the upstream face in sloping, is taken as the
reference line for layout purposes, etc. and is known as the “Base line of the Dam” or the “Axis
of the Dam”. When suitable conditions are available, such dams can be constructed up to great
heights. The ratio of base width to height of high gravity dams is generally less than 1:1. But the
earlier dams are constructed with the ratio of about 1.5 to 3. This is due to the low grade
of concrete and low density of compaction achieved.
While designing, it is not always possible to obtain rigorous mathematical solutions for
engineering problem. In fact, analytical solution can be obtained only for certain simplified
situations. For the Problems involving complex material properties, loading and boundary
conditions, the engineer introduce assumptions and idealization deemed necessary to make the
problem mathematically manageable, but still capable of providing sufficiently approximate
solutions and the satisfactory results from point of view of safety and economy. Also the forces
acting on the structure depends upon the topographical conditions which may or may not be
beneficial for the structure, to successfully achieve natural material stability, the conditions has
to be studied and all the forces should be taken into consideration while the designing process
while keeping in mind to make the most use of the surrounding conditions.
1.2 Objective
The objective of this project is to provide Staff engineers, licensees, and their consultants with
recommended procedures and stability criteria for use in the stability analysis of concrete gravity
structures. Engineering judgments must be exercised by staff when evaluating procedures or
situations not specifically covered herein. Unique problems or unusual solutions may require
deviations from the criteria and/or procedures outlined in this context. In these cases, such
deviations must be evaluated on an individual basis.
1.3 Scope of Project Work
This project mainly focuses on the study of various factors considered for the construction of
dams and its stability. The case study includes Middle Vaitarna dam, whose various structural
aspects would be studied so as to give a clear example about the context and to provide a better
way of understanding .The scope of this study is limited to:
A. Gravity dams, its components and structure, cross-section, elementary profile ofgravity dams
along with practical profile. Limiting height of gravity dams, as well as considerations on low
and high gravity dams
B. Description of forces acting on the dam, and its analysis. Various types of loadcombinations
under various dam conditions according to USBR Recommendations and Indian Standard
Recommendations (IS 6512 1984).
C. Study of Modes of Failure, stability requirements and the Stability Analysis.
1.3 Outline of the Present Work
The study mainly deals with the dam, its cross-structure and its behavior under various loading
conditions. The context mainly consists,
Chapter 1
 presents the general introduction, objective and the scope of the present work.
Chapter 2
 presents the conclusions of the previously done similar projects which are directlyor indirectly
related to the concerned topic.
Chapter 3
 includes the detailed introduction to the gravity dams, along with its variousstructural
components and profile considerations.
Chapter 4
Consists of the site investigations along with various factors to be considered for the study and
selection of sites for new dam and procurement for design and analysis of the same.
Chapter 5
 Comprises of various forces acting on gravity dam with detailed explanations of the same along
with the factors affecting it.
Chapter 6
 Explains various modes of failure of gravity dam and the stability checks for the same.

Chapter 7
 includes various methods which can be adopted for the analysis of dam stability along with their
Chapter 8
 Presents detailed information for preventive measures for dam safety against failure.
Chapter 9
 Includes the study of modern structural advancements in dam for special site conditions.
Chapter 10
 Case study on Middle Vaitarna dam.
Chapter 11
 Concludes the present context.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
2.1 General
A detailed literature review in this subject reveals no published literature on the equivalent static
analysis of concrete gravity dam. The context includes all the required data for the project which
are related directly or indirectly collected from various research papers and journals though a
particular literature review has not been published which is directly related to the concerned
topic. However, there is few research efforts found where typical concrete gravity dams were
analyses. The following part of this chapter presents the findings of these researches. This
chapter also summarizes the gravity method of analyzing concrete gravity dam as reported in
some textbooks.
2.2 Literature
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET),
Volume 2 Issue XI, November 2014
Miss. Meghna S. Bhalodkar, IJRASET.The behaviour of Gravity dam for stability and response
towards seismic forces are studied in this paper. With problem consideration the stability
analysis of gravity dam is done in absence of seismic forces initially. Thus analysis highlighted
that in presence of various loads like dead load, water/ hydrostatic pressure, uplift pressure, total
cumulative values of +ve moment and -ve moment, summation of horizontal and vertical forces
are overall responsible for dam stability. Further with analysis it is clear that moment resulting
due to self-weight act as resistive moment against moment produced due to water, uplift pressure
etc. Which means that stability against overturning is achieved when +ve moment is greater than
-ve moments. Whereas stability against sliding depends upon coefficient of friction, sum of all
vertical forces and all horizontal forces. Thus sliding is governed by uplift pressure. More
frictional coefficient & more summation of vertical forces results stability against sliding.
However, if horizontal force increases stability against sliding decreases if vertical forces remain
approximately same. Third stability of dam is on basis of shear friction factor, this depends upon
coefficient of friction, summation of all vertical forces, summation of all horizontal forces,
geometry of dam and materials shear strength. For same problem material shear strength,
geometry friction remains unchanged, thus stability should depend upon sum of all vertical
forces and all horizontal forces. For problem considered in study, dam achieves stability against
all factors i.e. overturning, sliding & shearing. Further same dam is analyses considering seismic
forces. With introduction of seismic forces, there is change in behavior of dam against stability.
From study it is very clear that for considered problem the value of +ve moment remained
unchanged. Whereas value of -ve moment changed. As resistivity i.e.+ve moment is unchanged
-ve moment increased thus, dam is unstable against overturning for seismic force consideration.
Again value of summation of vertical forces and summation of horizontal forces increased. This
resulted instability against sliding, however stable against shear force (as material, geometry &
shear strength is constant in both cases). Thus, it can be concluded that for gravity dam
considered over here in study reflects that the dam was stable against overturning, sliding and
shearing in absence of seismic forces. But, with introduction of seismic forces dam turned
unstable against overturning and sliding. The study is further carried out to observe the change in
analysis values of moments, vertical and horizontal actions with change in seismic zones. For
same loading and geometry consideration, when analysis is done for various seismic zone, it is
observed that values of +ve moment remains constant whereas the value of +ve moment remains
constant whereas the value of –ve moment increased with increase in earthquake severity zone
wise. This highlights instability against overturning. Again, it is observed that value of vertical
forces remained unchanged but seismic forces increases value of horizontal forces which resulted
in instability against sliding.

Md. Hazrat Ali, Md. Rabiul Alam, Md. Naimul Haque, Muhammad Jahangir Alam,
October 2015
 The section of gravity dam should be chosen in such a way that it is the most economic section
and satisfies all the conditions and requirements of stability. The preliminary dam section is
selected based on the U.S.B.R. recommendations, and the stability and stress conditions of the
high concrete gravity dam are approximated and analyzed for varying horizontal earthquake
intensity and unvarying other loads, using two-dimensional gravity method and finite element
method. The horizontal earth- quake intensities are perturbed from0.10 g - 0.30 g with 0.05g
increment, keeping other loads unchanged, to calculate the total horizontal and vertical forces
and moments at the toe of the gravity dam, and to examine the stability and stress conditions of
the dam using the two methods. Dealing with the U.S.B.R. recommended initial dam section, the
stabilizing moments are found to de- crease significantly with the increment of horizontal
earthquake intensity, indicating endanger to the dam stability, thus larger dam section is designed
to increase the stabilizing moments and to make it safe against failure. The results of the
horizontal earthquake intensity perturbation suggest that the stability of the gravity dam en-
dangers with the increment of horizontal earthquake intensities unless the dam section is
enlarged significantly. The FE analyses were carried out using the same dam section and loading
conditions used in 2D gravity method. The vertical, principal and shear stresses using ANSYS
5.4 are found more conservative than those obtained using 2D gravity method, except the
principal stresses at the toe of the gravity dam for 0.10 g - 0.15 g. Only the principal stresses
found at the toe of the dam using FE analyses for 0.10 g - 0.15 g and using 2D gravity method
for 0.30 g, were found to exceed the allowable concrete stress throughout the analyses. The
principal stresses found at the toe of the dam using FE analyses for 0.10 g - 0.15 g can be made
safer by flattening the u/l face of the dam, but it might not be possible to make it safe in the case
of 2D gravity method for horizontal earthquake intensity of 0.30 g. Moreover, it was very
difficult to achieve the required factor of safety against sliding, specifically for 0.30 g horizontal
earthquake intensity. Although, one can feel apparently that smaller dam section is required for
stress analyses using FEM, it would not possible to achieve the required factors of safety with
smaller dam section. It is also observed that the factor of safety against sliding is satisfied at last
than other factors of safety, resulting huge dam section to make it safe against sliding. Therefore,
sufficient base width, adequate strong rock foundation, drainage gallery to reduce uplift pressure,
silt pressure, and construction joints need to be ascertained to improve factor of safety against
sliding. Finally, it can be concluded that it would not be feasible to construct a concrete gravity
dam for kh values greater than 0.3 without changing other loads and or dimension of the dam
and keeping provision for drainage gallery to reduce the uplift pressure significantly.

Chapter 3
Gravity Dams
3.1 General
A gravity dam is a structure so proportioned that its own weight resists the forces exerted upon it.
This type of dam is most commonly used. The most ancient gravity dam on record was built
more than 400 years B.C. of uncommented masonry. Archaeological experts believe that this
dam was kept in perfect condition for many centuries. A gravity dam may be constructed either
of Masonry or of concrete. However nowadays with improved methods of construction, quality
control and curing, concrete is most commonly used for the construction of gravity Dams. a
gravity dam is mostly straight in plan and is known as 'straight gravity dam'. However, it may be
slightly curved in plan. A curved gravity dam resists the external forces by its weight and not by
arch action. Most of the gravity Dams are solid, so that no bending stress is introduced at any
point and hence, can be hollow and is known as 'hollow gravity dam. Gravity dams are
particularly suited across gorges with very steep side slopes where earth Dams might slip.
Where good foundations are available, gravity dams can be built uptown height. The highest
dams in the world are of gravity type.

 3.2 Different parts & terminologies of dams

: The top of the dam structure. These may in some cases be used for providing a roadway or
walkway over the dam.
Parapet walls
: Low Protective walls on either side of the roadway or walkway on the crest.
: Portion of structure in contact with ground or river-bed at upstream side.
: Portion of structure in contact with ground or river-bed at downstream side.
: Level or gently sloping tunnel like passage (small room like space) at transverse or longitudinal
within the dam with drain on floor for seepage water. These are generally provided for having
space for drilling grout holes and drainage holes. These may also be used to accommodate the
instrumentation for studying the performance of dam. 

Fig 3.1 Typical c/s view of gravity dam

Sluice way
: Opening in the structure near the base, provided to clear the silt accumulation in the reservoir.
: It is the arrangement made (kind of passage) near the top of structure for the passage of surplus/
excessive water from the reservoir.
Free board
: The space between the highest level of water in the reservoir and the top of the structure.
3.3 Classification of gravity dams
The most common classification of gravity dams is by the materials composing the structure:
Concrete dams include
A.Mass concrete dams, made of:
i) Conventional concrete
 : Grand Coulee Dam, Three Gorges Dam

Fig 3.2 Three Gorges dam

3.4 Advantages
There is no type of dam more permanent than one of the solid concrete, nor does any other type
require less for maintenance. as compare to earth and rock fill dams gravity dams have the
following advantages
1. Gravity dams are relatively more strong and stable than earth dams. they are particularly
suited across gorges having very steep side slopes where earth dam, of constructed, might
2. Gravity dam is especially suited to such areas where there is likelihood of very heavy

3. A gravity dam requires the least maintenance.

4. A gravity dam is cheaper in the long run since it is more permanent than any other type.
Thus the benefit-cost ratio of such a dam is always high. 
5. Deep set sluices can be used in the gravity dams, to retard the sedimentation or silt
deposit in the reservoir..
6. A gravity dam can be constructed up to any height, provided suitable foundations are
available to bear the stresses. The height of the dam is usually limited by the stability of
its slopes requiring a very wide base width.
7. Gravity dams are well adapted for use as an overflow spillway crest. Earth dams cannot
be used as overflow dams.
8. The failure of a gravity dam, if any, is not sudden. it gives enough warning time before
the area to downstream side is flooded due to the damage to the gravity dams.
3.5 Disadvantages
1. Gravity dams can be constructed only on sound rock foundations. they are unsuitable
on weak foundations or on permeable foundations.
2. The initial cost of a gravity dam is high. hence where funds are limited and where
suitable materials are not available, the gravity dam is not preferred.
3. If mechanized plants, such as manufacturing and transporting mass concrete, curing
of concrete etc. are not available, a gravity dam may take more time to construct.
4. Gravity dams require skilled labour or mechanized plants for its construction.
5. It is very difficult to allow subsequent rise in the height of a gravity dam, unless
specific provisions have been made in the initial design.

3.6 Zones of storage in a reservoir

1. The maximum level to which the water will rise in the reservoir during ordinary
operation condition is called
Normal Pool Level 
2. The level to which water rises during the design flood is known as Maximum Pool
3. The lowest elevation to which the water in the reservoir is to be drawn under ordinary
operating conditions is known as Minimum Pool Level 
4. Volume of water stored between normal pool level and minimum pool level is known as
Useful Storage 
5. The volume of water below the minimum pool level is known as And is not useful under
ordinary operating condition Dead Storage
6. Volume of water stored between normal pool level and maximum pool level
corresponding to a flood is called Surcharge Storage and is usually uncontrolled

7. The terms Bank Storage and Valley Storage are referred to the volume of water stored
in the previous formation of the river banks and the soil above it.
3.7 Forces acting on gravity dams
 Following are the forces acting on Gravity Dams,
1. Water Pressure.
2. Uplift Pressure
3. Pressure due to Earthquake

4. Silt Pressure

5. Wave Pressure

6. Ice Pressure
7. Wind Pressure
8. Weight of the Dam

3.8 Modes of failure

1. Overturning

2. Sliding

3. Compression

4. Tension

Chapter 4Preliminary Considerations
4.1 Engineering Surveys
Engineering surveys for dam safety include the study and selection of sites for new dams,
construction surveying, and the procurement of data for design and analysis. For new
construction, engineering surveying is closely allied to the various stages of project development.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (1985) published a manual on engineering surveys,
which includes a chapter on dam construction. It is a good reference for practicing engineers to
use in planning preliminary and design surveys.
Site Selection Survey
An engineering survey program for a dam generally originates as a preliminary or
reconnaissance study of one or more sites. The preliminary study does not determine the
feasibility of a project; it does, however, provide an important source of data for planners’ and
designers of the project to use in making siting and preliminary design determinations. The
preliminary survey and siting procedure begins with the best available contour maps. If the maps
used are from two or more sources, care must be taken to insure that the vertical datum is
compatible. Possible site locations can then be noted on these maps and a limited amount of field
work performed to verify the accuracy of the maps at the published scale. Any changes which
have taken place subsequent to development of the maps can be noted during afield
reconnaissance. Care must be exercised when using old maps. Several years 'are involved in the
compilation of mass-produced maps, and many years may pass before the maps are revised.
Significant changes may have taken place in the area since the maps were compiled, which could
seriously impair the accuracy and usefulness of the maps. Unless the project is very small in
scope, photogrammetric mapping probably will be the most economical and expedient means for
obtaining the necessary large scale, detailed topographic maps for the engineering design and
construction operations. The optimum time for obtaining the photography for mapping is the
time interval from January through early peril. This is primarily due to the better sun angle and
absence of foliage on the trees. it is advisable for the owner to obtain the written consent of all
persons, agencies, or authorities owning property which may be inundated by the dam on a
temporary or permanent basis. This will require a determination of the impoundment area below
the top of dam elevation.
Construction Surveying
Upon completion of the engineering design for the project, location and construction surveys and
documentation will be required. Dam site center lines are usually staked for the convenience of
the design engineers, but offset reference monuments will be needed to re-establish the center
line location as construction proceeds. These offset reference monuments should carry both
horizontal and vertical positions. If the area is heavily wooded, the control reference line may be
located along a roadway, railway, or electric power Transmission line clearing which roughly
parallels the stream. Offset traverses to the reference line can then be computed in the office and
surveyed in the field. Construction control requirements usually involve more than the basic
establishment of centerlines and strategically located benchmarks. Supplemental control may
also be required at many locations around and on a structure for activities such as setting
concrete forms and aligning pipes. During construction, survey checks should be made from time
to time of monuments to detect any horizontal or vertical disturbance which may have been
caused by construction equipment

construction. The reference line documentation should be preserved for use in postconstruction
maintenance and control surveys. In order to obtain a construction permit tobuild a dam greater
than 35 feet in height, hydrological information must be analyzed andsubmitted. This includes
the flow elevation of all spillways, channel profiles and crosssections the water storage elevation,
inlet and outlet works elevations, and stage-storageinformation for the reservoir. This
information is normally included on the plans. It isnecessary to know the topography of the dam
site to design a spillway system that will keepthe dam from being overtopped during the design
Analysing Existing Dams
Dam safety inspections include an engineering survey to obtain data to perform ahydrologic and
hydraulic analysis of the dam and to determine the slope of the embankmentfaces. The survey
includes a profile of the crest, a cross section of the embankment at the maximum section, invert
elevations of pipes, cross sections of open channel spillways, location and top elevation of dikes
along the discharge channel, and dimensions of inlet and outlet structures. The two most
common methods employed by the staff of the Dam and Reservoir Safety Program are stadia
surveys and level and tape surveys. The primary benefit of performing a stadia survey is to
develop a plan of the dam and spillways. The location of observable defects such as slides,
uncontrolled seepage exit points, and cracks can be determined and plotted on a plan view. It
also gives the engineer analyzing the dam additional information concerning the location of the
spillways and discharge channels in relation to the dam. The survey notes should include
information about the type of surface in the spillway. The information should be sufficient to
estimate the roughness of the channel at each cross-section.
4.2 Geological Considerations
Careful evaluation of geologic conditions at potential lake sites and sound design and
construction practices can greatly enhance lake development. It can also save the owner money
during the life of the dam. All dams seep, and below normal rainfall, combined with high rate of
seepage can cause wide fluctuations in lake levels at some reservoirs. When dams are
constructed without any borings or consideration for the geological conditions of the lake site,
the likelihood that the dam 'will experience seepage and safety problems increases dramatically.
Unfortunately, many owners discover that a geological investigation should have been performed
after the dam is built. Seepage and stability problems are frequently linked to geologic
conditions. To reduce seepage, it is sometimes necessary to grout the abutments or foundation,
construct a new cut off trench, or construct an Impermeable earthen blanket in the reservoir
basin. These are all expensive options, particularly if the work is done after the dam is built. A
surface geological evaluation of the proposed lake site should be made by a qualified geologist.
The purpose of the visual investigation is to observe geologic conditions that are not evident
from maps or reports of previous studies. At the same time, observations can be made of the
presence or absence of springs or seeps, the type and thickness of soil, the characteristics of
exposed bedrock outcrops, the presence of karstfeatures, and whether the stream is losing or
gaining. The actual interval will depend on local conditions and the length of the proposed dam.
There should be at least one hole in each abutment and two of the valley holes should extend 10
to 20 feet into bedrock. Back holes pits can be excavated in potential borrow areas to determine
the type and quantity of material available to construct the dam. Care must be taken in obtaining
samples from the borrow areas to determine the strength of the soil that will be used in the dam.
soil does not have predictable strength properties like concrete or steel. It must be tested at the
density at which it will be placed to determine its strength. Construction permits issued by the
Dam and Reservoir Safety Program require that density testing of the fill be performed during
construction. This requirement is made to insure that the material is placed in accordance with
the design specifications

4.3 Hydraulic Considerations

The hydraulic calculations that are performed in a dam safety analysis involve the principles of
fluid mechanics, and the laws of continuity, conservation of momentum, and specific energy.
Many dams have a combination of closed conduit spillways, open channel spillways, and gates
and valves for water supply and other uses. It is important that the engineer be familiar with the
principles of hydraulic engineering in order to determine the capacity of these spillways. After
the spillways are rated, an overtopping analysis can be conducted. In order to perform an
overtopping analysis, the inflow hydrograph must be routed through the reservoir to classes are
defined in 10 CSR 22-2.040(1). Class I is high hazard, Class II is significant hazard, and Class
III is low hazard. If a sufficient number of homes are located downstream of a dam, a breach
analysis is required to justify a Class II or Class III downstream environmental zone designation.
It may be advantageous to the engineer performing the computations to meet with the staff of the
Dam and Reservoir Safety Program before a breach analysis is conducted.

Watershed Data
All available information concerning watershed characteristics should be assembled. A map of
the drainage area should be prepared showing the drainage system, contours, drainage
boundaries, and locations of any precipitation stations and stream flow gaging stations. Available
data on soil types, cover, and land usage provide valuable guides to judgment and should also be
assembled. If the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) has published soil survey booklet for the
county in which the drainage area is located, a soil map can be developed. Engineers are advised
to contact the county SCS office for a copy of the soil survey booklet. land use, such as
woodland, pasture, farmland, and residential can be determined from several sources such as
topographic maps, tax reassessment photographs, and Agricultural Stabilization
and Conservation Service (ASCS)aerial photographs. For large watersheds, it is advisable to
divide the drainage area into sub basins on the basis of size, drainage pattern, existing and
proposed facilities, vegetation, and soil and cover types. The sub basin hydrographs are channel
routed downstream to the reservoir. Upstream dams and reservoirs may be included in the
analysis. Any upstream dam that is found to overtop during the spillway design flood must either
be considered to breach or omitted from the analysis. Breaching is assumed to commence when
the reservoir exceeds the lowest elevation on the crest of the dam. The breach hydrograph is then
routed downstream and added to the inflow hydrograph at the next reservoir. It is advisable to
calibrate the spillway design flood results to historical flood events where adequate stream gage
data are available.

Chapter 5Forces Acting on Gravity Dam

5.1 Introduction
Technically a concrete gravity dam derives its stability from the force of gravity of the materials
in the section and hence the name. The gravity dam has sufficient weight so as to withstand the
forces and the overturning moment caused by the water impounded in the reservoir behind it. It
transfers the loads to the foundations by cantilever action and hence good foundations are pre
requisite for the gravity dam. The forces that give stability to the dam include:
1. Weight of the dam
2. Thrust of the tail water
The forces that try to destabilize the dam include:
1. Reservoir water pressure
2. Uplift
3. Forces due to waves in the reservoir
4. Ice pressure
5. Temperature stresses
6. Silt pressure
7. Seismic forces
8. Wind pressure
Safety of the dam structure is to be checked against possible loadings, which may be classified as
primary, secondary or exceptional. The classification is made in terms of the applicability and/or
for the relative importance of the load.
1. Primary loads are identified as universally applicable and of prime importance of the load.
2. Secondary loads are generally discretionary and of lesser magnitude like sediment load or
thermal stresses due to mass concreting.
3. Exceptional loads are designed on the basis of limited general applicability or having low
probability of occurrence like inertial loads associated with seismic activity. For consideration of
stability of a concrete dam, the following assumptions are made:
1. That the dam is composed of individual transverse vertical elements each of which carries its
load to the foundation without transfer of load from or to adjacent elements. However for
convenience, the stability analysis is commonly carried out for the whole block.
2. That the vertical stress varies linearly from upstream face to the downstream face on any
horizontal section.
The Bureau of Indian Standards code IS 6512-1984 “Criteria for design of solid gravity dams”
recommends that a gravity dam should be designed for the most adverse load condition
of the seven given type using the safety factors prescribed. Depending upon the scope and details
of the various project components, site conditions and construction program one or more of the
following loading conditions may be applicable and may need suitable modifications. The seven
types of load combinations are as follows;
Figure 5.1: Different forces acting on a concrete gravity dam
 1. Load combination A (construction condition): Dam completed but no water in reservoir or tail
2. Load combination B (normal operating conditions): Full reservoir elevation, normal dry
weather tail water, normal uplift, ice and silt (if applicable)
3. Load combination C: (Flood discharge condition) - Reservoir at maximum flood pool
elevation ,all gates open, tail water at flood elevation, normal uplift, and silt (if applicable)
4. Load combination D: Combination of A and earthquake
5. Load combination E: Combination B, with earthquake but no ice.
6. Load combination F: Combination C, but with extreme uplift, assuming the drainage holes to
be Inoperative
7. Load combination G: Combination E but with extreme uplift (drains inoperative) the forces to
be resisted by a gravity dam fall into two categories as given below:
1. Forces, such as weight of the dam and water pressure which are directly calculated from the
unit weight of materials and properties of fluid pressure and
2. Forces such as uplift, earthquake loads, silt pressure and ice pressure which are assumed only
on the basis of assumptions of varying degree of reliability. In fact to evaluate this category of
forces, special care has to be taken and reliance placed on available data, experience and

5.2 Water Pressure

Water pressure (P) is the most major external force acting on such a dam. The horizontal water
pressure, exerted by the weight of the water stored on the upstream side on the dam can be
estimated from rule of hydrostatic pressure distribution; which is triangular in shape. The
pressure due to water in the reservoir and that of the tail water acting on vertical planes on the
upstream and downstream side of the dam respectively may be calculated by the law of
hydrostatics. Thus, the pressure at any depth H is given by γH kN/m² acting normal to the
surface. When the dam has a sloping upstream face, the water pressure can be resolved into its
horizontal and vertical components, the vertical component being given by the weight of the
water prism on the upstream face and acts vertically downward through the center of gravity of
the water area supported on the dam face.

Figure 5.2: Water Pressure distribution diagram

In spillway section, when the gates are closed, the water pressure can be worked out in the same
manner as for non-overflow sections except for vertical load of water on the dam itself. During
overflow, the top portion of the pressure triangle gets truncated and a trapezium of pressure acts.

Figure 5.3: Horizontal water force on spillway block during flood water overflow
The pressure due to tail water is obtained in a similar manner as for the upstream reservoir water.
If there is tail water on the downstream side, it will have horizontal and vertical components, as
shown in Figure:

External water pressure:

 It is the pressure of water on the upstream face of the dam. In this, there are two cases:
1. Upstream face of the dam is vertical and there is no water on the downstream side of
the dam.
Figure 5.5: Water pressure acting on U/S vertical face

The total pressure is in horizontal direction and acts on the upstream face at

a height from the bottom. The pressure diagram is triangular and the total pressure is given by:
Where w is the specific weight of water. Usually it is taken as unity. ‘H’ is the height up
to which water is stored in m.
 (ii)Upstream face with batter and there is no water on the downstream side.
(iii)Here in addition to the horizontal water pressure as in the previous case, there is vertical
pressure of the water. It is due to the water column resting on the upstream sloping side.
The vertical pressure P1 acts on the length ‘b’ portion of the base. This vertical pressure is given
Figure 5.6: Water pressure acting on u/s inclined face

Pressure p2 acts through the center of gravity of the water column resting on the slopingupstream
face. If there is water standing on the downstream side of the dam, pressure may be calculated
similarly. The water pressure on the downstream face actually stabilizes the dam. Hence as an
additional factor of safety, it may be neglected.
5.3 Earthquake forces / Seismic Forces
Earthquake or seismic activity is associated with complex oscillating patterns of acceleration and
ground motions, which generate transient dynamic loads due to inertia of the dam and the
retained body of water. Horizontal and vertical accelerations are not equal, the former being
of greater intensity.
The earthquake acceleration is usually designated as a fraction of the acceleration due to gravity
and is expressed as α⋅g, where α is the Seismic Coefficient. The seismic coefficient depends on
various factors, like the intensity of the earthquake, the part or zone of the country in which the
structure is located, the elasticity of the material of the dam and its foundation, etc. The effect of
earthquake is equivalent to acceleration to the foundation of the dam in the direction in which the
wave is travelling at the moment. Earthquake wave may move in any direction and for design
purposes, it is resolved into the vertical and horizontal directions. On an average, a value of 0.1
to 0.15g (where g = acceleration due to gravity) is generally sufficient for high dams in seismic
zones. In extremely seismic regions and in conservative designs, even a value of 0.3g may
sometimes by adopted.
Vertical acceleration reduces the unit weight of the dam material and that of water is (1-Kv)
to times the original unit weight, where the value of g accounted againstearthquake forces, i.e.
0.1 is when 0.1g is accounted for earthquake forces. The horizontal acceleration acting towards
the reservoir causes a momentary increase in water pressure and the foundation and dam
accelerate towards the reservoir and the water resists the movement owing to its inertia. The
extra pressure exerted by this process is known as hydrodynamic pressure. Traditionally concrete
gravity dams have been analyzed & designed by a procedure suggested by Westergaard in which
the earthquake forces consisting of inertia &hydrodynamic forces are treated as static ones
combined with hydrostatic water pressure, gravity loads, etc. For the purpose of determining the
value of the seismic coefficient which has to be adopted in the design of a dam, India has been
divided into five seismic zones, depending upon the severity of the earthquakes which may occur
in different places. The BIS code also indicates two methods that may be used for determining
the coefficient ‘α’
These are:
1. The Seismic Coefficient Method (for dam height up to 100m)
2. The Response Spectrum Method (for dams taller than 100m)

α =β I Φ0(Σα/ )

In the above expressions,

β = Soil
-foundation system factor, which may be taken as 1.0 for dams
I = Importance factor, which may be taken as 2.0 for dams
α0=the basic seismic Coefficient, the value of which for each of the five zones:

Figure 5.7: Seismic zones of India as per IS: 1893-2002 (Part 1)

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