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United 3B


1. Are you a talkative or quiet person?
I think I am both, because when I talk to an unknown person I am
usually quiet but when I already have confidence I can be very
talkative person.
2. Who is the most talkative person in your family?
I think the most talkative person in my family is my dad, because he
always has a topic of conversation with any type of person, and he is
also very funny.
3. Who is the most talkative person you know?
The most talkative person I know is my best friend, her name is
Mariela, she tends to expand a lot in conversation topics and does
not stop talking hahaha.
4. Do you think that, generally speaking,women are more talkative than
I think it depends on the topic of conversation, because there are
occasions when men talk more because they are sports topics.
5. What topics do men talk about more than women?
Most men tend to have football, work, video games, superhero
movies, etc. as a topic of conversation.
6. What topics do woman talk about more than men?
Most women tend to talk about clothing, series, fashion, pets,
makeup, cooking, etc.
SPEAKING (page 29)
Soccer is a very entertaining sport to watch and play. The game is played
using a single round ball. Two teams of eleven players compete to get the
ball into the other team's goal, thus achieving a goal. The team that has
scored the most goals at the end of the 90-minute match is the winner, and
if they score the same number of goals it is considered a draw and penalties
are reached. The main rule is that players cannot touch the ball with their
hands or arms only on throw-ins. Although players generally use their feet
to move the ball, they can use any part of their body except their hands or
On computers we can find many video games that are very funny, for
example: tarzan, minecraft, dota, half life, operation 7, lef for dead, GTA,
The new craze is An electric car is a car that uses an electric motor. Uses
electrical energy stored in rechargeable batteries or other storage device.
Energy efficiency is using less energy to provide the same service. For
example, energy saving light bulbs use less energy, but still provide the
same amount of light as other light bulbs.

Steoreotypes or true?

 Women worry more about their appearance than men.

I think this is true, as they are more aware of fashion and new
clothes, however there are some men who worry about how they
 Women spend more time than men on social networking sites.
I do not agree, men tend to spend more time on social networks to
have conversations and keep informed of the news of their favorite

 Men talk more about things; women talk more about people.
It’s true, for example men always talk about sports, videogames, cars
or computers where as women talk topics about clothes, healthy,
education, celebrities.
 Men are more interested than women in gadgets like phones and
Nowadays it’s important to have a good cell phone or tablet, mostly
if you need it in your job, so it doesn’t matter if you are man or
woman, the gadgets are necessary for everyone.
 Women are better at multitasking than men.
I agree, women are very skilled, especially when they have to solve
problems about daily life. Men are a little bit creative, so we need
more time than women to solve them.
 Men find it more difficult than women to talk to their friends or
family if they have a problem.
It’s true, it’s easier for women talk about their problems; they always
find the correct words to share the ideas. On the other hand, men
always tend to don’t talk about their problems, only when somebody
is very worried and start to ask them, they finally talk their worries.
 Women spend more time than men talking about celebrities and their
I agree, women likes talking about those topics and they don’t forget
any detail, It’s incredibly that they can talk and know about any
topic, anyone would think women know everything but they like
reading and being informed.
 Men are more interested than women in power.
It’s true; men always are interested in power and worried that how
much weight they can carry. Most women don’t mind that kind of
topics. If you have the opportunity to go to any gym, you will see
few women working their strength.
 Women are less interested in sports than men.
Generally speaking, men were interested in sports since they were
children, so it’s not strange that when they are older they still like
that kinds of topics. On the other hand most women think sports are
extreme and dangerous, so I think they aren’t as interested as men in
 Men worry more about their health than women.
I disagree, men don’t care about their health for example when the
are playing a soccer game, or if the have colds and want to play
videogames with his friends.

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