James I and Charles

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James I and Charles I

Similarities Differences

• Finance: Each struggled to pass legislation, for • Finance: Where JI would choose to
example, JI couldn't gain subsidies due to his understand Parliament at times, CI pushed
extravagant lifestyle (failure of the Great Contract highly criticised policies such as the Forced
1610) whereas CI needed money for his Loan and Ship Money (Hampden's Case
involvement in 30 YW and was not granted the 1636)
expected T&P at the beginning of his reign. Each • Foreign Policy: JI was hesitant to join the
were seemingly careless with finance, CI found the 30 YW but did declare war on Spain
treasurey practically empty on coming to the toward the end of his reign. For Charles,
throne. Both used monoplies (failure of the the beginning of his reign was fundamental
Cockayne Project 1614) to success (or lack of) against both Spain
• Foreign Policy: Both wanted Scotland to join the and France. (Cadiz and La Rochelle) CI
union, whereas this failed for JI in 1606 CI pushed moved into Ireland with Wentworth and
reform such as introducing the Canons and King Lord Deputy, made agreements with
James bible; this would cause the Bishops' Wars. Catholics to protect their land.
James also tried to bring the church closer to that in• Religion: JI tended to be more lenient
England through the Five Articles of Perth. toward religions, beginning his reign with
• Religion: Both disliked Puritan belief, JI strayed contrary hope to Puritans that he would,
away from Scottish Presbyterianism he had unlike EI, be more accepting of the religion
traumatically been brought up (Bancroft Canons (1603 Millenary Petition). CI began to
1604) and clearly in the 1626 York House stray heavily toward Arminianism
Conference both CI and Buckingham were viewed (Montagu, Abbott suspended for not
as supporters of Arminianism; in the 1604 Hampton allowing Arminian sermon) and later in his
Court Conference radical puritans were also reign Laudianism. Trial of Bastwick,
dissatisfied with the outcome. CI reissued the 1618 Burton and Prynne for resistance against
Book of Sports that JI failed with. Each were Laudian reforms.
lenient with Catholics; moderate Oath of Allegiance• Character: JI a strong, intelligent and
issued in 1606. ideological King that easily accepted the
• Character: Both strongly believed in divine right, strong resentment from Parliament on
especially with JI's fear of threats to the throne many policies. Whereas CI struggled with
(father murdered, mother executed), and CI's speech and isolated himself from the access
personal rule. of Parliament. JI was more vain and spent
• Relationship with Parliament: Issue over large sums on parties (especially the
Buckingham and royal advisors in general. Funeral and marriage in his immediate
• Relationship with Parliament: CI pushed
the boundaries with Parliament which
would inevitably lead to the Civil War,
things such as the Five Knights Case was
heavily detested by P; this would later
cause P to deem necessary the Petition of
Right. His personal rule was detested by P.
Overall comparison

Overall the two kings were similar in their policies of religion, finance and foreign policy.
However, the characters of the two kings proved crucial in deciding their relationship with
Parliament. For James this was to be a mostly progressive and functional relationship due to
the ideological stature he represented. However, for Charles, this was more difficult due to his
stubborn nature and thus the constant disapproval from Parliament would eventually lead to
the undeniable tension and the English civil war. 

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