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1. Fill in the blanks with was or were.

- Yesterday it _______ rainy and cool.

- _______ the concert good last Sunday?

- My father and I _______ at the stadium for the big game two weeks ago.

- The children _______ not at their grandparents last weekend.

- The weather _______ hot and I _______ thirsty.

- ________ you at the shops yesterday?

2. Fill in the blanks with there was, there were, was there or were there.

_______ any famous actors in the play?

_______ a wonderful film on TV on Monday night?

_______ astronauts on the moon in 1969?

_______ steak for lunch?

_______ any sugar in the bowl?

_______ a K-pop song on TV last night?

3. Answer the questions using past tense

Were you at this school a year ago?

I was in this school a year ago__________

Were you cold last night?


Was your room tidy yesterday?


Were you worried about anything yesterday?


How old were you in the year 2002?

4. Ask questions using Was or Were. Then answer the questions according to the

the man / rich / many years ago

Was the man reach many years ago?
No he wasn’t____

Dan / on a boat / last Saturday


the teacher / angry / yesterday


the shops / closed / on Monday afternoon


5. Fill the gaps with the correct forms of was, were, there was and there were.

____________ a lot of people in the supermarket.

____________ a big monkey in zoo?

____________ a lion in our wardrobe.

____________ some rice in a jar?

My sister ___________ excited about seeing Narnia.

___________ a hobbit sitting on a bench in the garden.

___________ the bears on the zoo big?

Suzanne __________ angry about it, she was angry about you.

___________ any problems?

____________ much traffic yesterday?

6. Create a short story in Past Tense using there was, there were, verbs in past and
the auxiliar Did

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