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Don’t Drink The

(Part 1 of… I dunno… some, I guess?)


Darkness swam before Emily’s eyes as she slowly woke from what felt like a very deep
sleep. Her eyes were heavy; she felt discombobulated. She was in her apartment… right?
She tried blinking the blurriness out of her eyes. The room took its time coming into
focus around her. Emily took her hands and rubbed her eyes furiously to try to get them working
again. She opened them back up and found the room to be much more clear.
She was not in her apartment.
And she was not in a bed.
That thought is what made her scramble back. She flailed quickly and pressed her feet
to the floor, scooting herself a foot back. That was enough for her: she wasn’t pinned. She let
herself relax slightly.
The fit 24-year-old redhead smacked her lips as she let her heart rate slow. She propped
herself up on the back of her arms and took a more thorough look around the room.
It looked like she was in a lounge area. A couple vending machines sat along the back
wall with a placard advertising the newest snack, Sour Whippersnappers. She hadn’t tried them
yet and didn’t know if she wanted to. She was between two black couches, a coffee table
behind her. The floor was a cold, hard tile.
Where was she though? This room was impressively nondescript, giving nothing away
regarding her whereabouts. There was a cork board next to the door leading out of the room
though - maybe that had a clue.
Emily pushed herself to her feet and brushed herself off. Her red plaid skirt was riding up
on her, revealing her black laced panties. Her slender thighs were clearly visible to the security
camera in the room. She quickly pulled her skirt back into place, her tight butt just hidden
beneath the short skirt. Her black thigh high socks matched her panties, her leather boots a nice
accent to her outfit. Emily’s shirt was a tight white shirt that very much complimented her c-cup
breasts and stopped just high enough to reveal her midriff.
There was a pamphlet stuck to the corkboard. She pulled it off and took a look.
She was in Oakmont’s water treatment facility. Why was she here? At least she was in
her town.
Oakmont was a newly built town with a population of about five thousand people. It was
a test of sorts - a government funded project, deep in the heart of Washington State. Only
people between the ages of 20-35 lived here.
Emily figured that she’d gotten drunk and somehow worked her way into this building.
She should probably get out before she was found to be trespassing.
Luckily, the door was unlocked. She went through and entered a long hallway. It was
lined with doors. The only way forward was straight - she was at the end of the hallway. All she
could do was try each door to see how to get out of here.
The first door was locked. So was the sixth. She was beginning to get worried when she
saw the door at the end of the hallway, a silver metallic color in comparison to the other wooden
That was when she felt the deepest, most intense horniness she had ever experienced.
Her panties were immediately drenched, her vagina absolutely soaked. Her hips swayed sexily
as she moved down the hall. Her panties rubbed against her engorged clit. She fought the urge
to touch herself. She would do that when she got home. Here, in a public building, lost and
alone, was hardly the best place to get off.
But the horniness didn’t ebb away. It seemed to get stronger as she got closer to the
large metal door. She had stopped checking the other doors - something told her that this was
the one. This was how she was getting out of this place.
By the time she reached the door, she honestly didn’t know how she wasn’t furiously
masturbating. But here she was, her pussy dripping, her nipples hard through her shirt. She
turned the door’s handle and swung the door open.
She was met with a cacophony of noise, the loud droning of machinery hard and
constantly at work. Emily was on a catwalk that spanned an enormous room. Beneath her,
about ten large vats filled to the brim with water were anchored to the ground. A metal shaft was
in each vat, four thick metal bars rotating slowly, sloshing the water gently. A mesh grate
covered each vat.
The room had a slight vibration to it, all the machinery in here shaking the room at a
barely noticeable level. For Emily’s hard clitoris, however, the vibration was clearly noticeable.
This is what sent her over the edge.
She clutched the railing on the catwalk as she felt her legs get weak. The new sensation
on her clit was sending her into a frenzy. She had never felt anything so good. Emily let herself
fall onto her back and spread her legs.
She didn’t care where she was anymore. At the moment, all she needed was to have an
She moaned loudly as her finger barely touched her clit through her panties. Her legs
shook as an intense feeling of pleasure shot through her body. As she started letting her finger
explore her clit, the blissful feeling only increased. She didn’t know if she really was alone in this
building or not, but she didn’t give two flying fucks if her best friend saw her this way. It felt too
good to care.
She started bucking her hips, humping her hand to get a better pressure. It felt so
good… so incredibly good. Nothing had ever felt this amazing.
But it wasn’t enough. She pulled her panties to the side and slid three of her fingers into
her soaked pussy. She opened easily and she quickly found her g-spot. Rubbing it intensely,
she felt an orgasm approaching. It felt like it was going to be big.
“Oh,” she gasped. She let her hand move faster. “Oh, ​fuck​,” she groaned. Her fingers
moved deftly inside her tight snatch. “Oh, I think I’m gonna cum…” The feeling continued to
build but no orgasm came. She needed another position.
Her belly was beginning to feel a little bloated but she didn’t care. She just needed to
cum. Emily rolled onto her knees and bent over. Her round, sexy ass high in the air, she flipped
up her skirt. She began rubbing her clit again.
Her panties were getting tight. Before she could remove them, they snapped. She barely
noticed - it was just one less thing in her way to achieving climax.
Emily started riding her fingers. She was bent all the way over, letting her butt rise up
and down, her vagina swallowing her fingers again and again.
“Holy shit,” she gasped. “Oh, my ​god…​”
Her belly felt more bloated and she was beginning to sweat. She rode her hand faster
but knew that this still wasn’t enough to sate her. What could she do?
As she rode, harder and harder, a thought occurred to her:
The vats. The metal bar holding the rotating machinery over each vat… the vibrations
those must have…
There were stairs connecting to each vat. Emily stood up and removed her shirt,
annoyed at how tight it now felt. She took off her bra and tossed it to the side. Only dressed in
her short skirt, thigh highs and boots, emily descended some stairs and got on the vat. She
straddled the metal bar and instantly knew she made the right choice.
“​OH FUCK!”​ she screamed in pleasure. She could feel the vibrations deep in her clit and
she knew that her orgasm was coming quickly. She laid down against the metal beam and
started humping it. Her belly didn’t lie flat against it… she gave it no notice. She didn’t even
notice it when her belly suddenly extended out two inches with a loud squelch. She just needed
to cum.
With each hump the orgasm felt closer. It already felt so good, she had no idea how
good this orgasm was going to feel.
“Oh,” she moaned. “Oooh…” She humped harder. “Ooooh… Ohhhhhhhh…
The orgasm hit and the feeling was more intense than she could have ever imagined.
Her legs shook uncontrollably. Her breasts jiggled as she jerked. Her pussy and asshole pulsed.
Her belly grumbled.
“Fuck,” she gasped as the vibrations continued in her clit. “Fuck, that’s so good…”
Her belly splorched and grew a foot. She was pushed off the bar and onto the mesh
grating with a metal clang.
“​Fuck!​” Emily shouted when she landed. Her horniness immediately disappeared and
she realized how much her belly had grown. “What the fuck!” Her belly swelled again, rippling as
it grew. She clutched her stomach.
“My belly! What the fuck is happening to me?” she screamed. “Someone! Anyone! Help
There was nobody. Emily began flailing her limbs as she grew again, the pain intense.
She suddenly opened her eyes wide as she felt her vagina begin to bulge.
Emily spread her legs as wide as she could and pushed. She screamed louder as her
belly bulged two more feet. Finally, green slime exploded out of her pussy in a torrent. The
stream continued until a large tentacle pushed its way out of her vagina and wrapped itself
around the steel beam.
Her belly had begun to pulsate and gyrate. There were many lumps moving beneath her
skin. Her ass began to squelch. Her butthole bulged -
And a second enormous tentacle burst out of her ass. It wrapped itself around a different
vat and pulled. She shrieked.
Her vagina began to ripple and pulse around the tentacle.
Her belly swelled again. She was getting too tight. “My belly!” she screamed. “​MY
BELLY! MY BELLY IS GOING TO BURST! MY BELL…” H ​ er voice cut out. She swallowed hard.
“My… my bell…” she swallowed again, feeling her throat beginning to bulge. “My…buh... ​blurp-”
Her throat tightened as something large began moving through it. Her cheeks puffed out.
Her eyes were wide. Emily’s lips opened as wide as they could…
A tentacle exploded out of her mouth, cutting off her access to air. Oddly enough, she
felt that she was still getting air.
She flailed her arms harder as her pussy bulged and rippled more before letting ten
more tentacles burst out.
Her belly bulged three more feet. It was at bursting point. Emily couldn’t scream. All she
could do was try to end it as fast as she could.
As she closed her eyes to push, a terrible thought struck her. She knew why she was
here. She’s just infected the entire town’s water supply.
Oh no -
Before she could think about it more, her belly button popped out. With one final bulge,
the skin at her belly button tore. Her belly exploded into the room, thousands of tentacles
erupting out of her. They tore open the grates and slithered in.
Emily slowly felt her vision fade into nothingness as she felt the terrible pressure in her
belly lessen. The last thing she thought was,
Well, fuck.

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