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Fuel Processing Technology 92 (2011) 266–270

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Fuel Processing Technology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / f u p r o c

Preparation of activated carbons from olive-tree wood revisited.

II. Physical activation with air
A. Ould-Idriss a, M. Stitou b, E.M. Cuerda-Correa a, C. Fernández-González a, A. Macías-García c,⁎,
M.F. Alexandre-Franco a, V. Gómez-Serrano a
Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Extremadura, Avda. de Elvas, s/n, E-06071 Badajoz, Spain
Departement de Chimie, Université Abdelmalek Esaadi, Tetouan, Morocco
Department of Mechanical, Energetic and Materials Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering, University of Extremadura, Avda. de Elvas, s/n, E-06071 Badajoz, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Olive-tree has been grown in the Mediterranean countries for centuries. For an adequate development of the
Received 7 December 2009 tree it must be subjected to different treatments such as trimming, large amounts of a woody residue being
Accepted 17 May 2010 produced. Such a residue has been traditionally used as a domestic fuel or simply burnt in the landfield. In
both cases greenhouse gases are generated to a large extent. Thus, the preparation of activated carbons from
olive-tree wood appears as an attractive alternative to valorize this by-product. Commonly, two activation
Activated carbon
strategies are used with such an aim, namely chemical and physical activation. In this study, the optimization
Olive-tree wood
Physical activation
of the physical activation method with air for the production of activated carbon has been analyzed. The
Air results obtained clearly show that if the preparation conditions are adequately controlled, it is possible to
prepare activated carbons showing tailored properties in terms of micro- or mesoporous texture and surface
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction given temperature. The main advantage of physical activation over

chemical activation is that it avoids the incorporation of impurities
Activated carbon is a carbonaceous material showing a well- coming from the activating agent [10], which may affect the chemical
developed surface area and porous texture. As a consequence, it has properties of the activated carbon. As a consequence of the activation
been widely used as adsorbent [1,2] and in catalysis [3,4] or separation step, a certain mass of the carbonized material is lost due to the
processes [5,6]. The physico-chemical properties of activated carbon formation of gaseous carbon oxides. The burn-off percent influences the
strongly influence its adsorptive behavior and determine its potential textural properties of the activated carbons although, in general, the
applications. Thus, for the adsorption of molecules in gas phase the materials produced in this manner usually show a well-developed
adsorbent should exhibit large volumes of micro- and mesopores [7]. surface area and porous texture.
On the contrary, solutes commonly present in aqueous solution use Due to its versatility, activated carbon may be considered as a
to be voluminous chemical species, their access to narrow pores being virtually universal adsorbent. Namely, it has been successfully used in
handicapped due to capillarity effects. This may be avoided if the drinking water treatment for the elimination of color, flavor, smell
adsorbent aimed to liquid-phase adsorption possesses a well- and undesirable organic impurities [11]. Industrial and municipal
developed mesoporous texture, since mesopores may act as channels wastewaters have also been treated with this kind of adsorbents [12].
leading to micropores [8]. Furthermore, the surface functional groups Another potential use of activated carbon is the removal of toxic metal
of activated carbons also play an important role not only in adsorption ions such as Pb(II), Cd(II), Cr(III), Cr(VI), etc., from aqueous solution.
processes but also in many other properties of this kind of materials Olive-tree (Olea europaea, L) has been grown for centuries in virtually
[9]. The physical activation method consists of two different steps. In all the regions with a Mediterranean climate and high solar
the first one – carbonization – the raw material is thermally treated exposition. This includes large areas of European countries such as
under nitrogen atmosphere and a carbonized material with an incipient Spain, Greece and Italy, and other non-European countries such as the
porosity is obtained. In the second step – activation – the carbonized Maghreb, Australia, Chile or Peru. In the olive grove conditioning
material previously prepared is subjected to thermal treatment in the tasks, carried out yearly, a large amount of a woody residue is
presence of a gasifying agent such as carbon dioxide, steam or air at a generated which is usually burnt in the landfield, releasing green-
house gases. Owing to its ligneous character, abundance and low cost
such a residue is suitable to be used as a raw material for the
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 924 289300x86747. preparation of activated carbons. However, in spite of its potential use,
E-mail address: (A. Macías-García). only a few studies have been performed previously on the preparation

0378-3820/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Ould-Idriss et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 92 (2011) 266–270 267

of activated carbon from olive wood [13–15]. This work aimed to temperature. The helium density was measured using a Quanta-
optimize the preparation procedure of activated carbons from olive- chrome stereopycnometer.
tree wood by the physical activation method. Finally, the surface chemistry was analyzed by determining the
experimental conditions when the electrical charge density on the
2. Materials and experimental procedure surface of the different adsorbents is zero (i.e., the so-called Point of
Zero Charge or pHPZC) following an experimental procedure analo-
2.1. Preparation of the activated carbons gous to that described by Newcombe et al. [18].

The raw material as received was ground, dried and sieved, and 3. Results and discussion
only the fraction of particle sizes comprised between 1 and 2 mm was
chosen as the precursor for the preparation of activated carbons. A The preparation conditions, nomenclature and yield of the
Termolab tubular furnace equipped with Eurotherm904 temperature different samples prepared by the method of physical activation
controllers and a 1 m long tubular ceramic insert was used for the with air are summarized in Table 1.
preparation of the activated carbons. The temperature within the The results obtained clearly show that, as expected, as the
furnace was first calibrated and the length and position of the isothermal time grows the total yield of the process decreases. Such
constant temperature hot zone determined. Approximately 15 g of a decrease is particularly noticeable when this parameter rises from 2
the raw material was placed in a stainless steel boat with perforated up to 3 h. Consequently, and in order to avoid excessively large burn-
ends to facilitate gas flow and positioned in the center of the constant off percents, the maximum residence time tested was restricted to 3 h.
temperature zone. The carbonization of the samples was carried out at The SEM images of an only carbonized sample (left) as well as that
600 °C. The heating rate was 10 °C min− 1 under a constant N2 flow of of sample activated in air for 1 h (right) are shown in Fig. 1. These
100 cm3 min− 1. The isothermal carbonization time was 2 h. The images suggest that the carbonization of the raw material results in a
activation temperature was, in all cases, 400 °C. A flow of activating scarcely altered product that maintains the original lignocellulosic
agent (air) equal to 100 cm3 min− 1 was used, the heating rate being structure of the olive-tree wood. The activation treatment in air for 1 h
10 °C min− 1. The isothermal activation time was varied between 0.5 generates a more noticeable degradation of the cellulosic part of the
and 3 h. Once the isothermal activation time had finished the microstructure although most of the original lignine-like structure
activating agent flow was replaced by a N2 flow and the furnace remains only slightly modified. As a consequence, the mass loss in this
was cooled to a final temperature of 50 °C. Next, the sample was case is relatively small. The mass loss effect becomes more important
removed from the oven and kept in a tightly closed container. at larger treatment times (images not shown for brevity), which
results in a progressive decrease of the global yield of the process from
2.2. Characterization of the activated carbons approximately 85% to 58%, as summarized in Table 1.
The N2 adsorption isotherms corresponding to these samples are
The sample morphology was observed using a scanning electron shown in Fig. 2 (left). From these isotherms it may be easily concluded
microscope (SEM) model JEOL 5400. The specimens for SEM that two different effects are observed. Firstly, for samples treated
observation were prepared by depositing the fibers onto specimen- for 0.5 and 1 h the adsorption isotherms show an increase in the
stubs with conductive doublesticky copper tapes, and then sputter- adsorbed volume of nitrogen at low values of relative pressure (P / P0)
coating (model Polaron SC7640, Quorum Technologies Ltd, UK) the and a very long plateau which extends to P/P0 ≈ 1.0. This behavior
sample surface with Au–Pd to prevent electrical charging during is characteristic of the type I isotherm of the BDDT classification
examination. Imaging was done in the high vacuum mode under an system [19] and it is commonly associated to essentially microporous
accelerating voltage of 15 kV, using secondary electrons. solids.
The samples were texturally characterized by gas adsorption (N2, On the contrary, the N2 adsorption isotherms show that as the
−196 °C), mercury porosimetry and mercury and helium density treatment time increases up to 2–3 h a noticeable change in the
measurements. The samples were always first oven dried at 120 °C for adsorbed volume of nitrogen at low values of relative pressure may be
24 h. The adsorption isotherms of N2 (purity N 99.998%) at −196 °C observed for samples A2 and A3 as compared to samples A05 and A1.
were collected using an adsorption apparatus (Autosorb-1, Quanta- This fact denotes the creation of a significant fraction of micropores
chrome). Approximately 0.15 g of sample was used in each adsorption during the air activation process of the olive-tree char. Furthermore,
experiment. Adsorbents were placed in a glass container and degassed the isotherms lack of the type-I adsorption isotherm characteristic
at 10− 3 Torr at 120 °C overnight prior to the adsorption measure- horizontal plateau and, on the contrary, from a given value of relative
ments. From such isotherms, the micropore volume (Vmi) was derived pressure, a continuously increasing slope tract is observed. Tradition-
by reading the volume adsorbed (Vad) at P / P0 = 0.10 and the ally, this isotherm feature has been associated with mesoporous
mesopore volume (Vme) by subtraction of (Vmi) from Vad at P / P0 = materials, the increase in the adsorption being connected with
0.95, all pore volumes being expressed as liquid volumes. The specific capillary condensation phenomena occurring in mesopores. These
surface area (SBET) was calculated by applying the BET equation also to results indicate that a fraction of the micropores widen and become
such isotherms [16]. The pore size distribution in the micropore range larger pores such as mesopores, these pores being of different sizes.
was obtained using the Horvath–Kawazoe(HK) method [17]. Accord-
ing to this method, the cumulative pore volume distribution is first
calculated using points from the isotherm at relative pressures
corresponding to previously calculated pore sizes. Then, the cumula-
tive distribution is differentiated to give the pore size distributions Table 1
(PSDs). Nomenclature, preparation conditions and yields of the activation procedure.
A Quantachrome porosimeter, Autoscan-60, was used to obtain Sample Carbonization Activation Isothermal Yield,
the mercury intrusion curves. The values of surface tension and temperature, temperature, time, (%)
contact angle used in the computational program of the porosimeter (°C) (°C) (h)
were 0.480 N m− 1 and 140°, respectively. The mercury density was A05 600 400 0.5 90.1
determined when performing the mercury porosimetry. The volume A1 600 400 1 84.9
of the sample was obtained by knowing the calibration volume of the A2 600 400 2 72.5
A3 600 400 3 58.3
sample holder and from the density of mercury at the working
268 A. Ould-Idriss et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 92 (2011) 266–270

Fig. 1. SEM images of an only carbonized sample carbonized (left) and of sample A1 (right).

Fig. 2. N2 adsorption isotherms (left) and micropore size distributions (right) of the activated carbons.

It is worth noting that when the thermal treatment time increases mesopores (i.e., around 20 Å) is indicative of a noticeable develop-
from 2 up to 3 h the surface area and porosity scarcely change ment of the mesoporosity.
whereas the yield of the process decreases markedly. This, again, In order to corroborate this latter, mercury intrusion test of the air-
suggests that treatment times longer than 2–3 h should be avoided. activated samples have been performed. The intrusion curves are shown
All the above exposed is corroborated by the values of parameters in Fig. 3 (left). The pronounced slope of these curves in the region of pore
included in Table 2. On the other hand, the curves of pore size radii comprised between 100 and 500 Å is indicative of a noticeable
distribution for the air-activated samples are shown in Fig. 2 (right). development of wide mesopores and macropores. Furthermore, the
Such curves have been calculated by the Horvarth–Kawazoe (HK) pore size distributions derived from the mercury intrusion plots are
method [17] to the N2 adsorption data. The HK plots are in all cases shown in Fig. 3 (right). These plots suggest that the maximum pore
bimodal, with two maxima centered around 7.8 and 11.8 Å of pore volume corresponds, in all cases, to pores of radius approximately equal
diameter. The increase in the micropore volumes as the treatment to 125 Å, i.e., medium-size mesopores. The values of meso- and macro-
time becomes longer is corroborated from these plots. In fact, it may pore volumes calculated from mercury porosimetry (Vme − p and Vma − p,
be observed that the area under the HK curve is larger for samples A2 respectively) are summarized in Table 2. Notice that Vme–p increases for
and A3. The differences existing between samples activated for 0.5/1 h samples activated at larger activation times whereas Vma–p decreases.
and those treated for 2/3 h are also observed in these curves. The open This indicates that a more prolonged activation results in the
ending of the HK plots in the zone of the wider micropores close to the development of mesoporosity to the detriment of macroporosity.
To sum up, the textural characterization of the samples obtained
suggests that the physical activation procedure leads to activated
carbons showing a significant development in terms of specific
Table 2 surface area and porosity. If the preparation conditions are adequately
Textural characteristics of the simples prepared by physical activation with air.
controlled, it is possible to prepare activated carbons showing
Sample SBET Vmi Vme W0 Vme− p Vma− p different properties in terms of micro- or mesoporous texture and
(m2 g− 1) (cm3 g− 1) (cm3 g− 1) (cm3 g− 1) (cm3 g− 1) (cm3 g− 1) surface area. This fact is particularly interesting since the eventual
AA05 413 0.197 0.028 0.191 0.419 0.314 applications of the adsorbents may require specific pore sizes. Thus, in
AA1 413 0.197 0.030 0.195 0.519 0.270 the case of an adsorbent to be used in the liquid–solid interface, the
AA2 481 0.226 0.046 0.221 0.588 0.264 access of solutes to small pores of the adsorbent could be handicapped
AA3 474 0.222 0.048 0.219 0.593 0.233
due to capillarity effects and the adsorbent should possess a well-
A. Ould-Idriss et al. / Fuel Processing Technology 92 (2011) 266–270 269

Fig. 3. Mercury intrusion curves (left) and meso- and macropore size distributions (right) of the activated carbons.

developed mesoporous texture because mesopores may act as channels activation with air will be adequate candidates to be used as
leading to micropores. On the contrary for the use of adsorbents in the adsorbents of non-polar organic pollutants in solution.
gas–solid interface large values of micropores are usually required.
Such characteristics markedly condition the potential uses of each 4. Conclusions
material. It is well-known that one of the most typical applications of
activated carbon is as adsorbent both, in the liquid and the gas phase. From the results obtained in this study on the preparation of
The surface chemistry of a carbonaceous material is a very important activated carbons by physical activation of olive-tree wood with air
factor conditioning its potential use as an adsorbent. In this work, the the following conclusions may be drawn.
surface chemistry has been studied by determining the pH of the Point
of Zero Charge (pHPZC). Fig. 4 shows the final vs initial pH plots for the • Samples prepared show significant values of specific surface area
different activated carbons here studied. The intersection of each of and micro-, meso- and macropore volumes.
these plots with the y = x function is considered to be the pHPZC. This • A remarkable difference between the SBET and pore volumes may
figure indicates that for samples treated for 0.5 and 1 h the pHPZC is be observed depending on the treatment time for which the
around 7.8, whereas for samples treated for 2 or 3 h such parameter activation process is performed.
reaches values of 7.2 and 7.4, respectively. Thus, at pH values below 7– • For samples activated for 0.5 or 1 h the development of surface and
8 the surface groups of the adsorbent will be protonated, i.e., texture is noticeable, although lower than that obtained when the
positively charged. On the contrary, at pH in the close vicinity of the treatment time rises up to 2–3 h. This fact is attributable to the
pHPZC the net charge of the surface of the adsorbents will be equal to progressive destruction of the more labile parts of the lignocellulosic
zero. Finally, at pH values above 7–8 the surface groups will be substratum, which is associated to a more remarkable presence of
deprotonated to a large extent and, consequently, the surface will micro- and mesoporosity in these samples.
exhibit a negative charge. Thus, at values of pH in the vicinity of • The samples here reported exhibit textural properties that could be
neutrality the adsorbents will tend to adsorb preferably non-charged extremely useful for the removal of mainly non-charged organic
solutes. Consequently, the activated carbons prepared by physical pollutants in aqueous solution.

It may be concluded that the physical activation method leads to

samples showing a well-developed porous texture. If the appropriate
conditions are used, it is possible to prepare activated carbons
showing tailored properties in terms of micro- or mesoporous texture
and surface area.


Financial support from the AECID through project A/018701/08 is

gratefully acknowledged.


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