Original Article: Laparoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy: A New Minimally Invasive Technique To Treat Vulva Carcinoma

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Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9(2):4035-4040

www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0013608

Original Article
Laparoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy: a new
minimally invasive technique to treat vulva carcinoma
Yan Lu, Desheng Yao, Zhongmian Pan, Zhijun Yang, Fei Li, Honglin Song

Department of Oncology Gynecology, Cancer Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China
Received May 5, 2015; Accepted November 16, 2015; Epub February 15, 2016; Published February 29, 2016

Abstract: Purpose: At present, there are no clear guidelines for the treatment of the patients with vulva carcinoma.
The aim of this study was to examine our experience with laparoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy in women with
vulva cancer. Methods: From November 2010 to December 2013, 15 patients with vulvar carcinoma underwent
laparoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy following radical local vulvectomy or, pelvic lymphadenectomy if necessary.
Results: All patients underwent abdominal endoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy. The median age was 50.7 years
(range 31-73) and the mean weight was 45.7 kg (range 39.5-63). Mean operative time was 91 minutes (range 80-
130) with amedian estimated blood loss of approximately 6.3 mL (range 5-10 ), and the mean number of harvested
lymph nodes was 7.4. Mean time of the drainage tube removal was 6.7 days. At the follow up of 4-41 months, 4
patients exhibited inguinal lymph nodes metastases, 1 women with diabetes mellitus demonstrated vulvar wound
infection, necrosis and dehiscence but without wound dehiscence in inguinal region. No skin necrosis was observed
in inguinal region for all patients. Conclusion: The preliminary results reveal that radical vulvectomy combined
with laparoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy is a safe and feasible technique that appears to diminish the wound-
related complications and sequelae in patients with vulvar carcinoma.

Keywords: Laparoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy, vulvar carcinoma, radical vulvectomy, inguinal lymph nodes

Introduction dence of postoperative groin wound necrosis

and infection. Therefore, we have carried out
Vulva primary malignant tumors account for radical local vulvectomy combined with laparo-
2%-5% of all gynecologic cancer and approxi- scopic inguinal lymphadenectomy to treat vul-
mately 3.5% of female genital tumor. 90% of var carcinoma with satisfactory curative effect.
vulvar carcinoma is squamous cell carcinoma
and usually happens after menopause [1]. Material and methods
Currently, the inguinal lymph nodes of patients
are the common sites with metastatic lesion, Demographic and clinicopathologic data for
the surgical approach remains the first choice patients
for treatment of invasive vulvar carcinoma. The
inguinal lymphadenectomy is necessary. From November 2010 to December 2013, 15
patients with vulvar carcinoma underwent radi-
However, the conventional method of inguinal cal local vulvectomy and laparoscopic inguinal
lymphadenectomy still remains many defects, lymphadenectomy, and pelvic lymphadenecto-
such as the large soft-tissue defects. On the my if necessary at the department of Gynecolo-
other hand, the method is also associated with gy at Guangxi Tumor Hospital. The patients’
lymphatic and wound-related complications, data were collected from the patient file. The
such as long incision, delay healing of incision, mean age was 50.7 years (range 31-73) and the
and the incidence is more than 50%. In order mean weight was 45.7 kg (range 39.5-63)
to reduce postoperative complications, some (Table 1).
researchers have developed the approach in
the endoscopic excision of inguinal lymph Before surgery, vulvar carcinoma was confirm-
nodes which significantly reduced the inci- ed via biopsy. According to the Federation of
Laparoscopic lymphadenectomy for vulva carcinoma

Table 1. Demographic and clinicopathologic scope was inserted, and one trocar and operat-
data of 15 patients ing equipment was introduced into the working
Variable Value space through a 5 mm incision. After the work-
ing space was created, the insufflation pres-
Mean age (range), yr 50.7 (31-73)
sure was reduced to 5 mmHg to prevent wide-
Mean weight (range), kg 45.7 (39.5-63)
spread subcutaneous emphysema.
Pathological type
Squamous cell carcinoma 14 Dissection and separation of Camper’s fascia
Sarcoma 1 and fascia of the oblique externus the muscle
FIGO stage of abdominis were performed by using the
Ib 8
Harmonic scalpel to expose inguinal ligament,
and medial and lateral boundaries were public
II 5
tubercle and anterior superior iliac spine, res-
III 2 pectively. Subsequently, the dissection pro-
Tumor growth area ceeded downward to expose the inguinal trian-
Labia 12 gle. Peripheral adipose tissue and the superfi-
Clitoris 2 cial lymph nodes were dissected from the top
Monsveneris 1 down to the inguinal ligament.
Dissection was carried up to approximately 3
Diabetes 1
cm beneath the public tubercle, beginning at
the surface and running closely along the fasi-
Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO 2000) classi- ca lata under inguinal ligament. At this point,
fication, primary vulvar cancer stage Ib (n=8), saphenous vein was exposed, and then the sur-
geon continued to dissect and separate the tis-
stage II (n=5), stage III (n=2). Of 15 patients,
sue of the respective left and right sides of
squamous cell carcinoma (n=14), sarcoma
saphenous vein to expose the adductor long-
(n=1), and 1 had diabetes mellitus. The demo-
us muscle and the sartorius muscle. At the
graphic and clinicopathologic data were given
moment, femoral triangle was fully exposed.
in Table 1.
The borders of femoral triangle were the sarto-
Laparoscopic bilateral inguinal lymph nodes rius muscle laterally, the adductor longus mus-
dissection cle medially, and the inguinal ligament.

First, the study was approved by the Institutio- We dissected carefully inguinal ligament to
nal Review Boards of the Hospitals. Medical expose the oval foramen and tributary veins. All
ethics committee of Tumor Hospital Affiliated tributary veins were then dissected including
to Guangxi Medical University had granted per- the superficial epigastric, superficial iliac cir-
mission. Written informed consent was ob- cumflex, superficial medial femoral vein, super-
tained from all the participants in this study. ficial lateral femoral vein and superficial exter-
nal pudendal veins, reserving them as much as
At the beginning of surgery, the patient was possible. All of the lymph nodes and adipose
placed in the lithotomic position, and the cam- tissue around the saphenous vein and the oval
era was on the contralateral side of the sur- foramen were removed until the apex of the
geon. femoral triangle. The skeleton saphenous vein
was reserved. Femoral vascular sheath was
Below the umbilicus region, first we made one 1 isolated through saphenous vein to expose the
cm incision, and made three additional 5 mm border of saphenous vein and femoral vein. Ly-
incisions, one at the middle point between the mph nodes of the medial side of femoral vein
umbilicus and public symphysis , the other two above and below the border were resected. The
at McBurney’s point. One trocar was inserted specimen was removed through umbilical re-
through umbilical region incision and passed gion incision. The resection of lymph nodes was
subcutaneous tissue plane, and blunt dissec- performed approximately 3 cm above the ingui-
tion was performed to separate it. The objec- nal ligament, down to the vertex of the femoral
tive was to create subcutaneous space. This triangle, medial to adductor midline, and lateral
space was then expanded with carbon dioxide to sartorius muscle midline. Subcutaneous fat
insufflation at a pressure of 15 mmHg. Laparo- thickness of about 0.5-1.0 cm was reserved.

4036 Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9(2):4035-4040

Laparoscopic lymphadenectomy for vulva carcinoma

Figure 1. Laparoscopic view of bilateral groin area and pelvic lymph nodes. White arrow: Fascia of the oblique
externus abdominis muscle; Dark green arrow: great saphenous vein; Black arrow: Arteria femoralis; Blue arrow:
Femoral vein.

Table 2. Operative data for patients dure, and then a drainage tube was
Variables Value inserted. The drainage tube should be
Operative time, mean (range, min) 91 (80-130)
Operative blood loss, median (range, ml) 6.3 (5-10) Results
Average removal node count
Left side 7.4 (6-10) A total of 15 patient were performed
Right side 7.4 (3-11) between 2010 and 2013. The patients
Patients with node metastasis count 2 characteristics are given in Table 1. The
Drainage tube removal time, median (range, d) 6.7 (6-8)
mean operative time for the unilateral
laparoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy
was 91 minutes (80-130 minutes). The
The groin skin necrosis (No.) 0
average estimated blood loss was app-
Infection 2 (13.33%) roximately 6.3 mL (5-10 mL). The aver-
Cellulitis 1 (6.67%) age lymph node yield was 7.4. The mean
Lymphatic fistula 0 time of the drainage tube removal was
6.7 days.

The wound was flushed by physiological saline. Of the 15 patients, 4 patients exhibited ingui-
Drains were placed at the lowest position of nal metastases, 1 patient who was with diabe-
femoral triangle. The surgical incisions were tes mellitus, demonstrated vulvar wound necro-
closed and were oppressed with saline soft sis, lymphedema and wound infections in ingui-
bags immediately after the surgical procedure. nal region, and 1 patient was unable to suture
The contralateral incision was performed in the after removal of lesions, because lesions were
same way (Figure 1). in monsveneris, and then lesions were recon-
structed with medial thigh flap. The vulvar and
Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy
inguinal region occurred with cellulitis, but with-
Carbon dioxide was infused through the infra- out wound dehiscence. No skin necrosis and
umbilical incision, and pneumoperitoneum was lymphatic fistula were observed in inguinal
established at a pressure of 12-14 mmHg. region for all patients. Table 2 describes the
Patients with inguinal lymph node metastasis operative details.
underwent laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenec-
All patients were followed up for 4-41 months.
tomy. The resection of lymph nodes was per-
7 patients (50%) developed lightly lymphoede-
formed, down to deep iliac circumflex vein, lat-
eral to psoas major midline, medial to lateral ma of the legs. After having a rest, the physical
ureter, deep to nervus obturatorius. status was improved. No patient needed
stretch hosiery to relieve symptoms. 4 patients
According to the conventional vulvar carcinoma (27%) with inguinal lymph node metastasis
procedure, standard radical vulvectomy was received adjuvant radiotherapy. The 4 patients
performed. The compression bandage was were followed up, with no recurrence of cancer
applied immediately after the surgical proce- and metastasis. 1 patient suffered from vulvar

4037 Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9(2):4035-4040

Laparoscopic lymphadenectomy for vulva carcinoma

carcinoma recurrence, who did not obey doc- patients were performed VEIL on both sides.
tor’s advice to undergo adjuvant chemothe- The incidence of complications related to VEIL
rapy. was 20% vs. 70% for open surgery. With VEIL
the frequency of skin related complications
Discussion was 0%, while with the conventional technique
the frequency was 50%. There was a statisti-
Currently, the conventional surgical procedure cally significant difference between them.
for vulva cancer includes radical vulvectomy, Mean hospital stay was 24 hours for patients
bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy and pelvic who underwent bilateral VEIL, which was signifi-
lymphadenectomy if it is necessary for some cantly shorter than it for patients who under-
special parts. This procedure is widely applied went an open dissection in addition to contra-
in different stage, different histological types of lateral VEIL. The results demonstrated that
vulvar cancer. Although classic open inguinal
VEIL may decrease postoperative morbidity
lymphadenectomy is routinely performed, this
and shorten hospital stay without compromis-
procedure is still associated with a complica-
ing oncological control. Sotelo et al. performed
tions rate as high as 50%. The postoperative
endoscopic lymphadenectomy for eight pa-
complications such as inguinal wound infec-
tients with penile carcinoma. No wound-related
tion, flap necrosis and lymphatic fistula may
complications were seen in the study [5]. In
influence postoperative recovery and subse-
Master’s research, 25 groin dissections were
quent treatment of patients. Up to now, there is
undertaken in 16 patients. The incidence of
no effective approach to prevent the occur-
cellulitis was 8% (2/25). None of the patients
rence of complications. These complications
developed a wound dehiscence and local wo-
will compromise therapeutic efficacy of treat-
und care was needless [8]. Keith A. et al. select-
ment of invasive vulvar cancer.
ed 32 patients with inguinal metastases from
On account of high complications rate of open varied malignancies to perform VEIL [9]. Wound
conventional inguinal lymphadenectomy, some complications were observed in 8 cases (18%).
alternatives were proposed to decrease com- Of the 8 patients, 6 patients suffered from cel-
plications. With the development of endosco- lulitis without any wound dehiscence, 1 patient
pic technique, eseveralinvestigators have per- suffered from hematoma and 1 patient with
formed VEIL to treat vulvar cancer. The VEIL diabetes developed mild skin flap necrosis,
technique is a new minimally invasive approach which was healed by minimal local care. 18
for inguinal lymphadenectomy which allows the patients developed lymphedema, but only 2 of
radical removal of inguinal lymph nodes at the them (11%) needed stretch hosiery.
same dissection template as open inguinal
lymphadenectomy [2, 3]. Preliminary results In our research, 1 patient with diabetes devel-
suggest that this technique can reduce surgical oped wound infection and inguinal region in-
morbidity and enhance the quality of life in flammation (without wound dehiscence). The
patients. The advantages of this procedure skin of inguinal region healed well after blood
were as follows: lower postoperative morbidity, glucose controlling, anti-infection treatment
shorter hospital stay, less time for recovery, and effective care. 1 patient whose lesions
less postoperative pain and better cosmetic were at monsveneris accepted reconstruction
appearance. Furthermore, preservation of the with medial thigh flap. The vulvar and inguinal
saphenous vein will relieve edema of the legs. region occurred with cellulitis, but without
Currently, carcinoma of penile squamous cell wound dehiscence. The incisions healed well
and melanoma were treated using VEIL, and after anti-infection treatment. None of the rest
results demonstrated with decreased compli- occurred cutaneous complications such as
cations [4-6]. The VEIL surgical procedure can wound infection, wound dehiscence and lym-
be used as the treatment for vulvar cancer. phatic fistula. The rate of postoperative compli-
cations related to skin was 20% and the rate of
Tobias-Machado et al. recruited 15 patients cellulitis was 10% which was significantly lower
with penile squamous cell carcinoma into two that associated with conventional technique.
groups [6]. Of these, 10 patients were per- The results of contemporary researches about
formed standard lymphadenectomy in one limb the application of VEIL for inguinal lymphade-
and VEIL on the contralateral side, and 5 nectomy are inspiring for surgeons with poten-

4038 Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9(2):4035-4040

Laparoscopic lymphadenectomy for vulva carcinoma

tial to decrease postoperative complications. studies. If the drainage volume was less than
These results suggest feasibility of VEIL for 20 mL/d three days after surgery, solution with
vular cancer. bleomycin 15 mg and normal saline 3 ml was
infused into drainage tube. Drainage tube was
VEIL surgical procedure is performed in small closed for 2-3 hours, and then opened it.
working space. VEIL should only be performed Bleomycin and normal saline was infused again
by surgeons with expertise in laparoscopic after 1 week if necessary. Our observation
techniques and familiarity with open inguinal implied the method was valid. It showed us
lymphadenectomy. In the literature VEIL was short time of tube removal, less time for recov-
performed in patients with penile squamous ery and lack of lymphatic fistula. Therefore, we
cell carcinoma or melanoma and all the inci- consider it a new method which is worthy to be
sions were located in lower limbs [6, 9]. A 2 cm recommended.
incision was made 2 cm distal to the lower ver-
tex of the femoral triangle. The other two inci- Tobias-Machado et al. demonstrated that there
sions were located in 6 cm laterally and 6 cm was no local or systemic recurrence observed
medially to the femoral triangle vertex respec- for patients who underwent VEIL during a mean
tively. Nevertheless, the incision locations may follow-up 31.93 months [6]. 31.93 months
result in movement disorder of lower limbs. were not yet long enough to confirm excellent
oncologic results and to exclude the aerosol
In our research, we designed a novel abdomi-
phenomenon related to CO2 in malignant cells.
nal approach. The trocars were placed in the
In a follow-up of 4-41 months for postoperative
inferior abdominal wall to initially resect the
patients in this study, no recurrence or metas-
superficial inguinal lymph nodes, and subse-
tasis is observed. The recent effect is still
quently the deep inguinal and pelvic nodes
encouraging. And the results in the present
through the original incision when necessary.
report suggest that intraoperative and postop-
The puncture was located in inferior abdominal
erative measures can decrease complication
wall of the novel approach, which reduced the
rate of lower limbs movement disorder. The rates. However, because of short follow-up time
approach signifies less surgical trauma and and less sample size, long-term outcomes are
shorter operation time because it allows sur- not yet confirmed. A long follow-up period and
geons resect the inguinal and pelvic lymph larger sample are involved in this study to
nodes at the same time. observe the incidence of complications and
confirm the efficacy of VEIL. However, debate
Lymph nodes in the groin area comprise ingui- continues as to VEIL technique. For example,
nal lymph node and femoral lymph node. Both can VEIL be applied to dissection of palpable
of them should be removed, otherwise it is easy lymph nodes? Will the VEIL technique increase
to be recurrent. Deep lymph nodes are medial the risk of cancer metastasis potentially after
to the femoral vein. The border of saphenous dissection of metastasized lymph nodes?
vein and femoral vein was exposed intraopera- These problems may be solved by long period
tively. Lymph nodes of the femoral vein media- and larger sample cohort study.
lis above and below the border were resected.
We did not need to resect cribriform fascia. VEIL makes surgical incision away from inguinal
Separation of arteria femoralis and the upper folds and shortens surgical incision, with no
lateral or stripping beyond the inferior margin need for conventional sartorius muscle conver-
oval foramen was needless. Therefore, the sur- sion. VEIL decreases the postoperative inci-
gery did not result in much tissue damage for dence of complications in comparison with con-
patients. We should pay attention to electro- ventional open technique, enhances the sur-
cautery and ligature during the operation, espe- vival quality and reduces the postoperative
cially numerous lymphatic vessels around the complications. According to some studies and
great saphenous vein, which will lead to lym- our surgical operation cases analysis, we con-
phatic fistula after fracture. For the sake of clude that VEIL is a safe and feasible technique.
safety, drainage tube was removed when drain- However, there are still some problems remain
age volume was less than 20 mL per day. Mean to be solved for VEIL now. Randomized and pro-
time of the drainage tube removal was 6.7 spective clinical trial should be initiated to com-
days, which was shorter than correlational pare VEIL and open technique.

4039 Int J Clin Exp Med 2016;9(2):4035-4040

Laparoscopic lymphadenectomy for vulva carcinoma

Acknowledgements [4] Picciotto F, Volpi E, Zaccagna A and Siatis D.

Transperitoneal laparoscopical iliac lymphade-
This study was supported by the Appropriate nectomy for treatment of malignant melano-
Technology Research and Development Pro- ma. Surg Endosc 2003; 17: 1536-1540.
jects of Medical Treatment and Public Health in [5] Sotelo R, Sánchez-Salas R, Carmona O, Garcia
Guangxi. Contract No: S201418-01. A, Mariano M, Neiva G, Trujillo G, Novoa J,
Cornejo F and Finelli A. Endoscopic lympha-
Disclosure of conflict of interest denectomy for penile carcinoma. J Endourol
2007; 21: 364-367.
[6] Tobias-Machado M, Tavares A, Silva MN,
Molina WR Jr, Forseto PH, Juliano RV and
Address correspondence to: Dr. Desheng Yao, De- Wroclawski ER. Can video endoscopic inguinal
lymphadenectomy achieve a lower morbidity
partment of Oncology Gynecology, Cancer Hospital
than open lymph node dissection in penile
of Guangxi Medical University, 71 Hedi Road,
cancer patients? J Endourol 2008; 22: 1687-
Nanning 530021, Guangxi Province, China. Tel: +86- 1691.
771-5306270; Fax: +86-771-5312000; E-mail: [7] Tobias-Machado M, Tavares A, Ornellas AA,
deshengyao23@yeah.net Molina WR Jr, Juliano RV and Wroclawski ER.
Video endoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy:
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