ENGLEZA - Complaint Letter - Hotel

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in order to bring to your attention the complete lack of truthfulness the
advertisement on your hotel consists in and the entirely polluted conditions your clients
are forced to live in which I, myself, have experienced during my unpleasant stay
between 5 and 25 July, 2005.

Firstly, I should mention the absence of a swimming pool even though it had been
advertised about in the leaflet. As a result to my enquiry on the matter, I was sent to
another hotel, located ten blocks away, and indeed found a swimming pool, which
nonetheless required quite a large fee for non-residents.

Secondly, the rooms were extremely small as opposed to the enormous suites presented
in the advertisement. Moreover, the door was almost unusable since it had been partly
blocked by the Lilliputian-sized bed. Also, there was hardly any room for my luggage in
the small cupboard.

The fabulous views promised in the informative material, which were the biggest part in
my choice for your settlement, were nowhere to be seen from my one-window, facing the
trash-and-garbage containers, room

Thirdly and most importantly, I must complain about the total lack of services, as there
were no maids whatsoever. Henceforth, for twenty days – my entire stay at your hotel –
the trash had not been taken out, the furniture dusted, the bed sheets changed or the
flowers watered not to mention the fact that room-service had never been heard of.

I insist on receiving a refund and a full letter of apology signed by the manager or I will
be forced to take matters further which I honestly am not looking forward to doing.

Yours faithfully,
Ioana Georgescu

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